Music, Art, and Dance of Latino Culture Group

Music, art, and dance are vital variables that unite people in one culture group. Different artistic and creative directions within one ethnic community impact the development of culture and influence people who identify themselves as members of the group. This paper will present the music, art, and dance features of...

The Documentary “The Social Dilemma”

The documentary The Social Dilemma presents social media as an undeniable force that continues to cause unprecedented damage to society. The developers and owners of such platforms exploit its unsuspecting users using data mining and surveillance technologies. The design of different social websites is capable of causing addiction and affecting...

Workplace Bullying and Its Impact on People’s Mental Health

Workplace bullying turns out to be a serious theme for discussion because of a variety of reasons, and one of them is its impact on people’s mental health. According to Forbes studies, the number of employees who report being bullied at work continues rising and has already achieved 94% in...

Coercive Power in the Workplace

During chaotic situations, with numerous unknowns emerging, the proposition of coercing employees and pressuring them to conform to the leader’s vision may appear highly attractive. It would enable the team to work toward the same goal together as a unified body, at least temporarily, until the chaos passed. However, this...

State and Federal Court Systems in the United States

In the USA, there are state courts and federal courts, which operate in parallel, but the personnel and the cases do not distribute equally. Most criminal and civil cases are sent to the state courts, while the federal courts have limited competencies. This paper describes the typical state court system...

The Participative Model of Organizational Development

Today’s rapidly growing business segment makes all the enterprises stand out in order to remain relevant in a certain market and keep target audience engaged in the service supply. For this reason, organizational development, which stands for the concept of constant improvement and innovation within the enterprise, has become one...

Sodium: The Imbalance in the Body

Sodium supports the electrolyte balance of the body and plays an important role in the work of muscles, nerves, and the cardiovascular system. Hyponatremia occurs when a person has low or extremely low levels of sodium in his or her blood (Buffington & Abreo, 2016). Some of its common signs...

Symbolism of the Cage in “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” by Truman Capote

1958 in Truman Capote’s work was marked by the publication of the novel Breakfast at Tiffany’s, in which he described the world of Holiday (Holly) Golightly and her friend – the writer whose name is unknown. It is full of various symbols represented in literary devices. In 1961, the novel...

Researching of Sponsorship Renewal

Sponsorship is crucial to most kinds of sport, which is why it is essential to retain key sponsors. However, sometimes sponsorships are not renewed, leaving athletes and their teams distraught. By considering the main reasons behind sponsors’ rejections for providing funding for sportsmen, strategies for avoiding these scenarios in the...

Financial Supply Chain Disruption in 2020

The financial supply chain refers to the process of monetary transactions which traverse from one trading partner to the other to aid the provision of goods and services. According to the video by Tichenor (0-3 minute), cash flow within the casino is an intricate process beginning with the gamblers placing...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Assessing Financial Performance

Evaluating the efficacy with which the financial needs of an organization are met is a crucial part of any business experience. However, the opinions concerning the frequency of the said assessments may vary. Currently, it is believed that the first year requires monthly evaluations, whereas the next few years of...

“House of Sand and Fog” Novel by Andre Dubus

The ending of Dubus’ novel House of Sand and Fog is a climax of the plot, which the author achieves through masterful narrative shifting. The tragic death of Behrani’s son becomes a reason for the father to act decisively and express his pain, despair, and anger. The shift from first-person...

Animals Testing for Cosmetic or Medical Purposes Should Not Be Allowed

Experiments on animals are not a valid method either for investigating the various causes of human diseases or for developing a treatment for them. Faked injuries are inflicted on animals in order to create so-called “models” that are used to simulate human conditions. With the exception of a number of...

Managing Risks in Successful Project Management

Any project is associated with uncertainty and risks. Therefore, one of the main project management processes is project risk management, which is present at all stages of its life cycle. A project risk is an uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has a positive or negative impact on...

Implications of Current Gender Expectations

The article by Mary Ellen Alu (2019) focuses on social differences between the sexes. Society places many stereotypes on both men and women, infringing certain values, which create conflicts and problems. As these values are ingrained during childhood, people find it difficult to resist them in adulthood. Understanding why the...

Relation Between Template and Theories

Template theories suggest that the lack of description of patterns is necessary. They represent unanalyzed pattern data that is contrasted with alternative patterns with the implementation of degrees of overlap as a measure of similarity. This theory has some significant drawbacks. First, such an analysis would require both compared patterns...

Protecting Shark Species

The objective of this lab assignment is to identify the role of sharks in an ecosystem and the impact of their extinction on the marine. Secondly, the research seeks to evaluate how fishing and protecting sharks can coexist. Sharks are dangerous animals but play a vital role in maintaining a...

Researching of SWOT Analysis Directives

The directives for efficient use of the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis assist businesses in comprehensive internal and external company assessment for maximum profit. A SWOT examination allows corporations to identify achievements and areas for improvement. Companies can make SWOT assessments productive by conducting them regularly, extensively searching...

The Link Between Subcultures and Ethnocentrism

Positive interaction between subcultures is an ideal worth pursuing in any situation. Although the values and beliefs held by two subcultures or a subculture and broader culture may differ significantly, to the point of being difficult to reconcile, that is not necessarily the case (Adams, et al., 2015; Haviland, et...

Pericles’ “Funeral Oration”: Speech Analysis

Pericles’ “Funeral Oration” is one of the world’s greatest and most influential speeches that may still relate to society and governments. Delivered in 431 B.C., which was the first year of the Peloponnesian War, this speech praises Athenians’ sacrifices, comforts parents, brothers, and sons of the warriors deceased with honor,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

How to Promote Diversity in the Workplace

The critical idea of promoting cultural diversity in the workplace is to employ people of different religions, races, nationalities, native languages, genders, and ages. The most apparent benefit of cultural diversity is that colleagues with different worldviews propose different solutions to the same problem. This, in turn, could lead to...

Erin Benay’s “Caravaggio and Caravaggisti in 17th-Century Europe”

The essay “Caravaggio and Caravaggisti in 17th-Century Europe” by Erin Benay describes the artistic contribution and style of a famous artist, Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, and explores the problem of originality. Numerous attempts of imitating his works led to the emergence of the term Caravaggisti which identified his stylistic followers....

The Works of Louis Moreau Gottschalk and Amy Beach and John Paine

One of the key similarities between the works of Louis Moreau Gottschalk and Amy Beach and John Paine was that each of them utilized unique piano pieces that related to background and ethnic descent. Gottschalk perfected the Creole elements, Beach incorporated numerous folk tunes (for instance, African American, Scottish, Native...

Distancing Influence on Economic Relationships

Feedback is a crucial part of communication between the participants of economic relationships and is vital for all stakeholders involved. Indeed, the presence of feedback and the consistency of the dialogue between the key stakeholders allows for shaping the offered products and services respectively so that the target audience could...

The Documentary “American Fervor: The American Future”

The film supports the idea that religion in politics and the social life of America is vital nowadays just as much as it was centuries ago when first settlers arrived in America, seeking a safe place far from England’s surveillance. According to the idea of the film, religion is a...

Membership in the US: Voluntary or Mandatory?

Introduction There are many disputes in the U.S. about the opportunity for states to secede from the Union. For example, California and Texas are the most active states in this sense because they have the most active movements for secession. They dream about independence and self-ruling, complaining about the impossibility...

Kantian and Utilitarian Ethics and Their Limitations

Immanuel Kant is a philosopher who tried to understand how people can be good and kind – outside the influence and persuasion of traditional religion. The philosopher was born in 1724 in the Baltic town of Königsberg. Categorical Imperatives are the principles that Kant defined by their morality and level...

Barriers to Healthcare in the US and How to Address Them

The design of the healthcare model, as narrated by Dr. Mitchell Katz in a TED talk, is based on a middle-class model that ignores the needs of those individuals in low socioeconomic classes. Healthcare workers do not take time to understand the obstacles of their low-income patients before criticizing them....

Investments: The Sunk-Cost Effect

It is hard to disagree that investments are a challenging process that requires special attention, careful consideration, readiness to risk, and thorough analysis of the situation and its circumstances. When talking about projects, some people are certain of their future success and are ready to invest all their money into...

Jefferson’s Inaugural Address

When Jefferson was reelected for a second term of presidency, he said, “In a time of war, if injustice by ourselves or others must sometimes produce war, increased as the same revenue will be by increased population and consumption, and aided by other resources reserved for that crisis, it may...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Nuclear, Extended, and Foster Family

Nuclear Family A nuclear family is a widespread type of family in the modern world. These families consist of a married couple and their child, or children. It is usually considered the most stable type of family. It more likely guarantees stability, better chances for good education or healthcare due...

Immigration Challenges in Selections from The John Harrower Diary

The questions of immigration have stirred people’s minds over decades. The challenges of living in another country have been described in various sources, among which are “Selections from John Harrows’ diary.” In the description of his life in America, Harrow provides valuable information as to the difficulties of immigration and...

Auto Computer-Aided Design: The Project Management

The report of the team case study aims to demonstrate competency in Risk, Quality, and People Management. In particular, this paper is part of a project whose goal is the handover of a completed project management plan at the end of the semester. An indicator of the acquisition of listed...

Public Education Initiatives in the Area of Healthcare

Public education initiatives have two apparent aims: serving the government and the people. Some of the promotions are controversial as they are citizen-oriented from one side and sometimes rather negative from an economic outlook. For example, in the YouTube video ”CDS: Tips from Former Smokers,” the U.S. Department of Health...

Similarities and Differences Between the Cinderella Fairy Tales

Classic fairy tale storylines can often be sighted in numerous folktales throughout the world. As such, the tale of Cinderella can be observed in such works as Yeh-Hsien, Lin Lan, and The Three Gowns, common fairy tales from China and Latin America, respectively. Although the environment surrounding these locations and...

Buddhism in the Novel “Siddhartha” by Hermann Hesse

In Siddhartha, Hermann Hesse presents the theme of enlightenment as an unrelenting quest for the truth, which he considers essential for achieving a harmonious connection with the world. Nirvana, or a universal understanding of life, is the truth searched for by Siddhartha and Govinda, who both have a basic desire...

Downsizing as Unethical Pricing in Business

Downsizing mainly affects those above 40-year-old as well as loyal consumers of the affected brands. This type of consumer finds it difficult to change their brand due to a lack of trust in other brands. In addition, some of these consumers do not realize the downsizing, and in case of...

Chinese Punishments in Primary Sources

In China, for every crime committed, there was a particular punishment. Bastinado was a punishment that military officers immediately applied to soldiers sleeping during their shift (du Halde, n.d.). After executing the penalty, the culprit was supposed to kneel as gratitude. The instrument for such punishment was a hard bamboo...

Impact of Enlightenment on the Society

It is accepted to divide the epochs of the development of humanity and its spheres of activity into different periods. Therefore, this work aims to examine how the Enlightenment influenced the society of the eighteenth century and still finds echoes in the modern world. The figures who supported this movement...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Researching of Change and Society

The society people live in has faced many changes with time, emerging generations and new technological advancements reshaping the world in ways the people of the past might not have ever predicted. The most recent and notable generational shift came with the dawn of the digital age, the foundation of...

Labeling of Genetically Modified Products

Whether food made from genetically modified organisms should be labeled or not has been a debate for a long time now. The food industry has divided over the identifying and labeling issue. The food industry that produces natural products feels like the industry using GMO should strictly label their food...

Civilization and Its Special Features

Civilized societies are characterized by particular factors, including a set political, socio-economic, religious, and cultural structure. In the early historical periods of Western cultures, socializing and communicating played a critical role in sharing innovative and controversial ideas. In this way, the ideological division contributed to certain social groups being seen...

Internal and External Penetration Testing

Penetration testing is an effective method of cybersecurity assessment that allows identifying any potential system vulnerabilities and preventing severe damage from digital threats. However, pentesting can also be detrimental to the company’s performance if performed inadequately (Packetlabs, 2021). From these considerations, the initial stage of planning and reconnaissance is essential...

Mexican vs. Japanese Traditions of Eating and Greeting

Traditions constitute a large cultural layer because they are related to the history and development of various peoples. They come from people’s lived experiences and desires to embody their worldview through some action. They differ from culture to culture because customs are influenced by linguistic norms, especially the social structure...

The Phenomenon of Terrorism and Its Relation to Globalization

The phenomenon of terrorism is tightly connected to the concept of inequality of globalization. This relationship is demonstrated by the example of seeming assistance to developing countries, manifested in an armed attack. Aggressive actions contribute to the deterioration of the economic and social situation within the victim country, which also...

“Avengers: Endgame” as a “Zeitgeist Film”

Avengers: Endgame has become one of the highest-grossing films in the history of cinema. No wonder that one may consider this film not only as a commercially successful product but also as a “Zeitgeist” film. The basic concept of the term Zeitgeist is that the film raises such pressing issues...

The Family as a Unit of Service

All community health nurses must address five universal family characteristics in their practice. First, the family is a small social organization with many members interacting. Second, it serves a variety of essential functions in the community. Third, every family has a structure and moves through various phases in the life...

Accidents Due to Impact of Weather Actualities

The first mishap occurred in the 1977 Tenerife Islands collision involving two Boeing 747 planes, including Boeing 747-100 and Boeing 747-200. Low visibility is the primary weather problem that caused the accident. Boeing 747-200 underwent refueling, which increased the time it took to take off. In addition, after Boeing 747-200...

American Industrial Revolution

The American Industrial Revolution occurred between 1820 and 1870 and characterized with a rapid growth of industries. The mechanization of agricultural and textile manufacture, as well as a power revolution involving steamships and railroads, influenced social, cultural, and economic situations during this time. Most Americans were living as farmers and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Pharmaceutical Companies and Utilitarian Ethics

Despite the fact that healthcare organizations have been raising awareness about opioid addictions and the problems caused by this epidemic in recent decades, it still remains a topical issue in many countries across the globe. One of the ethical questions often discussed in relation to this problem is whether pharmaceutical...

Presidents Clinton, Bush, and Obama Comparison

Between Presidents Clinton, Bush, and Obama, President Obama was the most successful both on domestic and international fronts. Healthcare is one of the most important metrics of success. Obama oversaw the biggest reforms in healthcare by presiding over the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The ACA expanded Medicare...

Volkswagen Group’s Emission Scandal

Introduction The massive scandal around the Volkswagen group demonstrates irresponsible management, ignorance, and prioritization of personal interests. The CEO of the company Martin Winterkorn was aware that the company’s cars could not meet the US gas emissions standards, which meant it would be impossible to sell products there. However, Dr....

Julius Caesar, the Dictator of the Roman Empire

Julius Caesar was one of the most famous rulers of Rome who became a dictator of the Roman Empire. However, his rule was shortened by the assassination of Caesar by his rivals. Julius Caesar was a man who was capable of many things due to the fact that he was...

New Directions in Psycho-Analysis

The most interesting sociological topic for me is group dynamics. The interactions that affect people’s behavior and attitudes when they are in groups are known as group dynamics. In the fields of sociology, psychology, and communication studies, this is crucial. Numerous studies and experiments with a focus on group behavior...

Federal Relief for American Citizens

The first argument Hopkins makes in replying to those who are opposed to the provision of federal relief to American citizens by the federal government is the urgency for that relief conditioned by elementary hunger. Twenty-two million people in the United States were hungry, staying on relief rolls at the...

Home Depot: Five Forces (Porter’s Model)

Nowadays, Home Depot is recognized as one of the most popular store chains in home improvement goods. It has few strong competitors in the market, considering that the company is successful in designing its strategy to address five primary external factors in the industry. Overall, the analysis of Home Depot...

Immigrant Adaptation Using Home Gardens

Introduction When crossing national boundaries, homes and gardens, parks and plazas, neighborhoods, and landmarks are some areas that immigrants leave behind. When these material anchors are missing, they can leave children feeling bewildered and alienated. Some people build a new home for themselves based on their memories of a place...

Employee Motivation and Organizational Behavior

Introduction The topic chosen for research is as follows: The influence of employee motivation and relevant appraisal techniques on organizational behavior. The following research question can be posed: What tools to increase employee motivation have the most positive impact on organizational behavior? This type of research implies using a qualitative...

Psychology of Gratitude and Appreciation

Gratitude is a warm feeling of thankfulness, which involves being appreciative and thankful towards specific individuals or the world. The feeling of gratitude enables someone to express warmth, kindness, and generosity to other people. In psychology, gratitude has been associated with various physical and mental health advantages (Jans-Beken, 2021, pg....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Racial Dynamics in “Recitatif” by Toni Morrison

The short story “Recitatif” is the only published story by Morrison. “It was one thing to be taken out of your own bed early in the morning-it was something else to be stuck in a strange place with a girl from a whole other race (Morrison 1)”. The two main...

E-Commerce: The Role of Artificial Intelligence

Though the implementation of artificial intelligence within e-commerce continues to develop rapidly, there are four primary areas in which it deeply affects the experiences of customers. These areas include personalized recommendations, the search for potential customers, sales processes with the use of a virtual assistant, and improved search results. The...

TV Shows: Depiction of Criminal Investigation

Crime thrillers and CSI movies appeal to a wide audience because they feature captivating stories and realistic situations that match real-life scenarios. However, these programs overlook several critical aspects of the actual crime scene and criminal investigations because they mislead individuals into thinking that professionals have an easy time. Contrary...

Sexual Assault Prevention Interventions

Sexual assault includes a variety of coercive behaviors, including physical force, intimidation, and everything from verbal harassment to forced penetration. Power and control, not sexual desire as is commonly assumed, is thought to be the main driving forces behind sexually violent behaviors. Conversely, sexual violence is an aggressive, violent act...

Information Processing in Child Development

Information processing development is an essential aspect of cognitive growth. In middle childhood, information processing intensifies as the child improves their literacy skills. The processing speed between ages 5 to 18 increases as the brain can manipulate complex details (Bergin & Bergin, 2019). Inhibition also greatly advances, just like cognitive...

Stigmatization of Foster Care Children

It is not hard to notice that people tend to percept children in foster care as troubled, damaged, or problematic. When you google the topic of foster care children or adoption, this is the first thing you see – a list of warnings about children’s difficulties taken into families from...

Information Technology Projects in the Healthcare Sector

It is impossible to imagine a modern complex system without a digital framework behind its success. Healthcare is not an exclusion, as its IT projects are often seen as underperforming to their expected values (Kaplan & Harris-Salamone, 2009). Reasons behind this failure may depend on situational factors, yet the unsatisfactory...

Stimulant Therapy for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Psychostimulants – in terms of ADHD treatment – have both advantages and disadvantages. Stimulants used in the treatment of ADHD are no exception to the rule that all drugs have potential negative side effects. Hence, the disadvantages will be related to the latter and are to be explored and understood...

Job Performance in Online vs. In-Class Graduates

For this research study, the paper investigates the impact of online study and the differences in job performance between online and in-class graduates. The research aligns with the critical-interpretive paradigm and the cultural theories guiding the field in an attempt to highlight the existing. The study intends to outline the...

Theories of Development: Piaget, Freud, and Erikson

Introduction The process of human development is complex and quite intricate. However, several theories can be distilled as the foundational premise for understanding the subject matter. These are Piaget’s, Freud’s, and Erikson’s ideas of cognitive and social development. Although the three theories seemingly have very few characteristics in common, further...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“The Dragon Can’t Dance” by Earl Lovelace

Introduction Earl Lovelace’s The Dragon Can’t Dance is a national allegory set in the days leading up to Trinidad and Tobago’s independence from Great Britain. The novel follows the residents of a small village as they prepare for their annual carnival celebration. The main characters represent different communities within the...

DR. Gary Kaplan’s Vision in Virginia Mason Medical Center

Virginia Mason Medical Center is a healthcare facility in Seattle, Washington. In 2000, the hospital was on the verge of collapse due to financial constraints, a demoralized workforce, and stiff competition from nearby facilities (Kaplan, 2020). The then CEO stepped down, and Dr. Gary Kaplan took over the center’s management....

The Concept of Crime Analysis and Its Value

Criminal analysis requires evidence-based analysis to reduce crime by implementing resources available for high-crime regions, high-risk offenders, and recidivism. Crime analysts use hot-spot policing, problem-oriented policing, as well as intelligence-led policing in reducing crime as they focus their resources on high-crime regions, high-risk offenders, as well as recidivism. The Bureau...

The Book “Resilience” by Eric Greitens

Introduction The book “Resilience” by Eric Greitens, writer, boxing champion, U.S. Navy Special Forces officer, and, more recently, the state governor of Missouri, is a bestselling self-development book about overcoming life’s challenges and building character. After the experience, the former SEAL comrade found his own way of coping with adversity....

Intensive In-Home Program for Depressive Disorder

Behaviour T. has a depression. It is evidenced by decreased inability of the mood state as well as poor ability to identify triggers and respond to them properly. T. claims to be “sad” and acting “not like me.” T. noted that she no longer engages in or performs activities that...

Landscape Painting: Degas and Monet

Introduction Even though his landscape paintings are not his most well-known work, Degas was a talented painter. His mastery of painting skills is evident in a landscape he did in 1892, representing an area covered by vegetation. Discussion The many shades of green look soft and expensive, with variations in...

Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Training

There are various scenarios when remote job training is crucial. People that learn quickly prefer remote learning since it does not slow them down. They can complete work and move on to other tasks as work is planned. In many remote learning scenarios, employees must solve problems on their own...

The Roundabouts and Reasons to Abolish Them

A roundabout is an area on the road where several routes become one, and all vehicles drive in the same direction to another lane. In other words, it is an example of a traffic circle that aims at facilitating the transition from one road to another. The question of whether...

Title 22 and Title 50 in Globally Integrated Operations

Globalization, technology, and the emergence of multinational organizations have all had a substantial impact on the world in recent years. Because of this interconnectedness, it is necessary for forces to have a global perspective, be able to combine many points of view and work cross-culturally (McCauley, 2013). In globally integrated...

Jack London’s “To Build a Fire”: Grueling Winter in the Woods

Introduction In his short tale “To Build a Fire,” Jack London describes how someone might endure a grueling winter in the woods. He runs into several roadblocks along the route and is obliged to use his own critical thinking to get over them. The reader is well aware of the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Pros and Cons of Implementing Self-Help Kiosks in Healthcare Organizations

The implementation of self-help kiosks as a cost-saving strategy is a growing trend in healthcare organizations, as these kiosks aim to improve efficiency, reduce costs and provide patients with the same level of care. While this approach offers advantages, it is crucial to consider potential drawbacks associated with reduced staffing...

Insider Trading: The Key Aspects

Insider trading is trading in shares or other securities by people that have access to confidential information. However, alongside illegal forms of insider trading, there are legal ones. The insiders are not only directors or people from management, but any person “with a stake of ten percent or more in...

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Case Study

A lady discovers her husband, who is 68 years old, dead in bed. He had spent his final year sleeping on a bed in the downstairs living area since he could not get upstairs due to acute and deteriorating dyspnea. The general practitioner discusses the situation with the local coroner...

Domestic Violence: The American Psychological Association

The American Psychological Association (APA) style is a set of rules that describe different components of scientific writing. APA presents requirements for the organization, format, and citation in academic papers. The APA style’s purpose is to enhance clarity, reliability, and conformity. In addition, it assists in avoiding plagiarism and promotes...

American Association of Nurse Practitioners and Credentialing Center

AANP or ANCC? Both the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) provide an opportunity to pass the national certification examination. Reviewing the official websites of the mentioned bodies, one may note that they indicate the key aspects regarding the process of certification, costs,...

American Domestic Terrorism and Its Historical Roots

The roots of terrorism date back to colonial times. The new Americans and British leaders had made an effort to annihilate the indigenous populations. Terrorism started early in America, and it is not a recent phenomenon and the fact that domestic terrorism does not receive much coverage as the current...

Nobel Prizes in Different Spheres

J.J. Thomson, Albert Einstein, William Butler Yeats, Stanley Prusiner, and Amartya Sen… Do you know what unites all these people? What do you know about these people and their achievements? All of them have only one thing in common: in due time, they were awarded the Nobel Prizes in different...

Slave Trade and Workforce in American History

The main problem which arose during the first half of the seventeenth century was the scarcity of laborers combined with the high demand for workforce. Later, when it was solved in part by maximizing the Atlantic slave trade, a whole range of issues emerged. They can be grouped into two...

Early Feminism in Virginia Woolf’s “A Room of One’s Own”

Poem: Writing of Self The times when human souls were found unequal and countless Marys all found no one to look up to seemed to be gone. But now when life presents a self-made sequel to roles and expectations cloaked in mildew, your words I look upon. To author your...

Love Is in the Gaze: Love and Sexual Desire

The article “Love Is in the Gaze An Eye-Tracking Study of Love and Sexual Desire” by Bolmont, Cacioppo, and Cacioppo has explored how the human gaze differs depending on whether it is related to the perception of love or lust. The study hypothesized that an individual’s gaze may vary based...

How South Africa Is Developing a Democracy

The process of building democracy is defined not by political statements but by the change in people’s perception of political relationships. While South Africa has been known as a state with an ostensibly democratic regime for nearly a quarter of a century, yet its current state of political freedom raises...

Taking a Shower Consciously: Feeling New Emotions

Many people find it necessary to take a shower once a day, either in the morning or at night. Sometimes, a person can repeat the same procedure several times per day, depending on the day, chosen activities, and personal preferences. Although not all dermatologists recommend taking a shower every day,...

Stress and Solutions for Working Students

Since the increase in the levels of stress that working students experience due to their busy schedules, alternative options for studying need to be introduced into the current academic system. Greater flexibility in schedules coupled with the creation of online classes will lead to a better work-life balance and allow...

Five Elements of Communication Process

The five elements of the communication process are (1) a sender; (2) a message; (3) a channel; (4) a receiver; and (5) the outcome of the receiver (Kitson, Marshall, Bassett, & Zeitz, 2013). A sender is a person who is willing to convey a message. A message is a very...

Comparison and Contrasting the Different Data Buses

Introduction As data buses are used in computers to transfer information in the memory and to extract it, the key differences regard the speed and volume of data that they can carry. There are various types of data buses functioning in microcomputers that vary by speed, bandwidth, and maximum data...

Federal Courts: Activism Versus Restraint

Compared to the situation in different countries around the globe, the United States is characterized by a powerful role of law and the courts in its system. The law of the US Constitution is defined as a fundamental source and the only appropriate one to judge existing policies and laws...

The Triangle Factory Fire of 1911 and Its Outcomes

On March 25, 1911, in Manhattan, a fire was ignited on the eighth floor of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory building. Elevators failed, stairs were crowded, and many in despair jumped from the eighth story (Robinson & Robinson, 2018). Most employees residing on the 9th and the 10th floors escaped the...

Reducing Fertility Program in Bangladesh: Analysis

Strengths The program helping to reduce fertility rates in Bangladesh has a variety of advantages and effective interventions. First, it is critical to underscore that the decision to educate women about contraception is effective in dealing with the knowledge gap between the sexes when it comes to healthcare. Another important...

“When Man Enters Woman” by Anne Sexton

In the poem by Anne Sexton When Man Enters Woman the theme of femininity is vividly described throughout its reciprocal attitude toward a male beginning. In this respect, the author implies too intimate a theme into an art form. A woman is intended by “Logos” to be a way for...

Principles for Delegation in Nursing Practice

Delegation is a process of responsibilities and duties dispensation among the workers of a particular organization or a company. Nursing practice requires some extra attention to this part of the occupation. Delegation is an essential quality that leaders should obtain in order to organize a productive working process, which is...

Digital Divide. Technology Today

The traditional definition of the digital divide describes it as the gap between people who have access to computers and the Internet, and those who do not (“Mapping the digital divide,” 2015). At the same time, the quality of access should also be considered as it preconditions differences in technologies’...

Impact of Gender and Sexuality on Advertisement

Introduction Sex, gender, and sexuality often appear in advertisements for various products. It is so because these phenomena have a robust impact on people, and Carl’s Jr burger advertisement with Paris Hilton is a suitable example. It depicts two young and sexy women who are washing a car and eating...

Prevention of Type II Diabetes

Response one. Danielle, I appreciate that you got straight to the point by identifying type two diabetes as a “lifestyle disease.” The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, 2019) confirms that most of the people prone to this condition have prediabetes. Among 88 million Americans, who have prediabetes, 80%...

Aspects of Bilingual Acquisition

In his article on the bilingual acquisition, Genesee (2006) focused on the main concerns expressed by parents and educators regarding the ways preschool children gain proficiency in two languages simultaneously. The author suggested that all children can learn two languages in their early childhood if they are consistently exposed to...

Communication Technologies: Symbolic Communication

Introduction Language is the mirror of the world. At its most basic form, language is a communication system meant to convey thoughts, ideas, feelings, and emotions between human beings (DeLamater, Myers, & Collett, 2015). However, the epistemological view of the subject expanded the meaning of language beyond these notions, granting...

Love and Loss in Poem “Annabelle Lee” by Edgar Allan Poe

The poem “Annabelle Lee” is considered the last poem by Edgar Allan Poe. It is believed to be related to the love of Poe’s life, his wife Virginia, who died at an early age of tuberculosis (Syafitri & Marlinton, 2018). Since Virginia was much younger than Edgar, her image could...

Pathology and Symptoms of Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral Palsy (CP) refers to a group of disorders, which affect a patient’s ability to move or maintain an upright posture. Smith and Hustad (2015) assert that the CP’s pathology is easily comprehended based on the analysis of the constituent words: cerebral and palsy. The word “cerebral” is used in...

Commercial Agriculture, Its Role and Definition

The concept of commercial agriculture implies that crops and livestock are raised to be sold on the market for profit. Since commercial agriculture aims to produce goods such as meat or grains that could be sold, the farmers put a lot of effort into maximizing productivity. This includes the application...

Modulation Concept and Types Comparison

Modulation is characterized as converting data to radio waves by adding it to an optical or electronic carrier signal. In turn, a carrier signal has a steady waveform – frequency and constant amplitude, or height. The primary modulation concept is as follows: the original form of a message signal cannot...

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are the two primary accounting frameworks with core peculiarities. GAAP, which is accepted in the United States, presents accountants with a rules-based framework that allows them to operate under a strict code of conduct, which leaves little room for...

E-Commerce in Business

This post demonstrates how e-commerce growth depends on various external factors. The pandemic situation proved that the Internet plays a significant role in the life of modern society; it is an essential channel through which many companies run their business. For example, in developing countries, the virus outbreak led to...

A Report on the Cyber Attack at Czech Hospital

One of the major COVID-19 testing laboratories in the Czech Republic has recently faced an obscure cyberattack in March 2020. The representative of the Brno University Hospital, Pavel Zara, claimed that the situation is still in progress and there is no detailed information available on the incident. A cyberattack hit...

“Some Principles of Stratification” by Kingsley Davis and Wilbert Moore

The article “Some Principles of Stratification” by Kingsley Davis and Wilbert Moore contributes to my understanding of social class by explaining the functional relevance of social stratification in society. The authors observe that stratification is a consequence of society’s need to place different members in specific positions and to motivate...

Market and Liberty in the Antebellum USA

The rhetoric of the market revolution in the USA used the notions of liberty and economic opportunity abundantly. However, its freedoms did not extend to everyone. New opportunities in the market economy were inherently linked to denying liberty to slaves and Native Americans. In North and South alike, the market...

Healthy Nutrition Policy within a Workplace

The hot bar options present several challenges because some selections are not heart-healthy. Dr. Weinstock outlines come critical points within hot bar selections, such as high-calorie rate in fat content and, thus, low in nutrition menu. The grill section is undoubtedly a healthier choice that includes specific nutrition information and...

Influence of Google in Modern Societies

Technology innovation has transformed the modern lifestyles of individuals in many communities. I agree with Nicholas Carr that Google is making us stupid by assuming cognitive functions that facilitate effective decision-making. Activities done with hardship in the past are now easy to execute with technology invention in devices and application...

Industry vs. Inferiority Relationships

Erik Erikson identified industry versus inferiority is the fourth stage of psychological development. This stage starts at the age of six and finishes at the age of eleven posing a question, “How can I become good?” (Feist et al., 2018). What is more, school plays a vital role as the...

Legislative System in the United States

The overall US legislative structure presupposes the existence of various types of courts and institutions that tend to deal with different kinds of law cases and legal disputes. Hence, when considering the legal responsibilities of the courts within one state, the difference in terms of both financial aspects and the...

Equate: Industry Specifics

Equate is a Walmart-owned brand that is engaged in producing and selling medicines and beauty products. The goods of this label include pain relievers, anti-allergic drugs, skin and hair care cosmetics, vitamins, and other products in this category (“Quality care begins here,” 2020). The industry is competitive, and individual market...

Automation in School in the 21st Century

The advancement of technology is gradually changing and reshaping the face of the 21st century. All industries, including the world of academia, are susceptible to this “bugbear”. According to Market and Research (2018), automation in the education segment is expected to grow by 47.5% through 2021. The conventional framework of...

Lessons From the Hardball Film Applied to Real Life

The film is based on the book, ‘Hardball: A Season in the Projects’, by Daniel Coyle, and although the film is not an exact replica of the book by Coyle, it is an account similar to the Near North Little League’s 1992 season. The film features Keanu Reeves portraying a...

Electronic Health Information Exchange

Innovative information technologies introduced to the healthcare setting have simultaneously simplified the process of managing patients’ need and complicated it. On the one hand, the control over patients’ personal data and security has increased; on the other hand, the lack of skills that nurses need to administer the necessary services...

Mechanistic vs. Organic Form of Management

First of all, it is essential to explain what is meant by a management type. By management type or organizational structure is understood as a system that defines a hierarchy in an organization. It demonstrates each position, its function, and to whom it reports (Friend, 2019). Establishing a clear organizational...

Importance of Radiology and Imaging Service in Healthcare

Introduction Radiology is a process that involves displaying images of various parts of the body for treatment (Tomà et al., 2021). Examples of radiology found in healthcare sectors are CT scans, X-rays, MRIs, and ultrasounds (Morris et al., 2018). Radiology has enabled early detection and effective management of chronic diseases...

Maternal Healthcare Overview

Maternal health is a field that focuses on the well-being of women while pregnant, during, childbirth, and throughout the postnatal period. Professionals in the fields of nursing and maternal health should be aware of the ever-changing cultural issues and trends. The nursing theory identifies cultural competence as an evidence-based practice...

Sampling Methods in Evaluating Research

It is true that for researchers, the use of sampling techniques in statistical testing is critical. For example, the concept of probability or nonprobability sampling can be used to form a group of participants. Smallidge et al. (2018) used a quantitative cross-sectional approach to assess licensed dental hygienists’ awareness gathered...

Work and Energy Forms in Physics

Work is a measure of energy transfer between a system and the adjacent regions. Potential Energy (PE) and Kinetic Energy (KE) of an object increases when positive work is done on it when there is no friction present. Work is done when the force exerted on the object causes a...

Mindfulness Interventions for Dementia Patients

Since the prevalence of dementia tends to increase globally, it is critical to understand its cognitive issues and related evidence-based interventions. The cognitive changes caused by dementia include disorientation, short-term memory loss, and personal care challenges. To cope with these ambiguous losses, people with dementia can be offered mindfulness training...

Health Policy Trends Awareness for Health Administrators

Health policies represent a robust field for research since they reflect the current state of health management, at the same time providing an insight into key community issues and the overall state of healthcare efficacy. Moreover, the assessment of the existing legislation on health issues provides insights into the further...

Way Forward for Improving Abortion Healthcare

The landmark decision in Roe v Wade (1963) provided women with the freedom to choose to keep a pregnancy or procure an abortion. Abortion is a legally protected right in the United States, even though; it is criminalized in other countries (Alabama Physicians for Life, 2016). However, as the article...

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“All Souls” Biography by Michael Patrick McDonald

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“One Thousand and One Nights Stories” in Popular Culture

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Boys & Girls Club of America Organization’s Analysis

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The Film and the Novel “The Blind Side” by Michael Lewis

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