Artificial Intelligence in Self-Driving Cars

Introduction Over the past decade, the evolution of self-driving cars has accelerated. Most vehicles on the roads today have some form of automation. Since self-driving cars can theoretically react faster than human drivers and do not get behind the wheel drunk, do not write text messages while driving, and do...

The Aeroflot Flight 593 Accident Case

The Aeroflot flight AFL 593 accident was a classic case of human factor accident in the aviation industry. In the evening hours of March 23, 1994, the aircraft was en route to Kai Tak Airport in Hong Kong from Sheremetyevo International Airport in Moscow (Hayward and Hardimanm, 2022). The report...

The Adidas Firm’s Project Success Management

Introduction Portfolio, programme, and project theory are three vital components of project success management theory (PSMT). They imply using specific methods and measures to attain better outcomes, guarantee return on investment, and create the basis for the further company’s evolution (Hansen & Svejvig, 2022; Nieto-Rodrigues, 2021). Using the real-life example...

The Microsoft Excel Knowledge Advantages

Microsoft Excel plays an important role in sharpening a person’s skill set. Individuals can hone the skills that are crucial in advancing one’s career. Effective training in Microsoft Excel enables a person to manipulate, visualize, and evaluate data. Using color-coding helps a person determine patterns easily and analyze data that...

The Smartphone Industry: Technological Influences

Technological influences include the emergence of innovations and their influence on goods, product creation, and exposure to potential industry opportunities. The ever-growing rate of technical innovation is a significant element of the present world (Grewal & Levy, 2020). In addition, breakthrough innovations are being adopted considerably more rapidly than in...

Challenges of Project Management

Information technology projects consist of many elements that contribute to their success or failure. This article focuses on planning and uncertainty dimensions like project size, diversity, and technical complexity. Size indicates the number of people involved in project planning, and diversity is defined as arrangements among managers about the specialization...

English at Hand: Proposal of the Mobile App

Abstract It seems reasonable to say that the issue that SC is aspiring to resolve is related to the improvements of the technological aspect of its performance, which will advance its incomes and brand. The possible solution might be the development of a specific mobile app for learning English that...

Analysis of HVAC System Project

Water Source Heat Pumps and Fan Coil Unit Systems A water source heat pump is comprised of the compressor, 4-Way reversing valve, refrigerant-water heat exchanger, thermal expansion device, coil, and fan. WSHP systems are highly efficient, robust, and quiet. A WSHP system lowers overall building energy consumption by 8% when...

Global Positioning System and Its Applications

Garmin defines the Global Positioning System or GPS as a satellite based navigation system that is made up of a group of 24 satellites that have been placed into orbit by the United States Department of Defense (Garmin 1). Originally, the Global Positioning System was referred to as Navstar Global...

Addiction to Cellphone Limits Engagement in an Active Social Life

Introduction Technological innovations and social media have significantly influenced modern people’s social lives and many areas of human activity. These novelties have created the preconditions for new opportunities and conveniences, as well as habits and addictions. Excessive use of cell phones has become a significant concern among researchers and health...

Impact of Social Media on Mental Health

The use of the internet for human communication and connectivity has established in society. According to Karim et al. (2020), at least 3484 people had social media account in 2019, which is an increase of 9% from 2018. Networking sites have advantages to people as they enhance interactions, entertainment, provides...

Telecommunication Principles: The Topic of Modulation

Introduction The topic of telecommunications system cannot be studied completely without touching on the topic of modulation, its categorization and ways of usage. Thus, modulation is the telecommunications technique used, as Gaudenzi (2007) argues, to modify the forms of television or radio waves in order to adjust the number of...

Robotics, Its Merits and Demerits

It’s one of the various computer technologies branches that in the make and development of robots. The automation of the machines covers human beings in the dangerous environments or the manufacturing processes where the humans are prone to risk. They perform their activities well and have similar relations with humans...

Cultural Issues and Their Solutions in Project Management

Abstract Due to the ongoing globalisation of business, international expansion of different companies and the emergence of culturally diverse environments, project managers face challenges that have not existed before. Some of these issues can have a significant adverse effect on the performance of the team, and so they should be...

Agile Project Management Style and Concept

Definition of Agile Project Management Agile project management is an incremental approach to project management that that managers use to implement project activities at the design, development, implementation, and maintenance phases and has been used of software products and building construction activities (Chin, 2004). The concept differs from the traditional...

The Motherboard Structure and Analysis

Motherboard A motherboard refers to a Printed Circuit Board (PCB) which has an extended capacity. Today, it has become the most important component found nearly in all modern computers all over the world. As a holder, the motherboard acts as a major point of connection in which most of the...

Innovative Technologies for Communication

Introduction Technology is making communication easier in today’s world, but at the expense of personal contact as many people choose to interact from home in front of a computer screen Innovative technologies have come into the human life so intensively that nowadays, it is impossible to live without those. Looking...

Computer Technology’s Impact on Personal Health

Today, more than ever, we are surrounded by technology: billions of devices are connected to the Internet worldwide. The use of technology has many positive aspects: they help us stay connected, which was the only salvation during the pandemic. Along with the benefits of technology, there are potential health consequences...

Use of Technology in Arts and Music Industry

Introduction Technology in art is a form of venture where artists use digital technologies to create their works and use tech as part of their creative or presenting process. Other names have been used to describe this process, such as multimedia art or computer art. Technology has brought about new...

ezyVet and AVImark Veterinary Management Software

Veterinary management software is used in animal healthcare facilities to help in the day-to-day activities at the veterinary clinic or hospital. The software has thrived as sending clients notifications on their appointments, making payments, billing prescribed items as well as purchasing medical supplies, making follow-ups, and managing veterinary claims have...

The Pilot Solar Installation Project Evaluation

Executive Summary This solar installation pilot project was a joint venture between QF as the implementing agency and the Doha city council as the funding entity. The project was implemented in 10 schools and ten hospitals at a total cost of 18.8 M Riyals. As a result of this study,...

Resolute Marine Energy: Power in Waves

Introduction The ocean can be viewed as a renewable energy source used for various purposes. For this reason, much attention is devoted to investigating how to work with wave energy and ensure it is used for specific purposes. Advances in the given sphere will help to address nagging issues. More...

Social Relations After Impact of Technology

Introduction In today’s technological landscape, individuals can access many opportunities that past generations did not have. The pervasiveness of technology in this culture has resulted in a deadly addiction in many people’s life. Michael Harris, in his book, discusses his fascinating analysis of this generation’s connection with technological innovation and...

Influence of Technology on Students’ Communication and Learning

Introduction Modern technologies embedded in the educational process have become valuable tools and helped increase students’ interest and productivity. An opportunity to engage in digital content has broadened the prospects for communication and advanced learning. Moreover, unlimited access to various materials has a positive effect not only on collective but...

The Promises and Perils of Artificial Intelligence

Introduction Artificial intelligence has become increasingly popular in recent times. Artificial intelligence (AI) involves the simulation of intelligence in machines programmed to mimic and learn human actions. AI comprises various subdomains that include deep learning, natural language processing, neural networks, computer vision, and machine learning. AI leads to improved efficiency...

Antiviruses and Kernel Mode and Alternative Methods

Introduction The kernel is the primary part of any operating system and has complete control over all processes and memory. Replacing kernel code may lead to drastic outcomes, including a crash and a state, where it is impossible to restore the system. Despite these risks, antivirus designers often use kernel-mode...

Inequality of Digital Divide in Education

With each year, technology is becoming more integrated into people’s lives. In education, teachers try to blend it with other tasks to prepare students for using devices in the future. Moreover, COVID-19 forced educators to transition to online teaching, which cannot be facilitated without the technology that allows them to...

How Technology Has Affected Education

Educational technology has greatly developed and has made both teachers and students successful as well as reforming schools. Some of these educational technologies include computers and computer peripherals (analytical software). Although these technologies have greatly impacted education in positive way still many people argue that the use of technology in...

The Containment Strategy Against the Acceleration Strategy

Introduction In modern organizations, much attention should be paid to the role of Chief Information Officers (CIOs), who are responsible for establishing effective governance designs and security in companies. In the company under discussion, security issues have led to the problems in the work of the information system (IS) and...

Cell Phones’ Impact on Public Behavior

With constant calling, texting, listening to music, and even navigating, cell phones have become an inseparable part of people’s everyday lives. The tools that were initially invented for distant communication soon evolved into an entertainment source with multiple functions. Communication has been greatly enhanced with numerous apps and social media...

Video Games and Teenage Behavior

Introduction Video game refers to an electronic game played by a human being in a video devise interface to generate feedback that is visual in nature on a screen. There are several interfaces that support video game such as computers and televisions by using game controllers which include gamepads, keyboards,...

Computer and Digital Literacy Differences

Introduction Nowadays, literacy has a double meaning – initially, it was the ability to read, write and communicate. Moreover, a more specific meaning implies the ability of a person to perform those actions without making mistakes. Computer literacy has a similar definition and results from the development of technology and...

Program, Project, and Sub-Project Definitions

Introduction Establishing definitions is one of the critical factors for effective communication between people and the proper functioning of organizations. Otherwise, people will understand the subject under discussion differently. In the case of any large-scale work, such moments become even more crucial. In this context, first of all, it is...

The Kitchen Heaven Project’s Lifecycle

The predictive life cycle is based on the definition of immediate tasks and their detailed study and planning. Further tasks, for example, expected in one or two months, are considered irrelevant for planning. Managers in this cycle solve problems as they come and do not waste their energy and that...

The Impact of Using Technology in Teaching English as a Second Language

The publication underscores the impact of educational technology and modern language teaching tools on teaching English as a second language. The paper is based on a qualitative analysis of the impacts and roles played by information technology on English Language Learning (ELL) students. The questionnaire method is used to collect...

Prevention and Control of Computer Abuse

IT departments are strongly encouraged to extend enterprise-level protection to employees’ devices, but this is only possible if employees themselves seek to place their devices under the care of specialists from the IT department. This is important because it is necessary to consider the influence of the American Civil Liberties...

Solar-Powered Borehole Drilling in Qatar

Abstract The present report aimed to evaluate the success of a project of drilling ten solar-powered freshwater wells for Qatar Petroleum. The project was completed by Drillserv, a drilling company located in Doha, Qatar. The project had high profitability of 202,940 QR in net income before tax. It was completed...

The Internet in the Modern Educational System

Introduction In the modern-day educational environment, technology plays a fundamental role in accelerating knowledge distribution and transforming the overall approach to learning. The increased access to the Internet made it possible for both teachers and students to be at the forefront of digitalization. However, it remains controversial how the Internet...

The Fourth Industrial Revolution

The beginning of the 21st century is characterized by rapid digital transformation and technological enhancement. Innovative changes that affect business and manufacturing are defined as Industry 4.0 or the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Frank et al. 23). This concept incorporates a new production approach based on the massive introduction of information...

Mechanism Description of a Screwdriver

In this paper, the mechanism and use of a screwdriver with a crosshead and a detachable tip will be described. As an instrument, a screwdriver is one of the essential instruments that are used commonly and are applied to repair multiple devices of a different level of advancement and complexity....

Rainwater Harvesting Prototype

The prototype is intended to improve the use of harvested rainwater that is collected on large railway stations. Water usage is divided into three purposes: aesthetic, healthcare and education. The aesthetic aspect presupposes the creation of the waterfall effect. Most projects associated with rainwater harvesting create waterfalls. Pornchai Garden in...

Efficiency of Online Teaching Strategies

Introduction Modern education experiences an influx of innovations in the manner of conveying information. The advancements of technology have allowed using the Internet for distance learning. However, to ensure the adequate efficiency of online learning, appropriate teaching strategies should be implemented. The recent pandemic has restricted many traditional venues for...

Internet in Our Life: Personal Opinion

My Thoughts on the Crowding Effect of the Internet Ever since I started on this class I’ve begun to notice various things online that I never really took notice of before. For one thing I have come to the realization that the popularity of online retailers such as is...

Ethical Issues in CCTV and Biometrics Technologies

Introduction Security is an issue of major concern to society. Increased cases of insecurity the world over have motivated creativity in crime prevention. CCTV and Biometric technology are some of the innovative applications in crime prevention technology in use today. In spite of the popularity of these technologies, there has...

Microsoft Word: Review and Analysis

There was a period when word-processing was done in a dos based environment rather than a windows environment. All commands had to be through the key board making it difficult to operate. All this has changed since the advent of Windows and other graphics based operating systems. The popular programs...

Azure: Service Operations Management Overview

Perception of the Service The service provided by Microsoft (Azure Cloud) can be perceived as a client-centered attempt to convey the best tech for an appropriate price that would not scare customers away from the company. The operation provides consumers with an outlook on the company’s services where end-users could...

Google Company Analysis: Strategies and Issues

Introduction Google was created to provide all information to the world freely through the organization of the same and being good unless otherwise. Google later launched Gmail which was supposed to compete with yahoo but it was more customized and designed for its contents. The contents for the search were...

Theory of Knowledge: Can a Machine Know?

As simple as such a question may appear, it is far more complicated. To even begin addressing this knowledge issue, one must define what Knowing is. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, “to know” has multiple meanings, of which include: “To have understanding of” and “To recognize as being the same...

Video and Audio Technology and Its Future

Introduction Indeed, the future of video and audio technology looks strong, more than ever before, in virtually all spheres of life. Nowhere is this upward trend for video and audio conferencing more pronounced than in businesses (Dominick 2003). More businesses are increasingly utilizing this technology to save on time and,...

The Rapid Growth of the Internet

Abstract Human memory and Internet search engines face a shared computational problem, needing to retrieve stored pieces of information in response to a query. We explored whether they employ similar solutions, testing whether we could predict human performance on a fluency task using Page Rank, a component of the Google...

Wireless Charging Technology’s Evaluation

Scenario This evaluation report addressed to the VP is a critical analysis of the usability of wireless charging technology developed for smart devices. It covers observations, the findings, the major problems identified, and some recommendations for products improvement. The scope of this report is on user experiences of wireless charging...

The Aviation Industry: Contemporary Issues

The aviation industry is experiencing rapid growth. The growth is contributing significantly to the growth of the global economy and at the same time presenting numerous challenges that put the industry’s future at risk. According to estimates provided by IATA, the total number of passengers will continue to rise in...

Drones and Robotic Technology

Introduction Two things were required in transforming pre-historic man into modern man. The first requirement calls for a healthy dose of curiosity. The second requirement calls for innovative thinking. It is a good thing to know that human beings were imbued with the right amount of curiosity, because it becomes...

Machine Learning in Tesla Self-Driving Cars

Introduction In modern society, significant attention has been paid to artificial intelligence and machine learning. Machine learning is the science of developing algorithms and statistical models that computer systems use to perform tasks without explicit instructions, relying instead on patterns and logical inferences. There are four machine learning algorithms: with...

Steam Engine Invention and Its Importance

Summary This report is dedicated to establishing the historical and engineering significance of the steam engines. He highlights the main points of the invention and refinement of the steam engine, showing its transformation from the prototype to the final Watt model. The subspecies of the steam engine are also considered,...

The Payment and Billing System Requirements

Introduction Precision Electronic Parts (PEP) serves as an average privatized entity. Due to the expansion of lines of production for electronic materials, there is an issue with invoices management by the finance department. The modern payment and billing system must have the capability to solve the problem highlighted due to...

Modern Technology and Human’s Ability to Think

Introduction Reflection is a unique process that the human brain uses to solve essential problems, create various tools, develop its owner’s skills, and gain vast experience. With the rapid improvement of the technologies that resolve a substantial number of tasks for individuals, a question of deterioration of the human ability...

Tokyo: The City With Innovation

Introduction Technological advancements have revolutionized humanity, and many industrial activities have been simplified. Artificial intelligence (AI) has improved product quality and manufacturing processes among companies. Moreover, the adoption of robotics has helped human beings avoid hazardous industrial activities like chemical processing. Education and finance, among other sectors, are beneficiaries of...

Comparison of Apple and Android Smartphones

Introduction In today’s smartphone market, both Android and Apple phones are popular mobile devices with a variety of key characteristics and features. Although there are many similarities between them, it is clear that a prospective buyer must be able to differentiate the overall benefits and drawbacks before acquiring either iPhones...

The Dawn of Artificial Intelligence: Robots

Introduction Certainly, the beauty of being intelligent lies in the ability to have a creative perception of the world and the power to adjust it to one’s needs. The gift of changing reality made people vain enough to step in for God and produce creatures of metal to reflect mankind...

Researching: Ethics and Engineering

Introduction Through social media, people can keep in touch with each other. It is also used as a platform to network and find career opportunities, and where people can share their thoughts, feelings and insights. More importantly, it is through social media that ethics is broadly elaborated. Ethics describes a...

Cybercrime From the Religious Viewpoint

Cybercrime as a concept remains a point of contest and debate among lawyers, civil servants and scientists alike. The sources cannot seem to agree on which traits a crime should have to be considered cyber, both in terms of the nature and the means of the offense committed. The annotated...

Information Security for Small Businesses

Introduction In the modern world, information is considered one of the most valuable assets. It is rational to invest in the development of qualitative and instant information sharing systems because this approach leads to a significant advantage in the market. That is why individuals and businesses draw specific attention to...

Denver International Airport’s Project Management

Introduction In the eighties approximately, aviation began to expand its role in international and intercountry transportation, and the need to build new airports was crystallized. As Stapleton Airport’s capacity levels became insufficient to meet the needs of Denver’s growing economy during the period, the idea to build a new airport...

Critical Issues to Planning and Implementation of Information Systems

Abstract The initial gist of this paper is the ‘information revolution’, spanning a period of technological innovations, from the internet to Information Technology, coupled with globalization and the rise of the multinationals. A new paradigm shift has emerged from this kind of revolution, and the organization’s trend is to implement...

Interaction Between Management and IT

Introduction Any institution’s desire is to see its various departments operate at optimum levels. This is by far the most important consideration that drives institutions to try and entrench the usage of information systems in its operations. However, the more an enterprise adopts new technology, the more the management begins...

Technology Impact on Behavior of Different Generations

Abstract This experiment will study how technology affects younger generations compared to older generations. It will also consider negative or positive effects on people in terms of their behavioral practices such as socialization, impulsiveness, innovation, ambition. The study will show that younger generations are more impulsive, abrasive, consumed, and lack...

Road Profiling Using Laser Scanning

Road profiling In road construction, renovation or expansion, it is a prerequisite for the engineers and scientists to have accurate and reliable data that will have productive work. Currently, most of our roads are faced with the problem of traffic, therefore, the authorities must have a strict measure on the...

Concepts of Windows XP

Introduction For a computer to operate, it requires an operating system. Windows XP constitutes one of the many operating systems whose manufacturer is Microsoft Corporation. Windows XP is applicable in a variety of computers ranging from laptops, personal computers and desktops. The emergence of windows XP in the market from...

Mobile Computing: The Future of Business

Introduction The changes in technology force companies to reevaluate business models to remain profitable and competitive in a market. Mobile technologies use has become part of daily life for most people around the world as a way of sharing information. A study conducted by Pew Research Center (2019) revealed that...

Description of the Vacuum Cleaner

Introduction Every person in their home has more than one dozen household items, which greatly simplify life. From now on, all daily tasks are solved with the help of a specially designed device, including a dust collection with a vacuum cleaner. Studying the principle of operation is essential for further...

Management: Work Breakdown Structure and Schedule 

Executive Summary This paper is composed of three plans (Project plan, Operational plan and technical process plan) which lead the organization to achieve its goal. The goal of this publishing company is to increase to increase the number of subscribers for its magazine ‘Alive’. Before creating a plan the challenges...

Computer-Based Communication Technologies in Business

Introduction Communication has got a major role in the field of business organizations. Without effective communication nothing is possible in business activities. This made computer based communication technologies more important. This includes communication technologies such as instant messaging and wikis. Both these technologies made lot of impact in the business...

The Positive and Negative Impact of Technology on Human Life

Introduction Technology has become part and parcel of our day to day lives, human beings are heavily dependent upon technology. Mobile phones is probably the most used gadget across the globe, people rely heavily upon their mobile phones and can’t imagine even a day without their phones. There are various...

Network Bandwidth Management and Policy Compliance

It should be noted that almost every company that utilizes multiple servers and active network equipment has to monitor the performance of facilities, minimize its downtime, and so on. To achieve this, organizations can use various tools for automatic troubleshooting of standard problems. In general, network management tools should possess...

Smartphone Macro-Environment Analysis in the UK

Introduction Consumers of handheld devices and mobile phones can benefit from the wide range of features associated with them today. Since 2007, millions of users have been able to “experience the functionality of personal computers on pocket-sized devices” (Rakestraw, Eunni, & Kasuganti 2015, p. 2). Such smartphones deliver numerous applications...

Technology and Its Effects on Society

Technology is a capable aspect in the current world. Through technology, many goals have been achieved in the twentieth century and beyond. The power of technology plays an important role in aspects of our day to day life. Also, technology is a very component in reproduction, communication, traveling, education, playing,...

The Internet in Modern Human Life

Introduction In the modern world, information technology, mobile communications, and television are becoming increasingly significant. The leading role is played by wireless and wired Internet network, which is not only a source of information, but also a universal environment for communication, entertainment, and education. The number of Internet users grows...

The Aviation Industry: Business Pressures

Abstract The Aviation Industry is the world’s largest manufacturing industry and has been conducting business for over 30 years. In the current environment of reshuffling between business owners, many companies face multiple business pressures at once. This research report explores some of the internal and external pressures managers are facing...

E-Commerce Software and Its Basic Functions

The growth of online commerce, which the Corona pandemic has additionally caused, is attracting more companies to the Internet. They need their own online store to cope with changing consumer buying behavior and to compensate for falling sales in the stationary trade. It is essential to note that creating a...

Game Playing in Artificial Intelligence

Introduction The 9th of March, 2016, was a watershed moment in the development of artificial intelligence when the Go champion Lee Sedol was beaten by AlphaGo, a computer developed by Google. While both Go and Chess are two-player strategy board games, the greater number of potential movements in Go and...

Monitor and Control in Project Management

Monitoring and controlling are indispensable elements of projects management. The purpose of these two steps is to review the project’s status and analyze the potential objectives and threats to develop a way to mitigate them. It is necessary to control the project to ensure that it will be completed on...

Interconnection of Nature, Society, and Technology

Introduction Nature, society, and technology are compared to each other in varying degrees, located in bizarre configurations by different scientists. Some see technology as a logical extension of nature, made possible by the triumph of the human mind. Others believe that technology is a dangerous game that, in the end,...

The Custom Giant LED Screen Installation Project

Introduction This project management report is based on a proposed project to design, build and install a custom giant led screen system for a shopping complex. In this report, concepts in project management are applied to prevent team misunderstanding by providing a clear strategy and procedure from beginning to end....

The Future of Jobs: Impact of Technology

Bui, Quoctrung. “Will Your Job Be Done by a Machine?” NPR, 2015. The article discusses the professions that are more likely to become replaced by machines. The author explains that jobs requiring cleverness, negotiation, and aiding other people are at a smaller risk to be replaced as they demand special...

The Role of Technology in Social Change

In recent years, technological advances have provided new ways to connect with communities and individuals worldwide. Reaching millions of many people has never been easier. Many people use the latest technologies for business and leisure, but there are countless ways to use them for social change. Today, anyone can use...

Freedom of Speech and Censorship

One of the most critical aspects of fighting against cybercrime involves a proper balancing between the preservation of people’s right to free speech and censorship. Internet is a hub for freedom of expression and thought since one can state his or her opinions without revealing his or her identity. Anonymity...

Practices in Managing the Project Life Cycle

Abstract The implementation of project plans is a task that requires extensive preparation due to the multitasking and a wide range of conventions to take into account. One of the essential factors is the assessment of management at each of the four stages – initiation, planning, execution and closure. This...

Evaluation of Project Management Practices

Abstract Depending on the phase, projects require different focus points and implementations. The project management (PM) lifecycle includes initiation, planning, execution, and closure. The initiation correlates with an assessment of the possibilities of the project. Managers need to pay more attention to estimating the costs, assessing the possible risks, and...

Darktrace vs. Crowdstrike: Technology Strategies

Introduction Nowadays, cyber security is generally recognized as an indispensable part of cyberinfrastructure that defends information from intruders. Many IT companies work on leakage prevention by implementing new technologies such as autonomous defending platforms and threat-hunting systems. As users of vulnerable devices grow in number, the cyberinfrastructure becomes more and...

“Flight from Conversation” by Sherry Turkle

Digital technologies altered people’s lives tremendously, making them more comfortable and safer but less human. Indeed, mailboxes overflow with messages, and notifications from multiple smartphone apps appear on screens every minute. The 2012 essay “Flight from Conversation” written by Sherry Turkle discusses the dilemma of the 21st century, when people...

Cloud Computing Security: Challenges and Solutions

Introduction The main goal of the research is to study the wide variety of challenges, issues and solutions Kubernetes presents in regard to cloud computing security. With the rise of microservice architecture and containerization technology, developers and administrators have begun to test and deploy modern software in a completely different...

Qualitative Data Coding Process and Factors

Research commonly includes various approaches to work with data and the choice of suitable strategy based on a study’s purpose. For qualitative information, coding is one of the most valuable ways to gather coincidences and make detailed observations. As qualitative data is unstructured and non-numerical, coding is utilized to identify...

Information Systems Characteristics

Introduction Many companies use information systems to have successful operations, assemble data, and achieve goals and objectives. Information systems comprise of data; individuals and devices that assemble, manage, produce, and keep information; the grid that carries and collects information; and the techniques that control the management of information (Stair &...

Health and Safety Effects of Computer Use

Introduction In the 21st century, there has been advancement within the technological environment as a result of development in information technology. Most organizations have integrated the use of computers within their workforce in order to increase efficiency. The learning institutions have also incorporated the use of computers as one of...

Personal Computer Operating System History Since 1980

Personal computer operating systems have evolved with the development of personal computing power and user expectations and use. The 80s decade of the history of computer operating systems started with the introduction of apple computers that did not follow the then famous IBM architecture. Apple computer introduced the Macintosh which...

Metropolitan Area Networks: Operating Models

Introduction In the current world of technology, the internet and computing are increasingly finding use in daily activities. Together with the need to access and share information, networking has come to be a very important instrument to achieve this purpose. Networking can be described as the practice of connecting computing...

Loops in Java Programming: FOR, WHILE, and DO…WHILE

Java offers three basic types of loops: FOR, WHILE, and DO…WHILE. Their fundamental function is executing a block of code repeatedly, based on a Boolean condition (Farrell, 2014). However, they differ in how they evaluate their conditional expression (Farrell, 2014). A WHILE loop evaluates its conditional expression before executing, therefore,...

Analysis of Smartphones Life Cycle

All products have a limited life cycle and go through various identifiable stages. It starts with the conception of the product, its development, its introduction to the market, then to a stage when the market rapidly grows and stands saturated just after attaining maturity (Stark, 2019). Subsequently, the market drops,...

What Does a Career in Aviation Mean to You?

Aviation offers many different career paths and opportunities for each individual. Flying has always been something that sparked my interest. When joining the military, my first career option was to become an Air Traffic Control Operator, and now I am pursuing a career as a Helicopter Air Ambulance Pilot. Working...

Effects of Science and Technology in Modern World History Since 1500

Introduction Science and technology has proved to be one of the most dynamic spheres of life on earth. Each passing day has seen the discovery of new technologies and scientific breakthroughs that have had a lasting impact on life on earth in general and human life in particular. The common...

Impact of New Technologies and Globalization on Literature

The issue of globalization’s effect on the development of different countries has always been rather controversial. A number scholars wrangle whether globalization “completely submerges the sovereignty of independent states” (Okogbule 214) or advances the country it affects offering it economic, political, and cultural benefits. Some of the scholars state that...

Internet Invention: History and Lifestyle Changes

Introduction From time immemorial, man has been known to initiate inventions that have transformed the way humans live and relate with each other. Looking at the way some things have transformed our lives, it becomes hard to imagine living without those things. While some things are just meant for luxury,...

Usage of AI and Robotics in Project Management

Technological progress has allowed the humanity to use the technologies they could not implement in the past centuries. Some of these innovations include robotics and artificial intelligence (AI), which help individuals to perform regular tasks and often present the features humans do not have. The purpose of this paper is...

Aviation Shortages: Problem Statement and Methodology

Problem Statement The world’s growing population and availability of plane trips mean more air travel consumption (Abdullah, Chew, & Hamid, 2016). Impending shortages might impede the industry from meeting consumers’ needs. It is well-known that the aviation industry lacks workplace diversity: out of all pilots, technicians, and cabin crew, only...

Wireless Networking and Popular Standards

Abstract This paper presents an overview of wireless networking, emphasising the most popular standards: Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, WiMAX, and Cellular Networks. A review of what is needed to build a generic wireless network is provided. The literature attempts to discuss the most popular wireless technologies and their protocols. An overview of...

The Value of Technology

Many people appreciate the value of technology and how it drives popular culture and consumerism. Most of you my friends believe that technological advances are awesome and that only backward individuals would bad mouth technology. By the end of this speech, it is my hope, we shall all appreciate that...

Technology Acceptance Model

One of the most successful theories for exploring and examining technology acceptance is the Technology Acceptance Model (Holden & Karsh, 2010; Sun & Zhang, 2006). The theory approaches the examination of technology acceptance by two variables, that is, Perceived Usefulness (PU) and Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU). The popularity and...

Project Closure: Bandai Pippin

Project closure is the concluding phase of a project, in which the main types of activities are finalized. The documents and decisions made during this phase are expected to result in a formal completion. Importantly, the closure includes a “Lessons Learned” component that may offer valuable data for conducting similar...

Airline Capital Financing After Great Recession

The Great Recession of 2008 has caused a rollback of funding in the airline industry. Many banks associated with the aviation industry have reduced their loans for many airlines around the world. One of the significant problems in the financing of the aviation is that they are capital intensive because...

Farming Business Innovations: Urban Cultivator and Tree-T-Pee

Introduction Without doubt, fresh herbs are better tasting, as compared to dried herbs. In addition, there is little doubt that fresh garden vegetables are more preferred to those in supermarket shelves. Warmer climates allow fresh greens to grow yearlong, unlike colder regions that are more challenging in winter. The urban...

The Air France Flight 447 Crash Analysis

Accident Analysis Aviation Accident Other than the Colgan Air accident, another human factor aviation accident would be the crash of Air France Flight 447, which occurred in 2009. The aircraft, an Airbus A330-200, crashed into the Atlantic Ocean while on the route from Rio de Janeiro to Paris, with 228...

Intellectual Property Rules in Peer-to-Peer Networks

Businesses protect their technology, innovations, and competitive advantages through intellectual property laws. These laws include trademarks, patents, trade secrets, copyrights, and trade know-how. A patent is a license that confers the legal right to exclude others from making, using, or selling the patented invention for a specified period. A trademark...

Air Crash Investigation Analysis

Introduction The job of an aircraft operator is incredibly demanding and responsible. Without these people it is difficult to imagine life in modern aviation, where much is tied up in the experience and correctness of everyone’s small actions, much less those of these heroes, whose actions few people think about....

Importance of Project Management

Introduction Project management has become a routine concept in today’s world because it is used in various spheres, ranging from hospital administration and college courses to creating new products and proposing policies. Projects are usually performed in four distinct stages: defining, planning, executing, and closing (Larson and Gray, 2019). Furthermore,...

Engaging and Empowering Learning Through Technology

Engaging and empowering learning through technology is one of the recent educational trends. Educators get a unique opportunity to help learners experience new emotions and develop attitudes toward education and their learning abilities. For example, high-speed Internet access does not distract students and makes them focus on a topic (U.S....

The Aircraft Accident Investigation

Introduction The report is based on the aircraft accident of a Rans aircraft S-19 Class 2 Microlight ZK-MBX, which was operated on a private cross-country flight. The flight was part of a planned group fly away with seven other aircraft, from Taieri Aerodrome to Omarama Aerodrome for a group lunch...

Outlawing of Payments in Ransomware Attacks

Introduction Ransomware attacks are currently a major cybersecurity threat for many companies. This type of cybercrime is the cause of billions of dollars in losses every year, and its scale only increases. The main reason for the spread of fraud is the incentive in the form of ransoms that most...

Ethical Issues of Geographic Information Systems

Introduction Data is linked to a map using GIS (Geographic Information Systems), which combines location data (the position of items) with various types of descriptive information (the description of what they are). Science and nearly every business rely on this for mapping and analysis. GIS aids users in gaining a...

Smartphone Technology in the Society

Introduction The use of smartphones is recognized in all parts of the world. Smartphones have been advanced to higher levels due to microservices architecture that has taken the artificial intelligence field. With a smartphone, communication can be efficient and simultaneous. Nowadays phones are being used to work in various fields,...

Accounting Information System

Introduction A small business can use many ways to protect its data. Some are complicated while others are quite simple. For example, a company may put in place physical security measures that are geared towards protecting physical stuff such as files. At the same time, a company may put in...

Using GPS in the Airline Industry

Abstract Navigation has evolved over the years from rudimentary forms that included the use of celestial bodies to the satellite-assisted systems used today. Over the years with each new system solving the preceding systems errors aircraft navigation has improved at a constant pace. These improvements have made air travel safer...

Spanning Tree Protocol and Its Security Issues

Making protocols at layer 2 or otherwise Spanning Tree Protocol represents a great percent of attacks originating within the organisation. Using Ethernet PAUSE frames alongside STP makes networks more vulnerable to attacks. Most STP security threat issues include; becoming root, changing STP timers, modifying STP active topology, generating persistent and...

Digital Footprint: Benefits and Drawbacks

The digital footprint is the traces that Internet users leave online. It refers to search history, browsing history, messages sent via social media, and others. On the one hand, this phenomenon implies benefits relating to saving login details, which contributes to convenience. On the other hand, a digital footprint has...

Classes and Objects in Java Programming

Classes and objects are one of the key attributes in object-oriented programming (OOP). The general relation between the two can be described as “is-a”: a class describes a template for objects, while an object is a specific instance of a class (Farrell, 2014). The primary concept of this relationship is...

The Super Smart Jacket in Use

Introduction According to the UK drink driving statistics (2010), over 3000 people are either killed or seriously injured in accidents related to drink driving. The problem with alcohol is that the more an individual consumes, the more confident he or she gets and consequently the more risks he or she...

The Concept of Fibre Optics Overview

Abstract Communication via an optical fibre is as old as the technology itself. This technology is the brain child of scientists Daniel Colodan and Jacques Babinet, who demonstrated how light transmitted through refraction. Consequently, other scientists followed suit brain storming and in less than 50 years ago, scientists opened a...

Computer Associates, INC Fraud – An Analysis

Introduction Computer Associates International, Inc (CAII) is one of the globe’s largest providers of information technology management software. CAII specialty is that they are in the manufacture, market, develop, license software end products that permit their clients to administer systems, maintain security, and manage networks, applications, and storage of databases...

Artificial Intelligence: Use and Potential Risks

Artificial Intelligence Uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies are nowadays utilized in a great variety of industries and sectors. For example, AI devices, such as machine learning and natural language processing, have become increasingly integrated into healthcare research. According to Jiang et al. (2017), the former type of device is primarily...

Alternative System Development Life Cycle

Introduction There are numerous models of managing system development that may be utilized depending on the circumstances and the aim of the project. The standard system development life cycle (SDLC) includes six stages: planning, analysis, design, implementation, and maintenance. While this approach is applicable to almost any situation, there are...

Moore Housing Contractors’ Program Evaluation and Review

CPM/PERT network for Moore Housing Contractors for determining the probability that the contractors can complete a house within 45 days The CPM/PERT network for Moore Housing Contractors is supposed to determine whether the Contractors of the Moore Housing would be able to finish the work on the house within agreed...

Occupational Safety and Health Threat Scenarios

An Unannounced Inspection Scenario By the company rules and regulations, the OSHA inspector should be informed that the general manager whom the company is accountable was not present, therefore not possible the inspection of the premise. At the same time, the inspector should be informed of the present change and...

Wastewater Management Technological Advances

Executive Summary In this report, attention is paid to new technologies that have been recently introduced in the field of wastewater treatment and management. Today, the world undergoes numerous changes and improvements at the same time. It is hard to guess if an action is taken in order to protect...

The Social Interaction in an Online Learning Community

Online education by Nagel and Kotze The main purpose of the research by Nagel and Kotze (2010) was to see the efficiency of the available teaching strategies for the online classes of large size to address the issue of the limited personal exposure of the learners to the tutor. The...

Digital Divide – Information and Communication Technologies

Introduction The most significant technological advances in the last century were made in the field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). Due to these advances, ICT emerged as the most important tool for fostering growth and development for the global community. Through the ability of ICT to enhance information processing...

How Climate Change Impacts Aviation

Introduction The issue of climate change is one of the most complex and significant challenges for most countries across the globe. The shift is already associated with the risk of life-threatening weather, such as floods and heat waves. For this reason, the issue of climate change and its impact on...

The Effects of Mobile Sports Betting on People

The mobile phone has become an essential tool for many people in the modern world. Technologies enable smartphone users’ access to numerous services such as banking, email, social networks, streaming platforms, games, and other applications for work and leisure. In this regard, mobile sports betting is one of the recent...

Microscope Invention: Impact on Human Understanding of Nature

Introduction A magnified image of a small item is created by a microscope instrument, giving the observer an extremely close-up view of tiny elements at a scale suitable for investigation and analysis. Through, at minimum, a single lens in the microscope, an object’s appearance is enlarged. By bending light in...

The Chotukool Project in India

Introduction In India, where many people live in poverty and do not have access to basic electronic devices, Chotukool is a unique solution to the problem of food hoarding. The organization’s push for disruptive innovation and breakthrough management is also largely driven by its executive vice president Mr. Sunderraman (Schiling,...

E-Commerce: The Role of Artificial Intelligence

Though the implementation of artificial intelligence within e-commerce continues to develop rapidly, there are four primary areas in which it deeply affects the experiences of customers. These areas include personalized recommendations, the search for potential customers, sales processes with the use of a virtual assistant, and improved search results. The...

Telstra Corporation’s Projects as Complex Adaptive Systems

Executive Summary This report examines a review of Complex Adaptive Systems used by Telstra late concerning the literature review on “Portfolios of agile projects: a complex adaptive systems’ agent perspective” by Sweetman and Conboy, 2018, focuses on the organization’s management sector’s performance and how the application of agile project management...

The Problem of Sharenting: Article Summary

Sharenting in School “Sharenting” is the online tracking and sharing of confidential information by parents about children that could lead to stereotypical assumptions. The article “The problem with sharenting,” authored by Anya Kamenetz, explores the limitations of sharing information about children online. Technology tools such as GoGuardian, Grade books, Facebook,...

The Accounting Profession: Impact of Emerging Technologies

Introduction Technology is altering how individuals do businesses, and as a result, accounting must also keep developing. Several technological trends have developed due to the information overload that ushered in the fourth industrial revolution, an era in which cyber-physical interactions will alter business (Berikol & Killi, 2021)1. As science advances...

The Smartphone Economic Market

Introduction Today, virtually everyone is acquainted with the word “smartphone.” It is certainly a technical and social phenomenon that touches the everyday lives of millions of people by providing rapid access to information and tremendous computer capability in a pocket-sized device. Thus, a smartphone is integral to global culture’s everyday...

Electric Vehicles vs. Traditional Cars

The growing popularity of electric vehicles (EVs) makes people switch to them at a rapid pace. As the price of gasoline continues to grow, understanding the benefits of EVs becomes more crucial, even if a person does not seek to reduce their environmental impact. There are hindrances in people’s understanding...

Agile-Scrum in Healthcare Project Management

Sindhwani, R., Singh, P. L., Prajapati, D. K., Iqbal, A., Phanden, R. K., & Malhotra, V. (2019). Agile system in Health Care: Literature Review. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 643–652. The article is written by Rahul Sindhwani, Punj Lata Singh, Devendra Kumar Prajapati, Aamir Iqbal, Rakesh Kuamr Phanden, & Vasdev...

JavaScript-Based AJAX, MVC, and Functional Programming

Introduction With JavaScript-based AJAX, MVC, and Functional Programming, application design has been made simple for developers. JavaScript-based AJAX comprises JavaScript and XML technologies used by application developers (Singhal and Jain, 2017, p.13). MVC plays an integral role in developing an application because it helps build a user interface (Ratnayake, 2017,...

The Effects of Digital Piracy

As the amount of content produced every day grows, so rises the issue of digital piracy. While most people consider it a harmless crime with no tangible effects for both the pirate and the content creator, digital piracy remains one of the most concerning problems for the media industry. However,...

Technical Description of a Food Processor

Introduction A food processor seems like one of those kitchen gadgets that, once owned, makes a person wonder how they ever survived without it. It is one of the broadest ranges of cooking equipment, acting as your own sous chef, cutting, combining, and mixing a number of ingredients while saving...

Project Management: PRINCE2 vs. Agile Methodology

Executive Summary This report compares the basic features, principles, themes and processes of two project management methodologies: PRINCE2 and Agile Methodology. Based on the analysis, the appropriate industry or project where each framework may be applied is suggested. The methodology used to develop this report involved a search of 15...