Television Impact on Children’s Development

The mental and physical development of children is dependent on their exposure to television. Before starting school, the majority of children immerse themselves in the world of television. According to Kaiser Family Foundation, the first two years of growth are critical for brain development. Exploring and communicating with people can...

The True Cost: Fast Fashion, Garment Workers, and Environment

The True Cost is a documentary that was directed by Andrew Morgan and released in 2015. It shows the background of the fast fashion world, where garment workers live in terrible conditions, facing poverty and a lack of safety. The multinational fashion corporations follow globalization economy, which means that production...

Fat Man and the Little Boy: A Comparison with Historical Accounts

Introduction Films have become an integral component of the world’s cultural landscape and one of the primary means of pastime for millions of people. In addition to entertainment, motion pictures have immense potential in terms of another function, an educational one. Films serve as a convenient medium of information, allowing...

Black Mirror’s “White Bear” and Cancel Culture

Introduction Short Summary of the Episode Black Mirror is a dystopian Netflix anthology with strong social messages, mostly related to technology. “White Bear,” an episode from season two of the series, is arguably one of the most disturbing episodes of the series. Victoria, who wakes up with no memory of...

Shakespeare’s Othello Movie Adaptation Overview and Social Relevance

Introduction Theatrical and cinematic adaptations of classic plays may differ from writers’ vision and intentions. Oliver Parker’s movie based on Shakespeare’s Othello is an example of what happens when a classical literary work is altered to fit into mainstream cinema’s characteristics. Parts of the play beloved by Shakespeare’s readers were...

The Age of Adaline: Priorities That Matter

Introduction Due to the progress of high technology, unlimited people’s imagination, and the desire to puzzle out the most complicated but permanent things, the world of moviemaking has become a solid area for experiments. Directors take the most incredible storylines and share their visions in the most unpredictable ways. In...

The Godfather’ by Francis Ford: Movie Review

Introduction The Godfather is a world-famous masterpiece directed by Francis Ford Coppola in 1972. According to multiple expert reviews and public opinion, the movie is nearly peerless film-making (Chiang). The film has a marvelous screenplay, flawless cast, excellent camera-work, and mindful composition. The present paper offers an analysis of the...

Cinematic and Literary Narrative and Narration

Introduction Literary and cinematic narration structures have always been compared to define whether they are symmetrical or asymmetrical. Although there are many analogies between film and literature, mostly their narrative methods differ. The crucial distinction lies in the idea of the narrator and its role in storytelling. Wilson defines a...

“The Break Up” Movie: Family Conflict Theme

Lemons and Pool Tables The movie The Break Up introduces the viewers to the couple Gary and Brooke and their ugly break up, hence making the audience comprehend how they can come to good terms with their partners after disagreements. The argument concerning lemons and pool tables is an illusion...

“Get Out” Horror Film by Jordan Peele

Get Out is a satirical horror directed by Jordan Peele in 2017. Get Out premiered on January 23, 2017, and was described as “a movie that plunges into white insecurities about black sexuality and the lingering toxicity of slavery on the national psyche” (Johnston 2). The film was a success...

“Gladiator” by Ridley Scott

Introduction Gladiator is a 2000 movie directed by Ridley Scott that has a combination of action, adventure, and drama. It entails betrayal, bravery, and survival, which is set in the ancient era of the Roman Empire. General Maximus Decimus Meridus (Russell Crowe) impersonates the role of Maximus brilliantly as an...

“District 9” by Neill Blomkamp – Movie Review

District 9 is a science fiction film directed by Neill Blomkamp and written by Neill Blomkamp and Terri Tatchell. Three countries collaborated on directing and shooting the film: New Zealand, the United States, and South Africa. Sharlto Copley, Jason Cope, and David James are starring as main characters. The film’s...

Convention vs. Invention: Television Genres

Lost: Transmedia Storytelling Lost functions as an example of transmedia storytelling in that the producers create an all-encompassing narrative, large and compelling enough to continually expand beyond the confines of its initial medium – television. Transmedia stories mushroom across numerous media platforms, ever expanding, and each manifestation contributes something deeper...

“The Truman Show” by Peter Weir

The Truman Show is a film about the infringement by the media groups into the private lives of celebrities and about how such interference causes disruptions such as what happened with Princess Diana. It can also be seen as an intrusion by the media into the life of the common...

“When They See Us” TV Mini-Series’ Analysis

The mini-series titled “When They See Us,” directed by Ava DuVernay, released in 2019, tells the story of five young men falsely convicted of rape and assault of a young woman in Central Park. The collision of genuine desire to support a friend with the cruel and unjust reality of...

Neorealism Elements in “The Color of Paradise” Film

Filmmakers all around the world try to convey their messages by using different techniques and choosing various topics. The era of Neo Realism is characterized by highlighting the problems of ordinary people, shooting scenes in genuine surroundings, using non-professional actors, and improvisation (Konewko 25). The movie The Color of Paradise...

“Get Out” Movie’s Rhetorical Analysis

I have selected the movie Get Out because it is an entertaining horror movie from the comedian and producer Jordan Peele. The film brings up the topics of race and interracial interactions. The give rhetorical analysis is aimed to identify the methodologies, which are used in the Get Out to...

“Frankie & Alice” Motion Picture: Race and Mental Care

Frankie & Alice is a Canadian motion picture by Berry, Cirrincione, DeKaric, Zaidi, and Sax (2010). It is based on a real story of an Afro-American woman with a Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). Frankie is the protagonist, a go-go dancer who begins to experience violent episodes and blackouts. However, it...

Film Studies: Watching Movies Now and in the Past

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Consequently, different people have different activities that they enjoy doing during their free time. Some like watching movies; others prefer listening to music, while others fancy visiting new destinations. The movie industry has seen numerous changes from early times. These...

Miss Evers’ Boys: A Film Analysis by Joseph Sargent on Medical Ethics and History

Ethical Conflict: The Tuskegee Experiment Opening with the narration of Eunice Evers, the nurse, the movie poses a conflict between the principles of respect for persons of a nursing specialist and the selfish goals that the institute pursued (Houser, 2015). As the story unwraps, it becomes evident that the Tuskegee...

“The Mission” Directed by Roland Joffe Reflection

The Mission is a historical movie that is based on real events and depicts colonized Latin America in the 18th century. Its main idea is to show how people struggled to save others and set them free. The Mission is related to Open Veins of Latin America and A Short...

“It Must Be Heaven” Film Analysis

Women-Related Signs The first scene in this movie happens inside a restaurant and features both women and men in the entertainment joint. The society shown in the movie is a male-dominated one where men call the shots and women act at the mercy of their male counterparts. Men are free...

The Chilean Political Process in “Machuca” Directed by Andres Wood

Set in Santiago, the film follows the military coup that overthrew Chile’s popularly elected democratic socialist president, Salvador Allende, and installed Augusto Pinochet’s long-term, far-right dictatorship. As the story progresses, visual and narrative motifs reinforce the ideology. The painted letters on the stone wall go from “no civil war” to...

Themes and Lessons in Paradise Now Summary

Introduction Paradise Now was filmed in 2005 by director Hani Abu-Assad. This film tells the story of two lost friends who grew up together. In the past, they worked as auto mechanics in the city of Nablus, which is under Israeli control (Paradise Now). Being led by their circumstances, both...

Analysis of Canadian Political Cartoon by Adder

Canadian Political Cartoon Background of the Political Cartoon News Story The background of the cartoon’s construct involves addressing the critical social issue affecting the American community, discrimination. In a report by Grynbaum et al. (2021), the authors focus on Trump’s attempt to accuse the left-wing of the Capitol riots in...

Critical Analysis of Moonlight by Barry Jenkins

The film Moonlight by director Barry Jerkins shows the challenges that Chiron encounters through different stages of development. Act 1 of Moonlight highlights the life of Chiron as a schoolboy, Act 2 his teenage years, and the last Act, his life as an adult. The movie’s genre is a drama...

Pulp Fiction as Iconic Gangster Cinema

Introduction Several movies throughout history have tremendously impacted the film industry, forming examples for specific genres. Understanding such works’ properties and analyzing the unique qualities that shape their overall appeal is essential for film studies investigations. An instance of such iconic creation is Pulp Fiction, a remarkably famous motion picture...

Researching the Concept of the Film Genre

A genre is defined as a form of communication in movies, music, or writing, including novels. It is considered a foundation of a story that helps the reader understand the story better. Genre helps influence the audience’s expectations in a movie or novel, and there are different types of genres,...

“Roma” by Alfonso Cuaron: Main Topics and Issues Highlighted

The film Roma (2018) highlights the issues of matriarchy and the societal concerns of patriarchy, such as the absence of father figures in many households, regardless of social class. At the same time, the movie demonstrates the impact of political tensions on the citizens and family relationships. The rise of...

“The Great Hack” Documentary by Amer and Noujaim

Introduction The Great Hack is a cinematic piece that presents the internet competency of modern society. This documentary is an original Netflix movie, which offers an investigation conducted by journalists revolving around a private British company – Cambridge Analytica – and its potential interference in more than 200 presidential elections...

The Movie “Liar Liar” by Tom Shadyac: Moral Issues Analysis

The philosophy behind morality helps to train mind in the disciplines of logical and critical thinking to distinguish between good and evil and what merely appears to be both of these things. As normative ethics became widespread, more theories and addendum were proposed by scholars and philosophers. Over the years,...

Narrative Campaign of “The Hunger Games” Film

The Hunger Games films narrative campaigns include many elements such as setting, genre, flashbacks, allusions, protagonist Katniss Everdeen, theme and conflict. The storyline begins with the main character Katniss Everdeen getting into a deadly game in which the character survives and becomes the leader of the struggle for freedom and...

12 Years a Slave: The Analysis of the Film

Introduction Reading history books is one way of learning about the past. However, many individuals need visual stimulation to be able to connect with a situation, person, or event that happened hundreds of years ago. Thus, movies based on memoirs or biographies are excellent ways for people to see and...

For Sama Documentary on Syrian Filmmaker

Introduction The topic of war is common in modern cinematograph, and due to significant advances in technological equipment, realism and drama are characteristic aspects of such films. The documentary For Sama directed by Waad Al-Kateab and Edward Watts will be examined from the perspective of the cinematic elements used, the...

Politics in “28 Days Later” Film by Danny Boyle

If the definition of politics is the management of power and conflict, then my favorite movie, 28 Days Later, is political because it focuses on the fight for power and the attempt to resolve a dispute between two opposed parties. Politics and its impact on human life is essential not...

Time and Space in “Memento” by Christopher Nolan

Memento is a captivating film noir directed by Christopher Nolan that has received worldwide acclaim. Complex and confusing in both structure and subject matter, the film still attracts considerable attention and many interpretations twenty years after its release. The film explores various topics such as personality, moral responsibility, time and...

“The Matrix” Movie Discussion

During the training fight between Neo and Morpheus in the dojo as well as the fight between Neo and Agent Smith at the subway station, the film rarely, if ever, uses the hand-held camera. This approach results in stable wide shots, which make it easier for the viewer to understand...

The Documentary Film “The Corporation”: Review

The documentary film “The Corporation,” released in 2003 and directed by the Canadian filmmaker Mark Achbar and Jennifer Abbott, discusses the phenomenon of modern corporations, i.e., large legal companies, the goal of which is to make a profit. Interestingly enough, at the legal level, corporations are treated as people who...

Cinematography and Visuals in the Tenet Film

Introduction Visual perception is one of the essential sources of information for the human brain. This idea has been effectively utilized in the filmmaking industry, allowing directors to transmit profound ideas subtly. Christopher Nolan is a renowned expert in cinematography, which makes his works worth examining from this point of...

“A Class Divided” Film on Discrimination

Introduction This journal is a reflection on the film “A Class Divided”. The movie describes an experiment performed by Jane Elliot, a grade three teacher concerned by discrimination that existed at the time of Martin Luther King. Through the experiment, Elliot hoped to explore the nature of discrimination. In this...

Ethical Values in Artifacts: Hacksaw Ridge

The identification of ethical issues plays an important role in the creation of artifacts at any period. In ancient times, people were obsessed with the impact of religion on human life. During the Enlightenment, artifacts were developed on the basis of innovation. Today, individuals follow their standards and thoughts to...

Plot of “Dope” Film by Rick Famuyiwa

The film Dope, directed by Rick Famuyiwa, focuses on the lives of three teenage friends who live in an unfavorable neighborhood and attend a public school, dreaming about a better future. The movie plays with stereotypes, portraying its main character Malcolm (Shameik Moore) and his two comrades, Diggy (Kiersey Clemons)...

Review of “The Patriot” Movie

The award-winning 2000’s movie “The Patriot” details a man’s life struggles at the time of the Revolutionary war. While far from being a historically accurate portrayal of the events or a real person’s life, the movie still manages to show the general sentiments of the time and tie them to...

Ethical Considerations in “Little White Lie” by Mandefro

Little White Lie is a masterpiece story about family issues that depicts rising youth when an identity is significantly characterized by others. It describes the progress into adulthood as a moment when individuals can distinct their personalities. The difficulties of self-searching and development are amplified when one’s very own story...

“Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room” by Gibney

Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room is one of the most captivating movies that touch upon numerous themes about people, their crimes, and their actions’ outcomes that lead to the greatest scandals in the business world ever. This documentary movie tells a story of how executives of the company...

Movie Review: Miss Evers’ Boys

The Tuskegee experiment that took place in America over a period of four decades was an ethical catastrophe. The movie, “Miss Evers’ Boys”, captures the emotional and physical effects of the experiment on the participants, most of who succumbed to the disease. The experiment was a violation of most, if...

Love, Simon’ by Greg Berlanti: Movie Analysis

Introduction Love, Simon is an excellent example of a movie that expresses the difficulties of people who are afraid to open their sexual orientation to others. Doubt, insecurity, fear of seeming ridiculous or wrong are the main feelings for a person who is going through a transition period between understanding...

“The Green Mile” by Frank Darabont

The current essay is aimed to analyze the psychological background of the movie by Frank Darabont, based on Stephen King’s novel with the same name. The story tells about the people who appeared in Louisiana’s Cold Mountain Penitentiary, in the domain of sentenced to death criminals. This domain was called...

“Brokeback Mountain” by Ang Lee

There is a famous American western that revolutionized modern cinematography by rising important issues of gender and sexuality. The name of the movie is the Brokeback Mountain and by making sociological problems described in the movie so open for public, Ang Lee put them on the top of the most...

Maurice by E.M. Forster Novel and Film Adaptation Comparative Analysis

It is not a secret, though the truth is rather sad, that the works of imaginative literature are not so popular today if compared with the demand for movies. There is no doubt that watching a film is less time-consuming in comparison with the reading of a book that can...

Rain Man: Movie Characteristic

Introduction The title of the movie is Rain Man. It was the winner of the 1988 Best Picture Award from the Academy of Motion Picture. There are two major characters. The first one is Raymond Babbitt who suffers from autism and for most of his life lived in a mental...

Ethnocentrism and Stereotypes in the Movie “Crash”

The movie Crash is a brutally honest film that depicts the harsh realities in today’s society. It tells of a convoluted story that shows how intertwined the lives are of people from all walks of life, from all kinds of races and cultures and value systems. Without shame nor apology,...

“Stephen King On Why We Crave Horror Movies” Analysis

It has often been said that “There is nothing to fear but fear itself”. A term that often refers to man’s fear of the dark due to not being able to see what lies ahead. This is perhaps also the reason why we, as intelligent beings, enjoy watching a good...

India Partition in the “Earth” Drama Film

Introduction In the majority of cases, when people make a decision to watch an Indian movie, they want to see a number of beautiful saris, songs, dances, family conflicts, and the development of loving affairs. However, Bollywood can amaze and positively contradicts audience expectations. Earth (Mehta, 1998) is one such...

NCIS TV Series: Narrative Structure and Characters

Although NCIS cannot be considered the longest running show in the U.S. primetime broadcast, it has definitely cemented its position as one of the most popular TV series. Started in 2003, NCIS centers around a group of people belonging to the titular department and solving crimes, which might seem as...

Episode Analysis: “The Entire History of You”

Introduction The Entire History of You is an episode of series Black Mirror. The creators incorporated various symbols in this show. One of the most significant moments is a scene where the advertisement of a new device is shown. This innovative technology allows watching any moment that a person has...

Nazi Germany in “Swing Kids” by Kang Hyeong-Cheol

Why were the Nazis opposed to the swing music? In the movie, swing music is forbidden in Germany. This was because, according to Nazi ideology, all jazz music was regarded as offensive because its origins had links with African-Americans. Since it had linkages with blacks commonly called “negroes” and a...

The Film “Dead Man’s Letters” by Konstantin Lopushansky

Introduction Dead Man’s Letters is a 1986 apocalyptic film by a Soviet director Konstantin Lopushanskiy. The story depicts events of a war that has recently become nuclear. The story is a cautionary tale, and its historical context is especially important. It also utilizes a variety of film techniques to create...

Analysis of “12 Angry Men”: Themes and Dramatic Techniques

Introduction This is an American drama movie where a group of 12 men is involved in discussing the judgment for a murder case involving a slum boy. The twelve jurors argue about the evidence presented in this case where an 18-year-old young man is claimed to have killed his father...

Western Movies and Their Effect on Arab Youth

Most of the Western movies shown on the screens reflect on our culture. The movies display desire, identity, fantasy and extravagance. Globalization is on the rise, and the Arab countries are not left out of the process. Thus, the media has made it easy to access everything that one needs...

Garcia’s Family in the Film “Real Women Have Curves”

In order for us to be able to choose in favor of the methodologically sound intervention-strategy, in regards to the family of Garcias (as seen in the 2002 film Real women have curves), we will need to identify the qualitative aspects of the relationship between the members of this family....

“Life is Beautiful”

The absurdities and atrocities of the Nazi and Fascist regimes that dominated Europe in the late 30s and 40s, and the world-engulfing conflict they spawned provide rich fodder for movie makers and other artists. Following a tradition of laughing because it is less painful than weeping, Life is Beautiful (1998)...

Korean Cinematography and Films Analysis

The Korean film industry is evolving rapidly, and filmmakers come up with new products that are positively accepted by the public. For instance, in 2011, 8.48 million Koreans watched national movies as compared to 4.98 million who watched foreign products (Dixon par. 14). The industry has transformed significantly throughout the...

Sleepers: Father Bobby’s Moral Dilemma Through Kantian Ethics Lens

Sleepers is a criminal drama film, based on Lorenzo Carcaterra’s novel. The film tells the story of four childhood friends who were put into complex and abusive conditions that influenced all their further life. The question what is right and what is wrong is constantly raised as the story goes....

The Movie “The Boy in The Striped Pajamas” by Mark Herman

People are often inclined to speak about selfhood and identity with references to adult persons who try to find themselves in this world. However, the role of one’s identity can be even more critical for children and adolescents who seem to confront the reality in order to learn who they...

Director Portrays the Media’s Dark Side in La Dolce Vita

La Dolce Vita is a very interesting movie directed by Fellini which portrays issues as they are in the real world. The director (Fellini) captures certain characters in the movie to communicate occurrences in real life situations. It is interesting to watch how the director portrays the tabloid media and...

The Functions of Film Music: Essay Example

Introduction Music plays an important role in films. Music helps the audience to be able to capture the atmosphere of various scenes, and this enables the audience to understand the plot better. By incorporating music in film, it is possible to arouse emotions through the characters in the movie or...

“The Power of Art” Documentary by Simon Schama

The documentary “The Power of Art”, produced by Simon Schama, tells the story of remarkable artists and how they transformed the world of art. Caravaggio’s unique usage of lighting was a significant visual piece, and his works marked a conversion to realism, making Caravaggio one of the most prominent and...

Expressionism in the “Mad Love” Film by Karl Freund

Mad Love is a film from 1935 directed by Karl Freund. The film is notable for its expressionist style, which was unusual for Hollywood films at the time. The film tells the story of a doctor obsessed with a woman he cannot have. The film was a box office success...

Quentin Tarantino: Influence on World Cinema

Introduction Hollywood is a place where many talented or, at least, lucky people demonstrate their skills and gain popularity. Some individuals need more time to be recognized in the film industry, and Quentin Tarantino is one of those whose road was not quite fast but efficient. Today, this filmmaker is...

“Fences”: Wilson’s Play and Washington’s Movie

Introduction For this creative, analytical essay, I decided to take the work of Fences, which proved itself worthy in many iterations. As for comparison, I chose to use the movie by Denzel Washington and the original play from the film, the play by August Wilson. Both works are fascinating, and...

Substance-Related Disorders in the “New Jack City” Movie

Introduction The diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) is a manual that contains criteria, causes, treatment methods, and consequences of diverse mental health problems. As mental health may be affected by a wide variety of diseases, there are several dimensions in which DSM-5 approaches the issue. One of...

“The Boy in Striped Pyjamas” and “The Kite Runner” Films

Introduction The film shows the story of two boys from different worlds: one is rich and well-read; the other is poor and illiterate. The boys have been living together since childhood, they are best friends. The war in Afghanistan will force Amin and his father to leave their home and...

“Metropolis”: Analysis of Issues Raised in the Film

Metropolis is a German silent film directed by Fritz Lang and released in 1927. It tells the story of the main character Freder living in a world divided into two classes: the elite and the workers. While the elite lives a wealthy and carefree life, the workers struggle for a...

Discussion of the Movie “Alex Haley’s Queen”

Introduction “Alex Haley’s Queen,” which is frequently referred to as “Queen,” is a movie by John Erman that comprises three parts, actually being a miniseries. This is an adaptation of the novel by Alex Haley, where the author traces his paternal family history four generations back. The writing serves to...

“Straightlaced: How Gender’s Got Us All Tied”: The Generation Z and Gender Roles

The documentary “Straightlaced: How Gender’s Got Us All Tied” by Debra Chasnoff explores the lives of teens through the lens of gender roles. The author gives students from California high schools an opportunity to openly speak their minds about gender diversity and speak about the sexual orientation pressures they experience...

Analysis of Three Identical Strangers by Tim Wardle

The major debate of the triplets versus Louise Wise Services purported to highlight parenting styles. The researchers filmed the triplets from when they were adopted until they were teenagers. Although the research was allegedly aimed at studying parenting styles, the participants’ experiences prove otherwise. The experiences of the triplets suggest...

The Film “Apollo 13” by Ron Howard

Apollo 13 is indeed not only a breathtaking and uplifting movie but also a great collection of diverse situations with the successful application of Critical Incident Management. Its most visible elements are the critical thinking and problem-solving abilities shown by the spaceship crew. Jim’s identification of the burst helium disk...

“The Lost City”: Plot, Settings, and Characters

Introduction Andy Garcia’s “The Lost City” is a 2005 film produced by Frank Mancuso and written by Cabrera Infante. The drama film stars Andy Gracia, Ines Sastre, Dustin Hoffman, Tomas Milian, and Bill Murray. This screenplay revolves around the life and family of Fico Fellove (Garcia), a successful entertainer in...

Invictus, the Real-life Story by Bolman & Deal

Introduction The real-life story of a leader called Nelson Mandela, together with his efforts to unite South Africans, is the overall inspiration for the film Invictus. Mandela’s new role as president presents several challenges for Mandela’s aim of eradicating racial prejudice and trying to unite his country. As the nation...

A Beautiful Mind: Analysis of Film

The film A Beautiful Mind can be called a cult film, forever included in the world cinema fund and not going to leave it. The film tells about a mathematician who suffers from schizophrenia and tries to get along with this disease. There are many opinions and disputes about the...

Martin Scorsese’s Impact on Cinema

Cinema is represented by various films and numerous people involved in the process of filmmaking. Some of those people stand out in the eyes of the public more since they have a great influence on the industry. An example of such a person is Martin Scorsese, known for movies like...

The “Blood Quantum” Film by Jeff Barnaby

The 2019 film, brightly titled Blood Quantum, reflects many cultural moments related not only to Canadian culture and history but also the history and culture of all America. Cultural assimilation, super-aggressive and brutal absorption of resources, land, and living space by white settlers are the issues covered in Blood Quantum....

Michel Goldry’s Talent and Approach to Cinematography

Introduction Michel Gondry is a contemporary filmmaker from France, famous for his works Science of Sleep, Mood Indigo, and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. The spectacular cinema approach was inspired by the pioneers of this genre, Georges Méliès, and Busby Berkeley. Gold has received several awards as an appraisal...

Tony Stark in the “Avengers: Age of Ultron”

Introduction Within the framework of the current paper, the author intends to review the personality of Tony Stark, also known as the Iron Man in the Marvel Comics Universe. The particular area of discussion is the application of the cognitive learning theory to Stark’s personality to explain his thoughts and...

“The Godfather” as Traditional and Untraditional Gangster Film

The film “The Godfather”, directed by Mario Puzo and Francis Ford Coppola, is a wonderful conjecture that invites us to contemplate the Mafia fully on its terms. That is why we have sympathy for characters who are inherently evil. Don Vito Corleone is a sympathetic and rather adorable character; throughout...

Movie Review “Angels and Demons”

The film Angels and Demons is an interesting piece of art as the film truly captivates the audience. The film was directed by Ron Howard and produced by Brian Grazer. The film follows Robert Langdon, a fictional professor of cryptology who helps uncover the mysteries related to the crimes against...

Analysis of “The Interrupters” Film

The documentary film The Interrupters reveals the importance of fighting against violence in communities where the criminality rates are above the average. Chicago’s South Side, the movie’s setting, is an example of a troubled area where drug trafficking, murders, and illegal gangs activities disrupt the residents’ well-being (James, 2012). The...

The “Freaky Friday” by Mark Waters

Relationships with parents, their attachment, care and love significantly affect the child’s entire life. This paper analyzes the relationship between fictional parent and child from the Freaky Friday film directed by Mark Waters (2003). The movie’s plot centered around the relationship between their mother, Tess Coleman, played by Jamie Lee...

Romero vs. Voces Innocentes: Films Comparison

Introduction Romero was filmed in commemoration of Oscar Romero, former leader of Salvadoran who organized several peaceful protests against violent military regime. Oscar Romero organized and led the protests at the expense of his life. The core ideas of the film are expressed through fictional characters and true events. On...

The Butler by Lee Daniels: Movie Review

The Butler is a historical drama by Lee Daniels about racial discrimination, based on the life of Eugene Allen. The protagonist Cecil Gaines, played by Forest Whitaker, spent most of his childhood on a cotton plantation. After the rape of his mother and his father’s death, the plantation caretaker, Annabeth,...

The Blind Side: Cinematic Case Study

The movie narrates about Michael Oher, the big black teenager whose drug addict mother does not know precisely how many kids she has and the names of their fathers. By chance, he enters a decent school where he finds it challenging to study, given his illiteracy, isolation, and social status....

“The Phantom of the Opera” by Webber

Introduction The phantom of the opera (2004) is one of the most successful artworks in the history of musical films. It is a British-American musical drama that was released in 2004, based on Andrew Lloyd Webber’s earlier musical with the same name. The reason for the film’s success is the...

Reenactment as a Genre of Cinematography

Introduction Knowledge of the past has always been of a dual nature: on the one hand, the knowledge of professionals, relying on authentic sources, documentary evidence, on the other hand, the knowledge of the masses, using rumors, speculation, and myths. Television has developed its technologies for reproducing the past, unique...

The LEGO Movie Promotion Video in Accordance With the AIDA Model

The LEGO Movie promotion video features a computer-animated Lego figure who assembles a home cinema, finds a disk with The LEGO Movie, and invites other Lego characters to watch it with him. The video ends with the shots from the movie and a packshot with the information that the film...

An Analysis of the Family Depicted in the “Room” by Lenny Abrahamson

Film Description The limited universe of the Room is shown through the eyes of Jack. He is not too traumatized by everything he has experienced since he does not know another life. It is a film about the salvific power of solipsism, which, excluding a broad and understandable context for...

Movie Reflection – “Mi Familia”

“Mi Familia” is a film directed by Gregory Nava, who released it in 1995. The plot reveals the life journey of a family that moved from Mexico to the United States, settling in Los Angeles. By seeing the three generations, from the father of the Sanchez family who traveled from...

Family Relations in “Love Actually” Movie

Introduction Love Actually is a popular motion picture watched by millions on Christmas Eve all around the world. The entire plot of the film is a compilation of short life stories that many viewers can easily relate to. Despite being labeled as overly melodramatic and, at times, boring by numerous...

“Freedom Song”: Movie Review

Freedom Song is one of the most interesting movies that enlist in the dramatic genre of movies. Watching Freedom Song had been a great experience as it managed to provide a great deal of knowledge regarding the consequences of the civil rights war during the 1960s. The main theme of...

“Last One Picked…First One Picked On” Documentary

When most people reflect on their child hood, they will always think about pleasurable memories that tend to describe those relatively untroubled stage of their life e.g. field trip, award presentation etc. but for this children it is a different world, all they reflect on is a life of loneliness...

Japanese Filmmaker, Hayao Miyazaki, and His Influence on Me

Introduction Hayao Miyazaki is one of the most famous filmmakers in Asian cinema. He is specialized in animated films. Hayao Miyazaki was born on January 5th, 1941 in Tokyo, Japan. He started his career in 1965 when he worked as an artist in the film, “Gulliver’s Travels Beyond the Moon”....

Television and Violence in Children

Abstract The value, attitudes and behavior of individuals are usually influenced by the type of television programs that they watch. Children are more likely to be affected in a negative way by viewing violent television programmes, in comparison with their adult counterparts, owing to their inability to distinguish between reality...

“Neighbors” by Norman McLaren

Introduction Norman McLaren is one of the most prominent abstract filmmakers. He was a restless and brilliant researcher who after a lot of studies and experiments managed to turn inanimate objects into actors and vice versa. This is a technique called “pixilation” and it was used very rarely before McLaren...

The Importance of Being Earnest: Play Movie (2002)

The movie The Importance of Being Earnest (2002) is based on a well-known play by Oscar Wilde. Thus, the director of the movie Oliver Parker proposes viewers an original approach to the plot and a modern vision of the problem of human morality, identity and fair personal relationships. The movie...

“The Day Lincoln Was Shot” the Film by John Gray

Introduction The film is done with a theme to provide illustrative information to all lovers of the proud country for the President of USA Abraham Lincoln who created history after the Civil War of Independence and the untimely end of his era in planned murder coup. The film takes you...

Analysing Films “The Great Debaters” and “Crash”

Introduction The two films “The Great Debaters” and “Crash” both depict a story that points out to various but relatively the same general perspectives in a given society. Each movie attempts to visualize the racial attitudes, negative stereotypes, and discriminations among smaller groups involved. To begin with, the first film...

“8 Mile” by Curtis Hanson Review

Introduction The movie “8 Mile” vividly portrays a hip-hop culture and its manifestations in modern society. The movie describes the life of a working-class fellow Jimmy “B. Rabbit” Smith Jr., and his desire to become a hip-hop artist. This is an impressive life story portraying family violence and abuse. This...

Chapter 5 of Thompson, & Bordwell’s “Film History”

Today, people are free to develop different attitudes towards Germany and its role in history and international relationships. In the middle of the 20th century, many countries disrespected Germans because of their aggressive intentions, the support of the war, and globally spread violence. However, the same period was characterized by...

The “Battle Royale” Film’s Main Ideas

Readings: Summary The notion of dystopia has been a popular setting for thrillers since the 20th century. The specified environment allows expressing some of the greatest concerns about social tensions, thus prompting ideas for resolving ongoing conflicts. Kinji Fukasaku’s Battle Royale is one of the movies that mask its social...

“Goodfellas” Crime Drama Film by Martin Scorsese

Introduction Goodfellas is an iconic crime drama film released in 1990. It was directed by Martin Scorsese, also written by him and Nicholas Pileggi. The film achieved unarguable financial and critical success, as it was deemed culturally impactful, and preserved among other classics in the National Film Registry by the...

The Godfather: Management Style Analysis

Introduction Lessons one can learn about leadership or styles of management are in wide availability within the modern media. The different ways in which organizations are now led have been subjects to multiple movies or TV series that depict main characters dealing with important business issues. The Godfather (1972) is...

“Girl, Interrupted” and “The Age of Adaline” Films

Introduction Modern movies primarily utilize visuals and audio effects to communicate the idea of a story shown to a viewer. The objective of the task for the director is to apply the most appropriate techniques to ensure that a viewer is fully aware of what happens on screen. Considering the...

The Film “Damaged Care” Analysis

Introduction The film Damaged Care shot in 2002 portrays a disappointing reality of the profit-centered USA health care system. The main character of the motion picture, Dr. Linda Peeno, played by Laura Dern, starts her job on a position of a medical reviewer at the organization called Humana Health Care...

Film Studies: “Dr. Strangelove” and A Clockwork Orange

Introduction Ever since the appearance of television, films have become one of the most influential and powerful ways of communication of various messages to the masses. That is why most films are made specifically as the presentations of the most relevant and important subjects that bother society. In other words,...

The “Poor Kids” Video by Frontline

Nowadays, many people suffer from poverty and cannot allow themselves to live in appropriate conditions all the time. They may earn big money, lose everything within the next day, and become homeless in a week. Such an idea becomes more terrible when poverty touches upon the lives of little children....

The Sundance Film Festival and Its Influence

Introduction It is necessary to say that the Sundance Film Festival is one of the most known events that are focused on independent movies. The fact that it is frequently discussed all over the world should not be disregarded, and its influence can be described as tremendous. Another aspect that...

Political Drama in Mecha Anime: Gurren Lagann

Introduction Anime is a very significant part of the Japanese popular culture that is now known and loved all around the world. There exists a wide variety of different kinds and directions of anime. One of them is known as mecha anime, represents one of the oldest genres in the...

Colors in “The Thief of Bagdad” Movie by A. Korda

“The Thief of Bagdad is a 1940 British Technicolor Arabian fantasy film produced by Alexander Korda and directed by Michael Powell, Ludwig Berger, and Tim Whelan, with contributions by Korda’s brothers Vincent and Zoltán, and William Cameron Menzies. The film stars child actor Sabu, along with Conrad Veidt, John Justin,...

“Erin Brockovich” a Film by Steven Soderbergh

Abstract Introducing the key principles of qualitative research to the general audience via traditional media is not an easy task; however, despite the fact that Erin Brockovich featured a range of elements that are typical for qualitative research, it still became extremely popular among the general audience and was received...

“In and Out of Africa” by Fred J. Lincoln Documentary

In and Out of Africa is a documentary film that engages the viewers into an intelligent and perceptive overview of African art and culture. The documentary explores authenticity, racial politics with humor and irony, as well as emphasizes the role of transnational trade in shaping African art. The movie intertwines...

The Social Worker Role in the Film “Crash”

Introduction ‘Crash’ is a 2004 released film that traces the lives of various characters in different professions over two days as they struggle with racial tensions, dysfunctional family relationships, and work-related ethnic and racial confrontations. The lives and experiences of many of these characters are intertwined and they encounter each...

Fireproof by Stephen Kendrick – Film Study

Fireproof is a 2008 chef-d’oeuvre film directed by Stephen Kendrick. The movie explores different family attributes, but the overriding theme is on marriage and divorce. The contemporary marriage institution is constantly faced with numerous challenges, which ultimately lead to divorce. In the movie, Fireproof, Caleb’s marriage is replete with conflict...

“Akeelah and the Bee” by Doug Atchison

Introduction “Akeelah and the Bee” is a movie that transcends the limitations of its average plot and linear storyline to reveal valuable and intrinsic lessons that have been forgotten by people at present in their pursuit to be “winners.” In a sense, it is a critique of the current predilection...

“Thank You for Smoking” by Jason Reitman

The movie, ‘Thank You for Not Smoking’ has a theme that mainly revolves within the tobacco industry. This industry faces challenges due to the obvious reasons that, tobacco smoking is harmful to health, a fact that has resulted in anti-smoking campaigns, which evoke a decline in the number of young...

The Evolution of the Zombie Movie Image in Modern Culture

Introduction Cinema is a significant part of modern culture, as films are replicated in millions of copies, and cinema influences the imagination, forming images of reality. The research question of this essay can be formulated as follows: «What are the main characteristics of the zombie movie image, especially its modification...

The Theme of Love in “When Harry Met Sally”

Introduction The story I will analyze is “When Harry Met Sally,” a classic romantic comedy film. The film is about two friends, Harry and Sally, who have been friends for years and finally fall in love after a series of ups and downs in their relationship. They meet for the...

Tyler Perry’s Contribution to the Growth of the Film Industry in Atlanta

Introduction Tyler Perry, a black Atlanta filmmaker, and producer, has significantly contributed to the growth of the film industry in the city. The filmmaker has a 330-acre studio from which he has made many films and series for the Atlanta industry. Tyler Perry has employed hundreds of people, including producers,...

Hollywood: The Cultural Influence

There is no doubt that Hollywood has a significant impact on society, particularly young people, in political and cultural ways. It has a remarkable power to transmit ideas, cultures, values, and even geopolitical influence. Thus, it is essential to examine how the studio mentioned above promotes American values, which factors...

Bemis and Neufert’s Architectural Standardization

Alfred Farwell Bemis was an American architect and educator best known for pioneering work in developing modular systems to standardize building elements. Ernst Neufert was a German architect and educator best known for his work on architectural standardization. This essay analyses the theories suggested by the two architects, the response...

Acculturation and Assimilation in the Mi Familia Movie

The movie Mi Familia tells the story of a Mexican family, the Sanchez, who immigrated to the United States. The plot revolves around three generations and how each character assimilates into American society. The film depicts the cultural differences between the Latino population and other residents of Los Angeles. Therefore,...

The Film “Do the Right Thing” by Spike Lee

The given film review focuses on Do the Right Thing, directed, produced, and written by Spike Lee. The reflection addresses two key scenes by analyzing how directors and cinematographers shape meaning in the movie. The emphasis is put on choices made of the shots and angles with their corresponding reasons....

Documentary “The Corporation” by Abbott and Achbar

Introduction The Corporation is a long historical and documentary 2003 movie directed by Jennifer Abbott and Mark Achbar. The primary mission of this picture is to show the true, somewhat evil nature of major influential corporations, and the concept that inspired the movie-makers is the detail mentioned in the Fourteenth...

The Documentary “Two American Families”

The Ecological Systems Theory Depicted in the Film As a child grows, it interacts with certain environmental factors that are also bound to affect its development. According to Guy-Evans, (2020), the ecological systems theory was evolved by Bronfenbrenner in 1977 and it mentions that five systems make up the theory....

The Film “The Blind Side” by John Lee Hancock

The Blind Side is an inspiring film based on Michael Lewis’s novel of the same title. It centers on Michael Oher, an African American adolescent who struggles due to poverty but is later welcomed into the family by a wealthy family of the Touhys. With the help of Leigh Anne,...

Justice, Diversity, and Consensus in the Film “12 Angry Men”

In the film 12 Angry Men, a jury comprised of 12 men is attempting to determine the guilt of a defendant under reasonable doubt. The discussion is emotionally tense and difficult for all participants, as evidence is continuously examined and re-examined. Despite initially coming to an almost consensus, the characters...

Conflicts in the Film “A Clockwork Orange”

Introduction A Clockwork Orange is a controversial film brought to the screen by Stanley Kubrick in 1971, based on Anthony Burgess’s eponymous novel. One of the apparent movie conflicts that can be observed is between the values of individual choice and society’s need for control, or, in simpler words, between...

Mise-En-Scene: “Cops” Directed by Edward F. Cline

Mise-en-scene can be defined as an arrangement of actors and elements of the film throughout the production. Everything that is in front of the camera and, therefore, will be seen by the viewer is a part of the mise-en-scene, making it the most important element of the filmmaking process. This...

The Importance of Theological Study of Film

Introduction Films are most likely the dominant art form of the 21st century. It is not only accessible, but it also represents a collective effort and is the outcome of a varied community joining together in the endeavor to build something beautiful. The urge to create tales stems from people’s...

The Film “My Sister’s Keeper” by Nick Cassavetes

My Sister’s Keeper is an American drama film directed by Nick Cassavetes and released on June 26th, 2009. The film revolves around a young girl named Anna Fitzgerald, who was genetically matched with her sister Kate through in vitro fertilization. Anna, who sued her parents, Brian and Sara, was conceived...

Diagnosing Abnormal Psychology in Media: “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”

One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest is a famous psychological comedy film that revolves around the behavioral traits of Randle McMurphy, the main character. Initially imprisoned due to the statutory rape of a 15-year-old girl, McMurphy decided to be transferred to a mental health hospital to escape hard labor in...

The Film “The Post” by Steven Spielberg

Press freedom is an important phenomenon in ensuring non-biased reporting and news. This paper analyzes The Post, a film where Washington Post was in dilemma of publishing leaked documents on the United States’ failures in Vietnam. Although the government knew that the war in Vietnam was taking a wrong path,...

“Despicable Me”: Social Stratification in Life

To demonstrate social stratification in life, the cartoon Despicable Me chose. The separation of the actors takes place according to the family principle. The film has so-called “parents” and “children” and clearly shows the process of communication between them. The viewer will see the classic model of the family, where...

Analysis of the Plot in The Martian

Summary The film The Martian, directed by Ridley Scott, employs an exciting plot that helps the audience understand the movie’s main ideas. Although science-fiction and drama are highly exhibited in the story, the director uses a plot to illustrate several themes to connect with the audience in a fascinating way...

Factors of “The Shawshank Redemption” Production

Introduction The Shawshank Redemption is one of the most iconic films produced in the nineties. Considering that it was a time where anti-prisoner sentiment in the US was on the rise, the film, which humanizes prisoners, would inevitably become controversial. However, controversies aside, the movie is also famous due to...

Evaluating HBO Max’s Resources, Capabilities, and Competitiveness

Core VRIN-based Competencies of HBO Max Quality content Quality content is the number one core competency in the media industry. Warner Media owned HBO offers TV shows and movies to the audience. Its content is unique and has been known for establishing milestones in the TV industry. For instance, its...

“I, The Worst of All” Film by María Luisa Bemberg

“I, The Worst of All” showed the seventeenth century as a period in Mexico when women were extremely oppressed. There was no place for those of them who were interested in knowledge and philosophy. Moreover, patriarchal and ecclesiastical tyranny prevented women from realizing themselves. It remains a mystery to many...

Silver Linings Playbook Film Studies

The movie Silver Linings Playbook (2012) is about a man who is diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Following the movie “The Fighter,” about the grueling journey of a boxer and his drug-addicted sibling, David O. Russell took up the adaptation of Matthew Quick’s tragicomic novel. The subject of the book is...

“I Love Lucy”: Retrospect, Supporting and Subverting Gender Roles

Introduction TV shows of the past might appear to be simply relics of the bygone era at first sight. However, on further analysis, they can reveal a treasure trove of peculiar details and facts about the time slot that it is expected to portray. Moreover, with the fingerprints of multiple...

The Wind That Shakes the Barley, Directed by Ken Loach

War in various forms is a terrifying event that takes many people’s lives. The Wind That Shakes the Barley film represents one side of the Irish War of Independence and the subsequent Irish Civil War. The plot focuses on the O’Donovan brothers, who initially fight together in the Irish Republican...