Myocardial Infarction in the United Kingdom

Introduction Myocardial infarction is one of the best-known heart issues, yet, ironically, the levels of awareness about preventing it are drastically low in vulnerable groups. In the case under analysis, the patient, Mr. Vlog could use the support of a nurse who would not only provide the necessary treatment but...

Artificial Intelligence as an Enhancer of Human Abilities

Introduction After the discovery of a numerical framework for biological morphogenesis and the publication of a landmark study on computational intelligence, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has gained pace. The capacity of the human brain to react to adaptive impulses, unleash intellectual desire and manage the pressures of nature has evolved throughout...

India’s Aviation Sector: IndiGo Airline

Introduction The aviation industry has significantly changed as a result of new technologies and the Covid-19 pandemic. Airlines have had to balance between providing secure travel and ensuring the costs do not limit travelers. The Indian airline sector is one of the fastest growing in the world due to a...

Bulgarian Madjarov Firm’s Entry Strategy in Morocco

Introduction The wave of globalization is allowing companies to develop and market a wide range of consumer goods to foreign customers using different strategies, such as direct exports and partnerships. Before pursuing such a business approach, investors need to conduct detailed analyses of some of these identified destinations for their...

Chemical Hazards in First Responders

Introduction First responders are usually at risk of injuries and chemical poisoning during rescue missions in emergency situations. Toxic chemical substances that are released during and after a catastrophic event affect the health and safety of first responders adversely (Weinhold, 2010). The chemicals enter the body through natural openings such...

Palliative Care: Issues, Challenges and Solutions

Introduction Palliative care is a multidisciplinary field that specializes in providing relief and assistance to people with life-limiting conditions. In most cases, palliative care is provided to patients with untreatable conditions. Thus, its main objective is the improvement of the patients’ quality of life rather than the curative effect. Life-limiting...

Utilization of Solar Energy for Thermal Desalination

The Rationale Industrial-scale desalination plants cannot be scaled down for use in remote areas due to the complexity of the technology. Therefore, the need for scaled-down desalination plants to meet specific consumer needs for clean water particularly in remote desert and semi-desert areas cannot be overemphasized. That reinforces the need...

Advanced Communication Theory Aspects

Communication is an essential element across human society due to optimal information sharing. On the one hand, the acquisition of insights fosters objective consideration of distinctive relational platforms. On the other hand, poor domain utilization risks misunderstanding and negative responses regarding interactions among people. It is an individual’s responsibility to...

Walmart Inc. Creating Better Work Environment

Introduction Working in the retail industry involves significant tension and psychological pressure as trade formulate high competition. In addition, trading implies close contact with the customers, and it is necessary to find an approach to clients and be able to win over. Retail trade also articulates high pressure on the...

The Future of President Assad’s Regime and Syria

Introduction In March 2018, the Syrian conflict entered its eighth year since it broke out in 2011 following protests against the continued rule of the Assad family, which has been in power for over four decades. This paper discusses the future of President Assad’s regime and Syria. This topic is...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Future Aviation Workforce in the US

Introduction Many private and commercial aircraft are broadly utilized for daily travel via air. The efficiency and safety of airborne voyagers are enhanced by massive system facilities for the regulation of air traffic for secure departure and landing at their designated destinations. The successful operations in the aviation sector demand...

Different Opinions of Communism From Clara Zetkin and Slavenka Drakulic

Introduction Clara explains the growth and development of the working class and conventional women movements from their homeland up to the 19th century to the beginning of the first quarter of the 20th century. Zetkin shows the strengths and possibilities that arose from women’s liberation in the revolution times. It...

Community Health Nursing Social Media Campaign

Community Health Nursing Diagnosis Statement Increased risk of mental illnesses among people aged between 18 and 39 years in Brevard County related to lack of access to mental health services demonstrated by the increased rate of diagnosed cases of depressive disorder. Health Inequity/Disparity Mental health is critical since it ensures...

Ethical Issues in Healthcare Essay: Ethical Dilemma

In the complex world of healthcare, many ethical dilemmas arise. They challenge healthcare professionals with difficult choices that can have profoundly affect patients, providers, and the broader healthcare system. The Ethical Issues in Healthcare Essay explores the intricate ethical dilemmas encountered in this field, examining the various factors that contribute...

Innovation and Creativity Factors in Management

Introduction Innovation is one of the core subjects that is important in determining the success of a business enterprise in meeting its customers’ needs. The main objective in innovation is the creation of something new that will lead to positive changes. The difference between innovation and invention is the former...

The Land Registry at Swansea Office

The Land Registry Office at Swansea was indeed one of the underperforming government agencies about a decade ago. However, the organisational restructuring process that has taken place over the few years has not just transformed the Land Registry. The improvement measures have also seen the department grow by leaps and...

Change as a Concept in Contemporary Nursing Practice

Introduction The purpose of writing this essay is to fulfill the requirements of the module “Contemporary Nursing Practice” in the MSc program that the author is undertaking. The author chose this concept to investigate looking back into the problems he faced with the nurses being moved from one institution to...

Religiosity and Socioeconomic Status

Introduction The concept of religion has been deeply embedded in society for millennia and includes an array of different beliefs. Over the world’s history, the nature and understanding of religion have changed multiple times, as well as its importance in global affairs. While it was an integral component of all...

Hesychasm and Its Significance in Eastern Christianity

Hesychasm is a form of religious practice in Eastern Christianity in which followers pursue spiritual silence through continuous prayer and worshipping of God (Loba-Mkole, 2014). The main goal of Hesychasm is to achieve connection with God through the recitation of the Jesus Prayer (Loba-Mkole, 2014). This implies the Hesychasts are...

Leadership for Strategy Execution

Abstract There are many factors that today determine an organization’s success. Besides many resources such as money and time, leaders, managers, and their mode of leadership solely influence organizational success. Leaders and managers are responsible for making rules and policies and implementing strategies that are the key drivers in an...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Overpopulation, Climate Change, and Security Issues

75,000 People Per Square Mile? These Are The Most Densely Populated Cities In The World. 2019. USA Today. Elzy Kolb. The phenomenon of overpopulation has a tangible effect on regions, especially those that exhibit high population densities. It is stressed that large numbers of people and high density are not...

Enterprise Rent-A-Car’s Expansion in Greece

Introduction Enterprise Rent-A-Car (ERAC) is a worldwide car-sharing and renting services provider with American roots. Its expansion strategy regularly includes brand assimilation and taking the position of a ‘local’ company that covers vital locations (University of Salford, 2022). By prioritizing excellence in customer service, employee development, and fleet growth, ERAC...

Organizational Macro-Processes and Effective Management

The effective management of an organization’s macro-processes goes a long way in determining its success. The notable macro-processes that an organization needs to take into consideration include customer relationship management, internal supply chain management, and supplier relationship management. Each of these three macro-processes is important to businesses since they facilitate...

“Stalin in Focus” Essay by Theodore von Laue

Introduction Attempts to analyze Russian history by non-Russian historians can give rise to the issue of being able to understand the underlying reasons behind any political and economic decisions undertaken by the country’s government, as well as the way the Russian nation was shaped by these decisions and its own...

Consumer Behavior and Advertising Effectiveness

Introduction The current report is aimed at investigating the effect of advertising on consumer behavior. Commercials and advertising messages have gained a significant level of influence on potential customers, thus defining the marketing success and the following revenue-generating of businesses. If the consumer is relevantly exposed to an advertised stimulus,...

Reproductive Diseases and Disorders

Abstract This exemplar focuses on analyzing reproductive diseases and disorders and on determining the benefits of using assisted reproductive technology like in vitro fertilization (IVF) and preimplantation genetic screening or diagnosis (PGS/PGD). The particular case that is discussed in this exemplar is associated with a reproductive disorder known as recurrent...

Accident Investigation: Space Shuttle Columbia Report

The crash of any aircraft is a serious incident demanding an in-depth and comprehensive analysis of factors resulting in the emergence of an unexpected situation and failure. The data collected during these investigations is vital for improved risk assessment and the creation of new guidelines to avoid similar scenarios and...

The 9-11 Commission Report Recommendations

Introduction The 9/11 Commission Report, commonly known as the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States’ Final Report, is the official description of the events leading to the terrorist assaults on September 11, 2001. It was written at the request of US President George W. Bush and Congress...

A Distillery Supervisor Position at Buckeye Rye

Introduction Buckeye Rye operates in the bar and distillation industry in the USA. It is a medium-sized distilling business that boasts having employed more than one hundred and fifty staff members. Further, the employees are motivated, enthusiastic, and ready to learn to improve performance at the organization. The business seeks...

Herbal Company’s International Business Plan

Executive Summary Cancer is one of the deadliest diseases in the world. It has a very high mortality rate; over 7 million people die from cancer every year (WHO). The only treatment for cancer is chemotherapy, but it is a dangerous process that has a low success rate in the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Bureau of Indian Affairs for Indigenous in America

The relationship between the Native Americans and the government of the United States comes through the entire history of the country. In 1824, the federal authorities created the country’s primary agency responsible for the government’s dealings with the Native population – the Bureau of Indian Affairs or BIA (Indian Country...

African Americans in the Revolutionary War

Introduction For many years, the role of African Americans in the Revolutionary War was not counted as important because of the discrimination that lasted until the second half of the twentieth century. However, historical documents show evidence that their input was significant, and some individuals even left personal achievements. Various...

The Concept of Death and Dying

Death represents a significant stage in human development and has different perceptions among individuals. Death in the social context is not connected to the physiological causes and consequences or the theological perspective of death and dying. Instead, sociology focuses on how the members of society interpret death, what they think...

Sustainable Solutions: Stakeholder Identification and Value Analysis

Enterprise Level Strategy Costco is a leading American wholesale corporation. It operates as a warehouse club that offers a variety of goods and services to its members. The organization’s mission is to offer high quality goods and services to its members on a continuous basis. To achieve this objective, the...

Oil Supply Chain’s Power Relations and Actors

Introduction Oil is a natural resource and specific to a location. Oil continues to become difficult to harvest with time, as the topmost and easily available resources dwindle. Miners and explorers have to look for new technologies and examine new locations that did not feature as potential oil producing regions...

Erikson’s, Havighurst’s, Bronfenbrenner’s Theories

Introduction The subject is a white male in the early adulthood developmental stage. He experienced emotional and physical abuse as a child and has a history of substance abuse, which affected his progression through developmental stages as defined by Erikson. The first stage of psychosocial development by Erikson is infancy,...

Why Is McDonald’s Revenue Decreasing?

Why is McDonald’s revenue decreasing? Is it because of service quality? Is McDonald’s losing customers? What is wrong with their strategy? Find answers to these questions here! Reasons behind McDonald’s Decline in Sales McDonald’s used to be a popular place for families and children to enjoy a meal at a...

Group Work and Teamwork and Its Effectiveness

Introduction Group work is the art of working together in a group so as to achieve unity goals, or to maximize each others learning in the case of students. The instructional use of groups among students to maximize learning among students is referred to as cooperative learning (Johnson, Johnson &...

The Role of Mergers and Acquisitions for the Financial Performance of Banco Santander

Introduction Integration in a given firm and/or industry refers to the process of organizing production based on organizational unification as well as technology of different production processes. The management of any given firm should employ a method of integration which offers the specific company technological efficiency. A firm is said...

Natural Gas and LNG Market Prices

Introduction Natural gas and LNG are natural resources traded as commodities and widely used worldwide for various purposes: primarily for energy production. Those are heat generation in cold regions of Earth in winter and natural gas usage at power plants for electricity generation. Natural gas is, basically, methane, a gaseous...

Racism Against African Americans and Its Effects

Introduction Racism is an inappropriate and biased treatment of individuals that stems from preconceptions, hatred, and a sense of superiority that persistently cause moral suffering and uphold racial injustice. One of the factors contributing to racism is people’s lack of comprehension of the ethnicities and cultures of others (Roman, 2019)....

Tesco Supply Chain Management

Tesco Supply Chain Management: Executive Summary Supply chain consolidation is crucial competitive value for firms with international operations. Close supplier relationships help improve quality, streamline delivery systems, and reduce operational costs. This paper examined Tesco’s coordination strategies for its global supply chain, returns on its R&D investment, supply chain risk...

Emotional Intelligence Reflection About the Patient

Client (first initial only) D Client’s age __ 52_____ Client diagnosis bipolar disorder characterized by manic state and disorganized thoughts. Setting/context (describe) My interaction with the client took place in the psychiatric clinic. During my first day in the psychiatric clinic, the client approached me and I welcomed her to...

Retail Management: Home Depot, Strategic Analysis

The Home Depot, Inc., most commonly referred to as Home Depot, is a major retailer operating within the home improvement sector. The retailer is affected by several economic and environmental factors. The most significant environmental factor affecting the sector is the spread and popularity of online shopping. The sector faces...

GLOBE Study of Leadership for Multinationals

Introduction Effective leadership is considered essential in the development of nations and institutions. Although organizational leadership is a universal concept, its attributes and effectiveness differ across cultures. The multi-phase GLOBE study sought to define how culture shapes leadership efficiency in organizations (House et al. 2004). The large-scale project drew data...

New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s Big Data

Abstract This paper shows how the use of big data analytics could help to improve the activities of the New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA). In detail, it demonstrates that big data management techniques could help MTA to improve stakeholder relationships, enhance organizational performance, increase business transparency, minimize customer complaints,...

How to Develop an Effective Nursing Course Design

Introduction Developing a nursing course design requires an understanding of the fundamental concepts relevant to the changing nursing environment. It is clear from the analysis of the three assignments that the nursing environment has changed due to the changes brought about by technology. In order to develop an effective nursing...

The Rorschach Inkblot Test: Complexity and Cognitive Engagement

Introducing the Test The Rorschach inkblot test is a psychological questionnaire which was designed by Swiss psychiatrist Hermann Rorschach in 1921 (Choca & Rossini, 2018). This test is used to examine a person’s mental health and personality. It is also used to evaluate a person’s response to various situations. People...

Latin American Social Attitudes Towards Queer Community

Introduction Nowadays, many countries and communities have to deal with a number of challenges connected to the recognition of rights among lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transsexual/transgender (LGBT) people and their impact on social lives. Some countries or, at least, states accept the idea of same-sex marriages and pass special anti-discrimination...

Financial Crisis in Russia in the 1990s and Lessons for Today

Introduction The word ‘Financial Crisis’ is a term that many economies, large or small, are in fear of. It is a situation which occurs when a country which was once doing well in the financial sector is suddenly faced with huge amounts of debts as well as inflation due to...

Aging Issues and Challenges the Elderly Face

Individuals in the contemporary world are living much longer and therefore, many of them experience aging and the issues associated with it. The improved living conditions and good health services are the reasons for this. Nevertheless, the aged are facing challenges in society and they need more attention to make...

Marriott Hotel and the UK Hospitality Industry

Introduction This report is a conceptual framework based on research of the hotel sector in the UK. The paper uses Marriott Hotel to establish key areas that must be developed for improving the guest experience. Through the report, an audience can understand the metrics of the hospitality industry in the...

Factors Contributing to the Gender Pay Gap in the UK

Introduction The pay gap in terms of gender is the difference in the average salary between men and women. This gap is determined based on employer payroll data for each year, and it is calculated using a straightforward and cost-effective solution (“Gallagher,” 2021). The calculations include the needed reporting information...

Strategic Resourcing at Safaricom PLC

Executive Summary Strategic resourcing, which involves matching human resources to the organization’s strategic and organizational needs and guaranteeing those resources are fully utilized, is a crucial part of strategic human resource management. Strategic resourcing assures that the company effectively recruits, retains, and hires the staff it needs. Strategic resourcing strategies...

Photo-Voltaic Module: Lifecycle & Risk Management

PV Module as an Asset in the Environmental Industry Key issues to be addressed for this asset in the Risk management process During the Photovoltaic Module (PV) life-cycle asset management, potential risks happen in each phase of the product lifecycle following the management approach of designing and operating the risk...

Corporate Social Responsibility & Business Ethics

Introduction Conventionally, businesses are primarily created as profit-making entities, thus the majority of decisions seek to maximize the shareholders’ investment. However, the assumption that organizations exist solely to make money has changed over time with the emergence of the idea that such entities have some responsibilities to society. This premise...

The Public Health Campaign on STDs Among the Youth

Abstract Sexually transmitted infections account for high numbers of deaths and infections among the youth. A safe sex campaign can be an important initiative to reduce sexually transmitted infections. This essay discusses unprotected sex among teenagers as a public health issue that promulgates the spread of STDs. A large number...

Crime Explanation Using Biology and Psychology

Comprehensive explanations on the theory of Cesare Lombroso’s have been discussed indicating that criminals could be picked out and determined by their physique, attributes and appearance. Another theory covered that supports this explanation is the theory of Bowlby’s that portrays maternal deprivation and violence coupled with trauma during childhood affects...

Benefits of Physical Activity on Old People

Introduction Life expectancy has increased, and the main concern that follows this development is whether the extra years entail periods of health-related high quality of life for the old people. Physical movements and exercises are a great method for maintaining physical fitness and wellness. Physical exercise refers to any kind...

Integrated Public Service and Public and Private Partnership

Public/Private Partnership Public-private partnerships (PPPs) are attracting interest in various industries and sectors across the world. PPPs are seen as instruments for more and better infrastructure. In many cases, PPPs offer fiscal advantages in various projects. For example, the public organization could save significant amount of money by outsourcing a...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Symptoms and Diagnostic Reasoning: Heddy Ramiro Case

Summary of Case Study 8-year-old Heddy Ramiro presents to your clinic with her mother who is wondering if anything can be done about Heddy’s nasal congestion and cough. Symptom Analysis Questions In order to identify the possible causes of illness, the doctor has to ask the child and her caretaker...

Cognitive Behavioural and Existential Counseling Modalities

Due to the availability of numerous counseling modalities, those specialists, who engage with this practice, often face the necessity of adjusting the general concept and ideology underlying the sessions to the patient’s needs and become extremely selective in applying the approaches to specific cases. The present paper is designed to...

Copyright: Challenges in the 21st Century

Introduction The problem of copyright protection becomes acute in the era of the modern development of innovative technologies, the spread of the Internet and free access to intellectual labor. The problem of copyright protection is one of the priority tasks in the field of improving the legal framework of modern...

Cultural Diversity in Classrooms

Introduction The classroom is becoming more culturally diverse; 2014 was a significant turning point for the minority-majority when Latino, African-American, and Asian students outnumbered white pupils in U.S. public schools. Moreover, the U.S. by 2044 Census predicts that racial minorities will make up more than fifty percent of the population,...

Equipment Corporation Plant: Managerial Attitudes

Introduction Digital Equipment Corporation Plant represents a unique environment marked by specific internal and external factors, culture and industrial settings. in order to give recommendations for change and redesign, it is important to analyze and evaluate the current state of affairs and possible problems affecting the management and the staff....

The Pros of Legalizing Marijuana

Introduction Marijuana is the most consumed and abused illegal drug in the United States of America. In the past decades, public support for the legalization of the drug has increased exponentially. A recent survey has shown that 54% of Americans support its legalization, while 44% oppose it (Marion and Hill...

Casino as a Tool for Economic Development

Introduction According to the American Gambling Association, most American voters believe casinos help strengthen their communities and improve local economies. – Lim and Zhang. Growth and Change. For each country, economic development is one of the most important areas of activity. Thus, the state applies various measures to improve this...

Social Media Usage and Teenager’s Ecosystems

Introduction The evolving world has exposed teenagers to the day-to-day use of social media; unlike in ancient times, adolescents can access information and network online. According to Ahmad et al. (2019), the digital era has played an important and pivotal task in shaping the awareness levels of teens. The availability...

German-Soviet Relations: Revanchism & the European Politics

Introduction The article is devoted to the Soviet-German relations of the 1920s – the end of the 1930s. It considers the issues which are organically included in the general context of the European situation of the interwar period. The most important normative acts of those years – the Versailles Treaty,...

Freudian Perspective on Dreams

Abstract The progress of systematic knowledge has tried to touch on the analysis of dreams. By the time Freud inscribed about dream in the recent periods, the scrutiny of more complex kinds of psycho-neuroses as well as the sexual philosophy was in the initial stages. The understanding of dreams was...

Leadership in the 21st Century

Introduction Leadership is one of the primary skills that every entrepreneur and manager is obliged to develop for an appropriate organisation of one’s business and other processes that might be related to teamwork. Leaders also must have professional skills in scheduling, time management, allocation of resources, and delegating responsibilities among...

Business Organizational Forms in the United States

Introduction Organizations review the market to identify various forms of business that they can adopt. The organizational form is directly related to various business-related functions and issues (Padgett & Powell, 2012). It should be noted that there are seven key categories of business characteristics. The key categories of characteristics include...

Adolescent Pregnancy: Applying the Theory of Paradox

Background of the Issue Prior to gaining a deeper understanding of how the United States of America copes with the issue of adolescent pregnancy, it should be crucial to take a look at 42 million teenagers. They are developing well and represent an important population cohort that generates lots of...

Solar System: the Weather on Other Planets

Introduction All planets in the solar system experience are varying weather conditions and seasons. However, the occurrence of seasons on other planets is distinct from the conventional system of winter, autumn, summer, and spring that is experienced on earth (Carson, 11). It may seem hat the weather system is different...

Home Robotics in the Modern World

Executive Summary Home robotics is one of the biggest inventions in the field of science that has attracted attention of many researchers. The society has come to realize that some of the tasks undertaken by human beings can be addressed by the robots. This is coming at a time when...

Social Challenges of Climate Change

Introduction The United Nations set a goal for countries to limit the universal standard temperature rise to 2 degrees Celsius compared with pre-industrial level through their climate change agreement, which was signed within the 2015 Paris Agreement (Aronoff et al., 2019). According to Obergassel et al. (2016), this agreement will...

Making Decisions That Are Legal and Ethical

The situation with Enoch Thomson at the White Arch Casino requires consideration of contractual law and its legal applicability in this case. It is critical consider the validity of the oral agreement as a contract and Thomson’s ability to enforce it as well as the extent of remedies which he...

Nursing Leadership and Conflict Resolution

Introduction Nursing is one of the important constituents of the medical sphere, as it ensures sufficient collaboration and interaction between service providers and patients. Thus, the concepts of nursing continued to expand its boundaries while covering more and more duties, tasks, and responsibilities. Nowadays, being a nurse is associated with...

Chemical Pollution and Loans in Business Ethics

Abstract Business ethics and dilemmas are common in organizations and require people to make informed decisions to ensure they do not compromise the quality of goods or services offered. Lovell, Fisher, and Valero-Silver argue that human behavior is usually motivated by the desire to meet their needs. This paper examines...

A Nation Divided. Postcolonialism in “Captain America: Civil War”

Introduction Films and other artifacts of cultures reflect the peculiarities of the human society and its primary concerns. Humanity has to address various issues, including but not confined to environmental challenges and global terrorism. Captain America: Civil War also provides a certain remedy to solve the current problems, and filmmakers...

Executive Level Financial Report

Executive Summary A multinational company is a company that is engaged in producing and selling goods or services in more than one country. It is a company that has headquarters in one country and operations in one or more countries. The main objective of MNC is to maximize shareholder wealth....

Interracial Relationships and Marriage in the USA

Introduction Interracial marriage was an illegal social practice in the US until as recently as the 1960s when the Supreme Court abolished laws prohibiting interracial marriage; an issue that the same court had avoided for several years, fearing racial intermarriage to be a controversial issue. In recent years, the number...

Health Policy and Quality Management in the UK

Introduction Cancer exerts a lot of pressure on family and government resources. In the United Kingdom, of the four deaths that occur, one is a cancer case. Cancer affects many parts of the body and has diverse presentations and complications. Its treatment process is also complex. These factors present major...

Disabilities: The Intersectional Character

Introduction The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), passed in 1990, has significantly improved the lives of disabled individuals, in particular, by facilitating their access to public spaces. However, these people are still faced with injustices, and such factors as gender, race, sexual orientation, ethnicity, and religion may further worsen their...

The Commonly Used Expatriate Compensation Strategies

Introduction Globalization is gaining more and more impact on institutions ranging from small companies to multinational corporations. The shrinking of international boundaries among enterprises and their markets has made it necessary for institutions to come up with the possible strategies for dealing with the demands of such diversification. The element...

Organizational Learning, Culture, Recruitment

Introduction This paper has three sections. Section 1 is a commentary on developing learning and reflective practice. It involves preparing and conducting a structured interview with a classmate to determine his learning style, coupled with suggesting a suitable development tool for him. Section 2 is a report on two companies...

Patients Post Cardiac Arrest Syndrome: Theory of Comfort

Abstract This paper is focused on Kolcaba’s theory of comfort and practice. Its purpose is to consider how it can be applied in practice when working with patients who have the post-cardiac arrest syndrome. The paper is based on five articles that discuss related topics. It gathers trustworthy and reliable...

Sloy Hydro Power Station Project’s Environmental Impact

Project Description With the current global concerns on climate change, Scotland is on a mission to facilitate the efficient use of renewable energy. One of the major forms of renewable sources of energy that Scotland has focused on is hydroelectric power (HEP). Sloy HEP station is a major conventional hydroelectric...

Making Rental Housing More Affordable in Toronto

Introduction Issue The city of Toronto is Canada’s financial capital and a major business hub that attracts not only the local Canadians but also many people around the world. It is one of the most attractive destinations for people because of its improved transport and health infrastructure, high levels of...

Apple Inc.’s Strategic Management Recommendations

Executive Summary Apple is among the crucial actors within the scope of the high-tech industry. The below discussion is dedicated to the analysis of the case study related to the company. The paper includes the evaluation of its external and internal environment and the recommendation regarding an emergent strategy. Porter’s...

Leadership within Non-Profits Organizations

Introduction Statement of the Problem Nowadays, non-profit organizations, particularly charity ones, have a serious impact on society in the USA and the whole world. Since it is leadership that shapes the image and guide the actions of an organization, it is highly important to invest time and efforts in studying...

Israeli-Palestine Conflict and Global Community

Introduction The Israel-Palestine conflict is enduring violence that started in the middle of the 20th-century ensuing between Israelis and Palestinians. The UN and the US have raised their views concerning the conflict. They suggest the need for a two-state solution, a plan that may yield the best solution to the...

Cybersecurity in Cruise Ship Industry

Introduction The world cruise industry continues to be characterized by a significant growth rate. In the global cruise community, two such American giants as Carnival Cruise Lines (CCL) and Royal Caribbean Cruises (RCL) dominate. The modern cyberspace and the level of development of information technologies provide unique opportunities to manage...

Singapore Math Curriculum: Correspondence with Standards

Introduction Mathematics as the subject performs a number of significant functions in the life of any student. The way of how a curriculum is introduced and implemented by teachers influences considerably the work of a teacher him/herself and the possibilities of the learners to comprehend new information. This is why...

Emirates Airline’s Contact Centre: Work Experience

Executive Summary This report documents my experience at EK Contact Centre in order to document the various things that I learned. It begins by noting that Emirate Airlines has six major contact centers. My experience was from the Dubai center which is a major center supporting thousands of customers per...

Adult Education for Canadian Immigrants

Almost one in every five residents of Canada is an immigrant, thereby making 18 percent of the Canadian population to be immigrant. For this reason, Canada comes second after Australia, which has a 24 percent of its population attributed to immigrants (Statistics Canada, 2005). In addition, close to two thirds...

International Marketing: A Case Study of Sanctuary Spa (UK)

Global marketing principles and possibilities are precise and realizable; therefore, the worldwide marketplace cannot be compared to the home economy. Due to tradition, dialect, legislation, and other considerations, each country offers entrepreneurs a unique problem. These issues may also exist at the national and municipal levels, necessitating even more tailored...

Decreasing Obesity in Jewish Children

Abstract Obesity is a medical condition that has been on the rise since the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Obesity is a global concern but it affects specific areas, which has raised concern on the control measures, for instance, Jewish children. Obesity is a problem in the Jewish community,...

Stadium Development in Sports

Introduction Around the world, stadiums have played a major role in the sports industry as avenues for recreation and entertainment for people. While on one hand, they cost much money to build, on the other hand, millions of revenues are collected depending on the publicity, attendance, and popularity of events...

Violence: Dialogue Between Sigmund Freud and Michel Foucault

The following is what would have accounted for a hypothetical dialogue between Sigmund Freud and Michel Foucault on the subject of violence’s intrinsic subtleties. Both thinkers were presented with the statement that “Violence is a mundane, everyday part of our lives. So much so we are largely immune to its...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Social Sciences: Postdevelopment Literature and Theories

Draft The paper is on Post-development literature where the fundamentals of development are evaluated from the perspective of Rostow’s development theory and Wolfgang Sachs’ approach as a post-development thinker. Alongside, Implications of Rostow’s theory is also discussed with priority to understand the basic issues of the study. Discussion of Rostow’s...

Spain’s Current Healthcare System

Introduction Governments across the globe implement powerful measures and allocate adequate resources to support their respective healthcare systems. The involvement of different stakeholders, professionals, and partners remains critical to ensure that timely results are recorded. The Spanish healthcare model remains one of the best in Europe and across the globe....

Crystal – An Agile Framework

Introduction The properties of a project will always change depending on the level of criticality and the participants involved. In this regard, small teams can handle projects without the need for reporting and paperwork as there will be less communication (Vijayasarathy & Butler, 2015). However, bigger teams require frequent cooperation...

The Leadership Experience and Personal Approach

Introduction Understanding leadership has become a challenging and elusive task, owing to the nature of leadership itself. According to Daft (2017), leadership studies are a growing discipline, and the notion of leadership will continue to evolve. Leadership can be described as an influence connection between leaders and followers who want...

Bangles International Jewellery’s Assessment

Introduction Bangles International Jewellery (BIJ) refers to a global jewellery firm located in Europe, North America, and Asia. BIJ has recently launched its marketing efforts in the United Kingdom. In addition, the company has hired the Wood From The Trees (WFTT) team to evaluate the impact of the marketing campaign...

Corporate Social Responsibility for Supply Chain Management

The role of business in the social sustainability can be described from multiple perspectives. To grow, develop new products, and ensure profitability, companies should establish a long-term and beneficial relationship with various groups of stakeholders. Some of those stakeholders, i.e., clients, employees, suppliers, etc., are of great influence on companies’...

Common Law and Civil Law: Comparison

Abstract The paper compares elements of civil and common law. It gives a brief history of each of the legal systems in an attempt to explain their background. The origin of civil law is traced back from the Roman Empire while common law derives its origins from England. Areas of...

Pfizer’s Investment in Comirnaty Vaccine

Introduction The process of research and development (R&D) involves the design or improvement of a product, technology, or service. R&D is vital for business because it encourages innovation, helping a company generate revenue in the future and gain a competitive advantage (Hammar and Belarbi, 2021). In the pharmaceutical industry, R&D...

Meteorological Principles and Concepts

A Scientific theory provides a vivid explanation of various aspects of the natural world (Suppe 32). It uses substantial facts that have undergone confirmation through numerous experimentation and observations. The hypothesis of the natural world, on the other hand, argues that the explanation of the world lies not in science...

“The Turn of the Screw” a Novel by Henry James

Introduction As literature about socioeconomic, cultural, and political differences and bias between genders continues to accumulate, some authors of books seem to change their writing agendas towards focusing on addressing the forgotten women influence in the modern world (McCollum 49). Feminism is a common theme that has dominated modern literature,...

Nike Inc.’s Analysis and Marketing Plan

Introduction Nike Inc. is one of the premier international companies in the sportswear industry. Its brand name and iconic logo are associated with high-quality shoes, gear, and sports equipment. The company employs over 73,000 workers and its current revenue stands at over 39 billion dollars (Nike, 2018). Nike keeps an...

NYC Human Resources Administration: Mission and Personal Experience

The Human Resources Administration (HRA) is also called the Department of Social Services (DSS). HRA is a New York City government department that was founded on 15th August 1966 by Mayor Lindsay John and facilitates the majority of the city’s social services programs (NYC Human Resources Administration, 2020). DSS helps...

Supply Chain Management (SCM): The 4V’s in SCM

Background Global operations by commerce and industries that initially served within their local markets create the need to form promotional plan of supply chain management (SCM). The globalized operations increased the use of information system technology which boosted the construction of a self-proliferating and complex chains of supply (Clauson et...

Multi-Fibres Agreement and Free Trade in Textile Sector

Introduction The textile and clothing (T&C) industry has always been an opportunity for developing countries to industrialisation with low-value-added goods. Since the industry requires a lot of labour, it favours well in a population with a large number of mostly unskilled workers, women and children. Until recently, it had remained...

Christian Foundations in Government: Human Trafficking

Introduction Human trafficking or trafficking in human beings is defined as the movement of people without their consent, usually by means of force for the intention of sexual or labor exploitation. Those who are mostly at risk of trafficking are women and children. Trafficking takes the form of kidnapping for...

Hong Kong’s Tax System

Introduction Any country will adopt a particular tax system as a way of solving most of the social and economic problems faced by the nation. Therefore, the major purpose of the system will be in raising revenue for use in improving public services and infrastructure which all the people will...

Starbucks Company’s International Business Strategy

Issues Prevalent In Influencing Starbucks’ Future Internationalisation Agenda The main driver of growth within the retail coffee sector is domestic and international expansion. The majority of stakeholders in this industry rely on company-operated outlets as the main distribution points, which have to be located in high-traffic areas (Glowik, 2017). Furthermore,...

The Future of Religion Around the World

Introduction Religion is an integral part of the life of people who believe that they have a soul. Most cultures and ancient civilizations have a rich heritage in the form of rituals, beliefs, and myths that explain man’s origin, the earth’s creation, and the role of man in life. Despite...

Right to Food as a Fundamental Right

Introduction Food has become a major human right issue today. Food is a necessity to every person since no person can live without it. The increase in, famine, hunger, malnutrition and other food related problems in the world have motivated more commitment to food. Access to adequate and quality food...

Enzyme- and Acid-Catalyzed Hydrolysis of Glycoside Salicin

Introduction Background According to BCS (1996) interpretation of catalysis reactions can be carried out using transition state theory. The process of converting reactants into products involves formation of intermediate products that dissociate to form final products. in a non-directed reaction, a side reaction can result leading into formation of side...

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The Existential Nursing Intervention Effects

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The Royal Philips Company: Conventional Energy Consumption

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