Islamic Culture, Politics and Religion

In the Arab world, the word ‘Islam’ means submission and peace. As a term, it refers to the messages revealed to Muhammad by Allah. Cultural practices and beliefs associated with the people who practice this religion give rise to Islamic culture. In the recent past, the religion has spread into...

Cross-Cultural Evangelism Strategies

Cross-cultural evangelism is the sharing of the gospel with people from other cultures. It involves getting to know people from other cultures, learning about their customs and beliefs, and then sharing the gospel with them in a culturally relevant way. An example of cross-cultural evangelism would be a missionary who...

Islamic Law and Its Legal System

Introduction Islamic law entails the various legal systems that have been implemented to be in accord with the Islamic faith. Islamic law has been significant for decades as it has represented an essential part of Muslims. It has also been reinterpreted and adapted to the changing issues in society. Moreover,...

Chapter 1 of “The Story of the Quran” by Mattson

Introduction Ingrid Mattson’s Story of the Quran analyzes the holiest source of Muslims’ faith and knowledge across the globe. The key points the author is trying to highlight in the story include the origin of the Muslim cultural, personal, and historical details. It also illustrates how the Quranic revelation is...

The Role of Gothic Cathedrals in the Popularization of the Catholic Church

When Gothic architecture first emerged in the 12th century, it made an immense impact on the popularization of faith and the attraction of new followers. Derived from the religious buildings of the Romanesque era, Gothic cathedrals were constructed specifically to represent the divine nature of God (Zhekova p. 18). For...

Approaches to Hermeneutic: History and Modern Interpretation

Introduction: Hermeneutics as a Crucial Component of Theology The Proposal Hermeneutics: Definition This paper seeks to understand the methods of interpreting the scripture nowadays, as well as the significance that the Scripture and its postulates have for the contemporary audience. There is no need to emphasize that the Biblical writing...

Islam in the Today’s World

Globalization essentially aims at expansion of the economic status of communities usually at the expense of the cultural, social, and religious beliefs of a given community. It promotes the expansion of capitalistic ideologies whereby, the most resourceful succeed economically and socially, while removing religion from all spheres of human life....

Death and Dying: A Case Study

The questions about death and terminal conditions are difficult subjects to discuss. For many people, faith explains such happenings, providing solace or guiding their decisions for healthcare. In the case of George, the diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) means that he has a limited time to live and that...

“Being Religious Interreligiously” by Peter Phan: Religion Fundamentals

Introduction Peter Phan in his book has welcomed all the diverse readers across the world to embrace elegance in religious pluralism all the time even at the period of postmodernism. Peter Phan himself is a theologian and subscribes to the catholic faith and he has highlighted many social and spiritual...

The Worship Styles and Elements of the Baptist Church

Outline This paper traces the history and development of the worship styles and elements of the Baptist church from its early beginnings up to date and finally, it concludes. It is therefore divided into the following sections: Introduction, History and development of worship styles and elements, and Conclusion. Introduction According...

Jim Jones and Jonestown Cult Massacre

Introduction The tragedy of Jonestown, which took place in 1978 and left more than nine hundred people dead, immediately attracted attention of many sociologists, psychologists, because to a certain degree, this event reflected the tendencies in American mainstream culture (Chidester, p 11). Thus, it is of the crucial importance for...

Bhagavad-Gita: The Consequences and Proofs of Alterations on the Hindu Society

Although Bhagavad-Gita has always acquired the titles such as “The divine Song of God” or “The word of God” etc, but still a common man cannot visualize the changes and the influences of such changes which has been occurred and preached since the origin of Gita throughout the decades. History...

Theology: Virgin Mary as a Goddess

Goddesses have always been part of various pantheons during the various stages of human history. Their role is inseparable from the role of women in ancient, medieval, and modern societies, as religion was used as a blueprint for morality, proper behavior, and the establishment of societal and gender roles. Ancient...

The 95 Theses

The 95 Theses by Martin Luther was the work of art based on the Catholic practices referring to baptism and absolutism. The theses raised in The Ninety-Five Theses were against the idea of indulgence as the church had the power to sell salvation to a sinner. Luther was a famous...

The Salvation of Humans by Jesus Christ

Introduction The history of our salvation and redemption in Jesus Christ makes it easier to understand who people are in this world and what they were created to be. The creation and fall of man mark the beginning of the history of salvation. Since the whole history of salvation depends...

Christian Theism, New Spiritualism and Pantheism

Introduction In today’s society, it is clear that there are various perspectives on the world. Many individuals believe that there is a greater power known as God (Christians), and others believe that the government should be the highest mode of authority (Marxists/Communists). While other groups suppose that, there should be...

The Christian Worldview and Its Concepts

Introduction Depending on whatever dominance one chooses to accept, the Christian worldview today has a wide range of elements. Many Christians disagree with those who believe God is three distinct persons—the father, the son, and the holy spirit. This has led to numerous questions about key aspects of the Christian...

Masuzawa, Tomoko “The Invention of World Religions” Review

Tomoko Masuzawa is a modern specialist in religious and cultural studies. Her analysis of religions includes linguistic, semantic, and even pedagogical aspects, especially if the problem of teaching religious studies is considered. Masuzawa, working with primary sources on ancient religions, combines religious issues with modern science and sociology methodology. In...

Importance of the New Testament for Christianity

Christianity is the world’s major religion with around 2 billion followers. Its central figure is Jesus Christ who through his birth, ministry life, trials, crucifixion, death, and, resurrection is believed to have offered the salvation and atonement needed by His followers from their sins. His nature and personality have been...

The Biography of Maramoas, Priest of Zeus

Maramoas was the priest of Zeus in Lystra, a city in the Roman Empire, which was situated on the territory of modern Turkey. He was mentioned in the New Testament in verses describing the idolatry in Lystra: “Then the priest of Zeus, whose temple was in front of their city,...

Islam: The Rise and Spread Around the World

Islam is the youngest of the world religions, and the modern popularity of the doctrine speaks of its rapid spread. In 2015, there were over 1.8 million Muslims in the world, which is about 24% of the global population (Lipka, 2017). However, coercion or forced imposition is often cited as...

Importance of Having Faith for People

Faith, the concept of having confidence in something regardless of whether it is grounded in facts, is often the only thing that offers consolation to people. However, it is beneficial during hard times and can inspire people to be and do better when they are already living well. This concept...

The Attitude of Individuals Towards Other Religions

In the everyday world, while communicating, people use nonverbal language to help express themselves better. However, intercultural differences might lead to disagreements and misinterpretations as various traditions form special beliefs and explanations of nonverbal language. People from different countries can struggle to comprehend a foreigner. Gestures, as one of the...

The Figure of Jesus in Islam and the Quran

Introduction The figure of Jesus stands prominently in Islam based on the various Islamic traditions and the many accounts of Him in the Quran. In one of the narratives, it is alleged that after Prophet Mohammed had his dream in the mountains, he ordered the cleansing of the different idols...

Patient Spiritual Needs: Case Analysis

The principle of autonomy respects the patient’s rights to make an informed medical decision. However, this case falls under the Confucian society, where the head of the family decides for people under his care (Tai & Tsai, 2003). The physician should inform the parents about all possible measures and leave...

“Changed Into His Image” by Jim Berg

The Main Concepts and Ideas of the Book The book Changed into His Image, by Jim Berg, discusses sanctification. Sanctification is a process through which people are made holy according to the Biblical teachings. Therefore, Berg endeavors to illustrate how Biblical teachings contribute to the sanctification of believers. Berg reminds...

“A Thousand Splendid Suns” by Khaled Hosseini

Introduction During the course of the recent decade, it used to be particularly fashionable among political scientists to discuss the present confrontation between the supposedly Christian West and Muslim Middle East/South in terms of ‘clash of civilizations’. Nevertheless, as time goes by, more and more people in Western countries come...

Cultic Rituals and the Nature of Yahweh

The Day of Atonement was highly valued and it was regarded as a great day. “It was a day on the Jewish calendar where Jews were fasting and soul searching.” After the death of the two sons of Aaron, God spoke to Moses and told him to inform his brother Aaron...

Atheism and Its Religious Analysis

Introduction Atheism entails the belief that there are no deities or supreme beings. It is the opposite of theism which is the belief in the existence of at least one Supreme Being or deity. In simple terms, it can be said to be the belief that there is no God...

Religion and Community: The Impact of Religion on Social Life

Introduction According to Kurtz (6), globalization of social life refers to the innumerable ways through which our global society has been integrated into one small village in the sense that anything that happens in one part of the world could potentially have a large effect or influence on other parts...

“Lame Deer, Seeker of Visions” by Richard Erdoes

Introduction Lame Deer, Seeker of Visions is a compelling autobiography that provides readers with a rare glimpse into the spiritual beliefs and rituals of the Lakota Sioux. The book, which was co-written by respected medicine man John (Fire) Lame Deer and author and anthropologist Richard Erdoes, digs deeply into the...

Discipleship Stages and Spheres

Introduction Stages of Discipleship A disciple undergoes a spiritual transformation to match Christ’s image. Through this process, a believer experiences an in-depth growth of spiritual knowledge. Christians consume the “spiritual milk” in the discipleship stages and go through the “Christian walk.” Learning how to become Christ’s disciple is crucial for...

A Fresh Look at Christianity in the Therapy Room

Everyone who subscribes to Christianity is expected to be a missionary wherever they are. However, there is a challenge in applying related beliefs while counseling clients as a psychologist. Consequently, the paper thoroughly analyzes chapters four through six of the book Embodying integration: A fresh look at Christianity in the...

Religion: “Making Peace” Book by Jim Van Yperen

After reading Jim Van Yperen’s book “Making Peace: A Guide to Overcoming Church Conflict,” I am convinced that the church is not always a place of reassurance and comfort. Sometimes, this community of believers is a battleground of evil – both literally and figuratively. While most people know that conflicts...

Ministry of the Prophets, Bible Prophets and Their Prophecies

Prophetic ministry at its core is the act of leading and guiding the church based on revelations from God and gift of the prophesy. The Scriptures present multiple examples of prophetic ministry. The Old Testament has a significant number of prophets. There are the central ones who directly communicated with...

Debates About Burkini Ban in France

Society has always associated clothes with a person’s identity and personality. Every culture has its own unique customs, traditions, and beliefs. Despite clothes allowing people to self-express, they sometimes act as mediums for spreading ideology. Most people spend much time trying to find the perfect attire. They try to identify...

Science and Religion: Historical Relationship

Introduction The historical relation between science and religion is long and has not been that cozy throughout history. The main area of contention is the view that both hold on the world whereby, as science tends to base all its explanations through empirical observations, religion on the other hand makes...

Nature and Mission of the Church

My understanding of the nature and mission of the church in the light of God’s call and purpose is that the church is dependent on and defined by how well it relates with God. Since God is a mystery but and known to us, the church should therefore be never...

Christian Philosophy. “The Christian Philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas” by Etienne Gilson

“The Christian philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas” by Etienne Gilson, the author devoted the book to the analysis of the teachings of Aquinas presenting the formulation of the Christian philosophy. This paper presents a summary of a chapter titled “The Creator” from the aforementioned book, addressing the analysis of the...

Comparing Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism: Evolution and Differences

Theravada and Mahayana are both schools of Buddhism that arose out of the basic teachings of Buddha. Both of the teachings are complementary but they are made up of different expressions of Buddhist teachings. The primary differences that exist between the two came into existence after Buddha’s death. Theravada Theravada,...

Christianity and Rastafarianism Comparison

Introduction Many religions are observed to manifest and follow eight unique elements. These elements include community, worldview, myths or general stories, ethics, rituals, emotional experiences, sacredness, and material expression (Guyette, 2014). These elements play a critical role towards bringing followers of the religion together. This discussion describes how Rastafarianism and...

Religious Parable of “The Three Rings” by Gotthold Lessing

G.E. Lessing created a powerful poem that talks about a father’s love for his sons. The father’s love for his three sons was illustrated through the importance of the ring of power. He will bequeath the ring to his favorite child (Lessing 1). However, he realized that he equally loved...

Bullying From Religious Perspective

I want to talk about the rising problem of bullying in the American educational system, how harmful these behaviors may be, and how to stop it in a way that pleases God. I want to bring up the social issue of bullying and persuade that solving the issue will contribute...

The Expansion of Christianity in North Africa

Introduction In historical scholarship, the traditional interest in the formation of the Christian Church and its institutions, the relationship between church and state, and the influence of Christian ideas on the consciousness of the people of the classical era persist. An idea of the history of Christianity in northern Africa...

Nature and Status of the Human Soul – St. Bonaventure

St. Bonaventure was a philosopher, author, and theologian who lived between 1217 and 1274 AD. During his philosophical works, he developed a human soul model that was a perspective from a person’s knowledge of God with the world being presented as a side effect. The paper presents a brief description...

The Usage of שׁען (shaman) in the Old Testament

The Old Testament (OT) has been interpreted in various ways, presenting a unique understanding of the meaning behind each verse and passage. Accordingly, the word שׁען (sha’an) is used 22 times in the OT and has a dissimilar significance in most of the verses. To comprehend the importance of sha’an,...

The Nature and Kinds of Shrines in African Religious Symbolization

The nature of African shrines serves as places whereby the spirits and gods live or manifest themselves, or their holy objects, symbols, statues, and relics, are consecrated. In addition, they are more than places of worship or spiritual vessels (Microsoft Bing, 2022). Therefore, African shrines are physical manifestations of presence...

The Fall of Humanity: Adam’s Role

Every person familiar with the Bible knows the events that resulted in Adam and Eve being banished from heaven. However, if questioned regarding who is to blame for those events’ occurrence – Adam or Eve – many people will find it difficult to answer correctly. Chronologically, Eve did sin before...

Mental Struggles Within the Christian Family Structure Without Headship

Introduction A healthy family structure is one of the most critical teachings of Christianity. A family unit is representative of the wider community and reflects the complex relationship between Christ and the church. A Christian family structure is well-balanced, with the Bible giving directions and recommendations regarding the duties and...

“Putting Jesus in His Place” by Robert M. Bowman Jr. and J. Ed Komoszewski

The authors are familiar with theological studies as their careers are based on the same expertise. Robert M. Bowman Jr. is a Christian theology professor, that specializes in the study of apologetics. Bowman is a Ph.D. candidate at Fuller Theological Seminary, teaching apologetics and biblical studies at Luther Rice Seminary...

Theological Translatability, Inspiration, and Authority in Religious Traditions

Global South and Theological Translatability The field of global politics is in constant change and adaptation to new realities and contexts. Because of it, various political terms and concepts have outdated, modified, novel, or deceptive meanings. A striking example of such descriptive and interpretive inconsistencies and contradictions is the “first-world...

Servant Leadership in the Church and Its Purpose

Introduction Leadership is a quality that people can be endowed with if they can manage other groups for development. In addition, leadership qualities are formed over a long period, thus becoming the result of a person’s experience. Among leadership types, there is Servant Leadership, the essence of which is the...

Hesychasm and Its Significance in Eastern Christianity

Hesychasm is a form of religious practice in Eastern Christianity in which followers pursue spiritual silence through continuous prayer and worshipping of God (Loba-Mkole, 2014). The main goal of Hesychasm is to achieve connection with God through the recitation of the Jesus Prayer (Loba-Mkole, 2014). This implies the Hesychasts are...

Christian Doctrines of Humanity

The Christian doctrine of humanity teaches that a human was created in the image of God. The monistic view is that all humans are a unit of body and soul. There are three substances created by God according to the doctrine, which is the human body, mind, and soul. Monist...

Biblical Allusions in Of Plymouth Plantation

The Puritans have played an enormous role in American literature, and their ideas still influence moral judgment and some religious beliefs in the United States. Puritan writing has been used to glorify God and to relate God more directly to people’s world. Puritan literature was straightforward and focused on teaching...

Making Friends With People of Different Religions

Being educated and respectful of other religions Education of other religions is undoubtedly one of the most crucial parts of a dialogue with a representative of a different faith. Ignorance in such a matter might lead to misunderstanding and unwanted conflict. Besides, respecting other beliefs should prove to be very...

The Bible. Living by the Book by Hendricks & Hendricks

Introduction The book Living by the Book: The Art and Science of Reading the Bible is a recognized work not only in the global theological community but also among ordinary readers. The research that Professor Hendricks conducts with his son makes it possible to better understand the truths spelled out...

The Book of Job From the Bible

Background The Book of Job in the Bible informs why God allows evil in people’s lives through Job’s experiences. Job was a man who feared the Lord and was prosperous in all ways; he lived a comfortable life, was wealthy, had a big family and possessions. After God boasted to...

Explaining James’s Statement “Faith Without Works Is Dead”

The Book of James and the epistle to the Galatians are two writings that represent the New Testament Law. In the first one, James wrote: “Faith Without Works is Dead,” claiming that believers need to support their faith with good actions made as a result of changed lives. In the...

African Christianity vs. Western Rationalism

Introduction Christianity has spread to all parts of the world since its early days, and the cultural differences of those who adopted this religion shaped their religious beliefs, practices, as well as spirituality. African Christianity is characterized by spiritual and holistic nature, which encompasses the acceptance of the empirical and...

God’s Names in Abrahamic Religions

Three Abrahamic Religions have existed for centuries and have been deeply explored in their meaning. Islam, Judaism, and Christianity are considered the three Abrahamic Religions, and their history traced back to the Prophet Abraham. The beliefs of the religions are common; moreover, they worship the same God. However, the name...

Sermon on the Mount, Buddha’s Sermon at Benares, and Buddha’s Sermon on Abuse

Both Buddha and Christianity figures can be analyzed to determine their assertions compared to Aristotle’s Doctrine of the Mean. Ethics has been encouraged by many religions and philosophers to enable people to interact with ease. For example, Christians focus on the experiences of Jesus, where he taught his followers the...

Representations of Buddha in South and Southeast Asia

Introduction Buddhism consists of a set of religious practices predominant in Asia. Siddhartha Gautama, also referred to as the Buddha, founded the religion in ancient India. The focus of Buddhism is to achieve a state of enlightenment without the involving priests or gods. The way Buddha is represented in different...

Bible History and the Interpretation

Introduction The interpretation of the bible began a long time ago and up to date, different people interpret it in different ways. The teachings of the different churches about the bible also differ depending on the church that is doing the teaching. The bible has been criticized for some of...

Ten Commandments in My Life and the World Today

The Ten Commandments hold a very special place in the hearts of all Christians, these commandments are believed to be written by God, and every person is expected to adhere to these Ten Commandments. It can be said that in order to have a good life one must follow all...

God and Humans Relate

Introduction In the well-known passage in Genesis, “God said, ‘Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness…’” (New King James Version Bible Genesis 1.26). It is a powerful and fundamental statement that came define humanity for millennia, that humans are a likeness of the Divine. However, we are...

Interviewing Muhsin al-Hakim as a Religious Leader of Los Angeles

Southern California is home to several Islamic religious factions with major Muslim populations in three cities. Sayyid Muhsin Al-Hakim is a Shia leader in Dawoodi Bohra Jamaat of Los Angeles situated at Serapis Avenue, Pico Rivera, California. He leads the Dawoodi Bohra community, which constitutes the Shi’ah, family, and Tayyib....

Christian Disciple, Obedience, and Teaching

Introduction According to Christianity, being a disciple of Jesus Christ puts a follower in privileges and blessings that the world in its entirety cannot offer. It is worth noting that the Christian faith is based on the transformation of the world through the spreading of the truth and preaching about God’s...

Theological Reasoning as a Basis for Faith

Theological reasoning strives to pose questions and answer them in terms of sacred theology. Such issues as meaning, essences, causes, distinctions, and so on compose the core of reason. For instance, questions about what grace is and what God reveals by it can be posed. This teaches how to consider...

The Catholic Church and Western Classical Music

The middle ages were characterized by the dominance of the Roman Catholic Church in many religious and social aspects of the community and society. Therefore, many secular elements of culture like the creation and composition of music had their origins in the Roman Catholic Church or were at least influenced...

“The Young Atheist’s Handbook” by Alom Shaha

Introduction The Young Atheist’s Handbook is an exciting story of one man who decided to stop following the religious path that was dictated by society. The book is a deeply personal account of the author’s journey from religious to non-religious, which includes life experiences and thoughts that question the very...

Abrahamic Religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

The videos ‘Mysteries of the Church: Judaism Christianity and Islam’ and ‘Islam Christianity Judaism, ONE GOD’ provide a comprehensive overview of the origins and similarities of the three Abrahamic religions. These religions originated in the Middle East but adhered to different tenets and customs. The films explain that the belief...

The Incarnation of Christ: Theological Survey

The theory of the Incarnation of Christ is the central teaching of the Christian church. It says that God took a fleshly appearance and a human nature, incarnate in Jesus Christ. Christ personifies the divine nature, merged into one with human nature, and this fusion makes Jesus both a true...

A First-Person Narrative on Moses’ Life

Childhood When a young man from the ancient Israelite family of Levi married a beautiful girl from his own people, no one yet knew what fate was in store for me, their son. I was born strong, handsome and healthy. Mom loved me and did not want me to become...

Modernism Impact on Religion Role in Person Life

Modernism has reshaped many societal values, and no faith has escaped its influence. The place that religions take in society has been shifting over the past century as globalization disrupted the traditional way of living in most communities (Gauthier, 2019). I think that there are people who are still drawn...

Church Discipline: Process and Necessity

Introduction Church discipline is the act of calling upon people to change their wayward ways through repentance and asking for forgiveness. It is performed when an individual has disobeyed the church rules provided by God. The intention is to restore people into a reconciled state with God. The aspect of...

“Introduction to World Religion” and “How to Study Religion”

Introduction Religions have always been shaped by their surroundings, but there is a specific way in which they have been shaped. The kind of human problems that religion addresses are problems that arise in part from local situations. Many people who live in areas where gods exist can benefit from...

Principles and Values of Buddhism

Introduction Buddhism is among the most ancient religions that have followers in the modern world. It is regarded as one of the major religions in the world with approximately 500 million followers globally. However, as Buddhism originated in India more than 2,500 years ago, the vast majority of its followers...

The Reflection of Shinto in Spirited Away by Hayao Miyazaki

The animated film Spirited away, produced by Japanese animator Hayao Miyazaki, contains many sacred Shinto motives and folklore reflections. The film’s plot follows the story of a 10-year-old girl named Chihiro Ogino, who finds herself in a world inhabited by ghosts and spirits. Although Hayao Miyazaki, being a big admirer...

Happiness Search: The Parable of the Prodigal Son

Human life is inextricably linked with searching for answers to various questions. However, although for most people, the questions and quests they face in life are unique, one theme is common to all. It is the question of the meaning of life, which, sooner or later, every person considers. Almost...

The Connection of Spirituality and Mental Health

Nowadays, spirituality plays a huge role for many people around the world, and the connection between the inner feelings of every person with the outside world is a crucial part. According to Brown, et al (2013), spirituality has a strong relation to mental health, and while working on the religion...

Winthrop’s Allusion to Moses in “City Upon a Hill”

John Winthrop delivered his famous speech about the dream of a city upon a hill in 1630, as his group of colonists was about to depart for Boston. It was a message of hope and Christian wisdom for Winthrop’s followers who were going to change their lives. Several aspects of...

Personal Reflection on Christian Ethics and Spirituality

Christian ethics, or the moral teaching of Christianity, determines the ethical guidelines of human behavior. Christianity’s ethics is expressed in a Christian ethos, a certain style of life, diverse in its manifestations and inherent in both individuals and large social groups. People who follow Christian ethics have a high level...

Consideration of Creativity: Perfection, Diversity, Profusion, and Inventiveness

Although society attributes art to secularity, there is immense evidence that God and humanity are the primary sources of creativity. In “Echoes of Eden,” Jerram Barrs explores this notion and encourages evangelicals to embrace art instead of shunning it. Barrs bases his arguments on Daniel Loizeaux’s four key ideas –...

The Biblical Creation Story

The Biblical account of the creation story portrays God as the creator of all matter who exists beyond time. The Christian understanding of the creation is that God as the master architect whose power is unfathomable. The Middle Eastern texts, however, propose the versions of the creation which appeal to...

Reflections on Christian Ministry Journey

Introduction The desire to study Ministry and dedicate one’s life to Christianity as a profession does not correspond in people’s minds with an easy entertaining career. It is a challenging path with many classes, insights, obstacles, and personal conclusions. The Ministry requires broad knowledge and understanding of details in various...

William Rowe’s Argument for Atheism Based on the Problem of Evil

Introduction Ever since the scientific community developed the concept of the scientific method, there has been a centuries-old dispute between them, philosophers, and theologians about the existence of God. This topic is particularly relevant to Christian discourse and is viewed by many atheists as the ideological crisis of Christianity. However,...

Difference Between 3 Abrahamic Religion

Introduction The term “Abrahamic Religions” refers to Judaism, Islam, and Christianity, which derive their spiritual source from common ancestry. According to Lovat and Crotty (2015), the cultural, geographical, ethnic, and historical backgrounds of these belief systems emanates from the Near East. The three are monotheistic and rely on some discrete...

The Development of Personal Worldview

Human beings live in trying times due to the presence of diverse views, concepts, and ideas that might affect the decisions they make and the way they pursue their personal goals in life. The development of a personal worldview is an evidence-based practice that can empower and guide more people...

The Uniqueness of Christianity in Comparison With Islam

Introduction Few religions are as interconnected socially, historically, and culturally as Christianity and Islam. Both faiths have similar origins, historical roots, with Islam recognizing some Christian elements and figures. Both Islam and Christianity represent monotheistic religions with one supreme entity. Each religion incorporates the divine message and prophets who spread...

Medical Indications vs. Christian Faith: The James’s Case

Medical Indications Beneficence and Nonmaleficence James experienced high blood pressure, fluid buildup, and glomerulonephritis due to a streptococcus infection. Beneficence: immediate dialysis would alleviate the patient’s high blood pressure and fluid buildup. The delay in dialysis due to the patient’s parents’ preferences resulted in complete kidney failure. James needs of...

Biomedical Ethics and Christianity: Balancing Patient’s Wellbeing and Trust in God

Introduction Bioethics is an independent discipline and a system of moral principles and values that serve as a point of reference in case a medical practitioner is confronted with a moral dilemma. Often, the scale of a problem supersedes the limits of what is healthy and embarks on what is...

Religious Study and Theology. I AM statements

‘I AM’ is derived from Greek words. I AM statements are found both in the New and Old Testament. In the New Testament, the Gospel according to John emphasizes on the statements. The book of John opens up with a strong relationship between God and the Word. John 1:1-2 states...

Anonymous Christian According to Karl Rahner

Introduction The position of people of other faiths in other religions can be seen as an issue of controversy. Taking the example of Islam, the relationship between the religion and the adherents of Abrahamic religions, as well as the relation with non believers is vulnerable to many interpretations varying from...

St. Paul’s Letter to the Corinthians

Historical Background of the text of 1 Corinthians The First Epistle to the Corinthians, or 1 Corinthians was written in Greek by St. Paul of Tarsus to the fledgling Christian Community of Corinth. In the Bible, It is the seventh book of the New Testament and the second of the...

“Knowing Jesus Through the Old Testament” by Christopher J.H. Wright

Introduction Dr. Christopher J.H. Wright’s Knowing Jesus Through the Old Testament is a complete analysis of the roles of prophets and law had in Jesus’ experiences with self-reflection, and thus enable the reader to gain an enhanced understanding of Jesus Christ. Dr. Wright himself is an esteemed scholar who has...

Religious Faith During the Era of Francois Voltaire

Introduction Voltaire was born in the final years of the seventeenth century and died a decade before the beginning of the French Revolution. Christened François Marie Arouet, he subsequently assumed his name to Voltaire. In fact, Voltaire was a central and quintessential figure of the eighteenth century, so much so...

The Holy Spirit: Characteristics and Activity

Introduction The Holy Spirit is an inherent part of Christian theology representing an integral element of the Holy Trinity and a means by which people are both empowered and become messengers of God. In Scriptures, the Holy Spirit takes on numerous forms and has appeared to influence major events in...

Cherubim Angels: Attributes and Meaning

Introduction It is common knowledge that angelic beings play a significant role in mythology and religion across the world. They are particularly renowned in the Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) as the creatures who serve God and execute His will. However, researchers note that there is a tradition of...

Christian Counseling for Marriage and Family

If a couple comes to you considering divorce, what strategies might you use to help them find hope? What boundary issues need to be taken into consideration? If I were to consult a couple, considering divorce, I would have employed several strategies. First of all, I would have asked each...

Evaluating Evangelical Theology: Transcendence vs. Immanence

Stanley Grenz and Roger Olson explored modern theology through the grid of “divine transcendence and divine immanence” (Grenz, & Olson, 1992). They pointed out that “One significant theme that provides an interpretive tool and a means of bringing to light the unity and diversity of theology in the transitional century...

“In His Steps” by Charles Sheldon

Since its publication in 1896, “In His Steps” by Charles Sheldon became widely popular in Christian circles. Part of the success of this religious fiction novel lies in its focus on timeless concepts of love and compassion and the responsibility we share to care for those in need. In his...

Exploring Scientology: Religious Beliefs, Rituals, and Ethical Considerations

Introduction Scientology manifests the eight elements of religion in varying degrees. For example, the most conspicuous elements include a belief system, an ethical system, rituals, community, and material expressions of religion. Sacredness, central myths, and emotional experiences are almost non-existent. Their beliefs are based on the ability to use reason...

Is Jesus God? Critical Evaluation, Arguments for and Against

Introduction Diverse religious opinions arise whenever individuals hold different views about a certain spiritual issue. Most people respect the opinion of others about a certain topic. People appreciate that rational individuals can in differ in opinion. However, these sensible and tolerant attitudes lead to the formulation of two distinct lines...

“Planting Missional Churches” by Ed Stetzer: Summary and Critique

Summary The book under analysis was written by Ed Stetzer and entitled Planting Missional Churches. The author provides valuable insights into the process of planting evangelist churches. Stetzer sheds light on various aspects of the project including finances, location, preaching, worship, spirituality, congregational formation, and so on. The book contains...

Laziness and Diligence in the Holy Bible Context

Introduction The Holy Bible is one of the most influential books in the history of humanity. This is no wonder, for it contains a great amount of wisdom that should be learned from. One of the always timely topics discussed in the Holy Scripture is the issue of diligence and...

Doctrine of the Trinity about the Nature of the Church

Introduction The Christian doctrine of the Trinity is important in understanding the nature of God as well the human-God relationship. However, based on the nature of the church, the doctrine is marked by some ambiguities. For instance, many Christians and Bible scholars tend to be confused on the subject of...

Christianity: Fundamental Concepts and Beliefs

Introduction Christianity is one of the global religions with millions of followers in various countries. It also has a unique set of values and fundamental concepts comprising its core. The Bible introduces numerous ideas that form the framework necessary for realizing the nature of God and how it impacts people’s...

Hinduism, Buddhism, and Christianity

Religion is one of the driving forces of civilizations, which has inspired and guided people’s lives for thousands of years. Religions that people practice nowadays are not very different from the ones that were practiced millennia ago. For instance, the most well-recognized and ancient faiths of people in the Ancient...

Scientific Worldview, Faith, and Reason Comparison

Introduction There is a group of people who argue that science is just a myth and, like other religious doctrines, it is based on faith. For example, Paul claims that “It [science] is one of the many forms of thought that have been developed by man and not necessarily the...

Role of Gospel Essentials in Shaping Christians’ Beliefs

Introduction Benchmark—Gospel Essentials is a term used in Christianity to describe the core beliefs of the faith. These include the belief in one God, the need for salvation, and the importance of Jesus Christ. Gospel Essentials are often used as a benchmark against other beliefs. For example, when evaluating new...

“The Churching of America, 1776-2005” by Roger Finke and Rodney Stark

“The churching of America, 1776-2005: winners and losers in our religious economy” is a provocative book by Roger Finke and Rodney Stark that has profoundly shifted how American religious practices are viewed. The authors provide a comprehensive overview of changes, trends, and developments within American religious practices, thereby challenging previous...

White Theology and Its Core Characteristics

Introduction The church has been known to have the power to influence various issues in society. For instance, with the support of the church, government agencies are able to implement the law. When the local, state and federal governments have tried to solve some of the social issues such as...

Jesus Christ’s Natural Divinity

Jesus Christ is God’s only son; two essences converge in him: divine and human. The divinity of Christ is vital for Christians because it shows that the deification of the human body is possible, as well as the divine embodiment in the personality of an ordinary individual. In addition, it...

The Great Commission and Business as Missions

Introduction The Great Commission refers to instructions that Jesus gave to his disciples after he rose. He asked them to preach the gospel to people across the world. These instructions are found in many passages in the book of Mathew. In fulfilling this work commissioned by Jesus, the disciples were...

The Tony Evans Bible Commentary

Introduction Tony Evans is one of the most powerful church leaders in present times, having studied and preached the gospel for more than fifty years. The Tony Evans Bible Commentary includes an introduction to each book of the Bible, as well as introductory resources and a passage-by-passage exegesis of the...

Religion: Contexts and Characteristics

Religion has been studied for many years because it significantly influences people and history. In modern world various types of faith are presented to people. Some are very popular and massive, while others are only small formed local groups. Many religions today have different ideas so that modern people can...

The Five Ways of St. Thomas Aquinas

Introduction Due to his advances in terms of nearly every field of philosophy and religion, St. Thomas Aquinas was a remarkable catholic theorist and a prolific author. Thomas Aquinas was an outstanding scholastic thinker, theologian, and political philosopher who served as a Dominican bishop and priest in Italy (Ilodigwe 19)....

Aspects of Promoting Evangelism

Evangelism could be described as adopting and distributing the gospel, which is widely known as the salvation of humankind. This notion may also be described as the ultimate appreciation of Jesus Christ for his deeds toward humanity. The flow of evangelism is communicating God’s will, involving the person as a...

“Grace Without Nature”: Theological Understanding of the Imago Dei

Introduction Having created heaven and earth, the world of flora and fauna, God formed humankind thousands of years ago from the dust. Therefore, in every person, there is an eternal principle and the image of God. The formula imago Dei, borrowed from Latin, is one of the central theological concepts...

“The Churching of America” by Finke and Stark

The Churching of America by Finke and Stark uses economic theory to illustrate the growth and failure of religious organizations is perhaps the most intriguing aspect of this book. They attribute religion’s gradual increase in vitality to increasing religious diversity created by America’s religious “free market” and the associated failure...

Philosophical Teachings History Analysis

Scholars unanimously agree that Nāgārjuna is arguably the most influential Buddhist philosopher, most likely second after Buddha. Nāgārjuna’s concept of emptiness (Sunyata) has dramatically influenced Indian philosophy among other regions around the world, including but not limited to Japan, Tibet, and China. According to Nāgārjuna, emptiness is something void, often...

Historical Origin of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

Introduction The world’s three major religions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, grew from the same historical rootstock. Each monotheistic faith worships one god and embraces various sacred writings. Judaism was founded in the 6th century BCE by Abraham, Christianity originated in the 1st century AD after the death of Christ, and...

Perceiving “The Holy Grail” in Le Morte D’Arthur and Idylls of the King

Introduction In the history of Christianity, symbolism has been a significant aspect of religion, with various objects, animals, and features playing an essential role in symbolizing different things. One of the most common symbols in the Christian faith is the ‘Holy Grail,’ which generally represents the vessel that Jesus and...

Holy Spirit Baptism: Filling With God’s Holy Spirit

Introduction Holy Spirit baptism means being filled with God’s Holy Spirit, the third person in the Trinity. When in possession of it, one becomes empowered to perform tasks called upon by God. It makes one saturated with the Holy Spirit and covers each part of the person. Moreover, baptism by...

The Difference between the Qur’an and Other Religious Texts

The Qur’an is a central divine book of Islam, written in the sacred language – Arabic. Many scholars believe that the message written within the passages of the Qur’an cannot be imitated since the Book is unique and contains universal knowledge. However, despite the initial beliefs, the Book can be...

Principles of Maat and 42 Negative Confessions

Maat is associated with balance, wisdom, and faith according to the beliefs of Ancient Egyptian mythology. Maat herself is an Ancient Greek goddess who personifies the truth and the world’s harmony (Van Blerk, 2018). She symbolizes God’s order and laws, and according to these laws, seasons change each other, birth...

The Catholic Church and People’s Mental Health

Introduction It is hard to disagree that an extended number of people can struggle with their unstable mental health. Teenagers frequently suffer post-traumatic stress disorder; young adults can be diagnosed with anxiety or panic attacks; and older people often develop depression due to their loneliness. Statistics show that “7.1% of...

The Salvation Element in Christianity

Introduction Salvation refers to the deliverance from the consequences of sin and its influential power. Christianity was founded under the construct of the laws found in the Bible. In Isaiah 49:6, redemption is earned through the provision of service in the ministering of the word of God (King James Bible,...

Heritage Theme in “Everyday Using” and “The Parable of the Lost Son”

In both works, the theme of inheritance seems to be very internal; it is not on the surface. In Everyday Using, on the surface lies the mother’s relationship with her daughters, her thoughts, dreams, and memories; her fault and understanding of the mistakes of upbringing. The Parable of the Lost...

The Islamic Rule in India

Across the world, the Islamic religion is the second largest after Christianity. In India, the religion has a high number of followers after Buddhism. According to the 2011 census in India, 14.2% of Indians are Muslims (Auer, 2014). Islam ruled India from as early as the 7th century. The trade...

The Ten Commandments and the Pillars of Islam

Introduction The Ten Commandments and the Pillars of Islam serve as the foundations of the Islamic and Christian religions. In general, they consist of predetermined norms that lay the groundwork for how Muslims and Christians should conduct themselves in their interactions with the Almighty and those with whom they interact....

The Relationship Between Human Sinfulness and the Doctrine of Salvation

Introduction According to the principles of the Christian faith, every person born into this world has been sinful since childhood. The limits of this sinfulness lie not in the guilt of the individual for actions committed or imperfectly performed, but in the fact that he or she is the ancestor...

Intersectionality of Religion with Gender, Race, and Class

Religion is an act of devotion towards the existence of a true God. There are some aspects of faith, which make it susceptible to being a potential source of discrimination. As stated by Adams et al. (2013), every religion has its accepted dogma, which followers must accept without question. In...

Buddha as a Leader of a Buddhism Religion

Introduction Buddha, meaning the enlightened one, started Buddhism as a religion. He was born Prince Siddhartha Gautama around the fifth century BCE and died at the age of 80 around 400 BCE after a long time of traveling and preaching (Kleiner 447). After his death, his followers collected, organized, and...

Aesthetic Encounter Report: Atlanta Masjid of Al-Islam

Introduction Mosques are a place of communication of Muslim people with Allah. It can be noted that usually, Islamic mosques are built as spacious and beautiful places reflecting the postulates of Islam. The uniqueness and beauty of religion are shown not only in the internal design but also in external...

Exegesis of Job 23: 1-17, The Book of Job

Introduction The Book of Job can be considered as one of the most philosophical works of the Old Testament. The uniqueness of the Book of Job is in its “depth and thoroughness in dealing with the relationship of human suffering to divine justice” (Gaebelein, 1979-1992, 843). The commonly accepted notion...

The Role of Women in Judaism

Judaism is thought to be founded almost 3,000 years ago. This religious idea is based on the Jewish ways of life. A lot of reverence is annotated from the account of Abraham and Moses in the Biblical writings. That is the covenant affiliation between the patriarchs and matriarchs and God...

Religious Denominations Analysis: Christianity, Catholicism, and Lutheranism

Introduction: A brief historical background of Christian Denominations Considering the first stages of Christianity development, humanity knew no ‘denominations’ within the church; in 1504 there was first Christendom division between the Eastern and Western Churches with ‘Great Schism’. It is necessary to underline the fact that this stage appeared to...

Buddhist Culture in Thailand

In Thailand, Buddhism is the official religion of the state based on century-old traditions and principles. Thailand adopts so-called Theravada Buddhism which transformed Thai culture and society. Consequently, the Thai today differ in language, literature, music, drama, religion, family organization, and in the values and activities relating to these aspects...

Job’s God from the Bible and Greek Gods from Iliad

Introduction Divine intervention or dues ex machina is common in mythical stories and at most favors the lead character. It is often a story of the triumph of the good and the evil. In the Bible’s Old Testament, in the book and story of Job, intervention from God was done...

Harriet Jacobs’ “Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl”

Jacobs makes numerous references to “true Christianity” and Christian hypocrisy, to “churchgoers” and “true believers.” Using specific examples from the text (with page citations) define and explain Jacobs’ views on this issue. After you have defined and explained, imagine that Jacobs lived into the 20th century. Again, using specific examples...

“The Cost of Discipleship” by Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Introduction Christians should pursue specific values, notions, and ideas in order to fulfill God’s purpose on earth. Since the ultimate goal is for believers to become part of His kingdom, it is necessary to understand the meaning and role of discipleship. The inference analysis paper presented below begins by giving...

Baptism in Christianity: History and Meaning of the Rite

Baptism is among the oldest Christian sacraments, as it has been introduced in the Bible and is likely older than the writing. It is usually considered necessary to perform the rite to join the religion. The procedure usually involves immersion into a body of water, preferably a river, but other...

Cosmic Christianity: Eliade’s “Myth and Reality”

Introduction Mythology is a very abstract and historic concept which many do not realize has been a vital part of human civilization for centuries before the arrival of the primary world religions. As societies developed with more concrete ideologies and structured religious institutions, mythological concepts were integrated into mainstream religions...

Comparing European and Non-Western Witchcraft Practices

In Europe, witches were considered in terms of theology. It was believed that Satan enters the bodies of women to acquire physical presence. The Inquisition aimed to eradicate witchcraft by torturing and executing them. The purpose of these beliefs was to blame witches for diseases and epidemics as well as...

Theology of Hope: Moltmann and Pannenberg

Introduction Theology of hope is believed to must have been conceived in the 1960s, with its roots grounded in the 20th existentialism philosophy. Albert Schweitzer was one of the exponents of the theology of hope. In his eschatological teachings, Schweitzer dwelt about faith and stunningly argued the implication of history...

Spiritual Growth Plan: Evaluation and Strategies

Personal and Ministry Spiritual Health at the Start of the Course of Religious Studies and Theology The importance of personal and ministry spiritual health is rather high because it determines a multitude of aspects of the further spiritual development of an individual and a group. Some of the aspects that...