Trinity Healthcare’s Computerized Provider Order Entry

Introduction Computerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE) is a healthcare information technology (HIT) that involves the use of special software for provider orders rather than the traditionally employed pen and paper. Due to standardization and the elimination of handwriting, CPOE is known to improve communication, which results in better patient outcomes...

The Hong Kong Theatre Art Technology Festival

Executive Summary Hong Kong is a city with a diverse artistic history and stands as a point where tradition meets modernity. Theater and performance arts have always been popular in Hong Kong. It is proposed that with the opening of the East Kowloon Cultural Centre (EKCC) in 2023, a state-of-the-art...

The Art of Ancient Rome: Eclectic Tendencies

Abstract The paper examines various art types of Ancient Rome from the historical perspective of the emergence, development, and decline of the state. Tracing intercultural influences in art, including theater, religious and philosophical systems that formed the basis for representations in art, architecture, visual arts, and other forms of symbolization,...

The Book “A History of Narrative Film”

The book, A history of narrative film, by David Cook offers a comprehensive and modern content that is analytical in nature because it highlights important issues related to film and the process of film making. The book is essential in cinematology because it analyses the old process of film making,...

Income Inequality: Changes and Causes in the US

American society has to face a number of challenges in economics, politics, and healthcare. Human relationships depend on different factors, and economic factors play an important role. Society is divided on rich and poor, and this kind of inequality develops in the United States in its own way. During the...

Globalization: Managing Across Cultures

Introduction Globalization is an aspect that has changed the way national and international businesses are carried out; it is an aspect that has totally removed barriers between countries, encouraging cross-national business to take place. At the same time, globalization has encouraged most companies, specifically from developed countries to initiate business...

United States Customs and Border Protection Agency

Abstract The research paper is devoted to the United States Customs and Border Protection. The agency that is discussed in the paper was established in 2003 when the Customs Service was restructured. Significant organizational changes were caused by the necessity to coordinate the work of different agencies responsible for border...

Two-Tier Fee System in Canada

Executive Summary This paper deals with some drawbacks of the current Canadian healthcare system and includes a brief description of possible policies that could address the issues mentioned. The major issues the system has are the substantial governmental investment and insufficient health outcomes. The country is facing numerous issues, which...

Early Medieval, Romanesque Europe and Gothic Arts

The painting titled “Madonna of the Burning Bush” is one of the illustrations in The Book of Hours. It was made in XV century by Georges Trubert, who was a famous painter and had few apprentices who followed his style. We can see a number, 154, in the right upper...

Blue Ocean Walkman: Product Project

Introduction Business and innovation usually go hand in hand. Businesses across the world are constantly coming up with new products in order to increase their income base, make profits and, above all, satisfy their customers’ needs. However, not all innovations succeed in competitive markets. Consequently, marketing is very important for...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Home Depot Company: Customer Service Information Systems

Introduction The contemporary business world values the incorporation of information systems to facilitate the realization of efficiency in the various business processes. Particularly, information systems integrate technology to improve the management of organizations in various aspects, including the racking of transactions and the facilitation of decision-making processes (Rainer, Cegielski, Splettstoesser-Hogeterp,...

Intelligence Community of the United States of America

Introduction Today, U.S. National Security Agency is one of the most important governmental entities in the United States of America since it focuses on providing information security of national systems, analyzing online activities and telecommunication, decoding of data, and offering intelligence service while often being referred to as a key...

Wu Yajun’s and Steve Jobs’s Entrepreneurial Acumen

Introduction Entrepreneurship is the process of establishing a business for effective service delivery and for profit making. However, within the business community, no single definition of the word entrepreneurship has so far received unanimous adoption making entrepreneurship such a wide concept (Carsrud and Brannback 2007, p. 5). It is no...

KidZania Dubai Company’s Marketing Audit

Executive Summary Theme parks require market information to set and run successful franchises in foreign destinations. This report explores how KidZania Dubai can refine its business model and strategies to compete well in the UAE. KidZania is a leading firm in the indoor edutainment industry, but inadequate information on internal...

Mind-Body Relationship in Psychobiological View

The Topic of Our Study and Its Alignment with the Chosen School of Thought The Topic of the Study and the Questions that Will Be Explored The general topic of our research is going to be the relationship between the mind and the body. The mind-body problem is one of...

Matte Company Strategic Supply Chain Management

Introduction and Company Background Though often underrated, the toy industry has been striving in the global economy environment surprisingly well, and Mattel, Inc. is a graphic example of the phenomenon under analysis. Founded in 1945 by Harold Mattson and Elliot Hardner (Mattel history 2015), the organisation has grown into a...

The Negative Impact of Advertising on Children

Introduction In 2004, Melissa Dittmann found out that advertisers spend at least $12 billion annually on messages that target children. Consequently, the media was flooded with messages that bombarded young audiences with messages that intended to persuade them along with a certain desirable behavior as orchestrated by the advertisers. Since...

An Economic Analysis of the National Health Insurance

Abstract More than 48 million Americans do not have health insurance, and some of those who are insured are underinsured, comprising of more than 32 million people. Carrying out health care reform would ensure every person in the country has access to proper health care. This assists to a large...

Mandatory Vaccination: Benefits and Reasons

Introduction The use of vaccines is generally seen as one of the biggest breakthroughs in medical science and public health, providing an effective, non-invasive, and relatively cheap method of protecting the public from deadly viral diseases. Since the first vaccinations by Edward Jenner in 1796, the method and technology of...

How to Measure Risk Attitude of Investors

Introduction An individual’s attitude towards risk might be associated with endogenous variations for many motives. First, possession of financial assets infers hostility with risky verdicts new to the person. Second, creating risky decisions denotes ambiguity and might contribute to learning in a group framework. In regards to portfolio selection, this...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Contextual Teaching and Learning

The educational process in modern pedagogical practice is usually constructed out through either learning through information, or based on learning through activity. “The traditional didactic system sees its global task in introducing students to the generalized and systematized experience of humanity” (Schwanenflugel & Knapp, 2015). As such, theory, particularly in...

Canadian Laws Regarding Agricultural Sector

Canadian Laws: The Right of Association One of the main principles of effective operation of a country is the abidance of laws and all legal acts that were issued in this country and are in force at the moment of some disputes or conflicts. In this respect, every person has...

Nike Inc.’s Strategic Marketing Plan for New Products

This paper presents Nike’s marketing strategy, referring to various literature to guide how the company can sell new products. The report contains comprehensive marketing information, including situational analysis explained based on internal factors, competitors, PESTLE and SWOT analyses, new product summary, marketing objectives, promotional strategy, market segmentation, and marketing mix....

The Sustainable Logistics Delivery Practices

Abstract This study examines what facets of green logistics delivery practices have been studied to highlight the sustainable logistics practices reviewed, their efficacy, and the challenges that have been encountered. The paper was segmented into five parts to achieve its goals. For instance, the paper begins with an introduction that...

McDonald’s: Sustainability in Theory and Practice

Introduction In recent decades, societal development in different industrial representations experienced unprecedented growth. It was based on running various social and economic systems that brought developmental value while also consumed a significant number of resources that potentially caused environmental issues (Zuofa and Ochieng, 2016). Respectively, organizations faced the requirement of...

Services to Small & Medium Enterprises Worldwide

Introduction Over the last decade, countries all over the world have noticed an increase in small and medium sized enterprises. Rahman, Yaacob and Radzi (2016) explain that this is due to better policies and technological advancements that continue to influence the digital economy. The influx of these small and medium...

Abortion Dilemma in Pragmatic Ethics

Introduction The value of human life and its significance have always been disputable issues. Since the first stages of society’s evolution, people have tried to find the sense of living, its purpose, and central goals. At the same time, the attitude to every individual, his/her contribution to society, place in...

Banking Regulations Undermining Financial Crisis

Introduction Traces of financial crisis and negative externalities have been present across the banking sector for the last several decades, so their impact on economic stability can be explained via two inherent descriptions. The first vital concept is the existence of microprudential purposes that gave birth to balance sheet rules...

Traumatic Brain Injury: Literature Review

Introduction Traumatic brain injury (TBI) remains a complicated insult that has diverse ranges of signs and restrictive conditions. Therefore, TBI effects can be devastating to the patient and relatives. Studies attempt to highlight management processes from shock and despair when a brain injury occurs and provide coping mechanisms and solutions...

Advanced Nursing Technology

Differences between CPAP and BiPAP CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) is a form of treatment used to deal with patients suffering from breathing problems when they are asleep (sleep apnea). CPAP machines take positive pressure and then apply it inside the patient’s throat so as to prevent them from developing...

The Essence of Palliative Care

Introduction Palliative Care is a form of medical care that tries to reduce the disease symptoms instead of providing cure to the disease suffered by the patient (Pathmavathy, 2004). It attempts to mitigate the severity of the symptoms rather than halting the disease itself to boost the quality of life...

Feminist Perspectives’ Contribution to Criminology

Introduction Feminism entails a constructive understanding of how gender differences amount to inequalities in various environments. Historically, societies embodied gender roles as a fundamental variable in defining the norms and culture of a people. Women have, for so long, been victims of gender biases and participatory contexts, especially criminal offenses....

Transportation and Logistics Management

Introduction Transportation is defined primarily as the activity of (or the system geared for) moving load (things or people) form point of origin to destination. Thus, when transportation service meets a need by moving load, then an economic demand is satisfied. While the logistics management, comes in to provide classified...

Marketing Audit of Mark and Spencer

Marketing is a fundamental component that contributes most to the development and extension of business regardless of its size, whether large, medium, or small. Thus, market analysis is needed to recognize the purchaser’s behavior and market conditions to adapt valuable insights on the market trends upon further business development (Clarke,...

The Trail of Tears – Series of Events in the US

Genocide is an act committed with the intention of destroying, in whole or in part, any national, ethnic, racial, or religious group as such by killing members of this group. In addition, this includes attempts to inflict grievous harm to their health, the adoption of measures designed to prevent childbearing...

Diversity and Inclusion in Educational Leadership

Introduction In today’s organizations and institutions, there are employees with diverse backgrounds and socio- is a process to influence, guide, and motivate groups of people in an institution towards cultural features. Differences in employees into advantages are an essential issue for leaders. Although managing diversity and leading are interrelated, it...

Politics of Health in the UK

Policy Paper The purpose of this policy analysis assignment is to analyze the health policy document, Healthy Lives, Healthy People: Our strategy for public health in England published by the British Government. Smokers will be used as a client group for this analysis. The policy analysis will identify health-related challenges...

Nestle Bangladesh’s Logistics Network

Logistics networks are the backbone of contemporary global commerce. They keep Nestle Bangladesh in business by facilitating the movement of raw materials to processing factories and finished goods to the market. While logistics networks facilitate the movement of goods, its transportation, inventory management, goods handling, warehousing, order processing, and packaging...

Identification, Control and Prevention of Mesothelioma Disease in the UK

Introduction Following industrialization, the production of materials that would be used in development increased. Production increased development as the companies developed economically. Production involved making of chemical substances. Little information was known about the harmful effects of the substances hence, production continued. Company owners failed to take any precautions to...

Sustainable Solutions: Stakeholder Identification and Value Analysis

Enterprise Level Strategy Costco is a leading American wholesale corporation. It operates as a warehouse club that offers a variety of goods and services to its members. The organization’s mission is to offer high quality goods and services to its members on a continuous basis. To achieve this objective, the...

Zara in the United Kingdom’s Retail Fashion Market

Introduction Zara is a multinational company specializing in the production and distribution of clothes and other fast fashion goods. The company was established in 1975 in Spain with its primary objective being to retail clothes (Chatvijit 2012). In its initial stages, the company operated exclusively in Spain where it is...

The Coca-Cola Company’s Marketing Communication

Background Since its establishment, The Coca-Cola Company has been successful in producing and marketing soft drinks. Currently, the firm is the market leader and has managed to attain global recognition. One of the factors which have contributed to its success is the adoption of the internationalization strategy. As a result,...

Company G: Advertising and Marketing Plan

Introduction Company G is a well-established organization, which currently operates in the electronics current market. Despite the extended years of operation, the company has some issues with the marketing plan, as they were not able to reach the desired goals in terms of efficiency and productivity. Recently, the company introduced...

Competitive Advantages for Yahoo

Introduction Yahoo is an internet services provider in the global community; it has grown for a period of time now as a portal company. The company has had its share of challenges and success just like any other company in the market. The company has a huge market share and...

Easycut Salon Marketing Planning

Introduction Easycut hair salon has just been opened in a small country town. In order for the owner to realize the full potential of her business, a marketing plan will be required. The plan will detail the steps that are to be followed if the business is to be successful....

Turkish Airline’s Strategic Analysis

Executive Summary Turkish Airline is the major carrier that operates in Europe, Africa, Asia, and North American markets. It has experienced impressive performance in the market because of its market strategies. Easy Jet is currently one of the leading low-cost carries based in London but operates internationally. The airline companies...

The Deployment of WLAN (WI-FI) on Open Area Construction Projects

Introduction The economic value of the construction industry is significant and the industry contributes up to 10% of the annual GDP for most nations (Michael 2005, p.2). The industry encompasses the use of many other complementary industries such as electrical, mining, steel and transportation to name but a few. This...

The Politics of Health in the United Kingdom

Introduction Public health provision in the UK continues to face a myriad of challenges which have impacted quality, access and cost. As a result, there are so many issues which need to be addressed to enable the country to attain its short-term and long-term healthcare goals. The ‘Healthy Lives Healthy...

Regeneration of Energy in Scotland

Scotland’s efforts to utilize renewable energy resources continue to puzzle the world. The country has taken meticulous care to plan for its energy needs both for the present and for the future about sustainable management of natural resources as well as environmental protection. Some of these needs include the generation...

Reasons to Adopt the iPhone

Introduction The iPhone incorporates several design features that make it a must-have device for persons that want to enjoy or experience modern technologies availed by smartphones. A number of these features are either new technologies or great improvements on previous ones. In using the device, users will easily become familiar...

Popular Research Paper Topics

North Broward Hospital District: Medical Case Analysis

Introduction The North Broward Hospital District is a public, non-profit, tax-assisted hospital system with a network of more than 35 health care facilities. They offer a full spectrum of services to meet virtually any medical need of Broward County residents in its service area. Broward General Medical Center is part...

Healthier Cookie Version: The Challenges to the Food Industry

Introduction The meals taken play a significant role in body development. A meal can enhance a healthy body development and, if not well censored, can result in health-related problems such as high blood pressure, obesity, tooth decays, high cholesterol, cardiac problems and stroke, diabetes, and osteoporosis. According to Buttriss (2012,...

Islam in the Today’s World

Globalization essentially aims at expansion of the economic status of communities usually at the expense of the cultural, social, and religious beliefs of a given community. It promotes the expansion of capitalistic ideologies whereby, the most resourceful succeed economically and socially, while removing religion from all spheres of human life....

Hand Hygiene as Best Practice in Adult Nursing

Introduction The idea of getting nurses and physicians to observe hand hygiene is not new. The Hungarian physician, Ignác Fülöp Semmelweis (1818–1865) first tried this approach in the 1840s when he elaborated the importance of hand hygiene among physicians to prevent the spread of pathogens (Samuel, Almedom, Hagos, Albin &...

Long-Acting, Reversible Contraceptives

Introduction Long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) is defined as birth control a method that provides effective contraception for extended periods. The ‘long’ implies that the contraceptives require administration of less than once per cycle or month. In comparison to other methods of contraception, LARCs do not require frequent repeat administration; and...

Multinational Enterprise: Siemens

Introduction Entry into a new market can either be highly profitable or catastrophic for an organization. There are several factors that have to be considered when trying to enter a new market. Some of the factors include SWOT and PESTLE analysis and an evaluation of the best strategies and mode...

COVID-19 and Aircraft Industry in UAE

Abstract The paper focuses on the effects the Covid-19 pandemic has on the civil aviation sphere and how these effects are managed to avoid the most undesired outcomes and critical deterioration of airlines’ functioning. The threat linked to the virus preconditioned severe limits on the sphere’s operations to stop the...

Ethical Decision-Making Process

This importance of ethical decision-making essay focuses on the meaning and reflection of decision-making. Check out our sample to get some ideas for your ethical decision-making essay! My Personal Ethical Framework Ethical decision-making is a major obligation for every human being. This is the case because whatever people do will...

Sustainability for Global Aviation Companies

Introduction The concept of sustainability has gained massive popularity over the recent past as companies seek to achieve growth and development in their respective companies. It has become necessary for these firms to find ways of protecting their current and future operations. As Veiga et al. (2018) explain, sustainability refers...

Geriatric Nursing Care Plan and Intervention Measures

Introduction Mr. Pluto (not the patient’s real name. We do not use the patient real name to protect his identity and maintain confidentiality according to NMC Code 2008) is 86 years old patient admitted to the Ward Gold of Hollywood Hospital with problems of mobility, temperature, and urinary elimination. Mr....

Analysis of Songs’ Main Topics

“La Rage” The song La Rage by Keny Arkana explores different political and socio-economic aspects at both a national and international scope. The three main themes that can be picked from the song are politics, rage, and humanity. Politics The political topic is expressed both in terms of words used...

Duty and Standard of Care Concepts

Introduction The legal framework of business is the structure by which commercial decision is made. Basic knowledge is that legal issues are important in forming a solid foundation for the study of business (Pentony, 2011). There are different aspects of business law, they include the law of agency contract law,...

Critical Review of a Shoplifting Study

Introduction The critique will start with an analysis of the research problem and purpose of the research. Thereafter, an analysis of the suitability of the method will be done as well as the reliability and validity of the article. Ethical considerations and conclusions made will also be analysed so as...

ObamaCare: The Affected on Managed Care

Introduction The ObamaCare is a reform that focuses on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) and introduces shifts to the U.S. health system in terms of access to medical aid for all U.S. citizens, creation of new stimuli to alter clinical practice, and promoting better quality and coordination,...

Odysseus Personality in Terms of Aristotle’s Ethics

Relations between people in the societies of Ancient Greece should be evaluated under the ethics of that period. Therefore, the actions of the main character of Homer’s Odyssey are proposed to be examined in terms of Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics criteria, within the framework of practical philosophy. This approach will allow...

Tuberculosis Infections and Healthcare in Brunei

Introduction Tuberculosis is a respiratory killer disease and it poses a health risk to the lives of many people in different parts of the world. Cases of tuberculosis are higher in the South East Asian countries. This assertion implies that Brunei, being one of southeast Asian countries, tuberculosis is a...

Common Law in Hong Kong and UK

Introduction Common law in England and other English speaking nations like Canada and Brunei constitute the foundations of civil conflicts resolutions. The nations where common law is applicable are principally those that were British colonies. One can trace the origin of common law from three courts in UK: King’s Bench,...

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) Among Pregnant Women

Introduction Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) is a severe disease that has dangerous affects on the fetus and on a born child. Moreover, the abnormal features of this harmful syndrome accompany a man throughout the life span. The biological grounds of the disease are imposed in the alcoholic impacts going on...

Boeing 737 MAX: A Bad Idea

Abstract The 737 MAX represents a poor investment idea made on the part of Boeing. To successfully address the topic, the paper is organized in comparison and contrast to the present research studies, as well as recommendations. The study is a review of concerns that emanated from the failure of...

Real Education for Healthy Youth Act

Abstract Real Education for Healthy Youth Act of 2019 is a bill initially sponsored by Junior Senator Cory Booker that promotes comprehensive sex education in higher education institutions. The act is associated with bringing considerable benefits to both providers and consumers. On the one hand, consumers are expected to experience...

History and Standards of Medicare and Medicaid

Introduction Medicare is a publicly funded healthcare program that ensures special groups, including the elderly and the physically challenged members of society receive medication. Individuals aged above sixty-five years are entitled to free healthcare services while those with disabilities are also allowed to access free medical services. Other groups included...

History of Air Carriers Overview

According to the Carney (2006) transportation refers to the activity of (or the system used in) moving people or things from one place to another (p.1531). By moving people or things from place to place, transportation is a service delivery industry with an essential economic role to facilitate the meeting...

The Role of a Balanced Scorecard in Production and Service Organizations

Introduction For several years, managers deployed financial measures to evaluate the performance of their organizations. However, this culture changed in the 1990s following the development of a Balanced Scorecard (BSC). By capturing organizational internal matters and customer perspectives to measure performance, BSC helped to solve the problem of over-reliance on...

Consultancy Report to Senior Management

Executive Summary This report addresses in detail all the factors that a company needs to analyze before deciding to start operations in another country. The report continues to elaborate upon the different types of structures that can be utilized and the logic behind each structure, for instance direct investment model...

Handling of the Terrorist Suspects According to the English Legislations

Abstract The main aim of this study is to explore how terrorism suspects are handled in relation to English laws. English laws have been considerably restructured since time immemorial, but the pick of these legislations followed the September 11 attack of the US twin towers by the Al Qaeda affiliate...

Impact of Bank Regulation, Market Structure, and Institutions on Cost of Financial Intermediation

Introduction Existence of financial intermediaries is a key element for smooth functioning of an economy. Financial intermediaries refer to all the financial institutions such as bank and non-bank financial institutions that are established within an economy (Richard, Burton & Norman, 2004, p.2). Financial intermediaries play a significant role in linking...

Pathology Report: Acute Coronary Syndrome

Executive Summary Acute coronary syndromes (ACS) are documented as one of the world’s leading health problems and the most expensive cluster of diseases to treat and manage. Expenditure on ACS runs into billions of dollars each year due to high direct health costs, productivity losses and informal care for the...

Public Health and Health Policy: Newham’s Cases of Homelessness

Introduction Homelessness affects many people in Newham, London, and it has health challenges to the affected populations. People who are homeless are at high risk of premature deaths and may experience several health complications. These health challenges may include “seizures, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, musculoskeletal disorders, tuberculosis, and skin and...

Health Information Security Outline

Abstract For the sake of Identification, the hospital administration should be the only one with the right of issuing IDs, if Identification is not issued by the administration, then it should be irrelevant, Identification should include fields like, Name, ID number, and category for instance patient, cardiologist, General practitioner and...

Scientific Principles Underlying Decontamination

Introduction Water is an important and remarkable substance that makes all forms of life possible. Speculation about possible past or present life on other planets within our solar system, or any other extraterrestrial body somewhere within the universe, is conditioned on the evidence for or against the existence of past...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Simman Use in Nursing Education

Defining a Project and Deciding to Do a Project This project deals with evaluating the effectiveness of the SimMan use in nursing education. SimMan is a human patient simulator developed by Laerdal Medical Corp. It consists of computer software and a mannequin which presents “a lifelike adult or pediatric body...

Scientific Overview of Orthokeratology Technique and Safety

Introduction Orthokeratology is an innovative non-surgical, non-insidious, and adjustable treatment to tenderly reshape the cornea or remove refractive faults. It is also referred to as OK, ortho-k, or vision shaping treatment (CRT). The impressive high-tech improvements in nightwear contact lenses remove myopia, the necessity of reading glasses, as well as...

Legacy Leverage, Urbanism and City Renewal in Sydney and London

It is imperative to note that temporary occasions in cities act as opportunities to leverage legacy within the existing neighborhoods and communities. Notably, the legacy is perceived to cause long-term effects on the environment within host cities (Bramwell 1997, p.169). Therefore, the concept of legacy has been perceived to be...

The Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)

Introduction Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) is a severe disease that has dangerous affects on the fetus and on a born child. Moreover, the abnormal features of this harmful syndrome accompany a person throughout the life span. The biological grounds of the disease are encompassed in the alcoholic effects going on...

The Role of Technology in Architecture

Introduction Technology has become of the fundamental vital aspects in the modern world since it has affected many social, economic and political undertakings. In this regard, it has become a pertinent component of the architectural profession. In the past, architecture was limited to physical conceptualization and actualization of ideas to...

Health Promotion for Obesity in Adults

Introduction This is a health promotion proposal for preventing obesity among adults in the US. People get obesity when they acquire a given body mass index. People with 25-29.9 BMI are considered overweight, whereas others with 30 or more BMI are considered obese. Obesity is related to several chronic conditions...

Health Leadership and Management Innovation

Introduction A patient care facility has the responsibility of delivering health care to patients in a timely, safe and effective manner. However, often, the overcrowded and unpredictable nature of care settings coupled by the fragmentation of care delivery system makes effective care delivery problematic. In particular, medication errors often arise...

White Supremacy and White Privilege in the US and Brazil

Introduction The purpose of the present paper is to compare the phenomena of white supremacy and white privilege in the United States of America and Brazil. It will be seen that oppressive racial disparities in both countries are more similar than what is often perceived. It will be done by...

Information System for the Newton Public Library

Issues in the existing information system of the Newton Public Library The Newton Public Library operates through the kindness and donations of benefactors, especially Mr. Jimmy Chung. Ever since its inception, it has run through the manual or traditional system, except perhaps a few modifications when computers and the Internet...

Asthma: Pharmacology and Medicines Management

Introduction Chronic conditions account for a high proportion of mortality and morbidity in the modern world. Asthma is a chronic condition that has now become a global health issue. The knowledge and management of asthma has however remained a mirage to various stakeholders in the healthcare industry. This is because...

Information Security System for Twinkle Health Organization

Introduction Twinkle Health Centre is a private organization whose main objective is to provide health services to the society. It was established in 2005 and has been running smoothly in its operations particularly in offering health services to patients. However, in the recent past, the organization has had problems with...

Treatment of Opioid Addiction With Buprenorphine

Abstract Opiate dependence is a growing problem in young adults and in patients who have developed addictions while receiving pain management regimens. A major objective of treating patients for their opiate addiction is to suppress withdrawal symptoms while facilitating the detoxification process. Buprenorphine is one of the emerging drugs that...

A Strategic Plan for Troy University

Introduction Troy University (2007) reported that at the beginning, it established as a Teacher’s training school under the state legislation of Alabama and branded as Troy State Normal School in 1887, and after six years of operation, it was renamed as Troy State Normal College. In 1929, the SBE1 shifted...

Budgeting: Discussing Various Methods

Abstract This paper discusses the various budgeting models namely the traditional budgeting model, the zero based budgeting model and the activity based budgeting model. The paper discusses the advantages and disadvantages of each model, and gives a suggestion on the business environment under which each model would be most appropriate....

Internationalization: The Strategic Challenge

For a number of years now, the European steel industry has seen the victorious privatization of one of its last state possessed steel corporations, Spanish Aceralia. The corporation has also seen configuration of the globe’s third major and Europe’s major makers of steel, Thyssen Krupp Stahl (TKS) as well as...

Educational Effectiveness: Basis of the USA System

Introduction How can one measure if an education being served is effective or not? The answer is very simple. Having students who have and are still learning successfully is one of the great measures of the effectiveness of an educational system, however students’ successful learning, of whatever age and on...

Cholera Outbreak in Sierra Leone: Evaluating Public Health Interventions

Executive Summary This paper is a policy brief that explains the urgency of evaluating public health interventions introduced during the 2012 cholera outbreak in Sierra Leone. The problem statement stems from the failure of health agencies and public health stakeholders to follow up on the progress of past health interventions...

Human Microbiome Project Analysis

Introduction The human body has evolved to harbor a variety of microorganisms. There are specific sites that promote the growth or colonization of the microbes which have led to the gradual development of enriched microbial flora. The important sites are skin, nasal epithelium, gastrointestinal tract, and vagina. Bacteria have dominated...

Childhood: The Concept of Social Construction

Jame Allison and Alan Prout argue that changing times and cultural trends give rise to different conceptions of children and childhood. They note that these conceptions have been influenced over time by socio-economic, cultural and religious factors that became dominant at various historical times. Apart from societal ideologies, parental ideas...

Maritime Insurance: A Case Study Law Report

Introduction Operations in most sectors of the economy are regulated by a wide range of legal and other forms of provisions. For example, operators in the banking sector have to adhere to various legislations touching on the industry. Disputes arising in the industry are resolved with the help of these...

Living with Disability in Contemporary Society

Introduction People living with disabilities have historically been viewed as disadvantaged members of society. Until the 18th century, disability was seen by many societies as an expression of witchcraft, demonic possessions, or sin. As such, the disabled person was often ostracized by his/her community (Glowacki (2007: 5). The 21st century...

Person-Centred Care and Interprofessional Practice

Introduction This paper discusses the unfortunate circumstances that learning disabled people faced previously in the days of our fathers and how the care management has changed from institutionalised impersonal management to the deinstitutionalized person centred management of today. A recent incident which occurred stirred my emotions and set me on...

Geology for Development of an Integrated Site

Introduction This paper provides the guidelines on how to develop a model that suits different geological formations for disposing of nuclear waste products. It includes an analysis of different situations that provides the geological understanding of the potential sites using different software tools to conduct the study. In addition, the...

Evaluating the Importance of Community-Based Participatory Research in Health Promotion Processes

Introduction The promotion of a healthy community is an ongoing concern which has assumed an international imperative for governments, policy makers, and practitioners. As we progress through the 21st century, health promotion and health improvement in community settings are first becoming priorities in global and national health policy agendas (Runciman...

Case of Boeing 737-MAX: Safety Issues and Management

Introduction According to customers’ surveys, safety is the main concern for those travelling by air. Interestingly enough, statistically, the chances of perishing due to an airplane crash are meager. Today, they are estimated at one in 11 million for a single person taking a commercial flight. For the sake of...

Operations Management and Production System: Case of Olive Garden Restaurant

Abstract The presented paper is devoted to the discussion of operations management and production system. The given field of knowledge delves into the peculiarities of organizations’ functioning with the primary goal to outline problematic areas and offer positive changes to align the sufficient work. At the same time, as a...

Violence Against Nurses in the Emergency Room

In the present day situations of the health care sector, among the highly complicated as well as perilous risks faced in the workplace is the violence encountered by employees in the place of work. The general idea is formulated partly from the pre-meditated and imaginary fact that violence that is...

Violence in the Caribbean Virgin Islands

Abstract Violence remains a major problem in different regions and islands across the Caribbean. This kind of malpractice affects the integrity of the entire society and discourages people from pursuing their economic and social goals. The paper focuses on the nature and effect of gang violence in the Caribbean and...

Gender Issues and the U.S. Constitutional Law: Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. v. Dukes et al.

Introduction The 21st century has witnessed vast alterations in a range of domains including economic, financial, and legal ones due to the shift in priorities and the extent to which information management has affected the world. Changes to economic relationships between physical persons and entities have had a tangible impact...

Project Management Process: The Distributed Decision System

Introduction A project plan may be defined as a formal, official document created in order to set clear, understandable guidelines for and to provide direction to both project operation as well as project control. The main reasons for creating such a document are to help efficient and productive planning assumptions,...

Teevo Corporation Case Study

Executive Summary Internet technology is by far the most important innovation in the world of communication. The evolution of communication from mere transfer of data to transfer of data, videos and pictures is the latest technology being used by many companies that desire to capitalize on the advantages of internet...

Introduction to Macroeconomics: Investing in Transportation Infrastructure

Introduction The transportation infrastructure is important since it leads to economic growth of countries in the world. It is believed that in the 19th century investments the transportation systems such as the roads, railways, and canals stimulated economic development in the United States of America. There have been the propounded...

Free Admission for Mobility Service Dogs in Shops and Public Institutions

Annotated Bibliography Agran, Martin, et al., editors. Equity and Full Participation for Individuals with Severe Disabilities. A Vision for the Future. Paul H. Brookes Publishing Company, 2014. The book is devoted to discussing issues and challenges that people with severe disabilities are facing and covers other topics that could contribute...

Computer Graphics: Human Animation Methodology

Graphics is basically composed of pixels and colors and it is used to present images and videos. This world is moving so fast and number of new technologies and trends in graphics are changed now, in ancient days graphics was only considered for creating and displaying static images, with the...

Decline With Aging in the Production and Surviveability of Spermatozoa

Introduction “The male reproductive system is composed of the penis, scrotum and the testicles which make the external structure of the system”. The main function of the male reproductive system is to synthesize, maintain and transfer reproductive cells known as the sperm within the semen fluid to the female equivalent...

Cost of Capital to Evaluate New Investment Opportunities

Introduction As the world becomes a global village, with technological advancements and liberalization of trade, many people in the business world are trying to increase and expand their market share whether locally or internationally. Whatever the case when one is seeking a new investment opportunity, extra sources of capital is...

Autistic Children as Vulnerable Population in Maryland

Introduction It is not always the case that children will develop in an expected way. There are times when their mental and physical development results in difficult behavior. Autism is one of these difficult behaviors that result from disturbing development. At first sight, it is very easy to distinguish an...

Career Plan in Nursing

Introduction Nursing is a profession that requires extensive education, skills, special knowledge and preparation to handle the vast and dynamic challenges. Having an orientation towards serving a big organization such as a large metropolitan hospital, a professional is also required to acquire relevant knowledge pertaining to the roles one is...

Stem Cell Debate: Advantages and Disadvantages of Stem Cell Technology

Introduction One of the most prolonged debates in the field of biology is that on stem cells. They refer to undifferentiated cells that have the ability to separate into other types. Commonly found in a multi-cellular organism, those in mammals have two major groups. The first one is embryonic stem...

Customer Relationship Marketing in Business Marketing

Introduction The marketplace has become dynamic due to pressures of scientific advancement, demographic, economical upheavals, social evolution, and global politics. Business organizations are also experiencing changes and thus the marketing role in these organizations is also transforming. Due to these changes organizations are moving from marketing mix focus to relationship...

Collection Development Project: Brisbane Library

Introduction Purpose This project has been done to provide a new way of ordering new books in the library. The library has been facing a lot of challenges in ordering of books this is because some at some point ordered two times. The books also in the library were supposed...

JD Sports and Sports Direct Companies Financial Management

Introduction This paper is divided into two sections. The first part will focus on the financial analysis of two companies, JD Sports Fashion PLC and Sports Direct International PLC. Both are based in the UK but have a presence in other parts of the world and both trade in leisure...

Psychosocial Perspective of Traumatic Amputation

Introduction Traumatic amputation refers to a non-surgical severance of a limb or part of a limb from the trunk of the body. By and large, an amputation can be categorised as either being incomplete, or complete. In complete amputation, the severed ligament is totally detached from the muscle, tissue, or...

The Relevance of DNA Computers in the Modern World

Abstract The amount of digital memory is increasing day by day, while the power potential of typical silicon and other semiconductor transistors is severely limited. The researchers propose as an alternative to use natural biomolecules contained in the organisms of all living things, namely, DNA. DNA, with its unique chemical...

NDA-RWMD Geosphere Characterisation Project

Summary of the Report This is a critical appraisal of the NDA RWMD Geosphere Characterisation Project. The critical appraisal involves a thorough assessment of a report paper to determine the focus or objectives of the study, validity, and reliability of the study methods, the validity of results and generalization of...

Turkey and the EU: Costs and Benefits

Introduction European Union is a political and an economic union located in Europe with a membership of 27 states. It is ruled by 7 associations among them being European council and the court of justice of the European Union. It was established in 1993 by the treaty of Maastricht after...

Managing Financial Risks: Concept, Techniques and Processes

Risk Concept An adverse impact on an organization and its systems if it is created by a possibility or occurrence of an event or activity is called a Risk. If a given threat exploits sensitivities of an asset or cluster of assets that may cause damages or loss to the...

Reduce the Falls in the Aged Care Facility at Amity, Campbell

Abstract This report studies the impact of falls on the elderly population, its impact and the policies and guidelines on fall prevention and provides suggestions to reduce the incidence of falls in the Aged Care Facility at Amity, Campbell Town. The incidence of falls is on the rise world wide,...

Umayyad Islamic Empire: Differences Between the Umayyad and the People They Conquered

Introduction The Islamic community has been dwelling on a patriarchal familial arrangement since time immemorial, and these cultural norms have influenced their societal behaviors.1 Perhaps such cultural norms may have come from the ancient kingdom leadership structures that dominated the Muslim creed for several decades. The Umayyad Caliphates were the...

Efficiency, Implementation, and Use of Co-Teaching

Introduction The sphere of education is one of the most important nowadays, and at the moment, the efficiency of explored approaches is one of the major concerns of the society. The fact is that the enhanced demands for the quality of education and its specific character introduce the need for...

Creative Problem Solving Based on the Emerging Technologies

Introduction In the current competitive business environment, creative problem-solving techniques are critical in enabling a firm to overcome numerous challenges within the internal and external environment. Managers find themselves in situations where they have to embrace paradigm shift when undertaking various administrative duties. Technology has become a major concept and...

Estimating the Time of Death: The Main Factors

Introduction Estimating the time in which a death occurred has become an important aspect of carrying out an investigation. Some deaths occur in mysterious circumstances that leave the family of the bereaved wondering how and when the death occurred. Even though they will have nothing to do to bring the...

Digital Color Techniques Adoption

Introduction Modern technologies never stop developing, and it is why human society keeps moving on the road of progress. Continuous improvement of digital techniques and their application has been able to provide modern people with an opportunity to change their everyday lives. Nowadays, we tend to see nothing unusual in...

Australian Flexible & Diverse Workforce Management

Executive Summary The report presents contemporary workplace issues that human resource managers must handle effective. First, ongoing changes in the workplace require a flexible workforce, which can be achieved through fair work policies at organisations, including telecommuting, flexible schedules and work-life balance among others. The second element shows the importance...

Routine Computed Tomography Scanning Protocols of the Head, Chest and Abdomen

Introduction “The computed tomography (CT) scan is a medical imaging procedure that uses x-rays and digital computer technology to create detailed two or three-dimensional images. Unlike other forms of medical imaging, the CT scan can image every type of body structure at once including bone, blood vessels and soft tissue.”...

History of Batteries, What Is a Battery, Recycling of Batteries

Introduction History of Batteries (Types – Production – Consumption) in Europe, the USA and China One of the most revolutionary ideas at the time of the invention was the battery. A battery is defined as a device where energy is stored and delivered through electrical means. Alessandro Volta invented the...

Fundamental Financial Analysis: A Case of Adidas

Abstract Adidas is a multinational corporation operating in the Global Sportswear Industry. The company has recorded remarkable success in the sportswear and sporting apparel business. It is driven by the mission of being the leader in manufacturing and marketing sports shoes, accessories, and equipment. In 2015, Adidas developed an initiative...

Economic Characteristics Comparison: UAE and India

About the Economies The UAE The UAE was established in 1972 after the merger of six states. The UAE has a vibrant economy. Its performance can be compared to nations in the European region. The country heavily depends on the production and sale of oil, other oil equivalent products, and...

Cirque Du Soleil: Blue Ocean Strategy

Key Drivers of Innovation and Entrepreneurial Opportunities that Contribute to the success of Cirque du Soleil Introduction The present paper is devoted to an analysis of the key innovation drivers that can be regarded as contributors to the success of the Cirque du Soleil (CS). In particular, the paper uses...

Russian Involvement Effects in Eastern Ukraine

Introduction The years 2014 and 2015 were marked by the dramatic escalation of geopolitical tensions between Russia and the U.S. This particular development has been brought about by the 2014 military seizure of political power in Ukraine by the Ukrainian neo-Nazis (supported and financed by the West), and by what...

Vulnerable Population: Disaster Management’ Improvement

Introduction Nowadays, the world experiences continuous changes, and governmental authorities have to design sufficient governmental programs to be prepared for various natural and manmade disasters. The cataclysms with both origins tend to have an adverse and devastating effect on society and infrastructure (Turchetti, Cannizzo, & Trieste, 2012). For example, Hurricane...

Labor Relations Issue: Occupational Health and Safety

Abstract The problem of occupational health and safety is of high significance from both ethical and practical perspectives. Hence, on the one hand, employees have a right to receive consistent protection of their lives and health during work time. On the other hand, employers are interested in high productivity and...

Delmarva Area Farming and Hydroponics System

Introduction Delmarva is a peninsula that is situated at the East Coast of the United States. It covers vast areas of Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia. The farming area is about 24 kilometers long and 113 kilometers wide. It borders Chesapeake Bay on the western side. Delaware River, Delaware Bay, and...

Oil and Gas Exploration in Canada

The Canadian oil and gas industry has attracted a lot of attention from policymakers, environmentalists and the wider public because of its positive and negative impacts on the economy (The Royal Society of Canada, 2010). Traditionally, this industry has been the biggest revenue generator for the government (Britton & Canadian...

Link Between Obesity and Genetics

Background Obesity is one of the main health issues faced by people of all ages. It affects their lives through limitations implemented on the physical activity, associated disorders, and even emotional pressure. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), more than 2 in 3 adults and 1 in 6...

Healthcare IT in Treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases

Introduction Death penalty is also referred to as the capital punishment and involves the executions of offenders through a judicial process. Historically, only capital offenders are liable for such punishments. Among the crimes identified as capital offences include murder, treason and espionage offences. In some countries, rape, adultery and incest...

Dubai Spatial Planning. Population and Urban Growth

Introduction Spatial planning of Dubai involves the public sector function that influences the distribution of activities in the city. The town’s concept consists of creating a more rational organization of the urban center to ensure effective land use and the linkage between them. Spatial planning is essential for Dubai as...

Financial Reform Ethics: Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform

Introduction Passed by the Congress on June 30, 2010, Dodd-Frank Wall Street reform is a landmark legislative alteration to financial supervision which was signed into law by President Barack Obama on the 21st of July, 2010 (Paletta). It is expected to address various system loopholes and weaknesses which have contributed...

Gas Blowouts in Bangladesh and Conflicts That Prevail Due to Gas Blowouts

Introduction The energy sector is crucial for the development of the Bangladesh’s economy. Natural gas has numerous socio-economic benefits such as the generation of power for industrial use and household consumption. Bangladesh is endowed with numerous natural resource reserves that have been exploited by the Niko Resources Limited, a Canadian...

High Plagiarism Rate in Chinese Universities

Introduction Plagiarism is an academic problem that is widespread around the world. Despite the problem being a global one, it is viewed and received differently in various parts of the world. While Westerners are more serious about the issue, their Asian counterparts do not accord it the importance that it...