Cleveland Clinic’s Patient-Centered Nursing Model

Introduction Globally, healthcare systems are under immense pressure to augment efficacy, manage cost, account for and document approaches adopted and validate the effectiveness of used methods. Furthermore, awareness among patients on care and medication has massively increased and, therefore, high expectations from care models are apparent. Moreover, nurses and health...

“Developing Relationship with Employers” by Stensrud

Abstract This research study offers a detailed description of various focus groups that were carried out among employers. The study was conducted in the Midwestern state using 10 different communities that were made up of 10 focus groups. To obtain a fair representation in the research study, all the segments...

Coffee Maker’s Incorporated: Transfer Pricing

Summary of data for division A and B Division Type of unit bought Market price per unit Units bought from Division C Units bought from an external source Total number of units Transfer price A 101 $900 3000 1500 4500 $1,000 B 201 $1900 1000 500 1500 $2,000 The table...

Fear of the Unknown

It was a chilly weekend winter morning in 2003, and for some reason, I chose to deviate from my routine of a kid on Saturday morning to watch cartoons and instead went outside to play. It was an urban neighborhood that my family lived in at the time, and there...

The Travels of a T-Shirt in the Global Economy: Review

In the book, The Travels of a T-Shirt in the Global Economy: An Economist Examines the Markets, Power, and Politics of World Trade, Pietra Rivoli endeavors to simplify the intricacies surrounding international trade by focusing on a single product, a t-shirt. This narrowing of an otherwise broad topic allows the...

Coca-Cola Company: Strategic Management – Implementation and Monitoring

Introduction Internal corporate policy is the element of work that influences not only the strategies of a particular organization but also the results of operations. The choice of an appropriate management structure may involve the use of division into departments, control over the performance of committees, and other tasks that...

Marginalization of Women Immigrants

Introduction Marginalization is a social process that significantly limits specific populations in terms of access to personal needs and requirements that are available to the larger society. Women immigrants are a group of individuals who have been ignored due to their mute exclusion from society. Therefore, women immigrants are a...

The Concept of Pharmacogenetics: Brief Analysis

Abstract This concept analysis paper dwells upon the concept of pharmacogenetics that is the study of people’s genetically determined responses to some drugs. Pharmacogenetics is mainly employed when treating cancer, cardiovascular, and mental disorders, as well as managing pain. The primary use of these tests aims at the provision of...

Du Bois vs. Washington: Racist Problem Solution

Introduction Booker Washington and Du Bois were considered to be the prominent leaders of African American origin who managed to contribute to the development of American history through segregation and racism eradicating at the beginning of the twentieth century. It is necessary to underline the fact that despite the common...

Ethical and Economical Repercussions of False Advertisement Claims

Introduction Modern advertising practices are progressing from the entrepreneurial and decision focus to that of social concern and hence, a more professional orientation. Advertising appears to be in a new phase of development, one emphasizing its contributions to the social system. From personal experience, I can say that advertising is...

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Realism, Naturalism and Magical Realism in American Literature

The Incredible and Sad Tale of Innocent Erendira and Her Heartless Grandmother The whole story that is written by Gabriel Garcia Marcia Marquiz is a very interesting one that embraces three concepts, that is realism, naturalism, and magical realism. Realism Erendira who was fourteen years old was living with her...

Generation Z: At the Avant-Garde of Change

When generations change, they inherit the world in the state as the previous ones left it. Each of the generations had to manage multiple problems that were not necessarily the product of their actions – these problems are, to a certain degree, unique, resulting from a peculiar combination of societal,...

“A Clean, Well-Lighted Place” by Ernest Hemingway: Core Elements and Themes

Introduction The limitation of short stories prompts authors to focus on the essential contents of their narrative, stripping away unnecessary descriptions and explanations. One of the best examples of such a prudent approach to writing is the short story by Ernest Hemingway, “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place,” written and published in...

The Alzheimer’s Disease: Key Issues

Introduction Alzheimer’s disease is a degenerative brain disorder that progresses slowly. It is characterized by impaired memory, which leads to disturbances in planning, reasoning, memory, perception and language. The disease was named after Alois Alzheimer, a Germany, who was the first doctor to describe the disease in 1906.According to scientist,...

Supply Chains: Chipotle’s Supply Chain and Panera’s Supply Chain

Introduction A company can only be successful in the market if its operation is free from significant defects. That is why one can suppose that smooth internal processes indicate the effectiveness of a firm. It is necessary to analyze the performance to determine ways of how it is possible to...

The Yersinia Pestis Pathogen Investigation

The modern world still faces a number of biological threats which impact the state of health of the nation. The current stage of the development of healthcare and technologies serves as a certain guarantee of the protection from the most dangerous and complicated diseases or viruses. However, one realizes the...

Importance of Employees Getting Vaccinated

Introduction The world has been subjected to the new norm since the outbreak of a viral disease known as SARS coronavirus-2 or COVID-19. The disease is respiratory, and it affects the lungs causing breathing problems and leading to the death of those with existing breathing conditions. It has rendered the...

Financial Crisis and Great Recession: Why Keynesian Model Failed

Introduction It would not be an overstatement to claim that the Great Depression era was one of the darkest pages in U.S. economic history. Causing the U.S. economy to suffer a tremendous collapse, Great Depression led to poverty rates spiraling out of control, while also affecting other countries such as...

The Story of Sam, OCD, and the COVID Pandemic

Her name is Sam, short for Samantha; you may not tell by looking at her, but she has a mental condition called obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). OCD affects more than 2 million Americans; its symptoms include unwanted recurrent thoughts that compel the sufferer to do things repetitively. For example, some patients...

President Obama and Operation Geronimo

Hardly any event in the recent history of the United States of America surpasses the atrocities and horrors brought by September 11 Terror Attacks. According to the data provided by CNN Editorial Research (2020), nearly 3,000 people perished in a murderous onslaught organized by al Qaeda, a criminal grouping engaged...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Cancel Culture Before and After the COVID-19 Pandemic

Introduction Cancel culture is a phenomenon that has roots in much older concepts of social accountability and public shaming. While it is very often associated with wrongful accusations and harassment, cancel culture is equally capable of benefiting and negatively contributing to a social space. As such, the following paper aims...

Ways To Cope Emotions and Stress

There are several theories on how people experience emotions that have been put forward throughout the years, all attributing emotions to separate causes. The Schachter-Singer Theory is a cognitive theory of emotions, according to which a person first experiences a physiological response to a stimulus and is then left to...

Impact of Airbnb on the UK’s Economy

The hospitality industry has proven to be critical for economic growth and development across the world economies. In the UK, the hospitality business contributes significantly to the gross domestic product. Before the coronavirus pandemic emerged, such businesses as cafes, pubs, bars, catering, campsites, hotels, and other accommodation generated an estimated...

The Creation and Implementation of the Final Solution: The Nazis and the Jews

Introduction The Holocaust is one of the most historically significant issues that characterized Hitler’s regime until the end of World War II (WWII). According to Stone (2019), the Holocaust can be considered to be the most destructive and murderous event to ever take place in the history of human civilization....

Bethany Hall-Long Advocacy Analysis

Advocacy Drivers and Factors Bethany Hall-Long practices and improved her advocacy through participation in different campaigning and volunteering activities. It helped her pave the way for a career in politics and keep advocating for improving the nation’s health and contributing to international research. It was important for Hall-Long to stand...

Cultural Influence on Personal Identity

Introduction Culture is well thought out as an important issue affecting personal life and social interactions. How people are associated with different characteristics of religion, behavior, and social norms shows that culture constantly changes and influences differences, increasing the interactive level of personal identity and the influence of society on...

Supporting Patients: The Role of Nurses

Prioritizing Support The use of patient interview materials is a vital strategy for an effective therapy that takes into account the patient’s history and interests. Patient T. from this interview has been shown to suffer from hypertension and has chronic gastritis as her primary diagnosis. T. is an older woman...

Obesity in the United States of America

Introduction “Obesity is considered to be caused by recent changes in the so-called obesogenic environment such as the highly processed and sugar-laden food supply and automated technologies that reduce or replace physical activity” (Meldrum et al. 833-834). Obesity has been recognized as a pandemic due to its scope, high prevalence,...

The Sinking the USS Indianapolis Ship

A Japanese naval vessel attacked the USS Indianapolis in 1945 in the Pacific Ocean. Almost 1,000 sailors were tossed into the ocean, wherein they remained undiscovered from the Navy for approximately four days, resulting in the deaths of hundreds of men when they entered the water (Stanton 3). The sailors...

Psychoeducation Group for Native Americans with Trauma

Introduction The purpose of the psychoeducational group is to assist Native American individuals with trauma in the provision of high-quality therapy. The group is being created to use all the benefits of psychoeducational procedures to address social, psychological, and life complications among Native Americans. In terms of modality, the psychotherapy...

Gender Socialization During the First 12 Years of Life

Children learn about attitudes, behaviors, and social expectations that society has for them, depending on their gender, a process referred to as gender socialization. Gender refers to the different characteristics concerning the femininity and masculinity of a person that influence a person’s identity. Socialization is the process through which people...

The Role of Blogs in Policy Analysis

Why Blogs Have Become Popular Over the last two decades, new technological advancements have changed how people communicate. The World Wide Web, for instance, provides various platforms for people to exchange ideas and work with others online. One of the most common platforms used is blogs. These web pages serve...

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks Movie Review

Introduction The film “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks” is based on one of the best-selling books of the same title authored by Rebecca Skloot. The movie essentially told the story of three people. The first was Henrietta Lacks, her daughter Deborah Lacks, and the journalist (Rebecca Skloot) who researched...

Hobbes’ Leviathan and Austin’s The Province of Jurisprudence Determined

The similarity between Austin’s and Hobbes’ approaches is evident since both philosophers point out that the law cannot exist without a person who will establish the law and agree to execute and make it. Both Austin and Hobbes view sovereigns as the makers of the law, and subjects need to...

Fire in Terms of Chemistry and Thermodynamics

A fire has formed an important ingredient of societal cultures and religions, from historic times to our present world, and has played a key role in the advancement towards civilization. The fire has taken different trends all through the history of our world. For thousands of years, people have used...

Patient Faith Diversity in Healthcare Practices

Nurses often encounter patients with diverse faiths when treating the sick or the injured (Burkhardt, 2007). Given this, providers in healthcare practice should know the behavioral patterns of patients, especially as concerns their faith. Several studies show that religion affects the behavioral patterns of all people involved in healthcare settings....

Policy Analysis: Abortion Clinic Access

Introduction Abortion clinical access is one of the major current policy issues in the United States. Abortion clinical access refers to the ability of women to have access to safe and affordable abortion services on demand (Saurette & Gordon, 2015). The debate about abortion access has attracted the attention of...

Artemisia Gentileschi and Her Feminist Impact

Introduction Artemisia Gentileschi is regarded as one of the most prolific artists of the seventeenth century at a time when women were stigmatized and considered incapable of practicing any form of art. During her time, the painting was a prestigious career that was dominated by men. It was a mode...

Advertising Analytics and Marketing Innovations

Advertising Analytics The modern advancements in computing, communication, and analytics can provide significant benefits to any organization looking to improve its marketing strategy. One of the main barriers to modern analytics comes from the overwhelming amount of data being registered and monitored by various electronic devices. The use of cloud...

In the Next Decade, Will China Be a “Friend” or “Foe?”

Introduction The relations between the United States of America and the People’s Republic of China can be traced back to the years after the US gained independence. The relations have been based on economic cooperation and political diplomacy. However, the rapid industrialization of China brought a new economic regime that...

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Rita Dove: Analysis of Chosen Poems

Rita Dove was born in Ohio in 1952. Their family was neither rich nor poor and had four children. Rita’s father had a master’s degree and worked as a chemist for the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company in Akron. When she finished school she was put on the list of...

Masculinity Crisis and Hegemonic Masculinity

The construct that masculinity is in crisis raise storms in debates about men, masculinity and feminism. Though men from some quarters would vehemently deny there is crisis in masculinity, there is unparalleled evidence that there is a masculinity crisis and interestingly it leads to new and furthers existing hegemonic masculinity....

Corporate Sponsorship and Academic Integrity

At present, the issue of corporate sponsorship in the sphere of education is highly debatable. Post-secondary educational institutions accept the offerings of large business corporations because of prestigious funding they obtain (Fleisher 436). However, instead of bringing benefits to the public sector, corporate sponsorship seems to be of more harm...

Bottled Water: Environmental and Cultural Impact

Abstract An entrenched belief in people’s minds that bottled water is superior to tap water has triggered a chain of environmental and cultural challenges. The problem of disposing water bottles by enforcing policies for responsible waste bottle disposal, alternative forms of producing water bottles that are environmentally friendly and economically...

United States History and African American Movements

Introduction The first residents of what is now the United States emigrated from Asia prior to 15,000 years ago by crossing Beringia into Alaska. Archaeological studies confirm that the forefathers of the Native Americans entered the land about 14,000 years back in time. In the US, slavery remained a lawful...

Web Development Company: Organizational Processes

The organization which will be described in the context of this paper is a web development company. The services and the products typically provided by the company usually revolve around developing designing websites for customers and providing hosting and publishing services. The company consists of 3 office rooms in which...

A Midsummer Night’s Dream: Play and Movie

When movie directors adopt a story in a film, they normally make significant changes to suit the needs of the audience. In addition, movie making has become a professional career supported by companies that are concerned about profitability, and thus films have to be popular and resonate with the audience....

Theme and Fiction in Poe’s The Cask of Amontillado

Introduction It is no secret that Edgar Allan Poe is an iconic representative of the Gothic literature genre. His works are important and exciting not only for researchers in the field of literary criticism but also for amateur readers. It is necessary to understand why his work has earned popularity...

Study of the Diabetes Mellitus Type 1

Summary Diabetes mellitus is a disease that affects many systems in the body; it has both anatomical and biochemical consequences which are manifested in various ways. In simple terms, diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease mainly resulting from insulin deficiency or reduction in the body to an extent that metabolism...

Standards of Knowledge for Nurses

Introduction Health outcomes of the general public depend on the knowledge that nurses learn while receiving education and utilize while working. That is why they are to meet certain standards formed on the basis of the needs of current society. Today’s nurse is to be “one that is equipped not...

Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and Bioethics

Introduction After two hundred years of the first publication of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, the book has become an essential read for scientists. Indeed, the book is vital for realizing the responsibility behind scientific discoveries. Frankenstein tries to answer the question of whether humans should do anything just because they can....

Travel Motive in Homer’s “The Odyssey”

Introduction The Odyssey is considered one of the first adventure novels in the history of humankind and a kind of encyclopedia of geographical representations of the ancient Greeks. Odysseus, in folk memory, is represented as a famous and even archetypal traveler. However, often readers forget that the legendary king of...

Shortage and Its Impact on Nursing

Introduction There are many contemporary trends that impact nursing in a variety of ways: new kinds of therapy, education, ethical diversity, etc. Still, nursing turnover remains to be one of the most burning and influential concepts nowadays. Though the reasons and outcomes vary considerably from those that have been identified...

Medical Importance of Vitamin D3

Introduction Vitamin D3, which is referred to as cholecaciferol is the form of vitamin D that is gotten when the human skin is exposed to direct sunlight (Adams & Hewison, 2010). This form of vitamin D is thought to be superior to the other form of vitamin D referred to...

Nursing: Science or an Art

Introduction The concept of nursing was established many centuries ago; nonetheless, the modern conception of nursing had been enacted only since the beginning of the nineteenth century. The name of the first present-day nurse was Florence Nightingale, and she became known as a woman who had altered the whole perception...

The Gospel of Luke 17:11-19 in the New Testament

The Gospel of Luke in the New Testament is a telling of the origins of Jesus Christ, the miracles, the death, and the resurrection. One of the illustrations that refer to Jesus’s teachings and the overall concept of receiving salvation is Luke 17:11-19. The 19th chapter tells the story of...

“The Unknown Masterpiece” and “The Beautiful Troublemaker”

Balzac’s short tale “The Unknown Masterpiece” contains several allusions to art. Porbus and Frenhofer have rationally presented two diametrically opposed concepts in the most aesthetically reflective manner imaginable. The two facets of an artist’s existence are depicted, namely love and art. Thus, this conflict is exemplified in the novel Gillette,...

Slavery and Racism: History and Linkage

Introduction Nowadays, slavery is widely considered one of the worst immoral forms of forced labor and economic exploitation. It is important to understand that slavery went through several development stages during human history. For instance, the institution of slavery in Greece and Rome was significantly different from slavery in the...

Children’s Behavior and Extinction Procedure

Introduction ABA therapy is a practice based on the principles of psychology to identify adverse conduct. The therapy process is conducted by specially trained professionals and aims to eradicate negative conduct. ABA therapy focuses on behavioral changes that are related to social skills, communication, and learning. The extinction procedure is...

Discussion: Neglect in Nursing Homes

Introduction Ignoring residents is a common form of neglect in most nursing homes. Although it is not violent, nursing home neglect is commonly regarded as abuse. The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987, a federal statute that addresses patient rights and nursing facility reforms, defines nursing home neglect as abuse....

A Review of the Book “It’s Called a Breakup Because It’s Broken” by Behrendt

Introduction Greg Behrendt and Amiira Ruotola-Behrendt (2005) are the authors of “It’s Called a Breakup Because It’s Broken.” The book discusses a wide range of contemporary issues, one of which is marriage divorce. The book’s tone is laid-back and unpretentious as the authors begin the book with a tragic story...

Public Service Sector: Performance Management

Introduction The public service sector has been under pressure to improve service delivery, accountability, and transparency globally. As a result, public service practitioners are adopting new human resource management systems to improve performance and guarantee competence and efficiency in service delivery. Public service is important because it effectively influences the...

Screen Time and Its Negative Effects on Children

Introduction With the technological advancements the world has seen in recent years, more and more people are utilizing the benefits of recent technology to enhance their lives. This technology can include everything from using a tablet to read e-books, using a messenger app on their phone to communicate with friends,...

Cutting Unnecessary Usage of Emergency Rooms

Introduction Most emergency rooms (ERs) in the US are in a quandary. They are witnessing a high number of patients which explains why issues of delays and diversions are more common. According to Moskop et al. (2019), most of the emergency rooms are overloaded beyond the required capacities. The authors...

Tetanus: Diagnostics and Treatment

Introduction Tetanus is a rare but fatal disease that affects the central nervous system (CNS). It is common among neonates and children in nations without immunization programs and in tropical regions, particularly among men (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Control [CDC], 2023). Research shows that out of the 73,000...

The Efficacy of Sex Offender Legislation

Introduction The prevalence of sexual violence has become a major social and public health issue throughout the United States and globally. The expression “sexual violence” encompasses various abusive behaviors, including sexual acts, attempted sexual actions, unwelcome sexual statements and utterances, coerced sexual approaches, physical injury connected to sexual, and intimidation....

“Haulout”: A Journey Through Melting Realities

Introduction Climate change awareness has been quite high for a significant period. The effects of climate change, particularly, global warming, have been examined in media thoroughly, with most people having become aware of the drastic effects of ice caps melting. However, due to the lack of grasp on the full...

Factors that Make Illegal Immigration Undesirable

Introduction According to a report by Alba and Foner, about 11.4 million people are living in the United States illegally (61). The illegal immigrants make up about 5.1% of the total workforce in the United States. This clearly shows that the problem is serious and needs to be addressed in...

Patient Simulation Effectiveness in Nursing Education

Introduction The issue that is going to be reviewed within the framework of the current research paper is patient education. The latter is a rather complex problem that has to be recognized by doctors, nurses, and other individuals involved in the provision of healthcare. Patient education is essential, and it...

Civil Disobedience: Socrates vs. Martin Luther King

Introduction The idea of civil disobedience and its credibility has been considered by philosophers, politicians, and activists since the formation of governmental systems. The idea stems from the notion that laws should be obeyed until they are superseded by a more powerful force such as moral notions, survival, saving a...

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Neuman Systems Model for High-Quality Nursing Care

Introduction Nursing is a complex process that is influenced by a variety of factors related to a patient, a nurse, and an environment. To understand the impact of these factors on a nursing process and to provide high-quality care, nurses need to act upon their knowledge of nursing theory. In...

Utilitarianism Theory: Applications and Issues

What you have learned concerning the theory A welfarist philosophy is largely presumed or applied in utilitarianism theory. In other words, it is necessary to have a thorough grasp of the welfarist theory before applying the principle of utilitarianism. This implies that that the theory of utilitarianism is constructed using...

Hospital Falls and Related Injuries in the Elderly

Introduction The purpose of the study is to address the causes that lead to hospital falls and fall-related injuries in elderly patients with mental illnesses. In this part of the paper, the demographic data about the sample size, the results of the study, and the discussion of the interviews will...

Capital Veterinarian Clinic’s Organizational Culture

Organizational culture is a broad concept which encompasses a wide range of aspects of organizational functioning. Due to its intangibility, it is not characterized by a single concrete definition, although many attempts to categorize it display common trends. It can generally be defined as “the set of shared, taken-for-granted, implicit...

Future Leaders’ Pre-School and Kindergarten

Introduction Maria Montessori, Loris Malaguzzi and Rudolf Steiner were great educationists who developed the Montessori, Reggio Emilia and Waldorf theories of education respectively. These three approaches to early education are progressive and their influence on educational practices has spread all over the world. The school I will develop is called...

Goldman Sachs Group in Investment Banking Industry

Introduction: Industry Analysis The investment banking industry has been experiencing tremendous upheaval throughout the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century (Danquah 36). Despite the fact that the economic environment of the global market has witnessed several massive crises, the companies operating in the banking...

The Book of Isaiah

The Everlasting Covenant Many Biblical scholars have analyzed the cosmic flavor of the book of Isaiah. Chapter 24 identifies and defines the “everlasting covenant” as the agreement made between God and his people after creation. This covenant is similar to the agreement between humankind and God during the time of...

Anne Bradstreet’s Poem “Contemplations”

In the literary scholarship, Anne Bradstreet’s poetry is usually discussed as Puritan and feminist. Therefore, Bradstreet’s poems should be considered as unique representations of the revolutionary female vision that combines the discussion of religious ideas and the discussion of a woman’s place in the world. “Contemplations” is the most vivid...

The Sand Creek Massacre in the American History

Introduction The Sand Creek Massacre was one of the ill-famed incidents in American History. In 1864, the Colorado Territory soldiers planned to assail the Cheyenne and Arapaho Indian villages. John Chivington was the leader of the soldiers. John Chivington was both a sermonizer and a freemason. He commanded the soldiers...

Civil Rights and Martin Luther King

My previous essay was primarily related to the problem of inequity existing in American society. In particular, I focused on the hardships faced by young adults. Many of these individuals continuously have to struggle with poverty. In turn, one should pay more attention to the underlying causes of this phenomenon....

Future of Operational Environment

Introduction It can be argued that the operations of the Army are affected by several environmental factors. These components are the diplomatic relations with other states, technological advancements, economic situation, and others. Army leaders should study anticipated changes that may affect their operational activity in the future to command efficiently...

Literature as a Means of Escapism in Alistair MacLeod’s “The Boat”

MacLeod’s short story “The Boat” presents several crucial themes for analysis, including an exploration of the tension between duties and aspirations. The author depicts the boat named in the story’s title as the embodiment of the narrator’s long-lasting family heritage as well as that of many other families living in...

Social Trend in the United Kingdom

Households and families Single Parent Families in the United Kingdom In the United Kingdom, most families are single parents and a significant number of children grow up in a family that does not have both biological fathers. One of the social trends that is alarming is that many families in...

General Motors Analysis: The Need to Restructure GM

Background and History General Motors (GM), a US-based automobile manufacturing company, was founded in 1908 and since that time bases its headquarters in Detroit, Michigan, USA. During its history that counts for over a hundred years of development and business activities, GM has managed to create branches located in 34...

American Politics History: Main Issues

Introduction In 1981, Ronald Reagan said: “Government is not the solution to our problem. Government is the problem”. This particular view has been echoed and elaborated by various politicians as well as observers in the American political history. Bill Clinton proclaimed in 1996 that “the era of big government is...

Marginalized Women with Mental Illness

Introduction Mental health plays a significant role in humans’ daily life and drives their decision-making and opportunities. While people of all genders might be exposed to psychological problems, women with mental illnesses have been marginalized in various spheres, including healthcare. The complexity of social roles modern women has to perform...

The Role of the Goldfish in “The Secret Goldfish” by David Means

Introduction The authors of short stories have to work hard and use their best writing skills to present interesting ideas within a limited amount of words. It is not enough to choose several characters and raise a topic that appeals to the reader. In the majority of cases, the success...

The Indian Boarding Schools System

Towards the end of the 19th century, different missionaries and religious groups began to collaborate with the government to transform the quality of education available to the Native Americans. Those in leadership believed that such citizens were uncivilized and lacked quality education that could civilize them. These ideologies led to...

Stereotype as a Method for Categorizing Society

Introduction Stereotypes and labels are weeds that grow on land called society. People face and support prejudice on their own, thus distorting the global representation of communities, ethnic groups, and minorities. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie is a Nigerian-American writer who personally experiences stereotypes related to African descent, cultural preferences, and expected...

Health Outcomes of African Americans With Hypertension

Introduction Hypertension or arterial hypertension is a health condition characterized by high blood pressure in the arteries. According to Hekler et al (2008), hypertension is a major health concern in the United States, and despite numerous efforts being made to deal with the problem, cases of people with controlled hypertension...

Operations of Unmanned Aerial System

Unmanned aerial system (UAS) comprises an aircraft device, payloads, and ground-control systems (GCS). A GCS is dedicated to unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and mounted aboard automobiles to enhance proximity to UAS restricted by a variety of communicating capacities (Yang, Lin, & Liu, 2016). UASs are designed with ground-control channels comprising...

Researching of Medicare and Medicaid

Introduction Currently, the issue of obtaining health insurance is increasingly complex since it demands specific eligibility. Medicare and Medicaid, the two most prominent federal health insurance programs, have set their standards for affordability and have offered their services for about half a century. Meanwhile, vulnerable groups are unlikely to acquire...

The Product Liability Law: Crucial Issues

Product liability law is the law that holds the manufacturers, distributors, retailers, suppliers and other individuals involved in the supply liable for any damage or injury that may be caused by the product. All these entities are expected to meet the set standards of which breaching may lead to legal...

Godly Leadership Principles in Testaments

Introduction While the world and society have undergone significant transformations over the past two thousand years, the fundamental aspects of society have remained unchanged. Across all sectors of human activity, people can be categorized as either leaders or followers. This idea serves as the very basis of personal and professional...

Gender and Family in “Gone With the Wind” Film

Introduction “Gone with the Wind” is a cult film based on the novel by Margarett Mitchell, an absolute ageless classic for all times and epochs. Love is depicted here against the background of a big story. It is not only a narrative about romantic, as many people usually perceive, but...

The Five Indigenous Scholars Analysis

Introduction Indigenous female scholars have played a significant role in advancing different ideologies in their communities. First, Cameron (2016) notes that Hurston played a key role in advancing religious beliefs among African American communities. Second, Murray (1974) documents how Deloria wrote about language among native Dakota community. Third, Chilisa and...

Gender in Sophocles’ Tragedy Antigone

Introduction Ancient Greek tragedies are marked by the poets’ use of moral, social, and political themes to unveil human character and relations. One such tragedy is Antigone, written by Sophocles; it features a strong female character in opposition to an oppressive, politically bound male. Since Antigone crosses the limits of...

“Fences” by August Wilson: Play Analysis

Family relationships are commonly discussed in many literary works to demonstrate different visions of this topic. Fences is one of such stories where the life of an African American family is thoroughly described, addressing the specific living conditions of Americans in the middle of the 20th century. August Wilson, the...

Techniques and Tools for Strategic Management in Healthcare

Strategic quality management significantly impacts how firms develop and implement their goals. Healthcare executives bear a great deal of responsibility for locating relevant tools that make it easier to implement innovative ideas. According to this viewpoint, healthcare providers should prioritize their patients’ health above all else. One method is to...

Parent Engagement in Vick Elementary School

Summary Parent engagement in schools is designed to encourage parents and educators to work together in order to support and improve students’ learning, health, and general development. Although there may be considerable barriers to families’ involvement in school activities and the educational process, educators undertake all efforts to improve parent...

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Attending Music Concerts: Musical, Jazz, Classical and Opera

Introduction Nowadays, it would prove rather impossible to find many people not appreciative of music in one way or another. The reason for this is that the activity of listening to music has always been deemed as an integral part of one’s upbringing – something that in its turn is...

Effects of Divorce and Poverty in Families

Introduction In our modern society, divorce has become very wide spread among married couples. Children from poor backgrounds caught in the midst of a divorce lead miserable lives. This can be attributed to a number of factors both economical and social. Society in most cases associate divorce with a rise...

Religion and Beliefs Regarding Illness

Introduction The world has a diversity of religions with each having its own beliefs regarding illness. Healthcare professionals are obliged to consider religious beliefs when taking care of patients coming from different backgrounds. Religion plays a major role in healthcare and nurses ought to consider the patients’ religious backgrounds before...

Thomas Cole’s “View of the Arno near Florence”

Thomas Cole’s 1837 painting of the sunset at the Arno, near Florence, is one of the best artistic testimonies of the American painter’s love for Europe, especially Italy and particularly the city of Florence. Cole’s glad journey to Europe, which he made between 1829 and 1832, was probably one of...

Language and Learning in the Hellenistic Age

Introduction The book analyses how various scholars and philosophers provided vital input to the foundations of language during the Hellenistic age. The main consideration in the book is to engage the philosophy of language, linguistics, and other aspects such as the nature and origin of languages as a medium of...

Dallas County Homeland Security: Methodology

Research Question The first research question that should be answered within the framework of the current study is the reason why the shooting occurred in Dallas in 2016. The second research question relates to the identification of the gaps in the approaches to homeland security in Dallas County. The third...

Evidence-Based Practice Quality Improvement Project Proposal

Abstract The purpose of this proposal is to describe the main parts of the quality improvement project that is oriented to improving nurses’ practice, performance, and the quality of care while using effective stress management strategies to address possible burnout. The problem statement is presented in the proposal with a...

“We Are the Walking Dead” by Gerry Canavan

Introduction Reading is a process that is, in its nature, more complicated and multifaceted than it is usually perceived. In many cases, authors do not just write plan facts in order to inform their readers about something but wrap the delivered information in multiple layers of presentational techniques and strategies....

“The Spirit Catches You and You Fall” by Fadiman

Introduction Differences in cultural outlooks are a reality of modern living, especially about health approaches. While some cultures have embraced sophistication as a solution to health issues, others choose to turn to simple traditional remedies. This reality is a running theme in Anne Fadiman’s book, The Spirit Catches You and...

Observation of IEP Students at Class

Introduction The object of observation was the second-grade classroom of 25 students. Seven students study according to the Individualized Education Program due to hearing impairments. The focus of observation is an adaptation of the teaching process to the needs of the students with the IEP. How is space arranged in...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Learning Types Through the Lens of Psychology

Introduction The process of learning is essential for any person. People may learn how to perform physical activities, social skills, emotional understanding of themselves and others, the inner workings of societies, science, and almost any other skill. However, approaches to learning may be varied and have their own benefits and...

H&M: Strategic Brand Management

Introduction Hennes and Mauritz or H&M is a Swedish retail company that specialises in clothing and accessories for the whole family within the fast-fashion paradigm. It operates in 60 countries and has a developed vast network of online shops. Under the main H&M brand, there are several sub-brands such as...

Japanese vs. American Male Gender Roles

Being a comparatively isolated island country of Asia, Japan has been finely sheltered from external incursions. Even though its past includes a few domestic conflicts, the populace of Japan has by and large preserved and benefited from a nonviolent country for more than two thousand years. The populace of Japan...

Affirmation as Preferential Treatment to Minorities

Introduction Affirmative action has been designed to resolve the major ethnic/ racial controversies and to provide minority populations with a chance to realize themselves in a foreign society. Given the continuous racial prejudice and the growing percentage of a minority population in the U.S., affirmative action was expected to give...

Frankenstein by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley

Introduction Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley’s novel Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus addresses conventional romantic themes like isolation and beauty of the nature and one can find that the novel discusses the ultimate pain of lose. It is often considered as a humanistic critique of technological development or new scientific inventions. Personal...

The Problem of Anorexia Among College Students

Introduction Anorexia nervosa and eating disorders in college students and adolescents are problems that require immediate intervention. Nevertheless, these conditions still do not accumulate the much attention that they require. Since a student’s life is a very challenging and problematic period for everybody, it comes with several dangers to mental...

The Action Plan: Literacy Development

Abstract It is the joy of every teacher to help his or her students learn and acquire skills on how to read and comprehend whatever a student sets out to read. A teacher’s knowledge of the stages of reading and writing development is not only important but also a prerequisite...

The Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution

Exclusionary Rule The Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution protects American citizens against illegal evidence collections methods that are against their rights. The exclusionary rule has become a common doctrine that discourages the criminal justice system and the government from relying on information gathered in an acceptable manner. Many...

The Significance of Police Discretion to the Criminal Justice System

Introduction Police discretion is one of the most important powers that a police officer can be vested with. It is the hallmark of a police officer’s role, such that without it the officer is ill-equipped to carry out their functions. This paper is an investigation into the meaning of police...

Moms Connect Foundation’s Goals

Description and Goals of the Organization Moms Connect foundation is a recently registered company limited by guarantee foundation. Its operations are currently based in Nigeria but focused in only a few states including Abuja, Lagos and Enugu. However with the growth of the company the focus is expected to expand...

Informatics and Nursing Sensitive Quality Indicators

Introduction High-quality care and patient safety are the primary objectives that healthcare providers, especially nursing staff and hospital administration, should strive to provide. In this regard, the American Nurses Association (ANA) established the National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators (NDNQI) which reports unit-level performance data quarterly and annually to help...

Features of a Post-Apocalyptic Story in McCarthy’s “The Road”

The parallel realities might be closer than we used to think they are. One possesses an inexplicable ability to travel through time and space, and explore the worlds full of unknown scents, feelings, and senses. Fiction is a powerful and wise guide through each of the existing realities. One of...

Woolf’s “Orlando” & Defoe’s “Moll Flanders” Novels

Introduction The theme of clothing and its impact on people has been depicted in various novels, articles, and other publications. Clothes seem to have a significant effect on how people are perceived and even what roles they should act. The mentioned topic was raised in two notable literary works –...

Health Campaign Audience and Implementation

Engaging the Target Audience The proposed public health campaign aims to stop the spread of Ebola in Sierra Leone. The target audience is Sierra Leone citizens. There is no demographic distinction of this population because the disease could affect anybody in the country. Sensitizing everybody about how to prevent new...

Birches Poem Analysis

Introduction The poetic legacy of Robert Frost, as one of the foremost American poets of the 20th century, is rich and imbued with images and vivid stories. As an example, his poem “Birches” can be analyzed as a work that captivates the reader with its philosophical ideas about eternity and...

Vancouver Aboriginal Friendship Centre Society’s Aim

In 1963, there was the registration of the Vancouver Aboriginal Friendship Centre Society (VAFCS) as a nonprofit organization subject to the British Columbia Act. The VAFCS was offering quality services and programs to society for more than five decades. Since it chattered, the VAFCS has been moving its location due...

COVID-19 Among the African American Population in the United States

Two years since it was first reported, the COVID-19 pandemic continues to rake havoc in many parts of the world. Almost every community in the globe has experienced the devastating effects of the disease. However, in the United States, there is a disturbing trend where people of color, specifically African...

Japanese Religion, Festivals, and National Traditions

Background Several centuries ago, particularly in the 17th century (in 1603), when a series of severe civil riots and warfare were undergone, a dynastic and military-related government (the Tokugawa shogunate) managed to stabilize the general sentiment among citizens. It was high time when the government fixed the political steadiness and...

Loss as a Transformative Experience in Alice Dark’s “In the Gloaming”

Writers have tackled the theme of tragedy and loss for as long as there was literature itself, contemplating the many different aspects of this hard yet omnipresent experience. In this respect, Alice Elliot Dark’s “In the Gloaming” is hardly a ground-breaker, as it is definitely not the first piece of...

The Effects of Homelessness on Single-Parent Families in Black Community

Introduction For several decades, the United States has been experiencing an increase in the number of homeless people across the country. Although the phenomenon is a global problem, it is more common in the U.S. compared to other first-world countries such as the U.K. and France (Ortiz-Ospina & Roser, 2017)....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Essentials of Chemical Warfare During World War I

New weapons and capability transformed experience of war were among primary features of World War I. It seems reasonable to say that the introduction of chemical weapons during the period was a significant factor that changed the course of the war to a great extent. Due to this, there were...

The Palawan Batak or Babuyan Among Ancient Languages

Every language represents a culture and the speakers’ unique perspective of viewing the world. From this standpoint, the mother tongue defines who the people are, just like their hair color or personal identity. In this case, the local tongue is regarded as a way to easily understand individuals’ backgrounds and...

Fiscal and Economic Constraints in South Africa

Introduction Since the end of Apartheid system in the early 1990s, South Africa has continued to prosper economically. The policies set by the South African government to ensure the redistribution of wealth have been second to none. Nonetheless, the issue of inequality, particularly financial disparity, remains rampant in South Africa....

Levels of Government in South Africa

Introduction Most states have several tiers of government because there are so many different tasks that should be done to ensure that citizens’ needs are met. The structure of authority in a state is profoundly affected by its number of governments. The central issue concerns the division of different categories...

Socrates’ Philosophical Maxims Analysis

Introduction The Socratic maxims are both conscientious and conceptual in nature. These dicta were initially analyzed and critically assessed by Aristotle. Presently, these axioms have become an area of interest in the philosophy of education and general philosophy. Indeed, the intellectual and cultural development of the world has been shaped...

Comprehensive Medical Report on Hypertension

Hypertension, also referred to as elevated blood pressure (BP), is increasingly becoming a major healthcare concern that exacerbates the risks of chronic diseases such as heart attack. Based on the recent statistics, approximately “1.28 billion adults aged 30-79 years worldwide have hypertension” with the majority being from developing countries (Zhou...

Executive Leadership for Women: Examining the Rhetoric and the Reality

Introduction The focal point of this paper is to present an article critic on the literature review by Kathy L. Cocchio published in March 11, 2009. The title of the text is Executive leadership for women: Examining the rhetoric and the reality. The fundamental thesis of the study is clearly...

Popular Culture: Introductory Perspectives

Introduction Population culture includes all the aspects of life that we live by. It is the manner in which we socialize and the basis that helps in decision making (Danesi, 2008). It is the laid out set of laws by the society at any given time, which defines changes in...

Shooting in Schools: Trends and Definition

Introduction Shooting in schools is a major concern to parents, students, the government, and teachers. In the last three years, over 40 shooting cases were reported in high schools in the US (CDC). The shootings resulted into loss of several lives and unnecessary injuries. The government and school administrators have...

Samuel Taylor Coleridge and William Wordsworth Comparison

Want to know more about the similarities and differences between Samuel Taylor Coleridge and William Wordsworth and their works? This essay example is here to help you out! Keep reading to get some ideas for your Wordsworth and Coleridge comparison paper. Wordsworth In this review, we are going to discuss...

Domestic Violence Intervention in Health Care

Type of Legislation Domestic violence is a concept that can be described as emotional, verbal, sexual or any other existing kind of abuse that may scare the victim or lead to a situation where one of the participating parties will be keen on retaining supremacy over another. This issue has...

Childhood Obesity and Health Promoting Schools Program

The proportion of school-age children in the US with obesity rose from 6% in 1980 to about 20% in 2012 (Ogden, Carroll, Kit, & Flegal, 2014). Obesity in school-age children has both immediate and lasting impacts on health and welfare. These include hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, heart diseases, stroke, osteoarthritis, type...

Environmental Health and Effects of Environmental Change

Abstract Environmental change, which is attributable to climatic variation, may create imbalances in the natural atmosphere. Such imbalances may have substantive health effects. This paper argues that climate change has had negative health effects, especially of urban dwellers who live in the European region cities. Environmental change exerts costs to...

Mobile Phone Messaging for Preventive Health Care

Introduction Vodopivec-Jamsek, de Jongh, Gurol-Urganci, Atun, and Car (2012) conducted a study to assess the use of mobile phone messaging as an intervention method aimed at delivering preventive health care and to estimate the outcomes of such interventions for the recipients’ health status and health behaviors. The research problem encompasses...

Nursing as a Science and an Art

Nursing is a very complex field that is comprised of a multitude of components, aspects, and layers. Nursing has its own philosophies, beliefs, and culture that include a variety of rituals, perceptions, and beliefs. At the same time, nursing is based on the scientific methods of health care delivery, evidence-based...

The Artificial Intelligence Machine AlphaGo Zero

The selected technology is an artificial intelligence (AI) machine by the name of AlphaGo Zero. It is an evolution of previous well-known machines from the company Deep Mind which focuses on self-learning to play a popular Chinese strategic board game of Go. It has far surpassed the ability of any...

Culturally Congruent Care and Hispanic Health

The United States has a significant share of Hispanic populations, and it is expected that the number of Hispanic or Latino people will grow further in the future. Although a certain degree of cultural assimilation among Hispanic people is evident, there are a lot of sociocultural beliefs, practices, and issues...

Disability Services Administrators: Communication Skills

Professionals providing services to persons with disabilities require advanced skills in order to meet their clients’ unique needs. They should be able to communicate effectively, solve emerging problems, make evidence-based decisions, and empower all beneficiaries. Those working in administrative roles in the field of developmental disabilities should mentor their clients...

Slavery Impact on Modern American Society

Introduction Slavery casts a dark shadow on the history of the United States, and knowing about the devastating impact it had on generations of people is fundamental. As the practice was heavily supported by the idea of the superiority of one race over another, its traces are still felt to...

Emily Dickinson’s Reasons to Write About Death

Introduction There are many reasons for people to love or hate Emily Dickinson, but her passion for writing about death can hardly leave any reader indifferent. This author is strong due to her confidence and the desire to find out what happens before and after death and formulate clear emotions...