Information Technology Strategies for DesignerTopFashion Company

ERP systems ERP systems may not be the most appropriate solution for all types of organizations. For which of the following do you believe that ERP systems would be suitable: Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is a business management program that helps organizations to use a system of integrated systems to...

Analyzing Depression Treatment: Addressing Racial and Ethnic Disparities

Introduction Depression, or depressive disorder, is one of the wide-spread mental disorders. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) (2017), more than 300 million people all over the world, or 4.4% of the population are diagnosed with depression. The prevalence of depression depends on some factors. For example, unemployment, poverty,...

Access to and Quality of Dental Health Care for Low-Income Populations

Introduction to Population and Problem The identified problem associated with the launch of health policy is linked to access to dental health care among the low-income population of Miami, Florida. Without insurance, dental care is quite expensive, and with the rising wage gap and the increase of the federal poverty...

Understanding Rhabdomyolysis: Pathology, Anatomy, Physiology, and Treatment

Introduction Rhabdomyolysis is a condition that occurs when damaged muscle tissue releases its chemical contents into the bloodstream, resulting in damage to organs and other tissues around the body. It was first recorded in 1908 after an earthquake (Stahl et al., 2020). The condition typically happens when exposed to intense...

“Akeelah and the Bee” by Doug Atchison

Introduction “Akeelah and the Bee” is a movie that transcends the limitations of its average plot and linear storyline to reveal valuable and intrinsic lessons that have been forgotten by people at present in their pursuit to be “winners.” In a sense, it is a critique of the current predilection...

“In and Out of Africa” by Fred J. Lincoln Documentary

In and Out of Africa is a documentary film that engages the viewers into an intelligent and perceptive overview of African art and culture. The documentary explores authenticity, racial politics with humor and irony, as well as emphasizes the role of transnational trade in shaping African art. The movie intertwines...

Understanding Death and Dying Through Nursing

Birth and death are the two things that a single person can never avoid in this life. It is possible to avoid illnesses, financial challenges, hunger, psychological disorders, etc. Still, human birth and death remain to be unchangeable: one day, a person appears in the world, another day, a person...

Comparative Ethical Views on Death and Dying in Hinduism vs. Christianity

Introduction Death and dying are essential notions in many belief systems. In some religions, death brings an end to a person’s existence, whereas, in others, the soul continues to exist in the afterlife. Hinduism and Christianity are among the most popular faiths in the world, although they vary greatly in...

Criticisms of Existing Database Design Models: Analysis and Recommendations

Purpose (What are the objectives for writing the paper?): The author undertakes a critical review of the previously proposed models of data management and proposes an inclusive framework to unite them in new database design. Design / Methodology / Approach (How are the objectives achieved? Include the main methods used...

Daily Stretching Program: Benefits for Endurance and Resistance

Introduction Daily stretching refers to a consistent weight-training program. This may include Aerobic sessions, jogging, and physical workouts. Beginners of a body exercise program have targets and goals in mind, which motivate them to train on their weight. The need to exercise your body can have short-term or long-term benefits....

Customizing Hospitality Services: Marketing and Management Strategies

Introduction What really can be given to a well-off client to show that you recognize and appreciate their business? You might think of filling their hotel suite with caviar or the best champagne as a welcome gift but again if that is what they wanted, they would have ordered it...

Keeping Customers Satisfied with Their Products and Services: Key to Success

Introduction Customer service management is an essential aspect of the successes of any business (Wetzel, Hammerschmidt, & Zablah, 2014). The success of every company is as a result of keeping their customers satisfied with their products and services. This project will examine and discuss various results of successful customer management....

Sexism in Healthcare: Examining Causes and Solutions

The healthcare system’s ultimate aim is to meet the medical needs of all citizens without any form of prejudice. Unfortunately, this is not the reality in most regions or countries across the world. Since males dominate this field, the challenge of sexism affects the experiences of both caregivers and patients....

Culturally Competent Care: Insights from Johnstone et al. (2016)

In order to determine the modern characteristics of culturally competent care and the principles used in nursing practice for patients with different backgrounds, the experience of various authors may be useful. As one of the examples, the study by Johnstone, Hutchinson, Redley, and Rawson (2016) called “Nursing Roles and Strategies...

Culturally Competent Care: Managing Diversity in Nursing for Better Outcomes

Five Areas that Can Affect Nursing Care The person interviewed during the earlier exercise was from the Hispanic community. Competent nurses should be able to provide adequate care and support to patients from this American racial group (Ohana & Mash, 2015). However, some barriers or areas have the potential to...

Friedel on Cultural Improvement Using Technological Progress

Throughout the history of human development, technological innovations have always accompanied cultural, social, and political dimensions of life. People strive to introduce technological improvements as a new form of material culture, as well as intensify the nature and role of innovation in advancing society. Within this perspective, Robert Friedel presents...

The 2014 California Police Assault: Legal and Moral Implications

On July 4, 2014, there was news in both mass and social media about a California High Patrol Officer who attacked and viciously beat a Black woman for apparently crossing the road at a wrong location. The force used by the officer on an unarmed officer demonstrates racial intolerance that...

Cultural Competence in Beginning Nurses: Reyes et al.’s Insights

Introduction The American population is characterized by many ethnic and social groups. The current level of diversity influences the performance of different healthcare professionals in an attempt to deliver quality care. This issue of “cultural diversity faces all healthcare practitioners across the globe” (Loftin, Hartin, Branson, & Reyes, 2013, p....

A Nurse’s Hispanic Cultural Competence: Purnell Model Analysis

Overview The interviewee’s name is CS and she is of Hispanic origin. CS’s paternal family emigrated from Mexico to find a better life in the United States two generations ago and first settled in Texas. CS was born in California, United States. Her father had come to America at the...

Cryptocurrency’s Impact on Developing Economies: Analysis and Effects

Introduction Those who live in developed countries like the USA and Canada got used to stable currencies and now take them for granted. The EU citizens have unfettered access to the euro, and Americans to dollars, and they may think that there is no urgent need for the emergence of...

Immediate Response in Crisis Situations: Key Steps and Approaches

In a crisis situation, the immediate response is vitally important. Timely help to the survivals and the prevention of the disaster spread are the steps to be taken. As long as the situations may be different, each needs a peculiar approach. Back Home Again: Evacuations End, but Colorado Fire Still...

Social Control Theory: Criminological Context and Consequences

A Summary of Social Control Crime as one of the threats to human safety and a destructing force for society is often explained from the point of view of sociology. All governments develop a system of controlling techniques and mechanisms to deter crime and ensure the safety of the citizens...

Crime Scene Safety: Protecting Evidence and Personnel

Protective Equipment Traditionally, a line between the items used by the first responding officer and the crime scene personnel is drawn. The former must utilize the items such as biohazard bags, bindle paper, barricade tape, and first-aid kits. The list is not restricted to the specified components and may include...

Corporate Social Responsibility in Finance: Challenges & Strategies

The modern business world can be characterized by a considerable focus on corporate social responsibility (CSR). Companies cannot simply make money as they are expected to contribute to the development of the society (Postrel, 2017). Moreover, paying money is already insufficient as corporate citizens are encouraged to invest their “time,...

Evaluating Corporate Financial Health: Key Analysis Techniques

Corporation Interim Reporting Interim reporting refers to “the reporting of the financial results of a period which is shorter than a full financial year” (“IAS 34 — Interim Financial Reporting,” 2019). The interim reporting by publicly listed companies involves the preparation of financial statements including balance sheet, cash flow statement,...

Corporate Behavior for Business Managers: Principles and Practices

Introduction Every organization, company, manufacturer, and other businesses hire managers that play significant roles in production processes. Organizational behavior is an essential aspect of managers’ professional experience. The following paper will discuss the importance of corporate behavior for managers from various modern organizations. Discussion In the previous decade, people who...

Corporal Punishment and Domestic Violence: Analyzing the Impact on Children

Introduction The problem of managing children’s behavior has always been challenging to the public because there is no unified view on what effective procedures should be implemented for doing so. When it comes to corporal punishment of children, the public has disregarded the problem and did not associate it with...

Direct vs. Indirect Care Providers: Roles and Skills Analysis

Introduction The health care industry has many areas that may seem unrelated to the health care services’ provision. Nurse administrators, nurse informaticists, and many other positions are not related to the provision of the health care services, and they are called indirect care providers. Direct care providers are occupied in...

Ontology & Epistemology in Research Design

Research Paradigm The importance of philosophy in the process of research cannot be overestimated since it refers to the basic beliefs about the properties of reality, knowledge and the studied phenomenon. Being among the elements helping researchers to understand the world, ontology refers to “the form and nature of reality”...

Saudi EFL Learners’ Use of CDMs in English Discourse

Introduction Expressing negation through conversational exchanges can serve many functions (Gönen, 2011). An actual engagement of EFL Saudi interlocutors in a conversational exchange to negate can clearly reflect their inadequate knowledge of the pragmatic functions of CDMs in spoken discourse (Lewis, 2011). The way they frequently negate, by means of...

Contractor Performance Impact on Project Scheduling

Abstract The primary purpose of this paper is to draw attention to the influence that the performance of the contractor has on project scheduling and complications that may be introduced. The overall impact that they may have is enormous, and it may be regarded as one of the biggest challenges....

Continuous Quality Improvement in Healthcare: Key to Success

Introduction Continuous quality improvement is an extremely important aspect of the everyday life of any contemporary healthcare organization. Since healthcare is one of the most dynamically developing spheres, growth, change, and the ability to transform in order to follow the latest standards and best practices are the major tasks of...

Bill Monroe: Father of Bluegrass Music – A Biographical Film

Introduction This paper dwells upon the film which goes under the title Bill Monroe: Father of Bluegrass Music. The film features Bill Monroe and a number of famous musicians talking about bluegrass and the impact Bill Monroe had on the development of this genre of music as well as other...

Process and Best Practices for Developing Effective Measurement Scales

Construct Development and Scale Creation Construct Emotional Intelligence. Operational Definition Emotional intelligence forms a very important foundation through which researchers examine various aspects of social intelligence involving human relations relative to the criterion of assessment. Furthermore, it is certain that various personality attributes including perceiving emotions, facilitating thought, understanding emotions,...

Nurse Development & Leadership: A Learning Conversation

Introduction Health professionals in leadership positions apply their skills to mentor others, solve emerging problems, and support the delivery of exemplary medical services. A short interview was conducted whereby the targeted individual was a Nursing Director (ND). The male professional is aged 40 years, has a family, and manages a...

Techniques for Analyzing Graphs and Visual Data in Research

The use of socio-cultural theory in education was introduced by Lev Vygotsky, a Russian psychologist who was also the founder of the theory. In socio-cultural theory, he explored broad interdependence between social and individual learning processes (Ormrod, 2011). Lev Vygotsky postulated that the observed step-by-step changes which occur in children’s...

Managing Congestive Heart Failure: Strategies to Reduce Patient Readmissions

Introduction The problem of congestive heart failure is increasingly found not only in elderly patients but also among young people. Moreover, one of the central problems regularly encountered by cardiologists is high readmission rates. In order to change the situation and achieve positive results in the fight against this disease,...

Congestive Heart Failure in Elderly: Causes & Symptoms

Congestive heart failure (CHF) in elderly is a complex health problem that arises due to structural or functional cardiac disorder. The condition affects ventricle’s capacity to pump blood. According to Lazzarini, Mentz, Fiuzat, Metra, and O’Connor (2013), CHF is prevalent amid the elderly due to age-related issues. The majority of...

The Idea of Group Harmony: Confucian Lessons from Japan

Introduction The world is characterized by different faiths and beliefs that are guided by specific norms, principles, and notions. Human beings from a given society or nation can study other cultural beliefs in an attempt to identify various best practices that can be adopted to improve their lives or experiences....

Transformational Leadership in Healthcare Management: Personal Analysis

Introduction An opportunity to apply leadership skills in the healthcare sector effectively is the key to not only successful management but also patient positive outcomes due to the competent work of all employees. Regarding my personal aspirations, I strive to develop relevant attainments through ongoing training and interaction with colleagues....

Computerized Provider Order Entry and Its Benefits

Introduction It should be noted that at the global level, millions of errors related to the appointment and distribution of drugs are predicted. This leads to several millions of preventable adverse effects and millions of dollars that represent the costs of the necessary subsequent medical care (Charles, Cannon, Hall, &...

Chlamydia trachomatis: Diagnosis and Treatment Guidelines

The priority diagnosis is Chlamydia trachomatis, a widespread disease that can hurt the reproductive health of the patient. The disease can go unnoticed but can cause severe damage to the reproductive system of a woman. Subjective Data Patient’s CC/HPI: symptoms similar to UTIs, started two days ago; severe lower abdominal...

Where and How Sex Education Should Be Conducted Among the Young People?

Introduction The early sexual participation of young people increases the risk of jeopardizing their education by dropping out of school. In addition, early sexual debut puts the health of teenagers at risk, particularly through sexually transmitted infections and teen pregnancy. In spite of the eminent consequences of early sexual acts,...

Personal and Professional Commitments

What are the personal and professional commitments of an employee or a student? Read this sample to learn the answer! Here’ you’ll find plenty of professional commitment examples. Introduction Professional commitment of a person who is involved in working for various social services has to correspond to one’s personal commitment...

Current Ratio: Financial Liquidity Insights

Agency Problems Owners of a Corporation A corporation is owned by the shareholders who purchase the shares of the corporation. In return, the shareholders obtain a share certificate and are entitled to vote during the corporation’s annual general meetings. They also share in the dividends of the company in proportion...

Community Libraries’ Role in Promoting Civic Engagement and Involvement

The community library plays a vital role in empowering the community with regard to civic rights and democratic participation. Education reinforces the participation in democracy and civic life by triggering an informed decision making in the light of the power of consents (Seigel, 2003, p 17). Unfortunately, in many schools...

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Its Features

Posttraumatic stress disorder is simply a disorder that can develop in human beings following a life-threatening event that has occurred in his or her life. Any individual who has ever experienced such an event tends to keep away from things that might remind them of the past traumatic events. Posttraumatic...

Improving Communication: Case Study of University Housekeepers

Introduction Communication is an essential element for successful operations within an organization. The passage of information from one point to another in a firm has different channels. During this process, there are always numerous obstacles to successful communication. Ineffective communication can lead to the failure of a business, as not...

Common Core State Standards: Issues and Alternatives

The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) is a policy that enumerates the academic benchmarks that high school graduates require in order to attain success in college and professional careers (Strauss, 2013). The policy is applicable to states that agree to adhere by its rules and regulations. Its rejection by educators...

Health Care Crisis in the USA: Need for Sustainable Reform

Introduction Health care in the United States of America is currently in crisis and soar need for sustainable reform. One of the barriers on the way to meaningful changes is political polarization, for the schism in opinions as to what direction healthcare policies shall take leads to inaction. Unfortunately, in...

College Sports vs. Quality Education in American Universities

Today, more than ever before, it is increasingly becoming clear that big-time college sports are adversely affecting the quality of education provided by American universities. Many of the students enrolling into these institutions seem motivated by other concerns outside the scope of achieving quality education. This trend is not new,...

Analyzing College Affordability in the United States: Trends and Solutions

As the cost of education in the United States grows, more and more young people find themselves unable to pay for the degree. Hall mentions the fact that the cost of attending institutions doubled during 1980-1990 and experienced the same changes during 1990-2000 (par. 2). This fact helps to understand...

Kaepernick’s Nike Ad Protest: Impact and Publicity Analysis

Introduction The internet and social media have become the new television, an instrument of capturing the zeitgeist and influencing people’s opinions and beliefs. With the lack of censorship and nearly universal access, people can promote the messages and causes they believe in. However, with this openness and mass accessibility, the...

Cognitive Development in Children with Epilepsy

Abstract The issue of cognitive development is a highly complex one and is related to a lot of other fields of study. Thus, the given review of four articles shows that cognitive development may be predetermined by health-related problems like epilepsy, as well as extrinsic factors like the environment, or...

Code of Hammurabi: Ancient Babylonian Laws and Justice

Introduction Code of Hammurabi is one of the oldest sets of laws that has ever been deciphered. This code was used in the Ancient Babylon and it is believed that Hammurabi created and enacted it. In this set of laws, many issues are touched upon. The major purpose of the...

Cloud Computing Evolution: Benefits and Challenges for Firms

Advancement in technology resulted in creation of computers, as well as the Internet has led to unimaginable changes in the way human beings carry out their day to day activities. The desire of firms to backup information regarding their customers, operations, among others, to reduce the costs led to the...

The Role of Clinical Leadership in Enhancing Hospital Performance and Outcomes

Topic Summary and Thesis Statement There are many ways how to improve the quality of health care and promote the effectiveness of management in hospitals. In modern complex working environments, it is not easy to define the approach and be sure of its efficiency. This paper aims at discussing the...

Clinical Decision Support Systems: Enhancements and Functional Capabilities

Introduction Innovative technology in clinical settings remains one of the primary factors for both increased efficiency and rising costs in the United States health care system. Practitioners and industry alike have critical roles in the development, implementation, and utilization of modern technologies. However, while there are federal agencies that monitor...

Climate Change: Leaders’ Primary Concern

Introduction Climate change has become a significant concern within the past several decades. Its effects are becoming more evident, and many local and national strategies for their elimination start to emerge. Every individual can contribute to decreasing the impact of climate change but may not be possible to eliminate it...

Circumcision Myths: Health Risks and Human Rights Issues in the US

Introduction Contemporary society appreciates humanistic values that are cultivated with the primary aim to protect the rights of individuals and guarantee that there are no barriers to their development. Regarding this paradigm, many stereotypes of the past are being reconsidered today. This statement is topical for the healthcare sector. It...

Asthma and COPD: Treatment and Patient Participation

Introduction Chronic diseases need particular care to preserve the life quality of a patient. With timely diagnosis and relevant support therapy, people may lead a normal life. However, the patient’s participation is important since chronic illnesses usually have co-morbid conditions to consider. The patients from the case studies suffer from...

Chinese Immigrants’ Experiences and Challenges in the US

Immigration to the US has been reported to be one of the most “complex phenomenons” that has resulted in considerable population growth in this particular country. Apart from causing high population growth, immigration to the US is an incident that has dramatically brought many changes in society. In fact, the...

China’s Shift to a Floating Exchange Rate: Global Implications

Introduction An exchange rate refers to the value a currency is given at the international market. This enables a nation to know its economic position and compare its activities with those of other nations (Piersanti 3). This paper uses the term international business to mean trading activities that involve a...

Eteraz’s Journey in “Children of the Dust” by Ali Eteraz

Introduction In the book “Children of the Dust,” Ali Eteraz gives a detailed analysis of his childhood experiences in the United States and Pakistan. The author wrestled with numerous experiences and ideologies that eventually transformed his understanding of Islam. This book review begins by examining Eteraz’s journey from childhood to...

Child Labor and Exploitation in Global Cocoa and Garment Industries

We live in the society that could be considered a consumer one. It means that its members are provided with all goods needed to meet their diverse requirements. People often buy new things, and it becomes the primary measure of their success and social position. Moreover, there are numerous cases...

Childhood Vaccination Challenges in Florida: Public Health Issue

The chosen policy issue is childhood vaccination. In Florida, parents can exempt their children from vaccinations due to religious reasons, which leads to a low rate of vaccinations. As a result, only 38 of Florida’s 67 counties have kindergarten vaccination rates above 95% (Florida Department of Health, 2017). Vaccination rate...

Effective Solutions to Combat Childhood Obesity Epidemic

As a means of solving the previously discussed problem of childhood obesity, the author of the research proposes to develop custom healthy menus for schools under a program called “Soul Food.” This solution will work better than others because the menu will be based on the preferences of the children’s...

Public Health Strategies for Addressing Childhood Obesity: Results and Insights

Fundamental Problems that Arise According to many researchers, different factors directly affect the emergence of obesity. Children can have a genetic predisposition. Sometimes, the use of too high-calorie food is the cause of overweight. Also, a low level of physical activity negatively affects children’s health. All these problems are usually...

Impact of Childhood Obesity on U.S. Healthcare Spending and Strategies

Introduction Childhood obesity is a persistent problem faced by developed nations, including the United States. As shown by Ogden, Carrol, Fryar, and Flegal (2015), between 2011 and 2014, the average prevalence of obesity in youths aged 2-19 was 17%. In school-aged children, the rate of obesity was 17.5%, whereas, in...

Community Nursing Interventions for Childhood Obesity

Background Across America, childhood obesity has become a national crisis. It is estimated that among the children aged between 2 and 19, one in every three children faces the problem of overweight or obesity. According to CDC (2016), the children aged between 6 and 11 years had an obesity prevalence...

Chikungunya: Viral Disease Spread by Mosquitoes

Introduction Chikungunya is an infectious viral disease caused by mosquitoes (Chretien & Linthicum, 2008). The first case was reported in Africa in 1952. Since then, the virus has spread to other regions of the world. Its major symptoms include headache, rash, muscle pain, fever, and joint pain. The disease has...

Archaeological Insights into the First Colonization of the Caribbean

Introduction Archaeology and the first human colonization of the Caribbean are important sections of history. The Caribbean was the last large territory of the Americas to become populated. Wilson (2007) notes that the first inhabitants of the Caribbean had a distinctive course of development differing from those taken by other...

Innovations in Assessing Chemotherapy-Related Risks: Grant Proposal

Innovation: Description Neurotoxicity is a serious problem affecting both the quality of life of cancer patients and the very possibility of antitumor intervention. A large group of modern highly effective cytostatics, including Cytarabine, induce clinically significant symptoms of neurotoxicity which may require modification of doses, delays in treatment cycles, and...

Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea & Vomiting: FOLFOX Effects

Introduction Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV) are one of the most feared cancer treatment procedures due to its severe side effects (Cohen, Moor, Eisenberg, Ming, and Hu 497). The treatment is classified as an anticipatory because it is a conditioned response. This means that an individual undergoing CINV is exposed...

Sociology of Globalization: Unveiling the Decline of the West

The reading of Chapters 2 and 9 in the book Sociology of Globalization (edited by Keri Smith) has removed the last remaining doubts in my mind, as to the fact that there is nothing accidental about the ongoing “decline of the West” – the process that during the recent decade...

Change Management in Healthcare: Role of Change Agents and Leadership

The shift of priorities in modern society triggered dramatic changes in all spheres of human activity. Today we can observe numerous attempts to reconsider traditional approaches to increase their efficiency and attain better results. For this reason, numerous methods in management to provide organizations with a significant competitive advantage appear....

Essential Peer Review Steps for Effective Change Projects

Change Proposal It should be noted that the peer review process is quite a complex procedure; therefore, the entire project should be rechecked before it is submitted to the stakeholders. However, the elements of the proposal that require a detailed feedback are the methods and procedures, the potential limitations, and...

Marketing Leadership and Technology’s Impact on Change

Abstract The paper explores the way change affected the sphere of marketing and what field leaders can do about the occurring changes. The main aspect that caused several changes in the sphere of marketing is the rapid growth of technologies. Through the use of social media, market leaders can redefine...

De Certeau’s Walking in the City vs. Schwartz’s Far Rockaway Compared

Introduction Michel de Certeau’s Walking in the City and Delmore Schwartz’s Far Rockaway represent two different literature genres. The former is a short story, and the latter belongs to poems. Even though they do have some similarities that will be discussed in this paper, these genres reach out to the...

Cyber Attack Threats: Impact on Telecommunications and National Security

Introduction According to Bullock, Haddow, and Coppola (2016), the main reason for the increasing threat of cyber attack is the development of technology: “Communications, commerce, finance, and all forms of information management and access can be achieved from almost anywhere, using devices so compact that they fit into our pockets”...

Substance Abuse in Miami Gardens: A Community Overview

Substance abuse is a rampant problem in the current society despite the availability of information regarding the consequences of drug abuse. Studies show that 10% of Americans aged 12 years and above are likely to experiment with an illegal drug in a 30-day period (Johnson et al., 2015). Extrapolating this...

Career Pathways and Opportunities in Clinical and Counseling Geropsychology

Clinical psychology Introduction Psychology is a vast field of intellectual endeavor. As a result, there are numerous areas of specialization. Some of the more popular specializations under the umbrella of psychology are listed as follows: For this study, I decided to focus on clinical psychology as an umbrella that covers...

Career in Psychology: ONET Interest Profiler and Educational Pathways

Abstract The paper presents the self-assessment results that were obtained with the help of O*NET Interest Profiler Instrument of U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration. The paper also describes the job opportunities for bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degree holders. On the basis of the self-assessment results, there has...

Healthcare Providers Announce Non-Profit Drug Company to Combat High Prices

Introduction News bulletins report a stunning statement coming from some of the primary healthcare providers in the USA. Having been fed up with unfair prices and obscene shortages of primary and basic medications, the representatives of four leading US health systems have announced plans for developing a not-for-profit drug company...

Support Groups for Young Adult Cancer Patients

Cancer has become a plague of the 21st century as millions of people of different ages die due to this health condition. The existing types of treatment are associated with cancer patients’ considerable emotional distress and even suffering. Minorities and economically underprivileged groups tend to face even a heavier burden....

Effective Strategies for Managing Cancer Burden and Prevention

Introduction Cancer remains to be among the leading killer diseases in the United States and most countries across the world. The pathologic condition involves the uncontrolled division of anomalous cells, which invade and spread to other tissues through the lymphatic and circulatory systems. To enhance the understanding of cancer, this...

Effective Search Strategies for Evidence-Based Health Service Interventions

A Search Strategy It is necessary to apply an original search strategy to identify data that could act as evidence that measures to improve access to health services work. It may involve following several steps, the first of which is identifying the problem. This stage is necessary to improve understanding...

Canada’s Shipbuilding Procurement Strategy: Evaluation and Future Outlook

Summary The National Shipbuilding Procurement Strategy (currently known as the National Shipbuilding Strategy [NSS]) is a long-term project that was developed to renew Canada’s federal fleet, specifically the Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) and the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN). The Department of Public Works and Government Services operates the program, which...

Reviewing Dostaler’s The Great Divide: Business Research vs. Practice

Article “The Great Divide Between Business Research and Business Practice” by Dostaler and Tomberlin focused on exploring a unique problem: there is a significant gap between what is taught in business schools and what occurs in practice. While the vast majority of business school graduates possess a lot of knowledge...

Burnout in Nurses: Self-Compassion’s Role in Care Quality

The problem of burnout in professional nurses attracts the attention of numerous researchers in the field due to its detrimental long-term consequences. The given paper discusses the article by Dev, Fernando III, Lim, and Consedine (2018) that was published in a well-known peer-reviewed nursing research journal. The study focuses on...

Bullying in American Schools: A Persistent Issue

Introduction Bullying in American schools has been a common problem for decades, but it gained momentum relatively recently. Although different definitions of the phenomenon exist, there is a certain consensus as to the major aspects of the problem and its primary peculiarities (Mishna and Van Wert 227). Bullying in the...

Budget Consolidation vs Redistribution Policies: Comparative Analysis

Introduction Priority areas for the development of domestic policies regarding the allocation of budgetary funds are the essential components of economic development. Relevant strategies aimed at controlling costs, the growth of public debt, and other aspects are designed to regulate cash flows and prevent potential financial crises. In developed countries,...

Buddhist Spirituality: How to Live a Harmonious Life Free of Suffering

Introduction During recent years, the popularity of Buddhism among the population of Western countries has risen significantly. The tradition of Buddhist Spirituality attracts many people seeking to find harmony in their lives. Buddhist spirituality is the philosophy based on the principles of wisdom, ethical conduct, and concentration, which if followed...

Brown v. Board of Education: Historical Impact and Legacy

Introduction The case to be studied in this paper is Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, 347 U.S. 483 (1954). It was filed by students who were not admitted to public schools only because they were black. The court’s verdict was that school segregated by race violated the Fourteenth...

Nurse Staffing Solutions: Change Theories for BWHDN

Introduction The present paper considers the introduction of a mechanism for reporting staffing issues, concerns, and suggestions as a planned change intervention for the Brigham and Women’s Hospital Department of Nursing [BWHDN] (2016). This change should contribute to the solution to the ever-present problem of nurse shortage (Maenhout & Vanhoucke,...

Integrating E-Commerce: Cloud, BI&A, and Mobile Solutions

Introduction Problem Statement The business presented in the case study is a brick-and-mortar business, i.e., one that has a physical building (e.g., a store) and performs face-to-face marketing (compared to e-commerce where there is often no physical building). The business has a website that does not provide opportunities for online...

Breather’s Website Optimization: Unlocking the Power of Keywords

Keyword analysis refers to the process of analyzing the keywords used in research to understand the most relevant ones as well as determine which words are the most popular and have the most results. In business, keyword analysis represents a starting point of search marketing campaigns, which companies use to...

Women’s Health: Biophysical, Psychological, and Sociocultural Factors

Women’s Health The biophysical factors operating in this situation are the age of the patient and the possible inheritance of breast cancer. The psychological factors are her mental health records and susceptibility to depression. The sociocultural factors are the influence of the public opinion on her gender, social stress, and...

Comprehensive Family Assessment: Understanding Dynamics and Health Patterns

Introduction A family assessment reflects a complete effort to obtain insight into the dynamics of this familial unit. This evaluation strives to give a comprehensive and impartial review, recognizing not just the family’s concerns and issues but also its intrinsic strengths, deeply established beliefs, and ultimate ambitions. This assessment aims...

BP Oil Company Deepwater Rig Incident in Texas

Tony Hayward of BP Situation at the Time BP Oil Company is a British owned company and it initiated the deepwater rig to exploit the oil resources at the deep-sea in Texas. However, the company did not do the job directly but sub contracted other companies to help in the...

Bourbon’s Reform Efforts and Their Influence on Latin American Independence

Introduction The history of Latin America, as well as its way to independence and prosperity, was long and characterised by a number of unpredictable partnerships and influential reforms. The situation at the Atlantic between the 18th and 19th centuries was not stable from economic and political perspectives, especially, it was...

Transformational Leadership and Emotional Competence

Executive Summary The course provided an extensive body of information on managerial and leadership issues that may help every practitioner improve his or her performance and enhance team collaboration. The content that helped me improve my understanding of managing people is related to psychological aspects of employee motivation, as well...

Bipolar Disorder: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Introduction Bipolar disorder is a neuropsychological disorder characterized by changing moods and energy levels that affect the ability of the patients’ memory to function normally. The disorder affects the neurons in the brain, hence causing uncoordinated functions of the same. The effects on the brain depend on the periodic episodes...

Bipolar Disorder: Symptoms, Types, and Management

Introduction Bipolar disorder is a type of mental disease, which predetermines the extreme change in mood from depression to manically exalted mood. Although for a long time, bipolar disorder was not recognized or treated, it is under special consideration of therapists today, considering how destructive it can be for the...

Understanding Bipolar Disorder Types and Their Clinical Implications

Introduction Bipolar disorder is a medical condition characterized by unusual shifts in one’s mood, activity levels, energy, and the ability to undertake various tasks (Mondimore 21). The condition is also known as manic-depressive illness. Individuals suffering from this health problem are always unpredictable even to themselves. Sometimes they may be...

Comprehensive Technical Report on Bio-Neutral Pty Ltd’s Performance

Introduction Bio-Neutral Pty Ltd intends to design a bio-diesel production facility. The company requires that different sections of the production process be designed. These sections include the size and the number of the tanks used, the types of pumps and their ratings, and the number together with the models of...

Bhutan’s Trade and Exchange Rate Policies: Current Issues & Solutions

Introduction Bhutan is a landlocked country located in Southern Asia, between China and India. Presently, it is classified as one of the Least Developed Countries (LDC). Close connections with India were conditioned by the 1949 treaty allowing Delhi to influence over Bhutan’s foreign relations. The aftermath of the treaty is...

Infection Prevention in Hospital Wards: Hor et al.’s Study Insights

The article discussed in the paper is devoted to the topics of patient safety and specific measures implemented to prevent the spread of infections in intensive care and surgical units. The qualitative study by Hor et al. (2017) was published in the BMJ of Quality and Safety, a peer-reviewed journal...

Adolescent Love in Ten Things I Hate About You: A Cinematic Analysis

Introduction Numerous films have been screened about adolescent love and sexuality, and perhaps among the most prominent ones is Ten Things I Hate About You. The movie was released in 1999 under the direction of Gil Junger, and its genre can be categorized as a teen romantic comedy. Throughout 97...

Overcoming Social Challenges in Urban Education Through Communicative Language Teaching

Justification of Curriculum The prevalence of social challenges, such as drug abuse in urban learning environments, has negatively impacted learning in various grades. Students experience a myriad of physical, social, and psychological problems as a result of the aforementioned social challenges. As a result, they have difficulty learning English in...

Navigating Market Uncertainties: CEO Skills at Bay View Corporation

Introduction Current market trends are becoming complex and chaotic. This presents uncertainties to stakeholders over their investment in companies. It, therefore, requires effective managerial abilities and skills to manage big multinational companies such as Bay View Corporation. Moreover, the need for managerial skills has never been on the rise as...

Leadership and Strategic Vision of Bay View Corporation’s CEO

Introduction Every organization is sustained by human resources. For instance, when a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) retires, he/she has to be replaced for continuity. In this regard, considerations are usually made to prepare potential candidates for that role. Moreover, since market trends have become increasingly unpredictable, it is important that...

Obama’s Response to the Oil Spill Crisis: Analysis of Key Points and Impact

After the oil spill, the US government looked at the situation from a different angle, which is inclusive of cleaning the Gulf, compensation of the affected, and also the dividends of the shareholders. The issue is considered in three dimensions; positioning BP to the point of coming to terms with...

Strategies for Improving Quality and Conflict Management in Healthcare

Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a critical health problem in the United States and other developed countries that have a high prevalence rate and a significant number of risk factors. Apart from the conventional therapy involving lifestyle changes and pharmacological treatment, bariatric surgery is also used to treat T2DM...

Analyzing Banner Health Network’s Strategic Approach to Healthcare Management

Organization Presentation: Banner Health Banner Health Network (BHN) is a care organization that unites Banner Health, the largest health care provider in Arizona, and a broad network of facilities including primary care as well as specialty physicians (“About Banner Health Network,” 2018). Banner Health itself is a non-profit care organization....

Leadership Development: Balancing Personal and Professional Growth

Introduction Leadership development is a broad term which encompasses various activities that make sure that one becomes a better leader either as a person or as an organization. Being a broad term, there are various ways in which leadership development can be enhanced and sometimes institutions of higher learning offer...

A Fall Prevention Program’s Goals, Costs, and Marketing Plan

Falls and fall-related injuries is a substantial problem for the elderly population that requires the undivided attention of the medical community. According to Carande-Kulis, Stevens, Florence, Beattie, and Arias (2015), more than 30 percent of patients aged 65 and older fall at least once a year. Moreover, approximately 20 percent...

Understanding US Nurse Training: BSN vs. ADN Programs

In the United States, different nurse-training programs vary in duration, curriculum, and competencies that specialists have upon the completion of the studies. It should be noted that a gradual increase in awareness of patient care has led to the increased need for qualified and trained health care specialists with advanced...

Genetics and Causes of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Introduction Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex condition, and genetics play an important role as one of its causes. The current research shows that complex interactions involving genes and the environment are responsible for ASD (Yoo, 2015). The concordance rate of this disorder in monozygous twins is approximately 60-70...

Educating Australian Consumers to Reduce Food Waste

What are the challenges in educating consumers to reduce food waste? It is estimated that Australians discard food over $5 billion annually (Baker, Fear, and Denniss 6). Thus, government efforts to reduce food waste would result in significant financial savings. However, the government’s public education efforts face many challenges. First,...

Diagnosing Asthma: Patient Symptoms, Testing, & Management Plan

Subjective The patient states that she has been experiencing shortness of breath while at work. The patient cannot identify the onset of the symptoms but states that she has had them for a few months. The shortness of breath experienced by the patient is usually mild, which allows her to...

Best Practices for Educating African American Children on Asthma Care

PICOT Question The PICOT question in this study is as follows: In African American children (P), will proper education on asthma management (I) compared to no education (C) help reduce the disruption of daily lives (O) over a one-year period (T)? The PICOT question presupposes the use of a control...

ADN vs. BSN Nurses: Key Differences in Competencies and Care

Introduction Differentiating between the competencies of associate-degree (ADN) level nurses and baccalaureate-degree (BSN) can be hard because both levels of preparation require dedication, passion, as well as imply the passing of the same licensing examination – NCLEX RN (American Association of College of Nursing, 2015). Nevertheless, there are still some...

Impact of Hotel Policies on Guest Environmental Behavior

Goals This project aims to study the relationship between the rules introduced by the management of hotels in a particular city and the environmental behavior of hotel customers. This can help to determine what influencers can be used to guide people who come to the city to more environmentally friendly...

The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Antisemitism and Islamophobia

Introduction The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is one of modern history’s most protracted skirmishes with a significant impact on the Middle East’s political stability. The conflict’s background is defined by the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, which marked the beginning of the disagreements between the parties regarding the partitioning of Palestine and the claim...

Role of Artificial Intelligence in Strategic Business Management

Introduction Artificial intelligence basically refers to the intelligence that is created in the software or machines by mankind. Over the last three decades, the field of research on robots and software has resulted in explosion of artificially intelligence machines. For instance, across the globe, there are machines that can think,...

Exploring Art21 Fantasy: A Dive into Innovative Artworks and Interactive Experiences

The ART: 21 Fantasy video is obtained from season 5 of the series ‘Fantasy.’ The episode focuses on a few artists with hallucinatory, irreverent, and sublime works. Their works lead the audience to create imaginary worlds with adjusted levels of perception. The video contains the works of four different artists,...

Global Issues Impacting Argentina’s Wine Industry: Farming, Tourism, and Economy

Introduction Considering the rapidly developing pace of globalization, it is important to note that plenty of industries tend to be engaged with global issues. In particular, economic tendencies, climate changes, and some other factors affect many of them. Argentina’s wine industry is also presented by such global connections as farming...

Healthcare Strategies for Readmitted Patients: Pennathur & Ayres’ Study

Research Problem/Purpose Hospitals use the rate at which patients are readmitted as a measure of the quality of care provided. However, it is not known how healthcare workers change their provision of care strategies when dealing with readmitted patients, and thus this scenario presents a nursing problem. Therefore, the purpose...

Support for Asian American Breast Cancer Survivors: Chee et al.’s Study

Culturally competent care is the newest trend in modern nursing. Medicine, as a holistic science, recognizes the individual cultural uniqueness of every patient in order to deliver a better quality of care. According to Jeffreys (2015), paying attention towards a patient’s culture, race, and background, as well as choosing the...

Success Factors for Apple, Alphabet, and Amazon

Fortune Magazine prepares annual reports publishing the rankings of the world’s most admired companies. The approach to determining a company’s position in the list centers on nine factors referred to as key attributes to reputation, including “innovation, people management, use of corporate assets, social responsibility, quality of management, financial soundness,...

Overcoming Social Anxiety: Reinforcement Therapy for Short Interactions

Introduction One behavior that I would like to modify through a reinforcement therapy schedule is my anxiety when it comes to short social interactions. While I am lovely when it comes to communicating with people over the internet through email or messaging services, talking directly to a person often sets...

Anti-Semitism vs Anti-Zionism: Perspectives from the 2014 Gaza Protests

Summary of the Source In modern society, it is common for people to use the terms anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism to mean the same thing. However, that may not necessarily be true based on various factors. Anti-Semitism is a general hatred that an individual or a section of society may have...

Anti-Latino Discrimination and Rebuttal in the US

Introduction The Hispanic demographic is the fastest-growing population in the United States with over 57 million citizens (Johnson and Lichter 712). Unfortunately, statistics indicate that over 50 percent of the Latinos in the United States have faced at least one form of discrimination. This kind of discrimination contrasts the government’s...

Risk Management Practices at Anthem Insurance Companies Analyzed

Medical malpractice is an issue that affects healthcare establishments and insurance companies from both legal and ethical perspectives. The primary implication of the problem is its impact on the health of individuals and the reputation of the clinic as an accountable care organization (ACO) that provides high-quality services. It is...

Strategic Planning for Anthem Blue Cross’s Telehealth Division

Introduction Strategic planning is crucial for any healthcare organization as it allows analyzing the environment and various factors (such as structure, culture, and design) that contribute to successful operations and reaching tactical goals. The establishment chosen for this analysis is Anthem Blue Cross, in particular, its division dedicated to telehealth...

Review: Learner-Centered Book on College Experiences

Introduction The book is learner-centered. The authors have based their ideas on the experiences of college students right from the date of enrollment in graduation year. In other words, the authors have provided some insights into the opinion of college students on how to share an educational experience with the...

Philosophical Views on Reality and Change: Heraclitus vs. Plato

Heraclitus Heraclitus’s view concerning the nature of reality is that it keeps on changing. He argues that reality does not exist while permanence is an illusion. The most remarkable thought concerning Heraclitus’s view is that a person cannot step into the river twice because it constantly changes. Argumentatively, the water...

American Role in WWI: Willett’s Russian Sideshow Book Review

Introduction This essay entails my views about the American role in the First World War. As in many other areas of reading I have covered, this area is well discussed in the course text covered. There’s a clear understanding of the war that is brought out in this discussion that...

Neighborhood Design: Kunstler’s Principles

Introduction In his book Home from Nowhere: Remaking Our Everyday World for the Twenty-first Century, James Howard Kunstler outlined an issue with American urban planning. He expressed his disapproval of the zoning laws and the design tendencies that deprioritize longevity. He also proposed a set of new principles that concentrate...

American Revolutionary War: Strategies and Aftermath Analysis

In 1783 the American Revolutionary War that pitted Americans against Britain in their quest for freedom finally came to an end with the signing of the Treaty of Paris that officially recognized the United States as an independent and sovereign country. This was a culmination of 8 years of war...

Economic and Political Changes During Reconstruction Era

Impacts of Reconstruction After the end of the Civil War in 1865, American society embarked on a rigorous reconstruction program that aimed at bridging the gap between the blacks and the whites, who had engaged in several conflicts that were brought about by slavery and the slave trade. It was...

Ethical Boundaries in Psychology: APA Code and Revisions

Modern society often espouses a completely different between the professional and personal segments of an individual’s life. Is there an ethical separation between the personal and professional activities of the psychologist? Why or why not? There is a clear ethical boundary that separates the professional and personal activities of a...

Financial Comparison of American Community Hospitals

Hospital Selection This paper deals with discussion of the financial aspect of two selected Hospitals from the free area of American Hospitals. The list of American Hospitals belonging to this category is long, but this research narrows down to the selection of two that is, Harrison County Health Department and...

The Bill of Rights: Key Compromises in US History

The US Constitution is seen as the illustration of democratic values. It was developed after the American Revolutionary War that secured the new country’s independence from the British Empire. However, the process of its drafting and ratification was rather long and full of tensions and compromises. The goal of the...

American Civil Rights: Historical Struggles and Current Issues

The struggle for civil rights has existed throughout American history. The fight for civil rights has often been highly charged dispute that has resulted in heartless behaviors, bloody wars, assassinations, and racial segregation. Today, racism and inclusiveness are issues that trigger never-ending debates amongst Americans. After the freeing of the...

USA vs. Spain Health Care: Costs, Financing, and Statistics

Introduction The health care system is one of the main indicators of a country’s level of development (Thoumi, A., Drobnick, E., & McClellan, 2015). According to the statistics provided by the WHO, the USA’s health care system is not even among the twenty most developed ones in the world, whereas...

Understanding the Great War: Causes, Alliances, and U.S. Impact

Many historians believe strongly that the Great War was an unforgettable event that changed global relationships forever. Although the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in the year 1914 is what triggered the global upheaval, the agreeable fact is that several forces and events experienced throughout the 19th century led to...

Amazon’s Innovations and Sustainability Strategies in the Global Market

Introduction The current concept of Amazon is linked with growing its business through electronic commerce operations. It possesses a significant number of storages, covering the U.S. and other countries, providing a possibility of prompt two-day delivery. Nonetheless, the number of direct sales does not show sufficient growth. The paper is... Inc: Market Position, Financials, and Trends

Overview The company to be analyzed is, Inc. (Amazon), a listed company located in the United States that operates in the technology industry and the consumer cyclical market. The company has online and physical stores and provides a third-party marketplace to buyers and sellers. In terms of retail, Amazon...