Psychological Effects of Embalming on the Bereaved

Significance of research Death is a natural occurrence in the life of every human being. The loss of a loved one may actually devastate those who are left behind and such life-changing events have affected the plans, priorities and personalities of the individuals closest to the person who has passed...

The Role of Environment in Physical Development

Abstract The environment plays a significant role in the physical development of children in middle childhood. Exposure to diverse environmental settings results in children acquiring various skills. Additionally, it is during middle childhood that kids start to assume duties in their families. Scholars regard middle childhood (Ages between 6 and...

Erikson’s, Havighurst’s, Bronfenbrenner’s Theories

Introduction The subject is a white male in the early adulthood developmental stage. He experienced emotional and physical abuse as a child and has a history of substance abuse, which affected his progression through developmental stages as defined by Erikson. The first stage of psychosocial development by Erikson is infancy,...

Freud’s and Inside-Out and Outside-In Theories

In life, human beings go through a process of development. Many theorists have come up with ways of explaining the development through stages or a continuous series. There is a need to examine the theories that explain the steps to understand this growth pattern. The inside-out and outside-in approaches also...

Psychosexual Development and Psychoanalytic Theory

Introduction The development of a person right from birth to adulthood goes through various stages. Some of the characters that a person adapts to are natural, while others come from those who affect the individual’s life. Both natural and nurture behaviors shape a person’s future attitudes. Psychosexual Development Freud’s Theory...

The Concept of Intelligence: Main Aspects

Intelligence is one of the most discussed subjects in psychology and other cognitive disciplines. It has been studied and conceptualized since ancient times. However, there is neither a standard definition of this notion nor a consensus on its types. This essay aims to consider the concept of intelligence and dwell...

Theory Application to Case Scenario

Introduction Various traumas and mental health problems can bring severe complications to the lives of individuals. Often times they are caused by specific events that happened in childhood or bad parental upbringing and prevent people from receiving satisfaction from life and personal relationships. Therefore, when dealing with psychological problems, it...

Nash’s Schizophrenia in “A Beautiful Mind” Film

Introduction John Nash, the protagonist in the chef-d’oeuvre film, A Beautiful Mind, suffers from paranoid schizophrenia. At the start of the movie, Nash introduces himself to students and attempts to make a joke, but he offends other graduates by referring to their work as unoriginal before boasting how he would...

The Concept of Postpartum Depression

Introduction Postpartum depression (PPD) is a range of emotional and physical changes that the majority of new mothers go through. Immediately after delivery, mothers experience a sharp drop in hormones, and this chemical change may cause depression. Additionally, social and psychological changes that occur after getting a baby may cause...

Personality Influence on Academic Performance

Introduction Personality makes a difference in people as the qualities and characteristics of an individual determine some aspects. For instance, academic performance is directly or indirectly influenced by nature. Personality affects performance indirectly via motivations and attitudes, which develop perceptions of learning, investments in education, and the ways preferred in...

The Use of Gestalt Therapy With Adolescents

Introduction Gestalt therapy is a form of psychotherapy that maximizes a person’s freedom, awareness, and self-direction. It is a form of therapy that focuses on the present moments rather than the events of the experience (Bowman, 2019). It is based on the idea that individuals are influenced by their current...

Child Abuse and the Minimalist and Maximalist Perspectives

Child abuse is an extremely negative experience that affects most parts of the world. The vice interferes with the juvenile’s growth, and it affects the normal development and well-being of the minor (Sidebotham, 2017). As a society, it becomes imperative to understand the well-being of these young individuals. Therefore, the...

The Role of Psychology in Everyday Life

The Profound and Pervasive Impact of past Psychological Knowledge The scope of psychological knowledge accumulated throughout history if the development of this science has dramatically determined how it influences people’s lives. As Zimbardo (2004) states, some aspects of psychology have become so common for people that they take them for...

Understanding Biopsychology and Cognitive Neuropsychology

Biopsychology is the branch of psychology that studies the relationship between physiological events (biology) and psychological processes (behavior) (Kuther & Morgan, 2012). If human behavior is studied in the framework of biopsychology, cognitive processes such as perception, memory, speaking, thinking, etc., are studied within the scope of cognitive neuropsychology. Cognitive...

Industrial and Organizational Psychology

Often known as Industrial and Organizational psychology, the discipline seeks to look at how psychology can be applied at the workplaces in various organizations. Organizational psychologists through well conducted research and devised strategies significantly make contributions towards the success of the organization owing to the enhanced work output and improved...

James Fowler’s Six Stages of Faith

Introduction James Fowler is involved in the study of the development of faith. Faith as Fowler states is that holistic point of reference which concerns the relation of man to the universe. He, therefore, identifies six stages through which he believes all faithful travel in their lives (Berger, 2000, Notes,...

Oppositional Defiant Disorder Analysis

Introduction Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) is a condition that involves persistent phases of anger, refusal to comply with adults, arguing, and spitefulness. It is experienced for a period of at least six months. Other behaviors include deliberately annoying people, touchiness, and blaming others for their misconduct. For a child to...

Human Sexual Behavior: Sexual Disorders

Abstract Sexual disorders refer to any physical or mental conditions that causes disturbance to the normal functioning of the body, thus preventing one from desiring or enjoying sex. Both men and women suffer from sexual disorders, albeit in varying degrees. Common causes of sexual disorders in both men and women...

Child Psychology: Playing with Cash Register Toy

At approximately the age of 3, children begin to demonstrate their individuality and independence, especially vividly for the first time. They are constantly drawing, assembling, and constructing something, which allows parents to identify their favorite activities. Thus, it is possible to use their preferred toys to develop their abilities. Consequently,...

The Stroop Test Applications Within Cognitive Psychology

Introduction The Stroop test is designed to diagnose the cognitive style of flexibility and rigidity of cognitive control. This cognitive style characterizes the degree of subjective difficulty in changing ways of processing information in a situation of cognitive conflict (Houdé, 2019). Rigid control indicates difficulties in the transition from verbal...

The Planned Happenstance Theory Application

Psychology suggests multiple theories on determining persons’ career predispositions, considering various factors, including upbringing, hobbies, character, etc. Job advisers often push their clients to make judgements they might not be ready for, which can frequently lead to impulsive decisions. Planned happenstance philosophy has changed traditional occupation counselling, suggesting that it...

Rollo May’s Personality Theory Constructs

Introduction Several philosophers as well as psychologists have conducted researches in the quest to understand human beings and be able to explain their behaviors. The 19th and 20th centuries were characterized by increased findings particularly in the field of human personality. Among the many schools of thought that emerged, especially...

Parents Are to Blame for Youth Violence

Violence among youth has drastically increased in recent times. This problem of violence has become a global phenomenon whereby youth from all walks of life are engaged in violence. It seems there must be an internal or an external driving force that entices the youth to engage in acts of...

“Identity” by James Mangold

Psychological disorders turning a person into a criminal often appear to be a consequence of deep childhood trauma, and the film entitled “Identity” and created in 2003 by director James Mangold illustrates one of such cases. The present paper is intended to analyze the motion picture, applying concepts and theories...

American and Romanian Cross-Cultural Psychology

Introduction Researchers are increasingly encountering the need to accommodate diverse and multicultural environments as well as to apply their methods and results in unfamiliar cultures. This trend is particularly prevalent in disciplines that work with people directly, such as the social and psychological sciences. As such, the topic of evaluating...

Neobehaviorism, Behaviorism and Psychoanalysis

Influence of Neobehaviorism School Neobehaviorism emerged when behaviorism was combined with the ideas of logical positivism. The representatives of the latter believed that scientific statements about the world had to originate from physical observation; otherwise, they would not be scientific (Hergenhahn & Henley, 2014). Like behaviorists, neobehaviorists supposed that stimuli...

The Optical Illusions Concept

Optical illusions are examples of challenges that we may face when trying to see the world around us as it is. They prove that sometimes we fail to see what is out there as it appears in reality. The causes of such failures are specific characteristics of our vision. In...

Effects of Divorce and Poverty in Families

Introduction In our modern society, divorce has become very wide spread among married couples. Children from poor backgrounds caught in the midst of a divorce lead miserable lives. This can be attributed to a number of factors both economical and social. Society in most cases associate divorce with a rise...

The Trait Theory of Personality

Introduction Personality traits reflect people’s characteristic patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Personality is defined as the enduring characteristics and behaviors that constitute a person’s unique adjustments to life, including traits, interests, drives, values, and many more. The definitions are diverse and have myths surrounding them (Bergner, 2020). The first...

Interpersonal Relationships and Conflict in “Malcolm & Marie” Film

Interpersonal Relationships Human interactions and their circumstances, connections, and context to them create interpersonal relationships together. The bonds people share are intricate and are classified into types, stages, theories, and more. Interpersonal relationships fall into the following categories: friendship, romantic relationship, family relationship, and professional relationship. The stages of a...

Description of the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Introduction Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is an inspirational model that was established by Abraham Maslow. The model comprises of five levels of human necessities, which are categorized in stages within a pyramid. It explains how an individual’s most basic needs must be met before they become motivated. As such, Maslow’s...

Depression in the Contemporary Society

Introduction Depression is a common condition, affecting both men and women, young people, and adults. Public awareness about depression has increased in recent years, with more attention dedicated to the need for addressing this serious mental health illness and less stigma surrounding it. At least fifteen percent of the population...

Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders

Introduction Autism can be “defined as a complex developmental disability that normally appears during the first three years of life and is as a result of a neurological disorder that affects the normal functioning of the brain.” (Parker, p. 3) Researches conducted in the past indicate that biological causes are...

Social Work Theory for a Molested Child

Introduction Psychological analyses indicate that children who have undergone molestation are likely to experience anxiety, depression, post traumatic stress disorder, physical injury and may be susceptible to more abuse in the future. When a child has been molested by a family member then this is likely to lead to even...

Personal Excellence: Achieving and Maintaining

It is important to achieve personal excellence since a lot of people are unable to extract the maximum from life in terms of happiness, satisfaction and a sense of achievement. The prime reason for such a situation being that personal potency is not recognized and claimed by people. Hence it...

Middle Child Syndrome: Impact on Personality

US psychologist Alfred Adler developed a theory that linked a child’s personality to its order of birth. Adler’s theory postulates that a middle child in the family may feel squeezed out of a position of privilege and significance. It may even be tempered and have a take it or leave...

Safeguarding Tendencies: A Clarifying Perspective

Safeguarding tendencies denote Adler’s belief that people develop behavioral patterns for protecting personal feelings against public criticism. Excuses, aggression, and withdrawal are the three most common tendencies outlined by the scholar and represent different types of approaches that people use for the purpose of shielding themselves from public disgrace. The...

Role-Play Counseling: Skills and Stages

Stages of counseling The first step in counseling is problem identification, which is also referred to as social anxiety scenario. In this stage, the issue should be acknowledged and be explained in detail. Moreover, the needs of the client ought to be understood. Identified skills used The skills that should...

Nature vs. Nurture in Child Psychology

Introduction Children depend wholly on their parents or guardians for support and care. At birth, they have hereditary material (genetic effects) acquired from their parents, and as they grow, they experience the influence of the psychological, social, and physical settings (environmental aspects). Children develop quickly in all spheres of life:...

The Role of the Environment and Genes in Human Development

Introduction Nature or Nurture? This is one of the biggest debates that psychologists have been faced with for a very long time. This is because there is no clear boundary on how each aspect contributes to the development of human beings that is in terms of personality, behaviour, thinking and...

Recognizing the Challenges Young Adults Face

Introduction Every era faces unique challenges, and the ability of one generation to connect to another can sometimes be challenging. Additionally, recognizing the worries and fears of young people today is a battlefield many contend with. Guardians may wish to understand and assist their child, but knowing where to start...

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Its Importance

Introduction The Hierarchy is a psychological theory describing how humans transition from one level to another in terms of self-actualization. It is a pyramid model that describes the psychological motivation towards one’s basic needs, with individuals at the base and society at the top (Fallatah & Syed, 2018). Underneath each...

Adolescent Psychosocial Development

Background Psychosocial and psychological developments in adolescent years are crucial for individual’s future development. It is highly affected by physical brain development and social environment. Erikson suggests that people progress through a series of stages as they grow and develop through their life. Each stage is linked to an essential...

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Advantages & Disadvantages

Current cognitive‐behavioral therapy is a general concept for scientifically validated treatment for well-diagnosed psychopathologies with particular therapeutic approaches. According to David et al. (2018), CBT is the most investigated kind of psychotherapy, and no other type of cognitive therapy can be deemed substantially stronger than CBT. Cognitive behavioral therapy has...

Autobiography Based on Piaget’s Theory

Many theorists have developed various developmental theories to explain the cognitive developmental stages. One of the famous theorists is Jean Piaget, a Swiss national born to Rebecca Jackson and Arthur Piaget. At age ten, he was interested in animals and wrote a scientific paper on an albino sparrow. He studied...

Solution-Focused vs. Compared to Narrative Therapy

Both SFT and NT are postmodernist approaches to therapy, which means that their techniques are built on the idea that reality is relative and people’s experiences are influenced by everything around them. Therefore, the role of the therapist is in assisting the client and helping them understand more about themselves...

The Characteristics of Psychosocial Development Erikson’s Theory

E. Erikson analyzes identity not just as a personal structure formed or not formed under the influence of internal or external factors. It is worth noting that they influence the development of a person and largely determine the form and content of his social interactions throughout their life (Maree, 2021)....

The Impact of Communication on Human Development

As all living beings in nature, an individual develops assimilating the experience that humankind has accumulated throughout its existence. Human development is a complex and contradictory process initiated by many forces: biological, cultural, and internal motives and external influences. This process starts from the moment of birth and lasts until...

Pluralism in Counselling and Psychotherapy

Introduction Counseling and psychotherapy is a practice historically associated with theoretical frameworks that are unitary in that they stand by singular positions or procedures. However, this is rapidly changing as training, research, and practice are increasingly adopting a combined approach. A pluralistic framework is becoming a common phenomenon as it...

Nature vs. Nurture in the Television Series “Dexter”

Introduction The nature vs. nurture debate has been an ongoing issue in different fields of study, including psychology, sociology, and genetics, among other related areas. At the center of this debate is whether human genes are pre-determined or wired in a specific way that cannot be altered or they can...

Early Childhood Trauma and Treatment

Abstract Young children are particularly vulnerable to different forms of trauma. Abuse and neglect of kids continue to increase at an overwhelming rate. The literature and research findings presented in this paper discuss early childhood susceptibility to trauma, symptoms, diagnostic legitimacy of early childhood trauma, and treatment approaches for youngsters....

Violent Behavior among Children and Adolescents

Introduction Violent behavior among children and adolescents can be attributed to various things. Sarmini and Azizah (2018) argue that there is a link between childhood aggression and the father figure actions. In particular, they hold a study that looks into gambling and child aggression. Arguably, children will be more manageable...

Emotional Intelligence: Main Competences

Introduction Emotional intelligence is the ability of an individual to recognize their own feelings, those of other people, in order to motivate one self and as well be able to manage our emotions, in our own self and in the relationships that we are having with other people. Times back,...

The Development of Adolescents

In life, children must pass through several stages and they take specific steps on their way to becoming adults. Usually, there are four stages which people take towards becoming adults; there is infancy which if of the children at the age of two years, early childhood is the age between...

Mind-Body Connection in Learning

The mind is a complicated body machine that can not be imagined. Research has shown that it weighs about 1.5-kilo grams and that it has more than 50 billion connections to the body through nerve endings and nerve cells. The brain is not independent but it works together with other...

Atypical Language Development in Early Childhood

Introduction Fluent speech and appropriate language use are some of the key prerequisites for further academic success and normal functioning of an individual in the society. Speech and language development is a complex, gradual process that has its own pace and important milestones. Sometimes, this process is impeded due to...

Transtheoretical Model of Change

The Transtheoretical Model of Change (TTM) is not a theory, but it can employ multiple behavioral theories within its framework, combining various processes that are needed to understand how behavioral change happens. The TTM is based on the belief that people go through multiple stages when thinking about and implementing...

A Child’s Physical and Mental Development

School-aged children need regular evaluation and analysis of their development. This assessment is necessary to identify physical or mental problems and prevent their growth and influence on a person’s future life. However, a child of five, nine, and twelve years old are at entirely different stages of development, so adults...

Piaget and Kohlberg Views on Moral Development

Moral development is the development of an understanding of right and wrong in children in order to later apply this knowledge in situations with moral choices. It also covers the development of a strong and independent character, which, when faced with such a situation, will make the right moral choices,...

Social Cognitive Theory

Introduction Social Cognitive Theory is one of the models that are used to explain the behavioral patterns of an individual. Developed in 1931 by Harold Brown and Edwin Holt, the relevance of the theory has increasingly become evident in our current society. According to Flower (2009), modern psychologists have been...

Lying in Children’s Development

Lying is an important issue in human development due to its nature and the inability of some people to understand if it is an obligatory skill or a shortage that has to be eliminated. On the one hand, it is a usual process that a child lies to cover personal...

The Principles of Children Development and Learning

Abstract Children have an innate propensity to learn; however, they still need a teacher to guide them on their path to successful knowledge acquisition. Adults are responsible for providing a favorable learning environment allowing children to experiment with real-life materials and situations, ask questions, and find answers. Teachers should guide...

Carl Rogers Biography and His Psychology Contributions

Every psychology student knows about the significant contribution of Carl Rogers to the field. He’s especially known for his humanistic theory. This essay covers all about Carl Rogers: contribution to psychology, biography, and more. Introduction Psychology is one of the oldest disciplines that has a multidimensional approaches. It is worth...

Rorschach Inkblot Test

Rorschach Inkblot Test was created by Hermann Rorschach, a prominent Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst and the follower of Freud and Jung. The date of the test creation is 1921 (Schachtel, 2013). The original Rorschach Inkblot Test was set of 40 bisymettrical inkblots that seemed formless. However, later, to reduce the...

The Contemporary Relevance of Little Red Riding Hood

Introduction Classic fairy tales have always been a big part of Western culture. In most American societies, educational institutions provide us with assignments that involve analyzing various fairy tales’ characters or their intentions. These stories have remained for a long time because of the messages they can communicate with both...

Frustration-Aggression Theory and Environmental Factors

The frustration-aggression theory implies that frustration (a feeling of being prevented from achieving a particular goal) increases the possibility of an individual responding aggressively to the environmental factors (Aronson, Wilson, Akert, & Sommers, 2016). One of the factors relates to the close attachment to an individual’s goal or the object...

Role of Motivation and Individual Behavior

Introduction When people are motivated, they accomplish goals. In the workplace, workers can be very productive when they feel they are a part of a team, or part-owner of business. They feel this sense of belongingness and so they strive for the company’s success. This is one of the many...

Personality: Early Childhood Development’ Effects

Personality has been defined as a set of psychological characteristics that differentiate one person from another. Personality starts developing soon after birth and continues throughout life. Many psychologists believe that personality is determined by early childhood development involving both experiences and growth environment. Personality involves a set of constant and...

The Importance of Self-Care in Modern Society

Introduction Fear for one’s health and the well-being of loved ones, financial stress, economic instability, and social isolation creates an ideal habitat for triggers that threaten mental health. Psychologists are asked to devote time to physical and psychological states in such a difficult time. Today it is important to remember...

Psychodynamic vs. Ecological Systems Theoretical Perspective

The psychodynamic theory, otherwise known as psychanalytical theory, describes that humans develop through phases where they encounter different challenges of bodily needs and societal demand standards. The ability to address these challenges as they grow describes a person’s potential to acquire knowledge and interact with other people to control uneasiness....

Behavior Analysis in “The Office” TV Show

Introduction The TV show selected for this assignment is The Office. It is a mockumentary that portrays the daily lives of several employees and a manager in a small, marginally unsuccessful branch of the Dunder Mifflin paper company (The Office (TV Series 2005–2013) – IMDb, n.d.). The show is characterized...

Freud’s Theory of Child Development

Introduction Freud’s theory of child development focuses on personality, and it defines how an individual behaves, feels, and thinks. Therefore, a child grows up unique depending on the issues they went through when they were young. As a child grows, they develop long-term characteristics that they hold throughout their life,...

Comparing and Contrasting Perspectives on Personality

Outline Personality is a word that originates from persona, a Latin word referring to a mask. Therefore personality’s study is related to the study that analyses masks worn by human beings. These masks are characters displayed and projected by human beings including their psychological experiences otherwise known as self. Personality...

Play: Modern & Post Modern Theory Origin & History

Introduction Early childhood is characterized by play. To show how important it is for a child to be given a chance to explore through play, the United Nations has an official recognition of child’s play as a right for children. For a child’s growth, play is very important because it...

Organizational Behavior. Emotion and Personality

The articles under analysis discuss the question of emotional intelligence and its impact on leadership skills and strategies. The regulation of emotions in work situations is a complex process that uses an ancient neurochemical technology tuned by modern socialization and learning processes. These capacities are then applied in rapidly changing...

The GARS-3 Test Analysis

Abstract Autism spectrum disorder is a developmental disorder that requires early diagnoses within the individuals. As a tool for diagnosing the patients in the age between 3 and 22 years, GARS-3 was introduced. GARS-3 represents the third edition of the original scale that was modified in response to the emerging...

Psychology: Working vs. Procedural Memory

Introduction Memory is a complex interconnection of mechanisms serving a wide variety of purposes. In the most basic terms, it is responsible for the acquisition, storage, and retrieval of information on conscious and subconscious levels. The following paper discusses the differences between two such mechanisms, namely working memory and procedural...

Organizational Motivation in “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory”

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory is a beautiful story that depicts the ultimate dream of any child: visiting a chocolate factory and winning a lifelong supply of chocolate. The movie’s key character, Willy Wonka, plays the role of a wizard who fulfills dreams, as he hides five golden tickets...

Mental Status Examination of an Elderly Patient

Introduction This mental status examination (MSE) assesses important aspects of the Patient’s (Nathanial Ayers) psychological and mental functioning, general appearance, behavior as well as overall demeanor. The decision to undertake the examination has been reached after the patient developed a violent predisposition and exhibited rapid mood swings which pointed toward...

Postmodern and Family Systems Therapy

Introduction Defining postmodern therapy Life is based on certain common beliefs held by people unanimously. Postmodern therapy is a field in psychology that concentrates on deconstructing these beliefs as well as examining their value in a person’s life (Mikulincer & Shaver, 2001). Some of the subjects where postmodern therapy has...

Competence-Environmental Press Model and Theory of Dying

Introduction The competence-environmental press model is a proposed framework for understanding how people cope with stress and adversity. This model is useful in predicting outcomes such as psychological well-being, depression, and anxiety. The term life review has come to be used in various ways. Generally, it refers to reflecting on...

Parental Divorce: Influence on Children

Introduction Divorce can be challenging for a family since the couples are discovering new ways to relate to each other and trying new parenting techniques. Children are tenacious, and the breakup changeover can be perceived as an improvement rather than a panic if they receive assistance. Since children involved in...

Andrei Chikatilo: Behavioral Analysis

Introduction Consideration of the psychological profile and attempts to explain the behavior of serial offenders is usually quite complicated, as it contains many variables that do not allow determining something universal for all offenders. Nevertheless, behavioral theories describe some correlation between biological, social, and psychological factors that might contribute to...

“The War for Kindness” by Jamil Zaki

The War for Kindness, authored by Jamil Zaki, explores empathy in a fascinating way. Zaki defines the evolutionary role of affinity as increasing collaboration and hence improving the likelihood of survival. He also has shown how it can be taught as a skill and altered in the lab, emphasizing how,...

Promoting Ego Integrity: Group and Individual Activities

Group Activities for Promoting Ego Integrity Eight stages of the Psychosexual development theory suggested by Erik Erikson exist. The eighth stage is integrity versus despair (Gilleard, 2020). It lasts from about sixty-five years of age till death (Gilleard, 2020). Counselors, nurses, and psychologists use the psychosexual development stage concepts by...

Piaget vs. Vygotsky: Theory of Cognitive Development

Introduction There are two major approaches to understanding the cognitive behavior of children – continuous and discontinuous. Continuity theorists conceptualize a smooth-line development that occurs gradually. At the same time, discontinuity theorists believe that the road to maturity is a series of abrupt changes happening in stages (stepping stones), with...

Restoring Mental Well-Being Using Natural and Applied Sciences

Natural and applied sciences, such as biology, chemistry, or medicine, are concerned with the research process to understand the physical world and environment. The lens of the sciences is characterized by the methods of observation, hypothesis verification, and experimentation conducted with the goal of obtaining reliable and practical data. Thus,...

Mother Teresa’s Analysis in Humanistic Psychology

Introduction and Background Mother Teresa was a missionary and nun in the Catholic Church, born in Albania, Macedonia, in 1910 to the family of Nikola and Dranafile Bojaxhiu. She became a teacher in India for more than 17 years before becoming the headmistress of Loreto convent, Calcutta, in 1944 (Morariu,...

Personal Development: Description and Theory Application

Introduction Human development is one of the most fascinating and at the same time most complicated fields of study in psychology. Being influenced by a myriad of factors, which range from genetic ones to the influences specific to a certain area where an individual grows, personal development requires closer scrutiny...

Ecological Rationality and Decision-Making

Ecological rationality is a theory that focuses on decision-making processes depending on the particular context a decision is made. As put by Mata et al. (2012), “the notion of ecological rationality sees human rationality as the result of the adaptive fit between the human mind and the environment” (p. 1)....

Bystander Effect on Everyday Life and Consequences

Introduction In the presence of two or more people, a victim of an emergency is subject to more suffering compared to the case when only one person is present. This introduces the issue of the bystander effect, otherwise known as Genovese Syndrome, a psychological problem that affects one’s ability to...

“Dibs in Search of Self” by Virginia Axline

This book by Virginia Axline is a story of how play therapy helped improve the condition of an emotionally disturbed five year old boy. Dibs was always withdrawn and silent. He did not respond to any of his teachers’ attempts to connect with him; as a matter of fact, he...

First Step Screening Developmental Test

Introduction Developmental screening is an important undertaking because it provides important information about the needs of the child. First step screening is used in evaluating preschoolers between the ages of 2 months and 2 years to identify any developmental problems (Miller, 1998). According to Brassard (2007), the major challenges faced...

B.F. Skinner Operant Theory and Practice

Introduction Burrhus Frederick Skinner is renowned figure in the field of psychology for his theory of operant conditioning. Indeed, this theory constitute a major contribution to the school of Behaviorism. Operant Conditionning puts forth that the environment shapes significantly the lives of people and the way they behave through reinforcement....

Science of Human Flourishing and Health

Human flourishing, which is also known as personal fulfillment, can be defined as a subjective state in which a person’s experiences comply with dimensions of wellbeing that are highly valued. The state of human flourishing determines the happiness, longevity, and prosperity of both the individual and the entire nation. However,...

Adlerian Theory for School Counseling

Abstract This research paper investigated the primary constructs of Adlerian theory. The work includes several parts, namely, the introduction, the main part, and the conclusion. The introduction describes what will be discussed in the frames of this paper, the structure of the work, as well as its key ideas and...

The Nature of Personality

Two Opinions on the Nature of Personality We often hear that people possess different personalities, but the meaning of this word is not the same when it is used by a common person compared to a professional psychologist. Trying to couch the notion of personality in the right form, many...

Van Gogh’s Art, Gogen’s Influence and Mental Illness

Abstract Vincent Van Gogh made a significant influence on the art of the 20th century. This researcher has also been influenced by Van Gogh and wanted to learn more about him. A historical study began to explore Van Gogh’s depression and his artistic production throughout his close relationship with Gauguin,...

Carl Rogers’ and Gordon Allport’s Concepts of Personality

Introduction Based on Carl Rogers, fully functioning individuals are connected with their personal and profound wishes and feelings. Schultz and Schultz (2008) show that owing to the link between an individual and the self, Rogers expresses that one recognizes their feelings and places profound trust in their character. Consequently, unrestricted...

The Role of Fromm’s Psychoanalysis in Attachment Theory

The attachment theory is a complex idea that implies the long-term relationships and bonds between people, particularly children and parents relationships. The theory developed by John Bowl was lately corrected by Mary Ainsworth, eliminating the point that a mother was solely responsible for her infants’ development (Slater 2007). The idea...

Being a Genius: Thinking and Intelligence

Introduction Many prominent psychologists have been discussing the theme of genius and the elements regarding it. Zimbardo, Johnson, and McCann have also contributed to the exploration of the topic. To understand the principles of how people become geniuses, it is vital to examine the core concepts of thinking and intelligence...

Can Peer Pressure Have Positive Effects?

Although peer pressure is seen as a negative expression of human interactions, it can have positive effects provided that promoted behavior is helpful to society or people individually. Peer pressure is a natural phenomenon occurring in any social context. People are prone to comparing themselves to others, particularly those of...

Empiricism According to David Hume and Immanuel Kant

Introduction Empiricism is the philosophical view that the only source of knowledge is the senses. There are two schools of thought in regards to this idea. The empiricist philosophers, Locke, Bacon, and Hume support this view. The rationalist philosophers, Plato, Descartes, Spinoza, and Leibniz dispute this view, proposing that rationality...

Self-Control and the Quality of Life

Introduction Self-control simply being in a position to have a guarded behavior, actions, emotions and line of thought. Having full control over your emotions, behavior, and thought is a whole developmental process. Self-control can also be called self-regulation. A number of factors impact one’s ability to practice utmost self-control. Scientifically,...

Reading and Writing Development in Children

Human beings have been set apart as the only species capable of literacy. Just what is literacy, and how does it develop in an individual? Venezky, et al (1990) provides an elaborate explanation, emphasizing writing as well as reading: “Literacy is minimal ability to read and write in a designated...

The case history “Little Hans”

Introduction ‘The case history ‘Little Hans’ illustrates very clearly some of Freud’s most basic theories, such as infantile sexuality, the role of transference, and the way in which the phobia is part of the cure.’ This case study is an account of the very first psychoanalytical treatment of a child....

Social Media as a Cause of Anxiety and Depression

Introduction Anxiety and depression are considerable problems for US society and the international community. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA, n.d.), anxiety disorders are the most common mental illnesses affecting almost 40 million adults in the US. These conditions also affect 25% of children from 12...

Comparison of Success and Failure

Success and failure are widespread phenomena that occur in virtually any form of human activity. Both aspects can have both positive and negative effects on a person, so the issue of influence is particularly important. The purpose of this essay is to compare success and failure and how it affects...

Goal-Setting Reflection

To make sure that the set goals are attainable and, therefore, worth pursuing, one needs to explore their ostensible outcomes in depth, therefore, detailing the possible obstacles that can be encountered on the way to their completion. Furthermore, the factors that will affect the development of the project and, therefore,...

Forensic Psychologist’s Role in Death Penalty Trial

Forensic psychologists play critical roles in court cases. They help the judges to investigate the claims from a professional dimension. They can probe the defendant and contribute towards providing critical evidence that can guide the court towards making the right judgment. The Roles of a Forensic Psychologist in a Death...

Social Development from Infancy to Adulthood

Introduction Early childhood development remains a broadly debated topic and it covers voluminous work by different scholars. This paper will analyze the topic on social development from infancy to adulthood by giving a comprehensive summary of two articles. The first article is Social Development from Infancy to Adolescence: Longitudinal and...

Social Psychology and Health Issues

Social psychologists respond to health issues taking into account people’s thoughts, feelings, and actions. Patients and their relations with others are examined. Social psychologists look at the issue from the mental perspective. They evaluate consumers’ interactions and their influence. The traditional approach to healthcare delivery is based on clinical and...

Psychological Concepts in Real-Life Situations

Introduction Modern life is filled with sources of stress that can destroy a person’s life unless they have healthy coping mechanisms. However, selecting and applying said techniques requires sufficient knowledge of theories and concepts related to one’s mental status. It is up to psychologists to consult people on dealing with...

Personal Development and Communication Skills

Background In the quest to better one’s self and accomplish goals, many people improve their personal development abilities and communication skills over time. They achieve this through education, mentorship, experiences, and self-help. These aspects are crucial in enabling people to design strategic planning for their career and personal advancement. This...

Metaphysical Secrets of Manifesting Money Abundance

The aim of this research study is to explain the metaphysical secretes of manifesting money. Three research objectives guide this paper. They are focused on investigating the relationship between people’s ability to attract money and the law of attraction, to find out the role of spirituality in explaining people’s ability...

“Perception Is the Root of All Evil”: Video Reaction

Awareness and perception have a great impact on human behavior. Awareness is one’s knowledge of a fact or situation or concern about the situation while perception is the way through which a person understands or regards something. These two nouns are similar because they represent human flaws, being not the...

Fundamental Attribution Error

Introduction It is human nature to never stop observing and analyzing others. Whenever an individual is confronted with something that is not easily explainable, he or she resorts to either internal (personal) or external attribution (Martinko & Mackey, 2019). A simple example would be the situation in the picture above....

Real-Life Story of Post-traumatic Stress Disease

P.K Phillips begins her story by describing PTSD as a life-long challenge since it has affected most of her life. At her young age, Phillip started experiencing undiagnosed mental disorders which were not visible to others. Although Phillip was battling a serious condition, people perceived Phillips to be living a...

Counselor’s Professional Values and Personal Beliefs

Harmony Between Professional Values and Spiritual Beliefs From the ACA code of ethics, there are two values that were previously not in harmony with my spiritual beliefs. The first one is A.4.b “personal values” that instructs counselors to refrain from imposing their own beliefs and values onto the clients (American...

Freud and the Split Subject: The Nature of Self

Introduction Freud’s model of ‘self’ introduced a revolutionary approach to philosophical thinking established by the Enlightenment notions of subjectivity. While Enlightenment philosophers viewed the self as an essence with which one is born and is unchanged with time, Freud demonstrated a complex model of a split consciousness and how the...

The Cognitive Behavioural Therapy on Victims of Bullying

Therapy is a form of healing that should be gained from a constant guidance and counselling procedure to meet several challenges in all members of the society. This paper will have an up-close and candid analysis of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy as a remedy or a guidance and counselling tool on...

The Issue of Psychopaths in Society

There are characters in the society whose habits and moral behaviors are something out of the ordinary. These individuals exist in each society. They have the propensity to engage in certain inhuman activities without being empathetic in any way. The cruel acts they commit do not seem at all cruel...

Socioemotional Development in Adolescents

Teenagers may be the most complicated population group to understand. This hardship in communication stems from the fact that all adolescents are undergoing drastic emotional, hormonal, and physical changes, as well as social ones (Newman & Newman, 2017). It may be natural for teenagers to test the limits of their...

Personality: Psychoanalytic and Biological Approaches

There are six different perspectives of personality. The major difference between them is that they approach personality by means of focusing on one of its major aspects (Burger, 2014). Specifically, the first approach is psychoanalytic whose followers maintain that unconscious minds drive differences in people’s personalities. The second is trait...

Stress-Reducing Measures and Activities

Introduction As Linda (2008, pp. 3-8) argues, regardless of how an individual’s life may be comfortable, stress is inevitable in every individual’s life. Therefore, to reduce the negative effects that are associated with stress, every individual must try to identify any stress reducing activities, it is one of the primary...

Social Psychology Influences on Personal Life

Generally, science is a field that organizes and puts knowledge into provable experiments in real-life situations. Science is comprised of several areas of study, amongst them being psychology. Psychology is a field in science that deals with the thinking capability of an individual and his actions and activities. A human...

Stages of Moral Development in Kohlberg’s Theory

Introduction Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development is an important framework for understanding the personality of an individual. It assumes that people move through the three levels of moral development during their life. At the same time, the moral understanding of every person is associated with cognitive development (Gibbs, 2019). Discussion...

The Structural Model and the Family Therapy

Introduction The structural model is a simple way to look at the process of doing laundry and understand how it works. It is a simple representation of how all of your clothes are hung on hangers and then folded into their respective piles. This model is based on the client’s...

Adult Mediation in Child Development

Vygotskian Development Theory regarded social interactions as pivotal in cognitive development. Cognitive abilities are considered to be socially constructed, which means that skills like learning, attention, and memory should be developed through culture-specific tools (Karpov, 2014). Vygotsky believed that adults play a mediatorial role in child development from birth to...

Bob Knowlton Case Study

The following paper analyzes the behavior of Bob Knowlton, his encounter with a difficult organizational issue, how he dealt with it, and what factors influenced his decision. Knowlton can be described as a team-focused leader, which could prove helpful in achieving long-term goals, but, in the end, his insecurities negated...

The Problem of Technology Addiction Among College Students

The rapid development of technologies has impacted every aspect of modern people’s lives, from work and education to leisure and recreation. In fact, when someone hears words as windows or apple, they instantly think about computers rather than the actual things these words refer to. When living in such a...

Improving Mental Health by Preventing Mental Illness

Mental health is a broad concept used to refer to psychological well being. It entails the emotional or cognitive fitness and generally affects how people think or behave. Lack of mental health culminates to mental disorder. According to a report released by World Health Organisation (2005), one out of every...

Living with Phobias: Types and Influences

Abstract A feeling of fear is a normal reaction to possible danger or threat yet it is important to differentiate natural fears from phobic and obsessive-compulsive disorders. Phobias are irrational and uncontrollable fears that lead to severe anxiety and cause discomfort in the daily life of an individual. Phobias do...

Various Feelings Related to Cheating

When an individual wants to write a good essay, it is important for him/her come up with a pre-write. It simply means to state the main points or ideas that an individual intends to write about. This helps to maintain the flow of ideas in an essay or any other...

Using Cognitive Theory in Human Behavior

Introduction Cognitive theory is usually a learning theory that tries to explain the human behaviour based n their thought processes. The logic in human helps them to make decisions and choices that are more sensible to their lives. The individual thoughts are the paramount determinant of the emotions and behaviours...

Dreaming Hypotheses and Attributes of a Trance

Cultural history Trances can be defined as the mental pictures, descriptions, and reflections in the mind while sleeping. The episodes seen are usually impractical or doubtful in the real sense. The person in a trance generally has no power over the actions dreamt. Some scenes in a trance can be...

Carl Jung’s Theory About the Limitedness of Stories and the Usage of Irony

Some people regard short stories as something entertaining, childish, and not serious. The size of the book cannot show its context. Short stories are even better to perceive, as you read without interruption. The reader perceives the whole information at once and can make some conclusions immediately. Short stories are...

Organisational Behaviour in Teams and Groups

Introduction For human beings it is typical to unite in various groups, teams and organisations. For the sake of order and avoiding anarchy certain rules and laws are established in these organisations that regulate the principles of organisational behaviour. Accordingly, organisational behaviour is the basis of the successful performance of...

The Concept of Brain Plasticity

Introduction Brain plasticity, also referred to as neuroplasticity or neural plasticity, has been researched for many decades and various discoveries have led to the development of effective methods and strategies to treat numerous disorders. Interest in this phenomenon was sparked at the end of the 19th century and scientists promoted...

Tolerance of Ambiguity Test and Profile Analysis

Novelty My novelty score for the tolerance of ambiguity test is 20, which is right in the middle of the scale. This means that my tolerance for novelty is medium – I take well to certain kinds of novel things and events in my life, but not so much to...

Qualities of a Professional: Personal Statement

Introduction A professional is a person that is relied upon by others to help them succeed. A professional may work alone but in the service of others but most of the time a professional is a team player. A professional must learn to work with others. However, a worker, employee,...

Experimental Psychology and Forensic Psychology

Abstract Psychology is a powerful field of study aimed at addressing a wide range of human problems. The field can be divided into two specialties. These include experimental and forensic psychology. This essay gives a detailed analysis of the ideas gained after completing the class exercise. The exercise outlines the...

The Concept of Attachment Theory

Introduction The postulates of attachment theory were developed by and John Bowlby. The author created a comprehensive approach to perceiving individual development based on concepts from numerous fields of research, including second-order cybernetics, psychoanalysis, developmental psychology, ethology, etc. (Blakely and Dziadosz 284). Due to incorporating different theoretical frameworks, attachment theory...

Strategies for Managing Misbehavior

Managing Misbehavior The classroom is a social environment, and teacher-student and peer interactions within any academic context largely impact the course of children’s development (Ratcliff et al., 2011). Students’ misbehavior in this micro-social environment represents a great problem because it may create barriers to the establishment of trustful relations between...

Developmental Theories’ Comparative Analysis

Introduction Studying people’s behavior has been a central focus for various scholars and scientists over the centuries. This has led to the development of various theories that aim at explaining why people behave and develop the way they do. Arguably, a human being’s behavior and development is a lifelong process...

Motivation Theories in Society

Introduction Motivation is a psychological factor that drives one to take action towards specific set goal. It ensures that individuals’ behavior is oriented towards that goal. Motivation can therefore qualify as a driving force since it propels one towards achieving the aim. It can also be referred to as an...

Personal and Professional Ethics in Psychology

Knowing one’s own ethical stance is essential for directing conduct and decision-making. Personal ethics serve as a foundation for moral decision-making and are molded by a person’s values, beliefs, and experiences. Both individual and professional ethics are intertwined in the study of psychology, and psychologists must be aware of both...