“Why Evolution is True” by Jerry Coyne

Introduction Even in the age of information and scientific developments, the theory of evolution continues to separate people. This theory supports religious separation by disproving the concept of intelligent design, according to which the complexity of living organisms on the planet makes life unexplainable and suggests the presence of an...

William Foxwell Albright: Great American Archaeologist

Introduction William Foxwell Albright was an American archaeologist born in Chile. He is well remembered for his involvement in excavation of the biblical sites and his expertise in history and culture of the Near East. During his life, he conducted excavations at several places in Palestine. His most renowned work...

Participant Observations: Definition, Preconceptions, Characteristics

Abstract Participant observation is the most widespread of all forms of the investigative, elaborate and systematic observable plan. Introduction Observation is either the action of a human being which comprises of obtaining information of the outside world by means of the senses or the recording of information using technical equipment....

Research Characteristics of Data Collection & Analysis

Introduction Data collection in qualitative research helps to answer the “why, how, and what” of the phenomenon under investigation. This is unlike in quantitative research in which the data collection is used to address the “how many” or “how much” of the phenomenon under investigation. This means that in qualitative...

The Brain, Forebrain, Midbrain and Hindbrain Definition

Introduction The brain is that part of the central nervous system positioned in the skull. It is a mass of tissue pinkish-gray in color consisting of a network of nerve cells and weighs approximately three pounds. The human brain is one of the major and important organs of the body....

Major Theorists and Their Approaches in Anthropology

Anthropology is the study of human nature and behavior. Different theories have been advanced by various theorists to explain the existence of humanity and mankind’s behavior. Anthropology is divided in four major categories of studies which include archaeology, cultural anthropology, physical anthropology, and linguistic anthropology. There are different anthropologists who...

Air Pressure Experiment Methods and Results

Methods The plastic mesh fabric was placed over the mouth of the Mason jar, and the metal screw band of the latter was fastened firmly over the plastic mesh sheet. Scissors were used to cut the edges of the plastic mesh to make it perfectly match the mouth of the...

Population Parameters in Statistics

A population parameter and its point estimate. Population parameters refer to the statistical measures that are fixed and when used as variables, they make the population distribution descriptive hence descriptive statistics. A good example of population parameters is the mean and variance in a normal distribution. When these two variables...

Large & Small N Design and Interpretative Research

Introduction This paper is aimed to investigate the issue of doing good research, including discussing its peculiarities, based on the examples of three articles under consideration. The paper will take into account three types of research designs. They are the large N, the small N, and the interpretive designs. In...

Qualitative Data Analysis and Trustworthiness

When the researcher deals with qualitative data, the concepts of reliability and validity are not applicable. Instead of that, trustworthiness must be established. This can be done in the following ways (Creswell, 2013): by establishing credibility, which contributes to the general trustworthiness of the information since it is created as...

Glycolysis Process and Its Stages

Abstract Glycolysis is a specific process that is known as the first stage of the anaerobic respiration process in plants, during which 6-carbon glucose splits into two molecules of pyruvate, which is 3-carbon, under the impact of enzymes to generate the required energy. This process can be described in two...

Civilizations from Anthropological Perspective

Introduction While the human race takes great pride in the progressive nature of each subsequent civilization, there exist aspects from past civilizations that are hailed as marvels in the civilization process (Harris 2001). While some of this aspects gain their prominence primarily due to their impact on cultural and social...

Demographic Variables: Plan for Data Analysis

Plan for Data Analysis of Demographic Variables To identify associations between the demographic variables, correlational descriptive statistics tests will be used. The correlation coefficient will be the key focus to show how closely the two or more variables are related. The regression equation and the correlation coefficient will be calculated...

Correlation and T-Test in Psychological Statistics

Correlation Test To establish the nature of correlation that exists between mindfulness and two forms of happiness, namely, subjective happiness and Oxford happiness, Spearman’s correlation test was used. According to Coolican (2014), Spearman’s correlation test is suitable in the analysis of ordinal data because it is a nonparametric test, which...

Human Species Uniqueness Compared to Other Species

Introduction Do you believe that the human species is unique? Evolutionary scientists have claimed that human species emanated from ape-like creatures, but the truths about such claims have remained controversial. However, scientific studies have compared human species to other species and noted substantial uniqueness in terms of personality, judgment, and...

Hydrologic Cycle

The masses of water over the globe are in a constant motion. Thus, water can be presented in three states which are liquid, gas, and solid. They change during the hydrologic cycle as a result of such processes as evaporation, transpiration, sublimation, condensation, precipitation, and infiltration. In spite of the...

The Environmental Impact of Bottled Water

Abstract Environmentally it would be very difficult to argue that waste management has become an eminent factor of consideration in the whole world. The development of land grows at an alarming rate while the rates of recycling remain dismally very low. Considering the water industry, the amount of plastic bottles...

Safranin and Crystal Violet in Gram Staining Method

Staining allows us to detect microbes in the microscopic material, determine their number, and quickly study the morphological features of microorganisms. The ratio of bacteria to Gram stain is determined by their ability to retain the complex of gentian violet with iodine formed during the staining process. For coloring, the...

Geocentric and Heliocentric Models of Solar System

In the geocentric model of the Solar System, Earth is in the center of the system, with the planets moving around it at the speed called orbital velocity. In the current heliocentric model, however, the Sun is the center of the Solar System. Apollonius, an astronomer from ancient Greece, made...

Importance of Research Interest for Future Development

One of the fundamental questions that every researcher should determine is to define their research interest. This point is above even the specific definition of a research topic since it represents the whole direction in which one will develop in the future. Since this choice can affect one’s entire career,...

Soil: The Essential Aspect of Agriculture

Introduction Weathered rocks, mineral particles, organic material, air, and water make up soil matter. The material provides the necessary nutrients for plants and organisms to grow. Soil formation is a gradual weathering of rocks due to physical agents like wind and water and chemical reactions such as oxidation-reduction. The progressive...

Qualitative Research Methods Matrix

Section 1 Approach Disciplinary Roots Focus of Central Research Question Unique Terminology Primary Data Sources Sampling Issues Analysis Plan Guidelines References Basic Qualitative Inquiry Philosophy, history constructionism, phenomenology How can the experience of [an event, circumstance, program, a context] be described or explored? What is the meaning of [a process,...

The Research of Change Blindness

Abstract Cognition and information processing remain unexplored and are associated with various contradictory effects. Among them is change blindness, in which an individual tends to ignore the details around him while concentrating on the object of study (Briggs and Davies, 2015). The functions of this effect are only partially understood...

Nature Versus Nurture in Dog Aggression

Introduction The cause of aggression in dogs has been an ongoing debate, with some factions arguing that it stems from the breed of the dog and is hence inherent. Other groups contend that the hostility is due to environmental conditions. Aggression in dogs is characterized by loud backing, excessive hostility...

Reaction Rates and Effects of Temperature, Concentration, and Surface Area

Introduction When an acid and a base are reacted, a neutralization reaction occurs whereby a solution and a gas are formed. This experiment tests the effect of temperature, concentration, and surface area on the rate of reaction. Temperature is defined as the degree of hotness or coldness of a substance,...

France and Its Territorial Disputes

Introduction to the Country France is a country in Western Europe, and it is one of the wealthiest and most populated nations in the region, as well as one of the most influential nations in the entire world. The population of France exceeds 63 million living in a territory of...

Data Collection Methods for Various Scenarios

Introduction The paper aims to compare four ways of data collection, such as survey research, which involves a process of asking questions and analyzing responses, field research, which focuses on making observations, and secondary analysis of existing data, and triangulation, which refers to the combination of the methods. The author...

Saudi Arabian Culture, History and Political Situation

Historical Background The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the original home of Islam and the Arab people and occupies a large part of the Arabian Peninsula (Vassiliev, 2013). Saudi Arabian citizens mostly support the Arab and Muslim cultures that connect them with millions of people in different parts of the...

Missing Data and Skip Patterns in Statistics

Introduction: Importance of Handling Missing Data and Skip Patterns In statistics, missing data occur when there is no value of data stored for a specific variable in observation, which means that no information is provided for a subject (quantitative research). Skipping patterns refer to one or several questions linked to...

Mars Rover “Curiosity”: Review

New Mars rover “Curiosity” landed Mars on August 6. According to the comments of its creators, the purpose of this sophisticated device is in participating in long term robotic exploration of Mars (Webster par. 2). In particular, the mission of this Mars rover is to attempt answering the question that...

The Polymerase Chain Reaction

Introduction Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) is a versatile and critical reaction in molecular biology. The reaction is a landmark in molecular biology because it has made it possible for scientists to study minute quantities of DNA material. PCR involves the amplification of minute quantities of DNA into large quantities for...

Synthesis of 5,5-Dimethylcyclohexane-1,3-Dione

Dimedone is a well known organic chemistry compound that is yellow and solid in appearance, stable but sensitive to light un-compared to other oxidizing agents. Dimedone has a molecular weight of 140.1797g/mol and has a melting point of between 147–150oC (420-423oK). Dimedone molecular formula is (CH3)2C6H6(=O)2. This yellow crystalline substance...

Magnolia Tree: Life Cycle and Evolution

Introduction Magnolia is among the largest genus flowering plants in Texas and eastern of North America. Magnolia is derived from a French botanist Pierre Magnol after discovering the plant in the Royal Botanic Garden of Montpellier in France. The taxonomic classification of the Magnolia tree is as follows: The domain...

Heat Transfer Through Home Walls

Abstract The aim of this report is to look at the different modes of heat transfer. Specifically, heat transfer through walls will be clearly outlined and the different equations associated with the same discussed. The report will also cover conduction, radiation and convection as modes of heat transfer. Introduction Heat...

Math: Functional Analysis

“Functions are mathematical ideas that take one or more variables and produce a variable. You can think of a function as a cook that takes one or more ingredients and cooks them up to make a dish. Depending on what you put in, you can get very different things out”....

Mathematical Equations: An Overview

In the mathematical sciences, much attention is paid to classification and methods of solving equations: linear, quadratic, and polynomial. There is no doubt that the practical application of the equations can be found in any environment of public life: from sociology to rocket science. Thus, the precise identification of the...

“Trouble With Wilderness” and “Which Species Will Live”

Introduction Since the origin of humanity, humans have affected the natural environment around them. As civilization expands and its ability to harm, often unknowingly, other species and disrupt entire ecosystems grows, the question of preserving nature becomes more critical. Never has this question been more prominent than in the last...

Anatomy, Physiology, and Living Habitats of Red Panda

Introduction The Tanuki, also called the Japanese Racoon Dog, is a subspecies of the Asian Racoon Dog. In Japanese folklore, the Tanuki is a benevolent but sneaky rascal, which is why its statues, featuring giant testicles and wide-brim hats, are sprinkled across many Japanese cities and towns. The animal has...

Four Big Validities: Internal, External, Construct, Statistical

Romantic Red Revisited: Red Enhances Men’s Attraction to Young, but not Menopausal Women Internal Validity The internal validity of a study is the extent to which cause-and-effect relationships are established between variables. The study by Schwarz and Singer (2013) aimed at understanding if the red background was associated with increased...

The Concept of Ways of Knowing

‘Ways of knowing’ generally refer to the deductive way of questioning what it implies or means to recognize; or know something. From the pursuit to address this area of dispute; science has deduced through discovery ways of multigenerational and empirically obtaining confirmable knowledge and information under a limited ‘domain of...

FM Radio: History and Main Aspects

The beginning of the rise of the frequency modulation radio or FM radio may be clearly observed only beginning with 1960s though FM radio was invented in 1902. The reason for the long lasting absence of demand for FM radio is in the oppression on the part of the giant’s...

Astronomy. Life of a Star in the Sky

Introduction If one was to consider a star that shines ever so brightly in the sky, it is quite ironic to see that the center of many fairy tales is actually nothing more than a ball of plasma that is held together because of its own gravity and is luminous...

Medical Anthropology: Culture and Medicine

Introduction Anthropologists have demonstrated that all human cultures embrace a system of beliefs relating to the maintenance of health and illness causation, and concomitant therapeutic and preventive practices relating to these beliefs. In fact, most cultures have numerous and diverse therapeutic options. In this medical plurality, which option or options...

The Square of Opposition and Its Components

Conflicting statements and arguments are the objects of research of logic as a science, and special mechanisms exist that are designed to determine connections among the individual components of various hypotheses and their veracity. One of such tools is the square of opposition that is a common technique for analyzing...

Social Research Methods and Common Mistakes

Introduction Identifying research questions and subsequent hypotheses may present difficulties for researchers, especially for those who do not have sufficient experience in scholarly investigations (Wollman 2013). The most common mistakes made during this process are related to the scope of the research problem. The first type of difficulty is mistaking...

Validity and Reliability of Psychological Tests

Introduction Validity is the effectiveness of a scale score giving a sound and meaningful reflection of what it is intended to measure while reliability is validity is the correctness of a scale score in measuring what it claims to measure. Explain the types of reliability and validity are used Test...

States’ Territorial Morphology and Division

Territorial morphology The notion of state territorial morphology reflects how the territory of a state is located. There are such types of territorial morphology: compact states, protruded states, elongated states, fragmented states, perforated states (355). Cambodia is a compact state: its shape is almost round; Thailand is a protruded state:...

Japan’s Geography, Culture, Religion, Politics

History of Japan Historians believe strongly that human beings have lived in Japan for thousands of years. The country is an island located in the Pacific Ocean. The nation is characterized by imperial places, shrines, dense cities, and mountains. The capital city of the country is Tokyo and is known...

Qualitative and Quantitative Research Designs

Introduction Both qualitative and quantitative research designs are regularly used by professional nurses and scholars who conduct different studies. The context and findings of every project require analyzing it to decide on the most appropriate research method that must be used in a particular case. The following paper is intended...

Discriminant Analysis and Multiple Regression

Overall, the discriminant analysis and the multiple regression are similar in that they both construct a weighted linear combination of scores on several independent variables (Warner 2013). This combination ought to be optimal, meaning that it should predict the scores on the outcome variable from the scores on the predictor...

Quantitative and Qualitative Data: Data Points and Units

Explanation of qualitative and quantitative data Research studies require the collection, analysis and interpretation of data, which helps to infer about the population. Qualitative data are collected from study respondents in the form of a specific language that is easily understood by researchers conducting a study. Researchers use qualitative data...

Ocean Research vs. Outer Space Exploration

The exploration of space has always set people’s imagination on fire. Popular science fiction only added to the excitement of the humankind, making people wonder what wonders the Universe has in store for its explorers. However, focusing on the unknown and the mysterious that the outer space concealed, people are...

Atmosphere and Weather Patterns

The recent four days have been quite a strange change of pace in the tendency for this summer. Instead of a relatively warm weather, which seems to have settled since June, a couple of cloudy and rather windy days passed. Despite the fact that the cold air fronts are only...

Impact of Chlorine

Introduction Chlorine is element number 17 and is found in group 17 and period 3 of the periodic table. It is a greenish-yellow pungent, poisonous gas, and is very reactive. It has two isotopes, one with a mass number of 35 and an abundance of 75.75% and the other one...

Egypt’s Population, Languages, Religion & Culture

Introduction Egypt is a transcontinental nation that extends to the southwest corner of Asia and the northeast corner of Africa. Moreover, the country is bordered in the north by the Mediterranean Sea, east by the Red Sea, south by Sudan, and west by Libya. Its capital city is Cairo, with...

Methods for Collecting Primary Data in Research

Surveys Research that uses a survey as its method is a structured approach that involves a systematic and unbiased way to gather qualitative data on a chosen topic. It consists of creating a set of standardised questions with fixed short response options presented to the target population to analyse the...

Population Growth and Agriculture in the Future

Introduction The improved conditions of life have recently led to a higher rate of population growth. The development of industries, agriculture, and transportation allowed people to live longer and provide support for their families. Currently, human population growth is about 1% annually, while the global population increased from 1 billion...

Religion From an Anthropological Perspective

Introduction Anthropology is the science examining human experience, and the same notion can be applied to religion. It is certain that historically, culturally, and socially, people differ based on religious perspectives. Thus, spirituality takes many forms, a notion that is most prominent when examining past religious branches, superstitions, and spiritual...

The Mean, Median, and Mode: Measures of Central Tendency in Statistics

Introduction The mean, median, and mode are important measures of central tendency in statistics, and they can be calculated in a given statistical data set to make inferences and draw conclusions. While the values of the mean, median, and mode can be different, they can also be the same, especially...

The Rings of Saturn from the Cultural Perspective

Introduction Astronomy was an important part of the Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures. Observations of the sky were not the task assigned to a limited circle of chosen individuals’ rather, they were an integral component of indigenous Australians’ life (Johnson, 2014). Aboriginal Australians had the knowledge not only...

Laboratory Report: Heats of Reaction

Introduction This report investigates the amount of thermal energy created in exothermic ionic processes and compares using Hess’s law. This law demonstrates the aspect that enthalpy is a state function. All steps must be performed at the same temperature, and each process’ equations must be balanced (Mark et al., 2018)....

Polynomial Use in Real Life Applications

Store and bank safe are two real-world applications for polynomial equations. Assuming a bank manager wants to keep money in a safe and they will not be available at the time of delivery. The manager may have to request that his tellers open the safe. However, the manager may not...

Baddeley’s Working Memory Model

According to the multi-component model of working memory, a working memory model is vital for resourceful intellect. According to the dual pathway model, triggering instead of disengaging moods increases working memory capacity, allowing for greater cognitive suppleness. Short-range memory is also called the working memory. As an alternative to all...

Dual Store Model of Memory

Responding to the dual store model of memory, the model of human memory has three main components; sensory registers, working memory, also known as short term memory, and long-term memory (LTM). The model shows that information enters the sensory registers even when the person is not mentally active and stays...

Solid-Liquid Equilibrium in a Binary System

The cooling curves of the pure compounds and various mixtures were used to construct a solid-liquid phase diagram of the biphenyl and naphthalene systems. A phase diagram shows melting, freezing, vaporization, and sublimation. These graphs represent the temperature, pressure, and composition relationships. One of the easiest ways is to use...

New York City’s Uniqueness and Its Aspects

One would ask whether New York (NY) is unique compared to other cities globally. It is renowned that people come to NY expecting a better future for themselves and their children. Staying indifferent to New York is quite challenging, and people usually get very distinct feelings. Buschs work Kickflipping New...

Aspects of Qualitative Research Methods

Qualitative research is aimed at obtaining valuable data on the deep motivation of respondents and detailed information about the subject of research. Qualitative methods involve the collection of information in free form; they focus not on statistical measurements, but rely on understanding, explaining, and interpreting empirical data. Additionally, they represent...

Mathematics. The History of the Number Zero

Exploring the mathematical sciences through a historical paradigm can seem confusing because it is difficult for the human mind to perceive this knowledge’s artificiality. For example, numbers and number relationships seem to be perfectly natural phenomena whose patterns can be found in the study of plants, genetic mechanisms, or population...

Importance of the Literature Review in Research

The literature review is a fundamental part of any research, as it highlights already existing knowledge on the studied topic. Baker et al. (2015) analyzed sources related to the state of delirium and the ability of nurses to determine it. For example, Voyer et al. (2008) discuss the assessment of...

The Process of Muscle Contraction

For muscles to contract, the muscle fiber creates tension within itself. This tension is brought up by the action of myosin and actin cross-bridging sequence. Contraction in muscles generally means the generation of tension by the muscles with the help of neurons (Starr, Beverly 108). “The sliding-filament theory of muscle...

The Ballpoint Pen: A Chemistry’s Review

My item of choice is a ballpoint pen. This item is of interest to me because for decades, we have come to rely on it as a writing material. Although we are now living in the computer age, the ballpoint pen is still popular. The ballpoint pen is a simple...

Regression Models for Dependent Variables

Introduction Statistics and probability have been applied in various fields. There is no doubt that statistics is a multifaceted concept with a myriad of application. (Fox 173). With this in mind, it is worth noting that there is a number of statistical analysis having varied applications and need to be...

The Correction Systems: US and Mexico

Introduction The United States (U.S.) and Mexico are two large countries in North America, which shares several similarities and differences in various aspects. Geographically, both countries border each other; that is, U. S borders Mexico on the North. In the basis of security and criminology, corrections systems in U. S...

The Effect of Magnesium Deficiency on Plant Growth

Introduction The term magnesium was derived from the word magnesia which is the district in Greece from which magnesium was first mined. The importance of magnesium in plants was discovered by scientists such as Mayer, Knop, Sachs, and Salm-Horstmar; and then in 1904-1902, Willstarter identified magnesium to be part of...

Finite Element Analysis and Types of Elements

Introduction Finite Elements Analysis (FEA) also known as Finite Elements Method (FEM) is an approach to solve a physical problem by solving the Governing Differential Equations by converting the Governing Differential Equations into a set of Linear Equations over smaller domains or elements known as element level equilibrium equations. These...

Simulating the Natural Selection and Genetic Drift

Introduction Theoretically, the evolution of behaviors amongst organisms’ populations gets necessitated by diverse forces such as genetic drift and natural selection, which alter the rate of occurrence of the alleles in populaces. The change in population over time occurs in reaction to preference to or against a population subclass difference....

My Journey in Biology

I am a passionate, young, and ambitious neuroscience and molecular biology learner. Since middle school, I have been actively studying these topics and working on small projects independently during my free time. As a freshman, I was admitted into a 4-week Research in the Biological Sciences (RIBS) program at the...

Quantitative Research: Methodology and Main Focus

The strategy uses for this study is going to be quantitative. In quantitative research, your aim is to determine the relationship between one thing (an independent variable) and another (a dependent or outcome variable) in a population. Quantitative research designs are either descriptive (subjects usually measured once) or experimental (subjects...

Changes in Entropy Under Adiabatic, Isothermal, and Isobaric Conditions

Abstract The second law of thermodynamics relates entropy with time and proposes that the universe generally favors increasing entropy. The purpose of this experiment was to use various thermodynamic equations for entropy to determine the total entropy of a system when copper metal was immersed in liquid nitrogen in a...

Cahokia People, Their Culture and History

The Cahokia Native American tribe and region are one of the most prosperous and extensive pre-Columbian civilizations on the continent. Recent archaeological discoveries have uncovered significant revelations regarding the sheer size of Cahokia and its numerous cultural and anthropological features. For its time, Cahokia was a complex and cosmopolitan city,...

Zulu Community and Its Social Responsibilities

Introduction To begin with, it is important to establish that the community’s main economic activity is hunting. People from the Zulu community are mainly hunters and gatherers. The main avenue where the community interacts is during social actives which are highly valued. The Zulus conduct festivals throughout the year and...

Red Ferrosols: Soil Management Issues

Red Ferrosols are ancient Australian soils which formed from the weathering of basalt volcanic rock millions of years ago (Cotching 2015, p. 1). While the flora and fauna of that time are long extinct, Red Ferrosols outlasted many of the challenges, including meteors and climate changes, until the biggest challenge,...

Cyclone and Anticyclone Formation

A mercury barometer consists of a glass tube with a small reservoir at the bottom. A small amount of mercury fills the reservoir. As soon as the barometric pressure changes, the mercury in the tube goes either higher (with an increase of the pressure) or lower (as the pressure falls)....

Coefficient of Determination in Regression Analysis

In regression analysis, the relationship between dependent and independent variables is the focus of all calculations. The quality of all measurements and their connections have to be checked to ensure that the results of a research show correct results. To achieve this goal, such measures as the coefficient of determination...

Cocrico: The Red-Tailed Chachalaca

Introduction Thanks to agricultural education, humans have mastered the art of domestication. In agriculture, five production factors are vital within the domestication process (Wiseman et al., 2021). Therefore, this study focuses on Cocrico, the red-tailed Chachalaca referred to as the Tobago Pheasant and is greatly revered for being in Trinidad...

Red Cabbage pH Indicator Experimentation

Introduction In the course of the experiment, red cabbage extract was dissolved in water to test the pH level of household chemicals. According to Abedi-Firoozjah (2022), “red cabbage extract (RCE) is a common and rich source of anthocyanins, which are closely related to the pH of their environment” (p. 3)....

NASA’s Efforts of Space Colonization: Pros and Cons

Introduction It is vital to note that with the recent advancements in astrophysics, aerospace engineering, and astronomy, the topic of human space colonization is no longer considered far-fetched but rather a realistic goal. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is actively working on the project of Mars colonization. However,...

Selling Price and Area Analysis for D.M. Pan National Real Estate Company

Summary This report was commissioned by the D.M. Pan Real Estate Company’s sales team. The report aimed to study the correlations between the area of the real estate objects measured in square feet and the selling price to benchmark. The final deliverable of the model was to create a model...

Cloning Discussion: Pros and Cons

Genetic cloning is a biotechnological manipulation whose result is to create a genome-identical clone for a given species. Cloning any species, from E. coli to humans, is a matter of time and technical sophistication, so it is highly likely that after the relatively successful experiments to create a somatic clone...

Taiwanese Culture, Foods, and Tourism

Introduction Taiwan is an East Asian country near China in the North West Pacific Ocean. Did you know that China considers Taiwan part of its territory even though it is an independent nation? Other countries close to or neighboring the country includes the Philippines and Japan. Taiwan, also known as...

Descriptive Research of Internal Discrimination Among African Americans

Introduction Researchers have applied different methods to gather data and analyze their results to develop viable interpretations. The research method selected is determined by the purpose and complexity of the research problem. When the sample is considerably large, the method chosen should facilitate fast, convenient, and accurate solutions (Atmowardoyo, 2018)....

Brain Mechanisms Involved in Emotions

Introduction Understanding the nature of emotions as the factors that serve not only to represent a response to a specific stimulus but also as the means of gauging an individual’s psychological well-being is central to modern psychology. Remarkably, despite being an intuitively understandable concept, the phenomenon of emotion does not...

Plate Tectonic of the Dominican Republic

The topic of plate tectonic of the Dominican Republic is extremely important for geology in general. The subject of tectonic plates is also essential for understanding the mechanisms of the Earth’s existence. However, in tectonics, several issues should be studied in more detail. To do this, one should consider the...

Organic Chemistry and Reaction Mechanisms

Synthetic production of alkyl Alkyl halides, popularly known as haloalkanes or halogenoalkanes, are chemical compounds comprising at least one halogane. Although there is no clear differentiation, they are a distinctive subset of halocarbons. The compounds are widely used in different industries and, consequently, are identified by various names (Kursunlu et...

Gene Editing as Humanity’s Possible Doom

Gene editing is a promising new developing biotechnology that can significantly expand our power to modify human beings. Although, questions have been raised about the potential use of genetic information in ethics, religion, law, and society since completing the Human Genome Project. Concerns about the disastrous consequences of this technology’s...

Catharanthus Roseus: Description and Its Benefits

This paper will present a brief discussion of Catharanthus roseus and some of its benefits. Catharanthus roseus is a perennial plant that looks similar to a shrub that grows up to one meter tall. The plant species has a tap root system that reaches seventy centimeters deep (Rojas-Sandoval, 2019). The...

Epidemiological Study Designs in the Media

Introduction A recent article titled “Avoiding Endocrine Disruptors Drops Diabetes Risk: Study” appeared on The Scientist Magazine on 27th October, 2016 (Grens, 2016). It reports the findings of an epidemiological study carried out by Transade et al. (2016). The study is titled “Population Attributable Risks and Costs of Diabetogenic Chemical...

Crop Production: Practical Report on Strawberry

Introduction Strawberries are a group of perennial plants which belong to the Rosaceae family. They thrive well in soil that has good drainage, is moderately acidic (pH range 5.0 to 6.0) and require plenty of sunshine grow. They are capable of viable fruit production for a period of up to...

Crystallization Process and Related Phenomena

Abstract Crystallization is a separation operation in which crystals of blended components are obtained starting from a liquid mixture (solution or molten magma-solid). In some cases, it might generate components that are 100% pure. Crystallization creates thermodynamic conditions that compel molecules to catch up and regroup it into highly organized...

Gas as the State of Matter

Introduction The matter is the amount of substance. There are three states of matter: solid, liquid, and gaseous states. These states of matter are traditionally distinguished by the arrangement and proximity of their particles or molecules. In a solid state, the substance particles are closely packed, compact with strong interactive...

Family Pedigree, Human Traits, and Genetic Testing

Modern genetics allow people to predict the appearance and possible abnormalities of future generations. The most prevalent human traits are brown eyes and dark hair, while the genes of blue eyes and fair hair are recessive (Lin et al., 2016). Moreover, such characteristics as freckles and dimples have the dominant...

Validity and Reliability in Quantitative Studies

To be able to critique quantitative studies is crucial in each evidence-based process. In healthcare, an appropriate appraisal ensures the quality of one’s medical practice and patient treatment. The following factors should be assessed when appraising a study: validity, reliability, and applicability. A critical analysis of all three elements should...

Human Body: Blood Components

Introduction The human body is a complex machine that has various components that play different roles to ensure people develop and grow without problems. Blood plays an important role in the body because it ensures there are efficient gaseous exchange, respiration and excretion systems, and coordination of various parts. It...

Country Profile of Turkey

Introduction Turkey, as it stands today, was founded in 1923 from the remnants of Anatolia after the downfall of the Ottoman Empire. Mustafa Kemal under whom the country went through a series of legal, judicial, social, and political and economic changes led the country. The country faced military coups in...

The Psychology of Seeing – Color Blindness

Introduction The term blindness is used somewhat misleading in the designation of certain visual conditions in which visual acuity is not significantly reduces. Color Blindness, for example, does not involve a reduction of “visual sharpness and should more accurately be called a color-perception deficiency. Color blindness occurs almost exclusively in...

“Why Evolution Is True”: A Chapter-Wise Reflection

Introduction The origin of modern species has been the subject of study by many scientists, and it involves contrasting worldviews of creationism and evolution. Most people are adept with the primary arguments that Charles Darwin proposed in his famous book, On the Origin of Species, especially the proposition that the...

The Anthropology of Messages and Communication

Introduction Language and ideas have a symbiotic relationship where one is dependent on the other. A language is used to convey ideas while the language relays messages. Examining the anthropogenic of ideas and language can impact the message sent out and how it is perceived and interpreted. It must be...

Medicinal Value of Tropical Rainforest Plants: A Reference to the Amazon Rainforests

Introduction According to both written and archaeological evidence, plants have been a reliable source of medicine for human beings over a span of many thousand years. The first medicinal plants were probably discovered accidentally when a person tried the edibility of a plant and in the process discovered that it...

Social Facilitation and Relevant Empirical Evidence

This paper discusses the Social Facilitation of human beings specifically and about the development regarding social facilitation, exploring the tendency of people to be aroused in such an environment that would ultimately end up in better performance on simple assigned tasks or the tasks on which they have full command...

Embalming: The Control of Microorganisms

Abstract Embalming is the process of cleaning, preserving and presenting a deceased patient. Embalmers are at a risk of contracting diseases especially when dealing with deceased patients who have died out of contagious diseases such as Anthrax, mad cow, Tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS etc due to the presences of micro-organisms including bacterial...

Geography and Its Relevance in the 21st Century

The argument that geography no longer matters in the 21st century does not hold. Despite the communication, trade, and infrastructural barriers that globalization has broken, the world cannot get to a position where humans can regard geography as irrelevant. Even with the proliferation of globalization, global problems such as climate...

Thermogravimetric Analysis of Inorganic Compound and Rubber

Summary Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) is a method of thermal evaluation of substances where deviations in physical and chemical properties of materials are quantified with changes in time or temperature. The purpose of this experiment was to use TGA to determine compositional information about an inorganic salt and formulate a series...

Miami-Dade County in Florida: Geological History

Introduction Geology is a natural science which studies soil and its composition, including rocks and minerals. It focuses strongly on the transformation of the Earth’s geology over the 4.5 billion years of its existence as it underwent a continuous change and cataclysmic events, which have formed the composition of the...

Cocoa Production and Its Social Impact on West Africa

Abstract Cocoa is a necessary cash crop both for producing and consuming countries (Bales, 2004). The cocoa beans go through a rigorous and delicate process. Some of the challenges that farmers face in cocoa production include the weather patterns, insects and a number of diseases. Cocoa production is not an...

Parametric and Non-Parametric Tests in Research

When conducting research, it is important to reach accurate conclusions and generalizations concerning the participant groups. For this purpose, statistical tests are used, which can be classified into parametric and non-parametric. While for the first type, the researcher is aware of the parameter to be applied to the sample, the...

An Observable Experiment: Control Over the Variables

Introduction Setting an experiment is a crucial step toward a better understanding of a specific phenomenon (Groebner, Shannon, & Fry, 2014). An observable experiment, in its turn, is defined as the experiment in which the independent variables cannot possibly be controlled by the person or person setting the test. In...

Isaac Newton’s Mechanistic Universe

Introduction Isaac Newton was an ancient scientist and a great mathematician who is credited for the invention of several scientific theories. Newton is credited for coming up with theories that explain the nature of the universe ranging from the theory on the force of gravity to the theory of inertia....

National Parks: Environmental Threats and Protection

Protecting the Habitat of Endangered Bird or Timber Logging? Walker and David argue that every person is required to protect the endangered species because; they have a duty to protect the earth, including these birds, for future generations (127). The societies do not possess the species, but they are charged...

Biology: Comparison and Contrast of Cats and Dogs

This paper is aimed at discussing the similarities and differences between cats and dogs. These animals are often regarded as bitter antagonists that cannot co-exist. Nevertheless, they can actually bear resemblance to one another. For instance, one should mention their interactions with people and their eating habits. Nevertheless, it is...

Can We Use Behaviour to Differentiate Species?

Species classification is a fundamental aspect of biology and is essential for comprehending the range of life on our planet. However, species identification can be difficult, especially when physical characteristics alone do not provide sufficient differentiation. Many researchers have raised the question of whether behavior can be used as a...

Biology: The Concepts of Chemistry

Biology is a discipline that investigates how things in the world interact with one another and their surroundings. The sciences, in general, and biology, in particular, utilize a number of important factors in their scientific inquiry. Scientific laws, which describe how one or more aspects of nature behave under specific...

The Features of Marfan’s Syndrome

Introduction Marfan syndrome is an inherited connective tissue disease characterized by pathological changes in the heart, blood vessels, musculoskeletal system, and eyes (von Kodolitsch et al., 2019). Often, the external symptoms of Marfan’s syndrome appear in the first days after the birth of a child and only intensify in the...

Bacterial Carbohydrate Fermentation

Introduction This experiment aims to determine the ability of microbes to ferment carbohydrates (glucose) with the production of an acid and/or gas. The researcher’s goal is to determine whether bacteria can ferment a specific carbohydrate by using the carbohydrate fermentation test. Various microbial groups or species can be distinguished from...

Chemistry: Collision Theory of Reactivity

Introduction It is essential to evaluate what occurs during a reaction on the molecular level to understand the kinetics of chemical reactions and the factors affecting them. Based on the collision theory of reactivity, reactions happen when reactant molecules collide effectively (Felder et al., 2020). However, for this collision to...

How to Obtain Phenacetin from Acetaminophen

Abstract This work aimed to obtain Phenacetin from Acetaminophen using a nucleophilic attack mechanism. Reflux, ice-bath cooling and heating, and vacuum filtration procedures were used to complete the synthesis. The simpler materials were reacted to produce complex compounds presented in later sections of the paper. Melting point values were instrumentally...

Repeasantization: Impact on Agriculture

Introduction As the world developed and new technologies emerged, all areas of society, including agriculture, were transformed. While for an extended period, the main workers on farms were peasants, later they were partly replaced by machine and automatic labor. This process is called the industrial revolution, in other words, the...

Qualitative Method and Descriptive Design in SMEs

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic became a challenge not only for humanity’s health but also for economies and businesses worldwide. The most significant challenge was imposed in small and medium enterprises (SME), requiring rapid adjustments and modifications in organizational structure to adapt to the situation (Klein & Todesco, 2021). Marketing research...

World Hunger: Key Facts and Statistics

Introduction It is important to note that world hunger still remains to be one of the most critical problems on the global scale. Although humanity achieved massive progress in the development of advanced technology, which created an unprecedented level of prosperity and abundance, hunger still impacts the most vulnerable groups....

Positionality and Perspective in Qualitative Research

Introduction and Definition Research processes require sharing of spaces between the researcher and participants. A researcher may take a stance on a particular subject by forming biases and perceptions of others and how outsiders perceive them. Participants may have a specific belief that contradicts the ontology and epistemology of the...

The Existence of Life on Venus and Mars

Introduction Earth is a unique planet in the Solar System as the only one known to support an active life. However, scientists are constantly in the search of other life in the universe. Other planets in our vicinity may offer clues, with Venus and Mars potentially once having supported life....

Is the Earth in the Center of the Universe?

It is hard to disagree that space is expanding for humans at an unimaginable rate. New constellations and galaxies are discovered every year, and better photos of other planets become available. This may mean that humanity is on the verge of great discoveries, and the conquest of space is getting...

Qualitative and Quantitative Research

Generally, qualitative and quantitative studies are two types of research conducted in science. The first type is designed to learn as much as possible about the properties of the phenomenon or object being analyzed. There are no strict criteria for how information is collected — a free form can be...

The Power of Using Nuclear Energy

Introduction The majority of the world’s population cannot imagine their lives without electricity. Energy for daily consumption by individuals and organizations is produced in many ways, including nonrenewable sources (fossil fuels and gas) and renewable ones (solar and wind power). However, one type of energy production – nuclear fission –...

The Human Brain, Its Structure and Functions

The brain is the most vital component of the human body. It directs and organizes actions and responses, helps think and feel, and provides human experiences such as memories and emotions. This research paper consists of three parts that highlight the three-dimensional sagittal view model of the brain, the structure...

Analysis of Statistical Significance

Introduction Statistical significance relates to the null hypothesis’ determination, which postulates that outcomes result from chance. According to Benjamin et al. (2018), a hypothesis is a presupposition or belief about the relationship between one’s data set. On the other hand, the null hypothesis, commonly denoted as H0, relates to a...

Milk’s Consistency Under Higher Temperature

Observation I examined the consistency change of the milk when it was left out of the refrigerator for four days. Hypothesis The hypothesis is that the higher temperature affects the bacteria growth in the milk, hence changing the milk’s consistency. Experiment and Procedure A list of materials used in the...

Action Research: Challenges Students Face

Action Research is a methodology that simultaneously involves the researcher and the participants in a cyclical process. Thanks to the theoretical knowledge of the former and the practical experience of the participants, a system with an established working mechanism are realized. There are traditionally three stages in this system: planning,...

Crystal – An Agile Framework

Introduction The properties of a project will always change depending on the level of criticality and the participants involved. In this regard, small teams can handle projects without the need for reporting and paperwork as there will be less communication (Vijayasarathy & Butler, 2015). However, bigger teams require frequent cooperation...

Duck Billed Platypus as Example of Mammalian Beginnings

General Information One of the most amazing transitional forms between reptiles, birds, and mammals is the platypus, a modern mammal. The platypus was first discovered in 1797 on the shores of Australia, and it took many years for researchers to figure out what the chimera was. Today platypus is fully...

Bald Eagle as Bird with Features of Dinosaur

General Information One of the most famous birds in the world is the bald eagle, which is the national symbol of the United States. Although this bird is a modern animal living in the Quaternary Cenozoic, the bald eagle has many of the features of dinosaurs, so systems biology often...

Osmosis, Diffusion, and Active Transport of Molecules: Key Differences

Introduction The concepts of osmosis, diffusion, and active transport concern the movement of molecules and are some of the foundational terminologies of the biology curriculum. Nevertheless, the terms are frequently confused and misunderstood. According to the research by Reinke, Kynn, and Parkinson (2019), most first-year biology students have a large...

Research Misconduct: Reasons and Possible Solutions

Research misconduct is a serious offense that occurs quite frequently in the academic community. It is heart-breaking when some researchers violate authorship rights and pocketing years of somebody’s hard work. Thus, it is crucial to monitor plagiarism and unfair practices in scientific research carefully. This paper aims to consider why...

Human Bones: Rib Cage and Pelvic Bone

The rib cage may also be called a thoracic cage. It has twenty-four bones known as the ribs. The ribs are curved around the chest. A human rib cage has twelve thoracics. The top seven pairs attach themselves to the sternum by cartilage; they are the true ribs (Starr, Beverly...

Assessing a Two-Way ANOVA

Introduction In the task #12.7, a two-way ANOVA was utilized to test the influence of two categorical independent variables on each of the two dependent variables: percentage of immunized persons and the number of days of immunization delay. In this paper, the claim that no statistically significant interaction was detected...

The Investigation of Aging on a Molecular Level

Introduction There are two categories of theories on ageing namely the damage based theory which explains that aging may be caused by low metabolism or inefficient immune system that occurs over a long period of time. The programmed theory suggests that tough environmental factors may lead to aging and death...

Post-Translational Modification of Proteins

Introduction Post-translational modification is the process by which a protein (polypeptide) is modified chemically after it has gone through the third stage of protein biosynthesis. This third stage is referred to as translation. It is part of the whole process of gene expression. Basically, a protein is made up of...

The Concept of Deterministic and Probabilistic Methods

In various industries, calculation and forecasting techniques are applied to identify the relevant outcomes and consequences of decisions or interventions. In particular, the two most common approaches are utilized – deterministic and probabilistic. According to Muriana and Vizzini (2017), one of the main values ​​of deterministic models is an opportunity...

Converting Dimethyl Ether from Methanol

Dimethyl Ether (DME) is made by converting hydrocarbons which are first converted to methanol and then to DME (Molar 13). It can be made from other sources such as wood byproducts, household and crop waste, or from algae biomass. It’ chemical formula is CH3OCH3 and is considered a more clean...

The Red Blood Cells and Types of Blood

The red blood cells (RBCs) are oxygen and carbon dioxide carrying cells found in the blood serum of vertebrate organisms (Starr, 143). They transport oxygen from the lungs to the tissues, and carbon dioxide from the tissues to organs that get rid of them, such as lungs. The RBCs are...