The Effect of Violence on Society

The concept of violence exists on a large spectrum. While it is commonly understood as being solely detrimental, violence is a specific type of interaction that can sometimes be used for the benefit of society. This discussion will focus on the different types of violence, as well as their effects...

Interpersonal Conflict and Worldview

Interpersonal conflict can be defined as the form of struggle that involves two or more people. This type of conflict differs from intrapersonal conflict, which only involves a struggle within yourself. Sometimes, intrapersonal conflict is called internal conflict, and it can be classified as mild or severe (Shen et al.)....

Human Needs Theory in Negotiations

Introduction It seems apparent that negotiations and bargaining are quite intersected and interdependent categories. One who aims to sell a product successfully is to take into account the most prominent findings and ideas from the mentioned areas. However, the number of negotiation theories is relatively high, and at times, it...

Substance Abuse and Addiction Treatment: The Humanistic Theory

The Humanistic theory was first formulated by Carly Rogers who suggests that therapists and counselors need to help clients achieve the best outcomes during therapy and counseling. The theorist suggests that it is the nature of humans to be in control of issues and matters affecting their lives (Lewis, 2013)....

Media Violence and Children

Abstract Studies, surveys, and common sense dictate the obvious, exposure to violent media forms by impressionable children beget violent behaviors. Television violence has evolved well beyond the Roadrunner/Coyote cartoon that many parents of today watched. Popular video games such as Mortal Kombat and Doom aren’t your father’s pong and space...

Social Organization Concepts and Their Predominance in Society

The society is made up of different components. For there to be unity and understanding the different aspects of a social grouping must be well defined and organized. In order for one to be able to predict the possible traits of an individual they must first understand the social background...

Transition to Modern Society

Introduction Several factors must converge before a community of persons moves to a higher level of sophistication referred to as civilization. A civilization which in most cases is used to mean culture (what people believe, their customs, behavior, and the general activities in their way of life); can specifically describe...

Ethical Decision-Making Process

This importance of ethical decision-making essay focuses on the meaning and reflection of decision-making. Check out our sample to get some ideas for your ethical decision-making essay! My Personal Ethical Framework Ethical decision-making is a major obligation for every human being. This is the case because whatever people do will...

Teen Pregnancy Prevention

Teenage pregnancy Teenage pregnancy is now recognized to be a major social issue because teenagers are now increasingly involving in sexual intercourse at an early age, creating severe complexities not only for themselves but also for the society at large. Associated problems include larger numbers of unmarried mothers and social...

Aristotle Theory About Euthanasia – Ethics

Introduction I intend to explain the virtue theory from an Aristotelian perspective. In addition to the virtue theory, there exists the utilitarian and the deontology ethical theories that attempt to explain the wrongs and rights that human beings commit day by day. The ethical theories emphasize the virtues and vices...

A Problem of Food Waste and Its Solutions

Since the previous century, environmental concerns have been rising more frequently; they resemble a significant contemporary issue – among them is the amount of waste generated by modern society. In this context, food waste draws a lot of interest from global and national policymakers as well as various organizations and...

Case Study of Drug Addiction

Introduction Drug addiction is a brain and behavior condition that causes a person’s inability to manage substance use. Substance abuse begins in childhood when parents and families are unable or unwilling to provide the necessary encouragement and guidance. Many addicts’ lives are shaped by the events they witnessed as children...

Voluntary vs. Involuntary Groups

Introduction It is impossible to underestimate the importance of both voluntary and involuntary groups in societal life and, more specifically, in establishing its structure. However, the former type seems more advantageous for promoting collective interests, whereas the latter is more effective in addressing issues on an individual level (Mohita, n.d.)....

Should Human Cloning Be Allowed?

Introduction Human cloning has been a controversial topic for centuries as scientists see its potential for treating the illnesses and flows of future people’s generations, but the procedure itself is complicated and morally questionable. Today’s state of society and its medical abilities do not provide safe and ethical conditions for...

Sociological Perspectives on Racism

Functionalist Perspective of Racism The functionalist perspective perceives society as a composite system whose parts labor together to uphold harmony and steadiness. According to functionalism, racism and discrimination have had a significant role to play in altering humanity. The approach, however, is problematic since the vices mentioned above cannot have...

Social Construction of Gender and Sexual Dichotomy

Gender is usually divided into two sexes, namely male and female, in modern society. Traditionally, gender is determined by various physiological features, such as genitalia. Being a member of a definite gender implements specific societal roles. These roles may vary in different cultures, but they are precisely determined in most...

Social and Behavioral Role of Muslim Women

Introduction Islam is a monotheistic religion, the most significant scripture of which is the Holy Book Quran. This doctrine firmly outlines gender roles, which is why most people consider that attitude towards Islamic women is the misogynistic one. However, the Quran declares that women and men are created to be...

Right to Food as a Fundamental Right

Introduction Food has become a major human right issue today. Food is a necessity to every person since no person can live without it. The increase in, famine, hunger, malnutrition and other food related problems in the world have motivated more commitment to food. Access to adequate and quality food...

Women, the State and Development

Introduction Development can be described as the growth and improvement in a country’s social, economic and even political conditions of a country. As such, development is used to refer to the improvement in the ways that particular countries manage their natural and more so human resources for the purposes of...

Race and Local Community

Introduction Living in this complicated world I always paid attention to people, to their inner world and personalities and I have understood that being so different and individual we all have much in common. We can feel and that is the most important feature that relates to people who live...

Major Themes of Social Studies

Welcome to our essay sample on social studies themes! If you are about to write an essay on the 7 key themes of social studies, keep reading to get ideas for your paper. Social Studies Themes According to national social studies, standards, culture, global connections, time continuity, and change are...

Advantages and Disadvantages of Diversity

I agree with your post because diversity is vital in addressing the differences in opinions, and humanities are based on points of view exchange. You correctly pointed out that diversity has advantages and disadvantages because of its existence in multiple aspects of life. The term’s general use and popularity benefit...

How to Improve Mental Health in the Community

Introduction Mental health is defined as human psychological, emotional, and social prosperity. It influences how people think, feel, and act as they contend with life. It helps identify how to relate with others, handle stress, and make decisions. Unfortunately, the United States has the highest rate of mental illness in...

The Migration Issue and Its Solution

Despite the many positive effects, globalism is the cause of many ills. The leading global issue is migration, a permanent change of residence by an individual for various social, economic, and legal reasons (De Haas et al., 2020). Some people seek economic opportunities, while others try to escape terrorism, human...

Poverty Effects on Mental Health

Introduction In recent years policymakers, social workers, researchers, and healthcare professionals have dedicated more attention to the importance of mental well-being. One of the factors that may impact a person’s mental health is their financial well-being. Living in poverty is linked to some environmental factors, such as being exposed to...

“All Animals Are Equal” Article by Peter Singer

In his article, “All Animals Are Equal,” Peter Singer uses the analogies from various civil rights movements to advocate for all animals’ equality, irrespective of their species. He claims that people should extend the fundamental equality principle to non-human animals (Singer, 1974). In justifying his assertions, Singer examines the moral...

“A Room of One’s Own” by Virginia Woolf

The work A Room of One’s Own vividly portrays hardship and inequalities faced by many women during the 19th century. Virginia Woolf A Room of One’s Own rests squarely on the distinction: one must have the means of 500 and a room of one’s own, she says more than once,...

“The Ways We Lie” Analysis & “The Ways We Lie” Summary

“The Ways We Lie” Analysis: Introduction Nowadays people are so obsessed with lies and use lies to cover their follies and weaknesses. Some lies are harmless and do not badly affect others. Most of the people tell lies to escape from silly problems. The lies that are told for noble...

The Effects Of Addictions On The Family System

The term ‘addiction’ is defined as the compulsive, physiological craving for and use of a habit-forming substance such as alcohol and drugs. It is also characterized by tolerance and well-defined physiological symptoms upon withdrawal (Prentiss, 2005, p.23). Introduction A family is a natural social system which occurs in a diversity...

“Simulacra and Simulation” by Jean Baudrillard

The due are terms known for their elusive depiction of the contemporary use of signs as symbols. For a long time, society has developed a tendency of conveying what ought to be a reality with signs as ways and arts of symbolism that make the whole thing become meaningless. Actually,...

Personal Essay on Sociological Imagination, Divorce, & Marriage

Understanding the interrelation between a biography and a history is vital for building a broad and realistic view of the roots of everyday challenges and possible solutions to them. The idea of the sociological imagination introduced by C. Wright Mills demonstrates how the ability to analyze the personal experience as...

Confident Body Language: Body Language Exhibited by Barack Obama

Since the days of Martin Luther King Jr., the world was yet to experience the magic power of speech. Few celebrities and politician had given a moving speech that could send the crowd into frenzy. This was until the run off to the US presidential elections of 2008 where another...

Alcohol Use Disorder: Case Conceptualization

Introduction The patient is a 45-year-old male presenting with a drinking problem. He works as a corporate lawyer at a local company. In this case, no clear information about his family is given, except that he has a wife who threatens to move out with their children if the man...

The Impact of Communication on Human Relations

The need for communication, interaction, and mutual assistance did not arise by chance. A person faced problems that prompted him to unite with other people in order to overcome an obstacle together, to overcome a difficulty that is beyond the power of one person. Communication is one of the primary...

Agenda Setting Theory, Its Functions and Criteria

Abstract The agenda-setting theory is one of the important tenets of mass communication and its relevancy continues to be seen even in the new era of modern media platforms away from the mainstream media. Since its emergence in 1972, the agenda-setting theory has proven to be one of the consistent...

Review of “Try Something New for 30 Days” by Matt Cutts

Matt Cutts provides a new perspective on how to live a life more vividly. His talk is encouraging, for it is full of sense and incorporates life-changing advice – not to be afraid of trying new things. The speech is truly inspiring, even though it lasts only three minutes (Cutts,...

Pathos, Ethos, and Logos in Steve Job’s Speech

Ethos Steve Jobs begins his 2005 speech at Stanford University with a rather emotional but short greeting. Jobs, at that time, was already a famous person and began his speech with understandable and straightforward words, thereby establishing the ethos, or in other words, conquering the public. In addition, it is...

Gentrification: Positive and Negative Sides

Gentrification, the process of change aimed at raising the economic value of a neighborhood, is highly controversial. On the one hand, it increases property value in the area and provides opportunities for new businesses. On the other hand, it often results in the local community’s interests being disregarded and displaced...

Two Types of Self-Awareness: Private and Public

The Designation of Terms Psychologists usually differentiate amid two types of self-awareness, private and public. Private self is a propensity to reflect and observe the inner nature and spirits of a person. Public self is a mindfulness of the personality as it is observed by other individuals. This type of...

Chronicles of Bullying: An Editorial Article

Bullies are people with the prevailing antisocial behavior of getting under others skin and converting them to be their helpers (Besag, 2009). How and why on earth would one child bully another? Well, someone can be wondering what they gain by making others their subjects. Bullying can exist in different...

The Story of Chanie Wenjack: Medium and Message

Chanie Wenjack is an Indigenous boy, who died one week after his escapade from a residential school due to exposure and hanger. This occasion is prominent, as it has become the symbol of resistance to the challenging circumstance and the power of colonization in Canada. Gord Downie has contributed to...

Why Diversity Is Important?

Introduction Diversity encompasses a wide range of areas, which might include the workplace, organizations, education, politics, society, and laws. One should be aware that diversity is an essential part of multiculturalism, where a multitude of different cultures co-exists in harmony. Promoting and adhering to the notion takes a substantial effort...

Importance and Definition of Socialization

People are highly social creatures who need to live in communities to survive and develop properly. Although genetic factors are critical, socialization is equally important and is defined in many ways. This process sets people’s social identity, teaches them to take roles, controls their behavior, and transmits culture, which is...

Gender Differences in Delinquency

Research shows that gender is the most influential correlate for juvenile delinquency. In other words, males tend to commit more crimes than women; furthermore the intensity of crimes is often associated with one’s gender. Reasons behind these patterns shall be examined below Whether girls become delinquent for different reasons than...

Progression of Women Writers and Their Texts in Society

Since the turn of the 19th century, women’s role in literature has evolved as they take on bigger roles in literary writing. This essay follows the progression of women writers and their texts in society in three genres. The works used are Fanny Fern’s book Male Criticism on Ladies Books,...

Ethics in the Modern Society

Ethics is our basic knowledge of what is good and what is bad. From the very childhood, we all are taught the general rules saying that we must not steal, tell lies, or hurt someone. When we grow up, we can see that ethics applies to all aspects of our...

Audience Analysis: Term Definition

Audience analysis is an activity that involves a critical analysis of the audience so as to be able to cater to their diversified needs, interests, and objectives in the speech to be delivered. When analyzing an audience, it is important that the type of audience is looked at. One such...

How Gender Stereotypes Affect Society

Gender stereotypes are harmful because they only teach men and women to act in certain ways. They confine people to a set of behaviors associated with their gender. Women are assigned feminine traits, such as modesty, empathy, gentleness, and amicableness. On the other hand, men are expected to be strong,...

Effects of Drug Use on Society

Every society encounters a variety of problems that it needs to address, and one of the most common is drug use among the population. Essentially, illegal substances cause a considerable addiction in people, which can lead to numerous social issues and negative effects. Specifically, drug use causes people to become...

“How to Deal With Difficult People” Talk by Johnson

In his TEDx Talks speech titled “How to deal with difficult people”, Jay Johnson (TEDx Talks, 2018) shares some useful methods on how to talk with people that we do not like very much. He argues that the best way to deal with somebody unpleasant is by changing ourselves and...

Selflessness and Motivation for Ethical Behavior

Introduction Over the past few decades, corporate public sector scandals have become rampant, which leaves many people to question why the available rules cannot prevent unethical behavior. Some ethical breaches often tend to violate organizational formal rules. However, others can be perceived as falling within a dangerous grey area or...

Ethnographic Interview Project

Summary Unfortunately, many people are so busy with the daily activities that they forget about the value, experiences, and wisdom of older generations. Grandparents pass away, and their children and grandchildren never learn in detail what worried them in their youth, how their childhood went, and what was their sweetest...

Nine-Stage Model for Intervention

Today there are various hazards putting “human services professionals” at more risk than ever before. Most of these professionals are becoming victims of abuse and violence. The problem of violent behaviors is a major issue affecting different institutions today. The American Psychological Association (APA) designed a task force to train...

The Effect of Adolescence on Development

Introduction Adolescence, as a stage of both physical and psychological development of a human being, is a crucial phase in the lifespan. It is at this time when teenagers become mature individuals, explore their identities, and develop behaviorally, socially, cognitively, and emotionally. For a relatively long period of time (approximately...

Three Dimensions of Sexuality

It is hard to disagree that a significant number of various factors influence one’s mood, comfort, emotional and psychological state, and overall activity. People around a person affect his or her behavior as well as feelings even if it is not always evident. Among the listed spheres, the quality and...

An Ideal Society. Key Components

People belong to specific cultures, societies, and nations. The field of sociology allows individuals and researchers to learn more about societies, how they develop, and the attributes governing members’ behaviors. Sociological perspectives offer superior ideas for supporting the establishment of an ideal society. However, the realities recorded in different communities...

Gender Stereotypes: Should Real Men Wear Pink?

Nowadays, studies regarding the topic of similarities and differences between men and women are becoming more relevant for social studies. Some of the most well-known facts about gender stereotypes usually relate to clothing. Even in the 21st century, there is a strong belief among people that real men should not...

Types of Communication: Verbal and Non-Verbal

Introduction Communication is the most important aspect of human life. Without communication, there would be literally no activity that can take place. Choosing an effective means of communication is very important, and this should be done consideration of the parties concerned and the degree of formality of the message. To...

Straw Man Fallacy Examples in Media

Straw Man Fallacy Examples in Media: Introduction Fallacies are errors or misrepresentations of facts that can be used either deliberately or unconsciously in an argument to convince the opponent. The Straw man fallacy is one of these common mistakes that obstruct people from objectively evaluation the viewpoints of each other....

Why Are Women So Judgmental to Selves and Others?

Introduction Some people claim to perceive differences in social interactions in terms of women exhibiting more criticism toward others than men. For example, many females can recount being rudely treated by another woman, including criticism or unfair treatment based on their appearance, words, or actions. Such judgmental behavior may exist...

Assumptions, Values, Biases in Social Work

Definitions Nowadays, people like to live in regards to their values, assumptions, and biases. However, several people continue making the same mistake again and again when they fail to comprehend true definitions of these terms in professional practice in human and social services. Therefore, it is not enough to comprehend...

Romantic Love and Maternal Love

The Concept of Romantic Love Romantic love is a pleasurable and expressing feeling of an emotional attraction between two people. Romantic love involves the expressions of feelings of individuals and their emotional desires to bond with another person. Love makes people feel appreciated, admired, and happy in their lifetime. Also,...

Conflict and Functionalism Theories

Functionalism theory Functionalism theory developed from the work of Durkheim, who evaluated how part of society unite to form a whole society (Andersen and Taylor, 20). The theory gives an account of each section of society that comes together to build a whole society. According to functionalism theory, each part...

Pol Pot’s Regime and George Orwell’s 1984 Comparison

Introduction George Orwell’s dystopian book 1984 is seen as one of the brightest examples of the fictional representations of the autocratic and totalitarian societies. Of course, the reader can hardly believe that, at least, something from the book could have happened in reality. For instance, it is impossible to imagine...

Communication With People With Disabilities

Disabled people are a special group in need of socio-cultural and psychological support. However, any person wants to feel on an equal footing with other people; this applies in particular to the disabled. Therefore, during communication with a person with disabilities, any careless word can offend them and forever discourage...

Body Language to Shape Personality

Body language comprises multiple nonverbal signs that address feelings and intentions. Body language improves our conscious understanding of what other people say, how they say it, and whether or not it is true by assisting in interpreting their moods and emotions. Posture, facial expressions, eye contact, distancing, and body movements...

Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Communication Comparison

Introduction The ability to communicate with each other is a rather beneficial skill. However, it is essential to remember that there are several different types of communication, and one should be aware of the social functions of each and develop various social skills. The purpose of this paper is to...

Literary Theory: Perspectives and Approaches

The study of literary texts always involves the problem of multiple meanings because of interpretations. One need only think of any of the movies, books, or even songs whose familiarity was shared with a friend. In this case, even close friends, who usually have similar worldviews and interests, will see...

Impact of Domestic Violence on Society

The Nature & History of Domestic Violence Most cultures of the world tolerate domestic culture due to male dominant positions in cultures, customs, and traditions. Some cultures have justified domestic violence as acceptable form of disciplining women. Such cultures believe that men have rights to instill discipline in their wives...

Social Deviance Contribution to Social Problems

Social deviance describes a set of behaviors that do not align with the expectations and norms of a specific society. Since the traditions, history, and culture of each nation are different, the type of behavior that is considered deviant may vary. Oftentimes, the deviant behavior that is of the utmost...

The Testing of Animals for Cosmetic Products

Cosmetic studies on animals refer to a specific type of product examination meant to ascertain the hypoallergenic nature and safety of animal products intended for use by human beings. Due to the pain and harm the animals are subjected to, there is a concerted effort by the animal activists and...

Child Prodigies and Their Future

A lot of the children in the world are smart and talented in different ways. In Marshall’s article, “Child Prodigies,” Marshall focuses on analyzing the numerous differences that exist between children in terms of their abilities. This is clearly illustrated by the focus of his article on the characteristics of...

Racism: “Born a Crime” by Trevor Noah

Born a Crime is an autobiography written by comedian Trevor Noah, where he reflects on his childhood under the racist laws of apartheid. It is thrilling to follow his experience because it showcases the horrors and unfairness of racism. He talks about being a chameleon among African people as a...

Social Sciences: A World Without Leadership

In every society, some people can motivate others to perform any actions that express common interests and preferences. Such individuals possess all the best qualities necessary to accelerate changes, such as justice, responsiveness, determination, and giftedness. However, some so-called negative leaders contribute only to negative changes in society. Therefore, the...

Lincoln’s and Dickinson’s Rhetorical Discourses

People have often resorted to rhetoric when they discuss important issues. Such topics as war, revolution and the future of the nation were often a topic of a rhetorical discourse. Leaders and poets have used rhetorical tools to articulate their ideas and it is sometimes difficult to differentiate between a...

Effects of Domestic Violence on Children and Youth

Introduction Children and youth who have been continuously exposed to domestic violence and abuse are at higher risks of experiencing psychological, developmental, and social damages that influence their future lives. In the most severe cases, abused children can lose their ability to be empathetic to other people. Among other implications,...

Accounting in the Ethnomethodological Context

People are diverse in every sense of the word. Their cultures, languages, cognitive abilities, and the manner in which they make sense of the events that occur around them support this assertion. In fact, if individuals from the same ethnic group or clan are observed, it will be seen that...

Why Are Superheroes So Important in Society?

Superheroes are extremely popular in modern society. They are considered good role models who teach us to stand up for justice and to protect others. This essay analyzes the question, “Why are superheroes so important in society?” and discusses whether modern day superheroes’ depiction can be bad for children. Introduction:...

The Uses and Abuses of Social Networking Sites

The impact of social networking sites on people’s personal and professional growth While evaluating the uses and abuses of social networking sites, it is necessary to consider some basic information, concerning an opportunity cyberspace provides people with. First of all, it should be pointed out that such social networking sites...

Changing Gender Roles in Families

Gender roles have been continuously changing for the last four decades or so. It is crucial to mention that the feminist movement was developed to give women equal rights with men. It is indisputable that massive transformation has taken place in regards to the roles of men and women. On...

Thomas Theorem and Interpretation of Situations

Thomas Theorem is a sociological perspective that explains the way people perceive and interpret reality. The theorem states that “If individuals define situations as real, they are real in their consequences” (Bornmann & Marx, 2020; Sack, 2022). The main idea of this concept is that facts are not the same;...

Sojourner Truth’s “Ain’t I a Woman” Speech Analysis

Sojourner Truth addresses the discrimination black women endured in the 1800s in her lecture Ain’t I a Woman. The speech became iconic because it influenced the movement for women’s suffrage at the time. This analysis of the speech will determine the literacy she employs. By incorporating literary devices such as...

Cultural Conflict Description

In a diverse multi-cultural society, cultural conflicts between individuals that represent different backgrounds might occur frequently. The differences in the cultural background might be attributed to the distinctions in age, gender, race, ethnicity, or nationality. The inability of individuals to understand each other’s worldviews or behaviors due to the inherent...

Overcoming the Drug Abuse Addiction

Introduction The use of narcotic drugs brings irreparable harm to health and diminishes the quality of life. Opioid abuse is a predominant problem that continues to be a concern, especially among adolescents. It should not be forgotten that it is the responsibility of human service providers to improve people’s lives...

What Factors Influence Self-Identity?

Introduction For people, existing without self-identity is impossible, which has defined the significance of exploring self-identity. Though the subject matter is completely intangible, it constitutes a vital part of one’s self. In fact, even defining an identity is quite hard due to the number of components that it contains and...

International Tourism Policy and Development

Report The History of Tourism Policy Tourism policy refers to a set of practices, decisions, and discourses initiated by governments and sometimes in partnership with social and private sectors to achieve diverse goals related to tourism. According to Hall 1994, the history of international policy outlines impacting tourism is classified...

Ethical Implications of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Introduction It is a common perception that employees’ behavior reflects a company’s values. The digital era helped many victims to obtain a way to share their adverse experiences and garner sufficient courage to push against the toxicity they were subjected to in their workplaces. With the rise of the #MeToo...

Poverty in Ghana: Reasons and Solution Strategy

Introduction Ghana is rich in natural resources such as oil, gold, and bauxite, to name a few important industries. Partly due to this strategic advantage, the country experienced continuous economic growth at an average rate of 7 percent yearly since 2005 (Cooke, 2016). Moreover, Ghana achieved a significant reduction in...

Sexuality and Sex Positivity

Introduction While sexual expression is a natural part of human beings, many still struggle to express themselves openly, not until the bedroom lights are low and the curtains are drawn. One primary reason is because of the rampant stigmas and taboos around sexuality and sex. Sexual positivity is an ideology...

Factors Affecting Lifespan Development

Various factors influence one’s lifespan development, such as health and well-being, parenting, education, socio-cultural contexts and diversity, and social policy. These factors vary significantly in their importance throughout one’s life. For instance, for a newborn baby, health and well-being are vital, as this is when a human organism is very...

“Severn Cullis-Suzuki at Rio Summit” Speech Analysis

To achieve the desired level of attention to the issue, the author calls on the audience’s feelings of respect towards her and her peers for her effort, which provides ethos. Suzuki calls for the audience’s reason and rationale when she states that “if you don’t know how to fix it,...

Gender Roles in “The Simpsons”

It is an undeniable fact that TV shows profoundly influence the social and cognitive development of children. In this text, I demonstrate how a show can affect the operational learning and self-socialization of children, using the example of “The Simpsons.” The work proves that, while young male spectators are offered...

African Resistance to Colonialism and Colonial Economies

African Resistance to Colonialism The African history is closely associated with European colonization, which was mainly caused by the economic, religious, and political factors. To acquire larger territories of Africa, Europeans employed various means of suppressing the local population and supported it with the so-called mission of making Africa a...

Cross-Cultural Communication Style of Women and Men

Introduction Men and women are different in various ways. From birth, males and females differ greatly. These differences are both physiological and psychological. For example, when a child is learning a language, the female child is noted to have a good memory in that she can recall faster. This ability...

Internet Addiction as a Teenage Issue

Internet addiction (IA) is one of the leading contemporary issues affecting teenagers in modern settings despite heightened assessment, screening, and testing to solve it. The Internet is continuously evolving to enhance life, and it is gradually becoming an aspect of human progress. However, teenagers suffer the adverse effects of spending...

Social Stratification System and Its Effect

Introduction The social stratification system involves the grouping of individuals in relation to social and economic status in the societal setup. The system not only adds value to the traditional influence on wealth but also influences the treatment of an individual in society. This misconception treatment to individuals makes reference...

Child Labour in Fashion Industry

Introduction There is a considerable difference between many works done by children. Some may be classified as difficult and more tasking than others, others may be considered as hazardous and to some extent morally reprehensible (Basu & Zarghamee, 2009). In this perspective it is logical to define what the term...

Betty Friedan and Her Contribution to Fight for Women’s Rights

Abstract Looking at our society today, we can say progress has been made in the areas of gender equality and female empowerment. However, there is a noticeable difference when we look at the earlier years of the 20th century and even further back into history. Advocating for gender equality at...

Tim Kreider’s “The “Busy Trap”” Article Critique

Tim Kreider writes the article “The “Busy Trap”,” and it deals with modern people’s attitude towards life. The author stresses that people take up responsibilities to feel important rather than do particular tasks. Kreider also emphasizes that being too busy makes people less creative and productive, so it is necessary...

Addressing Mental Health in Higher Education

Student Affairs and Mental Health among Students Mental health among college students has significantly increased and has become problematic in institutions of higher learning. Student affairs in colleges and universities must put into place measures that will help reduce the level of mental health issues. The student affair has to...

Race and Home in Toni Morrison’s Novel “Home”

Usually, people think of “home” as a place where one lives permanently, especially if they are a part of a family. Toni Morrison’s view of home differs from the perception of an average person. She uses the thought about home to influence the way she writes and the way she...

Social Inequality in Poems, Songs, and Films

Social inequality is the unfair distribution of goods, burdens, and wealth in the society. Social inequality results in various challenges, including underrepresentation, marginalization, substance abuse, and criminality in society. People who are less equal in the societies are neglected in cultural inclusivity, economic growth, and social engagement. Social stratification in...

Social Behavior Comparison

Social behavior is defined as conduct between two or more creatures of the same type, and it includes any activity in which one component influences the other. This is because those members interact with one another. Consequently, social behavior emerges as a result of a two-way engagement between the organism...

Qualitative Article Critique

Article citation Walker-Williams, H. J., & Fouché, A. (2017). A strengths-based group intervention for women who experienced child sexual abuse. Research on Social Work Practice, 27(2), 194–205. The purpose of this assignment is to locate a qualitative research article on social work practice and offer a critique based on a...

Gender Stereotypes in “Frozen” Animated Film

Societal processes are reflected in cultural products, which are used for their analysis. The example of the movie “Frozen” proves that these works play a significant role in shaping the main characters, and their consideration will allow examining the shift in gender stereotypes. The purpose of this paper is to...

Pros and Cons of Selective Attention and Multitasking

Introduction Selective attention and multitasking play a critical role in people’s daily lives. Divided attention is a technique of selecting certain stimuli to process while ignoring the perceived distracting parts. On the other hand, multitasking is the ability to perform more than one task at a given time. The technique...

Social Problems Related to Alcohol and Drugs

Introduction Alcohol and drug use is a significant issue in the contemporary world that influences not just the individual but also their family and the wider community. Hence, various scholars have concentrated on the social consequences of alcohol and drug use in their articles or considered them, along with other...

Human Trafficking: Ethical Issues

Introduction Human trafficking is often referred to as a modern form of slavery as people are deprived of their basic rights and are often treated poorly. Sex exploitation of women has been mainly associated with human trafficking for decades, although victims are often exploited in different ways (O’Brien, 2015). Human...

Martin Luther King Jr.’s ”I Have a Dream” and Old Major’s in ”Animal Farm”

Should the path to equality be violent or peaceful? Many would choose the path of peace because it is moral and orderly, while equality achieved by violence is controversial and unethical. Martin Luther King Jr.’s famous speech, “I Have a Dream,” and Old Major’s speech from Animal Farm has the...

Evolution of Beauty: The Transformation of Beauty Throughout History

Introduction Beauty is a feature or quality of a person that gives a perceptual understanding of delight, significance, or fulfillment. Beauty is a subject that is premeditated as a component of aesthetics, sociology, social psychology, and culture. The ideal beauty is an individual who is well-liked or holds skin texture...

What Is Beauty: Discussion

Is there a clear definition of beauty? Are there standards that define the limits of beauty? Are there entities that can be taken to be universal beauties? These are among the questions to be asked when trying to elucidate what beauty is. Trying to answer these questions will always give...

Issues and Challenges Present in Urban Versus Rural School Districts

Lower levels of achievement are an issue that has been cited by researchers to be affecting both urban and rural schools. Children from ethnic minority backgrounds have differing pre-school preparations and tend to be underachievers as compared to their colleagues from white communities who start from Kindergartens. Childhood poverty is...

Human Rights: Historical and Conceptual Evolution

Introduction The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is considered to be of great historical value. It was officially adopted in 1948 by United Nations General Assembly. The declaration enunciates special fundamental rights of every person being of major interest in the process of circumcision ethics study. The evolution of Human...

How Success Can Have Negative Effects

While success is very much desired and admired, it has been known to cause some negative effects. People tend to regard successful people with high regard and respect and successful people such as doctors, business owners, sports personalities, musicians, and people from other professions are regarded with great regard. However,...

The Nature of Human Rights

Abstract This essay is dedicated to one of the most disputed questions in philosophy. The nature of human rights and democracy has been the subject of debate for philosophers and politicians for many centuries. Democracy existed in a variety of forms long before its modern meaning. The paper defends the...

Is Gender a Culturally or Biologically Perscribed Role?

Introduction The concept of gender as a product of culture or as a product of biology has been debated and analyzed by various researchers. The result of this debate has further polarized the topic rather than brought logic to it. The topic has generated into a heated debate with two...

Social Relationships: Why Do We Need Them?

Introduction The interactions between two or more individuals develop over time depending on the shared emotions, goals, ideologies, and purpose of existence. Relationships have different types of bonds that result in acceptance or rejection. According to Brown and Fredrickson (2021), the longevity of social relationships depends on the nature of...

Dramatism Theory in Communication

Introduction Drama theory is a communication theory for analyzing human relationships and exploring the nature of motivation. The theory proposes to look at relationships as part of the non-materialistic nature and to use the sensual aspects of the personality as the primary tools for studying communication mechanisms. According to the...

The Concept of Human Nature in Philosophy

Background Numerous concepts have been developed and held towards or against human beings. All the ideas either support a specific behavior among human beings or question a particular behavior among human beings. One of the main contested human concepts is human nature, which has widely been discussed and explored and...

The Thai Culture: Stereotypes and Generalizations

Introduction Culture makes up the way of life of different people, including their foods and economic and social aspects. Culture is exciting and diverse among other societies; hence it should be respected. But again, it is hard to do this sometimes, bringing about the aspects of generalization and stereotyping of...

Intercultural Relationships and Communication

Intercultural relationships are the association between people with different customs and traditions. Geographical, national, and cultural boundaries influence different societies with distinct values, languages, stereotypes, and prejudices. Intercultural communications facilitate relationship building by people with different cultural backgrounds. The reading by Tom Grothe on intercultural relationships gave me a new...

Observational Research Proposal

Introduction Social networks have made global changes in the sphere of political activity due to the wide availability of various types of information and the increase in its diversification. People began to receive information much faster and the field of political news and election campaigns was no exception. The speed...

Importance of Expression Freedom and Tolerance

Introduction As Albert Einstein said, “Laws alone cannot secure freedom of expression; in order that every man presents his views without penalty there must be spirit of tolerance in the entire population.”1 Even though the laws exist to protect human rights, these laws are often violated in the context of...

Addiction Among Adolescents and Christianity View

Introduction Addiction is wickedness that deprives people of their freedom and will. It makes them weak, creating false desires for substances. Addictive habits seize control of human lives, making people incapable of making their own decisions and often leading to destructive behavior. While science looks at addiction from an empirical...

Less Screen Time and More Time Outdoors for Young Kids

The rapid development of technology and its increased availability is bringing about significant changes in people’s lives, especially in their ways of entertainment and relaxation. If earlier children spent practically all their free time in the fresh air coming up with different games, catching fish, and communicating with each other,...

The Social and Cultural Rules

Social and cultural rules define the expectations and behaviors as dictated by shared beliefs of a special social group. Although sometimes these rules are not spoken, they present social standards that support appropriate behaviors and determine acceptable actions and interactions of people. This implies that they are influential in diverse...

Zero Hunger Problem Through Nature Lens

Zero Hunger program is a prospective solution to the problem of world hunger, which focuses on approachability to food, cost-effectiveness of food supply, and the constant flow of it to bereft regions of the world. As it stands, the world has an overproduction of food of 50%, whereas 11% of...

Feminism and Domestic Violence

Unfortunately, domestic violence remains a sensitive topic for many American families, even today. However, tremendous work was done by various feminist movements to bring awareness to this topic and, thus, make “wife-beating” a crime rather than a private family tragedy. There were many explanations for the possible causes of domestic...

Social Changes After the Coronavirus Pandemic

The global coronavirus pandemic is rapidly changing the economic, behavioural, and social aspects of people’s lives. Even before it ends, people feel the impact the coronavirus has had on the world. Nevertheless, in addition to the global impact, the virus has also significantly affected each individual. With the appearance of...

Ethos & Logos in King’s “Letter From a Birmingham Jail”

On April 16, 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. wrote the famous “Letter From A Birmingham Jail” responding to criticisms leveled against the nonviolent protests in Birmingham, Alabama. On April 3, 1963, highly organized marches and sit-ins started in Birmingham in protest against racial segregation and racism in the city. These...

The Conflict Theory in Today’s World

The Conflict Theory in sociology is one of the key perspectives for understanding social dynamics. Karl Marx can be considered as one of the most influential sociologists, who introduced the idea of conflict and classes as the main catalyzers of the confrontations. He actively advocated for revolutions, where the working...

Substance Abuse Prevention in Adolescence

Each year, at an alarming rate, social developments affect people individually as well as families, groups, cities, or nations. Adolescents give in to substance abuse to acclimatize to the pressure emanating from social reforms. Ideally, the stage at which adolescents are supposed to concentrate on their studies and engage in...

My Sociological Life and Identity

Introduction The course in sociology removed the notion I had that certain issues in my life were completely private. I thought that my will was the determinant of all my actions. Initially, my view on the world and my life was looked at from a tunnel lens. This has changed...

“Interstellar” Film Under Sociological Analysis

Section I: Introduction Interstellar is a 2014 cinematographic masterpiece by Christopher Nolan that portrays a near-future dystopian society placed on Earth. Nolan’s film narrates about an environmental disaster and the threat of famine because of crop disease called blight. One day, a private facility of NASA is discovered by the...

Gender Discrimination Issues and Interventions

Introduction The identification of gender discrimination is a social issue that requires much attention from public opinion. Thesis statement: gender discrimination is a social construct that prevents women from progressing, and the main beneficiaries are insecure men who fear competition in different life aspects. Gender discrimination causes Describing the background...

Human Rights Violation in the World

Introduction Over the past several years, various parts of the world have seen the infringement of human rights through humanitarian crises. Human rights violation has become commonplace in some societies in the world, especially the nations that have been torn by the war for the past several years. As the...

Lawyer’s Social Class Position in Weber’s Views

Introduction This paper discusses how the social class position in the society is attained. The paper explains how a lawyer as a professional person attains a social class in the society. This is based on Weber’s attributes of social class and stratification that encompass power, prestige, and wealth. The paper...

Functionalistic Theory of Edward Lee Thorndike – Psychology

As far as the correlation of living organism is concerned, the body of human beings contains many organs which are pooled and linked together to conceive something great. Society is composed of many structural parts with different needs and functions, due to these concepts, organizations and institutions are created to...

Should Abortions be Legal?

Introduction Abortion has been one of the contentious issues in most nations of the world, especially in the United States of America. Abortion should be recognized as a right in the United States of America, this statement is supported by the arguments of Roemer (1993, pp. 23-25). Many citizens who...

Their Finest Hour: Winston Churchill’s Speech

The analysis of the speech of a historically significant figure is of particular value. This is due to the fact that it can provide an understanding of communication methods and approaches that can interest and engage the listener to achieve the most significant effectiveness. When researching this topic, Winston Churchill’s...

Negative Effects of Using Cell Phones and the Internet during Social Interactions

Introduction The use of the internet and cell phones has significantly changed people’s level of interaction. Smartphone users connect to their family and friends through social media websites. Although phones make it easy to communicate with people from a distance, they reduce face-to-face interactions. The extensive use of cell phones...

Sociology of Communications and Media

There is a vast number of divisions of academic knowledge related to the exploration of specific significant areas. The sociology of communications and media is a rather essential and insightful branch of knowledge that provides people with the information necessary for their everyday lives. According to the University of South...

Biology and Culture of Gender Color Stereotypes

It seems inadequate to assign a particular gender a stereotypical color in a developed modern society. Nevertheless, historically embedded patterns are quite difficult to eradicate, so carriers still spread them. One such stereotype is the assignment of blue to boys and pink to girls. This is a somewhat ingrained gender...

Rhetorical Appeals in Podcast “Serial” by Koenig

The rhetorical appeal is the use of literary devices that brings out the quality of the argument, and through it, an audience is persuaded to make a convincing argument about the story. In Serial, Sarah’s rhetorical appeal makes the audience question Adnan’s innocence concerning his girlfriend’s murder. Hae disappears one...

Homosexuality as a Problem in the Conflict Theory

The term “sexual behavior” encompasses various actions that people engage in to show their sexuality. Sexual arousal is a part of these behaviors’ biological and cultural aspects. Sociologists in sexuality study sexual attitudes and behaviors rather than physical anatomy or physiology. Sexiness is defined as a person’s ability to have...

Police Officers Treatment Towards Civilians Based on Social Class

Introduction Bias is an action or an attitude that is unfair, prejudicial, and narrow-minded. Humans are oftentimes making fast conclusions, judgments, and using the power of their positions as it is in their nature. However, in modern society individuals make an effort to abandon bias ideas and reach an equal...

Female Population of India

Introduction It is hard to disagree that it is essential for humans to be aware of cultural differences and know how females are treated in various areas. Such a knowledge allows persons to learn how their own counties can be improved. The area selected for this assignment is India, and...

Personal Responsibility and Discipline

The Importance of Personal Responsibility Personal responsibility is defined as being accountable for one’s actions (Mindvalley, 2020; Linley &Maltby, 2009). It is therefore important to incorporate personal responsibility into my life due to the following reasons: It leads to personal growth and development, especially during adulthood. As a role model,...