Marketing Plan and Industry Analysis

Introduction The bike rack market is growing and more relevant than ever – bicycles have always been one of the most common means of transportation or used for leisure purposes – but a renewed interest in fitness and outdoor adventure drives increased consumer demand worldwide. The major players in the...

Origin and Subsequent Development of Calculus

Abstract The aim of this research is to review the origin and subsequent development of calculus over the years through the analysis of two great mathematicians; Isaac Newton of England and Leibniz Gottfried of Germany. It’s clear that calculus served as the quantitative language of science for more than three...

Should We Not Abolish Capital Punishment?

Introduction Capital punishment is one of the most debated issues in our time where governments and rulers need more time to decide on – at least that’s what they say. Some governments impose moratorium to allow more ‘breathing space’ before total abrogation can be attained. One reason for postponing the...

The Impact of Alcohol on Personality: A Multidimensional Analysis

Abstract This dissertation examines the influences of alcohol on personality through a multidimensional study of numerous studies and experiments performed by scientists around the world. By scrutinizing the existing research, I elucidate the process by which alcohol impacts personality. The phenomenon studied in this paper comprises the role of personality...

Environmental Issues in the Hospitality Industry

Control of Pesticides, Fertilizers, Cleaners, Wastewater, Sewage The world and the people, in general, are increasingly becoming conscious of the impacts that their activities have on the environment. The environment is now a contemporary question in various spheres of human life. Traditionally, the impact on the environment was concentrated on...

Banks and Banking in Spain

Introduction Spain is in South West of Europe. It has an area of 504,750 square kilometer. It had estimated population of 40,341,000 as of 2005.Its capital is the largest city namely Madrid. Some important cities in Spain are Valladolid, Burgos, Salamanca, Toledo and Badajoz. Great regional diversity is being displayed...

Human Behavior in Complex Social Organizations

Introduction Organizational behavior within a social company is regarded as one of the key factors that determine success. It is explained by the fact that organization and its structure define business performance, while the most important activity aspects are defined by the company’s profile, aims and objectives, as well as...

The Aviation Industry: Business Pressures

Abstract The Aviation Industry is the world’s largest manufacturing industry and has been conducting business for over 30 years. In the current environment of reshuffling between business owners, many companies face multiple business pressures at once. This research report explores some of the internal and external pressures managers are facing...

Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL)

Introduction Governments closely monitor their education systems and the developments that arise from time to time. Ministries of education among other bodies are tasked with the responsibility of overseeing the developments. A major challenge that arises in the education sector is the relevance and applicability of a particular education system...

Productivity & Program Evaluation of Municipal Parks

The park is a suitable setting that can stimulate reflection by its grandeur as well as complexity mixed with entertainment. The municipal departments can create enough revenues, if the parks provide untrammeled ecosystems to urban systems. From them, the municipal departments can increase their productivity in service-oriented sector with fewer...

Bayesian Data Analysis

Abstract As firms are increasingly focusing on core competencies, there has been a growing interest among organizations to outsource a broader gamut of logistics services. The logistics fraternity is evolving innovative models tailored to meet end customer solutions and adhere to channel wide requirements in the supply chain network. Conceptualizing...

Victorian Period Corset Controversy

Introduction The practice of wearing corsets has historically provided women the perfect, sculpted hyperbolic female body. The corseted figure becomes an almost permanent body modification as the internal organs and ribs gradually adjust to its shape (Riordan 2007). This practice has been the reason for a long debate, which is...

The Ehteraz Contact Tracing Application

Background Information Globally, the COVID-19 pandemic, which began in January 2020, affected all facets of people’s lives in profound ways. By May 11, 2021, coronavirus had killed at least 3,299,764 and infected at least 158,651,638 people around the world (WHO, 2021). In Qatar, the total number of cases by the...

Religion and Science: Philosophical Perspectives on their Core Differences

Introduction Primarily, concepts of science and religion determine the existence of humankind. This is because, as science ensures there are human innovations get recognition, religion ensures the achievement of such innovation follows ethics and morals, which not only respect humankind, but also other living things that exist in the universe....

Lacking Ethics and Leadership In Healthcare: Literature Review

Abstract The proposed leadership theory assists in making sure that followers gain leadership skills, and they become empowered. They can take on important leadership roles, which allow institutions to become supportive of leaders when they are making ethical decisions that have repercussions on health care stakeholders. The proposed solution comes...

Solar-Powered Borehole Drilling in Qatar

Abstract The present report aimed to evaluate the success of a project of drilling ten solar-powered freshwater wells for Qatar Petroleum. The project was completed by Drillserv, a drilling company located in Doha, Qatar. The project had high profitability of 202,940 QR in net income before tax. It was completed...

How to Improve Leadership in Schools Management

Introduction to the problem This article tries to explain the causes of mismanagement in organizations and schools. It tries to explain some of the theories of governance that are pertinent to be used for effective management of schools and organizations. It also investigates in depth, one of the theories that...

Turkish Airlines’ and Oman Air’s Finance in 2013-2016

Executive Summary The aviation industry has experienced severe challenges since the global economic turmoil in 2008; however, the purpose of this report is to evaluate the financial ratios of Turkish Airlines and Oman Air to assess and compare the performances over a period of four years (from 2013 to 2016)....

Food and Drug Administration History

Abstract This paper intends to highlight the past and present measures are taken to properly administer the food and drugs issues. The key notion is to identify any advances reached. For this purpose initially, the topic is introduced so that it becomes easy to get an idea of the perspective...

Parenting Adolescent Sons: Single African American Mothers

Background of the Study Parenting adolescents is a challenging task in the modern American society. The problem is compounded when one is forced to raise such teenagers as a single mother. According to Elliott, Powell, and Brenton (2015), recent statistics showed that about half of African American children are raised...

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Change in the Content and Layout of the Architectural Review Magazine Since Inception

Introduction The Architectural Review magazine has undergone tremendous changes over the years due to shifts in architectural phenomena such as modernism, as well as the evolution of the various technologies and materials used in the production of the publication. These changes have affected both the content and layout of the...

Russian Cyberterrorism and the United States Election 2016

Introduction New communication technologies have brought about many benefits for this society, but they are also being weaponized. While political interference is a relatively old practice, the 2016 actions of Russian hackers, which consisted of interfering with the elections in the United States (US), demonstrate that this approach to the...

The Tesla Inc. Strategic Analysis

Introduction In the environmental vehicle (EV) industry, Tesla, Inc. is currently a global leader with high brand recognition and customer loyalty. Tesla, Inc. products are not limited to EV manufacturing and sales but also include the expansion of charging stations, next-generation batteries, and intangible assets, namely the development of EV...

Changes in Diet and Lifestyle for Students

Abstract Many students undergo a significant change in diet and lifestyle upon entering the university. Among these changes include excessive drinking, close contact with a large number of people, and late nights. Many health experts accuse these changes in the lifestyle of causing short-term treatable illnesses while the changes in...

Preadmission Videotaped Preoperative Information on Parental Anxiety

Introduction The distress that many children witness during the induction of anaesthesia has been identified as the major factor leading to the parent anxiety. Minimising the parent anxiety has been great challenges for clinicians. Typically, excessive parental anxiety may have risky implication during the induction of anesthesia (DAI) of children....

Dangerous Offenders and Preventive Sentencing

Outline Dangerous offenders are defined by most laws as those that inflict pain and harm to the victims during or after assaulting them sexually. The laws have gone through several amendments to ensure that the community is protected from such dangerous criminals. Apart from the determinate sentences that are given...

Institutions and Economic Growth

Introduction Governance in the community must be performed through institutions that dictate the specific behaviour of the people and groups of people in the community. The power held by specific institutions depends on the mandates that they are granted by the law and their ability to compel other organisations to...

Falls in Older Adults and Their Risk Factors

Introduction Falls have recently become one of the most documented cases in hospitalization, especially when it concerns acute medical units. Although falls can touch all groups of the population, most of them happen to geriatric people (Murphy, Labont, Klock, & Houser, 2008). Falls are known to bring about higher mortality,...

Teaching Science, Technology, Society and Environment Using Out-of-School

Introduction The environment, our society, the advancing technology and science at large are very important components in life as they guide the advancement of the world in the specific lines hence are continuous when conflicting concerns arise. Many scholars, environmentalists, scientists, politicians, managers and other concerned people who believe that...

Software Development Project Using Agile Methods

Introduction Software engineers have been researching widely on how software development methods can be improved. The main aim of doing this has been to provide the client with the best possible application that he or she wants and to promote communication between the client and the developers of the system....

Description of Wellbore Stability

Wellbore stability definition Wellbore stability refers to sustainability of the borehole from falling or breaking down and is achieved through use of drilling fluid programs, casing programs and efficiencies of drilling operating procedures (Simangunson et al, 2006). Wellbore stability is achieved through identification; adoption and implementation of best practices (cf....

International Monetary Fund Helping Turkey

Introduction The world of today is no longer one of isolation and aloofness. Rapid changes in all walks of life are the norm and they include political, economic, and cultural changes. It can be said that almost all the countries of the world are affected by this change. The advent...

Microgravity – Effects on the Human Body During and After Long-Duration Space Flight

Space flight experiences of the astronauts and cosmonauts have proven that humans can remain in space for long durations of several months. Mere survival is not sufficient for space travel. Human beings must be able to work efficiently and live comfortably and then to return to Earth without any after-effects...

Effective Strategies for Organizational Retrenchment and Employee Satisfaction

Abstract This mixed-methods study conducted a survey and a follow-up focus group with employees of the Uganda Public Service to ascertain the impact of asset retrenchment on job satisfaction. The Uganda Public Service has made several organizational moves, especially in recent years, to make non-productive and/or corrupt employees redundant and...

Family Medical Leave Act Compliance: Navigating Maternity Leave Policies and Challenges

Introduction In today’s business settings, organizations are often under pressure to improve their performance, productivity and profitability if they are to survive and remain relevant in the often aggressive business arena. As such, organization leaders and managers often push their employees to the limit to ensure that these aims are...

Management Information Systems: A Necessary Infringement of Privacy

Introductory Abstract Management Information Systems (MIS) have evolved basically as tools or processes that aid in the effective management of an organization. This helps make prudent business decisions in the organization. Essentially, through an MIS, data is converted to information, which is then analyzed, and the results studied and made...

Freedom Information Act 2000 of United Kingdom

Introduction The Freedom of Information Act 2000 which came into effect in 2005 was outcome of the major electoral manifestations of the labour party in 1997. This Act confers public the privilege to ask questions from more than 100,000 government bodies. The Act is often flaunted by crusaders and other...

Researching the Issue of Elder Abuse

Introduction Ensuring the conditions for a normal life for older people is the responsibility of various social institutions. This is because the problems that this population faces may relate not only to health but also to other factors, which, nevertheless, are serious barriers to physical and moral well-being. One of...

Toys R Us Company’s E-Commerce Strategy

Abstract This extended essay aims to examine whether Toys R us should Incorporate the use of online marketing in their sales plans within the vicinities of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia or not. My scope is to scrutinize the advantages and disadvantages of using online marketing to purchase goods from...

The Healing Ministry of Jesus

Introduction This paper looks at the healing ministry of Jesus. This ministry is one of the most acknowledged yet controversial parts of His work on earth. However, He is the most recognized healer because of His expertise and compassion, as the paper will illustrate. This research is based on historical...

Ethical Considerations in Abortion Practices and Their Social Implications

Abortion has been a subject of debate in the world with some groups arguing that it infringes human rights while others advocates that it should be legalized. Religious groups term it as being unethical and against God’s will. Based on these groups’ arguments, abortion has been described in many ways....

The Camera Installations Project Evaluation

Executive Summary This end project report evaluates the project plan created for the installation of surveillance cameras by Mekdam Corporation in Doha Clinic Hospital (DCH), Doha, Qatar. The project was implemented by a small team consisting of a project manager, a foreman, and six workers that installed all the equipment....

Progressive Corp’s Strategic Entry into Belgium’s Auto Insurance Market

Executive Summary It is recommended that Progressive Corporation enter the Belgium market with its auto insurance policy product. The comprehensive business environment analysis has revealed that Progressive Corporation has a stable business strategy, innovative product development approach, and a flexible technology-based platform. These elements will make the market entry into...

Self-Identity and Group Dynamics in a Study Group

I belong to a study group. A well-created study group has all the characteristics of a social group. It is a social collection of individuals who are brought together by some shared objective. There are some guidelines for discipline that guide how activities are carried out, for instance, a shared...

Challenge Related to Jihadi Activity in the West

Introduction The United States, the United Kingdom, and other European nations are faced with a new challenge on how to deal with their citizens who joined Islamic State for Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and are now willing to come back home after years of fighting alongside the terrorists. According...

Educational Issues: Fractions and Rational Numbers

Representing Fractions with Standard Notation: A Developmental Analysis In order to deeply understand a given concept or phenomenon, one must carry out an intensive research. This study was aimed at investigating the developmental relationship between how to use fractions notations and their understandings of part-whole relations. It also aimed to...

Negative Effects of Divorce on Children

Abstract With divorce rates being more common in the 21st century more than any other time in history, children are increasingly on the receiving end for decisions made by their parents. While it may be too complicated for the younger children to understand, those aged between eight to eighteen years...

Health IT Projects’ Risk Management

Executive Summary This study focuses on a risk management process for implementing a new IT program to store patient data. The risk management process is defined by a scope statement, which includes different risks, deliverables, risk types, and risk changes, which include software and hardware changes. The critical elements involved...

Treatment of Women During Slavery in the North American Colonies

Introduction Slavery is perhaps the darkest period in the history of the African American race because of the cruelty and suffering that they faced. Historical records and other accounts of the era have tried to paint a picture of forceful capture of Africans, treatment as trade items, and involuntary to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Economic Globalization and Labour Rights

Abstract This is a comprehensive study that investigates on the impact of economic globalization on labour rights in developing countries. The work divides the broad topic into major subtopics to make the understanding easier. Some of the issues discussed include the general aspect of economic globalization including its benefits and...

Payment Innovations in Modern Life

Introduction Technology goes beyond border. Advances in technological innovations have made things easier including remittance of payments within and outside country and continent borders, in addition to presenting complex challenges in security and issues related to competition amongst the firms or companies venturing in these initiatives. Innovations in most areas...

An Overview of HospitalityNet: Exploring Its Role in the Hospitality Industry

Executive Summary The primary focus of this paper was to analyze a website in the hospitality industry in terms of how it presents its message to the clients, the relevance of its message to the target audience, and how it makes visitors make repeat visits. The chosen website was Hospitality...

Amazon vs. Walmart: Internet in the Retail Industry

Introduction During the last several decades, the retail industry has undergone considerable changes and achieved a number of positive, as well as negative results. On the one hand, there are fast and multiple distribution channels that can be used by different companies worldwide. On the other hand, significant competition and...

Financial Analysis of Kasikombank: Performance Metrics and Market Position

Executive Summary The competitive global market has compelled firms in the banking industry to introduce new strategies that will help them to remain competitive. These strategies include assessing the profitability of the company to determine its core strengths and weakness. When a firm is profitable, it can pay high dividends,...

Measles Disease Among Children Comprehensive Study

Introduction Historically, there was a very high infection of measles among children (95%-98%) by the time they reached 18 years, before the introduction of the vaccine against measles. The number of cases of measles has generally reduced since 1980 according to the WHO report (Figure 1). The viruses for measles...

Qualitative Research on the Gender Perception of E-Commerce

Research methodology The research methodology that will be chosen for the research proposal will be phenomenology. It refers to the narration of experiences in the perspective of the first person. Phenomenology best reflects the research topic because it applies the aspect of first-person narration. To identify the relationship between the...

Male and Female Escalated Conflict

Introduction The conflict has been part of human existence since time immemorial. It is a natural occurrence and there is no way conflict can be divorced from human existence so long as people live together. Interestingly, conflict occurs at all fronts of life; be it in relationships, families, and workplaces...

Effective Organizational Communication in Municipal Government

Introduction Local governments, smaller administrative units that encompass the workings of the central governments, federal governments, public, and private organizations are the ones that put together the complex responsibilities of managing the local authorities. It has been noted that local governments have better understanding of the local need. Local governments...

Physical Education and Self-Esteem of Children

Introduction The language and framework that investigates the priorities to consider theoretical perspectives, address epistemologies and methodologies to highlight critical perspectives behind the ability to measure physical education outcomes. The literature starts focusing on the behavior analysis that not only values the student from a traditional perspective, but also recognizes...

Mindful Meditation as Reducing College Students Stress

Introduction Teenage college students are mostly living away from their families for the first time. These students have to balance their social life and study life in a challenging environment. Apart from getting used to the new environment, the students have to handle the pressure of finding a favourable profession...

Tailhook Scandal of the US Navy and the Marine Corps

The Tailhook scandal is an incident that involved many employees of the U.S. Navy and the Marine Corps. The event was significant as it revealed the flaws in the policies and perceptions that the Navy’s departments showed concerning sexual assault. This paper provides an in-depth analysis of the case, discussing...

Substance Abuse Relapse among Women

Introduction In essence, substance relapse is a situation of ‘converting back’ by an individual from a condition after a short or long term abstinences from using any drugs. In drug addiction and substance abuse, it can be defined as “the resumption of the use of drugs after leaving it for...

Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly: Are They Effective?

Introduction In industrial organizations or microeconomics, market structures are normally categorized into monopoly, oligopoly, perfect competitions, and monopolistic competition based on the extent of concertation, product differentiation, and entry barriers. It is commonly depicted that when a market is seamlessly competitive, a balance is attained controlled by invisible forces, which...

“The Globalization of American Law” by R. D. Kelemen and E. C. Sibbitt

Introduction The purpose of this paper is to critically examine the article entitled “The Globalization of American Law,” as written by R. Daniel Kelemen, and Eric. C. Sibbitt, and published within International Organization, Vol. 58, No. 1 in 2004 (Kelemen, Sibbitt, 2004). It was published by the Cambridge University Press...

How Coronavirus Affected College Students

Introduction Since early 2020, the coronavirus pandemic has posed serious challenges to individuals and institutions globally. Academic life has been dramatically changed, as universities and colleges replaced traditional in-person learning with virtual classrooms or hybrid models. Many students had to leave residential campuses, which disrupted their academic and social lives....

British Petroleum Company’s Marketing Plan

Introduction British Petroleum – BP ranks third among the worlds largest producer of ol and natural gas. The organisation is among the top 6 energy sector companies and is active in the oil and gas exploration, petroleum products refining and marketing and non conventional energy systems. For the year ending...

Foreign Direct Investment for Overseas Organizations

Executive Summary Most of the advanced countries in the world involve themselves in foreign direct investment in the less developed countries with an aim of increasing their potential for investment and making appropriate use of other countries’ resources to promote development (Hill 2008). Before an organization decides on the country...

A Case Study on Educational Leadership

Introduction Demetreio Secondary School is facing a herculean challenge of leadership. The school has been through years of poor leadership, which has resulted in a wrong perception developed in the minds of parents, teachers, and students about their school. As noted from the case study, parents, staff, and children are...

The German Automotive Industry

Introduction The locomotive industry entails a diverse range of corporations and organizations involved in designing, developing, producing, and marketing motor vehicles. Stakeholders in the automotive industries vend machines across the world markets, which cover both advanced and developing nations. The development of the motorized industry has been affected by various...

Community Health and Population-Focused Nursing: Approaches and Challenges

Primary Community and Resources It Has I spent community hours evaluating resources accessible for people beginning with pregnant women and ending with elderly citizens. The initial meeting was held with the representative from the Miami-Dade County Health Department. The agent informed me that the choice of focus areas is contingent...

Examining the Urgent Need for Police Reform in Florida: Challenges and Opportunities

Executive Summary Every year, in Florida, police services become more demanding due to pressures to assess and measure government performance regarding their efficiency. There are no competing markets for the delivery of policy enforcement services, and thus, the police effectiveness has received a lot of criticism in the state. An...

Labor Turnover: Reasons and Strategies for Reduction

Introduction One of the major problems that have rocked organizations’ human resource departments is managing labor turnover. The rate of staff turnover in organizations continues increasing. Overcoming staff turnover within organizations helps in enhancing employee retention, improving labor recruitment and reducing organization’s cost. It also improves employee morale and nurtures...

Forces for Good: Waikiki Business Improvement District Association

Introduction Any nonprofit organization’s work is motivated by the necessity to serve the public to make a positive social change. The needs of communities are met through nonprofits’ organized work through cooperation with multiple stakeholders, engage in volunteer work, initiate fundraising campaigns, and plan programs within their financial opportunities to...

International Project Management

Introduction The surface area of the Democratic Republic of Congo is comparable to that of Western Europe, and it is the most populous country in Sub-Saharan Africa. The country has a large population, and, unfortunately, the primary population consists of poor people and people from the lower class (The World...

E-commerce and E-business

Introduction E-commerce is the use of internet platform to carry out business transactions. It entails digitalization of all business activities between an organization and its customers or clients. On the other hand, e-business refers to digitalization of transactions and processes within an organization. However, the two concepts have similarities owing...

Transport and Logistics in the USA

Abstract The paper reports on findings of the following research questions. How do threats to the economy like terrorism and financial crisis affect growth and development of the transport and logistics sector? How does the transport and logistics sector management help in correcting negative economic growth? What are the main...

Good Observation in Teacher’s Career and Policies

As of today, classroom observation continues to remain the main methodological instrument of assessing the professional adequacy of teachers and evaluating the effectiveness of the learning process as a whole. After all, the assessment technique’s theoretical premise draws from the assumption that, when it comes to evaluating teachers’ performance, one...

An Analysis of the Company Entrepreneurs Alliance

Introduction Entrepreneurial organizations are by far the most challenging to establish and sustain. This is because they are mainly grounded on the aspect of bringing new ideas into the market; ideas that may not readily be accepted by the consumers. Most entrepreneurial establishments face somewhat similar problems and it is...

The Language Barriers Between Akan-Speaking Patients and Health Professionals

Introduction It is important to note that communication between a patient and healthcare professional is integral to the healthcare delivery process. An unhindered flow of information determines and affects the quality of care, effectiveness of treatment, and adherence. The primary purpose of the given evidence-based practice project proposal is to...

Poland and Thailand Fdi-Automotive Companies Analysis

Executive Summary FDI investment in the automobile industry is a looming trend due to the increasing cost of production in developed countries. So, we target emerging economies that provide new markets of opportunity as well as incredibly lower production costs. For the research of our car company, we chose two...

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Supply in Hospitals

In different medical settings, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is regarded as a critical element of contagion or infection management and control. PPE is used to protect healthcare workers, patients, and visitors from infections by mechanically preventing the spread of germs and viruses. In healthcare facilities, there is a high risk...

Diagnostic Measures for Identifying Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy in Young Athletes

Summary The literature review evaluates the studies that have been done on sudden cardiac arrest/death among the young athletes. Hypertrophie cardiomyopathy (HCM) will be discussed as part of the literature review because it is one of the major causes of SCD in the United States. Nevertheless, other causes of SCD...

A Comparison Between the Corporate Governance in the UK and Germany

Introduction A number of authorities have given various definitions of corporate governance. Mallin argues corporate governance is a broad term that encompasses various aspects such as concepts, theories and practices of board of directors, executive and non executive directors (2). Corporate governance focuses on how boards, investors, business executives, auditors...

A Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy Utility of Schizophrenia

Introduction Various psychotherapy models and theories are advised to treat various mental health problems and anxiety disorders. This research focuses on using cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), a person-centered psychotherapy technique, to aid a patient in alleviating anxiety and depressive symptoms. The study contends, in general, that CBT incorporates distinct concepts from...

“The Underground Railroad” by Colson Whitehead

Introduction Modern authors often choose to explore different parts of their ancestors’ history that were unavailable to them before (Maus 37). Many of the writers do not only retell the stories of the past but also use some fictional elements to create a narrative that will show the struggles of...

Corporate Governance and Family Companies in Hong Kong

Introduction This analysis of the relevant literature review begins with an introduction of corporate governance and family companies, and within the Hong Kong context. The board in the head of a firm, its purpose and efficacy, and agency theories are next covered in the literature study. It narrows down to...

Data Warehouse Design as Problem Solving

Abstract Infortrack is a start-up company specializing in eCommerce and parcel delivery. The company operates on stand-alone offices distributed in London, Liverpool, Manchester, Bristol, and Chester. The different pickup stations use different data analysis applications such as Microsoft Excel, Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), and WorkBooks to capture and...

“Pierre; or; The Ambiguities” by Herman Melville

Books 1-5 The story told by Herman Melville in his book titled Pierre; or; The Ambiguities that was first published in the middle of the nineteenth century attracts the attention of the readers to a network of conflicts and troubled relationships between the protagonist and other characters. At the beginning...

Business Applications of Blockchain Technology

Introduction Blockchain belongs to the number of technologies that are gaining momentum in various industries due to their hypothesized ability to change the world by improving the principles of data management. The technology was first presented more than ten years ago, and the number of its potential applications has significantly...

Pathway Through Breast Care Service in the UK

Introduction Breast cancer has emerged as the most common type of cancer amongst women in the United Kingdom, with the rate of incidence of this disease is more than double that of both cervical and colorectal cancers (The Breast 2007). Besides, the occurrence rate of breast cancer amongst women in...

Corporate Governance and Voluntary Disclosure Relationship

The present study addresses the potential benefits and costs of the fire districts and municipal fire departments consolidation in Lee County. In particular, it examines how the proposed legislation to create the Lee County Fire Control and Rescue District is potentially effective in improving efficiency and reducing the cost of...

Role of Motivation and Individual Behavior

Introduction When people are motivated, they accomplish goals. In the workplace, workers can be very productive when they feel they are a part of a team, or part-owner of business. They feel this sense of belongingness and so they strive for the company’s success. This is one of the many...

China’s Industrial Development and Response to Issues

The rapid growth of China as a major powerhouse in the global economy is described by analysts as an example of one of the most significant economic success narratives in contemporary times. The growth has taken place within a span of fewer than three decades is. The Chinese economic reforms...

Wounded Warrior Project’s Performance Problem

Organization’s Mission and Vision To promote and provide increased public awareness through transparency, education, and knowledge. The community sensitization and engagement will create advocacy and solicit the society’s aid for the needs of wounded soldiers. The vision of the organization is yielding faithful contributions and support for our most impacted...

Herfy Company Marketing in India

Company background Herfy is a food company located in Saudi Arabia where it has managed to become a household name given its success and popularity in the region. The company has been in existence for over three decades having been established in 1981 (About Herfy, 2010, p.1). Herfy was co-founded...

Antibiotics in Pediatric Care: Assessing Their Role as Main Treatments for Children

Abstract Acute otitis media (AOM) is a common disease that is usually observed among patients in early infancy and childhood. Several methods of treatment can be offered. Antibiotic use is one of the most frequent options in such countries as the USA and Australia. Watchful waiting is an alternative that...

Product Design and Development

Introduction World is becoming complex though the technology has been keeping its effort continuously to make the life easier. People are now living in such an environment where everybody is busy to run the life in a higher status then the existing. In these busy days, the people have no...

The Future of Automated Cars

Introduction Throughout history, the human race always sought ways to ease the burden of labor. At the beginning of time, the first humans developed primitive tools to relieve themselves from certain manual processes. Since then optimization of tools and processes has become the primary goal of the human race in...

Video Editing: Past, Present and Future

Introduction Video editing refers to the process of selecting and combining short motion picture films commonly referred to as shots into comprehensive narratives that are eventually used in creating a finished film. A video is a sequence of still pictures that are used to represent scenes in motion. Video editing...

Organizational Effectiveness: Change, Organizational Design, and Organizational Culture

Introduction Ensuring organizational effectiveness is one of the central tasks that companies face in the realm of the global economy. Due to the tight competition observed in the global market, as well as the presence of large corporations that pose an immeasurable challenge to new entrants, it is crucial to...

The Consequences of Leadership Gaps in Pharmaceutical and Medical Companies

Introduction Several organizations make terrible errors while undertaking their various activities such as marketing and selling of their products (Frederick, 8). This does not exclude the medical and pharmaceutical organizations, which also engage in dishonorable activities for monetary reasons. However, sources indicate that these disreputable acts are primarily sparkled and...

The Hidden Struggles of Law Enforcement Officers

Introduction “Law Enforcement officers are ordinary people called upon to do an extraordinary job” Police officers are subject to significant amounts of tension and stress, regardless of the nature and size of the agency for which they work. Although a considerable number of law enforcement officers receive rudimentary training to...

Self-Defense Against the Attacks of Non-State Armed Group

Introduction The right of self-defense can be used by a country against non-state actors performing violent activities like terrorist attacks. International law generally allows defensive actions on the side of the damaged party, with several caveats, such as how the country to which the criminals belong reacts to their activities...

“Views of Young People Towards Physical Activity”: Article Critique

For the past three years, I have been Head of Physical Education (PE) at an Independent Girls Secondary School. There are three hundred and seventy-five students at the school with approximately fifty percent of the students’ weekly boarding at the school. I know from experience that the inclusion of physical...

The American Revolution: A History Documentary

Summary The American Revolution would only burst in 1775, but for more than ten years, the prerequisites for its start would accumulate. The British government was keen to maintain control of the colonies as well as exploit them for revenue-rising. The policy of the British Parliament, which did not consider...

Asda in the Retail Market and Its Marketing Strategies

Executive Summary The main aim of this report is to identify the current stage of Asda in the retail market and its marketing strategies. Current analysis shows the improvements to be made. The current recession has made the retail market down due to less spending by the consumers. In addition,...

Harrods Department Store’s Strategic Management

Introduction This report aims at introducing a strategic development plan for Harrods department store to enhance its global competitive advantage by market development means. This case study is concentrated on one of the most successful department stores. Harrods department store was established in London in 1849 by Charles Henry Harrods....

Managing an International Joint Venture Company

With the ongoing globalization process, the joint venture has become an essential expansion strategy in the world. Businesses and firms have opted to use joint ventures in order to maximize their production capacity and their profitability level. Basically, the joint venture is a special expansion strategy where a firm makes...

Race and Gender: Dimensions of Power

Abstract The global purpose of this paper is to explain race and gender in the context of power dynamics in modern society. Now that social justice movements are gaining as much traction as ever, the issues of race and gender find themselves in the spotlight, drawing the attention of researchers....

Importance of Expression Freedom and Tolerance

Introduction As Albert Einstein said, “Laws alone cannot secure freedom of expression; in order that every man presents his views without penalty there must be spirit of tolerance in the entire population.” Even though the laws exist to protect human rights, these laws are often violated in the context of authoritarian...

Air Freight and Air Cargo Market

Air Freight The main aspect that limits the frequency of air freight in developing nations is the inadequacy of considerable volumes of two-way movement. The enhancement of air freight necessitates landlocked countries to reinforce activities at airports and open access for foreign airplanes. The volume of air freight is mainly...

The Coca-Cola Company’s Functional Areas and Goals

Welcome to our free sample essay on functional level strategy of Coca-Cola company! You’ll find corporate and business level strategy of Coca-Cola, their marketing strategy and planning. Coca Cola Functional Areas Essay Abstract The operations of every company are aligned with its strategic goals and objectives. Such are the operations...

Hotel Building Project: Value and Risk Management

Introduction Many people do not understand the complexities associated with hotel development projects (Kirkland 2015). The progression from concept to the drawing board and final handover is a lengthy process. It is full of risks and uncertainties that continually threaten the successful execution of the project (Kirkland 2015). Construction projects...

Healthy Food Advertising: Nutrient Content

It is certain that advertising is a major driver for the success of a business regardless of the industry where it operates. However, it is important to mention that healthy foods correlate with overall well-being, both physical and mental. The importance of the subject became even more critical due to...

Critical Incidents in Teaching

Introduction Teachers’ abilities to resolve disputes during the learning process and to promote effective methods of influencing student performance and interest are important professional qualities. To address various incidents, using appropriate reflective practices and approaches is essential since an opportunity to analyse each situation helps avoid unpleasant precedents and contributes...

Acid Mine Drainage: Origins and Assessment of Methods

Overview An Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) is water that drains out from coal deposit mining areas and has a lower pH which has been occasioned by the presence of sulphuric acid. In other words, an Acid Mine Drainage is usually acidic although not all mine drainages are acidic. This acidity...

Young People’s View on Physical Activity: Research Ethics

Introduction In this dissertation, the author attempts to compare two papers looking at research methods as regards morals and how ethical the methods are. The essay is based on the original article dealing with the “Views of young people towards physical activity: determinants and barriers to involvement”. The author therefore...

Wireless Networking and Popular Standards

Abstract This paper presents an overview of wireless networking, emphasising the most popular standards: Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, WiMAX, and Cellular Networks. A review of what is needed to build a generic wireless network is provided. The literature attempts to discuss the most popular wireless technologies and their protocols. An overview of...