Quiet Corruption’ Impedes African Development

The article “Quiet Corruption’ Impedes African Development, World Bank Report Says” (McGregor & Nasreen, 2010) was published in the April edition of Business Week. This is an article that was initially published by the World Bank and argues that ‘quiet corruption’ is a major hindrance to the development of Africa...

Kosovo, Serbia, NATO: International Negotiations

Summary NATO appears to be in a political no-win situation in Kosovo despite the much-touted military victory. To escape that dead end, the alliance must rethink its political goals. NATO continues to insist on a settlement based on autonomy for the Albanian Kosovars inside Serb-dominated Yugoslavia. But that goal is...

Stateless Nations: Catalonia and Scotland

Despite enormous technological and intellectual progress and the rapid pace of globalization, the 21st century still witnesses political, cultural, religious and territorial disputes, conflicts and even wars over unsettled issues of nationalism and ethnicity throughout the whole world. The struggle of stateless nations, i.e. “geographically concentrated populations sharing common identities...

Social Security Programs: Concept of Social Security According to Roosevelt

Abstract Social security forms the largest of programs in the U.S government and, in terms of dollars is considered the leading in the world. Since its conception and signing into law by former president Roosevelt, in his New Deal in1935, it has proved successful in saving the old, needy, and...

Legal System in the Republic of Ireland

The more society develops, the more its members outline new rules and regulations. The link between the law and civilization implies that the number of laws created by people is positively correlated with their social needs. The development of law systems within different societies, dispersed over different continents, resulted in...

Are Citizens Responsible for the Actions of Their Government?

The government and its citizens have always been interdependent. The actions of both of these parties influence the life of the country and society. The question of who is responsible when something goes wrong has always been controversial because no one wants to bear responsibility for negative consequences, this is...

Analysis and Description in PR Issue: Sea Shepherd

Introduction The idea of the need to form a body to coordinate the anti-whaling activities in the world was proposed by Paul Watson when he formed the earth force. The sea shepherd was registered in 1981 as an anti-whaler and anti-sealer but later expanded to incorporate the other marine life...

Is Russia a Real Democracy?

Introduction To begin with, the point of characteristic features of Russia in its democratization process differs a bit from other post-communist countries. Western countries promote the complex of ways for such measures and do this with a “mixed success”. The reforms which were started by Gorbachev in 1985 gradually displayed...

The Concept of Community Policing

Community policing is a successful and innovative law enforcement concept. A community can be described as a group of people with a common interest that is understood geographically. This shared value or interest brings together elements of solidarity, commitment, mutuality and trust (Harris, & Welch, 2009). Policing on the other...

Drug Enforcement and War on Drugs

Since the beginning of the 20th century, “the war on drugs” has been one of the main programs developed and introduced by the US government in order to prevent and reduce illegal drug trade and trafficking. The single most important service that intelligence can provide in the wars on drugs...

English as the Official Language of the US

Introduction Despite English being the official language of more than fifty nations globally, it is yet to become the official language of the United States of America. If English is made the official language, it means that all government operations must be carried out using the language and that no...

Do Societies Shape State Interests or Vice Versa

Introduction The essence of this a paper is to underscore and outline the interplay or rather the relationship surmised and existent, between the state and society. The tacit position underlying the focus objectives of this paper emanates from the perception that the influence of society on the state and vice...

International Organizations. The United Nations

Introduction United Nations Organization was founded in 1945. This organization aimed to establish world peace and world order after WWII. The alliance of the United Nations, which sheer necessity has brought about, with four World Powers as its corner-stones, therefore might prove a nucleus of world reorganization. Stark reality has...

Intelligence-Led Policing in Europe

A Literature Review on Intelligence-led Policing in Europe Intelligence-led policing is a relatively new system of undertaking investigation duties that are subsequently used to make law enforcement decisions. Being a new system that is undergoing development has resulted in a lack of clear definition. According to Edmund et al. (2007,...

Military Transition to Civilian Life

Introduction The topic of social adaptation of the former military is a unique and significant area in social disciplines. According to Leal and Teigen (2018), service in the U.S. Army allows hiring volunteers, which helps strengthen the armed forces, but the conditions of entering the service do not imply free...

Are We Living in a Post-Fact and Post-Truth World?

Many contemporary authors believe that we are living in a post-fact or post-truth world. In particular, these terms are applied to the political landscape of the United States and other developed countries. For instance, Holland (2016) criticizes Donald Trump for influencing the direction of news coverage and shading the truth....

Technology Influences That Affect the Military

Introduction The resources and capabilities of the armed forces are a direct consequence of the state policy of militarization. However, there are factors that have effects on this area indirectly, thereby determining certain conditions of interaction with other industries. The social class of the military may be affected by external...

Fire Support Planning in Military

The methods of war change every day as their increased efficiency and dominant character are a key to the creation of the strategy and struggling against near peer competitors who might pose a threat to the states security. For this reason, there is a need for a comprehensive analysis of...

Leadership and Personality Traits of Donald Trump

Donald Trump is one of the most remarkable participants of the presidential race. His decision to run for the presidency stirred all the mass media sources and caused numerous public debates. Whatever one’s attitude towards Donald Trump’s views is, it is undoubted that this candidate possesses exceptional leadership traits that...

Women in Combat Roles: Argument Against

Abstract The debate as to whether women should serve in military combat units or roles has been ongoing and still continues. Those who believe that they should be allowed to participate in combat units argue from the gender equality perspective. However, this line of reasoning ignores the fact that there...

Historical Memory Discourse in Public Diplomacy

Historical memory refers to the way a group of people or a nation relates to a past event. The past plays a critical role in shaping the present and fostering a sense of belonging; as a result, the historical memories are the basis for social and political identities. Edkins noted...

Meritocracy in American Society: Dream or Reality?

Throughout the entire course of political studies, a variety of new terms and concepts has been studied. However, it has been chosen to focus the research on meritocracy and whether American society can adopt it to improve the state of political and social affairs. In this essay, a reflection on...

Vienna Convention’s Role for Diplomatic Relations

The Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations was adopted in 1961 and has become since then one of the most important international documents regulating international relations and diplomacy; as of today, most countries in the world have signed the Convention. The most important idea of the treaty is that diplomats possess...

Army Professional’s Traits and Characteristics

Introduction Being an army professional requires displaying a number of traits and characteristics that are of vital importance if the Army is to be dependable and capable of serving its people. The current paper discusses these five essential characteristics, as described by “ADP 1” (2012) and “ADRP 1” (2015). It...

Parliamentary vs. Presidential Systems

Introduction Government types are determined and defined by the way the state’s executive, judicial, and legislative institutions are organized. In present times, the majority of governments are democratic, which means that they “permit nation’s citizens to manage their government either directly or through elected representatives” (Faraji, 2015, p. 269). There...

Eco-City Development and Associated Problems

The concept of the eco-city becomes rather significant in nowadays world, where traditional cities with their powerful socio-economic and engineering infrastructures act as the key causes of environmental degradation. However, the eco-city development encounters various problems that are associated with financial, political, technological, and other aspects. In particular, political instability,...

Fire Code Violations: Cost-Benefit Analysis

Fire codes are specific legal acts determining the provisions and requirements necessary for guaranteeing the safety of a particular area and its citizens. They are developed and adopted by each state on a separate basis with regard to special safety or building needs. Furthermore, cities across the states are free...

Food Policy Action and Food Security Legislation

Interest group and website information Food Policy Action (established in 2012) was created from collaboration efforts of U.S. food policy leaders for holding legislators accountable on those votes that have a direct impact on the food and farming industry in the country. Its website contains key information about the interest...

Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Post-Disaster Fraud

Introduction This report covers an evaluation of the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s post disaster fraud. FEMA came into place to deal with issues related to natural and manmade disasters in the US. Its major functions include, disaster preparedness sensitization, disaster prevention, responding to disasters, and helping victims recover from tragedies(Federal...

Consular Service and Collaboration in the 21st Century

The 21st century is the century of high speeds, information technologies, and the Internet due to which the distance among the states has significantly reduced; people started to communicate with citizens of other societies and get acquainted with previously unfamiliar cultures and customs. In the context of globalization, consular collaboration...

The UAE Successful Economic Diplomacy Platform

Economic diplomacy is the process of pursuing a country’s commercial interests, both locally and internationally. It involves the use of financial tools and policies to eradicate vices, such as poverty and crime. Fulfilling a country’s economic interests depends on different factors such as the political climate, security, education, and international...

The Peninsula Shield Force

Origin The Peninsula Shield Force (PSF), which is also known as Peninsula Shield, is a military union found within the Gulf region. It is the brainchild of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC). GCC is a union of five Middle East nations, namely, Bahrain, Oman,...

Capital Punishment Applied Research Proposal

Nowadays corporal punishment remains one of the most controversial issues examined in the context of public administration. Although some people believe that it should continue to exist to ensure an appropriate punishment, others strongly adhere to the opinion that the death penalty should be prohibited due to its inhumane nature....

The US-Australia Cooperation and Its Implications

Analysis Summary In his article ‘An ally for all the years to come’: why Australia is not a conflicted U.S. ally, Bisley (2013) argues that the partnership between the United States and Australia, which has existed for an impressive amount of time, provides for economic and political safety of the...

Dubai Construction Cost and Its Political Factors

Abstract Purpose: The purpose of this research paper was to determine how political factors affect the construction industry in Dubai and what can be done to lower these costs. Design: The research used both primary and secondary sources of data to collect the needed information. Primary data were analyzed both...

Conflict Resolutions in Northern Ireland and Cyprus

Executive Summary In the current study, the author evaluated conflict management with respect to the available options for its resolution. From the onset, mediation is outlined as the preferred option in resolving conflicts and other forms of disagreements in the society. To this end, a historical perspective of this alternative...

“Digital Diplomacy” a Book by Andreas Sandre

Introduction With the rapid development of technologies, coupled with contemporary tendencies to globalization, the digital age provides more political, economical, cultural, scientific, and other opportunities to people who never before could enjoy so many freedoms and access to sources of information. However, the Internet has acquired so much power and...

Self-Interest and Public Interest Conflicts

Abstract This paper discusses two inherent conflicts that might occur between self-interest and public interest, namely definitional challenges and market-oriented mechanisms. Accountability, choice, best practice, and value, as well as the reinforcement of shared values and elaboration of norms of justice and fairness, need to be integrated into the new...

Accountability in Public Administration

Regarding: Accountability in Public Administration The primary goal of the public sector is to provide quality services that meet the demands of the citizens. Nonetheless, the realization of this objective mandates the prudent management of fiscal resources (Anwar, 2007). Accountability is one of the principal tenets that underpin public governance....

Representative Democracy and Its Crisis

Introduction Representative democracy is based on the principle of electing an individual or official to represent a group of people.1 The concept is often referred to as indirect democracy. The elected officials are charged with the responsibility of safeguarding the welfare of the electorate. They should be answerable to those...

The English School of International Relations: Theory Review

The English school of international relations contributed enormously to the development of the existing theories. The theory observes that a society of states exist at the global arena, even though the system is anarchic. The school tends to suggest that the international system lacks an official government that can oversee...

Corporate Governance in Canada

Introduction Corporate Governance can be defined as the manner in which power is shared in the corporation. Furthermore, it can be defined as the way in which corporations meet the legal requirements in the process of making money. Public dimensions of corporate governance involve making rules at the organizational level...

Globalization Essence by M. Steger and N. Bisley

Globalization is probably one of the most difficult and controversial issues to deal with. A number of attempts were made by sophisticated researchers and philosophers in order to understand how to treat the process of globalization and whether it is possible to investigate it from different perspectives. However, not all...

Social Justice and Equality in America

The modern principles of American civil society are based on the ideas presented in the Declaration of Independence. The principle of the people’s equality is stated in the preamble to the document. However, there is no single vision of the idea of equality in American society, especially with references to...

Psycho-Political Terrorism and Its Main Principles

Abreact Political terrorism nowadays is an evil that need much attention. Police officers in their work shall avoid cultural conflicts and differences, misunderstandings of communication, and create more channels for mutual understanding among peoples of different cultures and beliefs. Law enforcement shall be aimed to protect all the rights of...

Government Regulations and Business

State regulation is one of the key factors determining the investment climate and macroeconomic indicators in general. As practice shows, for the normal functioning of a market economy with its inherent variety of forms of ownership, the system of state regulation of the financial sector as a whole, as well...

International Monetary Fund, World Bank, and World Trade Organization

The rapid development of international institutions was initiated after the end of World War II. The primary objective for founding global organizations was seen in preventing military conflicts of similar scale in the future, building up channels for international communication, and establishing the foundation for worldwide cooperation. This paper aims...

Corruption in Public Administration

Abstract The research paper identifies the problem of corruption in public administration. Meanwhile, it initially establishes the background of the emergence of corruption in a historical retrospective. Then the key factors of corruption in public administration and its negative consequences are explored. Special attention is devoted to lobbyism, public procurement,...

Information Warfare and Its Effect on Elections

Introduction Information warfare is one of the most common topics in modern world politics. The information warfare’s psychological character makes it less dangerous to the population yet more effective for defensive purposes. Cyberspace, in this case, often acts as a battlefield for information warfare because it allows a minimum level...

Narcotics Trafficking and Smuggling in the UAE

Multiple substances that have a negative impact on the well-being of nations and economies are made illegal by states, although the problem of their spread remains. Drug trafficking is an illicit global enterprise that involves the cultivation, production, distribution, and sale of narcotics forbidden by law. The efficiency of the...

Cambridge Analytica’s Role in Elections and Brexit

Introduction The widespread usage of technology in today’s world accelerates the digitalization of various activities. Innovative technologies play a crucial role in people’s lives since they improve performance and offer the necessary level of comfort. When personal information is collected, transparency encourages trust; one should be able to determine the...

Influence of Federal Government Policies

Introduction The question of how much the political factor (which is primarily the federal government) can be present in the economy is controversial. This influence can be both positive and negative. Command of the economy with the help of directives results in the growth of the shadow economy, deficit, and...

Law Enforcement: The Perfect Policeman

Introduction The policemen play a significant role in maintaining law and order in society. Therefore, they deal with issues ranging from civil disputes to criminal disputes. In many societies, policemen are expected to know the law and any other area that involves maintaining law and order. Unlike other professionals, police...

President Obamaʼs Legal Authority in Operation Geronimo

Operation Geronimo is one of the most significant military events in the United States that caused numerous debates and controversies. President Obama, who was in charge of the country then, gave the go-ahead for an operation on April 29, 2011, which resulted in the death of Osama bin Laden, the...

United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

First and foremost, the article describes the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, that includes essential directions of improvement in terms of sustainable development of the planet. It was adopted by all of the United Nations’ members in September 2015 at Sustainable Development Summit in New York. The proposed...

Community Engagement and Relations

Introduction Community relations are imperative to effective policing since they help develop trust between the residents and the police. Mutual trust in the relationship is essential since the police rely on community cooperation to provide crime-related information (Hartley, 2021). Moreover, through community engagement, the police devise solutions to crime and...

President Biden: Executive Leadership Style

A distinct executive leadership style is what sets a leader apart from previous and future leaders. Many people tend to find a sense of calm and reassurance when they are able to make connections between the previous and the current leader. Given the fact that presidential work is filled with...

Evo Morales: The Non-Western Leader

How Evo Morales’s Background as A Poor Farmer Differed from The Background of Other Western Leaders Evo Morales’s background as a poor farmer differs substantially from the backgrounds of most Western leaders. His family was peasant farmers and from an early age, he took part in planting and harvesting crops...

Army Leadership and Military Profession

Introduction Leadership is a term that refers to the process of motivating and directing people to achieve common goals. It can also be defined as the ability of an individual or group to influence, motivate, and direct others to achieve success (Ciulla, 2020). Army leadership is often associated with strong...

Use of Force Policy in New Jersey

Introduction The deployment of force by officers continues to be a thought-provoking and challenging issue in New Jersey. This has continued to exhibit a devastating impact on public perception of police and how the public responds to officers, and yet there is still the absence of universal laws for this...

Imposing Traffic Congestion Chargers in Auckland

Introduction The congestion of the roads in massive cities is one of the most problematic issues the administration of various countries strives to solve. The congestion pricing system was invented to solve this issue by making some roads payable. The city is divided into zones, and the lowest and highest...

Aspects of Social Identity Theory

Introduction Social identity theory is recognized as one of the major theories in social studies. Especially in the last several decades, interest in it has grown considerably. From the theory’s origins in the 1960s to the present, the theory has undergone evident development. The seminal works in this field have...

Disarmament and Development: International Measures

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development created by the United Nations (UN) Member States highlights the importance of world community development through achieving prosperity and peace. Moreover, development requires overcoming poverty and inequality and preserving the environment. Conflicts, terrorism, and other threats associated with arms build-up are obstacles to achieving...

The Advantages of the Death Penalty

The word death penalty excites and causes some fear in the eyes of everyone. It cannot be denied that humanity fears death and reflexively avoids all life- and health-threatening cases. The question of how this can affect society occurs since it is about the government’s interference or countries’ law on...

Motivating Police Officers to Serve and Protect

Summary The current proposal focuses on the idea that Heritage PD could significantly benefit from the use of motivating factors when approaching police officer productivity and the quality of interactions with the public. Based on the research from the Metropolitan Police, it was found that various promotions and achievement recognition...

Crisis Response to Active Shooter Situations

An active shooter is someone who is actively shooting in a populous place, and recent armed suspect occurrences have highlighted the importance of a comprehensive approach by police departments and others to preserve lives. According to Sikes et al. (2018), 70% of active shooter situations end in under 5 minutes,...

The Prison-Based Community and Intervention Efforts

The prison-based community is a population that should be supported in diverse spheres such as healthcare, psychological health, social interactions, and working. Various types of services such as therapeutic communities, drug and alcohol rehabilitation, healthcare, elder care, and social reintegration preparation are provided to prisoners. Sometimes, such services can be...

The San Diego Police Department’s History and Work

The police department is the main body of executive power, which is engaged in preserving law and order, ensuring security, and preventing offenses in society. People can feel protected by relying on the work of police departments. An essential factor in the relationship between the public and the police is...

Death Penalty in Case of Mental Illnesses

Introduction The death penalty is the harshest punishment that can be delivered in most judicial systems, including the American justice system. Considering the irrevocable nature of the punishment, it only makes sense that legislators and legal professionals alike pay close attention to when and how such verdicts can be issued....

Conforming to Totalitarianism: The Lessons From the Handmaid’s Tale

The 20th century saw the rise and fall of various totalitarian regimes. Their geography stretched from Nazi Germany in the West to Khmer Rouge Cambodia in the East, from USSR in the North to the Argentinian military junta in the South. The crimes against humanity committed by totalitarian states were...

Civil Society and African Politics in the Post-Colonial Era

Civil Society has increased its dominance in politics and academic debates. It is one of the concepts termed as complex and debatable for a very long time since pre-colonial Africa. Complexities regarding the concept have led to different definitions ranging from broad perspectives to more specific terms. An analysis of...

Police Officer Characteristics and Evaluation

Most people would prefer their police officers to be capable of making decisions and taking action, especially in tense situations where swift choices are necessary. They would also like their officers to be ethical, with a strong moral compass, so that they do not engage in misconduct for any reason....

Social Structure in the Brave New World

Pleasurable diversions have the capability to create a society where people are distracted to the point where they can hardly notice that they are living in servitude. This is the essence of Aldous Huxley’s novel, which was published in 1931 (Huxley, 2004). At this time, he did not perceive the...

Integration of Refugees and Radicalization Prevention

Introduction Importance of the Issue in the Global Context The issues regarding refugees are currently highly relevant given the social and political environment in such countries as Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq. Refugees from these areas have no alternative other than to seek shelter in Europe. The resulting enormous flow of...

Public Employees’ Rights and Obligations

The public administration employees work for the government, implying that their management is grounded on the politics of the ruling regime. There are certain obligations and rights enjoyed by these employees, which is not the case with other people working in private enterprises. The “First, Fourth, Fifth, and Fourteenth Amendments”...

Predictive Analytics of Voter Behavior in 2020 Presidential Election

Predictive analytics provides politicians and other stakeholders interested in electoral behavior with sound tools to evaluate people’s attitude and possible outcomes of the elections. The primary tools employed are predictive modeling, data mining, and machine learning (Buresh & Pavone, 2018). Researchers have developed numerous techniques to improve the effectiveness of...

The Department of Veteran’s Affairs

Introduction The United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is a government agency that serves the needs of veterans and their families. It is a key department of the federal government whose primary responsibility is the provision of life-long health care services to veterans in its centers and clinics across...

The Snowden Leaks: A Deep Dive into Global Security Challenges

The case of Edward Snowden presented in the film Snowden is an example of the USA’s authorities’ misuse of personal information. The main themes of the biographical movie entail the subjects of morality, illegal state activities, and electronic security. Edward Snowden, a former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) employee, at the...

Law & Public Policy: Autonomy in Education Policy Analysis

Introduction People encounter education throughout their life, and policies regulating this system account for kindergarten studies, school, college, university, and graduate studies, and job training regulate the way this system functions, its standards, and the anticipated outcomes of the studies. Education policies are legislation that the government of a state...

Capitalism vs. Socialism: Comparing and Contrasting

Debates around the economic model of the social structure have not stopped since the XIX century when Karl Marx introduced his leftist paradigm. On the one hand, some individuals believe that capitalism is the form that guarantees freedom and progress that they value the most. On the other hand, some...

Impact of the 2008 Election on the Hispanic Population

United States presidential election has seen a very diverse group of supporters who greatly influenced the outcome of the voting process. The election of 2008 showed how a minority group can have a great impact on the result. Barack Obama was chosen as the new president of the United States...

Effectiveness of the American Political System

Introduction The United States is presently one of the oldest modern democracies in the world. The country’s Constitution outlines the rights, liberties, and expectations of the people. The document also explains how the government and its agencies should strive to meet the demands of all citizens. Key stakeholders promote a...

Police Corruption in California

Introduction Police is a powerful law enforcement organization that can influence citizens and regulate their decisions to prioritize legitimation and government. The ability to intervene provides police officers with the opportunity to make the world a safer place, but sometimes they misuse the given domination. It leads police to corruption,...

The Arguments: Vague, Ambiguity and Generality

Reliable arguments are crucial in law since they help to achieve the desired outcome. However, it does not necessarily mean that every argument is good, as some people may use vagueness, ambiguity, and generality to twist the conversation in their favor. For instance, in law, the definition of ambiguity means...

Truman’s Most Difficult Decision

Introduction Truman was President for eight years and managed to make many significant decisions during his time. He was responsible for leading the country through the post-war era and rebuilding the economy. Truman made both popular and controversial decisions, and the most publicly supported choice was the most difficult to...

Chesterfield County Police Department: Hiring Process

Within the scope of their professional activities, law enforcement officials constantly handle violent crimes, accidents, thefts, burglaries, mass riots, and critical incidents. Moreover, police officers are frequently exposed to distressing conditions and circumstances immediately dangerous to their life and health. Therefore, the process of hiring law enforcement officers entails requirements...

Public Administration Research and Theory

Governments are complex organizations with hierarchies and forms of control and management. For efficient operation, their activities should be based on practices supported by empirical evidence. Public administration is an academic discipline that constitutes the basis for effective public policies and their implementation. This paper will discuss what public administration...

Freedom of Expression in the Post-Apartheid South Africa

Undoubtedly, there is a direct link between democracy, freedom of speech, and the diversity of the media. Currently, according to the World Press Freedom Index, South Africa got in the second “satisfactory” category (Daniels). Indeed, the country’s constitution proclaims freedom of the press and other media; however, in reality, the...

Ben Carson, is an English Neurosurgeon and Politician

Ben Carson is famous for being an excellent neurosurgeon before pursuing a political career. He attended a medical school and became the director of pediatric neurosurgery at Hopkins Hospital. At that time, he was only 33, and this was an extraordinary achievement for such a young man. However, it was...

Brazil and the United States Relations

Introduction Brazil is the most powerful country in the South American continent. Its social-economic status evokes the diplomatic enthusiasm of the United States of America[1]. To determine a country’s status in the sphere of global and regional leadership, three dimensions are critical to examine. These include territorial, economic, and military...

Influencing and Leadership in the Army

Influencing is a fundamental part of leadership and it relates to the way individuals affect the purposes, opinions, and behaviors of people around them. Explained, an army leader is an individual who, by their given position or designated duty, motivates and guides others by providing direction and confidence to others...

Houston: Individualistic or Traditionalistic?

Introduction The federal government in the United States gives individual states important powers, such as building roads, funding schools, and organizing police work. Given the differences in approaches to lawmaking, the American states are rightly called “laboratories for democracy” (Elazar, 1984). However, no less important is a rather noticeable difference...

Classical and Individual Conservatives: Conservative Freedom

Classical conservatives define freedom as a privilege that must be controlled from reaching chaotic behaviors. Freedom itself is a good thing but when people are allowed to do whatever they want, they start to act in their interests and to the detriment of society. The government exists, so that it...

Political Cartoon on Health in the United States

Political cartoons have been used by artists to send a message to the politicians on the current events. The artists usually criticize the politicians for overreacting to the current events, but ignore the usual events that have been affecting the society. Let us consider the following cartoon. In this picture,...

Public and Private Sector in Management

Introduction There is a difference between public and private management. This paper will look at the differences between these two sectors of management. Public and private organizations have been seen from different perspectives, which vary from one person to another. This is a subject that has been there from time...

Impact of International Trade on Emerging Economies

Introduction The impact of international trade on emerging economies is discussed globally by modern economists. Emerging economies are the countries that are developing at rapid rates and have the foundations of a market economy. They have the potential to be developed markets, but they lack internal private capital and it...

School-to-Prison Pipeline: Roots of the Problem

Introduction The term “school-to-prison pipeline” refers to the tendency of children and young adults, typically from disadvantaged backgrounds, to be put in prison because of harsh disciplinary policies within schools. In this paper, the school-to-prison pipeline will be defined and discussed based on the following articles: “The New Disciplinology: Research,...

Phenomenon of the Anti-Colonialism

Introduction It is believed that public riots or community rebellion, activity boycotts and public marches are descriptive and even more apparent ways to express resistance. Also, any local forms of public expression as well as the media were believed to greatly initiate anti-colonial movements. The print media and literary culture...

Servant Leadership and Desmond Tutu

Several authors argue that peoples’ motivations are influenced by the leadership styles they socialize with (Eisler & Carter, 2010, p.100). For instance, servant leadership has replaced transformational leadership as one of those leadership styles that influence peoples’ motivations through serving them while upholding one’s personal integrity (Liden et al., 2008,...

The Growing Gap Between the Rich and Poor in USA

The distribution of income in the United States is to great extent skewed. In particular, according to the 2007 census, top 20% of the population own 93% of the total wealth, whereas the other 90% of Americans have to share 7% of wealth (Domhoff, 2010). A decade ago, in 1998,...

Internationalization in France: French Business Culture

Culture consists of various components including values, norms, attitudes, perceptive, language and behaviors. Different cultures have definite attributes that are associated with their cultures and this attributes are learned and shared by the people in a community. Apart from cultures being dynamic, they provide a basis for a people’s way...

The Foremost Problem Confronting United Nations Organization

There can little doubt as to the fact that the most significant problem confronting the Organization of United Nations (U.N.) is this organization’s operational ineffectiveness, which causes many political observers to suggest that U.N. continuous existence, in its present state, does not make much of a sense. Ever since the...

Balance of Power and Huntington’s Clash of Civilizations Theory

Introduction The principal rationale of this essay is to delve into, discuss and analyze the regional squabbles among the Middle Eastern States. It seeks to critically evaluate how the “Balance of Power theory” and “Huntington’s Clash of Civilization theory” pertain to the economic and political disputes in the Middle East....

Korean War: Why Did the U.S. Got Involved?

Introduction The Korean War has been labeled as one of the most significant occurrences after the end of the Second World War. In fact, some political analysts referred to it as a direct replacement of the Second World War. It had an indelible impact on the Cold War that followed...

Trade in Singapore: Economic and Political Aspects

Executive Summary After a long heritage of colonial exploitation, Singapore has evidenced as a high per capita ranged country and a remarkable free trade zone with significant economic development. Thus, it is necessary to study the political economy of Singapore. This paper has involved doing so with starting form country...

Leadership and Organizational Behavior: U.S. and India

Moving into a new market is considered to be a difficult step because organizations have to experience newer trends and they have to incorporate issues like new communication channels, culture, and human resources. These factors must be kept in mind when organizations are opting for an entry strategy in a...

Should English Be Official or the Law?

Currently, many American scholars and policy-makers briskly debate the question of whether English should be declared the official or even national language of the United States. To some extent, this controversy is connected with the fact that the number of Spanish-speaking people in the country has dramatically increased over recent...

Quality Management in UAE Army

Table of Contents Acknowledgements Executive Summary Research Methodology UAE Army: Organizational Background Fundamental Background and Importance of Quality Role and Influence of Customers in Setting Quality Measures Understanding Quality System UAE Army Formal and Informal Systems Customers and Their Expectations: Organizational Assessment Strategic Planning Quality Monitoring in Organization and Key...

Employee Relations and Strikes

Introduction The number of strikes in UK has decreased in the last 25 years. This information was released by the office of national statistics in 1999. (Turnbull 2004) noted that the number of dispute that has been recoded has declined. The number of workers who participated in this strikes has...

What Is Realism and What Is Wrong With It?

Realism is a theory of international relations that claims that states and nations are greatly motivated towards a goal and action more for attaining military as well as economic power instead of being idealistic or taking a strong stance on ethics. Realism in international relations is also termed as power...

Does Canada’s Electoral System Need Reforms?

In the past decade, the voting and electoral systems of various countries have been scrutinized by analysts. This resulted in several reforms which were aimed at strengthening the democratic institutions. Scholars from all over the world have engaged in identifying how different electoral systems work and their impact on the...

Public Accountability and Ethical Conduct

How much reliance is to be placed on formal prescriptions and control mechanisms and degree of trust to be pinned on inner compasses of persons with public responsibilities? It is necessary that a certain degree of reliance needs to be placed on formal prescriptions and control mechanisms which, in essence,...

Duty in the Army: How Does It Works?

Introduction The study of duty as it pertains to the army is important because it looks at the role of dignity of each individual even in the most adverse conditions. Taking responsibility for other people at work and beyond involves self-management competency. Often, when things don’t go well, people tend...

Doublespeak in Government Documents

Introduction Introductory strategy According to source watch, the term double speak was coined in the 1950’s and is linked to George Orwell in his novel, nineteen eighty-four. Thesis statement Double speak may be considered as using words/language calculatingly for political purposes. It is referred to a kind of language that...

International Politics. A More Secure World

Introduction This article is a report which was made by a High level Panel on the threats, challenges and change that the world is faced with. The High-level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change is a group of experts from different countries across the world established by the Secretary General...

Beverly Silver’s “Forces of Labor” Since 1870

Introduction The left’s separation from the proletariat in the USA has a long history. It took the form of pessimism in the sixties, based on the flourishing of the life of working middle-class representatives since they were perceived as a threat by the government. In the modern world, such a...

“Public Space and Political Public Sphere” by Habermas

Argument About the Reading The issues of the distinction and unity of public and private selves of a human have long been in the focus of philosophical discourse. Habermas’ (2004) lecture is an extensive discussion of the interrelations between private and public spheres as the two dimensions, through which the...

Cross Culture Awareness Among Nations

Introduction Culture is mainly defined as the customs, beliefs, and behavior of a group of people. Indeed, cultures can be found in several countries. However, it is more common to find people of the same culture residing in the same areas and countries. One can argue that the essence of...

Hegemony vs. Counter Hegemony: Power & Speech

Hegemony is commonly defined as a method of subordinating another population by forcing consent to domination and a foreign ideology. A key concept in hegemony is the naturalization of power relations by creating an illusion that the domination is status quo. Language and culture are common means of achieving this....

“The Judicialization of Mega-Politics and the Rise of Political Courts” by Ran Hirschl

The article’s topic is clear and straightforward as captured in the title – “The Judicialization of Mega-Politics and the Rise of Political Courts”. This title paints a concise picture in the readers’ mind concerning the contents and substance of the article. The reader can tell that the author talks about...

The Army Publishing Directorate: Online Resource

The Army Publishing Directorate (APD) is at the center of the U.S. military knowledge ecosystem. It publishes works that are of immense benefit to the diverse military personnel and a broad audience of readers beyond the military field. The importance of the APD’s website to the target audience is so...

Capitalism vs. Socialism: Principles and Arguments

The fundamental principles and arguments of the supporters of socialism and capitalism as opposing systems were established in the period of the 19th century and the practical implication of the 20th century led to the adaptation and further solidification of their respective argumentative basis. Capitalism is an economic system, which...

Is the United States a Benevolent Hegemon or a Malevolent Hegemon?

Introduction The United States has been embroiled in world politics for more than a hundred years. In that regard, its foreign policy has been a major investment with regard to time and money. After World War II, the foreign policy aimed at halting the spread of communism, which came to...

Fear of Communism and Islam

Introduction Joseph McCarthy was famous for his anti-communist rhetoric that resulted in the emergence of a trend called McCarthyism. In one of his speeches, the politician outlines his anti-communist agenda and calls for immediate measures that had to be undertaken by the government and by the people of the United...

“Country Pride: What I Learned Growing Up in Rural America” by Sarah Smarsh

Introduction The US is currently engulfed in a political divide between the Liberals and the Conservatives. The perceived differences drive a wedge into our society. The article by Sarah Smarsh titled Country Pride: What I Learned Growing up in Rural America provides a tale of personal experiences that helped shape...

C. Joseph’s “I Will Fight No More Forever” Speech

Chief Joseph’s surrender speech named I Will Fight No More Forever was a significant speech that addressed the challenges the Ned Perce tribe had to overcome being chased out of its lands. The main idea of the text was that the hardships Chief Joseph and his people had to experience....

How South Africa Is Developing a Democracy

The process of building democracy is defined not by political statements but by the change in people’s perception of political relationships. While South Africa has been known as a state with an ostensibly democratic regime for nearly a quarter of a century, yet its current state of political freedom raises...

Gun Control and Safe Firearm Ownership

Introduction The problem of gun ownership and control in the United States of America has been a controversial issue for many decades. It is not surprising because the number of crimes related to gun violence rapidly grows. Moreover, mass shootings that spread over the country and take the lives of...

McCarthyism and Anti-Communist Campaigns

Introduction Within his speech in the State Department, Joseph McCarthy defined communist nations as a significant threat to the USA. He stated that world domination is the ultimate goal of communist leaders. Thus a global conflict between two political systems becomes inevitable. At that time, the Soviet Union was expanding...

Death Penalty and Utilitarian Ethics

Introduction The U.S has the largest prisoner population in the world. As it stands, over 2.3 million people are locked up in prisons and other correctional facilities (BJS). While a great portion of that population is incarcerated for relatively harmless crimes such as marijuana usage and storage, there are also...

Police Work: Public Expectations and Myths

Introduction The work of the police is surrounded by various myths developed through TV and literature that picture it differently from real activities. It makes ordinary people believe that police officers encounter danger every day and deal with many events that are very important for national security. While the latter...

The Industrial Revolution & the Rise of Capitalism

Introduction People who do not know their past cannot fully understand the main principles of society Every period in history has a certain impact on people’s thoughts Industrial Age still has a great influence on modern people The perception of wealth significantly changed during the Industrial Age The emergence of...

Anarchy and Rationalism in International Relations

Anarchy is an important concept in International Relations (IR). How have IR scholars interpreted the significance and meaning of anarchy? Compare how neorealist (Waltz), neoliberal institutionalist (Keohane), and constructivist (Wendt) perspectives have addressed the question of anarchy. When discussing anarchy or the absence of government and its importance, I would...

Abu Dhabi Municipality: Talent Management

Summary of the organization and the strategic objectives The organization under the study is Abu Dhabi Municipality. Abu Dhabi Municipality is a state body responsible for providing public services and ensuring a proper plan for the city’s development. It is under the state’s municipal affairs department, which is also in...

Food Stamps: Rationale for Tightened Conditions

Introduction An important role of the government is to assist its civilians when they are in need. One way through which the government fulfils this role is through food stamps. Food stamps are welfare benefits aimed at assisting low-income members of society in feeding themselves. This government program provides the...

The U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs

Abstract This research paper aims at exploring the work of the DVA, its regulations, and the system of benefits American veterans could use. In the US, there are many veterans of different ages. All of them need support and respect. The activities of the DVA and the benefits prove that...

Political Book: Alan Abramowitz’s “The Disappearing Center”

Introduction Alan Abramowitz is an American political scientist. He was born in 1947. He is well known for his research and literary works. Most of his studies revolve around American politics and elections. In addition, they also focus on political science and parties. Abramowitz studied BA at the University of...

Police Misconduct and Its Affecting Factors

Control and Flexibility in Policing Police discretion is a necessary element of the policing activity. Many situations which officers encounter on a daily basis require judgment and appropriate decision-making. To reduce the possibility of unlawful actions, possible decisions are codified in policing policies. However, the diversity and complexity of social...

Public Administration and Its Modern Activities

Abstract Today, it is necessary to state clearly the essential character of public administration’s activities. The question of the essential character of what public administration can do in relation to the public services was proposed by Denhardt and Denhardt. The discussion of the question should be referred to the concept...

Australia’s Liberal Democratic System

Introduction Nowadays it becomes clear that the modernization of public life, which began in Europe a few centuries ago and subsequently covered the other countries that do not lose their national identity. Human activity in any era is included in the socio-cultural basis of ethnic group, nation, and civilization. Even...

South Korean Transportation Infrastructure

Introduction South Korea has an advanced logistics infrastructure, which the country has been developing since the 60’s. Moreover, the logistics industry is the ninth-largest in Korea with regards to revenue from sales and therefore is among the key drivers of economic growth. As of 2014, the sector employed up to...

Iranian Politics, Its History and Bureaucracy

The History of Formation of Iranian Politics Despite its practical similarities, Iranian society differs significantly from their Arab neighbors. First, they are Persians and not Arabs. Second, their religious conviction represents a rather complex rejection of orthodox conviction common among the Sunni (Palmer 263). It is important to mention that...

Anarchist Ideology and Its Objectives

Compare and contrast anarchism and socialism. Where is there overlap? Where is there divergence? Anarchism entails much more than violence and immorality, as most people presume. Anarchists can be categorized into two sub-groups. In addition, anarchism overlaps with the ideologies of liberalism and socialism, which implies that anarchists share various...

Bureaucracy and Presidential Power

Bureaucracy being regarded as the forth branch of government In the United States, the bureaucracy is regarded as a forth branch of government by some besides the legislative, executive and the judicial. This is due to the fact that one has to comply with many processes in order to get...

Individual in the International Legal System

Introduction Since the institution of international law, numerous scholars have focused on the subject of the status of the individual in the international legal framework. This subject elicited numerous debates in the legal field. The main reason for these debates is due to the imprecise nature of international law. Evolution...

Public Goods and “Free Rider” Problem

Introduction Public goods are crucial to society. They include essential and non-essential aspects of modern life. However, despite their importance, they are often damaged by careless or deliberately malicious legislations, natural disasters, and other issues. This paper will present an overview of public goods, the challenges that affect them, and...

Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum: Cultural Diplomacy

Cultural diplomacy is a specific kind of soft power and public diplomacy that incorporates the mutual exchange of information, ideas, and cultural concepts for maintaining trusting ties between different parties. The primary goal of cultural diplomacy is fostering a mutual understanding of the national ideals of parties with an effort...

Public Policy Meeting Summary

The Meeting The purpose of the meeting lies in need to discuss the Affordable Care Act Replacement Bill and various associated factors. The key participants are senior correspondents of Kaiser Health News Julie Rovner and Mary Agnes Carey. Key agenda items include the discussion of the effects that the ACARB...

Capital Punishment and Kantian Normative Theory

Introduction Capital punishments attract immense controversies. Human rights advocates claim that a death penalty violates human rights, especially considering that the crimes for which death penalty is applied involve multi-killings. The issue here is whether an act of killing one person, the offender, can measure up to the lives lost...