North Korea: Modern-Day Authoritarian Rule and Totalitarian Government

North Korea is a prime example of a modern-day authoritarian rule and totalitarian government. Ruled by a dynasty of Supreme leaders, with the current ruler Kim Jung-un creating a highly oppressive regime that has isolated the country almost completely. Kim Jung-un maintains an iron-clad grip on power through a cult...

Mussolini’s Fascist Rule: Totalitarian Control in Italy (1922-43)

The Fascist rule of Benito Mussolini over Italy from 1922 to 1943 is considered a prime example of a totalitarian government. Mussolini took this to heart, embracing a philosophy on the conception of state where human and spiritual values were eliminated with the government playing the central role in all...

Human Papillomavirus Vaccination: Nurse’s View on Risks vs. Benefits

In every medical manipulation, it is crucial to evaluate the expected positive outcome and possible risks that can happen. It is also true when it comes to vaccination in general and HPV vaccination in particular. HPV vaccination provokes many discussions on its safety and comparability of risks of vaccination and...

Using Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis to Forecast Costs and Profitability

The management of corporate financial assets and especially the assessment of changes in costs per a specific volume of a product is an important step in increasing the corporate profit margins. Therefore, tools for analyzing the current situation and locating possible scenarios for the development of the present cost-related situation...

Competing with Amazon: Strategies and Challenges for Success in the Marketplace

Companies That Have the Potential to Surpass Amazon There is no doubt that Amazon is one of the most substantial firms in the marketplace, yet it has some effective competitors, including Google and Walmart. Although it may be challenging, it is still possible for other successful companies to beat Amazon,...

Education Perspectives of Clinton, Bush, and Perot in the 1992 Presidential Debate

Comparing Candidate Perspectives on Key Issues Bill Clinton and George W. Bush had much in common on the education issue, while Perot’s opinions differed. Perot was focused on local, small schools that do not have to travel far (Presidential Candidates Debate, 1992). He was convinced that an individualized approach was...

Psychosocial and Evolutionary Perspectives on Alien Existence and Contact

Escolà-Gascón, Álex, et al. “Beliefs and Opinions About the Existence of Life Outside the Earth: The UFO Experiences Questionnaire (UFO-Q).” Social Sciences & Humanities Open, vol. 3, no. 1, 2021, 100124. In their study, researchers explored the topic of aliens’ existence from a psychosocial study perspective using the UFO Experiences...

Humor and Satire in “The Importance of Being Earnest” by Oscar Wilde

Introduction “The Importance of Being Earnest” by Oscar Wilde is a classic comedy exploring love, deception, and societal expectations. One of the most prominent aspects of this play is its use of humor. Through this technique, Wilde effectively conveys the importance of being true to oneself in a world entirely...

Causes of Income Inequality in the United States

Introduction Inequality in income distribution is one of contemporary society’s critical issues. I was startled and alarmed when I realized that the United States had the most significant income disparity among Western developed countries. However, after more investigation, it became evident to me that several reasons explain this phenomenon. The...

Identifying Alarm Signals in Medical Workers and Enhancing Psychological Well-Being

Introduction Professional destructions gradually accumulate changes in the established structure of activity and personality. Overcoming professional destruction is accompanied by mental tension, psychological discomfort, and crisis phenomena. Lack of timely psychological aid can affect not only the quality of care but negatively affect a medical worker. Identifying alarm signals in...

Understanding Null and Research Hypotheses in Scientific Research

Introduction In the field of research and statistics, hypotheses are an intrinsic part of any experiment. The two main types of hypotheses are the null hypothesis and the research hypothesis, and it is important to understand the differences between them to conduct accurate scientific research. The null hypothesis and the...

21st Century Cures Act 2016: Enhancing HIT Interoperability

The 21st Century Cures Act of 2016 (2016), which has been a public law since the end of 2016 in the US, incorporates multiple important provisions regarding technology in healthcare, especially in connection to informatics. This paper is dedicated to its Section 4003. Section 4003 focuses on the nationwide interoperability...

Banksy’s Flower Thrower: A Symbol of Peace and Resistance

Description of the Art Object Banksy Flower Thrower is a famous cultural work by the English graffiti artist Banksy. The result is a painted image of a person throwing flowers instead of stones on the walls. At first glance, the image appears contradictory; on the one hand, it highlights a...

Recognizing and Avoiding Logical Fallacies in Argumentation and Perception

Fallacies and Their Role in Misconceptions Fallacies in our reasoning and perception of information are one of the main reasons for the formation of misconceptions. There are patterns of perception of specific facts that lead to false conclusions. All logical fallacies can be divided into three main types: fallacies of...

“Lazy Lawrence: Teaching Children Perseverance, Compassion, and Hard Work”

The goal of Lazy Lawrence is to offer insightful teachings for children’s future success. The narrative teaches children that spending time on things that will help them reach their ambitions is essential. It teaches children the value of inner drive and the necessity of perseverance in the face of adversity....

The Experience of Difference in Multiple Sclerosis: Advocacy and Acceptance

Authors’ Perspectives on the Concept of Being Different The authors of the article “On Being a Cripple” and the essay “The Boy Nobody Knew” use examples of two people with multiple sclerosis to elaborate on the meaning of being different. Mairs (2019) underlines that being different, a disabled person, as...

Willa Cather’s Nebraska Novel: A Tale of Swedish Immigrants

One of America’s greatest writers, Willa Cather, showed her talent and gained a solid reputation by writing a novel, her first book in a series about the state of Nebraska. The story of the prairies, mastered by Swedish, Czech immigrants, along with the story of how these lands experienced them...

Brown’s Plan B 4.0: Strategic Mobilization and Its Implications

Chapter 10 of “Plan B 4.0″ by Lester R. Brown devotes itself to answering whether people can mobilize fast enough with minimal time to counter the effects of human economic activities on degradation. If all the world nations realize the need and take pragmatic roles in the warlike mobilization of...

Leadership Skills for Graduate-Level Nurses: Self-Awareness

Parsons and Cornett (2011) believe that leadership is a meaningful aspect of every level of nursing. Leadership competencies make it easier for nurses to inspire others and promote the most desirable health outcomes. Graduate-level nurses should have specific leadership skills and attributes in order to become competent promoters of health...

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) and Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMPs) Benefits

The use of applications is an inherent part of one’s everyday smartphone experience. People play games, shop, and complete banking operations using apps, and their quality of speed determines the comfort of users and their desire to open the application again. Thus, it is beneficial for businesses to develop websites...

Consumer Decision-Making Processes for Google Duo Product Evaluated

Steps of the consumer decision-making process in deciding whether to adopt Google Duo The decision-making process (Hoffman & Bateson, 2011) would be as follows. Need recognition The need might be recognised on its own, or the process of need recognition could be induced by hearing about the new app. Search...

Barriers to Advanced Practice Nurses in Florida: Policy and Legislative Insights

Practice Barriers for APNs in Florida Nurse Midwife: In Florida, nurse midwives should have an administrative relationship with a physician. Nationally, it can result in these professionals providing less timely and comprehensive care. Nurse Anesthetist: In Florida, nurse anesthetists should have a convention with a managing physician that frames the...

Navigating the Stock Market With Seven Steps for Smart Investing

Introduction The term stock market pertains to the marketplace where purchases and sales of shares and other securities happen. This essay discusses the seven steps to follow when investing in a surging stock market. The outcome of a diversified shares portfolio is relatively stable in the stock market (WSJ, 2014)....

Global Hiring and Merging Processes: Strategies and Best Practices

In the case under consideration, an American beverage company plans to expand to French and Indian markets, also aiming to merge with some local companies. The first question is in which country the merging process will be easier to perform? Secondly, it is also essential to identify the best suitable...

Geography of Place Knowledge: Sources and Their Role in Understanding

To acquire knowledge about a place, a person needs time and local expertise. Books, maps, and the scientific background will not help much. The knowledge, however, can be obtained from men and women residing near this place. They can tell about what they feel about this site, how they express...

Leadership: Influencing Generations to Achieve Goals

Leadership is the ability to lead people through a process of influencing them to achieve specific goals. There is no leadership without followers, as there are no followers without a leader. Followers are simply some aggregate of people without a leader. All members of the group must interact with each...

Generalized Anxiety Disorder in Adolescents: Diagnosis & Treatment

Individuals with Generalized Anxiety Disorder experience higher levels of anxiety every day, even if stressful situations are not present (Sue, Sue, Sue, & Sue, 2013). The disorder is usually accompanied by psychological and physical symptoms that can vary (insomnia, loss of consternation, tension, etc.) To diagnose the patient with GAD,...

Heterosexism in Language and the Evolving Gay Community Terms

Some definitions and terms existing in language can be ambiguous and poorly defined so that it is difficult for a recipient of the text to comprehend the meaning. Such a situation could be observed in the case with the terminology pertaining to lesbians, gay men, and bisexual persons (American Psychological...

Muscles Involved in Basketball Shooting: Roles, Functions, and Adaptations

Introduction Muscles are essential for physical movements and achieving specific outcomes in various activities, including shooting a basketball. This essay examines the muscles used in basketball and the potential consequences if they functioned differently or were absent. Muscles Engaged in the Activity: Hand and Arm Muscle Involvement Multiple arm muscles...

Social Stratification: Ageism and Sexism’s Impact on Older Adults

Introduction Social stratification is an intrinsic part of almost any human society. At the same time, the hierarchical organization of society based on particular features presupposes the existence of social norms, stereotypes, and structural forces that impact people’s behavior. This essay aims to describe social stratification and evaluate how the...

Nurses’ Strategies for Ventilator Allocation During COVID-19

Introduction The nurse’s primary role during the COVID-19 pandemic was to ensure that patients’ survival rates increased. Ventilators are essential equipment that helps to increase patient survival rates. However, when the pandemic was at its peak, more patients than ventilators were available. Main Body Nurses, therefore, had to choose the...

Themes of Racism and Identity in Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye

Introduction Literature conveys various aspects of human life with unwavering precision, allowing us to delve into the world of characters and their personal experiences. One such work is Tony Morrison’s novel The Bluest Eye, which explores the complex theme of racism, belonging, and self-esteem among African Americans in 20th-century American...

The Case for Free Two-Year College Programs in the U.S.

Introduction Despite the growing body of opposing views regarding the necessity of college education for advancing in life as professionals, community colleges remain one of the most critical parts of the nation’s system of education. However, it is notable that many college students enrolled in 4-year education are unprepared or...

Frankfurt Book Fair Highlights and Strategic Insights for Douglas & McIntyre

The Frankfurt Book Fair is the best forum for aiding D&M to gain a foothold on the European market, and further expanding D&M’s book market prospects in Europe beyond the partnership with the imprint Grey Stone Books of the UK. The Frankfurt Book Fair is not only a venue for...

Mitchell v. Wisconsin: Fourth Amendment Violation Case Analysis

Cases of unreasonable searches made by the representatives of the law entail serious litigation since the violation of the Fourth Amendment on the right to uninterested and warranted data collection might be proven. As an example for analysis, the case Mitchell v. Wisconsin (2019) will be reviewed. The critical problem...

The Impact of Conflict on Healthcare Performance and Patient Care Quality

The Potential Issues of Office Conflict for the Healthcare Team Members Similar to any field, there are frequent conflicts in healthcare, which might decrease the performance of the employees and lead to risks of poor quality of patient care. It is noteworthy that office conflict can lead to many unfavorable...

The Importance of Double-Blind Tests in Research

What is a Double-Blind Test? Blind tests are a helpful tool in research practice. A double-blind test is a randomized trial in which neither the researchers nor the subjects are fully informed about who is receiving the intervention and which intervention (Practical Psychology, 2022). This type of study increases the...

Financial Management: Data for Effective Analysis in Healthcare

Technological advances, changes in legal systems, and demand for personalized care pose new challenges for financial management in the healthcare industry. Planning and budgeting, monitoring, and evaluation are critical processes in the financial management cycle. Understanding these processes is a foundation for building an organization’s strategy. In this essay, I...

Overview of Financial Institutions in the USA: Key Metrics and Trends

Introduction The United States financial system consists of three main types of financial institutions, and each of them fulfills an important role. In most cases, depositary institutions are commercial banks or credit unions, which provide their clients with services enabling loans, deposits, and fulfillment of some other financial services, which...

Financial Fraud: Net Income Manipulation Techniques

Various manipulative techniques behind net income planning have become one of the most widespread causes of financial fraud in the context of economics. On the example of the provided case study, it may be seen that quite often, when it comes to the official accounting data, many company leaders are...

Understanding the Male Gaze: Sanders vs. Ponterotto

During the Second Wave, the feminist movement coined the term “male gaze” to describe the dynamics of sexual politics and how men view the female body. In his essay, Sanders discusses his own experiences with the male gaze from the standpoint of the viewer. The author shows outstanding self-awareness, admitting...

Symbolism in “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman

In her famous short story “The Yellow Wallpaper,” Charlotte Perkins Gilman explored the challenges women of the nineteenth century had to face. This literary work is still rather up-to-date and can bring insights into the life of women living in many countries. The piece is full of symbols, which makes...

Father-Son Dynamics in Homer’s “Odyssey”: A Deep Analysis

Introduction Being one of the most famous Ancient Greek plays, “Odyssey” has entered the realm of global culture, having left its mark on countless artworks and generations of readers. The poem addresses a large variety of themes, yet the father-son dynamics is one of the more subtle ideas integrated in...

Feasibility of Investing in Italy’s Booming Tourism Sector

Country Information Country name: Italy; Population size and age structure: 61,021,855, where 64.61% are people of 15-64 years, 12.08% – 0-14 years, and 23.31% – 65+; Government type: parliamentary republic; Legal system: civil law system; The size of the economy (GDP): $2.478 trillion (2021); GDP growth rate: 6.74% (2021); Major...

The Transformation of Elizabeth Bennet in Pride and Prejudice for Teens

Introduction The novel’s characters are appealing to readers due to their personal development. Elizabeth Bennet from Pride and Prejudice is an example of a character’s transformation. She changes her outlook throughout the novel, getting rid of her prejudice about Mr. Darcy. This also develops her best personal qualities and makes...

Honoring Immigrant Lives Lost on September 11: Stories and Remembrance

Introduction The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, will always be remembered as a dark day in American history. Some experiences frequently went unwritten or were missed among the agony and loss. One story focuses on the immigrant servants who died while working in the World Trade Center’s kitchens on...

Albert Einstein’s Views on Imagination vs. Knowledge

Introduction When people hear the name Albert Einstein, they can think of genius, imagination, and innovation. As one of the most renowned scientists of all time, Einstein was well aware of the power of imagination since it is reflected in his words, “Imagination is more important than knowledge” (as cited...

Extracurricular Activities: Key Benefits for College Students

Many students make one of the silliest mistakes in college when they believe that extracurricular activities aim at entertaining students or taking their free time only. Extracurricular activities play a much more serious role in any student’s life. They help to develop a student’s character, gain several important techniques and...

Chiapas Conflict: EZLN’s Fight for Justice and Indigenous Rights

The Zapatista Uprising On January 1, 1994, the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) began its war against the Mexican government, demanding social justice and human rights for the indigenous population of the Chiapas Federal District. According to Godelmann, Chiapas is the wealthiest Mexican state in terms of natural resources...

IBM SPSS ‘Explore’ Command: Analyzing Variables’ Statistics

The “Explore” command in IBM SPSS produces an output that includes several statistics for one variable either across the whole sample or across the subsets of the sample (Kent State University, n.d.). To divide the sample into subsets while utilizing the “Explore” command, it is needed to move the categorical...

Mastering Evaluation Essays: Key Features and Writing Steps

Introducing evaluation in an essay is an easy task to follow since the student can acquire a personal attitude to any subject after reading the relevant literature and analyzing argumentation for and against it. However, writing an evaluation essay is entirely different from merely evaluating a topic in the framework...

Impact of the Columbian Exchange on Europe and the Americas

After the end of the fourteenth century, many European world powers began to explore and discover new regions. This practice became a critical factor and redefined the culture and history of Europe forever. Several motivators made it possible for such powers to focus on the Americas. The first one was...

The Martin Luther King Jr. Monument and Its Interpretations

Description of the Monument The monument of Martin Luther King, Jr. is a critical symbol for modern society, which strives to live in a peaceful world by respecting each other’s’ rights. The masterpiece is located in Washington, DC, and is devoted to the memory of Martin Luther King, Jr., who...

Heroic Tone in Led Zeppelin’s Stairway to Heaven and Tolkien’s Work

Introduction There’s a feeling I get / When I look to the west / And my spirit is crying for leaving / […] / And as we wind on down the road / Our shadows taller than our soul (Led Zeppelin, 1971). In writing, a tone describes the general mood...

Ethics: Definition and Theories Explained

Ethics: Definition Ethics has been explored from a range of perspectives and, therefore, has a number of definitions. The concept of ethics can be viewed through the lens of numerous ethical theories, including Utilitarianism, Deontology, Relativism, to name just a few (Butts, 2015). However, most theories agree that the essence...

Understanding HIV Trends in the Gay Community: Current Data and Responses

It is extremely important to understand that gay individuals, bisexuals, and other men who have sex with men are not a homogenous group; therefore, their health and behavior are shaped by a wide range of factors that include, but are not limited to, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and age. It...

Empowerment Activities in Nursing Enhancing Patient Health

Nurses usually need to empower their patients to help them make lifestyle modifications. These empowerment activities are associated with the health promotion task by completing which nurses assist patients in overcoming possible barriers related to their environments (Raingruber, 2016). For example, there were situations when I had opportunities to empower...

Employment Strategies: Comparing Approaches in Developed and Developing Economies

The rapid changes in the labor market in both developing and developed economies have made employers think about how to adopt sustainable strategies that can assist them to remain relevant in the global and dynamic market. Advanced economies such as the US, Japan, and the UK are expected to experience...

Improving Patient Satisfaction Through Performance Management

One of the new realities of American companies is linked with the change of their evaluation system. For example, healthcare organizations are accredited not only on the basis of the quality of services that have been provided, but also based on the parameters, which are linked with patient satisfaction. Thus,...

Review of Facebook Emotional Contagion Study by Kramer et al.

The experiment described in the article was intended to research the ability of individuals to change their emotional state depending on the indicators used by their peers. The researchers modified the participants’ Facebook news feed by removing content with positive or negative expressions. As a result, the participants produced posts...

Exploring the Science of Happiness: Practical Steps to a Joyful Life

Introduction Imagine waking up with an immense feeling of joy and empowerment to tackle all of life’s challenges. While most individuals think that the key to happiness is amassing wealth and having good health, science begs to differ. Let me unravel the simple secrets to happiness and share how leveraging...

Innovations in Electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing Aircraft

Introduction In today’s world, the number of people using a private car is growing steadily. Problematically, the increase in traffic leads to traffic jams for many kilometers. The task of engineers is to create alternative vehicles capable of relieving the jam. One such option is electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing...

Elder Abuse: Types, Causes, and Interventions

The abuse of elderly people in various environments is a significant issue. They are a vulnerable population category that often cannot defend themselves. At the same time, they often require high maintenance efforts due to poor health. As such, abuse can take the form of active malice, neglect, and other...

Strategic, Tactical, and Operational Plans in Management

Strategic Plans It is crucial to mention that a strategic, tactical, and operational plan differ in specificity and management. Accordingly, the strategic plan includes the development of the general strategy of the organization and distributing funds at lower levels to implement it (Clack & Woeppel, 2018). Moreover, strategic goals are...

Examining the Impacts of Healthcare Privatization in Canada

Introduction People’s health is a public concern in many countries globally, but some nations propose that the privatization of healthcare is an effective solution. Canada is somewhat in the middle of this discussion and has both public and private providers. In the current essay, I explain the causes and consequences...

The Negative Effects of Social Media on Mental Health, Social Connections, and Productivity

Topic Sentence Our dependency on social media has had a significant negative impact on our daily lives, harming our mental health, social connections, and productivity. Introduction In today’s technologically advanced civilization, social media has become firmly interwoven in our lives. However, there are many negative consequences to our reliance on...

Enhancing Performance Appraisal Systems for Equitable Employee Feedback

Introduction The performance appraisal system is essential for any company. It helps evaluate employees’ performance and provides feedback to help them improve their service. However, we have found that the type of feedback that men and women receive significantly differs. This paper will discuss the current performance appraisal system’s effect...

Civil Rights Movement: Equal Education & Job Opportunities

The Civil Rights Movement encompasses the actions and strategies used by different groups in the United States between 1954 and 1968 (Smethurst 6). The pioneers of the movement had outlined three goals from the very beginning. These early objectives included the need to end racial inequality and segregation in the...

Assessing Heritage Resources in St. Croix: Dunnavant’s Methodology

Professor Justin Dunnavant and his team have put extensive effort into exploring the history and effects of slavery on the island of St Croix. Through the in-field tour on heritage sites with archaeological works, the Salve Wrecks Project, in short of SWP, has assisted the public effectively in comprehending how...

Dubai’s Economic Growth and Human Capital Development

The unprecedented growth of Dubai’s economy started in the 1970s and coincided with the significant increase in oil prices (Sargisson 76). However, the growth of the city’s economy was not a result of the oil boom per se. Even though the revenues from the sale of oil resources helped Dubai...

Dove Chooses Beautiful Campaign: Body Image & Acceptance

Dove Chooses Beautiful campaign is focused on female body image and body acceptance, which are significant issues in contemporary society. The slogan “Choose Beautiful” encourages women to let go of their insecurities about appearance and feel beautiful in the body that they have now. Thus, Dove’s campaign reflects the value...

US Immigration History: Chinese Exclusion Act and Policy Changes

Insights from Immigration History The massive influx of the Chinese into the USA in the mid-19th century during the gold rush era demonstrates how well news was transmitted even without modern technology. At the same time, the citizens of China will subsequently be banned from entering the country, legalized by...

Dispute Resolution Methods at ABC Corporation

Introduction ABC Corporation is a company focused on its call center’s quality work. A former employee who was fired due to the need to pray often charged the company with religious intolerance. Several solution methods could be used to resolve the dispute: negotiations, mediation, and arbitration. The misuse of dispute...

Data Management Careers: Skills and Impact in the Digital Age

Introduction Nowadays, one of the most attractive and sought-after professional areas is data management. This activity area requires skills in working with large and heterogeneous data for analysis and visualization. There are many examples of how data is being used in the digital age. The Use of Data Analysis in...

Dr. Pepper Ten Commercials: Masculinity and Diet Soda

Dr. Pepper Ten commercials focus on masculinity trying to convince the viewer that it is masculine to drink diet soda. The traditional picture of a “real” man in the US society as a meat-eater, living in the wild, fighting dangers of life in the wild, wearing a beard (Johansson 28)....

Social Scientists and Complex Problems: Division of Labor Approach

It is necessary to realize that social scientists are often presented with extremely difficult and intransigent problems. Just like any other branch of science, social science has had to use the division of labor approach in order to reduce the complexity of some issues by dividing them into parts. It...

Theological Inquiry: Does God Allow Evil? Perspectives and Arguments

Introduction While proving the reality of God seems to be counterproductive to the belief, numerous philosophers have attempted to outline various arguments that aim to prove the existence of such a power. Most assertions formulate themselves on the fact that God is un-perceivable and, therefore, must be shown to exist...

Diversity in Psychology: Effects of Foreign Language on Cognition

Language is a unique tool that helps people to investigate a surrounding reality and express their feelings, emotions, and attitudes. At the same time, it apparently impacts the environment as a person sees the world through the prism of his/her mother language (Mio, Barker, & Rodriquez, 2015). It has formed...

Essential Guide to Successful Dissertation Discussions and Best Practices

Writing a dissertation is a complex process in itself; however, there may be particular complexities for individual writers with individual parts of the dissertation. When a writer feels hardships with providing a sound literature synthesis in a literature review or is challenged by defining a good and detailed methodology, it...

The Harpsichord: A Cultural Treasure of Baroque Music

Overview of the Cultural Work The selected work that has cultural value is the harpsichord. It is a musical instrument that is the predecessor of the contemporary piano (Banfield, 2018). The peculiar detail is that the harpsichord has two rows of the keyboard, but it is significantly smaller than the...

Nutritional Strategies for Effective Diabetes Management

Diabetic nutritional plan for a 15-year-old type 1 diabetes mellitus patient suggests having three meals and two snacks between them, in order to keep the consumption of food even throughout the day. The patient is expected to eat at approximately the same time every day, in order to develop a...

Design and Identity: Elsie Wolfe’s Influence in Interior Design

I have chosen to review the article on interior design and identity by Penny Sparke, as it evoked reflections on the connection of the personality of the designers and their work. The article presents an analysis of Elsie Wolfe’s interiors in the context of the historical period and the stage...

Role of Doña Bárbara in Latin American Nation

Based on what I read and saw in the film, Doña Bárbara is significant in building Venezuelan (and Latin American) national identities since it shows new collective consciousness and political perspectives based on multiple identifiers such as gender. Understanding identity and how nationalism can be constructed in various socio-political contexts...

The Sins Invalid Performance Project by Lam & Berne

The film evoked a wide range of emotions in me, and I felt both shocked and enlightened while watching it. I was surprised by how Lamm and Berne (2013) expressively revealed the topic of sexuality in the film. This approach and style are quite extraordinary and brave for modern cinematography....

Comparing Attitudes Toward Death in Johnson and Heaney’s Poems

Reconciliation with Death Reconciling with the loss of a child barely seems possible, yet, in Ben Johnson’s poem, the lead character finds his consolation in faith. By saying that the Virgin “Hath placed amongst her virgin-train” (Johnson, 1616, line 9), the lead character manages to stifle his sorrow and find...

Cultural Perspectives on Death: Urbanization and Identity Shifts

The theme of death is among the most popular topics in modern culture, and it resonates with many people. The fear of dying is sitting deeply in the minds of individuals in western civilizations, but there are substantial cross-cultural differences that can be found in the way people from different...

The Role of Data Mining in Modern Business Success

Over the past decades, technological development had a significant influence on the business environment. In particular, the latest advances in technology created opportunities for businesses and institutions to collect and analyze large volumes of information, thus giving rise to data mining. According to Joseph (2013), data mining is one of...

Database Elements for Tracking Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome

Adult patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) require the inclusion of particular elements into a database. It is assumed that certain key data that are not connected to ARDS are already incorporated into relevant database tables. For instance, it is routine to consider gender and age, as well as...

Pros and Cons of a Career as a Professional Dancer

Among the variety of existed professions, it is so difficult to choose the one that may suit a person completely. When a student starts thinking about his/her future profession, it is very important to take into consideration personal interests, skills, and experience to be sure about success. Nowadays many students...

Navigating Ethical Dilemmas in Nursing: Accountability and Care

At some points in their careers, nurses may face serious ethical dilemmas in which there is a threat to them of losing their jobs or harming their patients. However, ethical considerations are something incorporated into nurses’ work, and there are smaller ethical dilemmas that nurses may face every day. For...

Cultural Competence in Nursing: A Self-Assessment Reflection

The primary purpose of this assignment is to reflect on the results of self-assessment, which is based on the conceptual framework developed by the National Center for Cultural Competence. The form for the self-assessment task is retrieved from the Center’s website, and it is entitled The Cultural Competence and Linguistic...

Using Decision Trees for Effective Healthcare Action Plans

Introduction Today, people like to use decision tree flow charts for different reasons. In this paper, attention will be paid to developing an action plan and applying a decision tree example offered by Cravit (2023) to identify and accept choices easily. The main idea of the chosen decision tree (see...

Understanding HIV Transmission, Prevention, and Treatment Advances

The Main Mechanism of Transmission Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a severe and relatively common problem of our time. Although HIV was first discovered in 1983 and medicine has improved significantly since then, there is still no way to completely cure a person of HIV (A timeline of HIV and...

Improve West vs. Improve Comedy Club: Arbitration and Court Ruling

Facts: The agreement between Improve West associates’ and the Improve Comedy Club prohibits the Improve Club from opening any non-improve clubs till 2019. When Improve Comedy Clubs failed to open eight clubs by the end of 2002 Improve West commenced arbitration. The arbitration award of 2005 stated that CCI had...

Missouri Promissory Estoppel Case: Plaintiff vs. Defendants

Facts: On March 3, when the plaintiff was asked by the defenders to enlarge the operations, the plaintiff disagreed alleging that it could incur expenses if at all it wanted to accommodate the defendant’s plan of which it was not ready. The defendants promised the plaintiff to help it negotiate...

Early Conceptualization’s Impact on Advanced Nursing Practice

The role that conceptualization plays in the contemporary advanced nursing practice is immense and could hardly be denied. It is essential to mention that early conceptualization of nursing theory, which was implemented in the second half of 20th century by several scientists, to this day remains a profound basis for...

The Debate on Raising the National Minimum Wage: Pros and Cons

Introduction The topic for the discussion is whether raising the national minimum wage is harmful to the economy. The argument put up by proponents of the hike is that raising the minimum wage will improve the conditions for workers’ social security. However, others opposed to the hike also contend that...

Diversification in the Global Steel Industry: Nucor vs. ArcelorMittal and Baowu

Introduction The modern world markets require companies to use unique approaches to be competitive. Due to globalization, successful organizations realize that massive collaboration among various players and suppliers is necessary to achieve the expected results. Steel manufacturing is one of the most competitive industries. This research paper will explore three...

The Debate on Sex Education in Public Schools: A Critical Examination

Introduction to the Topic My chosen topic is whether sex education should be taught in public schools. The book, “With Good Reason: A Guide to Critical Thinking, ” is a manual for analytical thinking and solid logic. The authors hold that different thinking styles, such as analytical, creative, and strategic,...

Dorothea Orem’s Self-Care Nursing Theory: Impact & Education

The self-care nursing theory was developed by Dorothea Orem and is based on the premise that nurses can teach and assist patients with the ability to practice self-care and maintain personal health and well-being. Self-care is defined as the natural decision-making process that consists of behaviors that allow for physiologic...

The Dangers of Capital Punishment: Atavism and Arbitrary Condemnation

Introduction The concept of capital punishment is a highly controversial and widely discussed subject. The article discusses the topics of atavism, arbitrary condemnation, and sanctioned violence. The author makes an attempt to argue that capital punishment can be abused in someone’s interest because the victim will no longer have a...

Holistic Physical Assessment: Environmental & Genomic Factors

Introduction Recent scientific advances in the field of genomics call for the urgent redefinition of nursing practice. Now, when using a holistic approach toward health examination, healthcare professionals should account for the patient’s socioeconomic determinants and genetic predisposition to a disease. This paper briefly overviews the significance of a comprehensive...

Competitive Advantage: Lower Opportunity Cost in Commodity Production

Competitive advantage is the ability one country has over another to produce a particular commodity with a comparatively lower opportunity cost. For example, Kenya has the necessary climatic conditions for the production of coffee. On the other hand, Switzerland has an advantage in the technology to manufacture refined coffee for...

Advantages and Applications of Various File Formats in Data Management

Introduction Image technology never stands still, and multiple image formats are appreciated and utilized by both average users and professionals dealing with the distribution and production of images. The Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) and the format introduced by the Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) are among the well-known formats for...

Stress in Primary vs. Patient Allocation Models: Article Review

Though not frequently utilized in quantitative research, comparative research is a widespread practice in qualitative studies. Aiming to compare two or more objects, phenomena, or incidents, the research attempts to discover something new about one or all of the variables compared. Taken a multidisciplinary approach, the research, summarized by Piovani...

The Influence of Communication Indecency: Insights by Scherer et al.

The summarized article dwells upon the effects of obscenity on the persuasiveness of a pro-attitudinal speech. Scherer and Sagarin note that previous research suggests that swearing leads to the increased intensity and decreased credibility of the speaker (139). The researchers aim to explore the effects of using the word damn...

Communication in Colleges with Parents, Tutors, Neighbors, and Peers

Many students are eager to find out an answer to the question of how to improve their life in college. There are so many interesting ways on how to make almost every day of your college life better and more interesting, and one of them is properly developed communication with...

Themes in Color Feminism: Intersectionality and Racial Prioritization

Introduction Stasiulis enumerates two themes concerning color feminism. The first theme is based on the understanding of the interconnectivity of the other social differences such as race, class, and sex as the process of development of privileges and oppression. The second theme is to give greater priority race and racism...

The Role of College Unions in Enhancing Student Culture and Engagement

In college, there are many different activities for students to be involved into. When you enter a college, you have a chance and time to evaluate all opportunities, ideas, and suggestions to make the right choice and enjoy the results of your activities. Among the variety of college activities, the...

Essential Tips for Choosing the Right College: Key Rules

When you start choosing a college for the first time in your life, it is very important not to make a mistake and consider all your interests, demands, and knowledge. Your college is your future: if you fail, the outcomes may influence your life considerably. It is why it is...

Economic Policies and Their Impact on Market Dynamics and Stability

Choosing a college is a process that seldom involves only the student. Family, best friends, and sometimes counselors are an essential part of this process. All parties involved perceive college as a unique opportunity that occurs once in a lifetime, and thus, they want to make sure that their choice...

How to Apply for Financial Aid: Key Reasons and Tips

Entering the educational establishment, most students are sure that they will pay tuition and will successfully graduate from college or University. Still, several different situations may ruin even the strongest plans. The absence of enough money for tuition is not the reason to quit the University. Furthermore, there are situations...

Effective Strategies for Different Types of Student Exams

One of the most serious and troublesome periods in student life is the preparation for exams: a lot of material has to be evaluated and learned, much time and efforts have to be spent, and reliable techniques should be used. It is difficult to present one helpful booklet to cope...

Cloud Storage for Small Teams: Security and Efficiency

This paper will use a fictitious scenario and portray the author as a software developer who works on various projects as a part of a team. Their company, which is small in size, requires a data storage solution due to increases in the size and complexity of the information processed...

Defining Clinical Interventional Studies: Concepts and Applications

Clinical intervention studies (CIS) play an essential role in investigating the scientific problem, which needs to be addressed in order to form a concise and full knowledge base. There are three main approaches in CIS, which include pre-experimental, quasi-experimental, and true experimental research designs (Holly, 2014). Each methodology possesses unique...

Gross vs. Net Leases: Risks and Benefits for Businesses

Introduction When considering leasing options, two common types of leases are net and gross leases. Though both contracts involve the property’s occupancy, each lease’s terms vary greatly and may ultimately impact financial and legal risks. It is essential to evaluate the pros and cons of each lease type before settling...

Academic Integrity and Plagiarism: Definition, Implications, and Misconceptions

Introduction Academic integrity is an important issue that some students might face when submitting their work. This involves not only the process of cheating or falsifying facts but also plagiarising. As a result, every student is expected to follow a specific set of guidelines. Thus, plagiarism is objective since it...

Civil Rights Movement Impact: Overcoming Racial Oppression

Although in the twentieth-century slavery was abolished, African Americans still had fewer rights than their white fellow citizens and were treated with oppression and disrespect. This situation gave rise to the civil rights movement (CRM) in the 1950s, when the blacks decided to improve their position in society. This essay...

China’s Geography and Climate: A Foundation for Industrial Growth

China’s population, physiography, climate, agriculture, development, and natural resources The country is well situated with good geography and climate that can support the farming activities, exploitation of resources, etc. China is among the most industrialized countries in the world and they continue to advance day by day. All types of...

Book Bans in the United States as Threats to Intellectual Freedom

Introduction The United States, established on the standards of freedom and liberty, finds itself amid a concerning surge in the prohibition of books inside its school areas. A report by Pen America, a free speech organization, unveils the expanding censorship endeavors and their implications for gratis discourse and intellectual freedom....

Character Encoding Systems: ASCII vs. Unicode Evolution

Character Encoding System is a set of numerical values that are placed in a group of alphanumeric characters, punctuation characters, and special characters. In fact, encoding systems are equivalent to substitution cipher in which elements of coded information correspond to specific code symbols. However, it is incorrect to assume that...

Career Planning for Students in Five Steps

A not long time ago you were anxious about the idea to choose a college properly. Now you are a successful student and enjoy all amenities of college life. You visit classes, get a proper level of knowledge, communicate with different people, and make ready for entering a new life...

Top Career Planning Mistakes: Avoiding Common Pitfalls

Among the reasons that students list for going to college having a good job and earning a lot of money are the most common. In that regard, the value of knowledge as a life application is not so significant if such knowledge does not have a monetary equivalent. Thus, career...

Why Capital Punishment Fails as a Deterrent to Crime

Capital punishment is meant to serve as deterrence of crimes. However, it seems as if it does not deter crime as expected. States that have capital punishment also record high rates of homicides, unlike those without capital punishment. Therefore, capital punishment does not act as a deterrence to crimes because...

Reducing Employee Churn Costs: Predictive Analytics and Best Practices

Initially when Alberta’s Sexual Sterilization Act of 1928 was drafted it aimed to forcefully sterilize inmates in mental hospitals with a record of mental illness or disorder white being discharged from asylums or mental health institutes. Though the sterilization program was aimed at both the sexes, the representation of women...

Iron Smelting Processes for a Sustainable Future

Introduction Smelting iron is a critical process in the industry. It turns iron ore into usable iron metal, which is needed in many areas. I need to understand the chemical reactions because they are crucial for improving the process. The results can reduce its impact on the environment. The research...

Domestic Terrorism: Evolution from Oklahoma City to Boston Marathon

Introduction Domestic terrorist attacks are not novel and can be observed in countless countries. Nowadays, it can be seen that the purpose of these attacks varies, from extremist religious views to the desire for revenge. However, the destruction and mental as well as physical damages of these events are undeniable....

Black-ish: Cultural Values of Individualism & Multiculturalism

Black-ish is an American TV show about an upper-middle-class black family living in a predominantly white community. The key cultural values of the American society that are reflected in the show are individualism and multiculturalism. Firstly, individualism is a critical notion in the United States, where each person is encouraged...

Dreaming of Becoming a Biologist? Postgraduate Education is Key

The idea of postgraduate education bothers many students. Some of them want to find as many supportive reasons as possible to be sure that they take the right step. Some students cannot even imagine that one day they agree to become a student again. And some of them do not...

Comparison of Illinois Constitution and US Bill of Rights

Overview of the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution Like the Bill of Rights of the USA Constitution, the Illinois Constitution contains a list of primary articles governing the rights and liberties of the citizen. The Constitution begins with the Bill of Rights, which contains a list of provisions...

Bean-Coin: Vegan Website Currency for Healthy Food Activity

The suggested currency is called “Bean-coin” and it is a currency for vegan website activity. It is backed by the commodity such as ready meals sold by the website. The website awards users with a certain amount of currency for substantive activity such as posting, sharing, and commenting on posts...

Understanding Totalitarian and Authoritarian Regimes

To begin with, it is necessary to state that both totalitarian and authoritarian regimes might seem to be the same at first. Nevertheless, there are some minor differences that can be seen only after an intensive course of studying these systems (Stewart, Klein, Scmitz, & Schröder, 2016). In general, the...

Fences by August Wilson: Denzel Washington vs. James Earl Jones

Introduction The play Fences, by August Wilson addresses us to Troy, who has to struggle for providing for his family. Two great actors, Denzel Washington and James Earl Jones showed the character of the protagonist and his relationship with a son in two different ways. As a result, the effect...

A Train Near Magdeburg: American Soldiers Liberate Jewish Victims

A Train Near Magdeburg is a historical novel that documents the story of American soldiers liberating Jewish people trapped on a train that had recently departed from the concentration camp. The book was written by Matthew Rozell, who is a History teacher in the United States. The book was born...

Crafting a Unique Art Thesis: Tips and Key Features

The student who starts writing an art thesis may at first think that it is a regular task and does not differ from any other thesis writing. This supposition may be partly right since theses in art contain the same structural elements that any other thesis does. Nonetheless, there are...

Evaluating Apple’s Stock Performance for Investment Recommendations

The purpose of this letter is to make investment recommendations about the purchase of stock relying on Apple’s financial performance. The calculated ratios indicate that Apple mostly outperforms the Computer Hardware industry. In particular, Apple’s acid test ratio is two times greater than the industry’s average. However, for the past...

APA Citation Style: Importance and Guidelines

The APA Guidelines The APA citation style was introduced by the American Psychological Association and is currently one of the most popular formats used in academic writing. The format is used to indicate sources of data used in the study. There are several basic reasons to use the format. Presentation...

Mastering APA Style for Accurate Citation of Medical Research Articles

The APA Style APA is used mostly for quantitative results and allows describing experiments with accuracy and precision. The first reason to use it is uniformity of style that helps researchers select the key findings of articles dispensing minor points. This happens due to the fact that APA gives clear...

Johnson’s Analysis of Hayden’s Poem: Insights & Interpretations

In her work, Johnson analyzes the poem by Hayden in detail and resorts to evaluating both the general idea and individual thoughts expressed in specific language constructs. According to the critic, the text in question cannot be considered complete since it lacks both a univocal introduction and ending (Johnson). In...

Classical Civilizations in America, Africa, and Asia: Art, Architecture, and Literature

American Classical Civilization Among the civilizations that existed in America and are presented in the list, no civilizations could be considered classic, as no preserved literature works exist. However, the Aztec Empire was one of the classical civilizations of the Americas that was not on the list. The Aztec Empire...