7Ps of the Marketing Mix

A marketing strategy is a company’s battle plan in the struggle of market competition. However, its task is in effect to outline the way the company plans to act in the market, which is made in a general way. To realize the marketing strategy, a company develops a marketing mix,...

The Power of Cyberterrorism

Introduction The definition of cyberterrorism is quite elusive as many experts have their own understanding of the terminology (Denning, 2000). However, it is best analyzed through a breakdown of the elements that constitute it. The paper will look at what cyberterrorism could do to opponents and the actual possibility of...

External and Internal Forces in the Organization

Introduction The external environment is a key input in any organization. Several external forces impact the organization’s behavior. There are two categories of environments that affect an organization’s behavior; these are the general environment and the task environment (Cummings & Worley, 2008). The general environment consists of external forces such...

The Great Awakening That Refers to the Spiritual Revitalization

The Great Awakening refers to the spiritual revitalization that swept across New England colonies in the 18th century, which sparked renewed religious activity in America. Many preachers participated in the dynamic transformation of the faithful and followers of the traditional Protestantism like Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield. This radical religious...

Psychological Androgyny Positive Effects on Personality

Androgyny refers to the presentation of both masculine and feminine characteristics within the same individual. The term androgyny can signify the self-presentation of one’s appearance and one’s gender identity. Before the 1970s, psychologists always perceived femininity and masculinity as two opposites on a unidimensional axis (Dean & Tate, 2016). They...

“The Killer Angels” by Michael Shaara

The Killer Angels is a well-known book that is obligatory for studying in American schools because it explores one of the most significant events in the history of the United States. The novel by Michael Shaara published in 1974 was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction a year later (Gale,...

Nursing Care at Different Life Stages

Caring for patients at different life stages usually differs due to distinct needs, which correspond to specific age groups. On the one hand, the health care system offers an individualized approach that considers the health status and the physiological and mental needs of people of different ages. On the other...

The Concept of Crawler Search Engine

Search engine crawlers, commonly identified as robots, spiders, or bots, are programs or scripts that methodically and spontaneously browse webpages. Crawling relates to the discovery procedure whereby search engines dispatch a group of robots – spiders or crawlers to locate updated and new content (Amudha & Phil, 2017). Bots, for...

The World State and Dystopia in “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley

The issue of finding the right balance between personal freedoms and the need for social stability and development has been a pressing one for a long time. Its urgency has further been increased by the spread of terrorism, which resulted in certain measures intended to control and protect citizens and...

Faith and Science: Did Darwin Kill God?

Did Darwin Kill God?, a documentary movie by Dr. Conor Cunningham, professor of the University of Nottingham, reflects my beliefs most fully. I think that God is a supernatural being that exists outside of time and space, its basis, and the driving force. Cunningham’s movie correlates with the classic definition...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Contracts and Remedies for Their Breach

Breach of Contract and Its Effects Breach of contract occurs when either of the contract parties fails to perform its contractual obligations (Meiners, Ringleb, & Edwards, 2006, p. 264). Depending on the situation, breach of contract may be actual (or material) or anticipatory: a) actual (or material) breach takes place...

Patricia Brenner’s from Novice to Expert Model

Ozdemir, N. G. (2019). The development of nurses’ individualized care perceptions and practices: Brenner’s novice to expert model perspective. International Journal of Caring Sciences, 12(2), 1279-1285. This article analyzes the relation between individualized nursing care as a quality indicator in nursing conducive to positive outcomes. The article’s central premise is...

The Homeless Shelter’s Staff: A Well-Being Program

In this paper, I am going to form a survey as a part of the implementation of a well-being program for the homeless shelter’s staff. The homeless shelter was chosen as an object of the survey because it appears to be a bright example of a non-profit social services organization....

Analyzing Tests and Scales in Social Science

Abstract The paper at hand provides a brief review of the tests and scales applied to data measurement in social science. One touches upon the most widely-used approaches, as well as, the basic principles of reliability and validity measurement. A particular focus is put on the health science and the...

Contract Elements: Offer and Acceptance

Offer An offer and acceptance are a part of the requisites for legal contract formation. Denotatively, a bid is a promise, the actual terms, forbearance, conditional upon an act, or the return promise that a party makes in exchange for a performance (Smits 7). Offer is a willingness demonstration to...

Management and Treatment of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Change of Lifestyle

Pathophysiology Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a disease that affects the lungs and leads to massive inflammation of the tissues that make up the lungs (Barnes, 2000). Generally, this disease condition results in the blockage of the air passages in the pulmonary compartments. It has been noted that the...

How Success or Talent Is Really the Outcome of Hard Work

Greatness is not determined by an individual’s natural talent or inborn intelligence. According to Geoffrey Colvin, the author of “What It Takes to Be Great”, success is a product of two fundamental ingredients: demanding and painful practice and hard work. Through the article, Colvin tries to debunk the myth that...

Working for Social Justice

When reading a text, one should focus on the exact moral lessons and knowledge that the author intends to impart into the reader’s mind. Instances of social inequality are common in the current century. In addition, social justice leads to harmony, peace, and tranquility, apart from fostering economic development in...

Indemnity Dental Insurance: Pros and Cons

Indemnity dental insurance is one of the several insurance coverage schemes that can be accessed by the American citizens in need of seeking oral health care (Manski et al., 2015). Indemnity dental insurance is a fee-for-service plan, meaning that individuals who subscribe to this type of plan must pay for...

Living With Chest Pain: Effect on People’s Daily Lives

Theoretical Framework Many patients experience chest pains which they cannot easily establish the actual cause due to a variety of possible causative agents. It is against this backdrop that it is often advisable for patients who encounter such chest pains to seek prompt medical check-ups for a comprehensive diagnosis and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Crucifixion of Jesus in Old and New Testament

The Old Testament includes a range of themes and concepts later referenced and reinterpreted in the New Testament. For example, Luke’s descriptions of Jesus’ death are thoroughly connected to Zechariah’s prophecy presented in the Old Testament. Chapter 23 of the Gospel of Luke highlights the fulfillment of predictions about the...

Strategies to Improve Communication Between General Practitioners and Community Nurses

A medical practice requires effective communication both between patients and healthcare workers and within the team of healthcare workers. However, medical errors often occur because of miscommunication. In the clinical case analyzed in this paper, a medical error happened due to a lack of communication. In this case, the nursing...

Digital Privacy: Review

Digital privacy is an issue that has remained controversial and one whose complexity increases with the advancement in technology. The complex the society becomes as concerns moving towards the information age, privacy of information stored and that shared across networks is likely to be compromised. This, therefore, remains a crucial...

Abigail’s Responsibility for The Tragic Events in Salem

There are many evil characters in the play The Crucible, but Abigail Williams is the most prominent. Not only is Abigail unkind and malicious, but the character will get what she wants regardless of the consequences. Despite being a pathological liar, Abigail will try several options to achieve her ambitions...

Summary of “Paul’s Case” Story

Paul’s Case by Willa Cather is a short story full of temperament lessons. It is a narration of a few months’ events in Paul’s life. Paul is a student at Pittsburg High School, who prefers theater and music to class. The story begins when Paul is suspended from school; he...

Prescription Drug Abuse Problem

Providing access to prescription drugs is among the key tasks that the modern healthcare system should fulfil to increase recovery rates. Despite their analgesic, antipyretic, mood stabilizing and other effects, prescription medications present an important source of danger. Nowadays, prescription drug abuse is among the key issues in the U....

“Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” by Joyce Oates

Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been was written by American author Joyce Oates who refers to real serial murders. This story that belongs to the coming-of-age genre was published in 1966 and talked about a fifteen-year-old girl named Connie, who lived with her parents and older sister during...

Native American Music of the Cherokee Indian Tribe

Summary The musical traditions of the Cherokee tribe in the foothills and mountain tops of North Carolina have been the longest in existence. In this tribe, songs were performed on specific occasions and accompanied by instruments and dances. For instance, the Eagle Dance Song was performed by the tribe’s traditional...

Social Classes and Discrimination in “A Rose for Emily”

Introduction A Rose for Emily by William Faulker is among the best 20th-century stories in American literature. It is his first published work in a magazine due to its influence on society. The author presents his story in a mid-20th century community in South America. The story occurs in a...

The New Deal: National Recovery Administration

The emergence of the New Deal came in a time of severe economic and social struggle. This also allowed for political division and the promotion of varied and even conflicting interests. However, the New Deal aimed to improve the lives of the regular working class as well as the operations...

Ethical and Legal Issues of Cyberbullying

Cyberbullying is bullying using digital devices such as mobile phones, computers, and tablets. Cyberbullying can be carried out through text messages, social networks, forums, or online games where people can view, participate, or share content. Cyberbullying involves sending, posting, or transmitting negative, harmful, false, or offensive content about someone else....

White Supremacy Resurgences and Cultural Healing Responses

White Supremacy Resurgences The modern world is still full of discriminatory practices, and the studied webinar discusses its roots and possible ways to solve the problem. White supremacy culture inherent in the system fuels racism and violence and allows it to develop further. This culture forms the system, influences the...

Casa De Vidro Interior Design: Abercrombie Theory

Introduction Interior design is a creative craft used to create beautiful environments to make life more enjoyable. Beauty is an integral part of life, and interior designers use it to make restaurants, hotels, events, and living rooms refreshing, healing, and inspiring. According to Abercrombie’s theory, the configuration of windows, doors,...

TechFite Firm’s Emerging Technology Solutions

TechFite is a company that specializes in manufacturing medical devices used in space programs. TechFite currently experiences concern about the company’s security system, as due to its connections with a governmental agency, security should be the company’s top priority. The issue is that the company currently experiences financial difficulties because...

Trade Agreement Between Mexico and Brazil

In the modern world, politics, like many other spheres of life and the functioning of the state, are predetermined by laws. Based on the fact that they differ in all countries, we can conclude that processes such as trade are significantly more complicated. However, lawyers and politicians are inventing new...

Robert Clark’s Case Overview and Analysis

In legal practice, there are cases where DNA traces of a suspect on various objects are used as evidence. Moreover, this aspect of forensics has gained popularity in mass culture through numerous TV series, media, and literary works. However, its efficiency may be demonstrated in various cases, one of which...

God Speaks to Humanity by Ingrid Mattson Review

The author of the book God Speaks to Humanity Ingrid Mattson is an activist in the field of theology and religious studies. She raises important issues in the religion of Islam, is engaged in educational activities that help people treat Muslims with an open mind. This book describes the history...

Congenital Hypothyroidism and Myxedema

Research One of the most important pertaining to the endocrine system is the thyroid gland. With a weight of roughly 25g, the thyroid gland is the biggest adult gland focused solely on endocrine activity (Saladin et al., 2021). The thyroid consists of sacs termed thyroid follicles on a histological level...

Rites of Passage and Emerging Middle Classes

A ceremony or ritual known as a “rite of passage” signifies a person’s movement from one group to another and involves a significant change in their social position within the community. Rituals of passage encourage a sense of renewal since they mark the beginning of a new phase in our...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Researching of Respiratory Distress

Pathophysiology Pneumonia is the consequence of pathogen development and the host’s reaction from a pathophysiological perspective. It should be emphasized that bacterial reproduction does not always result in the development of pneumonia. The respiratory components of the lungs are the source of the development of an inflammatory response (Vardhmaan et...

Researching of International Markets

Fair Chocolate Trade More than half of the global cocoa supply comes from the Ivory Coast. Moreover, it is estimated that 500,000 children exercise labor to support the market demands on the market. The practice is illegal and unethical, so specific measures can be implemented on an international, national, and...

Qualified Candidates and Poor Credit Checks: The Ethical Theory of Utilitarianism

Different state laws in states across the United States limit employers from checking the financial situations of their employees. This paper overviews how a manager can employ an ethical theory of utilitarianism to handle a situation and conflict of a qualified candidate with poor credit checks. The applicable theory is...

The Impact of Language Barriers on Knowledge Processing

Introduction It should come as no surprise that people from various cultural backgrounds have quite varied perspectives, ideas, and methods that they might use to alter an organization significantly. It is critical to understand how to create successful Business Communication Across Cultures in order to optimize international cooperation. The impact...

Professions: Safe and Unsafe Jobs

Introduction Currently, there are justified fears that many popular professions will lose relevance. One of the main reasons for this is the development of scientific and technological progress, which creates artificial substitutes for human labor. The speed of scientific development suggests that computer technology displaces many professions in a fairly...

The Grit TED Talk by Duckworth: Critical Analysis

The subject of this critical essay is a lecture by Angela Lee Duckworth, that they gave during their Ted Talk titled Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance. They explained, how the IQ of her students was not the main predictor of academic performance in the math class they taught....

Environmental Analysis of the Ford Motor Company’s Electric Vehicles

Introduction Ford is a large automotive vehicle production company that operates in a global market. In line with the latest trends toward a green economy and sustainable development, the company promotes its electric vehicle line. To identify the success of Ford’s efforts and areas for possible improvements, an investigation of...

Death and Dying in “What Really Matters…” by Miller

The YouTube video shows BJ Miller sharing deep insights on end-of-life care. BJ Miller provides an uncommon viewpoint borrowing from a traumatic near-death encounter that cost him his feet and arm. The critical element of the video is that the experience endowed him with a profound understanding of suffering and...

The Book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki

Introduction “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” was written by Robert Kiyosaki and aims to teach people the tools of financial literacy. The narration is based on the experience of the author, who watched the lives of two fathers who had different views on money. Much of the book focuses on various...

Assessing School-Aged Children

Pediatric patients have different medical needs depending on their age and developmental stage. Nurses must be aware of the specific care these needs demand to conduct accurate evaluations and create effective care plans. This study will look at the needs of a school-aged child between five and twelve years, their...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Truth Behind the Behavior of Introverts

Introduction The personalities of introverts are commonly misunderstood in a world dominated by extroverts. For this critical analysis project, I chose an article by Jonathan Rauch called “Caring for your introvert: The habits and needs of a little-understood Group”. The following text will review the goal, the reason, the target...

“A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner: Character Analysis

A Rose for Emily is a short story written by William Faulkner, the American author famous for their contribution to the gothic genre in the twentieth century. Faulkner’s fiction pictures the realistic episodes reviving the darkest aspects of human personality and relationships between people. Indeed, the main character of A...

Racism and Discrimination in Smith’s Poems

Racism and racial disparities are among the significant issues in the world today. The social concern goes back to the enslavement period when white supremacy was a lifestyle. Although the issue has lessened with time, racial disparities are still evident in many sectors such as the justice system, film and...

Management: Effective Teamwork Role for Organizations Performance

Introduction Effective teamwork is an essential factor of improved performance in organizations. According to Tuckman and Jensen (2010), in their development, groups usually pass several important stages: forming, storming, norming, and performing. Depending on the stage, teams and groups demonstrate unique organizational features. Unfortunately, not all groups can successfully meet...

Addressing Suicide Causes with Awareness and Prevention Strategies

A life is one of the most priceless gifts given to a person, and it seems to be unnatural and truly egoistic for people to commit suicide and leave the world without any clear and justified reason. Though suicide is not the first reason for human death, it is still...

Family-Related Issues in American Corporations: Understanding Challenges and Solutions

In America businesses have existed all through the time of colonial era to what they are today. Nevertheless, things have changed on various aspects such as the nature of operation and rules, which govern them. All these business required manpower to be able to produce more products and provide services....

Generalized and Complex Partial Seizures: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Management Approaches

Introduction A seizure is an involuntary body movement caused by abnormal signals from the brain. Depending on the mechanism and localization, several types of seizures are identified. The following paper provides a comparison of generalized and complex partial seizures by contrasting their pathophysiology, typical EEG findings, physical presentations, and the...

Integrating Smart Tech for Better Patient Monitoring & Care

Focus on Monitoring and Quality Improvement as the Means of Integrating Smart Technology into the Hospital Setting Patient monitoring is one of the essential steps toward the enhancement of the quality of care and the promotion of improved patient outcomes in the hospital setting. Therefore, using the strategies that allow...

Understanding Fatigue-Related Disorders: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Possible Problem The symptoms displayed by the patient indicate that the woman suffers from adrenalin fatigue (AF). By definition, the identified disorder occurs when the hypothalamus and the adrenalin glands fail to function properly. The signs and symptoms such as the inability to get up early in the morning, as...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Developing Mathematics Self-Efficacy in Pre-Service Teachers

Introduction Teacher education studies have focused on teaching efficacy beliefs. This is because teaching efficacy beliefs influence a teacher’s effectiveness, attitude and behavior. The self-efficacy concept describes the process whereby people develop the ability to organize and accomplish important tasks first. In this model, people are supposed to develop their...

Ethics of Data Usage in Reverse Logistics Operations

Introduction Reverse logistics managers and strategic planners possess informational needs that should be satisfied to ensure the success of processes (Karim, 2011). Currently, several information systems (IS) exist that help inform their decisions, including the Executive Information System (EIS) used by executives to access timely, meaningful, and relevant strategic information...

Assessing the IOM Recommendation: ACA’s Impact on Nursing

Status of One of the IOM Recommendations The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has introduced multiple changes to the healthcare system of the United States, supposedly improving access to health-related services. The regulation allowed implementing improvements at a range of levels, including legal and financial ones (“The Affordable Care Act turns...

Nursing State Board vs. Professional Organizations

The scope of practice refers to all the activities, procedures, ethics, and conducts that underpin the delivery of services within a profession. The scope of nursing entails the promotion of health, ease of recovery, and alleviation of suffering among individuals, families, communities, and population (American Nurses Association, 2015). Nurses need...

Nicaragua’s Overreliance on International Trade

The position on Nicaragua portrayed in the video is fairly accurate, as it appears that similar sentiments have been observed by other individuals who have studied LDC’s (Least Developed Countries). It has been observed that the main motivation behind LDC states about international financial obligations is the international trade ties...

Cognitive Development: Future Study’ Basis

Abstract This paper identifies the domain that I will address in my final research paper. Three theories that address the domain are briefly presented. The reasons for choosing this domain are given, and the expectations about the future study are provided. The paper is grounded on a review of basic...

Modern Technology for Children: Causes and Effects

Introduction The exposure of children to modern technology has been a debatable subject in society for at least a decade. When compared to the Baby Boomers or even the X generation, modern youth has overwhelming access to information technology. If 25 years ago a rare family could afford a console,...

Female Human Papillomavirus Infection Education

Introduction The Human Papillomavirus Infection (HPV), a viral infection affecting both genders, is the most frequently encountered sexually transmitted disease (STD). It is so common that the majority of people that are sexually active may be infected during their life. Transmission is possible through the skin to skin contact. The...

Comparing Characters from Odyssey, Scarlett Letter, Troy, Hamlet

The topic of this essay is the comparison of different characters from the masterpieces of world literature and movie-making. The heroes from Homer’s “Odyssey”, Hawthorne’s “Scarlett Latter” and movie characters from Hollywood hits “Troy” and “Hamlet” present a real interest for anybody as they display vividly basic features of a...

Nike’s Ad for Football Women’s World Cup 2019

Early in June, Nike released its empowering advertisement ahead of the FIFA Women’s World Cup 2019 hosted in France. The ad features the biggest names of the tournament, including Sam Kerr, an Australian association football player, and Andressa Alves, a Brazilian footballer. The young star of the given commercial is...

Breast Feeding From the DNP Perspective

Common Myths and Barriers Regarding Breast Feeding Breastfeeding guidelines are crucial for supporting mothers and their newborn infants. Due to the presence and strong influence of breastfeeding myths in numerous communities, a DNP has to encourage patient education to prevent the instances that involve health issues in mothers and infants....

Prevention of Substance Abuse

Drug abuse is becoming a growing social and a public health problem. There are many substances blamed to be of use and abuse. Substances are either licit or lawful (bought legally as tobacco and alcohol) and illicit or illegal as heroin, cocaine, amphetamines, or cannabis. This has influenced public and...

Stereotypes in Ortiz Cofer’s Essay

Discussion When you encounter the term “stereotype” you will remember an individual, or group of individuals being labeled in a prejudiced way either on the basis of race, ethnicity, or gender. When human beings are exposed to too many stereotypes, they make them eventually internalize and believe and conceive them...

Racial Discrimination in Analyzed Movie and Book

Introduction Movie industry and book creating are very common items, if to observe them in general terms. Films and books are aimed to entertain people, to make them relax or give them an opportunity to thing over some issues or discussed life problems. Films and books create some new reality...

Wal-Mart’s Potential for Investment and Profitability

Criteria The main purpose of this project is to analyze and identify Wal-Mart’s potential for investment and profitability. It has to be noted that when all other businesses were reeling under the weight of recession, it was, in reality, Wal-Mart, which could withstand economic fluctuations and emerge as a leader...

Governing Business Activity: Small and Big Firms Relationship

Introduction A small firm is a company that has less than 50 employees and having an annual turn over of 5.6 million Euros or less. A small firm is also characterized by current assets whose total is fixed on its balance sheet of 2.8 million Euros or less and usually...

The Green Party of the United States

Introduction The Green Party is perhaps the best known alternative political party [outside of the Democrats and Republicans] in the United States. Co-founded in 1984 by American activist and politician Howie Hawkins (NY), the party was originally called Green Committee of Correspondence and then eventually went on to become Greens/Green...

Public Goods From Sports Stadiums. Contingent Valuation Method

Summary of the Article State and local governments spend a lot of public funds in subsidizing the construction of arenas and sports stadiums with the view of generating income and positive externalities. However, Johnson and Whitehead (2000) argue that constructed arenas and stadiums have failed to cover the construction, maintenance,...

Performance Management in Business

The Measurement System used by my Employer and Suggestions for Improvement My employer uses a balanced scorecard system as a guide for each staff and team to understand the company’s strategies; in the form of objectives, metrics, initiatives and tasks. Using the performance dashboard alerts, the employer is aware of...

“The Laws” by Plato

The Laws is Plato’s famous political dialogue. He casts light upon main political concepts such as ‘law’, ‘state’, ‘power’, ‘peace’, and others that are relevant in political philosophy in this dialogue. Plato looking for the means of creating the structure of ideal government describes one of the most important means...

Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire: Victim Impact

Introduction The fire on Triangle Shirtwaist Factory in New York took place on March 25, 1911. The infamous disaster claimed the lives of 146 people, among which 123 women and 23 men, and proved to be the largest in the history of New York. In the present day, over a...

The Coca-Cola Company and AT&T: Analysis of the Companies

The Coca-Cola Company and AT&T are old US enterprises that have managed to stay successful under changing market conditions for a long time. The history of AT&T began in the late 19th century with the telephone invention (Cohen 20). This event served as a signal for the founding of the...

Nextera Energy Culture and Reward Structure

“You get what you pay for” is a very apt truism for organizational culture, employee well-being, and business performance. Organizational culture is what the employees think, how they act, and why they work for the company in the first place. To create and uphold a desirable culture, executives and managers...

Cognition and Language Development

From time to time, we hear from other people that learning a new language is an impossible task. Some of them say that they do not have an affinity for foreign languages; others are afraid of mistakes, not realizing that mistakes help us to improve. There are different biases towards...

What Should Expect Auditors to Do Within the Examination?

Audits serve as the basis for a financial and economic activity analysis which allows identifying the strengths and weaknesses of a business. Furthermore, the work of auditors allows making informed decisions and preventing administrative penalties. An audit can be compared to a medical examination or technical diagnostics of a car....

Never Give Up: 15 Reasons by Osman Hameed

“Never give up” is a statement that most people use to motivate others and themselves to keep pushing to work towards achieving their objectives. Contemporarily, some support the statement, while others believe that it is prudent to cease from doing the same activity. People engage in some hectic daily jobs...

The AICPA Code of Professional Conduct and PCQ

The AICPA Code of Professional Conduct determines the ethical principles that guide employees’ behavior and decision, especially Certified Public Accountants (CPA), to handle various issues via specific statements. The code sets standards for auditor objectivity, integrity, independence, liabilities to colleagues and clients and defines acts disreputable to the accounting profession....

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) Health Care Reform

Introduction Passed into the United States law by President Barrack Obama, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) is a cardinal statute. Coupled with the Health Care and Education Reform Act of 2010, the PPACA forms the backbone of the 2010 health care reforms agenda. These laws cover transformation...

Cultural Influences of Social Policy

Parents are responsible for the upbringing and development of their children. They are obliged to take care of their physical, mental, spiritual, and moral development. They have priority over all other persons to teach them. However, parents are often guided by their ethnic and societal considerations in the way they...

Galapagos Finch Speciation

When Charles Darwin visited the Galapagos Islands in the 1830s, thirteen species of finches inhabited the place. Finches show a variety of shapes and sizes of beaks, all of which are suitable for their different types of food and lifestyles. Darwin gave this phenomenon the following explanation: they are all...

Patient with Acute Renal Failure and Nursing Interventions

There are so many complications resulting from acute renal failure. Some of these are cardiovascular which are arrhythmia, heart failure, pericarditis and high blood pressure. Heart failure, in this case, is caused by water and sodium retention and increased cardiac load. These complications can be prevented by administering drugs that...

Nursing: Issue of Obesity, Impact of Food

John Donovan examines the connections between American children’s obesity and the fast-food industry. Obesity is a pandemic problem in America. Though, most teenagers admit that gaining weight is their fault some are suing fast-food companies like McDonald’s for presumably causing their obesity. The fast-food industry is under pressure from critics...

Sensemaking Process: Socializing Social Media

Communication is an essential part of modern life, and today, it takes place both in real and virtual spaces. In the past decades, numerous technologies that people can use to interact with each other emerged and were almost immediately replaced with new and improved versions aiming to make societal contact...

Review of “Young Goodman Brown” Book

An American writer Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote “Young Goodman Brown.” The story’s setting is 17th century New England, which was predominantly Puritan. Hawthorne bases his work on the criticism of puritanism and its central premise that all people are responsible for the original sin. “Young Goodman Brown” is a literary criticism...

Health Disparities: Primary Causes and Possible Solutions

The issue of health disparities remains a critical one for American society despite decades of research and various programs intended to tackle it. Differences in the level of provided care lead to an overall reduction in life quality and significant economic impacts. They are caused by multiple factors ranging from...

“Inception” Directed by Christopher Nolan: Film Analysis

For this assignment, I have chosen the movie Inception and watched it online on the GoToTub platform, HD quality. In my opinion, this work of art is one of the best science fiction films of the last century. Directed by Christopher Nolan and starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Joseph Gordon-Levitt, the...

Diviners, Priests, and Elders and Their Role in Art

Appreciation for special, esoteric knowledge has existed in every community, leading to the ubiquitous presence of a caste that supposedly has the ability to serve as the mediator between the divine and the ordinary. As a result, the functions of diviners, priests, and elders in society have been mostly homogenous...

Discussion of Goodwill of United Airlines

United Airlines is one of the largest airline carriers in the world, which nevertheless faces certain problems concerning its reputation. For instance, in 2017, a man was taken by force from an overbooked United Airlines plane for refusing to give up his seat (Zdanowicz & Grinberg, 2018). Thus, the company...

Saving Rufus’s Life in “Kindred” Novel by Butler

Kindred is a fictional novel written by Octavia Butler, which touches upon the topic of the value of human life, referring to the horrifying antebellum South events. The female protagonist Dana suddenly experiences the time-traveling to the past and meets her ancestor Rufus, the antagonist of this story. Dana has...

Prevention of Intellectual Property Theft

In today’s increasingly information-driven world, data can be a crucial commodity, more valuable than any physical asset. Thus, any organization must make the best possible efforts to protect its data from unauthorized access. Intellectual property (IP) is a category of data that includes innovations, methods, and trade secrets (UpCounsel, 2020)....

Understanding “The Medium Is the Message”

Marshall McLuhan, a well-known Canadian communication theorist, revealed his theory’s main idea by coining the phrase “the medium is the message.” This phrase reveals that the message’s meaning is determined not only and not so much by the content as by the form. In general, this theory is about what...

Kudlisnki’s Boy and Markle’s Butterfly Tree Picture Books

The books I have chosen for this assignment are Boy and We Were Wrong About the Solar System! by Kathleen Kudlisnki and Butterfly Tree by Sandra Markle. The Features of Boy, We Were Wrong About the Solar System Boy, We Were Wrong About the Solar System! is an excellent non-fiction...

The Room by Harold Pinter: A Play Review

Harold Pinter’s The Room is a play written in the genre of realistic comedy. Indeed, the author talks about an average couple living in a studio. Rose and Bert seem to be comfortable with each other’s strange personalities. However, their seemingly peaceful existence is distracted by strangers who want to...

Braising and Stewing Cooking Techniques

Introduction Braising and stewing are similar cooking techniques, which are different in terms of liquid usage and heat intensities. Stewing uses medium to low heat and submerges ingredients in liquid, such as broth. The food is slow-cooked for the entire duration of the process. Braising utilizes dry heating on high...

Egyptian Refinery Project Promoted by Citadel Capital

Project cost and funding mix Egyptian Refining Company (ERC) is the largest infrastructure megaproject both in Egypt and Africa as a whole in the form of a public-private partnership. According to the Egyptian Refining Company (n.d.), this modern refinery is worth $4.3 billion. At the same time, equity capital is...

Analysis of “My Wicked Wicked Ways” Poem by Sandra Cisneros

Background It is hard to disagree that the topic of the family may be difficult and heartbreaking for many people. To make it easier to relive happy or sad memories of the family, some poets devote their poems to this topic. For example, in “My Wicked Wicked Ways,” written in...

“COVID-19: Characteristics and Therapeutics” by Chilamakuri & Agarwal

Introduction COVID-19 has been widely researched throughout and in the final stages of the first pandemic cases. The Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences of St. John’s University conducted a meta-analysis of the virus’ investigated characteristics and vaccine efficiency. Moreover, the viral structure was studied, along with the main mechanisms of infection...

Stakeholders’ Conflict of Interests in Healthcare Provision

Any person or an organization with interest in investing in a particular company is astakeholder. The business activities can affect or be affected by the stakeholders’ actions. Stakeholders in a business setup include customers, investors, suppliers, and employees. The advancements in business operations worldwide have attracted additional stakeholders such as...

The Three Principal Aspects of the Path

The Condition of Living Beings The best way to help living beings is to show them the path leading to liberation. Thus, the best way is the unity of method and wisdom, which is the quintessence of the teachings of all the Buddhas, that is, these three essential aspects —...

An Interview with the Member of the Taliban

Of all nationalist movements, the Taliban is perhaps the most notorious and feared one. In a recent conversation with a Pakistani friend at a Ramadan party, my assumptions were mostly confirmed. The controversy surrounding the Taliban is undeniably warranted, given its history of attacks on its opponents and merciless executions...

Organizational Structures: The Systems Archetypes

Management discipline offers a myriad of ways to deal with problems within an organization. A keen manager will attest that not all problems are unique, and there exist repeating patterns in business, termed archetypes. A systems approach to problem-solving renders most workers inept at perceiving these patterns, which, if correctly...

“Contagious Fire” in the US Law Enforcement

Introduction In the media and public discourse there is a common notion of ‘contagious fire’, which describes the situation when some officer’s shots provoke the sudden reaction of shooting from the colleagues. As a result, the press is full of stories describing the huge number of shots fired by the...

The Features and Peculiarities of the State of Kentucky in 1784

The discovery and the first settlements of the territory of the United States opened a wide range of new possibilities for people across the country back in the 18th century. The nature, native inhabitants, plants, and weather conditions presented aspects for developing convenient life for settlers. People were trying to...

Puerto Rico: Declining Human Population

Lack of land resources and continuous population growth in Puerto Rico exacerbate the housing problem, as the question arises that there is virtually nowhere to build housing and the necessary infrastructure. The first possible solution to the housing issue involves the rational use of land resources, which can only be...

The Army’s Professional Culture and Human Resources

Throughout the whole Army White Paper, The Profession of Arms, the Human Resources Sergeant’s significance is clear. The importance of a Human Resources Sergeant’s duty will be discussed in the following essay through a variety of examples and different areas of responsibility. The Human Resources Sergeant is essential to operations...

Ethics and Technology: Bots in Social Media

An important part of ethical problems is the the proliferation of bots on the Internet. Their activity reduces the level of security when communicating on social networks; the credibility of the media and public speakers loses importance. The consequences of the work of bots contributed to the development of programs...

The Urban Development Impact on the Environment

Urban development refers to a term used to describe the capability of the city’s developed infrastructure and services. For instance, it resulted in advancements in culture and the sciences, expected to rise with growing urbanization. Cultures integrate more easily the closer people are to one another and the more they...

Recruitment Strategies in Hotel Industry: A Comparative Study

The travel and accommodation sector is one of the largest in the world economy, employing millions of people each year. After years of remarkable industry growth, the Covid-19 pandemic introduced numerous challenges, which are currently being addressed to allow the hospitality industry to rise again. Thus, high levels of retention,...

STEM to STEAM and STEM IT (iSTEM) Transition

Introduction STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) has been a primary focus in many educational institutions for decades. The recent integration of information technology (IT) into STEM education, known as STEM IT, has transformed the way students learn and the way teachers educate. Furthermore, the addition of the arts to...

Antibiotics: The Biggest Medical Discovery of the Twentieth Century

The twentieth century was an era of discoveries in many scientific and technical fields that turned the world upside down. For a hundred years, scientific and technological progress has reached such heights that people who lived at the beginning of the century could not even imagine. Spaceflight, the Internet, civil...

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Duignan, B. (2021). Voter suppression. Britannica. Web. This article is devoted to voter suppression in US history and politics. In this work, the author reveals the manifestations, causes, and ways to deal with this problem since the end of Reconstruction and up to the present. Particular attention is paid to...

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Ancient History: Bastet Goddess

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Advocacy for Nurse-Patient Ratios: Addressing Challenges and Enhancing Care

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The Tempest Play at Savage Rose Classical Theater

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Genomics, Genetics, and Nursing Involvement

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Vision of Abundance: UPEI University’s Strategic Planning Elements

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Exploring the Relationship Between Depression and Self-Esteem in Mental Health

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“Christian Anti-Semitism” Article by Pawlikowski

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Environmental Influences of Domestic Violence and Potential Interventions

Introduction Topic Research Question: What are the potentials drivers for the increasing rates of domestic violence, and how can different social and healthcare institutions intervene to minimize the consequences and impact of this issue? Working Thesis: Apart from the fact that domestic violence is one of the most common social...

Taboos in James Joyce’s “The Boarding House”

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Interpretation of Symbols in “Young Goodman Brown” a Story by Nathaniel Hawthorne

Introduction “Young Goodman Brown” is a short story by Nathaniel Hawthorne depicting the eternal battle between good and evil. It is a tale of a young man walking through a gloomy forest with an elderly companion to perform a wicked deed. Throughout the journey, the main character, Goodman Brown, doubts...

Addiction Among Nurses: Professional and Personal Experience of Nurses

Overview Despite the common delusion that addiction to substances is more typical of marginal or minority population groups, drug and alcohol abuse can be encountered across all social strata, generations, ethnicities, and cultures. The nursing profession is not an exception to this rule. Addiction among nurses is a pressing issue,...

Addressing Hospital-Acquired Infections with Nightingale’s Theory

Cases of hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) in the clinical environment are an acute public health problem because they not only complicate the treatment process but also create a negative reputation for medical institutions. To minimize this threat, a special plan needs to be thought out based on the available information regarding...

Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Pros & Cons

Introduction Rapidly advancing artificial intelligence technologies are gradually changing health care practices and bring a paradigm shift to the medical system. While increasing the availability of data and enhancing analytics techniques, they facilitate practices that were previously considered to be an area only for human experts. Although there are several...

Y Health and Wellness Studio: Managing Technology and Social Responsibility

Technology Plan Technology in Use Y Health and Wellness Studio business has integrated software and hardware technological devices to support its service delivery to its clients, who are young children. The hardware components include mobile phones, tablets, and computers with physical exercise apps installed in them. The company has also...

Arguments Against Physician-Assisted Suicide: Ethical and Legal Perspectives

Introduction In modern healthcare, there are many practices that polarize society, and physician-assisted suicide is one of them. Since the practice involves what many associate with an act of killing, the universal legalization of PAS has implications for medical ethics. Judging from modern researchers’ works, PAS is considered as an...

Johari’s Window – Model Definition

Introduction This model was developed by Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham in 1955 to describe human interaction. It tries to define personal awareness in a quadrants manner. It has four quadrants which each illustrate a different view of personality in terms of communication and relationships. Each window represents a kind...