Theory and Theology of Helping People

Introduction The theoretical approach of helping the people is found in biblical, Christian, and Church values different from the psychology of helping people. Helping behavior in social psychology entails assisting others voluntarily without expecting a reward in return. Some psychologists also use the social exchange theory to explain the concept...

“Everyday Bible Study” by Cartwright, John Review

While reading Everyday Bible Study, I have captured many interesting and valuable ideas. Some of the ideas fit my perception and perspective on the Bible, others I have never thought about before. Nevertheless, despite the different extent of the degree to which I agreed or disagreed with some ideas and...

Contextualization and Concept of Tentmaking

Every phenomenon emerges and exists in a specific context, which may alter its perception and understanding. The mission is not an exception, as its development has been under a strong influence of the overarching historical and social processes. Tentmaking has been an integral component of the mission since the dawn...

Rock-Hewn Churches of Lalibela

Christianity has a vast history that begins in the Middle East and the religion is currently popular in European countries and some African regions, which the Europeans took under control. There are more than one billion Christians in the world, and this religion usually includes Orthodoxy, Protestantism, and Catholicism. Orthodoxy...

Proofs of the Existence of God Based on Moral Conscience

The deontological argument for the existence of God attempts to answer the question of whether the moral order and grounding ethics are possible without assuming that God exists. One of its formulations is Kant’s argument, which states that a superior order is required to guide people in their actions. God...

Religion Study: Analysis of Exodus 32:7-14

Introduction In the Book of Exodus, one of the most daring confrontations with God is the Golden Calf event. The story revolves around the people of Israel who doubted the divinity of the Lord and describes how God and Moses reacted to this treachery. The narrative reveals how arrogant and...

The Crucifixion of Jesus in Old and New Testament

The Old Testament includes a range of themes and concepts later referenced and reinterpreted in the New Testament. For example, Luke’s descriptions of Jesus’ death are thoroughly connected to Zechariah’s prophecy presented in the Old Testament. Chapter 23 of the Gospel of Luke highlights the fulfillment of predictions about the...

The Gospels of Mark and Luke

The Gospels of Mark and Luke contain many of the same stories, often in similar sequences and comparable wording when describing the events. However, distinct similarities in the way the events are expressed can be seen when comparing Mark 14:3-9 with Luke 7:36-50 and Mark 3:31-35 with Luke 8:19-21. This...

Baha’i Faith as a Global Religion

Introduction Although the Baha’i faith is one of the youngest world religions, it involves millions of followers in the exceptional geographically diverse community. Originating in the middle of the 19th century in Persia, now Iran, it spread to different continents, and now it is present in many countries. The unique...

Christology: Development of Christology

Introduction In no doubt, one will never understand Theology, the idea about God, without mentioning the character of Jesus. Christology then comes in, as among the many branches of Christian theology that purely addresses the mystery behind Jesus Christ: his nature, actions, and person, as it appears in the New...

“A Thousand Splendid Suns” by Khaled Hosseini

Introduction During the course of the recent decade, it used to be particularly fashionable among political scientists to discuss the present confrontation between the supposedly Christian West and Muslim Middle East/South in terms of ‘clash of civilizations’. Nevertheless, as time goes by, more and more people in Western countries come...

Christian Spirituality in History and Today

The question of spirituality and relationship of a man and God should be topical today taking into consideration the present cultural and ethical situation in contemporary society. Nowadays mankind is lead by and inspired by material values, the main characteristic of our life and lifestyle is their being mercenary. The...

Religious Denominations Analysis: Christianity, Catholicism, and Lutheranism

Introduction: A brief historical background of Christian Denominations Considering the first stages of Christianity development, humanity knew no ‘denominations’ within the church; in 1504 there was first Christendom division between the Eastern and Western Churches with ‘Great Schism’. It is necessary to underline the fact that this stage appeared to...

Religion in Candide: Theme Analysis

Introduction Candide is a satirical novella where the author employs satire as a weapon to unearth the corruption, hypocrisy, prejudices, and immorality that was prevalent in the organized Catholic Church. The strong criticism that Voltaire showers on the organized religion all throughout the entire story are to be understood in...

Atheism and Its Religious Analysis

Introduction Atheism entails the belief that there are no deities or supreme beings. It is the opposite of theism which is the belief in the existence of at least one Supreme Being or deity. In simple terms, it can be said to be the belief that there is no God...

Scientific Worldview, Faith, and Reason Comparison

Introduction There is a group of people who argue that science is just a myth and, like other religious doctrines, it is based on faith. For example, Paul claims that “It [science] is one of the many forms of thought that have been developed by man and not necessarily the...

Poverty from Christian Perspective

Introduction The gospel claims “The poor you will always have with you” in Mark 14:7. Christian circles have varying responses to poverty based on one’s decision to focus on the physical, emotional, spiritual, and economic aspects connected to being poor. Christianity emphasizes being rich in spirit. I believe one’s perception...

Leadership in Church and Its Theological Aspects

Introduction Leadership in church, as well as change, are two things that require individuals who are committed to serving others. The two depend on one another in the sense that in order for change to happen, good leaders need to be present. A good leader is characterized by the ability...

Scriptural Authority and Theological Interpretation

Scriptural authority and theological interpretation are two distinct and different topics. According to Entwistle (2021), scripture is incredibly authoritative, and those who do this place their views on the same level of authority as scripture itself. Theological interpretation takes precedence over psychological interpretation, which a person may have, and a...

The Decline of Christianity in Europe Since 1675

The European Christianity have a long and varied history of decline. A powerful tendency for secularization appeared in Western Europe spreading to the entire European continent. The age of Enlightenment is the epoch of the decline of faith under the onslaught of scientific worldview and rationalism. The sunset of the...

Christ’s Relationships with Wealth and Poverty

The questions of wealth and poverty are some of the key ones in the narratives of early Christianity. The characters of the Biblical scriptures attempt to measure each other’s worth through indirect assessments of wealth and material possessions, manifested in their ability to worship notably. As the majority of religions,...

Christian Mission Methodology

The successful expansion of ideas and beliefs relies heavily on the methodology chosen by those who embark on this mission. The purpose of each Christian missionary is to transmit the ideas provided in the Gospel to a new audience, taking into consideration its cultural code and particularities. The effective choice...

Why Is It Important for a Christian to Study Church History?

The church’s history began with Jesus Christ and apostles, who, after the Resurrection, carried his word to all parts of the world, particularly to Greece and then to Italy. The Apostle Peter, who was to become a cornerstone of the new Christian church according to Jesus’ parting words, successfully fulfilled...

About Police Chaplaincy Program

Introduction At present, the public sees the police as forceful representatives of law enforcement. They deliver a prompt response in situations of crisis to citizens. However, the scope of the police’s helping methods is limited. At the same time, chaplaincy volunteers working alongside some police departments can comfort people and...

Symbols and Rituals in Religion

Introduction The word symbol is derived from a Greek word which is related to the word compare whereas rituals can be defined as actions which have a deeper implication than what we perceive at first instant. Rituals can be as simple as a blinking of an eye or as complex...

The Significance of the Ethical Pillars of Jainism

The non-Vedic native Jainism religion has an origination in India and Mahavira is the most prominent tutor of the doctrine of this religion. The main belief of the religion is that Universe is forever it is not affected by time, there is no commencement or an end and it is...

Is Jesus Both Human and Divine?

Introduction The personality of Jesus Christ is one of the most interesting and a mystical one in Christian thought. The Old and New Testaments contain the evidence about divine nature of Jesus and his life as a human. The biblical facts suggest that Jesus was a man. He was a...

Bhagavad-Gita: The Consequences and Proofs of Alterations on the Hindu Society

Although Bhagavad-Gita has always acquired the titles such as “The divine Song of God” or “The word of God” etc, but still a common man cannot visualize the changes and the influences of such changes which has been occurred and preached since the origin of Gita throughout the decades. History...

David: The Legacy of Leadership

Introduction The Bible interprets leadership as an act of serving and influencing others while having Christ’s interests at heart. Any person in Christ can turn to the Bible for excellent examples of leadership galore and learn from the greatest. Probably, one of the most influential leadership figures represented both in...

Discipleship in Christianity and Its Five Stages

Introduction Discipleship is a core element of Christianity and it enables believers to start their journey in the companionship of Christ. Nonetheless, before embarking on a journey someone needs to be aware of his/her current location in relation to his/her destination. In this scenario, discipleship will be addressed as a...

Origin of the Universe and Life on the Earth

Introduction There exist diverse theories of the origin of the universe and life. This has been argued through scientific theory, creation theory, and myths theory. With these theories, people have different ideologies and views in accordance with what one believes in. This paper summarizes beliefs about the origin of the...

Salvation Concept in Religion

What do (or should) Christians mean by the word “Salvation”? The Christian definition for salvation is deliverance from wrath of God brought about by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Salvation is a process which Witherington describes as: “one believe in ones heart that Jesus Christ is Lord, He...

Modernism and Postmodernism: Which World View Is More Conducive to Christian Beliefs

Introduction Modernism and postmodernism belong to the same movement. Both are based on changes in cultural, economic, and social movements. However, the two movements differ when it comes to the way of thinking. This essay will explore which world view, the modernity or the postmodernity, is more conducive to Christian...

Doctrine of the Trinity about the Nature of the Church

Introduction The Christian doctrine of the Trinity is important in understanding the nature of God as well the human-God relationship. However, based on the nature of the church, the doctrine is marked by some ambiguities. For instance, many Christians and Bible scholars tend to be confused on the subject of...

Review of Saint Bonaventure Interpretation of the Soul

Introduction Saint Bonaventure was a member of the Franciscan order and a philosopher in the 13th century. The philosophy of Bonaventure can be considered Augustinian because it was heavily influenced by Augustine (Sutanto, 2021). One of the most significant issues that Bonaventure advanced was the nature and status of the...

Life Stages: Old Age, Dying, and Death

Death is perceived as natural and an inevitable part of life. We may not be sure about the outcomes of our lives, but one thing we are confident of is that we are all going to die. Although funerals help the living by giving them a chance to understand the...

The Acts 9:36-43 Passage Analysis

Correlation How the passage fits within the metanarrative of the Bible The story of Dorcas of Joppa is affiliated with the new creation multinarrative of the Bible. The description is about a woman who helped the poor, widows and was of an admirable heart. At one time, she died, and...

Rites of Passage: From Childhood to Adulthood

The Rites of Passage have long been a subject of discussion since, in many ways, they are not in line with the modern perception of adolescence as a continuous process that lasts well into a person’s twenties. However, the Rights of Passage, established long before the modern system of education...

The Gospel of John vs. Other Synoptic Gospels

The Gospel of John uniquely differs from the three Synoptic Gospels (Mark, Matthew, Luke) in terms of its literary style, setting and time sequence, portrayal of Jesus, dualistic imagery, and theological concepts. A deviation is observed between John’s Gospel and the Synoptic Gospel because John takes readers back to Genesis...

God and Connection With Nature and Reality

The distinction between God’s natural and supernatural knowledge and between grace and nature has been the subject of intense debate among Catholic theologians. Many believe that where God is, there is no place for wildlife and scientific knowledge; it can be known only through faith. However, after analyzing the literature...

Theological Challenges Between Judaism and Christianity

Judaism originated from the covenantal relationship between the Jews and God. Christianity emerged from Judaism, and both faiths believe that God is the creator of the universe. Years after Jesus’ death, some followers continued adhering to Jewish practices and considered themselves Jews. The Temple was the most sacred place in...

Masuzawa, Tomoko “The Invention of World Religions” Review

Tomoko Masuzawa is a modern specialist in religious and cultural studies. Her analysis of religions includes linguistic, semantic, and even pedagogical aspects, especially if the problem of teaching religious studies is considered. Masuzawa, working with primary sources on ancient religions, combines religious issues with modern science and sociology methodology. In...

The Four Noble Truths of Buddhism in Personal Life

Buddhism is an Indian-originated religion with complex beliefs and teachings taught by Buddha after wandering around searching for understanding. Buddha spent time learning the basic teachings of the Four Noble Truths, dealing with human suffering, which he had fully understood. Buddha spent the remaining bit of his life teaching elementary...

The Story About Joseph: God Always Has a Plan

Joseph was one of Jacob’s twelve sons and the most loved ones, so his father gave him a beautiful colorful coat. Joseph’s brothers became jealous of him and decided to sell him as a slave. He was taken to Egypt and started to serve the Potiphar, who was a Pharaoh’s...

A Personal Code of Ethics

Preamble While pastoral work is both challenging and joyous, it calls upon me to strike a balance between my needs and obstacles as a human being while focusing on the best ways to succeed in my ministerial work. My ultimate duty is to devote myself to the teachings of Christ,...

Pentecostal’s Church Approach to Death, After-Life, and End of Life

Pentecostals represent a large group of the US population and an even larger group of Christians. About 4 million Pentecostals live in the United States, and about 500 million are members of various denominations worldwide (Casanova, 2021). The Pentecostal faith is very different from the Protestant or Catholic doctrine. Pentecostals...

Marks of Christian Maturity

Introduction One of the major features of the Christian faith is the teaching that the believer must never stop growing in knowledge, wisdom and character. This development can be summed up in one word – maturity. Therefore the goal of every true believer is to be mature, like Jesus Christ....

Anonymous Christian According to Karl Rahner

Introduction The position of people of other faiths in other religions can be seen as an issue of controversy. Taking the example of Islam, the relationship between the religion and the adherents of Abrahamic religions, as well as the relation with non believers is vulnerable to many interpretations varying from...

Old & New Testaments: Exegesis of Jeremiah 31 in Hebrews 10

Introduction Hebrews is about the sacrifice of Jesus Christ about the sacrifices enforced in the Mosaic Law. As mandated by this Law, the priests, the Levites, sacrificed animals for the atonement of their sins, but there is one superior to the animal sacrifices and this is Jesus Christ. “His sacrifice...

The Christological Interpretation of the Psalms

Psalms is a sacred book of the Old Testament. The book of Psalms consists of 150 psalms devoted to different religious values and norms. Each psalm is a song consisted of chants. Critics suppose that the Book of Psalms was composed by the Babylonians, from about 586 to 538 B.C....

Intellect and Will in Religion

Religious Studies and Theology Intellect and will go hand in hand. One can do nothing with intellect if he or she has no will. On the other hand, if there is someone who is willing but does not have an intellect that is considered to be dangerous. Intellect is to...

Global Mission Theology of Samuel Escobar

Introduction In his thesis on Global Missions, Samuel Escobar, a Latin American theologian, argues that Christian theology is contextual. Escobar sees mission as a legitimate and fundamental perspective of the church, and all other functions of the church are given focus and direction based on that mission (Escobar, 2003). His...

Neo-Orthodoxy Theology: Barth, Brunner et al.

Introduction Neo-orthodoxy is a concept used in advanced contemporary theology, also called liberal theology. The views of neo-theologians are different from those of the orthodoxy on the basis of their approaches to the word of God. Neo-theology is a deviant view of the doctrine of the word and is in...

Christianity and Rastafarianism Comparison

Introduction Many religions are observed to manifest and follow eight unique elements. These elements include community, worldview, myths or general stories, ethics, rituals, emotional experiences, sacredness, and material expression (Guyette, 2014). These elements play a critical role towards bringing followers of the religion together. This discussion describes how Rastafarianism and...

Is Jesus God? Critical Evaluation, Arguments for and Against

Introduction Diverse religious opinions arise whenever individuals hold different views about a certain spiritual issue. Most people respect the opinion of others about a certain topic. People appreciate that rational individuals can in differ in opinion. However, these sensible and tolerant attitudes lead to the formulation of two distinct lines...

The Meaning of Human Existence

Meaning of Spirituality Spirituality refers to the sense of connection to a higher being or purpose that goes beyond normal human understanding. In that regard, it is the connection that humans have to the divine. Spirituality can also be defined as the connection humans have to concepts that are hard...

Mecca and Meccan Society Before Islam

Introduction Mecca has been a significant social, economic, and political hub in the Middle East since the ancient period. Before the rise of Islam, Mecca mainly served as a commercial and religious center in the Middle East. Mecca was strategically located along major trade routes that linked the Middles East,...

The Expansion of Christianity in North Africa

Introduction In historical scholarship, the traditional interest in the formation of the Christian Church and its institutions, the relationship between church and state, and the influence of Christian ideas on the consciousness of the people of the classical era persist. An idea of the history of Christianity in northern Africa...

The “Patron Saints of Nothing” Novel by Randy Ribay

Introduction Religion and a church influence many aspects of human life and are integral to it. Faith helps people cope with social and psychological stress, calms them, and brings relief. The definition of spirituality is a controversial and complex issue that cannot be answered precisely. Religion ensures the fellowship of...

The Book of Habakkuk in the Old Testament

Introduction The Book of Habakkuk in the Old Testament remains an inspirational source of hope for those who want to become part of God’s eternal kingdom. Its author, Habakkuk, was a famous Jewish prophet who worked in the temple and provided hope to early believers. He pursued most of his...

Christianity: History, Traditions, and Cultural Practices

Introduction Cultural diversity in society is an unavoidable and unique phenomenon that is central to human development. Unfortunately, several multicultural issues arise when individuals from different backgrounds interact because many people strongly hold onto their beliefs. Thus, it is critical to understand the backgrounds, history, and practices of different cultures...

Religious Discrimination in Different Countries

Introduction Discrimination is a negative attitude, bias, injustice, or deprivation of certain rights of people due to their national, racial and religious affiliation. Religious discrimination restricts people’s rights based on their religious affiliation. Discrimination is usually accompanied by religious stratification in several countries where several religious communities are represented. That...

“The Story of the Rich Young Ruler”: Inviting Conversations and Critiques

Introduction The story of the rich young ruler as given in Matthew chapter 19 from verses 16 to 30 reveals that the various persona in the text have different powers. In this text, Jesus is giving a critical lesson about the Kingdom of God. Jesus does not imply that the...

Ten Commandments’ Impact on Building of the US

Introduction Ten Commandments are principles from the Bible that are believed to be given to the people by God. They lie in the basis of Christianity and also play a very important role in Judaism. Ten Commandments have influenced human culture greatly, and the United States of America are not...

Analysis of “The Material Culture of Lived Religion” Article

In a journal article, The Material Culture of Lived Religion: Visuality and Embodiment, David Morgan refers to the idea that religion is not exclusively a material phenomenon. Accordingly, his reasoning is linked to a concept that it involves all five human senses as well as abstract concepts, such as behavior,...

A Fresh Look at Christianity in the Therapy Room

Everyone who subscribes to Christianity is expected to be a missionary wherever they are. However, there is a challenge in applying related beliefs while counseling clients as a psychologist. Consequently, the paper thoroughly analyzes chapters four through six of the book Embodying integration: A fresh look at Christianity in the...

Christian Doctrines of Humanity

The Christian doctrine of humanity teaches that a human was created in the image of God. The monistic view is that all humans are a unit of body and soul. There are three substances created by God according to the doctrine, which is the human body, mind, and soul. Monist...

The Relationship Between Human Sinfulness and the Doctrine of Salvation

Introduction According to the principles of the Christian faith, every person born into this world has been sinful since childhood. The limits of this sinfulness lie not in the guilt of the individual for actions committed or imperfectly performed, but in the fact that he or she is the ancestor...

Comparing Behaviorist Versus Christian Points of View

The question of whether people can influence their fate has always been of significance for many philosophers and religious figures. Some of them argue that a person is responsible for their current and future life, while others stipulate that supreme forces determine these issues, and individuals witness what is predetermined....

The Role of Women in Judaism

Judaism is thought to be founded almost 3,000 years ago. This religious idea is based on the Jewish ways of life. A lot of reverence is annotated from the account of Abraham and Moses in the Biblical writings. That is the covenant affiliation between the patriarchs and matriarchs and God...

Al-Ghazali’s Sufism in Contrast to Classical Sufism

Introduction Sufism has often been cited as a representation of Islamic faith and practice. Through it, knowledge and divine love’s truth is sought in God and Godly life. Sufism operates on the concept of mystical paths. The path is focused on enhancing the existence of wisdom knowledge and divine love...

Is the Great White Throne the Same Judgment of Matthew 25

Introduction Many scriptures in the bible have predicted the coming of judgment which will be executed by God on all people on earth. For instance, the book of Psalms 98:13 in the Good News Bible (p. 514) clearly describes the period when those on earth will be judged, “for he...

Islam: Sacred Text (The Quran)

Outline Islam is a universal religion of Millions of Muslims around the world. I chose this religion because of my curiosity to know more about it and its sacred text, The Quran. The holy book of Muslims is unique and it is in its original form since its revelation on...

Jim Jones and Jonestown Cult Massacre

Introduction The tragedy of Jonestown, which took place in 1978 and left more than nine hundred people dead, immediately attracted attention of many sociologists, psychologists, because to a certain degree, this event reflected the tendencies in American mainstream culture (Chidester, p 11). Thus, it is of the crucial importance for...

The Historical Rise of Christianity

Introduction It goes without saying that the appearance of a new religious group by the followers of Jesus Christ, who has been recently crucified, is a highly disturbing issue for the whole Roman Empire. This new formation definitely should not be taken for granted as it presumably has its own...

God Existence: Deductive and Inductive Arguments

The question of whether God exists has been the focus of discussions since the times immemorial. Numerous arguments have been provided by both sides of the discussion, each being rather impressive and logically coherent. In the text under analysis, both deductive and inductive reasoning is used to prove that God...

Jesus and Confucius Comparison

Christianity and Confucianism are well-known systems of belief, based on the number of adherents and their significance. There are three more than 2 billion Christians today, whereas there are approximately 7 million Confucianists only. While Christianity is expected to remain the world’s largest religion in the nearest 50 years, competing...

Early Church History: Persecution of Christianity

The early Christians endured persecution not only from non-believers but also from believers who sought to change their faith. The reasons for these persecutions were mainly due to the fear of Christianity by the Romans, as they dubbed it a mere superstition rather than a belief. It is imperative to...

Religion in Indonesia: History and Tolerance

Introduction Indonesia’s religions include Hinduism, Christianity, and Islam, and traditional practices (Arli & Tjiptono 2014). Many existing religious groups in Indonesia adopted Islam and blended it with their practices in their localities (Chalmers 2006). Therefore, this paper agrees that the Islam of Indonesia ended up growing more tolerant as it...

Ancient Near Eastern Thought and the Old Testament

Introduction A comparative study of the ancient Near Eastern cultures reveals that most of the traditions that the Israelites adhered to were similar to those of their neighbors. John Walton’s book is dedicated to an in-depth analysis of some of the important traditions, rituals, and beliefs that were held by...

The Prophetic Books of the Bible

Introduction There is a reason why the Bible is one of the most influential books in human history. It is not only the word of God; it addresses a wide range of issues which are important in our lives, and shows how the Lord wants us to behave. In this...

Cross-Cultural Evangelism Strategies

Cross-cultural evangelism is the sharing of the gospel with people from other cultures. It involves getting to know people from other cultures, learning about their customs and beliefs, and then sharing the gospel with them in a culturally relevant way. An example of cross-cultural evangelism would be a missionary who...

The Nature and Kinds of Shrines in African Religious Symbolization

The nature of African shrines serves as places whereby the spirits and gods live or manifest themselves, or their holy objects, symbols, statues, and relics, are consecrated. In addition, they are more than places of worship or spiritual vessels (Microsoft Bing, 2022). Therefore, African shrines are physical manifestations of presence...

The Great Commission and Business as Missions

Introduction The Great Commission refers to instructions that Jesus gave to his disciples after he rose. He asked them to preach the gospel to people across the world. These instructions are found in many passages in the book of Mathew. In fulfilling this work commissioned by Jesus, the disciples were...

The Galatians 4:1-7 Passage Analysis

For my exegetical paper, I chose a passage from Galatians 4:1-7, which focuses on explaining why Galatians do not necessarily need to follow the Law of Moses as God’s children. The passage presents a specific interest in dissection and understanding because Paul uses a complex allegory in the text. The...

Old Testament, New Testament, and Modern Times

Introduction The actual topic under research is The Inspiration of Scripture. Timothy 3:16 states that “All scripture is inspired by God.” However, throughout biblical history, there has been controversy about the inspiration of scripture. The Holy Scriptures, both the Old and New Testaments, were written by the hand of God...

Attributes of God and Communion with God

Introduction The Attributes of God and Communion with God are my chosen biblical doctrines. The main character of the biblical God is a powerful, invisible force that directs the course of history and intervenes in the lives of people on earth. Many people see this as evidence of an all-powerful,...

Hinduism vs. Buddhism: Similarities & Differences

Today, it is normal to see people choosing different religions and following specific beliefs as an integral part of their lives. There are usually no restrictions related to the decision on what religion to practice, but understanding the historical backgrounds, morals, and metaphysical views remains critical. This essay compares Hinduism...

Hesychasm and Its Significance in Eastern Christianity

Hesychasm is a form of religious practice in Eastern Christianity in which followers pursue spiritual silence through continuous prayer and worshipping of God (Loba-Mkole, 2014). The main goal of Hesychasm is to achieve connection with God through the recitation of the Jesus Prayer (Loba-Mkole, 2014). This implies the Hesychasts are...

The Protestant Reformation and Its Impact on the English New World

The Protestant Reformation that took place in Europe in the sixteenth century shattered to the core the basis of Christianity, dividing Christians into two groups and leading to the creation of many religious sects. Christianity’s political and religious power was challenged as The Protestant Reformation eventually brought about the design...

Islamic Effect on the Cultural Exchange

Economic activities are often misconstrued as rooted solely in financial interactions and devoid of any cultural components. However, the assumption that culture does not factor into economic interactions could not be any further away from the truth. As the history of the Silk Road and interactions within it have shown,...

Peace in Islam and International Relations

Introduction It is important to note that Islam is one of the three Abrahamic religions, which builds its system of beliefs on the faith of monotheism. The Holy Quran is the sacred text from which the majority of teachings and core concepts are derived. The key figure is the Prophet...

Christianity and Postmodernism: a Comprehensive Comparison

The society of today is at a stage that is ultimately defined by a structure so complex that it is no more perceivable by traditional means. Crucial changes to the fabric of human societies entail a mental paradigm shift that is first recognized by the cultural figures and later on...

The Old Testament and Ancient Near East

Introduction The expansion of our knowledge of the culture of the Ancient Near East, which became possible as a result of archaeological discoveries, has opened up new perspectives for the study of the Old Testament. In these discoveries, humanity was able to touch the already lost literary heritage of the...

Sacred Time or Sacred Place in Judaism

Following the traditions of the Jewish religion is a theological doctrine that includes a combination of different approaches and practices that have been formed over the centuries. Sacred place and Sacred time are the crucial components of this commitment since the rise of Judaism is based on numerous historical references...

Theology of Family Life, Marriage and Parenting

Marriage Marriage is a civil society institution present in all countries and cultures, where the pair enters a secular agreement in the eyes of the law. However, religious marriage is possible when a ceremony is conducted (simultaneously or separately, depending on religion) with the couple being wed in the eyes...

Religion’s Impact on Mass Media

It seems reasonable to state that religion significantly impacts many spheres of life in today’s world. When it comes to mass media, this phenomenon should be taken into account. In another case, the desired outcome of a particular film, book, or TV series might not be achieved. Hence, the scholarly...

The Ten Commandments and the Pillars of Islam

Introduction The Ten Commandments and the Pillars of Islam serve as the foundations of the Islamic and Christian religions. In general, they consist of predetermined norms that lay the groundwork for how Muslims and Christians should conduct themselves in their interactions with the Almighty and those with whom they interact....

Megachurches: History, Business and Values Aligned

Introduction In the second half of the twentieth century, various new forms of religiosity and types of religious identity appeared in many countries of the world. They, in particular, caused the formation of different, sometimes mutually exclusive concepts describing the state of religion in the modern world. These are secularization...

Divine Foreknowledge and Rejection of Saul’s Kingship

In the article titled “Divine Foreknowledge, Divine Constancy, and the Rejection of Saul’s Kingship,” Fretheim discusses the implications of God rejecting Saul’s kingship and anointing David. First and foremost, the author aims to clarify the seeming contradiction regarding divine repentance in 1 Samuel 15. According to Fretheim, the passages about...

Stewardship and the Kingdom of God

Stewardship is a critical spiritual principle that has always been a part of faith in God. It is a complex principle, that many in the modern world do not wish to fulfill or interpret. As noted in the reading by Walborn and Chan (2015), stewardship as a concept has been...

Premarital Sex and Religious Perception

Over the years, the notions of sex education, sexuality, and culture have been closely interrelated, with the latter aspect obtaining a major influence on the human perception of sex as a process. According to the researchers, the socio-cultural background of a community plays one of the most significant roles in...

Consideration of Creativity: Perfection, Diversity, Profusion, and Inventiveness

Although society attributes art to secularity, there is immense evidence that God and humanity are the primary sources of creativity. In “Echoes of Eden,” Jerram Barrs explores this notion and encourages evangelicals to embrace art instead of shunning it. Barrs bases his arguments on Daniel Loizeaux’s four key ideas –...

The Role of Ruth’s Character in the Scripture

Introduction God’s use of ordinary people to achieve His goals may be found in the Holy Scripture more than once. As an example, the story of Ruth can be cited, a humble girl who symbolizes the events of Israel’s redemption. The chapters in the Bible about this character introduce the...

Faith-Based Healthcare Organizations

Religion has traditionally played a significant role in the development of healthcare institutions, but their current relationships are a subject of many controversies. With three-quarters of adults in the United States being religious, the scientific community has been struggling to incorporate the population’s religious preferences into the traditionally scientific medical...

Roles That Religions Play in Appiah’s Analysis

Introduction Religion has diverse roles in society because it instills good morals and promotes appropriate behavior. It is essential to highlight that faith act as a bridge linking various people from different cultures. It is also vital to note that it gives people consolation and solutions for challenges in life....

Eid ul-Fitr as Significant Religious Occasions

Introduction Islam is the second-largest religion globally, and Eid is one of the significant religious occasions which Muslims faithfully celebrate worldwide. The occasion signals the end of a period of fasting from dawn to sunset, spiritual meditation and prayer. Usually, the day begins with prayers, and a big meal is...

Discussion of Spirituality: Description of Spirituality

Introduction There are various standpoints on spirituality across a variety of disciplines and discourses, including culture, sociology, philosophy, and religious beliefs. The meaning of spirituality has advanced over the years, with each generation attempting to evaluate the existing belief systems. It may refer to a religious process where believers hope...

Christian Worldview: Ultimate Reality

Introduction Ultimate reality is an existing actuality that surpasses the physical and non-physical dimensions of the world. It is absolute power, a central connecting point, and the source of everything that prevails in the universe. In the Christian denomination, this phrase refers to a transcendent presence, a supreme being, or...

Difference Between 3 Abrahamic Religion

Introduction The term “Abrahamic Religions” refers to Judaism, Islam, and Christianity, which derive their spiritual source from common ancestry. According to Lovat and Crotty (2015), the cultural, geographical, ethnic, and historical backgrounds of these belief systems emanates from the Near East. The three are monotheistic and rely on some discrete...

Women’s Role and Leadership in the Church

Most Christians think that women are oppressed, and their rights denied when limits are put on their roles in the church. This has led to the cropping of great challenges between complementarians and egalitarians on the limitation of women’s leadership roles. For instance, many women in the current churches fight...

“Changed Into His Image” by Jim Berg

The Main Concepts and Ideas of the Book The book Changed into His Image, by Jim Berg, discusses sanctification. Sanctification is a process through which people are made holy according to the Biblical teachings. Therefore, Berg endeavors to illustrate how Biblical teachings contribute to the sanctification of believers. Berg reminds...

Al-Qushayri’s Epistle on Sufism Analysis

The book under consideration is called al-Qushayri’s Epistle on Sufism. It can be considered as an original textbook that served as a guide for generations of Sufi beginners (Al-Qushayri 10). It introduces readers to the everyday lives of Sufism proponents as well as to ethical and moral dilemmas they are...

Prophet Moses – Deliverer of Israel

Prophet Moses Moses was reluctant when the Lord called him to deliver the children of Israel from Egypt. God decided to perform miracles to Prophet Moses so that people would believe him (Exodus 4:1-2). God commanded Moses to throw the stick he had in his hand on the ground. He...

Religion and Community: The Impact of Religion on Social Life

Introduction According to Kurtz (6), globalization of social life refers to the innumerable ways through which our global society has been integrated into one small village in the sense that anything that happens in one part of the world could potentially have a large effect or influence on other parts...

In His Steps: What Would Jesus Do? by Charles Sheldon

It is not commonly known that popular W.W.J.D. bracelets and other products originated from the question phrased by the protagonist of Charles Sheldon’s book (Smallwood par. 2). However, this novel is remarkable not only for its commercial success and readers’ passionate interest in 1896. In His Steps is not a...

Genesis 28:10-22 and Its Different Meanings

Introduction Genesis 28. 10-22 depicts Jacob’s one-on-one interaction with God in an event that happens during the night in a lonely place. To get the message, which God wants to convey to His people through Moses, who is the writer, and Jacob, the vessel used for proving that He is...

Christian Disciple, Obedience, and Teaching

Introduction According to Christianity, being a disciple of Jesus Christ puts a follower in privileges and blessings that the world in its entirety cannot offer.1 It is worth noting that the Christian faith is based on the transformation of the world through the spreading of the truth and preaching about...

The Influence of the Inquisition on the Reformation

Introduction In general, it is widely agreed that inquisition and reformation are the major events that have greatly defined the history of Christianity. Even though the inquisition had started in late 12th century, its peak came during the reformation as the Roman Catholic instituted it to counter reformation by protestants...

Biblical Theology of Sexuality and Sex

Abstract The Bible interprets sexuality and sex as the biological basis for the love attraction of a man and a woman. Physical compatibility is crucial despite the importance of emotional attachment and platonic love between two people. The more compatibility factors people have in a union, the higher the likelihood...

International Church of the Foursquare Gospel

Background The Foursquare Gospel is an evangelical Pentecostal denomination the name of which is closely related to the emblem, represented by four squares. The four squares symbolically show Jesus Christ the Savior, Baptizer, Healer, Coming King. It refers to the revelation of Aimee Semple McPherson, the founder of the church,...

Art and Religion in the Middle Ages and Renaissance

Introduction The medieval period is very difficult and conservative in the history of world art. It was dominated by rigid religious tendencies over innovative ideas, making the works of artists, sculptors, and writers very much tied to the Church’s theme. When this influence began to wane, the Renaissance was born...

Understanding the Holy Trinity in Christian Theology

The assertion that the solo God lives as or in 3 mutually supernatural beings, the Holy Spirit, the Father, and the Son, is a popular way to describe the orthodox Christian belief of the Holy Trinity (Tuggy). They are not 3 different people but rather three parts or manifestations of...

The Image of Christ in Mark’s Gospel

The Gospel The Gospel is an irrefutable witness to the divine humanity of Christ. As a God-inspired book, however, it was written by living people, each describing events as he saw and perceived them or as he heard about them from eyewitnesses. The inspiration of the sacred books refers to...

Church Discipline: Process and Necessity

Introduction Church discipline is the act of calling upon people to change their wayward ways through repentance and asking for forgiveness. It is performed when an individual has disobeyed the church rules provided by God1. The intention is to restore people into a reconciled state with God. The aspect of...

World Christianity: Historical Traditions

The history of Christianity is quite a complicated theme since the religion belongs to the most widespread ones. Throughout the course of history, Christianity united people from different countries and societies, portraying the versatility of the ideology. Since the religion is currently spread around all continents, historians introduced the term...

Perceiving “The Holy Grail” in Le Morte D’Arthur and Idylls of the King

Introduction In the history of Christianity, symbolism has been a significant aspect of religion, with various objects, animals, and features playing an essential role in symbolizing different things. One of the most common symbols in the Christian faith is the ‘Holy Grail,’ which generally represents the vessel that Jesus and...

God’s Wrath Against Sinful Humanity

Introduction The 1: 18-32 section forms much of the material at 1:18-3:20 (see the study outline at the beginning of the book). The function of this research is to affirm that, as mentioned in 1:18, faith alone is the only means of achieving the righteousness outlined in Gospel 1:17. All...

Relation Between the Transcendentalism and God

Transcendentalists believed in knowing God on a personal level, watering down the idea that there was no need for an intermediary in understanding God and the spiritual world. To cement their beliefs, transcendentalists embraced idealism, where they focused on nature and opposed materialism. Transcendentalists were inspired by many sources, including...

Religion: “Making Peace” Book by Jim Van Yperen

After reading Jim Van Yperen’s book “Making Peace: A Guide to Overcoming Church Conflict,” I am convinced that the church is not always a place of reassurance and comfort. Sometimes, this community of believers is a battleground of evil – both literally and figuratively. While most people know that conflicts...

Religious Study: Spiritual Leadership

Different representatives of society have a personal view of leadership. For someone, it can be a high position and control over people, and for others, it is a way of self-approval. In turn, the spiritual leader uses ministry and influence to guide people in following God’s Word. At the same...

The Book of Exodus: Brief Analysis

Introduction The Book of Exodus is one of the defining narratives of Western culture. It recounts the story of ancient Israelites being chosen by Yahweh to escape slavery at the hands of Egyptians and attain the Promised Land. It features many of the most famous characters and episodes from biblical...

The Bible as a Source of Wisdom and Knowledge

The Bible is justly considered a source of eternal wisdom and knowledge about every meaningful aspect of daily life. As Bickel and Jantz (1998) note, the Books of Wisdom offer a perspective on the righteous ways to enjoy life and strategies to overcome suffering and accept challenges without diminishing one’s...

Sikhism: History, Beliefs, Teachings and Festivals

Introduction of Sikhism Globally, several religions differ in various ways, but they all build an ethical framework for monitoring values in society. Religion is the “means by which human beings come to terms with what is most” (Smith). There are four classifications of religion; animism, polytheism, monotheism, and theism. Sikhism...

The Islamic Rule in India

Across the world, the Islamic religion is the second largest after Christianity. In India, the religion has a high number of followers after Buddhism. According to the 2011 census in India, 14.2% of Indians are Muslims (Auer, 2014). Islam ruled India from as early as the 7th century. The trade...

Christianity, Buddhism, and Hinduism: The Afterlife Concepts

Introduction Religion provides purpose and meaning, allowing its followers to navigate in a world full of uncertainty. This idea explains the seminal status of the world’s leading beliefs, as they possess well-established and documented descriptions of all key spheres of life. Among these aspects, the afterlife occupies a unique position...

The Christian Faith and Its Advantages

Religion plays a critical role in the life of millions of people. Individuals all over the world have their rituals and visions. Christianity is one of the most ancient and influential teachings popular in different parts of the globe. It has some fundamental beliefs, such as the necessity to save...

Protestant and Catholic Views on the Five Solas

The five Solas, or Solae, are elements of the Protestant reformation that promoted the idea of adhering solely to five values. These included following teachings by faith, scripture, grace, Christ, and God alone. Catholic Christians reject the five Solas as they contradict many of their own teachings. This paper will...

The Sources and Causes of Suffering in Judaism

Different religions have a distinct way of perceiving the sources and causes of suffering. In Judaism, the view of sorrow is that it is merely a characteristic of physical existence (Fitzpatrick et al., 2016). This means that misery does not necessarily have to be a result of punishment for misdeeds....

Wise Men’s Leadership in the Old Testament

Introduction The Old Testament is a great book of universal human significance. Apart from its religious value, it can be analyzed by its political and legal aspects, since it carries information about the state and power structure. The Old Testament can be called a treatise on the government and order...

Gender Roles in Society: Hinduism and Buddhism

Introduction Modern society is built upon the history and traditions of the past, with the events and beliefs of future descendent being shaped by their shared culture in a major way. Culture can influence one’s life to a varying degree, dictating one’s disposition towards themselves and others, as well as...

A Gift of Speaking in Tongues

Introduction The gift of tongues was divinely bestowed upon believers by God, making them able to speak in a human language that was not learned by the one speaking it. When believers use the gift of speaking in tongues, they are instructed to speak one at a time, and only...

Biomedical Ethics and Christianity: Balancing Patient’s Wellbeing and Trust in God

Introduction Bioethics is an independent discipline and a system of moral principles and values that serve as a point of reference in case a medical practitioner is confronted with a moral dilemma. Often, the scale of a problem supersedes the limits of what is healthy and embarks on what is...

Religion as an Issue in “I, Rigoberta Menchu”

Introduction In her engrossing and perhaps controversial narrative, I, Rigoberta Menchu: An Indian Woman in Guatemala, Menchu presents the unsuspecting readers with an insight into the unique perspective and importance that the Catholic Church and Christianity hold for the native Indians. For a Guatemalan, Bible is, “not something you memorize,...

Comparison of Jesus and Mohammed

Studies, without a doubt, point out that Christianity and Islam are the major religions in the world. Available literature shows that the two religions are the only, world over to have followers in every region and sphere of the earth. Numerical evidence points out that Christianity is the largest religion...

Catechism of the Catholic Church on Jesus Christ

Introduction The one lord Jesus Christ is such a description of a being with distinction. As much as religion is concerned many people have different beliefs and faiths that they hold unto. For the Christians the great faith speaks of the trinity with the figure Jesus being God the son...

Evolution vs. Religious Dogma

Introduction The theory of evolution was challenged by religion when first publicly demonstrated by Charles Darwin in the mid-Nineteenth Century. The religiously fervent still rejects the idea of man evolving from ape but over the past 150 years opinions have certainly evolved and most religious persons today accept evolution to...

Religious Pluralism, the Interfaith Movement

Religious pluralism is a loosely defined term that means accepting and understanding the fact that more than one religion exists in the world. Ellis (2009) shows the difference between this term and religious tolerance. Religious tolerance is accepting the fact that each and every person is entitled to his or...

Hinduism Judaism, Christianity, and Islam: Comparison

Introduction Religion is an integral part of the modern world. First, religious institutes carry out spiritual registration of believers which is shown in the human-God communication. Secondly, the religious organizations are engaged in religious and special secular education, charity, and philanthropy. Thirdly, representatives of religious institutes actively participate in public...