Parkinson’s Disease: Care and Treatment

Introduction One of the most devastating diseases of our time, Parkinson’s disease, is a pressing issue for healthcare providers worldwide. It is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that affects the ability to control movement (Carranza et al., 2013). The main cause is the extinction of dopamine-producing cells of the brain, which...

Techniques and Tools for Strategic Management in Healthcare

Strategic quality management significantly impacts how firms develop and implement their goals. Healthcare executives bear a great deal of responsibility for locating relevant tools that make it easier to implement innovative ideas. According to this viewpoint, healthcare providers should prioritize their patients’ health above all else. One method is to...

Pharmacology and Medicines Optimisation

Introduction The chosen scenario involves a 46-year-old male with seasonal rhinitis. Martin has been treating the symptoms with the over-the-counter (OTC) drug Piriteze 10 mg once daily. Following his recent diagnosis of hypertension, Martin was administered 10 mg of Enalapril. To ensure that Martin’s prescriptions do not interfere with his...

Indigenous Population of Brazil and the Struggle for Brazilian Rainforest

Brazil is home to hundreds of thousands of indigenous people. Most of these live in the Amazon rainforest – one of the most biologically diverse and ecologically important regions of the world that produces a considerable proportion of the planet’s oxygen. Over the dozens of generations they lived on this...

Climate Change and Modern Indigenous Treaties in Northern Canada

Introduction Climate change impacts everyone, but its impact on Indigenous people in northern communities is something that the Canadian government has yet to rectify. North region’s warming has an adverse effect on the health and traditional natural resource use of indigenous peoples of the North. Indigenous peoples rely on gathering...

Panama Canal as Marvel of Human Engineering

Introduction Panama Canal was constructed in 1904 – 1914 on the territory of the Latin American republic, Panama, on the resources of the U.S. government. Before that, at the end of the 19th century, France was intended to build it, but it was unsuccessful; then, the United States purchased their...

Telehealth and Its Impact on the Healthcare System

Introduction Telehealth is one of the most heavily discussed topics in healthcare. This term is used to describe a wide variety of services linked with digital communication between patients and healthcare professionals to facilitate long-range treatment. Nowadays, this type of service is utilized by approximately 60% of healthcare facilities in...

Disability Concepts, Perception and Values

Introduction Demographic Information Individuals with disabilities refer to all people with special needs, including long-term physiological, subjective, intelligent, or functional limitations. Disability is projected to affect over a billion people, equating to around 15% of the global population (Whittle et al., 2017). As per the American Community Survey, elderly individuals...

Humans’ Interaction With Nature and How to Improve It

Humans’ interaction with nature is built upon two profound perspectives that threaten the life of one another. The first perspective ingrained in our thought system is that the earth changes with infinite slowness when rapidly changing because of our alterations. Secondly, humans consider themselves to be smaller compared to the...

Personal Responsibility

Personal responsibility refers to the act of identifying or recognizing a problem and taking care of it, whether it belongs to oneself or to someone else. Some personal problems can be handled at an individual level while others require cooperation as well as agreement. Personal responsibility also infers correcting one’s...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Black Lives Matter Movement: Essay Example

The Black Lives Matter social movement is concerned with important issues of racism and police brutality. BLM also became one of the most popular essay topics for high school and college. Here, you will find a free example of a Black Lives Matter movement essay complete with an introduction and...

Archetypes in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J. K. Rowling

Myths are interesting for many people because they are based on primitive and common opinions and ideas about the situations and phenomena of the life. That is why, the mythological and archetypal approach with references to the Jungian analysis can be used in order to discuss the piece of literature...

Duties of Learning Disability Nurses

Introduction Learning Disability (LD) is a neurological disorder that causes problems in interpreting information fed to the brain either through hearing, seeing, or touching. Unlike other medical terms that can be precisely defined, learning disability definition and what constitutes it has been a subject of much debate for a long...

Importance of High Teachers’ Educational Level

Teacher’s Educational Level The quest for quality teachers is a substantial aspect that drives the urge to invest much in the education career (Brickman, 2010)1. On a local perspective, Cristina (2012)2, the Hon. Minister of Education and Employment at that time, stated that teachers continue to be the most important...

“I Love Lucy”: Retrospect, Supporting and Subverting Gender Roles

Introduction TV shows of the past might appear to be simply relics of the bygone era at first sight. However, on further analysis, they can reveal a treasure trove of peculiar details and facts about the time slot that it is expected to portray. Moreover, with the fingerprints of multiple...

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Treatment

Introduction Mike is a 15-year-old White high school student in the 9th grade. He lives with his family in the city and transits to school from home every day. He suffers from attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) which is a fairly prevalent condition in the United States. It is diagnosed early...

Sports Medicine and Inherent Ethical Issues

Introduction The sphere of medicine is an essential part of the sports industry since, to a considerable extent, it influences the careers of athletes. The majority of sports activities are characterized by the high probability of receiving injuries and traumas. As a result, physicians and other doctors play a major...

Transformational Leadership and School Change Innovation

Abstract Based on an interview with M., her leadership style and the change process she represents align with transformational leaders who inspire their followers to strive for moral excellence. M. has created a blended platform to better serve the highly varied student and employee body. When asked if she felt...

Reflection, Teamwork, and Professional Identity

Reflection in a Professional Setting Reflection in a professional setting is an essential skill to build and maintain if you want to succeed and progress in many aspects of life. Reflection is taking the time to pause and think deeply and objectively about our experiences, actions, and beliefs to gain...

Fictional Interview with Kean University Chancellor

Abstract In this interview with Professor of Organizational Administration and Kean University Chancellor Allison Higgins, the topic of creating a culture of change at the university level is revealed. On the basis of personal experience, Higgins discusses the specifics of introducing innovations in the university environment and the reasons for...

Popular Research Paper Topics

African Americans in the USA: Transformation 1941-1980

There is a claim that from 1941 to 1980, fundamental changes took place in American society, which contributed to a change in the position of African Americans. It is worth noting that this historical period is filled with various political events that had a direct impact on the transformation of...

Corruption and Environmental Activism in Brazil

Introduction Corruption is one of Brazil’s primary problems that significantly obstruct economic development and hinder the quality of life in the country. The government officials exploit its national and social resources but use the money for themselves instead of making positive changes. As a result of this injustice, many groups...

The Impact of Unemployment on Crime Rates

Introduction Criminal records have a tendency to grow even during pandemics when most humans changed work locations for home. People try to develop a modern system of law enforcement, increase trust between policies and the public, and build a stronger society; however, most countries keep struggling with crime. At the...

The New York Map: A Syndicate Evaluated Crime Network in New York City

Introduction A map is an actual representation in a diagram of an area of land with a detailed illustration of key features, cities, roads, and other physical elements. Also, the map entails symbolic projection and depiction of actual elements in the ground while maintaining actual spaces between objects. A map...

An Interpretation of Dickinson’s Views on Death in Her Poetry

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson is a great poetess of the nineteenth century originally from Amherst, Massachusetts, and the world-renowned for her mystic and captivating poetry. Regardless of her parents’ desire for her to become a well-mannered, diligent housewife, Emily Dickinson devoted herself to literature. During her saturated literature path, she developed...

Coordination and Continuum of Care in Nursing Homes

Understanding continuum and coordination of care Care coordination has various meanings depending on whose scholar is describing it. However, the basic understanding is that it refers to the appropriate delivery of healthcare services through the organization of several participants, including patients, their families, nurses, physicians, and other medical professionals (Swan...

Aging Process in the United States and Russia

Summary Currently, there is a trend around the world for a steady increase in life expectancy, as well as an aging population. These factors are especially relevant for developed industrial and post-industrial countries, including the United States and Russia. In these countries, an increase in life expectancy has been observed...

UK Police Are Changing Their Attitude to Racial Issues

The relationship between the UK’s minority ethnic groups and the police has changed after the Stephen Lawrence tragedy. After 22 April 1993 when the black British teenager was stabbed to death in a racially motivated attack and nobody was ever convicted of the crime, the UK police were forced to...

Poverty and Violence During the Mexican Revolution

There are several consistent impressions produced by the creative output of Mexican writers and artists of the 1950s. The Luis Bunuel movie Los Olvidados, the short stories of Juan Rulfos in his collection titled The Plain in Flames, and the mural art of that decade all attest to the failure...

The Bracero Program and Exclusion Policy

The Bracero Program guaranteed Mexican immigrants to the United States decent working conditions in the agricultural sector during the Second World War. In general, this program aimed to expand short-term legal migration for Mexicans and maintain production in the U.S. agricultural industry. However, in the 1950s, this program caused discontent...

Asthma Education and Prevention Program

Organizational Background According to the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (n.d. d), Francis Lewis West, who was inspired by a children’s hospital in London, founded the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) in 1855. The hospital has since expanded to include a research institute, a pediatric rehabilitation center, and the largest pediatric...

Followership and Leadership in Healthcare

Abstract This paper aims to identify patterns of the followership styles and their relation to the leadership styles with a particular emphasis on the healthcare sector. The analysis is based on a review of scholarly articles on the interaction between followership and leadership in healthcare. The results reveal that there...

African Americans Struggle to Achieve Equality in America

Introduction The concept of equality in America has been a fundamental theme since time immemorial. However, the notion that everyone in America is equal has been lacking pertaining to some groups. In this case, African American people are an example; their struggle for equality in the U.S can be noted....

Importance of the New Testament for Christianity

Christianity is the world’s major religion with around 2 billion followers. Its central figure is Jesus Christ who through his birth, ministry life, trials, crucifixion, death, and, resurrection is believed to have offered the salvation and atonement needed by His followers from their sins. His nature and personality have been...

Followership-Leadership Interaction in Healthcare

Abstract This paper aims to identify patterns of followership styles and their relation to leadership styles, with a particular emphasis on the healthcare sector. The analysis is based on a review of scholarly articles on the interaction between followership and leadership in healthcare. The results reveal that there are different...

GrowthDC Company’s Strategic Management

Introduction Strategic management in every organization is an essential aspect that companies should exercise. Typically, the approach involves an ongoing planning, monitoring, and analysis of all resources required by a business to meet its goals and objectives. In this case, GrowthDc Company will focus on different strategies that can improve...

Whether Crime or Violence Are Justified in a Reaction to Past Trauma

Introduction Trauma is often characterized by stressful events that cause one to battle challenges that may be psychological or mental. A traumatic experience involves a feeling of helplessness where one may choose to do an action that may not be justified in the criminal justice system and according to societal...

Nursing Advocacy Through Legislation

Problem In the state of New York, the current problem related to nursing that requires advocacy is the dysfunctionality and inaccessibility of proper healthcare coverage for all citizens. According to Scheinker et al. (2021), current healthcare costs are unrealistic and too high due to the administrative costs and the active...

Intersectionality Theory and Life Path Predetermination

People are born with particular social and biological constructs that reinforce their identity over time: race, age, gender and socio-economic background can become predictors (Vossler et al., 2017). When analysing the psychological support that an individual may need, it is essential not only to focus on individual socio-demographic characteristics but...

Artificial Intelligence and Its Role in Business

Introduction While for many modern enterprises, technological advancements have become part and parcel of everyday business operation, some businesses still perceive such notions as artificial intelligence (AI) as a part of science fiction literature and cinematography. In fact, the application of AI to mundane business operations is currently one of...

The Relationship Between Economic and Political Freedom

Introduction Political and economic freedoms are characteristics of a democratic society that denote its capacity to participate in political processes and take economic actions, respectively. Politics and economics have been inextricably linked throughout history, accounting for the rise of some of the world’s most famous empires. The connection continues in...

Parents’ Role in Young Adult Literature

Introduction Young adult literature is a genre of fiction explicitly aimed at adolescent readers. The target audience for this category of literary works is between 12 and 18 years of age, and the novels focus on problems and issues relevant to the teenagers facing new challenges of adult life. Thus,...

A Psychological Perspective on the Choice of Partners

One of the most basic human qualities is the desire to unite in groups. History demonstrates that throughout the ages, people have tried to join various communities and interest groups. This has included joining groups of hunters to maximize prey, joining mythical communities to search for the meaning of life,...

Analysis of the Personal Data Legislation

Introduction These days, businesses have access to their customers’ data; consequently, this creates tremendous opportunities for analysis and forecasting and introduces personal data breach risks. The development of public opinion and legislation in privacy result in intentions to create regulations for personal data’s ethical use. There is no systematic regulation...

Near Field Communication Technology Application

Introduction NFC is near field communication, which refers to the semantic field of data transfer and payment transactions because this method itself is a form of contactless payment, which should be as reliable and secure as possible. This protocol became widespread in the mid-2000s and is widely used as a...

The Problem of Violence Against LGBTQ People: Critical Analysis

Summary Psychological difficulties can occur because of encounters within partnerships and frameworks, such as interpersonal relations, the family, the social system, and heritage. The perspective on psychological problems is most relevant to LGBTQ problems, as their psychological health and relationship dysfunction is typically influenced by society and culture rather than...

Medication Administration Improvement Toolkit

The purpose of the toolkit providing relevant and up-to-date instructions on safe and effective medication administration. The reason behind implementing the initiative is the need to establish best practices in medication administration and prevent errors to ensure patients’ safety and well-being and avoid adverse health outcomes associated with ineffective and...

Exploring How ‘Role of Talk’ Will Support a Group of EAL

Introduction The role of talk in supporting early years students from English as an Additional Language (EAL) backgrounds in understanding and remembering a simple story is an important aspect of language development. As such, various methods and theories have supported the use of talk in the classroom to support EAL...

Stressful Events’ Impact on People’s Lives

A person’s development throughout lifetime is based on events that impact him and determine the quality of his life through the change of life conditions or mindset. In general, there are four main components that constitute the well-being of an average modern individual, including money, work, family, and health. Both...

REST Assured and API: Simple Object Access Protocol

An API is similar to Software as a Service (SaaS) in that programmers do not have to start from scratch each time they create an application. Instead of developing a single program that attempts to handle everything, the same application might delegate specific functions to distant software that does them...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Impact of a Firm’s Employee Diversity on U.S Tech Companies

In modern organizations, gender diversity is a significant issue, and it represents both a healthy culture and inclusivity. Despite efforts by human resource and employee management to include more women, disabled, blacks, and LGBTQ+ in the workplace, the corporate world remains a challenging place for women employees. The challenge, specific...

Same-Sex Marriage Movement in the United States

The American dream assures freedom and parity and is cherished by all the residents of the US. With the dream in mind, most people will be inclined towards the support of equal rights for all, encompassing members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) groups. Asking some members...

Smoking Cessation: Causes and Statistics

Different people start smoking because of several reasons. Some of these reasons are the availability of the substance, peer pressure, to release stress, and the influence of the celebrities and popular film stars who are used by the companies to market the products (, 2009, par.2). Parents who smoke contribute...

Effectiveness of Prophylactic Dressings in the Treatment and Prevention of Ulcers

Introduction As modern medicine constantly evolves and discovers new techniques for treating patients, more and more clinical problems inevitably arise. In my work, I would like to discuss one of such problems – the use of prophylactic dressings to relieve the condition of patients with ulcers. An ulcer is a...

Systemic Review and Meta-Analysis: Plastic Surgery

The inability of medical students and patients to precisely describe the plastic surgeon’s responsibilities leads to a significant misunderstanding of the profession. This paper discusses and analyzes eight scholarly articles about the perception of plastic surgeons’ work. The research results show that most individuals have a vague perception of plastic...

Oedipus and Hamlet: To Be Resilient, or Not to Be?

Introduction A famous quote attributed to Confucius says, “Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall,” and teaches people the main principle of resilience against all obstacles and struggles. Being resilient means keeping a positive outlook on life, never giving up, and carrying...

The “Pleasantville” Film by Gary Ross

Gary Ross is responsible for writing, co-producing, and directing the American teen fantasy comedy-drama film Pleasantville, released in 1998. The plot revolves around two siblings trapped in a television show from the 1950s that takes place in a fictional Midwestern town populated by seemingly ideal citizens (Chitwood, 2022). Although they...

Efficient Human Resource Management in Nursing

Introduction It is important to discuss how to best recruit, select, and retain high caliber candidates in an area where there is a shortage of healthcare workers. There is now a severe shortage of registered nurses (RNs) in the United States. In this paper, I will provide an overview of...

Healthcare Disparities Among the LGBTQ+ (Queer) Veterans

Introduction The LGBTQ+ community faces unique challenges concerning access to resources such as education, jobs, and health services. However, LGBTQ+ veterans are a particularly vulnerable demographic due to several reasons. On the one hand, the previously employed “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy prevented publicly non-heterosexual military staff from exercising their...

The United States Supreme Court Overview

The supreme court of the United States of America is established under article three of the United States constitution. Section 1 of article three categorically states that the Supreme Court has been given full mandate to conduct and oversee all judicial matters in the United States. In fact, the Supreme...

Is Globalization a Threat or an Opportunity to Developing Countries?

Introduction Through technological, economic, and social development within world economies, the resent time phenomena demonstrates a state where integration in these areas is increasingly binding countries and economies together such that the world becomes more or less a global village. Thai, Rahm and Coggburn (2007, p.2) indicates that globalization involves...

The Geriatric Population’s Depression

PICOT: in nursing staff at VEGA Medical Center (Miami, FL), how does the implementation of National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2016) guidelines affect the accuracy of diagnosing and management of depression in the geriatric population within 8 weeks? The analysis of the data of my project is still...

South Africa Health Care System

The assessment of the country’s health care system is an important step in the evaluation of the positive and negative aspects of medical services delivery in the given country. This will be beneficial for tracking the overall performance of the system, monitor the basic actions of the public and the...

The Story of Sam, OCD, and the COVID Pandemic

Her name is Sam, short for Samantha; you may not tell by looking at her, but she has a mental condition called obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). OCD affects more than 2 million Americans; its symptoms include unwanted recurrent thoughts that compel the sufferer to do things repetitively. For example, some patients...

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services: Internal Changes

In October 2015, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) embarked on a major reform to review and introduce new regulations to the discharge planning requirements that all healthcare facilities, including critical care facilities, long-term care facilities, nursing home agencies, and inpatient rehabilitation hospitals, must observe in order to...

Current Views of Juvenile Justice System

Interviewees For this assignment, two people were interviewed to gain an insight into the way the people who have never had any direct experience with the juvenile justice system (JJ) view it. Interviewee 1 is a 38-year-old Afro-American who is married and has two children, one aged 15 and the...

Corel vs. Department of National Revenue

Complainant’s Position In 1998, a number of discussions took place between the Corel Corporation (Corel) and the Department of Public Works and Government Services (the Department) on the basis of the procurement of an enterprise license for an office automation suite (Corel corporation, 2004). In 1989, Corel made significant contributions...

How Local Franchises Become International Brands?

Introduction Franchising is a common practice in the world of business. Franchising makes it easier for “investors to establish new distribution outlets and stores in foreign markets” (Hoffman 5). The success of investors depends on the strategies and goals of their franchisees. Many local franchises are currently expanding their businesses...

Hodgkin and Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma

Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) and Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) are both types of cancers that affect the lymphocytes (white blood cells). Abnormally large lymph nodes, weight loss, and fever are the general signs of these lymphomas. Out of these two categories of lymphomas, there are more than 67 subclasses. These two categories...

The Phenomenon of The Use of Prescription Drugs

Introduction Prescription drugs are drugs that are issued under prescription from a medical practitioner. The need to have a prescription before the drugs are acquired is usually applied in order to prevent illegal distribution, and effective use of such medicine. Unlike prescription drugs, Over-The-Counter drugs can be acquired without a...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Dementia of Alzheimer’s Type and Diagnostic Criteria

Background Alzheimer disease is one of the major debilitating brain diseases whose effects are loss of memory and important mental functions among patients, a consideration which impacts on their social skills, ability to think and make judgment. Crooks et al. (2008) indicate that this form of dementia has varied ways...

Leadership Challenges as the CDC Director

Introduction In the assigned article, Osterholm (2005) highlighted some problems associated with preparing for future influenza pandemics. Without going into the details of these problems, he also mentioned leadership challenges that underscore the existence of these problems. One of them was determining the format, or structure, for partners in the...

The EU Global Strategy for a Shared EU Security Policy

Introduction In 2016, the European Union (EU) introduced a new EU Global Strategy (EUGS) for its region that outlined plans and principles for security and foreign policy. This document showed the shift in the EU’s stance towards local and international interests, placing the EU in the context of several crises...

Diabetes in Children: The Prevalence and Prevention

Outline Diabetes is a very common disease among children in Canada. Several studies have shown that genetic factor and inactive lifestyle plays an important role in the prevalence of the disease among Canadian children. Several programs have been initiated at the community level that has proved successful in preventing the...

Proposal for Providing Healthier Food Choices for Elementary Students

Introduction Many people think that kids will eventually grow up to be healthy individuals, without being given the attention they need; they ignore the fact that children of all ages need a vigilant eye on them, for proper growth and development. For the body’s functions to carry out normally, it...

Fostering Cohesiveness Among Teams in the Workplace

Introduction. Building Team Cohesiveness in the Workplace A team dedicated to working together through mutual understanding is a cohesive team. Through the development of skills and competences, managers and employees can be inspired to work toward a common objective (Mutonyi, Sletten & Lien 2020).. Clear objectives, planning, individual contributions to...

The History of Bugs Bunny Cartoon

Introduction Bugs Bunny, an animated character, was created back in the 1930s by Leon Schlesinger. It gained popularity after featuring in the Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies series released in 1930 and 1931 respectively. For instance, Merrie Melodies started airing in 1931, during the golden age era of American animation...

The Deception of the American Dream in The Great Gatsby

Fitzgerald’s magnum opus The Great Gatsby raises an important question about the legitimacy of the American Dream. The novel centers on Jay Gatsby, a millionaire who came from humble beginnings and spends his time trying to reunite with his former lover, Daisy. Gatsby’s warped perception of success makes him see...

Monet’s “Arrival of the Normandy Train, Gare Saint-Lazare”

Claude Monet is one of the most revered painters of modern times. During his long life between the nineteenth and twentieth century, Monet has extensively contributed to shaping Impressionism. The movement spanned from 1830 to 1926 and influenced many significant avant-gardes of the twentieth century, including Fauvism and Cubism (Hanafy...

The Problem of Tobacco Use in the United States

Introduction Tobacco use remains a major challenge in the United States. Smoking is one of the risk factors for lung cancer and premature death. Young individuals view the misbehavior as a ritual to adulthood. This paper seeks to analyze the issue of tobacco regulation and how some of the existing...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Manitoba’s Employment and Income Assistance System

Introduction Welfare systems exist in every country in the world. These systems were born through the political activism of individuals and workers unions around the world to provide a safety net against the merciless grinding of the labor market. The purpose of the welfare system, in theory, is to provide...

Job Evaluation and Salary Administration

Introduction This paper explores a specific case of job evaluation where several of a company’s managers disagree about the rating that should be given to a particular worker. They approach the evaluation of the job from different perspectives and thus face misunderstanding. The sections below will include an educated opinion...

Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union

The impetus for the Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union (ACTWU) organizing effort at SGA Industries The fact that the union experienced earlier defeat in the representation campaign has become the impetus for launching the organizing effort at SGA. Organizing effort stands for the intention to organize non-unionized workers to...

Amazon Company’s Supply Chain and Influences on It

Impact of sales and operations planning in supply chain integration on the Amazon company The supply chain is critical for Amazon because it ensures connections with different bodies and provides an opportunity to receive materials or objects and transfer them to the buyers. This procedure is rather complex, and its...

National Institutes of Health: Talent Development

Abstract The paper provides the draft purpose statement that is formulated to describe the talent development effort in the National Institutes of Health. The focus is on the analysis of the specific rationale that is behind the initiative currently used in the discussed organization. The talent development effort in the...

“Patient Isolation Precautions: Are They Worth It?”: Article Analysis

The ability to critically analyze information is crucial for a nurse as a researcher. Many academic enterprises rely on using secondary sources to build up an evidence base for prospective research. At the same time, there is no such thing as a perfect article. All articles, including those published in...

Characteristics of the Information Management System

Introduction In order to improve their performance in the market, companies are introducing information management systems into their work. A management information system is a set of elements that are in relationships and connections with each other, forming unquestionable integrity and unity for collecting, processing storing, and providing information about...

The Consequences of Drug Abuse

Introduction In some cases, the use of narcotic drugs has medical indications and takes place under the supervision of a doctor. Nevertheless, issues in which people use drugs illegally and become addicted are more common. Drug abuse has negative social, medical, and mental consequences for the individual. In this case,...

The Danger of Racial Profiling

Introduction Often, it tends to be enough to change the perspective in order to achieve a greater understanding. Unfortunately, not every person is skilled in empathy enough to put themselves in the position of others. In this context, racism and discriminative practices are frequent “partners in crime” to this inability....

Arconas Company Strategies and Financial Performance

Company Introduction: General Profile In this paper, the analysis of the Canadian export corporation, which is called Arconas, is sustained. The official Internet page, which contains the detailed overview of the company operations, is the following link The business direction, which is embraced by Arconas, concerns the production of...

The Role of Soft Skills in Military Operations

Abstract The field manual identifies two types of skills: hard and soft skills (Army Support to Security Cooperation, 2013, p. 103). Although hard skills such as military training are the foundation of any successful operation, depending on the nature of the mission soft skills such as sociocultural competence may determine...

Electronic Medical Records: Life Cycle Phases

The Broad Category of HIT Chosen The type of health information technology (HIT) chosen for this paper is the electronic health records (EHR), also known by the name of electronic medical records (EMR), an innovative type of software for health care institutions. EMR is a software system that allows for...

Compensation and Strategy: Controlling Benefits Costs

Introduction The system of healthcare in the United States is characterized by complexity and diversity. Private and public medical institutions offer medical services to individuals covered by individual-based, government-financed, and employment-based insurance. More recently, however, the discussions started on the issue of rising healthcare costs, which prompted many individuals to...

Dallas Farmer’s Market Advertisement

Introduction The advertisement of Dallas Farmer’s market conveys a message that people should purchase healthy food provided by this market rather than fast food. The advertisement uses a recognizable object (French fries pack from McDonald’s) and fills it with a new sense. To reach out to a diverse audience, the...

Procter & Gamble Company Environmental and SWOT Analysis

Basic information The Procter & Gamble Company is one of the world’s leading manufacturers/retailers of the ‘fast-moving consumer goods’ FMCG, which primarily specializes in personal and household care. As of 2014, the number of the Company’s manufacturing facilities in the U.S. accounted for thirty-three, with the number of such facilities...

Ancient Art History: From Paleolithic to Ancient Rome

Introduction The artistic history of ancient cultures can be divided into five periods. In particular, one should speak about the Paleolithic period, Mesopotamia, Egypt, Aegean civilization, and Ancient Rome. This paper is aimed at discussing various works that represent these civilizations. Moreover, it is necessary to show how these artifacts...

Measures of Central Tendency

Introduction Measures of central tendency are values that fall in the midline of a given data set (Dodge, 2003). Measures of central tendency are often used in research to get an idea of where most data values lie. Other data measures that are closely related to measures of central tendency...

Symbolism in “The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde” by Stevenson

Literary symbols have a significant role in defining the relationships between characters. For example, symbols such as personal items can point to the similarities or differences between the main characters. Thus, symbolism is often used in literary works with stories focused on the juxtaposition of two heroes in order to...

Parenting: Adoption of Homosexual Couples

Introduction The adoption of homosexual couples is the adoption of kids by same-sex couples, which may take the form of the adoption by one partner of the other’s biological kid or a joint adoption by the couple. Joint adoption by homosexual couples is authorized in many nations and territories that...

Genetics: When Nurture Becomes Nature

Introduction In recent years, scientists have made significant discoveries in the field of epigenetics. There was a long-held assumption that lifestyle choices cannot affect the genetics of future generations. Recent research shows that an individual’s life experiences can be passed to children and other subsequent generations in a process called...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing

Clinical Question The clinical questions which guided this paper were related to the problem of utilization of traditional practices by nurses instead of using practices that are established to be best by evidence. The clinical question guiding a search for a qualitative article was: What are some of the traditional...

Ageing out of Foster Care: Transitional Supports and Programs

Ageing out of foster care entails transitioning from being provided by a guardian to catering for their needs. The process often occurs when individuals reach the age of 18 or 21. Due to this age, the youths are no longer eligible for foster care services and must rely on their...

The Good People Book by Wallace: Journal Entry

The main reason readers tend to associate themselves with the protagonist is the universality of the situations in which the protagonist finds himself throughout the story. Every person sooner or later has to go through the stage of separation and face the accompanying complexities described in detail by the author....

Role Played by Fashion Media in Shaping Public Opinion on Identity

Introduction Fashion media has played an important role in shaping public opinion on identity. For instance, fashion magazines and websites often feature stories of people who do not conform to traditional gender roles and showcase them in a positive light. This has helped to raise awareness and acceptance of identities...

Bacterial Carbohydrate Fermentation

Introduction This experiment aims to determine the ability of microbes to ferment carbohydrates (glucose) with the production of an acid and/or gas. The researcher’s goal is to determine whether bacteria can ferment a specific carbohydrate by using the carbohydrate fermentation test. Various microbial groups or species can be distinguished from...

“Red, White and Black” by Gary B. Nash

Introduction Gary B. Nash’s book Red, White and Black: The Peoples of Early America explores the complex and diverse peoples who inhabited the Americas before the American Revolution. Through a combination of primary source documents and narrative history, Nash sheds light on the various Native American societies, European empires, and...

The World Cup Preparations in Qatar

Introduction World Cup is a famous football competition organized every four years by the International Association of Football Federation (FIFA) and held in various countries. It is one of the most popular sporting events that attract millions of viewers worldwide, along with the numerous tourists who come to a hosting...

Apple Inc. Technological and Operational Analysis

Apple Inc. is an American multinational corporation known worldwide for its high-quality computers, smartphones, media players, tablets, and other accessories. Since its founding in 1976, the business has consistently ranked among the world’s biggest technology companies, among such powerhouses as Amazon, Facebook, and Google (Komalavalli & Laroiya, 2019). The company...

Is the Threat of Global Warming Real?

Increases in Earth’s average temperature over an extended period are called global warming. Greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere have recently increased. This study will examine whether global warming is a genuine phenomenon or a theory. Greenhouse gases like methane and carbon dioxide are the primary contributors to climate change...

The Atlas Air Inc. Flight 3591 Accident Review

Accident Overview Atlas Air Inc. (Atlas) flight 3591, a Boeing 767-375BCF, N1217A, was destroyed as it rapidly plummeted from 6,000 ft msl and crashed in Trinity Bay, Texas, about 41 miles east-southeast of George Bush Intercontinental/Houston Airport (IAH), Houston, Texas. The Captain, FO, and jumpseat pilot died. Atlas operated the...

Social Psychology: Developing an Aggression Questionnaire

Social psychology is the scientific study of how human behavior is influenced by external factors such as the environment (Baumeister and Bushman 29). It investigates how others influence human thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Social psychology argues that the actual or implied presence of other people determines how we behave (Smith...

The Piper PA-32RT-300T Airline Accident Analysis

Introduction Aviation accident and incident rates have reached unprecedented levels despite advancements in aeronautical solutions. The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) reports at least one commercial aviation accident annually revealing the challenge for civil aviation safety organizations is improving the safety of the industry. While factors like weather, terrain, and...

Tudor Potato Chips: Unveiling Consumer Preferences for New Flavors and Packaging

Research Overview Sound judgments and intuition are unquestionably vital in all businesses across the globe. However, more than knowing consumers’ wants and preferences demands proper market research. Equally, reliable and objective data reduces risk and increases the chances of success in business endeavors. Data collected in the market provides business...

Naturalism in the Open Boat by Stephen Crane

Introduction The story of the Open Boat is about four men trying to survive against various natural occurrences. The four men include the correspondent, the oiler, the cook, and the oiler. After surviving a shipwreck, the men sails on a lifeboat, day and night, while waiting to be rescued. Nature,...

Colonialism, Inequality, and Modernity in European History

Cesaire contends that Europe is to blame for both “the proletariat problem and the colonial problem,” that is, for making the world into its slaves and for assuming political dominance over it, he underlines that these are distinct facets of the same political struggle and history (Balandier 23) A rebellion...

Climate Change: A Global Concern

Introduction: Rhetorical Analysis The phenomenon of climate change has attracted a notable amount of attention over years, the early 1990s being the point at which the phenomenon in question became a worldwide concern. Therefore, examining a speech delivered by then 11-year-old Severn Suzuki will shed more light on the importance...

Unveiling the Dynamics of Group Cohesion

Background Cohesion in physics refers to “the force that holds the molecules of a liquid or solid together” (Goyal et al., 2021). As a result, researchers’ conceptualizations of group cohesion influence the definitions of group cohesion. However, most researchers define cohesiveness as an interpersonal attraction to a group and dedication...

Recruitment Process: The Use of Online Platforms

Abstract The primary goal of many organizations’ recruitment process is to attract and retain the best available talent. The implementation of this key strategic issue has been defined by the rise of online recruiting platforms in the internet age. The research purpose is to investigate the impact and use of...

SWOT: Habitat for Humanity

Executive Summary The objective of the paper is to analyze the company Habitat for Humanity International for its strengths, weaknesses, and the threats and the opportunities that are faced by the company through the identification of strategies that can enable the company to overcome its threats through strengths and opportunities...

Mental Models: Formation, Function, and Application

Dharani, B., & April, K. (2022). Understanding and reformulating mental models. In Innovative Leadership in Times of Compelling Changes (pp. 155-169). Springer, Cham. The book chapter aims to explore the ability of a human to form, understand and reformulate mental models throughout life. The method used in the chapter is...

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Abortion: Arguments in Support

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Thomas Jefferson’s Actions and Thoughts

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Temporary Aid to Needy Families: Policy Analysis

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Sensitive and Selective HCG Test

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Fitness Workout Structure for Women

Phase of Warm-Up Picture of Activity Type of Activity Reps; Hold Duration; Intensity; Total Time Purpose; Rationale P1- Core Temp Raise Skipping 1 min Preparing the body for exercise. As the body temperature increases, a person loosens joints and improves blood flow to muscles. P1 –Core Temp Raise Jumping Jacks...

Youth Violence and Gang Culture in Georgia

Introduction Young people are expected to be the “future” of the modern world’s science, economics, politics, and often the society requires drastic changes in different fields of life. However, sometimes adolescents may not be as reliable as they should be in the eyes of society due to youth violence, which...

Understandings of “Asia” and “the West”

Perhaps the most important question to ask ourselves when trying to re-recognize Asia as both a territory and a mindset is to establish why we are doing so in the first place. Over centuries many have tried to ‘pin down’ Asia to a single ideology so that it can be...