Kohl’s Department Store Case Study

Introduction The story of firing three employees at Kohl’s Department Store for violating its coupon policy resulted in public outrage. To understand whether the company could have handled the situation better, one should consider the process and legal reasons for terminating employees. As Ma (2020) states, relational and political behavior...

A Patient’s Guide Through www.: Surfing Through the Internet

Introduction: Browsing Online One of the most recent concerns for the modern world is the trustworthiness of the online information. The issue seems especially crucial when it comes to dealing with the information concerning health. Since the health of the patient depends on the result that his/her search on the...

The Downfall of Lehman Brothers

Introduction Following the downfall of Lehman brothers, attention was focused on the role of regulators and credit rating agencies in the whole debacle. The public demanded for answers that were not forthcoming from all the concerned parties. This experience was to throw the Sarbanes-Oxley Act under close scrutiny and questions...

Apple Inc.’s Business Strategy and Competition

Annotated bibliography Aljafari, A. (2016). Apple Inc. industry analysis: Business policy and strategy. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 7(3), 406-441. Web. Aljafari’s article gives details about Apple Inc.’s business strategy and policies that make the firm more competitive than Microsoft, Google, and Samsung among other top competitors. For...

Diagnosing Dissociative Identity Disorder

Introduction This research paper aims to investigate Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), focusing on its central concepts and the diagnosis stage. The trauma-induced condition includes personality dissociation, memory and consciousness issues, as well as behavior oriented against the root of the patient’s trauma. Management of the symptoms requires regular therapy sessions...

Prison Population by Ethnic Group and Sex

Introduction This presentation will try to formulate a decent research question by exploring relevant databases. Such skills are essential for future scholars interested in testing hypotheses and giving evidence-based conclusions about different acute social issues. The database for this presentation is taken from the site of the British government (Ministry...

Sound Money and Sound Financial Policy by Bordo

Bordo (2000) mainly expounds on Anna Schwartz’s sound finances and stable monetary policies. His work presents American historical evidence that shows the interrelationship between measures of financial movement and aggregate price stability. Therefore, the primary purpose of this article is to examine the application and effect of Anna’s policies. Bordo...

Variable Pay Under the Hiring: Recruitment Plans

Introduction Hiring begins with creating recruitment plans, which include budgeting and risk assessment. A budget is laid down for the recruiting process itself and for the candidate’s starting pay. Risk assessment is based on calculating the degree of departure of the potential employee and the duration of the search for...

Physical Cleansing Affects Risk-Taking Behavior

What interested you in this journal article? How did you go about finding the article? I was going through the various online psychology academic journals, trying to find out which ones had more material relevant to my course, and in the process, I came across the article titled Washing away...

Freelance Writing Experiences and Mistakes

Hard Lessons Part One Freelance writing can be a tough enterprise – not for the faint of heart, in other words. Especially for those freelance writers just starting, the number of mistakes will typically far outweigh the numbers of successes. For freelance writers, there are a few mistakes that are...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Nutrition and Exercise Plan for a Healthy Lifestyle

Introduction My goal is to start eating healthier food than I do now, and more specifically, to increase the number of vegetables consumed. This is necessary to guide us towards a healthy lifestyle. Adherence to this principle implies, in addition to higher consumption of vegetables, sufficient physical activity, absence of...

China Cultural Revolution and the Great Leap Forward

Mao Zedong, lead the People’s Republican of India from it’s inception in 1949 until 1976. “Being a politician and military he the Chinese Communist party into victory during the china civil war.” (Terriss, 1980) During his last years in power (1966-76), Mao Zedong, the chairman of Chinese Communist Party initiated...

The Dangers of Addiction or at Risk Behavior

People all over the world do not even notice the danger of different kinds of addiction. This topic is very important nowadays. The addictions can be different. It can be drugs, the alcohol addiction. Very often it can be cartoons, computer games, TV. But these are not all kinds of...

Mandatory Job Drug Test Should Be Allowed

Statistics show that close to ten percent of employees in all organizations are drug users. Drugs pose a great threat to the professional productivity of addicted workers. Drug addiction leads to improper performance of the duties for which the employee is hired. By introducing drug tests before and during employment,...

Are Human Rights Universal?

In recent years, citizens in Western countries are being encouraged to think of the concept of “human rights” as something universally objective. Moreover, they are also being prompted to think that, despite utterly euro-centric subtleties of this concept, it fully applies to just about any “human”, regardless of his or...

Fernand Leger and Dudley Murphy

Introduction The concept of production refers to the transformation of raw materials in to finished products. These raw materials can be in human or material form. This also applies to film production which uses human raw materials to produce good films or movies. The primary aim of a movie producer...

Assessing Inputs and Outputs of a Summer Obesity Prevention Program

Input and Output Diagram Discussion Health management information systems (HMIS) compose a relevant and feasible way to collect, store, and analyze data collected from the participants of the study. The information system (IS) can also be understood as a way to provide information support at various levels. Management and the...

Buying Things to Solve Personal Problems

It is a universal true that modern people cannot exist without buying. Almost every day every person goes shopping. We may buy food, clothes, pets, TVs, books, furniture, cars, houses, and many other things we need for our every day life. And there is no difference between Americans and other...

Nutrition Research With Reference to Colorectal Cancer

There is a growing research interest in the Health aspects of Nutrition. Methods of alleviating the diseases or potentially life-threatening conditions without any side effects could be possible with Nutrition. The present description is concerned with evaluating the validity and reliability of Nutrition research with reference to colorectal cancer. This...

Preoperative Fasting Against Complications in Children

Preoperative fasting before undergoing surgical procedures that necessitate the use of anesthesia is meant to minimize the severity of complications. These complications are usually associated with regurgitation and aspiration. The ASA task force published practice standards, which dictate preoperative fasting procedures. These guidelines have also been approved by the CAS....

Phenomenology Approach in Studying Religion

Introduction Many disciplines have attempted to define the field of religion to give it a substantive and universal grounding. However, some of these definitions have been found to be compartmentalized and narrow. The different methods used to define religion include phenomenology, comparative religion, historical approach, sociology of religion, and philosophy...

Manifestations of Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism

Summary The thyroid can become hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism (Sindhu et al., 2016). Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) produces fewer hormones. Hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid) produces more hormones. The two distinct conditions of the thyroid have diverse manifestations. The thyroid gland produces two hormones (T3 and T4) that impact health and affect an entire...

Researching of House Discrimination

Aranda, C. L. (2019). Housing discrimination in America: Lessons from the last decade of paired-testing research: Testimony before the house appropriations thud subcommittee. Policy Commons, 46(2), 96-115. Aranda’s main arguments about the existence of housing discrimination are unequal accessibility to socially significant objects. For example, the black population of America...

The Nature of Leadership as an Organizational Relationship

Particularly relevant to the topic of the course is the nature of leadership in various organizational structures. It is this issue that I would like to study in particular detail. In modern conditions of the development of social and economic relations in society, the role of informal levers of influence...

Honeywell International Political Action Committee

Summary of the political action committee Political action committees are created for the purpose of raising money in a private manner in order to produce an impact on elections or impact legislation. One of the largest PACs in the USA is Honeywell International. This is an international political action committee...

Freedom of Speech Peculiarities

Introduction The term freedom of speech refers to being at liberty to express one’s opinions, views, and opinions without any hindrance or fear of being punished. Even though there is freedom of speech as provided in the constitution of every country, regulations have been provided to guide it to ensure...

Amadeus: Play and Movie Review

The film released by Milos Foreman in 1984 is based on the play written by Peter Shaffer, an English playwright. The plot of the play is typically based on the lives of music maestro’s namely Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Antonio Salieri. Music composed by Mozart and Salieri and other composers...

The Need for an Automobile Industry Bailout Plan

Introduction The current global financial crisis has affected major parts of the economy from agriculture sector to the industrial sector. One industry that has been caught in this crisis is the Auto industry. It is amazing that that this crisis has not only caught up with America car makers but...

Disabled Americans in the Workplace and Discrimination

Introduction The American Constitution provides a detailed framework for supporting all citizens irrespective of gender, age, disability, religion, or ethnicity. However, cases of discrimination are rampant and tend to affect many victims differently. Fortunately, the government has implemented numerous laws and policies to protect this at-risk population in the workplace...

Environment and Tourism in the Caribbean

The Environment and Tourism in the Caribbean Mainly, Caribbean ecological resources are basic and natural, including sand, sun, and the sea. Apart from the sun, the resources are subject to damage and depletion, as threats can arise from both within and outside the region. Typically, the magnitude of damage caused...

Christian’s Role in Ethical Research

Introduction Research ethics play an important role in any scientific enquiry as they guide researchers to conduct and report the findings of their investigations responsibly and credibly. The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) states that “good research should be well adjusted, well-planned, appropriately designed, and ethically approved.”1 According to the...

Specific Features of the Opening a Restaurant Business

Introduction Opening a restaurant business is one of the complex tasks that have several specific features. Having started opening a restaurant, owners must consider many factors and possible events that will help them start a successful business launch. Therefore, a start-up business should take into account a wide range of...

Technology and Social Services

The objective of multidisciplinary human services research is to enhance the lives of service users by identifying and addressing issues. Due to this process, individuals, families, and communities gain from social and service technologies such as methodologies, models, and theories (Fichtenberg et al., 2020). In terms of relevance, it enables...

The Luxury Market and Fashion in Nigeria

Nigeria Due to the rising household incomes, rapid urbanization, and an expanding middle- and upper-class customer base, Nigeria, Africa’s most populous country, presents intriguing potential in luxury and premium goods. Huard (2022) states that Nigerian customers respond favorably to foreign brands, and affluent consumers have a rising interest in sustainably....

Selling for Customer-360, Inc.: Cas Study

Laura is a communicative person who is particularly interested in other people’s hobbies and their interest in building trust and positive relationships. She is a good listener and knows how to avoid conflicting situations. When Laura agreed to meet Chris, she was late for lunch, and this is the main...

Flowchart of the Process: Organizations and Management

Using the data provided, a graph was created in Excel to illustrate the lab test turnaround times at College Community Hospital. The results showed that the most significant number of tests exceeding the standard turnaround time was from the Urgent category (57%), followed by Routines (30%) and STATs (13%). The...

Business and Information Technology Strategies Alignment

Prompt Answers How can Cheryl Smith help managers at WestJet better understand the role of information technology in corporate strategy? As a newly appointed Chief Information Officer, one of Cheryl’s duties involves helping managers understand the role of information technology in corporate strategy. Namely, she should explain the interconnectedness between...

Managers Contribution to the Organization Current Activities

Case study summary In the article, it is highly illustrated that managers, in an organization should have a responsibility towards their stakeholders. A stakeholder is anyone who contributes positively towards the running operations of an organization. He or she should affect the development activities in an organization. The activities towards...

Rail and Truck Transport in America

Introduction With more developments, growth and increasing trade, cargo transport demand has developed enormously, and this has led to a concern of world transport sector to improving and achieving reliable and effective truck and rail cargo transport. This has become an important necessity focus of the 21st century. Therefore, to...

Contagious Diseases in the United States in 21st Century

Local, State, National, and Global Communicable Disease Group Trends While the treatment of HIV, gonorrhea, and syphilis is feasible only with therapy and antibiotics, measles, pertussis, and smallpox require a different approach, such as immunization. The broad implementation of vaccines has historically curbed the spread of communicable diseases if a...

Sarbanes Oxley: Issues and Moral Dilemmas

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act, also known as Sarbox or SOX, is a mandatory US federal law that was passed in July 2002 to curtail rampant cases of corporate and accounting fraud. Before its introduction, high-level scandals and irregular dealings involving huge public organizations such as Enron, Peregrine Systems, Tyco, and WorldCom,...

Kudler Fine Foods Company’s Environmental Scan

Introduction Efforts to survive and smoke away competition have compelled companies to analyze both internal and external environments that have the capacity to change the culture of an organization. Kudler fine foods has been left out of the bracket. This paper seeks at examining the both internal and external environments...

Overall Company Assessment: Dynamic Shots

Introduction The principal aim of getting a company started is to achieve financial profit, to make money! There may also be the need to create employment opportunities for a community, or there may be a desire to saturate a particular market with a product accrued to starting a company. Whichever...

Virtual Life vs Reality

Nowadays, a lot of people are almost completely disconnected from reality, especially teenagers. They have no need to explore and experience the physical world. They are buying whatever they need and communicating with friends on the internet. Many young people spend most of their time on the web. It seems...

Dependency and Structuralism vs Liberal and Neoliberal

Introduction The dependency theory belongs to radical school of thoughts in international relations meaning departing from conventional acceptable approaches. It is referred to as structural because it analyzes the structure of society, economic structure. The theory assumes that the society is economically determined. The type of economy, its organization and...

Quality Management: Deming Ideas

I think that William Edwards has the best approach to quality management that would meet the needs of CERG. A brief account of William Edwards Deming (1900-1993): He was a renowned American quality management consultant, professor, and statistician, and wrote several books on product quality and management and gave lectures...

“Harvest of Empire”: Immigration in the United States

Introduction Most Americans have never understood the challenging history lying behind the increased Latino population growth in the United States. Nevertheless, after watching the documentary, I realized that it is of great help in making a person know why America has many immigrants. Thus, this essay aims to provide a...

The Wal-Mart Company’s Customer Profiling

Walmart’s success and triumph over the other competitors in the retail business are attributable to its business model. The company’s pillar, “Everyday Low Price (EDLP),” appears to have played the largest role in ensuring that the stores attract and retain customers, given that most buyers are price-sensitive. While other companies...

Cooperative Learning Groups for Disabled Students

The problem of integrating students with disabilities into the normal learning curriculum has emerged as big challenge to practitioners, policy makers, administrators, and families. In particular, childhood practitioners have been the most challenged since they encounter children with disabilities on regular basis. In reference to the text, the authors do...

Health and Care Excellence in Depression Management

Ethical Considerations for DNP Projects PICOT: in community clinic nursing staff, how does the introduction of National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2016a) guidelines within ten weeks affect the accuracy of diagnosing and quality of managing depression in the older population as compared to the staff’s performance before the...

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Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Treatment Statistics

Summary Promising research shows that a new treatment will delay the progression of Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. With the new treatment, here are the number of months by which progression of ALS is delayed: 3, 5, 6, 6, 8, 8, 9, 9, 9, 10, 11, 45 With the old treatment, the...

Pagtatanong-Tanong Indigenous Research Method

Researchers and scientists must be aware of the cultural attributes associated with a given population whenever conducting a given study (Mio, Barker, & Rodriquez, 2015). The presented case study describes a research team that is traveling to the Philippines for a research study. The group is expected to be complete...

Gender Roles and Psychological Health

Introduction Gender roles – a tool of oppression or a harsh necessity? The emergence of traditional gender roles and the images of masculinity and femininity can be regarded as an attempt to organize the society and create stable social structures. Gender roles are present even in the 21st century, but...

A Clean, Well-Lighted Place: Plot Analysis

Hemingway’s “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place” is very simple story. An old man, aged about eighty years, tries to spend his night by drinking brandy in a Spanish café, but the young waiter becomes impatient, as he wants to join his wife at home and enjoy a sound sleep. At the...

The Linkage Between College Education and Employees’ Productivity

Abstract A direct link exists between college education and higher productivity in employees that can cause an improvement in the country’s economy. On the other hand, it has been seen that there is a relationship between a country’s population size and economic growth. These two highlighted relationships will be discussed...

The Monsters We Create: Analyzing Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein”

Over the years of its existence, Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein” may have lost its edge as a horror novel, yet it has entered the pantheon of horror classics due to the unique nature of its conflict. On the one hand, the story of an insane scientist trying to play God and...

Macro Environment and Impact on Business Activities in China Market

Introduction Business leaders need to be aware of the factors that might affect organisational performance. A macro environment will encompass the major factors defining a given economy. Some of the key attributes investors need to consider include employment, social factors, fiscal policies and inflation. The purpose of this presentation is...

Modern Telecommunications System in Business Setting

Introduction In general telecommunication systems are the different ways in which the information is passed from one place to another covering a certain distance. The message passed may be verbal or written. The mode of communication used depends on several factors such as the urgency of the message, the magnitude...

Rheumatoid Arthritis: Diagnosis and Treatment

Nowadays, more than one percent of the population of the Earth is affected by Rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is considered to be one of the most widespread inflammatory autoimmune diseases affecting people after the age of forty or even earlier in a number of cases. According to Firth (2011,...

Performance Management and Appraisal Systems

Performance management is an essential process of communication in any organization. The constant communication between a supervisor and the employees is a way of achieving its strategic objectives. Human Resource faculty plays a major role in the performance management process by designing and implementing performance appraisals. It is upon the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Fresno Medical Center’s Telehealth Risk Management Strategy

As the world continues to battle the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare agencies, governments, and industry groups recommend the adoption of telemedicine as a remedy for a remote treatment plan. Telehealth is an important medical field that can help practitioners combat COVID-19 by deploying solutions and chronic medicines within patients’ home settings....

Experiences of COVID-19 Shutdown and Returns

Experiences of COVID-19 Shutdown The shutdown was one of the measures that governments globally took to control the spreading of COVID-19. The move significantly impacted all individuals regardless of their age. Experiencing the COVID-19 lockdown and returning to normal ways of living was challenging but educational. COVID-19 shutdown caused confusion...

Investing in Technology: A Promising Modern Trend

The concept of business environment is characterized by many multidirectional uncertainties that determine how companies operate on a daily basis. The theory of investing capital with the hope of getting high returns is one of the main ways to manage financial assets. Today, investment in technology will determine success, as...

Social Work Career: Personal Experiences

Introduction My desire and interests to help and support those in need started at a tender age. At preschool age, I shared my belongings with vulnerable children. One notable instance that caused trouble between my parents and me was when I insisted we offer my room to a homeless street...

The Rhetoric and Public Affairs Journal Analysis

Current Publisher The journal in question was published by Michigan State University Press. The ISSN for Rhetoric and Public Affairs is 10948392. An ISSN is an 8-digit code assigned to each item. It is used to identify printed and digital journals, newspapers, periodicals, and magazines. In the past three years,...

The “Slave Narratives…” Book by Rudisel & Blaisdell

Introduction The stories of Abraham Galloway, Richard Eden, and Harriet Jacobs described in Slave Narratives of the Underground Railroad illustrate the enslaved individuals’ unwillingness to accept their fate. The stories’ main idea is an escape and the major methods for such dangerous escapes. At the same time, an important aspect...

The “To Build a Fire” Short Story by Jack London

Jack London is a realistic American writer whose story To Build a Fire was written in 1908. Despite the theme of the confrontation between man and nature, naturalism is not an end in itself for the writer. The realism of the description is a feature of Jack London’s style, with...

“The Madonna Adoring the Child” by Francesco Botticini Analysis

The painting by Francesco Botticini entitled “The Madonna Adoring the Child” was created approximately in 1470 in Italy, Florence. It is made in the technique of the tempera on the panel. The choice of the religious subject depicting the Madonna and Jesus as the child was typical for the Italian...

Colonial Unrest in Virginia, New York and Massachusetts

Introduction Colonial unrest is a state of total dissatisfaction or disturbances to colonies during the colonial era. The study explores the disturbances or dissatisfactions experienced by colonies such as New York, Virginia, and Massachusetts under the control of the colonial states such as British, Europeans and Britain. The factors that...

Illegal Immigration in USA

Whereas many people believe that illegal immigrants do not have any right for basic social services, there is a group of activists affirming the need to make sure that every individual irrespective of the citizenship status should get access to social basic services. Consequently, these two sides have led to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense”

Introduction Thomas Paine was born in 1737 to a poor Quaker in Thetford, England. In his early life, he was surrounded mostly by farmers and the uneducated. He left school at the age of twelve, and shortly after became apprenticed to his father as a corset maker. This trade was...

Jackson Pollock’s Painting “Convergence”

The creative activity of Jackson Pollock raised much criticism and doubts concerning its significance in the world of art and the level of professionalism and artistic talent included in it even at the time of Pollock’s life. The reason for such prejudice can be seen in the unique, individual style...

Landscape Depicted in Pastoral Symphony by Beethoven

Introduction Beethoven is one of the most successful classical artists. His symphonies such as symphony erotica have remained relevant for a long time. Nature and natural landscape were important to classical and romanticism artists. Beethoven’s love for nature and natural landscape is especially featured in his sixth symphony, Pastoral symphony....

“Refresh, Refresh” by Benjamin Percy

Anticipate your Reader’s Responses The story Refresh, Refresh takes place in a small town Crow, which does not have many male citizens. The author describes that the town was populated only by three types of men: old, incapable, and vulturous (Percy 3). All the worthy men left to fight a...

Fortunato’s Viewpoint in Poe’s “The Cask of Amontillado”

The Cask of Amontillado is one of Poe’s most transparent short stories, every aspect of which in the background adds to the ultimate ironic effect. The unity of the short story and the plot is very straightforward. Montresor seeks vengeance on Fortunato for unspecified provocation by including him in his...

Language & Immigration in “Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan

Introduction In this paper, founding the arguments on the article of Amy Tan, problems that come from language barriers – with the emphasis on the related immigrants’ hardships – will be discussed. Summary Paragraph In her article “Mother’s tongue,” Amy Tan shares her views on different forms of English and...

Organizational Parameters that Impact on OHS Professional Practice

There are two fundamental conceptual organizational parameters stated in the Chapter “Foundation Science” (Pryor and Capra, 2012): organizational evolution and maturity in OHS and an organization’s strategy. These two parameters are intertwined in an organization and involve primary OHS professional’s focus. The organizational maturity refers to the level of trust...

Dysarthria Diagnosis After Stroke

Response to the YouTube Video The video shows that the patient had a stroke (Dysarthria 1). This stroke must have affected several cranial nerves in the brain that control the face and the tongue. Damage in the hemispheres can result in dysarthria. This condition occurs when the brain parts controlling...

Types and Causes of the DNA Mutations

Mutation versus polymorphism Although both mutations and polymorphism occur due to changes in DNA sequence, mutations are rare and lead to abnormal alleles. In other words, a mutation can best be understood and defined as a change in the DNA sequence that occurs in a small portion of the gene...

Analytical Balances Description

Introduction Analytical balances are laboratory equipment that enables to conduct of precise weights measurements. It consists of a body, flat panel display (LED display), draft shield, door handle, four-level adjustment feet, and buttons. The vital part is a balance pan, on which weights can be put. Analytical balances are common...

Popular Research Paper Topics

”Using Social Media to Aid Your Job Search” Article Review

Introduction The article in question dwells upon the role social media can play in job search. Saunders (2021) stresses that employers tend to rely on informal networks rather than more formal techniques when searching for the right person. Social media provide almost limitless opportunities for job seekers to become a...

Building Virtual Teams and Its Key Factors

Introduction By reviewing the available literature, a research tool (questionnaire) with 45 questions was created. The study’s research topic was tested using the structural equation modeling (SEM) method and AMOS 23.0 (Bhat, Pande, & Ahuja, 2017). SEM technique was selected because it can distinguish between direct and indirect links between...

Sony Corporation and the New Trade Theory

Introduction The New Trade theory is referred to as an economic theory which was developed by several economists in the 1970s. This theory contradicted some of the arguments which upheld the unlimited free trade as they were popular during that time. The economists behind this theory suggested that countries which...

Theory of Continental Drift

What was Pangaea? According to the continental drift theory, over 300 million years ago, all the continents were joined together forming a single landmass surrounded by water. This landmass is called Pangaea. List 4 type of evidence which supported continental drift The continental drift theory supposes that over 300 million...

Mapping Falls Problem in Evidence-Based Practice

Falls have become common at homes, and this has impacted the health of many people. The high rates of falls in residential places have resulted in high morbidity, increased dependency, and high mortality rate, among others. When a person falls, they may become disabled for the rest of their lives,...

Grading Approach: Defining the Ultimate Method of Performance Evaluation

Introduction Evaluating students’ performance is, perhaps, one of the most challenging tasks in teaching practice (Stevens & Levi, 2005). Because of the differences in students’ personal progress and their progress measured according to the existing system, grading sometimes turns into a complicated dilemma. By developing an elaborate grading approach, a...

American Public Opinion of War

Americans have been living the world of the ‘Great American Success Myth’ for many years and they have always justified war. If we analyze world history one can find that Americans have their own declaration and justifications about military invasion against different nations around the world and the majority of...

The History of Women in the United States Military

The historical distribution of the gender roles in society explains the fact that warfare has a strongly marked male character. The gender characteristics of the military on the whole and the US Military in particular change according to the internal and external factors. The first one is the structure of...

The Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Symptoms and Treatment

Irritable bowel syndrome is a gastrointestinal disorder characterized by abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, and diarrhea (Irritable Bowel Syndrome, 2007). According to an article from the Cleveland clinic (Gastrointestinal Disorders, 2010), IBS can be triggered by consuming certain foods. It has been known to cause a great deal of discomfort but...

International Public Health Policy and Ethics

Introduction Policy making, being one of the most important forms of government, is influenced by many factors nowadays, many of which are simply disturbing the legislature rather than forming an adequate and impartial opinion. Essentially, the democratic society of the US undergoes a stage of advanced development since the opinion...

Irresponsible Leadership and Moral Conviction of the US President

Annotated bibliography Edwards, J. A. (2018). Make America great again: Donald Trump and redefining the US role in the world. Communication Quarterly, 66(2), 176-195. The United States has been instrumental in maintaining global peace since the end of World War II. This country has facilitated peace talks between conflicting nations...

Moral Obligation to Other Living Things

Moral obligations do not simply purport to provide supremely authoritative reasons. They are also what we are responsible to one another for doing, what members of the moral community have the authority as such to demand that we do by holding ourselves accountable second personally. Some define moral obligation as...

My Mother, a Person Who Inspires Others

The role of inspiration in the lives of people is colossal. The right inspiration can push a person to do almost anything, regardless of their socio-economic circumstances, as inspiration allows a person to use all of their potential and resources. At the same time, the lack of inspiration can undermine...

Servant Leadership: A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

Summary Mr. Rogers was the epitome of a servant leader, focusing on the growth and development of his community and nation. He demonstrated many core qualities of a servant leader, such as listening, empathy, awareness, and stewardship, encouraging others to do the same to improve their respective communities, workplaces, or...

Michel de Montaigne’s Wisdom in Essays

Michel de Montaigne was a French Renaissance writer who developed the essay as a literary form and wrote some of history’s most enduring and significant articles. Michel de Montaigne was an academic who devoted his entire career to criticizing intellectual hubris. In his major opus, the Essays, he reached out...

Student Classification for Racial Balance

Introduction When applying for school admission or enrolment in the US, people must provide information regarding their ethnic and racial backgrounds. The government uses the data it collects to monitor segregation and discriminatory practices and determine how to allocate financial aid. Some racial categories include Non-Hispanics, Hispanics, Whites, Blacks, Asians,...

Judaism in Steinheim’s and Luzzatto’s Perceptions

The perception of Judaism changed over time. It evolved with the alterations in mainstream philosophies. Nevertheless, some thinkers stood out due to being anti-philosophical and having anti-rational opinions on Judaism. One of the outstanding philosophers was Solomon Ludwig Steinheim. Unlike other philosophers of his time, he did not believe in...

Risk Incidence Solution: Substance Use Disorder

Risk Incidence Substance use disorder (SUD) is a chronic disease that can affect anyone regardless of his or her age, sex, ethnicity, education, or occupation. However, health care professionals, especially nurses, face an increased risk of developing the condition because of the availability of controlled substances in their workplace. According...

Politeness Strategy in Complaint and Response Letters

Complaint Letter John Black, CEO of High Nile Hotels, 11/1/2013 Dear Sir, Mice in the Hotel I would appreciate it if you would help me with this situation. Your waiter Helen Harris served us at your restaurant on 5 January 11, 2013, and we did not have a very pleasant...

Amazon and eBay: E-Business Applications Development

Despite the fact that the majority of the online stores were created at the end of the twentieth century, only a few of them possessed the continuing supremacy of Amazon and eBay. These two e-Commerce websites retail a wide variety of goods, from the products of personal hygiene to large...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Sarcasm and Irony in Chopin’s “Story of an Hour”

Reading short stories introduces multiple opportunities for people to meet new characters, learn their lives, and get several important lessons. Each story is a piece of human life with its strong and weak aspects, and it is the decision of a reader on how to use this information. There are...

Jitterbug Perfume by Tom Robbins Analysis

First of all, it is necessary to mention, that the novel, written in 1984, and describing the epoch of the VIII century touch upon the matter, that had been fluctuated humanity for centuries. The striving for immortality and eternity occupied the minds of the greatest philosophers and alchemists. While viewing...

Nationalism: Definition, Examples, and History

Introduction Nationalism is the expression of the identity of the nation. Nationalism could be understood only through the understanding of two different terms – nation and state. This paper presents what is nationalism, what is the difference between state and nation, and how the different interests of nation and state...

Central Factors for Development in Latin America

Introduction The Latin culture includes both formal and informal with high and popular cultures clearly observed. Latin America is a romance speaking territory where languages such as Spanish, French and Portuguese are primarily spoken. They have a diverse population with different ancestries and many ethnic groups. All along the expansion...

Struggles in ‘Immigrant City’ by David Bezmozgis

Introduction The hardships of settling in another state are not known to many people. Most of the population does not have to immigrate and adapt to new conditions; hence, it is informative to learn about the process from the perspective of a person who had to. The paragraph from the...

The U.S. Juvenile Justice System

Historical development of juvenile justice system The progressive Era reformists saw the institution of the juvenile justice system in the better part of 1899, prior to which young offenders were tried and punished in adult justice systems. Within the time range 1968 – 1974, the Supreme Court overturned the usual...

Healthy Nutrition: Fat-Free

Introduction A fat-free product ought not to contain more than ½ grams of fat-per-serving. This can only be attained if someone consumes the food’s serving size that has been stated. However, the moment someone consumes more than the stated amount, it stops being fat-free. The daily intake of fat is...

Critical Path Method in Construction Practice

The critical path method has a significant role to play in managing resources on construction projects by relating time and money. Different combinations of construction methods, equipment, crew sizes, and working hours are performed in any construction project. The key factors dominating the selection of the best combination may be...

Prescription Drug Abuse as a Community Health Issue

Consumption of prescription drugs in a manner that has not been prescribed by the doctor is an outstanding community health issue. This can be more harmful than people understand. In reality, it is drug abuse and is just as illegitimate as consuming street drugs. Overindulging in drugs is not the...

Dealing with Obesity as a Societal Concern

This essay shall discuss the health issue of obesity, a social health problem that is, unfortunately, growing at a rapid rate. More people are becoming obese at present due to much easier access to unhealthy foods and less effort to maintain a regular exercise routine for fitness. For example, in...

Terrorism in Mumbai 2008: Before and After the Attack

Introduction Before the attack, the terrorists carefully planned this operation, as it was supposed to be large-scale, ambitious, and have a powerful destructive character. They conducted reconnaissance, planning, and preparation for several days before the attack. The terrorist attack began because the terrorists landed on the territory of Mumbai from...

A Healthcare Manager Interview Summary

The interview was taken with a senior manager of Walmart Specialty, Kathryn Harris. Walmart Specialty Pharmacy is a unique service offered by Walmart that provides healthcare solutions to patients with complex medical conditions. This position is directly related to leadership in the healthcare system, as it implies that a person...

Technologies Assisting Freelancers in Their Work

The term freelance worker refers to a person performing tasks for an individual or corporation without an employment agreement extending beyond the completion of the job. The term freelancer also implies a person working solely for himself/herself. As his/her own boss, a freelancer is, of course, in complete charge of...

Shipping Model for Cheap Waste Transportation

Introduction Transport models are useful in cost limitation (Anderson, Sweeney, Williams, Camm, Martin, 2010). The shipping and transportation model proposed in this paper aims to limit the costs incurred in the transportation of wastes from various plants (per week). The model ensures that only the cheapest options are included. Consideration...

Walmart Company’s Ethical Issues

This essay sample focuses on ethical issues in Walmart. Here, you’ll find out what Walmart ethical issues are and how they relate to ethics in retail. Are Walmart Ethical Issues Different From Other Large Retailers? No; most of the ethical issues faced by Wal Mart are not different from those...

Literary Topics in “The Bog Girl” by Karen Russell

The Bog Girl is a short story by Karen Russell that was published in The New Yorker in 2016. It describes a fictional scenario where Cillian, a teenager born to a single teenage mother, finds a well-preserved dead girl in a bog and falls in love with her. His environment...

Juvenile Delinquency Prevention in Our Community

Introduction Juvenile delinquency is a legal term used to describe children or adolescent behavior that would otherwise be termed as criminal in a court of law if done by adults. In our community, children are mostly associated with theft, truancy, and general disobedience while rape and other violent behaviors are...

Gun Control and Legalization in the USA

Introduction Gun control in America has in the recent past been a major debate since the 1960s after President John F. Kennedy, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, and Dr. Martin Luther King were assassinated (Haerens 111). While some individuals consider the issue of gun control to be a crime, others consider...

A Practical Report on DNA Fingerprinting

Introduction DNA fingerprinting also known as DNA testing, profiling or testing is used to identify individuals based on their DNA profiles. Although sequences of DNA are commonly found in human beings, profiling of DNA uses variable repeat sequences otherwise known as (VNTR). DNA fingerprinting is applied in some areas which...

Multivitamins and Getting Good Grades in School

Introduction An analysis of the findings is a standard procedure after one conducted a research study. This allows seeing if the data they collected during the experiment supports the initial hypothesis, for example, by measuring positive correlation. However, this method does not show if one phenomenon is caused by the...

Dell Inc.: Analysis of the Business Model

Background Dell, Inc. is one of the largest companies that specialize in the production of computers. The company was founded in 1984 by Michael Dell. The company was developing at high speed, and 17 years after the foundation, it became the global leader in the provision of computer systems. In...

The Patient Safety Issues in Today’s Diverse Global Environment

Introduction Patient safety continues to draw global attention and different hospitals are focused at increasing effective patient safety programs (Spath, 2011). Almost all providers-from doctors, nurses, technicians, to pharmacists- have been in support for various system changes aimed at improving patient safety. Nevertheless, most health care facilities are still ill-equipped...

Nursing Migration and Global Health

Abstract This essay explores the roles of nurses and the impact of migration on global health systems. The international health sector has witnessed diverse and complex transformations. The global and national trends in relation to the provision and delivery of medical care have a huge impact on the world’s population....

The Development of Western Religious Thought

The development of Western religious thought enjoyed its blossom in three historical periods: Late Middle Ages, when the fundamental elements of the rational comprehension of the Supreme Being were formulated; the Enlightenment, marked with the reconciliation of science and religion, and the beginning of the 20th century, with the spread...

Role of Motor Carriers in Economic Development

The United States greatly depended on rail transport in the 19th century. This is evidenced by figures that represent total haulage by rail road. Though the trend as compared to motor carriage seems to be declining, it surely represented the great bulk of total freight cargo. In the 1950s, rail...

Detroit Municipality’s Bankruptcy Petition

Introduction Boroughs usually pursue recourse from some or all of their deficits through the legal process of filing bankruptcy. In the United States, cities have a right to petition for insolvency relative to chapter 9 of the federal bankruptcy code. This case study on Detroit’s municipality insolvency is key in...

“An Adventure With Teddy Roosevelt” by Jerome Alden

An Adventure with Teddy Roosevelt by Jerome Alden is set in the United States in the early twentieth century. During this period Theodore Roosevelt, the country’s 26th president, attempted to run for a third term as president in 1912. Having already been a leader of the United States twice and...

Planning and Leading Change Management

Nowadays, there are many companies with a significant turnover of both employees and income. No wonder that for these companies, truancy level is an important factor that needs to be monitored and improved. Excessive absenteeism negatively affects the overall workflow and the level of profit and business efficiency. One of...

Managing Diversity and Inclusion

Scenario Statement Vibe Trend (VT) is a music production company that faced the issue of inadequate diversity and inclusion efforts. VT has a monolithic workforce structure — the company seemingly has only white males in its staff. Meanwhile, the issue of diversity has shifted from the ethical to business sphere,...

Johnson & Johnson’s Acquisition of Asaka Inc.

Introduction Johnson & Johnson is suggested to buy ASAKA Inc., which is the company working on AI specifically for healthcare providers. The healthcare industry has been developing rapidly in recent years. As Johnson & Johnson succeeded in its expansion on the market, buying other healthcare-related companies, it is wise to...

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Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing

Introduction The evolution of the healthcare system over the last decades makes clear the symbiotic basis of leadership roles and management functions in nursing. Besides the traditional manager skills, which include supervising fellow nurses and implementing a healthy and safe environment for patients and the staff, the nurses with administrative...

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A Hypothesis and an Experiment: A Case Study

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Anaesthesia: From Its Origin to the Modern Times

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Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: A Case Study

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Impressionism as a Revolution in Art

The landscapes or scenes of impressionism were different from previous traditional paintings. Impressionists usually depicted “the scenes of modern life, especially of bourgeois recreations” (Turner 151). For example, Edgar Degas and Gustave Caillebotte were choosing wealthy and privileged places for painting. Also, some impressionists, such as Monet, Renoir, and Pissarro,...

Annotated Bibliography of Texting While Driving

Devitt, M. (2018). Survey finds one in three U.S. teens texts while driving. AAFP. Web. This article analyzes the data on how many teenagers prefer to use their phones while driving. In addition, the article considers all the negative consequences of such a habit and calls for their avoidance. In...

Interview Questions for Computer Systems Analyst

Introduction The interview is a tried and tested component of the employment process that employers have likely utilized for years with slight variation. The interview process should be scrutinized and revised, considering the widespread adoption of technology and data in recruitment. The most popular form of interview question, the behavioral...

Labor Productivity and Human Resource Management

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Fight Against Infectious Diseases in Humans

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Door-to-Balloon Time Reduction: Change Strategy

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Effectiveness of Remote Patient Monitoring

In order to implement evidence-based practice in the modern health care setting, it is paramount to use evidence gathered by scholars and reported in articles published in peer-reviewed journals. The current paper criticizes one such article that was written by Ong et al. (2016). The article by Ong et al....

Effective Groups, Teams and Participation

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation Teamwork skills constitute some of the crucial components of a skill set required to be productive in any workplace setting. Therefore, as a leader and a manager, one needs to encourage staff members to cooperate in the corporate setting. However, as my experience has shown,...