Plan of Care: Nursing Goals and the Importance of It

Introduction A care plan is essential especially to persons with long-term ailments. Under a care plan, a healthcare professional and a client enter into an agreement for provisions of healthcare services; for instance, nursing services on the day-to-day basis. Since these services are demand-focused, the clients are highly required to...

Mathematics: The Movement of an Engine Piston

Abstract Many people sit comfortably inside a car and enjoy this amazing technology without understanding the driving force behind the motion of a car. Moreover, others may have opened the hood of a car and wondered how this confusing jumble-like metallic structure called the engine, fitted with a mesh of...

Seizures: Types, Manifestations and Treatment

Introduction Epilepsy is the malformation of the neurological character that may cause unprovoked seizures and changes in the behavior, cognitive perception and motor functions of people of all ages. It is the neurological disease from which people worldwide suffer because of epilepsy being a chronic disorder that anyone may have....

North Broward Hospital District: Medical Case Analysis

Introduction The North Broward Hospital District is a public, non-profit, tax-assisted hospital system with a network of more than 35 health care facilities. They offer a full spectrum of services to meet virtually any medical need of Broward County residents in its service area. Broward General Medical Center is part...

Critical Incident Analysis in Teaching

What is a critical incident in teaching and how to write it? Find answers to these questions in our essay sample on critical incident analysis! This paper explores aspects of critical incidents in teaching. Critical Incidents Analysis and Description Introduction Even outside the teaching profession, individuals are faced with incidents...

Business Planning and Analysis

Introduction Business analysis is the detailed examination of business operations in relation to the environment, in order to explain various aspects of a business. The results of the analysis should therefore, be reflected in a business plan. A business plan is a clear outline of a business’s goal and a...

Diabetes Management in Primary Care

Introduction According to Burns, Richardson, and Brady (2010), type-2 diabetes is classified as one of the common lifestyle diseases known to be more prevalent among the elderly. This does not necessarily mean that children cannot fall victim to the disease. Type 2 diabetes is becoming increasingly common not only in...

Private Equity in the Business World

Introduction In today’s business environment, capital happens is regarded by many as one of the most important resources (Padget 2011). One way through which companies are able to finance their business ventures is through private equity (PE). According to Snider and Howards (2010), private equity is treated as capital drawn...

Aldus Corporation’s Marketing Strategy

Introduction This report examines the marketing strategies as applied in Aldus Corporation. The corporation operates in the computer software development industry since its establishment in 1984. In spite of the successes that the firm initially enjoyed, changes in the business environment led to reduced sales revenues hence need to change...

Medicine: On Medical Malpractice

Milestone One Introduction Medical malpractice has always been one of the most complicated investigation subjects due to a variety of pitfalls when resolving a court case. As a result, a single case can be addressed in court for several years, followed by several appeals. A prime example of such a...

Refugees as an Urban Phenomenon in Canada

Abstract Globalization has changed the context of migration in recent years. Individuals may voluntarily seek to leave their home countries for better opportunities. The United Nations High Commission on Refugees (UNHCR) recognized the changing patterns of migration now that wars and conflicts are reduced. The attraction posed by urban centers...

Levels of Phytoestrogens, Inorganic Trace- Elements, Natural Toxicants and Nitrate in Vegetarian Diets

Abstract Vegetarian diet s were sampled in winter (19) and summer (16) and evaluated to determine the concentrations of nitrate, 13 phytoestrogens, two glycoalkaloids, 12 trace elements and 3 furanocoumarins. Hydrolysed and non-hydrolysed assessment techniques were applied in Phytoestrogens. The average total isoflavone levels in diets, exclusive of hydrolysis, were...

Titanium Diboride Materials Selection Paper

Introduction Titanium Diboride is a hard compound that consists of Titanium and Boron. Titanium Diboride is useful in designing various products (Huber, 3000). One such product is a capacitor. Apart from capacitors, Titanium Diboride is used in the making of extremely hard materials such as army wares and ceramic cutting...

Adidas Services Marketing Strategy

Introduction The presented service idea is strongly associated with the global pandemic, which has greatly influenced the international and domestic markets (Texel, 2020). This paper proposes a service marketing strategy based on these factors and the characteristics of the new service idea presented in the previous paper. It provides a...

Internationalization in France: French Business Culture

Culture consists of various components including values, norms, attitudes, perceptive, language and behaviors. Different cultures have definite attributes that are associated with their cultures and this attributes are learned and shared by the people in a community. Apart from cultures being dynamic, they provide a basis for a people’s way...

Introduction to Macroeconomics: Investing in Transportation Infrastructure

Introduction The transportation infrastructure is important since it leads to economic growth of countries in the world. It is believed that in the 19th century investments the transportation systems such as the roads, railways, and canals stimulated economic development in the United States of America. There have been the propounded...

Aspects Related to Business Ethics

Introduction Ethics can be defined as a philosophical treatment of a moral order or the values that relate to human conduct with respect to the rightness and wrongness of a specific action. There are various codes of ethics established to govern different practices for example nursing, teaching and business codes...

Data Assets Management of LuLu Hypermarkets System

Executive Summary The report provides an analysis of the data assets management of LuLu hypermarkets system. The main advantages and disadvantages of the system are identified. Despite the fact that the implemented scheme provides ample opportunities for manipulating atomized data and changing their format and presentation method as necessary, it...

Risk Management Strategies of Bank of America

Introduction Bank of America’s (hitherto will be referred as BOA) management governance design facilitates it to administer all chief features of their business through review and planning process that involve risk, strategic, associate, customer and financial planning. BOA is able to enhance its profitability by administering risks on its client’s...

ABC Manufacturing Company’s Project

Introduction Technology is redefining the approach that manufacturers take to run various activities. One of the main areas of manufacturing that has been redefined by the emerging technologies is in warehousing. Firms are moving away from the manually-managed warehouses to automated warehouses because of the need for efficiency and reliability....

Dementia – The Disease of the Older Generation

Introduction Dementia was an illness which consisted of a group of symptoms characterized by reduction in memory, impairment in the reasoning skills and slow decline of skills required for daily living. Changes in the brain, both structural and biochemical, caused these illnesses. The condition was defined as “a syndrome due...

Ways of Designing Human-Computer Interaction

Introduction In the book by Shneiderman and Plaisant (2010), designing Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) is the science of studying and structuring interaction between users and the devices or machines such as computers. It’s a process that requires proper planning, incorporates numerous fields of disciplines such as the study of computer science,...

Hedge Funds and Financial Markets in Africa and USA

Introduction This paper investigates issues involved in financial markets in both Africa and North America and what is fast becoming a global economic village as countries are becoming interconnected and economies becoming more and more converged. Financial markets in North America are more juxtaposed and epitomized than anywhere in the...

Strategic Financial Management: The Link Between Valuation and Financial Decisions

Introduction Valuation is an important concept in finance. Studies on this subject have contributed to the existing knowledge on financial decisions in different firms. Valuation approaches are deeply rooted in literature where many researches and theories have been formulated to address the same topic. The relationship between the capital structure...

Zero Based Budgeting in Municipalities

Introduction Zero-Based Budgeting is an operational planning and budgeting process that requires managers to justify their entire budget request in detail from scratch. Zero-based budgeting is that technique of decision-making that is the inverse of the current traditional working process. In the standard traditional incremental budgeting, to which ZBB is...

D-Day and The Second World War

Introduction The end of World War II arguably marked the start of one of the most peaceful eras in human history because there has been no other war that compares in scope and magnitude. This conflict set two groups of world superpowers against each other – the axis and the...

Vulnerable Population in Modern Society

Despite the civilization conditions, the economic wealth of any country, and some other factors, the vulnerable population will always be present in society. Many people became vulnerable during various dangerous natural or manmade disasters and catastrophes. The following paper is to cover different reasons that make populations vulnerable under the...

Idealistic Philosophies of I. Kant and G. Hegel

Introduction As of today, the gnoseological methodologies of Immanuel Kant and George Hegel are being strongly associated with the concept of a so-called German philosophical idealism. Nevertheless, despite the fact that this concept is now being commonly assumed as such that represents essentially the idealistic philosophy of Greco-Roman antiquity, adapted...

Heathrow Airport’s Service Operations Management

Background Service quality refers to the perceptions that customers have on the expected quality of services provided. In most airports, service quality is a necessary tool as it enables the assessment of the level of satisfaction that customers have (Johnston 2005, p. 1304). Heathrow airport is the largest and busiest...

Shoplifting: a Crime of Convenience

Abstract A limited, simple observation study was completed as a portion of a psychology major course requirement toward the completion of a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology. The observation study was conducted over a period of six hours in an open-air market at the vacation destination location of Key West, Florida,...

Definition and Development of Marketing Ethics

Abstract The earliest structured argument about the use of ethical principles in business choices dates back to the 1960s (Sele, 2006). However, the notions of Corporate Social Responsibility established in that period vary substantially from our contemporary perspective. Actually, today academicians and practitioners distinguish that business has a duty to...

Impacts of Nutrition on the Development of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Abstract Type 2 diabetes mellitus is one of the most prevalent chronic diseases internationally. Some of the causes of T2DM include preventable factors like smoking, lack of physical exercise, and dietary habits. The objective of this paper is to determine the effects of nutrition on the development of T2DM. Data...

The Crisis in UK Banking of 2007-2008

Project’s overall aims and objectives The combination of major economic shocks and the unprecedented global policy response to the banking crisis has generated exceptional uncertainties for households, businesses and governments across the world, and therefore economic forecast. Forecasts made at times when economies are reaching cyclical peaks or troughs typically...

Value Chain Management: The Pricing Strategy

Introduction Most companies in the world of capitalism always want more. They want more profit, more shareholder value, and more market share, among others. The realizations of these objectives have been attained through the successful initiation, development and management of a variety of factors that include value chain management in...

Chernobyl Disaster’s Socio-Economic and Environmental Impact

Introduction Over two decades ago, the world witnessed the most serious nuclear accidents in the history of mankind. The accident occurred on 26 April 1986, when an explosion occurred as a result of a technical mistake from the nuclear power plant. This accident changed many people’s lives as huge amount...

Management Information Systems in Small Businesses

Introduction Information Technology and all its components is, arguably, the best invention of all times. The current generation relies on IT in almost every aspect of life and its use touches all realms of human development. Its use in the business world has led to the success of many businesses...

Duke Ellington and Francis Bacon: Comparative Analysis

Duke Ellington Duke Ellington was an American composer and performer. He was born on April 29, 1899. At this period of time, the Wright Brothers were trying to build the first sustained flight with a powered, controlled aircraft. Aviation history can be found online Aviation history, no date. Black people...

Cultural Difference: United Kingdom and Pakistan

Introduction The world is slowly becoming a global village. Globalization and technological advancement have contributed highly to this state. Before, individuals related highly to their countries or regions. Today, the trend is being replaced by a state where individuals identify themselves as global citizens. The trend toward global citizenship is...

The History of Nokia’s Creation and Becoming an Influential Brand

Introduction In this assignment we will show some background of Nokia and demonstrate what problem it is facing in a current environment and what it needs to change, we will also develop possible solutions that Nokia might use to solve it. Our assignment will also include the evidence and concerns...

Youth Obesity In Clark County in Vancouver Washington

Abstract This research project investigates the public health challenge of obesity among youths in Clark County. Clark County has traditionally experienced high prevalence rates of obesity that are proportionally higher than other similar Counties among the youths. Currently, the County has a prevalence rate of obesity of 38% in adults...

Identities, Gender & Sexuality: Linguistic Anthropology

Throughout the course of the second half of the twentieth century, the discussion of how one’s identity is being formed and also how possession of such an identity affects the existential mode of a concerned individual, had become strongly associated with the methodological framework of linguistic anthropology’s discourse. This can...

Relational Database Management Systems in Business

In the recent past, a manager of almost any small organization has (and sometimes still is) able to keep track of necessary data by using a manual file system. As long as the collection of data was relatively small and an organization’s managers had few reporting requirements, the manual system...

Data Generation Method in Foreign Language Learning

Introduction Learning a foreign language is often regarded as the constant process of learning by heart the new words, grammar rules, exceptions from these rules etc. Nevertheless, the teaching practice reveals the fact that the learning process depends on the motivation of the students, the professional approach of the teacher,...

Which Country Has Better Education: Australia or USA?

Abstract What comports a quality education? Is it just the first rate grades one gets on paper upon graduating, or is it more holistic? Is a university education worth getting at any price, even if it means the student will have loans to pay for years to come? With these...

How Has Feminism Influenced the Art of Animation?

Introduction It has been suggested that animation is even older than live-action, or motion picture — its more popular and more commercial counterpart in the film industry but it has been accorded of less importance not only in formal discourse but also in theory so that up until recently, it...

Obesity Problem in the United States

Question of Judgment: What is the best way to address obesity in the United States? This requires a question of judgment because this is a subject for discussion and debate: obesity is the number one health problem in the United States today. We will be seeking the best answer within...

Usage of Images in the Marketing Sector

Outline Images have been used by different cultures, nations, and organizations as symbols that give them an identity. The symbols are usually unique emblems that distinguish a group from the other. These symbols may have different meanings to other groups but possess a significant identity to the users. The symbols...

How to Address Obesity in the United States

Obesity is a disease that leads to other killer diseases. America must face it as a dangerous foe in the twenty-first century. These are facts and no exaggeration. What are the other facts? America is an advanced nation, a leader of the world, economically, politically, and as a nation it...

Media Industries Development Scenario

Abstract A public relations research paper which details the current scenario of electronic media and print media in the Asian countries of Australia, Malaysia and Japan. The newspapers for Malaysia, Australia and Japan are The Star, The Sun Herald and the Asahi respectively. Their online and print presence is analyzed...

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Effectiveness for the Treatment of Generalised Anxiety Disorder

Abstract According to the United States National Institute of Mental Health (2009), Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) has been defined as “an anxiety disorder characterized by chronic anxiety, exaggerated worry, and tension, even when there is little or nothing to provoke it.” The prevalence of GAD, along with the associated incidence...

How Financial Crisis Affected Supply Chain Organization?

Executive summary The objective of this research study was to assess how the current global financial crisis has had an impact on planning activities in the supply chain and contract management of four selected supply chain organizations in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada: ATCO, SYSCO, Wal-Mart, and GFS. In order to facilitate...

Toyota Company: Project Performance Management

Executive summary Strategic management is an important facet of any given organization. The strategy in most cases normally has enduring allegations. In most scenarios, the line of attack is bequeathed to a strategic business (SBU) where the inventiveness are clustered into portfolios of schemes and ventures. The proposals and projects...

Business-to-Business Service Retailer in Automotive Industry

Executive summary In the dynamic world of marketing, along with the selling of products, service marketing is also becoming a common scenario. This constitutes the necessity of advertisement and other sort of promotional tools with greater specialization and selling effort. Nowadays, all businesses in the world tend to spend a...

Disadvantages Faced by Multinational Corporations in Markets

Outline Due to invention of highly developed technology business community has more and more become a unit and as a consequence, global business is the present form of trade in this 21st century. Also due globalization concept there have been immense disregard to countrywide boundaries, the governments of many countries...

Love and fear of the Modern Boss

The article poses the age old question as to which is a more apt leadership style: autocratic or a more benevolent and democratic approach. Snook demonstrates the different leadership styles from a historical perspective. He states that in the 1950s the leadership style was more autocratic with reward and punishment...

Dividend Policy in Business

Rights issues Selling of ordinary shares to the existing shareholders of the company to raise capital is called right issues. The law necessitates that the new ordinary shares must be first issued to the existing shareholders on a pro rata basis. Shareholders through a special resolution can forfeit this pre-emptive...

Published Profit and Loss and Cash Flow Statements

Introduction According to the American Accounting Association (AAA) it states that accounting refers to the process of identifying, measuring and communicating the economic information so that it can allow the making of informed decisions and judgment that they can be used by the users of the accounting information. The accounting...

Sassoon: Binary Vision and Repression Trench Experience

Introduction and Thesis statement Siegfried Sassoon is regarded as the preeminent war poet of the 20th Century. His works offer graphic narratives of the violence and brutality of war. What is ironic is that his background of wealth and privilege was about as far from the destitution of war that...

Managing Risk: Risks Faced by Multinational Companies

Multinational Companies are the companies that manage the production establishment or delivery services in at least two or more countries. They have a budget that exceeds more than those of other countries and have a powerful influence on international relations and the local economies. They have branches in many countries...

Bertelsmann AG: The Way to Success

Introduction Bertelsmann AG is a corporation that is based in Germany and was founded in 1835. It conducts its business in almost 63 countries as of the end of the year 2007 and has 102, 397 employees. The company primarily serves and markets media as it is included in the...

Evangelism in Christians Analysis

Introduction Evangelism is the endeavor of Christians to convert people who do not believe in Christianity or who belong to other religions to convert to Christianity. Evangelism has its historical background because it was started in the 19th century in the historical era of ‘The Great Awakening.’ However, in modern...

Information Communication Technology and Managerial Work

Introduction Information communication technology (ICT) essentially means technology used for communication in any situation. It can include any system or gadget that can be used as a communication tool. The telephone and the telegraph were the early examples of ICT. In a sense even the postal system is a form...

The Comparative Analysis of the Translation Theories

Introduction To carry out the comparative and contrastive analysis of the development course of translation theory during the period of the second half of the 20th century, it would be relevant to suggest regarding two theoretical perspectives of translation theories which represent different approaches to translation of this particular period...

Samsung Mobile in the UK Analysis

Executive Summary In the modern world of communication & technology, we cannot think of a day without a mobile phone. It becomes part and parcel of our daily life. Samsung is the most dependable and attractive in the mobile phone market in the United Kingdom. Samsung phone’s features, style, and...

Role and Importance of Human Resource Management

Introduction Mergers and acquisitions are common types of strategic alliances aimed to improve strategic position of the company and its competitiveness. The article”Factors affecting the role of HR managers in international mergers and acquisitions” by Antila and Kakkonen vividly portrays the role and importance of human resource management in international...

School Improvement. Professional Learning Community

Introduction The concept of a “professional learning community,” perhaps most ubiquitously understood at present within the framework proposed by Richard Dufour and Robert Eaker (1998), has captured the collective imagination of North American educators with its promise of fundamentally altering teaching, learning, and the generally stifling bureaucracy and individualism that...

Managing Projects and Its Principles

Introduction Project management is a process that uses carefully planned and organized efforts that seek to accomplish specified aspects of a project. A project has been defined as any work that happens once with a clear begging and a clear end and which has an intention of creating an impact...

American and Romanian Cross-Cultural Psychology

Introduction Researchers are increasingly encountering the need to accommodate diverse and multicultural environments as well as to apply their methods and results in unfamiliar cultures. This trend is particularly prevalent in disciplines that work with people directly, such as the social and psychological sciences. As such, the topic of evaluating...

A Care Home’s Business Analysis and Planning

Introduction The population of the elderly people in the United Kingdom and many other developed countries in Europe and North America has been in a consistent rise over the past decades. Improved healthcare systems, technological development among other human development index factors have extended life expectancy in these countries (Goodwin...

Supply Chain Management and Voko-Ninja

Abstract Supply chain management (SCM) is an important organisational concept that describes all processes connected to developing a product, managing supplier relationships, working with distributors and ensuring that customers are satisfied. The broad scope of tasks and issues that SCM resolves within an organisation implies a need to use the...

Omani Oil and Petroleum Company: The Decision About Which Markets to Enter

Introduction Globalisation is one of the forces in the external market environment that a firm cannot control. The emerging technologies in the field of communication and transport have made it possible for companies to explore foreign markets as a means of achieving growth. In Oman, various foreign firms have set...

Transformational Change: Case Study

Transformation can be challenging for any organisation, regardless of its size, the target market, or experience. To assist the management in the process of transformational change, scholars have developed a number of models that help to plan and implement change in any organisation. The two organisations that will be considered...

Talent Management Strategies of Marks and Spencer

Introduction Talent management is an essential tool that can contribute to an organization’s success by enhancing performance, innovation, and employee motivation. This practice is especially valuable for large firms working in highly competitive business environments. Marks and Spenser (M&S) is an international retail company based in London, United Kingdom. Over...

Intramurals vs. Mainstream College Sports

College sports are usually referred to any sports activities and competitions held for students either in the form of intramurals, “within walls”, or extramural, mainstream college sports. Both having their pros and cons, intramurals and extramural sports are likely to be compared in various aspects, particularly from the psychological point...

Urban Sociology in an Urbanized Society

Sociology Essays What is meant by the concept of multinucleated metropolitan regions and how is it different from urban development of the past? Explain the socio-spatial approach to urban Sociology and the links with global capitalism, the real estate industry, government policies, pull factors, the social organization of settlement space,...

AirAsia Company’s Business Excellence

The rationale for selecting AirAsia The basis for picking AirAsia as the low-cost company for the study is due to the competitive nature of the South Asian market (Heracleous, Wirtz, & Pangarkar, 2005) The new entrants into the market like Malindo Air who seem to duplicate the company’s strategies have...

Nature vs. Nurture in Child Psychology

Introduction Children depend wholly on their parents or guardians for support and care. At birth, they have hereditary material (genetic effects) acquired from their parents, and as they grow, they experience the influence of the psychological, social, and physical settings (environmental aspects). Children develop quickly in all spheres of life:...

Photography as Kind of Art

Photography is an art and a science. Reflectively, the process is more than just capturing images. Instead, balancing, coloration, proportionality, and introduction of effects determine the quality of an outcome. To produce a masterpiece, experience, and understanding of the CameraCamera is necessary. Over the years, my passion for cameras has...

Earth Science and Geographical Features

Pros and Cons of Using Fluorite in Jewelry Pros Fluorite is a semi-precious earth mineral of the family of calcium fluoride and it is part of the gemstone group of minerals. Although fluorite is a common stone that gemologists often consider unsuitable for the making of jewelry, this mineral has...

Amazon Company’s Competitive Influence

Executive Summary is an online retail company that has been in existence since 1994. Over the years, has been able to achieve tremendous online retail success, but recent years have seen the company struggle to distinguish itself in the market (due to increased competition). However, this paper notes...

Eco-Friendly Packaging and Sustainability Issues

Deliverable A: Process Introduction The concept of sustainability has become the central focus of many entities because of the need to protect the environment. Global warming and climate change were considered theories that meant very little to the business society about five decades ago. Developed countries were keen on promoting...

Airport Security: Motivation System

Introduction Airport security is currently one of the most pressing concerns in the aviation sector. Numerous past incidents and accidents have been blamed on security lapses, some of which claimed hundreds of innocent lives. As technology advances, the piloting of planes and inspecting of people and cargo is becoming simple...

PESTLE Analysis and the Resource-Based Theory

Introduction Organizations often determine their intended objectives and goals before establishing their specific course of action to help them accentuate and realize their goals. However, the most appropriate course of action can only be verified after a thorough analysis of the industry’s characteristics to determine the forces that influence its...

Starbucks Company’s Branding: Cultural Phenomenon

Introduction Branding is a very important tool for the marketing purposes of any business. In entails a lot more than just giving a product a name. For instance, Starbucks branding is a long-term strategy of relational advertising and it helps in creating relationships between the companies manufacturing the product, the...

Asian Hotel Industry and Digital Marketing Strategy

Introduction Industry background Emerging technologies have redefined marketing. One of the new areas of marketing that have emerged due to new technologies in digital marketing. Digital marketing is an important and ever-growing area of interest and a key component of marketing plans and business strategy in modern society where technology...

Ford Motors Company: Corporate Governance

Introduction The issue of governance has been proved to be of paramount importance for organisations that wish to remain competitive in the ever-changing market. Organisations have to embrace it in an effort of attaining their goals and objectives. Corporate governance is an important part of any organisation. Many definitions have...

Price, Income, and Advertising Regression Analysis

Introduction As a definition, regression analysis is a statistical tool that is used to develop and approximate linear relationships among various variables. Regression analysis formulates an association between several variables. When coming up with the model, it is necessary to separate between dependent and independent variables. The model generated is...

Etihad Airways’ Passenger Self-Service Project

Introduction The most renowned value of the project management is its ability to achieve the strategic objectives without the disruption of the working process. It is especially important in the air transportation industry because the stable and secure course of ‘business as usual’ defines the quality of the service. The...

Skrill Limited Company: Leadership and Management

Introduction Skrill is an e-commerce business that allows its customers to make payments through the internet. This financial firm was founded on July 27, 2001, under the name Moneybookers. It targeted customers in the European Union during the early days. The firm offered its clients a unique payment method that...

How Is Social Media Affecting College Students?

Introduction Social network sites, such as Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter, are presently being used frequently by millions of people around the world. The use of social network websites has been extensive that they have not just attracted the interest of industry and academic researchers all over the world, but also...

Royal Caribbean Limited Company’s Research Process

Research Methods & Processes Justification of the selection of the research methods and processes The systematic processes applied in the planning of actions and the subsequent analysis of data play an important role in any research process. They form the basis for understanding how the project was carried and the...

The Economic Effects of Oil Prices

Abstract Oil prices rise and fall depending on the demand and supply of the commodity in the market. Several factors affect demand and supply and a balance of these two is required in order to keep prices stable (Hansen, 2005). Due to uncertainties in oil supply, strategic oil reserves are...

Marriott Hotels: Organisational Leadership and Strategy

Introduction Background of Study The key objective of this research paper is to analyze the role of leadership in a complex and global hospitality industry. In order to do so, this paper selects Marriott Hotel International in order to discuss the affect of leadership on this global organization. Marriott International...

Habitat for Humanity and Its Activities

Introduction Habitat for Humanity refers to a nonprofit organization that is devoted to building simple, decent, and affordable housing affordable for homeless individuals. Most of the homes are built by volunteers and are then sold at no profit, where no interest is charged on them. This organization was founded in...

Supply Chain Management and Logistics Comparison

Differences between supply chain management and logistics Marketing is one of the most significant functions in any business organization. Marketing has a significant impact on the success of a business (Horch, 2009). Marketing involves a number of activities. Among the activities are the supply chain management (SCM) and logistics. The...

“The Recess Queen” a Book by Alexis O’Neill

Summary of the story The recess queen story is about recess and playing with other children. The book is about schoolyard bully who is lightened through gentleness and friendship. The Mean Jean is regarded as the recess queen in the story as depicted in the words, “Mean Jean the Recess...