Cell Membrane Permeability of Beetroot

Introduction The goal of an experiment is to observe its process and results for further analysis. In biology, this type of evidence is vital for knowledge generation, and researchers must understand how to obtain and use it. The data acquired from a practical must be documented in a clear and...

Sports Research Objectives and Data Sources

Introduction Research is significant for academic and scientific purposes. For research to be effective, different research perspectives must be considered. This paper aims to present various research perspectives and their importance for research in sports. The five perspectives considered in this paper are application, objectives, types of information sought, the...

The Planet Saturn and Its Rings

Saturn is one of the fascinating planets in our solar system. It is the sixth planet from the Sun situated between Jupiter and Uranus. The positioning of this captivating planet is at about 840 million miles from the Sun, compared to our planet that is about nine times less this...

The Reliability and Validity of Assessment Tools

Introduction Reliability and validity are significant elements of any assessment tool. However thoroughly developed the tools are, if they are not valid or reliable, the research is doomed to fail. Reliability is the rate of consistency which involves the following methods: inter-rater, parallel forms, test-retest, and internal consistency. Validity is...

Cultural Anthropology: Methods and Ethics

Cultural anthropology is the study of living people, their societies, and their culture. Anthropological research projects aim to compose an ethnography that explores the cultural patterns of specific – usually marginalized – social groups. This is achieved by using the mechanism of participant observation during ethnographic fieldwork over the course...

Attention: Definition and Functions

Attention refers to the process through which the human brain selects specific information for further processing. Human beings have attention to help them focus on specific details and then create a memory. Through attention, one can extract information from the environment and send the required body response (Banich and Compton,...

Geomorphology: Weathering Processes

Outline This paper mainly discusses what is weathering and the three processes involved in it. The paper explains the processes involved under each type and the features formed as the result of the processes. In doing so the paper has been broken down onto various sections namely; Introduction Railsback describes...

Bacteria Lab: Enriched, Selective, Differential Media

Introduction The lab experiment aimed to characterize and describe the growth and colony appearance of distinct species of bacteria inoculated on three different media: enriched, selective, and differential. The selected bacterial strains were Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterobacter aerogenes, Streptococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecalis, and an unknown sample. Microorganisms exhibit distinct...

Hydrologic Cycle

The masses of water over the globe are in a constant motion. Thus, water can be presented in three states which are liquid, gas, and solid. They change during the hydrologic cycle as a result of such processes as evaporation, transpiration, sublimation, condensation, precipitation, and infiltration. In spite of the...

The History of European Alchemy

Introduction The magical notion of alchemy is a modern construction. In accordance to this notion, a serious journal of science a completely wrong place for alchemy. But history believes otherwise. It is believed that the history of sciences is strongly interlinked with the scientific disciplines and the concept of “world-view”....

Self-Reflection: Gibbs’ and SWOT Models Combination

Introduction In the context of this reflexive study, I consider an example of my planning using the methods of Gibbs’ cycle of self-assessment. Such an example is the process of choosing the direction and prioritizing the upcoming vacation. Using the cycle, feelings and descriptions of the plan’s details were analyzed,...

Oral and Written Sources: Understanding the Historical Social Reality

Source is a material product of the purposeful human activity, it is a historical phenomenon caused to live by certain conditions, tasks, and goals. Therefore, it is essential to understand what the historical social reality in which it arose was. Any source, whether one is talking, written, physical, or oral...

The Importance of Heredity and Genetics

Heredity, also referred to as biological inheritance or inheritance, represents the process of passing on specific characteristics to the offspring from their parents because of the similar genetic composition. In terms of the biological approach to heredity, it pertains to the relationship between a particular trait with the organism’s genetic...

Analytical Balances Description

Introduction Analytical balances are laboratory equipment that enables to conduct of precise weights measurements. It consists of a body, flat panel display (LED display), draft shield, door handle, four-level adjustment feet, and buttons. The vital part is a balance pan, on which weights can be put. Analytical balances are common...

The Human Tongue and Language

Introduction The human tongue is a vital organ and serves several vital functions in the human body. The organ performs various functions in the human body such as tasting, digesting, and so on. The tongue is characterized by several muscles that facilitate its movements and functions. The organ has several...

Life’s Greatest Miracle: Birth of a Child

The eight videos on the site depict the process of human reproduction and the scientific principles governing the reproductive process (www.pbs.org). The videos are placed in a sequential manner; one following the other with a total viewing time of one hour during which the birth of a new baby and...

Influence of Geography on Strategic and Defense Planning

The map of a country is among the most fundamental of a nation’s security policy. Geography is a very decisive factor in the determination of a nation’s defensive foreign policy. The geographical situation of a country is well on the way of determining whether a country is defensible or not...

Albert Einstein: Brief Biography Review

Introduction Albert Einstein was born on March 14,1879 at Ulm, in Wurtemberg, Germany. He was the most recognized scientist in history. As a child, Einstein had speech difficulties, but he was also the top student in his elementary school (Rosenkranz, Ze’ev, 2005). Initially, Einstein started taking interest in deductive reasoning...

Water and Its Properties

Abstract Water is the most abundant liquid on the planet that makes up more than 75% of the Earth. In addition, it is the major constituents in the bodies of many organisms. It is important for life because it is a solvent, temperature buffer, metabolite, and a living environment that...

Periphery and Core Areas of Canada

Core/Periphery Areas, Obstacles to Transition, and Required Conditions The core-periphery model distinguishes between urban (core) areas that are better developed and the less developed rural (periphery) areas. The core-periphery model can examine countries, provinces, and cities’ economic, social, and political relations. The core-peripheral relationship is built on exploitation, where the...

Red Cabbage pH Indicator Experimentation

Introduction In the course of the experiment, red cabbage extract was dissolved in water to test the pH level of household chemicals. According to Abedi-Firoozjah (2022), “red cabbage extract (RCE) is a common and rich source of anthocyanins, which are closely related to the pH of their environment” (p. 3)....

The Pythagorean Theorem

Geometry consists of different theorems connected to figures, structures, and math in general. The Pythagorean Theorem is one of Euclidean geometry’s most prevalent and fundamental theorems. It remains one of the primary subjects to study in geometry class in every country. This rule is a cornerstone for math, other subjects...

Clarifying Bias, Case Analysis and Interviewees’ Feedback in Research

Such issues as the credibility and validity of qualitative research have been discussed for decades (Creswell, 2007; Patton, 2002). Many researchers argue that qualitative research is often associated with misinterpretation. Admittedly, it is rather difficult to remain unbiased as even researchers are subjected to the influence of various factors. Nonetheless,...

Primary Strengths and Weaknesses of Qualitative and Quantitative Research Designs

Qualitative and quantitative research designs are often selected by nurses who need to conduct a study, investigate a certain phenomenon, or test a hypothesis. From this point, the primary strength of the qualitative research design is the possibility to conduct the in-depth analysis of the phenomenon with references to abstract...

The Polymerase Chain Reaction

Introduction Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) is a versatile and critical reaction in molecular biology. The reaction is a landmark in molecular biology because it has made it possible for scientists to study minute quantities of DNA material. PCR involves the amplification of minute quantities of DNA into large quantities for...

My Journey in Biology

I am a passionate, young, and ambitious neuroscience and molecular biology learner. Since middle school, I have been actively studying these topics and working on small projects independently during my free time. As a freshman, I was admitted into a 4-week Research in the Biological Sciences (RIBS) program at the...

Arguments for and Against Qualitative Research as Against Quantitative Research

Several arguments for and against both quantitative research and qualitative research exist in debate. Generally, critics regard quantitative research as positivism in nature; as a science and being objective, while qualitative analysis is taken as non-scientific (Howe, 1988). There is an argument that the two must not work together. However,...

The Process of Photosynthesis

Introduction Photosynthesis is fundamental to the energy flow process in living organisms. “Plants are the primary producers and they make use of sunlight to produce sugars for energy production.” (Govindjee, 1997, p. 45) Excess nutrients are stored and the plants are eaten up by herbivores and omnivores which rely on...

How to Groom Your Pet?

Introduction Dogs need to have good hygienic care. The dog owner can learn how to groom his or her dog (Miller, n.d.). There are professional groomers whose sole responsibility in life is to groom dogs at a fee. Some of the tools that one needs for grooming are the curry...

Description of the Pacific Ocean

An ocean can be one of the most fascinating creations ever. It can be terrifying to see such a vast water collection. But it can also be exciting to imagine such a habitat for millions of species. The rolling waves, the breeze, and the sand under one’s feet on ocean...

Critical Analysis of Research Methodology and Data Analysis

Methodology and data analysis are some of the most crucial processes that constitute a research paper. In the research done by Xiao and Shailer (2022, p.2) to investigate stakeholders’ perception of the factors affecting credibility of the sustainability report, methodology and data analysis were used accordingly to achieve the objective...

The Four Physiographic Regions of Europe

The four physiographic regions of Europe comprise the Western Uplands, North European Plain, Central Uplands, and Alpine Mountains. Generally, the continent’s physical geography is characterized by its proximity to the ocean, extensive mineral resources, temperate climates, and various geologic features (White et al., 2011). Moreover, the division of these regions...

Acids and Bases Chemical Reaction

Acid-base reactions are important in both industrial chemistry and biochemistry. Every day people encounter acid-base reaction products at pharmacies, homes, shops, and even at work. A popular example of these products is sodium chloride which is found in common salt. This paper explains in detail the chemical reaction involved when...

Power Supply Design System

Introduction The power supply unit in electronics is the central unit that provides a load within the system-controlled power. Essentially, the supply unit gets its power from the mains; it then rectifies the AC power input through a series of rectifiers made from a combined circuitry consisting of transistors, resistors,...

The Limits of Metaphysics

The problem of the limit of metaphysical speculation ascends to the Critique of Pure Reason by Emmanuel Kant. First, metaphysics is characterized by Kant as a natural tendency – metaphysica naturalis – of a person, which manifests itself in the ability to speculate (Moore, 2019). There are other types of...

NASA: Its Purposes and Projects

Space exploration has always been a highly challenging and interesting subject. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is an independent government agency, which focuses on studying the Earth, space, Solar system, and astrophysics (“What is NASA,” 2020). NASA was initially created as a response to the ever-growing Soviet Union’s advancement...

Chlorophyll Is for Photosynthesis

Chlorophyll is the molecule found in green plants that absorbs sunlight necessary for the process of photosynthesis for the sustenance of plant lives. Situated in the chloroplasts of green plants, it is what constitutes the green color of green plants. When light falls on plants, chlorophyll pigments take in blue...

Anova Statistical Analysis: Analysis of Variance

Anova Definition Analysis of variance is a statistical tool performed to outline whether the means of two or more different techniques differ in terms of their approach (Singh, 2018) Today’s overwhelming number of techniques applicable to data analysis makes it extremely difficult to define the most beneficial approach while considering...

New York and Tokyo: Comparison of SWOT Results

Introduction Results attained through creating SWOT matrices for cities of New York and Tokyo had shown us weak and strong points of both cities. In this assignment, their economic, societal, and environmental status and problems will be compared and discussed. The results of this comparison will show which city is...

Fiji Water Quality: Biology Lab Experiment

Introduction Water on Earth is a finite source, and it is considered to be the most abundant compound in the biosphere. Water is on the surface, under the ground is found in vapor form and as precipitation. It is projected that 1.7% of the water on the Earth’s surface is...

Methods of Collecting Primary and Secondary Data

Introduction Surveys and questionnaires can be used to gather primary data, while a library, bots, and other automated methods can be used to gather secondary data. It is easy to see the distinctions between these two methods of data collecting, and they can both be utilized in conjunction with one...

Safranin and Crystal Violet in Gram Staining Method

Staining allows us to detect microbes in the microscopic material, determine their number, and quickly study the morphological features of microorganisms. The ratio of bacteria to Gram stain is determined by their ability to retain the complex of gentian violet with iodine formed during the staining process. For coloring, the...

“Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow” by Harari

Introduction The book Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow is authored by Yuval Noah Harari, a professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Harari incorporates the current abilities, achievements as well as attempts of innovation to paint a picture of future mankind. Hence, it is a brief history of...

Two Research Philosophies: Positivism and Interpretivism

Research Philosophies The two research philosophies covered within the current paper’s framework are positivism and interpretivism. Positivism can be defined as an approach to studying human behavior and societal trends with the help of scientific methods (Eden, Nielsen, and Verbeke, 2020; Quinlan et al., 2019). According to Ghauri, Grønhaug, and...

The Santa Fe Time Series Prediction and Analysis Competition

The desire to predict the future and understand the past drives the search for laws that explain the behaviour of observed phenomena; examples range from the irregularity in a heartbeat to the volatility of a currency exchange rate. If there are known underlying deterministic equations, in principle they can be...

Comparison of New York and Bangladesh

The United States of America consists of 50 states. Among them is New York, which is located in the North-Eastern part of the continent. It is considered the most populated with almost 19 million people, yet it stands at number 27 in terms of land space in America (“52 Interesting...

Anatomy, Physiology, and Living Habitats of Red Panda

Introduction The Tanuki, also called the Japanese Racoon Dog, is a subspecies of the Asian Racoon Dog. In Japanese folklore, the Tanuki is a benevolent but sneaky rascal, which is why its statues, featuring giant testicles and wide-brim hats, are sprinkled across many Japanese cities and towns. The animal has...

Experiment: Flame Test and Chemical Fingerprinting

Executive Summary Flame test and chemical fingerprinting are analytical procedures that are used to identify metals or metalloid compounds. When subjected to heat, metals emit specific electromagnetic wavelengths, thereby, a particular color of light. The results of this experiment show that lithium gives off a red flame, sodium an orange...

Spatial Analysis in Practice

Introduction Thorough research and understanding of the problem of spatial distribution, and the phenomena of the principles of spatial distribution is a great challenge nowadays. The issues of spatial distribution entail the knowledge from different areas, such as healthcare, environment, geology agronomy, and lots of others. These studies become more...

Criteria for Writing Mission and Vision Statements

Introduction Mission and vision statements are very important in business. Mission and vision statements constitute the most important drivers towards a company’s goals. Despite of the importance of mission and vision statement, some managers fail to take time when preparing them. This leads to mission and visions that have little...

Historical Background of Brazil

Introduction Developing cultural competence is necessary in the modern world because the countries’ borders become blurred, and people of different nationalities are prone to cooperate within various circumstances. To avoid any inconveniences and misunderstandings, acquiring knowledge about distinguishing features of major cultures is essential. In particular, getting acquainted with Brazilian...

Water in the Atmosphere

Latent heat is the energy that is accumulated or released in a specific thermodynamic system as a result of a constant temperature process (Lutgens and Tarbuck 375). The aforementioned process can be observed in the course of a change of state of matter and the following release or accumulation of...

Astronomy: International Space Station

The space station operating at an international level, known as ISS, is a partnership operation comprised of several countries with a common objective of conducting space explorations that take place within the Station. ISS mainly focuses on laboratory research which is regarded as among the challenging political as well as...

Biomes, Ecosystems, and Habitats

Introduction Biomes significantly affect the characteristics of the natural environment. When a biome has many individuals of one species, it can dominate other species and force them to fight for survival. That is why biomes determine the life of many living beings. There are five main types of biomes: aquatic...

Organic Farming: Opposition to Traditional Farming

Organic farming allows maintaining a balance within the ecosystem while producing crops. It is a practice of managing the farming process by integrating site-specific practices and using ecological approaches, as defined by Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (n.d.). For instance, an organic farming practice includes recycling resources and integrating and...

Physics: How Rainbows Are Formed

Introduction Mainly, refraction and dispersion of sunlight by water droplets or rain in the air form an arch of colors visible in the sky referred to as the Rainbow. The Rainbow consists of seven colors: green, yellow, red, orange, blue, violet and indigo. Debatably, in today’s society, rainbows are seen...

Brain Mechanisms Involved in Emotions

Introduction Understanding the nature of emotions as the factors that serve not only to represent a response to a specific stimulus but also as the means of gauging an individual’s psychological well-being is central to modern psychology. Remarkably, despite being an intuitively understandable concept, the phenomenon of emotion does not...

Analysis of Municipality of Lubao

When you think of something to see in the Philippines, the first things coming to mind are likely Manila, the beaches of El Nido, or Mayon volcano. But what if I tell you there is a place just as deserving of your attention, and a mere two-hour drive from the...

Statistics in Psychological Research

Role of Statistics in Psychological Research Data gathering comes along with the need to describe, summarize, and interpret it. For instance, in psychological research, statistics connect a research idea and useful conclusions (Fosters et al., 2018). Statistical tools and techniques aid the organization of data into a more interpretable form,...

Use of Selective and Differential Media

Purpose The purpose of this lab experiment is to enhance learners’ understanding of unique bacterial behavior in various media and relevant skills necessary for microorganism identification. This experiment will allow us to use both selective and differential media to identify gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. The three types of media used...

Egypt: Country Study

Introduction Egypt is regarded as one of the most ancient and principal civilizations, making an immense contribution to the development of humankind in all spheres of their activity. This Mediterranean country occupies the northeastern corner of Africa and the Nile River’s delta and the valley, bordered by Israel, the Gaza...

Epistemology and Research Methodology Meet in Theory

Introduction The essence of theoretical thought is based on the complex process of theorizing, aiming at explaining a particular scientific phenomenon through the correlation of epistemology and research. In terms of family studies, the process of theorizing reflects “three basic orientations toward theory” (Bengtson, Acock, Allen, Dilworth-Anderson, and Klein, 2004,...

Photosynthesis: The Solar Cells and the Plant Cells

Photosynthesis is a chemical process used by photoautotrophic plants and other organisms to change carbon dioxide and water into organic compounds like sugars with the help of solar energy. These organisms include green plants, algae and some bacteria. The process produces oxygen and vital products as waste products that enhance...

The Concept of Personalized Medicine

Personalized Medicine Personalized medicine is a health care field, which dwells on the uniqueness of an individual’s clinical, genetic, genomic and environmental information (Ginsburg & Willard, 2010). Since two thousand years ago, personalization has been a major aim of medicine. Now, the composition of the genome and blood proteins is...

Bioethical Analysis: Case of Terri Schiavo

The present paper aims at providing bioethical analysis world-famous case of Terri Schiavo, a patient who was artificially kept alive for more than 15 years in a vegetative state. Ms. Shiavo experienced cardiac arrest, which led to brain injury, on February 15, 1990 (Fine, 2005). As a result, the patient’s...

Importance of Metallography

Introduction Fabrication is a term common to the industrial world. It makes reference to the processes that facilitate shaping up of metals including cutting, bending and assembly among others.. The process to be used are of often guided by the material requirements for the end product desired. Modern technology has...

Sampling in Researching Education: Discussion Board

Introduction Sampling is extremely important for conducting research in education, as it can have a significant effect on the research outcome. A sample is a collection of elements meant to represent a population under analysis. While the best research strategy is to conduct a census, which is a study of...

The Psychology of Seeing – Color Blindness

Introduction The term blindness is used somewhat misleading in the designation of certain visual conditions in which visual acuity is not significantly reduces. Color Blindness, for example, does not involve a reduction of “visual sharpness and should more accurately be called a color-perception deficiency. Color blindness occurs almost exclusively in...

Algae: Classification, Evolution, and Lifecycle

Introduction The world is not just people, flora and fauna that are on the surface. There are great many of other different organisms that exist in the world, but most people do not see them. The marine world is strange and unique; the organisms that inhabit it may be ranged...

Cloning Moral and Ethical Issues

Introduction Cloning is the creation of an embryo by the method of human somatic cell nuclear transfer. This procedure involves implanting DNA cells from an organism into an egg whose DNA nucleus has been removed then chemically treated so that the egg begins to behave as though fertilization has occurred....

Advantages and Disadvantages of Stem Cell Research

Introduction Stem cells are immature cells which are mostly found in multi-cellular organism and they are mainly characterized by their ability to renew through mitotic cell division which later differentiates into ranges of various specialized cell types (James, 2004, p39). Stem cells in mammals are classified into two broad classed...

“The American Geographies” by Barry Lopez

“Romanticized landscape” by Barry Lopez In his essay, The American Geographies, Lopez deliberates on the essence of nature presented through people’s perception. In particular, the author believes that a romantic vision of the American landscape prevents people from understanding the essence of the real scenery and embraces the overwhelming meaning...

Logic Models in Human and Social Services Programs

Logic models can be a helpful tool for formulating and assessing a wide array of programs. In particular, they may be of use for both creating and evaluating human and social services programs. In this discussion, some of how logic models can help with assessing such problems are considered. Also,...

Comparison of Arizona and Texas

THESIS: Although Arizona and Texas have differences such as nicknames, different touristic places to visit, economic fact sheets, they also have many things in common; the similarities between Arizona and Texas conclude in their weather which is hot and dry, in their location in the border with Mexico, common historical...

Miami-Dade County Profile and Community Description

Introduction A windshield survey is a qualitative analysis that offers an overview of a community that is gathered using observation. It comprises of the annotations that one can make up for a community while driving through or by casual walk. Data regarding the community’s demographics may be obtained in the...

Al Gore’s Speech on Global Warming

Rhetoric analysis encompasses a methodology for providing responses to texts or speeches with the chief intention of unveiling how textual work creates meanings followed by a subsequent evaluation of the factual and implied meaning thereof. The ‘how’ aspect attempts to ponder the strategies deployed by the author or the speaker,...

The Environmental Impact of Bottled Water

Abstract Environmentally it would be very difficult to argue that waste management has become an eminent factor of consideration in the whole world. The development of land grows at an alarming rate while the rates of recycling remain dismally very low. Considering the water industry, the amount of plastic bottles...

Scientific Inquiry Using WildCam Gorongosa

Making Observations and Asking Questions I visited WildCam Lab’s Data page, and the color-coding of the map according to plant type and natural features is described in a legend in the lower left corner of the screen. The orange dots show the locations of the cameras on the map. Any...

Population Growth and Agriculture in the Future

Introduction The improved conditions of life have recently led to a higher rate of population growth. The development of industries, agriculture, and transportation allowed people to live longer and provide support for their families. Currently, human population growth is about 1% annually, while the global population increased from 1 billion...

The Lazer Company Null and Alternative Hypotheses

Summary The contract that Lazer company for a part of Boeing corporation has to have a diameter average equal to 6 inches and a standard deviation of 0.10 inches. Below are discussions and explanations to help the Lazer company with what they should conclude, given the mean of the diameter...

Geographical Information System and Remote Sensing

Introduction At first, the geographical information system (GIS) refers to a network that establishes, controls, assesses, and maps entire data classifications. On the other hand, remote sensing is the database gathering regarding a phenomenon or an object without making any actual contact with it, compared to on-site or in-situ monitoring...

Cross-Sectional, Longitudinal and Sequential Studies

The strategy (design) of conducting a cohort study may differ in actions and rules. There are three designs on which students or professionals can run their research: cross-sectional, longitudinal, and sequential (Lumen Learning). Each design has its advantages and disadvantages, and each can be used to answer a particular question...

The Anthropology of Christianity

The anthropology of Christianity is related to human Anthropos concerning God. Anthropology has a vital role in a missionary perspective. Anthropology, theology, and missiology have developed over the years. Anthropology has led to the change into postmodernism which makes it revolutionary. Anthropology has also led to the loss of certainty...

Structure and Agency in Anthropological Study

Introduction It can be said that anthropologists are one of the most ambitious and bravest scientists since their ultimate goals are to analyze every aspect of humanity and understand its complex, contradictory, and sometimes mystical nature. They have developed various methodologies, approaches, and concepts to achieve this during the existence...

Physics in Human Body Overview

Introduction The research on human body in view of the physical processes is as old as notions regarding the contemporary medicine. Naturally, the human body is a complex and an astonishing illustration of how physics applies itself in the daily living. In fact, the human skeletal muscles and joints are...

Aspects of Mouse-Trap Car

Introduction A mouse-trap car according to Balmer (1998) is a kind of motor vehicle that is motorized by the power that is accumulated in a wound up mouse-trap spring (1). A simple mouse-trap is constructed by attaching a string on a mouse-trap’s snapper arm and then winding this string on...

Thematic Analysis of Interview Data

The interview under analysis was conducted and three participants have been involved into the study. Six questions focused on defining participants’ goals, beliefs, and ability to logical thinking. While conducting the interview, similar thematic patterns were defined among the participants. Specifically, while thinking over the most favorite historical or famous...

Sampling Strategy and Sample Size

Abstract The present paper critiques the sampling strategy and sample size of the selected article. Overall, it is evident that the strategies used (e.g., inclusion criteria, stratified sampling, randomization, and power analysis) were effective in maintaining internal validity and ensuring that findings could be generalized to the wider population. Introduction...

The Human Body. Anatomy Components

The human body constitutes of cells. The cells vary according to their function but they work in harmony. Cells with similar characteristics make up bigger units called tissues which work in a specialized way. The human body is made up of different tissues that is muscle, nerve, epithelial and connective...

Instances of the Fingerpost by Francis Bacon and a Scientific Method

The Novum Organum is one of the most known philosophical works by Francis Bacon. This book was published in 1620 in Latin for the first time. With time, this work has been translated into several languages in order to spread the offered theory all over the world and provide other...

Math: Functional Analysis

“Functions are mathematical ideas that take one or more variables and produce a variable. You can think of a function as a cook that takes one or more ingredients and cooks them up to make a dish. Depending on what you put in, you can get very different things out”....

How to Conduct a Survey Research

Introduction One significant aspect of conducting successful research is the research survey used for collecting primary data. A survey describes the features of large populations and sports research studies frequently use surveys to collect primary data (Andrew, Pedersen, & McEvoy, 2011). The aim of this paper is to highlight the...

Statistical Information in the News: Use and Importance

Introduction Learning statistics can help in making everyday decisions based on data analysis. You do not have to make thorough studies of statistical reports; it is enough to switch on a TV or grab a newspaper. Nearly every piece of news contains some statistical data. With the news, there is...

Research: Mock Study and Hypothesis

Introduction Research is meant to solve problems and answer questions. It incorporates creativity and systematic improvement of an idea by evidencing its workability (Gauch, 2003). Researches require proper planning and arrangement to warrant their success. Unplanned research aborts before completion or fails or provides information that is out of context....

Charles Darwin’s Evolutionary Theory

Introduction Evolution can be defined, in general terms, as any process of change over time (Evolution-Def. 2010, par.1). Evolution is a theory that was first developed by Charles Darwin, who is considered the father of evolution. Development of explanations as regards to the existence of man started to emerge long...

Mars: Exploration and Description of the Red Planet

Introduction Mars is one of the members of the planets that make the solar system. It is the fourth planet from the sun and is often termed the Red Planet. Its soil, rocks, and sky have a red color. This was discovered by astronauts. Romans named this planet in respect...

Culture Media as a Helpful Instrument

Culture media can be a helpful instrument in detecting and identifying the functions of various microorganisms. An ability to determine a purpose leads to a better understanding of what can be useful or harmful for the human body. This paper provides an overview of the definition, classification, and importance of...

Are We Ready for Neo-Evolution?

Thoughts about the Video The video’s presentation is done masterfully, with the speaker, Harvey Fineberg, laying a good foundation about the traditional evolution before moving to the concept of neo-evolution. The things talked about in the video are the reality of the near future. The possibility of changing human genes...

Matrix and Tests of Validity and Reliability

TEST of Reliability Application and APPROPRIATENESS Strengths Weaknesses Internal Consistency Multiple experiments Accurate Reduce confounding effects Reduce external validity Expensive to conduct Split-half Comparative study Eliminates business Minimizes errors Low reliability Prone to confounding variables Test/retest Prospective study Consistency and variability Confirmation of findings Inaccuracy of intervals Lack of significant...

History of Sea Navigation

People have traveled across seas and oceans for centuries. During ancient times, people mainly avoided open seas as they used various landmarks to navigate. However, sailors gained experience and developed various methods and tools to find their way. The development of technology contributed greatly to the development of sea navigation...

Geographical Diversity of Weather

Geographical diversity of meteorological phenomena Meteorology is a scientific study of the environment and how the atmosphere affects the weather. Meteorology’s concern is on the changes of weather in a short period. Changes in weather patterns are often by geographical conditions, atmospheric pressure, altitude and time of the year. Hence,...

Atmosphere and Weather Patterns

The recent four days have been quite a strange change of pace in the tendency for this summer. Instead of a relatively warm weather, which seems to have settled since June, a couple of cloudy and rather windy days passed. Despite the fact that the cold air fronts are only...

Space Exploration: India Space Mission

Abstract The following paper will discuss the topic of ISRO to launch India’s first spacecraft to Mars. Even though primarily it might seem as a sensation with positive factors, there are some concerns that have been voiced by the people of India, as well as other countries. Some of the...

Isaac Newton Scientific Contributions

Isaac Newton is considered a champion of scientific modernity in several aspects. His inventions have not only been historical but have influenced the development in modern life. The historical introductions of scientific methodologies have been used to transform ancient methodology to a new phase of natural intellectual development. Scholars attribute...

Correlation between Wedding Expenses and Marriage Duration

When I initially saw the headline, I assumed there was a link between the cost of an engagement ring and the length of a marriage. I expect to find evidence of this correlation when I read the article. The headline makes a correlational claim that there is a relation between...

The Impact of Pesticides’ Use on Agriculture

Pesticides are Chemical inputs are largely used in agriculture Pesticides are mostly known for their adverse effects and, therefore, have a mostly negative connotation when discussed among general audiences. However, one must also admit that the application of pesticides is vital for maintaining the growth of crops consistently. Still, due...

The Fertility and Life Expectancy Math Project

Histograms Descriptive Statistics Statistic 2019 Fertility 2019 Life Expectancy Mean 2.64 73.81 Median 2.20 75.01 Mode 1.70 77.47 Standard Deviation 1.24 7.12 Kurtosis 0.11 -0.45 Skewness 0.97 -0.53 Minimum 0.90 55.17 Maximum 6.80 85.29 Count 191.00 191.00 The provided dataset had two variables, including 2019 fertility and 2019 life expectancy...

Polynomial Use in Real Life Applications

Store and bank safe are two real-world applications for polynomial equations. Assuming a bank manager wants to keep money in a safe and they will not be available at the time of delivery. The manager may have to request that his tellers open the safe. However, the manager may not...

Baddeley’s Working Memory Model

According to the multi-component model of working memory, a working memory model is vital for resourceful intellect. According to the dual pathway model, triggering instead of disengaging moods increases working memory capacity, allowing for greater cognitive suppleness. Short-range memory is also called the working memory. As an alternative to all...

Space Exploration: The Liberal Arts Lenses

Space exploration is the study of outer space and is usually carried out by experts in space technology and astronomy. There are four liberal arts lenses of viewing space exploration: history, humanities, social science, and natural science. The history lens provides astronomers with a view of occurrences that happened during...

Sakurajima – Volcano in Southern Kyushu in Japan

Sakurajima is a volcano that is in southern Kyushu in Japan. It is one of the most active volcanoes on the planet and also one of the volcanoes that have constant activity. The place where it is located has been very active during the past few centuries and is called...

Importance of Oxygen in Respiration

Oxygen is a factor of respiration that generates energy in the body. Body activities require energy, including moving, stretching muscles, and relaxing muscles. Through the lungs as well as respiration systems, humans are able to breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide (Daniel et al. 35). The process through...

Sampling and Non-Probability Methods

Probability and non-probability sampling are techniques utilized to select part of a target population to conduct a survey. Probability sampling refers to a sampling method that involves the probability theory whereby the likelihood of any unit’s knowledge of being selected is employed (Langer 2018). Therefore, every target population member has...

Data Collection Methods for Various Scenarios

Introduction The paper aims to compare four ways of data collection, such as survey research, which involves a process of asking questions and analyzing responses, field research, which focuses on making observations, and secondary analysis of existing data, and triangulation, which refers to the combination of the methods. The author...

The Ethical Principles in Nursing Research

Carrying out a nursing research presupposes managing a huge set of responsibilities, the safety of the research subjects being the key one. As a result, a nursing specialist in charge of a research must make sure that the study subject should not face any major threats in the process. Since...

Manas Wildlife Sanctuary in India

Introduction The preservation of wild life is the crucial issue for saving the bio diversity and the ecological balance on our planet. Originally, it should be stated that the allover efforts of governments, world organizations and separate personalities are rather highly-valuable, nevertheless, these efforts should be ten times higher and...

China Is a Prisoner of Its Geography

China’s political decisions have always been largely informed by the limitations of its geography. During the formative period of the Han empire, the fertile heartland of China lent itself to agrarian purposes, which made it defenseless against external forces. Back in a day, the main danger was violent nomadic tribes...

The Egtved Girl: Social Standing and Wealth in the Bronze Age

Introduction Throughout history, there have been many significant discoveries of human remains. These findings have an incalculable cultural and historical importance for the countries where they were discovered and the world in general. The remains of the people who died thousands of years ago allow contemporary scientists to uncover the...

Reptiles and How They Fit in Their Phylum

Reptiles are popular animals that can be easily identified by people due to their typical characteristics. For instance, snakes have always made human beings joining opposite sides of the discussion on whether they like them or not. To begin with, reptiles are a group of slithering animals that have a...

The Problems and the Future of Social Sciences

Economic inequality is one of the ever-present global issues that social scientists try to resolve. Hunt and Colander (2016) note that even in the US, more than 12% of the population lives in poverty (p. 234). I believe that social scientists currently lack the ability to solve the issue, at...

Arguments for Space Exploration

Introduction According to the latest statistical data provided by the United Nations Organization, today’s global population has reached 7.6 billion people (para. 1). It is expected that by 2050 it will reach almost 10 billion (para. 2). Such estimates do not give much cause for optimism. The Earth’s resources of...

Systems Theory Definition and Analysis

Systems theory is a concept in biology and cybernetics that can be used in several diverse disciplines. It serves to explain relationships between separate components of one unity (a system, organization, or group of people). As it is known, a system is regulated by the structure and relationship patterns of...

Sedimentary Rocks and Plate Tectonics Effects

Sedimentation is derived from an Italian “Sedimentum” which refers to “Settling”. It’s commonly used to refer to solid materials settling out of fluid. (Tarbuck, 2000) This phenomenon is observed due to the differences in density between the fluid and the solid particles. “In geography sediments are derived from broken rock...

FM Radio: History and Main Aspects

The beginning of the rise of the frequency modulation radio or FM radio may be clearly observed only beginning with 1960s though FM radio was invented in 1902. The reason for the long lasting absence of demand for FM radio is in the oppression on the part of the giant’s...

The Hydrocarbon Value Chain: Exploration to Production

Introduction Petroleum by-products are produced by organic compounds – living organisms that flourished in great numbers, died, decayed and were subjected to environmental pressures over eons. Some of these compounds are extremely simple; such as methane. Others have great structural complexity. Extracting all these has required equally complex processes of...

Population Parameters in Statistics

A population parameter and its point estimate. Population parameters refer to the statistical measures that are fixed and when used as variables, they make the population distribution descriptive hence descriptive statistics. A good example of population parameters is the mean and variance in a normal distribution. When these two variables...

Parametric and Non-Parametric Tests in Research

When conducting research, it is important to reach accurate conclusions and generalizations concerning the participant groups. For this purpose, statistical tests are used, which can be classified into parametric and non-parametric. While for the first type, the researcher is aware of the parameter to be applied to the sample, the...

Primates and Their Defining Characteristics

Primates are the group of mammals. This group consists of such animals as monkeys, lemurs, and apes. Humans are primates too. What is more, humans are the most recent category of primates. Although humans live all across the globe except Antarctica, the majority of primates inhabit tropical and subtropical areas....

Printing Equipment Purchase Decision Making

Decision-making skill is one of the most important aspects of every company’s leadership as it allows to make the right choices and minimize risks in connected parts of the business. According to Klien (2017), statistics is closely related to decision-making as specific numbers and exact data can make the production...

Trees: Physical Description and Life Cycle

White Oak Common name: white oak Scientific name: Quercus alba Physical description: with each species, height varies. Usually reaching a mature height of 50 to 75 feet. Able to reach heights of 100 feet. 40 to 70 feet in width. Simple, lobed, alternate leaves with rounded tips. With a diameter...

Relation of Pythagoras’ Theorem to the Law of Cosines

Introduction One of the fundamental beginnings of mathematics is the possibility of theoretical generalization and the search for analogies between concepts, which allows various parts of mathematical disciplines to be linked together. It is necessary to understand that the development of mathematics has taken millennia and has always gone on...

The Case Analysis of African Union

Problem Definition The African Union (AU) was chosen as the international organization for the study design. AU is a modern union of 55 African republics, founded in 2002 as the successor of the Organization of African Unity (AU, 2022). The general objectives of this organization include the implementation of any...

Religion From an Anthropological Perspective

Introduction Anthropology is the science examining human experience, and the same notion can be applied to religion. It is certain that historically, culturally, and socially, people differ based on religious perspectives. Thus, spirituality takes many forms, a notion that is most prominent when examining past religious branches, superstitions, and spiritual...

Taiwanese Culture, Foods, and Tourism

Introduction Taiwan is an East Asian country near China in the North West Pacific Ocean. Did you know that China considers Taiwan part of its territory even though it is an independent nation? Other countries close to or neighboring the country includes the Philippines and Japan. Taiwan, also known as...

The Second and Third-Generation Sequencing Systems

Sequencing became one of the revolutionary tools in molecular biology and biomedicine that allowed a better understanding of the genomes of various organisms. The first method that became foundational for the next-generation sequencing systems was Sanger’s dideoxy synthesis, developed in 1977 (Slatko et al., 2018). It is a complex process...

Milk’s Consistency Under Higher Temperature

Observation I examined the consistency change of the milk when it was left out of the refrigerator for four days. Hypothesis The hypothesis is that the higher temperature affects the bacteria growth in the milk, hence changing the milk’s consistency. Experiment and Procedure A list of materials used in the...

Geladas: Habitat and Causes of Extinction

Geladas are monkeys that are acquired only in Ethiopia’s mountains. They are the most-earthly species in the highlands of the tropics, and it has become unusual for their primate relatives (“WATCH: Spend a Day”). Geladas are also experienced rock-climbers; however, they prefer to sit for a significant part of the...

Catharanthus Roseus: Description and Its Benefits

This paper will present a brief discussion of Catharanthus roseus and some of its benefits. Catharanthus roseus is a perennial plant that looks similar to a shrub that grows up to one meter tall. The plant species has a tap root system that reaches seventy centimeters deep (Rojas-Sandoval, 2019). The...

Industrial Fermentation and Aerobic Respiration

Vinegar is an industrial microorganism fermented product used for cooking purposes and various industrial processes such as making chutneys because of its mildly acidic nature (Singh, 2020). The input products are acetic acid (5%) and water mixed. Acetic acid bacteria are extracted from different sources, including the genus Acetobacter and...

Bidens Pilosa (Blackjack): Plant Description

A biological species is a group of living things that can replicate and produce fertile offspring in existence. Species are distinguished by their genetic variation from other clusters, which implies that living things in one species are impotent of replicating with living things in another. In this case, it is...

Saudi Arabian Culture, History and Political Situation

Historical Background The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the original home of Islam and the Arab people and occupies a large part of the Arabian Peninsula (Vassiliev, 2013). Saudi Arabian citizens mostly support the Arab and Muslim cultures that connect them with millions of people in different parts of the...

Political Sampling: Pros and Cons of Probability and Non-Probability Sampling

Introduction In many parts of the world, politics is an area of interest for many people, given the immense weight that political systems confer over the wellbeing and the governance of societies. Political systems are categorized as part of social systems and are among the major sectors in the world’s...

Colonizing Other Planets and Taking Care of the Earth

Introduction People have always been interested in exploring outer space and colonizing other planets. Scientists spent years developing and testing rockets that would allow humanity to reach planets where life can be better. As indicated by Worrall (2018), experts claim that the future lies in the stars and not on...

Physics: Hooke’s Law

Introduction Mechanical physics allows investigating the nature of dynamic processes occurring routinely in solid objects. Using the principles of mechanics, it becomes possible to carry out theoretical calculations, determine the permissible rate of loading, and predict the deformation of bodies when they are subjected to physical impact. Thus, Hooke’s law...

Post-Translational Modification of Proteins

Introduction Post-translational modification is the process by which a protein (polypeptide) is modified chemically after it has gone through the third stage of protein biosynthesis. This third stage is referred to as translation. It is part of the whole process of gene expression. Basically, a protein is made up of...

Metallic Materials for Aerospace Industry

Introduction Aircraft building is a complicated process that requires meticulous selection of the right materials. Engineers must fully understand the qualities and limitations of all construction materials in order to make the right selection. Ideal metals for aircraft production often have minimal weight, are corrosion, fatigue, heat, and crack resistant,...

Mass Transfer of CO2 in a Packed Column

Background for the research Researching the influence of sustained tilt on the mass transfer of CO2 in a packed column, the basics of the floating production systems are going to be considered. One of the unit operations onboard floating systems is the gas-liquid contacting columns used to strip gases such...

Giraffe Neck as Result of Sexual Selection

Introduction The giraffe’s long neck is a phenomenon that has perplexed researchers for a long time. It is also classified as the tallest mammal. The unique feature that distinguishes this animal from other animals is the long neck. People are not only perplexed by the way the giraffe is able...

Prontosil Synthesis and Enzyme Binding Studies

Background Prontosil (2,4-diaminoazobenzene-4’-sulfonamide) is a potential “sulfa drug” used in chemotherapy of especially “cocci infections” (streptococci, gonococci and pneumococci). In literature there are several methods to synthesize this compound and invariably the starting material is sulfanilamide (p-aminobenzenesulfonamide). Sulfanilamide is synthesized in lab from acetanilide treated with chlorosulfonic acid to acetaminobenzenesulfonyl...