Positive and Negative Effects of the Second World War

Introduction War is a great disaster for mankind as it leads to numerous deaths. The world is full of different armed conflicts and local wars which are devastating. Still, looking at the history of mankind, it is possible to remember the most destructive wars, the First World War and the...

World War II: Causes, Objectives, and Lessons Learned

What were Hitler’s reasons and objectives for starting down the road to war? Hitler sought to conquer new lands for the good of the Volk or German people to expand its territory and influence. The ultimate goal was focused on establishing the “Aryan” race as a superior nation in the...

Technology and Warfare

It has been a long-held view of many historical military strategists, as well as modern military historians, that despite changes in technology and their effect on the way war is practiced the fundamentals of warfare remain the same. Several modern strategists disagree, but their arguments are less than convincing. Though...

“Come September”: A Perspective on September 11 Made by Arundhati Roy

The speech “Come September” by Arundhati Roy touches on the various negative events that took place on September 11th in the US, Latin America, India, and the Middle East. At the beginning of the speech, he talks about the Twin Tower attack that took place one year prior to Roy’s...

The Hybrid Warfare Concept and Challenges

Introduction Hybrid warfare has become a point of interest of military strategists and theorists in the 21st century. This essay aims to describe the concept of hybrid warfare and its relation to asymmetric warfare. It will be argued that hybrid warfare is often utilized by insurgents to offset their weaknesses...

World War I: History and Causes

Introduction World War I was one of the most important events in the history of the world and globalization. According to Roe (2015), The First World War was in many senses an “apocalypse for the world that existed before 1914” (p. 1). It was truly the Great War, which involved...

Foundations of Army Leadership

Good leadership is important for the success and continuity of any organization. In particular, the army holds leadership in high regard and strives to create efficient leaders. The responsibility of army leaders is to guide their juniors by providing them with purpose and motivation. Additionally, army leadership is founded on...

Social Changes Caused by World War II

A tragedy of a massive scale that was World War II pushed human civilization into a new era that was marked by several shifts in societal norms. It has changed the way of life for numerous countries as they were left in a chaotic, exhausted state. However, World War II...

Why World War II Was Inevitable

World War II was the most global war in human history. Taking place all over the world, it inflicted more casualties on humanity than any other war. During the hostilities, numerous war crimes took place on all fronts, and even now the war remains an important topic in political discussions....

Elements of an Ethos of Conflict in “Six Day War”

The formation of the State of Israel led to numerous conflicts in the Middle East. The fighting against it began almost immediately after the proclaimed independence of the country, with Syria and Egypt acting as principal opponents. Israel had constant border conflicts with Syria, leading to large-scale military operations (Goodman,...

World War II, Its Causes and Long-Term Effects

Introduction The Second World War was an upheaval that involved almost every region across the world from 1939 to 1945. Having claimed the lives of over 40 million people, this conflict must have been catalyzed by numerous unresolved issues that affected different parts of Europe for many years. The biggest...

Osama bin Laden’s Letter to America

Bin Laden’s letter to America in November 2002 is an attempt to justify his intention to attack and wage war on the United States, based on his belief system. As such, it is highly biased. Bin Laden lays out his views of Allah, Islam, the Quran, the USA’s corruption, and...

The Wars by Timothy Findley

Introduction It is worth noting that the action of the novel written by Timothy Findley occurs during World War I. The plot of the book unfolds around the story of the short life and tragic death of Robert Ross. He goes to fight in Europe as a volunteer to escape...

The Israel-Palestinian Conflict and Its Solution

Introduction The Israel-Palestinian conflict is a dispute between Israel and Palestinians and has been going for a long time. Its root cause is the two entities trying to have control of the same piece of land. The conflict has a long history which dates back to 1850 when the land...

World War II Was a Continuation of World War I

The Treaty of Versailles was the fundamental agreement which marked the end of World War 1 (WWI). However, it destabilized the German economy throughout the 1920s, and intense animosity between European powers resulted. Ordinary citizens of Germany believed that the country was betrayed by the politicians who signed what they...

World War II Was Avoidable

Introduction World War II was a global war that lasted between 1939 and 1945. It was fought between two military alliances that included the Allies and the Axis. The Axis alliance comprised Japan, Italy, and Germany while the Allies alliance constituted France, the United States, Great Britain, and China. The...

Second World War: Cause and Technology

Introduction This essay discusses the major cause of the Second World War. According to the case findings, the appeasement policy can be singled out as having prompted the start of the war. Further, the paper explains how the technological advancements in the Second World War have shaped modern warfare in...

The Crusades: Origins, Purpose, and Effects

Introduction The Crusades refer to a series of battles by Christians in Western Europe to retake the Holy Land from Muslims. The Crusades activities started in 1096 and the late thirteenth century marked their end (Morton, 2020). The word “crusade” was first used to refer to European efforts to reclaim...

World War II, Its Origins and Consequences

World War II was a global tragedy on a massive scale. That conflict lasted for six years and led to numerous losses, atrocities, and political and ideological shifts across the world. Still, like all events, it has its causes and effects, shaping the world to become the place that it...

The Cruelty of the Lebensborn Program

Introduction The Holocaust is one of the most traumatic and terrible chapters in human history. The policy of Nazi Germany was the result of many psychological issues of many generations, divided families, and left a big mark in history. One of the significant parts of this period is the Lebensborn...

Nazis and Khmer Rouge: Comparison

Introduction Nazis that operated in Germany and Europe and the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia have been regarded as the most brutal and despotic military dictatorships in recent times. These regimes had extremely narrow tolerance for people who did not belong to their concept of race and undertook widespread massacres of...

“The Power of the Pen” by Malala Yousafzai

Introduction There are so many aspects of a speech that contribute to making it good or bad. However, this depends on the subject of the speech and the audience to whom the speech is intended. A teenage girl named Malala Yousafzai gave a speech addressing the rights of women and...

Trench Warfare During World War I

WWI became one of the fundamental events in the history of humanity and its further evolution. It resulted in the millions of victims, radical changes in the world order, collapse and emergence of new states, and stimulated the evolution of science. Thus, the emergence and fast development of new arms...

Application of Mission Command Principles: Operation Anaconda Case Study

Operation Anaconda, conducted in 2002 by a joint military team of the US Army, Northern Alliance, and friendly Afghan troops, is an example of a complex operation that requires consolidation and joint command. The military forces involved in the operation were commanded to destroy the military Taliban formations based in...

South Africa in World War II

Introduction South Africa is not a country typically associated with active participation in the World War II today. Yet, without South African ports, thousands of Allies’ troops would not have reached the Middle East theatre. The notion of South Africa’s role in that conflict surprises many people, who believe that...

Origin and Course of the Cold War

Introduction The Cold War came as a consequence of conflict between capitalist and communist communities. Severe strife between non-communist and communist countries caused the Cold War. People named the war “Cold War” simply because the battle never caused hot or armed violence. During the end of the Second World War,...

Pacific Theater of World War II

Introduction Pacific theater of World War II is also referred to as the Asia Pacific War. The Japanese first dealt with the Pearl Harbor, it was then that they were able to obtain power in such a way that they could control the areas around the Pacific Ocean and the...

Nationalism as a Cause of World War I

Introduction World War I is the greatest event that affected the world at the beginning of the 20th century. This paper will reveal some of its triggers and identify how the USA was engaged in the war. In particular, attention will be paid to the major forces that led to...

Iranian Revolution and Terrorism: the Rex Cinema Massacre

377 people burn alive in a horrible arson at the Rex Cinema in Abadan The night of August 19 in Abadan started almost as usual. The unusual and quite disturbing thing was the fact that the controversial film Gavaznha was on at Rex Cinema. “I wanted to watch the film...

Ethical Responsibilities of Scientists

Undoubtedly, scientists are responsible for their inventions, and they should understand that their achievements may be both beneficial and harmful for humanity. Even if they create something in the name of technical progress, it is essential to foresee the possible consequences, such as the destruction of cities and deaths of...

Realist Theory View on World War II

The realist theory is used to evaluate international relations, and its basic principle is that states are the only actors with the power to affect international relationships. Additionally, during times of war, nations act as one voice; hence there is no internal division that would indicate the different viewpoints on...

The 26/11 Terrorist Attack on Mumbai

The instance of a terrorist act is always a tragic occurrence since, especially when it results in a tremendous number of casualty and the deaths of innocent civilians. Although the very fact of a perpetrator threatening the lives of numerous people creates a sense of deeply seated insecurity within the...

The Battle of Britain During World War II

Introduction The Battle of Britain was the first large-scale military campaign in history to be fought exclusively in the air. It was part of World War II with the Royal Air Force (RAF) defending the United Kingdom (UK) against attacks by the German air force, Luftwaffe. The battle took place...

The Eulogy for the White Hat Burial Ceremony

Today is the day I have been waiting for a long time, and it is both sad and joyous because it is time to say goodbye to something extremely important to me, my White Hat. The journey to come to this moment was challenging, and I want to thank everyone...

The Conflict between Russia and Chechnya

Introduction Russia which was formerly the Soviet Union (USSR) was a constituent of several republics which included Chechnya. Russia has continued to express its interest on controlling Chechnya owing to the control Chechnya has on its rich mineral land that’s famous for oil deposits and other valuable minerals like sulphur...

Behavioural Detection and Other Technologies in Aviation Security

Introduction Many industries today face the challenge of detecting and preventing terrorism. The challenge is not significantly different for the commercial air travel sector. However, it can be acknowledged that the aviation industry remains a high-profile target for terrorist organizations. Airport security and screening have, in response to increased threats,...

D-Day and The Second World War

Introduction The end of World War II arguably marked the start of one of the most peaceful eras in human history because there has been no other war that compares in scope and magnitude. This conflict set two groups of world superpowers against each other – the axis and the...

Japan After World War II: Main Events and Modifications

Introduction World War II represents a series of events that led to the contemporary global society, raised numerous challenges for the cultures, brought many sorrows and defeats, and became a turning point in world history. Different countries experienced various post-war consequences, which depended on which side the nations were on...

The Rape of Nanking

Introduction War is the largest evil ever to have been invented by human beings. All the rage and horror of war is usually manifested in the treatment that civil citizens of the contesting countries get from their rivals. This aspect of the World War II stands no criticism as far...

The Iraq War, Its Causes and Opposition

Introduction The United States’ involvement in the Iraq war has been a matter of international attention for over the last one decade. The issue of the Iraq war has been revisited time over time in reference to the various issues it has led to globally. Recently, the war in Iraq...

Reinhard Heydrich and the Final Solution

The topic I would like to know more about is Reinhard Heydrich’s involvement in the final solution and his hatred towards the Jews, as well as his assassination history. Reinhard Heydrich was a high-ranking Nazi official and one of the main architects of the Holocaust. He was born in 1904...

Second Battle of El Alamein

The second Battle of El Alamein is one of those battles that is still being discussed; especially many hypotheses are being built about whether General Rommel would have won over the British. The second Battle of El Alamein was a complex battle, in which, however, it was the outcome of...

The Outcomes of World War II: Impact of Technology

World War II’s scientific and technical achievements were among the most profound and long-lasting consequences of a conflict that altered every element of society, from economics to justice to the nature of combat itself. More than 30 nations were involved in World War II, which occurred between 1939 to 1945...

Over the Top by Empey: Book Analysis

World War I was the first global military conflict; it resulted in millions of human casualties, the fall of three empires, and ultimate changes in international politics. While many historians around the world are still preoccupied with studying its legacy, one of the ways to learn about the war’s horrors...

Enigma and Its Decoding

Introduction With the advent of telegraph and radio communications in the XX century, the interception of messages became commonplace. At the same time, the complexity of ciphers and volumes of correspondence significantly increased the risk of errors during encryption. The story of Enigma and its decoding might be among the...

The Events of 9/11 from a Sociological Standpoint

September 11 aroused not only national grief, pride, and rage, but also a prevalent feeling of frustration at the way things were since the fall of communism. In the Cold War era, the United States had operated via a containment policy in an attempt to prevent the propagation of communism,...

Battle of the Bulge During World War II

Introduction World War II remains one of the most devastating conflicts in the recent history of humankind, and its effects still echo in modern society. Therefore, exploring the events of WWII will allow understanding the challenges of the contemporary political and economic choices made on the global scale better. The...

World War I: Prerequisites and Consequences

Introduction Involving countries in military conflicts always implies certain circumstances that directly affect the specific interests of states. World War I is an example of how political ideologies and movements can influence the course of history and people’s perception of current events. The participation of different countries in this global...

The United States’ Role in the World War I

Introduction Although starting at a local level, WWI quickly embraced the entire world, making nearly every state take sides in the military conflict. The U.S. managed to maintain neutrality for an impressive amount of time, yet even the American government had to define its position toward WWI at some point....

Nazi Propaganda Movies and Their Effects on Viewers

The use of cinema in the propagation of information and data analysis has been used ineffectively and effectively over time. The mass media is mandated to transfer information to the different levels and areas with various initial aims. However, the initial aims of message and information transfer may at times...

Dehumanization and Its Evolution in Warfare

Introduction The advent of the digital age comes with various changes in the modern political landscape. In the last few decades, rapid changes in communications and media networks have resulted in different outlooks in regards to considerations of peace and conflict. Consequently, it can be speculated that these changes are...

Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Research

Introduction It is hard to disagree that academic research plays a significant role in people’s lives. While not everyone realizes it, precisely credible research papers can test hypotheses that affect healthcare, find new ways to eliminate social issues and explore the negative and positive effects of technologies. In order for...

President Obama’s Legal Authority to Order Operation Geronimo

Introduction Because of his involvement in planning the 9/11 attacks, which resulted in the terrible deaths of many people, Bin Laden is notorious. In September 2010, the CIA took the lead after years of Military and intelligence personnel searching the world for bin Laden’s hiding place, according to Military (2022,...

The Mandate System: Impact on the Ottoman Empire

The mandate system proposed the allocation of the Axis’ post colonies to the members of the League of Nations. Hence, the set of regulations was directed toward the Ottoman Empire and Germany, as their armies were defeated as a result of the war. Moreover, apart from the Empire’s evident loss...

Operation Geronimo: Controversy and the Legal Authority

The tragic events of September 11, 2001, have forever changed the American perspective on foreign policies and international security. As a result of an extensive war against terrorism, President Obama approved Operation Geronimo on April 29, 2011 (Marks, 2019). The objective of the mission was to eliminate Osama bin Laden...

The Analysis of Operation “Neptune Spear”

The killing of one of the most notorious leaders of al-Qaeda marked the victory for justice in a decade-long conflict. Osama bin Laden was widely known as a leader of al-Qaeda. This Islamic terrorist group performed numerous terrorist attacks across the globe, such as 9/11 and the London bus bombings...

The Fourth Wave of Terrorism and Religion

Introduction The diverse religious ethnicities and the prehistoric societies have primeval ancestry evidence in a terror campaign. In fact, the French Revolution of fiscal 1789 brought about the recent expansion of terrorism notion. The discrete epoch of aggression accruing due to terrorism washed over the global arena each with its...

The Korean War and the Cold War

Introduction After World War II, the United States and other European countries had economic booms, and everything was going seemingly well. However, the U.S. and the USSR were ideological foes but had collaborated against Hitler. In 1945, the tension between the two superpowers exploded. A fight started due to Truman’s...

Conflict in Former Yugoslavia

Introduction The conflict in the former Yugoslavia was caused by the long standings borders between several nations that should have never occurred. If these borders had been eliminated earlier, then chances are that the conflict would have ended sooner. Analysis The former Yugoslavia was a country that was in a...

The Cold War: Reasons and Lessons

The six fallacies advocated by Schlesinger are: “the fallacy of over-interpreting the enemy, fallacy of over-institutionalizing the policy, fallacy of arrogant prediction, fallacy of national self-righteousness, reduction of the Cold War to a bilateral game between the US and the Soviet Union, and the fallacy of a zero-sum game” (p.364-367)....

Causes and Consequences of World War I

Introduction The WW I is considered one of the most devastating and horrible military conflicts in the history of humanity, which resulted in the creation of the new world order and the collapse of numerous states and empires. The new weapons and strategies contributed to the increased cruelty and led...

Child Soldiers in Modern Armed Conflicts

Introduction Despite the widespread recognition of the need to protect civilians by the international law, this problem remains relevant. The overview of modern wars shows that children compose the category that is regarded as one of the main victims of armed conflicts. In their studies, various authors search for adequate...

Iron Curtain Speech: History, Facts and Impact

The concern the western world had with the expansion of the Soviet Union is not based only on the U.S.S.R gaining more territory but also the spread of communism. The Cold War was, in essence, a battle of clashing ideologies between democracy and communism. It is due to this that...

Pan-Slavism and Nationalism as Causes of World War I

Both nationalism and imperialism were major forces that drove the alliances toward the war. The Pan-Slavic movement itself was not created specifically by Russia to achieve its political goals. It was originally coined by various Slavic intellectuals, and at the beginning of the XX century, František Palacký invited various historians...

The Battle of Verdun: Causes and Circumstances

Introduction The battle of Verdun was scheduled to start on 12 February 1916, but it was delayed following the bad weather that characterized the battlefield (Foley 2005, 145). The battle eventually commenced nine days later on 21 February when German soldiers invaded Verdun and launched attacks against their French counterparts...

World War II: The Influence on Japan

Introduction It is important to note that Japan experienced a major shift in its economy, politics, legal framework, culture, and society as a direct result of World War II. The given analysis will narrowly and specifically focus on the political-legal environment impact of WWII and changes directly linked to the...

President Obama’s Authority in Operation Geronimo

Introduction The former U.S. commander in chief President Obama, on April 29, 2011, authorized Operation Geronimo which culminated in the killing of Osama Bin Laden. According to reports, the executive order was preceded by in-depth consultations with the National Security Council (NSC), specifically on whether Osama was within the identified...

“The Woman Who Loved Children” Article by Attoun

The article The Woman Who Loved Children is rather moving and inspiring. It tells the story of Irena Sendler, a Polish woman who managed to rescue 2,500 Jewish children from the Nazis in her country. It was previously unknown until three schoolgirls did research on her for a project and...

World War II: Holocaust and Discrimination of the Jews

Background World history is rich in a vast number of different events that, in one way or another, have influenced the development of societies. It is hard to disagree that both negative and positive events and processes make a significant contribution to shaping the future of this world. That is...

The Changing Nature of Modern Warfare

In the article “The Changing Nature of the Modern Warfare,” Thornton (2015) discusses how in contemporary environments, warfare happens not only on the battlefield. Information war, for example, is something successfully utilized by Russia and is not yet used by NATO members as a tool for defense. Russia was able...

Proxy Wars in the Middle East and Their Features

A proxy war refers to a situation when a superpower wages war in a conflict area but is not directly engaged in that war. An example of a proxy war in the Middle East is an armed conflict between Saudi Arabia and Yemen’s Houthi rebels, with the latter being supported...

“The Cold War: A New History”: Book Review

Introduction The Cold War was the defining feature of political history during the second half of the 20th century. Given its importance for shaping the political structures that continue to define the outlook of the contemporary world, it is no wonder that the topic continues to attract scholarly attention. John...

The Second World War: Final Stage

The Second World War left a huge mark in history for many countries of the world. Almost every person has a relative who necessarily took part in the fighting. This essay is devoted to the final stage of the bloody war when the Western Front opened, and the rapid advance...

The Killing Nurses of the Nazi Germany

The Third Reich is the embodiment of the Nazi Germany that was obsessed with the idea of building the perfect race. In Germans’ anticipations and hopes, this race would conduct the world by trespassing other territories, eliminating other nations that did not correspond to the immaculate race’s image, and refining...

Oklahoma City Bomber Timothy McVeigh’s Crime

On April 19, 1995, Timothy McVeigh, security guard and former U.S. Army soldier, performed the deadliest terrorist attack on the territory of the United States, which remained in this status until September 11, 2001. The bombing killed 168 people, including 19 children, and injured more than 500 (Jenkins, n.d.). The...

WWI and Territorial Changes in Europe

Introduction World War I (WWI) occurred between 1914 and 1918, which involved 32 nations, resulting in various social impacts and demographic changes in Europe. The social effects include deaths, the emergence of technology, modern medication, defined social classes, and changes in women’s rights. Demographically, Europe was divided and reshaped to...

Supporting the Development of an Operational Approach as an Operations NCO

Joint Publication 5-0 defines an operational approach as “a commander’s description of the broad actions the force must take to achieve the desired military end state” (as cited in Burke et al., 2018, p. 44). It requires identifying desired conditions and how they may be achieved, as well as necessary...

Power, Influence, and Communications Within a Military Setting

Introduction For any leader, it is vital to establish a connection with his or her subordinates in order to achieve a desirable result. There are five primary types of power that can be exercised to gain influence over others and successfully reach an objective, they include coercive, reward, legitimate, expert,...

Irregular War: Lessons on Leadership

September 11, 2001, is considered by many the official date of the Global War started. This war is tightly intertwined with irregular warfare (IW), which is a set of military conflicts hard to explain and even more challenging to implement. The incorporation of irregular warfare required the development of new...

Definition of Terrorism Mitigation

Introduction To begin with, it is necessary to mention that mitigation is the key assignment of the emergency management. Mitigation itself is the necessary effort aimed at decreasing the dangerous impact of disasters on people and property. The mitigation actions should be taken before the disaster strikes. Mitigation of the...

Russian Climate and German Progression in WWII

Introduction Russia occupies two continents; a large part of Eastern Europe and Northern Asia. The country’s climate is close to generally continental, even though as it rises from west to east the influence of the Atlantic Ocean reduces. Continental climate is found in the East Siberia and an Artic climate...

Visual Arts and Politics

War… There are only three letters in this word, but how much meaning and content. Having heard this simple, from the point of view of structure, word, people’s minds create terrible pictures of blood, pain and tears. Visual art is one of the main types of art which manages to...

Why Britain Entered the Great War

The Great War also named World War 1 or the First World War (1914) was a global military disagreement that involved mighty supremacy grouped into two opposing coalitions; Triple Entente and Triple Alliance. The war led to the death of more than 15 million people and it was branded as...

Hiroshima and Nagasaki: Pure or Justified Evil?

Introduction: The Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki For many years the debate has been ongoing regarding the dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. While some argue that such an attack was needed to limit the subsequent number of casualties during World War II (further – WWII), others suggest...

World War I and American Neutrality

By the time that World War I erupted in 1914, it was seemingly inevitable, and most European powers were expecting a military conflict at this time. This came due to the rising international tension in Europe, both regional and broad. For years prior to the war, European countries adopted militarism...

The Vietnam War and the Cold War

Assumptions that Guided the Escalation of Conflicts The Vietnam War and the Cold War were escalated by the assumption that the communist movement would spread out to other Asian states in the south east region. It is apparent that the United States, as a champion of capitalism, had partisan interests...

World War I: Nationalism, Imperialism, Militarism

Introduction World War I occurred during the period of mid-1914 following the shooting of Franz Ferdinand, the Archduke of Austria. However, historical records present the war as a culmination of numerous factors, some of which could be traced to the nineteenth century, including the rise of nationalism, imperialism, and the...

Escape from Sobibor: World War 2 Holocaust

Summary of the Source The movie presents a clear narrative of events that happened at Sobibor, one of the most infamous concentration camps in Nazi Germany. As the movie starts, a train full of Polish Jews arrives at the camp. At first, they are told that they are brought to...

Terrorists: Criminals or Crusaders?

In Combs’ “Terrorism in the Twenty-First Century,” Chapter 4 “Criminals or Crusaders?” describes and attempts to unravel the thinking that drives terrorists to act the way they do. The chapter begins by classifying three categories of persons who commit terrorism, according to Fredrick Hacker. According to him, terrorists can be...

Colombian Civil War and the Issue of Political Economy

Introduction Colombian internal conflict is one of the most protracted civil wars in the world. After a few decades, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) had established its position as the most stable guerrilla group in Latin America with considerable resources to run its operations. To this end, the...

Causes and Consequences of Terrorism in South America: Colombia and Peru

Introduction South America is not considered a major terrorist region globally. However, a few countries report significant domestic disturbances caused by insurgent groups seeking specific objectives. The groups have set bases in Colombia and Peru, carrying out terrorist activities through war, violence, and ideological impacts. Colombia is home to the...

Operation Anaconda: Military Campaign in Afghanistan

Introduction Operation Anaconda was a coordinated military action campaign in Afghanistan. The operation was part of the War in Afghanistan. The operation stretched from March 1st to March 18th, 2002. The main goal of the operation has been the destruction of the al-Qaeda and Taliban organizations. Operation Anaconda was a...

The Bombing of Dresden: How This Decision Can or Cannot Be Justified

Introduction Many people say that at war, there are no entirely right or wrong actions or decisions. When the victory or defeat of entire nations is at stake, many politicians forget about issues of morality and ethics and can make controversial choices. Some later prove to be ethical and positive,...

Operation Anaconda and Mission Command Principles

Introduction The case study offered here thoroughly analyses the circumstances that led to Operation Anaconda and the aftermath. US special operations forces (SOF) opted to coordinate with US space power and sympathetic Afghan forces to achieve early achievement in Afghanistan. It implied that operations for combined fires would be difficult...

Terrorism as a Pressing Social Issue

According to the course material, terrorism is an act that intimidates the civilian population. Terrorism is a crime, the main purpose of which is a violation of public safety, which is expressed in encroachment on the life and health of citizens, critical infrastructure facilities, the natural environment, the information environment,...

2002 Beltway Sniper Case Analysis

Introduction The definition of terrorism has always been considered rather vague in the paradigm of global and national law. As a result, mass shootings with the intention to promote violence and cause terror among civilians are not always perceived as terrorist attacks. The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) defines...

The Armed Conflict in Nigeria and Its Impact

Background Armed conflict in Nigeria has grabbed news headlines in the recent past due to escalations. Regardless of where armed conflict takes place, the effects are always devastating to human life. Deaths and destruction of property also cause further damages to the economy. Nigeria can be considered to be the...

The Role of the Nazi Ideology in World War II

World War II is the bloodiest conflict humanity has ever witnessed. It lasted four years and resulted in the death of millions of people globally. The invention of new arms, more complex fire systems, aviation and tanks became the factors influencing the severity of war and heavy losses. However, WWII...

Analysis of the Treaty of Versailles

The Treaty of Versailles is an official document that ended the First World War on June 28, 1919. This is the most important result of the Paris Peace Conference, in which most countries of the world discussed issues of cooperation and concluded truces. When signing the armistice, many German leaders...

Nazi Germany: Race and Space Policy

During the Second World War, millions of people of different nationalities, including Poles, died at the hands of the Nazis and their accomplices. All races in the Nazis’ view were arranged depending on the proximity of blood to the Aryans, to which, in addition to the Germans, some Western European...

The Legality of Bin Laden’s Assassination

Introduction Terrorism is one of the major threats to the peace and well-being of individuals in the modern world. Radical military groups and organizations employ severe methods aimed at killing civilians to spread havoc and fear among people and attract attention to a particular issue. The terrorist act of September...

Lessons Learned from Operation Anaconda

Introduction The causes of successes and failures of the operation Anaconda in Afghanistan can be revealed by considering the most critical conditions. They include several aspects which were essential for the outcomes and equally affected the failures and the ultimate victory of the plan. Thus, the examination of the preparation,...

Analysis of the Robert Schuman Plan

Wars are terrifying and devastating, and World War II brought too many challenges and destruction. Since the European countries had to deal with consequences, they could not leave any opportunity for another war to happen. Therefore, on May 9, 1950, French political thinker Robert Schuman proposed his plan, one objective...

Approving and Executing the Operation Geronimo

Introduction Former President Obama was the US commander-in-chief who authorized the Geronimo operation that led to the death of Osama bin Laden – the most wanted man at the time. Various reports show a series of consultations between the National Security Council (NSC) and the president way before the strike...

The Life of Jews in Nazi Germany

Nicosia, Francis R and David Scrase, 2010. Jewish Life in Nazi Germany: Dilemmas and Responses. Berghahn Books. During their persecution by the Nazi regime, the Jews in Germany found themselves in difficult situations. They were to choose whether to flee from the Nazi brutality or stick around and claim their...

Operation Geronimo: Was It Legal or Not?

Introduction In August 1998, US President Bill Clinton declared Osama bin Laden, the leader of the Islamist terrorist organization Al-Qaeda, “Public Enemy Number One.” Fisher and Becker (2019) add that “the United States has adopted the targeted killing of high-ranking members of terrorist organizations to disrupt terrorist networks and exert...

The United States’ Participation in World War II

While the United States had significant resources and influence in the West, the country could not have prevented the occurrence of the second world war. The failure of the League of Nations to overcome national egoism and unilateralism (Boel, 2020) led to the outbreak of the War, rendering the organization...

Mission Command Principles in Combat: Operation Anaconda

Summary Operation Anaconda was conducted in Shaikot Valley, Afghanistan, in March 2002. It was fought in difficult mountain conditions and ended up with an American victory. More than 50 U.S. combatants were wounded, and eight were killed. The battle can be analyzed from the point of view of mission command...

Operation Geronimo and Killed Osama bin Laden

After the events of 9/11, not only the United States but the whole world has entered the condition of constant fear. As a response, in 2011, the US commander in chief, President Obama, ordered an operation that aimed to kill Osama bin Laden who was the head of a terroristic...

What Is Terrorism: Main Aspects of Term

Introduction Terrorism has been of social life since the early history of humankind. Nevertheless, the concept of terrorism gained new meaning after the mass-destruction attack on the United States on September 11, 2001. The terrorist attack was carefully planned and resulted in thousands of deaths of civilian people. Terrorism is...

Application of Augmented Reality Technologies at Airports

Introduction The airport is the most important strategic facility, linking a number of air, railways, and highways into a single network. It forms a transnational hub, handling huge flows of passengers through its terminals. The airport plays the role of an air gate not only for a single city but...

McCarthyism and the Second Red Scare

During several decades of the Cold War, there could be no doubt that the main adversary facing the USA was the international Communist block led by the Soviet Union. While the interests of the USA and the USSR collided all over the world, the struggle occurred on American soil as...

World War I as a Total War

What Made WWI Different? World War I was a conflict the nations had never seen before. Over thirty countries lost millions of lives between 1914 and 1918, fighting for their ideals and principles. As a result, the great empires ended their existence, the political map was significantly reshaped, and the...

World War II: Impact on American Society

Beyond the loss of millions of people, the war caused a significant social transformation in the reconstruction period that would not have been implemented sooner had the war not taken place. Being an adult during and after WWII, one would expect to experience significant economic and social challenges. The role...

Chapter 4 of “Unfinished Journey” by W. H. Chafe

In the fourth chapter, Chafe addresses some of the issues that Americans faced in the postwar years starting from 1945 when World War II ended. This synopsis focuses on two social reform issues and opportunities that Americans hoped the end of the war would herald. The first issue is that...

American World War I Propaganda

Introduction World War I (WWI) was a conflict between 1914 and 1918 of the world’s powers’ militaries caused mainly by the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary on 28 June, 1914. According to Goldstein and Maihafer (2004, Para.9), t he United States of America...

Controlling Irrational Fears After 9-11

Fear is a natural response to life threatening situations and is a built-in behavioral pattern in all human beings. The author of the essay Controlling Irrational Fears After 9/11 extensively quotes Chapman and Harris’s article A Skeptical Look at September 11th to construe that the fears generated in America after...

Tradegy September 11, 2001: Personal Experience

IT was September 11, 2001, a black Tuesday which was later named as the devil’s day of the history by our school. I was the student of St. Thomas Middle School, Alabama. As usual, I reached at the school in time in the early morning. I, being a student of...

Civil War: The Second American Revolution

Introduction As a nation fights its internal threats, as it falls into the tremors of war and discord it has the possibility of losing much of itself in the flow of blood and turmoil and is often at the hazard of not ever being able to stand back up on...

Electronic Warfare and the Iraq Surge

Introduction In 2007, the President of the United States unveiled a new strategy of the country in Iraq, which was unofficially called the Surge. The core of the operation lied in the need to increase the American contingent in Iraq (King, 2016). During his speech to the American people, the...

Generation Kill: War on Terrorism After 9/11

Inroduction Terrorism remains one of the greatest challenges many societies and nations continue to face today. Different governments have been keen to adopt and implement appropriate measures to deal with this issue. This paper gives a detailed analysis of the efforts the United States and its allies undertook in Afghanistan...

World War II: Why Germans Lost and Allies Won

World War II began with Germany’s attack on Poland in 1939 and ended with the attack on Japan’s Hiroshima in 1945 with the atomic bomb. Several battles were fought during these six years, which led to the Allies’ success and the defeat of the Axis Powers. There are some causes...

“Unemployment and Terrorism” TED Talk by Mohamed Ali

In this TED talk, Ali explores the relationship between unemployment and terrorism. Unemployment is one of the challenges facing young people in big cities around the world. As young people pursue their dreams of creating wealth and attaining their goals, they encounter many obstacles that cause frustration and push them...

The Role of Nationalism in the Two World Wars

Nationalism is claimed to be one of the main causes of World War I. This article provides a critical analysis of the causal relationships between nationalism and World War I in different countries. The author found that the war was encouraged by elites and supported by the masses, but it...

Faceless War and Dehumanization

Introduction Over the centuries of the human experience, war has changed in technological, ideological, and psychological ways. Gone are the days of young men seeing war as a personality building adventure. Although we are living in the most peaceful times, this peace is incomplete, and it was preceded by some...

United States-Japan Relations During World War II

Reasons behind the Outbreak of the War between the United States and Japan Primary Factors for the Aggravation of U.S.-Japan Relations From a contemporary perspective, it is clear that the development of relations between the United States and Japan, which led to the outbreak of war between the two countries,...

Tenets of the Cicero’s Just War Theory

Four Most Important Tenets of the Just War Theory of Cicero There are seven major principles of the Just War Theory. For a war to be just, it should be the last resort, it should be waged by a legitimate authority, it should be for a just cause, based on...

Central Intelligence Agency in Vietnam War

A military confrontation between North and South Vietnam in the twentieth century took place for almost twenty years. The most important things about the discussed war include the fact that both parties to the conflict were receiving substantial support of two superpowers of the twentieth century represented by the Soviet...

Warfare Evolution Throughout History

Introduction with Thesis Statement Wars have been a part of human existence ever since the beginning of time. Starting from ancient times when humans first appeared as a species and started to form primitive societies, clashes between different groups. The causes of such clashes evolved alongside the forms and types...

Why Do Strong States Sometimes Lose Wars Against Weak Ones?

During times of war, the fighters are usually motivated to be victorious. All of the parties usually boast of past successes and enormous egos. Yet, in the end, only one winner is announced. There is a significant aspect of most inter-state wars: a weak state’s military strategies on the battlefield...

The Cold War: International Relations between 1945 and 1989

Introduction International relations refer to an academic field that focuses on the nature of the relationships that exist between states (Sutch & Elias 2007 pp. 33-34). One of the major historical events that shaped international relations between 1945 and 1989 was the Cold War. The Cold War was a war...

Operation Geronimo Against Terrorism

In May 2011, former US President Obama ordered an operation that eliminated the world’s most dangerous terrorist, Osama bin Laden. The process, known as “Geronimo,” was a welcome success in the fight against terrorism, but it also raised many questions and controversy in the US and beyond. Critics argued that...

World War I and the Treaty of Versailles

Introduction World War I was one of the most destructive warfares in history. It did not start because of an accident or a diplomatic mistake since it resulted from cooperation between the governments of imperial Germany and Austria-Hungary, who sought to start a war hoping Britain would stay away. When...

Discussion: Terrorism in South America

Introduction Terrorism is a significant threat to domestic and global security. The is no universal definition for terrorism as different actors define the term according to varying considerations. The latest publication of the Global Terrorism Index (GTI) 2022 adopts the terminology defined by Terrorism Tracker (Rise to Peace, 2022). The...

President’s Legal Authority to Order Operation Geronimo

In accordance with domestic and international law, authorities have priorities of protecting the state and citizens against any potential threats. Among such instances when efforts had to be made in order to protect the nations was Operation Geronimo. All levels of the United States government have supported the classification of...

Elimination of Osama bin Laden

Operation Geronimo is an operation carried out by the US Navy SEALs to eliminate Osama bin Laden. He was a member and leader of the Islamist terrorist organization Al Qaeda. As a result of an operation at his home in 2011, he was liquidated along with his son, a courier,...

Continuity Plan for Houston City in the Event of a Terrorist Attack

Introduction Terrorist attacks are as unpredictable as they are devastating. In many cases, they can cause infrastructural damage, deaths, and mass casualty situations that can disrupt typical civilian operations (Søby, 2020). Houston City in Texas is the fourth most populous city in the USA with about six and a half...

The Role of Air Defense Artillery in the Gulf War

On the night of August 2, 1990, Iraqi military forces invaded the territory of the neighboring state of Kuwait from the northern border. The main reason for this invasion was the Iraqi side’s claim to Kuwaiti territory as a subject emirate (Moger, 2021). This military conflict between the two states...

The ‘Rosie the Riveter’ Campaign During World War II

Introduction It is important to note that During World War II, the United States government launched a campaign to recruit women to work in factories and other industries to support the war effort. This campaign, known as ‘Rosie the Riveter,’ led to a significant increase in the number of women...

The Patriot Act as an Anti-Terrorism Policy

Terrorism is the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims. This can include acts such as bombings, kidnappings, hijackings, and mass shootings, and is often carried out by non-state actors such as extremist groups. The goal of terrorism is to create fear and disrupt the normal...

The Economic, Socio-Cultural, and Political Causes of World War I

Introduction World War I was an international conflict that ensued between the central powers (Germany, Austria, Hungary, and Turkey) one hand against the allies (France, Great Britain, Russia, Italy, Japan, and the United States). It started in 1914 and stretched all through to 1918 and it contributed to the destabilization...

The Battle of the Somme: A Bloody Symbol of World War I

Beginning as an Allied attack on German troops throughout the Western Front of World War I, close to the Somme River, the Battle of the Somme lasted between July and November 1916. British troops had more than 57,000 fatalities, along with more than 19,000 people killed, on the opening day...

How International Terrorism Threats Transformed American Political Landscape

International terrorism consists of violent or harmful activities to human life that violate the criminal laws of the United States or any state, or would constitute a criminal offense if conducted within the authority of the United States or any state. These actions are meant to frighten or coerce a...

Domestic Terrorism in the United States

Terrorism has become a serious and broad issue for the security of the United States since the 9/11 attacks. Foreign terrorist organizations create a hazard of international terrorism and represent a challenging problem as they obtain significant financial resources and power (FBI, n.d.). At the same time, there is a...

World War II: The Rise and Fall of Female Labor Force Participation

WWII is one of the most controversial events in history because of the damage and development it caused. Millions of people died on the front, but numerous scientific and technological advancements were also discovered. One of the initial reasons for the conflict originated in the tension between the countries for...

Community Policing Combating Terrorism

Introduction Terrorism has contributed to increased cases of violence, conflict, injuries and loss of innocent lives indicating a great need for effective interventions. This paper will discuss the notion of terrorism and effective ways to combat. While a number of notions of terrorism have been adopted, researchers cannot come to...

Terrorism and War Crimes in the Battle of Algiers

Introduction In the middle of the twentieth century, Algiers became a battleground between French authorities and Algerian insurrectionists. The National Liberation Front (FLN) quickly turned into a severe problem for the occupying nation, as their resistance led to numerous bloodsheds, as shown in the movie The Battle of Algiers (Pontecorvo)....

How Woodrow Wilson Led the US to Involvement in World War I

Introduction From the beginning of the First World War in 1914, the United States did not interfere in the course of events, taking a neutral position. President Woodrow Wilson combined legalism, moralism, and idealism to argue for US entry into World War I. In the beginning, Wilson was against the...

Connection Between Criminal and Terrorism Organization

Introduction It is no longer a robust surprise that there is a strong connection between criminal and terrorist organizations. A criminal organization is a proceeding criminal endeavor that reasonably attempts to benefit from illegal exercises often in the extraordinary public interest. Its proceeding is kept up with through the defilement...

Analysis of Cults in Modern Society

Introduction Creating new radical groups is a common social and political activity in many countries today. In the United States, many militia groups develop their ideologies against the federal government to criticize the chosen techniques and policies and impose some threats related to public events (McCarthy, 2021). Some activities are...