Personal Protective Equipment for Welders

Modern technical progress in the industry is inextricably linked with the improvement of welding production. Welding is widely used in the manufacture of metallurgical, chemical, and power equipment, various pipelines, mechanical engineering, and building. At the same time, welders work under challenging conditions associated with exposure to several harmful factors,...

Examination of a Mock Crime Scene

Notes The crime occurred around 9:00 PM on March 11th, 2021, was discovered and examined approximately at 9:30 PM on the same day. As presented in the pictures, the objects found are a large red-colored ashtray in the shape of a fire hydrant, containing pieces of used cigarettes and ash,...

Variance Analysis in Criminal Justice and Criminology

Chapter 12 of Statistics for Criminology and Criminal Justice examines a hypothesis-testing technique called “analysis of variance” (ANOVA) that can be used when the independent variable (IV) is categorical with three or more classes and the dependent variable is continuous. It tests statistics called “F statistics” due to its F...

The 1974 Copyright Regulations on Internet Videos

Introduction Copyrighting videos means claiming the ownership and protection of the idea and that when one shares it, no one can claim it as their own. In technical terms, the video is protected under intellectual property law. It gives exclusive rights to the video content, and other entities are restricted...

Juvenile Tried as an Adult: The Case of Jordan Brown

The US justice system established a separate juvenile justice system to divert youthful offenders from criminal punishment. The system is also set to advocate for personalized rehabilitation programs in the country. Significant adjustments were made to eliminate the elements of adult or criminal systems. Further, it aimed to prioritize the...

Criminal Case Analysis: Criminal Act Synopsis, Crime Identification

Criminal Act Synopsis A mother and daughter were trying to make a phone call at a free-standing phone booth. A person passed by the two women and then returned. He started talking to the women in an offensive manner. He continued to verbally abuse women and also made several racist...

Hilton Hotel’s Manager and Constructor Facing Wire Fraud Charges

Introduction Unlike the ordinary employees, executives tend to have the freedom to act in accordance with their wishes. Oftentimes, they misuse their authority, make poor decisions, or even engage in outright fraud. Adan Roldan and Geoffrey Palermo, the owner of a construction firm and a manager at a San Francisco...

Digital Forensic Examination of Counterfeit Documents

Introduction A concerned citizen has contacted the police regarding the selling of counterfeit public documents. He told the police that he was going to the state residents to apply for a driver’s license. When he was almost reaching the office, he was approached by a man who told him he...

Criminal Law: A Case Study

The issue(s) or principle(s) of law being argued This case is concerned with the issue of whether provocation can arise from the act of the accused having been found in bed with her lover – in other words, the issue was whether his conviction could be reduced from second degree...

Loving vs. Virginia: The Supreme Court Case

Loving vs. Virginia 388 U.S. 1 (1967) – a historic decision of the U.S. Supreme Court establishing freedom of interracial marriage. All members of the court unanimously supported the decision. Despite the supreme court’s decision, the old law was still in effect in several states, even though the ruling made...

Crime Prevention Practices Overview

Prevention of crime through social development is perceived as the most effective strategy not only in preventing crime but also in reducing crime rates since it addresses the shortcomings of traditional methods of crime prevention. CPSD theorists argue that crime is effectively eliminated if preventive measures target its root cause...

The Effects of Contract Law on the Country’s Economy

Summary of the Proposed Study This study establishes the impact of contract law on the economy of the country. The economy of a country is majorly composed of trade and employment. The two economic aspects, trade and employment, are greatly affected by laws of contract. For example, every kind of...

Shared Responsibility for Victims

Traditionally, it is believed that victims of any crime are innocent people who have been unjustly wronged or afflicted by a perpetrator; however, many criminologists and lawyers believe that they may also bear responsibility for their misfortunes. In other words, they could have avoided the crime but did not do...

Gries Sports Enterprises, Inc. v. Cleveland Browns Football Co., Inc.

Facts of the case The two control 43% of the total outstanding share value of the company. On the other hand, Modell controls a significant percentage of the company’s shares as well. To be precise, the total amount of shares of Delaware Corporation that are owned by Modell amounts to...

Behavior Theory: Principles

Behaviour Theory Behavior theory tries to evaluate human behavior through conditioning. It links the aspect of free will, deed, reward, and punishment to evaluate human behavior as an individual relates with the surroundings. It was initially coiled by John B. Watson and Ivan Pavlov, who observed human behavior through experiments....

Tinker v. Des Moines: Court Proceeding

Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District is a historical case that was decided more than fifty years ago that discussed the limitation of rights provided by the First Amendment of the US Constitution. In this case, several students decided they wanted to wear black armbands to honor the...

The Copyright Infringement: The Cases

The picture under analysis is Paris Hilton’s image on a Hallmark greeting card. It is appropriate to talk about copyright infringement here since an unauthorized use of copyrighted material had taken place. Moreover, the image was used in a manner that violates one of the copyright owner’s exclusive rights, such...

The U.S. Correctional System’s Role and Functions

The US correctional system is a complex of special institutions that implement state policy in the field of the execution of punishments for crimes. Jails and community-based confinement facilities for offenders’ rehabilitation and resocialization are under the jurisdiction of municipalities and county governments. Each correctional institution is assigned a security...

Stalking: Definition and Stages

Stalking can generally be defined as the repeated actions of an individual towards another; that brings or results in the feelings of being threatened in the person being stalked. This causes them to stay in fear of the harassment or retaliation for the rejection by the victim. The excessive flattering...

Capital Punishment form Utilitarianism Perspective

Nowadays, the admittance of capital punishment presents a matter of multiple discussions. From the humanistic perspective, the death penalty appears to be immoral, as it violates the fundamental human right to life. The supporters of this opinion also highlight the fact that none acquire the right to kill someone without...

Due Process in Australian Criminal Justice System

Introduction Due process is an important concept in a country’s justice system. As a result, a right to due process is considered by many countries as a fundamental element in the fight to uphold human rights. The right to the due process ensures that the government respects the legal rights...

Victimization Prevention is an Effective Tool Against Crime

Introduction The focus on victimization prevention will help the criminal justice system and the crime victims to reduce the number of abuses and crimes that take place in the local community. Victimization prevention is an effective tool against crime as it helps potential crime victims to adapt their behavior patterns...

Juvenile Court Philosophy: the Parens Patriae Doctrine

Introduction The Parens Patriae doctrine has become widely adopted in the juvenile system as advocates of such a system assert that juveniles are heavily influenced by their developmental context. On the other hand, the get tough moment believes in holding juvenile offenders responsible for their wrongs. Summaries of the two...

Police Response to High Speed/Hot Pursuits

Police officers have the responsibility of defending the lives of citizens by maintaining law and order. However, in attempts to avoid being arrested, some criminals are normally willing to escape without much concern to the dangers that they pose to their lives as well as those of other innocent citizens...

Actus Reus in English Criminal Law

Criminal liability in English law is defined by the Latin maxim “Actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea”, which means that there can be no criminal liability without a guilty mind and a guilty act. In this formula, a guilty act means a wrongful act and a guilty mind...

A Look at Firearms and Ballistics in Forensic Science

The culture of carrying a gun is strong in the U.S. and has deep historical and cultural roots. The majority of households have at least one firearm at their disposal. It is also relatively easy to become an owner of a weapon. Most people purchase guns in order to be...

Case Review: Marbury v. Madison

There are many landmark cases in the United States that are still being referred to by courts today. One of those cases is the Marbury v. Madison court case. The case established that the judicial department has absolute power to review any laws passed in the country and determine whether...

Restorative Justice as an Approach to Justice

Introduction Restorative justice as an approach to justice that seeks to repair the harm done by the offense rather than punishment or incarceration. It emphasizes the offender’s accountability, his or her, as well as the victim’s, involvement in the community. Furthermore, this approach seeks to rehabilitate and reintegrate the offender...

Company Law, Liquidated Company – Case Study

Liability of an agent of undisclosed agent and recover Marchamages under restitution Akum will be personally liable if he had not disclosed the principal he was working for. When entering into an agreement with the banks where such terms as Bids ltd are used, it is assumed that they carried...

Criminology and Victimology: Victim Stereotypes in Criminal Justice

The criminal justice system has several inefficiencies most of which can be interpreted under a variety of lenses. One of these explanations concerns the ideal victim mold that many law enforcers, criminal justice prosecutors as well as several other persons have held about crimes committed. The paper shall look at...

Criminal Justice System: Drugs and Crime

Introduction In the recent past, there has been an increased focus on the relationship between drugs and crime in most states in America. This has resulted in an increased focus on the enforcement of laws related to drugs in order to curb the rate of crime. The body that is...

The Rule of Law vs. Obedience to Law

Rule of law is different from obedience to laws. This means that what is legal is not necessarily moral to be obeyed. It is however the nature of laws to expect to be observed or obeyed but there are requirements before they could become as such. These laws need to...

Commercial Law: Sprod v Public Relations Oriented Security

Introduction According to contemporary law vicarious liability is regarded as the liability of one person for the torts committed by another person. The wrong-doer is of course, liable to the injured person but another person may be jointly liable with him to compensate the injured party. The law states that...

The Case of Curtis Flowers

Introduction The case of Curtis Clowers is one of the most outstanding among Supreme Court cases reviewed in the last two decades. Curtis Giovanni Flowers (born May 29, 1970) is an African-American man who has been on trial six times for the same crime in the state of Mississippi, United...

Penal Policy Article Critique

Introduction The penal policy is a significant phenomenon that acts as a limiting factor in many spheres of life. It is a central concept of “Understanding the Determinants of Penal Policy: Crime, Culture, and Comparative Political Economy” by Lacey, Soskice, and Hope (2018). This scholarly article is based on appropriate...

Improving CSI Simulation: Insights and Recommendations

The CSI effect is a term used to describe the influence of TV shows that depict criminal investigators and their work. The researchers have argued whether the phenomenon has positive or negative effects on the general public. However, it is evident that such TV shows are favored; thus, people are...

Racist Speech vs. First Amendment: Lawrence on Limits

Introduction In recent years headlines appear commonly concerning the rise of racist speech and controversial speeches on university campuses along with unsuccessful and condemned attempts to regulate it. In his article, Charles Lawrence argues about the First Amendment rights, which on one hand serve as the foundation of American democracy...

Intermodal Transportation

Introduction Intermodal shipping is an approach of transferring cargo from the shipper to the consignee using multiple modes of transport. The commonly used modes of transport in intermodal shipping include rails and trucks. Particularly, the intermodal shipment of goods and services relies on special containers that can fit in well-designed...

Should Parents Be Held Responsible for Their Children’s Crimes?

There is very little doubt about the fact that the question of whether parents should be held responsible for the crimes of their children has a certain controversial quality to it. On the one hand, the currently enacted jurisprudential paradigm in the West (based on the presumption of legal innocence...

Chapter 10 of “Criminological Theory” by Lilly et al.

Abstract This paper elaborates on the problem of feminism and criminology. The paper addresses the chapter from the book by Lilly, Cullen, and Ball (2011) as the source material. Based on the provisions of the authors, it is possible to explore the history of the feminist movement. Primarily, this paper...

Jury’s Professionalism in Criminal Trials

Abstract The following paper is focused on the issues concerning the fair trial, the establishment of a professional jury, and the personal qualities of the jurors. The paper provides concise solutions to the problems in question and supports the author’s viewpoint with relevant examples from existing literature. A list of...

Youth Crime Prevention and Needs Assessment

The target population will include students from different schools regardless of their age, sex, and ethnicity. The total number of respondents is estimated to be 60 people. This amount of respondents seems to be appropriate to make relevant conclusions and suggest the corresponding recommendations to enhance the situation with juvenile...

Principles of Forensic Toxicology

Introduction Forensic toxicology is the scientific study of the identification of drugs, poisons, chemicals, and metals that are present in the fluids and tissues of an organism. Forensic toxicology represents their various uses as well as their importance. These include the following issues. Uses forensic toxicology Forensic toxicology helps investigate...

Gun Control Debate: Pro-Gun vs. Anti-Gun Arguments

Introduction Different countries have different opinions about gun control whereby some countries have strict gun control laws while others are liberal. The debate surrounding gun control has two differing sides: the pro-gun control and anti-gun control. Each of these sides bases its arguments on different reasons. Gun control debate touches...

Bullying and Sexual Harassment at Work Place

Introduction According to Safety and Health Assessment and Research for Prevention (SHARP), workplace bullying occurs when an individual or a group of people direct irrational actions repeatedly towards their fellow worker(or workers) in order to threaten, degrade, disgrace or demoralize them (1). Sexual harassment, on the other hand, takes place...

Wrongful Convictions Explored in “The Shawshank Redemption” Film

Introduction In its efforts to uphold social order and administer punishment, the judicial system occasionally makes the most heartbreaking of mistakes: erroneous convictions. In addition to taking away people’s rights, these errors in justice also put society’s faith in the legal system and its fundamental principles in jeopardy. These problems...

The Impact of Fingerprint Evidence in the Farrow Case: A Landmark in Forensic Science

Introduction The development of fingerprint expertise significantly impacted the investigation process and improved their overall quality. This technique allowed forensic specialists to accurately examine the crime scene and make evidence-based assumptions about the possible suspects. One of the most outstanding examples of the role of fingerprints during investigation is the...

The Role of Discretion in Decision-Making in the Justice System

Introduction The decision-making process in the justice system can be a challenge for professionals, as they usually significantly affect people’s lives. Discretion assumes that professionals involved can make decisions based on their judgment of the circumstances of the case. Despite the severity and importance of the laws, discretion makes it...

Juvenile Delinquency and Punishment: Causes and Justice Approaches

In modern society, the punishment for criminals varies according to their age. Juvenile offenders can be subject to different types of punishment than those applied to adults. The general consensus is that young people have a greater chance of rehabilitation than adult criminals, thus, their punishment should be more lenient....

Comparison Between the UCR and the NCVS

Introduction The UCR is a program run by the FBI that collects and disseminates information on crimes reported to law enforcement agencies nationwide whereas the NCVS is a survey that the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) conducts to compile information on crime from the viewpoint of victims. Discussion The Summary...

The Need to Improve the Affordable Care Act

Introduction The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, abbreviated as ACA, is a comprehensive healthcare coverage designed to alleviate healthcare costs for all individuals in the US by providing insurance coverage. Since its signing into law, millions of Americans have reaped unmatched benefits from its medical insurance offers, of which...

Parole Officer Discretion and Affecting Factors

For this discussion, I have chosen the Parole Officer, who oversees offenders released from prison or sentenced to punishment. After being released from prison, most offenders report it to parole officers (Henry, 2021). Probation and parole officers must perform their duties with care, just like all other law enforcement officers,...

Leadership Issues in the Department of Homeland Security

Introduction Effective leadership is essential to the success of an organization and the implementation of its programs. That is true of a well-executed resilience program such as homeland security, whose responsibility delicately defines the state’s security. Leadership is especially important in this challenging time for the federal with many issues...

Prisons as a Response to Crimes

Introduction Classic psychosocial research has demonstrated how prisons are advanced and intricate places that can significantly influence individuals incarcerated there. Each nation in the world uses imprisonment as a kind of punishment. It is the most punitive punishment that authorities can impose in most countries. Since World War II, the...

Criminal Justice Decision-Making Model

Defining the Problem Goals of Imprisonment I think prison should not be a place where people simply “do time” for their sentences; it should be more focused on rehabilitation. If prisoners just serve the appointed time, most likely, they will commit the crime again (Clear et al., 2016). I think...

The Flawed Emergency Response to the 1992 Los Angeles Riots

Introduction The organization initially tasked with providing emergency response to the 1992 riots in Los Angeles was the California National Guard. Previously, the service has received consistent training and used up to 13,000 troops to target specific riots. Nevertheless, over the decades, there has been a reduction in the need...

The Gideon vs. Wainwright Case History

Introduction Civil liberties and rights are an essential part of democracy since they ensure equal and fair opportunities for social interaction and legal protection irrespective of race, gender, or other socioeconomic factors. The discrepancies between the founders’ ideals and the demands of democratic philosophy are visible regarding civil rights or...

Court Systems of the United States

Independent State Courts The United States has two primary court systems, which include State courts and Federal courts. Such division was introduced in order to grant independent judicial systems yet unite them under the fundamental principles of Federal legislation (Burke et al., 2019). However, such division may lead to the...

Intellectual Property Rights Locally and Globally

Introduction Intellectual Property rights are a critical aspect of the modern socio-economic world, considering the vast product creation occurring in various regions. The term Intellectual Property refers to the inventions, literary and artistic works, as well as any symbols, designs, or innovative information used in commerce (International Business Law, n.d.)....

Is Equality Act 2010 Equal Enough for the Workplace?

Introduction Employment law is a broad branch of law that determines how employers and employees are protected. It regulates the hiring and firing of employees’ wages, shapes the moral standards enshrined in law, and deals with cases involving beliefs and free speech in the workplace. Employment law is designed to...

Duke v. Puts: Defendant’s Possible Arguments

The case of Harvey Duke versus Marc Puts raised the issues related to claims of absolute and qualified privileges in defamatory statements. The former sued defendant for the damages that resulted from libel and slander, wrongful interference with contractual relations, and unlawful interference with economic interest (Duke v Puts, 2004)....

Unconstitutionality in Smith v. Goguen

I agree with the decision that the language in the Massachusetts statute is unconstitutionally vague concerning the presented case. Smith v. Goguen (1974) began in 1970 with two police officers seeing Valerie Goguen as he wore jeans with a four by six inches United States flag sewn to the left...

Police Use-of-Force in Graham v. Connor & Tennessee v. Garner Cases

A state police officer shot Garner to death as he fled the crime scene. Even though Garner was unarmed, the police officer felt he had the right to shoot him to prevent his escape. Garner’s father, the plaintiff, brought a constitutional challenge to the Tennessee statute that authorized deadly force...

Ethical Issues in the Criminal Justice System

Introduction Criminal justice practitioners and organizations face various ethical issues in the contemporary world. Police officers experience challenges when dealing with violent criminals. For instance, offenders have attacked authorities during policing activities. Excessive force is one of the ethical issues in the modern world that can be analyzed when focusing...

Aspects of Crime Scene Investigation

Crime scene investigation and forensics have their origins in the last century. At the beginning of the previous century, police officers already understood that the crime scene contained a lot of clues and clues with which to find the criminal. Forensic science was closely intertwined with biology and medicine from...

Superglue Fuming Overview

There are multiple techniques available that can be used to develop latent fingerprints from porous surfaces such as paper. One such technique is referred to as ninhydrin fuming (Eksinitkun et al. 21). Ninhydrin is a chemical that forms a purple compound when it reacts with amino acids. Before soaking into...

Robbery in Queens Neighborhoods in New York

The Pitch Letter To Zach, I have been following the stories you cover, and I must say they inspire a lot as they always address emerging issues affecting society and give possible solutions to the problems. As a New York resident, I thought you would like to join me as...

The Police Sexual Harassment: Case Study

Introduction Available scholarship demonstrates that police work is conducive to incidences of sexual harassment and rape, as it grants exclusive opportunities for rogue and pedophilic police officers to use their authority and status to engage in “hidden” acts of sexual deviance and transgressions against the very people they are supposed...

Business Law: Alternative Dispute Resolution

Introduction Despite certain challenges, the practice of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) has gained widespread popularity among the general public and lawyers over recent years. This tendency is a result of various factors, such as the high workload of traditional courts and the relatively low cost compared to the litigation procedure....

Assault and Battery: Case Study

Issue The case of Angelina and Brad implies the need to consider it from a legal perspective. Due to the presence of numerous occasions of both assault and battery, it corresponds to the commitment of intentional torts towards persons. The conflict between the participants started with Brad, who ordered his...

Alternative Dispute Resolution for Sports Parties

Mediation refers to the process where conflicting parties enter into a negotiation with the help of a third-party neutral person who helps them reach a resolution that benefits both sides. The mediator’s primary role is to help communicate, obtain necessary information from both sources, and give resolution options that the...

Prenuptial Agreements and Islamic Women’s Rights in the US and UK

Introduction The practice of prenuptial agreements is common among Islamic marriages for marriage contracts protect a woman’s right during wedlock. The Islamic family law serves as an international family law among Muslim marriages around the globe but agreements drafted out in marriage contracts must be in line with the local...

Criminal Behavior in Society

This paper provides detailed information on criminal behavior in society. The paper will differentiate criminal and non-criminal psychopaths. In addition, the paper seeks to differentiate antisocial personality disorder from general criminal behavior. The paper will analyze criminal activities committed under different circumstances, to gain insight into criminal behavior in society....

Programs to Reduce Recidivism: Literature Review

Introduction The consequences of crimes committed within the society bear impact on the entire society. These consequences range from medical costs to loss of income due to disabilities that may arise from the act. Some of these consequences last for a lifetime, thus increasing costs of living for the victim...

Halfway Houses in the Community-Based Correction System: Issues, Challenges

Introduction In the recent past, there has been a remarkable growth in the development of community-based correctional programs for criminal offenders. Although halfway houses have been in existence for a long time, the interest in the use of these facilities has escalated since the mid-20th century. Currently, the category of...

The Evidence Forms of Law

Introduction The law of evidence refers to the principles that require one to prove a particular act during court proceedings. The principles are used to govern the kind of evidence required so as to arrive at an effective decision. It is important to note that for the proof to be effective,...

DNA Analysis: A Crime-Fighting Tool or Invasion of Privacy?

Introduction The 21st century has witnessed a technological explosion that has led to the great advancement to man and monumental improvements for the human civilization. However, these great advancements have also made it possible for crime to become more prevalent and sophisticated as criminals utilize technology to engage in their...

Women Coming Home: Long‐Term Patterns of Recidivism

Problem in the corrections system addressed in the research According to different studies, most women released from prison tend to fail parole and recidivate more quickly during the follow up period. Most women who succumb to recidivism are those with less schooling, dependant on drugs or possess far-reaching criminal histories....

Legal Aspects of Health Care Management

The Doctrine of informed consent The doctrine of informed consent is related to the concept of self-sufficient authorization of medication by a physician. A legally informed consent should be obtained prior to a medical process in order to relocate the consent in the context of institutional and social rules (Pozgar,...

Trade and Usage Control: Drug Enforcement Administration

Introduction DEA (drug enforcement administration) is an agency of the United States’ federal government formed and enacted under the country’s department of justice. The main duty of the agency in the United States is to help in controlling smuggling and usage of drugs in the country. This paper seeks to...

Southeastern Community College V Davis: A Case Review

Introduction In this case, Frances Davis applied for a nursing course at the Southeastern Community College. This institution is one of the American colleges and universities that receive state funds to run their programs. Davis had a hearing disability at the time of application, and could only depend on lip-reading...

Ethics vs. The Law: Main Conflicts

Ethics is a philosophical branch that defines what is right and what is wrong concerning the actions of people, as well as the decisions they make. Being ethical ideally means doing good deeds and refraining from inflicting harm on other subjects. The question of ethics is largely dependent on the...

Law of Tort. Breach of Duty Care

Introduction A tort is referred to as a civil wrong committed against any individual rather than the society or the tort (Bermingham and Brennan, 2008). The tortuous liability usually arises when a breach of duty is primarily fixed by the law takes occurs. The main aim of tort law is...

Violence in Sport and Tort Law Principles

A tort is a civil wrong or conduct that is intended to harm other people or their property. A tort is wrong against private duty, and thus is against public duty then the tort will become a crime. Hence, torts such as assault can also be categorized as crimes. The...

The Choice of the Form of Business

Introduction In the current business world, the pace at which changes are taking place is so high that it will take only masters of the game to survive. Masters of the game are only those businesses that will make the most appropriate decisions in relation to the prevailing business conditions....

Dangerous Offenders and Preventive Sentencing

Outline Dangerous offenders are defined by most laws as those that inflict pain and harm to the victims during or after assaulting them sexually. The laws have gone through several amendments to ensure that the community is protected from such dangerous criminals. Apart from the determinate sentences that are given...

Early Prison Release to Reduce a Prison’s Budget

The system of justice involves a variety of important institutions and regulations. Imprisonment is the final stage of a criminal’s deeds’ investigation and punishment. However, merely putting a person behind bars does not lead to the automatic eradication of all problems. Just punishment for those individuals who have broken the...

A Well-Prepared Criminal Profiling

Outline This essay discusses criminal profiling. Here the discussion is based on the given profile of a killer. It analyzes the important advantages and limitations of the given profile from an investigator’s point of view, concerns of the investigator about a profile and value given to a profile as an...

Copyright Infringement in Music and Film Industry

Introduction Copyrights are legal frameworks that allow access to exclusive control and ownership of work in music and film industry. Such statutory provisions seek to govern commercial aspects such as sharing, distribution, reproduction, and sale of artworks (Levitt 2). Under this legal framework, artists and custodians of artwork get an...

The Profile of a Crime Victim

Introduction The profile of a crime victim is generally regarded to be a matter of statistics, while the victims themselves are people of various origins, ages, and occupations. The fact is that, when some event (even the most tragic) becomes too frequent, it becomes a matter of statistics. The same...

The Definition of White-Collar Crime by Sutherland

Sutherland and his contribution Sutherland had an approach to the definition of white-collar crime that was purely rooted in a sociological approach. It is Sutherland that first used the word white-collar crime. He viewed white-collar crime as a form of behavior towards which the attitude of the society is negative...

Deviance Issue in the American Society

The “American Dream” Contribution to the Frequency of Deviance Deviance is a criminal offense that entails violating the norms of society. Deviants ought to be present in any society as long as some rules and regulations have been put in place to be followed. This is because not all people...

Kelo v. City of New London: The Case Study

Facts Kelo v. New London City, 545 U.S. 469 (2005) was a court case chosen by the United States High Court concerning the use of eminent domain to transfer land from one title holder to another to enhance economic development. The allegation emanated from the conviction by Connecticut town in...

The George Floyd Case in the Criminal Justice System

Cuddy, A. (2020). George Floyd: Five pieces of context to understand the protests. BBC News, Web. The article reproduces a brief description of the George Floyd case and elements in the context of understanding the protests that followed it. George Floyd, 46, was arrested May 25 in Minneapolis on charges...

Facial Recognition Technology

A face recognition system is an analytical technology intended at identifying or verifying a particular individual by their facial traits using an image, video, or in real-time mode. Currently, facial recognition is applied in different places, including police departments, airlines, retailers, and schools for many tasks, from controlling student attendance...

“I Fought the Law and I Won!” by Jonny Cordero

The book “I Fought the Law and I Won!” by Jonny Cordero (2017) is a semi-autobiographical book with fictional elements. The author drew heavily on the experiences of his own life to relay the plot of his book. The primary themes are relationships within a fragmented family, the consequences of...

Scared Straight Program and Its Effectiveness

Introduction Governments of every country and the entire society have always been interested in decreasing the crime rate, as it affects the living standards of the population significantly. Consequently, these days, the problem of juvenile delinquency presents a pressing concern, and a wide range of studies are devoted to this...

Contracts and Remedies for Their Breach

Breach of Contract and Its Effects Breach of contract occurs when either of the contract parties fails to perform its contractual obligations (Meiners, Ringleb, & Edwards, 2006, p. 264). Depending on the situation, breach of contract may be actual (or material) or anticipatory: a) actual (or material) breach takes place...

The Agency Agreement Between GC and George Tacy: Review

Agency contracts are requested because they allow businesses and individuals to hire agents who will act on their behalf. The following information will consider the details of the agency agreement between GC and George Tacy. In some cases, it is inconvenient for businesses or individuals to perform particular actions. A...

Statutory Authority and Responsibilities of Justice

In recent times the government has responded enormously to the rise of criminal activities that have been a concern to the public by enacting numerous laws in response to the public outcries. Officials of the justice system are obligated to abide by several stipulated common law and statutory responsibilities. These...

Omission and Possession as Criminal Acts

Omission to act should not be considered as a criminal act, because a person should not be forced to put himself or herself in harm’s way. It is important to note that there are some cases where such an act should be criminalized, such as Kentucky law on reporting child...

Characteristics and Aims of the Criminal Justice System

According to a studies done by a researcher Herbert packer from Stanford University, there are two prime models that represent two systems that compete for the right values that ought to be considered within a criminal justice system. These are the due process model and the crime control model both...

Medical Negligence Case Study

Summary of the Case with Critiques The outbreak of the COVID-19, commonly known as the coronavirus disease, has created new challenges to healthcare institutions in the United States, especially those that offer care to the elderly. The case study shows that hospitals, skilled nursing centers, and personal care homes are...

Crime and Causation: Robbery

Definition and Description An action is qualified as a crime if it “offends the strong, well-defined states (sentiments) of the collective consciousness” (DiCristina, 2016 p.318). A felony is a deliberate act of omission or commission of actions that contravene morals or the states of collective consciousness (DiCristina, 2016). Robbery is...

The Doodler. Criminal Analysis

The Doodler, who is also known as Black Doodler, was a serial killer of the 1970s. He killed his victims near the Ocean Beach area by stabbing them multiple times, both from the back and front. His targets were exclusively gay men, whom he met at the local bars and...

Professional Ethics: Police Department

The science of ethics attempts to give humanity the answers to the existential question of what is moral and what is not. With the development of science, technology, and the human rights movement, the definition of morality started to blur like never before. Nowadays, ethics serves as a standing pillar...

The Notion of Punishment and Its Measures

Punishment is believed to be one of the most efficient methods of ensuring the individual’s reconsidering of one’s actions after breaching the law. The punishment as a notion is then divided into some major types according to the scope of a committed crime. Hence, some of the punishments issued after...

All Police Officers Should Wear a Body Camera

For many decades, the relationship between minority groups in various American cities and law enforcement has been described as tense. Scholars recognize that hostility between police and multiple communities became one of the leading causes of massive civil unrest in the 1960s (White et al. 690). However, to resolve this...

“On the Sidewalk Bleeding” by Evan Hunter

There is an awful accident that happened recently in NYC with a sixteen-year-old boy Andy. It was 11:03 when he was stabbed by a stranger and was left on the sidewalk by himself with a knife in his chest. There is evidence that he was attacked because he belonged to...

Crime Situation in Bankstown-Australia

Bankstown- The City Bankstown is a local government area that traces its beginnings back to the year 1797 when the then Governor Hunter decided to recognize the lofty character of the plant specialist and scientist Sir Joseph Banks. It is from this plant scientist that the town got its name....

An Appropriate Penalty for Celebrity Offense

Introduction Celebrities are in a position of admiration and adoration from millions of local fans and many international ones. American society places people that simply act in modern plays for higher salaries than the majority of the population on pedestals, and while this in itself is a mockery of all...

Article 86 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice

Introduction By enrolling in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and Coast Guard a person submits himself to the jurisdiction of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) which contains the criminal laws dealing with the activities of the service personnel. While UCMJ consists of 146 articles, of which...

The Court of Law: Merits and Difficulties

The court of law is one of the pillars of the democratic system. It is that important part of the system from which people expect to deliver justice. This is why it is very important that the judges and other court members deliver the most justice they can. In order...

Sex Offender Treatment

Interviews yielded information on how the controversy has always dogged the treatment of sexual offenders. Most interviewees felt that the correctional facilities needed to offer treatment to sex offenders who were willing to reform. This they suggested because they felt that the long periods of incarceration do not help them...

Organized Crimes of the 1920s in the US

The 1920s was an era that was known for organized crime: bootlegging, the fixing of the World Series, and corruption within police forces. Now the question is, who were the major players in these organized crimes of the 1920s and what were they involved in? What impact did these people...

The Comfort and Luxury of Prison Life

Introduction A prison refers to an institution often run by the government where persons who have committed crimes are confined and deprived of their freedom and liberty to a certain extent. Such persons are confined therein for specific durations of time as prescribed by law depending on the crimes they...

Procedural Justice: External & Internal Principles

Introduction Policing is not easy, and in order to gain success, have respect, and be a leader, it is essential to follow principles of procedural justice. Procedural justice can be explained as a means of achieving legitimacy in resolving disagreement (Police Executive Research Forum [PERF], 2014). It also helps to...

Origins, Development, and Impact of the Containment Theory by Reckless

Abstract This paper critically analyzes the chapter from the book by Lilly, Cullen, and Ball (2011). The primary aspect of the discussion of the chapter is the origins, development, and impact of the containment theory by Reckless, which is a part of control theory. The paper investigates and critically evaluates...

Smuggling and Its Control in the United States

Introduction Various issues affect the business environment for companies in different countries. These issues make it difficult for companies to be successful since it is difficult to deal with the challenges. The following discussion indulges in smuggling to understand what it is, individuals who benefit from the trade, and ways...

Missouri Promissory Estoppel Case: Plaintiff vs. Defendants

Facts: On March 3, when the plaintiff was asked by the defenders to enlarge the operations, the plaintiff disagreed alleging that it could incur expenses if at all it wanted to accommodate the defendant’s plan of which it was not ready. The defendants promised the plaintiff to help it negotiate...

Legislation’s Role in Shaping U.S. Crime Trends

Main Points Understanding the factors that lead to changes in crime dynamics is rather challenging. In their study, Lacey, Soskice, and Hope (2018) show that there has been no consistency in crime trends in the United States over the past few decades. However, the choices of legislation and policy seem...

The Teens, Crime, and Community Project in the US

The criminal justice system collaborates with different agencies in order to tackle the major issues affecting the United States. The targeted project topic focuses on the problem of juvenile delinquency. Studies indicate that more youths and children commit different forms of crime in the United States. Such crimes continue to...

The Case of Native Women’s Association of Canada vs Canada

The case of Native Women’s Association of Canada v. Canada, [1994] 3 S.C.R. 627 came before the Canadian Supreme Court as a result of the Charlottetown Accord negotiations. The native people of Canada were widely represented by various interest groups and funded by the Canadian government. However, the Native Women’s...

China’s Political and Legal Environment

Political Environment With the opening of China’s operations amidst continuous reforms since 1978, the country, according to the World Bank, has moved to become the second-largest economy after the US-based on the purchasing power parity (PPP). Reforms in the political environment, as well as in the legal systems, have eased...

Terri Schiavo Medical Ethics Case

The relevant medical facts contributing to Ms. Schiavo’s condition While the case of Terri Schiavo remains disturbing, it was one of the most litigated medical cases in history, which focused on medicine, ethics, law and the role of the family in decision-making. Many case studies have claimed that all the...

Tinker v. Des Moines: Landmark Case on Student Speech Rights

Introduction The Tinker versus Des Moines Independent Community School District case is one of the most well known historical cases that dealt with the infringement of the constitutional liberties of public learning institutions’ learners. Although many decades have passed since the Supreme Court handled the case, even presently the case...

Crime Commission: Legal and Social Perspectives

Introduction Crime or criminal activities are intentional in most cases. However, accidental cases of crime have also occurred in the past where an individual has no express intention of committing a crime. When committed intentionally, varied reasons may be given by the defendant or their accomplices as what led to...

Beccaria’s Influence on Modern Legal System and Sentencing Practices

Introduction Beccaria is the founder of classical criminology and has laid the basic principles of the modern age. Although considered radical at the time, his work influenced different studies to prove the importance of fair trial, proportionate punishment, and social impact. His principles and ideas are still influencing the modern...

The Role and Controversies of Bloodstain Pattern Analysis in Criminal Investigations

Introduction to Blood Spatter Analysis Bloodstains are the most critical pieces of evidence at a crime scene. Bloodstain pattern analysis (BPA) might reveal crucial details during and after a crime. Blood spatter analysis allows investigators to identify what transpired at a murder scene and make educated guesses about the victim’s...

The Impact of Mafias on Canadian Cities: A Focus on Ndrangheta and Montreal Crime Families

Introduction Canada, as one of the biggest countries, involves many multicultural communities. They have their traditions, cultures, features, and behaviors. With the growing level of these communities, the criminal rate started to rise, which resulted in the creation of unlawful groups called mafias. Their activity is spread nationwide, especially in...

Data Breach Response at Mountain Top View

Report: A Company’s Obligation to Report the Breach to Its Customers Introduction The term “ethics” is used to describe a set of guiding moral principles and values that help people and institutions behave in a way that is fair, just, and right. It entails considering how one’s activities could affect...

Anthropological Theory of Politics, Violence and Crime

Introduction Making laws, violating these rules, and responding to the breach of laws may be seen as the knowledge underlying crime as a social phenomenon. The primary goal of this method is to create a system that includes broad and verifiable standards and various sorts of knowledge about law, crime,...

The Twenty-Third Amendment: Milestone for the United States

Introduction The Twenty-Third Amendment, which was passed in 1960, can be discussed as a major milestone for the United States. It was the first amendment to the Constitution in over a century to change the structure of the federal government. The Amendment addressed the issue of representation in the Electoral...

The Marine Corps: Key Qualities and Principles

Introduction Service in the Marine Corps is a complex process that requires proper training and psychological qualities. At the same time, being part of the Marine Corps is a matter of pride for the person since only some people can pass all the tests set for the future marine soldier....

Facial Profiling: Race, Physical Appearance, and Punishment

Key Concepts in the Study Social scientists frequently study the influence of an individual’s appearance on their life outcomes. For instance, Johnson and King (2017) examined the impact of defendants’ physical characteristics on punishment. The researchers utilized the following key concepts: facial appearance, race, and punishment. The concept of facial...

Influences on Employee Compensation and Executive Compensation Challenges

Introduction The compensation of employees in an organization is influenced by many external issues, such as laws and demand and supply factors, and internal ones, such as the culture of the organization. This role usually falls to the HR department unless otherwise stated so or in matters concerning executive compensation,...

Familias Unidas: Juvenile Delinquency Prevention

Introduction Familias Unidas (FU) is a family-based program in Miami to prevent delinquency in youth. As a twelve-session minority-oriented program, FU pursues the mission of preventing criminogenic behaviors, ranging from substance abuse to behavioral disorders, in Hispanic students aged 12-17 (National Gang Center, 2021; Rojas et al., 2021). The implementation...

Civil vs. Criminal Law Differences

Various classifications can be applied in law studies. One of the broadest divisions in justice is between civil and criminal law. They are two major, distinct areas of law with various regulations and penalties. Judges have different authority in criminal and civil courts to determine punishment, ranging from a fine...

Importance of Intellectual Property for Entrepreneurship

Intellectual property (IP) is a crucial aspect of the enterprise activity, protecting its processes, ideas, and inventions to maintain competitiveness. Key IP types include patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets (Parr, 2018). Although the types of IP are similar in all countries, businesses need to be attentive to international regulations...

Civil Liability in Criminal Justice

Introduction Tort law is a body of law that provides rules for the civil liability of people and corporations for harm caused by their activities. The tort system was developed in Europe during the late Middle Ages when it became increasingly common for merchants to travel across national borders, thus...

Robert Clark’s Case Overview and Analysis

In legal practice, there are cases where DNA traces of a suspect on various objects are used as evidence. Moreover, this aspect of forensics has gained popularity in mass culture through numerous TV series, media, and literary works. However, its efficiency may be demonstrated in various cases, one of which...

Contingent Workers and Discrimination Prohibiting Laws

In terms of hiring contingent workers, there is a range of problems that might arise, and it is crucial to watch out for red flags to anticipate possible losses to the company. First, if I had former employees coming back as contractors or especially as independent contractors, it might result...

Crime Rates in Urban and Suburban Areas

The number of crimes in different territories, in particular urban and suburban, varies. However, the urban environment, in contrast to the suburban environment, is also highly heterogeneous, which explains the different levels of crime in particular areas of one large city. Thus, the increased number of crimes in the city...

Gary Ridgway: The Green River Killer

Introduction Laws of their specific countries govern all native citizens; failure to abide by them may lead to punishment (Ruggiero, 2021). However, despite the strict measures against law-breaking, there are still natives partaking in a continuous law-breaking behavior. An example of these natives is the group of serial killers who...

Criminal Profiling: Pros and Cons

Criminal profiling is the process of forming a psychological “portrait” of the offender based on the available information about the crime, such as the location, the identity of the victim, and other various features. The criminal’s identity is manifested in the peculiarities of their behavior, and the profiling process is...

The Constitution of the United Kingdom

Great Britain differs from other countries because it does not have a single document called a Constitution. The absence of such a document impacts the state system and the rule of law in the country. Constitutional customs have become particularly important in Britain, as they have enshrined almost all the...

The Family and Medical Leave Act: Pros and Cons

The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) is an important document regulating relations between employers, and employees, protecting people, and guaranteeing the accessibility of health services. This labor law requires covered employers to provide all workers with job-protected leave for medical and family reasons with continuation of health...