Introduction to the Business World

In the Pre-Industrial Society era, Starbucks would have experienced opportunities and difficulties in an equal measure because it was a new concept. People would not have been familiar with their products, and selling their ideas to potential clients would have been difficult. One significant opportunity would be the chance to...

Gasoline Consumption and Tax Effects

Gasoline taxes are an important policy tool for reducing reliance on oil imports, curbing externalities associated with car use, and increasing government revenues. Externalities associated with car use are local air pollution, CO2 emissions, traffic accidents, and traffic congestion (Andersson, 2019). Concerns about climate change, air pollution, national budget imbalances,...

Health Informatics and Its Definition

Introduction Digitalization and the integration of information and communication technologies in all spheres of human life are omnipresent; health care benefits from such a technological shift as well. Health informatics is an intersection of computer and information technologies with health systems that are aimed at facilitating healthcare opportunities (Hurley, 2012)....

Importance of Prepared for Crisis

It is important to note that sudden and drastic changes can affect any individual, which is why being prepared for crises both mentally and financially is of paramount criticality. This lesson of life was taught to my family the hard way. I had to adapt to a sudden change in...

Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication in Various Cultures

The 8th and 9th chapters of the book Communication Between Cultures deal with the verbal and non-verbal communication types and their peculiarities. Both these channels of communication allow people to exchange information and transmit different messages. However, it is necessary to note that both languages and non-verbal signals that are...

The Latest Findings of Maya Cities and Temples

Maya peoples are known for their high intelligence, profound knowledge of astronomy, agriculture, and arts, and sophisticated culture. Due to the latest explorations in jungles in northern Guatemala, multiple structures, buildings, roads, irrigation systems, and artifacts were found. The findings in Guatemala tell people about the high level of Maya...

Young People’s Civic Engagement

Nowadays, some people believe that younger generations of Americans do not show sufficient civic engagement. I do not agree with this statement, as there have been numerous examples of young people’s active civic engagement in recent years. I believe that younger Americans influence current politics and society in ways that...

Ban on Abortions as Current Civil Rights Issue

One should note that based on the article’s objective, trustworthy and reliable data, prohibiting abortion in the United States is one of our time’s most fundamental and significant concerns. In this case, the author focuses on the constitutional right to misbirth from the point of view of privacy, which is...

Reaction to The Social Dilemma Video

Summary of the Video The documentary drama calls social networks the biggest threat to humanity. Through interviews with Silicon Valley engineers and experts in the field of technology and psychology, the dwells on how IT companies manipulate human psychology in order to make a profit (Social Dilemma 24:22). My Reaction...

Social Learning Theory by Albert Bandura

According to Albert Bandura, the picture of reality is the result of people’s experiences received from others. Such a type of experience is called vicar ensuring the everyday learning (Johnson, 2019). People always have personalities such as parents, teachers, work colleagues, friends, and popular people to be the role models...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Aspects of Indian Groups: The Aztecs

When it comes to the most widely known peoples of both of the pre-Columbian Americas, the Aztecs are one of them. National Geographic (n.d.) states that the Aztecs had to migrate from their homeland Aztlan to a land named Tenochtitlan, a modern Mexico. Initially, the Aztec people were subordinate to...

Cultural Impact on Gender and Sexuality

The module’s reading suggests that in terms of gender and sexuality, culture defines the conditions of sexual response. Thus, cultural conditioning determines which signals the human’s sexual responsiveness can detect. For example, exposure to specific body parts, such as legs, can be received by sexual response systems in one culture,...

Discussion: Rest After a Concussion

A concussion (Mild traumatic brain injury, mTBI) is the impairment of brain function after an injury without damage to blood vessels. There is a loss of consciousness because the communication between neurons is disrupted. The Glasgow Coma Scale is used to assess the victim’s consciousness. Although a concussion is a...

Dermatophagia Behavior: The Operant Associative Learning

It is important to note that the identified bad habit is cuticle biting, which is similar to fingernail biting. I have developed this problematic behavior within the past few days through associative learning. It is a mild form of dermatophagia, where one engages in an obsessive-compulsive activity. It is harmful...

The Inflation Impact on Society

Different events occur every day and every hour; some phenomena operate a twenty-four hours a day. They have the most significant impact on society because they transform society at different levels. Inflation is the depreciation of money due to rising prices, which affects and transforms society around the clock. Inflation...

Moral Conscience in Relation to Business

Refusal to recognize freedom of choice would mean the collapse of any ethical system, morality and law, and human dignity, and its guarantee is not only a moral thing but also an economic one. As the experience of modern management shows, a significant factor in increasing an employee’s interest in...

Intelligence and Cognitive Testing in Education

Wechsler developed the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale to determine the IQ level of an individual. It differs from the Binet test that only applies to children, and accurately assesses a person’s cognitive ability and intelligence (Arihant Experts, 2021). Wechsler’s scale is applicable for adults and older adolescents. The scale incorporates...

Care Provision for Vulnerable Populations

In working with vulnerable population, it becomes necessary to promote the health, happiness, and openness of the human experience for the client. The changes that want to be observed include an adjustment in dietary preferences, stress management and exercise. Throughout the endeavor, the first consideration is ensuring that the subject...

Radio Frequency Identification Systems

Introduction The post is dedicated to the theme of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) systems and their appropriacy for companies. The post’s author develops an argument that all major retailing and manufacturing firms should switch to RFID. My colleague sheds light on the essence of RFID and its benefits for a...

An Analysis of Strategies for Businesses to Raise Cash

Introduction This article is an analysis of strategies for businesses to raise cash and find ways to lend. The authors present five main ways for businesses to act in an unstable financial situation. The purpose of the article is to explore what organizational and strategic steps will allow the company...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Problem of Aligning Cross-Cultural Concepts

The nature of social and personal conflicts might seem explicitly varied depending on the community and its characteristics, yet the core premise of failing to manage familial relationships and societal expectations remain consistent across cultures and time periods. Examining how these issues are interpreted in literature will allow eliciting a...

Virginia Mason Medical Center: Dr. Gary Kaplan

Dr. Gary Kaplan is recognized as a remarkable healthcare leader. Dr. Kaplan took over as the CEO of Virginia Mason Medical Center (VMMC), a facility in Seattle, Washington, in 2000 (Kelendar, 2020). At the time, the hospital was collapsing following its financial and workforce challenges. VMMC had been a top...

Importance of the UN Declaration of Human Rights Today

Introduction In the middle of the 20th century, one of the most influential documents, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, was created. The five global leaders, namely the United States, the United Kingdom, China, France, and the Soviet Union, pursued the purpose of defining the legal and cultural rights of...

Multiple Regression Analysis in Healthcare Scenario

Introduction Regression has a number of similarities with the discipline of machine learning when it comes to predicting and forecasting. Multiple linear regression is used to measure the correlation between two or more independent variables and one predictor variable. Discussion It is possible to predict hospital length of stay (LOS)...

Developing a Three-Year Strategic Plan for an Organization

Introduction Visions state the organization’s goals and guide the development of activities that meet the goals (LSDM, 2019). An example of a strategic vision may be “to be the most recognized and respected organization in our sector.” Stage 2: Assess the Current Position of the Organization The next step is...

School Districts: Education Administration

Introduction The school district is vital in executing duties and responsibilities, especially in a sector as deeply populated as education. School districts are geographical and public areas of administration, often locally administering to secondary and elementary schools. A school board should create a direction for local schools and ensure educators...

Depreciation: A Tool for Managing Taxes and Cash Flow

Depreciation does not directly impact a company’s cash flow. However, spreading the expense of a fixed asset over the years of its estimated useful life, depreciation affects the company’s tax liabilities, reducing cash outflows from income taxes (Nechaev & Rasputina, 2020). One of the depreciation methods is accelerated depreciation. By...

Gene Therapy: The Wellness and Autonomy of an Individual

Introduction Harris thinks that intervention such as gene therapy is appropriate when it is being used to promote the wellness and autonomy of an individual. John Harris claims that gene therapy cannot completely be termed as a form of eugenics. Vaughn (518) states, “…there is in short no moral difference...

The Racial Disparities in the American Criminal Justice System

Introduction The speaker, Michelle Alexander, in the analyzed TEDxTalk, sheds light on the racial disparities in the American criminal justice system. The speaker argues that the current system operates as a form of racial and social control, with many poor people of color being incarcerated and subjected to inhumane treatment....

Cardiovascular Pathologies: Causes and Prevention

Diseases of the cardiovascular system should be understood as any pathological functions of the heart or blood vessels arising as a result of numerous factors. It is known that heart disease is one of the main threats to the modern health care system, which causes global damage to public health....

Drug Misuse and Labeling Theory: Community Impact and Solutions

Introduction Deviant behaviors vary in their type, intensity, and effects on the community and individuals. However, among these deviance types, drug misuse represents the most nefarious one. Though the propensity to abuse drugs seemingly affects only the individual consuming them, it jeopardizes the lives of others as well, thus affecting...

Darwin’s Revolutionary Impact on Science and Worldview

Charles Darwin was an extraordinary scientist who substantially changed the perception of the world. His impact can only be described by the term zeitgeist. In this case, it means that Darwin’s impact was the most revolutionary change of his epoch. Mayr (2000) states that his findings were so crucial that...

Netto et al. (2014): Women’s Experiences of Domestic Violence

Netto, Moura, Queiroz, Tyrrell, and Bravo (2014) provide credible information regarding women’s experiences of domestic violence in the context of the conservation model. The major strength of the study is the collection and analysis of personal views of the females about the issue. The researchers managed to obtain vivid examples...

The Peer Reviewing Cycle in Research Publishing: Importance and Challenges

Peer-Reviewed Journals The process of reviewing is an important part of publishing new research. The peer-review cycle encompasses many steps that ensure high quality of articles and studies in scientific journals. The most important parts of this cycle include assessing the quality of research and determining its significance to the...

Effects of Education on Student Health

Demographic statistics and literature steadily point to a correlation between formal education and various adverse individual health outcomes, including diseases, accidents, picking up bad habits like smoking and drug abuse, mental disorders, and even mortality due to different causes. Most sources point to the fact that people who have received...

Puritan Marriages in Bradstreet’s Poetry

What does Bradstreet’s poem tell us about the nature of Puritan marriages? Do you find this to be a surprising poem? In general, it is known that Puritans believe that marriages should be based on true love. The poem by A. Bradstreet “To My Dear and Loving Husband” could serve...

Peer Review Process: Key Points and Finding Reviewed Sources

Important points in the peer review cycle Every scientific journal or publishing company typically has its own guidelines for the peer-reviewing process. Wiley’s peer-reviewing cycle is comprised of ten steps (“The peer review process,” n.d.): Submission of the paper, editorial office assessment, appraisal by editor-in-chief, associate editor assignment, reviewer invitation,...

Willa Cather’s Nebraska Novel: A Tale of Swedish Immigrants

One of America’s greatest writers, Willa Cather, showed her talent and gained a solid reputation by writing a novel, her first book in a series about the state of Nebraska. The story of the prairies, mastered by Swedish, Czech immigrants, along with the story of how these lands experienced them...

A&P Narrated by Sammie: A Teenager’s Perspective on Conformity

A&P is narrated from the point of view of Sammie, who is a 19-year-old boy working as a cashier at the A&P. Most of Updike’s story is told in the present tense, which creates a sense of immersion as if Sammie is talking. However, his point of view is rather...

Social Construction of Divorce: Insights from Robboy’s Uncoupling Analysis

In the article “Uncoupling: The Social Construction of Divorce” the author Diane Vaughan discusses the specifics and the social perception of marriage and divorce. When married, the two people form a single identity, while during divorce, the redefinition of this construct occurs. This paper aims to analyze the article “Uncoupling:...

Death of a Salesman Characters: Dreams, Failures, and Betrayals

The play “Death of a Salesman” by Arthur Miller is a prominent and well-known work with vivid and deep characters, and each of them had one’s own story. Willy Loman aspired to the American Dream and wanted to have the support of his loved ones. As a result, he received...

Personal Future Career Goal: Aspiring Human Resources Manager

I would like to work as a human resources manager in a medium-to-large-sized organization (one with 100 to 1000 employees). The position would enable me to leverage my leadership and communication competencies as well as my abilities to plan and allocate resources, all of which are necessary for the job...

Financial Management: Data for Effective Analysis in Healthcare

Technological advances, changes in legal systems, and demand for personalized care pose new challenges for financial management in the healthcare industry. Planning and budgeting, monitoring, and evaluation are critical processes in the financial management cycle. Understanding these processes is a foundation for building an organization’s strategy. In this essay, I...

The Law Enforcement: Verbal Communication as the Best Form of Interaction

There are several principal forms of professional communication that can be employed by law enforcement officers. These include verbal, electronic, and written interaction and body (sign) language. Police officers have to interact with different individuals at work, such as victims, witnesses, perpetrators, peers, community leaders, elected officials, supervisors, and executives....

Ethics of For- & Non-Profit Healthcare Models

The flexibility of the for-profit healthcare model is generally considered one of its most significant advantages. Barr (2016) highlights the competitiveness of the for-profit environment and how it may force members to improve care efficiency and quality. However, there are also significant ethical issues that are associated with the model....

Analysis of Interdisciplinary Research

Interdisciplinary research is a creative way of studying numerous societal issues. The method is especially important because it allows specialists from various academic and practical industries to “work together to solve specific social problems” (Demers, 2011, p. 242). The crucial aspect of unification enables professionals to share experiences and knowledge...

The Use of Animals in Psychological Experiments

The method of experimentation is of great significance for multiple fields of psychology, especially for the behaviorist branch. When learning the patterns in behavior and neurobiological aspects of psychological development, researchers attend to animals as available and controllable experiment participants. The overall domain of findings in psychology and other naturalistic...

Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission Hearing

The 2020 public hearing held by the CRTC (Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission) makes part of a comprehensive review of mobile wireless services. In his opening remarks, Ian Scott, the CEO and chairperson of the CRTC, stated that between 2016 and 2018, providers had made a lot of progress. They...

Autonomous Solutions Incorporation: Mobius Technology

The unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) is a means of transportation on the ground, which can work without a person on board. This type of transport offers a profitable solution for many previously problematic areas of human activity. In places where it is hard or threatening for a person to work...

“One Thousand and One Nights”: The Frame Story

Frame story (a frame narrative or a frame tale) is a widely popular literary technique used in storytelling and even cinematography because it helps involve readers’ attention in several stories within the whole narration. An excellent example of this method is One Thousand and One Nights, a collection of folk...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Responsibility of Healthcare Leaders to Be Culturally Competent

Introduction Positive changes in the global demographic situation became the reason for particular concern about cultural issues in medicine. Many countries are becoming more multicultural, physicians are increasingly accepting patients from different sociocultural backgrounds, and consequently, health leaders are responsible for being culturally competent. Becoming multi-ethnic, the population expects an...

Beware Online Filter Bubbles: A TED Talk by Pariser

The “filter bubble” is a concept developed by Eli Pariser that indicates the negative side of personalized search. Users receive information based on the Websites determining what kind of Internet resources a person would like to read or see depending on their search history, location, and past mouse clicks. As...

Individuals With Emotional Disabilities

Emotional disabilities vary and influence the quality of human life. This condition is characterized by differences in emotional responses to events, people, or actions. To this point, my experience with individuals who experience emotional disabilities and disturbance is not rich. Still, several significant observations and conclusions can be made. The...

Pride and Moral Pressure in A&P

Society consists of representatives of various communities and unspoken rules and norms that define the paradigm of everyday life. Sammy is the main character in the short story “A&P” by John Updike. The young man witnessed a taboo on female attractiveness in the 20th century with sexism and inequality characteristics....

Psychodynamic Approach to Leadership Development

The psychodynamic approach to leadership is a philosophy of human behavior that focuses on reasons or forces that drive individualistic societal attributes. The proponents argue that people tend to portray their way of action based on their past experiences. Accordingly, childhood encounters and psychoanalysis can help understand the type of...

The International Law Rules in the Space

Space exploration is still an incomprehensible and complicated topic for humanity, despite all the progress, since people know little about it. For this reason, governments and companies develop new technologies to explore space and other planets and create autonomous robots for this purpose. However, despite the insignificant presence of people...

Capital Structure: Review

Capital structure is the balance of the firm’s debt, and equity and international operations allow for diversification and lower the overall risk of a business, which signifies the importance of international capital structure (Loth, 2019). However, different states may apply different principles when calculating the debt to total assets, which...

A Rose for Emily Summary

Introduction William Cuthbert Faulkner was an accomplished novelist, poet, screenwriter from Oxford, Mississippi. Faulkner’s development as an artist was largely influenced by his family, in particular, by his mother, grandmother, and the African American nanny who cared for him from infancy. The women were voracious readers as well as painters...

Symbolism in “The Carpenter’s Gift” by Rubel

In the book The Carpenter’s Gift, the author expresses the idea that kind actions do not go unnoticed and make the world better. Rubel (2011) uses symbolism in order to illustrate this suggestion. Symbolism is a literary device when a particular element of the narrative conveys a broader message. In...

Soft Skills Define the Future and Success

The changing nature of the global workforce is incontestable and demands exceptional skills to adapt and compete. Unlike in the previous decade, many professionals today appreciate the need to leverage the power of soft skills in the contemporary multicultural global workspace. Exceptional communication abilities, people management, problem-solving, work ethics, teamwork,...

Kant’s Imperative Overview and Analysis

The phenomenon of the imperative is a rather well-known philosophical subject. Having been coined by Immanuel Kant, the idea of an imperative as the concept that defines one’s decision-making has been accepted and used widely in philosophy, specifically, in Kantianism (Longuenesse, 2020). Although the two imperatives, namely, the categorical and...

Emotional Experience and Self-Regulation at Work

Self–regulation involves the ability to understand and recognize one’s own emotions and be aware of the effect your actions can cause, and therefore regulate them. It involves expressing oneself at the right time (Siregar et al., 2018). It consists of being flexible to change and managing conflict in difficult situations....

Risk Management Strategies While Choosing a Third-Party Crematory

In the article, the author provides a significant background in the framework of what actions are to be undertaken while choosing a third-party crematory. She describes the negative consequences that may take place if these actions are not brought into life. The arguments formulated by her are coherent and convincing,...

Management Buyout Exit Strategy

Just as business strategic models, such as the integration of network-based and razor-blade business models, are important to a new enterprise so is an exit strategy from the market. Successful entrepreneurs develop exit strategies well before going into the market because the choice of an exit strategy determines the development...

“The Civil War”: A Film by Ken Burns

I was the most impressed by the moment when the Shenandoah Valley tilted the election to Lincoln and, therefore, changed the course of history in Episode 7. What was especially remarkable to me is the role that the geography of the Shenandoah Valley played in the military actions. Apparently, the...

“Creon in Antigone”: Analysis

The tragedy is named after the main character. Polyneices, brother of Antigone, the daughter of King Oedipus, betrayed his relatives Thebes, took part in the Campaign of the Seven against them, and died in the struggle with his brother Eteocles, the defender of the homeland. King Creon forbade the traitor...

Winthrop’s Allusion to Moses in “City Upon a Hill”

John Winthrop delivered his famous speech about the dream of a city upon a hill in 1630, as his group of colonists was about to depart for Boston. It was a message of hope and Christian wisdom for Winthrop’s followers who were going to change their lives. Several aspects of...

Is Nuclear Power Renewable Energy?

Renewable energy can be defined as the sustainable, clean source of energy derived from naturally occurring resources. The main elements constituting this definition are sustainable, clean, and natural. Sustainable implies that the source can be regenerated over and over again without depletion. Cleanliness, which is the main force behind the...

Julius Jones: Analysis of Case

Numerous celebrities were accused of crimes they have never committed and some of them are still expecting a verdict. One such case is about Julius Jones, a former American football player. Being held in solitary confinement for almost 20 years, he was proven to be innocent just a moment before...

Tesco Market Strategy: Outside-In and Inside-Out

Depending on the point of focus, the market strategies set and practiced within the large-scale food retailer firms might be categorized as outside-in and inside-out. Each of the categories maintains a set of its own benefits as well as disadvantages, which come from the management team prioritizing certain tools over...

The Right to Be Forgotten: Google Information

Considering the fact that most of the Google users tend to trust information they find on the platform as authentic, Google needs to be responsible for information links. Since some information have the ability to influence individuals’ interaction and business activities, proper control will help in reducing wrong information from...

Reasons for High and Low Levels of Aspartate Aminotransferase

One of the most important liver enzymes is the aspartate aminotransferase (AST); however, sometimes, its indexes exceed the normal state. Therefore, doctors need to understand possible reasons for it. The first and the most obvious reason for an elevated AST level is liver injury. This ferment provides the transamination reaction,...

Personal Responsibility and Discipline

The Importance of Personal Responsibility Personal responsibility is defined as being accountable for one’s actions (Mindvalley, 2020; Linley &Maltby, 2009). It is therefore important to incorporate personal responsibility into my life due to the following reasons: It leads to personal growth and development, especially during adulthood. As a role model,...

Non-Performance Enhancing Drugs in Sports

Sports activities at any level and especially at the professional and international level are more than just entertainment. Competition is at the heart of these actions, be it in the form of a competitive struggle between teams of athletes or the achievement of an individual record or training norm. That...

Critical Path Method and Its Utility

In their article devoted to exploring the utility of the critical path method, Deac and Vrîncut (2012) explain how it might be considered one of the possible ways to manage projects properly. It is aimed at finding what timespan is the shortest for a project to be completed in, taking...

Approach to Bible Study in a Survey of the Old Testament

Studying the Old Testament is a fundamental and complicated task. Bible is an integral part of the ancient Near Eastern civilization, into the languages and culture of which Western students need to dive deeply. In the first chapter of their monograph, Hill and Walton argue that the Bible represents God’s...

The Corporate Social Responsibility in Sport

A club’s balance sheet may include a stadium and a training facility, or an 18-figure sum in cash or a bank account, but its main asset is the local community’s support. Corporate social responsibility in sports has a favorable effect on the state of the environment. Valuable and important benefits...

“I Think It Rains” Poem by Wole Soyinka

The poem “I Think It Rains” by Soyinka possesses a distinctive structure, which in itself is built in metaphor. A hard-to-follow narrative results from the poet’s ability to express his ideas in rain-like drops, using the images of rain and smoke to explore the author’s state of mind. The rain...

Aspects of Faith Stages Development

Each life can be divided into specific stages because a person is constantly developing and growing from childhood to the elderly age. According to Hutchison (2018), there are four stages of adulthood related to faith that can occur: Synthetic-Conventional, Individuative-Reflective, Conjunctive, and Universalizing faith. This paper argues that I am...

Labor Conditions and Workers’ Wages in Factories and Plants

One of the most significant historical issues of the 20th of XX century was labor conditions and workers’ wages in factories and plants. The first part of the XX century was characterized by the migration of the population from villages to cities; ongoing industrialization and the appearance of new industrial...

Annville: Society According to Durkheim

I named my society Annville after my granny, who passed in 2014. I was raised in GA, the US, in a small town called Rome. Annville is located off the coast of GA, which defines a number of societal peculiarities of its members. It seems reasonable to claim that people...

The Return of the Prodigal Son Painting by Rembrandt

The Return of the Prodigal Son is one of the most insightful oil paints by Rembrandt Van Rijn. The piece is considered one of the veteran painter’s last artistic paintings before his demise in 1669. The portrait was created during the Dutch golden period, which marked the beginning of industrialization...

The Byzantine Empire and Its Politics Issues

The significance of the Byzantine Empire was the representation of cultural heritage for the Western world. It influenced many cultures because it played a role in shaping Christian Orthodoxy, which is the second-largest denomination globally (Magdalino 19). Additionally, it was important as a trading zone with the West, more so...

The Ferrari Firm Attracting Potential Clients

In general, conversion funnels generate sales and help a company understand, visualize, and capture a customer’s journey from attention to taking the desired action, including conversion. For Ferrari, social media networks, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube, are used as a part of the company’s conversion funnel strategy to...

The Trent Council: A “Counter-Reformation” Force

The Trent Council was the Catholic Roman Church’s formal response to the protestant theology of Reformation’s problems. From 1545 to 1563, it was divided into three significant meeting periods (Noll, 2022, p.209). It symbolizes the beginning of modern Catholicism’s turning point. The meeting was seen as an opportunity to end...

The Destruction of the Personality of Stalin by His Ideological Descendants

Big Points of Khrushchev’s 1956 Secret Speech Russian history is long and has many sharp and radical turns, and Nikita Khrushchev’s secret speech in 1956 is one of them. It happened early in his political career, in 1956, in the third year of his performance as a leading figure in...

Maternal Child Reflection Log: Losing a Newborn

Losing a child is likely the most painful thing that any parent can experience. In a Good Morning America (2020) feature, Kara Keough Bosworth opens up about losing a newborn son due to his shoulder dystocia. With this pregnancy, Kara had decided to have labor at home, which determined the...

A High-Performing Team Benefits

A high-performing team is a group whose members are deeply committed to each other’s personal growth and success. It far exceeds not only all other teams but all reasonable expectations, given the abilities of its members. Participants of such a team have a heightened sense of responsibility for doing teamwork....

British Army Against the Northern Ireland: The Morality of Murder in Wartime

This discussion board post sets itself the task of investigating the question of the morality of murder in wartime. Hence, the alleged confrontation of the British Army against the Northern Irish was taken as a basis. Having a desire to take revenge, I, as the commander of the Irish troops,...

How Health Care Receives Payments by Health Care Users

Types of Healthcare Providers The three main types of healthcare providers are; hospitals, nursing homes, and home healthcare. Hospitals are institutions that patients visit to acquire health services. Nursing homes, on the other hand, are used by patients who do not need to visit the hospital but require special care...

Benefits of Nursing Informatics in Health Sector

The current health IT has a positive effect on nursing, medicine and other disciplines at my institution. Nursing informatics helps these individuals integrate and communicate data to and from providers such as physicians, nurses, and pharmacists, eliciting coordinated care. It has connected varying departments and allowed these people to seek...

Global Recruiting: Advantages and Disadvantages

There are several advantages and disadvantages to global vs local recruiting. On the one hand, a negative aspect is considered the need for applying different approaches to hiring personnel. Thus, a technique is not necessarily globally effective if it is successful in one region (Gale, 2013). However, the talent pool...

Def Poetry: The Last Poets- “Take Your Time”

The poem’s main message is to show that people lose their identity and more individuals are becoming faded behind mink coats and alligator shoes. Human progress brings many positive aspects, but it also ruins the traditions that people have been building over time. When bad luck happens, we remember that...

Political Leaning and Population Changes in Texas

In recent decades, the population of Texas has undergone drastic changes, with more and more people coming to reside in the state. In 2020 alone, the population of Texas has risen by more than 1%, even when accounting for people dying or moving out (“Texas’ population ranked number one in...

Gregor Zamza’s Image in Kafka’s The Metamorphosis

Almost from the story’s first lines, Gregor appears to be a tedious and shallow philistine with no interests of his own. However, later it turns out that he is a compassionate person who loves art and is in dire need of the love and approval of his loved ones. Another...

Memory Cells in Cellular Immunity

Cellular immunity, also called cell-mediated, is an adaptive immunity in which lymphocytes of T type seek and attack diseased or foreign cells. The principal classification divides T lymphocytes into cytotoxic T (Tc), helper T (Th), regulatory T (Tr), and memory T (Tm) (Saladin, 2020). Tc cells are called the “effectors”...

The Permian Basin from Environmental Perspective

Interest groups and lobbyists have negatively impacted the community and environment in West Texas. They work hard to obtain permits and licenses that allow their organizations to carelessly dispose of waste and engage in pollutant-generating businesses and activities. Harold Simmons spent millions lobbying for his waste disposal site in West...

Infographic and Chartjunk in Information Design

While an infographic is the visual representation of data, ideas, or knowledge to convey information fast and effectively, chartjunk is the visual representation in graphs and charts that adds no significant value to the presented information. In order to enable effective data presentation, it is important to make them stand...

Discussion: What Should I Be Paid?

The job market has changed, influencing the interviewing and salary negotiation processes. If previously employers proposed a little higher wage than the candidate had, they are currently trying to lower the employee’s offer through a tricky negotiation process (Peck, 2021). Thus, salary history became strategic information that can be used...

The History of Psychology: Theorists

Psychology as an independent scientific discipline arose relatively recently, approximately in the nineteenth century. Before psychology’s separation, it was considered within the framework of philosophy as a particular form of knowledge of the world. As a scientific discipline, psychology must use experimental methods to test hypotheses. The ability to experimentally...

Insomnia in Science and in the Bible

Insomnia has been a topical issue of humanity since ancient times. Lack of sleep, difficulty falling asleep, and nightmares were the source of interest for both scientists and theologists. Nowadays, there are a lot of articles and theories surrounding insomnia and its effects on one’s health. There are many reasons...

Alternate History of Alexander the Great

Alexander the Great remains one of the widely studied heroes of the ancient world. His conquests and territorial pursuits led to the defeat of the Persian Empire and the subsequent establishment of the Hellenistic world. Through his leadership, Alexander expanded Macedon to become one of the greatest empires of his...

Airport Ownership and Regulation

Most modern airports are giant constructions with complex infrastructure and numerous employees necessary to guarantee their stable functioning. Moreover, they can offer a trading place for companies, shops, and retailers to sell their products to passengers. For this reason, it can be a source of stable income and increased attractiveness...

African American and Samoan Cultures

Introduction Each culture has its distinctive features and similarities. These intersections may occur due to the similarity of many practices and the mixing of cultures during historical development. Thus, within the framework of this work, particular emphasis is placed on African American and Samoan cultures. Therefore, these people are characterized...

Estate Planning in Financial Advising

Introduction One of the key concepts in financial advising is estate planning. In its simplest terms, this is the planning of actions that assist in managing a person’s asset base in the case of his incapacity or death (Bogan et al., 2020). It is a procedure that involves talking with...

The Royal Flying Doctor Service

Introduction The Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) offers a wide range of specialized services to Australians who live in remote and rural locations. The RFDS has grown to become one of the world’s biggest and most complete aeromedical organizations since its founding in 1928 (RFDS, n.d.). The RFDS provides emergency...

Recruiting Expatriate Staff Over Local

Introduction When compared to training locally available people, hiring expatriates to cover a significant number of operational jobs is simply too costly (Zheng & Smith, 2018). Although hiring locals could seem like a temporary, less expensive solution, the underlying reserve money might be compromised by unfavorable long-term results. Discussion This...

A Unified Theory of Human Development

There is a plethora of studies, both new and archaic, that explore the most efficient models of education. There are structures contained within development research that share similarities, allowing scientists to attempt to congregate the existing information into a single framework (Liben, 2008). However, this notion has a questionable purpose...

Phone Triage: Patient-Centered Process

It is important to note that healthcare and delivery of health services not only requires competent healthcare professionals but appropriate and efficient management of resources as well. Phone triage is a process of ensuring that a patient receives the care he or she needs in a prompt, timely, and organized...

US Mass Incarceration Statistics Examination

The criminal justice system in the US is presented not by one solid institution, but by a variety of federal, state, local and tribal systems. This inconsistency makes the whole structure and its decision-making process look obscure to the citizens. Thus, the comparative analysis of incarceration statistics of the US...

Perspective on Human Resource Management

Human resource management (HRM) plays a significant role in promoting business success and growth. The majority of businesses are established with the sole purpose of profitability which can be achieved through effective management. Business leadership involves activities that allow stakeholders to benefit and become productive. HRM is part of business...

Advanced Practice Nurse: Discussion Board Post

Health policy initiatives usually modify the whole working process of nurses. The detailed health services provider opportunities may vary depending on the state, the medical organization, and the applied program. Advanced nursing practitioners are responsible for acting according to established clinical practice models. The health policy initiatives are translated into...

The Battle of the Somme: A Bloody Symbol of World War I

Beginning as an Allied attack on German troops throughout the Western Front of World War I, close to the Somme River, the Battle of the Somme lasted between July and November 1916. British troops had more than 57,000 fatalities, along with more than 19,000 people killed, on the opening day...

William Faulkner’s A Rose for Emily Story Analysis

William Faulkner’s A Rose for Emily is a well-known short story that belongs in the gothic genre. In this piece, Faulkner paints a sorrowful and memorable picture of a lady who is constrained by the customs and standards of her society. In A Rose for Emily, Faulkner challenges readers to...

Effectiveness of Autoclaving in Sterilizing Reusable Medical Devices

Autoclaving is a commonly used method for sterilizing medical instruments and laboratory equipment. The pressure inside an autoclave affects the temperature and, thus, the timing of the sterilization process. An autoclave uses steam under pressure to raise the temperature of the contents of the chamber, allowing it to reach the...

Internship in Sports Management Program

Participation in accessible internships for a sports management program broadens job alternatives for starters in the flexible field of the sports industry. Such experiences allow students to apply their newly acquired skills and hands-on proficiencies in actual training contexts and real-world conditions (Wallrodt & Thieme, 2020). Internships further prepare prospective...

The Story of the Great Flood From the Epic of Gilgamesh

As an ancient Egyptian peasant, I am struck by the story of the Great Flood from The Epic of Gilgamesh. The story tells of a great flood that devastated all life except for a man and his family. They were able to survive by constructing a large boat (Jackson, 2014)....

Importance of the Planning Process: Understanding Eisenhower’s Statement

The quote “Plans are worthless, but planning is everything” by former U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower is a statement that might be misunderstood by some people. To many, the statement may mean that planning is useless since the plans resulting from it are worthless. However, this statement emphasizes the importance...

Preventing Plagiarism: Key Strategies for Academic Integrity

Students must grasp the severe repercussions of plagiarism. It is the act of using someone else’s work without giving them proper credit, and it can result in academic failure, including failing a course or being expelled. To avoid plagiarism, it is essential to comprehend what it is and what not...

Debating Florida’s Medical Marijuana: Bill 1397 Analysis

Problem Statement Since there are plenty of health care issues, policies, regulations, and laws that are discussed regularly by health care legislators, it is important to select the one that seems to be most controversial. As far as Florida is concerned, the issue that is addressed most frequently is the...

The Absence of the Industrial Revolution in China: Causes and Consequences

Reading Response Why the Industrial Revolution did not originate in China in the fourteenth century is one of the most controversial questions many ask. Despite the fact that the Industrial Revolution did not occur in China, there was a chain of contributing factors that can be considered crucial to the...

American Psychological Association (APA) Citations

Why is APA Style Used to Document Ideas in Writing? APA citation style is used to document ideas in writing because it demonstrates that a person who works on a particular text refers to other authors’ opinions, statements, and conclusions. It is essential to outline a certain idea of another...

Comparing Employee Compensation in Three Healthcare Centers

Providing benefits to employees is a necessity for all companies. However, standards may vary depending on the institution (Gitman, Joehnk, & Billingsley, 2013). Although Iroquois Healthcare, Albany Medical Center, and Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital as nursing organizations share vision and missions, the employee benefit and compensation packages provided by different...

Ching Kun Yang’s Insights on Religion in Modern Chinese Society

Religion has always been an ongoing issue for human society. For centuries people have been trying to define the role it plays in their lives and the extent to which this phenomenon impacts their being. Yet, the attitude to religion in Eastern and Western societies differed greatly. Yang states that...

Nestle’s Nespresso Brand’s Competitive Advantage

The competitive advantages of Nestle’s Nespresso brand? There are several competitive advantages that Nespresso has over other companies. This organization has a well-established brand that is recognizable to people living in different countries. There are other businesses that sell similar products but these companies are not as popular as Nespresso....

Defense of Socrates: A Jury’s Verdict of ‘Not Guilty’

To come in defense of Socrates, I will travel back in time and take my position as part of a jury in an Athenian court where Socrates stands accused of corrupting young minds thereby, subverting the democratic order of the day and impiety. My verdict is ‘not guilty’ for several...

“The Danger of a Single Story” TED Talk by C. Adichie

Chimamanda Adichie is a renowned African novelist. In TED talk, she extensively addresses the dangers of hearing a single story about a person or a country. She argues that such a phenomenon exposes people to the risk of developing wrong impressions about a subject. She begins the talk by narrating...

CNN Philippines Staff: 10-Year Conflict Chronology in the Philippines

The road to peace among Muslims and other inhabitants of the Philippines is a long one and has no end. CNN Philippines Staff gives the chronology of the conflict in the country and mentions the most significant events that have occurred during the civil war. The period of the past...

Ideal Social Meeting Place from Personal Viewpoint

Introduction The ideal social meeting place is different for every individual since people’s notions of relaxation are dissimilar. For me, such a spot should be calm and pleasant first of all. If I were to open a coffee shop with the aim of turning it into the coolest place for...

New Clinical Practice Review

Obesity is one of the central problems for the US healthcare system. According to Fildes et al. (2015), the probability of decreasing body mass index (BMI) or maintaining weight loss among obese patients is low. Therefore, traditional treatment frameworks based on community-based weight management programs are considered ineffective (Fildes et...

Safe and Affordable Health Care Services

The proper access to healthcare services is one of the most critical ethical issues associated with financing. In the US, a lack of insurance is seen as the essential factor that allows a person to maintain his or her health, and the situations when an ill person cannot afford the...

Lack of Humanistic Perspective and Social Responsibility

Summary of the Article The article by Dragga & Voss the lack of consideration of human life in reporting accidents in the media. The article provides that most of the reporting of accidents done in print as well as a television-based mass communication medium is impersonal and does not hold...

ABC Hotel: Executive Summary. Hospitality Industry

The hospitality industry can be characterized as highly competitive one due to the presence of well-established companies and the need to ensure that the location and the target market are properly identified and selected reasonably. In the ABC Hotel case, a multi-faceted project was developed to wander into a new...

Health Risks: Smoking and Usage of Substances

Health risks associated with pipes, cigars, cigarettes, vaping/or e-cigarettes for the lifespan of the individual Smoking is generally known as a bad habit, but its new types continue to appear. It affects most organs of the human body, worsening their work – the lungs and oral cavity are especially influenced....

The Evidence-Based Approach in Medical Practice

In “Tools for Implementing an Evidence-Based Approach in Public Health Practice,” Jacobs et al. (2012) provide the results of their research of open-access tools aimed at meeting the evidence-based public health (EBPH) needs. The paper contains a brief analysis of resources and programs developed for practitioners and recommendations on their...

Sex Education Among Young People

Dispensing contraceptives Dispensing contraceptives to students in high schools has long been a controversial topic for many parents, teachers, and concerned citizens. These people argue that giving out free condoms would only encourage teenagers to have more sex. While this might be true to a certain degree, a recent survey...

Man vs. Society Conflict in ”The Lottery” by S. Jackson

Arguably, the main drive of “The Lottery” involves man vs. society conflict. It occurs when the protagonist has a distinct belief against many community members. The majority of them see the individual as the antagonist, whose aim is to violate the stipulated norms and ways of life. In the short...

Epilepsy, Its Treatment, and Prevention

Diseases such as epilepsy pose a significant risk to people’s well-being not only because of their symptoms but also because of the stigma surrounding the condition. According to the World Health Organization (WHO, 2019), around three-fourths of people with epilepsy living in low-income countries do not get treatment. This high...

Healthcare Industry: Pay-For-Performance

Pay-for-performance is a phenomenon that has been developed to improve the efficiency and overall quality of the healthcare industry. According to James (2012), this term stands for providing “financial incentives to hospitals, physicians, and other health care providers to carry out such improvements and achieve optimal outcomes for patients’ ‘...

Music Elements Manipulation

The process of music work creation requires a great deal of effort in terms of conveying the primary composer’s idea through some basic music elements like harmony, tone, dynamics, rhythm, etc. Music composition as a notion is closely correlated with the paradigm of human emotive response to the environment. Thus,...

”Boy” Directed by Taika Waititi as a Representation of the Local Culture

The film Boy (2010), directed by Taika Waititi, is a comedy-drama that tells the story of a young Maori boy’s relationship with his father, who returns from prison. The story is set in a poor Maori village, with all actors drawn from local communities, and many details communicating the local...

SaaS Forms Builder Platform for Businesses

SaaS forms are important to every business regardless of their size as they enable them to streamline various day-to-day processes and functions. It is critical to note that they do not require coding skills. For instance, it is essential in conducting market or customer surveys. Customers can quickly fill in...

Literacy Narrative: “Make a Wish”

I vividly remember the day I realized life was too short and unexpected not to wish for more. It was April, and I sweet-talked my mom to take me to the amusement park on the weekend. I was eight years old, and I had never been to the amusement park...

Sickle Cell Anemia and Its Symptoms

Infant healthcare has always been one of the most extensive fields of scholarly research, as professionals are eager to define all the possible predispositions for all the possible health conditions as early as possible. However, one of the fascinating aspects of research concerns the investigation of genetic disease development, as...

Statistics Misuse: Collecting and Organizing

Collecting and organizing various information is an essential part of modern life. The statistics presented in the form of multiple graphs and tables are compelling. People are used to trusting this data so much that organizations and states base their activities on it. More complete and well-structured information should help...