Causes and Effects of Pollution

The environment people live in is affecting them, including health and lifestyle, and the nature around them, like plants, animals, water bodies, and the atmosphere. Environmental issues caused by humans using natural resources and treating nature with no respect have resulted in some negative changes. One of the most significant...

Going Green Essay Example

What can you do to save the environment? Keep reading to find out! Learn about the importance of going green with this essay on go green to save environment and take your essay writing on the next level. Go Green Essay Introduction Currently, there is evidence of extreme weather changes...

The Amazon Rainforest: Essay Example

The Amazon Rainforest: Essay Introduction The Amazon rainforest, the largest rainforest on Earth, encompasses an area roughly the size of the United States (the 48 contiguous states), contains most of the plant and animal species found on the planet and contributes to weather patterns on a global scale. This natural...

The Problem of Global Warming and Ways of Its Solution

Introduction and explanation of the problem Global warming is the rise in the usual temperature on earth in the near-surface of air. This global warming is believed to have been caused by anthropogenic greenhouse gases. Cline (p.87) argues that greenhouse gases have been believed to have been responsible for the...

Volunteering in an Environmental Group

Due to the growing number of ecological problems, volunteering in environmental groups is becoming increasingly popular among those concerned about the state of the environment. The reasons for enthusiasts may vary, but in general, they all aim to protect nature from the negative human impact. Along with supporters of volunteering...

The Environmental Impact of Electric Vehicles

Introduction There are a growing number of electric cars on the market, and they are already firmly occupying a significant transport segment on the roads. Manufacturers and distributors, cars with electric motors are generally considered zero-emission vehicles. On the other hand, many people perceive electric cars as nonenvironmental, pointing to...

Rising Sea Levels: History, Causes and Effects

Introduction, Definition of Terms, and Purpose Statement The issue of rising sea levels is one of the long-lasting effects of climate change, which poses threats to coastal cities and marine ecosystems. Sea level rise is defined as the consistent increase in the average height of the oceans over the years...

Why Are Beaches Important to Humans and to Earth?

The Importance of Beaches: Essay Introduction Beaches are the landforms that exist along large water bodies and they are made up of various materials that might include sand, gravel, or rock. Haller states that the term ‘beach’ is widely defined as “the zone of loose or unconsolidated material extending from...

Environmental Studies: Nature and Its Importance

Introduction Nature refers to the surroundings and external conditions that influence the way living organisms grow and develop. For humankind, nature influences the way they live, work and interact with the living and the non-living. Human beings do not exist in isolation; they require support from the rest of the...

The Relationship Between the Environment and Development

Environmental issues are some of the most popular topics for global discussion among the policymakers. Different countries face different environmental problems; nevertheless, many believe that a global approach is needed for a balanced solution. In developed countries, the majority of the problems we face today are the result of the...

2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami

In 2004, South Asia experienced one of the deadliest tsunamis and earthquakes in history. It was notable for two reasons – its almost unprecedented scale and unexpected nature. Both the scientific community and the governments were taken aback by the natural disaster since the region had not been known as...

Food Waste Management

Abstract Food waste poses threats at economic, ecological, and social levels, which makes it an urgent topic of investigation. The paper aims at explaining the issue of food waste and describing approaches to the reduction of this problem. The introduction contains a general overview of the paper and presents the...

Earthquakes’ Impacts on Society

Introduction Earthquakes are natural disasters that frequently result in other accidents such as landslides, fires, floods, and panic reactions among the population. Every year about 250-300 cases of damaging earthquakes are reported globally (Wyss & Shroder, 2014). Despite the strategies suggested by emergency management services and the advancements of contemporary...

Lebanon’s Environmental Problems and Solutions

Introduction The Republic of Lebanon is an Arabic country located in the Middle East where it is bordered by Syria to the north and east while Israel is located on its south. It is also bordered by the vast Mediterranean Sea to the west where the coastline stretches 225 kilometers....

Hydrogen: The Fuel of the Future

Introduction The threat of global warming and carbon emissions is omnipresent in today’s society. One of the most important challenges today is finding a clean-energy, sustainable alternative to fossil fuels. A solution that is becoming increasingly popular in politics and business is hydrogen, widely touted as the fuel of the...

Forest Fires as a Global Environmental Hazard

Introduction Natural disasters are various natural phenomena that cause sudden interruptions in the normal functioning of the population, as well as the destruction and damage to property. They often have a negative impact on the natural environment. Natural disasters typically include landslides, earthquakes, mudflows, floods, snowdrifts, volcanoes, hurricanes, landslides, droughts,...

Water Accessibility and Quality

Introduction Environmental conditions have profound effects on the well-being of the humankind. However, despite the recognition of their importance, they remain unaddressed by many business entities. Such an approach is considered undesirable both for the corporate and individual stakeholders in the long run. The following case study explores the effect...

Summary of “The Obligation To Endure” by Rachel Carson

The second chapter in Rachel Carson’s book, Silent Spring, is named “The Obligation to Endure.” It discusses the indiscriminate usage of pesticides in the United States, which Carson (1962) declares to be inefficient and dangerous as well as the result of poor planning. The writer highlights the dangers of using...

The Water Cycle and the Impact of Human Activity on It

Abstract The water cycle is an important biogeochemical cycle that involves the movement of water on, below, and above the Earth’s surface. It comprises several processes that include evaporation, evapotranspiration, condensation, precipitation, and infiltration. The cycle is affected adversely by human activities such as agriculture, deforestation, and abstraction of water...

Environmental Health Theory and Climate Change

In the environmental health theory, there is a view on how environmental health, human ecology and health affect the public. The three concepts help in addressing problems in relation to the environment, health and development. Environmental health, therefore, contributes to explaining and controlling the environmental factors, which can affect the...

Deforestation and Its Effects on the Environment

Introduction Deforestation can be described as the removal and felling of trees on a given piece of land. Thereafter, the land is converted into another use. In most occasions, these ends up being non forest use like urban developments and agricultural activities (Williams 2006, p. 9). The term deforestation has...

Avalanches, Their Nature and Safety Precautions

Snow avalanches are a frequent occurrence in the mountainous regions of our planet, where the mountain caps are covered with many layers of snow. Everyone is familiar with a cinematic cliché, were loud screaming or noises manage to trigger an avalanche, sending powerful and destructive waves of stone and snow...

Climate Change: The Impact of Technology

The development of technologies has inevitably affected all spheres of humans’ lives, bringing benefits and enhancing commodities to the extent that could not have been imagined several decades ago. What is more important, technological innovations help people to deal with one of the greatest threats of the new millennium: climate...

Problems That City Causes for People and Environment

Introduction Though most of the people prefer to live in the cities, there are many problems associated with life in the cities. Although these problems vary from one city to another, nonetheless, most of them are common and are detrimental to the lives of the people living in such cities....

The Importance of the Earth Hour Initiative

Environmental Problem While changes in knowledge do not produce automatic changes in human behavior, raising awareness regarding climate shifts and sustainability remains an effective instrument to promote action within local communities. Lack of information and its deliberate manipulation by companies leads to collective ignorance. Millions of people do not realize...

Food Security: The Impact of Climate Change

Introduction These days, various ecological problems present a hot debates in the global society. In the modern world, it is evident that it is crucial to preserve nature and avoid pollution and damaging the planet. The consequence may significantly affect the current population and the nest generation. One of the...

Tree Planting and Climate Change

Introduction Climate change has serious effects on the environment and the existence of living organisms. Environmentalists and policymakers have been designing strategies to ameliorate climate change in a sustainable manner. As one school of thought believes that planting trees is an effective strategy of ameliorating climate change, the opposing school...

“Tsunami: Killer Wave” — A Summary

Introduction Tsunami: Killer Wave tells about several devastating tsunamis — the giant waves generated by earthquakes. They can reach up to a hundred feet in height and pose a deadly threat to the population of the coastal areas, racing across the oceans and swallowing people and structures. Tsunamis remain one...

Garbage Management and Its Impact on Public Schools

Abstract With several research articles being produced annually, waste control has appeared as one of the key environmental difficulties of recent decades. Nevertheless, there is not much research on how bad garbage management procedures affect schools. This paper will explore how ineffective waste collection procedures affect public schools. Introduction Poor...

Earth in Danger

Introduction: The Concept of Global Warming The notion of global warming implies a complex environmental procedure, which evolves as a natural consequence of the harmful greenhouse gas emissions. The activity is inflicted by human activities. Specifically, the gasses are produced by the machinery and electricity processes. According to the assessment...

“The Death of Nature” by Carolyn Merchant

Introduction Carolyn Merchant describes the death of nature as a result of scientific inquiry. Nature was initially an unknowable, cosmic entity, that behaved similarly to a living person, and then, as it was dissected to atoms, it lost its soul. When something is viewed as dead, lacking any sort of...

Climate Change Impacts

Explore the impacts of climate change with our effects of climate change essay. Learn more about climate change causes, effects, and solutions with the help of our sample. Keep reading to gain inspiration for your essay on climate change and its impact. Effects of Climate Change: Essay Introduction It is...

Energy Flow in the Food Chain of Organisms in a Desert Ecosystem

The figure above shows an example of a food chain found in the desert ecosystem. The food chain is divided into nutritional levels whereby the lowest level is occupied by produces, the second level by primary consumers, the third level by secondary consumers, and the fourth level by tertiary consumers...

Concept of Healthy Environment

Introduction and definition of terms According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the term healthy can be taken to refer to something that causes or helps to produce good health while the term environment refers to the totality of several surrounding conditions, especially those influencing development and growth. A healthy environment,...

Benefits of Sustainable Technology and Living

Modern society suffers greatly from technological revolutions and innovations which ruin natural environment and kill out Planet. The adoption of the integrated approach to sustainable development represents an almost archetypal ‘ecological modernization’ approach to sustainable development. ‘Ecological modernisation’ is a term which covers a range of policy approaches that embody...

Global Warming and Ozone Depletion

Though the phenomena of ozone depletion and global warming are entirely different processes, they are often confused for each other due to the obvious connection between them. Indeed, ozone depletion can be viewed as the direct consequence of global warming; therefore, there is no wonder that the cause and the...

Global Warming is Not a Myth

Is climate change natural? Is global warming a myth? Essay samples like this one will help you find the answer. Check it out if you need to write a “global warming is not a myth” essay. Forewords Whether global warming is a theory or a reality has been a matter...

Deforestation and Its Effects on Our Environment

Introduction Deforestation involves the permanent removal of trees for several reasons and significantly affects the environment. It entails destroying, clearing, or removing trees through natural, deliberate, or accidental means. Nearly 80% of deforestation is caused by farming and logging for development and raw materials (Wolff et al., 2018). The permanent...

Social Change and Its Impact on Environment

Introduction Many people have experienced social changes that the environment has impacted. Alteration implies all variations in human societies that can lead to positive or negative outcomes. When transformation occurs in the modes of living of persons and social relations get affected, such alteration is called social changes. For instance,...

Food Shortage Situation Overview

Food shortage refers to a situation in which the supplies within a region cannot provide sufficient energy and nutritional demands of the population within that particular region. Some factors have been pointed to as core to the problem of food shortage. These include the problem of production – the inability...

Ecosystem: Mangroves in the Ecosystem

Introduction Ecosystems are active interactions that occur among the fauna and flora together with the environment as they function as a unit. Ecosystems have no limit in their sizes for they can be as big and as small as possible as long as the stakeholders in it continue to work...

Effects of Water Pollution on Human Health

Introduction Water pollution is a major global issue in both developing and developed countries. In 2020, over half of the U.S. lakes and rivers breached the environmental standards, and American drinking water comes from 4-28% of sources that infringe the health standards (Sharma et al. 5). Annually, over 16 million...

Effects of Air Pollution on Health

Discussion Air pollution refers to the presence of substances in the air at concentrations that affect human health or the environment. Clean air is important for clean health, and air pollution threatens health in many ways. Every individual has a fundamental right to access free and unlimited clean air. The...

Tornadoes and Significant Danger They Present

Introduction Amidst the natural disasters that occur globally, some of the more dangerous are a product of warm air from the ocean rising and rotating rapidly due to the Earth’s Coriolis effect. When this happens, tropical cyclones are formed. A typhoon is a tropical cyclone formed over the western Pacific...

Economic Importance of Rainforests

Introduction Economics of environment as a unit is the study of the impacts of a healthy as well as unhealthy environment to the macro and micro economics. When we talk of a healthy environment, we mean an environment that is well managed such that it satisfies the current generation needs...

Reasons Why Plastic Bags Should Be Banned

Introduction Identifying tiny plastic material in human excretion came as a big surprise to many people. The identification opened individuals’ understanding that plastic bags hurt not only the environment but also human health. Currently, plastic bags are everywhere worldwide, with some businesses treating them as a reliable and affordable packaging...

Why I Am Interested in Animals

The topic of the relationship between people and animals is one of the most relevant, acute and burning. The world of animals is one component of the entire natural environment. In nature, everything is interconnected and balanced. Animals contribute to the constant natural selection that takes place in both the...

Reduce Plastic Pollution: What Can We Do Today?

Introduction The current global problem of climate change is affecting human life in different ways. For instance, the extreme weather patterns recorded in different parts of the world within the past six decades have resulted in underproduction, heavy downpours, and global warming. The sustainability question is more relevant today than...

Climate Change in Africa and How to Address It

Introduction Africa is the world’s second-biggest continent since it covers about 30.3 million kilometers. It accounts for six percent of the globe’s total surface area as well as 20 percent of the land. Its population is 1.3 billion inhabitants, which is 16% of the World’s human population.1 According to environmental...

“Soil Not Oil” Book by Vandana Shiva

Introduction In her book, Soil Not Oil: Environmental justice in an age of climate crisis, the author, Vandana Shiva, offers a comprehensive nexus between commercial agriculture and climate change. Shiva envisions a world that can thrive without fossil fuel dependency. She highlights industrial agriculture as primarily responsible for economic and...

Environmental Health and Health Effects of Environment

Abstract Environmental change has both beneficial and severe effects on human well-being. Some effects of environmental change are easy to detect, while others are hard to identify. Studies show that environmental changes result in the establishment of conditions that support deadly diseases. For example, floods encourage the breeding of mosquitoes...

The Environment and Social Justice

Reflecting on the pollution issue in the heart of corporate districts where there is total neglect of the people living in the surrounding neighborhoods, one understands and appreciates the built environment’s impact on the quality of life. Exposure to pollution affects people’s lives health-wise, impacting the average lifespan. The built...

Food and Water Security Management

Introduction The emerging threat to the world’s food and water security is a crucial issue for the academic community. Access to clean and nourishing food and water is a requirement for any individual throughout the world; however, in the current age, some countries are struggling to provide their citizens with...

How Climate Changes Affect Coastal Areas

Introduction Natural disasters and hazards caused by climate change are especially the cases during modern times, as the number of toxic substances and various polluting elements is increasing with each passing year. Coastal areas are affected by them in a much greater way since they are susceptible to hazards from...

Natural Resource Degradation and Factors Affecting the Environment

Introduction Natural resources are the assets or materials that exist naturally for humans to consume and are present all around us. The trees, rivers, oceans, and land surrounding us, are all essential parts of our lives, without which survival would be hindered. But we do not realize the importance of...

Energy Crisis and Climate Change

Why are countries of the world facing an energy crisis? Energy consumption is an important condition for the existence of the society. The availability of energy resources was always a necessity for the fulfillment of human needs and escalating life standards (Ghauri, Awan, & Bashir, 2012). Thus, as countries continued...

The Journey to Sustainability in the Future

Ever since humanity gradually transitioned toward a sustainable way of living, nature is no longer perceived as a set of resources for civilization to use. Nowadays, people believe that environmental concerns should be taken into consideration above the majority of other factors. While natural disasters still occur, they are the...

Solving the Climate Change Crisis by Using Renewable Energy Sources

Introduction Climate change has caused extreme changes in temperature and weather patterns on planet earth, thus threatening the lives of living organisms. Some causes of this drastic climate change are natural, while most of them originate from human activities that include the combustion of fossil fuels that produce heat-trapping gases....

How Access to Clean Water Influences the Problem of Poverty

The problem of water scarcity is one of the central factors that define global poverty. This research aims to examine the significance, development, and reasons for the issue to understand how people can improve it. It is determined that access to clean water becomes more problematic, and it influences the...

Green Supply Chain Management Research Proposal

Introduction At a certain point in time, an organization might start considering the environmental impact it makes along with it suppliers. The starting point for such consideration can be seen when such factors are important to the strategy of the company. In the last decade, the strategy of the company...

Environmental Impact of the Chemical Industry

Introduction Much of the technological and economic advancements can be attributed to the development of the chemical industry. For instance, the food industry today relies on the products offered by chemical companies. Space exploration would not have been possible without discoveries made by chemists. Despite many contributions made by the...

Extreme Weather and Global Warming

One of the major issues confronting the current world is global warming. Scientists have argued that our production of greenhouse gases and carbon dioxide is having an impact of heating on the atmosphere, and as a result, this could be harmful to for human life. The Global warming is a...

Disadvantages of Recycling Process

Introduction Recycling is a method of waste management that entails converting waste and other materials used in the past into products that can be used again in other applications. It helps to reduce the amount of energy used, the consumption of fresh raw materials, air pollution, water pollution caused by...

Environmental and Social Sustainability

Sustainability is a critical issue across the globe, owing to increased population growth. In the historical period, it reflected the available resources’ ability to meet people’s needs and maintain them at a specific level. However, the increased social and environmental problems in the contemporary world have led to a universal...

Discussion of Endangered Species

In recent decades the list of endangered species has increased at a terrifying rate. The main reasons for it are such global issues as climate change, air, water and noise pollution. People have affected this process of animal extinction immensely, and are continuing to cause harm to wildlife by overhunting,...

Climate Change Impacts on Oceans

Introduction Climate change changes climatic patterns linked to the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, causing the greenhouse effect. Man undertakes the activities after using fossil fuels, resulting in the emission of gases; therefore, the ocean has been impacted. This has resulted in the fluctuation of temperatures, acidity, and...

Pantene Shampoo: Negative Impact on Health

On any given day, most people around the world use one or more personal hygiene or beauty products for a range of purposes. These products are selected from a variety of company brands, and each promises better results than the others. In this study, the objective was to select one...

The Environmental Impact of Air Travel

Proposal Summary The modern aviation can be considered one of the most fast-growing industries as its strategic significance and importance for economies serve as the potent stimuli for further development. Imports, exports, shipments, tourism, and business also depend on the ability of airlines to function appropriately and meet diverse demands...

Flooding and Ways to Survive in It

Introduction Flooding is a natural catastrophe forced by a rapid water level rise in a river or any other water source. It can generate material harm to the nationwide economy, the natural environment, and society. When a forecast of a possible flood is received, the population is notified with the...

The United Arab Emirates: Environmental Issues

Introduction The developing countries all over the world are facing various challenges in the social, economical as well as environmental sectors. The invasions on the diversities of a nation are of much importance in the contemporary world. The different types of biological life on the earth are often referred to...

Global Environmental Issue in the 21st Century

The 21st century has clocked in when the world is facing many challenges. Currently the world is faced by challenges taking all dimensions from abject poverty, environmental issues, human right issues, livelihood inequalities, to other matters concerning the advancement of technology and the problem it poses to human existence. It...

Water Quality and Contamination Experiment Report

Abstract In the contemporary world, industrialization has led to continuous water contamination. Ideally, companies related to water safety should offer a solution to water contamination where distillation is inevitable. The research used various water testing methods. For instance, the pH levels of bottled and tap water ware tested using effective...

Earth Day: Join Together for the 50th Anniversary

The first Earth Day of 1970 gave birth to a monumental process to environmental progress. Fifty years ago, “20 million Americans gathered together on April 22, 1970” (Greenwalt 330) to take part in environmental event called ‘Earth Day’. That Earth Day made the world a much healthier place for humans...

Environmental Issues in the United Arab Emirates

Ecological Problems Trends in UAE and How the Trend Will Be in Future Ecological problems result from the interaction of living organisms and the environment. One of the major problems in UAE is the high population growth rate; the fertility rate in 2005 was estimated at 2.49; however, it is...

Green Engineering: Principles, Benefits, Constraints

The 20th century was characterized by rapid economic growth, which widely used natural and energy resources. This was the main reason for the increasing environmental pollution and depletion of valuable natural resources. Green engineering aims at the design and manufacture of products to preserve natural resources in terms of sustainable...

Recycling Project Proposal: Paper Waste in Offices

Introduction The proper use of available resources and efficient initiatives on their recycling is the key to preserving the environment. In this case, the applicable methods differ depending on the type of materials and other factors, but the most significant aspect is not the procedure but people’s awareness regarding the...

Green Teams at New Seasons Market

Building and maintaining cohesive teams requires bringing together employees to jointly pursue common goals. According to Alghamdi and Bach (2018), teamwork is defined as the process where two or more workers interdependently interact towards a common goal. Therefore, the initial step in creating a team is having a well-defined purpose...

Air Pollution Solutions: How to Improve Air Quality

Introduction In general, public health issues are specific problems and threats related to the global population’s overall health. Public health may be regarded as an interdisciplinary field directly opposite to healthcare that focuses on the welfare of individual patients. Although fundamental public health issues have a particular tendency to change...

How Human Activities Pollute Oceans

Introduction Since the dawn of time, there have been people living on the planet, and water has always been essential in sustaining all living things. For many decades, people have been concerned about the state of the ocean and its pollution. Ocean pollution has resulted in the extinction of aquatic...

Water and Soil Management

Introduction A growing population and climate change have put enormous pressure on the earth’s scarce natural resources. Agriculture relies heavily on water and soil, which are essential natural resources. Natural resources are deteriorating due to anthropogenic and detrimental biological activities. Soil degradation is among the most severe threats to water...

Environmental Crises Facing the Globe

Introduction The global society’s environmental issues today result from the reckless approach towards manufacturing and resource use that has been ongoing since the industrial revolution’s onset. Although the modern generation may not feel the consequences of these environmental crises, future generations will face problems that may threaten their existence and...

Climate Change and Future Generations

Earthlings need to prepare for severe trials that will affect the life of every person on the planet. The constant craving for consumption and inattention to the words of scientists who have warned for over 20 years that seemingly apocalyptic future scenarios may become a reality became the main reasons....

Urban Problems in the Modern World

Introduction There are a lot of problems facing humanity nowadays. Environmental protection should be one of the greatest considerations of modern people. The growth of cities also creates problems to the environment. Urban growth has been allowed to get completely out of control. This problem is destroying a number of...

Effects of Global Warming: Essay Example

What causes the greenhouse effect? What are its consequences? When you need information about global warming effects, essay examples like this one are a perfect option. This paper explores many facets of climate change, including its impact on health and development. Read this “effects of global warming” essay to learn...

The Acid Rain Pollution: Causes and Solutions

Introduction Humans and animals both rely on the natural resources from the earth to survive daily. However, this natural resources and the environment are majorly negatively impacted by acid rain. Acid rain denotes a mixture of dry and wet substrate material from the air that contains higher than average levels...

Deforestation Environmental Effects and Solution

Deforestation is one of the most urgent environmental problems in the 21st-century world. It refers to “the indiscriminate cutting of forest trees to satisfy man’s immediate needs” (Aba et al., 2017, p. 12696). These economic needs include but are not limited to agricultural work, urban expansion, livestock overgrazing, and exploitation...

Environmental Impact of the Football Stadium Construction

Introduction The construction of the 36,000-seater Football Stadium in the district of Tipner, Portsmouth, UK, is a great event for the Tipner community. However, the construction of such a large architectural complex is also a great challenge for the site’s environments and ecological situation. To predict the environmental impact of...

Environmental Degradation and Its Impact on Women

The negative effects of environmental degradation on economies and communities have been studied repeatedly. It is generally agreed upon among researchers today that the deterioration of the environment promotes poverty (Haslam et al. 318). Therefore, the global goal of poverty eradication has been widely associated with improving the environmental conditions....

Chilean Sea Bass on the Menu and Its Impact on the Environment

Introduction Restaurants have different types of menus that customers choose from depending on their tastes and preference. Before reaching the plate, the ingredients undergo several steps, such as harvesting, transportation, and cooking. During this process, there are several environmental impacts associated with them. Chilean sea bass, also known as Patagonian...

Seven Things You Should Know About the Eco-Friendly Bags

The Scenario An average American housewife opens more than three thousand packages and plastic or another kind of bags. When this housewife goes to an average American supermarket she faces an exhibit of more than fifty thousand packed items. Numerous items are wrapped in plastic. Later this day the lady...

Effects of Reducing Energy Waste

Pennsylvania is a state that uses a large amount of energy each day. Most of the population utilizes natural gases energy every day in their homes and places of work. Therefore, this implies that much of this energy escapes to the environment and causes many negative effects. State citizens tend...

Environmental Migration in the Rural Areas of Bangladesh

Introduction Environmental changes significantly impact the lives of people, forcing them to change the places of residence to adapt. Such weather-caused events as droughts, floods, tsunami, and other natural disasters lead to climate migration that can be defined as the necessity to leave habitual homes because of inappropriate living conditions...

Recycling: Benefits And Disadvantages

Introduction Recycling is the process by which unwanted materials are processed into new and useful products. The practice of recycling products has been with humanity since time immemorial and is recorded in the ancient works of Plato that date back to 400BC (Harrison, 2008). The pre-industrial times have evidence of...

Recycling in Dubai and Its Impact on the Population and Environment

Introduction Recycling is an effective strategy of cleaning the environment from hazardous materials and pollution (Zailani, Eltayeb, Hsu & Tan, 2012). The following research proposal focuses on how recycling can be conducted in the city of Dubai. The proposal provides insightful information as to why recycling has become a necessity...

Climate Change and Corporate Responsibility

The problem of climate change is not new, but it becomes more and more crucial nowadays. The first changes in climate were observed during the industrial period, from the 1750s (Hegerl et al., 2019, p. 1). However, a major rise in greenhouse gas concentrations was noticed in the second half...

Social Issue: Climate Change

Synopsis Climate change is the change in patterns of weather and associated changes in oceans, land surfaces, and ice sheets occurring over time periods of decades or longer. Climate change is directly associated with global warming, a phenomenon of rising temperatures on the planet due to an exponential increase of...

Municipal Solid Waste Management

Municipal solid waste (MSW) is what people leave after their everyday life activities, and includes items such as paper, plastic garbage, metals, electronics, and textiles. These leftovers are damaging for the environment, and its their volumes grow with the human population. The waste issue is especially urgent for places with...

Eco-Friendly Packaging and Its Issues

Sustainability has recently become a new trend in doing business. As the overall green consciousness grows and consumers worldwide prefer buying eco-friendly products, companies tend to become more environmentally friendly reducing their impact on the environment. In most cases, the areas for influence reductions are minimizing the level of greenhouse...

Environmental Issues in the Hospitality Industry: An Actual Trend

Abstract Sustainability is an important element of modern industries: it means the maintenance of balance between the industry’s operating facilities and its environment, and hotels should invest in sustainability development. For the hospitality field, which focuses on the organization of people living in hotels, it means zero-emission, waste recycling, supply...

Improving Gas Turbine Performance By Adding Cooling System (Fogging System) In Air Intake

Introduction Turbine performance utilities require performance enhancements due to the rapid and unforgiving increase in energy demands calling upon engineers to design and develop energy efficient techniques to optimize power output for energy producing utilities. Among the most reliable technologies for enhancing gas turbine performance in hot and humid climates...

Recycle of Household Waste

Introduction Concerns about the environment grow larger every year, and every person can help the cause to lower the negative impact people have on the planet. Every US citizen produces, on average, 7 pounds of waste every day, and most of it is indeed recyclable (Bradford et al.). Nowadays, the...

Rising Sea Levels: Solutions to Global Concern

Introduction Global changes in climate have had tangible effects on numerous habitats and their biota. An increase in sea levels is one of the most infamous outcomes of global warming (Folger and Carter 116). Over the past decade, a vast increase in awareness about the problem of rising sea levels...

Climate Change: Concept and Theories

Climate change has become a concern of scientists rather recently. There are numerous theories as to the reasons for this process, but there are still no particular answers. Some researchers believe that this is a natural process, and there can be done anything while others stress that people’s activities harm...

Electricity vs. Solar Energy Compared and Contrasted

Introduction Currently, all people have become dependent on electricity, with the majority of electrical appliances operating on electric power for both commercial and residential environments. Solar energy has become a favorable alternative to energy with increasing popularity because of its ability to reduce costs and be environmentally friendly. Advancement in...

British Airways: Corporate Social Responsibility

British Airways is an international aviation company that offers both passenger and cargo transport services. The company has its headquarters located in London, England, at Heathrow Airport. It is the second largest airline in the UK based on the size of its fleet. Since the beginning of its operation, the...

Global Warming Effects on the Environment and Animals

Introduction Global warming effects is currently one of the global threats with each nation suffering economically due to the observed climatic changes. This discussion aims to provide effects of the current global warming threats which is affecting the whole world. Due to changes in the distribution of the weather pattern...

How Global Warming Affects Wildlife

Global warming is a matter of great concern since it affects humans and wildlife directly. However, global warming is typically caused by human activities. There is evidence of how global warming has negatively affected wildlife. It is an essential concern since many wildlife animals have died, and others are ultimately...

Bamboo Toothbrush: The Environmental Benefits

Introduction Bamboo toothbrushes are manual toothbrushes that are similar to what you could find in any shelf has a long handle and bristles used to remove debris from the teeth. The notable difference between the bamboo toothbrush and the plastic toothbrush is the long handle made from sustainable bamboo....

Environmental Issues and Protecting the Environment

As I sat before my study table, trying to decide which topic I would choose for my first essay in this class, I decided that the best way to make the choice was by actually looking up the available print and online resources about the topics listed. The topic with...

Sustainable Development Goals in the UAE

Introduction Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) refer to the global initiatives aimed at ending poverty, protecting the earth, and ensuring that all global citizens have peace and prosperity. They are also known as the Global Goals that focus on building on the achievements of Millennium Development Goals. These goals cover areas...

Environmental Degradation and Renewable Energy

The global community relies on the surrounding environment for food production, transport, and economic development. Most of these actions put pressure on the available natural resources. Environmentalists and sociologists have identified new ways of collaborating to find solutions to the challenges associated with global warming and climate change. When left...

Reducing the Use of Fossil Fuels

Climate change is one of the crucial problems caused by humanity and inherently destructive to the planet. There are certain measures and policies discussed in relation to this global issue, such as promoting vegan diets or switching to electric vehicles. It can be argued, though, that changing some particular parts...

The Impact of ICT on the Environment

Introduction The challenge of creating and maintaining a sustainable environment is becoming more embedded into the consciousness of humanity. Such a direction has emerged from the reality of the dangers that are currently posed to man’s existence by greenhouse emissions and the accumulation of poisonous substances in our environment. In...

Food Waste Management Importance

The world is gradually losing its beauty and is constantly coming under pressure from different problems every other day. Diseases, food shortages, among others are some of the numerous issues that are hitting up news headlines. Even among the most developed nations, some of these problems limit the effort and...

Petroleum Significance for the Modern World

Petroleum is a major economical industry that constantly grows larger and contributes significantly to the growth of the world’s economy. The role of oil and gas has severely increased recently in the world energy markets due to an internal development potential of these products. Petroleum is a matter of current...

About Wildfires: Brief Overview

Thesis Statement: Underestimating the severity and danger of wildfires and not taking timely action can lead to disaster, as happened, for example, in Australia in 2019-2020. Wildfires, which are considered to be a type of disaster, are destructive, uncontrolled, and quite large fires that spread quickly over brush or woodland...

Food Waste Reduction Strategy

Introduction York Region expands and should reduce the volume of food waste by involving each resident in the process. The Region established the SM4RT LIVING Plan – the framework for local waste management. The Food Waste Reduction Strategy is a part of the Plan, as the quantity of food waste...

Environmental Issues in the Third World Countries

Environmentalism Environmentalism is a type of social movement or a broad philosophy that is geared towards the conservation of the environment and also seeks to improve the quality of the environment. This movement is mainly associated with the green color. From the perspective of social movement, environmentalism is concentrated on...

Energy Conservation in the Environment

 A detailed description of the problem There are so many undefined factors negatively affecting the environment. These are some of the things that make people to put their efforts in protecting the environment. Energy conservation is one of the steps taken towards this and it concerns the global community, the...

Causes, Impact, and Solutions to Shark Finning

Shark finning has first become a problem in the ’80s, and it still continues causing severe harm to the oceans. Shark finning effects on ecosystem can’t be underestimated. Multiple solutions to this problem have been proposed throughout the years. This essay provides a detailed analysis of shark finning solutions, causes,...

Impact of Human Activities on Marine Ecosystems

The marine ecosystems include various sub-ecosystems full of differentiated types of life. Considering coastal ecosystems, the three hugest ones can be highlighted: sunlit rocky coasts, sandy beaches, and salt marsh ecosystems. Sunlit rocky shores are extreme habitats for marine life. Such systems are characterized by powerful waves, strong winds, and...

Impact of Food Waste and Water Use on Earth

Introduction Food waste causes a devastating impact on the environment and contributes to the wastage of water. Tons of foods are not harvested and rot in the farms, while others go bad during transportation and after cooking. This is unfortunate considering that millions of people are starving around the globe...

Extreme Scenarios: The Issue of Energy Resources Shortage

Introduction Imagine that you cannot use electricity or get fuel for your car because these energy resources are no longer available. Your home has no power, and the lights, television, and the fridge are not working. You drive to the gas station, but there you find out that there is...

Deforestation: Causes, Environmental Effects, Solutions

Abstract This paper aims to study the environmental effects of deforestation and suggest potential solutions for this issue. Backed by research, it asks what the primary causes of forest destructions are and whether they can be eliminated. To get a better idea of the problem, thorough research of the existing...

A Natural Disaster Preparation Plan

Natural disasters are frequently occurring events that can meaningfully impact the life, health, and well-being of many people. Any severe weather that poses a substantial threat to human life, property, and critical infrastructure essential for the functioning of society and government can be viewed as a natural disaster (U.S. Department...

Cyclone Asani in the North Indian Ocean Area

A tropical cyclone is a ferocious circular storm that ascends over warmer tropical marine seas and is described by heavy rains, low air pressure, and high winds. A distinctive characteristic of tropical cyclonic cyclones is the eye, a central area of brilliant sky, scorching temperatures, and low air pressure. Asani...

Environmental Hazards That Humans Face

Introduction The environment, due to various anthropogenic influences, can be a threat or damage to a modern human being. The hazard represents the substance, state, or event that can impact people’s health. Some activities of individuals lead to natural disasters and contamination of surrounding water, air, soil, food, and places....

Environmental Pollution: Causes and Consequences

Environmental pollution is currently one of the most important and prevalent issues in modern life. Every day, a human appears to contribute to the pollution of our green world, which will soon exceed all possible bounds. Humanity will be able to address all environmental problems if it begins to care...

Air Pollution: Effects

Air refers to fluid found in the atmosphere. Air is an invisible, odorless and tasteless gas mixture found in the earth’s atmosphere. These characteristics of air enable it to mix with other compounds released to the atmosphere which have almost similar characteristics, but dangerous to human health. These compounds are...

Microplastics and Environmental Health

Introduction Currently, the world faces a period of rapid changes with technological developments revolutionizing the way people live and, simultaneously, leading humankind to the global catastrophe of resource scarcity and climate change. The environment suffers from microplastics (further referred to as MPs) released by the degraded synthetic clothing, cosmetics, plastic...

Environmental Management Problems and Challenges

Environmental issues have been a subject of public concern for many years. Many managers and organizations are aware of the environmental problems and challenges, hence an increase in the pressure to alter the way people live and perceive things. A lot of this pressure targets large companies which are normally...

Environmental Sustainability and Its Importance for the Future

At this stage of the development of modern society, special attention is paid to such an important issue as the preservation of environmental sustainability. Such a path of development should meet all vital human needs and promote the emergence and proper development of future generations. However, there is a tendency...

The Use of Biodegradable Straws in Food and Beverages Business

Plastic straws’ usage is part of the problem of plastic pollution and its adverse impact on the planet’s ecology. Nature is dying, and all new consequences of plastic are manifested. Banning straws could reduce plastic waste, but some companies and customers question this possibility due to fear of excessive effort...

Drought and Its Effects on Humans

An environmental threat is a possibility and a product of an undesirable accent on the surrounding. Agribusiness, industry, energy, transport, and land planning are elements that nurture the risk. Drought is a natural risk portrayed as a shortage of rain for a prolonged period that causes diverse effects on human...

Battery Recycling and Its Impact on Our Future

Promoting and advancing the industry of battery recycling has become highly significant in the modern world. The famous international automobile manufacturing companies have started to produce electric vehicles, and the number has continued to grow ever since. However, the benefit of reducing carbon emissions does not outweigh the harm lithium-ion...

Sustainability: Consumption of Natural Resources

Sustainability is the preservation of wellbeing and is involved with economical, environmental, and social scope. It entails the component of stewardship, which involves proper use, and maintenance of resources. The main aim of sustainability is to enable humans in the whole world to get their basic needs and have a...

Natural Sciences and Their Significance

Nowadays, the natural disciplines occupy one of the leading places in the system of scientific knowledge. It is challenging to overestimate their role in the development of modern society because they are the basis for productive forces. It is noteworthy that natural science studies are essential not only for researchers...

Environmental Problems in Today’s Belarus

Environmental problems in today’s Belarus go back to the times of the Soviet regime. An agrarian republic, Belarus suffered from one of the biggest tragedies of the 20th century: the Chernobyl disaster. Even though the accident occurred at the Ukrainian nuclear power plant, a neighboring Belarus endured the devastating effect...

Activities to Promote and Preserve the Environment

This is a project to promote environmental preservation in schools and communities. There is substantial information on the preservation of the environment, but there’s no match that people are doing. On the internet, various websites promote the environment, offering lots of sources on reducing coal gas emissions, fighting climate change,...

The McDonald’s Green Initiatives

Introduction Background of the study McDonald’s Corporation started its business in 1948 as a single restaurant in California. Currently, it comprises the largest chain of restaurants specializing in hamburger fast foods that serve a total of forty-seven million customers daily (Svoboda, 1995, p.1). The fast-food industry giant owns 31,000 restaurants...

Environmental Benefits and Challenges of Urbanization

Introduction Physical growth of cities is known as urbanization. This is a time that our environment undergoes serious changes. Involvement of human being is very high in worst changes in the environment. Many serious discussions are going on in different parts of the world for the protection of environment. Urban...

Climate Changes Impact on Agriculture and Livestock

Introduction Saudi Arabia commonly referred to as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) is the second-largest country after Algeria in the Arab World. Its neighboring countries include Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, Yemen, United Arab Emirates, Jordan, and Iraq. The approximate size of Saudi Arabia is 2,000,000km2. The climate of Saudi...

Environmental Festivals and Fairs: Function and Importance

Introduction Environmental festivals are becoming increasingly popular, and many countries that desire to create environmental awareness are turning to environmental festivals as a means of spreading environmental conservation messages and creating awareness with regards to the importance of resolving environmental problems. The Tbilisi conference on environmental education, held at Tbilisi,...

Climate Change and Global Warming

Introduction Global warming is one of the interesting topics under discussion globally. According to the Oracle Think Quest, global warming is an occurrence in which the earth is gradually heating up. The Oracle Think Quest goes on to state that global warming is caused by the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse...

Nevado del Ruiz Eruption of 1985 and Its Impact on the Community

Introduction Natural disasters tend to have a profoundly destructive impact on the communities that happen to be situated close enough to the epicenter. Should the unfavorable natural conditions coincide with the cumulative human error, the toll on resources and human lives alike may become very high. Economy, culture, and education...

Deforestation Problem Overview and Analysis

Introduction Deforestation to create land for agriculture is an issue of great importance, it destroys native forests and affects the ecological balance. A greater percentage of global biodiversity is located in forests (Celentano et al. 2017). Cutting down trees hinders the survival of various animal and plant species. The forest...

Coral Reef Depletion and Possible Solutions

Abstract Coral reef depletion is not a new phenomenon as coral reefs in most parts of the world have gone through substantial alterations in their history. As early southeast the 1870s, coral reef mortality existed in many places although the trend of depletion has Southeast increased in recent years. Natural...

Impact of Climate Change on Property Development and Management

Introduction This essay will focus on the BBC article, COP26 promises could limit global warming to 1.8C, with a specific focus on the impact of climate change on property development and management in the global market. The article discusses the various climate change initiatives, status quo, and necessary targets. It...

Air Pollution in the UAE and Its Management

Context The 21st century is characterized by multiple concerns linked to the environmental sphere. The 2021 trends include attempts to minimize the negative impact of human beings on nature and find new ways to save our planet from radical climate changes. Today, we can see the results of our activity...

Land Pollution and Ways to Minimize Pollution in the US

The biggest environmental challenge that has been witnessed in the US since time immemorial has been land pollution. It can be defined as the disposal of material wastes into the soil or substances that can contaminate it. This type of pollution can be caused by different reasons, such as garbage...