Class Size Effects on Student Achievement

Introduction There are multiple purposes associated with schooling. The long run effects of schooling relate to high earning potential, better health, economic mobility, high level of economic mobility and increased democratic participation. As a result, it is paramount for societies to ensure that their children attend school for a given...

Critical Analysis of Sources for Academic Research

Critical analysis assists researchers to think through the appraisal of information from different sources. This necessitates bearing in mind that analyzing sources does not merely concern the determination of whether they are reliable or not. Moreover, the critical aspect signifies that the process is not simple or straightforward (Morse 1212-1215)....

Teacher’s Impact on Student’s Career Choice

It could be stated with certainty that teachers have an immense influence on the development of various outcomes of their students. Moreover, it is possible to observe that a good teacher does not only serve educational purposes, but he or she also shapes their students’ attitude toward career choices and...

Cultural Diversity in Classrooms

Introduction The classroom is becoming more culturally diverse; 2014 was a significant turning point for the minority-majority when Latino, African-American, and Asian students outnumbered white pupils in U.S. public schools. Moreover, the U.S. by 2044 Census predicts that racial minorities will make up more than fifty percent of the population,...

Graduate Employability and Contemporary Issues

Employability is one of the significant challenges facing graduates; it encompasses a wide range of issues that hinder the clarity of its meaning. The purpose of this review is to draw a better understanding of this concept concerning higher education graduates. Over recent years, employment has raised concerns, leading to...

Teaching Methodologies for Various Learning Styles

Introduction The learning process is an integral part of the life of any individual. However, what kind of knowledge a person will receive is mostly determined by the teacher’s personality. Therefore, high demands are placed on these people, and the learning process itself is extremely complex and multifaceted. This paper...

Observation of Seminar in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

Upon observing Christine teaching students on “Human Behavior and the Social Environment”, this paper is a summary of her strengths and areas that need improvement. It is aimed at developing a well-rounded appreciation of growth and development as an educator. Christine’s strengths include having a caring personality, proper planning of...

The Process of Control in Schools and the Role of Leaders

A school is composed of students, teachers and administrators who contribute to the process of control. The institutions or individuals vested with the authority to initiate control in schools include administrators, state school officers, school education boards, student and teacher organizations. Student control is achieved through organizations such as student...

A Case Study on Educational Leadership

Introduction Demetreio Secondary School is facing a herculean challenge of leadership. The school has been through years of poor leadership, which has resulted in a wrong perception developed in the minds of parents, teachers, and students about their school. As noted from the case study, parents, staff, and children are...

Behaviorism in the Education Theory

Introduction In education field, behaviorism is also a philosophy of mind with certain assumptions about human nature as well as about the essential workings of the mind. This philosophy of mind is interdependent with behaviorist philosophy of science; each justifies the other. Given the assumptions of the behaviorist philosophy of...

Supporting Students With Disabilities

Introduction Nowadays the number of students and children with mental and physical disorders is constantly increasing. Unfortunately, parents have no opportunities to provide their children with special help and education; this is a task of the government. The modern development of the educational system allows creating special institutions and educational...

How the Environment Plays a Role in Learning

Introduction Learning basically refers to a process of acquiring knowledge and information through interactions with people. This process is supplemented by the environment which is a key factor in any process where information is being shared especially in a class room. Environment refers to all our external surroundings and for...

Learning Models in Early Childhood Education

Introduction The search for the perfect learning model has been continuing ever since the traditional adult-run approach was first doubted. The tendencies switched between such extremes as transmission and acquisition of knowledge. Community-of-learners model does not stand in the middle between one-sided models, as it is a completely different philosophical...

Jumping Rope 30-Minutes Activity in Lesson Plan

Physical Education Lesson Setting: outdoors Objectives: The main objective of the activity is to teach children to jump rope using different techniques, both feet 15 times, left foot for 10 times, and right foot for 10 times. Introduction/Warm-Up Time Activity Purpose/reasons 5 min First children should be encouraged to fitness...

Early Childhood Swimming Education and Methods

Learning to swim at an early age is needed for the physical health of a child. It develops motor skills and muscle power, makes the lungs stronger, and shortens the reaction time. Swimming is also necessary for the emotions of a child because it gives them confidence. Teaching a child...

Harvard Referencing Style: Origins, Uses and Purposes

Origins Though the principle of parenthetical referencing is used not only in the Harvard referencing system but also in a range of other ones, APA is the most well-known specimen on those, Harvard referencing is considered a prime example of the phenomenon. According to the existing data, the Harvard referencing...

Global and Cosmopolitan Education System

The general issue of citizenship has been contested over a long period. Some people argue for cosmopolitan citizenship, while others support national citizenship. However, due to increasing globalization, the issue of education for globalization has been emerging as more countries seek to produce globally eligible students. This study will evaluate...

Why College Athletes Should Be Paid

There is a heated debate occurring in the past decade about the advantages and disadvantages of paying college students whose outstanding athletic performance could potentially earn them money and popularity. There is a manual produced by the National Collegiate Athletic Association that covers many aspects of this issue, but there...

Classroom Management Case Study

Classroom management is a phrase used to illustrate the process of making sure that classroom activities go on as planned and that the students undertake the activities relegated to them without any disruptive behavior. It involves all the activities undertaken by a teacher or any educational instructor to ensure the...

Working in a Group and Problem-Solving

The first months of business school are loaded with stress. One is in an unfamiliar environment, surrounded by people one does not know. Moreover, I am expected to produce more work faster than I ever have before. In addition, I am competing with people of a high caliber than I...

Teacher’s Influence on Student’s Personality

There is no such thing as a self-made man. Every one of us, no matter how talented, smart or independent, has someone who helped raise us, who taught us the things we know, and who molded us into the people we are today. Parents are our first teachers. They teach...

Dealing with Indiscipline in Class

Abstract Punishment is not always the best method for dealing with indiscipline cases among students. Many other methods can help model students with undesired behaviors into good people. Such methods include DRO, DRI, DRL, and DRC. These methods are appropriate for dealing with cases such as cursing, the use of...

Student Misconceptions Regarding Reproduction and Heredity

Strategies to elicit student misconceptions Students often have misconceptions regarding the principles of reproduction and heredity. To elicit these misconceptions and develop strategies to overcome them, it is necessary to encourage the students’ participation in discussions. Furthermore, a teacher can receive important information regarding possible mistakes and wrong ideas while...

Critical Thinking in Education

Critical thinking is useful for any person because of providing possibilities to analyze the situations and facts appropriately and find effective solutions to problems. Thus, it is necessary and useful for students to add critical thinking to the curriculum in the elementary school. However, this idea can be discussed as...

The Impact of Social Media on Education

Positive impact In the modern world, the role of social media in education is increasing. The environment is constantly changing and social networks provide an opportunity to get a scholarship without attending higher education institutions. The ways of obtaining knowledge are diminishing and educational possibilities are developing for students around...

Comparing Single-Sex and Co-ed School Systems

The importance of education in the society cannot be overestimated. Accordingly, it can be seen that constant improvement and developments in the field of education aim at making learning more efficient. Such developments might include changing teaching styles, developing curriculum materials, improving delivery methods, and others. For most of those...

The Employee Training Program

The environment is an important aspect of the educational process, as it influences the whole learning abilities of the staff (Burke, 2007). The economic and political changes have a direct relation to the educational level of employees that should be constantly developed (Hauer and Daniels, 2008). I currently work for...

Interview of Two High School Students

I got the opportunity to interview two high school students from two different schools in Illinois. Jeff is 15 and schools at Joliet West High School in Illinois. He is a bright kid but is not motivated. He struggles in school and often postpones doing homework. His priority is on...

Decision-Making in Choosing a Career

What is the best career for me? Executive Summary Choosing a career is an incredibly crucial decision in one’s life. However, it requires a lot of consideration and critical decision making to avoid poor choices that could affect one’s life. Some individuals find themselves on the wrong career paths because...

Dormitory Life and Its Tough Sides for Students

Dormitory life is not necessarily the best setting for serious study. There are potential factors of noise, distraction, and personal discomfort that can make living on campus less conducive to academic achievement. While in some areas, off-campus life is going to be more expensive, it may be a worthwhile investment...

Improving Oral Reading Skills to Enhance Reading Comprehension

Abstract Background. The significance of oral skills in acquiring the corresponding reading abilities can hardly be overrated. Because of the need to identify the aural signals with the visual ones and at the same time connect them to the connotation of a word, students need the teacher’s support as far...

The Eureka Effect Description and Its Application

What is the Eureka Effect Most of the greatest scientific ideas that have transcended history appeared to the investors unexpectedly. A perfect example is that of Isaac Newton, who, while resting under a tree in the cool of the day, was abruptly hit by a falling fruit, and it is...

Characteristics of Effective Trainer of Adult Learners

Teaching is a complex process of enabling learners to gain new knowledge, understand it, and be able to apply it in the classroom and beyond it. Although the primary goals of educating children, teenagers, and adults might be similar, instructors need to adjust to students of varying ages, as they...

Behavioral Intervention Plan (BIP) For Anxious Students

Introduction A behavioral intervention plan (BIP) is the most critical part of the planning process, aiming to undertake a student’s behavior that impedes education. BPI provides many benefits for the learners and simplifies the teacher’s work in various forms. Additionally, such planning offers more scope for monitoring behavioral patterns, subsequently...

Effective Early Childhood Managers and Their Traits

Introduction Quality curriculums are defined as those expected to help early learners facilitate the mentioned aspects of development because they represent structures for the provision of high-quality learning and inclusive education, especially in environments when teachers are under-qualified or when classrooms are under-resourced. From the personal perspective of an early...

The Advantages of Independent Learning

Education is an integral part of human development. The learning process starts since the very moment of birth and continues throughout the lifespan. As a person grows, he/she becomes more conscious about own intellectual development and capable of influencing its outcomes. Nowadays, researchers and practitioners in the field of education...

Traditional vs. Virtual Learning Environment

Defining the Problem Situation With the development of the ICT system, the traditional learning environments are in the process of developing new virtual spaces designed for learning. Participants have to adjust to new methods of communication and learning with teachers and peers through a differently organized learning environment. The emergence...

Evaluation Process Approaches in Education

Introduction According to Neuman and Cunningham (2009), an effective curriculum must provide an ample knowledge base that mirrors an understanding of students’ development as well as the skills, knowledge and dispositions required to shape suitable learning experiences for students (p.533). There are various aspects that determine the successful development as...

Schools in the 21st Century

Introduction Schools in the 21st century face numerous issues because of the increased technological advancements, which include e-learning, social media usage in classrooms, and/or self-paced learning (Kobalia & Garakanidze, 2010). In the 21st century, technological advancement is intense, especially with the development of internet facilities. Thus, many schools in this...

Master of Public Administration and the Career

Introduction The “Master of Public Administration” (MPA) focuses on public provision or non-profit administration. MPA programs prepare learners for executive and management roles at state, local, and federal levels in different segments, including education, government service, community supervision, non-profit establishments, and other subdivisions (Lee, 2020). This memo reflects on my...

Effective Teacher-Student Ratios and Class Sizes

Introduction Effective school education is one of the basic foundations for building a developed, healthy, educated, and empathetic society. The foundation is laid for essential social interaction and self-education skills at this stage. It may be considered that the more teachers work in schools, the better it is for the...

Behavioral and Experiential Learning Theories

The parts of learning theory that I find essential in understanding how I acquire skills entail knowledge retention and replication. In particular, obtaining new concepts must involve the attainment, preservation, and application of new information. Moreover, an accompanying award for the stored notions motivates my enthusiasm to advance studying. For...

Differentiated Instruction: Implementation and Application

Differentiated instruction is best understood as a process of offering students varied options for learning, ingesting and understanding information conveyed to them. This concept was launched in the field of education upon realization that certain students grasped knowledge much faster than others and that there was a need to offer...

School Principals as Leaders

Introduction Nowadays, researchers actively discuss the role of a principal as an effective school leader because of the overall tendency to reconsider leadership practices that can contribute to students’ achievements. The Wallace Foundation (2012) presented five critical functions performed by school principals that are associated with their leadership: forming a...

Education for Gifted Students

Introduction Nowadays, educators try to create perfect learning conditions to allow students to derive the maximum benefit from the process of studying. Modern educational institutions are versatile and are often adapted according to students’ needs. One of the issues is that gifted students should receive special educational treatment. It is...

The Education System in Japan

Introduction The school year is divided into trimesters. There are three-holiday breaks: A month-long summer break, a two-week break for winter, and spring vacations respectively. Japan students are some of the world’s best in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) according to tests administered by the Program for International Student...

Grades Shouldn’t Represent Student Intelligence Summary

In the article “Grades shouldn’t represent student intelligence” by Diemert, she describes categorically how grades should not be used to measure the intellectual level of students. In today’s world, a parent’s first concern is ensuring their child performs exceptionally well in school (Diemert, 2018). Using “A” for excellent and “F”...

Analysis of Jonathan Kozol’s “The Uses of “Diversity”

Introduction The Uses of “Diversity” is Kozol’s seventh letter from the book Letters to a Young Teacher. The chapter is anchored on the contention that despite the civil rights movements that rocked America in the 1950s and 1960s, inequality and segregation in the U.S. educational system still exist today (Kozol,...

“The Unexpected Value of the Liberal Arts” by Anders

Liberal arts are a wide range of disciplines that attract millions of students worldwide. Despite being a popular choice for students each year, many people regard the area as unnecessary, useless, and low-paying. George Anders wrote an article titled “The Unexpected Value of the Liberal Arts” that attempts to eliminate...

Early Literacy in Children

Early literacy Early literacy includes all the phases of learning processes which children go through as they grow. This normally begins with children of about 5-8 years although others begin earlier depending on individual parenting. The goal in early literacy is to help kids to be fluent and instill in...

Comparing Education Systems of Britain and Finland

Education is given a priority in the European community. This is because one of the main priorities of the European community is to improve the quality and efficiency of education. The member countries are also concerned with improving the education systems of their countries Finland’s education system is rated as...

Personal Development and Leadership Program in Education

Introduction Education is a very important aspect of human development. An education system aims at providing people with knowledge and skills that would help them tackle day-to-day challenges. A good education should enable its citizens to be independent. The skills and knowledge acquired through the system should be reflected the...

The Evolution of Special Education

Abstract The previous century is characterized by the enhanced popularization of democratic principles and the adoption of freedoms that guarantee quality education for various social groups. Starting from the second half of the previous century, major improvements were evident in the sphere of special education through adoption of policies and...

Teacher Profession and Motivation to Choose It

Explain how your personal history and family background have influenced your professional development to become a teacher My decision of becoming a teacher solely comes from my family background and my interests as I grew up. I was motivated into becoming a professional teacher because I loved the profession. Although I...

Effective Teaching Methods by Gary D. Borich

The Effective Teacher The first chapter is quite general, covering mostly the characteristics and traits which are expected from the good teacher as he or she is perceived through the contemporary perspective: able to organize a successful and performance-oriented teacher-student interaction and demonstrating personality traits contributing to the effect. Despite...

Smallpox Vaccines History: Lesson Plan

Introduction Topic: The History of Smallpox Grade: 7 Unit: 5 Time period: one 50-minute class period Size and type of class: 22 students, high school The aim The purpose of this lesson is to educate students on the role of vaccines in the prevention of the smallpox epidemic and familiarize...

Family`s Factors Shaping Children`s Behavior

During the lifespan, an individual passes through several stages of his/her development characterized by different processes. These phases of the evolution are critical for the formation of a person and his/her becoming a personality with all qualities needed for the efficient functioning within the contemporary society. The period of childhood...

Flipped Classroom Approach: Literature Review

Introduction Improving the student learning experience is a vital process of the system of education and the task of various researchers. One of the methods to increase learning outcomes is a flipped-classroom approach. This is the type of blended learning that focuses on student active learning and provides the instructor...

Teaching Philosophy and Its Impact on Learners

Introduction There is no clear-cut agreement regarding what constitutes best teaching philosophy. Nonetheless, it deserves merit to establish a tentative definition of what constitutes the effective teacher philosophy for the current paper. A teacher/instructor is deemed to have an effective teaching philosophy if he/she has a positive influence on student...

Benefits for Teachers: Social and Medical Insurance

Introduction Teachers have benefits which he will use for pre and post retirement protection. The most commonly used by most teachers is Teachers’ Pension Scheme which is abbreviated as (NUT). The teachers’ pension scheme covers all types of members who are in the teaching profession and members benefit when they...

Teachers’ Practical Theories of Teaching

Teachers’ practice theories of teaching involve special techniques and practices used in education and during learning processes. The connection of general education to teachers’ practice theories is that of means to end. Education is the goal; it prizes mental freedom and responsibility, and an open-minded and humane spirit. A broad...

Community Service Hours for High School Graduation

Introduction In the United States, community service is a mandatory requirement for high school graduation in some states. As a result, school districts expect students to complete a certain amount of hours in service. For instance, in the District of Columbia, students are required to complete 100 hours of community...

Alumni Associations and Benefits for Colleges

The essence of any alumni association is to help former students get into a new way of life. When the time to graduate from college comes, many students panic and forget what they have to do. However, alumni associations focus not only on student support. The variety of their functions...

Instructional Methods for Teaching Science

Introduction The goal of education, as expressed by many scholars, is principally learning. It has been proved that education is most effective when the teacher and learner are clear about the learning objectives and expected outcomes. This explains why it is important to incorporate performance and behavioral objectives into teaching...

Teaching Detective Stories to ESL Students

Introduction Reading exercises are unanimously believed to be one of the most important tasks required in ESL classes. It enhances the vocabulary power of the students as well as improves the ability to write and enhances general language competence. Teaching literature to ESL students has been a topic of debate...

Learning Disabilities and Their Identification

Cory’s parents had divorced, and the boy lived with his mother in an inner city area. His mother did not allow the father to visit his son and prevented him from any visits. Nevertheless, when Cory was in the first grade, his father picked him up after school. Cory was...

Teaching: Rewards and Challenges

Teaching is widely considered a noble career or vocation because of the role teachers play in shaping lives. Being a teacher is indeed accompanied by many privileges; however, an objective analysis of the career also entails anticipating difficulties that may be encountered. Some of the rewards I will have as...

Cognitivism vs. Constructivism Learning in Adults

Introduction Adult education and learning are specifically created to promote learning among people whose age, social status, or self-perception characterize them as adults. There are five factors used to describe an adult learner. First is a strong sense of independence, the ability to guide their learning, and a wealth of...

Preparing Students for Tomorrow, Caring for Them Today

Introduction Teaching is a process that involves the whole being of a teacher. Unbeknownst to the learners before her, she has undergone a lot of learning, experience as a learner, and training herself, which involves her whole being to the point of merging her personal and professional self into one...

Best Missing Homework Excuse Ever

Home works are assigned to students because it enhances various educational objectives. Homework inculcates discipline and students would be able to set up study habits. It also helps students to get rid of over strain in classroom education and enables students to become more responsible in their studies. It also...

Hidden Intellectualism by Gerald Graff: Analysis

The essay Hidden Intellectualism by Gerald Graff explores the idea that intellectualism can be found beyond traditional academia. He emphasizes the value of tapping into non-academic interests as a way to engage and develop students’ intellectual abilities. In this paper, we will consider how Graff’s personal experience of a “street-smart”...

Moral Education and John Locke’s Philosophy

Introduction Social problems, such as poverty and abuse, are effectively overcome through education (Addams, 1910). However, the aforementioned problems are still experienced by society regardless of increasing access to education opportunities. Locke (1693) argued that social problems would be overcome if schools focus more on moral education than just the...

Children Investments in Theory and Practice

Introduction The concept of investment in children is both intuitive and appealing. The relevance of welfare and education of children is applicable to any political and social context and aligns well with the fundamental psychological and social values of humanity. The following paper provides an overview of areas consistent with...

Ideal School from Educational Aspects

Introduction Education is among the most important investments that many people strife to achieve. As a result, the most secure inheritance that parents wish to leave their children is quality education. Parents leave their children material possessions but unless the children have good education, they fail to manage the material...

Driving Force for Changes in Special Education

Abstract The field of special education continues to attract research due to the nature of diversities that are involved in the discharge of activities in special education. The aim of this paper is to investigate the factors that press for changes in the field of special education. The paper explores...

Informal HRD vs. Formal Learning Opportunities

Informal vs. Formal Learning Opportunities: Introduction The process of learning has always been the foundation of any human activity. Before being able to perform any sort of conscious effort, a child needs to learn to walk and talk. Parents are our first teachers, though as life goes on, they are...

Child Development Theories

The complexities and challenges of child development cannot, in any way, be wished away. In equal measure, the optimal growth and development of a child are deemed not only important for the parents and family members, but also for the whole society. As such, it is critically important to understand...

Higher Education: The Key Advantages

Modern young people question the need to enroll in higher education institutions. They see that success can be achieved without a diploma and studying at university seems like wasted time. The main problem is that employers do not constantly evaluate the diploma, as they pay attention to the candidate’s work...

Teaching Strategies in Special Education

Children with various abilities absorb the most study material and are best immersed in learning when the classroom is adapted to their needs. Modern teaching techniques for children with special needs have proven to be effective. They can be divided into two large groups – approaches to creating an effective...

Opportunities and Challenges at School: Reflection

The high school aims to prepare adolescents for father education and lays the basis of knowledge that will later be deepened and wholeheartedly embraced. However, the high school also provides numerous opportunities for self-development and offers challenges one must be ready to face. This maze of chances and difficulties significantly...

Developmentally Driven Grade Levels

The level of cognitive perception of the information among the school students has now become a subject for a continuous discussion over the past years due to the rapid development of sociological studies and views on education in general. Previously, the children groupings at schools were unanimously formed according to...

The English Language Arts Class

Abstract The provision of feedback to teachers is a part of their professional development, helping them in identifying areas for improvement and ways to achieve higher results. This feedback report includes a detailed analysis of Danielle Troetti’s English Language Arts class given in the eighth grade. The major objective of...

The Politics of School Uniform: Dressing Diversity

Introduction The current educational environment serves as a place with particular diversification and poses critical concerns regarding the concepts of humanity and individual differences of the students. While the established dress code is considered the tool to facilitate a more serious school atmosphere and enhance student attainment, the school uniform...

Play Based Programs and Learning

Introduction The ultimate goal of any learning process is to equip the targeted individuals with superior skills and ideas for confronting future challenges and pursuing their aims in life confidently. Researchers and scholars in the field of education have succeeded in presenting numerous ideas to improve the learning process and...

Curriculum Adaptation to the Needs of Students

Curriculum adaptation as a topic is about what the teacher must do to the curriculum so that all the learners are catered for. The main idea is that the curriculum is made for the students and not the other way round. Therefore since it is easier to adjust the curriculum...

Experiential Learning and Education

Introduction Learning is an essential part of each person’s life. Delivering knowledge to young people is often complicated, especially when it comes to disaffected and disengaged 14-19-year-old young people who have got disappointed in education. Special programmes have to be developed for such young people, the programmes that would take...

Te Whariki Childhood Curriculum: Early Childhood Education

Modern leadership demands are demanding change in all aspects of life. Early childhood education institutions being the pool of all job market resources can definitely not be ignored. It is common to say the children are the leaders of tomorrow and therefore there must be deliberate efforts of how they...

Reasonable Approach of Swain’s Output Hypothesis

The urge for studying English as the second or third language is prescribed today with a particular mandatory character. Being Lingua Franca English comprises today the huge scope of international relationships. Swain’s hypothesis demonstrates the argumentation of output significance for mastering foreign language. DeKeyser (2007) admits the significance of Swain’s...

Contrastive Discourse Markers Usage in Academic Writing

The CDMS A wide range of alternative terms have been used in academia to define contrastive discourse markers (CDM) among different researchers with some labeling them as pragmatic connectives, discourse signaling devises, phatic connectives, pragmatic markers, and sentence connectives as used in making sentences and paragraph writing. Al-Yaari, Al Hammadi,...

Reconstructionism, Marxism, and Education

Reconstructionism philosophy holds that society encounters change continuously. The purpose of education is to ensure that this state is maintained (Ozmon & Craver, 2013, p.1 58). From this philosophical paradigm, people who drive change within a society resort to the deployment of education as the most efficient tool for fostering...

Sports Clubs in the College and Their Priorities

One of the most frequent extracurricular activities in college in any country is connected to sports. The vast majority of students are eager to find some time, effort, and desire to forget about the basics of education and spend this time playing the favorite sports game. In this article, the...

Journalist Profession, Its Pros and Cons

When the time to choose one particular profession comes, many students face several doubts and challenges. It is not very easy to make one clear decision and be sure about its correctness in the future. This is why it is better to evaluate all pros and cons beforehand to make...

Health and Safety Training for Early Childhood Educators

Thesis Statement Nutrition, health, and safety training are significant for early childhood educators. An early childhood educator is the first person after the parent who is involved in close interaction with a child. He or she, therefore, has a great impact on the child since a child is highly receptive...

Types of Portfolios and Models of Teaching

Special Challenges Associated With Effective Communication Using Grades Educators encounter unique challenges with standardized grading systems in practice. Notably, teachers often find it difficult to understand and apply current guidelines for using standardized grading systems effectively. They have to provide an accurate and fair reflection of the learner’s current level...

Qualitative and Quantitative Observations in Education

Features and Connections Between Qualitative and Quantitative Observation Both qualitative and quantitative types of observations are common when teachers work with students. Qualitative observations usually serve a descriptive function. They can be used to describe behaviors and their contexts. An observer studies the behaviors often without preexisting notions and memorizes...

Nursing Education: Course Evaluation Methods

Introduction According to Redman, Lenburg and Walker (1999), nurse educators face several challenges. For instance, nursing students have the assumption that nurse educators will teach them essential knowledge and skills to gain competency in nursing. Nurse graduate employers presume that qualifications and subsequent state licenses are granted because they meet...

The Integration of Drama and Visual Arts Lesson Plan

Name of lesson: Integration of Drama and Visual Arts with Historical Knowledge Content taught using creative arts as a pedagogical tool: Historical Knowledge / Community, remembrance, and celebrations The cohort: Levels 3 and 4 (Students from diverse backgrounds) Learning outcomes Students will be able to work with others and collaborate on different creative...

Building and Maintenance of a School Organization

Building and maintaining school organization is crucial to providing an effective and healthy learning environment. Many educational institutions have become aware of reconstructing old facilities to cater to emerging student needs and maintaining the buildings, furniture, and equipment to reduce expenditure. However, basic information on effective facility maintenance and management...

Professional Boundaries in Early Childhood Education

Preschool age is the time of the most active cognition of the world that surrounds the child. The kid begins to make discoveries every day and gets acquainted with various objects that are around. Early childhood is characterized by peculiarities of psychophysiological development, and each child has individual characteristics of...

The Importance of Llu’s Spiritual Values

The choice of an educational institution is a responsible and crucial decision that entails an array of short- and long-term implications for students. Enrollment in a university opens a set of opportunities not only for the obtaining of professional knowledge and skills but also for enriching interpersonal, communicational, and spiritual...

Variables Impacting Test Design

Test reliability is an essential factor that should be considered in the process of designing tests. Kubiszyn and Borich (2016) define the matter as “the consistency with which [a test] yields the same rank for individuals who take the test more than once” (p. 338). In other words, the reliability...

Educational Leadership: Literature Review

Leadership Defined Leadership is defined by Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary defines as follows: one, the office or position of a leader; two, the quality of a leader; and three, the capacity to lead (Agnes, 2004). These definitions describe what a leader does, but it does not provide any meaningful insight...

“Virtual Students, Digital Classroom” by Neil Postman

Introduction Neil Postman in his article virtual students begins by saying that the new technology of computers has been given the status of a god. Computers are known to provide a lot of information that motivates students to learn more in their studies.(Neil, 1995).He says that traditional classroom teaching is...

Education: Impacts of Societal Forces

Introduction School improvement plans involve goals and activities designed to improve students’ performance. The plan consists of steps on how the set goal and objectives will be achieved and the inputs of all stakeholders. A society is made up of a population with varied competence, nationalities and cultural heritage. Due...

Study Skill of Time Management

Introduction Time management is very important in everyone’s life. One must know how to manage time. Time is precious; so it must be used effectively and one must be time conscious. Delegation is essential when time management is conducted, then only efficiency and productivity of an organization can be attained....

School Failure and Delinquency: Which Causes the Other?

The link between school failure and juvenile delinquency has been a hard puzzle to solve. It is common knowledge that many juvenile delinquents fail in school. Some scholars suggest that the nature of the behavior of the delinquent themselves makes it impossible for them to succeed in school. On the...

Stress and Solutions for Working Students

Since the increase in the levels of stress that working students experience due to their busy schedules, alternative options for studying need to be introduced into the current academic system. Greater flexibility in schedules coupled with the creation of online classes will lead to a better work-life balance and allow...

Definition of VARK Questionnaire Analysis

Introduction The selection of learning strategies is a significant step in the process of education because it is decisive for the success of the learning process as well as students’ performance. People have diverse learning preferences and demonstrate different performance with the use of preferred strategies. Some individuals need to...

Educational Philosophy and Curriculum Development

Exploring the connections between teaching philosophies, educational philosophies, and philosophy. Learning-based curriculum development The articles from the Electronic Reverse Reading I chose are written by Beatty, Leigh, and Dean (2007) and Nygaard, Højlt, and Hermansen (2008). They both focus on educational aspects but highlighting different peculiarities. The article prepared by...

Holistic Assessment of Students with Special Needs

A holistic assessment of students is a specific process that includes several steps and procedures in order to interpret test results and draw certain conclusions. In this context, a holistic approach means focusing not only on the assessment data received with the help of interviews, standardized tests, and different types...

Implementation of Multicultural Education in Schools

Multicultural education has been implemented in my school in a number of ways. It all began with a rigorous policy change of the institution. This was necessary because multicultural education cannot do well when conventional learning ideals are fully preserved (Wasonga, 2005). The implementation of multicultural education demands a thorough...

Math Anxiety, Its Factors and Interventions

Introduction One of the problems that may affect the classroom environment and student achievement (for age 3-6 years) negatively is math anxiety. Math anxiety strongly affects mathematic achievement in all levels of learning. The anxiety is defined as a negative cognition, avoidance behavior, and inadequate and pressured feeling that affects...

Gamification: Learning and Motivational Theories

Abstract Gamification is used in the learning and training environments in order to make the process of obtaining the new knowledge and developing new skills more interesting and attractive for learners. The reference to gamification in the training process is supported by learning and motivational theories that can be used...

Dominance and Cooperation as Classroom Management Strategies

Introduction The importance of applying classroom management strategies is discussed by many educators because effective classroom management contributes to developing an appropriate atmosphere for teaching and learning. However, management of students’ behaviors in a classroom can be viewed as a challenging process, and it is important to determine approaches that...

Coping with Stress at University

Abstract Stress is one of the major challenges that students face in universities. Studies have found out that many institutions of higher education do not help students cope with stress thus increasing the prevalence f stress-related problems such as anxiety, eating disorders, and depression. The main reasons why universities do...

Teen Pregnancy Persuasive Speech Plan

This paper provides a plan for a persuasive speech about teenage pregnancy and how it affects the future of both the child and the mother. Check it out if you need to write a teenage pregnancy persuasive speech. General purpose: To persuade Specific purpose of teenage pregnancy speech: To persuade...

Early Childhood Education Programs

Montessori Focus on socialization. The learning environment is supportive and interesting. Learning through sensory feelings. Learning through manipulating objects. Learning is similar to real-life experience (The Montessori Early Childhood Program, 2009). High Scope Focus on active participatory learning. Learning is organized according to the Plan-Do-Review cycle. Learning through observing and...

Homeschooling: Argumentation For and Against

Introduction Education is a fundamental component for the development and ultimate advancement of the society, and for this reason, all governments, therefore, insist on the provision of education for the children and youth. How this education is dispersed may vary from school-based education to homeschooling. Homeschooling refers to a form...

Benefits and Drawbacks of Online Education: Analysis

Introduction Online learning has become a necessary part of education in recent years. During the COVID-19 pandemic, schools had to incorporate online classes for all disciplines regardless of whether they were easy or challenging to teach in this medium (Xhaferi and Xhaferi 87). During online classes, students interact with a...

The Principles of Inclusive Education

Inclusion is an educational concept denoting that all children should be involved in the same classrooms irrespective of their health peculiarities. It denies the idea of organizing separate education for children with special needs. This approach can generate positive outcomes if essential elements are preserved. According to Grove et al....

Applying Technology in the Classroom

The past decades have depicted an incredible change in the landscape of education that was more rapid and extensive than ever before. The factor that was and is the strongest driver for this change, is the involvement of technology in the classroom. In current classrooms, such implementations range from hardware...

Cardiovascular System: Lesson Planning

Introduction Objectives Learning objectives are critical because they ensure the targeted unit or lesson focuses on the needs of the students. Every lesson should deliver meaningful content that has the potential to support the long-term and short-term goals of the targeted students. Wong and Wong (2009) argue that “one of...

Evidence-Based Strategies for Classroom Behavior Management

Disruptive habits impede the learning process, the flow of lessons, and escalate teachers’ and pupils’ stress levels in classrooms. Behavior management is a critical skill, which helps teachers mitigate pupils’ challenging conduct and promotes positive practices. Educators are trained to identify and implement evidence-based strategies which eliminate problematic habits within...

Effective Interaction in Early Childhood Education

Introduction The early childhood education (ECE) system is the initial link of all pedagogical training. At this stage, first speech and reading skills are formed, as well as the process of acquaintance with the world around them. At the same time, young children are very vulnerable: poor care, limitations, lack...

The Action Plan: Literacy Development

Abstract It is the joy of every teacher to help his or her students learn and acquire skills on how to read and comprehend whatever a student sets out to read. A teacher’s knowledge of the stages of reading and writing development is not only important but also a prerequisite...

Trends in Education Overview and Analysis

Introduction The past few years have witnessed impressive changes/improvements in computer and internet scenarios. The previously huge size of a computer has been reduced in size to as small as a mobile phone. Customary media like television, radio and printed material are being rooted out by the internet. There seem...

Classroom Activity Showcasing Application of Motivational Theory

Using Discussion to Motivate Students Motivation is a force that enables us to achieve a set goal. It is an essential aspect of learning for it plays a big role in the process of teaching and learning. It helps students to enjoy their lessons in class and therefore enhances learning....

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Course Reflection

Introduction The Essential VIII that is proposed by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing [AACN] (2006) for the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) education can be viewed as a tool for reflection. This Essential includes the sub-competencies pertinent to health assessment, intervention management and evaluation, care delivery, the evaluation...

Strategies of Learning English

Introduction Inspiration and stance play a major role in for student to boom in English learning. Language proficiency requires high level of background 0f critical thinking, ideas, synthesis of complex issues and events (Rojas, 2007). Over dependent on proficient language skills and general lack of manipulative activities in many social...

Student Assessment and Testing Methods

Introduction According to Harp (1996), assessment is the act of putting together data on the level of achievement of a learner whereas evaluation is the interpretation of that data based on the identified strengths with an aim of coming up with appropriate learning goals (p73). Assessment continuous throughout the life...

How the Internet Changed Academic Paper-Writing

Researchers and students use deductive reasoning to break down their concepts and ideas. This process usually revolves around the development and presentation of arguments. Such kind of practice is known as academic writing. Third person perspectives and formal voices are usually used throughout the process. Modern technologies have transformed the...

Motivational Theories in Curriculum Development

All of the separate motivational theories focus on deciphering the best methods of motivating individuals, and are most commonly applied to employee motivation. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs states that people are motivated by their needs which can be organized in a hierarchical order, where every next category of needs only...

Critical Incident Analysis in Teaching

What is a critical incident in teaching and how to write it? Find answers to these questions in our essay sample on critical incident analysis! This paper explores aspects of critical incidents in teaching. Critical Incidents Analysis and Description Introduction Even outside the teaching profession, individuals are faced with incidents...

Misbehaving Students and Behaviour Management

Section One Context of Behavior of Concern Anderson exhibits undesired behaviors during the ESL lesson. When he is asked to answer questions in class, he makes animal-like noises and sometimes bangs his books on the table. Worse still, when his teacher asks him to walk to the front of the...

Prevention of Bullying in Schools

Introduction Peer victimization, also known as bullying, comprises commonly recurring, unsolicited, hostile behavior among school-aged children involving a real or perceived power imbalance. Bullying that takes place in educational settings is a relevant and critical global issue, and while it affects all children regardless of culture, ethnicity, gender, or race,...

Curriculum Development in Language Teaching by Jack Richards

Planning Goals and Learning Outcomes In Curriculum Development in Language Teaching by R. Jack, the fifth chapter, Planning Goals and Learning Outcomes involve a lecture on planning goals and curriculum development. In decision making, this forms a crucial dimension, especially in curriculum development. It is assumed that people are generally...

Hogwarts School System’s Comprehensive Analysis

Introduction Schools are often viewed as the preparatory stage for young individuals where they learn the way how to live independently in society. Apart from the enormous amount of knowledge, both theoretical and practical, students receive an opportunity to socialize, make connections, and build plans for the future (Blommaert et...

Three Arguments to Ban Homework

Abstract General Purpose: To persuade the audience that homework should be banned. Specific Purpose: To convince the audience that homework is detrimental to students’ physical and mental health and negatively affects their learning and academic performance. Central Idea: Homework should be banned because it negatively impacts students’ physical and mental health, leads to...

Effectiveness of Online Quizzes to Assess Students’ Learning

Introduction Online educational tools such as Google Classroom have gained a massive following over the past years due to their reliability in assisting teachers in sharing content with students, irrespective of geographical limitations. As a result, many institutions worldwide have shifted all their education initiatives online or adopted a mix...

Contextual Teaching and Learning

The educational process in modern pedagogical practice is usually constructed out through either learning through information, or based on learning through activity. “The traditional didactic system sees its global task in introducing students to the generalized and systematized experience of humanity” (Schwanenflugel & Knapp, 2015). As such, theory, particularly in...

Educational Psychology in Teaching

The process of identity development in children can be supported in the school environment. Erikson’s perspective on the subject matter would pertain to his theory of the stages of psychosocial development. School years span over approximately three out of eight stages in a person’s life: purpose (initiative vs. guilt, 5-8...

Health Promotion in School Health Center

Introduction The purpose of education activities is to inform the audience about healthy lifestyles and address the social issues affecting their well-being and health. It is also necessary to provide useful and up-to-date information on healthcare organizations that community members can turn to if necessary. The main goals that should...

Rhetorical Analysis of “Hidden Intellectualism” by Gerald Graff

Introduction In this paper, an article by Gerald Graff called “Hidden Intellectualism” will be analyzed. The author of the reviewed article is a professor of English and Education who wrote a number of works on literature and education. In the article at hand, he addresses students, administrators, and educators, aiming...

Parental Involvement in Education

There is no use denying the fact that the issue of education is very important in the modern world. One of the main purposes of society nowadays is to guarantee stable development for children and make education affordable and efficient. That is why, a great number of papers are devoted...

Nursing Students’ Attendance at Learning Activities

Nursing Students’ Attendance at Learning Activities in Relation to Attainment and Passing Courses. A Prospective Quantitative Study The authors of the article are Rejnö, Nordin, Forsgren, Sundell, and Rudolfsson. It was published in the journal Nurse Education Today in 2017. The article was selected to exemplify a quantitative study design....

Teaching Charts as Effective Strategies

Introduction An effective teacher is one who maximizes the achievements of students by working in accordance with an explicit set of principles that have order, coherence and relevance in particular instructional context (Killen, 2006). Teachers use teaching charts in order to look at the target behaviors differently, see behavior more...

Analysis Essay: Comparison and Analysis of Photos of the Houses

For this analysis, I have chosen two photographs, one of a modern house and the other of an old house. The two photographs have a common denominator in that they are both houses that vary to a great extent in regard to their size and time of construction. The modern...

Plagiarism, Its Reasons and Solutions

Introduction Plagiarism is one of the most frequent problems in academic writing. According to Hosny and Fatima (2014), it is deemed as “a common phenomenon among students of all ages and specialties.” However, the background of each case is unique, which adds to the complexity of the picture. The factors...

Quality of Education: Graduation Requirements

Introduction Education is one of the essential parts of the success of the person living in the modern world (Gebel and Heyne 2014). Throughout history, education has played a crucial role in a person’s ability to become a respected member of society and attain a valuable profession. Therefore, education has...

John Dewey’s Naturalism and Pragmatism in Education

John Dewey is undoubtedly one of the most important American philosophers and educators. The consistency of his worldview and wide-ranging theories are the key characteristics of his work that make him so appealing to new generations of educators. Dewey’s naturalism and pragmatism led him to develop a doctrine that promised...