Commuter Cleaning Company’ Analysis

Commuter Cleaning is a company that will provide dry cleaning services to office workers who live in the suburbs of large metropolitan areas. Their specific target comprise of single men and women as well as married couples who both work in the office and have no time to go to...

Texas Modernity 1870-1960: Oil Boom, Reform, and Racism

Modernity in Texas Modernity describes the period between 1870-1960. Any discussion about modernity depends on the context under discussion. It may refer to people in history who are associated with the rise in the nation-state, political difference tolerance, industrialization and urbanization, literacy of masses, mass media proliferation, and the increasing...

Human Factors and Risk Management in Aviation

Abstract The current paper dwells on the core aspects inherent in aviation and human factors that are directly associated with it. Numerous dynamic factors are evaluated and several recommendations are provided. The paper gradually enumerates the features that are characteristic of a top-notch pilot. Resource Management (CRM) This particular concept...

Enterprise Resource Planning in a Shipyard and Shipbuilding

Introduction Modern global sphere of shipbuilding experiences reduction of margins together with the total increase of customer expectations. To reach success and meet the requirements demanded by customers mean to provide them with the detail information beginning from building planning and up to the description of supply analysis. ERP (Enterprise...

International Relations: Growing Importance of Secularization

At the beginning of the 21st century, growing religiosity and secularization are the direct causes of political, economic and social crisis affected modern society. Within the context of increasing secularization, religion undergoes two crucial changes. First, its authority is narrowed to an ever-diminishing realm, as social institutions differentiate from religion...

Recycling of Materials: Entrepreneurship Assignment

Recycling of materials has been a very crucial part of our economic activities. It forms a part of the national income and also secures jobs for some individuals within the economy. Recycling itself involves the transformation of the already used products in other useful products that can be sold for...

Limited Time Spent Playing Computer Games

Introduction Although some people balance their time between computer games and other important developmental activities, some people have been totally incapable of balancing computer games with daily developmental aspects of life such as work, social life, family, and school. The most alarming of these developmental aspects is the increasingly reduced...

Airport Security and the Reduction of Skills in Security Staff

The development of security measures in airports has been largely a response to various terrorists’ efforts targeting planes and passengers in the past 70 years. The 1960s saw over 130 hijackings of commercial airline planes, the most prolific one of which had been the one performed by Antulio Ramirez Ortiz...

Theories of Economic Regulation

Financial Accounting Theory The basic role of any elected government is to constantly better the economic conditions of the general population in nation. This involves conducting a host of activities ranging from legislation, taxation, investment in infrastructure and business enterprises as well as monitoring and regulating economic activities happening in...

Virtue Ethics. The Environmental Documentary

Virtue ethics is one of the most influential trends in modern Western ethics today. The modern ethics of virtue attempts to overcome the crisis of modern European moral philosophy on new ethical and philosophical foundations. The feature of virtue ethics is that its authors seek to rethink morality, referring to...

The Conflict in Libya and Anatomy of a Failure

Introduction The conflict in Libya is a result of both endogenous and exogenous political factors that have resulted in the division of the nation into two administrative groups. The unrest began in 2011, amidst a wave of revolutions in Arab countries across Africa and the Middle East. The demonstrations were...

The Netflix Firm’s Change Management

Introduction Netflix was founded by Reed Hastings and Mark Randolph, who noticed a free niche in the video rental market associated with the inconvenience of using existing salons and services. Using an innovative approach in this business, they created the world’s first DVD rental. At the moment, the Netflix Internet...

How Hybrid Cars Work

Welcome to our Hybrid Cars essay sample! This paper will explore how hybrid cars work, the structure, performance, and benefits of these vehicles. How Hybrid Cars Work Essay Outline The report discusses the operation models of hybrid vehicles. Various aspects of their operations have been discussed taking into consideration the...

Nursing Informatics: Skills, Roles, Concepts

The concepts of wisdom and professional nursing judgment in nursing informatics No sphere of human activity could exist without proper knowledge in the broad sense of this term. Nursing informatics (NI) is not an exception, and the task of paramount importance is to make use of different materials and sources....

Child Predators and Sex Trafficking

People in all corners of the world are continuously exposed to a great number of crimes daily. With the emergence of new technologies and ways of communication, the scale and number of such crimes rise. While some offenses are vividly observable, others remain unseen by the general public due to...

Self-Care in Elderly as a Nursing Concern

Introduction The purpose of this paper constitutes several principal aspects. It is essential to overview the principles of research and evidence-based practice. Further, based on the identified nursing concern, it would be appropriate to develop a Population-Intervention-Comparison-Outcome-(Time) (PICOT/PICO) question that will serve as the basis for the development of the...

Biotechnology: Methodology in Basic Genetics

Project Summary The material presented in this research proposal illustrates the possibilities of ecological genetics, in particular, the development of eco-genetical models, based on the usage of species linked by one food chain as consumers and producers. The consumer’s metabolic dependence on producer allows altering the metabolism of the producer...

Impact of Early Sports Specialization

Introduction Burnout in athletes is the result of various factors that can lead to painful injuries, intense stress levels as well as deterring performance, due to excessive pressure. Intense training schedules forms one of the most basic issues that can result into burnouts. Sometimes, it is also the age factor...

Psychological Criticism in Allende’s “The House of Spirits”

Introduction The novel called The House of the Spirits by Isabel Allende gained an immediate attention for the reading audience at the international level. Its popularity is predetermined by the multidimensional representation of political, historical, and cultural context where the author manages to perpetuate the part of Chilean history of...

Bourdieu’s Notion of ‘Cultural Capital’: Critical Examine

Introduction Major themes in cultural theory have heavily borrowed from the close relationship between the systems of meaning and human action. It is also evident that other theories in their attempt to give comprehensive explanations have been forced to take a position on this issue. Taking the example of symbolic...

Effect of the Housing Policy on the Financial Crises

Introduction Housing as an issue has plagued communities in the United States of America (United States or US) for many years. It has been a rich source of societal conflict. A lot of policy decisions have been formulated over the years with the intention of solving this problem. The United...

International Students in Law Schools in the US

The changing social dynamics in today’s society have led to more diverse backgrounds in the student community. In American universities, four in ten students are of mixed race, while two in five students come from foreign countries (Fossum, 2020). The rising population diversity has led to a compelling awareness of...

The Need and Transition Theories in Advanced Nursing Practice

Introduction My track is related to Advanced Registered Nursing Practice, specifically Family Nursing Practice. This paper will provide a conceptual framework, a theoretical model of the Need Theory – grand nursing theory, and transition theory – a middle nursing theory that is essential for my practice. The Need Theory defines...

Sunstone Property Advisor: Innovative Online Property Listings and Market Strategies

Introduction Sunstone Property Advisor Limited is an online property listing company based in New York City. The company has a website that updates listings quickly and accurately, providing a variety of tools for buyers and sellers to obtain the best information, and streamline the buying and selling process in the...

Language Reform in Modern China

Introduction The language used in modern China has undergone several reforms since the time of Qing Dynasty. Studies show that the Chinese language has close relationships with several social aspects, which is the case in any other society meaning this case is not exceptional. Within a span of three hundred...

UK Government-Student-Institutional Interactions After Economic Crisis

Introduction The demand for higher education has been on the increase in Europe for the recent past. The United Kingdom, in particular, has had a doubling number of student enrollments for undergraduate to doctorate level courses in its institutions both by in-statee students and international students. This has been attributed...

Apple vs Samsung as Blue & Red Ocean Strategy Examples

Overview of the two companies Samsung and Apple are the two world’s largest producers of Smartphones. These companies have adopted operational strategies that are different from each other. They operate at the international level with branches in numerous countries. According to Barnes (2008), a proper operational strategy is essential for...

Diverse Leadership Models: Improving Nursing Care

Introduction In the environment of the contemporary global community, the use of a diverse leadership model (DLM) is especially important for nurses since it supports the idea of multiculturalism, provides additional opportunities for resource allocation, and promotes innovative thinking (Komives & Wagner, 2016). Therefore, to ensure the successful management of...

Fundraising Event Project Planning at the Camden School

Overview and Scope Definition The current project deals with planning a fundraising event at the Camden School, which thematically ties to the end of their school year, with the raised money being donated to charity. A fair may be an appropriate type of event considering the educational setting, allowing both...

Effective Leadership in Global Virtual Teams

Executive Summary With the advent of globalization and advancement in information and communication technology, multinational corporations have been able to do business in different parts of the globe. This has seen the emergence of what are referred to as global virtual teams. These teams are composed of people who work...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Christian Dior Market Analysis: Dior Target Market & More

Executive Summary Dior is one of the leading apparel stores in the United Kingdom. The firm operates in various other markets within Europe. This paper focused on conducting a market analysis of this firm in the United Kingdom. The analysis shows that the country offers several opportunities for growth and...

Technical Quality of Autism Test (GARS-3)

Introduction The early diagnosis of Autism in children is a crucial part of the preventive strategies in healthcare. Moreover, the appropriate screening and analysis tests assist clinicians and psychologists in defining the proper and efficient educational and recovery treatment strategies for children. In this case, they obtain an opportunity to...

America’s Social, Political and Economic Events in 1950-2000

The events of the twentieth century have a lot of significance in the political social, cultural, and economic historical development in America. Each decade between 1950 to 2000 was marked by a major event that showed a big impact on cultural, economic and government policies. This paper examines the events...

The Book “1984” by George Orwell and the US Today

Introduction A special place in world literature is occupied by works belonging to the genre of utopia and dystopia. The authors of utopian novels tried to predict a beautiful future, promising immense universal happiness and social harmony. Anti-utopians have debunked the myth of the possibility of global equality, brotherhood, criticizing...

Creative City and Culture in Modern Megapolises

Introduction In the modern world, the level of urbanization is constantly growing. As the infrastructure develops, cities attract more and more resources and extend their borders. Metapolicies and, in general, cities with a high population density appeal to the creative class and to people whose professions are associated with inventions...

Team Building Between Students

Abstract The instability of the economic, social, political and production environment, the rapid development of scientific and technological progress, high competitiveness and riskiness puts teams and organizations before the need to adapt to the changing context of managerial activity. The increased intensity, intellectual intensity, emotional intensity of work have discussed...

E-Logistics Technologies for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses

Abstract Transportation and logistics processes are an integral part of companies’ operations when dealing with customers and other businesses. In the conditions of the modern world, the role of e-commerce is increasing, which makes its adjustments to the logistics management of companies. In particular, this factor is of increased importance...

Abina Mansah: The Unheard Heroine

Introduction The use of graphics in historical narration has evolved, leading to more people embracing the literature and exploring past events. Visual narration includes images and short conversations which tell a particular story or describe an event. Abina And the Important Men is a graphically illustrated book of Abina’s story...

Research Project on the Teaching and Training of Evidence-Based Practices

Introduction Caring for children requires the use of best practices in handling their everyday needs. Nannies have to make different decisions pertaining to the care of young children, including their health status. The decisions need to be supported by the best available evidence. The development of evidence-based practices (EBPs) in...

BCBA Interview: Ethical Dilemmas and Cultural Challenges

A face-to-face interview session was conducted with John Winters on November 5th, 2022. Winters is a Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB) professional whom I met while attending an education workshop several months ago. From our discussion, the respondent reveals that ethical dilemmas are common in professional life. In this case,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Online Education and E-Learning: Potential and Benefits

Outline The world of Computer technology has experienced advanced growth. This technology has, therefore, been applied in each and every aspect of our lives. The internet, which has improved the communication network, has also led to the invention of other facilities. One of these improvements is in the education sector....

“Pedagogy of the Oppressed” by Paulo Freire

Introduction The “Pedagogy of the Oppressed” presents concepts that guide the oppressed away from oppression. This essay presents the main concepts outlined in Freire’s book. It explains the teacher student relationship championed by Freire. In addition, it expands on the main principles of freedom, unity, and cooperation that guide the...

Arabian Nights: The Tale of the Husband and the Parrot

Introduction The Arabian Nights have always been viewed as the staple of the Arabian folklore and a source of wisdom on which the Arabian philosophy is based. However, apart from addressing the general notions of justice and the battle between the good and evil, the collection of tales also examines...

Meningitis Is a Serious Illness With Consequences

Introduction Recent increased interest in Meningitis is caused by the presentation of many children with a provisional but erroneous diagnosis of meningitis in America. In many cases, it is impossible to make a specific aetiological diagnosis in fever-associated headache, and it is significant not to traumatize the child or an...

Diabetes in American Society

Everyone knows that American society is challenged by a variety of diseases. Some of them could be predicted, controlled, and treated, and some illnesses remain incurable because even the most advanced technologies are not effective and helpless. Diabetes is one of such public health concerns, with no particular cure. People...

International Marketing Strategies of Zalando and Asos

Introduction Zalando and ASOS are two interesting cases in terms of behaviors in emerging and developing markets, such as the UK and India. This essay will implement various theoretical concepts, including high- and low-context nations, distribution strategies, cultural adaptation, and Hofstede’s cultural dimensions framework, to analyze their strategies. The work’s...

The Hut Group Company’s Governance Issues

Introduction THG plc, formerly The Hut Group, is a British e-commerce retail company headquartered at Manchester Airport, England. It sells own-brand and third-party cosmetics, dietary supplements, personalized products, and luxury goods online. It provides e-commerce software, digital marketing, and fulfillment services to third parties through its Ingenuity division. As of...

Pol Pot’s Regime and George Orwell’s 1984 Comparison

Introduction George Orwell’s dystopian book 1984 is seen as one of the brightest examples of the fictional representations of the autocratic and totalitarian societies. Of course, the reader can hardly believe that, at least, something from the book could have happened in reality. For instance, it is impossible to imagine...

Mycotoxins in Food: Aflatoxin Risks, Testing, & Regulations

Introduction Mycotoxins are metabolic substances produced by fungi and molds contaminating grains, fruits, forages, feed, human food, and the environment (Gonçalves et al., 2017). They differ in chemical structure, biosynthetic origins, and biological effects (Bellio et al., 2016). Aflatoxins (AFs) are a subset of mycotoxins produced by molds. Several of...

Strategies for Addressing Data Security Issues in Modern Technology

Introduction When building a system for ensuring information security, along with the processes of implementing protective measures, personnel training, implementing security policies, etc., the processes of monitoring and checking the state of information security are important. This allows checking the adequacy of the selected measures and means of protection, and...

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Women in the UK Hospitality Industry: Climb to the Top

Introduction The “glass ceiling” a term coined by Wall Street in 1986 (Ryan and Haslam 2007) is the barrier imposed on women for attaining management positions which in the UK no longer applies as there are many more women in management positions now than has been in the past 15...

Steroids and Sports: Legalization of Steroids

Abstract Steroids are controlled drugs which, although can be prescribed by physicians and hence used for medical treatment, are still taboo among the sports fraternity. While the use of these synthetic substances do have side effects and are considered harmful when used in uncontrolled amounts, the legal structures in most...

Plans to Expand Operation: Acquisition Options of Seven Aircrafts

Introduction A market analysis quantitatively and qualitatively assesses an industry’s market. It assists in understanding market size and value, the customer segments and their buying patterns, and the economic environment’s barriers. The airline industry provides passengers with transportation services via flights. The companies acquire the aircraft through various means, including...

The Image in Cognitive Psychology

In the psychology of perception, the development of psychological thought proceeded from the study of individual sensations to the understanding of perception as an integral process. Subsequently, the connection between perception and thinking was discovered to a great extent. A natural question of what comes first – perception or thinking...

Group Work at Guangdong Finance College

In the course of teaching in higher education, teachers increasingly ask students to complete group assignments. To make this cooperative learning method work, teachers will evaluate the results of students’ group assignments to identify their strengths and weaknesses so that students can be motivated and improve. A reasonable evaluation mechanism...

Organizational Behavior in the “Troy” Film

Film Analysis Organizational behavior is a rapidly growing field of study. Many books and academic researches give critical assessment to various organizational behavior theories. Explorations in the sphere of motivation and leadership within organizations help building efficient collaboration schemes for workers in all kinds of companies. The importance of research...

Review of Articles on Political Economy and Communication

Benkler Article Networked Information Economy. Benkler emphasized that the networked information economy requires physical capital for profitable production. The networked information economy is very important to human freedom and human development. The economy of production and transfer of networked information in the community significantly affects the way people see that...

Influenza: Treatment and Prevention Methods

Influenza (flu) is a contagious respiratory disease caused by the influenza virus that affects respiratory organs, including the nose, throat, and lungs. The illness can cause mild to severe complications and it is primarily spread through the transfer of respiratory fluids from an infected person to a healthy person during...

The Psychological Effects of Downsizing on Employee

The term ‘downsizing’ refers to the reduction of the workforce through either voluntary or involuntary means or a combination of both. Before the early 1980s, organizations were forced to reduce their workforce whenever they experienced stress and not much thought was given to it. In recent years, however, there has...

Cross-Cultural Executives’ Perceptions in Quality Customer Service and Relationship

Introduction The paper is a research proposal for research that is supposed to discuss the cross-cultural perceptions of the marketing executives of MNCs as they deal with different customers in different regions and countries. The effect of their perspectives and strategies necessary to make their view open and rational will...

“The Road” Film by Cormac McCarthy

Introduction The road is a film by Cormac McCarthy that talks about the struggles that a family had to go through in their effort to survive in a cannibalism society. Despite the fiction in the message, there are certain essential messages that have been conveyed in the book that reveal...

Drone Technology Cybersecurity and Information Systems

Introduction In recent times, most organizations are adopting emerging technologies to match the high competition in the market. Information systems (IS) are a set of components, which are integrated and aimed at the collection, processing, and storing of data in providing information, digital products, and knowledge (Yaacoub & Salman, 2020)....

Air Force Organizational Culture: Leadership Cultivation

Healthy Air Force Organizational Culture: Leadership Cultivation Management practices ensuring a proper organizational culture Leadership is the key to a healthy environment Influence on the adoption of culture Proper reaction to emerging critical situations Setting examples by behavior during crises Transmittance of the vision to officers The initiative’s success intended...

Cybersecurity and Its Importance in Schools

Introduction I am currently working as a Paraprofessional for the Board of Education in the city of New York, and I am looking to change my career to cyber security. I would like to put little bit more emphasis on how cybersecurity can protect our children at home and in...

Singapore and Malaysia: Controversial Relations and Economic Ties

Singapore and Malaysia are two countries whose relationships are quite controversial. Although they have a lot of mutual economic affairs and their cultures are closely connected, there is still an element of competition between them. Nowadays, Malaysia and Singapore present two separate countries, although from 1962 to 1965, Singapore was...

Aseptic Conditions in Labs: Bacteria & Cleaning Techniques

Introduction The natural environment contains many micro-organisms that are suspended in the air, in water and on other organisms, for instance, humans. Modern laboratories are busy settings as personnel usually share equipment across overlapping work stations, which are near busy areas or high-traffic instruments. Therefore, it is essential to practice...

Understanding Ebola: Epidemiology of Virus Disease

Epidemiology is a key pillar of any public healthcare system. It ensures optimal health for human populations through surveillance, data-driven health promotion, and prevention. Epidemiological tools are used to screen for disease-causing agents, their natural hosts, and means of transmission for effective interventions. This paper applies the concepts of epidemiology...

Sudan, Oil, War, and Human Rights

Among many civil conflicts in Africa, Sudan is the one that has witnessed the longest history of civil war (1983-2010). Shaped by millions of unsheltered and starving civilians, this civil war has now been a flashback on the global platform, since Africa is located in the oil-rich region. This paper...

“The Five Languages of Love” by Gary Chapman

Introduction to Chapters 1, 2, 3 Many fiction works and films are built on the same plot: the heroes love each other but cannot show it. Based on misunderstanding, many stories unfold: sometimes funny, sometimes sad and tragic. Often, a couple’s life is full of misunderstandings and difficulties in developing...

Importance of Healthcare Administration

Introduction Inexpensive, high-quality healthcare continues to be one of the most controversial, complicated, and critical concerns confronting US legislators, corporations, and the general public. Healthcare facilities are encountering several issues due to two primary factors: first, the growing complexity of fulfilling an incredibly aware and insisting customer. Second is the...

Physical Activity and Cancer Prevention

A crucial part is played a gig in cancer prevention and control via public health by detailing the distribution of cancer and finding cancer risk components. The three main epidemiologic procedures are ecological, analytical, and experimental. Hypotheses are possibly caused by risk elements and sources of illness by descriptive epidemiology....

Comparison of Healthcare Between the U.S. and Other Developed Nations

Introduction The Affordable Care Act is an all-inclusive healthcare reform that became law in March 2010. Before 2010, it was called the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, while many Americans refer to it as Obamacare. The law consists of a list of healthcare guidelines targeted to expand access to...

Nuremberg Laws: Legalizing Anti-Semitism in Nazi Germany

Introduction Before and during the Nazi regime in Germany headed by Adolf Hitler, there was a systematic- state-sponsored persecution that led to the murder of many Jews. This occurred at the beginning of the year 1933 when the Nazi regime came to power and progressively propagated the belief among the...

US Judicial System: Preventing Crime & Ensuring Justice

Introduction The US judicial system constitutes a powerful component that is engaged in preventing crime and resolving civil matters. Thus, the system must prevent crime while guaranteeing justice to the suspects and victims of criminal offenses. Judges are also required to avail well-reasoned decisions in civil matters to enhance peaceful...

Reference Groups Influencing Consumer Behavior

Introduction For several decades, the dynamics in the marketing environment have shifted from predictable consumer trends to those that are complex and almost unpredictable. In the quest to unearth the factors that determine the trends and complexities surrounding client behavior, there is a need to examine the issue of social...

Drug-Dealing Organizations in Latin American Politics

What is the subject and why do I care? The principal subject examined is drug-dealing organizations and their influence on Latin American politics. It is unclear if DDOs impact domestic and international politics as legal entities do. The topic is significant because the success of counter-narcotics efforts in North America...

The Impact of Korean Pop on the Global Culture

Introduction Music has been an important part of culture throughout the centuries. Korean pop or K-pop is a term used to describe popular music performed by Korean bands or solo artists. It has become a global phenomenon, gaining widespread popularity outside Korea and affecting the global culture. Currently, K-pop is...

Aviation Security: Technology vs. Human Skills in Operations

Introduction With the development of technology and continuous improvements, air transport is considered one of the safest way to travel. Still, a relatively low risk of incidents should not be taken as given, because it is a result of a complicated system that works to protect passengers from all the...

Art Deco in the History of Interior Design

Academic Classical Revival also includes great variety of Late Abstract Classical substyles, whose distinctions are so fine as to warrant collective consideration under the generic title “Art Deco.” They include Art Deco proper, which stylized classical forms into straight lines, zigzags, and vertical accents; Moderne, which emphasized round shapes and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Figgie International: Managing Organizational Change

Management initiative is the key determinant of any organization’s performance. It is important to note that the success of any company is directly proportional to its leaders’ focus and the commitment of its employees. This paper is a management consultancy report that analyzes the circumstances that led to the difficulties...

Analysis of the “Odyssey” by Homer

Introduction The “Odyssey” is an epic poem depicting Odysseus’s ten-year journey after the fall of Troy. The narrative has more than one perspective, following both Odysseus retelling his story and the view of his son, Telemachus. The “Odyssey” is an example of ancient poetry that had a despicable influence on...

The Concept of Fairness in the EU Competition Law

Introduction Competition is the engine of scientific progress and a mechanism for promoting economic development. Insufficient competition causes a lack of motivation of entities to reduce costs, search for new markets, introduce innovations, and, as a result, inefficient operation of the industry in which such enterprises operate. At the same...

“Neuroscientist’s Quest for What Makes Us Human” by Ramachandran

Introduction Written by Ramachandran, the book The Tell-Tale Brain: A Neuroscientist’s Quest for What Makes us Human is a must-read research on the main incredible and contentious topics in the field of neurology specifically the human brain. Ramachandran presents an eye of a teller of tales for compelling case learning...

Intersectionality in Gender and Sexual Differences

Introduction There is a high prevalence of Intimate Partner Violence among bisexual persons than among heterosexuals in the current society. Rollè et al. (2018) establish an overwhelming increase in the rate of abuse across the LGBT community cause of their societal stigma and potential rejection. As a result, these individuals...

Racial Discrimination as a Social Justice Issue

Introduction Currently, the US as a country is faced with numerous social justice issues that have sparked intense debate among the citizens and also in the international community. For many individuals, it seems that there are a lot of challenges to come. The COVID-19 pandemic has reactivated economic diminution rendering...

Accountability and Corruption in the Public Sector

Introduction Governments act in their citizens’ interests by promoting beneficial projects, policies, and services. Those in leadership positions act on behalf of the electorate to transform their lives and experiences. Unfortunately, corruption and economic abuses are common malpractices whereby some powerful individuals to pursue their selfish interest at the expense...

Environmental Ethics in Oryx and Crake by Atwood

The central narrative line in Margaret Atwood’s dystopian tragedy Oryx and Crake is built around the story of a man named Snowman, who lives in a post-apocalyptic world alongside humanoid-like creatures called Crackers. At first glance, this story may seem to be about a fantastical, unreal world and Snowman’s adventures...

Communication Strategy Used by Nurses to Enhance Patient Satisfaction

Introduction Change is one of the key strategies used in hospitals to improve healthcare services. Stakeholders responsible for the change need to get updated with the emerging trends in global health. Through this, the hospital can set its standards up to the international level (Agyei-Baffour et al., 2020). For instance,...

Experiences of LGBTQ Community Practicing BDSM

Introduction Today’s worlds represent a rapidly changing environment regarding sexuality and sexual practices. Sexual orientation has been pluralized with diverse sexual practices characterized as non-normative. The LGBTQ community makes up a minority sexual group that does not conform to non-traditional sexual preferences and practices. Traditionally, society has encouraged individuals to...

Overview of the National Environmental Action Plan and Its Objectives for the Maldives

Once a territory with unique ecology and a wide range of endemics, the Maldives seem to be threatened by a change in heir climate and, therefore, natural habitats for a number of unique species (Does adaptive management of natural resources enhance resilience to climate change? n. d., par. 3). More...

Did Jesus Think of Himself as God? Michael Bird’s Perspective

Introduction How God became Jesus is a masterpiece book by Michael Bird, who is a theology lecturer at the Ridley Melbourne College of Mission and Ministry. This book deconstructs various claims by Bart Ehrman in his book, How Jesus Became God: The Exaltation of a Jewish Preacher from Galilee. Ehrman...

Marks and Spencer Company: Marketing Report

The target market for Marks and Spencer is the US retail market. The selection of the country is based on the consumer demand for retail products including clothing, food, and home products. The details provided in the consumer groups section and market overview explain the reasons for selecting this market....

Special Education: Class Management Plan

Introduction Education is a very important aspect of human development. An education system aims at providing people with knowledge and skills which would help them deal with daily challenges. The skills and knowledge acquired through the system should be reflected in the social-economical aspects of the people. Education should not...

Chinese Immigrants’ Experiences and Challenges in the US

Immigration to the US has been reported to be one of the most “complex phenomenons” that has resulted in considerable population growth in this particular country. Apart from causing high population growth, immigration to the US is an incident that has dramatically brought many changes in society. In fact, the...

Strategies for Managing Employee’s Career Development

Overview As one of the senior managers in the supply chain department, my role at Interclean Company is very diverse. My main responsibility in Interclean is to oversee the acquisition of raw materials used in the manufacturing of products and the distribution of products across the markets. This includes recognizing...

Acupuncture’s Effectiveness in Relieving Pain from Nervous Diseases

Introduction The central nervous system is made of the spinal cord and the brain. The human nervous system, particularly the brain and its cognitive abilities, makes the most impressive and distinctive characteristics of humans. There exists little or inadequate understanding of the changes in the human nervous system and the...

Corporate Social Responsibilities of a Company In India

Introduction This report contains the major corporate social responsibility and environmental issues that the company will encounter when it relocates to India, a developing country. With the changing times, there is a lot of pressure that mounts on companies from the stakeholders i.e. the employees, customers, governments, the communities, and...

Organizational Change in Police Departments: A Theory-Based Analysis

Introduction Ever since its implementation in 1994 the Compstat process has been widely praised as a revolutionary innovation into the organizational/administrative processes of policing within the United States. This particular process utilizes a system where crime data from certain districts are mapped, the type of crime evaluated and resources eventually...

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Asian Americans and American Males’ Social Issues

Introduction In the US, there are several ethnic communities that reside in different parts of the country. The population consists of Americans, Asian Americans, Indian Americans, Latinos, and African Americans. Over the past years, the various groups have been experiencing a number of social challenges that affect their well-being in...

Overcoming Barriers for African American Women in Higher Education

Abstract African American women often experience problems and face challenges in the sphere of higher education that has different origins. Therefore, it is possible to speak about the problem of discussing African American women and higher learning barriers. The action research needs to be conducted in this sphere, and it...

Land Use Planning Strategies and Their Impact on Adelaide’s Urban Development

Introduction Land is a valuable natural resource that faces one of the greatest risks in nature due to human activities. The main risk facing land is the possibility of being exploited as man continues with his activities. Land forms the basis of all other activities; therefore, it becomes an inevitable...

Navigating Career Choices and Overcoming Diploma Despair

Do you know how much time you are likely to spend at work? One-third is not exactly correct since you do not work all your life. Most definitely, though, the number of hours you will have spent working by the time you retire equals 80 000. It is an impressive...

Pink Label Hair Company’s Business Plan

Executive Summary The present business plan is dedicated to an overview of Pink Label Hair Company, a limited liability entity, operating in the cosmetics and beauty industry. The business’s product portfolio includes 100% virgin hair bundles in Brazilian, Peruvian, and Malaysian styles. It has an offline location in [Name of...

Incident Management System Application

Introduction The ICS, Incident Command System, is a well-defined and standardized management strategy for all incidents related to hazards. These strategies are in form of management approaches aimed at the allowance for integration of all equipment, facilities, procedures, and communications. Such operations are organized in such a way that they...

Tea in the Prism of Zen Buddhism and Health

The Japanese tea ceremony is considered as a cultural asset and has genuinely distinctive features. The tea ceremony is uniquely Japanese because it is formed from a blend of ideas borrowed from sources outside of Japan. It is a ritual that has helped to fashion an emerging Japanese cultural identity...

The Influence of Henri Cartier-Bresson on Street Photography

Henri Cartier-Bresson once described photography in the following way: “For me, the camera is a sketchbook, an instrument of intuition and spontaneity the master of the instant which, in visual terms, questions and decides simultaneously.” True to his words, Cartier-Bresson came out as a unique photographer who used his camera...

Poor Housing Conditions and Health of Maori Children

Introduction Overcrowding and poor housing among the Maori people in New Zealand have resulted in health complications. For instance, overcrowding enhances the swift spread of diseases when there is an outbreak. Tuberculosis and other respiratory diseases spread fast in crowded places than in-scattered places. The Maori people are the victims...

Fictional Character in a Management Position

Michael Pope is the director of the sales department in an airline that was launched three years ago. He has been tasked to lead the company’s marketing team in meeting the defined targets, converting prospective customers quickly, and keeping the approval rankings high. Michael has been instrumental in facilitating robust...

Main Trends and Skills in Graduate Labor Market

Following the popularization of higher education (HE) and the resulting expansion of the consumption of tertiary-educated workforce, there is a widespread problem in the national discussion that the stockpile of degree holders surpasses the demand for graduate employment. Therefore, this has resulted in adverse outcomes and effects on the skill...

Burger King Whopper vs. McDonald’s Big Mac

Introduction Unrestricted, continuous, fast food alternatives, Burger King and McDonald’s represent the leading chains across the globe. Researchers should seek to establish the company that has cheaper, better quality, and healthier options of the two (Soo et al. 2117). It is for this reason that this paper presents a comparison...

Social Networking Sites as a Tool for Shy and Lonely People

Introduction In the past, loneliness was not recognized by psychiatric textbooks as a problem. Robert Heiss, a researcher at Harvard School however started carrying out research on the subject around 1970. He established that a number of Americans responded to being lonely in the first few weeks of the study....

Power and Injustice in Carol’s and Le Guin’s Works

Introduction Power is one of the most confusing and vacillating themes in any given society. Those who don’t have it seek to find it by all means while those who have it think of new ways to make their grip on it even stronger. Power shows itself in society at...

The Evidence Forms of Law

Introduction The law of evidence refers to the principles that require one to prove a particular act during court proceedings. The principles are used to govern the kind of evidence required so as to arrive at an effective decision. It is important to note that for the proof to be effective,...

The Future of Artificial Intelligence in Fiction and Science

Introduction Although there are numerous technological advancements that are being introduced into society on a regular basis, not many of them have caused such a tremendous controversy as artificial intelligence (AI). Discussions regarding AI have caused many rifts among scientists and philosophers alike, affecting public opinion on this matter. Eventually,...

Classical and Modern Sports and Perceptions

Introduction Modern sports competitions and antique games are very different. Today’s games are purely secular; while the Ancient sports were religious, modern competitions have forty-two disciplines, compared to the six classic ones. Now, men and women of all countries are invited to the competition, whereas previously, a woman of marriageable...

Humanity’s Struggle Against Racism: Insights from Malcolm X and Anne Moody

Introduction We live in the world formed under the substantial impact of racism, and this impact could still be observed in numerous spheres of human life. The fact is that humanity managed to stand against all forms of discrimination only in the 20th century under the impact of diverse civil...

COVID-19 Economic Impact: Global Responses & Innovations

The COVID-19 outbreak has had a serious and widespread impact on the global economy. Different countries’ issues resulted in economic failure as most economies depend on international trade, tourism, raw materials exports, and external financing. Governments in many developed countries have taken effective stimulus measures, while lower-middle-income and emerging countries...

Montessori Method in Educational Psychology

Introduction The world of the pedagogic studies presupposes the consideration of all features of the children and their ability to learn new material as well. In this respect there are too many methods which are used in the contemporary schools. The paper concentrates major attention on the case of the...

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Public Relations in the Hair and Beauty Sector

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The State of Being Two-Spirit: Blessing and Curse

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“Female Masculinity” by Judith Halberstam

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Statistics. How Changes to Variables Affect Conclusion

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Depressed Women and Art Therapy

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Why Fad Diets Fail: Risks, Myths, and Health Impacts

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Capital Punishment in America and Britain

Introduction The death penalty did not start yesterday. Neither did it begin ten years ago. It dates back to the ancient world where people who committed certain crimes were subjected to death. Mostly referred to as capital punishment, the death penalty is said to have gained notoriety in the Eighteenth...

The Effect of Globalisation on Non-Hollywood Cinema

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The Project Risk Management: Contemporary Approaches

This report examines contemporary approaches to Project Risk Management, their advantages and disadvantages. The paper further makes recommendations as to appropriate risk management process that should be implemented within the context of my organization. A risk is an issue that might come up. If it happens, it may affect the...

Brand Management: Nike Case Study

Introduction In general, brand management describes marketing, advertising, overall placement, distribution, and design of the company’s products and services that substantively contribute to the development of the brand’s personality. However, this term is also related to the perception and perceived values created by a company and its relationship with consumers....

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The Prisoners Who Were Convicted by Hung Juries Article Review

This article first appeared in The Nation on October 8, 2020. In 2005, Ricky Davis, a Black Louisianian from New Orleans, was staying at a motel in Baton Rouge after his house was destroyed by Hurricane Katrina. On the night of October 29, according to court records, he got into...

Family Therapy Related to a Child’s Homosexuality

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Southwest Airlines’ Internal Financial Analysis

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Advancements in Global Health Research and Evidence-Based Practice Integration

Abstract A nursing practice based on the evidence implies a conscious search and critical evaluation of the available scientific evidence and the subsequent selection of the optimum tactics to the patients’ treatment taking into account their individual characteristics and requirements. In other words, the evidence-based practice involves a combination of...

Hatshepsut, the Forgotten Queen

Introduction Hatshepsut was and still is the only female who doubled as a queen and pharaoh of Egypt. She ascended to power in 1478BC after the demise of her spouse Thutmose II. Hatshepsut became an Egyptian queen and subsequently a pharaoh at a time when no one thought that women...

ACLU’s Impact on US Lawmaking: Advocacy and Legal Strategies

Introduction Many democratic countries have federal governments divided into three branches: executive, legislative, and judicial, and the political system of the United States of America is not an exception. There is a reason for the existence of three branches: it ensures that no group or an individual gain too much...