Starbucks Corporation’s Global Marketing in Italy

Starbucks faces several challenges in addressing the risk of expanding its operations into the Italian market. For instance, it is pertinent to mention that most Italians practice an intimate and personal coffee experience (Faris, 2012). To some extent, such a deep coffee culture may prove to be cumbersome for Starbucks...

The Concept of Return on Investment

Listing and Valuing Resources Return on investment (ROI) is a measure used to determine how the benefits of training in the organization can exceed or cover the costs of training. Planning the on-the-job training program, it is necessary to create a list of all the items and resources used during...

Blistering Development of Technologies

The blistering development of various technologies gives rise to a number of concerns related to the reconsideration of some traditional approaches. This process is triggered by the desire to increase the efficiency of the most important spheres of human activity and align their functioning under the new conditions. For this...

Great Women Artists in the History of Art

Introduction The question of why there have been no great women artists has been explored from multiple perspectives. While some begin giving examples of multiple women artists that have had some impact, others point the finger at the patriarchy and cite instances when women were oppressed. In her article on...

Christopher Collins’s Securities Fraud

The United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has implemented several guidelines and rules to protect investors from the dishonest malpractices of directors and managers of different companies whenever selling or buying shares. Securities frauds are offenses that have the potential to affect the economic gains of businesspeople while at...

Cubism and Futurism: Art and Politics

Introduction When focusing on such avant-garde art movements of the 20th century as Cubism and Futurism, it is possible to notice that they both were based on abstract tendencies. As a result, the viewers of Futurist and Cubist artworks can pay attention to certain similarities in the approach to representing...

Dreams in the Epic of Gilgamesh and the Bible

A profound part of ancient literature, dreams have long served as signs, omens, or portents conveying important information about the future. When analyzing the texts of the Old Testament (Jewish Bible) and Epic of Gilgamesh, literary experts concluded that the two books contain interconnected topics, such as mortality, sin, and...

Art Exhibitions for Maryland Institute College Students

Openings of art exhibitions are usually discussed as important cultural events in any community, and many people become interested in the artworks of young and reputable artists and sculptors. However, if ordinary people just perceive attending art exhibitions as one more approach to improving the leisure time, students of Maryland...

Are We Living in a Post-Fact and Post-Truth World?

Many contemporary authors believe that we are living in a post-fact or post-truth world. In particular, these terms are applied to the political landscape of the United States and other developed countries. For instance, Holland (2016) criticizes Donald Trump for influencing the direction of news coverage and shading the truth....

Advanced Practice Nurses in Primary Family Care

Role of the Advanced Practice Nurse According to the American Nurses Association (n.d.), the role of advanced practice nurses (APNs) includes performing care through assessment, diagnosis, and treatment. APNs provide counseling to patients and their families, conduct health examinations and diagnosis, maintain patient records, refer individuals to other medical professionals,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Healthcare Delivery Models in Nursing Practice

Using personal experience in nursing practice is an important component of successful work, and following specific patterns of care helps to achieve good patient outcomes. Various healthcare delivery programs aimed at helping people with various ailments have several advantages since their use not only contributes to faster treatment but also...

Family History of the Tynes and Lemane

The history of my family is always an interesting topic for me as it is a good chance to find out something new and improve my understanding of our traditions and the chosen culture. My parents came from two different families, Tynes and Lemane. Within the frames of this week...

Childhood Relationships & Adolescent Mental Health

The research article by Shin, Cho, Shin, & Park (2016) aimed to analyze the relationship between adolescent psychological adjustment and early peer relationships. This topic is important to consider because the way in which children socialize at the early stages of their development influences their future behaviors. Peer relationships encompass...

Applied Behavior Analysis: Personal Experience

My personal professional experience in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) agencies has been focused on working with students on the autism spectrum. It is vital for practitioners to maintain competent recordkeeping and documentation both the purposes of an audit as well as information to guide clinical decisions. There is a significant...

Technology and New Media: Transformation of Society

Modern technology and new media are transforming the society, its way of life and communication patterns. Neill Postman statement that ‘technology becomes a culture’ is true because modern man cannot live and perform effectively without new technologies and new media. The society should surrender to technology because it will not...

Career Counseling Overview: Accounting Career

The career counseling session is devoted to the appropriate career intervention developed for the group of students with common interests and skills. The principal task of the counseling process is centralized around accounting career making. The group of students is to understand the main goals and professionalism they have to...

IKEA Company’s Supply Chain Management

Introduction IKEA is a private organization known all around the world. This organization is a home products retailer that was first to use flat-pack design furniture. Its primary business consists in selling this furniture, as well as accessories and kitchen and bathroom items. IKEA was founded in Sweden in 1943...

IKEA: Supply Chain Efficiency

IKEA is a world-class business leader in furniture products serving over 35 countries the world over. Such accomplishment doesn’t come easily and IKEA has time and again proven that its supply chain is the key to its success. When IKEA first started expanding out of Sweden, it supplied its furniture...

Steps in Problem-Solving Strategy

Introduction In professional and education and indeed in general everyday life, we encounter a myriad of problems that requires us to solve. A problem, therefore, can be described as a gap that separates the present state from the desired state (Davidson & Sterberg, 2003). This state produces on one hand...

Data Protection Act Definition

Modern society is aimed at privacy in all aspects of life. Intellectual property is required to be copyrighted and is considered to be plagiarized if somebody uses it without permission. Plagiarism is a crime in the twenty-first century; it is punishable and may involve serious circumstances. Certain restrictions also exist...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Genocidal Activities in American Movies

The theme of Genocide has been centralized throughout the flow of history; the movies Schindler’s List and Sometimes in April strive to reflect the times of global genocide suffered by nations. Nazis involvement into the fate of thousand people suffered at wartime took lives of the whole nations; tragic illustration...

Why the Americans Defeated the British: Ten Reasons

Britain is known as one country that had many colonies at one single time. Most of these colonies decided to wage war against Britain but they could not win easily since it had a strong fighting army. One country that fought Britain was America. However, it lacked a skilled army...

Is Imitation the Sincerest Form of Fashion?

Introduction In design circles, it is often said that imitation is the sincerest form of fashion but I feel that emulating someone else’s design amounts to infringement of intellectual property rights. However copyright and trademark laws especially in United States of America have failed to protect the intellectual property rights...

Quantitative and Qualitative Research Combining

“On becoming a pragmatic researcher: the importance of combining quantitative and qualitative research” by Onwuegbuzie and Leech (2005), “Single-Subject Experimental Research”, “Narrative Research”, and “Ethnographic Research”, the chapters form the book by Gay, L. R., Mills, G., & Airasian (2008), are the readings for this week. Considering these readings, it...

Prices and the Product Value

For modern consumers, pricing can be explained and defined as a complex decision which influences sales and profits of a sales organization. For customers, prices may have symbolic meanings because a modern consumer may associate discounts with a reduction in quality. Prices are closely connected with the notion of value...

Total Quality Management: Learning Curve Theory

Introduction By the learning curve theory, it should b emphasized that the waiting time for the customers of pizzeria fully depends on the experience of the personnel to perform the direct obligations and cope with the available equipment. The paper aims to analyze the process of running a pizzeria from...

Functional Behavior Assessment and Intervention

The study intends to establish whether integration of functional behavior assessment and function-based behavior support can be used in reducing problem behavior in young children of school-going age by analyzing variables that may increase the proportion of children to whom the first step is applicable. This position is supported by...

Executive Board Members of SMB: Team and Relationship

For an organization to record any good performance in meeting laid down objectives and strategies, teamwork is essential. Managers must have skills and qualities of good leadership especially in team building and motivation of the workforce. This ensures improved communication between team members leading to productivity and great profits for...

Proposal for New Leadership Training

Introduction Leadership training is important for managers since it equips them with skills necessary to enable them lead the organization towards attainment of organizational goals. Leadership training enables managers to create amicable working relationships with the employees. This enhances sharing of experiences among employees within the organization (Ashraf, n.d, p....

Theme in Thomas’ Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night

Dylan Thomas was a master of the form, and the poem Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night is a wonderfully powerful villanelle. Each line builds upon the previous and the power grows like successive waves upon a lake. The rhyme scheme and the metaphors create an image that...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Digital Color Techniques Adoption Since the 1990s

The development of modern technologies has been able to give people the possibility of changing their everyday lives by inventing newer ways to transmit information. Modern people have grown used to various digital technologies, as we deal with them every day, but at least 16 years ago digital format was...

Drug Use, Dealing and Violence

Introduction Research shows that the issues of drug use, actual dealing in drugs, and violence are interrelated. De La Rosa, Lambert, and Gropper assert that this relationship is complex with increased research conducted on the causes, consequences, connections, and implications of this relationship from varying disciplines such as medicine, psychology,...

Advantages and Disadvantages of Strategic Alliances

Introduction Globalization has resulted in high competition hence; businesses are finding it necessary to put together their resources to ensure the achievement of the companies’ goals and objectives. The following paper indulges in the advantages and disadvantages of mergers and the central issues surrounding strategic alliances. Organizations form strategic alliances...

Accessibility of Sports Facilities for People with Disabilities

Problem Statement Maria et al. (2003) indicated that people with low mobility are affected in terms of how they access the sporting facilities. In essence, the lack of profound mobility is a crucial hindrance to the social inclusion of the disabled people especially when it comes to sports. As such,...

Campaign Finance Reform in America

Since 1867, the American government has made efforts to ensure that there is no public fund that is used for campaigning. This has been faced by drawback until in the 1970s when the government ordered that all contesters disclose the sources of their campaigning money. This was followed by the...

Earning a Doctorate in Business Administration

Doctorates are the highest academic degrees attainable by scholars in universities. The qualifications enable the holders to impact positively on the social lives of other people and their own. Individuals pursuing doctorates must have goals, which should also hold personal or professional strengths. These enable the realization of the objectives...

A Leader of Character in the Army

A leader is a person with remarkable leading skills, and other people trust them and tend to consider their opinion. Some people have leadership inclinations by default, and some build their character to become effective leaders. Character is a combination of naturally given skills with acquired attitudes and moral values....

Difference Between Hearing and Listening to Music

Music has a unique way of conveying feelings, emotions, and even stories, regardless of the country and language of a person who listens to it. Various techniques and methods allow a composer to transfer mood and feeling so that the listener can perceive and understand it. However, most people hear...

Technical Communication and Programming

Modern computer programs written in high-level programming languages are often complex to use and understand, especially for users who are not familiar with the concept of software development. In a bid to increase a program’s usability, software developers now incorporate how-to instructions and help texts known as program documentation which...

The Yardstick Approach to Organize Information

Documentation is an integral part of running any business, as it helps to track and control progress, note errors, and consolidate decisions. For this reason, there are many types of reports that are suitable for various kinds of problems requiring a solution or justification. The yardstick approach is one of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

AXON: Analysis and Implementation of the Strategy

Building Competencies and Capabilities AXON’s competencies are mostly adequate to achieve its goal of international expansion. All of the products that the company makes are used around the world in police and security work, and significant adjustments are unlikely to be necessary. Some expansion of its production capabilities to match...

Reading as a Source of Knowledge, Intelligence, and Critical Thinking

Reading has always been a source of knowledge, intelligence, and critical thinking, which is an essential element of a contemporary human being. However, books, articles, and other publications seem to be replaced by social media, TV series, and cinema. People tend to spend their free time besides a computer or...

Cilia: Description, Function, and Significance

All organisms consist of cells that are the basic units of life. Every cell is a complex structure that includes various fewer components. These elements are called organelles, and cells use them to perform specific jobs. There are many organelles, and cilia are among their number. This research paper will...

Job Creation Principles: Satisfying Jobs and Job Crafting

Satisfying Jobs Organizations need to create and design jobs that are satisfying to every individual employee. This strategy is essential since the targeted workers will remain involved and focus on the outlined mission and vision statements. They will feel empowered and apply their competencies to maximize the level of business...

Why Illegal Immigrants Should Receive Social Services

Introduction In the US, many states have adopted tougher laws to deter illegal immigration. Views and reports focused on the effect of immigration on the US economy have always been contentious (Yoshida 6). Proponents of these laws argue that it is unfair for US citizens to sacrifice their hard-earned taxes...

Why Do We Need to Decrease Fuel Consumption?

Today, air pollution, global warming, overpopulation, and other issues start revealing the catastrophic consequences of the vast progress humanity reached within the last few centuries. This essay draws attention to the invention that roughly harms the environment – fossil fuel. National Geographic counted that nearly 90% of air pollution and...

The Negative and Costly Effects of Micromanagement in the Workplace

As a matter of fact, micromanagement may be defined as a specific style of organizational leadership that presupposes continuous supervision and direct control over employees or subordinates by managers or management teams. It may be additionally characterized by the excessive attention of management to minor details. It goes without saying...

Empirical Research and Developmental Theory

Sexual orientation remains an enigmatic topic despite the large literature pillar devoted to it. Whether it is inborn or acquired, the consensus regarding the nature of one’s sexuality is still not reached, as the evidence differs. Adults are of particular interest regarding the issue because a person changing their sexual...

Comparing Behaviorist Versus Christian Points of View

The question of whether people can influence their fate has always been of significance for many philosophers and religious figures. Some of them argue that a person is responsible for their current and future life, while others stipulate that supreme forces determine these issues, and individuals witness what is predetermined....

Satyam Case: the Financial Deceit of the Company

The primary instigator of the Satyam fraud case was the top management of Satyam, including its Chairman, Ramalinga Raju, and his brother Rama Raju. The auditors for Satyam were PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), although it was found that they outsourced the auditing process to a local auditing company (Bhasin, 2016). PwC was...

Coca-Cola Company’s Departments and Performance

The selected organization for this analysis is the Coca-Cola Company and the identified competitor is Pepsi. From the completed analysis, it is evident that the two companies have several departments working synergistically to ensure that the intended carbonated drinks are delivered to more customers in a timely manner. The departments...

Anxiety, Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorders

The client in the study seems to suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), as she experiences the symptoms for several years. This diagnosis is made based on the DSM diagnostic criteria (Paris, 2015). It looks as if the woman experiences stress because she is extremely afraid not to be successful...

Roy’s “My Almighty Grandmother” vs. Mistry’s “Squatter”

After hearing and discussing several strong and weak aspects of both stories, we are here to emphasize the appropriateness of “My Almighty Grandmother” from multiple perspectives. Our college community needs to learn how to differentiate and respect cultures in the social context. Instead of humorizing cultural differences or slightly mentioning...

Labor Conflicts From 1877 to 1894

At the end of the nineteenth century, many American industries experienced a crisis. To cope with it, the businessmen chose to pay their workers less. As a result, the workers resorted to strikes in attempts to promote fair wages demands. This essay covers three significant strikes that took place between...

Financial Accounting Cycle Steps

The financial affairs of any enterprise require constant attention, accuracy, and reporting. The accounting cycle is the process of recording and analyzing a company’s financial transactions necessary for reporting, which is repeated every accounting period. The cycle helps to make it easier to control financial transactions and business activities for...

Culture Dynamics: Social Changes and Role of Migration

Introduction Social changes are intrinsically interwoven into the cultural ones, which is why the role of migration has to be considered when exploring culture dynamics. For instance, the period of rapid industrialization in the 19th century aligns with the extensive increase in immigration rates observed roughly at the same time...

American Criminal Justice: Due Process

Due process is a fundamental and absolute right of an American citizen, which ensures that the state must adhere to the law and take into account individual liberties. It is mentioned twice in the Constitution in the Fifth Amendment and the Fourteenth Amendment. The former states: “no person shall… be...

Wiki Collaboration: Several Points for the Writers

Wikipedia is an Internet resource from which people can take information and also supplement it by creating new pages or editing current ones. Wikipedia contributors can work in collaboration to create quality content, improve it, and make it more relevant and reliable. Group projects can be more consistent, full, and...

Caution and Restraint in Books 17-20 of Homer’s “The Odyssey”

Introduction Books 17-20 of Homer’s The Odyssey concentrate on Odysseus’ arrival to his palace in a beggar’s disguise and the adventures surrounding his unannounced return. There are several critical ideas reflected in these parts of the epic, including loyalty, pride, patience, a strategic approach, and Athena’s involvement. However, it seems...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Studies of Two-Tone Suppression and Cochlear Non-Linearity

The purpose of this work is to analyze the nature and behavior of cochlear nonlinearity and two-tone suppression under different conditions and at different levels. These processes may happen in the inner ear and cause certain problems with the perception of information by people and other human beings; this is...

Wangari Maathai and Norman Ernest Borlaug: Works Analysis

Thesis Statement: The works of Wangari Maathai and Norman Ernest Borlaug deal with distinctive topics, but they are united by the idea of improving life in view of the modern difficulties associated with interacting with the environment. Introduction The issues of the environment and the interaction of humans with nature...

Sociological Imagination in Mill’s and Berger & Luckmann’s Works

The purpose of the paper is to analyze two excerpts from C. Wright Mill’s The Sociological Imagination and Peter L. Berger’s and Thomas Luckmann’s The Social Construction of Reality: A Treatise in the Sociology of Knowledge. To do this, the concepts found in the readings will be identified and described....

The Need for Dual-Career Planning

Introduction The number of families where both parents work and pursue careers is increasing. Such couples need to consider long-term goals regarding their lifestyle and distribution of housework between parents. Also, when children are born, additional scheduling is needed to accommodate all responsibilities. The primary issue is that the majority...

Starbucks Corporation’s Cost Allocation Problem

Introduction Starbucks is the world’s largest coffee shop retail chain operator. It faces keen competition from Mc Donald’s Corporation and Dunkin’ Donuts Inc. in the coffee market of United States. Luxury end products are supplied by them. The spending habit among the target customer group towards loyal products provides competitive...

Catherine the Great and Disregarded Problems

Catherine the Great was one of the outstanding rulers of the Russian Empire. The period of her rule, the Catherinian Era, is often called the Golden Age of the state and its nobility. During her reign, the country acquired new lands, gained control over Crimea, and increased its significance for...

DNP Project: Handwashing

What is the extent of non-compliance with handwashing protocol among health care workers during routine care for breast reconstruction patients who have had mastectomies? P – Health care workers who wash their hands during routine care for breast reconstruction patients who have had mastectomies I – Handwashing C – Health...

2008 & 2014 Olympics Opening Ceremonies’ Controversy

The Olympics opening ceremonies are extraordinary events that must showcase the hosting country’s traditions, uniqueness, and hospitability. However, some ceremonies stand out not because of their beautiful shows, but due to controversial events. Beijing Olympics in 2008 and Sochi Olympics in 2014 had important issues during their opening ceremonies connected...

Legal Memo “Commonwealth v. Jones”

Statement of Assignment You have asked me to prepare a legal memorandum addressing the question raised in the Commonwealth v. Jones – Is there any sufficient basis to support the assault by means of a dangerous weapons charge? Issue Issue I: Is dangerous weapons charge lawful under the G.L. c....

Ethics in Epidemiological Research

Many public health research studies aim to know the truth about a health issue (Vinik & Jenkins, 1988; Coughlin, 2006). Albeit this goal is straightforward, conflicts of interest often emerge and prevent them from achieving their goals (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Human Research Protections, 1993)....

Ambiguity and Irony in “The Story of an Hour”

Chopin (1894) uses ambiguity and irony in “The story of an hour” to highlight the devastating effect of social standards and the necessity to scarify personal happiness to fit the image created by society. The author’s attempt to deride the widespread belief that marriage is a synonym to joy is...

Using Statistics as a Helpful Tool in Health Care

The use of statistics is a helpful tool utilized in a variety of fields. However, there are areas the successful functioning and development of which would suffer considerably without the application of such a tool. Health care is one of the industries the utilization of statistics in which allows promoting...

Confidentiality in Nursing Practice

Health care providers often deal with the issues that are related to requiring the personal information about the patient. Modern technologies used in the health care system, including electronic databases, give the specialists access to private information. Following ethical and legal rules is of vital importance for any primary caregiver...

Business Regulations in Quanta Computer v. LG Electronics

Was there a binding agreement between Quanta and LG? Based on the case Quanta Computer v. LG Electronics, there was no binding agreement between Quanta and LG (Clement, 2008). Instead, there was a binding agreement between LG and Intel. In the agreement, LG had entered into a contract with Intel...

Types of Research in Scientific Field

There are two main types of the research in the scientific field, quantitative and qualitative research and a mixed research method which comprises the elements of the quantitative and qualitative research. It is important to know that the approach to the research is usually chosen on the basis of the...

Policy Measure to Address Disparities in Health

Social, behavioral, and environmental factors that contribute to disparities in health among the homeless Homeless people live in deplorable conditions. Consequently, they experience more health problems than people living in better shelters. Homeless people’s living conditions and difficulties make them experience disparities in accessing healthcare. Environmentally, homeless people expose themselves...

Improvement of Flowers Quality

Introduction My flower business specializes in providing customers with the best floral arrangements for their special occasions, including birthday parties, weddings, and anniversaries. One of the biggest problems facing my business is the preservation of flowers. I noticed that they remain fresh for up to five days, meaning sometimes I...

Health Information Technology and Decision Makers

The implemented HIT project and key persons (stakeholders and decision-makers) The healthcare organization implemented an electronic health records (EHR) system aimed to manage patients’ data. Health records were stored in the computers, and only specific personnel had passwords to access the patients’ information. Securing patients’ health records is crucial in...

Interval Estimation for Correlation Coefficients

The correlation study focuses on the assumption that there is some interrelation between two variables that cannot be controlled by the researcher. In other words, the correlation is not the causation. For example, the correlation study might suggest that there is an interrelation between public health and self-esteem, but it...

Providing the Argument Against Abortion

In his writing, Russell Baker questions the argument against abortion that is associated with the fact that every aborted child may become a great composer, an artist, or some other prominent person. A similar story is often cited by the opponents of abortion, arguing that Beethoven’s mother was sick with...

Preferred Provider Organizations for Dentists

Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs) are “insurance arrangements that allow participants relative freedom to select the best hospitals and physicians they want to visit” (McKernan, Reynolds, Singhal, Kuthy, & Damiano, 2013, p. 3). Basically, the enrollees or participants obtain health services from physicians within the listed preferred providers (Citters et al.,...

Ethical Considerations on Affirmative Action: Racism

The high level of relevance of race issues in the United States has continuously imposed equality considerations on multiple levels of human interactions. From the ethical point of view, the historically conditioned omnipresence of racism and racial or gender inequality in the US triggers the necessity of providing equal opportunity...

The Black Lives Matter Movement: A Call for Action

What Is Black Lives Matter (BLM)? Black Lives Matter (BLM) is a decentralized social and political movement that protests against instances of racially motivated crime and police brutality targeted at people of color. In the context of the systematic inequality between races that have existed in society for centuries, BLM...

Content-Oriented Listener Style and Related Skills

Introduction Listening styles refer to the general way in which a person attends to other people’s messages. Vickery and Ventrano (2020) explain that understanding various listening modes and the appropriate time to implement them helps individuals enhance their communication skills and better listeners. Although people might assume that being a...

Genetic and Environmental Impacts on Teaching Work

Effective interaction with schoolchildren requires not only teachers’ devotion to their profession but also evaluating a number of aspects that can affect educational activities and involve the target audience in a continuous learning process. In particular, genetic and environmental factors are important criteria that are to be considered when promoting...

Predictive Analytics of Voter Behavior in 2020 Presidential Election

Predictive analytics provides politicians and other stakeholders interested in electoral behavior with sound tools to evaluate people’s attitude and possible outcomes of the elections. The primary tools employed are predictive modeling, data mining, and machine learning (Buresh & Pavone, 2018). Researchers have developed numerous techniques to improve the effectiveness of...

African Americans: Participation in the Civil War

According to Olivia Mahoney ‘In 1776, slaves composed forty percent of the population of the colonies from Maryland south to Georgia, but well below ten percent in the colonies to the North’, (p. 41) hence the North failed to develop slavery as successfully as the South did. Meanwhile, the need...

The Rock Blocks Company’s Recruiting Issues and Solutions

Introduction It is safe to say that recruitment is among the most important elements of not only the success but also the existence of organizations. Recruitment managers have to consider multiple internal factors of the company and external factors of the labor market and society to bring the necessary number...

Personal and Professional Ethics

Ethics are the moral principles that govern a person’s behavior or activity. The main difference between business ethics and personal ethics is that the former is a code of conduct imposed on an employee or employee of a particular profession. In contrast, personal ethics is a code of ethics that...

Past and Modern Colonialism, Colonization and Decolonization

Colonialism and Its Patterns Then and Now The piece of media that has been selected for this analytical work is a video called “Young girl inspires calls for National Ribbon Skirt Day.” This video is about First Nations girls and women who have banded together to defend their ethnic identity...

Poor Management of Staff and Hindered Quality of Care

The current COVID-19 pandemic caused significant distress on healthcare organizations and clinicians. The daily increase in hospitalizations and death resulted in more duties and longer working hours, causing physical and emotional exhaustion among medical personnel. Moreover, inadequate management led to breaching ethical norms in some hospitals. Therefore, this research paper...

Disney Company Potential Acquisition of Pixar Inc

Disney is a worldwide entertainment company; the CEO of Walt Disney Company, Robert Iger, has expressed interest in acquiring Pixar Inc. At the same time, Pixar is the most famous animation studio in the world. The two companies had worked together before and attained great success. In 1991, they had...

“How the Federal Reserve Fights Recessions”: The Article Summary

In 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the entire world had to encounter severe economic crises, which affected every sphere of life. It was especially tough for organizations of different kinds and fields, as it was absolutely unexpected. Even the wealthiest and the most developed countries, such as the United...

The Art of Persuasion and Public Relations

Persuasion is a sort of communication that influences others’ opinion. The readings of this week have the art of language in common when providing the description of persuasion (Messina, 2007; Borchers, 2013; Gass & Seiter, 2018). Moreover, readings highlight that persuasion impacts feeling and emotions of the audience to change...

Gender Norms and Contemporary Culture

The term “culture” implies different meanings, firstly, it is about intellectual and creative products made by human beings, such as drama, art, and music. Secondly, it is about the beliefs and practices of a particular society. In today’s world, one may consider gender as a sociocultural phenomenon, as it is...

Genetic Modification of Organisms to Meet Human Needs

Introduction One of the greatest scientific breakthroughs of the 21st century has been the ability of humans to modify organisms to satisfy their needs. This advancement has had many impacts on human lives, both negative and positive. However, the positive effects of this development have been far greater than the...

Adelita and Cinderella Characters’ Comparison

The story of an orphaned girl with a tough life meeting a prince who falls in love with her is universal, and different cultures have their own interpretations of it. Thus, Cinderella, which is inherent to the English tradition, and Adelita, which belongs to the Mexican tradition, share the same...

The U.S. Army’s Retreat From Afghanistan

The past couple of years have been representative of a particularly strong political tension and the eruption of multiple conflicts. However, the situation in Afghanistan appears to have become the event that stirred the greatest controversy, mostly due to the controversial nature of the outcomes of U.S. withdrawing its troops...

Monterey Jazz Festival on Tour Review

The music group that performed in the video is called the Monterey Jazz Festival on Tour. It is a band that consists of “six of the fastest-rising stars in jazz” (Monterey jazz festival on tour, 2019, para. 1). In 2019, they “join forces for the first time to celebrate the...

“Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra” Composition by Benjamin Britten

Benjamin Britten Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra is both a study guide and a musical masterpiece. It combines the harmonious sound of many instruments and their unique tonalities. The significant components are woodwind, brass, percussion, and strings. The first category is based on flutes, oboes, bassoons, and clarinets. The...

On Attending a Conference About COVID-19

Overview The scholarly activity that I participated in presented a conference about COVID-19. Namely, it was the Precision Medicine World Conference in June 2020 that covered various topics concerning the pandemic situation. The event was performed in virtual form so that multiple people could participate while being in safely. Professionals...

Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Human Well-Being

The COVID-19 pandemic has influenced and altered many people’s lives, and mine is no exception. During this period, people had to adjust to social isolation and learn to communicate with each other at a distance. However, those who were sick with COVID demonstrated positive health outcomes when they were engaged...

Mesopotamia Assyria and the New Egyptian Kingdom

Introduction The Assyrian Empire was a kingdom in Mesopotamia known as the Levant in today’s Northern Iraq. It existed from 25BC until between 612BC and 609BC after its collapse (Radner, 2017). The New Kingdom is the period in Egypt’s history that began in 1570BC and preceded the central government’s dissolution...

Discussion of Stress Response in Human

Summary The article in question examines the topic of resilience and stress response in humans, and attempt to find an answer to people having to endure traumatic events. The paper opens with a few paragraphs describing the experiences of Dennis Charney, who often took his kids on trips which they...

Fossil Fuel as a Significant Concern to the Environment

Introduction Fossil fuel is undoubtedly one of the significant energy sources in the world. This, however, does not eliminate this source of heat as a significant concern to the environment in terms of air pollution and global warming. Fossil fuel has been defined by Bergman (2018) as energy resources that...

Stigmatization of the Psychologically Ill Patients

Despite the improvements in the effectiveness and quality of psychological health services and treatments, revolutions in psychiatric therapy remain incapable of minimizing stigma among mentally ill patients. Due to stigma, psychologically ill patients become victims of isolation and delayed treatments, resulting in significant economic and social burdens (Ye et al....

Air Pollution Crisis in China and Its Impact on Economy

Air pollution is one of the key problems of the modern world, along with climate change. In large industrialized countries such as China, the emission of carbon dioxide has a negative impact on climate conditions, which is hitting the national economy. It is proposed to use the Orca technology for...

Social Media and Depression in Adolescents: The Causative Link

Introduction Over the past decade, social media has developed significantly and has successfully become an integral part of the life of at least half of the world’s population. It can be said that it happened too quickly. One of the negative consequences of such a rapid integration was the increased...

Animals in Zoos as Innocent Prisoners

Unfortunately, many people still believe that animals are well-kept in zoos. Representatives of endangered species spend their lives in cages without any chance to investigate vast territories and eat natural food. They are likely to live much longer than their wild brothers, not facing problems such as fighting for females...’s European Distribution Strategy

The Amazon supply chain is an astounding advancement in retail logistics. It continually optimizes every link in the chain to meet customer satisfaction, aiming to become the preferred retailer in America and beyond. With regard to Amazon’s expansion to the European continent, it has been considered successful in spite of...

Tort Reform’s Impact on Defensive Medicine

Tort laws are known as legislations that require monetary compensations for personal injuries from an individual or organization. Tort reforms initially introduced in the 1970s aimed to limit the amount of money that plaintiffs can receive for damages caused by the defendant’s direct or indirect fault (“Impact of tort reform...

Technical Description of a Food Processor

Introduction A food processor seems like one of those kitchen gadgets that, once owned, makes a person wonder how they ever survived without it. It is one of the broadest ranges of cooking equipment, acting as your own sous chef, cutting, combining, and mixing a number of ingredients while saving...

Amy Tan on Language Pronunciation Fluency

Mother Tongue by Amy Tan is a short story that discloses the author’s thoughts on the role of the language being spoken as a native or a second language in the life of a speaker. The story brings awareness to the widespread bias towards the Asian community and other origins,...

“I Am Legend”: The Book and Film Versions

The book and film versions of I Am Legend differ. Changes were made in the film for adaptation to the characters, plots, and connection to the title. First, the characters in the novel feel more real and include five main characters; Robert Neville, Kathy, Virginia, Ben Cortman, and Ruth. Kathy...

The US Dollar Value and Demand Relationship

Since 1944, the US dollar has been considered the most powerful and trusted currency all over the world. Such authority eventually allowed it to become a central agent of world trade between the states and an official currency to secure the world financial reserve (Siddiqui, 2020). However, over these years,...

What Are the Benefits of Being Bilingual?

While in the last century, bilingualism was considered, for the most part, a hindrance to language learning, nowadays, it is more of an advantage. There are different approaches to who is considered a bilingual, but the prevailing view is that two language systems are always active in a bilingual. The...

Unethical Business Practices and Policy Recommendation

Introduction Unethical activities that people engage in while doing business transactions include lying, stealing, false impression, engaging in conflict of interest, unfair advantage, improper personal behavior, hiding information, allowing abuse, and condoning unethical actions. In most cases, people resolve to go contrary to their moral expectations when in dilemmas. However,...

Leopold’s “A Sand County Almanac” Reflection

A Sand County Almanac: With Essays on Conservation from Round River is a classic writing on nature and ecology by an American ecologist and forester Aldo Leopold. It was first published in 1949 but achieved prominence twenty-odd years later, in the 1970s, when the so-called environmental awakening took place (Kahler)....

Pastoral Ministry’s Goals Accomplishment

Introduction The work of a pastor, a shepherd for people in both trying and peaceful times, is noble but difficult. Some describe it as the highest of callings in life, while others add that it is very taxing (Tan, 2019). To provide for people in a God-honoring way, one must...

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Intimate Partner Violence and Homicide in Greece

The course material I have studied so far has been interesting and informative for me. I have found many though-provoking takeaways throughout the course, but the ones that seemed most surprising to me were discussed in chapters 6 and 7 on Homicide and Sexual Victimization. First, it was rather interesting...

Monitor and Control in Project Management

Monitoring and controlling are indispensable elements of projects management. The purpose of these two steps is to review the project’s status and analyze the potential objectives and threats to develop a way to mitigate them. It is necessary to control the project to ensure that it will be completed on...

The Short Story “A Family Supper” by Kazuo Ishiguro

Kazuo Ishiguro’s story A Family Supper is a prime example of how the bulk of the words can hide deep meanings and subtexts. In this work, the author uses the essential components of the artwork, including setting, tone, and means of expression. All of these elements, mutually influencing each other,...

Civil Rights Equality and Equity: Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr.

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Aviation Industry: Implications of Weather Hazards

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Public Policy Opportunities in Epidemiology

The level of public health of a nation is a result of the integration of various determinants of health, which fall under such categories as environment, socio-economic status, political environment, occupation, and others. However, since human health is a multifaceted and fluid issue, it is essential to analyze it in...

“The Theory-Based View” Article by Felin & Zenger

In his article, Tod Zenger seeks to teach his readers a key lesson, which is the manager’s need to follow the original strategy of the company that provides its value. The author insists that in order to ensure a business’s long-term prosperity, it is not necessary to sacrifice the original...

The Cahill Versus Nike, Inc.: Sport in Society

Cahill versus Nike, Inc. is a class action lawsuit brought by former and current employees of Nike. The parties in the lawsuit included Alyssa Anderson, Kelly Cahill, and Samantha Keller, who allege that Nike engaged in gender discrimination concerning pay and promotions (Jin, 2022). The plaintiffs, Kelly Cahill and Sara...

Sexual Harassment at Workplace in Massage Industry

Sexual harassment is a common issue in workplaces worldwide. It can be related to any gender, but the issue is particularly relevant for women. There are various laws and acts that are purposed to protect people from such behavior of others, yet the problem is still present and requires attention....

Psychological Assessments and Intervention Strategies for Depression

Mr. J. was admitted with a diagnosis of major depressive disorder, severe with melancholic features, and MMPI-3 computer test results. Indicators L, K, F are generally expected; however, F has relatively high values, which may be associated with reduced performance due to overwork, a painful condition, or a desire to...

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Gender Identity and Correctional Institutions

The new requirements regarding gender fluidity and people representing the LGBTQ+ community are debated within many prisons and correctional institutions. Ignorant people may assume that it is too complicated to endorse within the jails and that inmates should be treated in accordance with what they have in their pants. Yet...

The Caring Concept: A Literature Critique

Concept Analysis Every therapeutic relationship requires the practitioner to possess some compassion and empathy degree since they form the essential ingredients to assist other people. The significance of compassion and empathy becomes aggravated when others are in need. However, the two components need help to work. Therefore, for every practitioner...

Complexities and Intricacies in Major Sporting Events

There is growing interest in using complex systems thinking approach when analyzing and improving sports performance. Sports have been prevalent for a very long time. However, difficulties and hardship also increase as fame grows. The sports business is struggling more than ever to discover strategies to get millennials to go...

International Business vs. Domestic Business

International business is a business activity that encompasses the transfer of resources, goods, services, and information across countries. In simple terms, it is the carrying out of trade and investment activities across countries (Cavusgil et al., 2022). The business activity entails crossing geographical boundaries, and as a result, it is...

Artificial Intelligence: Emergence of Employment Issues

What is Artificial intelligence? And has it benefited people through its many fascinations? Artificial intelligence has become particularly widespread in the modern world, but there are significant controversies about the benefits of this technology in people’s lives. This is because this technology has a negative impact on society and causes...

Public Opinion Regarding the Fourth Amendment

Introduction The purpose of this research project was to investigate public opinion regarding the Fourth Amendment, which prohibits law enforcement searches without an appropriate warrant. This amendment, placed in the Bill of Rights, creates ambiguous implications for personal and national security (Bobber, 1985). On the one hand, it protects privacy...

Addressing the Urgent Challenge of Water Pollution

Although I would like to start my speech with something more pleasant or encouraging, I am here to discuss one of the most critical public policy concerns our country faces today. Water pollution is getting out of control, and this problem affects people’s lives in both noticeable and unnoticeable ways....

Social Norms in Fashion

Both modern and historical fashion follow a variety of social, cultural, and gender norms. These are susceptible to frequent change due to external and other factors. However, gender norms in relation to dress are especially prominent and largely accepted. This can range from strict adherence to trends to the rejection...

Assessing Juveniles for Psychopathy or Conduct Disorder

Although the assessment of psychopathy and conduct disorders has been performed in the adjudicative process for centuries, it has not been long since it was introduced in the investigation of the juvenile case. The main aim of employing this measure with non-adults is to provide a more profound motives’ understanding,...

Experience at an Amusement Park (Sixflags)

To begin with, the world of entertainment excites me much, and I can hardly find anyone in my surroundings who does not want to experience the flow of adrenalin throughout body and mind as well. I am talking about my personal experience while visiting the amusement park Six Flags Magic...

The Role of History Learning in Society

If you’re looking for an essay about the role and value of history in modern society, look no further. This essay sample explores the role of history in people’s lives and explains the reasons we study it. Introduction History is the gathered information of the occurrences and people that have...

Formation and Weathering of Rocks

In the process of lithification, sedimentary rocks are traditionally formed, according to Lutgens and Tarbuck (58). As a rule, the process of lithification presupposes that sediments should remain under pressure; the sediments expel the so-called connate fluids in the process and finally turn into sediment rock. The difference between a...

The Role of Social Media’s Influence

It is generally agreed upon that the social media, in contrast to the mass communication industry, reaches a large number of audiences and thus is to a greater extent, democratic. With the use of social media such as Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, news, and information spread fast thus, they have...

Walmart Company Innovations in Supply Chain Management

Direct Sourcing Over the course of the last two decades, Wal-Mart has emerged among the most influential retail companies, both in the USA and internationally. The firm’s main defining quality, aside from substantial size, is its exceptionally structured supply chain system it operates. In the recent past, this has enabled...

Global Issues Influencing Compensation in the US

Compensation is a systematic approach of providing monetary value and other benefits to employees in exchange for their work and service. To understand compensation within a global framework, recognition of the existing differences and similarities between the various contexts in which a company operates is important. Milkovich et al. (2008)...

Social Problem Analysis: Social Inequality in Education

My current interests encompass the persistent issue of social inequality that we can witness as a routine practice every day. The topic is too multifaceted to study as a whole, thus, I have chosen to commit to the problem of social inequality in education. I have studied two scholarly peer-reviewed...

Somerset Furniture Company Transportation Management

The Somerset Furniture Company experiences significant problems with organizing the transportation of the prepared furniture from China to the United States in order to provide customers with the purchased pieces without any delays (Russell & Taylor, 2013). It is important to note that if the company completes all the required...

The Vice Presidential Debate US Elections 2012

Introduction The US Vice- Presidential debate took place on 11 October 2012. The debate took place at The Central College in Danville- Kentucky. This was between Joe Biden of the Democratic Party and Ryan Paul of the Republican Party. Martha Raddatz of the ABC News moderated the debate. This debate...

Cyberbullying: Victim and Abuser in the Online Environment

Detailing the Topic: Cyberbullying as a 21st-Century Concern The phenomenon of bullying has been known since the dawn of time (Elgar et al., 2014) as one of the most typical, though morally unjustifiable, behavioral patterns in the society. However, with the technological advances of the 21st century and the creation...

Walt Disney Parks and Resorts: Supply and Demand Analysis

Walt Disney Parks and Resorts — Overview Walt Disney Parks and Resorts is one significant segment of the Walt Disney Company that aims at providing the best leisure opportunities for the family vacation. It was founded in 1971, and since that time became the symbol of the family-oriented entertainment. Currently,...