Regulation of Health Care Practitioners

Major Provisions of the Bill and Quality Care The 2017 Florida Legislative Session conducted by Florida Board of Nursing issued several bills related to nursing practice and aimed at improving it. One of the most important bills is 543 Regulation of Health Care Practitioners. It proposes the commitment to an...

The War on Drugs and the Corrections System

The War on Drugs, which was conducted from the 1980s to 1990s, is considered to be a massive failure in almost every way. It is also the reason why the USA is known for having the most prisoners in the world, even beating such countries as Russia and China (“Prison...

Canadian Abortion Laws and Women’s Rights

Summary and Analysis of the Case The case Morgentaler v. Queen [1988] 1 S.C.R. 30 was tried in the Supreme Court of Canada from October 7-10, 1986, and the decision was made on January 28, 1988. In this case, 3 Doctors, Henry Morgentaler, Leslie Frank, and Robert Scott were challenging...

Affordable Care Act in the USA

ACA has introduced a set of policies and requirements that should be acknowledged by the U.S. citizens. First of all, all the individuals must have coverage or they will have to deal with a penalty. Subsidies are provided to people that cannot afford it. Most employers must offer insurance plans...

American Environmental Policy for Hazardous Waste

Introduction and background information Numerous products that seem to make human life easier and more comfortable characterize the post-industrialization world. Mobile phones, personal computers, vehicles, pharmaceutical products, and polythene products are some of the products that are being manufactured in huge numbers. The mega-productions of these products result in the...

Somalia v. Kenya: International Court of Justice

The case that will be analyzed is Somalia v. Kenya. It is one of the contentious cases heard by the International Court of Justice. This case is of special interest because it is related to international conventions as well as points to one of the most significant issues in international...

Child Labour in Canada

Introduction From a general point of view child labour is described as a sustained and regular employment of children’s effort in both formal and informal work. This is an exploitative and harmful practice which is strongly abhorred by governments across the world. In a more specific approach Hindman (2009) defines...

The American Psychological Association Style

Criminal Justice is a government institution. It consists of many establishments and trainings merged into one big entity. All these institutions work together. In fact, Criminal Justice was founded to help with the provision of law. The sole duty of this system is to uphold law and order, solve crimes...

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: Nurse Example

Description One of the female nurses who joined the Emergency Centre in a local hospital fourteen months ago was selected to attend a training seminar on Emergency Care, in a neighboring state for one week. The nurse traveled together with her male supervisor who had the authority to make appointments,...

Intelligence Community of the United States of America

Introduction Today, U.S. National Security Agency is one of the most important governmental entities in the United States of America since it focuses on providing information security of national systems, analyzing online activities and telecommunication, decoding of data, and offering intelligence service while often being referred to as a key...

The United Kingdom Employment Rights Act

Introduction The UK Employment Rights Act attempts to set various criteria or tests to differentiate a contract of service from a contract for service. Further, the Act grants certain rights to the first category of services that are not available to the latter. Typically, a contract of employment gives rise...

Judicial Process of Public Administration: Baker vs. Canada

Introduction By and large, administrative laws are an important characteristic of any country that claims to be democratic. Procedural fairness refers to a set of values that are safeguarded by legal assurances embedded in the law and meant to protect citizens. Essential values associated with procedural fairness include an individual’s...

Legal Evidence Types and Their Importance During a Trial

Case Briefs Brady v. Maryland, 373 U.S. 83 (1963) Facts: The court adjudicated the case on 18-19 March 1963 and decided on 13 May 1963 (Brady v. Maryland, 1963). Although Brady and Boblit were suspects in the murder case, they had separate trials. Although Brady admitted participating in the crime,...

Martha Stewart’ Contract Dispute

On the 5th of March 2013, the New York Times reported that Martha Stewart had appeared before the New York State Supreme Court because of a dispute that sought to determine the issue of retailers enjoying the liberty to sell Martha’s merchandise, which included sheets, clothes, and other domestic stock....

The Justice System: Confessions and Interrogations Protection

Confession and interrogation procedures are protected by the Fifth, Sixth and Fourteenth Amendments. The confession is recognized as a significant evidence having impact upon the prosecution. Taking into account the importance of preventing the cases of illegally obtained confessions and ensuring the proper interrogation procedures, the three amendments which are...

The Political Divide Over Gun Control

Gun control has become a popular, controversial term, especially in America that covers a broad range of obligations regarding firearms. In particular, gun control in the U.S is about who can sell or possess guns, what duties gun sellers have in vetting buyers, how and where guns can be stored,...

Incarceration Costs in Australia

Crime is one of the greatest problems of any society. In particular, offenders in Australia are costing the nation a great number of resources, as well as social hardships and strains. The specific nature of crime is what determines the outcome, so things like recidivism, the victim’s well being and...

Mental Health Illness: Affordable Care Act 2010

Introduction The Affordable Care Act 2010 is one of the most comprehensive healthcare insurance covers that the United States has ever had in its history. This Act was meant to ensure that all Americans, including those who are financially challenged, have access to affordable healthcare services. According to Angel and...

Noncompete Clauses in Employment Contracts

Introduction The proliferation of non-compete agreements has markedly changed the landscape of the labor market in the US, thereby providing employers with control over their workers’ skills and experiences. This paper aims to explore the advantages and disadvantages of noncompete clauses. The paper will also discuss whether workers should be...

Drug War’s Impact on the US Correction System

Introduction The USA is famous for having the largest prison population in the world. The American prison system holds around 25% of the world’s convicted criminals, beating even such totalitarian countries as Russia and China combined. Yet, at the same time, this does not indicate that the USA is a...

Proof Requiring and Sentencing in Entrapment Cases

United States v. Diaz-Maldonado, 727 F.3d 130 (2013) Facts The case was argued for 5 days with the jury reaching a decision on 30 March 2012. Christian Diaz-Maldonado was a Commonwealth correctional officer and the target of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) during investigations of corrupt law enforcement officers...

The Affordable Care Act Progress

Summary As part of our public administration class, we were required to analyze a research article published in the media. In my analysis, I focused on Is the Affordable Care Act, Working? The article was published in the New York Times on October 26, 2014 (Sanger 1). As such, the...

How Mexico Drug Cartels Are Supporting Conflicts?

Introduction Over the years, Mexico has been associated with production, distribution and consumption of drugs, an exercise that is mainly conducted by organized groups commonly referred to as cartels. Currently, there are six major cartels in drug syndicates namely Sinaloa Federation, Gulf Cartel, Los Zetas, Juarez cartel, Tijuana, and Beltran...

Contract, Violations, and the UAE Federal Law

Contract Agreement The agreement is made between the Abu Dhabi Government (hereinafter ADG) and the Borat Construction Company (hereinafter BCC). The BCC agrees to build the project within two years from the day of signing the agreement. The ADG agrees to pay ten billion (10,000,000,000) AED upon the completion of...

Current Views of Juvenile Justice System

Interviewees For this assignment, two people were interviewed to gain an insight into the way the people who have never had any direct experience with the juvenile justice system (JJ) view it. Interviewee 1 is a 38-year-old Afro-American who is married and has two children, one aged 15 and the...

Florida Advance Health Care Directive

I obtained the advance directive (AD) for the state of Florida by printing it from the official website of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (2017) and its program for end of life care, CaringInfo. ADs give people an opportunity to have some level of autonomy over their health...

Eyewitness Testimony and Its Role in Criminal Cases

How important is eyewitness testimony in criminal cases? Nowadays, criminal justice is one of the most complicated procedures. This situation takes place, as the original sequence of events is not clear (Fulero & Wrightsman, 2008). Using the testimony of eyewitnesses is important. They help to add missing details to the...

Criminal Evidence and Legal Issue

The special balancing test used in evaluating the admissibility of prior uncharged felony convictions of a defendant who takes the stand The prior convictions of a defendant who takes the stand usually have only slight relevance to the current prosecution but can have an emotional impact upon the juries (Hails,...

The Case of Native Women’s Association of Canada vs Canada

The case of Native Women’s Association of Canada v. Canada, [1994] 3 S.C.R. 627 came before the Canadian Supreme Court as a result of the Charlottetown Accord negotiations. The native people of Canada were widely represented by various interest groups and funded by the Canadian government. However, the Native Women’s...

National Security of the New Europe, the U.S. and Mexico

It is necessary to note that the issue of national security is regarded as vital for all countries. However, different states handle the issue differently. It is possible to analyze the way the problem is treated in the EU and the USA. There are certain similarities and differences when it...

Affordable Care Act and Mental Health Illness

Introduction According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 20% of adults in the United States have a mental health problem (Croft & Parish, 2013). Examples of commonly diagnosed disorders include depression, anxiety, and cognitive impairment. For many years, the United States’ health policies have neglected the needs...

National Security Branch, Its History and Structure

Introduction The National Security Branch (NSB) of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is a national security service that aims to prevent, identify, and eliminate threats to the national security of the US with the help of the strategic use of intelligence and counterterrorism efforts (U.S. Department of Justice [DJ],...

New Regulations in the US Healthcare System

The US healthcare system is undergoing certain changes, and new transformations are on their way. One of the most recent changes to the existing regulations cannot be regarded as a dramatic reform, but it will have a considerable impact on a particular group of people. The amendments to the Veterans...

Nurse-to-Patient Ratios Legislation Proposal

Situation The problem/concern The problem at hand is insufficient nurse-to-patient ratios often occurring in healthcare facilities of different kinds and specializations. The major causes of this problem are the shortage of skilled nurses and high nurse turnover in healthcare organizations. The lack of clear legislation limiting the ratios based on...

Crimes Theories and Causing Factors

The term ‘crime’ has been given various definitions. There is no single definition in use worldwide but crimes could generally be described as acts that are not allowed by the law and are punishable. Low or high magnitude crimes are all dealt with constitutionally. The issue that has bothered the...

Wet Seal: Employment Discrimination Law

The case under analysis reveals a violation of employment discrimination law against black employees taking managerial positions at the Wet Seal store. The lawsuits filed against the company, on the one hand, differ from other numerous cases uncovering discriminatory behaviors. One the other hand, the single cases of brining complaints...

Trade Mark Protection in the United States Law

Introduction The great attention given to business could be considered one of the key features of the modern world. The fact is that the economy of all states rests on the incomes that are provided by numerous companies. These could belong to individuals, organizations, or government. However, the main aim...

Homeland Security Website: Communication Process

Introduction Communication is an extremely important element in our day to day life. It entails the transmission or dissemination of a message from a sender to a receiver in a convenient and understandable manner. It helps in decision making and taking of appropriate actions in regard to a given aspect....

Debating the Right to Health Care

The proposed scenario discusses the issue of universal health care. The current paper argues that universal health care should be introduced so that people would have access to medical care regardless of their financial status. Apart from providing several reasons for this, several counter-arguments are also addressed. It should be...

Judicial Reasoning in Bowers v. Hardwick Case

Introduction The US judicial system constitutes a powerful component that is engaged in preventing crime and resolving civil matters. Thus, the system must prevent crime while guaranteeing justice to the suspects and victims of criminal offenses. Judges are also required to avail well-reasoned decisions in civil matters to enhance peaceful...

Sentencing Policies on Drug Offences

Purpose The goal of this paper is to discuss the sentencing policies on drug offences. In this case, one should speak about the crimes related to the use, possession, and transportation of prohibited substances. In turn, it is important to explain how the courts should approach such cases. Much attention...

Synthesis of Gangs in the United States

Abstract Gangs and gang membership are some of the main challenges faced by security agencies across the United States of America. The federal government, in conjunction with state and local governments, has put numerous efforts to tighten homeland security by addressing this challenge. Although most gang activities are localized, the...

Government Contract Termination Process

Introduction Government contract refers to the process through which the it acquires some items via an agreement with business entities (Feldman, 2013). When an agreement is not fulfilled, it might be canceled in a process called contract termination (Feldman, 2013). A person who is responsible for performing or providing certain...

Russian and European International Competition Law

Introduction Competition law is a regulation that is enacted to promote market rivalry. It achieves this by regulating anti-competitive practices in the business arena. The legislation is enforced through a partnership between the private and the public sectors. In the United States and the European Union, the edict is referred...

Discrimination, Affirmative Action, Sexual Harassment

Discrimination Discrimination implies any distinction, exclusion or preference, which denies or belittles the equal fulfilment of individual’s rights in the society. The country and its citizens are obliged to respect and ensure that all individuals in the territory and within the country’s jurisdiction have the same rights without distinction of...

Drug Courts Policy and Its Evaluation

Summary Across centuries, different governments have been struggling to reduce the availability of illicit drugs and substances. For this reason, drug policies in the United States aimed at strengthening law enforcement agencies to combat the drug and substance abuse problem. While the government struggles to reduce the availability and use...

Analysis of the Constitution of Texas

This paper is aimed at examining the systems of checks and balances included in the Constitution of Texas. It should be mentioned that these provisions are supposed to limit the authority of the government and protect the rights of citizens. Much attention should be paid to the examples of these...

Racism in the United States Judicial System

Abstract This literature review uses the retributive theory of punishment which explains the reasons behind the large number of imprisoned black American men. This incarceration has consequently led to the high prevalence of poverty among the black American community with women as the primary causalities. The retributive theory of punishment...

Juvenile Delinquency in Minority Groups

Introduction The study reviews the case of juvenile delinquency, which is revealed in the behavior of the 13-year old Hispanic boy, Billy, who originally comes from a poor and abuse-oriented family. The issue of criminality in teenagers is especially relevant for the individuals from the minority groups, who tend to...

The Racilisation of Crime and Cultural Panics

Abstract Ethnic refers to a group of people that share a common ancestry heritage, language, nationality and culture. We can therefore say that ethnicity refers to a group of people with common characteristics that distinguish them from the rest. Race on the other hand refers to a group of people...

The Case “David and Goliath at the WTO”

Introduction The case “David and Goliath at the WTO” presents an interesting look at the interaction between domestic policies and international obligations. In the case we are presented with the issue of gambling on sports events online which is considered illegal by the domestic law of the United States. However,...

The American Labor Law: Employment at Will

Summary The term is commonly used in the American labor law to refer to the contractual relationships between employers and employees in various sectors. Employment at will means the employer is always allowed to dismiss the worker without providing sufficient reason whenever it is deemed necessary, but some exceptions exist....

The US Constitutional Law and Constitutional Amendments

Judicial Review Overview The doctrine of judicial review was first incorporated in the matter of Marbury v. Madison (Prakash and Yoo 934) in 1803. The Chief Justice ruled that federal courts should be allowed to evaluate legislations made in the U.S. Congress and give an opinion on their constitutionality. If...

Gun Control: New Restriction Laws

The measures and laws to restrict gun violence are traditionally discussed in the American society in association with the shocking events when adults or teenagers use guns against the public. The problem is in the fact that gun assaults are typical for the American society. Thus, the necessity to restrict...

Why Flogging Should Be Brought Back?

Flogging is “an act punishment whereby someone is beaten with a stick or whip” (Jacoby 197). The modern society should learn a lot from the Puritans in order to deal with every felon. Several arguments have been presented in order to support flogging. Many people believe that flogging is an...

Washington and a Services Firm: Contract Analysis

Introduction A contract is an obligatory accord between two or more people or parties. Once the parties sign a contract, a binding arbitration or a court of law can enforce it. For it is hard to sign legal contracts under pressure, the contract acts as the representation of a binding...

The Lehman Bank: Irregularities and Cybercrimes

Henry Lehman had until recently been the head of one of the world’s largest and most successful investment bank. Now he was on the verge of bankruptcy and facing a damning criminal trial. He blamed his misfortune on two people in particular. A former employee of his bank named Paul...

Racial Profiling and Violation of Civil Rights

In a multicultural and multi-racial society like that of the United States (US), stereotypes are bound to arise. Such generalizations are primarily directed towards minority groups, such as gays and blacks. In this paper, the author provides an analysis of such stereotypes about the issue of racial profiling by police...

Health Care Reform: Miracle Medicine and Its Financial Chasm

Qualitative Article Analysis Overview Changing the realm of healthcare is an essential step towards improving the quality of life of the U.S. population (Romney, Brown & Fry, 2012). In their article, Scuka (1994) addresses the issue regarding the changes, which the healthcare area was supposed to undergo in the 1990s,...

Homeland Security: Fast Response to Disasters and Terrorism

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Striking MOU helps in establishing a fast-tracking response to disasters. The interagency bodies are convened based on an agreeable MOU. In the National Response Framework, there are two MOU referred to as Domestic Readiness Group and Counterterrorism Security Group. The two play vital roles in mitigating...

Morals Metaphysics: Criminal Punishment and Gay Basics

The Metaphysics of Morals It is not wrong to punish a criminal primarily as a means to reform the criminal. By punishing criminals, they pay for their deeds and justice is paid to the victim, society or the state. It is justifiable to punish any criminal so that the criminals...

Child Labor Role in the Global Economy

Introduction The International Labor Office defines child labor as any task that goes beyond studies and play (Beegle, Dehejia & Gatti, 2006). Any form of employment offered to a child amounts to child labor regardless of whether remuneration is given or not. Child labor is a global problem in the...

Healthcare Programs in the Developing Countries

Responsibility of governments of rich countries to help poor countries achieve better health The authorities of the well-off countries are obliged to take care of those territories that are less strong economically. The reason for that is that the health situation of the planet is not restricted by the national...

Advantages and Disadvantages of Obamacare

Introduction Obamacare or what is commonly known as the Affordable Care Act (ACA) refers to a law that seeks to ensure that Americans have access to health insurance. Additionally, the law aims to minimize the cost of healthcare in the United States. The law dictates that no American should be...

Obamacare and Healthcare Reform Ethical Challenges

Ethical Challenges The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act involves several ethical issues connected with failing to protect some of the most fundamental rights, including the individual’s rights to abortion. This defect in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is not only unable to correct the past mistakes linked...

Affordable Care Act: Good or Bad?

The adoption of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in 2010 has given rise to various debates among different policy-makers, medical workers, patients, as well as journalists.1It is important to discuss the positive and negative consequences of this healthcare reform. Much attention should be paid to the financial implications...

What is Human Trafficking?

Introduction One of the most significant problems faced by the global community in modern times is human trafficking. This activity, which involves recruitment and transportation of people with the aim of exploiting them, has been condemned as “modern-day slavery”. Organizations such as the USAID denounce it as a crime against...

Toxicological Evidence in Forensic Pharmacology

Abstract Forensic toxicology entails the analysis of stains and drugs found in fluids and solid materials collected from a crime scene. Numerous methods are used in a toxicological analysis. Currently, scientists use Quick Kits in analyzing drugs in tissues obtained from both living and dead organisms. Also, forensic science uses...

Prisoners’ Rights and Prison System Reform

An Agreement with Piper Kerman and her view of incarceration laws Today, few Americans have challenged the claim that the criminal justice system is broken and requires reform. Individuals who have first-hand accounts or relevant information on experiences of prisoners have called for massive reforms in the prison system. This...

Concealed Handguns in Texas Colleges

Introduction Over the last few months, the debate on gun control has increased especially after recent high profile shootings such as the shootings in the University of Texas, the Connecticut school massacre, and Northern Illinois University. Such horrific deeds have raised political, social, moral, and legal debates concerning gun laws....

The DREAM Act: Development and Education for Alien Minors

The DREAM (Dream, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors) Act is an American law that was first accented to in 2001 by the Senate. This act provided residency options for immigrant minors whose character was considered exemplary. This law applies only to young immigrant adults of good conduct and who...

Justice System: Due Process of Law

It is paramount to note that the availability and application of due process of law are equally important for both criminal justice system and the civil justice system. The reasoning behind this statement is that one of the main principles of this legal requirement is that every individual needs to...

Immigration Law in Arizona: Main Concepts

American policy-makers attempt to develop regulations that can minimize the negative effects of illegal immigration. Much attention is currently paid to the legislation which was adopted in Arizona in 2010. It enables police officers to detain people, who might be staying in the United States illegally, without a warrant. Additionally,...

Should the Federal Government Legalize the Use of Marijuana?

Introduction Although there have been numerous attempts to make the Federal government to decriminalize the use of marijuana, because of numerous benefits that are associated with this drug, to date, it has maintained its hard stand as stated in the Controlled Substances Act of 1970. Therefore, because of the power...

The Personal Identity of Unemployed American IT Labor Force

Most people endure adversity through the adjustment of their acceptable standards. The new set standards allow individuals to accomplish satisfaction with the available assets. When a person has an occupation that is satisfying, and whose conditions get progressively better, they tend to raise their standards of life to a level...

Family Medical Leave Act: Compliance and Maternity Leave

Introduction In today’s business settings, organizations are often under pressure to improve their performance, productivity and profitability if they are to survive and remain relevant in the often aggressive business arena. As such, organization leaders and managers often push their employees to the limit to ensure that these aims are...

Debate Surrounding Same-Sex Marriage

Amending the Constitution The Constitution is the legal document that contains the rules and regulations that govern the conducts of individuals within a given society (Harrison et al, 2010). However, due to the dynamism of the society and culture, it is essential for the law to be flexible in order...

Supreme Court Justice: Homosexual Marriages

Introduction The question of homosexual relations and untraditional marriages remains to be open for a long period of time. It is hard to make all people choose the same position and stick to it all the time. Some people feel ok with a number of homosexuals around. Many people cannot...

US Energy Policy: Vulnerabilities and Challenges

Identify at Least Three Major Concerns Regarding US Energy Policy. What Are Our Vulnerabilities and Challenges? As the world’s need for energy continues to grow, the US government has to formulate a comprehensive strategy to secure energy resources. There are several concerns of the energy policy in the United States...

The Debate Over Gun Control

Introduction Different countries have different opinions about gun control whereby some countries have strict gun control laws while others are liberal. The debate surrounding gun control has two differing sides: the pro-gun control and anti-gun control. Each of these sides bases its arguments on different reasons. Gun control debate touches...

Tinker versus Des Moines Independent Community School District Case

Introduction The Tinker versus Des Moines Independent Community School District case is one of the most well known historical cases that dealt with the infringement of the constitutional liberties of public learning institutions’ learners. Although many decades have passed since the Supreme Court handled the case, even presently the case...

Bankruptcy Law and Entrepreneurship

If the company does not have an opportunity to pay-off an extensive amount of debts, filing for bankruptcy can be a good decision that helps to discharge the debts or find efficacious solutions for repaying them without putting a threat to the business. The aim of this paper is to...

Criminal Procedure: the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution

The Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution is included in the Bill of Rights. It protects people against “unreasonable searches and seizures and generally requires the government to obtain a warrant, issued by a judge, upon showing of reasonable, before one’s person, home, or property can be searched” (Lippman,...

Federal Acquisition Regulation and Contract Provisions

Introduction The Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) provides guidelines for government procurements. It stipulates various consequences and penalties that are imposed to defaulters of federal contracts. The FAR also outlines performance requirements, procedures for notification, and delay provisions. Furthermore, it contains guidelines that are followed while changing terms and conditions of...

Violating Privacy on the Internet Is Morally Wrong

Introduction The Internet is the latest and the most powerful tool in the line of media that has successfully eliminated space and time as obstacles to accessing information and communication for numerous people in last half of a century. However, it poses morality issues and privacy concerns among individuals and...

Universal Healthcare System Reform

Introduction Despite being the richest and most powerful country in the world, the U.S. has a health care system that is on par with a developing country with a rank of 37 out 191 nations that were examined by the WHO (World Health Organization). Despite the extensive amount spent on...

Administrative Justice in United States

Introduction Administrative agencies affect the rights of private parties either through adjudication or rule-making. Procedural fairness helps the agencies to arrive at judgments that are fair to all the parties in the case. Usually, the decision-maker is concerned with the method of analyzing the testimonies brought before them and other...

Labor Issues: Are Americans Overworked?

Introduction Human beings around the world have to work in a bid to earn a living. It is an important aspect of human survival, and even the Holy Bible advises people to work, and anyone who does not work is advised not to eat probably because the earth is no...

The Affordable Care Act Enactment Purpose

Introduction President Obama accented to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2010. It signifies a major shift in the healthcare system in many aspects since the 1960s. It was legislated to improve the value and accessibility of health insurance. The ACA is aimed at expanding coverage, ensure accountability from insurers,...

The Issue of Police Brutality in Community

Our group comprised three females and one male. We learnt a lot regarding police brutality. Each one of us had strong opinions and reflections on the information that we gathered. It was a great experience to work in a group as we learned from each other and everyone made a...

Legalizing Marijuana in Washington and Colorado

Although the pro-pot movement may be celebrating the new ruling on the legalization of marijuana, it is equally important for them to inquire about the side effects of legalizing the drug. We cannot deny the fact that the consumption of marijuana has several negative health outcomes. Worst of all, it...

Criminal Law: Stolen Valor

The people who have served in the military can attest to the sacrifices that are involved in battlefronts and other military activities. Earning a medal of honor through military service is a treasured experience for the military men and women who strife through tough and dangerous conditions. Serving in the...

Law: Freedom of Speech and the Right to Offend

The events that take place after the Wednesday shootings in Charlie Hedbo bother many people around the whole world. The point is that this event touches upon several different aspects like racial inequality, religious preferences, freedom of speech, ethical norms, and people’s expectations and reflections on what is happening in...

Marijuana Rules and Regulations in Colorado

Introduction: What Must Be Learned about Legal Cannabis Selling Marijuana legalization has been a major issue in the U.S. for quite a while. The arguments of both proponents and those opposed are very legitimate. As a result, running a shop in the states where cannabis retail is allowed, such as...

Legalization of Marihuana for the Public Use

Marihuana is considered an unlawful substance in many parts of the world despite its increased usage among young people. The debate on whether it should be legalized ought to be approached firstly by considering the reasons why it is such an attraction despite being illegal. It has been scientifically proven...

Law: Animal Testing Debates

People in developed countries are living longer and fuller lives due to improvements in the quality of their lives and advances in medicine and research. Animal testing, largely, accounts for this unprecedented development. More so, cosmetics industry also heavily employs animal testing. It is noteworthy that fighters for animals’ rights...

Health Law: Legalization of Marijuana in the US

Introduction Marijuana is a useful drug that can have a lot of benefits to society contrary to the common belief that it is a harmful drug. Cultivation and consumption of marijuana in many countries in the world, including the United States of America, has been prohibited out of unsubstantiated beliefs...

Making Decisions That Are Legal and Ethical

The situation with Enoch Thomson at the White Arch Casino requires consideration of contractual law and its legal applicability in this case. It is critical consider the validity of the oral agreement as a contract and Thomson’s ability to enforce it as well as the extent of remedies which he...

The Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 (CDPA)

Introduction A copyright refers to the legal security that is entitled to the owners of an original piece of work against unlawful abuse of their work. A copyright, should serve to satisfy a society’s social goals and values. It should enhance the formation, spread and distribution of data and information...

Whether Capital Punishment Be Abolished Or Not?

Since ancient times it is a practice to execute people judged to have committed certain extremely heinous crimes, with a view to sending warning signals among perpetrators of crime, which is aimed to reduce recurrence. All of us are opposed to crime and violence in our society; at the same...

The Endangered Species Act: to Strengthen or Not to Strengthen

The Endangered Species Act (ESA) is a subject of ongoing debate among both ecologists and economists. The supporters of this law claim that it is extremely beneficial for preserving animals which are on the verge of extinction. Furthermore, in their opinion, this act should be strengthened otherwise America may run...

Contracting Out Private Prisons

The US immigration and customs enforcement is mandated with the duty of handling the detention of inmates who are awaiting deportation, illegal immigrants, asylum seekers, and other detainees who have committed immigration-related offenses. Since the year 2005, the number of detainees has rapidly increased by about 36%. The daily number...

Drugs and Prison Overcrowding

Introduction Following the official initiation of the “war on drugs” campaign during the late 1980s, by former United States president George H. W. Bush, along with compulsory laws of sentencing offenders, this has resulting in the United States turning into the number one jailer, on a global scale (Fellner, 2000)....

Child Abuse, Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence

Child abuse can be identified as conduct or act impairing or endangering emotional or physical development of the child; this category of victimization covers any damage suffered by a child, which cannot be clarified or reasonably explained and providing a series of intentional or deliberate injuries. It is necessary to...