Factors That Led to an Increase in Property Prices

Recently, there have been discussions on the behavior of the housing market in the United States. The common issue is whether prices have risen too high and the factors leading to the situation. According to Schelkle (2018), housing prices between 2002-2005 exceeded individuals’ actual purchasing power, resulting in more people...

Diamond-Water Paradox

The concept of the value of goods was one of the most actively discussed topics by economists in the 18-19th century. In “A Study of the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations,” published in 1776, Adam Smith voiced the question that would later become known as the diamond-water...

How Residents of Georgia Understand and React to Globalization

Introduction The far-reaching changes across American states, caused by globalization, affect everyone. Feng et al. (2019), for example, mentions that more open policies support new technology, which in turn create a more interconnected society. The level of interconnection introduced by globalization includes increasing investment, economic interdependence, and global production. Feenstra...

Cash Flows at East Coast Yachts

Description of ECY Cash Flows The cash flow of the company has problems, which are indicated by the increase in accrued expenses. For example, the value of expenses not yet paid for increased from $417300 in 2016 to $6,123,200 in 2017. An efficient flow of cash should be characterized by...

The Impact of Food Choices on the Economy and Environment

I live in Manhattan, New York, and I can find anything I need in local grocery stores. My favorite one is Gristedes since it is situated close to my home and works long hours. Also, there is a delivery option, which is highly crucial in the present-day pandemic situation. For...

Jamaica’s Economy: Problems and Solutions

Introduction Global economic competitiveness is what every country aims at, and is determined by several factors. These include the legal and administrative framework that governs a country’s institutions, economic policies, labor market efficiency, and economic innovation (Hamalainen 2003). Jamaica’s economy Jamaica is a third world country with an economy that...

International Development: Goals and Projects

Introduction This is a broad term that can also be referred to as global development. International development generally summarizes wider categories of multi-disciplinary context involving human developments. The main aim of global development is to improve living standards, alleviating and eradicating poverty among the human population globally. International development goals...

“The Economic Organization of a Prisoner of War Camp” by Radford

Introduction Human beings are inherently economic beings in the sense that they day in day out seek to satisfy their needs and wants by the way of producing, distributing, exchanging, and consuming goods and services. In fact, complexities of human behavior in the production, distribution, exchange, and consumption of goods...

Technologies to Fuel Ethiopia’s Development

Introduction Ethiopia, or officially the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, is one of the poorest countries in the world. The country’s national poverty level is around 44% with most of the Ethiopians surviving on U.S. $1 a day (Gupta, Clemens, and Inchauste 353). The economy of the country is considered...

The Dependence Effect in Economics

The dependence effect refers to the way people’s wants are hinged on the process by which they are satisfied (Galbraith 159). Galbraith in his book explains the notion of dependence effect, in an attempt to criticize the economic outlook of demand theory that wants do exist on their own. This...

Culture Variables in International Business

Introduction As defined by Muhlbacher, Helmuth & Dahringer (2006:14) international business refers to all business transactions and trading relations that exist either between two countries or among multiple countries. It involves exchanges of good and services between or among countries within an established set up of both legal and international...

Economics in Business: Game Theory & Oligopoly

Introduction Theories in Economics have been developed for the purpose of understanding and interpreting economic phenomena at play and which can be exploited or manipulated to enhance the economic outcome. They are also used to explain the behaviour of economic units which include households, businesses and governments. Demand theories explain...

Issues in the International Politics: Globalization

Introduction The notion of “globalization” is related to the process of enlarging cross-border transactions and interactions in political, socio-cultural and economic spheres. It describes the denationalization phenomenon which tends to be perceived as a political project. Globalization in the international political system is considered to be centralized due to its...

Consumerism of the 1960s: Warhol’s 200 Cans

The most distinctive features of the 1960s could be enumerated from the point of view of several social and economic factors like secularization, decontextualization, totalitarianism, mechanization, democratization and centralization. Along with that, there was the advent of individualism, linear progression, homogenization, diversification, hybridization, unification, industrial society, reductionism, universalism, subjectivism, alienation,...

South Korea Economy Analysis

Globalization is one of the major characteristics that have brought tremendous change in most economies around the world. Globalization is the local and international integration of the world economies which results in changes in the economic and political developments of different countries. With globalization, a countries economic resources such as...

The Relationship Between Unemployment and Economic Growth

Among the factors that define economic growth and development, human resources and unemployment are considered to be the most vital. The well-trained and educated labor force has a significant and direct effect on the economy by producing a high-quality product. However, the problem is not only in finding sufficiently trained...

President George Bush’s Economic Policies

Introduction George Herbert Walker Bush served as the 41st American president for one term from 1989 until 1993. This period was marked by significant global geopolitical shifts that had a ripple effect on the US economy. Additionally, the previous president’s decisions affected the US economy, leaving it in a state...

Labour Rights in International Trade

Should labor practices in another country be a relevant consideration in international trade? Yes: labor practices in another country should be a relevant consideration in international trade; In an ideal situation, labor laws should be harmonized in all countries to facilitate the movement of factors of production more precisely labor...

Contribution of Raul Prebisch on Economic Development

Introduction Structuralism theories propounded on the role of the state and the market in promoting development in an economy. It advocated for state activism in trying to solve problems of underdevelopment and especially in developing countries. It opposed to the idea that international or free trade helped in development by...

The UK Pharmaceutical Industry: International Business

Introduction Globalisation has been on the increase in the last couple of decades, as the world’s economy continues to grow. This has led to increased international trade. Most organisations are seeking to expand their customer base in the international market. International trade refers to the type of trade that occurs...

Types of Budgets Planning

Planning is an indispensable part of the process of managing any organization, a governmental organization in particular. Furthermore, to manage one, it is pivotal to create a budget of the organization or activity in question. A budget can be defined as a financial plan which includes items that need to...

The Forgiveness of the Student Debt

The issue of student debt is clearly one of the most important issues that we face today. There are many different proposals as to how to deal with it, but it seems that the best decision that can be made would be for the government to appropriate the debt of...

Fast-Moving Consumer Goods Aspects

Introduction Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) are products that are sold quickly and at a relatively low cost. According to Veselova (2022), common examples of FMCG include food items, beverages, toiletries, household cleaning products, over-the-counter medicines, and other consumer products. These goods are usually purchased with the intent of daily use...

The Book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki

Introduction “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” was written by Robert Kiyosaki and aims to teach people the tools of financial literacy. The narration is based on the experience of the author, who watched the lives of two fathers who had different views on money. Much of the book focuses on various...

Energy Sector Challenges in Morocco

Executive Summary The future of Morocco’s energy supply and demand faces substantial hurdles. In particular, the country is perceiving a growth in energy consumption, which will increase the country’s dependence on fossil fuel imports and emissions of carbon dioxide. As a result of the challenges it encounters, Morocco has set...

The Regressive Tax System in Texas

Introduction Public policies are crucial to promoting public economic well-being, health, infrastructure, and K-12 education accessibility. In Texas, recent financial reports have revealed an increased concentration of wealth among high-income households. Local and state tax policies have played a major role in promoting inequality (Lavine). Texas’s tax system is primarily...

Human Nature in Business: Adam Smith’s View

Introduction In business economics, other than the mathematics involved, some factors must be considered significant considerations when making conclusions. One pertinent consideration is the fact that financial decision-making is different from others. As one of the best business economists, Adam Smith highlighted this in his book The Wealth of Nations...

Principles of Microeconomics

Understanding a company’s opportunity costs is crucial for identifying the optimal course of action in terms of investments and funding. The evaluation of opportunity cost would necessitate comparison of the costs and benefits accruing from each action made versus alternatives. The simulation depicted in Figures 1.1 and 1.2 compares the...

World Hunger: Key Facts and Statistics

Introduction It is important to note that world hunger still remains to be one of the most critical problems on the global scale. Although humanity achieved massive progress in the development of advanced technology, which created an unprecedented level of prosperity and abundance, hunger still impacts the most vulnerable groups....

Demographic Changes and the Future of Real Estate

Introduction Demographic change refers to changes in the size, composition, and distribution of a population over time. Real estate includes the rights of ownership and use; everything immovable and tangible that comprises property can be classified as real estate, including houses. Basically, anything natural or man-made which has a value...

The Role of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises to the U.S. Economy

Introduction Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) refer to independent or non-subsidiary firms that employ a few workers. In other words, an SME refers to a small or medium-sized business enterprise that is independently owned and requires hundreds of employees for their effective management (Godil et al., 1). Most of these...

Economic Summary: Macroeconomics

Introduction For the benefit of the incoming administration, I submit this report to document, analyze, and interpret the macroeconomic policy decisions I made as the chief economic policy advisor of Econland. The purpose of this document is to further our national prosperity by deepening our understanding of the relationship between...

Real Estate Investment and Hospitality Industry Performance

The COVID-19 pandemic has also affected real estate investments differently. Some businesses benefited from the rise of coronavirus, while others recorded so many losses. Investors and economic leaders could share different views and opinions on the current environment. Before embarking on business, property owners must assess possible risks and benefits....

The Role of the USA Authoritative Bodies

The United States’ authoritative bodies are essential for establishing financial accounting and reporting standards that both private and public organizations will have to follow in order to operate successfully in their relative markets and spheres of operations. For example, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) sets standards through an inclusive...

Taxation Without Representation

“Taxation without representation” is when a whole population is taxed but has no say in spending money or implementing policies. The colonists of the United States said to their British overlords that “taxation without representation is tyranny.” Because of the adoption of the English Bill of Rights in 1689, it...

Germany as an Example of Coordinated Market Economy

Introduction “Note on Comparative Capitalism” outlines the opposing concepts of liberal market economies (LMEs) and coordinated market economies (CMEs) which refer to the structures of capitalist systems. LMEs incorporate the focus on competitive markets and the close relationships of their actors (Clayton and Henderson 2015). CMEs, on the other hand,...

The Ways to Start Saving and Investing

Saving and investing will always attract people who are interested in making money via financial operations. Savings are not spent income or postponed consumption that can be achieved through various ways. Some individuals still adhere to conservative savings methods such as piggy banks, participating in sou-sous; some create savings accounts...

Can Consumers Make Ethical Clothing Purchases?

Introduction As time goes on, the world population increases, as well as the demand for clothing. This demand is expressed not only in a necessity for clothing as a way to conceal or cover one’s body but also as a statement and a pipeline to provide joy. This essay discusses...

Globalization Opportunities and Challenges for Companies

Introduction A strong brand should maintain its values ​​and identity while entering international markets and adjust it to specific needs. Companies tend to adapt to local cultures through global and regional branding in a process called glocalization. Glocalization is preserving and strengthening local differences instead of their supposed disappearance due...

“Gnomes” (The “South Park” Series) and Capitalism

Introduction The “Gnomes” refers to the seventeenth episode in the second season of the South Park series. The series follows Stan, Kenny, Cartman, Kyle, and Mr. Tweek’s son after writing a report according to Mr. Garrison’s instructions. Harbucks plans to start selling coffee in South Park, threatening Mr. Tweek’s coffee...

The Limitations of Ratio Analysis

The Ratio Analysis framework is extensively utilized by businesses and provides companies with numerous insights into their financial operations. At the same time, Ratio Analysis has several significant limitations, which include the utilization of past data, the absence of inflation adjustments, and possible changes. First of all, every Ratio Analysis...

Profit Maximization Versus Satisficing

Businesses strive to achieve the maximum possible revenue to stay competitive. This essay will compare profit maximization strategy with satisficing. Maximization implies a continuous chase for the highest possible profit margin (Qiu, Bai, and Lu, 2020). It allows a company to gain a competitive advantage at the cost of significant...

COVID-19 Effects on Markets and Economies

Introduction COVID-19 has had a significant impact on different aspects of life, including various markets and economies. The main objective of this report is to study and analyze these impacts in current settings such as supermarkets and consumers’ purchasing behavior. Therefore, the guiding question considered for this analysis is, what...

Economic Justice and Ways of Achieving It

Introduction In the modern world, economics is all about distributing labor and wealth to consider the welfare of others. The concept that an economy will thrive in an environment where all economic players are treated well brought about economic justice. To achieve economic justice and eliminate the inequality created by...

Lego Group Role in the Digital Economy

The Lego Group is one of the most profitable and sustainable companies in the toys industry. This Danish organization has its headquarters in Billund. Currently, it designs, produces, and markets Lego-brand plastic bricks for interlocking purposes and other toys. Additionally, it has amusements parks in different parts of the world....

Discussion of International Development

Evaluate Theories of International Development International development focuses on engagement with economically deprived regions to empower its people to improve their welfare by addressing the causes and impacts of poverty. Modernization theory is among several ideas used in international development, and it became prominent in the 1950s and 1960s in...

The United States Inflation Rate

The problem of inflation occupies an important place in economic science since its indicators and socio-economic consequences play a serious role in assessing the financial security of a country and the world economy. According to the experts, the inflation rate in the United States is gradually decreasing due to gasoline...

HSBC Bank and Barclays Bank: Comparison and Risk Exposures

Introduction The overall effect of the global financial crisis was making all financial institutions including the multinational ones experience threats of collapsing. The crisis “played a significant role in the failure of key businesses, declines in consumer wealth estimated in trillions of the US dollars, and a downturn in economic...

Impact of the 2007-2009 Global Financial Recession

The 2007-2009 global financial crisis was an unprecedented economic disaster which affected many countries simultaneously and led to a global recession lasting for years. The crisis was triggered by the proliferation of high risk-financial products connected to subprime mortgages in the context of a deregulated environment. The Great Recession put...

Understanding the Relationship Between Discount Rate and Risks

The discount rate for the following equities A risk-free equity for the US Treasury Note The definition of the risk-free equity suggests an extreme scenario. The reason why the US Treasury Note is risk free is because it is expected to be free of default risks. In other words, it...

The Financial Crisis: The USA in 2007

Introduction The phrase financial crisis has been applied in wider aspects in recent days with an array of state of affairs in where some financial organisation or assets unexpectedly go down of a large portion of their value. Through around the centuries the civilization has evidenced financial crises coupled with...

Impact of the Digital Revolution on the Labor Market

Introduction Brand-new technologies have become a critical element of the labor market and its working operations. They make it feasible for organizations to automatize the production process so as to increase the level of output and overall performance. However, with the introduction of machines, manual and routine tasks previously operated...

Foreign Direct Investment: Theories and Concepts

Introduction Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is regarded as a fundamental form of global capital flow (Cywiński & Harasym, 2012, p. 35). FDI has a considerable effect on both home and host economies. From the home country’s point of view, FDI is considered to be a convenient means of capital and...

Disadvantages of Modern Portfolio Theory

This paper seeks to logically discuss and critique the modern portfolio theory (MTP) that emerged in the 1950s as the brain child theory of Harry Markowitz who spearheaded its advocacy as being the first scientific means to quantify investment risks. What was meant by this was that if the concept...

Concepts That Influence Bond Portfolio Management

Trading bonds is a complex and risky job that requires knowledge of the nuances of the market and the rules of interactions in it. However, most of the patterns are available and well known to bond portfolio managers and the general public; thus, anyone can master them. This paper will...

The Capital Structure Theories Article by Brendea

Introduction The review of issues concerning capital structure is defined by the perceptions expressed by various authors. In the article capital structures theories, a critical approach (2011), Brendea defines capital structure as the financial structure of a firm coupled with the long term financing used by the firm. She observes...

Nairobi Informal Settlement Study

Introduction Nairobi is the capital city and administrative headquarter of the republic of Kenya, in East Africa. The city is situated 10 South and 360 East, 87 miles off the Equator. The city is at an altitude of 5,512 feet about sea level and has an area of 266 square...

National Bank of Bahrain Analysis

Abstract The National Bank of Bahrain is the nation’s first locally-owned bank, founded in 1957 and owned partially by the country’s government and partly by private investors. This report attempts to analyse the characteristics that determine its attractiveness to investors, namely its financial structure and corporate governance framework. The former...

Analysis of Islamic Banking and Finance

The primary component of Islamic Banking is that the risks of financial dealings should be equally shared between the depositor and the investor, who are bank and its customers. Contrary to the practice of charging interest on any loaned money by most financial institutions, under Islamic banking, it is illegal...

A Critique of Economics Budgeting

Budgeting is not an exact science, and its success depends on the precision of estimates. Estimates are based on facts and managerial judgment, which can suffer from subjectivism and personal biases. The accuracy of budgeting therefore rests on the adequacy of management. Where management is optimistic about future prospects for...

Alienated Labor in Capitalist Societies

The capitalist system is a generally accepted norm which functions successfully in the modern world. However, Marx presented the alienation of labor, which is one of the capitalist features, as the process is contrary to human nature (Vidal et al., 2019). The reason for the emergence of such a phenomenon...

The Investment: Risk and Return

In any investment, risk and return are most important to consider. From the table below, the risk shown can be diversified away by increasing the number of securities is the specific risk of any stock. The market risk is the risk related to Market-wide factors such as interest rates, inflation,...

“Doughnut Economics” Book by Kate Raworth

Kate Raworth’s book “Doughnut Economics” (2017) opens up the reader’s mind to the new possibilities within the modern world of economics. The author shares intriguing insights about the global market and the economic opportunities that individuals, entities, and the government should consider in their quest for returns on investments (Raworth,...

Global Interconnectedness in Marketing

Introduction When operating a business, managers constantly adapt to the changing market factors to further satisfy the customers’ needs. A group of both current and potential customers is called the target market that also changes over time. Thus, managers continuously accommodate and adjust the marketing mix, which consists of the...

Reimbursement Methods Analysis

Introduction Health insurance is an evidence-based safeguard that ensures that more citizens get timely and sustainable medical services. Third-party payers are entities that pay healthcare claims on behalf of their respective clients. Some good examples of such stakeholders in the United States include insurance companies, employers, and government-sponsored agencies. This...

Comparative Advantage and Free Trade

Introduction Countries vary by many socio-economic parameters, such as population density, natural resources, climate, technological advancements that allow them to specialize in various production areas. Due to specialization, some economies create an oversupply of one product category but experience the lack of another. Thus, international trade takes place when one...

Business and Economics: SWOT Analysis

Introduction Mrs. D’Maggio owns two sets of supermarkets with the same demography, under the name Dmetto. However one of the supermarkets Dmetto Main and is in a developed but residential small town, while the other one Dmetto Supper is in a developing and agricultural location. SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and...

Global Urbanisation and Development

Introduction Technological development has led to major changes in the lifestyle of the world population. This has had a profound impact on economic and social life. This paper seeks to establish the global and regional trends of urbanization, development, and inequality, based on data findings. Analysis According to the findings,...

Economics for Business: A Reflection of the UK Market

The type of market structure that seems to be operational in the United Kingdom raising concerns in the recent past from the Office of Fair Trading and Competition Commission is an Oligopolistic Market Structure. An oligopoly is a type of market that is dominated by a single class of sellers...

Knowledge as a Factor in Economic Development

Introduction Development is always supported by knowledge and skills proficiency within the workforce. Basically, countries with people who possess skills and knowledge have always registered a higher social, economic, and political growth than those with the majority of unskilled people. This is because knowledge and skills encourage creativity and innovativeness...

Economy: Effects of Globalisation

Introduction Globalisation and post industrialisation are terms used to describe changes in nature of economic activity, globalised markets, growth in the service sectors and increased levels of productivity. Work in the current economy stimulated by globalisation seems to be different as compared to the old economy. New economy has brought...

Natural Resources: The Future of Alberta’s Oil Sands

Introduction As technology has advanced, the demand for energy has been increasing. It is estimated that today the usage of energy has amplified so much that in no other century or millennium in history was the use of energy as much as it is now. In fact, no other century...

The Function of the International Monetary Fund

Abstract Much can be said about the differences and similarities of the IMF and WB. But that is not the concentration of this paper. Instead, this paper shall concentrate and focus on the various functions that fall upon the International Monetary Fund as a part of the world economic foundation....

Fundamentals of Finance Theories Assignment

1. Top Choice Investments have given you £2,000,000 to invest for them. The funds can be invested in one or more projects. These projects are all indivisible. The investors require a minimum return of 25% and they are high-risk takers. Details of the projects are as follows. Correlation coefficients between...

Causes and Consequences of The Great Depression

The U.S. stock market crash of 1929 initiated the Great Depression in October of 1929 though this one event was caused by external sources and was not solely responsible for the most devastating economic collapse in American history. During the decade-long depression, many lost their businesses, jobs, homes, savings, and...

Monetary Theory and Policy. Money in the Utility Function

Introduction Money is the issue of the economy, due to the political and social, and other factors affecting different aspects of life and household. Money is an asset, making positive or negative or some other functional effect. Goods, demands, propositions are constantly dependent on the money supply. And the money...

Corruption in Developing Countries – a Cultural Phenomenon

Introduction Corruption is a pervading phenomenon across most developing countries. It is as a matter of fact, present in developed countries too. This essay tries to analyze the way corruption has penetrated societies in developing countries. The reason for building up such a level of corruption in these countries in...

The Clayton Case Study Analysis

The current financial report indicates that the Clayton facility faces losses; however, according to the market analysis and current contract activities, the issue is temporary. From the company’s standpoint, the Clayton facility should continue to operate, as it is the only division in the area, which can conduct financial operations....

Psychological Traits in Consumer Behavior

Introduction The development and survival of corporations in the globalized and expanding market depend on their capacity to satisfy customers. Consumer fulfillment pivot on recognizing, understanding, and executing the advertising techniques, data on the behavior consumers display in processing, handling, utilizing, and discarding goods to satisfy their requirements and needs....

Higher Education: Demand and Supply

Introduction The provision of higher education in a country is affected by a number of factors including population, rural and urban population distribution, enrollment trends, gender, and ethnic background, etc. It is the responsibility of the Federal and State governments to ensure that there is sufficient number of colleges and...

Vancouver’s Housing Crisis and Solution

Introduction The city of Vancouver has encountered a significant problem concerning the crisis in the sphere of real estate. The prices for houses and apartments inconsistently grow to produce non-realistic costs of real estate, thus causing difficulties for the residents of Vancouver to purchase or rent accommodation. Such a critical...

Capitalism and Its Benefits to the Public Goods

The countries of the world choose different political and economic systems to organize power within their borders. Today, the predominant system in the world is capitalism, which essentially forms almost the entire system of world trade. The basis of capitalism is the freedom of economic activity of individuals within the...

Inflation in the UK

Introduction This case study analyzes an article on inflation in the United Kingdom. The reviewed work describes the rise of the statistic shortly before the article’s writing and the potential reasons. It adds that the increased growth rate may be temporary, and the predictions and resulting reactions from the Bank...

“Hot Stocks” and Investment in Media Companies

The stock market and the sphere of securities are areas that can help to make a good profit if the participant is well aware of all their features. However, without the relevant knowledge and reliable information on the nuances of buying and selling stocks, a newcomer can waste money. An...

Third World Countries and Their Economies

Introduction The end of the 20th century could be characterized by radical alterations in the international discourse and economic relations. The aftermath of WWII and the shift of priorities towards humanistic values resulted in the creation of an environment beneficial for the development of the Third World States or Developing...

International Financial Reporting Standards Foundation

The IFRS Foundation is a non-governmental and non-profit making organization whose principal objectives are directed to the interests of the general public (IFRS 2011). The organization aims at developing a set of high-quality products and easy to comprehend globally accepted international financial reporting standards through the organization’s standards-setting body, IASB....

International Markets and Its Opportunities

There are various reasons as to why organizations internationalize which include: International markets offer more opportunities and a growth potentiality; outside markets have homogenization of preferences for their products; it a way of risk diversification into different regions; lower entry barriers in outside markets; intensified industry competition and rivalry among...

Monopoly Company in Managerial Economics

Introduction The shape and structure of most modern markets are shaped by market power and competition. Market power stands for the strength of a company or a product in a particular market. All companies seek to increase their market power, which results in competition. In economics, the four Ps of...

Millennials Influence on the Fashion Purchasing Behavior

Abstract The research study attempts to reveal new details about the generation of Millennials and their effect on the purchasing behavior of the fashion industry in the UK. In this instance, the central objectives are to not only discover the buying behavior of Millennials but also propose effective strategies to...

Barclays Bank’s Decision-Making & Risk Management

Introduction The decision-making process in multinational financial structures is complex and multifaceted, including a number of steps and operations. The questions about what stages the decision-making process should include are rather controversial and solved differently according to the specific style of governance and the scope of the organization. Being one...

Normative v. Positive Analysis and Hotelling’s Law

Normative vs. Positive Analysis Economics, at large, belongs to the sphere of academia. Still, economists often perform consulting, analytic, advisory, and other roles. Consequently, it is critical that an economist is skillful at making statements and judgments on the function of government policies and can evaluate them to determine the...

Future Fabrication, International Trade, Transportation

Nowadays, the development of air, rail, and road transport contributed to the development the worldwide delivery of the products. As for the fabrication, it might be conducted nationally and internationally while the whole process involves various matters such as intellectual capital, sophisticated design, and manufacturing. In this case, the maintenance...

Sources of Finance: Models That Can Be Deployed by a Company

Executive Summary The finance market is made up of different institutions that play different roles that are complementary or totally different. Whenever businesses require more money that they do not have, they are entitled to borrow from other institutions without forgetting that they are profit making organization. Different financing options...

The Fair Trade Concept

Introduction The concept of fair trade is typically viewed as beneficial to buyers. Indeed, the very concept of fair trade implies that no overpricing should occur when carrying out essential financial transactions between the suppliers and the producing companies (Delgado 2013). Therefore, the phenomenon of fair trade encourages sustainable development...

Joseph Schumpeter’s Evolutionary Approach to Economic Growth

Introduction Evolutionary economics is mainly concerned with the study of the processes involved in the transformation of global and local markets. The field focuses on economic changes in relation to industries, firms, and institutions. It also analyses the impacts of these developments on employment, trade, growth, and production (Dopfer, 2005)....

Statistical Pairs Trading and Analyst Recommendation

Introduction Pair trade is a market-neutral trading technique. The approach helps business persons to benefit from any market conditions.1 It is made up of two categories of trading. The clusters include statistical arbitrage and convergence trading plan. The pair trading strategy was developed by Gerry Bamberger. In the mid-1980s, the...

iPhone Market Effects

Introduction The price of a commodity in the market is determined by factors such as own price, price of substitutes, price of compliments, and consumer tastes and preferences, among others. For a normal good, an increase in its price decreases its demand. Substitutes are commodities that serve the same purpose....

Brazilian Economy: Strengths and Weaknesses

Brazil is becoming an economic powerhouse in the world today. This country has continued to enjoy a stable economic growth for the past 15 years (Sachs). Brazil has been opposing the industrialized world on many issues such as global warming and climate change. Brazil embraces the best economic practices and...

Death of Monopolies – Economics

Introduction At one point in the history and evolution of companies and markets, monopolies were common across the world. During those times, competition was low for various reasons. Firstly, start-ups were few, and thus the monopolistic companies did not have emerging competitors. Secondly, the emerging competitors were highly disadvantaged due...

Globalization Advantages and Negative Cultural Impact

Grid Outline Thesis: Although globalization is somewhat harmful, it has many advantages for example: sharing new technology, sharing knowledge, cultural export, and food export. Supporting points Sub-points Evidence Industrialization Share new technology Knickerbocker, If the poor get richer, does the world see progress? p8 Share knowledge Ma, Paths of globalization...

Economic Success in the 21st Century

Introduction In many modern societies, getting rich is the major goal pursued by every member. In spite of this, very few people understand the key steps that should be followed to achieve the objective. A number of factors must be brought together for one to become rich and successful (Dennis...

The Stock Market: Investment Instrument

Recently, the stock market has become one of the most interesting and main instruments for investing and raising capital by companies and investors. Most companies use the advantages of stock markets to attract public funding for business development. Thus, it is important to discuss how companies and different investors choose...

Free Trade: Positive and Negative Sides

General Issue Free trade is considered the predominant economic approach worldwide, with many countries subscribing to free trade entirely or partially. The idea is that through free fluctuation of goods and services, inefficient premises are removed from the market, and existing ones provide the customers with the best quality of...

The Best Theory of Taxation for the Economy

Introduction This paper argues in line with Smith that high taxes coupled with increased government services and falling within the four taxation criteria that Adam Smith raised is more than just the best approach. It also gives citizens the power to demand service delivery from the government, leading to a...

Bitcoin: The Use of the Digital Money

Introduction Bitcoin is an online version of cash and can be used to purchase products and services from retailers and merchants who accept them. There are several ways of using bitcoins, and the variety of options makes it favorable to many. Bitcoin provides peer-to-peer transactions and encourages society to appreciate...

Consumer Buying Behavior Discussion

Summary The sample product survey suggests that consumers’ values, beliefs, and senses should be considered the primary factors in buying behavior. According to the survey results, 44.44% of consumers make sure that the product is aligned with their personal values and beliefs. Furthermore, 50% of respondents considered the personal happiness...

The Great Recession of 2008: Causes and Consequences

Introduction In 2008, the world began the financial and economic crisis, which manifested in the form of a substantial decline in the leading economic indicators in most countries with developed economies, which subsequently escalated into a global economic recession. The emergence of the crisis is associated with several factors: the...

Bernie Madoff’s Ponzi Scheme Analysis

Bernie Madoff, who founded his investment company in 1960, was the genius behind the $50 billion Ponzi scheme scam that stunned the world economy. It was the most extensive and longest-running Ponzi scheme fraud in history. According to his deception strategy, Madoff utilized investments to repay his initial backers, giving...

Price and Quality in Consumer Perception

The first topic that is thought-provoking is the relationship between quality and price. As Lichtenstein and Burton (1989) note, the over-reliance on price as an indicator of quality is a common mistake among consumers. Even though this observation was made forty years ago, it is still relevant today. Almost any...

Megaprojects’ Role in Atlantic Canada’s Economy

Introduction Megaprojects can advance regional growth in Atlantic Canada and beyond. However, this is likely to be impacted by the boom-to-bust cycles. Although they need a large labor force for the initial phase, they only really need a small number of workers for the operation phase. Additionally, once the project...

Purchasing Power Parity: Predicting Exchange Rates

The most popular method of forecasting exchange rates is called the theory of purchasing power parity (PPP). The PPP principle is based on the theoretical “law of one price”, according to which identical goods in different countries should have the same price (Jabbie & Jackson, 2020). For example, according to...

Gentrification: Impact on Employment in Low-Income Neighborhoods

Gentrification has many potential benefits for both local and new residents. The article by Meltzer & Ghorbani (2017) focuses on defining the effects of gentrification on employment in low-income neighborhoods. The authors suggest that the main benefit of gentrification is the growth of employment opportunities and job gains for residents....

A Trade Policy for Game Consoles in the US and Brazil

Introduction Trade policies are certain agreements and rules that apply to international trade. This policy regulates what goods and services, and on what basis, can be exported or imported to countries, depending on the established agreements between their governments. Each country has its trade policy, which, among other things, sets...

Free Shipping: Consumer’s Irrational Behavior

Even though people tend to believe that they are in control of their lives and decisions, it is not always true. Individuals often make irrational decisions even without understanding them. Marketing experts are aware of this peculiarity and rely on specific techniques to force consumers to make particular decisions. For...

Corruption in the African Countries

The main purpose of the work is to present the problem of corruption and possible solution in different parts of the world. African regions have been chosen to stay more specific in the discussion, and, on the examples of developed countries, the possible strategies unique for the African countries can...

Assessment: Dubai Electricity and Water Authority

Summary As a key component of Dubai’s economy, DEWA is critical in assisting the Emirate’s growth and transition to a zero-economy economy. DEWA is a prominent participant in the area because of its great track record of technological innovation and operational efficiency and a prudent and diversified financial policy. Its...

Benefits and the Challenges of Financial Restructuring for Bank Muscat – Oman

Summary Background to Business Issue Bank Muscat is a fiscal services company in Oman that offers retail banking, corporate banking, treasury, investment banking, asset management, and private banking. In 2018, it was estimated to have assets worth $ 31.9 billion (Alshubiri, 2022. Despite all this, the company has not been...

The Notion of Budget Credibility

Introduction Budget credibility is a crucial concept in public financial management (PFM) that determines how reliable and transparent government spending is. In turn, high budget credibility improves public trust in the official fiscal strategy, reduces the risks of corruption, and represents more accurate monetary planning and financial policies. Ultimately, the...

Overconsumption in the Context of Black Friday

Introduction This paper is about overconsumption and Black Friday influence in the market. The term overconsumption refers to the situation where utilization of natural resources is more than the current ability to generate more (Ardley & May, 2020). When overconsumption is experienced for a long time, it is difficult to...

Effects of Colonialism and Globalization

Income inequality is one of the significant legacies of colonialism. During the era of colonialism, colonies were perceived to be a major source of raw materials and for the industries of the developed nations. As a result, developing countries were deprived of their resources, making it difficult for their local...

The 1929 Stock Market Crash: Economics and Finance

1929’s share market crash is regarded as the most disastrous occurrence in the heritage of the US financial marketplace. On October 29, a day renowned as Black Tuesday, the stock plunged 12%, sparking what would become the Great Depression (Beaudreau 631). Investment firms and senior bankers sought to calm the...

The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Oceania

Introduction With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been concerns that the South Pacific could become one of the most vulnerable regions for the spread of the coronavirus. Many of the island nations of Oceania have “fragile” health systems, which are reflected in the lack of equipment, infrastructure...

Main Reasons for Trade Between Nations

Introduction Numerous experts are unanimous in stating that globalization is a leading feature of the modern world. This term denotes that numerous nations establish close economic, political, and cultural ties with one another so that physical borders almost disappear. However, globalization is not equal to global trade, which denotes that...

Rent Prices and Factors of Their Change

Inflation reached a 40-year high as a result of the consumer price index’s 7.9% year-over-year growth. The cost of a building goes up as a result of inflation’s impact on the materials and labor required to develop a rental home, which drives up housing costs overall. Mortgage interest rates will...

Industrial Sector Development in Tanzania

Introduction The global economy of the modern world forces economists to consider all of its parts, including East Asia since they influence the market altogether. As highlighted in Africanus (2018), “rapid structural changes from agriculture to manufacturing, rapid employment growth, and improvement in health and safety standards” led to the...

Globalization and Geographic Information System

Globalization is the process by which the globe becomes increasingly interconnected due to the exchange of commodities and services, information, knowledge, and cultural values. Its profound effect can be assessed both positively and negatively. On the one hand, human rights are violated due to globalization. Because of globalization, farmers earn...

The Payback Method in Capital Budgeting

In modern-day business, capital budgeting is rather crucial for a number of reasons. Various methods of that tool may be helpful for businesses and their managers in making the right decisions. Moreover, certain projects can be followed by various concerning risks. This is why every manager should take them into...

Single Currency in Middle East and North Africa

Introduction The strength of the national economy is determined by various aspects and market indicators, including GDP growth, the level of foreign trade, and many other criteria. One of the significant factors to consider is the currency’s stability and its relevance to the international market. Regarding the countries of the...

The US Economic History Between 2010 and 2019

Introduction: Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Growth The decade between 2010 and 2019 was phenomenal for the United States economy because it was the first decade the country did not record a recession since 1850. The United States experienced a stabilized economy and an upward growth between 2010 and 2019,...

Globalization and Its Pros and Cons

Introduction It is hard to disagree that there is probably nothing universally positive or negative in this world. Everything has a price, and many processes that allow countries to develop also require people to pay for this development. Globalization is a unique and significant process that erases the borders between...

Capitalism: History and Basics

Introduction Capitalism represents the dominant economic concept in modern reality, based on private property, the competence of actors, and the principle of supply and demand. The role of the state in the capitalist economy is reduced to protecting the rights of citizens and creating a safe and comfortable environment in...

Retail: Bower’s Case Study Analysis

Summary Bower’s case study focuses on the measures that the management of Marcs & Spencer took to restore the company’s image as a retail power. Founded in 1884, the firm has had numerous periods of decline and growth. For example, despite its progress at the beginning of the 20th century,...

Analysis of Sustainable Development Goals

Consequently, it is essential to discuss the primary framework of achieving SDGs before adjusting the policies according to specific regions. Mazzucato et al. (2019) examine six transformations that could potentially improve the quality of life in social, environmental, and economic aspects. Namely, the authors emphasize education, healthcare, energy decarbonization, sustainable...

The Essay “Capitalism and Freedom” by Milton Friedman

Introduction While ‘some’ time has passed since 1962, Milton Friedman’s essay titled “Capitalism and Freedom” remains relevant to this day. According to the philosopher, who ascribed himself to the conservatives, the capitalist system was inherently more effective for facilitating democracy in society because it dispersed resources between individuals. He openly...

Net Zero by 2050 in the United Kingdom

Executive Summary Premise Climate change is a problem that affects the entire planet, which means that all stakeholders need to make a joint effort to reverse the impacts of climate change. Governments can spearhead the efforts to reverse the effects, majorly through making policies and leveraging investments in critical sectors...

Japan-US International Trade Relationship

Introduction In the international trade, countries are obliged to consider the state of industries of their trade partners. Nations whose economies size up to each other have to carefully assess their comparative advantage in order to ensure that they benefit from international deals. Through the example of Japan-US trade relationship,...

Bangladesh: Stimulating Economic Growth

Introduction Bangladesh is located in southeast Asia and covers an area of about 148 km². The country’s rich history implies a diversity of traditions and cultures, which is exceptional for such a small state, making it appealing for the project. The government’s official website is the most reliable source of...

Investing in Technology: A Promising Modern Trend

The concept of business environment is characterized by many multidirectional uncertainties that determine how companies operate on a daily basis. The theory of investing capital with the hope of getting high returns is one of the main ways to manage financial assets. Today, investment in technology will determine success, as...

The Process of Building a Sustainable Economy

Introduction Sustainable economics is a special condition that maintains a stable level of financial components for a long time without significant fluctuations and negative impact on several social aspects. It is a fairly universal, broad term covering all forms of growth within the framework of meeting the needs of current...

The Social Media Impact on Globalization

Globalization in business is the state where the products and services produced by companies gradually become the same globally (Ifigeneia & Dimitrios, 2018). The social media concepts have become one of the main agendas used by most business executives to promote Business through media platforms and online services to allow...

Uneven Distribution of the 1920s Economic Prosperity

In the 1920s, America’s economic development experienced an unbalanced growth. The economy experienced an imbalance as those who owned large companies and business organizations continued to make large profits (Ivanova, 2017). In contrast, those who worked for them continued with a poor economic run. During this time, most Americans lived...

Macroeconomic Indicators Simulation Report

For the benefit of the incoming administration, I submit this report to document, analyze, and interpret the macroeconomic policy decisions I made as the chief economic policy advisor of Econland. The purpose of this document is to further our national prosperity by deepening our understanding of the relationship between macroeconomic...

Effect of Soda and Plastic Bag Tax Policies

Within modern society, it is crucial to be acknowledged about the core principles of the economic theory and its implications on every aspect of daily life. According to Mankiw, there are four key economic concepts, including “scarcity, supply and demand, costs and benefits, and incentives,” which illustrate the underlying reasons...

Budgeting for Local Governments and Communities

In the video “What you need to know to play The Fiscal Ship game,” Sheiner (2016) explains the mechanisms that regulate the allocation of financial resources. Simply stated, the speaker describes how the government spends money and what trends will be apparent in this sphere in the near future. Among...

The Value of Auctions in the Modern Economy

The auction represents a valuable aspect of the existence of the modern economy. Furthermore, an auction is a type of market trading in which the seller, in order to maximize profit, uses direct competition from several buyers present at the auction. It is worth noting that it is the seller...

Ways to Measure Economic Profit

Profit is usually perceived as earnings and measured by subtracting costs from revenues. However, there are different types of costs: explicit and implicit. Explicit costs can be directly measured and expressed in monetary terms, for example, wages, rent, and utility costs (Orsag & Džidić, 2018). Implicit costs refer to the...

Unemployment Rates in the State of Georgia

Introduction Unemployment is the most important indicator of the economy’s health. Its rise confirms the economy’s decline after a recession and leads to the diminishment of household purchasing power, which decreases overall consumption and causes a further economic downturn (Amadeo, 2020; Picardo, 2020). The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics qualifies...

Aspects of Event Venue Investment

The two main factors to consider in determining investment in event management services are cost/logistics and usability/operability. Cost is a major factor, depending on a range of other influences. Constructing a dedicated event management facility from the bottom up will be more costly as it includes elements of planning and...

Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the UK Economy

Introduction The impact of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) on the economy of a country cannot be neglected. The concept of SMEs is defined as small and medium enterprises depending on the number of employees. In the UK, a company is considered small with up to 49 employees and medium...

Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly: Are They Effective?

Introduction In industrial organizations or microeconomics, market structures are normally categorized into monopoly, oligopoly, perfect competitions, and monopolistic competition based on the extent of concertation, product differentiation, and entry barriers. It is commonly depicted that when a market is seamlessly competitive, a balance is attained controlled by invisible forces, which...