Juvenile Delinquency in Minority Groups

Introduction The study reviews the case of juvenile delinquency, which is revealed in the behavior of the 13-year old Hispanic boy, Billy, who originally comes from a poor and abuse-oriented family. The issue of criminality in teenagers is especially relevant for the individuals from the minority groups, who tend to...

The 1787 Constitution and the Great Debate

Introduction The crisis of the 1780’s was due in large part to the government structure of the United States in the aftermath of the American Revolution. Due to the traumatic experienced by the American colonies under the rulership of the British Crown, the new government was established under the guidelines...

Gonorrhea, Syphilis, AIDS and Healthy People 2020

Introduction Communicable diseases are defined as ones spread from one individual to another through such ways as breathing, bodily fluids or blood contact, as well as an insect’s bite. It is crucial to report inflectional diseases to prevent their outspread among the community. The strategies of preventing communicable illnesses are...

Medicare Institution: Bromenn Medical Center

Topic: business and economics Name: Course code: Tutor’s Name: Date Business and economics A medical care is a community based facility/organization that is focused on providing health services to the population trough specialists and able to maintain a good record in solving health related problems. A specialist is defined as...

Diversity Model in Health Care Facilities

Abstract The question of diversity is important to be addressed in organizations in order to propose effective development and learning activities. To respect diverse learners means to address their needs in the policy and procedure statement used to declare the requirements for the inclusive policy. The diversity model represents the...

Spotting and Addressing Impairment in Nurses

Working in the nursing field may be tremendously demanding and emotionally draining and on some occasions, push nurses to use of substances. Among other risk factors of alcohol and drug intake in nurses are family history and coexisting mental illnesses. When uncontrolled, recreational use may escalate to substance abuse which...

Mobile Phone Utilization During a Conversation

Communication is a very important aspect in various spheres of life, including business, work, romantic relationship, and friendship. People use written, verbal, and nonverbal methods to convey a certain message or exchange information. However, the quality of communication may be impaired due to the influence of outside factors. Such disruptions...

The Affordable Care Act and Affected Stakeholders

Introduction The enactment of the Affordable Care Act can be listed among the most discussed events related to the U.S. healthcare industry. The implementation of this act has several consequences for the population and the authorities, ranging from decreases in the number of uninsured patients to changes in the volume...

Facebook Platform, Business Model and Goals

Facebook Platform and Business Model Facebook was founded by a Harvard undergraduate student the name Mark Zuckerberg. The Facebook platform was launched in May 2007 by a California-based company. This platform allowed third-party users to develop applications for the site and this convinced many observers of social networking that Facebook...

General Motors Company’s Reputation Management

Introduction General Motors (GM) is an American-based company that manufactures motor-vehicles, as the name suggests. It is an international company, meaning it has manufacturing plants in various global regions and offices in a majority of the countries (General Motors). According to O’Callaghan, the company was ranked the leading carmaker in...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Drunk Driving Statistics and Countermeasures

Introduction Although issues such as overspeeding or driving while texting form part of the major causes of road accidents, this paper reveals drunk driving as another key factor responsible for deaths reported on many roads not only in the U.S. but also in other countries around the globe. Various mechanisms...

Sacrifice in Malamud’s, Jacob’s, Alvarez’s Works

Introduction The topic of sacrifice has been a subject of numerous works of literature since it refers to the range of qualities and actions that people do in order to bring good to others. Discussing sacrifice in the literary context is seen as beneficial because the acts of selflessness are...

Monterey Jazz Festival: Where Art Meets Diversity

The New York Jazz Festival was an authentic experience of musical expression. Incorporating the elements of different cultures, the festival featured an extraordinarily diverse and immensely talented band. The performance was directed by Tim Jackson, who led the band consisting of artists that had already established themselves as prominent jazz...

Oncology Nurses’ Safe-Handling Practices

Introduction Nurses who work with cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy face a significant risk of occupational exposure to dangerous substances. Safe chemotherapy handling practices are essential to ensure the safety of nurses. The study by Colvin, Karius, and Albert (2016) examined the difference in subjective and objective adherence to safe handling...

Hand Hygiene Promotion in Hospital-Acquired Infections

The incidence of hospital-acquired infections can be listed among the leading concerns of healthcare specialists all over the world since infectious diseases often nullify the results of effective treatment strategies. Without exaggeration, the development of strategies helping to reduce the incidence of nosocomial infections is among the tasks of national...

Working Conditions During the Industrial Revolution

Introduction The harsh working conditions for ordinary people marked the Industrial Revolution in England. Places such as factories and coal mines employed even children, who had to spend hours on hard physical labor almost as much as adults did. Although the power of wealthy industry business owners was high, some...

Spanish-American and Philippine-American Wars

Introduction Like many other wars of the nineteenth century, the Spanish-American war was caused by the struggle for the colonies, which the Western powers considered their rightful property. The Spaniards were among the best navigators in the 15th – 17th centuries, which allowed them to create a huge colonial Empire....

McClelland’s Theory: Organizational Relationships

Introduction Employee motivation is an essential aspect of managing relationships in the organization and enabling better efficiency of daily work. Human capital management techniques allow employing different strategies for improving motivation. While Abraham Maslow’s theory outlines the basic needs and motivation factors, other researchers further developed this theory to gain...

Modern Technologies in Business Management: Accounting Information System

For an accounting degree to be recognized by an Australian professional bodies like ASCPA, ACA and NIA, it must include an information systems unit. Information systems unit is the way in which a business firm keeps and maintains its books of accounts. The well maintained books of accounts form part...

Statistical Graphics in the Press

Statistics has been predominantly been used by the press to demonstrate the pictorial graphics of the data that has to be presented to the readers. Tables, graphs, maps and even text, whether static or dynamic, provide some means to see what lies within, determine the answer to a question, find...

Popular Research Paper Topics

American Civil War Aftermath

The US Civil War managed to leave a considerable print on the national, economical, and political development of the country. It is necessary to stress that the regions which experienced the sharpest changes at this period were the South and the West. The Civil War appeared to be a sectional...

MPAA Rating System: Issues Involved in Rating Movies

Introduction According to the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), movie rating involves movie production and editing to suit viewing for children and persons of a given age segment. In America an independent group of parents rate movies putting into consideration the content and relevant theme of each film (Attanasio...

Religious Views in Early 1800’s

The 19th century can be seen as a watershed in gender relations and a new understanding of the role of women in society. In their works, the authors vividly portray transformations and changes in the consciousness of the people and new perceptions of the social environment. In the early 1800s,...

Improving Teamwork in Organizations

Introduction To come up with viable strategies within an organization, employers usually identify groups comprising of staff from varied departments within the organization. Members in such a group are expected to work as a team, bring together all problems affecting their different departments in the organization, and brainstorm to find...

Stereotyping and Unequal Treatment Examples in Medical Practice

Abstract Miami, Florida, has a fairly complex health situation. The generalized evaluation of health and illness places the state of Florida roughly in the middle when compared to other states – the trend that persists throughout most of the specific medical conditions, services, and demographics analysis, and remains stable for...

Objectives & Strategy: Walmart

Introduction The main goal of any company is to obtain a consistently high return on invested capital. For investment profitability to be higher than that of competitors, the competitive advantage over them must be stable; in other words, the quality of goods and services provided to consumers must be higher....

Representation of Colombian Marginal Life in “The House of Maria Duque” by Botero

Introduction The quality of an artwork is hard to evaluate, and the importance of doing so may seem doubtful. In contemporary art history, a sort of agreement has formed upon the subjectivity of art perception, which does not establish the existence of a finite interpretation and allows the existence even...

Ethical Considerations in Medical Imaging

Summary Modern civilization has witnessed a myriad of changes, especially in the healthcare sector. For instance, changes in modern medication and technology in healthcare delivery have resulted in opportunities and challenges for healthcare professionals. Besides, emerging changes in medicine and healthcare delivery have also been associated with debate on ethical...

The Implementation of Telemedicine in the Workplace

The use of modern means of communication for the remote provision of medical and consultative services is a branch of medicine that tries to limit the impact of distance on the access to health care for a population. Telemedicine is a domain that tends to be considered new, partially due...

Ethical Issues in Stem Cell Research

Introduction Stem cell research is a controversial field full of ethical concerns. Humans desire to live long and healthy lives and one way to do so is to regain the functions of organs or to regenerate organs (Okka, 2015). Stem cell research is the field of medicine that promises such...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Views About the Video Transcript Health Literacy and Literacy in Simple Ways

The video transcript defines health literacy and literacy in simple ways that make it easy for people, who are not in the health sector, to understand. It shows factors that could affect health literacy levels, such as culture, education, and income levels (Laureate Education, Inc., 2011). After highlighting this fact,...

Chemical Dependence and Defense Mechanisms

Social-cultural determinants of substance abuse Children born in families with parents who abuse drugs are more likely to do the same. Parents and TV stars are role models. As a result, children copy this habit to abuse drugs. Prevalence of drugs misuse is common in families with low socioeconomic education...

Power of Ideas: Philosophical Theories

Rene Descartes’ argument Rene Descartes proposed a novel way of acquiring knowledge through the use of his “doubting methodology” (Moore & Bruder, 2008). He said that skepticism enabled him to know the truth. The doubting methodology was comprised of the dream conjecture and the evil demon conjecture. It is possible...

Researching of Business Process Management

Summary Using a systematic approach to analyze current organizational problems is a successful business strategy for early detection and further management. However, few companies recognize the importance of business process management, BPM, to improve organizational efficiency and productivity. In the case study under discussion, the automotive component company, which focuses...

John Locke’s Perspective Regarding Capital Punishment

Capital punishment is one of the most controversial issues that evoke heated debates in the United States. On the one hand, Americans place the highest value on human life and people’s basic rights. The right to life cannot be alienated, according to liberal views that reign in the USA (McCarthy,...

The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman Essay Example

Feminist literature has been in existence for several centuries, which allows researchers and lay people to become familiar with how women were treated during different historical periods. Moreover, by analyzing the sources and accounts of previous epochs, one can gain a better understanding of the current situation and establish certain...

Management and Leadership

Introduction Management is the act of having all activities done well and at the right time by other people. Management involves organizing, analyzing, planning, and budgeting for the activities to be carried out to effectively achieve the set goals. While leadership is the process of motivating others or influencing others...

What a Failure at the Exam Taught People About Hard Work

Does hard work always guarantee that one will achieve success in anything that one is doing? I, like many other Americans, was raised with the belief that, indeed, hard work was the only way one can become successful in life. I did not believe that every single prosperous individual got...

Enslaved Workers’ Contribution to the Architectural Heritage of Washington

The trans-Atlantic slave trade had more impact on African nations than any other trade has ever influenced. The strong men were taken away from their families under the influence of greedy leaders that sold them for mere pay, and the genius ones were brainwashed and taken to foreign nations. The...

Analysis of Care Plan – Interventions

Legal Standards According to the case, a Pacific Islander family received a letter in which the apartment management company claims that Anamalia should move house because some of her neighbors are scared of noise during family arguments. As a reply to this issue, intervention in the care plan suggests legal...

The Family and Religion Institution’s Authority Decline

Social institutions provide people with essential functions that are necessary for humans’ full-fledged existence. Social institutions, namely family and religion, may take a central part in people’s moral values and foundations. Humans’ needs in procreation, protection, socialization, companionship, love, and support are possible to achieve only within the family. Religion,...

Clothing for Social and Cultural Identities

Introduction Clothing and appearance are factors that might significantly shape the individual and cultural identity. This influence is particularly noticeable in a bicultural setting, which is a common environment for foreign people coming to the USA. The dissertation by Maria Gracia Inglessis emphasizes the value of clothing as a method...

The Criminal Justice System Should Not Only Punish Criminals Equally

Introduction It is a widely accepted view that the US justice system is an unjust institution and does not achieve the goals it sets out, while treating people from different backgrounds differently. Only number of cases receive publicity and are often forgotten after a couple of days, and nevertheless there...

Similarities and Character Differences of Hamlet and Laertes

Hamlet and Laertes received the same types of education and were taught to follow the same ideals and morals. This made both of them exhibit comparable aspects of respect, love, and revenge. Although Hamlet and Laertes display similar qualities, they vary in that Hamlet is indecisive, rational, wise, and motivated...

“Phaedrus” by Plato and “Experience of Reality” by Pessoa

In order to depict a parallel between Plato’s Phaedrus sections 247 b-c and Pessoa’s experience of reality, it would be rational to provide the background of Plato’s ideas in these sections. Plato tends to explain the nature of souls by appealing to an understandable – but not complicated and ambiguous...

Unethical Research Experiments

An experiment is a particular procedure performed to support, refute, or confirm a hypothesis or theory. Sometimes experiments can suggest the possibility of causing moral and sometimes physical harm to the subjects. However, the experimenters justify these “costs” by the fact that the scientists study such acute social and psychological...

Aging Process and Its Key Factors

Commentary and Analysis Since aging is a highly complex process that occurs under the influence of many factors, it is essential to explore multiple dimensions to understand its subtleties. Bengston and Settersten (2016), in part VI of their Handbook of Theories of Aging, highlight the importance of advancing aging theories...

“Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban”: Book and Movie Comparison

Introduction It is almost universally agreed that Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is Joanne Rowling’s best story. It introduces more new characters than its predecessors and dramatically changes the tone, making it much darker. That said, there is a big difference between the film version and its source...

Non-Inclusiveness of the Criminal Justice System

To: Governor Stan Bishop From: Your Initials Date: April 21, 2022 Subject: Women Working in the Criminal Justice System and Their Specific Challenges This memo serves to inform the governor’s office of options regarding the recently identified issue of non-inclusiveness in the criminal justice system of the United States. After...

Interpersonal Communication Theory in the Dental Field

Introduction As a people-oriented profession, dentistry requires the development of solid communication skills. Such abilities are indispensable to patient care to serve specific aims, including management of patients’ primary complaints, triage emergencies, setting a shared objective during treatment planning, and insurance of informed consent. Strong interpersonal communication abilities can enhance...

Labeling Theory in Modern Society

There are many theories that discuss how people are perceived in the modern world. Psychologists and sociologists, in their works, rely on previous studies and the philosophical visions of other scholars. The listed concepts relate to theories of deviant behavior that hurt each individual and society. One of the most...

Religion in “Beowulf”, “The Wife of Bath Tale”, and “The Nun’s Priest’s Tale”

Introduction From time memorial people worshiped deities considered to run the universe. Expectedly, religion has some social control function that discourages deviance, self-distractive behavior, and delinquency from establishing order (Hood et al. 413). However, some people may pretend that they observe the norm when in the presence of specific people...

The “Into the Wild” Book by Jon Krakauer

Introduction The protagonist appears before the readers as “standing in the snow beside the road, thumb raised high, shivering in the gray Alaska dawn;” he is already a survivalist for the audience (Krakauer, 1997, p. 1). One of the most important themes that Into the Wild represent is survival. After...

Scientific Integrity in Modern Healthcare

Today’s scientific research relies on the principles and practices of scientific integrity to preserve the quality of new papers and ensure the validity of the adoption of their results by practical science. Preservation of scientific integrity depends in many ways on the researchers’ and institutions’ competence and personal and collective...

Should Animals Be Kept in Zoos?

Introduction In writing, the capacity to convince the reader depends on using logos, ethos, and pathos effectively. Together, these approaches to structuring thoughts constitute the rhetorical triangle. This essay focuses on animal rights and analyzes an article by Alayna Alvarez to see how it uses ethos, pathos, and logos to...

Analysis of Part 3 of the Book Introduction to Philosophy Christian Perspective

In part 3 of the above book, the authors look at the essence of reality and how it relates to human existence and philosophy. They contend that reality has objective properties apart from human awareness and is not merely the result of personal understanding. The philosophers begin by analyzing various...

The Story Behind Hailey Sinclair Foundation

Summary The story of a 13-year-old girl who resolved to commit suicide after bullies turned her life into a living hell, and many like that, is the reason for establishing a helping foundation, Hailey Sinclair Foundation. Sharon’s (pseudonym) long trail to death started after she requested to join the journalism...

Communication Approaches in Counseling

One of the first things I have learned through the course is that paraphrasing is one of the most proficient ways to demonstrate understanding when actively listening. A client’s essential words summarize what they said, and the counselor then repeats them to ensure they understood it clearly. It is necessary...

Which Country Should the US Invest in, Australia or Mexico?

Introduction A firm’s decision to invest in a foreign country is normally motivated by the need to increase profits by exploiting specific advantages available in another country. The firm must consider the micro-economic factors such as the technology available, its marketing skills and its ownership advantages prior to investing in...

Blogs’ Potential for Research in Higher Education

Technology has changed the way people do things in numerous ways. It has turned the world into a global village where people can communicate and share information from different geographical locations. A number of communication platforms have emerged over the years as a result of technological advancements. They have resulted...

Social Services for Illegal Immigrants

The United States is a land with numerous opportunities, consequently, most people consider it a dreamland. A lot of people try to settle in America legally, the country of their dreams and opportunities (Acme articles). However, there are countless illegal immigrants in this country which sparks debates on whether they...

Octavia Butler’s Parable Novels by Marlene Dietrich Allen

Introduction Although fiction distances itself from reality in many ways, Octavia’s article embraces science fiction as well as the Black culture. Science fiction acts as a powerful figurative tool, allows for making an allusion of the current state of the African American culture in the realm of the present-day U.S....

Purgatorio Cantos in Dante’s “Divine Comedy”

Introduction Dante’s Purgatorio symbolizes people’s need to face their inner inconsistencies, flaws, and fears to make personal growth possible. In other words, Dante’s Purgatorio is the emblem showing how imperfect humans strive to control their sinful desires and passions to overcome them and ascend to the place where soul and...

“Disgrace” a Book by John Maxwell Coetzee

Introduction John Maxwell (J. M.) Coetzee is a well-known novelist who received numerous awards and recognition for his outstanding works. He is also a linguist and translator who contributed to the field of literature. Today the author represents two countries as he moved from South Africa to Australia at the...

“Freakonomics” by Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner

Underlying Theme Freakonomics by Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner is an exploratory study of economics and the manifestation of its principles in everyday life. The main premise of the book can be described with the following quote: “Morality, it could be argued, represents the way that people would like the...

The Impact of Social Media Technologies

Definition of Social Media Andreas and Michael (2010, p. 59) define social media as internet programs and applications structured from ideas and technological fundamentals which consent to the development and exchange of information. Social media allows for interaction and communication fostered by readily available, accessible and affordable means of communication....

Medical School Strategies Learning

Introduction Learning is a quintessential process, upon which all education is based. There are numerous teaching strategies out there, designed both for individual and group learning. These strategies have their advantages and disadvantages. Medical schools put great emphasis on developing critical and clinical thinking through problem-solving and collaborative learning strategies....

Moral Status of the Human Embryo

Introduction The moral status of the human embryo is one of the most important issues in the modern bioethics. It is the foundation stone of medical, philosophic, and legal discussions which divide the scientific community into two parts one of which ignores embryo’s right for being called a human, and...

Sleep Apnea Types, Diagnosis and Treatment

Sleep apnea is a common sleep disorder which is characterized by shallow breaths or infrequent pauses in breathing while a person is asleep. The abnormal shallow breaths are referred to as hypopnea. Pauses in breathing are caused by blockage of the airway and can last from several seconds to a...

Florida Board of Nursing: Licensing and Professionalism

Introduction While the roles of nurses of all types are similar in a way that they all deal with treating patients, some differences may be outlined. A family nurse practitioner (FNP) is an advanced practice nurse practitioner, whose duties include caring for patients of all age groups and promoting well-being...

Fabrics Incorporation’ Training Process Model

Introduction Training needs assessment is a prerequisite for functional performance in an organization, irrespective of its size. Training needs assessment encompasses processes such reward, job design, and performance among others. This paper will explore the strengths and weaknesses of the training process model with regards to the Fabrics Incorporation case...

Cloud Computing: Main Concepts and Features

Advancement in technology resulted in creation of computers, as well as the Internet has led to unimaginable changes in the way human beings carry out their day to day activities. The desire of firms to backup information regarding their customers, operations, among others, to reduce the costs led to the...

Unions and Performance Appraisals in Organizations

Is there still a need for Unions? Why? Why not? Operation of Unions has undergone a lot of transformation. Earlier, they operated as illegal organizations in the protection of the employee from exploitation through salary, wages, or remuneration. Later the law protected them, and therefore the history is a huge...

Organizational Change Process and Challenges

The chapter 15 on Organizational Change speaks on the forces and process of change in an organization, the difficulties of change implementation and how to manage these challenges. Change can be described as the process that causes an alteration in the organization’s processes or structures (McShane, Olekalns, and Travaglione, 2010,...

“Nurse Adherence to Safe-Handling Practices” by Colvin et al.

Introduction As it is noted in the article “Nurse Adherence to Safe-Handling Practices: Observation Versus Self-Assessment” by Colvin, Karius, and Albert (2016), one of the primary nursing concerns is occupational exposure. Accordingly, the problem of proper adherence to safety guidelines is of immense great because nurses should be aware of...

“The Last of the Mohicans” the Movie by Michael Mann

Introduction The Last of the Mohicans is a movie based on the book by James Fennimore Cooper and directed by Michael Mann. Russell Means plays the lead character. This film is set in the 1757 and the story revolves around Hawkeye, a white man raised as a Mohawk who falls...

Why Pitbulls Should Not Be Banned?

Introduction A pitbull has been described as a dog whose ancestors were bull and terrier type dogs once used for dog fighting. This paper asserts that pitbulls should not be banned. There are no bad dogs but bad and untrained breeders and owners. It is these uninformed owners who are...

The Video Game Industry: Operating Margin FY 2005-2007

In the not-so-distant past video games catered to a very small market of dedicated young enthusiasts. However, from games like Mario and Pac-Man to the advanced next-generation consoles and video games that exist today, the video game industry has evolved into a global powerhouse. Subsequently, all the members of the...

The Adult Learning: Key Points

A summary of the chief ideas of the work This article examines whether adult learning has connections with learning during childhood by exploring 4 major areas of Self-directed learning, which mainly stresses on the procedures through which adults coordinate their personal learning by setting goals and methods and then evaluating...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Organs Donation: Positive and Negative Sides

Introduction Increased cases of organ donation and transplantation have been witnessed in the last few decades. This has been due to upsurge in chronic and debilitating conditions that affect the body organs. Organ donation is generally referred to as the removal of some organs in the human body with the...

Business Communication: Business Email

Business e-mail First illustration To: [email protected] Date: 08.06.2010 Sub: Release of 5% Retention Money held by you for on our supplies of Plastic ducts in conformity to your Purchase Order CAPMBS/ PD/ 134051/ 2008 dated 12.01.2008 and inspected with your Materials Receipt Note Ref. CAPMBS/MRN/ 134051 dated 21.0.2008 Attn: Chief...

“Messages: The Communication Skills Book” by Matthew McKay, Martha Davis and Patrick

Introduction There has been much written about and spoken regarding what has been written about communication skills; though it is clear there are still gray areas under which it may be challenging to find comprehensive information. Additionally, it is common knowledge that in every day life the problems that are...

“Is Google Making Us Stupid?” by Nicholas Carr

Does the Net make people stupid? This question worries a lot of contemporary internet users. The idea of the digital storage of information and easy access to it was inspiring and promising at the beginning of the introduction of the Internet. It remains relevant to believe that the ability to...

Objectivism in “Anthem” Novella by Ayn Rand

The novella Anthem by Ayn Rand describes the dystopian strange world, where everything is subdued to the wills of the society. There is no place for personal interests or for your own feelings. The society is of the main priority and no one is allowed to go against it. The...

Boeing and General Motors: Management

Business, irrespective of its sizes and forms, is always an aggressive environment, where, in most cases, only the best survives and prospers. In other words, to compete with various market players, a company has to continuously develop and integrate new relevant decisions, technologies, and strategies that are in line with...

Kathakali Dance Theater Overview

Theatre plays a significant role in the history of humankind. It is a creative method to learn about a specific culture and the history of its people. It can grab one’s attention and bring entertainment, joy, or even sorrow. For example, India has numerous unique representations of this art, one...

SpaceX Company Sends Humans to the International Space Station

Nowadays, most of us are aware of the speedy progress in Space Exploration. Many international unions exist to develop aerospace science projects. However, one American company made a real breakthrough in the space industry while being private and moved by the initiative of one particular person. You probably guessed that...

Advocating with Policy Makers in Social Work

Letter to Congress Representative The following letter is meant for Cory Booker, one of the two New Jersey senators, regarding the escalation of gun violence in New Jersey. Dear Senator, Cory Booker, I am writing to draw your attention to the escalating incidences of gun violence in New Jersey. According...

Finding Knowledge in the Digital Library Haystack

It is apparent that nursing knowledge is complicated to define, as its characteristics are rather sophisticated and complex. Moreover, it might seem that Google search engine and online library databases provide different kind of information regarding the same matter. It might be assumed that the online scholarly databases have a...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Zoroastrianism and Christianity: Mutual Influence

Introduction The history of the most ancient religions reveals that most common belief systems had some influences on each other. A similar link exists between Zoroastrianism and Christianity – two religions that came out of the Middle East. However, both faiths also have their unique differences, which separate the believers...

Emotional Intelligence Level and Its Significance

Introduction The significance of the ability to read the patient’s emotions can hardly be overrated. A nurse must be able to identify the patient’s mood; the given ability helps understand the needs thereof. As a result, the quality of nursing can be improved significantly, and the services delivered will promote...

Analysis of Ernst & Young Marketing Strategy

Introduction Ernst & Young is an international firm that provides professional services to at least 140 nations for example the United Kingdom where it is headquartered, China, the United States, and South Africa; its major competitors include KPMG, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), and Deloitte (Ey.com, 2011). Business line Ernst & Young provides...

The Justice System and the Importance of Understanding

Several sources distort information relayed to the citizens on how the justice system ought to be. What is perceived “to be” is not necessarily, “what happens” as indicated in the subsequent paragraphs. “The term fair exemplifies freedom from self-interest, prejudice or favouritism” (Mudd & Govern, ND). It is a belief...

Antagonistic Objects in the Short Stories

An antagonist is a character who opposes the main one on the way to achieve goals. The antagonist-protagonist opposition is one of the possible driving forces of the central conflict of literature work. The actions of the antagonist not only create obstacles that the protagonist must overcome but can also...

Weber’s Idea of Bureaucracy

A system that helps control a state’s operations and aids its citizens is a necessity for modern-day states. The majority of contemporary developed countries have bureaucratic procedures that are strictly regulated by laws. However, several philosophers voiced their ideas on the proper set up of these systems during industrialization, and...

Residential Housing and Its Supply Chain Management

The COVID-19 pandemic has turned from an unknown threat that emerged in distant China to one of the most dangerous global crises in decades. In addition to numerous deaths and hospitalizations, the pandemic has caused multiple economic issues, such as disruptions of supply chains, material price escalations, and reduction of...

The Markia Security Crime Stoppers Program

Summary The criminal justice initiative attempts to mitigate and prevent rising levels of crime, particularly burglaries, on the west side of Killeen, Texas. The statistics since 2005 have risen to 5.37 per 1,000 residents in a year to a population of 151,666. The initiative program named Markia Crime Stoppers has...

Developmental Toy for Children Aged 1 to 3

Introduction This paper is focused on the subject of early childhood, particularly, the first 12 to 36 months as it is an extremely important period in terms of a kid’s initial development. At his age children stop relying exclusively on their inborn reflexes and start building upon coordination, problem-solving skills,...

Nike’s ‘Choose Go’ Commercial Analysis

Introduction Commercials are the greatest ways of bringing potential consumers to attention and purchasing a particular product or service. Therefore, companies apply various rhetorical devices that grab an audience’s attention. The use of logos, pathos, and ethos helps companies improve their commercials’ effectiveness. Nike’s ‘Choose Go’ campaign is one of...

A Physician Career and Its Advantages

Introduction Field study of global health is involved in health promotion and ensuring equality in providing medical care to all. Global health involves prevention measures of illnesses, determinants of health, and transitional health issues. The field has many career opportunities, and I am mostly interested in the physician career; the...

Criminal Policies’ Effects in the Post-Civil Rights Era

In the 75 years after World War II, lawmakers have enacted, courts have pondered, and administrations have overseen policies that were supposedly designed to advance national interests but have affected the Black community. The Voting Rights Act, affirmative action, school desegregation, and housing desegregation are only a few of the...

Criminal Investigation: Mr. Brewer’s Verdict

On July 12, Mr. Mikkelson reported the burglary of his house, where he lived with his wife and adult daughter. A DVR, iPad, bottle of Maker’s Mark and the daughter’s diamond necklace were stolen. Such evidence as Mr. Mikkelson’s daughter’s ex-boyfriend’s fingerprints were found on the furniture inside the house...

Markers of Roman Virtue in Western Civilization

The value of the Roman Republic was seen as the virtuous life of every Roman. Although the qualities are not clearly stated in historical sources, one can understand the basic values ​​from the general impression of ancient monuments of art. The development of understanding of the concepts of virtue and...

Teaching Teens With Major Depressive Disorder

Society is often confronted with illnesses that have explanations or can be outwardly interpreted and noticed. However, the situation is changing for mental disorders because it is a more complex group of illnesses. Support for mental health continues to be an urgent task for public health: Diagnostic and treatment guidelines...

Interviewing for Data Collection in Research

Introduction The field of research has various techniques for data collection and presenting evidence of the research findings. Each investigation must have a practical approach to gathering information appropriate for the topic under investigation, characteristics of respondents and the target audience. In qualitative research, the techniques range from observation, interviews,...

Hypothesis Testing for Regional Real Estate Company

Introduction In analyzing the real data for the Regional Real Estate Company, there is a need to conduct a descriptive statistic for the available dataset. The analysis, therefore, assists in making decisions on whether the new advertisement designed adds value to the company or not. The company has proposed to...

City University of Seattle’s Organizational Performance Improvement

Introduction The City University of Seattle is one of several institutions of higher education in this state that will be considered in this paper. The case is that it is necessary at this University to improve aspects of online learning for foreign and local students as part of the Bachelor...

Institutional Violence in Service Providing Industry

The rates of institutional violence are getting higher in the world of nowadays. Employees of various career fields tend to become involved into violence at the workplace. The individuals that suffer from workplace violence the most often are the workers of service providing professions that have to be in contact...

Healthcare Programs in the Developing Countries

Responsibility of governments of rich countries to help poor countries achieve better health The authorities of the well-off countries are obliged to take care of those territories that are less strong economically. The reason for that is that the health situation of the planet is not restricted by the national...

Groupthink Notion in “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson

It is commonly assumed that many heads are better than one. However, the sad fact is that in a large number of cases groups fail to correct individual mistakes; on the contrary, they usually even exacerbate these mistakes or support opinions which are clearly harmful (Sunstein and Hastie 2). A...

Nursing Home Innovative Care Model in the US

Introduction Nowadays, the shortage of nursing workforce, as well as a discouraging prognosis for the years to come, leads us to believe it is necessary to develop new innovative nursing care delivery models. As the main health care focus shifts to the elderly and chronic disease (Norlander, 2011, p. 401),...

North Miami Population and Healthcare

Introduction The community that I have decided to study within the frame of this project is the population of North Miami that is a suburban city in Miami-Dade County, Florida. As it is clear from the research that I have previously conducted, the population of the city is presented mainly...

Virtualization and Cloud Computing World

Introduction Recently, many IT/IS companies started to use Saas (Software as a Service), PaaS (Platform as a Service), and IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service). The three services mentioned above provide a virtualized space that replaces all the required data storage, desktop computing, networking, and many other elements necessary for engineers....

File-Sharing and the Value of Television

The Topic of the Article The article (or essay) “Free TV: File-Sharing and the Value of Television” by Michael Z. Newman is devoted to the topic of TV file-sharing (for example, with the help of BitTorrent) and its impact on the shifts in the TV’s value and status. Outline of...

Nursing Critique: Comfort Theory

Meaning Katharine Kolcaba’s comfort theory focuses on providing comfort as one of the main purposes of nursing care along with patient safety and patient satisfaction. In the theory, a lot of attention is paid to defining the concept of comfort and establishing what contributes to it, what enhances it, and...

Patient Good Nutrition as a Healthcare Policy

Nutrition safety is an integral part of the overall system of quality control in health care. Alongside with other safety regulations, this issue should be of primary concern when it comes to policymaking. Negative consequences of the neglected nutrition safety result from an underestimation of its impact not only as...

Rastafarianism Belief System, Sacredness, Rituals

Introduction Religion manifests certain basic elements that include a belief system, community, central myths, emotional experiences, rituals, an ethical system, sacredness, and material expressions of religion. Certain elements are stronger and more valued than others. This paper will examine the extent to which my religious beliefs manifest the aforementioned elements....

Educational Institutions Offering Useful Courses

With the price of education rising to ridiculous heights, making sure that the student realizes a return on this huge investment is becoming more and more critical. In an earlier article, we talked about finding practical courses in a liberal arts institution where vocationally oriented courses are scarce. In this...

The Gender Stereotypes in the Workplace

Martin and Barnard (2013) employ the grounded theory approach to explore females’ experiences in male-dominated professions. The use of the approach is evident as the researchers used unstructured interviews to collect data. The data were transcribed, and later initial codes were developed. After that, the axial coding was implemented. The...

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Introduction There are many things that the course in group dynamics has helped me to realize. Studying theoretical concepts discussed during this course, it becomes possible to understand the nature of relationships within any type of group. Moreover, it helps any person to comprehend his or her role in the...

Javier Rodriguez’s Approach to Key Health Policies

Introduction Elected officials are key to creating health policy that has a profound impact on public healthcare. It is important for nurses to be aware of ongoing health legislature and remain in contact with elected officials to offer professional input and advocate for change. This report seeks to investigate the...

Narrative & Meaning in Jackson’s “The Lottery”

Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery” is one of the brightest examples of how a sophisticated theme can be transferred within only a few pages of a short story. However, this is not the greatest feature of the piece. In “The Lottery,” the use of narrative techniques favored by the writer serves...

Interview Report: Anthony’s Case

Introduction Communication between individuals who are very different from each other may yield positive results of these people’s understanding of cultures and occupations. Thus, it may be helpful for one to inquire about others’ professional values to understand why some people’s worldviews vary. The interviewee for this assignment is Anthony,...

Role of Ethics Within Leadership

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Nursing is in Transformation, and That’s Good for Nurses

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Intelligent Hospital Pavilion for Intensive Care

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Natural Resource Management. Environmental Paradox

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Analysis of Labute’s Play “The Mercy Seat”

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Social Facilitation and Relevant Empirical Evidence

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Foundation of Microeconomics. Country Analysis

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Diversity in Patient Care Interactions

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Medical Assistant’s Actions in Challenging Situations

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Impact of Brexit on the United Kingdom Economy

Introduction The U.K.’s exit from the E.U. also marked a transition in its economic relationship with the bloc. The country intends to shift from close unification and co-operation with its neighbors and keep options of possible reopening opportunities for negotiating direct trade agreements with non-EU member states. The U.K. is...

Subprime Mortgage Crisis 2007

Causes of Subprime crisis The federal reserves in the year 2001 started reducing the interest rates for federal funds, which went as low as 1% by the year 2003. When the interest rates went down, it was a chance for investors to borrow money at a low cost so that...

The Link Between of Communication and Organizational Change

Everyone strives to be understood, but with this desire, not everyone does everything necessary for the meaning of their speech to be clear. In case of misunderstanding, both parties of any communication are most often to blame. In particular, such problems can occur during changes in an organization. People do...

Introduction to the U.S. Health Care Delivery System

Introduction Health education in the United States of America has undergone major transformation regard the way it is undertaken in pursuit of improving the health status and wellness of the population. Health education in the United States of America is influenced by health care structure and health care policy. Impact...

Political Obligation of the American Citizens

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Literary Analysis of “The Red Convertible” by Louise Erdrich

Louise Erdrich received the wide critical acclaim of her literary works alongside with the popularity among ordinary readers. Her first novel Love Medicine, published in 1989, depicted the lives of the Native Americans of Chippewa tribe on the Turtle Mountain Indian Reservation. The significance of the book is defined by...

The Genghis Khan’s Conquests

Introduction The state created in the 13th century by Genghis Khan is considered the largest empire of the world by area. Despite the fact that, according to the official sources, the population under the leadership of this commander was slightly more than two million, the heyday of the Mongol state...

Drugs and Crime Committed Under the Influence

Three commonly abused substances and their effects It is with no doubt that a sizable number of people engage themselves in illicit utilization of substance for both personal and commercial use. The most frequently abused substances are cocaine, heroin and PhenylCyclohexylPiperidine (shortened as PCP). These substances normally have different business...

Surveillance and Data Sources: A Case Study of Meningococcal Meningitis

Abstract Disease surveillance involves the analysis of data provided by different agencies about a specific medical condition. Many health institutions participate in this process, especially where deadly diseases are concerned. The process helps in controlling a condition or finding a cure for a disease. The current paper provided information on...

Campus Sexual Assaults: Fisher’s Group Research

Introduction Campuses have the highest number of women who are at risk of assaults, especially the sexual ones. Bonnie Fisher and his group carried out research under the National Institute of Justice and the Bureau of Justice Statistics for the United States Department of Justice. There was a strong judicial...

Analysis of Amazon Recruitment and Staffing

Introduction Like many other companies in the e-commerce business, Amazon relies on the scale of its operations for profits. Recently, the company has announced that it would hire 7,000 workers to support its operations in the U.S. (Isidore, 2013). In order to manage the quality of service as part of...

Analysis of Article “Religions Resources and Church Growth”

The authors define resource mobilization theory as “the study of aggregation of resources” in the context of money and labor (Iannaccone, Olson, & Stark 1995, p. 706). From a theoretical standpoint, religious resources consist of ‘inputs’ such as time and money, which lead to the ‘output’ of church growth and...

Enhancing Clinical Supervision in a Medical Ward: An Action Plan

Introduction The medical ward of Hospital X offers non-surgical treatment and provides nursing care services to adult patients with various non-life-threatening conditions. The ward’s current clinical supervision (CS) strategies require further improvement, with special attention to supervisors’ communication-related knowledge. Establishing continuing professional development goals for those supervising medical interns and...

What Barriers Can Interfere With a Wi-Fi Signal

Research notes WiFi is a great invention of humanity that allows fast and almost effortless communication between users of any world and access to the Net. WiFi is, in fact, the key to the digital data environment, so any access point, whether private or public, with a password (if available)...

1968 in the Political History of the United States

Almost a quarter of a century after the victory of World War II, the establishment of a bipolar geopolitical order, and the beginning of the Cold War, Americans have become accustomed to relative stability. Barry Goldwater (2019) made strong claims in his 1964 presidential speech for restoring strict opposition against...

Visual Rhetoric of The Publicis Singapore Ad

Introduction In modern society, there are many ways to raise a particular social problem to catalyze the process of finding its solution. One of these tools is visual rhetoric, which consists in building communication with the audience through visual aspects, such as advertisements, pictures in magazines, or on the Internet....