Personal Philosophical Framework Based on Kantian Ethics

Philadelphia means the city of brotherly love. Using a rudimentary understanding of Greek language and thought, it is safe to say that philosophy is some sort of love for wisdom. It is my understanding that the passion for knowledge and wisdom inevitably leads to the construction of a personal philosophy,...

Measles Vaccine: First Introduced in 1963

When Was the Medication Introduced to the Public? Measles vaccine: first introduced in 1963 (Betáková, Svetlíková, & Gocník, 2013). Mumps vaccine: introduced in the late 1960s (Betáková et al., 2013). Rubella vaccine: introduced in 1969 and enhanced in 1979 (College of the Physicians of Philadelphia, 2017). Before, the incidence of...

Financial Analysis of General Mills and Meiji Holdings Companies: Comparative Review

Balance sheets Components of stockholders When financial analysts are assessing the performance of a business establishment, they evaluate stockholders’ equity, which is used to reflect the extent to which a firm earns money for its shareholders (Mongiello, 2009). General Mills is exemplified by the following elements of stockholders’ equity: common...

Marx vs. Weber: Capitalism – Compare and Contrast Essay

Marx and Weber are two key figures of science. Their outstanding works on capitalism are popular even nowadays. The fascinating thing is that their views on capitalism differ to a great extent. Do you need to compare and contrast Karl Marx’s and Max Weber’s approach towards the understanding of capitalism?...

A Clean Well Lighted Place Analysis: Summary, Characters, & Themes

Read this A Clean, Well Lighted Place character analysis to learn all about the old waiter, the visitor, and other characters. This A Clean, Well-Lighted Place theme essay also provides the story’s summary, looks into its topics, elaborates on “A Clean Well Lighted Place” meaning, and explores the significance of...

Empathy in Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep: Essay

Empathy in Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep: Essay Introduction Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, a sci-fi genre novel, was created by the fantastic mind of Philip K. Dick between 1966 and 1968 and published in 1968. Later, it became an inspiration to the popular 1982 movie adaptation “Blade...

Compassion Fatigue in Caregivers: Understanding Burnout

Introduction The psychotherapists are the ones who deal with patients experiencing terminal illnesses. They develop close relationships with these patients while they take care of them. However, the relationships can cause psychological problems to the caregivers. The caregivers suffer from different forms of stresses. The common one is burnout. Burnout...

Farm Subsidies: Essential Support or Economic Hindrance?

Introduction The agricultural industry is a key pillar in the foundation of any nation. This is because every nation must have a way in which it can provide for its peoples most basic need: food. To safeguard the survival of this important industry, most developed nations have come up with...

Stem Cell Research Essay: Research Ethics, Pros and Cons, and Benefits

Stem Cell Research Essay: Introduction Stem cells are capable of regenerating any tissue and organs in the body. Why are stem cells useful? They are characteristically pluripotent, which allows them to replenish damaged body tissues. In an adult human, bone marrow cells have the ability to divide constantly to replenish...

Developing a Nursing Philosophy for Patient Recovery

Purpose of the Paper: Delineating a Personal Nursing Philosophy Although there are a plethora of nursing theoretical frameworks that help build an efficient strategy for managing patients’ needs, it is crucial to design a personal nursing philosophy to develop an in-depth understanding of critical nursing issues. Therefore, the goal of...

PPACA: Increase the Coverage of Medicaid to Low Income Earners

Introduction The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) is an American health care reform act expected to affect millions of citizens. The act is expected to promote universal healthcare, improve the quality of medical services and reduce medical costs. The passage of the bill brings many reforms to the...

Evaluating Patient Education Technologies for Better Engagement

Introduction Within recent decades, it has been widely recognized by health care researchers and practitioners that the quality of care largely depends on patient engagement, and patient education is one of the main instruments for such engagement (Koh, Brach, Harris, & Parchman, 2013). With technological development, the number of patient...

The Health Effects of Overweight and Obesity

Introduction The research by Afshin et al. (2017) focused on the health effects of overweight and obesity in various countries around the world. Obesity is becoming a major problem, not only in the United States but also in many other countries around the world. Medical researchers have associated obesity with...

Netnographic Research on Organic Strawberry Farming Trends

Customer Reviews Fantastic product These are the best strawberries I have ever had, and I have ordered these for 5 years from different companies. They are bursting and mostly small whole strawberries. Can be eaten “as is” or made into pancakes. Can’t wait to share! I’m now on my second...

Chemotherapy Standards: 2016 Policy for Cancer Patient Care

Introduction The problem of treating cancer patients, including children, has always been relevant and important. One of the stages of intervention is chemotherapy as the method of helping people to avoid malignant tumors and eliminate the consequences of the disease. Different practices and methods aimed at studying this field of...

Teaching Plan Summary: Fall Prevention in Miami’s Elderly

Summary of Teaching Plan A teaching plan for this assignment was based on one of the most critical issues not only in Miami, Florida but also in the whole world. It was developed to highlight primary prevention and health promotion related to falls among the elderly in the mentioned city....

Healthy Food: the Impact of the Vegetarian Diet

Introduction In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards vegetarianism in societal dietary choices. The practice consists of excluding flesh and sometimes by-products of animals from consumption for distinct reasons. Six to eight million people in the United States are estimated to practice some form of vegetarianism (Harvard...

U.S. Constitution: Achievements, Challenges, and Executive Orders

Introduction The U.S. Constitution began operating in 1789 with six main goals. The goals of forming a strong union, domestic tranquility, promoting the general welfare, and providing common defense have been perfectly achieved. However, the goals of establishing justice for all and securing liberty for posterity have also been achieved....

The Value Curve in Business Strategy: Key Steps and Apple’s Example

Summary and Explanation of the Assumptions for the Tool The value curve is a powerful tool that is often utilized when comparing the value proposition of a business against its competitors in a given industry or market. It is often used in “extremely mature product categories where functionality increases and...

Health Care in the United States: Government & Private Funding

Introduction Health care in the United States is provided by a variety of governmental and business organizations (Himmelstein & Woolhandler, 2016). However, the government funds the bulk of the health care expenditures. According to the estimation of the Centers for Medicare and Medical Services, the government covers 64.3% of total...

Tackling Obesity in Miami: Policy and Community Efforts

Introduction In Miami, obesity continues to affect the health outcomes of many adults. Similarly, adulthood obesity remains a critical health issue in Florida. Statistics show that many adults in Miami have obesity. The adult obesity rate in the county exceeded the 35 percent mark in 2010 (The obesity epidemic and...

Connection between Nurse Staffing Levels and Mortality Rates

Introduction Proper nursing care is extremely important as it allows us to address the issues that can significantly decrease the quality of life of patients. Nevertheless, there are many important problems connected to the field that can hurt the quality of care and patients’ experiences. Speaking about these problems, it...

Nursing Professional Development in Florida: APN & NP Competencies

APN professional development plan is a document that nurses seeking to further their career create to guide and record activities that should be undertaken to meet requirements for advanced practice in nursing. Having a professional development plan is also an indication that nurses are improving and maintaining their competence to...

Nursing Ethics: Holistic Care & Human Dignity in Practice

Personal and professional ethical values significantly influence the way a nurse works. Personal philosophy comprising those values can be manifested even in the smallest details and practices including communication with patients and colleagues. Moreover, it can define a nurse’s overall attitude, level of commitment to work, and orientation towards favorable...

Optimizing Care Models: Team Nursing vs. Primary Nursing

Introduction Selection of an appropriate model of nursing care coordination is interrelated with the management of such diverse organizational issues as cost-efficiency, customer satisfaction increase, achievement of positive treatment outcomes, and provision of high-quality healthcare service to all patients. When an efficient model is implemented, the internal communication among nursing...

Key Insights from a Nursing Manager’s Interview: Case Study Findings

Introduction C. W. is the nursing manager of the chronic spinal cord specialty care department in the Boston healthcare system. I have chosen her for this interview due to the experience of collaboration from the time when I used to work in the acute medical oncology inpatient care unit, where...

Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing: Enhancing Patient Care

Evidence-based practice plays a vital role in the provision of quality nursing care. Advances in technology have increased healthcare providers’ contact with vast information from up-to-date research studies. In addition, the research arena has made astonishing breakthroughs in the last few years, which have brought novel understandings of medical data....

Comparing Nursing Education Systems: Saudi Arabia vs. China

Introduction This paper is comparing the systems of nursing education in Saudi Arabia and China. I expected that nursing education in these countries could be under the influence of national and cultural peculiarities. The paper reviews the issues of political history and development of nursing education, government and nursing organizations...

Catholic Converts and the Sect System

Introduction The analysis of literary works on the topic of religion helps to gain a better understanding of its basic concepts and varieties. Thus, individuals can realize the uniqueness of each faith. Hence, the book by Mullen, “The Chance of Salvation: A History of Conversion in America,” focuses on the...

Logistics Performance Index: Insights from the World Bank’s Assessment

The World Bank’s Logistics Performance Index The World Bank’s Logistics Performance Index (LPI) is constructed to assist countries in determining the key challenges and opportunities in logistics. It is an interactive benchmarking tool, which can be deployed for improving performance because it provides insight into the trade logistics environment in...

Spanish Language: Phonology and Phonetics Investigating

Linguistics is the study of languages while the language is a medium for communication. The study of phonology and phonetics comprises of three aspects of language namely the form, meaning, and the context of language (Roach 14). The research will be based on the following research question: what is the...

DuPont: Analyzing T-Accounts and Financial Reports

Comparison of Financial Reports of the Companies The financial position of company A is stronger than that of company B. The total assets of Company A at the end of 2011 amounted to $1,176,027,002 while for Company A totaled $238,968. Similarly, revenue for company A was greater than that of...

IT Market Situation Overview

The IT market includes everything related to computers and the network. This industry is one of the fastest-growing in the global economy. It has a significant influence in the developed world and connects many essential aspects of life, such as the economy, government, and society. A person encounters the subjects...

Nursing Care Models: Team Nursing vs. Nursing-Managed Care

Introduction In acute care wards, there is a continuous need for specialists that want and able to work together as a team, because coordinated interventions save lives. In that setting, a team nursing care delivery model was observed. Developed as a substitute for a fragmented and poor-performing functional approach, team...

Does Social Media Use Contribute to Depression?

Social media is a relatively new concept in a modern world. It combines technology and social tendencies to enhance interaction through Internet-based gadgets and applications (Luxton, June, & Fairall, 2012). Through social media platforms, users can create and exchange their own content irrespective of time and distance. Social media consist...

Modern Nursing: The Art and Science of Patient Care

Introduction An integral part of today’s healthcare system is contemporary nursing. This field of activity aimed at solving individual and social problems of the population in the constantly changing environmental conditions is of great importance for medicine since it solves crucial problems of patient care. It is possible to define...

Nurses-Led Telephone Intervention Improves HF Patients’ Quality of Life

The article under analysis is entitled “Impact of a nurses-led telephone Intervention program on the quality of life in patients with heart failure in a district hospital of Greece.” It was written by Theodosios Stavrianopoulos in 2016. The purpose of the article is to determine if telephone intervention in patients...

Nurses-Led Telephone Intervention Reduces HF Readmissions

In a reviewed article, Theodosios Stabrianopoulos focuses attention on a scientific experiment on two groups of people with a key goal to establish a correlation between a nurses-led telephone intervention and the frequencies of readmissions of HF patients. During his research, the author discovers that “telephone intervention programs appear to...

Nurses’ Impact on Postnatal Depression: Intervention Effectiveness

Abstract Postnatal depression is a significant health problem. Up to 15% of women after child delivery is suffering from this depression. To ameliorate its negative effects, nurses’ interventions in the process of mother-infant interaction might be helpful. The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the effect of nurses’ interventions...

Nurse Manager Engagement: Concept Analysis and Practical Impact

Nowadays, nurses play an important role in the healthcare segment, as they assess the patient’s health and propose appropriate interventions (Sellman, 2011). This profession is challenging since the nurses have to consider theoretical knowledge, environmental support, patient’s conditions, and expectations simultaneously (Mason-Whitehead, McIntosh-Scott, Bryan, & Mason, 2008; Chambers & Ryder,...

Health Assessment Focus: Nuclear-Caucasian Family Health Insights

Introduction A family health assessment helps identify family and nursing diagnoses and develop nursing interventions. In this paper, a health assessment will be performed on a nuclear Caucasian family, the Johnsons, using open-ended questions touching on 11 functional health domains related to the family. The paper also includes a summary...

New Balance Men’s 611: Global Market Entry Strategy

Executive Summary The New Balance Company is attempting at entering the environment of the global economy with its latest Men’s 611 brand. However, competing with the brands that have already become household names is bound to be rather tricky. Therefore, the firm will need an elaborate branding strategy and an...

Operational Leadership in Nephrostomy Care: Strategies & Models

Nephrostomy care is an essential part of healthcare organizations (HCO), whose goal revolves around diagnosing and treating patients with kidney or renal dysfunctions. HCOs require a unique set of management skills and approaches, which enable to optimize the workflow among these institutions. Operational leadership in HCO is a crucial concept,...

How Nazi Imperialism Would Reintroduce Slavery Across Europe

Germany’s quest to unify and organize Europe, coupled with establishing its rule across the continent, took a tragic turn as Nazis started the Second World War in 1939. The majority of European countries supported Germany’s efforts of a unified region. After World War I, the United States, Britain, and France...

Heraclitus’ Ever-Changing Reality: Fire as the Essence

The Nature of Reality from the Perspective of Heraclitus Heraclitus believes that reality could be equated with fire (Moore & Bruder, 2011). The reason behind this is the fact that it is ever-changing. For this reason, he believes that there is no reality. According to him, permanence is nothing but...

National Patient Safety Goals: Enhancing Critical Care Access and Quality

Limited access to healthcare services has been on the agenda of the modern healthcare system for quite a long, warranting the status of critical concern. Therefore, creating the Critical Access Hospital Accreditation Program as an inseparable part of the National Patient Safety Goals 2020 project was inevitable and indispensable (The...

NIH Training Needs Analysis: Identifying Learner Gaps

Abstract The paper provides the steps of the training needs analysis that was developed for the National Institutes of Health. These steps are based on the frameworks to assess the needs of learners who are planned to be involved in training programs. The analysis includes the identification of learners, the...

National Incident Management and Command Systems: Overview and Importance

Disaster response and security management are complex processes that require a combination and coordination of various elements of the government, first response, financial considerations, personnel management, and inclusion of the private sector, among other aspects. Information technology such as the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and the Incident Command System...

NAPP Business Overview: Research and Insights into Company Operations

Introduction NAPP is an American company specializing in providing babysitting services. The company has a network of babysitters who are matched with parents through the NAPP mobile application, currently available on App Store only. NAPP is headquartered in Baltimore, Maryland, and its network of sitters is mostly limited to the...

Mysticism in Religion: Impact, Types, and Gender Dynamics

Introduction Religious beliefs have played a significant part in human lives ever since their inception in ancient societies. The idea of the presence of some being that is beyond the material world has helped people find answers to crucial questions. They could obtain an understanding of how the world is...

Interviewing Muhsin al-Hakim as a Religious Leader of Los Angeles

Southern California is home to several Islamic religious factions with major Muslim populations in three cities. Sayyid Muhsin Al-Hakim is a Shia leader in Dawoodi Bohra Jamaat of Los Angeles situated at Serapis Avenue, Pico Rivera, California. He leads the Dawoodi Bohra community, which constitutes the Shi’ah, family, and Tayyib....

Moral and Ethical Leadership in an Organization

What is moral leadership and ethics? Moral leadership moves beyond a leader’s basic call of ensuring the performance of tasks. It seeks to define the ‘how’ of the process. Moral and ethical leadership is the expectation of a leader to offer direction to all followers regarding the acceptable conduct within...

Australian Corporate Law: Director Liability & Company Debts

The given case should be analyzed in terms of the Australian corporate law and basic regulations suggested by it. The fact is that the given sphere could be considered rather complex and there are several important factors that should be taken into account when cogitating about the actions which could...

Social Economy and Leadership: Case Study of Miziwe Biik

Introduction In the introductory part, it is planned to give general explanations of the social economy and its role in the business world. It is necessary to underline that people cannot stop improving their skills, introducing new activities, and evaluating the already achieved results. The work of Polanyi serves as...

Debate on Minimum Wage Increase: Economic and Social Impacts

The minimum wage was introduced many decades ago to secure the rights of workers and ensure that employers would not make people work for extremely low wages. This standard is a common instrument utilized in many countries, including the USA. This tool is one of the measures to address the...

Music Therapy for Cancer Patients: Reducing Stress and Improving Mood

Introduction Knowing that the psychological well-being of cancer patients can have an impact on their physical condition, many researchers pay attention to the effects of various interventions on cancer patients’ mood. In her research, Lesiuk (2015) aims to define the effectiveness of an intervention that uses music as a tool...

Music Therapy for Women Undergoing Cancer Treatment

Research Article and the Focus of the Analysis When undergoing cancer treatment, in general, and radiotherapy, in particular, one is likely to be under the pressure of severe stress. The resulting tension and emotional strain are likely to serve to the detriment of one’s health, leading to the development of...

Microsoft Kinect Technology and Its Utility: A Literature Review

Abstract This paper is an exploration of the internet and published article sources that give a glimpse of Microsoft Kinect and its utility in the consumer market. It shows the interaction of the human/virtual environment without necessarily using the actual controllers or buttons but by using natural speech or gestures....

Health Barriers for Disabled in Coral Way: A Survey Analysis

Introduction Despite the existence of a well-developed infrastructure, the community of Coral Way, Miami, has several public health issues identified by a windshield survey. The following paper analyzes the issues pertaining to the health barriers experienced by people with disabilities, lists relevant local organizations, and outlines the role of community...

Improving Limited Healthcare Access in the Miami Community

Overview Miami is a city with a great history located in Miami-Dade County, Florida. Founded around a century ago – in 1896, – it expanded to become the 44th most populated city in the United States. Still, long before it sprung up on the banks of Miami River, early indigenous...

MRSA in Healthcare: Addressing the Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Issue

The Problem Many patients check into hospitals and become colonized by methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), which is considered the most toxic of all micro pathogens that are resistant to antibiotics, such as penicillin and methicillin. MRSA colonization is now a critical risk factor for later MRSA infection in the hospital....

Analyzing Kelly Reichardt’s “Meek’s Cutoff”: A Cinematic Perspective

Abstract This paper primarily delves into an examination of the film “Meek’s Cutoff” and examines is thematic elements, cinematography and how certain scenes can be interpreted and how they help to influence the entire film. Aside from this, paper delves deeply into the concept of the western shootout scene, its...

Mindfulness vs. Opioids in Chronic Pain Management: Literature Review

Chronic pain can be a significant burden on patients having various health disparities, including cancer and neurological disorders. In this paper, chronic pain will be defined as the symptoms that last for longer than three months or exceed the standard period for tissue healing (Hilton et al., 2016). The problem...

Navigating Medical Education: Strategies for College and Training Success

Introduction The paper addresses the most widespread issue of education accessibility and affordability for students who are pursuing specialized careers. The fundamental basis for the preparation of a qualified and competitive graduate of a medical university is the formation of a harmoniously developed personality. This process is ensured by the...

The Media Revolution & Advertisement Interrelation

Changes in Media History and Links to Consumer Culture The content that is released to users has been evolving since the 20th century following the influence of technology on mass media agencies. Due to the changes that have been observed in media history, the impact has been felt in various...

Mattel, Inc.: The Largest Toy Manufacturing Company

Introduction Over the last few decades, multinational companies have faced serious issues concerning exploitation of workers. Additionally, multinational companies have been accused of unethical behavior in their overseas operations. Particularly, the companies have faced issues in their management strategies. The case study examines Mattel, Inc., which has encountered several issues...

Maternal Care Access Inequality: Addressing Critical Gaps

Problem and Population It should be noted that maternal care is one of the critical areas within the healthcare industry. It strives for minimizing mortality and morbidity levels since the incidence rates are rather high in the state (Sakala, Yang, & Corry, 2013). Other crucial aspects of caring are family...

Successes and Opportunities in Master’s Nursing Programs Explored

Successes and Opportunities in the Master’s Nursing Program The master’s program has equipped me with a wide range of skills, competencies, and concepts that can make me a provider of exemplary health care services. The program is governed by different theories and models that ensure nurses can offer quality care....

Science and Technology in Ancient Civilizations

Introduction The role of scientific advancement and technological evolution in the development of the ancient civilization was humongous. Improvements in scientific knowledge strategically changed the operations of the inhabitants of the ancient kingdoms. Their way of life was considerably improved through these advancements in both scientific and technological precepts (Krebs...

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Modes of Transportation

Introduction According to the U.S. Bureau of Transportation Statistics (2017), 9% of the country’s GDP is made up by transportation functions. Exports and imports account for over $860 billion annually (Bureau of Transportation Statistics, 2016). The national freight movement is also considerable and is growing alongside with the American economy....

Fuchs vs. Garnham: Marxism in the Digital Economy Debate

These two articles present opposing views on how Marxism is manifested in the economy of the digital era. On one side of the argument, there is Christian Fuchs, who presented his views in the book “Digital Labor and Karl Marx”. The key concept in Fuchs’ book is that social media...

Prosecution of MLK and Malcolm X: Crimes and Controversies

Martin Luther King Jr and Malcolm X are well-known leaders of the cultivation and development of the black movement, which was aimed at the recognition of black people as a race in the United States of America (Howard-Pitney, 2004). It remains apparent that they had a high contribution and influence...

Economic Profit and Opportunity Cost in Monopolistic Competition

Why are economic profits zero in the long run in a monopolistically competitive market? Economic profit refers to the difference between the overall income and the combined expenditure. The amount of expenses may be viewed from the business perspective of opportunity cost. In a monopolistically competitive business environment, such profits...

Craft an Effective Marketing Campaign with Big Data and Social Media

The Elements of an Effective Cause Marketing Campaign The first article under discussion is written by Panepinto, and it is dedicated to the issues related to the efficient implementation of a cause campaign. Firstly, it is essential to notice the immense importance of cause campaigns since they can be a...

Marginalization of Women Immigrants: Healthcare & Social Issues

Introduction Marginalization is a social process that significantly limits specific populations in terms of access to personal needs and requirements that are available to the larger society. Women immigrants are a group of individuals who have been ignored due to their mute exclusion from society. Therefore, women immigrants are a...

Manitoba’s Assistance Acts and Regulations

Introduction Welfare systems exist in every country in the world. These systems were born through the political activism of individuals and workers unions around the world to provide a safety net against the merciless grinding of the labor market. The purpose of the welfare system, in theory, is to provide...

Knowledge of the Ideal Work Culture

The first importance of knowing my ideal work culture is that it would enable me to treat employees with respect. It is important for employees to be accorded reasonable treatment because this motivates them to contribute positively towards achievement of organizational goals. The second importance is that knowledge of my...

Leadership vs Management: Differences and Impacts

Introduction The concepts of management and leadership have been misused and misinterpreted to mean the same thing. Actually, leadership and management are two distinct concepts that are complex in application and coverage. This report differentiates leadership and management from functional application perspectives. The paper also explores the theoretical application of...

Impact of AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria on Miami’s Community

Introduction Malaria, AIDS, and Tuberculosis are the illnesses that are widespread around the world and present a tremendous danger to humanity. The diseases mentioned above started to develop rapidly at the end of the twentieth century. The following paper will discuss and analyze AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria and how they...

Science Minors for Art Students: Is It Necessary?

Executive Summary Currently, many colleges require that art students undertake science courses as their minors. The main argument behind such a direction is that art students will be thus equipped with prerequisite science skills, which they can then apply in their field. However, such an argument has not considered the...

Navigating Ethical Standards and Challenges in the Global Fashion Industry

Introduction Sustainability is becoming a new trend in the global business world. It is even possible to state that corporate social responsibility has a fashion of its own, and companies are trying to stress their focus on sustainable practices. Ironically, the fashion industry sometimes fails to follow this fashion to...

Nurse Leaders vs. Managers: Magnet Designation Strategies

Introduction Nurse Leaders (NLs) should use their competencies to address the unique challenges affecting the healthcare sector. Most of the issues affecting the industry can be handled by nursing leaders who are willing to deliver quality services to more patients. Reinhard and Hassmiller (2014) believe strongly that different leadership approaches...

Analyzing Louis C.K.’s “Shameless”: Rhetoric & Controversy

Introduction Stand-up comedy is a complex, vibrant, multilayered phenomenon that, over recent decades, has attracted a fair share of attention not only from critics and target audiences but also from researchers in different fields. From a linguistic standpoint, jokes and comedy routines are usually subtracted from the main discourse and...

Logical Fallacies in Argumentation: Avoiding Common Pitfalls

Introduction When it comes to arguing in favor of a particular point of view, it is important to keep the would-be deployed line of argumentation free of logical fallacies. The reason for this is apparent – the fewer of these flaws can be found in the written/orally delivered rhetorical piece,...

Surveying Level of Happiness in Terms of Regional Differences

Abstract This paper focuses on the level of happiness in terms of regional disparities and measurement. Happiness has become a critical concern in the contemporary world due to increased psychological and physiological disorders. As such, the paper develops a survey design to collect data on the statutory differences in happiness,...

Access to Justice in Canadian Business: Legal Challenges and Solutions

Introduction The high cost of legal services and the inability of ordinary people to access quality legal representation have impeded access to justice in the Canadian business environment. This issue has been partly catalyzed by the fact that lawyers are increasingly working to promote business goals at the expense of...

Nurse Shortage in Elderly Care: Global Issue and Solutions

The problem of a shortage of nurses who are in charge of elderly people in medical facilities has proven to be rather topical nowadays. It is faced worldwide and tends to cause problems to both patients and nurses. Therefore, it requires an effective and efficient solution. The project oriented to...

Leadership Skills, Techniques and Tools: An Interview

Good morning, could you tell please does your company need leaders and why does it need such people? Good morning, to begin with, I’d like to say that each company needs a leader as it helps the company to develop and grow. Considering our company, I want to say that...

Navigating Leadership Ethics: Responsibilities and Challenges

Can you give an example of behavior that is legal but unethical? Could you imagine a situation that would find you engaging in such unethical behavior? One of the examples of behavior that is legal but unethical is the engagement of large western brands in the cooperation with suppliers or...

Distributive and Interrogative Bargaining: Key Differences Explained

Distributive and interrogative bargain The Interrogative Approach is a system where agreements satisfy the interests of both parties. It aims at creating options that are good enough to serve both parties to their satisfaction. It involves brainstorming that leads to the discovery of common grounds and mutual benefits. On the...

Mate Value Accuracy: Understanding Your Social Worth

Summary The article primarily emphasizes the importance of knowing your own mate value. Mate-value accuracy, defined as “knowing how much other people are interested in you as a mate,” plays a significant role in a person’s social life (Back, Penke, Schmukle, & Asendorpf, 2011, p. 984). People, who accurately estimate...

The Role of Klezmer Music in Preserving Jewish Cultural Heritage

Introduction The Jewish culture is unique, which is reflected in the Klezmer music tradition. This genre emerged in the 9th century, and during the 16th and 17th centuries, klezmer musicians were widely known as musicians playing at weddings. After the Second World War, this genre was forgotten by the general...

Nikita Khrushchev’s 1959 US Visit: A Cold War Diplomatic Blunder

Introduction Nikita Khrushchev, then the head of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, visited the United States on September 15, 1959, at a time when the relations between the United States and the Soviet Union were at their worst. The accidental invitation offered the Soviet leader a unique opportunity to...

Khobar Towers Bombing Analysis: Terrorism & US Military Response

Introduction The Khobar Towers bombing that took place on June 25, 1996, was a terrorist attack aimed at a part of a complex in the city of Khobar in Saudi Arabia (Jamieson, 2008). The complex was situated close to the King Abdulaziz Air Base and headquarters of Saudi Aramco –...

Kenyan Government and Media: Navigating Communication Challenges

Introduction In developed nations, media communication is an attribute guided by policies and openness achieved through civilization. These nations are organized and run through the rule of law that directs people and delivery of information. However, such attributes as civilizations and patriotism are not core for all nations depicting differences...

Concept of Plato’s Political Hierarchy

The ideas and theories of major philosophers John Stuart Mill and Plato are without a doubt essential to our study and interpretation of politics. One of Plato’s greatest works, The Republic, and Mill’s On Liberty and other essays, offer us some crucial insight about the concepts of knowledge and political...

John Locke’s Utopian Ideas on Property: Philosophical Analysis and Modern Impact

The Age of Enlightenment can be regarded as the epoch when people put reason above all and believed they could explain everything. Importantly, this was also the time when moral (Christian) values were seen as effective doctrines everybody followed without hesitation (Perez, 2012). John Locke is one of the most...

The Internet and Social Networks: Impact on the 2008 US Election

Reflect On The US Election In 2008. How Did Web 2.0 Technologies And Related Digital Culture Contribute To The Presidential Campaigns? Do You Feel That Such Strategies Were Effective? Why Or Why Not? Do You Think The Internet Can Be Used Successfully As A Medium For Democratic Participation In Canada?...

American Isolationism: Deconstructing Public Discourse

Introduction It should be noted that the term “isolationism” has been most often used to describe American approaches to the country’s strategy in the international arena. This American policy provoked discussions in political, military, and academic communities regarding the prospects for multilateral cooperation between the US and other countries within...

Global Warming: Rising Sea Levels & Unpredictable Weather

Global warming has the capability to destroy the planet due to rising sea levels and unpredictable weather changes (Webersik 19). Global warming is made possible by greenhouse gases or GHG (Victor 193). The critical component of GHG is carbon dioxide (Weart 12). The GHG effect is a phenomenon that traps...

Steven Kidder: Expert in Structural Geology at City College, NY

Steven Kidder is an assistant professor of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the City College of New York. He received a doctorate from the University of California Institute of Technology in 2012 and a master’s degree from Arizona University. These accomplishments allowed Mr. Kidder to specialize in structural geology, which...

Interpersonal Care, Falls, and Hospitalizations in Nursing Homes

Introduction The article “Interpersonal Care Processes, Falls, and Hospitalizations in Green House and Other Nursing Homes” forms part of Horn et al.’s (2016) work. The study investigates the problem of interpersonal care processes in various Green House homes and nursing facilities. The study claims the existence of a scholarly gap...

Benefits and Impact of International Trade on the US Economy

Introduction International trade refers to the exchange of goods and services between and among countries. It involves using the global markets to deliver products that are not available in some countries and to move products from countries with excess supplies to countries with fewer supplies of commodities. Many states have...

International Expansion: Decision-Making Strategies for Successful Global Business

Expansion for a U.S. firm is an excellent opportunity to increase the brand’s strength as well as develop its potential for increasing profitability. However, there are a plethora of factors that could undermine the success of an American firm abroad if it does not take into account certain crucial aspects...

Intelligence-Led Policing: Methods and Impact

Introduction In any society, some individuals do not want to abide by the laws of their countries, and their activity can pose a threat to national security. When such people unite their efforts to fulfill their own goals, intimidate ordinary people, undermine the reputation of authorities, or instigate conflicts between...

Solar Panels for Crumbs Bakery: Reducing Costs & Boosting Morale

Purpose This proposal was prepared by Stephen Smith from the Procurement and Budgeting department of Crumbs Bakery. The purpose of this proposal is to request approval to conduct investigations to establish the importance of installing solar panels to reduce energy costs that form a huge part of the expenses of...

Losing Free Will on Social Media: Lanier’s Key Arguments

In his book, Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now, Jaron Lanier thoroughly discusses the detrimental effects of various social online platforms on human lives. Among them are the promotion of mass behaviors, increased incidence of misinformation and biasing, vanity encouragement, reduction of one’s ability for empathy,...

Managing High Cholesterol: Dietary Changes and Health Implications

Introduction Nowadays, more people are affected by diseases that directly influence the heart, blood pressure, metabolic processes, and others. While genetics play a crucial role in acquiring such health issues, more controllable factors are present, such as physical, mental, environmental, and nutritional ones. Among dangerous conditions is cholesterol, the high...

IT Project Management: Essential Skills for Project Managers

​Database development Position title׃ Database developer Title of industry׃ Software industry with an emphasis on direct marketing solutions. This industry is not similar to my organization because I work in a firm where IT is a non-core function. Position description׃ To design and work with or change stored procedures within...

The Impact of IT on Modern Healthcare: Innovations and Benefits

Introduction Nowadays, information technology in the healthcare system provides the foundation for the future. The significance of modernization can be seen in retrospective by comparing healthcare provision now and thirty years ago. Most of these years were devoted to the development of computer technologies that improved patient care, whereas, for...

Advancements in Patient Care Through Information Systems

Chin and Sakuda (2012) indicate that “patient care technologies include a wide range of devices such as catheters, barcode drug administration systems, social media, smartphones, and electronic health records (HERs)” (p. 52). The effective and sustainable use of these care technologies can make it easier for nurses to provide safe...

Healthy People 2020 Initiative: Goals & Objectives

Healthy People 2020 Overview The Healthy People 2020 initiative adopted in 2010 embraces a wide range of topics related to health care. The program includes forty-two topics, each of which has specific objectives and goals. Initiated by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the program aims at providing...

Chantel’s ADHD: Analysis & Effective IEP Intervention

Chantel Case Analysis At school, Chantel shows evidence of hyperactivity and finds it difficult to attend the lessons or even meet set deadlines. She does not finish the given projects within the stipulated deadlines and often tends to forget instructions, and usually delivers works that are below expectations. Despite being...

Revamping the Indian Creek Foundation: Values, Mission, and Vision

Indian Creek Foundation is an organization focused on helping children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. It has operated for more than 40 years and has provided a great service to the people living in its area of operation. However, currently, the company operates under an outdated plan that...

Christianity vs. Buddhism: Views on Incurable Diseases and Euthanasia

Introduction Religious beliefs play a crucial role in a person’s life, especially when there is a need to make a life-changing decision. In the case of George’s untreatable illness, the patient has decided to consider an option of voluntary euthanasia. A medical professional should respect choices that individuals make in...

Boosting Breastfeeding Knowledge Among Student Nurses: New Strategies

Literature Review This present study aims at answering the following question: (P) in the postpartum mother, would (I) post-discharge breastfeeding support phone calls, (C) compared to mothers receiving no post-discharge support phone call, (O) increase the likelihood of breastfeeding success (T) at six-week postpartum? Odom, Li, Scanlon, Perrine, and Grummer-Strawn...

Income, Achievement, Culture Gaps in the US: Establishing Connections

Income Gaps The modern world is going through all kinds of crises these days. This sad statistic can be observed in Europe and in Asia. Unfortunately, the United States of America is not an exception either. The waves of financial crisis and the growing rate of unemployment keep hitting our...

VR Software for Surgeon Training at University of Sharjah

Introduction Surgical experience is one of the hardest to obtain in an academic or a hospital setting due to the high costs of performing practice on real human corpses and high risks of allowing an undertrained surgeon to operate on a living patient. The lack of effective and available means...

Self-Reflection Course Insights: Gibbs’ Model and Covey’s Seven Habits

Self-reflection is very important for people as it can help them understand their needs, their wants, and set some goals as well as develop a thorough plan to achieve these goals. One of the most valuable outcomes of this course for me is my ability to self-reflect effectively. Previously, that...

LCL Shipment of Motor Vehicle Parts from UK to Johannesburg

Scenario One An LCL shipment of motor vehicle parts from a UK manufacturer to an importer in Johannesburg, South Africa. The goods will travel by sea in a multi-modal ship, using the DDP Johannesburg Incoterm. This is the required documentation. Pro-forma Invoice: This is a document that is sent by...

Diagnosis and Management of Hyperthyroidism: Comprehensive Treatment Approaches

Introduction Hyperthyroidism is a health condition, which is characterized by hyperactivity of the thyroid gland with the release of an excessive amount of hormones. The thyroid is a small gland in the shape of a butterfly, located at the front of the neck; it produces T4 and T3 hormones that...

Hypertension: Understanding High Blood Pressure Risks and Prevention

Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, is a medical condition in which a person’s blood pressure is continuously elevated above the norm. It is associated with a broad variety of risk factors that put most people into a potential danger group. Furthermore, the effects of continued hypertension can be...

Social Media Policy Best Practices for Human Resources

Introduction Social media plays a vehement role in our life, as it is involved in the majority of the interactions. It is one of the tools to express the freedom of speech and ideas and share the views and opinions of the other members of society. Nonetheless, sometimes the statements...

Problem-Solving Techniques for Effective Human Resource Management

How would a manager use systematic thinking and intuitive thinking in problem-solving? In the process of problem-solving, managers may resort to two types of thinking: systematic and intuitive. Both of these approaches have their advantages and disadvantages that may have a profound impact on the success of the decisions made...

Legal and Regulatory Considerations in Human Resource Management

Advice to Goldstein Being the assistant vice president at Reliable Insurance, Amy Goldstein expects to take over the position of vice president from his retiring supervisor. However, this does not happen when the vice president explains the commitments that come with the position. Goldstein is aware that she cannot manage...

Historical Roots of General Education in U.S. Universities

What Happened Historically to Form the Current System General Education is a concept and system used in the U.S. colleges and universities, according to which students have proposed a set of courses that provide broad overviews of many different academic disciplines. The focus of General Education is on providing the...

Hollywood’s Stereotyping of Arabs: Dehumanization and Bias

Introduction One of the main aspects of today’s living is that people in Western countries most commonly form their opinions of those who profess different cultural/religious values, based on how these ‘others’ are being represented by the mainstream media. This situation, however, cannot be referred to as being fully normal,...

Civil Liberties and Rights in American Society

Introduction The tremendous evolution of civil liberties and rights in American society occurred mainly in the 19th and 20th centuries (Kollman 5). While this does not mean that the American people are contented with the current state of affairs, they acknowledge that the strength of modern-day America is due to...

Understanding Co-Teaching: Models, Benefits, and Challenges in Collaborative Education

What is Co-teaching? Co-teaching is described as an act of teaching performed by two or more educators who deliver the instructions and learning activities at the same time working in one physical space with one class (The Benefits of Co-Teaching for Students with Special Needs, 2013). Besides, co-teaching is also...

Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes: Cultural Relativism in Biblical Interpretation

Introduction Religion is an intricate subject that defines human civilizations as a component that guides their daily lives. Notably, the case of Christianity is premised on the context of biblical scriptures that are considered a guide for those that prescribe to the beliefs. However, history indicates that the interpretation of...

The Causes of Homelessness and Incarceration: A Comprehensive Analysis

Introduction Homelessness is an issue that affects not only those individuals who do not have their own residence but also the rest of society. Taking into consideration the fact that this problem is global and extremely influential, I decided to write a paper that deals with it. Trying to narrow...

America’s Role and Contributions During the First World War

Events that Led to the Great War Among the key causes of World War I (WWI), there are such movements as imperialism, nationalism, and militarism. The 1910s are characterized by the grew of the class struggle and the national liberation movement. A huge influence on the rise of the struggle...

Health and Heritage Assessment for Hispanic Patients: A Comprehensive Review

It should be noted that being culturally competent is particularly important for healthcare workers since they need to provide care that will be holistic. The Heritage Assessment tool is an instrument, which care providers may use to meet the needs of patients with different cultural and ethnic backgrounds more effectively....

Hispanic Communities and Policing Plans

Introduction While dealing with the increasing crime within the cities and societies, police use community policing as a police administrative strategy or a police strategic plan for crime control. Apart from the idea of using community policing as an administrative tool of supporting the law enforcement plans among the communities,...

“High Noon” Article Review in The Amicus Journal

Introduction The article under analysis is an editorial in The Amicus Journal published in 2001. The writing dwells upon the importance of the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol and the effects of global warming, as well as possible solutions to the problem. The author targets a wide audience with a...

Barriers for African American Women in Higher Education: A Study

Significance of the Study This study can be discussed as significant because it is aimed at investigating whether African American women experience certain barriers while obtaining their higher education, what types of barriers these females can face, and what measures to prevent these obstacles can be used by these women...

Cultural Competence in Healthcare: Heritage Assessment of Families

Introduction The provision of safe and effective health care requires the acknowledgment of the cultural and ethnic backgrounds of patients, which shape their beliefs about proper health care practices. The recognition of health-care disparities across groups of patients from different ethnic heritage calls for the need to increase the level...

Nurse-Led Telephone Interventions: Improving HF Patient Care

Introduction Patients diagnosed with heart failure or HF experience a significant reduction in their quality of life experience. Also, the disease takes a tremendous toll on their financial resources. Furthermore, HF patients form part of a state’s significant financial burden. For example, the researcher documenting the study revealed that nine...

Telenursing: Enhancing Quality of Life in Heart Failure Patients

Introduction Telenursing is becoming a more and more popular method of evidence-based care that helps patients and their families to manage health conditions without having to drive long distances to the hospital. Telehealth is employed not only for people living far from healthcare facilities but also for those who need...

Advancing Nurse Practitioners: Florida’s Licensing Reforms

Policy Background The Florida Association of Nurse Practitioners (FLANP) recognizes that restrictive nurse practitioner licensure legislation is a problem for Florida, and it should be addressed from the perspective of recommending health policy change (“Current Issues,” n.d.). It is a state-level issue affecting advanced practice nursing, as regulations are different...

Key Provisions and Impact of the Health Protection Act on Pre-Existing Conditions

Introduction The bill H.R. 1121 was introduced in the House of Representatives in February 2017. The issue that needs to be resolved by the given bill contributes to improving the Public Health Service Act (PHSA) to provide medical services to American citizens because sometimes their expenses are not covered by...

Health Insurance Benefits and Cost Reduction Strategies: Analysis and Tips

Introduction The new health insurance benefits tend to impact organizations in a myriad of ways. One is through the goal-setting process and impact on their overall costs. Thus, it is mandatory that the organization ensures that all its employees are safe and secure in their working environment. Thus, they should...

Optimizing Nursing Care with Health Information Systems

In nursing, the health information systems (HIS) constitute a system that works to capture, store and manage the patient data with the option of transmitting it from one healthcare provider to another in the process of delivering care (Toromanovic, Hasanovic & Masic, 2010). The purpose of the topic is to...

Nursing Care Models: Healthcare Team & Transitional Approaches

Introduction There is a variety of nursing care models, each of them presenting specific attitudes to the process of looking after a patient and reaching the highest patient satisfaction level. All models, despite divergences between them, aim at encouraging nurses to arrange the most favorable working environment, which will inevitably...

Revenue Management and Forecasting in Healthcare

Healthcare organizations (as any other organizations) have to manage their revenues to function properly. First, it is critical to take into account all types of revenue the healthcare facility under analysis receives. Langabeer and Helton (2015) state that there can be various sources of revenue when it comes to healthcare...

Healthcare Reform: Economic Benefits and HITECH Act Insights

Introduction Health care reform is a powerful strategy for supporting the economic position of a nation. The approach presents evidence-based ideas and policies that can improve health care delivery processes. A healthy nation is linked to improved productivity, reduced medical expenses, and economic superiority. Using the HITECH Act, this descriptive...