Internationalization in France: French Business Culture

Culture consists of various components including values, norms, attitudes, perceptive, language and behaviors. Different cultures have definite attributes that are associated with their cultures and this attributes are learned and shared by the people in a community. Apart from cultures being dynamic, they provide a basis for a people’s way...

Global Politics: International Cooperation

Humanity and human society cannot be regarded as indivisible unity, since even Earth is divided, though, artificially, into the hemispheres by equator. Thus, there are two hemispheres: Northern and Southern. This division may be of great use for those who deal with international relations and global politics as the division...

Economic Role of Government

Introduction In order to ensure the successful performance of the state in the economic world arena, some governments prefer to restrict their roles in economic affairs both on local and worldwide scales. Others, vice versa choose the total control of the economy and defining the state economic course. In a...

An Ideal State Creation

From a variety of governing styles, democracy with its power of citizens seems to be the most appropriate decision in the context of war and the post-war period. Since the previous dictator was overthrown and a new President was elected, it is critical to ensure that the given state would...

Capital Punishment and Kantian Normative Theory

Introduction Capital punishments attract immense controversies. Human rights advocates claim that a death penalty violates human rights, especially considering that the crimes for which death penalty is applied involve multi-killings. The issue here is whether an act of killing one person, the offender, can measure up to the lives lost...

Balance of Power Theory and Modern World Order

The modern world is characterized by a great deal of instability that can threaten the world order established after the Second World War. It becomes clear that the created paradigms are inefficient in meeting the challenges of the world that ceased to be two-pole over two decades ago. The issues...

No Child Left Behind Act, Its Goals and Challenges

Introduction This child Act ensures that every child has a fair and equal opportunity to access high quality education. This act first enacted in 1965 following recertification of the secondary and elementary Act in 1964 and became a law in 2002 signed by President Bus. This law was a way...

General Norman Schwarzkopf: Leadership in the Gulf War and Military Legacy

Introduction General Norman Schwarzkopf was born to be a leader, and he worked his way up to becoming a celebrated Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Army Central Command. He attained major milestones in his career in the military and showed the ability to work with a diverse group of people. Throughout...

The African Air Forces in the Fight Against Transnational Threats

The African Air Forces play a pivotal role in combating transnational threats. There is an increasing global collaboration worldwide between states and organizations to tackle global issues such as corruption, terrorism, and drug trafficking. In this regard, Africa plays a key role in opposing these threats. In recent years, Africa...

Whigs’ vs. Democrats’ Views on Slavery and Race

The political life of America in the 1830s – early 1850s was largely determined by the rivalry between Whigs and Democrats. Both leading parties adhered to political and economic liberalism and considered themselves true Democrats and Republicans. Moreover, both also traced their origins to the old Republican Anti-Federalist Party, founded...

The Canadian Armed Forces: Impact of Military History

Introduction Exploring Canada’s historical accounts of the military contributes to comprehending the foundations of moral and ethical behavior. Research indicates a significant evolutionary scale concerning the international triggers and causes of war. In this paper, using military history, I will trace its influence on the formation of essential principles that...

Pakistan Takes Another IMF Loan

Introduction There are several reasons why Pakistan has persistent economic problems. One is the country’s large military expenditure, which takes up a significant portion of the government budget (2019). Another is the high rate of tax evasion in Pakistan, which reduces government revenue. In addition, Pakistan has several state-owned enterprises...

Problem-Focused Policing Reducing Crime

Introduction Problem-oriented policing entails the identification of factors that raise crime risk, diagnosing them, and establishing solutions to them. It is a data-driven approach that relies on crime data and community input to identify crime “hot spots.” The technique is based on the belief that crime is a function of...

Use of Force Policy in New Jersey

Introduction The deployment of force by officers continues to be a thought-provoking and challenging issue in New Jersey. This has continued to exhibit a devastating impact on public perception of police and how the public responds to officers, and yet there is still the absence of universal laws for this...

The Army’s Professional Culture and Human Resources

Throughout the whole Army White Paper, The Profession of Arms, the Human Resources Sergeant’s significance is clear. The importance of a Human Resources Sergeant’s duty will be discussed in the following essay through a variety of examples and different areas of responsibility. The Human Resources Sergeant is essential to operations...

The Profession of Arms: An Army White Paper

Introduction The Profession of Arms is a document by the US government that helps explain the American army’s professionalism. The document also states the critical role the US army plays in society, such as being experts in all their responsibilities. The paper is a professional campaign that makes people understand...

Responsible Leadership and Followership in Africa

Africa is one of the richest continents in terms of natural resources. However, many countries in Africa are still economically poor, which is always associated with inefficient leadership. The problems facing Africa have been attributed to three major factors: improper leadership, corruption, and inappropriate policies. Even though some countries like...

The Advantages of the Death Penalty

The word death penalty excites and causes some fear in the eyes of everyone. It cannot be denied that humanity fears death and reflexively avoids all life- and health-threatening cases. The question of how this can affect society occurs since it is about the government’s interference or countries’ law on...

Discussion Misuse of Lies in the Police

In everyday life, lying is the deliberate transmission of factual and emotional information in order to create in another person a belief that the transmitter himself believes to be inconsistent with the truth. People lie every day because many of them lie even about little things. Some people believe that...

Human Resource Competencies in the Military

Introduction The main goal of military Human Resource Management is to support the military to reach its goals. According to Careers in the Military (2022, para.1), “HRM relates to all the personnel associated things. It involves a variety of activities, including preparing human resource forecasts, recruitment, screening of prospective employees,...

Foundation of Army Leadership Elements

Introduction Any military branch that operates with the premise of servicing the country they are to protect refers to the legal and ethical premises of the nation which built the force. However, the premises are to be tough, communicated, ensured, and facilitated. This is why leadership is an effective tool...

The Florida Re-Entry Subdivision’s Analysis

A wide range of different factors can affect the organizational performance of the re-entry subdivision. These include both positive and negative factors and influences, which may allow the organization to offer opportunities for successful re-entry into society or threaten its power to do so. SWOT analysis of the organization’s re-entry...

Impact of Operation Anaconda on the Ability of Predetermined Battle Plans

Operation Anaconda was one of the operations of the global war on terrorism. It was carried out by an international coalition led by the United States against the forces of the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan from March 1, 2002 (Adamec & Johnson, 2021). The US command declared Operation Anaconda...

Conforming to Totalitarianism: The Lessons From the Handmaid’s Tale

The 20th century saw the rise and fall of various totalitarian regimes. Their geography stretched from Nazi Germany in the West to Khmer Rouge Cambodia in the East, from USSR in the North to the Argentinian military junta in the South. The crimes against humanity committed by totalitarian states were...

Disciplinary Power and Bio-Power

Abstract The concept of power is one of the highly debated issues in contemporary society. Power emanates from a position that can influence people both positively and negatively. In the field of sociology, power is viewed as a probability that one actor within a social relationship will be in a...

Student Loan Debt Issue in the USA

America has been affected by student loan debt which varies over 43million. The issue has prompted legislative action in the federal loan program for the first time making it difficult for others to apply. Therefore it is proved that Americans owe a total of 1.75trillion in private and federal loan...

Talent Management and How Does the Army Use It

Describe Talent Management is a process that allows determining the number of individuals that the Army will need to fulfill its mission, as well as their qualities and characteristics. Relevant characteristics of Talent Management are the evaluation of the current and future demand for talent and focus on optimizing the...

Public and Private Administration. Comparative Analysis

Public administration is a complex entity that exists on the political, legal, and managing levels. It strives to serve the people while executing its functions within the grounds dictated by those levels. Public administration is inherently democratic, and its proper functionality is at the core of democratic processes. However, it...

The American Federal System

Every country has a particular type of government that determines how power is distributed among different levels of government. The US is characterized by a type of government called federalism. This essay will review the features of the American federal system, as well as the difference of federalism from unitary...

Impact of International Trade on Emerging Economies

Introduction The impact of international trade on emerging economies is discussed globally by modern economists. Emerging economies are the countries that are developing at rapid rates and have the foundations of a market economy. They have the potential to be developed markets, but they lack internal private capital and it...

America as the Sole Superpower

Introduction As the name suggests, a superpower is a nation that demonstrates a great capacity to dominate other nations or regions in the international order. This term was highly applicable in pre cold war times especially during the first and second world wars. After the cold war, the Soviets lost...

America Association of Retired Persons

Background information Formed way in 1958, the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) is a non-profit organization that advocates focus on addressing the needs and interties Americans of middle-aged to elderly descent. The association owes its formation Ethel Percy Andrus, a retired teacher whose goal was to assist the elderly...

Should Turkey Enter European Union?

For quite some time, there have been debates of whether Turkey should be acceded into the European Union (EU). It is one of the nations that have applied for inclusion although it has been receiving accusations from the other members of EU. It’s been accused of not establishing an effective...

George Washington and Toussaint Louverture

Introduction Both George Washington and Toussaint Louverture have made history for leading their people against dominion by unpopular powers. As commander of the Continental Army, George Washington led his men into attacking and defeating British armies during the American Revolutionary war of 1775 to 1783. Toussaint Louverture on the other...

Role of Socialism in Contemporary Society

Has anyone ever thought of a world where only a small fraction of individuals owns the whole corporate world, but where every person, including the African American is equally treated? Can anyone think of a world where the worth of rich individuals like Bill Gates can equal that of the...

The Weapons of Mass Destruction

Weapons of Mass Destruction The 2003 Iraq War added vigor to the discussions and debates on weapons of mass destruction – their definition, their use, control and the threat they represent to the world at large in the future. This paper attempts to shed light on some salient key topics,...

Welfare State. Ensuring the Well-being of Citizens

Outline The research paper discusses an argumentative topic about Libertarian views on Welfare State. The essay begins with an introduction that describes the term Welfare State and it ends with a thesis statement. The body of the essay includes role of Welfare State, Welfare State and the immigrants, libertarian views...

The German Ideology by Karl Marx

Introduction Karl Marx is one of the greatest contributors in the field of political ideology. His perspective of ideology was brought out clearly in the book The German Ideology in which he coauthored with Frederick Engels. Through this book, Marx gives insight in the issue of political ideology. Accordingly, this...

Japan and China: Political Systems

As a subfield within the larger discipline that is political science, comparative politics may be defined as “a combination of a substantive focus on the study of countries’ political systems and a method of identifying and explaining similarities and differences between these countries using common concepts” (Mair, 1996). There are...

Social Policy in the UK

Social policy refers to procedures taken to ensure that the masses access certain public goods. Historically social policy in the UK has been established and managed by the central government. It is only in the early 20th century that local governments started participating in social policy programs in their jurisdictions....

Political Science. Canada’s Dependency on the United States

Introduction The countries of Canada and the United States are the two main countries located in Northern America. The two countries boast mutual benefiting economies, friendly alliance-based relationships as well as collateral trade unions, and friendly immigrant regulation to sustain their international relations. The truth behind the story however is...

The Concepts of Utopia and Dystopia

Introduction The concepts of utopia and dystopia characterize political and economic system of a state and its ideology. Utopia means “an ideal state where all is ordered for the best for humanity as a whole and where the evils of society, such as poverty and misery, have been eliminated” (The...

Robert Maxwell’s Biography and Scandals

The early life of Robert Maxwell Ian Robert Maxwell was born Jan Ludvik Hoch in June 1923 in the small town of slantwise Doly, Carpathian Ruthenia, Eastern of what is now the Czech Republic. He grew up in a tight-knit Jewish Community. He fled the Czech invasion in 1939 and...

Comparing Fascism and Communism Ideologies: Key Differences and Similarities

In rejecting comparisons between communism and fascism, one historian wrote, “to say that communism is as worse because it made more victims, or that term is shocking and obscene.” What are the similarities along these lines? If they were so similar, then why could not their adherents co-exist? In other...

Andrew Yang: 2020 Presidential Candidate & Key Policies

Introduction Andrew Yang is an American entrepreneur, philanthropist, and a 2020 presidential candidate for the Democratic Party. He is also an accomplished lawyer and the founder of a nonprofit organization whose primary goal is to create employment in American cities. Political analysts downplayed his 2017 announcement to run for the...

“False Promises of International Institutions” by John J. Mearsheimer

The founder of offensive realism, a professor at the University of Chicago, John Mearsheimer, is considered to be one of the leading figures in the modern theory of international relations. The sensational article “The False Promise of International Institutions” by Mearsheimer is devoted to the problem of lies in international...

North Korea: Totalitarian Regime and Government Control

Introduction At present, only a limited number of countries can be described as totalitarian. North Korea, for example, can be brought up as an example of closed states with totalitarian features. Although it is officially called the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, it has a history of communism and dictatorship...

Immigration: “Our Wall” by Charles Bowden

The present paper summarizes the contents of “Our Wall” by Charles Bowden on the impact of the wall between the United States and Mexico. Bowden opens his essay with a historical anecdote about Patrick Murphy who bombed the Mexican border town of Naco located in ten miles south of Bisbee,...

“Reversal of Fortune” Article by McKibben

The life of human society is closely interconnected with a wide range of problems, and the burden of choice remains one of them. There is no doubt that various communities can live by their own rules but there is no society that would be able to avoid choosing between material...

Florida Legislative Matrix and Representatives

District State Governor: Rick Scott Rick Scott is the 45th Governor of Florida. The primary focus of his activities is job creation and improvement of the state economy (“Meet Governor Scott,” n.d.). Governor is interested in improving health care as well. As an entrepreneur, he specialized in healthcare transactions aimed...

Leadership Styles in Government Institutions

Introduction The competitiveness and effectiveness of an organization is influenced by the kind of leadership put in place. In government institutions, the issue of management has not been taken seriously over the past few decades. This is has been the case because many civil servants and leaders have failed to...

Historical Memory Discourse in Public Diplomacy

Historical memory refers to the way a group of people or a nation relates to a past event. The past plays a critical role in shaping the present and fostering a sense of belonging; as a result, the historical memories are the basis for social and political identities. Edkins noted...

Hybrid Political Regimes Characteristics

Democracy, though seemingly omnipresent in today’s world, is not a system that is easy to transition to for a nation with a totalitarian past. The members of the existing political elite in non-democratic states, in many cases, hold on to power and either decline the notion of the transit of...

Mikhail Gorbachev’s 1988 United Nations Speech and Its Importance

Mikhail Gorbachev is regarded as one of the central figures who contributed to the end of the Cold War. His speech to the UN General Assembly in 1988 was an important impetus for the changes in the international political arena. Gorbachev chose the UN as the platform for his speech...

Nelson Mandela’s Personality

Character results from a culture that someone has grown up with for some time. According to many historical events, leaders rise during solution finding missions. The circumstances in their paths help to reveal their character. Rolihlahla Mandela is a celebrated hero of nationalism and socialism. His father had been a...

Nationhood, Its Benefits and Pitfalls

Nationhood may someday acquire the same reputation as race has taken on since scientific DNA studies demonstrated humanity’s overwhelming kinship. In the meantime, until history can demonstrate that nationhood is as much a fabrication as race, nation states rank up there with another human fabrication – religious denomination – as...

Power and Influence: U.S. vs. Mexico in a Globalized World

The most powerful states have more opportunities to preserve their autonomy on the global arena than poorer states; moreover, powerful nations can have a significant impact on other countries, as well as impose their will on them. In spite of the fact that globalization influences all states, powerful countries are...

Political Culture in Promoting National Development

Introduction Culture is the integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior. It also includes language, taboos, ideas, beliefs, customs, rituals, codes, tools, techniques, works of arts, institutions, ceremonies, and other related components. In political terms, culture can be stated as a set of societal beliefs. It is simply what...

Dubai Construction Cost and Its Political Factors

Abstract Purpose: The purpose of this research paper was to determine how political factors affect the construction industry in Dubai and what can be done to lower these costs. Design: The research used both primary and secondary sources of data to collect the needed information. Primary data were analyzed both...

Decision-making at the Governmental Level

Introduction Decision-making is the thought process that individuals are engaged in arriving at certain policies. It entails figuring out the best idea that when applied specific problems are solved. Decisions are made both at individual and governmental level. They are made to cater for needs in either public or private...

US-Turkey Diplomatic Ties: 1958-1960 Relations and Impacts

Introduction In the years between 1958 and 1960, the United States and Turkey made progress in their diplomatic ties. Turkey, because of its stability in the Middle East and its military traditions not to interfere with political affairs of other nations, served as the link between the western world and...

Justification for the Use of Military Force

Introduction Military intervention was a feasible alternative for averting external aggression in the past, and it is still the most viable option for fighting global terrorism. Potential military interventions range from defusing terrorist camps to liberating captives. According to Feaver and Gelpi, “military intervention entails launching direct strikes against targets...

African Americans in Politics: Media Representation and Its Effects

Introduction To a large extent, African Americans are regarded as a minority group of individuals who are economically different from the rest in the wider society. Severally, African Americans have been subjected to unequal treatment in employment, representation in public offices, schooling, and involvement in various social activities. Generally, most...

When Is the Use of Military Force Justified?

Introduction The significance of negotiations can hardly be underrated in the present-day political world. No matter how smoothly the process of international operations may run, conflicts do emerge as a result of a natural evolution of states, and addressing them in a manner as expeditious as possible is essential to...

Ulysses S Grant: 18th President and Civil War Hero

Introduction Ulysses S Grant was the 18th President of the United States. He was born in 1822 in Ohio and died in 1885. The alumnus of the United States Military Academy was a career soldier. Ulysses is mostly remembered for the role he played during the American Civil War (Gardner,...

Essay on Police Brutality in the United States

Police Brutality Essay Introduction Police officers are allowed to use “non-negotiable coercive force” to maintain public order and control the behavior of citizens. This provides a loophole for use of brutal force according to Bittner (1970; cited in Cao, 1999). The central problem or area of concern appears to be...

Capital Punishment in the US: Deterrent or Ethical Dilemma?

‘Capital Punishment’ means the obligation to death as a punishment for doing a crime. In the US, many states follow the system of capital punishment is strictly and most of the people support it even though some feel that it is not justifiable to terminate life of a human being...

Habitat for Humanity and Its Activities

Introduction Habitat for Humanity refers to a nonprofit organization that is devoted to building simple, decent, and affordable housing affordable for homeless individuals. Most of the homes are built by volunteers and are then sold at no profit, where no interest is charged on them. This organization was founded in...

Life Insurance: Theory and Practice

Life insurance can be defined as the contract between the insurer and the person who owns the policy. Some countries include some events like bills and death expenses are included in the premium policy. The insurer is bound to pay some money in case an event happens to occur. If...

Loitering Laws: A Focus on Florida and Their Impacts

Introduction Loitering is defined as the act of lingering in a public location for a lengthy period for no apparent reason. The loitering laws in Florida, 856.021, makes it illegal for anybody to linger or roam in a location, at a time, or in a manner not typical of law-abiding...

The Impact of Corruption on International Trade

Introduction International trade stimulates the development of the world economy. It also contributes to expanding global employment, providing countries with a greater variety of goods, and raising living standards. The challenge that international trade poses are the inability of countries to produce the goods and services that their people need....

The Wokefield Police Department’s Work in Memphis

Introduction The police play a critical role in maintaining order and safety and creating an enabling environment for economic activities. The critical role can be maintained by empowering the police department to investigate, detect and prevent crimes before they happen. Wokefield Police department is responsible for enforcing the law in...

The Houston Police Department’s Services and Challenges

Introduction The Houston Police department (HPD) serves the city of Texas as the primary agency for law enforcement. The agency’s mission is to improve quality of life, preserve peace, and reduce fear through working cooperatively with other offices, such as the Sherriff’s office, under the US constitution. The agency is...

Boris Johnson’s Leadership Discussion

Boris Johnson’s Leadership Style Good leaders are those who commit to creating change and impacting lives positively. Boris Johnson was a British Prime minister serving in the conservative party and became a remarkable leader in the United Kingdom’s history. He was inaugurated in July 2019 and served for three years...

The Clash of Ignorance: Francis Fukuyama and Bernard Barber View

The development of society has been a topic of discussion for many researchers for a long time. On this topic, such researchers as Francis Fukuyama and Bernard Barber. Of particular importance for the development of this idea was the work of Samuel Huntington, which was called “Clash of civilization.” In...

Refugees and International Relations: Annotated Bibliography

Betts, A. and Loescher, G. (Eds.), (2011). Refugees in international relations. Global Economic Governance Program. Oxford University Press. The main question posed in the article is how critical institutional and strategic thinking is instrumental in understanding the fundamental cause of forced migration. Issues influencing and affecting refugees are inherently political...

Evo Morales: The Non-Western Leader

How Evo Morales’s Background as A Poor Farmer Differed from The Background of Other Western Leaders Evo Morales’s background as a poor farmer differs substantially from the backgrounds of most Western leaders. His family was peasant farmers and from an early age, he took part in planting and harvesting crops...

Police Officers’ Wellness and Mental Health

Despite common misconception, law enforcement is highly hazardous and stressful position. In modern day, officers may confront arrogant, mentally disturbed, and potentially armed individuals. Furthermore, due to police’s negative reputation, officers are also facing more instances of harassment and insubordination among other conventional issues. In addition, police departments across the...

Martin Wattenberg: Is Voting for Young People?

Introduction Martin Wattenberg’s Is Voting for Young People is an intriguing book that examines the issue of American youths’ absence in politics and the consequences of their ignorance. Is Voting for Young People reviews the low turn-out rate and political apathy of people below 30. Wattenberg highlights that politics turned...

Republic as a Form of Government

Introduction In the course of history, a large number of different forms of government have been formed, each of which has its characteristics. One of them is the republic, which is defined as “the form of government in which representatives of the citizen body rule a state” (“Republic,” n.d., para....

Young People’s Civic Engagement

Nowadays, some people believe that younger generations of Americans do not show sufficient civic engagement. I do not agree with this statement, as there have been numerous examples of young people’s active civic engagement in recent years. I believe that younger Americans influence current politics and society in ways that...

Motivating Police Officers to Serve and Protect

Summary The current proposal focuses on the idea that Heritage PD could significantly benefit from the use of motivating factors when approaching police officer productivity and the quality of interactions with the public. Based on the research from the Metropolitan Police, it was found that various promotions and achievement recognition...

Death Penalty: The Utilitarianism Ethical Theory

Implementation of the death penalty is an ethical issue charged with controversies due to conflicting ethical theories, with some supporting that it is effective in deterring crime while others perceive it to be inhumane. Many arguments against the death penalty pivot on lack of deterrent effect, humanity, and irreversibility, while...

How Mission Command Principles Were Applied in Operation “Anaconda”

Abstract Operation Anaconda is an example of a successful U. S. Army mission implementation in Afghanistan with structured execution and collaborative work of subordinates. Command principles, such as competence, mutual trust, shared understanding, commander’s intent, mission orders, disciplined initiative, and risk acceptance, were implemented as fundaments to address the unforeseen...

Cancel Culture and Public Policy Research

Introduction Public opinion has been of particular importance for many years. It contributed to the overthrow of rulers, the change of social trends, and the formation of new phenomena. One of these phenomena was the emergence of a culture of cancellation, which has become widespread in the last few years....

Crisis Response to Active Shooter Situations

An active shooter is someone who is actively shooting in a populous place, and recent armed suspect occurrences have highlighted the importance of a comprehensive approach by police departments and others to preserve lives. According to Sikes et al. (2018), 70% of active shooter situations end in under 5 minutes,...

Maintaining and Not Losing Equipment in the Military

Introduction In the U.S. military, all stakeholders should follow a number of rules and obligations not to create additional risks and threats to their services. One of the most critical aspects discussed from the first day is the importance of maintaining equipment accountability (Spencer). In fact, American soldiers become accountable...

President Roosevelt’s Four Freedoms Speech Analysis

The study of the speeches of great people who have made an invaluable contribution to the development of the United States of America is of particular importance. Thus, this work will explore the speech of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the impact that its main postulates had on the future...

Police Officer Characteristics and Evaluation

Most people would prefer their police officers to be capable of making decisions and taking action, especially in tense situations where swift choices are necessary. They would also like their officers to be ethical, with a strong moral compass, so that they do not engage in misconduct for any reason....

First Female President of the United States

Introduction As the Democratic party’s front runner in the Presidential Election of 2016, Hillary Clinton has come closer than any other woman to become the US leader. From the earliest days of research on public opinion’s desires and expectations of the presidency, there has been an ongoing recording of documentation...

The Essence of “All Politics Is Local” Phrase

Background Over the years, the American government attempts to recover from the great recession through intensifying economic activities and the development index. However, the initiative faces the challenge due to the compromise to the societal growth that involves the eradication of key issues. An excellent example is the allocation of...

War and Security in Terms of Political Theories

The Significance of Theory For some, international conflict is inevitable due to its innate human nature. Realists believe war is a part of a never-ending cycle of violent confrontations between the states. Liberal thinkers tend to assume that the causes of war are connected to the institutions. They argue continued...

Plunkitt’s Approach to Politics

Tammany Hall, a New York City political organization operating in the early twentieth century, was a powerful machine that included most prominent Democrats. One of the most renowned politicians and influential leaders was George Washington Plunkitt, who gave his speeches from the bootblack stand. The series of talks were written...

The Concept of Fairness in the EU Competition Law

Introduction Competition is the engine of scientific progress and a mechanism for promoting economic development. Insufficient competition causes a lack of motivation of entities to reduce costs, search for new markets, introduce innovations, and, as a result, inefficient operation of the industry in which such enterprises operate. At the same...

Community Policing: The Alternative Solution to Youth Crime

In the 21st century Americans are becoming more aware that traditional means of policing the streets and communities of cities are no longer effective. It is hard to ignore the increasing crime rate. There is marked concern for youth crimes wherein juveniles are involved in petty crimes as well as...

Truman’s Most Difficult Decision

Introduction Truman was President for eight years and managed to make many significant decisions during his time. He was responsible for leading the country through the post-war era and rebuilding the economy. Truman made both popular and controversial decisions, and the most publicly supported choice was the most difficult to...

Public Administration Research and Theory

Governments are complex organizations with hierarchies and forms of control and management. For efficient operation, their activities should be based on practices supported by empirical evidence. Public administration is an academic discipline that constitutes the basis for effective public policies and their implementation. This paper will discuss what public administration...

Using International Relations Theories to Predict the Future Communications With Aliens

Introduction Astronomers would describe outer space as infinite, varied, and astonishingly complex. However, when it comes to international relations (IR), the immense world of extra-solar planets and gigantic galaxies is rather irrelevant to theorists. Although the Space Age (the mid-20th century) has raised several important questions for foreign policy scholars,...

General Data Protection Regulation

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) may be defined as the international set of well-defined and strict rules of data protection. According to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, “everyone has the right to the protection of personal...

The Aim of Correctional Facilities

Introduction The aim of correctional facilities is not only to punish offenders but also to help them change their attitudes and encourage them for a better life without crimes and violence. At the end of their sentence, criminals reenter the community. However, releasing offenders is a challenging task because it...

Public and Private Sector in Management

Introduction There is a difference between public and private management. This paper will look at the differences between these two sectors of management. Public and private organizations have been seen from different perspectives, which vary from one person to another. This is a subject that has been there from time...

School-to-Prison Pipeline: Roots of the Problem

Introduction The term “school-to-prison pipeline” refers to the tendency of children and young adults, typically from disadvantaged backgrounds, to be put in prison because of harsh disciplinary policies within schools. In this paper, the school-to-prison pipeline will be defined and discussed based on the following articles: “The New Disciplinology: Research,...

“This Is the Voice of Algeria” by McLuhan

In the article, the writer expresses his dedicated glee of the revolutionary battles in many instances. Algeria was in a bad state and had in fact called off an election fearing that the Muslims would take over the highly sought office of the president, consequently running the Government affairs. The...

Policy: Evaluation and Integration

Integrating a policy is a multi-dimensional aspect. In that regard, policies of executive departments can be especially difficult in terms of integration.Taking the example of the National Strategy released by the current administration in the White House, it can be stated that broad points might put some difficulties in terms...

Legal System in the Republic of Ireland

The more society develops, the more its members outline new rules and regulations. The link between the law and civilization implies that the number of laws created by people is positively correlated with their social needs. The development of law systems within different societies, dispersed over different continents, resulted in...

Politics: Liberalism, Conservatism and Socialism

Liberalism To define Liberalism we can say that liberalism is the concept which stresses on the importance of liberty and equality factor among people. Actually like all ideological vocabularies available is a contested concept. It is the dominant ideology in the post war era throughout the World. When the idea...

Formal and Informal Social Control Systems

A proposition to remove the formal written law in the United States today will definitely be received with fear and outright resistance. The thought is most unwelcome in a society that has lived knowing that the formal written law is been instrumental in crime deterrence. It would present to many...

America Is Becoming a Fascist Country

Introduction The United States of America has been always known as a country ardently fighting for human rights. However, in the light of the latest events, the experts on right-wing politics and culture continue claiming that the country is confidently moving towards becoming a fascist state. Fascism can be defined...

The Two Party System in the United States

The two-party systems have been adopted in the United States for many years, and it has been realized that the political system in the United States cannot survive without the two-party systems. Some of the main advantages that have been realized in this case are the reduction in corruption, increase...

Employee Relations and Strikes

Introduction The number of strikes in UK has decreased in the last 25 years. This information was released by the office of national statistics in 1999. (Turnbull 2004) noted that the number of dispute that has been recoded has declined. The number of workers who participated in this strikes has...

The Concept of Community Policing

Community policing is a successful and innovative law enforcement concept. A community can be described as a group of people with a common interest that is understood geographically. This shared value or interest brings together elements of solidarity, commitment, mutuality and trust (Harris, & Welch, 2009). Policing on the other...

The New Jewel Movement (Grenada)

Introduction The new joint endeavor for Welfare & Education, and liberation or New JEWEL Movement was formed in the Caribbean island nation of Grenada as a Marxist populist political movement. This movement ruled Grenada from 1979 to 1983; however, its true inception was March 11, 1973, after merging with Joint...

Austria’s Entry into European Union Analysis

Late 1980s were more eventful in the economic and political setting of Europe. With the weakening of the Cold war, European Community was undergoing transformation and new power and trade relations were emerging. An integration drive was initiated by European Community, including those neutral countries that had a prosperous existence...

Bushfire Management in Australia: DSE and CFA Authorities’ Strategies

Introduction Bushfires, like droughts, have been part of the Australian environment for thousands of years. These days, bushfires constitute a major natural and socio-economic risk, costing Australia, in excess of seventy million US dollars per year, and affecting around 2.5 million hectares of land in southern Australia alone. In some...

Why Cameras Should Be Placed in Public Places

Introduction Privacy is one of the rights people living in a democratic country enjoy. They are free to do or think whatever they wish until it does not violate other people’s rights, of course. Therefore, this right is highly valued as the members of a democratic society place the highest...

Applying Critical Thinking Skills in Homeland Security for Improved Outcomes

People’s interactions with each other and the world are founded on their ability to think. Critical reasoning is another unique skill of living beings that allows them to form and present their opinions and converse with others to make decisions. Thus, it is vital to understand what factors contribute to...

Hegemony vs. Counter Hegemony: Power & Speech

Hegemony is commonly defined as a method of subordinating another population by forcing consent to domination and a foreign ideology. A key concept in hegemony is the naturalization of power relations by creating an illusion that the domination is status quo. Language and culture are common means of achieving this....

Authoritarian vs. Totalitarian Autocracies: Differences

Authoritarian and totalitarian autocracies are both representative of a strong, central, and repressive governments. However, they differ to the degree to which methods of control and oppression are implemented. An authoritative autocracy has a central government that controls all aspects of the political process and governance. However, there is a...

XY Country: Creating My Ideal State

XY is a developing country located in North America. Despite attaining independence more than five decades ago, this country has been experiencing years of war, including economic and political crises, which have hindered its progress. One of the barriers to development in this economy is the prevailing dictatorship. As a...

Anarchism as a Political Ideology: Exploring the Concept

The concept of anarchy as absolute freedom is rather difficult to embrace. As a result, the subject matter is often conflated with the notion of chaos, which does not represent the phenomenon of anarchy properly. Anarchy is the political ideology that entitles every citizen to absolute freedom thus absolving them...

Creating an Ideal State with Democratic Government

Introduction My country is located in a landlocked region and is rich in natural resources. Constant wars destroyed much of the infrastructure, so much effort must be made to rebuild the necessary facilities. This paper describes the new governing style and provides a brief plan for improving the situation. It...

Think Tanks’ Influence on the US Government Policy

Think tanks are often mentioned in journalist’s reports regarding political decisions and legislative changes in the US. These institutions affect the US government by conducting researches and publishing reports that help government policymakers with their choices. In addition, experts formerly employed by think tank institutions often proceed to work for...

Leadership and Personality Traits of Donald Trump

Donald Trump is one of the most remarkable participants of the presidential race. His decision to run for the presidency stirred all the mass media sources and caused numerous public debates. Whatever one’s attitude towards Donald Trump’s views is, it is undoubted that this candidate possesses exceptional leadership traits that...

Ethics in International Affairs

Ethical challenges in the international system There are outstanding issues within the international system that have been perceived as ethical challenges by scholars. As an example, the issue of human rights, military force, and international intervention in states has sparked unending debate among realists. For instance, human rights have become...

Gandhi & Eleanor Roosevelt: Pioneers of Human Rights Activism

Mohandas Gandhi Gandhi’s struggle against human social injustices in the society in which he is known to have been a vocal activist started in South Africa in the late 18th century. At the time South Africa, like many other countries in Africa and elsewhere was sharply polarized along with racial...

Meritocracy in American Society: Dream or Reality?

Throughout the entire course of political studies, a variety of new terms and concepts has been studied. However, it has been chosen to focus the research on meritocracy and whether American society can adopt it to improve the state of political and social affairs. In this essay, a reflection on...

Indian Space Mission and Its Negative Aspects

The following paper will discuss the topic of ISRO to launch India’s first spacecraft to Mars. Even thought primarily it might seem as a sensation with positive factors, there are some concerns that have been voiced by people of India, as well as other countries. Some of the benefits attributed...

Israeli-Palestinian Warfare: The Gaza Conflict

ABC News (2014) explains that the Gaza Conflict is one of the many conflicts within the Israeli-Palestinian warfare. The Gaza strip has been under attack for decades. Bennett (2013) explains that the conflict in the region can be attributed to the lack of clear boundaries and political affiliations in the...

Iran’s History, Islamic Governance and Relationships with the US

Introduction Iran is a large country populated by over 70 million people. The ancestors of the modern Iranians entered the territory of the country in nearly 900 BC. Currently, its population includes diverse cultural and ethnic groups – Persians constitute the majority population that dominates in multiple spheres of performance,...

Robert F. Kennedy: Biography, Contributions, and Assassination

Robert Francis Kennedy, also widely known under the initials of RFK, was a lawyer and politician, one of the nine children born into the family or Joseph and Rose Kennedy. He was the Attorney General in the administration of his brother, President John F. Kennedy. After the unfortunate assassination of...

The European Union’s Security Issues

Introduction Security is a multifaceted concept that can be comprehended in diverse forms, hinging on its objects: the discernment of threats, the preserved values, and the ways through which these values are preserved. The ongoing change in perception of security threat and the means through which these threats are addressed...

Western Australia Police Communications Centre’s Change

Introduction The WA Police Communications Centre is a vital organ of the regions police force, primarily because it provides for an ideal way for members of the public to reach the organization for help and support. However, the job is very challenging because, by its nature, it involves constantly listening...

Semiotics and the Development of Political Discourse

Introduction Language can be viewed as a means of domination, meant to consolidate the relationship in the system of organized political and social power. It means that the language is ideologized in its nature. Moreover, the less explicit the relationships between different parts of a political-social system are, the more...

Analyzing the Current Status of the American Dream: Insights from B. King

The American Dream is the most significant concept: after all, it is difficult to neglect the wishes and hopes of an entire nation. As the situation in the country changes, and the realities of the American life conflict with its Dream, some are quick to announce that the latter has...

Global Organizations and Their Impact on International Relations: A Comprehensive Overview

Formative Essay: Essay Plan This essay aims at investigating whether the growth of international organisations during the second half of 20th century has influenced the conduct of international relations. To achieve this aim, the essay begins by discussing the emergence of the discipline of international relations followed by the emergence...

Civil Disobedience: Socrates vs. Martin Luther King

Introduction The idea of civil disobedience and its credibility has been considered by philosophers, politicians, and activists since the formation of governmental systems. The idea stems from the notion that laws should be obeyed until they are superseded by a more powerful force such as moral notions, survival, saving a...

Iraq War Mistake: Faulty Intel and the WMD Misconception

Abstract The US government’s decision to invade Iraq was based on faulty and unreliable intelligence report that says Saddam Hussein’s government was stockpiling weapons of mass destruction. The Iraq War was one of the costliest mistakes that the American government made in the 21st century. The US government failed to...

Party Politics in America: Marjorie Randon Hershey’s Masterpiece

Introduction Party Politics in America is a chef-d’oeuvre book by Marjorie Randon Hershey. The book centers on the political parties in the United States of America and it emphasizes the role of politics in the American society. The book analyzes modern political parties coupled with their organization and funding. The...

Nelson Mandela’s Life and Politics

Nelson Mandela is known as a strong and purposeful fighter against racism and apartheid, the protector of the oppressed populations of South Africa. He is an honorable winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, and the first South African President, who came to power through the democratic elections (The life and...

The Culture War by Morris Fiorina: U.S. Unity vs. Polarization

Introduction The Culture War is a chef-d’oeuvre book by Morris P. Fiorina. The book takes the reader through the political structure and organisation of the American politics with the main argument being that the United States is not polarised. The book is subdivided into 10 chapters with each exploring a...

“Digital Diplomacy” a Book by Andreas Sandre

Introduction With the rapid development of technologies, coupled with contemporary tendencies to globalization, the digital age provides more political, economical, cultural, scientific, and other opportunities to people who never before could enjoy so many freedoms and access to sources of information. However, the Internet has acquired so much power and...

The English School of International Relations: Theory Review

The English school of international relations contributed enormously to the development of the existing theories. The theory observes that a society of states exist at the global arena, even though the system is anarchic. The school tends to suggest that the international system lacks an official government that can oversee...

The Effect Technology on International Relations

Introduction Scientific innovation and invention has raised the bar of integration and relation among countries; efficient and reliable communication and transport systems plays a vital role in international integration. Globalization has necessitated the need to have improved international relations that facilitate integration and interdependence among countries (Croucher 16). This paper...

Globalization Essence by M. Steger and N. Bisley

Globalization is probably one of the most difficult and controversial issues to deal with. A number of attempts were made by sophisticated researchers and philosophers in order to understand how to treat the process of globalization and whether it is possible to investigate it from different perspectives. However, not all...

Urbanization and Developing Countries

Introduction In the past, the majority of individuals not only in developing nations but also in developed countries lived mostly in rural areas. However, with the advent of urbanization in addition to the ever-changing living patterns, most of the world populations have moved to areas they consider more urbanized. Although...

Social Justice and Equality in America

The modern principles of American civil society are based on the ideas presented in the Declaration of Independence. The principle of the people’s equality is stated in the preamble to the document. However, there is no single vision of the idea of equality in American society, especially with references to...

Customs and Courtesies in the Military: Survey Feedback

The survey feedback system has been defined by Wilson (2008) as a potentially powerful tool in improving and transformation of the organization. Feedback can be observed in both physical and social system perspectives and includes such concepts as collecting data, assessment, and implementations of action plans. The use of survey...

Government: Parliamentary vs. Presidential Systems

Introduction Government types are determined and defined by the way the state’s executive, judicial, and legislative institutions are organized. In present times, the majority of governments are democratic, which means that they “permit nation’s citizens to manage their government either directly or through elected representatives” (Faraji, 2015, p. 269). There...

Gun Control Debate: A Balance Between Rights and Safety

Introduction The topic of gun control in the United States has been a subject of considerable debate and controversy. Proponents of gun rights maintain that the Second Amendment of the Constitution guarantees an individual’s right to possess firearms. On the other hand, advocates of stricter gun control laws argue that...