Currently, most economies in the world are in chaos, especially in the United States. As a consequence, the arguments about the advantages and disadvantages of socialism and capitalism as competing systems of the economy have been increasing. Socialism is an economic system where the government controls or owns the means...
Topic: Capitalism
Words: 1213
Pages: 5
Introduction Astronomers would describe outer space as infinite, varied, and astonishingly complex. However, when it comes to international relations (IR), the immense world of extra-solar planets and gigantic galaxies is rather irrelevant to theorists. Although the Space Age (the mid-20th century) has raised several important questions for foreign policy scholars,...
Topic: Aliens
Words: 1332
Pages: 5
For quite some time, there have been debates of whether Turkey should be acceded into the European Union (EU). It is one of the nations that have applied for inclusion although it has been receiving accusations from the other members of EU. It’s been accused of not establishing an effective...
Topic: European Union
Words: 2759
Pages: 10
Outline This topic describes the leadership qualities of a person. It helps to understand the issues in leadership qualities, values and personalities. It investigates the power, influence, values and behaviour of a leader. And it tells about how a leader is different from others and how he influences his followers...
Topic: American Politics
Words: 1195
Pages: 3
Community policing is a successful and innovative law enforcement concept. A community can be described as a group of people with a common interest that is understood geographically. This shared value or interest brings together elements of solidarity, commitment, mutuality and trust (Harris, & Welch, 2009). Policing on the other...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 686
Pages: 2
Democracy means a rule by the people and its evolution of Greek government evolved as a direct opposite from the dictatorship form they hated. Therefore, democracy has developed in a setting where people feel oppressed and generally being dictated upon or where unfair means are perceived to exist or a...
Topic: Democracy
Words: 678
Pages: 2
Introduction The U.S has the largest prisoner population in the world. As it stands, over 2.3 million people are locked up in prisons and other correctional facilities (BJS). While a great portion of that population is incarcerated for relatively harmless crimes such as marijuana usage and storage, there are also...
Topic: Death Penalty
Words: 571
Pages: 2
Introduction The competitiveness and effectiveness of an organization is influenced by the kind of leadership put in place. In government institutions, the issue of management has not been taken seriously over the past few decades. This is has been the case because many civil servants and leaders have failed to...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 3058
Pages: 11
“It was once said that the moral test of government is how that government treats those who are in the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the elderly; and those who are in the shadows of life, the sick, the needy, and the...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 375
Pages: 2
Introduction The significance of negotiations can hardly be underrated in the present-day political world. No matter how smoothly the process of international operations may run, conflicts do emerge as a result of a natural evolution of states, and addressing them in a manner as expeditious as possible is essential to...
Topic: Military
Words: 2537
Pages: 10
Introduction General Norman Schwarzkopf was born to be a leader, and he worked his way up to becoming a celebrated Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Army Central Command. He attained major milestones in his career in the military and showed the ability to work with a diverse group of people. Throughout...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 2176
Pages: 7
Introduction The widespread usage of technology in today’s world accelerates the digitalization of various activities. Innovative technologies play a crucial role in people’s lives since they improve performance and offer the necessary level of comfort. When personal information is collected, transparency encourages trust; one should be able to determine the...
Topic: Brexit
Words: 2898
Pages: 10
Introduction The cause-and-effect relationship serves as the foundation of the world. The law from physics that can be simply interpreted as any action will have a response can be seen in every field of human society, including warfare. In particular, this is evident from the “dance” of air threats and...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 902
Pages: 3
There has been a long debate on how international law should be shaped and implemented. The concept of norms exists, which includes a set of rules, laws, and regulations that an individual must follow. However, there is a problem with determining which particular norm will be included in the legislation,...
Topic: International Law
Words: 1138
Pages: 4
Introduction Government is the most influential institution in a country because it has the economic power to make significant changes in all national systems. Indeed, law enforcement, education, transportation, health manufacturing, and business depend on the administration’s decisions and financial support. Politicians tend to select one of these sectors to...
Topic: Health
Words: 300
Pages: 1
“The white man’s burden” was an example of a justified imperialism argument to liberate the countries that lagged in economic, social, and political development in the 19th century. This freedom would involve the whites colonizing other territories to further the interests of their homeland and at the same time, civilize...
Topic: Imperialism
Words: 300
Pages: 1
Pleasurable diversions have the capability to create a society where people are distracted to the point where they can hardly notice that they are living in servitude. This is the essence of Aldous Huxley’s novel, which was published in 1931 (Huxley, 2004). At this time, he did not perceive the...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 2243
Pages: 8
Abstract The concept of power is one of the highly debated issues in contemporary society. Power emanates from a position that can influence people both positively and negatively. In the field of sociology, power is viewed as a probability that one actor within a social relationship will be in a...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 3039
Pages: 11
There are various analytical mechanisms and tools in the military sphere. According to Scott (2017), “the strategic estimate is a tool available to commanders as they develop plans” (p. 3). One of the things that affect strategic estimates, in particular, is operational variables. Operational variables are aspects of both military...
Topic: Army
Words: 566
Pages: 2
In the current digital era, the advancement of technology strongly depends on governmental decisions. Laws and bills adopted by the authorities can enhance innovation, but, as practice shows, they often only prevent scientists and engineers from realizing their ideas. The problem lies in poor understanding of technological and scientific impacts...
Topic: Technology
Words: 340
Pages: 1
Introduction As the name suggests, a superpower is a nation that demonstrates a great capacity to dominate other nations or regions in the international order. This term was highly applicable in pre cold war times especially during the first and second world wars. After the cold war, the Soviets lost...
Topic: International Relations
Words: 2515
Pages: 8
Introduction The conflict between Israel and Palestine can be seen as one of the characteristic attributes of politics in the Middle East. While the tones of such conflict shift continuously, switching from an overall Arab-Israeli conflict into a state of peace negotiations, the initial causes of the conflict are still...
Topic: Conflict
Words: 426
Pages: 2
Abstract The concept highlighted in the context waylays the interrelations on how televised messages are relayed via the dominant system to the discord prevailing labor structures and the ideology of the hegemony process in the American society. The entire process of hegemony is again extended to the ruling status whereby...
Topic: Entertainment
Words: 1145
Pages: 4
Blurring boundaries through globalization We live in a time when the application of conventional social, economic and political terminology, to describe the realities of living in a post-industrial world, can no longer be thought of as fully adequate. Nowadays, politics is much better described in terms of economy, social and...
Topic: Globalization
Words: 739
Pages: 2
Introduction Nationalism is the expression of the identity of the nation. Nationalism could be understood only through the understanding of two different terms – nation and state. This paper presents what is nationalism, what is the difference between state and nation, and how the different interests of nation and state...
Topic: Nationalism
Words: 723
Pages: 2
Introduction The discipline of security studies has been divided on the view of “wide” and “narrow” definitions of security since the post-Cold War era. The believers widening of the theory argues that the scope of security issues should digress to other areas like environmental and/or economic issues. However, the traditionalists...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 1262
Pages: 4
Introduction The concepts of utopia and dystopia characterize political and economic system of a state and its ideology. Utopia means “an ideal state where all is ordered for the best for humanity as a whole and where the evils of society, such as poverty and misery, have been eliminated” (The...
Topic: Dystopia
Words: 625
Pages: 2
Introduction Films and other artifacts of cultures reflect the peculiarities of the human society and its primary concerns. Humanity has to address various issues, including but not confined to environmental challenges and global terrorism. Captain America: Civil War also provides a certain remedy to solve the current problems, and filmmakers...
Topic: Civil War
Words: 2855
Pages: 10
From a variety of governing styles, democracy with its power of citizens seems to be the most appropriate decision in the context of war and the post-war period. Since the previous dictator was overthrown and a new President was elected, it is critical to ensure that the given state would...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 855
Pages: 3
The life of human society is closely interconnected with a wide range of problems, and the burden of choice remains one of them. There is no doubt that various communities can live by their own rules but there is no society that would be able to avoid choosing between material...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 293
Pages: 2
Introduction Aristotle is famous for his statement that man is a natural animal. I realized the true meaning of this statement only after I had enrolled in a degree program in political science at the university. The course introduced me to the world of politics, and how politics runs society...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 1104
Pages: 4
Why are government programs seldom terminated? Usually, if the evaluation of some program shows that its findings are negative, it is terminated. If it becomes known that there was some inefficiency or fraud, the same thing happens. And, of course, in the case of negative benefit-cost ratios, the program is...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 627
Pages: 2
Introduction Relations between Pakistan and the United States have been tumultuous since the 1950s, a trend that continued after the Cold War ended in 1991. During the Cold War, one US strategy was to make alliances with different countries to counter the expansion of Soviet communism and influence. The United...
Topic: Cold War
Words: 4217
Pages: 15
The following paper will discuss the topic of ISRO to launch India’s first spacecraft to Mars. Even thought primarily it might seem as a sensation with positive factors, there are some concerns that have been voiced by people of India, as well as other countries. Some of the benefits attributed...
Topic: Space
Words: 836
Pages: 4
Communism and liberalism are two distinct ideologies that have been traditionally framed as opposing approaches. Nevertheless, certain similarities can be identified that determine their impact on the global community. The main similarity between liberalism and communism is the emphasis on equality characteristics for both ideologies. However, the specificities of the...
Topic: Communism
Words: 586
Pages: 3
Liberal vs Conservative: Introduction The American society is traditionally divided into people who support either liberal or conservative course, although the major part still supports the mixture of values (Samara 354). This division started as early as the 18th century. After gaining independence from Great Britain, the country was left...
Topic: Conservatism
Words: 585
Pages: 3
The famous Fulton Speech made by Winston Churchill in 1946 was a resonant and well-prepared action. Although it was officially entitled “The Sinews of Peace,” it is mostly known as “The Iron Curtain Speech.” Its role cannot be underestimated, as it triggered waves of criticism and questions about the threat,...
Topic: Historical Figures
Words: 610
Pages: 3
Legalization of Marijuanas Essay Introduction Also known as cannabis, Marijuana primarily consists of dry leaves of the hemp plant that people chew or smoke in order to experience euphoric effects. Marijuana normally has psychological and physical effects on the users such as visual impairment and mild euphoria, depending on the...
Topic: Marijuana
Words: 2877
Pages: 11
Introduction The Houston Police department (HPD) serves the city of Texas as the primary agency for law enforcement. The agency’s mission is to improve quality of life, preserve peace, and reduce fear through working cooperatively with other offices, such as the Sherriff’s office, under the US constitution. The agency is...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 1453
Pages: 5
The ideology of Neoliberalism, which emerged in the 1970s, is often characterized as a contemporary manifestation of “market fundamentalism.” This designation is derived from the central tenet of Neoliberalism, which prioritizes free markets as the primary mechanism for organizing economic activity and holds a firm conviction in the superiority of...
Topic: Neoliberalism
Words: 402
Pages: 1
Introduction Even though the events of the 1890s seem to be distant, the effects of the depression affected the United States drastically. After the majority of the prices were stabilized, the economy came back and allowed the government to profit from the expansion of its activities. The new political regimes...
Topic: American Politics
Words: 557
Pages: 2
Introduction For the purpose of this assignment, the Dallas Police Department police academy and training curriculum was examined. Overall, it dedicates a significant section of the curriculum towards diversity training and community relations with various populations. It has a community service section that focuses on communication, compromise, and cooperation along...
Topic: Curriculum
Words: 847
Pages: 3
In different cultures and social settings, the state of being confined to prison or intercalation is spelled out as a formal structure. In the progressive development of the various aspects elements, different approaches are deployed by the respective authorities to define prison terms and the measures put in place to...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 586
Pages: 2
The ratification of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) marked an important point in human history when 58 nation-states intended to construct a document that would solidify commonly shared values and norms. Although its elaboration necessitated titanic efforts and a strong willingness to negotiate, compromise, and cooperate from all...
Topic: Human Rights
Words: 929
Pages: 3
A police officer’s duties are preventing and detecting crime and overall upholding public order. Police officers reply to security alerts, make arrests, patrol streets and communities, and uphold public safety. Every police officer has a jurisdiction given to them where they work. The duties can vary because there are several...
Topic: Police
Words: 583
Pages: 2
Introduction The police are entrusted to enforce the law and ensure the safety of citizens. However, in the United States, policing has been marked by straining relationships with people, especially from minority communities. Police officers have killed many people under controversial circumstances. The political climate regarding policing in the country...
Topic: Accountability
Words: 2213
Pages: 8
Introduction Leadership involves an individual influencing other individuals and guiding them towards the accomplishment of a common goal or objective as well as developing a vision. It is an essential part of any department or organization, including the public safety department, whose main objective is the protection of the general...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 2822
Pages: 10
This paper addresses the topic of democratic and authoritarian political systems, comparing the United States and China. The article seeks to answer the question: does a democratic system guarantee people’s will and serve their needs more than an authoritarian government? Previous academic research has defined democracy and argued its essential...
Topic: Democracy
Words: 1211
Pages: 4
The American Army is the greatest military in the world and whose greatness comes from the strategic approach of training all the soldiers to become leaders. Each soldier, at one point, becomes a leader whether the forces are in war or peacefully at home (Kirchner, 2018). The structure of the...
Topic: Army
Words: 816
Pages: 3
Introduction Stress is a mental illness that affects a big part of people’s lives and primarily emanates from the workplace culture as some jobs involve more stressful situations than others. The chosen population is military personnel, primarily active-duty members. The rationale for selecting military personnel is due to the evidence...
Topic: Management
Words: 1485
Pages: 5
Sexual violence within the United States Army undermines its credibility for potential recruits and still affects thousands of victims, despite measures taken to eliminate it. According to Kime (2019), the number of sexual assaults in 2016-2018 increased by almost 40 percent, and in 2018 alone affected 20,500 employees. An important...
Topic: Army
Words: 664
Pages: 2
Introduction The American political system is primarily shaped by the legislature, the executive, and the judiciary. All the three crucial divisions have their supremacies convened by the head of state, the U.S. Constitution, and the Supreme Court. Additionally, the American political system is vastly subjugated by two primary political parties,...
Topic: American Politics
Words: 948
Pages: 3
Senator John McCarthy’s speech “Enemies from Within” can be described as an embodiment of America’s anti-communist sentiment during the Cold War. In the speech, his views and definitions of communism are apparent. This paper argues that to some extent his fears were justifiable, even though the true extent of the...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 1134
Pages: 4
Tammany Hall, a New York City political organization operating in the early twentieth century, was a powerful machine that included most prominent Democrats. One of the most renowned politicians and influential leaders was George Washington Plunkitt, who gave his speeches from the bootblack stand. The series of talks were written...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 1116
Pages: 4
Introduction Achievement of justice goes hand in hand with the type of punishment that one receives, depending on the crimes committed. In addition, in common life scenarios, the majority of individuals use punishment as a deterring tool or a mechanism of making sure individuals never repeat mistakes they have committed....
Topic: Capital Punishment
Words: 1156
Pages: 4
Although wars are rare occurrences even under the best conditions, they are triggered by the various factors which prevent competing states from negotiating successfully and settling the outstanding issues. International politics is a considerably small and anarchical environment where bargaining, compromises, and arrangements are the primary mode of political interaction....
Topic: War
Words: 1253
Pages: 4
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) may be defined as the international set of well-defined and strict rules of data protection. According to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, “everyone has the right to the protection of personal...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 555
Pages: 2
Introduction The aim of correctional facilities is not only to punish offenders but also to help them change their attitudes and encourage them for a better life without crimes and violence. At the end of their sentence, criminals reenter the community. However, releasing offenders is a challenging task because it...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 872
Pages: 3
In life, there are moments when the actions of one person can invariably change the history of a nation. In America, there are people whose heroic deeds have been landmarks in the history of the nation. A good example of such kind of people is Jackie Robinson and Barack Obama....
Topic: American Politics
Words: 712
Pages: 2
Background information Formed way in 1958, the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) is a non-profit organization that advocates focus on addressing the needs and interties Americans of middle-aged to elderly descent. The association owes its formation Ethel Percy Andrus, a retired teacher whose goal was to assist the elderly...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 4895
Pages: 18
Introduction The country draws closer to yet again an important time in its history. It is a time that will impact the growth of the country. The upcoming election period will determine the kind of leaders that the country will be governed with in the next session. It is a...
Topic: Elections
Words: 785
Pages: 2
In the article, the writer expresses his dedicated glee of the revolutionary battles in many instances. Algeria was in a bad state and had in fact called off an election fearing that the Muslims would take over the highly sought office of the president, consequently running the Government affairs. The...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 516
Pages: 2
Introduction Both George Washington and Toussaint Louverture have made history for leading their people against dominion by unpopular powers. As commander of the Continental Army, George Washington led his men into attacking and defeating British armies during the American Revolutionary war of 1775 to 1783. Toussaint Louverture on the other...
Topic: American Politics
Words: 740
Pages: 3
The whole history of humanity is characterized by the never stopping process of development: existing society’s development and appearance of new societies and states. In terms of each society development it is possible to distinguish such phenomena as personalism and patrimonialism, they can be traced in all countries to a...
Topic: Developing Countries
Words: 570
Pages: 2
Several authors argue that peoples’ motivations are influenced by the leadership styles they socialize with (Eisler & Carter, 2010, p.100). For instance, servant leadership has replaced transformational leadership as one of those leadership styles that influence peoples’ motivations through serving them while upholding one’s personal integrity (Liden et al., 2008,...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 846
Pages: 3
The Land Registry Office at Swansea was indeed one of the underperforming government agencies about a decade ago. However, the organisational restructuring process that has taken place over the few years has not just transformed the Land Registry. The improvement measures have also seen the department grow by leaps and...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 2843
Pages: 10
A proposition to remove the formal written law in the United States today will definitely be received with fear and outright resistance. The thought is most unwelcome in a society that has lived knowing that the formal written law is been instrumental in crime deterrence. It would present to many...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 562
Pages: 2
Executive Summary After a long heritage of colonial exploitation, Singapore has evidenced as a high per capita ranged country and a remarkable free trade zone with significant economic development. Thus, it is necessary to study the political economy of Singapore. This paper has involved doing so with starting form country...
Topic: Trade
Words: 2879
Pages: 10
Introduction To begin with, the point of characteristic features of Russia in its democratization process differs a bit from other post-communist countries. Western countries promote the complex of ways for such measures and do this with a “mixed success”. The reforms which were started by Gorbachev in 1985 gradually displayed...
Topic: Democracy
Words: 537
Pages: 2
Currently, many American scholars and policy-makers briskly debate the question of whether English should be declared the official or even national language of the United States. To some extent, this controversy is connected with the fact that the number of Spanish-speaking people in the country has dramatically increased over recent...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 519
Pages: 3
The founding wizard is an article on the Founding Fathers of our great nation. The article tries to bring to the fore how the leaders used their wisdom other than political inclinations to make great decisions that have continued to be benchmarks in our society. The article as well demonstrates...
Topic: Alexander Hamilton
Words: 692
Pages: 2
Introduction Karl Marx is one of the greatest contributors in the field of political ideology. His perspective of ideology was brought out clearly in the book The German Ideology in which he coauthored with Frederick Engels. Through this book, Marx gives insight in the issue of political ideology. Accordingly, this...
Topic: Karl Marx
Words: 1663
Pages: 6
Civil disobedience has appeared to be the problem since the democratic form of government arouse in society. Authoritarianism, monarchy, and tyranny are types of government, which took place in the history, did not give any chance for disobedience. Civil disobedience is the opposite notion to the morality and duty in...
Topic: Civil Disobedience
Words: 1375
Pages: 5
Introduction Despite English being the official language of more than fifty nations globally, it is yet to become the official language of the United States of America. If English is made the official language, it means that all government operations must be carried out using the language and that no...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 1435
Pages: 5
Introduction The death penalty also known as Capital punishment is the execution of a person by the state as punishment for a crime. Ronald (2000) notes that “the execution of criminals and political opponents was used by nearly all societies as a way of punishing crimes and suppressing political dissent,...
Topic: Death Penalty
Words: 548
Pages: 2
The problem of sovereignty is reduced, in the real world, to the control of specific acts of particular sovereignty. It is not one problem but many problems; for there is no one abuse of sovereignty, there are only abuses, various in form and often markedly different in degree. A quest...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 3171
Pages: 12
European Union In the aftermath of World War II, the next four years of devastation and destruction witnessed the death of millions. Consequently, a relatively small group of different European countries join together for the purpose of planning for the future to avoid such destructive events. The result was the...
Topic: European Union
Words: 1817
Pages: 7
Authoritarian and totalitarian autocracies are both representative of a strong, central, and repressive governments. However, they differ to the degree to which methods of control and oppression are implemented. An authoritative autocracy has a central government that controls all aspects of the political process and governance. However, there is a...
Topic: Authoritarianism
Words: 320
Pages: 2
Introduction Andrew Yang is an American entrepreneur, philanthropist, and a 2020 presidential candidate for the Democratic Party. He is also an accomplished lawyer and the founder of a nonprofit organization whose primary goal is to create employment in American cities. Political analysts downplayed his 2017 announcement to run for the...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 1661
Pages: 6
The ideology of monarchism refers to the advocacy for monarchical rule. A monarchist is a person that supports the form of government in which one person is the head of the state who sits on a throne and occupies the central ruling position over a country. Being one of the...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 295
Pages: 1
Democracy and Equality In his writings, John Stuart Mill makes important contributions to democratic governance by putting forward key principles that govern how democracy should be exercised. In its simplest form, the democratic rule indicates the rule of people whose authority and legitimacy comes from the people themselves (Brink, 2007)....
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 914
Pages: 3
Land Use, Zoning, and CEQR Land use refers to the management and utilization of land to produce, change or maintain its natural state and includes aspects such as zoning, city planning, agricultural development, and public regulation (Burke, 2009). On the other hand, zoning refers to the process of determining how...
Topic: Environment
Words: 301
Pages: 1
Ethical challenges in the international system There are outstanding issues within the international system that have been perceived as ethical challenges by scholars. As an example, the issue of human rights, military force, and international intervention in states has sparked unending debate among realists. For instance, human rights have become...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 1206
Pages: 4
Introduction Different institutions usually employ different mechanisms in monitoring organizational functions and operations. The methods used to identify the best mechanisms to be employed usually get inclined towards the issues affecting leadership in institutions. In the given scenario, the person involved moves from a collegial institution to an anarchical organization...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 1212
Pages: 5
Introduction This paper examines capitalism in East Asia. East Asia follows the model known as state-sponsored capitalism. In this sense, the government makes an investment in certain sectors of the economy with the view of spurring growth in the private sector. Countries, which pursue state-sponsored capitalism, include Japan, Singapore, Taiwan,...
Topic: Capitalism
Words: 2274
Pages: 9
Abstract The paper describes the activities of World Vision International is an international development and non-governmental organization in the context of the cooperation between globalization, individual cultures, and such organizations. The paper aims to discuss the effects of the organization’s activities on individual cultures and evaluate the effectiveness of the...
Topic: International Organizations
Words: 1434
Pages: 6
Introduction The United States is a country that was built by people who searched for freedom from the traditional rules imposed by the Church and by feudal masters. It is not surprising that the nation created as a result has freedom as its primary value. The living conditions in the...
Topic: American Dream
Words: 826
Pages: 4
Millennium Development Goals Millennium Development Goals are the document developed and accepted by the United Nations in 2000. The specificity of this program is the design of not only eight goals to achieve but also measures for estimating the success of the initiative. The major objective is to foster the...
Topic: Globalization
Words: 650
Pages: 3
Introduction Strategic intelligence has been a point of concern to policymakers in many developed countries, and different researchers have attempted to describe its utility in the decision-making process. According to Johnson (2007, 84), strategic intelligence entails the use of intelligence in making strategic management decisions and planning. Strategic intelligence also...
Topic: Intelligence
Words: 2204
Pages: 9
Introduction A study on the causes of war and enhancing peaceful coexistence in the world has been a critical issue in international relations. Scholars and students alike have to look at the root of what makes countries go to war, as well as the modalities that can help restore and...
Topic: International Relations
Words: 1434
Pages: 6
Key Aspects of Economic Interdependence The modern world is a complex mechanism, as it consists of numerous actors engaged in the division of labor and resource exchange. Even the countries with high political and economic influence have always experienced a need to trade. This matter can be explained by the...
Topic: Trade
Words: 1100
Pages: 4
Introduction The Culture War is a chef-d’oeuvre book by Morris P. Fiorina. The book takes the reader through the political structure and organisation of the American politics with the main argument being that the United States is not polarised. The book is subdivided into 10 chapters with each exploring a...
Topic: Culture
Words: 1467
Pages: 6
Introduction Based on1984, it is apparent that the government is stimulated by allegiance (Orwell 3). In the book, the government mandates the public to support its ambition to oversee the greater Oceania. According to the book, being loyal to the party requires the citizens to accept the government’s directions without...
Topic: Technology
Words: 1392
Pages: 6
Globalization processes have had a great impact on national ideas and citizenship. Put another way, those propositions of a normative kind that invoke the non-state, be they with regard to global citizenship, conflict and peace studies, or the promotion of human rights, and have to be accompanied by some persuasive...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 3603
Pages: 13
The rapid development of international institutions was initiated after the end of World War II. The primary objective for founding global organizations was seen in preventing military conflicts of similar scale in the future, building up channels for international communication, and establishing the foundation for worldwide cooperation. This paper aims...
Topic: Banking
Words: 1116
Pages: 5
Abstract The following document will look at Red Cross as an international body, its date of formation as well as the requirements that one has to have before joining. The purpose and the organization will also be discussed in this document. Structure and achievements will also be looked at in...
Topic: International Organizations
Words: 551
Pages: 3
U.S. Veterans Veterans of the United States Armed Forces are integral to American culture and history. In 2020, roughly 18.2 million veterans, representing 7.0% of the total population were still alive in the United States (Vespa, 2020). According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the median age of veterans is 64,...
Topic: Veterans
Words: 2385
Pages: 9
Introduction The mass shooting incident at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, has become a primary example of the leadership and strategy failures of the law enforcement in the United States. A series of mistakes of the police officers and other authorities has resulted in 21 victims – 19 students...
Topic: Police
Words: 942
Pages: 3
Introduction Geronimo or Neptune’s Spear is an operation authorized by Barack Obama and carried out on May 2, 2011, by a particular unit of DEVGRU to eliminate Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaeda terrorist organization. After that, Barack Obama delivered a speech that caused an international outcry. Most approved of the results...
Topic: American Politics
Words: 940
Pages: 3
The significant successes and failures of The Battle of Roberts’ Ridge military operation at Anaconda can be explained through the paradigm of the six principles of mission command, namely building cohesive teams based on mutual trust, creating a shared understanding, ensuring clear commander intent, exercising disciplined initiative, using mission orders,...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 1231
Pages: 4
Abstract Operation Anaconda was an example of ambiguity in the interpretation of success and effectiveness. This paper examines previous evaluations of the operation. It provides the analysis to understand the situation better and assess incorrect command actions to avoid them in the future. Information from official sources is used in...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 876
Pages: 3
Political Cartoon Background of the Political Cartoon News Story At the beginning of the summer, it became known that gas prices in Canada had reached an all-time high. Canadians in most parts of the country noted that prices were either over $2 per liter or approaching that level. The Consumer...
Topic: Inflation
Words: 643
Pages: 2
Introduction The strategic task force is committed to ensuring these groups of teenagers and young adults who descend commercial stores are apprehended. The operation will be a collaborative effort of 6 departmental units and other agencies within the criminal justice system. The six units include the Chief of Police, Special...
Topic: Police
Words: 1249
Pages: 4
Introduction Despite leaders from both countries reiterating their commitment to the special relationship that has defined U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East for decades, the security partnership between the U.S. and Israel is being tested by three major foreign policy issues: the situation in the West Bank and Gaza,...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 1164
Pages: 4
Introduction In recent years, there has been a growing demand on the part of society for the audit of state organizations and departments, including the assessment of the effectiveness of state bodies and the misuse of budgetary funds. It is necessary to find balanced accounting and auditing methods to meet...
Topic: Money
Words: 939
Pages: 3
Summary The current proposal focuses on the idea that Heritage PD could significantly benefit from the use of motivating factors when approaching police officer productivity and the quality of interactions with the public. Based on the research from the Metropolitan Police, it was found that various promotions and achievement recognition...
Topic: Police
Words: 1449
Pages: 5
During the last century, human society witnessed numerous crimes of shocking severity and cruelty. For example, the first and the second World Wars showcased the use of chemical weaponry and racial genocide, respectively (Kramer, 2019). Due to the broad scope of such crimes, which resulted in many involved people and...
Topic: Court
Words: 383
Pages: 1
Introduction The death penalty is a general discussion topic in modern society and is complicated. Federal and state courts progressively approve death penalty statutes, enabling executions to proceed rapidly. An example of such tendency in the cultural field would be the quote from Brendan F. Behan: “I was court-martial in...
Topic: Death
Words: 1232
Pages: 4
Constructivism loudly declared itself in the 90s of the last century and became the main methodological framework for studying international relations for the entire decade. This happened when the prevailing rationalist theories of neorealism and neoliberalism failed to predict and explain the end of the Cold War and the collapse...
Topic: International Relations
Words: 1484
Pages: 5
The speech’s topic The topic of President Reagan’s speech was “change that brings hope and stability.” He addressed the Evangelicals in a variety of matters concerning how they would promote religion and morality in the United States. The speech’s thesis and main point The speech’s main point was to promote...
Topic: President
Words: 619
Pages: 2
Introduction Corruption is a significant issue faced by every country or corporation to some extent. In some cases, effective methods are implemented in order to reduce fraud and investigate such crimes. In others, corruption, bribery, fraud, and other types of misconduct represent considerably higher rates. The Glenn Defence Marine Asia...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 863
Pages: 3
Everyone knows that the most serious and grave crimes are committed mainly with the help of firearms. With their high power, hand-held firearms pose a considerable danger to human life and health. This aspect creates an undoubted public danger of incidents involving the use of handguns. That is why it...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 574
Pages: 2
Introduction As the Democratic party’s front runner in the Presidential Election of 2016, Hillary Clinton has come closer than any other woman to become the US leader. From the earliest days of research on public opinion’s desires and expectations of the presidency, there has been an ongoing recording of documentation...
Topic: President
Words: 2488
Pages: 12
Introduction The development of this strategic staffing plan results from an exceptional and rare opportunity to create a non-profit community-based organization (CBO) that serves (100) underserved and underrepresented individuals and families in a Brooklyn, New York Community. An anonymous funder has announced an award of $1,000,000 to use over 12...
Topic: Strategic Planning
Words: 1140
Pages: 4
The first thing that comes to mind when talking about police is that their role is to help people, protect them, and improve the quality of their lives. The implementation of these goals lies in the maintenance of law and public order, and crime control through the investigation and prevention...
Topic: Police
Words: 600
Pages: 3
Introduction: Background Information about the Leader Kamala Harris conquers many peaks in the rank of the first woman, the first woman of color, and the first woman of Indian descent. One such achievement is the post of vice president, which she took in January 2021. This representative of the Democratic...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 1183
Pages: 4
Historians have widely discussed the concept of empire, yet no one can assert if imperialism is a good or bad type of governance. Scholars explore the history of empires to answer this question. For example, the article by Pennock, Holland, Green, and Wagner gives specific reasons why empires can be...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 368
Pages: 1
Introduction International organizations are an expression of society’s evolution from more primitive relations between states to more complex ones. Institutions such as the UN, IMF, World Bank, WTO, and even EU were formed with one common goal – to contribute to order in international relations. There are no less than...
Topic: International Organizations
Words: 1802
Pages: 6
Introduction It is hard to overestimate the significance and efficiency of international trade agreements. Understanding how they work and what benefits provide is essential in determining the feasibility of international trade. If made reasonably, trade agreements may allow different countries and their companies to access those markets and industries that...
Topic: Trade
Words: 977
Pages: 4
Definition of the Bureaucracy and its Main Functions Bureaucracy is a considerable part of contemporary democratic society. Most organizations should be regulated by specific services to maintain uniformity because of their complexity. The term bureaucracy implies a complex, multilayered system and a group of nonelected officials who perform series of...
Topic: Bureaucracy
Words: 311
Pages: 1
Introduction The American society has been keen to implement superior laws to protect more citizens against some of the illicit drugs, including cannabis, cocaine, amphetamines, and heroin. The nature of policy making processes in this country allows the federal government to retain and promote specific laws while permitting states to...
Topic: Marijuana
Words: 1935
Pages: 7
It is safe to say that 2020 is the year of social unrest, part of which the “defund the police” movement. The reason why this movement emerged was the police brutality towards people of color. The death of George Floyd became the trigger that prompted many people to protest and...
Topic: Police
Words: 595
Pages: 2
Despite its challenges, diversity can be a major asset for a modern military force. The issue of managing individuals with different backgrounds, appearances, experiences, abilities, and beliefs is not new. However, the increased diversity of the early 21st century has made it particularly acute. Diversity today means not only race...
Topic: Military
Words: 845
Pages: 5
Every country has a number of institutions to solve different problems and control the actions of citizens. Civil liberties and civil rights are the main instruments of the Constitution. These constitutional principles are presented in the Bill of Rights and are considered to be one of the main means of...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 854
Pages: 3
Classical conservatives define freedom as a privilege that must be controlled from reaching chaotic behaviors. Freedom itself is a good thing but when people are allowed to do whatever they want, they start to act in their interests and to the detriment of society. The government exists, so that it...
Topic: Freedom
Words: 573
Pages: 2
Political cartoons have been used by artists to send a message to the politicians on the current events. The artists usually criticize the politicians for overreacting to the current events, but ignore the usual events that have been affecting the society. Let us consider the following cartoon. In this picture,...
Topic: Health
Words: 644
Pages: 2
Introduction The mind map explores and discloses the major ways through which the government influences and fosters the state’s economy. Public management and organizational theories can also be discussed within the ways of controlling and economic influencing. These theories include scientific management, administrative management, participative management, human relations, pre-human relations,...
Topic: Bureaucracy
Words: 706
Pages: 2
Summary of the Article Major sport events have huge socioeconomic impacts on host countries and cities because of their large scale investments. Smith (2009) states host countries invest heavily in these sport events because they boost economic efficiency, promote equity, and enhance collective identities. However, the problem is that host...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 636
Pages: 2
Introduction The United Nations has a great role to play in current world affairs despite the few perspectives of its failure. The role of the United Nations goes beyond political and security matters. At the same time, the organization has been successful in a number of ways. It can thus...
Topic: International Organizations
Words: 625
Pages: 2
Introduction The Green Party is perhaps the best known alternative political party [outside of the Democrats and Republicans] in the United States. Co-founded in 1984 by American activist and politician Howie Hawkins (NY), the party was originally called Green Committee of Correspondence and then eventually went on to become Greens/Green...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 655
Pages: 2
Introduction The Issue or Problem on Which the Investigation Focuses As criminals become more sophisticated, elusive and technically perceptive, information and communications technology (ICT) has been harnessed to optimize the effectiveness of law enforcement in general and the police in particular. One such technological advance is the by-now ubiquitous portable...
Topic: Computers
Words: 1282
Pages: 4
Introduction Bill Clinton achieved great fame and recognition by becoming the President of the leading nation in the world. While his 8 years tenure witnessed several impressive accomplishments that not only brought about considerable improvements within the country, but also boosted its international image, he was also responsible for spawning...
Topic: American Politics
Words: 2940
Pages: 11
General understanding of bullying by Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Bulling and any kinds of abuse at the workplace are punished severely at most companies and are usually followed by the government of the region. People have the right to work in the company they like and which is interested in...
Topic: Bullying
Words: 579
Pages: 2
Introduction Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum is considered to be the ruler of Dubai and the Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE (United Arab Emirates); this personality takes a significant position in the flow of history of state political and social development. The paper is concentrated on the...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 1162
Pages: 4
Realism is a theory of international relations that claims that states and nations are greatly motivated towards a goal and action more for attaining military as well as economic power instead of being idealistic or taking a strong stance on ethics. Realism in international relations is also termed as power...
Topic: Realism
Words: 706
Pages: 2
Community policing has gained impetus in the recent past in an effort to enhance the safety of the public and the quality of life in communities. This new approach is especially important in this era of recession, high unemployment rates, and increased crime. Frequent budget cuts and a low number...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 1407
Pages: 5
Social policy refers to procedures taken to ensure that the masses access certain public goods. Historically social policy in the UK has been established and managed by the central government. It is only in the early 20th century that local governments started participating in social policy programs in their jurisdictions....
Topic: Social Policy
Words: 2171
Pages: 8
Introduction Clement Attlee, an esteemed war veteran, established first majority Labour’s government in Great Britain. He pursued a sturdy socialist programme and he was the father of the public organisations, which have added more strength to U.K’s economy. His overture to politics was to offer the people the talent and...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 4179
Pages: 15
Justin Trudeau is the Prime Minister of Canada and recently a controversial figure in media. He has a habit of wearing the national clothing of the host nation when visiting. This is often seen as insensitive or offensive by commenters. However, multiple photographs of him are available from such visits,...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 578
Pages: 2
The investigation of the success of intelligence and military operations is required to ensure their future improvement. For this project, it is proposed to research, describe, and evaluate the success of the counterterrorist operation JAWBREAKER. This codename is applied to an operation that was launched after the 9/11 terror act...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 307
Pages: 1
Hegemony is commonly defined as a method of subordinating another population by forcing consent to domination and a foreign ideology. A key concept in hegemony is the naturalization of power relations by creating an illusion that the domination is status quo. Language and culture are common means of achieving this....
Topic: Speech
Words: 559
Pages: 2
Summary The National Shipbuilding Procurement Strategy (currently known as the National Shipbuilding Strategy [NSS]) is a long-term project that was developed to renew Canada’s federal fleet, specifically the Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) and the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN). The Department of Public Works and Government Services operates the program, which...
Topic: Procurement
Words: 1193
Pages: 4
The fundamental principles and arguments of the supporters of socialism and capitalism as opposing systems were established in the period of the 19th century and the practical implication of the 20th century led to the adaptation and further solidification of their respective argumentative basis. Capitalism is an economic system, which...
Topic: Capitalism
Words: 885
Pages: 3
Introduction It is worth noting that the presence of the Electoral College contradicts the existing belief that, in a democracy, the winner is the one who receives the most votes. This system was introduced to eliminate the possibility that a large state would impose its political position on the whole...
Topic: Electoral College
Words: 648
Pages: 2
Introduction The United States has been embroiled in world politics for more than a hundred years. In that regard, its foreign policy has been a major investment with regard to time and money. After World War II, the foreign policy aimed at halting the spread of communism, which came to...
Topic: International Relations
Words: 1381
Pages: 6
Introduction At present, only a limited number of countries can be described as totalitarian. North Korea, for example, can be brought up as an example of closed states with totalitarian features. Although it is officially called the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, it has a history of communism and dictatorship...
Topic: Autocracy
Words: 672
Pages: 2
Introduction The major purpose of the unity of command is to arrange the effective operation of various forces under the authority of a single commander. In military operations, such unity is of utmost importance since people’s lives and countries’ relationships depend on the outcomes of such operations. Anaconda, the military...
Topic: Military
Words: 1118
Pages: 4
The methods of war change every day as their increased efficiency and dominant character are a key to the creation of the strategy and struggling against near peer competitors who might pose a threat to the states security. For this reason, there is a need for a comprehensive analysis of...
Topic: Military
Words: 587
Pages: 2
Introduction The work of the police is surrounded by various myths developed through TV and literature that picture it differently from real activities. It makes ordinary people believe that police officers encounter danger every day and deal with many events that are very important for national security. While the latter...
Topic: Police
Words: 559
Pages: 2
The International Rescue Committee (IRC) is a global humanitarian organization that has been in operation since the year 1930 (International Rescue Committee, 2017). The voluntary agency provides emergency relief, advocacy, rehabilitation, and resettlement assistance to many victims. The association uses its resources to ensure lifesaving aid and financial support are...
Topic: Red Cross
Words: 1410
Pages: 5