Demands to Studies Involving Human Subjects

Informed consent is a critical demand for research studies implying human beings. However, in some cases, IRB may waive the requirement for obtaining the form. First, there is no more than minimal risk to the subject during the research (Qatar University, 2011). Second, the study cannot be carried out without...

How Hand Washing Affects Public Health

Introduction The Ted Talk video I selected, “The Simple Power of Handwashing,” by Myriam Sidibe, explains how we would get sick less frequently if we washed our hands more often. Sidible likens the number of sick kids from not washing their hands to a kid-heavy plane disaster. Around 600,000 kids...

Clinical Teaching Strategies in Nursing

Newly graduated nurse educators such as Aminah Rachedi face myriad challenges in focusing on what nursing students need to know and connecting to them in ways that enhance individual learning needs (Sorrell & Cangelosi, 2015). It is clear from the interactive case study that Rachedi’s volunteer students have diverse learning...

Recruitment for Customer Service and Manufacturing

There are many options for human resource managers to find skilled employees. However, some methods of recruitment prove more efficient than others. For example, when hiring a customer service assistant, it is important for an HR manager to consider a specific set of qualities for a future worker and choose...

Joe Biden’s Public Speaking Skills Critique

Delivery of Information The candidates participating in the presidential debates presented some informative speeches. In this paper, the speaking skills of Joe Biden will be analyzed and critiqued in compliance with such aspects as delivery, organization, and confidence. As for the quality of information delivery, the speaker showed competence in...

Keeping a Diary as a Self-Care Strategy to Help Patients

June Self Care The first self-care activity I plan to implement is keeping a diary. In order to be able to bring meaning to the patients’ lives, I need to be able to reflect. Keeping a diary can help develop empathy to support patients and avoid professional burnout. I have...

Ergonomic Injuries: a Case Study

Introduction Ergonomic injuries are musculoskeletal disorders of the muscles, nerves, tendons, ligaments, joints, cartilage, and spinal disc. They are risk factors directly or indirectly related to the work environment thus referred to as work-related musculoskeletal disorders. How a risk factor causes injury is usually through the accumulation of pressure to...

US Marines TV Recruitment Spot: Warfare and Soldier-Ship in Clips

In the opening scene of Saving Private Ryan, the character recollects the horrors of the war, the terror he felt during it. There is no romance in this crude scene. Men are throwing up, shaking, shouting, falling, drowning, and dying under enemy fire. They pull each other out of the...

Environmental Issues: Biodiversity Loss

Biodiversity is important for many reasons, including ecological services, such as pollution breakdown and absorption, soil formation, and social services, for example, recreation and tourism. According to Roe (2019), the loss of biodiversity is an environmental problem that needs urgent intervention since it threatens livelihoods. The article “Biodiversity Loss—More Than...

“Civilize Them With a Stick” Article by Dog and Erdoes

The topic of this week is education, and it includes an analysis of the history, purpose, formats, trends, and sociological perspectives on this subject. Dog and Erdoes’ (1999) article “Civilize them with a stick”, deals directly and theoretically with this week’s topic. This article concerns the research which Dog and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Driving Among Diabetic Patients

Driving among diabetic patients is an important issue as a large percentage of the US population has the disease. People often need a driver’s license to work, and it becomes their source of income. Besides, the ability to get around by car is necessary for many daily functions, such as...

Methods That Texas Companies Can Deal With Labor Shortages

Introduction Donald Trump’s decree tightens the existing visa ban, including certain work visas for non-immigrants, to protect the U.S. labor market in the wake of the economic downturn associated with the coronavirus pandemic. The U.S. president bans foreign workers’ entry on H-1B visas, L-1 visas for workers, and seasonal workers...

Federalism in the US

Federalism is a political system of state establishment, which allows separate states within an entity to function under a common set of rules while maintaining their own autonomy and integrity (Adler, 2020). It is a mix between the unitary and the confederal systems, sought to eliminate the negative sides of...

Apple Organization’s Marketing Strategy

A strategy defines a company’s long-term business plan, which helps it execute its mandate based on prioritizing the goals and responsiveness to market demands. In essence, these tactics begin with a one-step identification of the market for a product in an industry. The company then begins to recognize the ways...

International Labor Forces: Personal Review

Culture and mentality play an essential role in determining the worldview, values, and habits of an individual, and the sphere of labor is not an exception. Attitude to work and relationships inside the company, working habits and norms are also shaped by national peculiarities. Culture defines the treatment of employees,...

Alibaba Group’s Corporate Governance

Alibaba Group Holding Limited is justly regarded as the global leader among technology companies that specialize in electronic commerce. As a multinational corporation owning more than ten prominent businesses, Alibaba Group uses a holding company organizational structure (“Corporate Governance Guidelines”). This type of internal organization gives more freedom and autonomy...

Criminal Culpability for Heat-Related Deaths Among High School Athletics

Although training is critical in preventing injuries during competitions, the strenuous practice often results in many athletes’ deaths. Recently, the number of athletes succumbing to training injuries has risen consistently due to numerous temperature-related illnesses, such as heat stroke. However, leading researchers contend that since these experiences are precipitated by...

An Iron Triangle Phenomenon, Voices of the U.S. Society

The American governance system is a unique product of United States history. However, it does not mean that it works perfectly and satisfies all parties’ interests. An Iron Triangle phenomenon can be understood so argued to be both non-democratic and providing opportunities to the unheard voices of the U.S. society....

Cultural Influences of Social Policy

Parents are responsible for the upbringing and development of their children. They are obliged to take care of their physical, mental, spiritual, and moral development. They have priority over all other persons to teach them. However, parents are often guided by their ethnic and societal considerations in the way they...

Current Culture in Le Guin’s “The Ones Who Walk away from Omelas” Story

“The Ones Who Walk away from Omelas” is a fiction by Ursula K. Le Guin. Through the elaborated imagery of reflective narration, the author explores urgent moral issues still relevant to our society. This paper aims to apply Le Guin’s short fiction to the cultural analysis of our modern society....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Type of Animation in “The Cat Came Back” Film

Typically viewed as one of the traditional animation types, cel animation has grown to be associated immediately with the specified genre. Although new methods have nearly ousted cel animation, its legacy remains unparalleled since it allows for a tremendous variety of stylistic options. “The Cat Came Back,” a short animated...

Researching Latin American Cuisine

Having a cuisine is a common aspect in most ethnic families and offers a cultural significance. A cuisine is defined by cooking practices and traditions that are typically connected to a particular culture. The meals include beverages, foods, and cooking styles popular in most countries within Latin America. Latin American...

Settler Society and Structural Racism

White privilege is described by Johnson in detail as the process by which he used to acquire wealth. The British struggled to conquer Ireland and subjugate Irish people just because their skin was not white. The British felt that people in Ireland were inferior and savage people due to their...

The Learning Process: E-Learning: Academic Achievement

It is of major importance to take advantage of children’s natural desire to study, their learning capability, curiosity, and creativity. Thus, teachers should enhance the tools that are used to encourage students to actively participate in the learning process, search for new information, and organize it in an efficient way....

Sermon on the Mount, Buddha’s Sermon at Benares, and Buddha’s Sermon on Abuse

Both Buddha and Christianity figures can be analyzed to determine their assertions compared to Aristotle’s Doctrine of the Mean. Ethics has been encouraged by many religions and philosophers to enable people to interact with ease. For example, Christians focus on the experiences of Jesus, where he taught his followers the...

Decriminalizing Abortion in Victoria, Australia

The issue of abortion had been rampant in Australia, particularly in Victoria, to the point that it was considered a crime until 2007, when the government decriminalized it. Different groups have been asked to provide their recommendations on the Abortion Act, such as faith groups, private abortion clinics, health care...

Healthcare Services Delivery: The Golden Rule Application

Introduction The Golden Rule directs people to do what they will choose for themselves for others. Works of compassion and caring that go above and beyond “business as normal” or “usual treatment” are based on the Golden Rule (Doherty & Purtilo, 2015). As a result, this heuristic or “law of...

The Importance of Cultural Competency in Nursing

Cultural (intercultural) competence in nursing is the ability of the nurse to interact with people from different cultures effectively. Cultural competence has four components: understanding one’s cultural worldview, attitude towards cultural differences, knowledge of various cultural methods and worldviews, and intercultural skills. The culture-based perception of the disease affects the...

Economics of Slavery and Expansion

The economics of slavery was greatly dependent on the expansion into the mainland United States. Multiple factors affected the actual expansion such as the developing states had been either free, slave, or undecided states during the 1800s and much of the expansion into the west of the country. Another factor...

The Book “Speak” by Laurie Halse Anderson

In Speak, the author, Laurie Halse Anderson, illustrates the idea that people can recover after trauma and become stronger. The writer utilizes the first-person point of view to show the path protagonist goes through to her transformation. The first-person point of view is the type of narrative in which events...

“Wonders of the Invisible World” by Cotton Mather

Wonders of the Invisible World is a book written by Cotton Mather, published in 1693, right after the Salem Witch trials. The objective of the book was to defend the role Cotton Mather played in the trials and is based on the man’s belief of witchcraft being real and perpetrated...

Steps in the Writing Process

Rarely will you find writers writing in the same way? They have their own different and unique styles of writing. However, various defined steps guide a writer when coming up with a paper. Experienced writers have an easy time moving up and down the writing process steps and relating them...

“Motorcycle Ride on the Sea of Tranquility” by Patricia Santana

“Motorcycle Ride on the Sea of ​​Tranquility” is written by Patricia Santana and describes the life of a family living in Southern California with poignant sensitivity and beauty. This is a story about love and pain, family unity, and the tension that arises from the desire of its members for...

Restaurant Business During The Pandemic

For any business, the key thing to take into consideration is profitability. This is what businesses need to start from when deciding on which aspects to focus on. The crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has created many problems for the catering industry. Institutions are forced to close, send employees...

“The Battle for Algiers”: The Revolution in Algeria in the 1950s

The revolution in Algeria in the 1950s was characterized by political violence and terrorism. After witnessing the abuse of revolutionaries, the protagonist of the film, The Battle for Algiers, decides to become a rebel and seek justice. After ten years and many deaths, Algeria achieved complete independence from France. The...

The Impact of Social Media on the Development of the Humanity

As people came to the information age, they created a lot of types of communication, which led to a leap in the development of social networks, and now it is used everywhere. After all, social networks are already the most popular activity on the Internet. There is no more secrecy...

Artificial Intelligence: The Articles Review

Kayaaltı, Mahmut and Kut Belenli, Pelin. “Frankenstein’s Monster As A Representative of The Threat of Modern Technology Operated by Artificial Intelligence.” The Journal of Kesit Academy, vol. 7, no. 26, 2021, pp.38-48. This article examines and compares Frankenstein’s monster as the first equivalent of artificial intelligence and modern AI technologies...

Bulgaria’s Abandoned Children: Analysis of Film by BBC

This video covers a revisit on the state of Bulgaria’s abandoned children, which was done on October 20, 2009. It was done as a result of a previously aired video by the BBC documentary done in 2007 on Bulgaria’s abandoned children living with disabilities (Blewett, 2009). The BBC documentary led...

The “M.A.S.H” Movie by Robert Altman

The movie M.A.S.H (Robert Altman, 1970), the scenario of which was written in accordance with the eponymous book of Richard Hooker, is a 1970 American satire military film. The movie is the only feature picture of the M.A.S.H series to be released in theaters, and it was one of Twentieth...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Aspects of Ethical Leadership

Introduction Transformational and transactional leaders can have a positive impact on corporate culture. Employee satisfaction is sought by transactional leaders through bargaining, or “bartering,” for desired behaviors. Transformational leaders inspire others by instilling a sense of purpose, encouraging new thinking, and improving and creating learning opportunities. Through a shared vision...

How the US Was Able to Handle the Great Depression

The Great Depression had an enormous impact on many countries over the globe. Undoubtedly, the Great Depression became a concern for many citizens worldwide and resulted in unemployment (Le Sueur et al.). The U.S. was also exposed to this situation; indeed, its government withstood for several reasons. It is necessary...

Earmarking Taxes for Improving the Health Sector

Allocating sufficient financing for healthcare institutions and policies is a difficult task, especially for a developing country. Currently, Nigeria’s governmental structure undergoes many critical changes to ensure its prospects. Its health sector is largely under-resourced, which has a detrimental effect on the overall productivity and economic development of the country...

Language Development: The Main Theories

Several factors influence the process of language acquisition in infants. The speech development stage in babies tends to vary from one child to another, making them have different abilities. Majorly various scholars have connected the steps with both biological and environmental factors. Generally, children are born with genetically programmed linguistic...

The US Trade Deficit as a Current News Issue

Current Issue: US Trade Deficit Recently, such news outlets as Reuters, CNBC, and Market Watch have reported that the US trade deficit has reached its highest record. According to Mutikani (2021), in August 2021, the US trade deficit rose to $73.3 billion, although economists predicted that it would amount to...

“The Colloid and The Crystal” Book by Krutch

Krutch describes the beauty of snowflakes and crystals with delight and admiration. He describes their diversity and forms and says that only with a microscope he manages to understand what beauty means by looking at crystals. They capture his spirit and amaze his imagination, and it is not for nothing...

Production Analysis of the Mandalorian

Virtual production is utilized to offer vibrant and realistic surroundings in current film content, such as television series like The Mandalorian. According to van Wingerden (2021), The Mandalorian is a famous science-fiction show set in the Star Wars universe, which includes two seasons from 2019 to 2020. Disney’s The Mandalorian...

Unethical Decision of Rongping Chemical Company

The article demonstrates an example of an unethical decision of the top management team of Rongping Chemical Company, which harmed the ecology and threatened the health of citizens. This situation seems especially tragic considering the collectivistic values of Chinese society. At the same time, it is important to remember that...

The False Justification of the Smartphone Panic

With the development of various technological devices and their integration into the citizens’ everyday lives, some concerns regarding their effects on children have been voiced. Although the advances in electronic technologies can be exceptionally beneficial, the excessive use of such devices by the younger population might become a crucial issue,...

Aspects of LGBTQ+ Community Values

Much research on origins, development, psychology, and other sexual and gender characteristics has been conducted in recent years. However, the features of the LGBTQ+ community itself seem to be considered so well-known that they acquire little attention. Parmenter et al. (2020) attempted to address the issue with a survey of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Standardized Testing and Its Negative Consequences

Actuality of Problem The relevance of standardization of education, and testing, in particular, is determined by modern tendencies in the field of education. In other words, there is an active introduction of universal criteria for evaluating students’ knowledge, as well as the integration of a general education system that is...

Implementation of Environmental Tax and Related Economic Instruments

In my opinion, the present highway funding structure has merits and demerits related to the taxes paid by motor carriers. I hold the view that one of the benefits of highway funding is that fuel charges generate a lot of income for the exchequer without affecting fuel prices. In addition,...

Lightman’s “Great Clock and Temple of Time” Chapter

Human lives are inextricably linked with time measurement – people count their age, daily routine, and separate seasons and days. The chapter from Lightman’s (1993) Einstein’s dreams, dated June 18, 1905, devoted to the Great Clock and Temple of Time, raises the question of how measuring time changes human perception....

Ethical Issues in Apple’s Suppliers’ Plants

The specific issues that stand out to me in terms of the ethics of the products I buy or the companies that manufacture them are the labor issues and the ethical aspects regarding animals. There are many companies, even in developed countries, that exploit their employees and implement unfair practices...

Relation Between Genetics and Intelligence

Intelligence is a mental ability to learn from experience, tackle issues and use knowledge to adapt to new situations (Myers & DeWall, 2019). According to a single intelligence hypothesis, there is a component known as the factor g that may access intelligence of a person (Myers & DeWall, 2019). This...

The Core of Projects in a Business Environment

Introduction In a business environment, the definition of a project does not differ from the general definition of this concept. A project is a list or series of tasks that must be performed sequentially or in parallel to achieve a specific result. A project cannot be a single task, even...

Court Cases That Impacted to Death Penalty

Summary Atkins v. Virginia. Daryl Atkins, who has an IQ of 59, was found guilty of murdering an Air Force enlisted man inside a convenience shop and was sentenced to death for his crime. In this case, the court decided that executing mentally retarded people was unlawful (Johnson et al.,...

Analysis of the Film: “The Invisible Man”

Introduction The film has been made into two different versions: the original from 1993 and a remake set for 2020. The original picture was a famous horror film from the Golden Age of Hollywood, based on HG Wells’ 1897 novel of the same name, and is a genuine horror picture...

The Alibaba Company’s Growth Potential

Alibaba is one of the largest retailers in the world, with operations in many countries, including the most populous China and India. The organization seeks business development in R&D, opening research centers in Hong Kong, Singapore, Silicon Valley, and many other points of concentration of qualified specialists. Even the pandemic...

Unveiling the Impact of Xi Jinping’s Regime on Political Control and Dissent in China

The DV, repression rates among the Chinese, presents itself in numerous circumstances, as evidenced in this section. Firstly, suppression reveals itself through the authoritarian regime that currently rules the People’s Republic of China (PRC). China’s labor laws do not permit civil liberties, a fundamental labor requirement. The prevalence of occupational...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Harmony Within: Self-Control and Self-Discipline in Chinese Religion

Introduction Chinese religious beliefs have been regarded as peaceful and humanistic. Therefore, the notions of self-control, self-discipline, and restraint are traditionally associated with Chinese religious practices and ethical standards (Einzelgänger, 2020; Open Your Reality, 2021). However, the specified statements regarding Chinese religion are not merely empty. Due to the strong...

Frederic Chopin and His “Minute Waltz”

Historical Background Chopin was born in the Grand Duchy of Warsaw in 1810, and this territory became a part of the Kingdom of Poland five years after his birth (Bellman & Goldberg, 2017). A son of an immigrant and a Polish aristocrat, Chopin attended the University of Warsaw (Bellman &...

Ideal Citizen in Russia’s Totalitarian Government

Although officially considered a democratic federal republic, Russia is de facto ruled under an authoritarian system of a dominant political party “United Russia” with President Vladimir Putin at the helm. A modern-appropriate system of authoritarianism adopted by Putin in Russia seeks to maintain total control of power over the country,...

Violent Crimes in Limestone County, Alabama

Introduction Limestone County in Alabama faced a significant increase in the rates of violent crime over the past ten years. As shown in Table 1, the primary reason for that is the spike in aggravated assaults. This could be due to poor law enforcement in public areas or reduced efficiency...

Soderbergh’s Traffic and the U.S. War on Drugs

The U.S. war on drugs has become a significant event in the political, social, and economic dimensions of the nation. Starting from the 1980s till today, government agencies put efforts into stopping the drug flood into the country. Nonetheless, the effects of such a war are merely visible, which led...

Detection of Pathogens With Cell-Free Dna

The significance of DNA, in addition to gene transfer, is due to its compact and precise form of storage. Unfortunately, as human beings age, DNA is stored less correctly, as shown by simple blood samples. Cell-free DNA (cfDNA) found in the blood, that is, DNA released into the bloodstream by...

American Government: Voting, Campaigns, and Elections

The process of voting in the United States is complex, with several rules and outcomes. It is not enough for a candidate to be introduced and participate in elections. Potential voters should be aware of their obligations to make positive contributions to the development of their country. The modern US...

The Path to Semantic Interoperability

Modern healthcare information systems require secure, interoperable networks for communication between healthcare providers. Interoperability is the ability of systems to share information and process the data obtained through exchange (Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, 2013). Additionally, interoperability ensures cooperation between consumers, providers, and corporations, regardless of...

“Rampant: How a City Stopped a Plague” Film Reflection

During the times when HIV and AIDS were unknown to humanity, select social groups in the Australian city of Darlinghurst were leading a rather reckless lifestyle. Sexually transmitted diseases were a norm, and specialized clinics always had patients to work with. However, when people started to get infected with a...

The Attributes of Critical Thinking in the Nursing Practice

Critical thinking refers to the ability to independently and rationally estimate the actions, arguments, and other information. Critical thinking should become an unalienable skill of a person who wants to make sound decisions. As Claywell (2018) puts it, the only way to learn how to think critically is to constantly...

Works by Edgar Poe as Examples of Good Essay

Edgar Allan Poe is arguably one of the best and well-known American writers of short stories and poems. In his essay “The Philosophy of Composition” he underlines essential and crucial elements of writing good literature. Poe uses “The Raven” as an example throughout the essay in order to demonstrate how...

A Career in Genetics: Required Skills and Knowledge

The New Career Prospects A few decades ago, genetics was mostly a science-related sphere of employment. However, according to Portman (2016), this is changing today. Nowadays, people with a degree in genetics can have solid career prospects in medicine and even agriculture (“Genetics jobs in the United States,” 2017). Daily...

Famous Artists of the 18th Century: Jacques-Louis David’s Life

Jacques-Louis David is one of the most famous artists of the 18th century, not only for his art but also for the participation in France’s revolutionary movement. He was born in Paris in 1748, and throughout his life, he was a supporter of neoclassicism, which was reflected in his work...

Macronutrients Consumption: The Best Food Sources

Although, in reality, the most important biological macronutrients, such as proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, can be found in many foods, the human diet must contain the healthiest and richest polymer-rich ingredients. For instance, there is no doubt that a burger or a hot dog can contain large amounts of carbohydrates...

Effective Problem-Solving Using Digital Media

Introduction Using digital media is common in marketing. Strategies for problem-solving may be created. Advanced data collection and audience search. Competitive advantage and target content. Recruitment, adaptive environment, and assessment. Digital Media in Problem-Solving Convenient and in-demand digital platforms A variety of procedures to perform (Figure 1). Free access to...

The Dangers of Gendered Occupation

Traditionally, women have been stereotyped as caregivers, while men as breadwinners. This has led to some careers being associated with men or women, such as “midwife” and “mailman.” When society brands a job as feminine, its authority diminishes, and fewer men join the career. Masculine jobs are deemed to need...

“Night” by Elie Wiesel

Night by Elie Wiesel is one such book where the main character is forced to go through hardships in order to become a different person. It describes the difficult life of a Jewish boy who had to experience a horrifying experience of hunger, violence and losing someone he loves. Since...

The Effects of Violent Video Games and Movies

Researchers do not yet have a definite answer on what effects violent games and movies let to. It should be mentioned that there is a continuing debate among researchers over the relationship between violent video games and movies and aggressive behavior (Onwukwe et al., 2017). If with adults, the situation...

Pros and Cons of the Gatekeeper Healthcare System

The healthcare system can consist of three levels: primary, secondary, and tertiary. The primary level is usually administrated by general practitioners (GP), who deal with common health problems (Bodenheimer & Grumbach, 2016). There are several advantages of implementing a primary-care-based system. First of all, patients are examined by a GP...

Nutritional Quality of US Young Adults

Introduction In their study, Patetta et al. investigate changes in US young adults’ nutritional choices based on socioeconomic status and food sources. Scholars note that young adults are the main consumers of fast food, which makes the investigation of this population’s nutrition habits rather significant. The key problem with poor...

Sustainability: How Companies Can Contribute to Saving the Earth

The concept of sustainability is not recent, having appeared about environmental problems in the 20th century. It refers to maintaining the ecological balance in the world to save the planet and the future generations’ prosperity. Corporations have been taking advantage of the Earth’s resources for too long so that only...

NASA: Its Purposes and Projects

Space exploration has always been a highly challenging and interesting subject. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is an independent government agency, which focuses on studying the Earth, space, Solar system, and astrophysics (“What is NASA,” 2020). NASA was initially created as a response to the ever-growing Soviet Union’s advancement...

Oedipus, the King and Hamlet: Analysis

Belonging to entirely different cultures and addressing quite different social and psychological issues, “Oedipus, the King” and “Hamlet” might seem quite distant from each other. However, with the advent of psychoanalysis and the development of the psychoanalytical theory, parallels can be drawn between the emotions by which Hamlet and Oedipus...

Aspects of Transfer in Education

Transfer in education allows children to apply acquired knowledge in understanding other concepts in different contexts. The main goal of education is to make children be able to use learned information in future situations (Matthews, 2018). Examples of transfer include applying knowledge in solving case problems or in using learning...

Analysis of “Funeral Blues” Poem

In his arguably the most illustrious artwork titled “Funeral Blues,” first printed in 1938, Wystan Hugh Auden presents a morose, sorrowful elegy that brilliantly outlines the feelings linked to grieving. The poet mainly talks about the immensity of pain through an unmentioned speaker experiencing great discomfort after his extensively cherished...

The Parthenon Influences on the United States Capitol

Greek architecture served as an inspiration for many architectural styles and modern iconic landmarks. It can be argued that many well-known buildings, including the United States Capitol and other politically significant constructions, are reminiscent of the renowned monuments of Ancient Greece. Specifically, the U.S. Capitol was influenced by the Athenian...

Misconceptions and Constructivism

As the students begin to attend new classes, the teachers hope they perceive new concepts and receive understandings of the subject. In other words, the process can be explained as “learning as a result of teaching.” However, when children go to school for the first time, they already have a...

Product Performance vs. Product Aesthetics and Brand Success

Product performance and aesthetics are often compared in many discussions about which product qualities are more important to the overall success of a brand. Some experts say that buyers appreciate functionality and meaning first and foremost. Others point out that form is a continuation and addition of functionality and meaning....

Cultural Competence and Managerial Role in Medicine

Cultural competence in health care is one of the crucial topics, the need for which only increases over time. Many countries are characterized by multinationality; the modern world needs culturally competent healthcare workers, as the patients who seek help can be from different ethnic groups and cultures. Cultural competence refers...

Risks Associated with the Logistics Chain

Logistics chains are complex and interconnected processes that ultimately have the role of turning goods or services into actual sales. Since this is the primary goal of any organization, logistics chains are critical from an economic standpoint. However, such complex networks are prone to having high risks because of the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Project Resource Management Article by Sudeshna Negi

Sudeshna Negi’s article ‘Project Resource Management: An Ultimate Guide on How to Master it’, published on June 30, 2021, compiles a cohesive summarization of the essential of resource expertise within project management. Negi outlines the basic type of resources that are likely to be encountered when managing a project, including...

Jonathan Vogel’s Response to the Skeptics

The standard way of thinking about skepticism has it that the choice between our ordinary beliefs and skeptical hypotheses cannot be justified. Jonathan Vogel states that it makes sense to prefer a theory that offers a better of some data rather than one that offers a worse explanation. He proves...

Changing Internal Atmosphere in Medicine Institutions

These days internal interconnection plays a pivotal role in nursing. The pandemic situation forced people to communicate with the help of different channels, such as social media or internet-calling applications. Moreover, when trying to cope with an unstoppable stream of patients, nurses need help at some moments so that mutual...

Artificial Intelligence in Scientific and Fiction Works

For this project, I decided to research what possible benefits can come from cooperation between scientists and science fiction writers regarding the negative image of artificial intelligence that is often being depicted as ‘malicious.’ Throughout my research, I have examined numerous peer-reviewed and newspaper articles written by various scientists, IT...

Self-Esteem & Social Network Usage Link

Social networks are closely intertwined with the lives of modern people of different educational levels and social strata. Most young people spend a lot of time on social networks, chatting with friends, commenting on the news, and posting their photos for everyone to see. In such a dynamic and eventful...

Interesting Facts About Ella Deloria

Ella Deloria is a linguistic scholar from South Dakota, precisely the native Lakota people. She has authored several linguistic texts and pioneered language ideas among the Dakota people. Her achievements in the anthropology industry are enviable, having started writing an article in a journal to publish books and even a...

Ergosterol in Monilinia Fructicola: Study by Hulse

The article “Differences in the concentration of ergosterol isolated from strains of Monilinia fructicola resistant to demethylation inhibitor and susceptible strains: understanding the “Mona” element” presents an overview of the scientific experiment. The experiment’s basis is the infestation of peaches and nectarines by the fungus Monilinia fructicola (Hulse, 2021). This...

For Hearing People Only Book by Moore & Levitan

Chapters 24–26 In the United States, deaf people use American sign language (ASL), which differs significantly in form and structure from English. Hearing people who use ASL may change it based on their first language. As a result, deaf people can feel as though their language, the only thing that...

Food Processor Description and How To Use It

A Food Processor A food processor seems like one of those kitchen gadgets that, once owned, makes a person wonder how they ever survived without it. A food processor is one of the most broader ranges of cooking equipment, acting as your own sous chef, cutting, combining, and mixing a...

Key Features of Mesoamerica, a Cultural and Historical Unity

Mesoamerica is a cultural and historical unity. This term refers to a large historical and cultural region that unites a significant part of the territory of modern Mexico, modern Guatemala, modern Belize (former British Honduras), as well as such small countries as El Salvador, Honduras and part of the territory...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Human Resources Management in Global Business

Human resource management (HRM) is a crucial part of any business venture. It can be viewed as a process and activities relating to staffing, training and development of employees, performance evaluation, and compensation (476). Each of these areas of HRM is key to the efficient functioning of global business. Specifically,...

Impact of Human Activities on Marine Ecosystems

The marine ecosystems include various sub-ecosystems full of differentiated types of life. Considering coastal ecosystems, the three hugest ones can be highlighted: sunlit rocky coasts, sandy beaches, and salt marsh ecosystems. Sunlit rocky shores are extreme habitats for marine life. Such systems are characterized by powerful waves, strong winds, and...

The Fall of Rome: Gibbon’s Theory

Despite the fact that the Roman Empire fell a few hundred years ago, since then, scientists have been trying to establish the reasons for the disappearance of the great state. One such researcher is Edward Gibbon, who established his own theory of the fall of Rome. According to him, the...

The American Policy: Impact of the National Security Council Paper Number 68

The given essay aims at examining the impact of the National Security Council Paper Number 68 (NSC-68) American policy during the early Cold War. The document will also address the role and consequences of the Iran-related events during this period in forming national policy during both the Cold War and...

The Causes of the Spread of Disease in Hinckley

In figuring out the causes of the spread of disease in Hinckley, Brockovich compared results and found that contaminated water was a predictor. Specifically, water contamination with hexavalent chlorine spread in local reservoirs due to unwise PG&E activities to protect gas pipes from corrosion, Brockovich linked to increased disease incidence...

“Archetypes of Wisdom: An Introduction to Philosophy” by Soccio

In Chapter 18, Soccio (2016) discusses how philosophy can be incorporated into life and used as a base for developing one’s worldview. First, the author speaks about the concept of philosophical advocacy – a specific way of proving one’s agenda with the help of philosophical ideas – explaining its argumentation...

Basic Writing, Conflict, Struggle and the Legacy of Mina Shaughnessy

Min-Zhan Lu, 1991 In the current reading, Min-Zhan Lu addresses the conflicting idea of language in basic writing. Mina Shaughnessy perceived language as a politically neutral method of conveying messages; however, Lu (1991) argues that this perspective is flawed and cannot be used to explain the differences in various discourses....

Complications of Studying & Writing About World History

Diamond, Jared. Guns, Germs, and Steel. W. W. Norton & Company, 1999. The main idea with which Diamond begins his global explanation of the difficulty of studying human history is as follows. People and human collectives are living systems that exist among other living systems and are subject to the...

Jazz Music: Historical Background

Music has a long and intricate history dating back thousands of years. It is a form of communication and expression, a source of entertainment and enjoyment for people, and occasionally a form of political protest. The earliest known forms were drum-based, rhythmical, and repetitive (Smith, 2020). Over time, music began...

The Impact of Enlightenment Ideas on Education

The 18th century entered the history of culture as the age of the Enlightenment. Recent scientific advances, especially the discoveries of J. Newton and J. Locke, prompted philosophers, scientists, and writers to reconsider the former picture of the world radically. The eighteenth century radically changed European thought and brought significant...

Child’s Development and Education: Negative Effects of Poverty

Poverty is one of the critical factors impacting a child’s evolution, and it also affects knowledge acquisition. This aspect might promote undesired outcomes, moreover, there is a high risk of the emergence of potentially dangerous changes in children’s everyday activities and interactions. Because these issues are too critical, they should...

“Workplace Communication” by Newman and Goode

The article was developed by Newman and Goode, exploring the different types of communication between supervisors and their subordinates. The authors identify four types of communication: task-oriented, relationship-oriented, problem-oriented, and mixed-type. Each type of communication serves a different purpose, and supervisors must be aware of communicating effectively with their subordinates....

Socioeconomic Status: Barriers to Health

Introduction This week we dedicated our time to the discussion of various barriers to health, including structural, systemic, and societal forces that may prevent people from accessing healthcare or achieving best health and well-being. All submitted posts examine these barriers in detail, with the majority focusing on societal and structural...

Social Insurance Program Importance

Social insurance programs are more effective since they provide social security for the basic income to those in their later years. Through social insurance programs, the fired personnel can be given unemployment insurance after they lose their job. These programs are more helpful to the citizens since they offer high...

Metal Chelate Affinity Chromatography Method

Metal chelate affinity chromatography is a method based on the different affinity of organic compounds to ions of some metals. The concept of metal chelate affinity chromatography (MCAC) was first formulated and presented by Porath in 1975. It was based on the well-known affinity of transition metal ions, such as...

Community Services: Personal and Social Benefits

Community Service Project, which I chose and continued, and my benefit from it. The action performed by a human being that benefits his or her community is known as community service. Getting involved in a community enables us to be healthier and livelier. Things that could be considered as community...

Gifted Students’ Attitude to Sciences in Singapore

This piece of work is based on Imelda S. Caleon’s journal article, “Attitudes Towards Science of Intellectually Gifted and Mainstream Upper Primary Students in Singapore” which was published on 11 October 2007. The target audience of the article is the teaching staff. The article expounds on the response or attitudes...

Silla Peninsula: Historical Significance and Impact

What is the broad historical significance of Silla’s unification of the Korean peninsula? The early settlers of South Korea were organized into three tribes namely Pyonhan, Chinhan, Mahan. Chinhan was located central to the Peninsula while Mahan was southwest and Southeast for the Pyonhan kingdom. They were unified by the...

Teaching Grammar: Subjunctive Mood

The text is a lyric from the song by Beyoncé Knowles called “If I Were a Boy”. It has been chosen since it vividly illustrates the grammar rule to be explained. In addition, the song is popular, and it is quite likely that almost all students know it and remember...

Applying Null and Alternative Hypotheses

The null hypothesis is a hypothesis which states that there is “no effect, no difference, or no relationship among the variables being studied” (Smith, Gratz, & Bousquet, 2009, p. 161). Conversely, the alternative hypothesis is a hypothesis that claims that there is an effect, a relationship, or a difference between...

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Soccer and Other Sports as a Communication Medium

Introduction Soccer and other sports activities have immense communication potential because of the high involvement of people. The atmosphere is charged, people are completely engrossed in the game and at the moment whatever message is communicated to them is likely to get increased attention by people. It is for this...

Technological Advancements and Its Effects on Society

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Ethics in Government. Zhang’s “Corruption” Article

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The Role of Manifest Destiny in the American-Mexican War

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Developing Sensitivity to Your Perspective on Research

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Derivative Lawsuit: The Laws and Court Cases

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Baxter Water Treatment Plants and Public Health

The Baxter Water Treatment Plant is the largest water treatment facility in Philadelphia, supplying about 60 percent of the city’s drinking water. The government of Pennsylvania invested $73.3 million for the reconstruction and modernization of the Torresdale Water Pumping station supplying tap water from the Baxter (Rademaekers, 2020). The photograph...

Gender Stereotypes in Commercials

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Reflection on “The Shock Doctrine” by Naomi Klein

Introduction The Shock Doctrine is a book by a Canadian social activist Naomi Klein, who advocates that free-market policies are of great popularity in various countries because of the strategy of “shock therapy.” The book itself seems to be controversial since it received both positive and negative comments from the...

Internal Control Practices in Any Business Organization

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Cognitive Psychology Discussion: Long-Term Memory

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Introduction The Internet plays an important role as a catalyst for rapid development. However, its prevalence causes major mental issues in its users. The conversation regarding its detrimental effects on the human mind is currently widespread and is being discussed around the planet. From personal experience, anxiety and trouble with...

Nursing Occupational Burnout During the COVID-19

Ensuring patient safety is one of the main tasks and responsibilities of the medical staff. The most common patient safety concerns include information security and EHR integration, hygiene and spread of infections, nursing staffing ratios and burnout, antibiotic resistance, opioid dependence, paperwork burnout, and drug shortages (“Top 7 patient safety...

Discussion of American Revolution

American Revolution in 1775 was the result of prolonged tensions with British Empire that lasted over a decade before ultimately resulting in the revolution. The Seven Years war of 1756-1763, resulted in acquisition of new territories by the crown. However, the prolonged conflict caused extreme exhaustion of national resources and...

Futuristic and Innovative Fabrics

Fashion is regarded as the most polluting industry in the world. As humanity has faced the environmental threat, it is essential to rethink the way people consume and produce items. The innovations concern fabrics as the latter are the indispensable part of the culture, the object of satisfying human needs...

Singapore: The Asian Tiger Country

The Asian Tigers is a general term used to describe the economy of Singapore. The Asian Tiger countries are driven by the rapid form of industrialization and exports. In addition, the nations have retained a higher percentage rate of economic growth from the year 1960 hence joining the ranks of...

Infant Understanding of the World

The first social manifestations of a newborn child are associated with physiological needs (food, drink, thermal comfort, movement, absence of pain, comfortable body position). The human brain begins to learn, explore and adapt to the world around it while still in the womb. With the help of modern technology, scientists...

Claudius as Hamlet’s Foil in Shakespeare’s Play

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Representation of the Environment of the Time in Constitution

One of the main and most important goals of any legislation is to protect and ensure the rights of citizens. It is thanks to this principle that people both experience love for the country and feel safe. In turn, this creates conditions for the state under which development becomes the...

Relationship of the History of the Western Civilization II Timeline to Historiography

The main relationship of the history of the Western Civilization II timeline to historiography is rooted in the fact that the former focuses on western history since the Renaissance. It also provides an in-depth analysis of various political, economic, military, philosophical, and technological advancements made by the West. However, historiography...

Jib Fowles’ Fifteen Advertising Appeals

The article by Fowles (1982) targeted 15 specific appeals to the basic human psychology that advertisers have developed to make their products marketable. Fowles (1982) singled out the following appeals making consumers buy things they do not need or can substitute with analogs. Sexual motive: a rare but noticeable appeal...