Defining Risk Management Techniques: Michael’s Case

Physical damage to the 2000 Ford because of a collision with another motorist. Physical damage of a vehicle due to a collision with another vehicle can be defined as a property risk and, therefore, requires that a transfer should have been carried out to prevent the instance of a road...

Contract Law: Hamer v. Sidway Case and Court Decision

Facts William E. Story II was given a promise by his uncle to be paid $5,000 which translates to $72, 000 in today’s dollars rate under conditions that he refrained from drinking, using tobacco, swearing, and playing cards for money till he was the age of 21 years. To all,...

Crime Types and Their Harm to Society

In consideration of Herbert L. Packer’s crime control and due process models, why would anyone object to randomly having their car searched by a police officer if they have nothing to hide? In many developed countries, members of the public are protected by the constitution against illicit search and arrests...

The Affordable Care Act and Affected Stakeholders

Introduction The enactment of the Affordable Care Act can be listed among the most discussed events related to the U.S. healthcare industry. The implementation of this act has several consequences for the population and the authorities, ranging from decreases in the number of uninsured patients to changes in the volume...

International Business Law, Its Role and Issues

Business law is a field that encompasses different aspects of commerce1. The field focuses on laws that govern how businesses are managed, stated, or transferred from one party to another. Businesspeople should, therefore, be aware of the existing laws to have successful entrepreneurial activities. Business law, therefore, embraces most of...

International Marine Pollution Law

International Marine law is essential in governing the natural resources from illegal acts of pollution that poses dangers to marine life and life, depending on the waters of oceans or seas. Law on exploitation and utilization of sea resources is also essential to avoid overexploitation and damage to these resources....

The Social Justice Concept Definition

Introduction Social justice entails the capability of individuals to achieve their dreams and aspirations in society without hindrance from the government. Justice has been used traditionally to refer to the responsibility of individuals to fulfill their duties and roles, as well as receive protection of the state. When used in...

Victimology and Traditional Justice System Alternatives

Introduction Victimology, as defined, is a “branch of criminology that studies the relationship between an injured party and an offender by examining the causes and the nature of the consequent suffering” (Victimology, 2008). It basically focuses on identifying whether the delinquents were complete strangers, plain acquaintances, a friend or family...

Tort Law and Negligence: The Case Study

Introduction This case study’s purpose is to show an in-depth comprehension of tort law, with particular attention paid to tort law. The topic of carelessness will receive the most attention in Tort Law, and students will learn about its practical applications by analyzing a media piece pertinent to the construction...

Importance of Intellectual Property for Entrepreneurship

Intellectual property (IP) is a crucial aspect of the enterprise activity, protecting its processes, ideas, and inventions to maintain competitiveness. Key IP types include patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets (Parr, 2018). Although the types of IP are similar in all countries, businesses need to be attentive to international regulations...

Organizational Assessment and Recommendations

The Florida Department of Corrections (FDC) is the state’s largest agency and the country’s third-largest state prison system. Since its establishment in 1868, there has been an ongoing battle to house an ever-increasing number of offenders while dealing with corruption and financial cuts (Blomberg, 2019). The agency is divided into...

How Defamation Law Affects the Work of Professional Communicators

Introduction People and organizations rely on their reputations to sell their products, plans, ideas, and personalities in the current business and corporate world. With the advancement in the communication sector, more marketing platforms have been created, with social media being the most used. Social media demands great proficiency in communication...

Full-Service Crime Laboratory: Forensic Science

Introduction The criminal justice system relies heavily on crime laboratories represented by forensic science. It is an important scientific field that cooperates with crime detectives, police, and crime scene investigators. Aside from examining various items found on the crime scenes or at a suspect’s disposal, forensic science also commences laboratory...

The Dominican Republic’s Criminal Justice System

Introduction The Dominican Republic is the second-largest nation in the Caribbean, with just over 10 million population. It offers one of the most seemingly simplistic but unique justice systems in the world. The system represents a mix between the French and U.S. court systems, similarly very judge-centric but simplified greatly....

Unconstitutionality in Smith v. Goguen

I agree with the decision that the language in the Massachusetts statute is unconstitutionally vague concerning the presented case. Smith v. Goguen (1974) began in 1970 with two police officers seeing Valerie Goguen as he wore jeans with a four by six inches United States flag sewn to the left...

Ethical Theories in Law Enforcement Practice

The Ethics of Virtue History of the Ethics of Virtue The founders of virtue ethics are Plato and, to a greater extent, Aristotle. It remained the dominant approach in Western moral philosophy until the Enlightenment. It declined in the nineteenth century but revived in the 1950s in Anglo-American philosophy (Alejo...

Application of Intention in Law Courts

The concept of intention has proved challenging to define owing to the diversity in judicial views and the lack of definitive guidelines to identify criminal intent. There is a lack of clarity on what exactly constitutes intent and what does not. This essay alludes to six well-known past cases to...

In Support of Abolishing Veil-Piercing in Law

Piercing the veil pertaining to corporate law denotes a situation in which courts dismiss the notion of limited liability and hold an organization’s shareholders and leaders personally liable for the actions or debts. Although there is a variation of the law between state legislation, there has been a generally accepted...

Whether Crime or Violence Are Justified in a Reaction to Past Trauma

Introduction Trauma is often characterized by stressful events that cause one to battle challenges that may be psychological or mental. A traumatic experience involves a feeling of helplessness where one may choose to do an action that may not be justified in the criminal justice system and according to societal...

Kahler v. Kansas: Procedural Facts, Issues, and Judgment

Procedural Facts Kansas charged the applicant, named James Kahler, with murder after the defendant shot four family members. Kahler’s crime is severe, and the court charges him with the death penalty. Substantive Facts James Kahler shot and killed his wife, two joint daughters, and his wife’s grandmother. The crime that...

Violent and Non-Violent Criminal Behavior Theories

Diverse criminal behavior theories are closely related to such sciences as sociology, biology, and psychology. As more and more studies are conducted in these fields, a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of criminal behavior is introduced. However, even though such theories had undergone significant transformations and were considerably improved, they...

The Concept of Labelling Theory

Introduction Labelling theory is a sociological approach to identify and distinguish individuals based on their roles. In general, this hypothesis is applied in the criminological environment and discusses the consequences of stigmatization. For instance, the theory analyzes how deviant labels, such as a ‘criminal’ or a ‘rapist’, might affect the...

Personal Protective Equipment for Welders

Modern technical progress in the industry is inextricably linked with the improvement of welding production. Welding is widely used in the manufacture of metallurgical, chemical, and power equipment, various pipelines, mechanical engineering, and building. At the same time, welders work under challenging conditions associated with exposure to several harmful factors,...

Sonia Sotomayor: Character and Leadership

Sonia Sotomayor became the first Hispanic justice of the United States Supreme Court to be personally appointed by President Barack Obama. This position is very honorable because the appointment does not occur by submitting a resume, but only personally by the country’s president for merits, honesty, and wisdom, and the...

Attitudes to Rapists Among Men and Women

Introduction Rape constitutes the act of having sexual intercourse, against a person’s will. Majority of the experts in this field suggest that rape is as a result of an aggressive lust to dominate the victim, as opposed to the desire to achieve sexual fulfillment. They format rape to be an...

Criminology: The Peace-Making Model

There are diverse approaches towards the alleviation of crime, depending on the levels to which the community can choose to cooperate and the effectiveness of the law enforcement agencies. One of such approaches is the peacemaking model in criminology. The peacemaking approach towards crime alleviation contrasts itself with the conventional...

Attempt as Criminal Law Concept

Introduction The concept of attempt refers to an incomplete or inchoate crime where an individual initially was intended to commit a crime and undertook specific actions to complete it but ultimately failed to commit a full offense due to some accidental causes. Inchoate crimes cover “attempts, solicitation, and conspiracies” (Schmalleger...

The Police Sexual Harassment: Case Study

Introduction Available scholarship demonstrates that police work is conducive to incidences of sexual harassment and rape, as it grants exclusive opportunities for rogue and pedophilic police officers to use their authority and status to engage in “hidden” acts of sexual deviance and transgressions against the very people they are supposed...

Lambert v. Don Barron: How Can You Ensure That Your Contracts Are Enforceable?

A contract is “an agreement between parties for value, which is legally enforceable” (Tepper, 2021, p.25). Every contract has the necessary elements needed to bind parties: offer, acceptance, consideration, mutual assent. Additionally, the contract must comply with a legal purpose, and the parties must have the capacity to contract. Even...

Hilton Hotel’s Manager and Constructor Facing Wire Fraud Charges

Introduction Unlike the ordinary employees, executives tend to have the freedom to act in accordance with their wishes. Oftentimes, they misuse their authority, make poor decisions, or even engage in outright fraud. Adan Roldan and Geoffrey Palermo, the owner of a construction firm and a manager at a San Francisco...

American Serial Killer John Wayne Gacy

Introduction John Wayne Gacy was an American serial killer who killed 33 victims. He was born in 1942 and died in 1994 after injection with a lethal chemical. He was famously known as the killer clown, a name he earned from his habit of murdering people despite his generous and...

Legal Provisions on Dismissal From Employment

Introduction The labor market is one of the aspects of macroeconomics that governments use to ensure growth in the economy of a country. It is essential in the creation of revenue for the country as well as providing a means to earn an income for the population. As such, governments...

The Investigation of an Arson Attack

Introduction This is a case of an arson attack that occurred at around 11:30 pm at a semi-detached dwelling of 17 Hill Lane situated at the outskirts of a market town in a rural district. The act of arson claimed four lives of occupants. The investigators suspected Mike Golding as...

The Significance of Police Discretion to the Criminal Justice System

Introduction Police discretion is one of the most important powers that a police officer can be vested with. It is the hallmark of a police officer’s role, such that without it the officer is ill-equipped to carry out their functions. This paper is an investigation into the meaning of police...

Routine Activity Theory and Crimes in Washington

Introduction The routine activity theory was developed by Felson and Cohen in the 1970s and created a subfield within the crime opportunity theory. What makes routine activity theory stand out is the fact that the researchers were among the first criminologists to shift the focus from the criminal to the...

Delinquent Offenders vs. Status Offenders

Nowadays, so many people commit crimes almost every day; however, if the actions of grown-ups may be controlled by criminal law or civil law, the actions of teenagers cannot be controlled by any of the above-mentioned laws (Siegel & Welsh, 2008). This is why juvenile delinquency is under burning discussions...

Contract Law: A Claim Against the Subaru Dealership

Introduction According to Khoury & Yamouni (2010), a contract is a “legally binding agreement that intends to formalize an agreement made by two or more parties and is legally enforceable if it contains the elements of a valid legal agreement. In case of a breach, a legally enforceable contract usually...

Negligence Risks and Liabilities in Clean’s Public Business Facility

Introduction Negligence cases are a part of civil law, and they imply compensation as a punishment (Diffen, n.d.). Negligent behavior involves both actions and omissions (Legal Information Institute, n.d.b). Compensation can be adjudged if a negligence claim implies five elements, including duty, breach of duty, cause in effect, proximate cause,...

The England Crime Statistics by Region: Liverpool and Manchester

Liverpool and Manchester Contrasted Introduction Crime has always been one of the most serious issues that the human society has ever faced. During the centuries of its history, the mankind has been trying to eliminate and fight crime, but the research results by various scholars prove that the outcome of...

Michigan v. Tyler, Michigan v. Clifford and Fire Investigators

Case Facts 1 On January 21, 1970, a fire broke in a furniture store, and firefighters arrived to put the flames out. The fire chief found remnants of flammable liquid containers in the building and called in the police. Having retrieved the pieces as evidence and taken some photographs of...

Diversion Investigator and Special Agent: Job Description

Diversion Investigator (DI) is a master position in the Office of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). Special Agent (SA) is a position in the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The employees of these agencies are trained, supervised, clearly authorized to carry out large and small criminal cases and perform the...

Lifelong Learning in the Context of the Army and SHARP Program

The concept of lifelong learning has seen a steady increase in popularity in recent years. The 21st century’s lifestyle creates favorable conditions for its implementation, encouraging people to continue their development across the years. While the advantages and popularity of lifelong learning are evident in the majority of settings, the...

Assessment of Policymaking: Healthcare

Governmental establishment of any policy includes several stages: building, formulating, adoption of the law system, implementation, evaluation, and termination. Policy implementation is a variety of actions made to put a federal legislative decision into effect by the local authorities and organizations (Gholipour, 2016). It often leads to changes in broader...

Contract Law: Analysis of the Concept

Introduction Law is usually understood as the structure of rules which are developed and carried out through various governmental institutions in order to regulate and bring overall harmony to the society. In the contemporary world, some people even describe the law as an art of integrity and justice since it...

Company Law, Liquidated Company – Case Study

Liability of an agent of undisclosed agent and recover Marchamages under restitution Akum will be personally liable if he had not disclosed the principal he was working for. When entering into an agreement with the banks where such terms as Bids ltd are used, it is assumed that they carried...

Criminology: Femininity and the Upsurge of Ladettes

Introduction The number of women convicted of various crimes has jumped dramatically in recent years. In one report the number of women offenders has risen 17 percent in the past four years and this is significant because in the same span of time, increase in the number of male offenders...

Organized Crime: Forming of the Definition

Introduction Organized crime is defined as the “systematically unlawful activity for profit on a city-wide, interstate, and even international scale”. It is believed that criminal organizations are trying to maintain their illegal activities as a secret. Gangs, youth groups that are usually connected with juvenile activities are sometimes considered as...

Restorative Justice and Traditional Criminal System

Introduction This essay will attempt to analyze the extent to which developments in restorative justice practices are for the benefit of victims and is a useful alternative to our traditional criminal justice system. Restorative justice has been defined in several different ways. In essence, it involves trying to restore victims,...

Employment Law: Unfair Dismissal in the UK

In the UK, one of the main conditions for recognizing termination as legal is the criterion of reasonableness. For instance, an employment tribunal may consider that, despite the absence of a requirement for mandatory notification of dismissal in the law and the contract with the employee, the employer should nevertheless...

Classical and Positivist Schools of Criminology

In the modern world, numerous theories attempt to describe the most important sources of crime and the characteristics of potential criminals. Approaches to general and specific deterrence about violations of U.S. immigration laws vary depending on the theoretical principles that motivate them. In analyzing this problem, representatives of the classical...

Law and Order SVU Cultural Phenomenon

Introduction Perhaps few other pop culture television shows have been as iconic as Law and Order SVU (Special Victims Unit) which has been airing for more than 20 seasons in the 19 years since it has been released. Despite never receiving critical acclaim, the show retains its popularity by adapting...

Criminology Today by Frank Schmalleger

The first chapter is an introduction to criminology. It tells about the basic topics and defines the basic term. From my point of view, this chapter can be divided into two subtopics, which it encompasses. Those are criminology and crime. I am going to start with crime since the author...

Judicial Precedent and Its Forms

Introduction Judicial precedent is a common law system by which a precedent serves as an authority, principle, or rule established in litigation formerly decided. This becomes a binding or persuasive precedent for lower courts or tribunals to follow in deciding future cases with similar facts or issues. The precedent appears...

Intellectual Property Law in Architecture and Design

Introduction Pleasure in intellectual and efficiency by architects is considered normal in modern life, in today’s world, it is advisable to use goods and develop innovativeness in view. The law concerning Intellectual Property has been erected to safeguard the main architects and their skills. Intellectual property can be described as...

Computer Forensics Laboratory’ Legal Requirements

Introduction Computer forensics involves collecting evidence in situations where digital information is compromised. Computer forensics scientists assess digital media to identify, preserve, recover, analyze, and present facts about the information under investigation. Many firms across the world are spending huge amounts of money on an annual basis to ensure that...

Crime and Criminals: General Characteristics

For a long time, crime has been a subject of discussion among various countries across the globe, with various strategies and inventions being developed to curb the same. Many researchers have also made in-depth discoveries about crimes and criminal activities, most of which are interesting, fascinating and clear pointers to...

Terri Schiavo and Jahi McMath’s Cases Comparison

The cases of Terri Schiavo and Jahi McMath are among the most publicized instances of ethical and legal debates over the end-of-life question. Both cases have a lot in common, but the Jahi McMath case introduces several new factors that offer further insights into the ethical as well as legal...

Cyberbullying as a Criminal Offense in Singapore

Abstract Cyberbullying is the online harassment which occurs in the form of spreading false and abusive information, and it can be threatening for persons. The Protection from Harassment Bill 2014 was introduced to address the issue of cyberbullying. The bill provoked debates in the society of Singapore, and there are...

Occupational Health and Safety: Workers Neglect of Precautionary Measures

The issues connected to occupational health within the organizations are extremely significant as the opportunity to work in safe conditions is one of the most important rights of any employee. It is necessary to protect the rights of the employees, and this is why the particular bodies that fulfill this...

Child Labor Laws and Its Effectiveness

Introduction Different forms of child labor have been in existence as long as can be remembered; child labor is as old as humanity. It does come in various ways, including slavery and indentured servitude. When industrialization took form in many parts of the world, people abandoned farm work for factory...

Arbitration and Litigation: Comparative Analysis

Arbitration is an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) method that involves a third-party hearing and deciding a conflict between two parties. In contrast, litigation is a legal process of resolving disputes in a court where a judge determines the case. Arbitration is often used when parties wish to resolve their dispute...

The Occupational Safety and Health Act

Introduction According to the basic principles of OSHA, an employer must record accidents that lead to death, loss of consciousness, absence for several days, restriction of work activity, job transfer, and more comprehensive medical treatment. One should assume that the cases of Joe Johns, Mike Davis, and Joe Marn are...

Crime and Deviance: Conflict and Functionalist Theories

In sociology, there are various theories that consider crime and deviance. This essay examines these phenomena within the framework of conflict and functionalist theory. Conflict theory emphasizes that crime is the result of a conflict of interest between classes. Functionalist theory focuses on the constructive role of deviance in social...

Pennsylvania vs. New York State Constitutions

Introduction The grounds for comparison between the constitutions of Pennsylvania and New York State are based on such categories as individual liberties, requirements for governor, and checks and balances of the three branches. Notably, the two states are both located in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeastern regions of the US and...

The Problem of Sex Worker Unionization

Sex work and sex workers’ unionization are highly sensitive and controversial topics. An opinion persists that sex work should be prohibited and outlawed in various forms. This often translates into sex workers lacking agency and being endangered in their workplaces, both physically and economically. Therefore, it is crucial for sex...

Criminology and Impact of Automation Technology

Introduction The act of causing physical, psychological harm, or property damage is known as a crime that is against the state law and may lead to punishment. Criminology is the study of criminal behavior with the objective of prediction, prevention, and corrective actions. Criminologists are the personnel that carries out...

The Actus Reus and Mens Rea Elements of Theft

Introduction The concept of criminal liability has developed over the course of time. The decision-making processes based on the principles of common law and the judicial interpretation of the existing statutory laws have shaped the legislation with regard to criminal matters.1 In this regard, the two key elements of criminal...

Brains of Persons Who Have Committed Murder

The human brain is amongst the most compound and most significant organs in the body, comprising more than a hundred nerves communicating in trillions of links called synapses. The brain consists of different specialized regions that work together in a coordinated manner. An example of the region is the cortex...

Police Use-of-Force in Graham v. Connor & Tennessee v. Garner Cases

A state police officer shot Garner to death as he fled the crime scene. Even though Garner was unarmed, the police officer felt he had the right to shoot him to prevent his escape. Garner’s father, the plaintiff, brought a constitutional challenge to the Tennessee statute that authorized deadly force...

Violent Crimes in the United States

Introduction A violent crime is anything that is done to endanger or hurt another person’s life. For example, murder, rape, armed robbery, and assault are all crimes that fall under this category. Due to a rise in the reportage of violent crimes by both survivors and media sources, it appears...

Ethical Issues in the Criminal Justice System

Introduction Criminal justice practitioners and organizations face various ethical issues in the contemporary world. Police officers experience challenges when dealing with violent criminals. For instance, offenders have attacked authorities during policing activities. Excessive force is one of the ethical issues in the modern world that can be analyzed when focusing...

Shoplifting as a Criminal Act and Its Punishment

This work looks at the criminal act of shoplifting. A man stole some wine from a shop and was caught by security when he tried to leave. The cameras showed that he took a bottle of French wine and hid it in his bag. When stopped, he denied taking it...

Fear of Crime and Crime Rates

People’s ideas about crime are based mainly on what they are told by certain groups that are trying to influence existing legislation, media, or people who publish official crime statistics. Considering the consequences of a crime on a person, it is essential to focus on the physical, emotional, and material...

Forensic Psychology and Its Essential Feature in the Modern World

Subfield of Forensic Psychology Forensic psychology is a branch of legal psychology, the study, analysis, and interpretation of psychological aspects directly related to legal proceedings. The subject of these studies is, first of all, a person. Consequently, forensic psychology acts as one of the tools for assessing the identification, development,...

The Broken Windows Theory: Definition

To me, Broken Windows ultimately claims that everyone in the community plays a vital role in the war on crime. The Theory is based on the old adage, “If a window is broken and left unrepaired, passersby will assume that no one cares and no one is in charge”(Wilson &...

Investigative Techniques Applied to a Robbery Case

The robbery case at 34 Carton Avenue’s Stop & Rob exhibits several elements worth investigating. The incident involves inactive strategic inquiries because the investigations take place long after the criminals leave the premises. Examining the premise, counter, cash register, the utilized tape, door handles, and the garbage bag utilized during...

Criminal Justice System and Component Interrelations

The Main Components of the Criminal Justice System Criminal actions may have a considerable destructive impact on various aspects of society. Therefore, the criminal justice system is designed in order to control crime by a number of techniques. There are three primary components of the criminal justice system, including law...

Trends Influencing Crime Rates

Crime is widely considered a failure in the social system and therefore is to be addressed from the perspective of the social construct operation and the trends existing there. Hence, along with solving crimes, the goal of specialists is to identify and hijack the risks associated with such movements and...

Examination of a Mock Crime Scene

Notes The crime occurred around 9:00 PM on March 11th, 2021, was discovered and examined approximately at 9:30 PM on the same day. As presented in the pictures, the objects found are a large red-colored ashtray in the shape of a fire hydrant, containing pieces of used cigarettes and ash,...

Generalists vs. Specialist Birds

Birds are interesting creatures to watch and learn about. They have charming and colorful looks; have special adaptations, with a variety of food resources and unique habitats. Most birds are known to live on trees, but quite a number also stay in or around water bodies, in caves, mountain tops,...

Study of the O.J. Simpson Case

Introduction The O.J Simpson case of 1995, which revolved around the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman, is one of the most famous cases in the history of American Justice System. While it did not cause any law alterations like some other famous cases, it was certainly the...

The Use of Statistics in Criminal Justice and Criminology

Summary The construction of confidence intervals refers to the development of value ranges estimated to contain the valid population parameter. Each sample has its descriptive statistics, such as the mean or proportion. The scholars set the level of confidence based on their assessment of the relative costs of a loss...

Private Property in the System of Social Relations

The private property occupies a special place in the system of social relations. The participants in property relations are states, classes, and individuals. The history of human development has confirmed that there is a deep relationship between human economic behavior and social relations. All issues of economic life are closely...

California v. Orenthal James Simpson: Case Briefing

Name of Case: The People of the State of California v. Orenthal James Simpson Year the crime was committed: 1994 Place the crime was committed: Brentwood neighborhood, Los Angeles, CA Who was the perpetrator? Formal football player and actor O. J. Simpson Who was the victim? Ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ron Goldman...

Security Management System

Introduction Security management involves actions taken in order to protect facilities such as assets, buildings, and property from unauthorized access, damages, theft, and other risks. The provision of physical security to a facility looks at three areas. These include providing security upgrades to outer areas, inner sections, and interior parts...

Research Proposal on Homeland Security in the US

Introduction to the Issue Homeland security is an American security department mandated to ensure that the public and everyone in U.S. jurisdiction is safe, resilient, and secure against any form of harassment, terrorism, or other natural hazards that the American residents are prone to (Morag, 2018). This department is aimed...

Discrimination and Harassment in the Workplace

Introduction Discrimination and harassment in the workplace are prohibited in any form in order to protect the rights and interests of employees. According to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Civil Rights Act of 1991, which was passed referring to the US Supreme Court decisions, employment discrimination based...

Honig Verses DOE Case Analysis

Introduction Honig versus Doe case was a milestone case argued in California courts during the year 1987 and decided in the year 1988. After the final court ruling, the rights of the mentally challenged students regarding school disciplinary actions were enhanced. Throughout the 1970s, several disabilities related laws were presented...

English Courts and Their Lifting the Corporate Veil

For very many years, since a precedent was set in the case of Salomon vs A Salomon & Co. LTD in 1897, it has been a fundamental tenet in the English company law that a company duly formed and registered within the law was a separate legal entity with rights...

The Evidence Forms of Law

Introduction The law of evidence refers to the principles that require one to prove a particular act during court proceedings.1 The principles are used to govern the kind of evidence required so as to arrive at an effective decision. It is important to note that for the proof to be...

Organized Crime: The Canadian Mafia

The Canadian mafia started as a branch of the Bonanno family mafia of New York. In Montreal, the criminal gang acted as the subsidiary of the Bonanno mafia gang. The Canadian based criminal gang organization engaged in drug trafficking, smuggling, gambling and political corruption. The Montreal based organization kept most...

Copyright and Related Rights: “Moral Rights”

Introduction An author/artist is entitled to economic and moral rights as a result of copyright, which refers to artistic repertoire including books, films, paintings, technology-based work like electronic databases, and music. Economic rights stem from sale of copyrighted material while moral rights stem from the authorship of a piece of...

Risk Factors in Juvenile Offending

Adolescents tend to behave in a manner that is contrary to the accepted rules. They engage themselves in activities such as underage smoking and abuse of drugs in an attempt to find their place in the world. Juvenile offending or delinquency refers to the illicit demeanor of minors. Research suggests...

Effectiveness of Self-Control Theory

Ineffectiveness of Self Control Theory on Child Rearing In a family, children are of high significance especially on the traits and image they portray to the outside world. Parental care is more concerned with the behavior towards characters the children inherit from the maternal parents (Susan, 2006). The children depict...

Case Laws & Identity Theft Crimes

Introduction Previously, identity theft was considered a personal crime requiring criminals to have some form of contact with the victim. In this research paper, identity theft reflects unauthorized gathering and deceitful use of other individuals’ personal information. Today, however, identity theft has changed completely since it can be conducted as...

Legal Memo “Commonwealth v. Jones”

Statement of Assignment You have asked me to prepare a legal memorandum addressing the question raised in the Commonwealth v. Jones – Is there any sufficient basis to support the assault by means of a dangerous weapons charge? Issue Issue I: Is dangerous weapons charge lawful under the G.L. c....

Applications of the Models of Justice: Utilitarian Theory

Utilitarianism is one of the most significant moral theories that aim to assess actions based on their morality. As a form of consequentialism, the utilitarian approach promotes the necessity to evaluate the effects and results of decisions that can be either morally right or wrong (Duignan & West, 2020). Utilitarianism...

Estimating the Time of Death: The Main Factors

Introduction Estimating the time in which a death occurred has become an important aspect of carrying out an investigation. Some deaths occur in mysterious circumstances that leave the family of the bereaved wondering how and when the death occurred. Even though they will have nothing to do to bring the...

“How Democratic Is the American Constitution?” by Robert A. Dahl

Introduction The book How Democratic is the American Constitution? by Robert A. Dahl is a provocative examination of the American constitution. The book challenges the notions that most Americans hold regarding the sacred nature of the U.S. Constitution and its role as the foundation of Democracy. However, the circumstances under...

Analysis of Forensic Psychology Practice

Introduction To begin with, it should be stated that the forensic psychology is the junction of psychology and justice system, consequently, all the conclusions on the matters of the policies and principles for the City of Boston will be based on the understanding of criminal law within the principles of...

Actus Reus in English Criminal Law

Criminal liability in English law is defined by the Latin maxim “Actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea”, which means that there can be no criminal liability without a guilty mind and a guilty act. In this formula, a guilty act means a wrongful act and a guilty mind...

A Look at Firearms and Ballistics in Forensic Science

The culture of carrying a gun is strong in the U.S. and has deep historical and cultural roots. The majority of households have at least one firearm at their disposal. It is also relatively easy to become an owner of a weapon. Most people purchase guns in order to be...

Deterring Juvenile Crime. Bullying and Delinquency

Delinquency can be defined as a crime committed by a minor; in the recent few years, cases of juvenile delinquency have been on the rise, and this explains why the issue has given birth to controversy among psychologists, criminologists as well as sociologists. The issue has ignited a debatable topic...

All Police Officers Should Wear a Body Camera

For many decades, the relationship between minority groups in various American cities and law enforcement has been described as tense. Scholars recognize that hostility between police and multiple communities became one of the leading causes of massive civil unrest in the 1960s (White et al. 690). However, to resolve this...

Crime in Society: Costs and Response

Introduction What is a crime? Crime is an act that does not respect the rights bestowed on a person or persons and their property. It involves the violation of their fundamental rights and can somehow endanger their lives and their property. There are various levels of crime ranging from petty...

Judicial Process Against Thomas Morton

Introduction Good afternoon ‘Your Honor’, ‘Ladies and Gentlemen’ of the jury. My name is (please enter your name), and I will be representing the prosecution in today’s case against Thomas Morton. Your honor, this is a story about a boy who deliberately decided to walk the road of delinquency. A...

Crimes Against Humanity by International Criminal Court

Introduction A crime against humanity is a crime where a serious attack has been operated on many human beings. The dignity of the human beings is attacked where they are humiliated or even killed in large numbers. Crimes against humanity are quite common especially in developing countries where the politics...

Private and Public Sector Labour Relations

According to the online Canadian Encyclopedia, the term labor relation refers to, “the relations between employers and employees”. It can also be defined broadly as the term that covers all forms of interaction between employers and employees; this includes that which occurs among employees, trade unions, employers, and employer associations...

The Benefits of Decriminalization

America’s war against recreational drugs is an example of good intentions gone terribly wrong. While this country squanders billions of dollars annually on the efforts to stop illegal drugs, trafficking and use continue. The cumulative costs to society are high and widespread. Decriminalization would save states and the federal government...

Discrimination in the Workplace: Case Study

Discrimination Employers are prohibited from discriminating against persons aged 40 years and over in hiring, discharge, compensation terms, conditions and privileges of employment {the age discrimination of employment} It is unnecessary to impose certain age limits for certain profession if evidence shows the ability to perform certain job significantly. Thus...

Treason and Other Crimes Against the State

Introduction Crimes against the state are usually discussed as the severest violations of a nation’s law, resulting in threats to the sovereignty and security of a state in many cases. It is also important to note that the specifics of crimes against the state are traditionally reflected in nations’ constitutions...

The Case of Curtis Flowers Analysis

Introduction The case of Curtis Clowers is one of the most outstanding among Supreme Court cases reviewed in the last two decades. Curtis Giovanni Flowers (born May 29, 1970) is an African-American man who has been on trial six times for the same crime in the state of Mississippi, United...

The Concept of Rejecting Individualism

The third chapter of Criminological Theory (Lilly, Cullen, & Ball, 2011), “Rejecting Individualism,” continues the historical overview of the different schools of criminological thought started in chapter two. The focus of this section is on the social origins of crime, having established prior that a violation of the law cannot...

Parental Responsibility for Children’s Crimes

The debates on whether parents should be responsible for the criminal actions of their children are continuing up to these days. It is no secret that there were cases when teenagers were engaged in underage drinking, possession, and use of drugs. Moreover, some young people commit more serious crimes like...

Riots in Detroit and Los Angeles

Causes and Motives of the Detroit Rioters During the Second World War, Detroit was the center of the American automobile industry and was considered a developing and prosperous city. However, the problem that virtually all the major cities of the United States of that time faced was racial inequality and...

Factors Affecting the Bargaining Power of Unions

Introduction As the organisations eligible for representing the rights of employees in the workplace, unions are entitled to a significant amount of influence that they can exert in the environment of the British labour force market. However, it should be noted that there are a plethora of factors affecting the...

Improving Healthcare through Advocacy

Introduction The information presented in this brochure targets every citizen. The reader is informed about his or right rights as a patient. Every citizen should receive timely and adequate health support. Patients who are aware of their rights can make accurate decisions and influence the quality of care availed to...

Transportation and Logistics Management Policy

The state, local, and federal transportation logistics policies have different levels of impact on the reverse and forward flow of a retailer’s products in the market. In this category are the safety, land use, environment, security, energy and climate change, trade and economics regulations, and infrastructure investment policies (Rondinelli &...

Aggression and Violence Towards Animals

Specific purpose: to inform my audience regarding the abuse of animals. Central idea: violence against animals is commonly undervalued; however, abuse of animals can consequently lead to cruelty and aggressiveness towards a human being. Introduction A. Opening statement: Attitude towards animals is an important aspect of human life that affects...

Legal and Factual Impossibility Defense

Introduction Legal impossibility defense and factual impossibility defense are applied to defendants who are accused of unsuccessful attempts to break the law. Legal impossibility defense should be used when a person’s actions do not constitute an illegal act. Discussion According to some sources, it involves occasions when a defendant is...

Victimology and Victim Blaming

Introduction Victimology is the scientific study of victims of crime, including their characteristics and behaviors. It is a relatively new field that emerged in the mid-20th century as a response to the growing victimization of individuals and groups. It aims to understand why some people are more likely to be...

Crime Scene Search and Its Importance

Introduction In a populated area or a sufficiently urbanized suburb or rural area, the location of an incident or individual objects and traces is tied to stationary objects, such as buildings or structures, streets and road crossings, and utility lines. If the scene is located in a forest or the...

The Fraser Sand and Gravel Ltd Case Analysis

Summary In the late 1970s, British Columbia Hydro rented property near the Surrey Fraser Docks to the Fraser Sand and Gravel Ltd. to build a quarry. The Fraser river’s bottom was dredged, and vast quantities of sand and water were taken. Upon the drying and settling of the sand, they...

The Flawed Emergency Response to the 1992 Los Angeles Riots

Introduction The organization initially tasked with providing emergency response to the 1992 riots in Los Angeles was the California National Guard. Previously, the service has received consistent training and used up to 13,000 troops to target specific riots. Nevertheless, over the decades, there has been a reduction in the need...

Legal Issues of Opening a Restaurant Business

Starting a successful business is every entrepreneur’s dream. A great concept and protecting it is the first phase of a business start-up. Joseph, who is opening a small restaurant business, needs to be conversant with the local, state, and federal laws that govern his business enterprise’s operation. Although understanding the...

Opening a Catering Subsidiary Company

The business environment is broad and poses a lot of questions for any new business. For instance, political, technological, environmental, and social factors are all elements that should be taken into consideration before operations commence, and this also applies to a new catering subsidiary company. Legal factors also stand out...

The Family and Medical Leave Act: Pros and Cons

The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) is an important document regulating relations between employers, and employees, protecting people, and guaranteeing the accessibility of health services. This labor law requires covered employers to provide all workers with job-protected leave for medical and family reasons with continuation of health...

Geriatric Court: Pros and Cons

Geriatrics is a discipline of healthcare that deals with the challenges and illnesses that occur with getting older, as well as the medical care and therapy of the elderly. Establishing a distinct system for the elderly, often known as a geriatric court, is one option to address a variety of...

Stare Decisis and the Principle’s Role in Court Cases

To avoid the effects of bias and prejudice, lawyers often rely on objective established set of principles. Stare decisis is a doctrine that is based on courts following previously covered cases with the aim of increasing efficiency throughout the process (Cross & Miller, 2021). Overall, this system allows for stability...

The Connection Between Criminal Studies and Politics

Introduction The development of criminological theory occurs with the transformation of the political and social system. Since the judicial system is an instrument for ensuring public order and stability, it primarily responds to the current needs of society. Historically, the criminological theory has shifted its focus from studying crime and...

Laws on Domestic Abuse

Introduction Federal laws refer to the bills created and amended in both houses of Congress and signed by the head of state. The United States Code contains individual laws, also called acts. On the other hand, state laws are formulated and enacted in the legislative branches of each state. About...

Pros and Cons of Having Volunteers in a Law Enforcement Agency

A Law enforcement agency refers to a body mandate to detect, respond or prevent crime within either the local or state level. Law enforcement agencies like the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) are federal agencies that work within and outside the nation. Recently, there...

Marriage Equality and Its Constitutionality

Introduction The efforts to constitutionally allow same-sex marriage started popping up in the United States as early as the 1999’s, resulting in national and state challenges. Civil unions were advocating for same-sex marriage in several states. The federal government denied same-sex couples from accessing close to 1100 federal rights, duties...

Hart’s Theory on Nature of Law

Introduction Law is one of the fundamental institutions of any civilized society needed for stable development and growth. The existence of strict regulations guarantees that all members of a particular community will be protected from abuse, unfair use of power, and the rule of the strongest. The law also ensures...

Selling of Human Organs in The Black Market (Organ Trafficking)

Organ trafficking is among the most serious problems confronting civilization in the present day. It is the exercise of stealing an individual’s body part via surgery when under the effect of drugs or deceased people’s organs are offered for sale in the black market in places like Russia and China....

Victimless Crimes: Drug Abuse and Sex Work

Abstract This work’s primary objective is to research and analyze victimless crimes, namely drug abuse and sex work, from the viewpoint of criminology. For these purposes, various criminological theories were applied to victimless crimes to explore the problem from different perspectives. The research results have shown that causations of drug...

The SMA v John XXIII College Legal Case Analysis

The trial for the case of SMA v John XXIII College (No 2) [2020] ACTSC 211 took place in Mount-Clermont, Australia. It was revealed by the Supreme Court of the ACT (ACTSC) that, due to the university college breaching its duty of care, a female student was sexually assaulted near...

Piercing the Corporate Veil: The Hidden Adversities

Introduction Piercing the corporate veil is a rule in English and US law targeted at the regulation of corporate activity. It, however, is sometimes considered a good idea to apply the concept in criminal and civil law, for example, in cases regarding fraudulent actions on behalf of the company, its...

Case Study of Starbucks Employees

I believe the National Labor Relations Board was absolutely right in siding with employees in the issue of wearing union pins at workplace, since Starbucks went too far in its desire to control employees. Firstly, the ban to wear more than a single union pin has nothing to do with...

Law: Breonna Taylor’s Case

Introduction Breonna Taylor’s murder case plays a significant role in the modern justice system. Police shooting cases gained relevance as they frequently appear to be controversial and judicial decisions regarding such cases often cause public outcries. Public opinion promotes the existence of bias in police use of weapons. According to...

Women’s Liberation Theory Critique

Theory The theory of women’s liberations based on the paradigm of gender inequality was first developed in 1970 in the United States due to changes in gender difference in crime in the social set up. Freda Adler came up with the theory in 1975 explaining the increase in crime rate...

The McDonald’s Coffee Case: Liebeck vs. McDonald’s

The case of Liebeck v. McDonald’s regarding the former’s injury is a matter of public importance and, therefore, should be decided for providing the requested award in order to demonstrate the need for a change. This stance is explained by the fact that similar occasions contribute to the elaboration of...

Wrongful Death Lawsuit: Case Study

A wrongful death claim permits the patient’s family to file a case against the nurse liable for the patient’s death. A circumstance such as medical malpractice can give rise to a wrongful death lawsuit. The suit allows the surviving family members to sue the nurse for damages when the patient...

Police Use of Force and Its Limits

Police officers play an essential role in every community by ensuring justice, public order, and safety. Policing in the United States has evolved significantly since its emergence in a colonial country. According to Chism, the history of police can be divided into four eras: “the Political Era, the Reform Era,...

The First Responding Officer in Crime Scene Investigation: Primary Duties

The guidelines for behavior appropriate at a crime scene are essential to follow for a first officer arriving at the location. Given the necessity to preserve and evaluate the evidence present and ensure the efficiency of forensic activities, the crime scene investigator (CSI) responsible for the primary examination of the...

Legal Decision-Making and Role of Emotions in It

Emotions turn out to be a vital part of human life, and people cannot ignore this impact on their decisions, actions, and relationships. In law, emotions may complete different functions and provoke various outcomes reconciled with liberal concepts. The field of modern criminal justice has been considerably improved and analyzed...

A Brief History of Edward Gein and His Criminal Life

Introduction Edward Gein was born in August 1906 to a drunkard father and a bitter mother who from a tender age instilled in her sons the notion that the world and women, in particular, were full of evil. Ed and his brother Henry were daily subjected to horrific stories from...

Legalization of Marijuana in Canada

Introduction In 2018, Canada became “the first industrialized nation to legalize marijuana,” which resulted in both positive and negative consequences (Austen, 2021, para. 10). Despite the fact that some people believe that the legalization of cannabis is a mistake, practice shows that this step allows to improve the economy of...

Border Security and Immigration

Homeland security plays a central role in ensuring the overall safety within the United States, but it is important to understand that there are intricate factors at play in regards to the general approaches utilized by a wide range of agencies. Although there are certain limitations in the overall implementation...

Legal Justification of Operation Geronimo

Operation Geronimo, also known as Operation Neptune Spear, held by the U.S. special forces against the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda in 2011, resulted in the killing of its founder Osama bin Laden. Up to the present day, the legality of this operation still raises numerous questions and debates. The problem is...