The Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning Sector

Executive Summary Even if sales are rising in the current year as the nation moves towards the post-COVID age, it is crucial that appropriate planning be done to prepare the business for such unfavorable developments. This report aims to provide a course for the industry to follow as it transitions...

The Collaborative Therapy Approach

Description of the Context and Theorists Collaborative therapy is an approach that emphasizes a collaborative relationship between the therapist and the client. It was developed by theorists such as Carl Rogers and Irvin Yalom (Aka & Labelle, 2021). It is based on the core principles of collaborative therapy developed by...

Fracking: Balancing Environmental Concerns and Technological Advancements

Hostile attitudes toward hydraulic fracturing popularly referred to as fracking, have been intense, almost unanimous, among environmentalists and green movements. Europe, for instance, has witnessed significant numbers of resistance. Bulgaria and France, despite their largest reserves of natural gas, have stopped all fracking activities while activists have blocked possible drilling...

The Various Approaches to Global Staffing

Introduction To begin with, it should be stated that the approaches towards global staffing are generally identified by the allover HR management strategy, accepted by the company. HRM, in its turn, is based on the business aims and goals, which are defined by the external marketing circumstances. In the light...

Decriminalization of Marijuana Laws

Introduction Decriminalization of marijuana law is replacing “current criminal penalties for marijuana processions with civil penalty and fines” ( According to Jeffrey Miron, director of undergraduate studies at Harvard University’s economics department, “marijuana legalization would mean repeal of federal and state laws that ban production, distribution, and possession of marijuana”...

Healthcare System in Republic of Panama

Abstract In the Republic of Panama, both the public and private institutions provide health care. The healthcare system comprises national health care, social security, and a low-cost system. The quality of health care varies depending on the institutions proving the care. The private sector boasts of quality services provided by...

Nursing Leadership Health Policy

Introduction Community health nursing is an integral part of healthcare as it is concerned with the well-being of all residents. Therefore, the promotion of a good environment for community health nurses (CHNs) can improve the state of healthcare in all parts of the country. In particular, these professionals can have...

The Behaviors of a Person in the Society

Introduction Macro-Level One of the social norms that were observed was greetings between different nations. It was observed while standing in a queue. An Arab man saw another Arab man who apparently was his friend. They had extended greetings that included kisses on the cheeks and holding their hands for...

Fighting Racism Behavior Towards the Latino Community

Introduction For centuries, people of color in the United States of America have faced systemic racism that has been a barrier for these minorities to get access to many essential goods and services. The public health system is one of the most prominent representatives of racial inequality, which consequently significantly...

Native Americans: Annotated Bibliography

The Routledge Companion to Native American Literature Summary In this review, the author encourages the reader to appreciate complex relations modes of Native American representation and being. The author describes three sections of the book that cover multiple aspects of Native American Literature. The author briefly mentions important works in...

Review of “A Letter to My Nephew” by James Baldwin

Background James Baldwin is one of the renowned writers in the US whose piece of work covers issues of racial discrimination faced by black people in the country. The author is African American who lived in Harlem, New York City, in the 1930s. Majorly, the themes of Baldwin’s writing are...

Violence as a Broad Spectrum of Actions and Attitudes

Introduction Violence is an act, attempt, or other action that one person commits against another with the intent to cause harm. The concept of harm is always viewed from the victim’s perspective, as violence is not always apparent to the one who commits it. The term violence refers to a...

Why Are Miranda Rights Important? Essay

Introduction This essay on Miranda Rights is useful for all American citizens and those who are interested in studying law as well. In the US, the rights and freedoms, which are fixed by the Constitution, are meant to protect everyone. However, in the case of the Miranda Warning, there are...

Second World War: Cause and Technology

Introduction This essay discusses the major cause of the Second World War. According to the case findings, the appeasement policy can be singled out as having prompted the start of the war. Further, the paper explains how the technological advancements in the Second World War have shaped modern warfare in...

Zappos Company and Its Key Executives

Nick Swinmurn Swinmurn is currently the chairman of Zappos. He founded (an online shoe retailer) after being disappointed in his shoe search. (Anon. “, Inc. CEO & Executives” 2011). His responsibilities as the founder and the chairman include; Ensuring the company offers the best service in comparison with its...

What Is Philosophy? An Introduction to the Discipline

The benefits of studying philosophy Apart from being an interesting subject that provides an insight into the development of modern society and its knowledge, philosophy is beneficial for students regardless of their majors. I think so because philosophy is connected to the development of critical thinking skills and offers various...

Code of Ethics Necessarity Within the Industry or Field

Introduction This part begins with a set of fundamental ethical principles that have found general international acceptance. Next is a brief list of general principles of informatics ethics that follow from these fundamental ethical principles when these are applied to the electronic gathering, processing, storing, communicating, using, manipulating and accessing...

Regional Environmental Focus On the Carribean

Introduction The Caribbean region is one of the most diverse and rich regions of the world. Its geographical situation and climate make biodiversity unique and interesting. Despite the natural beauty of this region, human activities changed somehow the landscape and endangered many species. The Caribbean region is very interesting for...

Presidential Powers: Official Pardon for Crime Granting

Introduction Presidential powers are the authorities within the executive arm of the government vested in the president during his four-year term in office that is applied in discharging the powers and duties of his office. The president is the commander in chief of the army, naval forces, and the militia...

A Manufacturing Plant in the Global Marketplace

Introduction One of the most important technological joints in the Modern times is the manufacturing plants. In recent times, the environmental aspect is one of the bigger setbacks for the manufacturing plants in recent times (Luo 2006). To set up a successful manufacturing plant of any type, there are some...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Outsourcing as a New Trend in Business Functioning

Introduction The word ‘outsourcing’ gained popularity in the information era though the activity was undertaken by many traders and entrepreneurs from time immemorial. Though the word is used to connote different meanings generally, outsourcing literally means sub-contracting an assignment to a third party. Mainly it is between organizations that assign...

Research of White-Collar Crimes

Introduction White-collar crimes are the criminal activities done by businessmen, con-artists and officials. Cheating and dishonesty are the central elements of white-collar crimes. Some examples of crimes in this category are bribery, embezzlement, consumer fraud, etc. white-collar crimes are spreading around the world rapidly. Normally white-collar criminals are the persons...

The Influence of Pets on the Well-Being of Older People

Cole, A. (2019). Grow old along with me: The meaning of dogs in seniors’ lives. International Journal of Community Well-Being, 2, 235-252. This study explores the relationship between older dog owners and their pets. One of the main conclusions in the article is that the relationship between older people and...

Customer Satisfaction Level at McDonald’s

Purpose and Method The purpose of data analysis was to identify factors that affect the level of customer satisfaction of McDonald’s. In order to achieve the purpose, a survey consisting of 20 questions was conducted. The acquired data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and regression analysis. First, the analysis of...

Race and Social Construct Then and Now

Race is the notion that humans can be classified into unique groups on the grounds of inherited behavioral and physical differences. Research done on human genetics in the 20th century rebutted the existence of biologically distinct races. Currently, races are considered to be cultural constructs that reflect specific beliefs and...

Unfortunate Circumstance of Ineffective Communication

Effective communication is an integral part of a successful relationship, especially between healthcare providers and their patients. Being able to communicate effectively is an art that has an array of benefits, the most important one is to deliver patient centered and quality care. This paper aims at reflecting an unfortunate...

Sociology of Race, Gender, Identity, and Sexuality

Introduction The different readings on race, gender, identity, and sexuality provide significant information on how such aspects relate to and influence society. The articles offer different terminologies, which are elaborated through practical examples of how the concepts of how such factors shape individual sociological perspectives. The readings describe terms like...

Global Impact and Trends in U.S. National Debt and Foreign Investments

Understanding the U.S. National Debt The United States national debt is the federal government’s debt to creditors. The funds are borrowed to meet the budget deficit and cover all costs, including health care, infrastructure, and defense. This is also advantageous to creditors because it is not typical borrowing as in...

Interpersonal Communication: Skills, Self-Concept, and Cultural Impact

Introduction Communication is a major part of day-to-day life and a way to connect and share their thoughts and opinions. However, even though interpersonal communication is a common occurrence daily, it is more complex than it might approach to be. Namely, it is a transferable skill that can be applied...

Quality Improvement Team in Healthcare Institution

The creation of quality improvement (QI) teams is essential since the involvement of the staff in the processes of change is vital for successful work redesign and the improvement of the existing practices (Rantz et al., 2013). QI teams are needed because changes in the provision of healthcare services do...

Thick Description: Toward an Interpretative Theory of Culture

Check out our essay example on Thick Description: Toward an Interpretative Theory of Culture. Here, you’ll find the meaning behind the definition of culture. Get some inspiration for your assignment with our Geertz’ Thick Description summary. Geertz’ Thick Description Summary Chapter by Chapter In “Thick Description: Toward an Interpretative Theory...

Chevrolet Equinox: Advertising and Sales Promotion

When one looks at the number of sales a company makes, one determines the stability and profitability of the enterprise. In order to realize positive results a business must invest in intensive marketing techniques. Advertising and sales promotions make up the means and ways to achieve the desired outcomes. The...

Is Access to Technology Worth the Potential Loss of Privacy?

The problem of data privacy is one of the most worrying topics for modern people since technology and the Internet is used in almost all areas of people’s lives. For the same reason, it is questionable if a person should use social networks and electronic devices, even though his or...

A Supply & Demand Analysis of a Car Market Currently in the News

Introduction The article under study is a report by Chris Isidore titled “Auto Sales Plunge” dated July 1, 2008 (Isidore, 2008). The car market which includes SUVs and pickup trucks has been facing a decline in demand in the US automobile market. The essay discusses the reasons for the shift...

Transferring Data: Advanced Technologies Compared to Traditional Ones

Introduction Nowadays, old technologies are replaced by newer mechanisms of transferring data. For instance, there are a great deal of new developments in the transmission mechanisms used in the telecommunications industry. This paper aims to examine the advantages and disadvantages of layered protocols, as well as the benefits and downsides...

“Is Google Making Us Stupid?” by Nicholas Carr: Summary

In his article, Is Google Making us Stupid, Nicholas Carr describes the main traps people can fall into actively using the Internet. The world web gives countless opportunities; however, it damages people’s perception of the world and brings inconveniences. Carr is correct, the Internet causes users’ multiple problems: it affects...

Nutrition: Fighting the Childhood Obesity Epidemic

Introduction Childhood obesity is defined variably as the condition of excessive body fat in children that adversely his/her health. It has been cited as a serious health concern issue in many countries. BMI, which is an acronym for Body Mass Index, is popularly used to measure obesity. This index varies...

Healthcare in South Africa

Introduction More than two decades have passed since South African liberation from apartheid but to say that all challenges have been overcome would be an understatement. In spite of a number of progress reports stating South African progress towards the accomplishment of MDGs, the HIV/AIDS issue is still a problem,...

Theory of Constraints in Manufacturing: Boost Efficiency & Profit

Introduction The Theory of Constraints is a well-known managerial theory for manufacturing and production system enterprises. Constraints are factors that limit the operational capacity of a manufacturing facility and it is the job of managers to remove these barriers in order to increase outcome and profit. The theory is essential...

Analyzing Company Profitability and Accountability Metrics

Identify the problem The problem presented to the organizations affects the entire company but is mostly rooted in the accounting and managerial department. The problem is rooted in the practice of accounting and especially with regards to forensic accounting. This has had the effect of reducing the profitability and accountability...

The Influence of Meditation on People’s Health

Talking about meditation, I’d like to start with mentioning that meditation as a spiritual practice is considered to be even older than Hinduism which, by the way, is the oldest of five major religions. The roots of meditation travel back to ancient times and primitive hunter-gatherer societies are believed to...

Development in Middle-Age Children

Introduction The age group of 7 to12 comprises of school going children who are in their middle childhood years. They are trying to balance the change in their lives where they are spending more time away from their parents compared to their early childhood years. They are learning to interact...

Overseas Sweatshops in the Fashion Industry

Overseas sweatshops are a common practice for many companies and industries all over the globe. The production of clothes is one of the most significant sectors that employ foreign sweatshop labor (Stafford). This paper covers a brief history of the issue and reasons why fashion giants decided to move their...

Syndicated and Organized Crime and Governmental Crime

Summary Enterprise crime is the crime in which money is obtained illegally. Actually, this kind of crime is done very slowly by taking many years. It does not cause any violence. The main aim of this crime is to make money. According to the article ‘Enterprise Crime targets nation’s Economy’...

Review of “Murder On A Sunday Morning” Movie

Murder on a Sunday morning is a documentary film developed by a French filmmaker by the name Jean-Xavier de Lestrade. The story in the film involves a fifteen years old boy known as Brenton Butler. The boy is suspected of murdering a tourist in Jacksonville, Florida. It happened that Jean...

Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship Analysis to the Mutagenicity of Nitroaromatics Compounds

Introduction Nitroaromatic compounds are biodegradable compounds in which, the NO2 group is attached directly to the cyclic aromatic structures; that can easily explode once exposed to explosion inducing conditions. In this respect, QSAR analysis for nitroaromatic compounds is the process through which; the compounds undergo different mutagenic reactions resulting into...

Location of Blood Pressure Measurement

Introduction Blood pressure is essentially a product of heart output and peripheral resistance. Heart output is reflective of atrial/ventricle capacity and myocardial condition. Peripheral resistance relates to the arterial lumen and muscle. Blood pressure (BP) measurement is the most basic medical examination performed on any patient reporting to a health...

Paul Cézanne’s “Still Life with Apples and a Pot of Primroses”

“Still Life with Apples and a Pot of Primroses” It is primarily important to mention that looking at different art creations is a chance for every individual to develop themselves, look at the world from the perspective of the creator, and enrich their knowledge. I believe that every person has...

Globalization: Beauty Sculpt for You

Today society is filled with the obsession of promoting a self-image of beauty and perfection. Individuals take extreme measures to reach the goal of a flawless body, however with the so many innovations beauty can be accomplished with no surgery a balanced diet and exercise. «Beauty Sculpt for You» is...

Ethical Communication in Comcast Corporation

Introduction Business ethics involves a set of ethical and moral beliefs that enlightens the conduct and undertakings of an organization and its workforce. Ethical standards and principles help to define a company’s goals and values that guide the day-to-day business activities. Organizations need to observe ethical conduct in business communication...

Amazon Go in the UK and Threats for Small Business

Strategic marketing is aimed to define the target audience, long-term policy in pricing and assortment formation, style in negotiations with suppliers and customers – the threat of competition develops this phenomenon of strategic marketing. The main problem and purpose of the report is the possible threat of entry into the...

Pastas R Us Inc.’s Expansion Criteria and Statistical Analysis

Introduction The purpose of the present report is to determine whether the current expansion criteria of Pastas R Us, Inc. can be improved using statistical analysis. In order to achieve the purpose, statistical analysis was used to study correlations between key performance indicators of the company. According to Mariappan (2019),...

Impact of Hotel Policies on Guest Environmental Behavior

Goals This project aims to study the relationship between the rules introduced by the management of hotels in a particular city and the environmental behavior of hotel customers. This can help to determine what influencers can be used to guide people who come to the city to more environmentally friendly...

Sean Foley: Muslims’ Role in Atlantic History and Heritage

The assumption by many Americans that the Muslim had no influence in their history and heritage may be somehow skewed and biased. Sean Foley supports this in his article, “Muslims and social change in the Atlantic Beach,” which studies the historical events and indeed finds out Islam/Muslims played a significant...

Financial Statement Periods, Types, and Components

The purpose of a company’s financial statement is to inform the readers about the financial operations, revenue, and expenditures registered within a certain period (Fontinelle 2017). Differently put, in a financial statement, a company tells the public how much money it has earned and paid over a particular time frame....

Weyco Inc.’s Smoking Ban in Deontological Ethics

Introduction The paper aims to analyze the case study of the smoking ban used in Weyco Inc. from a deontological (non-consequentialist) perspective. Deontological ethics are based on the assumption that an individual’s actions are defined not by the consequences of a deed but their moral obligations or duty. Moreover, deontology...

Behaviour Change Techniques in Overweight Adults

What question did the systematic review address? The research question addressed by the researchers was “Is there a difference in effective BCTs associated with the initiation and maintenance of change?” (Samdal, Eide, Barth, Williams, & Meland, 2016, p. 2). The review addressed the question specifically; however, further development of focus...

Culturally Competent Care: Insights from Johnstone et al. (2016)

In order to determine the modern characteristics of culturally competent care and the principles used in nursing practice for patients with different backgrounds, the experience of various authors may be useful. As one of the examples, the study by Johnstone, Hutchinson, Redley, and Rawson (2016) called “Nursing Roles and Strategies...

Biblical Principles of Government

Obedience to the law means the existence of legal norms that serve as a counteraction to the arbitrariness of power. The Bible has traditionally been considered as the most significant book on which the establishment of democratic institutions are based (Fischer, 2013). The goal of civil authority is to organize...

The Traditional School Model and Professional Learning Community Model

The traditional school model (TSM) and professional learning community model (PLC1) are the two common learning methods. TSM is a teacher-centered delivery of giving instructions to students in a class. Mastery of academic learning in the taught subjects such as writing, reading, math, and social studies is required. PLC1 entails...

Instructions to English Cavaliers and Their Folkways in Virginia

Introduction Virginia became a Royal Colony after being a failing colony established by the Virginia Company to make money for its stockholders. The document provides instructions from the East Anglian Puritans to William Berkeley, the first royal Governor, who governed in 1639. The colony was in a state of disarray...

Neural Networks and the General Data Protection Regulation

Introduction General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) principles govern the appropriate use of individuals’ information online and limit violations that may harm users and other stakeholders. Therefore, as an influential social media and networking company, the organization should ensure compliance with these regulations to avoid potential issues. The institution’s business model...

Higher Education and Social Influences in the US

Annotated Bibliography Assignment Collinge, Alan. The Federal Student Loan Program is Finished. Medium, Web. In this article, Collinge heavily criticizes the federal student loan program, claiming it must be abolished. In particular, he argues that the federal student loan program is an extremely inefficient way of funding higher education in...

AT&T Company’s Diversity at Workplace: A Managerial Interview

Abstract Workplace diversity is a fundamental feature that may either accelerate or impede the growth of a business entity. In the case of AT&T Company, workplace diversity is being exercised, especially at the point of recruitment. The following is an in-depth interview with a senior HR manager from AT&T. Interview...

Project Analysis: Research and Development

Learning As the Senior Manager for R&D at AG Barr, I had to recognize new realities in the market based on product developments. For instance, Barr had to create a wide range of product portfolio to meet specific health and wellness needs – functional and adult products; acquire brands when...

“Self Portrait, Dedicated to Dr. Eloesser” by Frida Kahlo

Introduction According to many historians and researchers, most of the famous works by Frida Kahlo portray the unique challenges encountered by Mexicans from 1930 to 1960. She used her traumatic experiences to describe the nature of the country’s heritage. From the 1940s, Mexico was keen to establish its cultural identity...

Ethnomusicology: Personal Statement

Introduction Emic and Etic are expressions widely used in the field of social sciences. Researchers continue to show disagreement when it comes to the use and definition of the two terms. The two terms were first used by Kenneth Pike in 1954. (James Lett 2008). He relates the cultural study...

The Depiction of Tragic Love in Poe’s “Annabel Lee”

Introduction Love, especially tragic love, appears to be a common theme in Romanticist literature. As a poet of this literary movement, Edgar Allan Poe contributed to the tendency with “Annabel Lee.” Its central themes are the youthful love and death of a beloved woman. The text seemingly became one of...

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Among the core areas of information management is Enterprise Resource Planning, which is a concept that was first embraced during the early 80s. It was used to merge the functions of finance, manufacturing and business logistics, and was mostly implemented with a sole objective of facilitating the execution of business...

Catholic Intellectual Tradition: Medieval Influences

In the Middle Ages Europe Christianity, namely Catholicism, was the prevailing religion. What is more, it was the only religion recognized and generously financed by the state. Having such robust support, the church has become a dominating institution having a powerful influence on the lives of both noblemen and peasants....

BP Oil Company Deepwater Rig Incident in Texas

Tony Hayward of BP Situation at the Time BP Oil Company is a British owned company and it initiated the deepwater rig to exploit the oil resources at the deep-sea in Texas. However, the company did not do the job directly but sub contracted other companies to help in the...

Speech Disorders in English Language Learners

The development and acquisition of language skills and speech by children have always been of particular interest for linguists. The way children learn and produce language differs drastically among various age groups. Although there are possible violations of the norm, there are cases when children face difficulty in receiving and...

Alternative Fuels to Gasoline: Why Do We Need Them?

Introduction Additionally to traditional petroleum-grounded fuels, there are lots of different categories of alternative fuels attainable nowadays. While the technology and application may differ, they all provide an option to oil concentrating on renewable resources. The central aim of fuel is to stock up energy that is steady and can...

The Anarchists of the 19th Century

Introduction Anarchism is a political belief that society should function as a free association and should not be controlled by the state and its laws which limit the rights and freedoms of the citizens. Anarchists firmly believed that the existence of society without government is not only desirable but possible...

Criticism of Starbucks Coffee Company’s Business Policy

Starbucks is a multinational company operating in several countries throughout the world. The organizational culture of the company is much influenced by a multi-national environment and by socio-economic changes happening around the world. It becomes helpful for the company to appoint staff from the respective countries where it has its...

Urban Outfitters Continuing: Creating a Business

Introduction Starting up a business can be a daunting task involving numerous steps while setting up. Moreover, just as is the case with any upcoming venture, success cannot immediately be guaranteed thus an individual needs to have the skill and knowledge of how he/she can reduce tricky elements involved in...

Love and Death in Poetry by Emily Dickinson

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson is known as one of the most famous poets of the XIX century. One of the most important causes of her popularity is her manner of writing that was new for the period, during which she has been working, and the main themes of her literature. So,...

Teaching and Acquisition of a Second Language

According to research carried out by the ‘United States Government Accountability Office’; it is well indicated that strategies of improving students’ academic standards, were mostly applied in schools with higher proportions of low income, and minority students. In this case, schools’ principals used student data in notifying directions and augment...

“Birches” by Robert Frost

Robert Frost’s “Birches” is one of the most widely appreciated poems. It is a fine example of the poet’s power to fuse observation and imagination. Frost belongs to the pastoral tradition. Most of his poems reveal the beautiful countryside of New England. They also express the national spirit of America....

Online Disinformation and Homeland Security

Noticing and Articulating the Problem The world is confronting an increasing flow of disinformation within cyberspace. Examples incorporate the spread of cyber-rumors by social media bots during French elections within the Macron Leaks attack or the partisan messages during Brexit in the United Kingdom. Thus, the growing threat of conspiracy...

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Organizational Change in the Concord Bookshop

Introduction The current trends in the healthcare industry call for the implementation of several changes to achieve the organization’s mission and goals while satisfying patients and workers in general. These changes are triggered by both external and internal factors, which affect the organizations, employees, and the patients (Buchbinder & Shank,...

The Purpose of Health Promotion

Introduction Health promotion is defined as the process of assisting or enabling people to enhance control over, as well as to better, their general health (Turunen, Tossavainen, & Kemppainen, 2012). Health promotion goes beyond the emphasis on individual behavior to an array of interventions that are environmental and social in...

“Mothers on Display: Lunchboxes, Social Class and Moral Accountability” by Harman

The article “Mothers on Display: Lunchboxes, Social Class and Moral Accountability” is written by Vicki Harman et al. The authors seek to address parents’ moral accountability through everyday activities such as packing lunch for school-going children and whether the decisions are influenced by social ranking or the nutritional value of...

2008 Financial Crisis: Causes, Endurance, and Solutions

Introduction The financial crisis of 2008 had influenced the well-being and prosperity of many countries in a negative way. Together with the rest of the world, the United States of America experienced the great recession that was considered to be the worst after the Second World War. There have been...

The UK and Russian Educational Systems Comparison

Introduction The education system of Great Britain is famous for its unique traditions. Having such well known education establishments as Oxford, Cambridge, and having rather high educational standards, especially in the sphere of higher education, taking the 2 place in Europe, education system of the United Kingdom however, has its...

Major Sport Event Bidding Process: the Olympics Games

Bidding process for host cities was unknown until 1984 during the Los Angeles Olympics. Cities that previously hosted were selected based on their financial capability. It was after this event that organizers realized about the surplus income earned and a calendar of events, which require host cities to bid, has...

Observing Infant-Mother Interactions: Key Developmental Insights

Abstract This report aims at the representation of the controlled observation results. In particular, the study examined the mother and the reaction of 23 months aged female. To assess the observation, I used the percentage agreement and Cohen’s Kappa coefficient. Such variables as proximity and contact seeking behaviour, contact maintaining...

Authentic Leadership’ Aspects

The qualities and abilities described in the model of authentic leadership are not just knowledge and skills. A few different aspects may be included in this phenomenon: ethical and moral values, internal motives, etc. The concept of authentic leadership emerged not very long ago, but within a short period, it...

Legal Frameworks for Starting Own Business

Introduction LEGAL FRAMEWORK Include the legal aspects involved in setting up STRENGTH WEAKNESS Sole trader Business is controlled by one person. Can employ workers. Easy to organize and comply with legal requirements; Does not require large initial investment; Easy to operate and organize since few employees are involved. The business...

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Symptoms, Risk Factors, and Treatment

Introduction Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is normally characterized by breathlessness, coughing and a wheezing sound that is normally heard when somebody breaths. These symptoms are caused by either chronic emphysema or bronchitis (Løkke, 2006 p.10). Patients with emphysema are normally plagued with persistent short breath where as those with chronic...

Monologues in “Things I Know to Be True” by Bovell

“Things I Know to be True” is a family drama written by Australian author Andrew Bovell. Geordie Brookman and Scott Graham staged the play and showed it in the UK and the USA, where it became a success. An abundance of literary and dramatic devices, as well as special effects,...

Understanding Diversity and Respect in American Culture

Summary In the beginning, the speaker describes the difficulties she experienced the first time she publicly decided to wear a hijab in line with the Muslim religious faith practices. Several feminists confronted her for failing to embrace the opportunity to display her feminine beauty. These feminists felt that the speaker...

The International Marketing Planning Theory Application

Introduction International marketing planning theory involves using marketing principles across national boundaries to achieve the objective of an organization. According to the theory, international marketing is the act of directing the flow of a company’s goods and services to consumers or users in multiple countries for profit (Samiee and Chirapanda,...

World Trade Agreements and Anti-Dumping Measures

Introduction This academic work will consider such a phenomenon in international trade as dumping. Moreover, it will focus on the role of the WTO in managing international trade disputes, particularly examining issues related to dumping and anti-dumping legislation. Thus, the phenomenon under study is a process in which a country...

“Our Weather Is on Steroids” Article by McCreary

The article “Our weather is on steroids. For agriculture to succeed, both farmers and governments need to act” was published on August 12th, 2021, by Ian McCreary, a farmer from the region of Bladworth in Sask. In the article, McCreary (2021) points out that farmers need to take action to...

American Labor: “The Mind at Work” by Rose

Introduction The Mind at Work: Valuing the intelligence of the American Worker examines the mental aspect of work, which is sometimes considered mindless. Rose portrays waiters, hairstylists, plumbers, construction workers, welders, and car assembly line employees in vignettes. This academic and sophisticated work reads like a captivating novel. Reading his...

Budgeting for Events: Venue Reports

The first chapter of this report discusses many issues concerned with event organization. The author writes about how the feasibility of a sports event can be determined, how finances can be organized and budgeted in order to realize the success of a particular sports event, and the risk management involving...

Major Religions of the Modern World: Islam

Abstract This paper discusses Islam as one of the major religions of the world today. The work done include the origin of Islam and the authors of the Koran, the religious book used among the Muslim faithful. It also gives an account of the major characters, where and when was...

Reflection of Society in Literature

Outline The introduction discusses the thesis statement literature reflects community and the body part discusses the statement in terms of the two literary works ‘The Lesson ‘ by Toni Cade Bambara and ‘A Rose for Emily’ by William Faulkner. Finally, there is conclusion which confirms the thesis statement. Literature and...

Clandestine Drug Laboratory Dangers

A CDL (clandestine drug lab) is a place, laboratory or room where chemicals and equipments are used to manufacture illegal drugs. These labs, are set up in homes, motels and rooms in hotels, apartment buildings, house-trailers, mobile-trailers, commercial houses, in vehicles, on boats, and out-buildings i.e. sheds and pole barns....

Nurses’ Educational Preparation

Nowadays, the importance of academic education keeps growing every year. Regarding nursing, it is also considered necessary for every nurse to acquire at least the bachelor level before starting to work. However, getting an associate degree and gaining professional experience after it often occurs to be more efficient for a...

Nurse Staffing, Quality of Care, and Job Outcomes

Introduction Hospitals nurse staffing levels affect patients and nurses outcomes. Several researches have established a relationship between low nurse staffing levels and negative patient outcomes in hospitals. A study by Aiken et al, for example, presented in their article Hospital nurse staffing and patient mortality, nurse burnout, and job dissatisfaction,...

The Social Worker Role in the Film “Crash”

Introduction ‘Crash’ is a 2004 released film that traces the lives of various characters in different professions over two days as they struggle with racial tensions, dysfunctional family relationships, and work-related ethnic and racial confrontations. The lives and experiences of many of these characters are intertwined and they encounter each...

Employee Monitoring, Its Legal and Ethical Issues

Introduction The increased development and use of technology in the workplace has led to the widespread practice of employee monitoring. Through the use of information technology, employers can monitor the activities of the employee that is utilizing company-owned online accounts, software, and electronic devices. In the growing concern for digital...

Phenomenon of Philosophy: Principle of Utility

Introduction The principle of utility denotes that actions or conducts are right as much as they advance contentment or enjoyment; and are wrong in the event that they result to sorrow or pain. In this case, the feelings of contentment or sadness are organic events that engage the human beings’...

Policy Proposal on Religious Persecution

Synopsis of the Social Problem Religious persecution has reached a global crisis and now affects hundreds of millions of people worldwide. Joint Public Issues Team (2021) defines the issue as “the systematic hostility of ill-treatment encountered by an individual or group because of their religious beliefs” (para. 2). This can...

The Idea of Leisure From Philosophical Perspectives

Introduction People typically have more freedom to pursue their interests during their leisure time. When discussed from various philosophical perspectives, the idea of leisure takes on several diverse forms. The Greek philosophers Aristotle and Epicurus each offer distinctive interpretations of the term “leisure,” with Aristotle focusing more on the advantageous...

Exploring the Role of Social Context and Individual Differences in Hypodescent

The purpose of this study is to establish the function of social context and individual differences in hypodescent, the system of allocating multiracial the status of their relatively underprivileged parent group. The Key theory highlighted in this study is social dominance orientation (SDO). The theory predicts a broad range of...

RUA (Radioisotope Use Authorization) Concept Map

Assessment General appearance: Mr. Jason appeared uncomfortable and was breathing shallowly and with difficulty Vitals: Blood pressure: 130/80 mmHg/HR 98 beats/minute/O2 88%/Temp 37.9 C/Resp: 20 Neuro: Alert and oriented x3/No signs of confusion or disorientation HEENT: Conjunctiva and sclera that are normal/There were no lesions or exudates found in the...

Progress Report of Boxconn Company

Starting a business is a courageous endeavor requiring proper planning and marketing to become profitable and sustainable. The entrepreneur must think of ways of obtaining physical resources and finance, recruiting competent staff, differentiation from competitors and abiding by the legal requirements. Despite the risks taken in setting up a business,...

Challenges in Governance and Management of Complex Construction Projects

Introduction Complex construction involves large-scale projects involving a huge budget and a multidisciplinary staff team. Examples of complex projects that will be analyzed in this essay include the One World Trade Center and the Al Maktoum International Airport expansion. The evolution of project management is an ongoing concern as managers...

A Comparative Study of Fascism in Nazi Germany and Its Influence on Islamic States

Volkswagen as a fascist object Post-war Germany appeared to be a very miserable habitat, as the enormous war compensations had to be reimbursed. These expenditures have altered the economy of the nation, and poverty was prevalent. As a result, a lot of citizens were not able to afford a car,...

Webquest for Teaching Geography and Social Studies

Introduction This paper involves developing a web quest to help students understand the five themes of geography. It will also help identify the impact the themes have on people’s lives. This paper also describes geography as the relationship between humans, places, and environments. It also describes the importance of economics...

Real-Time Blog Commenting Capabilities and Their Impact on Engagement

Correlations Relationship between assertiveness and the tendency to express anger openly What are the means and standard deviations of the two variables, “rath” and “about”? For a total of 65 subjects, the mean for “rath” is 3.3902 with a standard deviation of.4330. On the other hand, 63 subjects had a...

Odyssey Isle: Analyzing Pricing Strategies

Case study of Odyssey Isle From the Odyssey Isle’s point of view it could be said that the maximum number of stalls visited by a customer, who could be profitable at current pricing rates, would be seven, since, beyond this number, the marginal costs are greater than marginal revenues, and...

Expansion Strategies in the 19th Century

Introduction Throughout the history of humankind, expansion has been one of the most important directions in the development of society. The relations of expansion, being a form of power relations, act as a fundamental element in the interaction between the subjects of international life: states. Functionally, all countries can be...

Ringworm Infection: Description

Introduction Fungi are both plant and animal pathogens that can be harmful or beneficial to both organisms. Although fungi may be very few in type and number, they cause a spectrum of many infections and diseases. These infections and diseases have been found to be very difficult to treat as...

“The Clash of Civilizations?” by Samuel Huntington

Critics, students, and commentators provided different reactions to Huntington’s argument regarding the clash of civilizations. However, the most interesting reaction concerns the way he developed the idea of civilization. It seems as if he wanted to simplify the definition of civilization in the context of religious beliefs. It is an...

Collective Effervescence and Liminality in Religious Experiences

Collective Effervescence According to Emile Durkheim, collective effervescence is the key element of various religious experiences. This concept is used to describe the feeling of exaltation that a person may have at the time when he/she participates in religious rituals as a member of the community. Under such circumstance, an...

Fast Food Harmful Effects on Children

Introduction The problem with fast food is that it is made to be addictive to eat which can result in children being addicted to consuming this particular product resulting in it adversely affecting a child’s early behavioral development regarding proper eating habits. First and foremost, what you have to understand...

Tang Dynasty Chang’an City: Capital of Civilization and Culture

Chang’an City is the capital of the Tang Dynasty. The Tang Dynasty is regarded by historians as a high point in Chinese civilization that equals or even surpassing the earlier Han Dynasty. It is also considered the golden age of cosmopolitan culture. It was developed during the Sui Dynasty circa...

The World of Art: Categories and Types

The word art means imaginative work or opinions, which is a responsibility to make things that exhibit beauty, appearance and uncommon insight. It is the ability to create or make things, which brings a difference between human beings and the world of nature (Your, 2006, par.1). According to

Impact of PPACA in Healthcare

One of the very recent additions of the United States law is The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA 2010). The law has been taken into action from 23rd March, 2010, and it focuses mainly on different health-care facilities that the Government is trying to implement over the next...

Public Health and Health Care

Introduction The local government performs numerous public health functions. These functions cover pollution, sewage and sanitation, cigarette sales and smoking in public, fluoridation of drinking water, firearm licensure and prohibition, and drug paraphernalia sales. Moreover, local governments’ functions entail rodents and infestations, sanitary and food and beverage, housing codes, garbage...

The Top Operational Risk to Banks

Introduction Evolving globalization trends have significantly contributed to major changes in the fields of business and economics. The effect of recent technological advances is evident as well, with banks becoming more dependent on online systems. As a result of accidents and faults in the mentioned systems, unplanned events eventually cause...

The Case of Suzanne Chalmers and the Four-Drive Theory

Battling employee turnover has become challenging for Advanced Photonics, Inc. (API) due to the increasing competition from start-up companies that foster innovation and attract industry giants’ risk-seeking employees. The case of Suzanne Chalmers is indicative of the company’s mixed success in producing staff retention strategies that would consider leaving intentions...

Influence of Marital Relationships on Parenting and Child Development

Introduction The influence of marital relationships (MRs) on child development and upbringing has been the subject of in-depth research in recent years. Positive MRs are recognized to significantly affect parenting abilities and children’s well-being, resulting in sensitive and upbeat parenting. On the other hand, adverse MRs and parental disputes have...

Information Technology and System Types: Definitions and Applications

Definition In order to discuss different types of information systems, it is first necessary to define the discipline. Depending on the area of implementation, information systems can be defined differently. The most typical approach is to identify a range of hardware and software components used to collect, store, process, and...

“The Bustle in a House” by Emily Dickinson

It is hard to lose a loved one. My father passed away 15 years ago and he died in front of me. What can a person do to cope? No one is prepared for an event as tragic as that. No amount of study and knowledge acquisition can steel the...

The Nursing Research and Its Advantages

Significance of Research Nursing research helps nurses to develop and advance their skills in the field, stay updated on the current technological trends in nursing, and equally offer excellent care services to patients. Research shows the nurses the best practices which they can adopt to ensure high-quality service provision which...

The Structure of a Computer and the Meaning of Each of Its Elements

Introduction In the study of the computer architecture, it is paramount to consider the theoretical and the practical aspect of the computer architecture model. An exhaustive knowledge of both the practical and theoretical aspect of the computer provides a clear and comprehensive knowledge of the working architectural design of the...

Stakeholders Karl Popper and the Vienna Circle

Introduction Scientific progress has taken different shapes over the past centuries, including the discovery of new ideas or phenomena, the emergence of theories, the promotion of analytical methods and procedures, and technological advancements. Due to the nature of these processes and how they take shape, different scholars and philosophers have...

Beauty Through the Prism of Feminism

Some researchers consider beauty as a social construct, while others claim that it is rooted in human nature itself. The standard of female beauty in the modern world appears as social capital and a means of achieving certain resources. Advertising and the beauty pageant industry have a huge impact on...

Obamacare’s Impacts on Taxes

Obamacare is an act of the government of the United States of America that was formulated and signed into law in order to give affordable insurance services to the citizens. The health insurance act of 2010 has become very popular, not only to the citizens of the United States of America...

The Novel “The Tale of Genji” by Murasaki Shikibu

World’s literary culture contains monumental works written by authors from different regions and living in different times. Japanese literature is also an essential element of world literature, in the context of which Murasaki Shikibu and his work “The Tale of Genji” cannot be overlooked. The story is about the heir...

False News in the 21st Century

Nowadays, technology plays an integral role in every person’s life. Be it a phone, computer, TV, or radio, these sources serve as channels of information, allowing people to learn more about daily events. However, with the advent of technology and the Internet, the dissemination of any bits of information and...

Lesslie Newbigin’s Proper Confidence and Its Impact on Missionary Thought

Introduction Lesslie Newbigin’s contribution is considered among the brightest minds behind the missionary thought of the twentieth century, even though his reflection on Evangelism has not been widely studied. In the age of rising pragmatism and consumerism, through his writing, Newbigin aimed to comment on the disappearance of hope in...

Enhancing Employee Welfare: Strategies for Workplace Well-Being

Introduction Employee welfare is one of the most critical aspects of any organization’s work. This is because the productivity and competitiveness of the company depend on the level of satisfaction and efficiency of the employees. Moreover, the process of globalization, together with the expansion of opportunities for workers, brought a...

Classroom Management and Techniques to Incorporate in Student’s Reinforcement Plan

Managing a classroom is a very complicated affair in modern times. Teachers are faced with many challenges in the course of handling students in classrooms. The modern student is more rebellious towards authority either as a result of lifestyle differences, the influence of drug and substance abuse, or social pressure...

Gendered Images Displayed in a Shopping Mall

A commoditized society is instrumental in transforming and creating images of identity and interpretation. The commoditized image projected through the set images forms the hyper-reality that becomes more real for us. Lauren Langman (1993) points out that various objects, images, and events attaches a new symbolic value to our perceptions....

Management: Performance Measurement in Organizations

Introduction Performance measurement is vital in all organizations because the organizations need to verify the validity of the selection methods; they also need to do performance measurement in order to improve productivity of the organization. As much as this may seem an important and key aspect of management, still it...

The Qualities of Leadership in Hospital Service in California State From 1985 to 1996

Introduction This cased study intends at sifting out and discussing the qualities of leadership in organizing and managing the disarrayed relations in the hospital service providers in California State from 1985 to 1996. C. Duane Dauner on his assumption of charge as the President of California Healthcare Association organized all...

Quantitative Research Design Analysis

Introduction In order to evaluate any quantitative study, we need to pay special attention to such aspects as the use of research methods and their appropriateness, the sampling procedure, the validity of the information, obtained in the course of investigation, and finally, the importance of the work and its implications...

E-Commerce: The Using of Credit Cards

Trade has always been one of the main spheres of human activity acquiring new forms as it developed through time. Nowadays one of the widespread forms of trade is electronic commerce, or Ecommerce, which consists in selling and buying goods and services over the Internet. With the growth and popularization...

Mexican American Cultural Group: Background and Current Experience

Helpful Information About the Cultural Group There are several aspects characteristic of the Mexican American cultural group. One aspect is the group’s family relationships. The group has extensive family memberships and strong family values. Such a factor contributes to the group’s collectivist mindset, were helping younger siblings and relatives, in...

Understanding Biopsychology and Cognitive Neuropsychology

Biopsychology is the branch of psychology that studies the relationship between physiological events (biology) and psychological processes (behavior) (Kuther & Morgan, 2012). If human behavior is studied in the framework of biopsychology, cognitive processes such as perception, memory, speaking, thinking, etc., are studied within the scope of cognitive neuropsychology. Cognitive...

The Concept of Epigenetics

Epigenetics is a study of heritable phenotypic changes or gene expression in cells that are caused by mechanisms other than DNA sequence (Grossniklaus, Kelly, Ferguson-Smith, Pembrey, & Lindquist, 2013). Epigenetic changes may be ‘stored’ in a number of cells and may be inherited by future generations. Basically, epigenetics studies how...

Gender Roles: “Alice in Wonderland” (2010)

Introduction While women achieved some degree of equality with men in terms of economic, political, and social issues, their position remains stereotyped in many cases. The women’s movement that started in the 1960s allowed females to understand that they deserve equal rights and attitudes. Popular culture is one of the...

Spanning Tree Protocol and Its Security Issues

Making protocols at layer 2 or otherwise Spanning Tree Protocol represents a great percent of attacks originating within the organisation. Using Ethernet PAUSE frames alongside STP makes networks more vulnerable to attacks. Most STP security threat issues include; becoming root, changing STP timers, modifying STP active topology, generating persistent and...