Procedure of Speaker Recognition

Introduction Speaker recognition is a procedure carried out through a computer program that validates the identity claimed by an individual through taking into account certain aspects of human voice. The technical field of speaker recognition attempts to provide a practical and cost effective means for recognizing an individual from audio...

Nursing-Quality Indicators and Their Role

Nursing quality indicators are commonly unit-specific measurable indicators which reflect correlation of certain elements of staffing, direct patient care, and quality outcomes. Nursing quality indicators ultimately exist to ensure data is tracked and evaluated in an appropriate manner, usually in comparison to other organizations nationally. The nursing quality indicators were...

The DASH Diet for Blood Pressure Management

Background and Significance A dietary approach to stop hypertension, popularly known as the DASH diet, is often recommended by nutritionists and doctors as a good way of managing high blood pressure without the use of medication. The nutritional approach to managing hypertension has gained massive popularity not only in the...

Spirituality as a Coping Mechanism for Chronic Illness

Introduction It is universally accepted that healthcare, including management of chronic illness, entails more than physical treatment of the sick. Healthcare relational models indicate that adequate care for the sick involves making sure that all the patient’s lifestyle relationships are taken care of. In other words, such issues as “biological,...

Preadmission Videotaped Preoperative Information on Parental Anxiety

Introduction The distress that many children witness during the induction of anaesthesia has been identified as the major factor leading to the parent anxiety. Minimising the parent anxiety has been great challenges for clinicians. Typically, excessive parental anxiety may have risky implication during the induction of anesthesia (DAI) of children....

Cleveland Clinic: Quality of Improvement Journey

A recent report by Sollecito and Johnson (2013) revealed that about 48000 lives are lost yearly because of the infection of Methicillin-resistant Staphyloccus Aureus (MRSA) and Vancomycin-resistant Enterococci (VRE) bacteria. These two types of bacteria are known to resist some of the most effective antibacterial medicines which are currently in...

Speaker Recognition: Multispeaker

Introduction It has always been a problem determining the number of speakers required for a quality sound system especially in cases where speech separation of an individual speaker from a multispeaker signal is required. In this regard, various theoretical approaches such as the subjective threshold hypothesis for the detection of...

Product Design and Development

Introduction World is becoming complex though the technology has been keeping its effort continuously to make the life easier. People are now living in such an environment where everybody is busy to run the life in a higher status then the existing. In these busy days, the people have no...

Toyota Problems and Solutions

What problem happened in Toyota? How was it solved? This essay provides answers to questions regarding Toyota problems and solutions, such as a recall. Introduction How can a company that has been calling the shots in the automobile market succumb to problems and criticism brought about by mistakes that could...

The Crime of Homicide: History and Laws

Introduction Homicide, which can be described as the act of a human being killing another, is a crime that is recognized all over the world. The crime is a common one since many people fall victim every day. Homicide can be of different types depending on the circumstances surrounding the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Cardiovascular System: Lesson Planning

Introduction Objectives Learning objectives are critical because they ensure the targeted unit or lesson focuses on the needs of the students. Every lesson should deliver meaningful content that has the potential to support the long-term and short-term goals of the targeted students. Wong and Wong (2009) argue that “one of...

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act or Obama Care

Introduction Roughly three years ago, President Obama ratified the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act’, alternatively referred as the healthcare reform act or Obama care, into law” (Flaer et al. 181). Among many other concerns of the act, the chief goal of the healthcare reform was to avail a healthcare...

Adolescent Males With Depression: Poly-Substance Abuse

Introduction Male adolescents with depression are usually reluctant and unwilling to seek help from adults or even healthcare institutions. They tend to associate the act of seeking assistance with their problems as childishness this end up finding different ways of coping with the situation. One of the ways that most...

Measles Disease Among Children Comprehensive Study

Introduction Historically, there was a very high infection of measles among children (95%-98%) by the time they reached 18 years, before the introduction of the vaccine against measles. The number of cases of measles has generally reduced since 1980 according to the WHO report (see appendix 1). The viruses for...

Reflective Study of a Patient Case of Hysteroscopy

Introduction The purpose of this reflective study is to discuss a thorough understanding of the procedure of anesthesia. The case that I worked on along with other operation theatre professionals and practitioners is of a patient who was undertaking hysteroscopy surgery. Before taking up the surgery, I along with her...

Internet Usage Among Small and Medium Enterprises: A Malaysian Perspective

The Magnitude of E-Commerce Today Since e-commerce plays out within the large laissez-faire environment of the World Wide Web, there is essentially no central registry that reliably reports the magnitude of global transactions. Hence, estimates vary widely: US retail sales were estimated at $170bn in 2006. While Europe lagged behind,...

The Voice of Classroom: Native and Non-native Educators in English Language Teaching

Abstract Promoting active information acquisition among students is a challenging task for any teacher. However, it becomes even more complicated to empower learners to attain success when having a poor understanding of their culture or language. Although non-native speakers (NNS) of English can deliver rather efficient results as teachers, the...

Electronic Medical Records: Is It the Wave of the Future

Introduction Medical records are a crucial tool for clinicians in the provision of health care to patients. For more than a century, these tools have been used to record observations, provide knowledge, justify the proposed medical intervention, and monitor the performance of a patient. Traditionally, doctors all over the world...

Physical Therapy and Sprain/Strain

Introduction In this section, we will profoundly discuss sprains and strains in context, define them, and provide insight about therapeutic treatment approaches. In continuum, we will define, discuss, and conversely expound on therapeutic treatment approaches. As such, this section is a summative expose on clinical comprehensibility of sprains and strains...

Caregiver Burden for Adult Children Whose Parent Has Alzheimer’s Disease

Introduction For many years, immediate family members and other informal caregivers have acted as the primary source of care for persons with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). As primary caregivers, families of patients with AD experience enormous stress because the disorder requires intensive supervision of patient behavior and support of daily living,...

Mental Health Diseases: Diagnostic Assessment

Case # 1 Diagnosis In the case under analysis, the patient, Zev, is a 45-year-old man who is obsessed with performing specific rituals many times each day, explaining this need as a possibility to prevent terrible things. Focusing on repetitive behaviors to reduce anxiety and persistent thoughts, it is possible...

Childhood Obesity and Nutrition

Summary The prevalence of childhood obesity in schools can be compared to an epidemic of a virulent disease on a global scale. Research statistics have shown that on average 15.5% of children aged between five to fifteen in school have body mass indexes reaching 30 or higher, far above the...

Description of Wellbore Stability

Wellbore stability definition Wellbore stability refers to sustainability of the borehole from falling or breaking down and is achieved through use of drilling fluid programs, casing programs and efficiencies of drilling operating procedures (Simangunson et al, 2006). Wellbore stability is achieved through identification; adoption and implementation of best practices (cf....

A Health Problem – Smoking Analysis

Problem statement Smoking has been a health problem all over the world due to its negative health effects. The allure of smoking is great particularly for teenagers but the resultant addiction makes smoking a dangerous health risk. In this light, several alternatives have been advanced to assist addicts quit smoking....

The Treatment of Anxiety and Depression

Introduction As one of the methods used in the treatment of depression and anxiety, cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES) is not only safe but also effective. Psychotherapists have been using CES in the United States and Europe for decades. Although CES has been in clinical use for decades, its safety and...

Hypertension in African-Americans in the City of Overtown Miami

A public health problem in a population at risk High blood pressure or hypertension is a major public health concern among African-Americans residing in the city of Overtown Miami. It is an endemic condition in this segment of the Miami population (High Blood Pressure, 2015). Hypertension is usually characterized by...

The Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime of 2001

Introduction On November 23, 2001.The initial global agreement on computer and internet-connected offence was opened for signature in Budapest. The agreement which is know as the convention on cybercrime was developed by the Council of Europe ( CoE ), climaxing a five-year process dating back to 1997.As of July 16,2002,the...

Dangerous Offenders and Preventive Sentencing

Outline Dangerous offenders are defined by most laws as those that inflict pain and harm to the victims during or after assaulting them sexually. The laws have gone through several amendments to ensure that the community is protected from such dangerous criminals. Apart from the determinate sentences that are given...

Municipal Purchasing Guidelines for Disadvantaged Businesses Nature of the Program

Nature of the Program The mandate for municipal purchasing to give windows of opportunity to small business, women-owned and minority-owned enterprises stems from federal guidelines. Organizationally, the Office of Government Contracting (GC) of the Small Business Administration (SBA) advocates the interests of small, disadvantaged, and woman-owned businesses. The goal is...

Food and Drug Administration History

Abstract This paper intends to highlight the past and present measures are taken to properly administer the food and drugs issues. The key notion is to identify any advances reached. For this purpose initially, the topic is introduced so that it becomes easy to get an idea of the perspective...

Business Valuation for WH Smith Plc

A Brief Company Background WHSmith is a British retailing company operating a chain of shops in the UK. However, the company also has operations in India, the Middle East, Australia, and South-East Asia (MarketLine 2014). WHSmith operations are divided into two business segments. The two are travel and high street....

The Ohio’s Manufacturing Environment: Lost Time Accident Rates

Outline This study seeks to consider the positive impact of correlation between lost time accidents and corporations’ annual profit share margin in the Ohio manufacturing industry. The methodology that has been used seeks to interview heads of 50 main manufacturing industries in Ohio, and their opinions about this issue and...

Management Information Systems: A Necessary Infringement of Privacy

 Introductory Abstract Management Information Systems (MIS) have evolved basically as tools or processes that aid in the effective management of an organization. This helps make prudent business decisions in the organization. Essentially, through an MIS, data is converted to information, which is then analyzed, and the results studied and made...

Emerging Terrorist Threat in Africa

Introduction If judging terrorism only by the media, its face is always changing. In that regard, it can be stated that its most recent face seems to be in Africa. The African terrorism threat is different and its difference is not a positive one. Judging such threat through the media,...

The Gulf Cooperation Council: Internal Financial Reporting Standards Adoption

Introduction There has been a growing tendency for cooperation among Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries in the development of economic and financial institutions. The manifestation of the ubiquitous nature of globalisation has increased the need for embracing standardised accounting regulations in order to improve cooperation and enhance efficiency of financial...

The Euro and the Sovereign Debt Crisis

As can be seen from the US/Euro foreign exchange rate, the lowering by Alan Greenspan of the US Federal Funds Rate, which was inflationary to the US dollar (devaluation) created an increase in value for the euro. From 2003 to mid 2008, the euro appreciated at a 12.2% compounded rate...

China’s Trade Policy for the Global Economy

Introduction The presented paper aims to analyze the implications of China’s trade policy for the global economy. The significance of the topic is determined by the fact that China has become one of the largest trading powers within several decades and plays a vital role in the world’s economy. The...

Enzymatic Promoter of Dental Caries

Introduction With different lifestyles and consumer goods being developed each day, the question of health has been discussed since most of the consumer products have been causing a lot of imbalances in human health conditions. For example, there has been a lot of concern about sugary food and its possible...

Deforestation and Land Policies

Environmental problems have become more acute during the last several centuries because of higher rates of industrialization and urbanization. The notion of global warming and climate crisis is popular in the media today, and more people are getting involved in the conversation. On September 23, 2019, a Swedish teenager and...

Nursing: Management Concept

Introduction Ambulatory care has often been offered at places of work, clinics, and the out patient centers of health care institutions. Some ambulatory care is offered in educational institutions. The logic behind offering health care in places where people habitually spend their time instead of obliging them to go to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Large Scale Software Development

Introduction This report provides information regarding the Resource Scheduling project. The Resource Scheduling project is useful for a consultant company that provides resources of different types to various companies for a particular duration. An example of a company that would require this kind of software is an IT consultant company....

Best All Round Roofing Firm’s Technical Proposal and Mission Capability

Using the approach of the best value putting into consideration the technical understanding and the approach BEST ALL ROUND ROOFING does depict an understanding of the requirements that are there of offering a heavily sound technical solution. Has put the expected risks under check and hence has put a mitigation...

Non-Executive Director: Definition and Responsibilities

Introduction A company whether it is a big or a small company, it will derive advantage from the exposure and experience that a good non-executive Director can transform. Non-executive Directors can offer a priceless involvement in the corporate decision-making practice, in influencing corporate strategy and in the distribution of resources...

Broken Window Theory: An Empirical Exploration of the Merits and Feasibility

Running Head This research paper presents an empirical exploration of the merits and feasibility of the Broken Window Theory in a community with a particulate social background. The paper will present experimentations outcomes on the hypothesis that curtailing the proliferation of smaller crimes as held in the core of the...

Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005

History of BAPCPA The Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act (hereinafter will be referred to as BAPCPA) was signed into law on April 20, 2005, by President G.W.Bush. BAPCPA can be described as the leading revamp to the bankruptcy code in the last 25 years in the legal annals...

Air New Zealand Airline’s Operations Management

Introduction Air New Zealand is a global airline with operations in passenger and cargo transport in the semi-premium market category. Its main operations are located in New Zealand and Australia (Deloitte Limited, 2017). However, it also has other operations in the United Kingdom (UK), the Pacific Islands, Asia, and North...

Consistency Management in Requirements Modeling

Abstract Software systems have many artifacts which must in some way interrelate with each other. In these artifacts, there must be a way in which the code and the way they are tested are traceable to the design. In all specified in the, the design must meet the requirements and...

Nation-State Concepts: Policy Making and Government

Difference between nation, state, country, political system and government A nation state is a defined territory occupied by people of a given cultural background. An example of a modern nation state is Portugal. Portugal is a nation state because the Portuguese; which is a distinct cultural group has occupied the...

Challenges with Homeless and Runaway Youth in Hawaii

Nature of the Problem The homelessness rate in Hawaii and the Waianae beach area, in particular, has grown in recent years and it continues to be a significant public concern because of multiple negative consequences of the problem on the state economy and the community welfare. Notably, the number of...

Misbehaving Students and Behaviour Management

Section One Context of Behavior of Concern Anderson exhibits undesired behaviors during the ESL lesson. When he is asked to answer questions in class, he makes animal-like noises and sometimes bangs his books on the table. Worse still, when his teacher asks him to walk to the front of the...

Emergency and Disaster Management Legal Framework

Introduction The United Nations office for disaster risk reduction defines a natural disaster as “a serious disruption of the functioning of a community or society involving widespread human, material, economic or environmental losses and impacts, which exceeds the ability of the affected community or society to cope with using its...

Marketing Strategies of Asda Company in Retail Market

Executive Summary The main aim of this report is to identify the current stage of Asda in the retail market and its marketing strategies. Current analysis shows the improvements to be made. The current recession has made the retail market down due to less spending by the consumers. In addition,...

Leadership Management Style in Technological Era

Introduction Changing consumer trends dictated by technological advancements and globalization of the modern market require a wise selection of leadership and management styles. While leadership and management are two distinct concepts, they have a close connection, which makes it complex to utilize one and leave the other. Leadership roles such...

The Economy of Japan

State of Economy Japan has been known as one of the countries with the most advanced economy and the best-developed entrepreneurship. In 2017, Japan’s GDP reached $4.873 trillion, which made it the world’s third most economically prolific country in the world (Central Intelligence Agency). Similarly, other economic indicators have proven...

Tasmania’ Forestry Industry: Effectiveness and Trends

Executive summary The Tasmanian forestry industry is shifting towards efficiency in processing timber. The effectiveness of subsidies or tariffs depends on the elasticity of supply and demand. Low elasticity of supply will make both policies ineffective. The high elasticity of supply becomes effective even when the demand in the local...

Bayesian Data Analysis

Abstract As firms are increasingly focusing on core competencies, there has been a growing interest among organizations to outsource a broader gamut of logistics services. The logistics fraternity is evolving innovative models tailored to meet end customer solutions and adhere to channel wide requirements in the supply chain network. Conceptualizing...

ABASCO Company’s Recruitment and Implementation Plan

Executive Summary In the 21st century, competition in all segments of the economy has increased drastically. Any organisation that does not adopt the best industry practices risks being phased out of the market. Organisations need to be in the front position in recognising their respective industry trends, adopting the best...

Marxist Means for Achieving Socialism

There are various definitions and assertions as to what constituted the transition period. According to Marx, the transition period was a time when the means of production was brought into common ownership by the working class using the power of the state. In other words, it was a period when...

Determinants in Oral Health Inequalities

Introduction Dental health is a key ingredient to the general health of a person. Oral diseases and inequalities are constant occurrences that usually affect ones wellness. These inequalities also account for financial and other costs that in most cases lower ones standard of living. Tooth disorders in most cases do...

Christian Theology and World Religions

Introduction Mircea Eliade was a philosopher and a historian of religion, whose book “A History of Religious Ideas” in three volumes outlines the key periods in human history in relation to religious traditions people practiced at a specific time. Religion in the context of human history has been a part...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Eco-Tourism: A Growing Trend in Andhra Pradesh, India

Introduction Initial Situation In the present day, traveling plays a highly significant role in the life of almost every person across the globe. Originated as a way to search food, security, shelter, and better habitat, it subsequently transformed into a source of experience, knowledge of the outside world, and entertainment....

Chaucer’s Book of the Duchess and the Gawain Poet’s Pearl: A Critical Essay

Introduction The feeling of a personal loss is one of the emotional experiences that transcend all cultures and are easily understood by the members of any cultural environment. Moreover, the concepts of love and loss, as well as those of life and death, transcend not only cultures but time as...

Application of Technological Success in Toyota Motor Corporation

Introduction This case study that is being currently examined relates to the success story of Toyota Motors in handling people, and more contextually, use of technology with greater degree of effectiveness and success in the global competitive automobile market. The main aspects that need to be considered that Japan has...

The Need for Lesson Planning and Teaching

Class profile Institution: Private English School in Iran Type of course: The course is intended for students who are yet to join higher learning institutions abroad, as well as those who want to pursue their careers in America. Course duration: 9:30 – 11:00 a.m., three times a week. Group: Ten...

Changes in Management of Coventry Airport

Abstract This report will try to analyse and allocate arrival and departure of airplanes at Coventry airport in the United Kingdom. The main aim of the paper is to reduce the number of flights that are diverted to Birmingham international airport at the same time reduce the time the planes...

The Problems in Managing Employees in Modern Organizations

Briefing paper background Organizational Theory and studies focus on the systematic explorations of; and analysis of how people as individuals and as groups function within organizational operational frameworks. Robbins, Stephen P. adds that “In this view Human resource management is thus viewed as a strategic and coherent approach to the...

Polymers Crystallization and Contributing Factors

Section – A. Polymers Structural factors that promote the crystallization of polymers are the following. Structural Regularity A polymer with a regular structure is more likely to crystallize as the ordering of the molecules is easier in that case. A polymer with an irregular structure will not crystallize. Stereoregularity This...

Renminbi Effects on the Economy of Hong Kong

The paper discusses the working and effects of Renminbi in the economy of Hong Kong. It has the parts of introduction, positives effects of Renminbi on the economy of Hong Kong, negative effects of Renminbi on its economy, conclusive summary the list of material used as reference for this paper....

Intimate Partner Violence in the Australian Media During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Introduction Intimate partner violence (IPV) is understood as different forms of violence that people employ against their current or former partners in an attempt to control them or punish them for disobedience. Despite all the efforts to prevent and eliminate IPV, the problem remains common in Australia. For instance, in...

International Power Company’s Organizational Behavior and Change Management

Introduction International Power Global Developments is a private company. Keeping the current advancements of the world in mind, there is a need to understand the requirement of a horizontal/flat structure. Vertical hierarchies were very common in olden days, but with passage of time, more team based cultures are being explored....

The USE of Information Technology Networks in the Field of Pedagogy

Introduction The past and current education systems have faced criticism for their lack of ability to engage students in the classroom. This presents a challenge to teachers and -educators. Teachers have been turned to a narrator while the students have been turned to be listening objects. This severs the essence...

Health Policy: Obesity in Children

Introduction Obesity is a health condition that refers to having too much too fat in the body, in excess of what is considered healthy with regards to the individual’s age and height (Kids’ health, 2009). Professionals normally use a statistical measurement known as Body Mass Index commonly known as BMI...

Improving Mental Health by Preventing Mental Illness

Mental health is a broad concept used to refer to psychological well being. It entails the emotional or cognitive fitness and generally affects how people think or behave. Lack of mental health culminates to mental disorder. According to a report released by World Health Organisation (2005), one out of every...

Substance Abuse Relapse among Women

Introduction In essence, substance relapse is a situation of ‘converting back’ by an individual from a condition after a short or long term abstinences from using any drugs. In drug addiction and substance abuse, it can be defined as “the resumption of the use of drugs after leaving it for...

“Not So New” New World Order. Conspiracy Theories

Introduction Conspiracy theories have been around for as long as humans have had the ability to question authority. They are generally associated with events of such a sheer magnitude that seemingly have to be part of a secret plot. Conspiracy theorists usually stick together in the fact that they associate...

Advertising Effect on British Buying Decisions

Overview The research will be done mainly to determine the effects of advertising on United Kingdom citizen’s buying decisions. Several researches have been done but have not completely exposed the major effects advert messages have on consumer behavior in the United Kingdom. The research will survey respondents to collect appropriate...

Police’s Brutality Towards African American Males

Abstract Police brutality and violence directed against African Americans is a common problem in the United States. African American males have suffered police brutality and violence for a long time. The society has also witnessed cases where individuals attack and kill or wound officers as a way of responding to...

Teaching Science, Technology, Society and Environment Using Out-of-School

Introduction The environment, our society, the advancing technology and science at large are very important components in life as they guide the advancement of the world in the specific lines hence are continuous when conflicting concerns arise. Many scholars, environmentalists, scientists, politicians, managers and other concerned people who believe that...

Good Mark Company: Manufacturing Industry Analysis

Introduction This paper provides a strategic analysis of the manufacturing industry. To concretize the analysis, Good Mark, a manufacturing company in Hong Kong is used. The strategic assessment looks into the manufacturing industry trends based on a PESTEL Model. It further analyses the strategic groups in the manufacturing industry using...

Using Technology in Human Resource Management

Executive summary The growth and development of internet and web-based applications has found many areas of applications especially in the different department s in organizations. The Human Resource (HR) docket is an area that these technologies have been utilized and benefits realized. Development in this area has been witnessed through...

Hilton London Paddington Hotel: External Influences

Introduction External influences are those factors that affect business and the business has no control over these factors. Many external influences do exist. These influences can be economic, legal, environmental or technological. This paper is going to look at these four categories of influences in relation to the hotel industry....

Victorian Period Corset Controversy

Introduction The practice of wearing corsets has historically provided women the perfect, sculpted hyperbolic female body. The corseted figure becomes an almost permanent body modification as the internal organs and ribs gradually adjust to its shape (Riordan 2007). This practice has been the reason for a long debate, which is...

British Airways: Project Management

British Airways (BA) is a recognized commercial flying company that is renowned not only in Europe but globally. Currently BA is recognized as one of the largest in Europe with the capacity to fly over 550 destinations in more than 94 countries. In 2007 the airline boasted of taking more...

Business, Ethics, Responsibility and Sustainability

Introduction There are a number of issues that a businessman can be preoccupied with. A person who is planning to start his/her own business should be aware about the incalculable aspects of the business world, the rules according to which this world works, and the ways to improve his/her life...

Obsession with Beauty of North American Women

Introduction Most women in America and the world over have at one time or the other in their lifetimes involved in some form of a beauty contest. People want to look physically attractive. According to our society’s standards, beauty is so important that it is becoming everyone woman’s obsession. The...

Divorce and Family Disorganization in the UAE

Introduction “The Gulf societies have been undergoing radical changes since the end of the 1970s. The Arab Gulf family is passing through a fast transition that affects its functions, roles, authority, and structure. One must start with a preliminary hypothesis that reviews the Arab Gulf family as a basic unit...

Art and Literature Response to Horrors of War

There are a lot of sufferings that people undergo in events of the war that are not accounted for. Soldiers as well as prisoners of war are subjected to suffering by their enemies. Innocent citizens are displaced with others being killed in the process. Women and children are the most...

Russia Should be Wary in Supporting North Korea

The memory of the Cold War seems distant, but the relics of a bygone era can still be seen in the international arena. This is made evident when one takes a closer look at the political and economic ties of North Korea and Russia. There is a deliberate move by...

Pathway Through Breast Care Service in the UK

Introduction Breast cancer has emerged as the most common type of cancer amongst women in the United Kingdom, with the rate of incidence of this disease is more than double that of both cervical and colorectal cancers (The Breast 2007). Besides, the occurrence rate of breast cancer amongst women in...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Effective Organizational Communication in Municipal Government

Introduction Local governments, smaller administrative units that encompass the workings of the central governments, federal governments, public, and private organizations are the ones that put together the complex responsibilities of managing the local authorities. It has been noted that local governments have better understanding of the local need. Local governments...

Terrorist Attack Prevention Policy on the Example of the US Patriot Act

Introduction The USA Patriot Act was a public policy introduced and passed by the Senate and the House of representatives between 24th and 25th October respectively. It was designed in order to curb terrorist attacks especially in light of the nine eleven bombings. Numerous entities such as the public, mass...

Cross-Cultural Study of Executive’s Perception

Introduction The performance management of executives depends on operations strategy as well their perception of the activities they handle. According to sayed-Elkhouly, Sayed M (2009), the performance management as well as job satisfaction can be evaluated by perception. Hence, the perception of customer service and relationship affects the quality of...

Du Telecommunications Ltd.: Strategic Planning

Executive summary This report was written to examine strategic planning options of Du mobile telephone service providing company operating in the UAE. It starts by giving research methodology that was used to collect data in which primary data was collected through direct interviews and secondary data through books and other...

Child Welfare Policy in the US Critique

Outline Child welfare has generated a lot of interest in the recent years; a phenomenon that might have began with backing from some research findings that scrutinized the existing child welfare practices. The principle goal of the child welfare is to provide each and every child with a safe and...

Infosys Firm’s Information Systems Management

Executive Summary This research study is concerned with the role played by information systems management within an organisation. The company under exploration, in this case, is Infosys Solutions, an information system management company that provides information systems solutions to government, corporate and individual organisations. Following a brief description of the...

Ensuring Quality Management with Certifications

Abstract This paper outlines what certification is, what its perceived benefits to the employees are and why managements try and get their staff certified in the first place. It also provides some details of the commonly pursued certifications like the CMA, the CPA, CIA, etc and gives some information on...

Productivity & Program Evaluation of Municipal Parks

The park is a suitable setting that can stimulate reflection by its grandeur as well as complexity mixed with entertainment. The municipal departments can create enough revenues, if the parks provide untrammeled ecosystems to urban systems. From them, the municipal departments can increase their productivity in service-oriented sector with fewer...

Singapore as a Touristic Destination in Asia

Introduction Tourism plays an important role in the economy of a country including foreign exchange earning, source of employment, cultural preservation, providing an avenue for development of a country’s infrastructure among others. Countries which have faced challenges in the field of agriculture and other areas can capitalize on tourism as...

Garment Trading Company: Motivational Climate and Its Improvement

Executive Summary Current research paper deals with analysis of motivational climate in Garment Trading Company. Using well-elaborated methodology and up-to-date research of employees’ motivation, the survey is designed to determine the level of employees’ motivation in this company. The analysis is done with respect to seven motivational factors including general...

Oxfam International: Company Activities

Introduction Oxfam international has started its pace since 1942 as a charity. This paper focused different area of Oxfam’s marketing. How Oxfam apply exchange process in order to operate its marketing, as a charity unique criteria of a service, application of marketing mix for services, list of publics both for...

Lilliput Education: Advance Project Management

Introduction The aim of the given project is to improve the quality of education in Lilliput. Lilliput is governed by Lilliput Metropolitan Borough Council. The program is focused on schools under the jurisdiction of the Lilliput Metropolitan Borough Council. Objectives of key parties of the project The key parties involved...

Technology Industry and University Research

Introduction The knowledge base of technology usually derives from basic research. It focuses on generating scientific knowledge and deals with fundamental questions of science. Nature of the environment plays a very significant role in creation and application of knowledge. Government policy plays a very significant role in establishing a national...

Depression and Depressive Disorders

Introduction Depression is quite widespread and one of the leading causes of disability in the world. Commonly recognized symptoms of all types of depressive disorders are recurring feelings of sadness and guilt, changes in sleeping patterns such as insomnia or oversleeping, changes in appetite, decreased mental and physical energy, unusual...

Namibia’s Mobile Clinics & Nurse Training Program

Introduction This training program is meant to facilitate in the training of native Namibians who wishes to become paid workers of one of the three mobile clinics that shall operate across the country. The idea is to enable the creation of multifunctional clinics that shall seek to attend to the...

Electronic Publishing and American Education System

Abstract There is a great debate on whether electronic publishing and networks have been the technological answer are making great advances in learning or whether computers in the classroom will sound the death knell on education as we know it. Without a doubt, the world is rapidly going digital and...

Analyzing the Cohesion of Non-Aligned Movement (NAM)

Introduction NAM at present with a two-third United Nation’s members and 55% of the world’s population comprising of both small and large players represents cohesion to that extent where one thinks of it as a ‘multicultural’ movement. Founded in the 1915, with 118 member nations, the NAM is based on...

What Is the Role of Marketing in the Company and to What Extent?

Introduction Before attempts to discuss the role of marketing in the company and to what extent the marketing strategy of the company is effective, it is essential to consider about marketing and marketing process. Satisfying the target customers, behavior facilitating exchange, selling and advertising are the important role of marketing....

Beveridge Report Importance for Attlee Government

Introduction Clement Attlee, an esteemed war veteran, established first majority Labour’s government in Great Britain. He pursued a sturdy socialist programme and he was the father of the public organisations, which have added more strength to U.K’s economy. His overture to politics was to offer the people the talent and...

Bonobos’ Sexual Receptivity and Social Behaviour

Introduction The Pan group of non human primates resembles the human beings the most. They are the chimpanzees of the Pan Troglodytes and the bonobo ape of the Pan Paniscus. Their sociosexual behaviors resemble hominoids. Their lives in the wild gave them special characteristics which were modified when they moved...

Freedom Information Act 2000 of United Kingdom

Introduction The Freedom of Information Act 2000 which came into effect in 2005 was outcome of the major electoral manifestations of the labour party in 1997. This Act confers public the privilege to ask questions from more than 100,000 government bodies. The Act is often flaunted by crusaders and other...

PEPFAR’s Impact on Africa’s Fight Against AIDS

Before the modern age there was no such thing as geopolitical nations. A casual survey of ancient and medieval history will reveal that groups of people congregate and call themselves tribes. A monarchical system of government will arise but it usually means subduing or leading a group of tribes. But...

Euthanasia or Assisted Suicide

Introduction The present paper looks into the issue of physician- or doctor-assisted suicide or euthanasia from several perspectives. It neutrally brings forward the arguments put forth by both the proponents and opponents of this act. In the last section of the paper, an evaluation of the entire argument is made....

Intelligence-Led Policing in Europe

A Literature Review on Intelligence-led Policing in Europe Intelligence-led policing is a relatively new system of undertaking investigation duties that are subsequently used to make law enforcement decisions. Being a new system that is undergoing development has resulted in a lack of clear definition. According to Edmund et al. (2007,...

Capital Veterinarian Clinic’s Diversity and Inclusion

The Capital Veterinarian Clinic is one of the top medical facilities for the different kinds of the animals in California. It is strongly customer-centered by working 24/7 and having required screening and surgical equipment while focusing on offering internships. Apart from that, the organization has a well-developed structure and the...

Wounded Warrior Project’s Performance Problem

Organization’s Mission and Vision To promote and provide increased public awareness through transparency, education, and knowledge. The community sensitization and engagement will create advocacy and solicit the society’s aid for the needs of wounded soldiers. The vision of the organization is yielding faithful contributions and support for our most impacted...

Classical and Romantic Piano Comparison

The piano can be directly linked to two instruments οf centuries past. The first is the clavichord, a box-like structure in which strings are stretched and struck by metal blades to produce notes and pitches. The clavichord could be manipulated to produce different chords, but even at its best, it...

Young Black Male Experiences

Abstract African Americans face a high risk of negative experiences connected to subtle racism, as in the cases of police brutality. It became a pivotal social justice issue in the United States after the death of Trayvon Martin in 2012, and the subsequent rise of the Black Lives Matter. Negative...

LAN Network Security

Introduction Network security is fundamental to limit threats to sensitive information on various dimensions with the proper security approach. It means attack prevention incorporates all components and approaches to restrict the extent of security breaches and threats. Security approaches are rules electronically modified to control a few regions of access...

Dr. Johns: Profile of a Leader

Introduction Obviously enough, a leader in contemporary society holds a vast set of responsibilities that serve as a guideline for his or her activities. Accordingly, a leader that efficiently implements actions and plans in compliance with the organizational standards can have a large positive impact on society. Moreover, it is...

Apple: Organizational Theory

Introduction Organizational theory can be defined as approaches and methods that are used in company analysis (Hatch, 2018). The concept is important in ensuring the productivity and sustainability of business and their products. Various strategies are often examined by companies. For example, Porter’s matrix has been used to analyze the...

Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 for China-US Relationships

Even though the US and China enjoy a cordial bilateral relationship today, their history is mired with conflict. Indeed, antagonism still exists in both country’s economic sectors, with China standing as the second-largest economy in the world (Skidmore, 2015). It is important to note that initially, Chinese migrants to the...

Fashion Solving Irrational Anxieties in People

When it comes to discussing the significance of fashion as a socio-cultural phenomenon, many sociologists and psychologists make a point in accentuating the irrational nature of people’s strive to look fashionable. Such their tendency does make much of a sense. After all, having a very little practical utility to it...

United Parcel Service: Information Technology Management Plan

Introduction Background of the Study Founded in 1907, the United Parcel Service (UPS) is an American-based logistics company. The company relies on its information management systems to undertake most of its operations. This report provides an information management plan for the year 2019. How to use this Report The data...

Cross-Cultural Management for Virtual Teams: Context, Theories and Critical Cultural Influences

Executive Summary The influence of globalization is evident in all aspects of the business environment. By facilitating business collaborations and agreements between different countries, this phenomenon created opportunities for companies to enter new markets and multiply their profits as a result. Similarly, the advancement of information technology enhanced the global...

Environmental Issues in the Hospitality Industry

Control of Pesticides, Fertilizers, Cleaners, Wastewater, Sewage The world and the people, in general, are increasingly becoming conscious of the impacts that their activities have on the environment. The environment is now a contemporary question in various spheres of human life. Traditionally, the impact on the environment was concentrated on...

Neoliberalism and Government Control of Business

Introduction One of the main qualitative aspects of today’s living in the West is that it is the advocates of the specifically libertarian (neo-liberal) economic theories, who now enjoy a largely undisputed dominance in the discursive domain of economics. Partially, this explains why it now became a commonplace assumption that...

Transformational & Transactional Leadership Theories

Introduction Organisational leadership is such a vital element, especially in shaping employees’ perceptions of work, responses to organisational change, and acceptance to organisational innovations to achieve high performance (Aarons 2006, p. 1162). Whereas transformational leadership aims at motivating and inspiring followers by paying close attention to their emergent needs, transactional...

Marketing Management in the Largest World Companies

The Role of Marketing in the organization Shell Oil Company is a global group of energy and petrochemicals organization that specializes in producing oil, natural gas, and chemicals. The company’s major production and exploration units are located in the deep waters in the Gulf of Mexico with origins in Anglo-Dutch,...

Royal Automotive Company’s Management

Introduction Royal Automotive is an automotive company that transacts between new cars from the industries as well as used cars from the consumers. The management in the company ensures that customers obtain a used car by undertaking an uncomplicated process. In doing so, the company management has gained a high...

Quality Policy for the Company

Quality Policy for the company in accordance with the ISO 9001:2008 requirements Oberoi Hotels & Resorts is a five-star company that is governed by the ISO 9001:2008 quality policy (Oberoi Hotel, 2010). The reputation of the hotel both locally and internationally called for the need to formulate documentation that helps...

The Gospel of John: Analysis

Cite two reasons that Jesus left Judea. 4:1-3 (cf. Mark 1:14). Bruce, p. 100. Jesus left Judea for Galilee for two reasons. First, the province was a foothold of the Pharisees who Christ often condemned for their hypocrisy, and therefore, they were filled with malice against him. Although he was...

The Status of English as an International Language

English as a Global Language English is gaining recognition as a global language and it is being studied more whether this language should be a global language (Nadkarni, n.d.). For more than half of the century, people who migrated from different parts of the Indian subcontinent have added lots of...

Hepatitis B as the Major Medical Concern

Abstract Hepatitis B is caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV) and it causes inflammation or scarring of the liver, flu-like illnesses, abdominal pains, anorexia, and nausea among the affected individuals. The disease is majorly spread through the exchange of body fluids. The study reveals that the best way of...

Yahoo! CEO Marissa Mayer and Communication Theory

Introduction The Internet constitutes one of the most important innovations in communication technology. Unlike traditional media such as print, audio, and audio-visual platforms, the Internet fosters two-way communication. Search engines permit people to acquire information at a swift pace by eliminating the necessity of perusing through pages, as in the...

The Airport Security Importance

Introduction Nowadays, airport security can be regarded as a challenge and an issue (Kaufmann, 2016), which governments and researchers all over the world attempt to resolve with varied success (Bonfanti, 2014; Stewart & Mueller, 2014). Apart from the challenge of security, which is difficult and costly to achieve (Stewart &...

Vietnam Decolonization’s Impacts on the International Relations

Introduction Decolonization was an instrumental factor to major changes that took place in the place world politics, particularly the decolonization of Vietnam given the geostrategic position of the country in the Asian region1. Studies show that several changes took place after the process of decolonization, but some scholars are of...

Hospitality and Restaurant Management: Singapore

Introduction The hospitality industry is one of the industries that is growing very fast due to the fast growth of economies that have necessitated the growth of this sector. Many investors opt to invest in this industry because it is widely known that, such businesses have considerable profits. Hospitality is...

The European Union’s Security Issues

Introduction Security is a multifaceted concept that can be comprehended in diverse forms, hinging on its objects: the discernment of threats, the preserved values, and the ways through which these values are preserved1. The ongoing change in perception of security threat and the means through which these threats are addressed...

Project Management Objectives and Roles

Clearly, define a project and identify the main steps or stages in a project? A project can be defined as a designated ally of tasks that aims at accomplishing a certain task within an organization; it has a period, expected expenditure, expected outcome, and a work framework or schedule. The...

Information for the Instructional Design

Problem Statement Every year elementary students in the Racine Unified School District are required to take the Wisconsin Knowledge and Concepts Examination (WKCE). Many students fail especially in completing the constructed response sections of the exam. With the constructed response sections weighing at 20% of the WKCE scores in each...

Leadership vs. Management: Distinctive Features

The main issue associated with the differentiation between leadership and management lies in that employers themselves use the two terms interchangeably, which leads to confusion. However, there are differences between the two concepts, and in order to be knowledgeable regarding the topic of leadership, it is important to know the...

David Hume and Friedrich Nietzsche: Cause and Effect Comparison

Understanding cause-and-effect can be like “brain cell gymnastics” when reading different Philosophers’ perspectives on the topic. This is because their theories often conflict with one another, which, at first, makes the topic very confusing for a reader; but later pulls the reader into much deeper thinking and appreciation of this...

South Africa Healthcare Portfolio

Abstract South Africa has a large population of more 50million people. Such a population necessitates effective systems to meet the healthcare needs of the people. The country suffers from a great burden of disease contributed by increased cases of accidents and injuries due to domestic violence, increased cases of tuberculosis...

Ethics and Leadership’s Lacking in Health Care

Abstract The proposed leadership theory assists in making sure that followers gain leadership skills, and they become empowered. They can take on important leadership roles, which allow institutions to become supportive of leaders when they are making ethical decisions that have repercussions on health care stakeholders. The proposed solution comes...

West Island Line Project of Mass Transit Railway

Introduction For my assignment, I have chosen the Mass Transit Railway (MTR), a Hong Kong-based company. Out of the various ongoing projects, I plan to do the Project Management Report on the West Island Line (WIL) project. The length of the route will be about 3 km, and the capacity...

Country Experience in Mongolia: Consumer Price Indices

Abstract Data computation of computer price indices is a challenging issue because different jurisdictions adopt unique methodologies when doing so. This study explores how CPI is computed in Mongolia by investigating four main issues: services in the CPI, new data sources for compiling CPI, the importance of understanding and meeting...

Government Preparedness to Chemical and Bio Terrorism

Abstract The acts of terrorism can be initiated in one country and take effect in another place. Preparations to counter such attacks require the combined efforts between the private and the public health sector. In order to be fully prepared, different state agencies should work together. A collective approach towards...

SEC Adventures: Hybrid Travel Agency’s Marketing

Executive Summary SEC Adventures is a start-up company that will compete in the adventure tourism industry. In the present business climate, the industry’s leader, Mountain Travel Sobek, or MTS is the benchmark when it comes to business operations. However, SEC Adventures sees opportunities in niche marketing, specifically with focused target...

Pakistan-US Relations Post-Cold War

Introduction Relations between Pakistan and the United States have been tumultuous since the 1950s, a trend that continued after the Cold War ended in 1991. During the Cold War, one US strategy was to make alliances with different countries to counter the expansion of Soviet communism and influence. The United...