The Contemporary International System

The Principal Actors in the Contemporary International System The principal actors in the contemporary International system are states (Stivachtis 15). States wield a lot of power; guaranteed by each states military and soft power or might. A state like the USA is a major player in the international system due...

“Human and Environmental Security: An Agenda for Change” by Dodds & Pippard

Introduction Human & Environmental Security and Agenda for Change is a powerful collection of essays that reveals the problems of human and environmental insecurity nowadays. Felix Dodds and Tim Pippard are the two editors, who make an attempt to recognize the most crucial issues concerning human security and use the...

EU Foreign Policy: Soft Power vs. Hard Power

Introduction After European involvement in major military wars during the 20th century, the region’s foreign policy approaches changed significantly. An important feature in this change is the establishment of the European Union, which brought together 27 member states with the aim of developing an economic and social system. It sought...

Marx and Engels’ Communist Manifesto: Theory & Impact

The Communist Manifesto was written by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels in late 1847 and published in February 1848. It contains a summary of the Communist values and aims, as well as a history of Communism and the explanation of historical development as described in the Communist theory. The piece...

Jules Ferry’s Imperialism: Economic and Non-Economic Arguments

Jules Ferry was the French Minister, who contributed to the rise and importance of imperialism as an expansion strategy (Power, 2013; Fordham University, 2016). In this case, the primary goal of the paper is to understand his rationale for the urgency of the colonial expansion while considering criticism of Ferry’s...

Food Policy Action and Food Security Legislation

Interest group and website information Food Policy Action (established in 2012) was created from collaboration efforts of U.S. food policy leaders for holding legislators accountable on those votes that have a direct impact on the food and farming industry in the country. Its website contains key information about the interest...

Public Goods and “Free Rider” Problem

Introduction Public goods are crucial to society. They include essential and non-essential aspects of modern life. However, despite their importance, they are often damaged by careless or deliberately malicious legislations, natural disasters, and other issues. This paper will present an overview of public goods, the challenges that affect them, and...

Hershey’s “Party Politics in America” Book Review

Introduction: Title and Thesis Statement The book “Party Politics in America” by Marjorie Randon Hershey is usually regarded as a gold standard in relation to literature touching on power and influence in the country. As the title suggests, the author’s central theme in the text revolves around how politics is...

The European Union’s Security Issues

Introduction Security is a multifaceted concept that can be comprehended in diverse forms, hinging on its objects: the discernment of threats, the preserved values, and the ways through which these values are preserved. The ongoing change in perception of security threat and the means through which these threats are addressed...

Nelson Mandela’s Personality

Character results from a culture that someone has grown up with for some time. According to many historical events, leaders rise during solution finding missions. The circumstances in their paths help to reveal their character. Rolihlahla Mandela is a celebrated hero of nationalism and socialism. His father had been a...

Organizational Challenges Facing the Veterans Administration Department

Description of an Agency The Department of Veterans Affairs is an American governmental organization that aims at developing benefit systems and special programs for veterans to provide required health and financial help and emotional support. Its main worth is the possibility to cooperate with people who want or just have...

Capital Punishment and Kantian Normative Theory

Introduction Capital punishments attract immense controversies. Human rights advocates claim that a death penalty violates human rights, especially considering that the crimes for which death penalty is applied involve multi-killings. The issue here is whether an act of killing one person, the offender, can measure up to the lives lost...

Semiotics and the Development of Political Discourse

Introduction Language can be viewed as a means of domination, meant to consolidate the relationship in the system of organized political and social power. It means that the language is ideologized in its nature. Moreover, the less explicit the relationships between different parts of a political-social system are, the more...

Arguments Against Death Penalty

Since ancient times, our societies had used the death penalty as the highest form of capital punishment. The idea behind capital punishment was simple – fear was supposed to keep criminals from committing crimes. In ancient societies, capital punishments were very common – even the acts of simple theft were...

The Peninsula Shield Force

Origin The Peninsula Shield Force (PSF), which is also known as Peninsula Shield, is a military union found within the Gulf region. It is the brainchild of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC). GCC is a union of five Middle East nations, namely, Bahrain, Oman,...

Analyzing the Current Status of the American Dream: Insights from B. King

The American Dream is the most significant concept: after all, it is difficult to neglect the wishes and hopes of an entire nation. As the situation in the country changes, and the realities of the American life conflict with its Dream, some are quick to announce that the latter has...

Civil Disobedience in the Views of Socrates and Martin Luther King: A Comparative Analysis

Introduction The history of humankind is filled with numerous examples of civil disobedience and revolts against the existing order of things. In the majority of these cases, these disobediences were fueled by severe disparities and injustices plaguing society. In many scenarios, the inability to find a peaceful solution and a...

Political Culture in Promoting National Development

Introduction Culture is the integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior. It also includes language, taboos, ideas, beliefs, customs, rituals, codes, tools, techniques, works of arts, institutions, ceremonies, and other related components. In political terms, culture can be stated as a set of societal beliefs. It is simply what...

Dubai Construction Cost and Its Political Factors

Abstract Purpose: The purpose of this research paper was to determine how political factors affect the construction industry in Dubai and what can be done to lower these costs. Design: The research used both primary and secondary sources of data to collect the needed information. Primary data were analyzed both...

Racial Injustice in America’s Drug War: Policy Failures and Solutions

Introduction Eradication of illegal drugs has been a prominent issue in America’s political and social discussions for many years. One of the major concerns involves the argument that the drug war is not waged against inanimate objects known as drugs but against specific social groups (Benavie 24). Fighting drugs has...

AEC’s Role in Multinational Investments and U.S. Economic Growth

How does the AEC affect the multinational firms investing in AEC members? The creation of the ASEAN European Community opened a range of investing options for the states that became the members of the specified organization. Primarily, the importance of the financial support, which the AEC members provide to each...

Exploring Social Equity in Public Administration: Challenges and Solutions

Equity involves understanding and giving people what they can enjoy fully and healthily. In America, Public administrators have equally contributed to being fair just by practically integrating the notion of social equity in economic, social, and political aspects. Savra and Brunet (2004) found that social equity is a pillar to...

Timeless Leadership Lessons from Lincoln, Churchill, and King Jr.

Abstract Some of the greatest leaders that have been in the world in the past include Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill, and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. This paper will examine their leadership characteristics and how the characteristics were different from those of other leaders. The writer will give a recommendation...

No Child Left Behind Act, Its Goals and Challenges

Introduction This child Act ensures that every child has a fair and equal opportunity to access high quality education. This act first enacted in 1965 following recertification of the secondary and elementary Act in 1964 and became a law in 2002 signed by President Bus. This law was a way...

Police Need Warrant for GPS Tracking, Rules Supreme Court

According to the article in the USA Today by Joan Biskupic, the Supreme Court ruled that the police is required to have a warrant in order to attach a GPS device on an individual’s car for tracking. When the case was discussed in court, there were a set of parallels...

The Effect Technology on International Relations

Introduction Scientific innovation and invention has raised the bar of integration and relation among countries; efficient and reliable communication and transport systems plays a vital role in international integration. Globalization has necessitated the need to have improved international relations that facilitate integration and interdependence among countries (Croucher 16). This paper...

Capital Punishment: Reasons to Oppose and its Ethical Implications

The death penalty debates have led to the abolition of capital punishment in numerous countries all over the world. The most important arguments against capital punishment include the inappropriateness of violation of the right to live, the possibility of executing innocent people, and the high cost of procedures required for...

Leadership Theories: The Influence of Height on Leadership Success

Both great man and trait theories agree that leaders are naturally raised to ascend to authority based on the same criteria. For example, conventional Western Europeans believed that a person born in a royal family or in a military background had high chances of leading the concern community. Similar views...

Police Brutality and Racial Profiling: Addressing the Crisis

Introduction The problem of police brutality against minorities is actively discussed in the modern American society because of the public’s attention to each case when police officers demonstrate the excessive use of force. In most cases, those situations in which victims of police brutality are African-American males attract more public’s...

Involuntary Resettlement in Urban Transportation Projects: Issues and Solutions

ESIA in Public Transportation Developments in public transportation projects such as rapid mass transit as it is in the Dhaka Urban Transport Network Development Project have played an important role in the country’s economy. Many cities, when faced with a threat of ever-increasing traffic-generated pollution and congestion, tend to adopt...

Communism: Theory and Reality

Abstract The ideas of Communism appeared in the middle of the nineteenth century and were expressed in the works of Carl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Communism presupposes the economic equality of all members of a classless society. Marx developed a three-step algorithm of the establishment of Communism. First, revolution removes...

Narcotics Trafficking and Smuggling in the UAE

Multiple substances that have a negative impact on the well-being of nations and economies are made illegal by states, although the problem of their spread remains. Drug trafficking is an illicit global enterprise that involves the cultivation, production, distribution, and sale of narcotics forbidden by law. The efficiency of the...

The Impact of Corruption on International Trade

Introduction International trade stimulates the development of the world economy. It also contributes to expanding global employment, providing countries with a greater variety of goods, and raising living standards. The challenge that international trade poses are the inability of countries to produce the goods and services that their people need....

The Issue of Substance Abuse in the Military

Introduction In 2022, we were able to witness firsthand how the global order and stability rest on the strength and might of the U.S. military. Any sign of weakness allows other dictatorial regimes to take advantage of our indecisiveness. How can we continue to have this power if we are...

Political Propaganda and Its Negative Effects

Introduction Propaganda can be positive and negative, but in today’s world society is increasingly faced with negative propaganda. An example of negative propaganda is political propaganda aimed at humiliating an electoral opponent or pursuing foreign policy goals. By influencing mass consciousness, propaganda manipulates human emotions and instills in citizens a...

The Clash of Ignorance: Francis Fukuyama and Bernard Barber View

The development of society has been a topic of discussion for many researchers for a long time. On this topic, such researchers as Francis Fukuyama and Bernard Barber. Of particular importance for the development of this idea was the work of Samuel Huntington, which was called “Clash of civilization.” In...

Refugees and International Relations: Annotated Bibliography

Betts, A. and Loescher, G. (Eds.), (2011). Refugees in international relations. Global Economic Governance Program. Oxford University Press. The main question posed in the article is how critical institutional and strategic thinking is instrumental in understanding the fundamental cause of forced migration. Issues influencing and affecting refugees are inherently political...

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police Officers

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police is the national police force of Canada. They are responsible for policing in provinces, local communities, municipalities, and international airports. Contrary to the theoretical implications of the name of the force, they ride horses only during ceremonies (Reichel, 2018). They control law and order throughout...

Declarations Analysis: The Critical Documents

Introduction The creation of documents in which all the legal norms of a state appear is a very complex and time-consuming process. These documents are vital because they regulate the development not of one person but of an entire nation, setting their course for the future and representing it in...

Accountability and Corruption in the Public Sector

Introduction Governments act in their citizens’ interests by promoting beneficial projects, policies, and services. Those in leadership positions act on behalf of the electorate to transform their lives and experiences. Unfortunately, corruption and economic abuses are common malpractices whereby some powerful individuals to pursue their selfish interest at the expense...

Freedom Concept in Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s “The Social Contract”

Introduction The famous political theorist Jean-Jacques Rousseau created The Social Contract to solve the problem of freedom by ensuring the preservation and survival of what he called “civil liberty.” His solution to this issue in the most general sense is constructing a civil state. Through the association of citizens, each...

Army Leadership and Military Profession

Introduction Leadership is a term that refers to the process of motivating and directing people to achieve common goals. It can also be defined as the ability of an individual or group to influence, motivate, and direct others to achieve success (Ciulla, 2020). Army leadership is often associated with strong...

“Special Forces, Unprivileged Belligerency…” by Watkin

In modern warfare, warring parties commonly employ clandestine groups to achieve various objectives. Watkins interrogates the peculiar space, in the context of international laws, regulations, and protocols governing wartime, which the personnel of these clandestine groups occupies. In the ongoing invasion of Ukraine by Russia for instance, the Russians have...

Public Service Sector: Performance Management

Introduction The public service sector has been under pressure to improve service delivery, accountability, and transparency globally. As a result, public service practitioners are adopting new human resource management systems to improve performance and guarantee competence and efficiency in service delivery. Public service is important because it effectively influences the...

Use of Force Policy in New Jersey

Introduction The deployment of force by officers continues to be a thought-provoking and challenging issue in New Jersey. This has continued to exhibit a devastating impact on public perception of police and how the public responds to officers, and yet there is still the absence of universal laws for this...

Strategy Implementation in the Public Sector

Introduction A worldwide fixation on the need to investigate the possibilities of introducing valuable reforms to the public sector began during the 1980s. It was crucial for the researchers to conduct the strategy implementation research in a manner that would increase the efficiency of the public sector while also developing...

The Profession of Arms: An Army White Paper

Introduction The Profession of Arms is a document by the US government that helps explain the American army’s professionalism. The document also states the critical role the US army plays in society, such as being experts in all their responsibilities. The paper is a professional campaign that makes people understand...

History of Renaissance Diplomacy

The Renaissance Period The Middle Ages followed the Renaissance, a time in European history. It brought a renewed interest in Classical study to Italy in the late 13th and early 16th centuries and then to much of Western and Central Europe. Where Did Renaissance Diplomacy Develop? We have so far...

Introduction to Policing: Reorganization

The organization of the police department is an integral part of the city and city life. The excellent organization of the police station effectively results in their work. In this way, the reorganization of the station can have a positive effect on improving the work of police officers. The essence...

Rasputin’s Role in Russian Revolution

Introduction Men of faith were highly reverend in early 20th century Russia when superstition and religion reigned supreme. The Romanovs employed several religious consultants and servants, whereas other nobles, royals, and upper-class individuals were captivated by occultism and mysticism. Although he had considerable charm, Rasputin was an enigma, a man...

Industrial Imperialism: China and Japan

It is important to note that Asia has always hosted one of the largest, wealthiest, and most powerful empires throughout history. However, the industrial revolution was the key turning point when Europe was able to supersede Asia and subjugate its nations. The given analysis will focus on the comparative analysis...

Police Officers: Qualifications and Responsibilities

The police are a state-established group of individuals having the authority to enforce the law and protect residents’ lives, property, and well-being. Law enforcement officers are on the front lines of the fight against organized crime in every nation. Their legal authority extends to making arrests and using force, which...

Army Leadership Values and Characteristics

The model of leadership qualities assumes leader character – personal values ​​and fighting spirit, attention to people, professional appearance, and proper level of physical training. Roman V. and Roman M. describe the leader as a military leader as a person who combines the physical characteristics of a fighter, emotional stability,...

The Most Significant Argument Made in Federalist 51

Federalist 51’s main argument is that the government must have proper checks and balances between the different departments. It further adds that the independence of the executive, legislature, and judiciary will not survive for an extended period if there are no constitutional means to hinder one department from encroaching on...

Death Penalty in Case of Mental Illnesses

Introduction The death penalty is the harshest punishment that can be delivered in most judicial systems, including the American justice system. Considering the irrevocable nature of the punishment, it only makes sense that legislators and legal professionals alike pay close attention to when and how such verdicts can be issued....

Digital Forensics in Law Enforcement

Introduction Forensic science has a digital forensics branch that aims to identify, acquire, evaluate, and report on data stored in electronic form. Evidence in the electronic form is a part of every criminal activity, and digital forensics support is critical for investigators. The information can be collected from various sources,...

Conforming to Totalitarianism: The Lessons From the Handmaid’s Tale

The 20th century saw the rise and fall of various totalitarian regimes. Their geography stretched from Nazi Germany in the West to Khmer Rouge Cambodia in the East, from USSR in the North to the Argentinian military junta in the South. The crimes against humanity committed by totalitarian states were...

Mission Command Principles in Operation Anaconda

Introduction Operation Anaconda is a military operation carried out by the US Army in Eastern Afghanistan in 2002. This military operation was aimed at destroying the remaining militants of al Qaeda and the Taliban in the Shahikot Valley. Operation Anaconda is an example of using mission command principles to conduct...

Border Wall Between US and Mexico: Pros and Cons

Physical and technological border wall along the southern side will help detect and halt drug flow and terror activities. This wall will confine the chances of terrorists smuggling weapons across the south side and launching fatal attacks. The wall will protect their freedoms by refraining bad people and keeping good...

Politics and Social Media Relations

Introduction Social media have diverse effects on politics, including their influence on voting, the spread of fake news, the promotion of rebellion toward government and politicians, and the proliferation of negative attitudes such as xenophobia, racism, and political polarization. In contemporary society, it is hard to talk about politics without...

The Role of the Office of Personnel Management

The United States has several agencies which ease service delivery to the citizens. One such center is the United States Office of Personnel Management (OPM), which serves the federal government in personnel policy guidance and the human resource management. The role of OPM in personnel management, workforce restructure, formulating employee...

Fundamentals of Army Leadership

Effective leadership is an integral part of managing any system to establish operational processes and optimize the performance of subordinates. Leadership is especially relevant to uniformed services, where discipline, a hierarchy of authority, and rigid, strict management are key factors. Consequently, military leadership is one of the most relevant areas...

Political Messaging Based on Fitzgerald’s Babylon Revisited

The production of texts in political settings is based on various factors. Fitzgerald urged that content reflects an individual’s experiences since the past is inescapable (648). The content of a political message is based on the desired function and audience. For instance, during the 2008 presidential campaign, President Obama announced...

Why Celebrities Should Avoid Political Topics

Celebrity is a somewhat novel concept that has emerged after the focus of public lives moved away from the government. It may be partially attributed to television, which enabled people to see famous people up close and changed the course of politics. However, even then, the interactions of media stars...

Community Policing: The Alternative Solution to Youth Crime

In the 21st century Americans are becoming more aware that traditional means of policing the streets and communities of cities are no longer effective. It is hard to ignore the increasing crime rate. There is marked concern for youth crimes wherein juveniles are involved in petty crimes as well as...

Role of Police Agencies in Law Enforcement

For many years law enforcement agencies from different countries put little effort in controlling white color crimes. There were few laws enacted to deal with these crimes. Other factors that contributed to this were the lack of knowledge on how to identify white color crimes among the public as well...

The Foundation of Army Leadership and Military Training

Introduction Army training involves a broad sphere that helps the candidates during combat. Moreover, leadership in the army is the epitome of the success of every unit. Training and promoting the desire to win are crucial impacts. Leaders give soldiers combative and reason skills and teach discipline. Training to become...

Division of Labor in the Context of Capitalism

Introduction One of the main tasks of economic systems is maximizing output per unit of input. Resources include money, time, human labor, technology, and natural supplies. Division of work ensures that each employee specializes in a specific task, allowing them to master their skill and learn how to be effective...

The Arguments: Vague, Ambiguity and Generality

Reliable arguments are crucial in law since they help to achieve the desired outcome. However, it does not necessarily mean that every argument is good, as some people may use vagueness, ambiguity, and generality to twist the conversation in their favor. For instance, in law, the definition of ambiguity means...

Truman’s Most Difficult Decision

Introduction Truman was President for eight years and managed to make many significant decisions during his time. He was responsible for leading the country through the post-war era and rebuilding the economy. Truman made both popular and controversial decisions, and the most publicly supported choice was the most difficult to...

Evidence-Based Approach to Policymaking

Criminal justice policies often fail to address the issues of diverse individuals and vulnerable populations. As opposed to minimizing the role of individual characteristics, policymakers should employ an evidence-based approach to formulate actionable steps to combat discrimination. This essay will examine the evidence-based practice of policymaking in a specific case...

“Liberty vs. Security” Article by David Haynes

In the reading selection, “Liberty vs. Security: An Old Debate Renewed in the Age of Terror,” David Haynes discusses the government’s efforts, specifically the National Security Agency (NSA) to continue snooping into American’s phone records and conversations under the pretext of national security. The author argues that the NSA had...

Zimbabwe and Zambia Death Penalty Comparison

According to the “Death Penalty Database” (2020), the last execution date or last death sentence date for Zimbabwe is on July 22, 2005. Comparably, the last death penalty execution date for Zambia was in 1997. In both Zimbabwe and Zambia, the method of execution was hanging. Moreover, other crimes that...

Ben Carson, is an English Neurosurgeon and Politician

Ben Carson is famous for being an excellent neurosurgeon before pursuing a political career. He attended a medical school and became the director of pediatric neurosurgery at Hopkins Hospital. At that time, he was only 33, and this was an extraordinary achievement for such a young man. However, it was...

Public Versus Private Organizations

There is always a great distinction between public and private organizations. The management system, structure, culture, motivation, and employee attitudes bring out the difference that exists between public and private organizations. Psychology and economic scholars such as Maslow came up with theories that highlight the difference between private and public...

Houston: Individualistic or Traditionalistic?

Introduction The federal government in the United States gives individual states important powers, such as building roads, funding schools, and organizing police work. Given the differences in approaches to lawmaking, the American states are rightly called “laboratories for democracy” (Elazar, 1984). However, no less important is a rather noticeable difference...

Gun Control and Legalization in the USA

Introduction Gun control in America has in the recent past been a major debate since the 1960s after President John F. Kennedy, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, and Dr. Martin Luther King were assassinated (Haerens 111). While some individuals consider the issue of gun control to be a crime, others consider...

American Attitude Towards War

Introduction America’s attitude with regard to war is quite hard to understand. For many years, the country had been reluctant to engage in war intervention measures among warring nations. In the past, the United States has endeavored to cultivate peace with virtually every other nation. On the other hand, going...

Leadership and Organizational Behavior: U.S. and India

Moving into a new market is considered to be a difficult step because organizations have to experience newer trends and they have to incorporate issues like new communication channels, culture, and human resources. These factors must be kept in mind when organizations are opting for an entry strategy in a...

E-Governance: Knowledge Management of the System

Introduction Knowledge management has a categorical significance in the current scenario. It is the set of objectives or procedures that are used in the firm by utilizing best of its resources like the people and technology. Knowledge management consists of the goals, strategies and procedures that are to be identified,...

Government Influence and Power in US‏

Introduction The government of the United States has gone through tremendous changes with the hope of improving the countries economy and stability. Its current federal system was aimed at apportioning the country into smaller administrative units to enhance governance. The earlier centralized system seemed to lock out some areas in...

Developing Countries Foreign Aid

Abstract This research paper would investigate the impact of foreign aid on developing countries looking at their local economic infrastructure. (Henrik & Finn T, 2000). It identifies foreign aid as a key tool in the development of many countries. This paper uses mainly library research. References were made to Nepal,...

Ireland and the European Union

Introduction The coexistence of the countries in the world and in the European community has always been a complicated matter involving political, economic, social, and cultural aspects. The post-World War II global community felt the eternal need of security and mutual protection against any military or economic threat. Thus, the...

Quality Management in UAE Army

Table of Contents The Quality Acknowledgements I would like to express gratitude to those people who helped me and contributed to the successful completion of this assignment. Sincere thanks to the representatives of UAE Army military and Human Resource Department; besides, I would like to thank to the research center...

Ideal Theory of International Political Economy

Introduction First of all, the definition of “international political economy” should be stated. Frieden and Lake (1999, p. 1) state that political economy has a number of meanings. It may primarily refer to “the study of the political basis of economic actions”, that is the way how the policy of...

Capitalist Modernity in the 19th and the 20th Century

This essay examines the problems, discomforts, benefits, and drawbacks created by capitalist modernity in the 19th and 20th centuries and its impact on human society. After defining what capitalist modernity means in the introduction, the essay then examines the problems/discomforts created by capitalist modernity. The essay first discusses the environmental...

What is the Northern Territory Intervention?

21st June 2009 is the second anniversary of the intervention of the Federal Government in the Northern Territory. Even though the intervention received widespread accreditation and media coverage, very little is known regarding the outcome of the Intervention itself. What actually is the nature of the intervention and why was...

Duty in the Army: How Does It Works?

Introduction The study of duty as it pertains to the army is important because it looks at the role of dignity of each individual even in the most adverse conditions. Taking responsibility for other people at work and beyond involves self-management competency. Often, when things don’t go well, people tend...

The New Jewel Movement (Grenada)

Introduction The new joint endeavor for Welfare & Education, and liberation or New JEWEL Movement was formed in the Caribbean island nation of Grenada as a Marxist populist political movement. This movement ruled Grenada from 1979 to 1983; however, its true inception was March 11, 1973, after merging with Joint...

Conservative and Liberal View Comparison

Introduction Conservatives and liberals are very different. Conservatives choose beliefs that are based on sayings others and stick to those beliefs; while liberals investigate several sources of information and develop a belief based on the most reliable evidence. Conservatives are confident in rightness of their belief, while liberals seek examination...

American Government Intended by the Founding Fathers

Abstract In fact, the government is lacking in many areas as social injustice in recent years has increased. The social crime rate has increased, and that causes moral decline, and surely that was not the dream of the founding fathers of America. Introduction We know as the 20th century finished,...

Citizen Activism and Political Courage: Insights from Kennedy’s Profiles

Introduction In 1957, then-senator John F. Kennedy won a Pulitzer Prize for Profiles in Courage. In 1990, the Kennedy family rejuvenated the idea and established the Profiles in Courage Award for selfless public service. In this expertly packaged collection, Caroline Kennedy and over a dozen well-known authors bring forth the...

American Federalism, Multiculturalism and National Cohesion Benefits

In the modern world, there are different approaches to governmental organization, each of which has advantages and drawbacks. The benefits often depend on the context (economic situation, the quality of social interactions, and similar factors), in which a certain form of organization is utilized. When it comes to federalism, the...

HR Sergeant in the Profession of Arms

Introduction It is not easy to define what it means to be a Profession. It encompasses the values, ethos, cultural aspects one can find in codes and creeds. An Army leader is a figure who needs to comprehend these guiding principles, accept them, and apply them to practice in any...

“False Promises of International Institutions” by John J. Mearsheimer

The founder of offensive realism, a professor at the University of Chicago, John Mearsheimer, is considered to be one of the leading figures in the modern theory of international relations. The sensational article “The False Promise of International Institutions” by Mearsheimer is devoted to the problem of lies in international...

The Korean War: Applying Operational Art and Design Concepts

Introduction The success of any military operation depends on the commanders’ ability to develop an executable plan and implement it successfully. Operational art and design are instrumental in describing how exactly (ways) the military force can utilize the available “capabilities (means) to achieve military objectives (ends)” and mitigate possible risks...

Transparency in Government Services Through Internet Media

Introduction The recent social and political trends have resulted in governments seeking to increase the transparency of their actions and services. The wide availability and capabilities of information and communication technologies are seen as an efficient method to promote such openness. Furthermore, it is a cost-effective and beneficial mechanism to...

C. Joseph’s “I Will Fight No More Forever” Speech

Chief Joseph’s surrender speech named I Will Fight No More Forever was a significant speech that addressed the challenges the Ned Perce tribe had to overcome being chased out of its lands. The main idea of the text was that the hardships Chief Joseph and his people had to experience....

Anarchism as a Political Ideology: Exploring the Concept

The concept of anarchy as absolute freedom is rather difficult to embrace. As a result, the subject matter is often conflated with the notion of chaos, which does not represent the phenomenon of anarchy properly. Anarchy is the political ideology that entitles every citizen to absolute freedom thus absolving them...

How Lebanon Is Developing a Democracy

History Lebanon has quite a history of fighting for democratic values. The civil war that took place in 1975 and lasted for 15 years left a huge mark on citizens’ economic well-being and the quality of people’s lives, yet the introduction of democratic principles allowed for positive change. However, the...

Police Attitudes and Professionalism: Interview

Introduction The interviewee chosen for this assignment is a 34-year old white married male, currently working as a full-time police officer in the Miami Police Department. The man’s demographic characteristics successfully fulfill the required criteria, since he is eight years older than me and has Caucasian origin in contrast to...

Requirement for Undergoing Psychological Testing in Presidential Eligibility

Introduction Being a president of the United States is a highly influential position that requires a significant degree of responsibility and awareness of the existing challenges the country faces. The current requirements for this job include three qualifications, which will be discussed below. This paper argues that the current criteria...

Honeywell International Political Action Committee’s Purpose & Finances

Summary of the political action committee Political action committees are created for the purpose of raising money in a private manner in order to produce an impact on elections or impact legislation. One of the largest PACs in the USA is Honeywell International. This is an international political action committee...

Iron Triangle Model: Influence on U.S. Military Spending

The ‘iron triangle’ model is used to describe the specific complex relationships among Congress, the bureaucracy, and interest groups that can influence the policy-making process. Referring to this model, it is possible to state that interest groups are inclined to affect Congress and bureaucracy to achieve definite goals, and this...

Constructive Criticism in Public Administration

I was quite negative about any type of criticism as I did not want to hurt people’s feelings. I often felt uneasy when heard some criticism concerning my actions, behavior, ideas and so on. However, I have acknowledged the benefits of constructive criticism. In my studies, I find it rather...

Drug Trafficking Reduction Strategies in the US: Research Proposal

Scope and nature of the problem In the recent past, drug trafficking has been among the most controversial topic under discussion. This topic has gained much prominence due to the economic and health implications that have developed from drug trafficking. Arguably, our societies appear unprepared for many of the consequences...

Dependency Theory in International Political Economy

Dependence is a corollary to dominance. Least developed nations depend on developed countries for domestic and international policies to stimulate their growth. We witness substantial dependence on both primary and agricultural products for exports. Dependency theory explains primarily how developed and developing nations interact. The theory is perceived as an...

Five Key Principles of US Politics: Foundations and Implications

Introduction The governance and politics of US are extensively complex. The American law partitions state authorities and errands amongst the executive, legislative, and lawful components in order to segregate power and bestow various authorities to varying arms of government. According to the authors of this chapter, the move was to...

Nelson Mandela’s Servant Leadership Principles

Many people embrace servant leadership because it empowers them to enrich their followers’ lives. Several politicians and leaders have managed to exhibit the major principles of this style. This paper examines how Nelson Mandela employed servant leadership traits to lead, motivate, and influence others. Principles of Servant Leadership After assuming...

NAFTA Impact: Benefits & Drawbacks for North American Transport

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was a business pact between the United States, Canada, and Mexico, which was effected in 1994. The deal sought to facilitate the free flow of goods and services across the borders of the three nations. Also, it aimed at eliminating all administrative and...

Democracy in the United States

Introduction Democracy refers to a system of governance where citizens play a significant role in making decisions on how they are to be governed (Sullivan 19). Citizens exercise their rights by electing leaders. In other words, democracy can be defined as a situation where the majority has the say on...

Albany’s Fire Code Regulations: Key Concepts and Community Safety Impact

What Codes are in Place? Albany has a Fire Prevention Code that outlines the fundamental issues associated with fire prevention and other problems, among them are the following ones, namely: Fire Prevention Code Legislative intent; Acceptance of standards; Administration and enforcement; Inspections; Fires in yards and buildings; Combustible substances; Driving...

Kenya and the U.S.: Socioeconomic and Political Insights

Introduction In geography and economics classes, students from all over the world are often exposed to the concepts and dynamics of developed and developing countries, particularly in terms of their socioeconomic and political endowments, governance structures, technological standing, as well as human capital development index. In the class discussions, developed...

Analyzing Trump’s Inaugural Address: Intentions and Audience Impact

Introduction Political speeches appear to provide gripping material for analysis. One of the recent speeches is Trump’s inaugural address. Therefore, this work aims to give a critical review of Trump’s inaugural speech, including general impression which it has created on the audience and intentions which the newly-elected President has been...

Discipline Implementation in Military Environment

Change Initiative Description A change initiative that I will be considering within my organization is a shift in policy. In the military, many leaders reach a certain amount of years served and coast until retirement. Let me be the first to say that I am not that type of individual....

Israeli-Palestine Conflict and Global Community

Introduction The Israel-Palestine conflict is enduring violence that started in the middle of the 20th-century ensuing between Israelis and Palestinians. The UN and the US have raised their views concerning the conflict. They suggest the need for a two-state solution, a plan that may yield the best solution to the...

Capital Punishment Applied Research Proposal

Nowadays corporal punishment remains one of the most controversial issues examined in the context of public administration. Although some people believe that it should continue to exist to ensure an appropriate punishment, others strongly adhere to the opinion that the death penalty should be prohibited due to its inhumane nature....

A Comparative Analysis of Democracy in India and Brazil: Challenges and Progress

India and Brazil are two countries that are widely analyzed for their democratic practices. Their choice may be due to the reforms they have done over the years to become democratic nations. Essentially, India greatly evolved from being a country where women were not allowed to vote or carry out...

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act: Key Provisions and Impact

Education is the field with several social policies guided by governments and different groups are developed. These policies help to improve the conditions under which people could ask for and get an education. In addition to the existing policies, special paradigms and theories are used to improve the quality of...

Public Opinion’s Role in the American Political System: Insights and Implications

Discuss the role of public opinion in the American political system The role of public opinion in the American political system ranges from a secondary monitoring tool to the primary policy-making factor depending on the party, which defines it. One of the radical views of public opinion is as follows:...

Impact of Neoliberalism on Ontario’s Government Policies and Governance

Introduction The transition towards neoliberal thinking in policymaking has become a tendency characterizing most local governments throughout the world during the past three decades. Canada could not but fall within the mentioned trend and witness a series of reforms that have a robust impact not only on the decision-making mechanism...

China and Africa: Economic and Political Allies

Abstract China and Africa have been economic and political allies for many years. Trade and politics are examples of the defining aspects of their relations. In the 1990s, China’s rapid industrialization increased demand for African raw materials, while Africa’s developing economies increased demand for affordable products. Debates have emerged regarding...

Self-Interest and Public Interest Conflicts

Introduction Although available literature views public interest as a central consideration in public sector management (Wolpert & Gimpel, 1998), there still exist conflicts between self-interest and public interest, some of which threaten to make public interest disappear irrespective of the fact that that self-interest has a minimal influence on public...

Framework for Conflict Intervention by the African Union: Strategies and Effectiveness

The article “After 50 Years of the OAU-AU: Time to Strengthen the Conflict Intervention Framework” explains why new strategies are needed to ensure the African Union (AU) is valuable towards addressing humanitarian crises. This is the case because Africa is the only continent that is grappling with specific challenges such...

Accountability in Public Administration

Regarding: Accountability in Public Administration The primary goal of the public sector is to provide quality services that meet the demands of the citizens. Nonetheless, the realization of this objective mandates the prudent management of fiscal resources (Anwar, 2007). Accountability is one of the principal tenets that underpin public governance....

The English School of International Relations: Theory Review

The English school of international relations contributed enormously to the development of the existing theories. The theory observes that a society of states exist at the global arena, even though the system is anarchic. The school tends to suggest that the international system lacks an official government that can oversee...

Government’s Role in Inner-City Growth: Economics and Strategies

Abstract This paper identifies the role that the government has in encouraging inner-city growth and the economics behind such a role. The paper argues that the government has a leadership role, an enabling role, a facilitative role, a fostering role, an encouraging role, a role to nurture a positive image...

The Evolving Role of NATO in Global Defense and Security Strategy

Introduction In recent times, NATO has made a significant impact in regional and global security efforts. Although, NATO was established to maintain security in Western Europe and North America, the organization has provided solutions in other regions (Brzezinski 2009, p. 2). NATO’s intervention in Bosnia, Kosovo and Libya proved that...

Hurricane Katrina: Government Ethical Dilemmas

Leadership and Decision-Making Issues Many people are convinced that Hurricane Katrina should be considered as a prime example of government failure. And that is true. Looking back, we can see leadership failures at every possible level: local, state, and federal. First of all, the American government systems are decentralized, which...

Justification for the Use of Military Force

Introduction Military intervention was a feasible alternative for averting external aggression in the past, and it is still the most viable option for fighting global terrorism. Potential military interventions range from defusing terrorist camps to liberating captives. According to Feaver and Gelpi, “military intervention entails launching direct strikes against targets...

Military Policy that Should Be Changed

Promotion Criteria The military is a secret organization that does not disclose its activities to the public, mainly because of the strict rules and regulations. However, some of how things are conducted ought to be changed because they are unfair to the officers and the country’s development. One of the...

Globalization Essence by M. Steger and N. Bisley

Globalization is probably one of the most difficult and controversial issues to deal with. A number of attempts were made by sophisticated researchers and philosophers in order to understand how to treat the process of globalization and whether it is possible to investigate it from different perspectives. However, not all...

U.S. Mexico Border Dilemma: Immigration & Drug Trafficking Issues

U.S Mexico border dilemma has been present for several years. It is apparent that the space between the countries exists almost as a separate state (Coleman, 2005). It attracts a lot of immigrants, who would like to pursue the American Dream (Heyman, 2001). Some of them cross the border illegally,...

The Russian Foreign Policy

Introduction The Russian foreign policy that facilitated its annexation of Crimea has raised controversy in the global society (Weiss 4). The scholar also notes that the decision of this government to intervene in the ongoing Ukrainian crisis has also earned it criticism. While some people feel that Russia acted contrary...

Environmental and Waste Management Policies in the UK: An Overview

Background information Guided by the Kyoto Protocol, environmental and waste regulations as well as the United Kingdom government’s commitment to greenness and resource efficiency, the country adopted policies with regard to waste. In fact, in an era when there is an increased awareness of environmental issues, there is a need...

Social Justice and Equality in America

The modern principles of American civil society are based on the ideas presented in the Declaration of Independence. The principle of the people’s equality is stated in the preamble to the document. However, there is no single vision of the idea of equality in American society, especially with references to...

Comparison between Florida and Maryland’s Legislative Frameworks

Introduction The US constitution acknowledges 50 states, which are regarded as entities independent from the federal government. Each of the states has its constitution, which is different from the others, implying that none of the states is identical to any other. However, as much as the states are different from...

Measurable Self-Development Programs for Leader Development in the Army

Field operations can be challenging for army officers when adequate leadership is lacking. Arguably, the field is where tactical combat decisions are operationalized and experimented. Operational situations require flexible and complex leaders who can leverage their cognitive, behavioral, and social competencies to ensure combat success (Hunt & Philips, 1996, p....

The US Air Defense System

Introduction Currently, the U.S. air force is the most powerful in the world. It consists of “of 180 Air National Guard F-15A/B and F-16A/B aircraft located in 10 units and 14 alert sites in the United States” (“Strategic,” n.d.). In addition to ten dedicated units, “2 F-15 dual-tasked general-purpose units...

Critical Infrastructure: Major Vulnerabilities

The vulnerability of critical infrastructure in the United States post experiences of 9/11 and natural disasters like Hurricane Katrina have generated intense debate amongst the academia, government circles, and the media. This essay examines the vulnerabilities in US critical infrastructure. The government has a National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP) that...

How the United Nations Leverages Digital Media for Global Outreach

The United Nations (UN) is highly concerned about global citizenship and operates to encourage people to become a part of international open-minded society. The organization tries to provide the most authoritative information for the representatives of the general public to understand what changes are currently needed and why. Thus, it...

Analyzing Unsuccessful Efforts in Nuclear Arms Control: Lessons Learned

Introduction From the time when the Second World War was concluded, a lot of debates and controversies regarding the impacts of nuclear weapons on diplomacy has characterised the international arena. As indicated by Brown (2001), nuclear weapons are a part of the incorporated policy of defence, which is also comprised...

NATO’s Strategic Challenges: Financial Contributions, US Interests, and Global Security

Executive Summary Security is one of the most essential tools for maintaining global peace and security worldwide. Consequently, some governments leverage their geopolitical strengths to maximize global security interests. This background explains the formation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), a quasi-military force comprising 30 western-allied states. The founding...

Traits and Priorities of an Ideal Presidential Candidate

Key Characteristics Voters Seek in a Presidential Candidate The President is the head of state; he is entrusted with the task of governing the country and, thus, the well-being of the entire nation. The President is a unique politician whose decisions determine the lives of millions of people (Greenberg &...

The U.S. System of Checks and Balances: An Overview of the Legislative, Judicial, and Executive Branches

Introduction American governance lies in the system of checks and balances as the foundational premise. It is carefully arranged between three core branches: legislative, judicial, and executive. The intricate system permits each branch to respond, alter, and effectively check the actions of the others. Such collective actions function as the...

Democracy Challenges in Nigeria: Corruption and Leadership

Introduction Nigeria’s path to democracy is filled with many difficulties resulting from its past. The country is torn between hostile groups that draw the government’s attention (Iredia, 2023). Despite gaining independence in the twentieth century, Nigeria struggles to follow its constitution. Corruption within the government runs deep, affecting every politician...

The Modern Echo of McCarthyism: Populism, Power, and Public Opinion

The Potential for McCarthy’s Power in Today’s Political Landscape Senator Joseph McCarthy was well-known in the 1950s for his anti-communist activities, which gave rise to “McCarthyism.” He wielded authority and influence to accuse ideological opponents of treason and endangering national security, resulting in widespread persecution and the demise of many...

The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Antisemitism and Islamophobia

Introduction The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is one of modern history’s most protracted skirmishes with a significant impact on the Middle East’s political stability. The conflict’s background is defined by the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, which marked the beginning of the disagreements between the parties regarding the partitioning of Palestine and the claim...