The Depiction of Religion and Hypocrisy in “The Summoning of Everyman”

The notion of God was created by humans to describe the facts and events they were unable to comprehend through the lens of their knowledge. Many modern people have skeptic views on religion, yet this unique moral play can find a relatable topic even nowadays. This essay discusses the ideas...

The 95 Theses

The 95 Theses by Martin Luther was the work of art based on the Catholic practices referring to baptism and absolutism. The theses raised in The Ninety-Five Theses were against the idea of indulgence as the church had the power to sell salvation to a sinner. Luther was a famous...

Ancient Near Eastern Thought and the Old Testament

Introduction A comparative study of the ancient Near Eastern cultures reveals that most of the traditions that the Israelites adhered to were similar to those of their neighbors. John Walton’s book is dedicated to an in-depth analysis of some of the important traditions, rituals, and beliefs that were held by...

The Salvation of Humans by Jesus Christ

Introduction The history of our salvation and redemption in Jesus Christ makes it easier to understand who people are in this world and what they were created to be. The creation and fall of man mark the beginning of the history of salvation. Since the whole history of salvation depends...

The Old Testament Through the Lens of Exile

Introduction The Old Testament, also known as the Hebrew Bible, is a collection of religious writings in Hebrew. It tells the story of a group of people brought out of slavery who intended to become a small nation on land ostensibly promised to them by God. According to Kelle, although...

A First-Person Narrative on Moses’ Life

Childhood When a young man from the ancient Israelite family of Levi married a beautiful girl from his own people, no one yet knew what fate was in store for me, their son. I was born strong, handsome and healthy. Mom loved me and did not want me to become...

Love and Responsibility Book by W. Karol

Karol Wojtyla, who later became John Paul II, is a firm critic of utilitarianism. In his book, Love and Responsibility, he describes the nature of love, its implications on human relationships, and how they relate to God’s love. On pages 18-28, Wojtyla upholds the value of love between men and...

Leadership in Church and Its Theological Aspects

Introduction Leadership in church, as well as change, are two things that require individuals who are committed to serving others. The two depend on one another in the sense that in order for change to happen, good leaders need to be present. A good leader is characterized by the ability...

Hesychasm and Its Significance in Eastern Christianity

Hesychasm is a form of religious practice in Eastern Christianity in which followers pursue spiritual silence through continuous prayer and worshipping of God (Loba-Mkole, 2014). The main goal of Hesychasm is to achieve connection with God through the recitation of the Jesus Prayer (Loba-Mkole, 2014). This implies the Hesychasts are...

Proofs of the Existence of God Based on Moral Conscience

The deontological argument for the existence of God attempts to answer the question of whether the moral order and grounding ethics are possible without assuming that God exists. One of its formulations is Kant’s argument, which states that a superior order is required to guide people in their actions. God...

Making Friends With People of Different Religions

Being educated and respectful of other religions Education of other religions is undoubtedly one of the most crucial parts of a dialogue with a representative of a different faith. Ignorance in such a matter might lead to misunderstanding and unwanted conflict. Besides, respecting other beliefs should prove to be very...

The Book of Job From the Bible

Background The Book of Job in the Bible informs why God allows evil in people’s lives through Job’s experiences. Job was a man who feared the Lord and was prosperous in all ways; he lived a comfortable life, was wealthy, had a big family and possessions. After God boasted to...

Explaining James’s Statement “Faith Without Works Is Dead”

The Book of James and the epistle to the Galatians are two writings that represent the New Testament Law. In the first one, James wrote: “Faith Without Works is Dead,” claiming that believers need to support their faith with good actions made as a result of changed lives. In the...

The Bible as a Cultural Object

All people have a cultural object that shapes their behavior and social norms. The Bible is one of the world’s most influential cultural objects that posit fundamental roles in modeling individuals’ spiritual health. Ideally, it is a typical collection of historical events in ancient times held sacredly to the people...

Jehovah’s Witness – Beliefs

Jehovah’s witnesses are unique believers who base their religion on Christianity; however, they hold many unique features and traditions. The main peculiarity of Jehovah’s witnesses is that their God is Jehovah, and Jesus Christ is his agent, through whom people may reconcile to God (“Jehovah’s Witness – Beliefs,” 2019). The...

Comparing Behaviorist Versus Christian Points of View

The question of whether people can influence their fate has always been of significance for many philosophers and religious figures. Some of them argue that a person is responsible for their current and future life, while others stipulate that supreme forces determine these issues, and individuals witness what is predetermined....

Science and Religion: Historical Relationship

Introduction The historical relation between science and religion is long and has not been that cozy throughout history. The main area of contention is the view that both hold on the world whereby, as science tends to base all its explanations through empirical observations, religion on the other hand makes...

St. Paul’s Letter to the Corinthians

Historical Background of the text of 1 Corinthians The First Epistle to the Corinthians, or 1 Corinthians was written in Greek by St. Paul of Tarsus to the fledgling Christian Community of Corinth. In the Bible, It is the seventh book of the New Testament and the second of the...

Is Jesus Both Human and Divine?

Introduction The personality of Jesus Christ is one of the most interesting and a mystical one in Christian thought. The Old and New Testaments contain the evidence about divine nature of Jesus and his life as a human. The biblical facts suggest that Jesus was a man. He was a...

Religious Faith During the Era of Francois Voltaire

Introduction Voltaire was born in the final years of the seventeenth century and died a decade before the beginning of the French Revolution. Christened François Marie Arouet, he subsequently assumed his name to Voltaire. In fact, Voltaire was a central and quintessential figure of the eighteenth century, so much so...

God and Humans Relate

Introduction In the well-known passage in Genesis, “God said, ‘Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness…’” (New King James Version Bible Genesis 1.26). It is a powerful and fundamental statement that came define humanity for millennia, that humans are a likeness of the Divine. However, we are...

Christianity as a Contemporary World Religion

Introduction Christianity remains one of the contemporary religions in the world today. Religion emerged during the first few decades of the Roman Empire. This was after several religious leaders began to get rid of various rituals and practices that characterized the Jewish way of worship. This means that the religion...

The Theme of Justice in the Old and the New Testament

Introduction: Tracing the Discrepancies between the Testaments God’s decisions differ. This statement is often used to describe the content of two Testaments. The scholars of all times have been investigating the sources and the logical explanations of some discrepancies that put a strong line of demarcation between the Old and...

Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes: Cultural Relativism in Biblical Interpretation

Introduction Religion is an intricate subject that defines human civilizations as a component that guides their daily lives. Notably, the case of Christianity is premised on the context of biblical scriptures that are considered a guide for those that prescribe to the beliefs. However, history indicates that the interpretation of...

Biblical Theology and How to Practice It

Introduction Over the past fifty years, biblical academics have offered a new perspective on biblical theology. Scholars have used different evangelical approaches to accurately articulate the significance of Christ-themed biblical theology and its prospects. Biblical theology is known as the concept that regulates essential facts, comprehension, Jesus, and God’s likeness....

Narrative Theology: Biblical Metanarrative

Introduction The essence of narrative theology lies in the idea that the use of the Bible in Christian theology should focus on the narrative presentation of faith. This is an approach that opposes developing a set of teachings derived from Scripture itself – what is commonly referred to as “systematic...

Concept of Human Being in Islam

Background Humans are considered the most important beings among all the animals created as they can distinguish between right and wrong. Muslims believe humans are born in a state of purity, and as they grow, they make decisions that are by and against Islam teachings. The creator sent his prophets...

The Fall of Humanity: Adam’s Role

Every person familiar with the Bible knows the events that resulted in Adam and Eve being banished from heaven. However, if questioned regarding who is to blame for those events’ occurrence – Adam or Eve – many people will find it difficult to answer correctly. Chronologically, Eve did sin before...

Impact of Religion on Individuals, Society, and the World

Religion plays an essential role in the growth of an individual, society, and the whole world. Religion acts as a guidebook on how people should live, driven by their faith and principles of life (Primal Religions, n.d.). Moreover, religious leaders are expected to teach people the virtue of love and...

Religion: Locating Sodom

Introduction Sodom and Gomorrah were two of five cities referred to as the Cities of the Plain in the Bible. The two places are infamous for God’s judgment upon the cities’ wicked inhabitants in the three Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Biblical scholars, including Steven Collins and Bryant Wood,...

Analysis of the Novel “The Story of the Stone”

The novel The Story of the Stone is based on the Buddhist concept of the karmic birth and existence of a person. The soul must outlive the “dream of life” with all its sorrows and anguish, then renounce everything earthly and embark on a new enlightened path. The author often...

Matthew’s and Mark’s Gospels: The Main Differences

Introduction The Bible is a sacred book filled with numerous contradictions since many people have influenced its content. Reading several Gospels, Matthew and Mark can prove the inconsistencies because every individual account describes the same events but pays attention to diverse details. It means that they perceived the teaching of...

The Christian Faith and Its Advantages

Religion plays a critical role in the life of millions of people. Individuals all over the world have their rituals and visions. Christianity is one of the most ancient and influential teachings popular in different parts of the globe. It has some fundamental beliefs, such as the necessity to save...

Religion and Cult Relations

People have always needed a system of specific beliefs to explain events unknown to them. Since the emergence of the first organized groups of people and civilized societies, mythologies, religions, and cults became integral elements of the human world. Moreover, some worship systems transformed into dominant paradigms or religions peculiar...

God’s Names in Abrahamic Religions

Three Abrahamic Religions have existed for centuries and have been deeply explored in their meaning. Islam, Judaism, and Christianity are considered the three Abrahamic Religions, and their history traced back to the Prophet Abraham. The beliefs of the religions are common; moreover, they worship the same God. However, the name...

Religious References in “Future Home of the Living God” by Erdrich

Introduction This dystopian novel by Louise Erdrich depicts the author’s views on the future of humanity under a religious rule. Beginning from the title of the book, the author mentions the name of the Lord, and this theme remains one of the primary topics throughout the chapters. Even the main...

The Development of Personal Worldview

Human beings live in trying times due to the presence of diverse views, concepts, and ideas that might affect the decisions they make and the way they pursue their personal goals in life. The development of a personal worldview is an evidence-based practice that can empower and guide more people...

Medical Indications vs. Christian Faith: The James’s Case

Medical Indications Beneficence and Nonmaleficence James experienced high blood pressure, fluid buildup, and glomerulonephritis due to a streptococcus infection. Beneficence: immediate dialysis would alleviate the patient’s high blood pressure and fluid buildup. The delay in dialysis due to the patient’s parents’ preferences resulted in complete kidney failure. James needs of...

“A Thousand Splendid Suns” by Khaled Hosseini

Introduction During the course of the recent decade, it used to be particularly fashionable among political scientists to discuss the present confrontation between the supposedly Christian West and Muslim Middle East/South in terms of ‘clash of civilizations’. Nevertheless, as time goes by, more and more people in Western countries come...

Synoptic Gospel: The Books of Mathew, Luke and Mark

Introduction Synoptic gospel is the term used in reference to the books in the bible whose content and explanations are almost similar. In this case, the four books of the New Testament that constitute the synoptic gospel are those written by Mathew, Luke, and Mark. The book of Mark is...

Womanist and Feminist on Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit refers to God’s activity within followers. That is, if the Incarnation of God the Son in Jesus Christ can be spoken of as objective, then our appropriation of it is subjective. While God on the one hand does something for us, on the other hand, He does...

Analysis of John Winthrop’s Sermon

John Winthrop, an English Puritan lawyer, was one of the central figures in founding the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Before he and the settlers reached New England, he delivered a sermon that later became famous. In his speech, Winthrop shared his expectations of their and the colony’s future. The purpose of...

Christian Life in the “Everyman” Moral Play

Everyman represents all humanity and critical issues related to all the people, including Fellowship, Material Goods, and Knowledge. In the play, Everyman strives to answer an eternal question of what a person should do to achieve Christian salvation (Lester 107). Comparing my own life with time when Goods lays the...

The Practice of Spiritual Direction: Exploring Christian Mentorship and the Path to God

Introduction This paper reviews Barry, William A., and Connolly, William J. (2009), The Practice of Spiritual Direction. The book is part of the Christian literature that explores the Christian’s spiritual journey as he or she moves toward and develops a relationship with God. Barry and Connolly (2009, 17) offer a...

Doctrine of the Trinity about the Nature of the Church

Introduction The Christian doctrine of the Trinity is important in understanding the nature of God as well the human-God relationship. However, based on the nature of the church, the doctrine is marked by some ambiguities. For instance, many Christians and Bible scholars tend to be confused on the subject of...

The Second Coming of Christ: Bibliography

Garrick, Allen. “Paratexts and the Reception History of the Apocalypse.” The Journal of Theological Studies 70, no. 2 (2019): 600-632. The author examines manuscripts and primary sources to reconstruct ancient events. It is important to note that the study explores the influence of primary sources on further biblical research. This...

Chapter 2 of “Introducing Christian Mission Today” by Goheen

The current report summarizes the “Scripture as a Narrative Record of God’s Mission” chapter from the book Introducing Christian Mission Today by Michael W. Goheen. The focus of this part is the description of how Scripture conveys the message of God’s mission to the readers. In other words, the author...

Modernism Impact on Religion Role in Person Life

Modernism has reshaped many societal values, and no faith has escaped its influence. The place that religions take in society has been shifting over the past century as globalization disrupted the traditional way of living in most communities (Gauthier, 2019). I think that there are people who are still drawn...

Discipleship Stages and Spheres

Introduction Stages of Discipleship A disciple undergoes a spiritual transformation to match Christ’s image. Through this process, a believer experiences an in-depth growth of spiritual knowledge. Christians consume the “spiritual milk” in the discipleship stages and go through the “Christian walk.” Learning how to become Christ’s disciple is crucial for...

Secular Combatants: Teaching Secular Worldviews in a Post-Secular Age

Investigating the connection between psychology and Christianity is a problematic and passionate task. One school of thought claims that psychology, or science, is opposed to Christianity or religion. On the one hand, secular combatants feel that religious tradition and mental health are incompatible. On the other hand, Christian warriors who...

The Difference between the Qur’an and Other Religious Texts

The Qur’an is a central divine book of Islam, written in the sacred language – Arabic. Many scholars believe that the message written within the passages of the Qur’an cannot be imitated since the Book is unique and contains universal knowledge. However, despite the initial beliefs, the Book can be...

Principles of Maat and 42 Negative Confessions

Maat is associated with balance, wisdom, and faith according to the beliefs of Ancient Egyptian mythology. Maat herself is an Ancient Greek goddess who personifies the truth and the world’s harmony (Van Blerk, 2018). She symbolizes God’s order and laws, and according to these laws, seasons change each other, birth...

A Short History of Christianity by Tompkins

Stephen Tompkins, in his book, tries to tell the history of Christianity in an accessible language, avoiding specific church vocabulary and moral teachings. The author suggests listening to the story and thinking about how humanity came to today’s realities with positive and negative consequences. In the first chapter, Tompkins describes...

The Reflection of Shinto in Spirited Away by Hayao Miyazaki

The animated film Spirited away, produced by Japanese animator Hayao Miyazaki, contains many sacred Shinto motives and folklore reflections. The film’s plot follows the story of a 10-year-old girl named Chihiro Ogino, who finds herself in a world inhabited by ghosts and spirits. Although Hayao Miyazaki, being a big admirer...

The Book of Exodus: Brief Analysis

Introduction The Book of Exodus is one of the defining narratives of Western culture. It recounts the story of ancient Israelites being chosen by Yahweh to escape slavery at the hands of Egyptians and attain the Promised Land. It features many of the most famous characters and episodes from biblical...

How the Bible Portrays a Unified Story

Considering its diversity and rich storyline, the Bible can be converted into billions of classic books of different genres. The foundation of all the stories created is to glorify God’s supreme authority since everything on the earth was created through him. Therefore, the Bible tells the same story based on...

The Connection of Spirituality and Mental Health

Nowadays, spirituality plays a huge role for many people around the world, and the connection between the inner feelings of every person with the outside world is a crucial part. According to Brown, et al (2013), spirituality has a strong relation to mental health, and while working on the religion...

Megachurches: History, Business and Values Aligned

Introduction In the second half of the twentieth century, various new forms of religiosity and types of religious identity appeared in many countries of the world. They, in particular, caused the formation of different, sometimes mutually exclusive concepts describing the state of religion in the modern world. These are secularization...

The Torah: Story, Law, and Poetry

In the tradition of Judaism, Torah, in the broad sense, refers to the substance of God’s divine revelation to Israel, thus offering divine teaching and guidance to His followers. The meaning of Torah has been mainly restricted in order to denote the first give books of the Hebrew Bible, or...

The Role of Spirituality in Medical Education

Healing and Autonomy Spirituality practice in healthcare has been a controversial topic over the last decade. Spirituality and health are increasingly becoming a topic of discussion in healthcare and medical schools and provide more insight into combining them. More healthcare facilities offer spiritual support to patients as an extension of...

Debates About Burkini Ban in France

Society has always associated clothes with a person’s identity and personality. Every culture has its own unique customs, traditions, and beliefs. Despite clothes allowing people to self-express, they sometimes act as mediums for spreading ideology. Most people spend much time trying to find the perfect attire. They try to identify...

Charles Manson and the Family as a Destructive Cult

Introduction There is freedom of worship in the US and one can join any religion she/he feels like. Everyone has control of his/her life and is responsible for the actions he takes. One can do everything that pleases him as long as his actions do not hurt another person. However,...

“The Life You’ve Always Wanted” by John Ortberg

In The Life You’ve Always Wanted, John Ortberg encourages his readers to reflect on the nature of Christianity and the ability of belief in God to facilitate positive change and growth, revealing why and how transformation occurs. The book is unique for the modern outlook on a traditional spiritual path...

Comparison of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam

Introduction Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are the main monotheistic religions of the world with millions of followers. Although tolerance has become more widespread in society, conflicts and disputes still erupt between representatives of these religions, since they consider their faith to be more right. However, one may note that Christianity,...

Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity

The psychological practice of believers is usually different from the atheists’ psychological counseling methods. That is because faith enriches individuals and allows them to reveal those facets of the human soul that may not be available to academic knowledge. This paper aims to summarize and critically analyze the book by...

Tibetan Buddhism and Zen Buddhism Comparison

Tibetan Buddhism (Dalai Lama) Rituals The Five Tibetan rituals are considered to be life changing which helps the Tibetan’s in the spiritual and religious obligations they desire. It’s also actually great for your body. You search within as you work through the exercises help to strenghthen your social acceptance. The...

“Knowing Jesus Through the Old Testament” by Christopher J.H. Wright

Introduction Dr. Christopher J.H. Wright’s Knowing Jesus Through the Old Testament is a complete analysis of the roles of prophets and law had in Jesus’ experiences with self-reflection, and thus enable the reader to gain an enhanced understanding of Jesus Christ. Dr. Wright himself is an esteemed scholar who has...

Buddhist Culture in Thailand

In Thailand, Buddhism is the official religion of the state based on century-old traditions and principles. Thailand adopts so-called Theravada Buddhism which transformed Thai culture and society. Consequently, the Thai today differ in language, literature, music, drama, religion, family organization, and in the values and activities relating to these aspects...

Bhagavad-Gita: The Consequences and Proofs of Alterations on the Hindu Society

Although Bhagavad-Gita has always acquired the titles such as “The divine Song of God” or “The word of God” etc, but still a common man cannot visualize the changes and the influences of such changes which has been occurred and preached since the origin of Gita throughout the decades. History...

Religion Freedom and Its Limitation

Introduction Freedom is one of the major values of people living in western democracies that have evolved for centuries. However, the very notion of freedom can be rather blurred, especially when it comes to certain aspects of human life. Religion has been a sensitive matter associated with diverse perspectives, conflicting...

Harriet Jacobs’ “Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl”

Jacobs makes numerous references to “true Christianity” and Christian hypocrisy, to “churchgoers” and “true believers.” Using specific examples from the text (with page citations) define and explain Jacobs’ views on this issue. After you have defined and explained, imagine that Jacobs lived into the 20th century. Again, using specific examples...

Sufism: Islam’s Contribution to Metaphysics

Introduction Sufism exists in many forms and includes several different practices and followers, including some of the better known Sufi masters such as Ibn al Arabi, and perhaps the best known of all Sufis, the poet Rumi. In its simplest and most generalized essence, the Sufi religion represents one of...

Christianity and Rastafarianism Comparison

Introduction Many religions are observed to manifest and follow eight unique elements. These elements include community, worldview, myths or general stories, ethics, rituals, emotional experiences, sacredness, and material expression (Guyette, 2014). These elements play a critical role towards bringing followers of the religion together. This discussion describes how Rastafarianism and...

Is Jesus God? Critical Evaluation, Arguments for and Against

Introduction Diverse religious opinions arise whenever individuals hold different views about a certain spiritual issue. Most people respect the opinion of others about a certain topic. People appreciate that rational individuals can in differ in opinion. However, these sensible and tolerant attitudes lead to the formulation of two distinct lines...

Roman Catholicism Vs Protestant Christianity

Introduction This paper examines the differences between the beliefs of the Roman Catholicism and the mainstream Protestant Christianity. During Protestant Reformation in the 16th century, “several groups of churches separated from the Roman Catholic Church” (Walton 40). This marked the beginning of differences in beliefs and unity of Christendom among...

The Old Testament’ Importance for the Modern Believer

Introduction Today, many Christians neglect the Old Testament, considering that it only contains bedtime stories and is not relevant for the modern believers. However, this approach is not correct. Studying the Old Testament gives a modern believer knowledge on the relationship between God and people, explains certain universal principles, helps...

Laziness and Diligence in the Holy Bible Context

Introduction The Holy Bible is one of the most influential books in the history of humanity. This is no wonder, for it contains a great amount of wisdom that should be learned from. One of the always timely topics discussed in the Holy Scripture is the issue of diligence and...

The Expansion of Christianity in North Africa

Introduction In historical scholarship, the traditional interest in the formation of the Christian Church and its institutions, the relationship between church and state, and the influence of Christian ideas on the consciousness of the people of the classical era persist. An idea of the history of Christianity in northern Africa...

The Usage of שׁען (shaman) in the Old Testament

The Old Testament (OT) has been interpreted in various ways, presenting a unique understanding of the meaning behind each verse and passage. Accordingly, the word שׁען (sha’an) is used 22 times in the OT and has a dissimilar significance in most of the verses. To comprehend the importance of sha’an,...

Biblical Theology of Sexuality and Sex

Abstract The Bible interprets sexuality and sex as the biological basis for the love attraction of a man and a woman. Physical compatibility is crucial despite the importance of emotional attachment and platonic love between two people. The more compatibility factors people have in a union, the higher the likelihood...

White Theology and Its Core Characteristics

Introduction The church has been known to have the power to influence various issues in society. For instance, with the support of the church, government agencies are able to implement the law. When the local, state and federal governments have tried to solve some of the social issues such as...

The Tony Evans Bible Commentary

Introduction Tony Evans is one of the most powerful church leaders in present times, having studied and preached the gospel for more than fifty years. The Tony Evans Bible Commentary includes an introduction to each book of the Bible, as well as introductory resources and a passage-by-passage exegesis of the...

Existence of God: The Five Ways of Thomas Aquinas

Introduction When studying philosophy, one will inevitably come across Thomas Aquinas and his five arguments for the existence of a higher being, such as God. His justifications for the existence of a higher being were developed to offer a firm basis for the conviction that a God does, in fact,...

Life Stages: Old Age, Dying, and Death

Death is perceived as natural and an inevitable part of life. We may not be sure about the outcomes of our lives, but one thing we are confident of is that we are all going to die. Although funerals help the living by giving them a chance to understand the...

Review of “Little Buddha” by Bernardo Bertolucci

Little Buddha is a 1993 film by Bernardo Bertolucci that tells the story of choosing the rebirth of Lama Dorje, a great Buddhist teacher. Lama Norbu and a group of monks from Butane go to the US to find an American boy Jesse Conrad. The monks announce that the child...

Shiva as a Pillar of the Hindu Trinity

Hindus recognize only one God, called Brahman, who is deemed as the foundation of all existence. In addition, Hindus have other Hindu deities representing the different manifestations of Brahman. Various Hindu communities have their own gods who worship them. This is an event not against Brahman but a different way...

Islamic Effect on the Cultural Exchange

Economic activities are often misconstrued as rooted solely in financial interactions and devoid of any cultural components. However, the assumption that culture does not factor into economic interactions could not be any further away from the truth. As the history of the Silk Road and interactions within it have shown,...

Ideas and Topics in Saint Mark’s Gospel

Saint Mark’s Gospel is the shortest and the most volumetric text out of the four existing ones. His telling is in some ways similar to Mathew’s narrative, but some occurrences are presented in the other order, and the descriptions are shorter. The Gospel of Mark is believed to be the...

God’s and Elijah’s Formal and Informal Leadership

Introduction This paper will discuss formal and informal leadership represented by God and Elijah the Prophet, respectively. It will focus on Elijah’s going through illness and hopelessness and God’s assisting him in finding the path to salvation. According to Merida (2015), “We have read of Elijah’s mountaintop experience at Mount...

The Islamic Rule in India

Across the world, the Islamic religion is the second largest after Christianity. In India, the religion has a high number of followers after Buddhism. According to the 2011 census in India, 14.2% of Indians are Muslims (Auer, 2014). Islam ruled India from as early as the 7th century. The trade...

Decline of Christianity in Europe Since 1675

Even though Protestant Christianity had been originated in Western Europe and Catholicism has persisted there for the majority of its history, the region is now among the most secular territories across the globe. For centuries, there has been an ongoing trend of Christian Church institutions gradually losing their power and...

Religion Study: Analysis of Exodus 32:7-14

Introduction In the Book of Exodus, one of the most daring confrontations with God is the Golden Calf event. The story revolves around the people of Israel who doubted the divinity of the Lord and describes how God and Moses reacted to this treachery. The narrative reveals how arrogant and...

Reading Reflection “The Emotionally Healthy Church”

The main idea promoted by Peter Scazzero throughout his book The Emotionally Healthy Church is that many Christians appear to have a hard time trying to relate to their religious beliefs on an emotional level: “We have many people who are passionate for God and his work, yet who remain...

Wicca Religion: Dimensions Overview

Introduction Religion refers to the belief in a god or gods and worship of such god or gods. There are many aspects of Religion such as beliefs and practices that shape the life experiences of those who practice them. One’s religion is identifiable by the type of prayers conducted by...

Marks of Christian Maturity

Introduction One of the major features of the Christian faith is the teaching that the believer must never stop growing in knowledge, wisdom and character. This development can be summed up in one word – maturity. Therefore the goal of every true believer is to be mature, like Jesus Christ....

Infant Baptism in the First Five Centuries

Introduction Infant baptism refers to the practice of baptizing children few days after they are born. The question of necessity and purpose of baptizing infants has been of interest to theologians since the first century. Theologians have been keen to show justification for infant baptism while others especially in evangelical...

Old & New Testaments: Exegesis of Jeremiah 31 in Hebrews 10

Introduction Hebrews is about the sacrifice of Jesus Christ about the sacrifices enforced in the Mosaic Law. As mandated by this Law, the priests, the Levites, sacrificed animals for the atonement of their sins, but there is one superior to the animal sacrifices and this is Jesus Christ. “His sacrifice...

Cultic Rituals and the Nature of Yahweh

The Day of Atonement was highly valued and it was regarded as a great day. “It was a day on the Jewish calendar where Jews were fasting and soul searching.” After the death of the two sons of Aaron, God spoke to Moses and told him to inform his brother Aaron...

Sikhism and Christianity: A View on Life and Death

Introduction Religious beliefs have accompanied humanity since its origin. People at any stage of their development continue to believe in the existence of God, only the forms through which the divine service takes place to change. As a relatively young religion, Sikhism absorbed the concepts of Islam and Hinduism but...

Cherubim Angels: Attributes and Meaning

Introduction It is common knowledge that angelic beings play a significant role in mythology and religion across the world. They are particularly renowned in the Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) as the creatures who serve God and execute His will. However, researchers note that there is a tradition of...

Saint Anselm’s Ontological Argument

An ontological argument refers to the type of philosophical exploration in regards to the existence of God. However, when talking about their theories, philosophers also argue about the state of being and existing, beginning with the ideas about how the universe is organized. Despite the complexity of ontological arguments and...

Religion and Community: The Impact of Religion on Social Life

Introduction According to Kurtz (6), globalization of social life refers to the innumerable ways through which our global society has been integrated into one small village in the sense that anything that happens in one part of the world could potentially have a large effect or influence on other parts...

Process and Secular Theology: Tillich and Bonhoeffer

Introduction It is not precise when the process of theology began, but it is generally held that it must have started way back in the 500 B.C., the era of Heraclitus, the Philosopher, and the Greeks (John & David, 2001). It is also postulated that Process theology was rejuvenated by...

The Christian Worldview and Key Concepts

Abstract Although the Christian religion is often viewed as a rather complex set of concepts and rules, it, in fact, conveys rather simple ideas, which are related closely to the human nature. While the latter is linked to the concept of sin directly, the origin thereof allows assuming that there...

The Catholic Church and Western Classical Music

The middle ages were characterized by the dominance of the Roman Catholic Church in many religious and social aspects of the community and society. Therefore, many secular elements of culture like the creation and composition of music had their origins in the Roman Catholic Church or were at least influenced...

Jesus Christ as the Resurrected Messiah: An Analysis of Ortlund’s Interpretation

Introduction and Brief Summary Much attention is paid to the topic of Christ’s resurrection, and many discussions are developed on the idea of the justification of the events that occurred on Friday afternoon and Sunday morning when Christ’s believers and supporters had to deal with a huge amount of agony...

Islamic Culture, Politics and Religion

In the Arab world, the word ‘Islam’ means submission and peace. As a term, it refers to the messages revealed to Muhammad by Allah. Cultural practices and beliefs associated with the people who practice this religion give rise to Islamic culture. In the recent past, the religion has spread into...

Canonization of the Bible

One of the questions which remains unanswered among Christians concerns how the Bible came into being. How were the writings collected and organized into what is presently used as the holy Christian Book? Who exactly collected the writings composed in the New Testament? These and other questions address the entire...

Phenomenological and Experiential Approaches to Religious Education

Introduction Religion is an integral part of most societies. In the history of humanity, religions have influenced major parts of the way of life of most societies. In many societies, passing religious beliefs to the other members of the society is taken as major duty for existence. In accordance with...

Christian Life Coaching: Overcoming Obstacles and Spiritual Growth

Life Coaching Definitions of Life Coaching, Mentorship, Discipleship, and Counseling Life coaching is an intentional partnership between a coach and a coachee, primarily fostering successful outcomes in the coachee’s personal and professional life (Collins, 2009). While life coaching, mentoring, discipleship, and counseling all play a part in helping people improve...

Understanding Christian Ministry: Service for All Believers

Introduction Throughout much of its history, the church has been divided into two groups, namely those tasked with ministry and followers. Ministry has been characterized as the duties of a pastor rather than as the actions that servants of God undertake in the context of routine daily activities. Traditional conceptualizations...

Lesslie Newbigin’s Proper Confidence and Its Impact on Missionary Thought

Introduction Lesslie Newbigin’s contribution is considered among the brightest minds behind the missionary thought of the twentieth century, even though his reflection on Evangelism has not been widely studied. In the age of rising pragmatism and consumerism, through his writing, Newbigin aimed to comment on the disappearance of hope in...

Abrahamic Religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

The videos ‘Mysteries of the Church: Judaism Christianity and Islam’ and ‘Islam Christianity Judaism, ONE GOD’ provide a comprehensive overview of the origins and similarities of the three Abrahamic religions. These religions originated in the Middle East but adhered to different tenets and customs. The films explain that the belief...

Comparison of Christianity and Hinduism

Religious affiliation is one of the valuable components of the human personality. Adhering to particular religious worldviews in this way becomes an essential topic for research. This implies comparing aspects such as historical and geographical origins, core beliefs and practices, and important texts. Therefore, this essay will compare Hinduism and...

The Christian Leadership, Stewardship, and Ethics

Introduction In understanding what leadership is, there are often severe problems. The world has leadership principles; worldly leadership tries to control and establish order. Unfortunately, the church is often influenced by these patterns of secular government. However, the Bible says that Christian leadership is based on principles that are opposite...

The Nature and Kinds of Shrines in African Religious Symbolization

The nature of African shrines serves as places whereby the spirits and gods live or manifest themselves, or their holy objects, symbols, statues, and relics, are consecrated. In addition, they are more than places of worship or spiritual vessels (Microsoft Bing, 2022). Therefore, African shrines are physical manifestations of presence...

International Church of the Foursquare Gospel

Background The Foursquare Gospel is an evangelical Pentecostal denomination the name of which is closely related to the emblem, represented by four squares. The four squares symbolically show Jesus Christ the Savior, Baptizer, Healer, Coming King. It refers to the revelation of Aimee Semple McPherson, the founder of the church,...

The Five Ways of St. Thomas Aquinas

Introduction Due to his advances in terms of nearly every field of philosophy and religion, St. Thomas Aquinas was a remarkable catholic theorist and a prolific author. Thomas Aquinas was an outstanding scholastic thinker, theologian, and political philosopher who served as a Dominican bishop and priest in Italy (Ilodigwe 19)....

Theological Translatability, Inspiration, and Authority in Religious Traditions

Global South and Theological Translatability The field of global politics is in constant change and adaptation to new realities and contexts. Because of it, various political terms and concepts have outdated, modified, novel, or deceptive meanings. A striking example of such descriptive and interpretive inconsistencies and contradictions is the “first-world...

Church Discipline: Process and Necessity

Introduction Church discipline is the act of calling upon people to change their wayward ways through repentance and asking for forgiveness. It is performed when an individual has disobeyed the church rules provided by God. The intention is to restore people into a reconciled state with God. The aspect of...

Confucianism as the Main Religion of Indonesia

Confucianism is one of the world’s major philosophic and spiritual teachings, primarily practiced in Asian countries and China in particular. It is based on the various ideas of Confucius, comprising the moral and spiritual backbone of a number of nations. For its country of origin, China, Confucianism remains a source...

Servant Leadership in the Church and Its Purpose

Introduction Leadership is a quality that people can be endowed with if they can manage other groups for development. In addition, leadership qualities are formed over a long period, thus becoming the result of a person’s experience. Among leadership types, there is Servant Leadership, the essence of which is the...

Art of Islam: The Common Language of Islamic Art

Islamic art encompasses many artistic disciplines, including calligraphy, architecture, painting, ceramics, textiles, and glass. The author of the article, “Art of Islam,” covers aspects of the Islamic art language. They include how Arab art is related to Islamic art, the overall idea of Arabic calligraphy, the Arabesque, sphere and cube,...

Dawn Smith’s Experience of Life in a Religious Cult

After watching the TED Talk “Why I Left an Evangelical Cult,” I have learned that being raised in a cult is one of the most horrifying experiences. It is horrible not only because of the constant abuse and lies but because it is very difficult to escape. In a cult,...

Christian Doctrines of Humanity

The Christian doctrine of humanity teaches that a human was created in the image of God. The monistic view is that all humans are a unit of body and soul. There are three substances created by God according to the doctrine, which is the human body, mind, and soul. Monist...

Religions’ Answers to Five of the Seven Worldview Questions

Islam “What is prime reality – what is really real?” For Muslims, God is the only prime and fundamental reality. “Why is there something rather than nothing?” Muslims see the meaning of their lives in following and worshipping Allah. “What is a human being? How do you explain human nature?”...

Christianity and Postmodernism: a Comprehensive Comparison

The society of today is at a stage that is ultimately defined by a structure so complex that it is no more perceivable by traditional means. Crucial changes to the fabric of human societies entail a mental paradigm shift that is first recognized by the cultural figures and later on...

My Testimony of Faith: Dialogue with an Atheist

The controversy about God’s existence between atheists and those who believe in the reasonability of religion lasts for hundreds of years. People, who do not question the presence of divine power, usually have had an event or have noticed a phenomenon they consider as proof of God’s existence. This essay...

Islam: The Rise and Spread Around the World

Islam is the youngest of the world religions, and the modern popularity of the doctrine speaks of its rapid spread. In 2015, there were over 1.8 million Muslims in the world, which is about 24% of the global population (Lipka, 2017). However, coercion or forced imposition is often cited as...

The Ten Commandments and the Pillars of Islam

Introduction The Ten Commandments and the Pillars of Islam serve as the foundations of the Islamic and Christian religions. In general, they consist of predetermined norms that lay the groundwork for how Muslims and Christians should conduct themselves in their interactions with the Almighty and those with whom they interact....

Importance of Having Faith for People

Faith, the concept of having confidence in something regardless of whether it is grounded in facts, is often the only thing that offers consolation to people. However, it is beneficial during hard times and can inspire people to be and do better when they are already living well. This concept...

The Attitude of Individuals Towards Other Religions

In the everyday world, while communicating, people use nonverbal language to help express themselves better. However, intercultural differences might lead to disagreements and misinterpretations as various traditions form special beliefs and explanations of nonverbal language. People from different countries can struggle to comprehend a foreigner. Gestures, as one of the...

Abrahamic Covenant. Chapters 12-50 of The Book of Genesis

The book of Genesis from chapters 12 to 50 talks about the covenant and promises that were made by God to Abraham. These promises are commonly referred to as Abrahamic covenant which generally is composed of three things: a land, a blessing, and a seed. The word covenant has extensively...

The Bible Book of Revelation

The Seven Bowls of God’s Wrath Summary In this chapter, John continues to observe the events on earth from multiple angles in Heaven. He primarily God’s wrath against the unfaithful, which was spilled upon people of the earth since they chose to pursue false religions and prophets and worship the...

The Biblical Creation Story

The Biblical account of the creation story portrays God as the creator of all matter who exists beyond time. The Christian understanding of the creation is that God as the master architect whose power is unfathomable. The Middle Eastern texts, however, propose the versions of the creation which appeal to...

Reflection on the Book of Psalms

Introduction The Bible does not provide all the religious answers that believers may have; only the passages and translations open to interpretation. God’s figure is mysterious, fearsome, and impossible to fully understand; thus, some readers can feel confused or intimidated. However, the Bible touches on the Lord’s nature and provides...

Charles Woodmason: Criticism of “New Lights”

Woodmanson Believed Many People in North Carolina Were New Lights From the reading, it is unmistakable that the sermon complains about the actuality of the believers of the New Light. Woodmanson mentions that these believers’ appearance resulted in enormities of various kinds, including plunderings, robberies and thefts, murders, villainies, and...

Gender Roles in Society: Hinduism and Buddhism

Introduction Modern society is built upon the history and traditions of the past, with the events and beliefs of future descendent being shaped by their shared culture in a major way. Culture can influence one’s life to a varying degree, dictating one’s disposition towards themselves and others, as well as...

“Villancico VI” by Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz

Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz is an exceptional example of Mexican religious literature. In her works, she tried to understand the nature of human spiritual life. Moreover, she also discussed the topic of women’s religious authority and feminist advocacy. Sor Juana examined political and colonial questions as well through...

The Protestant Reformation in Europe

The protestant reformation contributed greatly to social, political, and religious revolutions in Europe. Protestant reformation was initiated by the European Christian Reform Movement. The movement aimed at reforming the doctrine of the Catholic Church which was at that moment dominant in Europe. However, the reformation did not come easy, a...

Christian Philosophy. “The Christian Philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas” by Etienne Gilson

“The Christian philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas” by Etienne Gilson, the author devoted the book to the analysis of the teachings of Aquinas presenting the formulation of the Christian philosophy. This paper presents a summary of a chapter titled “The Creator” from the aforementioned book, addressing the analysis of the...

The Worship Styles and Elements of the Baptist Church

Outline This paper traces the history and development of the worship styles and elements of the Baptist church from its early beginnings up to date and finally, it concludes. It is therefore divided into the following sections: Introduction, History and development of worship styles and elements, and Conclusion. Introduction According...

Symbols and Rituals in Religion

Introduction The word symbol is derived from a Greek word which is related to the word compare whereas rituals can be defined as actions which have a deeper implication than what we perceive at first instant. Rituals can be as simple as a blinking of an eye or as complex...

Religious Denominations Analysis: Christianity, Catholicism, and Lutheranism

Introduction: A brief historical background of Christian Denominations Considering the first stages of Christianity development, humanity knew no ‘denominations’ within the church; in 1504 there was first Christendom division between the Eastern and Western Churches with ‘Great Schism’. It is necessary to underline the fact that this stage appeared to...

Bible History and the Interpretation

Introduction The interpretation of the bible began a long time ago and up to date, different people interpret it in different ways. The teachings of the different churches about the bible also differ depending on the church that is doing the teaching. The bible has been criticized for some of...

A History of Christian Church: Gnosticism

Introduction Theology is a complex of sciences that study the history of creeds and institutional forms of religious life, a religious cultural heritage (religious art, monuments of religious writing, religious formations, and research activity), the traditional for the religious right, archaeological monuments of the history of religions, history and a...

Evaluating Evangelical Theology: Transcendence vs. Immanence

Stanley Grenz and Roger Olson explored modern theology through the grid of “divine transcendence and divine immanence” (Grenz, & Olson, 1992). They pointed out that “One significant theme that provides an interpretive tool and a means of bringing to light the unity and diversity of theology in the transitional century...

Islamic Culture: Religion of Peace

Introduction The tragic events that occurred on September 11, 2001, have set in motion a chain of debates regarding the position of the Islamic faith in Western society, with disputed continuing to this day. In his conversation with Bill Moyers, Imam Zaid Shakir (a well-known Muslim religious leader) was presented...

Christian Disciple, Obedience, and Teaching

Introduction According to Christianity, being a disciple of Jesus Christ puts a follower in privileges and blessings that the world in its entirety cannot offer. It is worth noting that the Christian faith is based on the transformation of the world through the spreading of the truth and preaching about God’s...

Religious Manipulation: “The Female American” Analysis

Introduction The religious memoir, The Female American, was first published in 1767 and it gives an account of Unca Winkfield, who is the main character/narrator. She comes from a bi-racial marriage living in 18th century America. Unca’s bi-racialism generates tension within the novel, as she appears to advance Christian views...