Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus by Mary Shelley

Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus by Mary Shelley was first published in 1818. It is now referred to as one of the first pieces of science fiction. The reception of the book was somewhat controversial, and literary critics’ views were mixed. John Wilson Croker’s review, published right after the novel...

The Centrality of the Concept of Power

Introduction Humans have tried to explain the nature of the world around them for centuries, but they have never reached an agreement. Some believe that their lives are predetermined, others proclaimed themselves the only masters of their decisions, and the third group prefers the combination of those factors. One of...

Heterosexuality as a Standard

Adrienne Rich’s analysis of heterosexuality reveals its compulsory nature: In the present day, men enforce heterosexuality on women by means of various social and cultural leverages. Although Rich is convinced that women are more victimized by the imposed heterosexuality, its standardization affects both sexes; therefore, society should stop considering heterosexuality...

“The Coming” by Daniel Black

Introduction Little attention has been devoted to the captured Africans’ experiences during the Middle Passage when they were shipped across the Atlantic to be sold into slavery. More importantly, few texts have attempted to capture the African spirit of resistance during the long journey from the shores of West Africa...

The Issue of Dysfunction in the Company

Introduction It seems reasonable to claim that sufficient and productive teamwork is affected by a significant number of factors. Each member is to dedicate himself or herself to the needs of a team as a whole, putting personal interests aside. The scholarly dimension provides the important concept of five dysfunctions...

An Ideal Public School: An Exemplary Institution

There is no doubt that every child deserves the right to have access not only to quality health care but also to quality education that paves the way for a productive and happy future. Our nation is proud of the US school system, and other countries take an example from...

The Role and Impact of Mamie Till Mobley’s Actions

Several individuals participated in the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1970s. However, most of these people’s stories, especially women’s, were sometimes overlooked despite their efforts in fighting for African Americans’ equal rights. Even though their encounters may not be widely known, many courageous and dedicated women were the...

The Outcomes of World War II: Impact of Technology

World War II’s scientific and technical achievements were among the most profound and long-lasting consequences of a conflict that altered every element of society, from economics to justice to the nature of combat itself. More than 30 nations were involved in World War II, which occurred between 1939 to 1945...

Climate Change and Food Production Cycle

Over the past decade, a notable spike in interest in and concern about the problem of climate change has been observed. The lack the extent of attention that the problem has been receiving after its immediate discovery and before the current turmoil does not suggest that it has been resolved...

Still, I Rise by M. Angelou: An Analytical Essay

The theme of the suppression of black people and the restoration of their rights is especially popular among African-American authors. In particular, this topic often refers to how Black people have experienced injustice in the past and are currently forced to fight for their freedom. The poem Still I Rise...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Merck’s Pharmaceutical Company Ethical Dillema

The scale of the ethical dilemma raised by Merck’s management and scientists is defined by two outcomes. The pharmaceutical company could either have invested money in an entirely economically unsound project, showing goodwill and corporate responsibility for the eighteen million patients from poor regions suffering from onchocerciasis. On the other...

Plasmodium Vivax: Scientific Name, Structure, and Functions

In these logs, we take a deep analysis of the various microorganisms and outline them to regular people who are interested in understanding various aspects related to treatment and symptoms for the microorganisms. Today, we will take a look into the Plasmodium Vivax eukaryote which has in the recent past...

Philosophical Understandings of Anthropology

Philosophical anthropology is a philosophical branch, the purpose of which is to combine different research studies on human nature to provide an understanding of people as both creatures of their environment and those influencing their values. By combining the components inherent to both theology and psychology, it becomes possible to...

Strep Throat: Eradication and Prevention

Proposed Species: Strep Throat Strep throat is one of the infectious diseases which is caused by streptococcus pyogenes, also known as group A streptococcus. The bacteria cause inflammation and pain in the throat, which sometimes is accompanied by sores (CDC). Strep throat is easily transmitted and spread to others from...

Religious Diversity and Sources of Conflict

Summary of Religion and Conflict Several elements of religion can, but do not always do, make it a potential latent cause of conflict. Every religion has fixed doctrines or tenets of belief that followers are supposed to accept without inquiry. This could lead to rigidity and intolerance towards those with...

Negligence and Battery in Healthcare Units

Introduction During the treatment of a patient, sometimes the practitioners’ actions deviate from the required medical norms causing a significant injury to the sick individual. For instance, when performing a diagnosis, a physician may fail to correctly identify the patient’s condition leading to wrong disease management. In most cases, the...

Unveiling Haiti: An Annotated Journey

Annotated Bibliography Briney, A. (2018). Ten facts about Port au Prince, Haiti. ThoughtCo. Web. In this article, the author gives an overview of the city of Port-au-Prince in Haiti. Through the provision of a clear image of the destroyed Presidential palace, a clear picture is drawn of the magnitude of...

U.S Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Controversy over the Atomic Bombing The decision of the President of the United States to drop atom bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki during the World War II has been clouded by controversy, with several people supporting it and others criticizing it. Many people, including Congressional Republicans,...

Momigliano’s Contribution to Historiography Development

Brief Summary Momigliano is one of the most prominent historians of the twentieth century. He wrote numerous essays on the history of Christianity. One of these works is his essay “Pagan and Christian Historiography in the Fourth Century AD” (Momigliano 1963). In this essay, the author focuses on the way...

Nestlé Animal Testing and Business Ethics

Introduction Business ethics has emerged as a critical field in different parts of the world. The term “business ethics refers to various principles of morality used to guide different business issues” (Sethi, 2012, p. 19). Unethical behaviors can have negative impacts on the performance of every business organization. The notion...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Childhood Obesity Prevention Trends

Trends Related to Childhood Obesity Health care professionals along with lawmakers, parents, and teachers are nowadays deeply concerned with the increased rates of childhood obesity as well as the potential risks it brings. One of the most prominent trends related to obesity in children is the increased spread and availability...

Behavioural Exceptionality: the Case of Scott

Identification of the Study The case study chosen for this paper is presented in the ninth chapter of the “Special education in Ontario schools” and titled ‘The Case of Scott’. The case study examines a boy who is kept in custody for three months; later Scott will go to a...

Exchange Management Program in Five Steps

Introduction Exchange risk can occur when a company owns a firm or manages a branch in a foreign country, but the asset’s valuation is in the foreign country’s denomination. Individuals exposed to such exchange risk include companies which own foreign assets, companies which have branches in foreign countries, importers and...

The VARK Questionnaire: Learning Styles

Introduction The VARK Questionnaire is a helpful tool that is used to determine a person’s learning style and to provide him or her with important suggestions regarding the application of appropriate learning strategies. It is possible to distinguish between aural, visual, kinesthetic, read-and-write, and multimodal styles (The VARK questionnaire, 2017)....

Legislative History: Civil Service Reform Act of 1978

Introduction The Civil Service Reform Act (CSRA) of 1978 was an essential step towards creating an effective government system in the US. President Carter together with unions created a system in which employees could serve the country and perform their duties. The law had direct and indirect implications on the...

Stress After Leaving Home in Students

Today, there are numerous misconceptions about stress. Most people perceive stress as negative emotional state whereas some consider it to be something that happens to us when we are anxious. However, the real meaning of stress is that it is a response to a situation. Stress is biological in nature...

Gender Stereotypes: Data Presentation Strategy

Data Presentation Strategy On the one hand, the idea of presenting data with the help of the natural strategy is quite legitimate. Indeed, representing the information in the order that the feminist issues evolve in contemporary society could be an option. However, the phenomenon of gender issues is very complex,...

Nurse Turnover and Effective Management Approaches

Medical practice is associated with multiple challenges occurring in a working environment. Over the past decade, nursing managers have developed several strategies to address and resolve the issues that fall under their jurisdiction. No matter what kind of approach a leader takes, the goal of any intervention is to ensure...

Sustainable Business Policies for Better Employee Work

Introduction Due to the rapid development of advanced technologies and modern production in enterprises, new issues, regarding environment and society appeared. In most cases, high-technology production is accompanied by massive air and water pollutions, which appears to be extremely detrimental to the environment and the population’s health. As employees present...

Components of Abraham’s Legacy and Hinduism

Component One Similarities Monotheistic nature – Judaism, Christianity, and Islam state the existence of the only one God; The holy scripture – the Bible in Christianity, the Torah in Judaism, the Koran in Islam; Presence of a prophet – all the three major Abrahamic religions are based on the teachings...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Role of Environmental Management in Company

Caty behaved unethically because she decided to continue using the fertilizer said to contain environmentally unfriendly components so as to maintain the status quo in terms of finances. She made the decision based on the view that her annual bonus would decrease should the resort adjust to use the expensive...

Full Sentence Outline and Incorporating Statistics

The rise of informational technologies affected the appearance of ‘New Relationships’ plan in UK which suggested using the internet technologies in sharing management information. The relatively low cost computers appeared in 1980 and information and communication technology appeared in education. E-mails became a quicker medium of information sharing in 1992....

The Art of Losing by Elizabeth Bishop

Introduction Elizabeth Bishop has often been portrayed as being detached from her poetry, partly because she often takes an exterior view. However, this is merely her artist’s eye coming through as she uses very co0ncrete imagery to convey her meaning and expects the reader to create most of the message....

Ford Motor Company: International Finance Manager

Introduction The selected company is Ford Motor Company and the person is the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of this company in charge of management of international financial operations. As is well known, Ford Motors is a global automobile leader that sells its products in 6 continents. It has nearly 246,000...

Plays: The Works of Sophocles and Lorca

English literature is presented by numerous writers and poets, which present their pieces of work on different topics and various styles. Those books, that describe certain periods in history are of greater interest among the readers, as they give complete imagination of the period that is known only from history....

Women in Homer’s World

The society in Homer’s world is patriarchal. The men are the ones who rule. However, the women do appear and they can be categorized into three groups. The first group is that of the women who serve the male heroes, or are sacrificed for the sake of the men. These...

Business Plan of Personal Fashion Market and Clothing

Introduction For the last two decades, the number of people across the globe (both young and middle aged) preferring urban and casual wear keeps on rising every day. The reason behind it is the growing trend of modernization, urbanization and the need to appear decent and fitting in the current...

‘Odessa Steps’ in “Battleship Potemkin” by Eisenstein

Introduction Eisenstein’s theory of montage establishes how a film must be ‘built’ to convey a certain brand of politics by stating that the viewers’ emotions can be directed through the juxtaposition of images (Eisenstein 2). To illustrate, in the ‘Odessa steps’ sequence in Battleship Potemkin, the audience sees the juxtaposition...

Addressing a Healthy Diet at Home

Introduction Teaching children a healthy lifestyle begins in the family, and if parents and other close relatives neglect certain behavioral norms, a child adopts these patterns and imitates them. One of the significant aspects of upbringing is addressing a healthy diet as an activity that not only stimulates children’s normal...

Comparison of Adolescent and Adult Addiction Treatment

Criteria Adult Population Adolescent Population Diagnosis Standard diagnosis for addictions in adults is performed using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). According to Hartney (2019), DSM-5 includes eleven criteria, and having two or more of the symptoms implies that the client has an addiction. The number of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Fay Abdella’s Twenty-One Nursing Problems Theory

A nursing theory used in this paper is Fay Abdella’s Twenty One Nursing Problems, which contains 21 statements about the tasks and responsibilities of a nurse. Twenty-One Nursing Problems theory is based on the typical issues that patients face during a hospital stay, including maintaining proper body functions and their...

The Article: “Parental Perception of Child Weight: a Concept Analysis”

The article was published in March 2013 in the Journal of Advanced Nursing The author is Nicole Mareno, PhD RN, Assistant Professor of Nursing at WellStar School of Nursing, Kennesaw State University, Georgia, USA The concept selected is a parental perception of child weight Personal reason for choosing the concept...

The Effects of the Environment on Human Health

The World Health Organization has found that the yearly global death toll of environmental degradation amounts to thirteen million, which is 24% of the global disease burden and 23% of all premature deaths (“Environmental health,” 2018). The effects range from cancer from air pollution to mental health issues from constant...

Air Pollution Resulting From Small Gas Powered Engines

Introduction Pollution refers to the introduction of harmful contaminants into the environment which can either be caused by human actions or result from natural disasters. Air pollution, in particular, is the contamination of the atmosphere of the environment by any physical, biological, or chemical elements that alter the natural form...

Converting Dimethyl Ether from Methanol

Dimethyl Ether (DME) is made by converting hydrocarbons which are first converted to methanol and then to DME (Molar 13). It can be made from other sources such as wood byproducts, household and crop waste, or from algae biomass. It’ chemical formula is CH3OCH3 and is considered a more clean...

Living On-campus vs. Living Off-campus When Attending University Comparison

Introduction While entering a university, students have to choose where they would live, either on campus or another place. Since both campus and off-campus options have advantages and disadvantages, this choice becomes quite complicated. Students often pay attention to such issues as costs, locations, comfort, meals, and so on. Although...

The Political, Economic and Social Effects of the GI Bill and the Vietnam War

The post-war era after the second world war led to multiple paradigmatic shifts in American history. One of the most consequential events was the passing of the GI Bill of Rights which afforded veterans of the Second World War economic benefits that greatly enhanced their quality of life. The improved...

August Wilson “Fences”: Plot and Themes

“Fences” is a Pulitzer-winning American drama play written in 1985 by August Wilson. This work tells the reader about Troy Maxson, a 53-year-old black blue-collar worker and a family leader, and his life in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in the 1950s. Troy’s chaotic inner state and his relationship with those around him,...

Caterpillar Inc.: Strategic Management Research Paper

Introduction Every organization faces competition from its rival; however, ways to increase competitive advantage have been analyzed in different sectors. Caterpillar is one of the organizations that have been in the construction market for decades. The company has various goals that have enabled it to become more competitive. Moreover, approaches...

Workplace Conflict in the Medical Sphere

Conflicts are an important consideration to take when working in a medical sphere, as their existence can impact the health delivery process in a variety of ways. By definition, a conflict is an event where two or more parties experience an incompatibility between their goals, ideas, beliefs, methods, or expectations...

Personality Traits of a Social Worker

Social work is a crucial field of practice due to its profound impact on influencing standard operative strategies. I demonstrated optimal practice skills throughout the field hence the excellent score from the evaluator. The expertise enshrines such facets as communication, cultural competence, organization, critical thinking, active listening, and advocacy. Primarily,...

The Homelessness Issue in the World

Introduction Homelessness, which sometimes is known as houselessness, is a condition that is characterized by a lack of stable, safer and adequate housing. Homeless people live under trees, in the streets, and sometimes under bridges. Moreover, people who live in private boarding houses with no valid security of tenure and...

Interpersonal Communication: The Fundamentals

Nowadays, close contact with other people every day is an inevitable part of human life. Without the exchange of information, the normal life of a person, and the process of socialization, is impossible. Due to communication with relatives, friends or strangers, one lives, eats, goes to work, earns money, relaxes,...

Operation “Geronimo” Analysis: Manhunt Presidency

Obama’s presidency has been marked by controversial decisions ranging from health care reform to the economic aspect. The critical event of this period was Operation Geronimo to eliminate the head of the terrorist organization Osama bin Laden. The decision to carry out this operation still raises a lot of questions....

E. Coli: DNA Identification With Gel Electrophoresis

Aim The aim of the present work was to determine the purity of the isolated cellular DNA sample from E. coli obtained in previous tests. The DNA is a double helix linked complementary by hydrogen bonds, with a phosphodiester bond implemented between the nucleotides of one strand. This bond could...

Food Allergies and Obesity

Food allergies and their correlation to obesity have been examined by different research studies and important conclusions have been put forward by various studies. This short research paper will examine how food allergies can lead to food addiction that can cause obesity in individuals suffering from these allergies. It is...

Women and Men TV Roles

The roles of men and women in society have always been different to a large degree, and it would seem that women’s movement would change the way women were treated in society, but television and media brought about new problems that are evident in the modern day and age. For...

Toni Morrison’s Novel “Beloved”: Slavery Theme

This essay sample explores the major theme in Beloved: slavery and its dehumanizing effects. Read it if you are curious about the theme of slavery in Beloved its connection to the theme of motherhood. Slavery in Beloved: Introduction Slavery is one of the major distressing issues in society bearing in...

Professional Development and Nursing Education

Introduction The nursing profession is the largest part of the health care personnel. Today, it comprises about 3 million members. Working directly with patients, nurses play a major role in helping to understand the objectives of the 2010 Affordable Care Act and improving the health care system of the United...

Fad Diets’ Impact on Human Health: Problem Solution

Solution The issue of fad diets is rather broad as it encompasses every cluster of the population regardless of their age, gender, socio-economic status, and other factors. To reach the goal of educating the population on healthy eating habits and eating behavior, a nurse can start with educating patients whose...

Gun Control and Anti-Violence Programs in the USA

The USA is known for its high levels of violent crime. The issue of gun control is brought up every time a school shooting or a violent robbery happens. The last one involving guns happened on 9 September 2016 in Texas, where a 14-year old girl shot another student and...

The Issue of Antibiotic Resistance and Types of Antimicrobials

Introduction This paper will explore the issue of antibiotic resistance. It will also provide a brief discussion of different types of antimicrobials and their influence on the creation of superbugs. Overview of the Issue Antibiotics are the type of drugs designed to treat bacterial infections. Even though they are fairly...

Clinical Question: Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Clinical Question Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are considered to be the plague of the 21st century. Over a million infection cases occur daily, and in many cases, the infected ones trade diseases between each other (World Health Organization, 2016). These diseases are insidious, as many people are not even aware...

Cultural Diversity in Nursing Education

The word ‘diversity’, when used within an educational context, encompasses a large amount of concepts which describe different aspects of diversity education. These terms include multicultural education, antiracist education, ethnic studies, social justice education, multi-lingual education, integration, and many others, and together they propagate that all people, regardless of their...

Investment in Warren Buffett’s Letter to Shareholders

Introduction Warren Buffett’s annual letter to shareholders presents one of the most read and analyzed documents by investors within business calendar. The letter basically updates shareholders on Berkshire’s progress and at the same time gives investment wisdom to various investors (Buffett, 2013). Main Body Warren Buffett gives detailed explanations on...

Short Stories Analysis: “The Necklace” and “The Last Leaf”

“The Necklace”: Analysis In One of the Opening Paragraphs of the Story, We Are Told that Mme Loisel “Suffered Intensely.” Why Did She Suffer? As someone who had the appearance, demeanor, and ambitions of an upper-class woman, yet belonging to a comparatively less wealthy class, Mme Loisel must have felt...

Apple Inc. – Analyzing Company Fundamentals

Identify three major countries with which your chosen company operates. Preferably, the three countries are on different continents. Apple operates in many countries but mainly in the US, UK, and Canada. They are located in Europe and the continent of North America (Annual Report 2009, 2009). Are these three countries...

The Pasteurization of France by Latour Bruno

Introduction Bruno Latour examines the sociology of primatologists and critically analyses laboratory procedures, relating them to real-life situations. In his writings, he reviews Louse Pasteur and his discovery of microbes (Lafarge 23). Latour gives an account of the social phenomena that surrounded Pasteur’s discipline and career. Latour did not accept...

Legal Risk and Opportunity in Employment

Contract Law Pat has an opportunity to apply to the court and win the case in this situation. According to the Notice of Unsatisfactory Performance/Corrective Action Plan which has been created and signed up before the employment, Pat has to be informed about the problems he has and pointed to...

Aging Population Issues and Legislative Protection

What is ageism? How does ageism influence the presence of diversity in society? Ageism is the natural course of getting old. All living human beings get old after a certain number of years. There are a lot of changes that accompany aging – body, appearance, conduct, health, and approach. Ironically,...

Becoming Effective in Dealing with Other People

Improving Interpersonal Communication Skills Conducting interview-based research helped me to realize that letting people know what you expect from them is a key to finding appropriate answers to my requests. As noted by Nachmias and Guerrero (2011), people can be really helpful and supportive, if they know others’ purposes. This...

Effective Persuasive Arguments and Methods

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation There are many important qualities that a person has to develop as a leader. For me, to be a successful leader means to be good at persuasion and details. When my employees know what I want to do, their cooperation and support are priceless for...

Congestive Heart Failure: Planning a Research

Researching the problem of congestive heart failure in older adults is an essential topic in modern medicine. Since the number of people with this ailment is significant, the nursing role analysis in addressing this issue may be a relevant task. Utilizing academic studies and findings from there may be valuable...

Comparative Eastern Influences “Confucianism”

Introduction Philosophy is an eternal search of knowledge and vital wisdom in which scientists of this direction tried to define laws of life and to issue them literally. Eastern philosophy indifference from the west was not limited to the search for rational proofs and decisions of the vital and fundamental...

The Angel of Jehovah

Brief Introduction and Background Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are considered as the three Abrahamic religions and share almost the same traditions, Scriptures, and mythology. The diction, style, and theme of their Scriptures, including Old Testament (Holy Torah), New Testament (Holy Bible), and the Holy Quran and the personalities discussed in...

Children Education. Federal Funding of Preschool

Introduction The direction taken in offering preschool education has attracted a lot of debate. With 40% of US 4-year olds receiving preschool education either through Head Start, pre-kindergarten or special school, there have been proposals to offer this service to 100% of kids in the US. The question remains should...

Key Elements of Supply Chain Design

Abstract “The key challenge is to integrate supply chain capabilities to provide a seamless solution from potential design through to end delivery. End users are looking for a complete supply chain where there is single accountability and responsibility for delivery,” said O’Brien. Introduction To begin with, it should be stated...

How to Be a More Outgoing Person

Problem description There is a problem with meeting new people and making a new friendship that is essential for an outgoing personality. Even though conducive environments can be provided, there is still a problem in initiating and sustaining a conversation, especially with strangers. There is a certain fear of rejection...

The Sales and the Marketing Activities

Introduction Sales and marketing are the life blood of an organization. It is only through the marketing activities the product of an organization reaches the ultimate customer or the end user. Sales and marketing have their origin from the time immemorial from the barter system. Effective and efficient sales and...

Basic Information About Italy

Relevant Country History The founders of Italy can be traced to the Etruscans who originally were from Turkey, but settled in Italy for a short period creating a civilization that would soon be the foundation of Rome. Rome was ruled by seven kings until the time when the Roman Republic...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Ethical Dilemma in the Workplace

Introduction An ethical dilemma refers to a complex situation characterized by a conflict in principles on which an individual or a community judges a behaviour or an action as right or wrong. When two moral principles that are used for making a decision conflict, a person is faced with the...

Public Relations in Organizations: Article Response

Introduction Hallahan, Holtzhausen, vanRuler, Vercic & Sriramesh (2007) explored the significance of strategic communication in fulfilling the mission of an organization. The authors indicated that communication directly affects all aspects of an organization including management, public relations, marketing, political communication, technical communication, and social marketing or information campaigns. Grunig (1990),...

Security Implications of Global Economy: Russia Case Study

Introduction The global economy is characterized by the free flow of capital and trade, as well as sourcing cheap labor from foreign labor markets. Globalization can promote or disrupt peace among countries that are trading (Katinka, 2008). While some authors view globalization as having resulted in peace and capable of...

Statistical Data in Health Care

Introduction Health care settings require decision-makers to navigate the complexity of medical data, which is why the application of statistics needs to guide the operations of hospitals, government entities, and pharmaceutical companies. The utilization of statistical knowledge helps health care providers to identify the problem, develop appropriate interventions to solve...

Italian American Women and Their Cultural Tradition

Every culture devises gender roles for its members and expects them to fulfill said roles because it should supposedly be good for society at large. Yet for most of human history, genders were far from being treated equally and held in similar regard – most societies one finds in human...

Human Experience Across the Heath-Illness Continuum

Introduction Individuals’ health state changes throughout life and determines their satisfaction with it. Various modifications in well-being of people are caused by specific triggers connected to the environment, nutrition, age, genetics, and psychological problems. In order to illustrate the process of change and adaptation, medical specialists developed a specific concept...

Institutional Review Board and National Institutes of Health Clinical Center

Institutional Review Board The Institutional Review Board (IRB) may be defined as a specific administrative body established to protect the welfare and rights of the subjects of human research. These subjects are traditionally recruited under the affiliated institution’s auspices to participate in conducted research activities. The IRB is responsible for...

The United States as a Land of Opportunities

The establishment of New World colonies saw America rise as a Democratic nation providing equal opportunities to its citizens irrespective of their background. However, these sentiments are contrary to the notions and ideas of several scholars terming the USA as a nation with few educational opportunities but with a high...

Adoption of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 as an Important Piece of Legislation

Introduction The Sarbanes- Oxley Act was legislated in the year 2002 to enhance new rules and standards for all US public companies, management, and public accounting firms. The sponsors of the law did it due to the public outcry on the increased cases of scandals which were affecting many public...

The Process of Food Poisoning in General

Food poisoning is a foodborne syndrome that results from the intake of contaminated foods. It is a common illness that often results from the consumption of food and drinks that are contaminated by bacteria toxins, parasites, and viruses and can also result from ingestion of noninfectious poisons and heavy metals....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Impact of Evidence-Based Medicine on Unnecessary Testing

Medical malpractices which occur in many healthcare facilities across the US have created challenges for the healthcare system. Erroneous tests and procedures done by doctors have exposed patients to harm. Some of the tests done by doctors are said to be unnecessary and they increase the possibility of erroneous treatments....

Case Notes on Court: Stockland Development Pty Ltd v Manly Council

The facts of the case – i.e. what the case is about and the related issues The case is an application about the redevelopment of the site which is the original shopping center and its additional land. There was proposed a commercial development with car-parking podium and residential development including...

“The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin: Reality of Marriage

Kate Chopin’s The Story of an Hour raises mixed and confused thoughts. In the short story, a woman experiences the sincere grief because her husband died, but eventually, it turns out that she is undergoing the best period of her life from now on. However, this epiphany turns out to...

Change and Conflict Management in Nursing

Introduction Conflict and change are commonly occurring issues in any organization where people interact in the working environment. Nursing is not an exception because a fundamental dependence of the healthcare field on evidence-based practice, research, and policies implies continuous updates and changes. However, the changes as the basis of development...

Ineffective Leadership in Business

Introduction Ineffective leadership transpires when the management in a certain firm fails to execute the company’s vision by losing focus on the culture and tone that is set for a particular business. In business, leadership is necessary to organize members and plan for the metrics required for entrepreneurship. The corporate...

Barn Burning Personal Response

Books can be a great avenue for exploring ideas. By writing about one’s feelings and thoughts, they can be shaped more clearly, be transformed and be understood by others. As a creative medium, literature is one of the best ways to properly examine the phenomena of the human condition in...

Evaluation of the Needs of the Crowley Park Neighborhood’s Senior Adults

As older people are usually physically limited in their abilities to meet their basic needs, communities have to be evaluated on their capacity to help senior adults. The main needs of senior citizens correspond to the necessities of the younger population – they have to acquire food, medication, cash, visit...

The True Cost: Fast Fashion, Garment Workers, and Environment

The True Cost is a documentary that was directed by Andrew Morgan and released in 2015. It shows the background of the fast fashion world, where garment workers live in terrible conditions, facing poverty and a lack of safety. The multinational fashion corporations follow globalization economy, which means that production...

The Spiritual Bond Between Youth and Adults

There is a widespread belief that the culture and religious implications change according to history, and often old traditions may be forgotten. Even though time changes, the cultural traditions and religious ideas of ancestors should be respected. In the work called “The Man to Send Rain Clouds,” Silko highlights the...

Aesthetics in African and African American Art

Introduction African American culture has greatly been influenced by African artistic traditions, which mainly manifest in visual art. The visual art that has become the definition of African American culture reflects its origin in native Africans, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa. Visual arts that transcend African culture include paintings, sculptures, textiles,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Marriage and Romantic Relationships: US vs. Trinidad & Tobago

Summary Marriage and courtship customs differ among nations around the world depending on social expectations, standards, and norms. Therefore, comparing the traditions and patterns between countries is particularly revealing of important differences (Kassin, Fein, & Markus, 2017). In particular, the US customs and traditions of marriage and courtship have been...

The Malaysian Workforce After the COVID-19 Pandemic

Introduction Malaysia is a multi-racial country with distinct characteristics in its political and leadership practices. It has witnessed a period of economic growth with a democratic authoritarian government. However, like in other countries in the world, the economy of the country faced multiple challenges associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. Several...

Genetically Modified Organisms Solution to Global Hunger

Formal Analysis P1: Hunger persists in the 21st century. P2: Traditional farming models are not bringing out solutions. P3: The world must embrace technology to produce sufficient food. C: Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are the solution to persistent hunger. Global Hunger is Persistent First, I would like to retaliate that...

The Art Festival in Milan: Theme, Location, Artists

Introduction The art festival in Milan will involve public space to convey its message. The exhibition will be held in one of the city’s busiest train stations, which has 18 shop windows, where contemporary artworks will be placed. The city of Milan is one of the world’s art capitals, which...

Poetic Devices in Jane Kenyon’s “Happiness”

Jane Kenyon’s poem “Happiness” briefly describes how she views happiness and how it occurs most unexpectedly. She provides different scenarios in which happiness can occur to an individual. The poetic uses several poetic devices to structure her poem to give meaning to her ideas. The most notable poetic devices identified...

Rhetoric: The Ability to Learn from Mistakes

Introduction When I was a child, I loved sweets very much. My main goal of getting out of bed was to eat candy, always waiting for me on the table in the kitchen, which my parents carefully left for me every morning. Furthermore, one day, Dad came home with a...

Aspects of the Historical Events

Introduction Primary and secondary sources’ narratives might be comparable because they give details about historical occurrences. Nevertheless, the manner in which the information is delivered might vary considerably. While secondary sources frequently offer an interpretation and analysis of primary ones, and they frequently give a more direct and detailed account...

Bulgari Hotels Resorts and Radisson Blue Hotel SWOT Analysis

Radisson Blue is chain of hotels operating in more than 380 cities, belonging to the Radisson Hotels conglomerate. This chain exists since the 1960s, with the brand coming online in 2009, after a rebranding strategy was launched by the company (Sharma and Jaswal 2022). These hotels can be found in...

Health Law: Legalization of Marijuana in the US

Introduction Marijuana is a useful drug that can have a lot of benefits to society contrary to the common belief that it is a harmful drug. Cultivation and consumption of marijuana in many countries in the world, including the United States of America, has been prohibited out of unsubstantiated beliefs...

The Cold War History

Introduction Many historians believe that the Cold War was a major conflict between the two nations. The Cold War emerged after the end of the Second World War. The Post-War Tension between the United States and the Soviet Union lasted for several decades. This tension resulted in numerous rivalries and...

American Nurses Association’s Code of Ethics: Overview and Analysis

The main objective of nursing is to have one group of human beings care for another group of vulnerable-human beings. Therefore, patients consider nurses as skilled counterparts who can take care of their (patients) needs professionally. The American Nurses Association (ANA) provides nursing practitioners with a code of ethics that...

Patient Advocacy in Nursing Practice

Although available scholarship shows that nursing advocacy is a relatively new concept (Kibble, 2012), it is evident that the role of the nurse as an advocate in healthcare settings is not necessary new considering that nurses have historically been involved in identifying patient needs and seeking ways to have these...

The Intel Galileo Features

Introduction Design is an important element of marketing because it determines the uniqueness and competitive edge a product will have when released into the market. Effective design methods consider technical and market factors before developing and releasing products into the market. Although managers are aware of this, the fast-paced nature...

Unilever Corporation Profile Overview

Unilever is a multinational corporation that operates in the consumer industry where it sells such products as Ben & Jerry’s ice cream. The company sells multiple consumer products to different markets across the globe. Its major markets are in Europe, Asia, North and South America and Africa. The company dominates...

Social Psychology as a Science

Social psychology is a scientific field that studies factors that influence an individual’s behavior, thoughts, and feelings in a social setting. In other words, how does our social environment (other people) influence our views, approach, and actions? How do we influence the proceedings, feelings, and thoughts of others? Unlike other...

Patient Confidentiality – Medical Ethics

Moral dilemmas are ones of the most problematic and complicated aspects in the careers of medical workers. Obligations and confidentiality have started their existence in ancient times. Over the generations, these rules were developed and changed, yet the initial concept remained the same. Medical workers are obliged to keep the...

“Orange is the New Black” – Netflix Series’ and Book Comparison

Introduction The book, Orange Is the New Black, and the Netflix series talk about a character who goes to prison for fifteen months. The police arrest her for mistakes she did in the past. There are some differences between the book and the series in terms of characterization, themes, and...

Affordable Care Act and Mental Health Illness

Introduction According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 20% of adults in the United States have a mental health problem (Croft & Parish, 2013). Examples of commonly diagnosed disorders include depression, anxiety, and cognitive impairment. For many years, the United States’ health policies have neglected the needs...

Transitional Nursing Strategies in Oncology

Transitional nursing or transitional care is a model that was developed to address the set of practices that are needed when patients have to transit from one place (e.g. hospital) to another (home). This model of nursing care is especially relevant to patients with chronic illnesses that have to change...

The Muenster Pump Company: Reducing Costs

Major facts The Muenster Pump Company (MPC) produces an agricultural company; this enterprise works in this market for more than forty years, and at the moment, it is the largest employer in the town. To some extent, this status ensures good relationships between MPP and governmental officials (Burt, Petcavage, &...

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Thyroid Disease as Chronic Complex Endocrine Condition

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Hurricane Katrina: Military and Civilian Response

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