Psychotherapeutic Group Development: Termination Stage

The final phase of psychotherapeutic group work is the most difficult one for every participant, as well as for a therapist. Once the therapy comes to an end, such issues as anxiety and uncertainty about the future might arise due to the role of the group in every patient’s recovery...

Attribution Theory in Achievement Levels

Introduction Different people use various methods to interpret and understand the elements of their world. Consequently, different theories are used to explain how people understand and interpret the behaviours of others. The theory of attribution was developed with the aim of helping individuals to understand and explain the “causes of...

Behavioral Learning Approach and Gender-Role Behavior

Application of Behavioral Theory It is possible to say that personal traits manifest themselves through decisions and behaviors. As the behavioral theories of personality suggest, individuals learn particular behaviors when influenced by various environmental factors associated with specific macro- and micro-social contexts. It means that a child learns how to...

Creativity: Flow and the Psychology of Discovery and Invention

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi is a renowned professor of psychology and the author of the book “Flow and Psychology of Discovery and Invention” and is the latest book by the professor. In this book, creativity is closely examined by the author and clearly brought out in the chapters though some people believe...

Binary Opposition Theory in Alfred Hitchcock’s “Psycho”

Cinema is one of the comparatively new but powerful arts that is becoming more popular every day. It attracts millions of viewers through interesting plots, actors’ performances, and visual elements. In such a way, a movie works at several levels and affects individuals appealing to various and contributing to creating...

Understanding Biopsychology and Cognitive Neuropsychology

Biopsychology is the branch of psychology that studies the relationship between physiological events (biology) and psychological processes (behavior) (Kuther & Morgan, 2012). If human behavior is studied in the framework of biopsychology, cognitive processes such as perception, memory, speaking, thinking, etc., are studied within the scope of cognitive neuropsychology. Cognitive...

First Step Screening Developmental Test

Introduction Developmental screening is an important undertaking because it provides important information about the needs of the child. First step screening is used in evaluating preschoolers between the ages of 2 months and 2 years to identify any developmental problems (Miller, 1998). According to Brassard (2007), the major challenges faced...

“Here and Now” in Group Facilitation

Introduction The concept of ‘here and now’ in group facilitation or psychotherapy has more relevance in interpersonal therapy and greatly influences group processes. It refers to the state of the conscious mind of the group members seen as the group reacts to circumstances or issues created in the context of...

Operant and Respondent Conditioning: Differences and Examples

Introduction A crucial component of behavioral analysis is the exploration of different types of learning. Operant conditioning (OC) and respondent conditioning (RC) are to be mastered by behavior analysis since these learning types allow teaching new behaviors with the help of specific stimuli. While OC and RC are two variants...

Atypical Language Development in Early Childhood

Introduction Fluent speech and appropriate language use are some of the key prerequisites for further academic success and normal functioning of an individual in the society. Speech and language development is a complex, gradual process that has its own pace and important milestones. Sometimes, this process is impeded due to...

Voluntarism, Experimental and Gestalt Psychology

Experimental psychologists were, in fact, the first researchers to try to study mental processes by utilizing the experimental method to understand the influence of the body and the physical world on the mind. On the other hand, voluntarism came about with Wundt’s discovery that it is possible to measure the...

Prosocial Behavior and Its Factors

Introduction Human beings can embrace various ethical values and principles to help others. The term “prosocial behavior” is any form of action undertaken to help or support others (Piff, Dietze, Feinberg, Stancato, & Keltner, 2015). Various concepts are underlying the idea of prosocial behavior. The first concept is empathy and...

Big Ideas of Social Psychology: Essay Example

Big Ideas of Social Psychology: Essay Introduction Social psychology studies have helped to build societal thinking about life. There are many ideological thoughts about people’s behaviors. The different beliefs shape the way people do things. The paper would explain the three big ideas in social psychology and give reasons why...

Theories of Intelligence and Their Application

The field of human intelligence has evolved with time and different scholars have come up with varied definitions and theories on the subject. In addition, the application of the theories of intelligence cuts across different fields especially in the workplace. Human resource managers apply these theories in the hiring and...

Competence-Environmental Press Model and Theory of Dying

Introduction The competence-environmental press model is a proposed framework for understanding how people cope with stress and adversity. This model is useful in predicting outcomes such as psychological well-being, depression, and anxiety. The term life review has come to be used in various ways. Generally, it refers to reflecting on...

Psychology as a Science About Human Behavior

Introduction Psychology is a science that studies a human being, especially mental health, and phenomena. This science focuses on the study of the mental state of a person and how to deal with emotion. Attention in psychology is paid to a person’s feelings and his comfortable stay in the environment....

The Role of Fromm’s Psychoanalysis in Attachment Theory

The attachment theory is a complex idea that implies the long-term relationships and bonds between people, particularly children and parents relationships. The theory developed by John Bowl was lately corrected by Mary Ainsworth, eliminating the point that a mother was solely responsible for her infants’ development (Slater 2007). The idea...

Human Learning and Performance: Typing Speed and Accuracy

Abstract The experiment investigated the impact of the touch and hunt-and-peck typing methods on speed and accuracy aspects. A Black/African American female senior UNF undergraduate student was considered for the experiment. The entire activity ran from Monday, February 22nd, 2021 to April 16, 2021, starting from 6:00 p.m. to 6:10...

Real-Life Story of Post-traumatic Stress Disease

P.K Phillips begins her story by describing PTSD as a life-long challenge since it has affected most of her life. At her young age, Phillip started experiencing undiagnosed mental disorders which were not visible to others. Although Phillip was battling a serious condition, people perceived Phillips to be living a...

The Role of Psychology in Everyday Life

The Profound and Pervasive Impact of past Psychological Knowledge The scope of psychological knowledge accumulated throughout history if the development of this science has dramatically determined how it influences people’s lives. As Zimbardo (2004) states, some aspects of psychology have become so common for people that they take them for...

Play: Modern & Post Modern Theory Origin & History

Introduction Early childhood is characterized by play. To show how important it is for a child to be given a chance to explore through play, the United Nations has an official recognition of child’s play as a right for children. For a child’s growth, play is very important because it...

Behaviorism as a Theory of Personality

Behaviorism appeared as a critical response to psychoanalytic theory that was suggested by Sigmund Freud. Many notable psychologists such as Edward Thorndike, John Watson, Ivan Pavlov, Burrhus Skinner, and others were convinced that in order to explain natural laws of human behavior, psychology should develop scientific methodology and conduct an...

Theories of Children’s Play

Introduction Child psychology is a specific science, which logically occurred due to the same reasons as pediatrics. Child psychology is not a simplified version o adult psychology, where it represents independent and even more complex science than general psychology. In that sense, analyzing such aspects as child play, where most...

American and Romanian Cross-Cultural Psychology

Introduction Researchers are increasingly encountering the need to accommodate diverse and multicultural environments as well as to apply their methods and results in unfamiliar cultures. This trend is particularly prevalent in disciplines that work with people directly, such as the social and psychological sciences. As such, the topic of evaluating...

Neobehaviorism, Behaviorism and Psychoanalysis

Influence of Neobehaviorism School Neobehaviorism emerged when behaviorism was combined with the ideas of logical positivism. The representatives of the latter believed that scientific statements about the world had to originate from physical observation; otherwise, they would not be scientific (Hergenhahn & Henley, 2014). Like behaviorists, neobehaviorists supposed that stimuli...

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in the Fearless Film

Psychopathologies, when they occur, tend to become all-consuming and affect all stages of an individual’s life. In fact, milder and insignificant forms of various disorders and pathologic behaviors can be observed in everyone. For instance, undergoing stress some people become nervous and engage in compulsive behaviors such as nail biting,...

Personality: Early Childhood Development’ Effects

Personality has been defined as a set of psychological characteristics that differentiate one person from another. Personality starts developing soon after birth and continues throughout life. Many psychologists believe that personality is determined by early childhood development involving both experiences and growth environment. Personality involves a set of constant and...

Ethical Violations in the Stanford Prison Experiment: A Critical Analysis

Introduction It is no secret that many modern psychologists must adhere to a code of ethics to maintain their procedures’ reliability and participants’ safety. A planned psychological experiment should pass a thorough evaluation by a qualified panel of experts, gaining their approval before beginning. However, such moments mainly happened occasionally....

Insomnia: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Introduction Sleep is a function necessary for recovering mentally and physically from the time we have spent awake. Sleep deprivation can harm a person’s mental and physical health, their performance at school or work, and their overall quality of life (Davis, 2020). Insomnia is a prevalent sleep disorder It is...

Benefits of Animal-Human Interaction

Today, animals live in nearly every household. Dogs, cats, parrots, hamsters, and other animals are considered family members. Such a tendency suggests that people become more compassionate while protecting and caring for animals. The interaction between humans and animals has a beneficial effect because it helps people cope with emotional...

Cognitive Development: Case Study on Student

Introduction Cognitive development expands a human being’s ability to process information, which involves acquiring conceptual resources, perceptual skills, language improvement, and other aspects related to brain maturation. It is the development of an individual’s ability to think and understand. The term also refers to a field of study of neuroscience,...

Narrative and Internal Family Systems Therapies

Different Models of Family Therapy Family problems are the cause of psychological disorders such as anxiety, depression, and trauma, among others. The disorders are detrimental to an individual’s health and may affect the family and the community at large. Family therapy is one of the most effective ways of treating...

Existential and Gestalt Theories

Counseling and psychotherapy play an important role in human well-being, and theories create a solid background for therapy implementation. The existential theory explains people’s experiences in a meaningful and responsible way to encourage free will and self-determination (Tan, 2011). Gestalt theory, in its turn, focuses on processes with the help...

The Development of the Preschool Child

Introduction The summary description entails the video, pretend washing, where the main protagonists are two girls donning yellow and lime dresses. The girls are three and appear to have normal physical development based on size and stature (Pretend Washing, 2013). The girls are happy and attentive as they engage in...

Living with Phobias: Types and Influences

Abstract A feeling of fear is a normal reaction to possible danger or threat yet it is important to differentiate natural fears from phobic and obsessive-compulsive disorders. Phobias are irrational and uncontrollable fears that lead to severe anxiety and cause discomfort in the daily life of an individual. Phobias do...

How to End a Relationship?

Introduction Human beings are by nature social beings and therefore it can be understood that at one time in a person’s life, a person must establish a relationship of a particular nature. Relationships come in various forms and they involve a certain degree of intimacy. People enter into relationships optimistic...

Differences in Shopping Behavior of Men and Women

Retail business is one of the largest businesses in terms of revenue generated and certainly the largest business in terms of number of participants. We all are retail buyers and buy different merchandize to satiate our needs and aspirations. Though we all indulge in shopping, there is a special relationship...

Comparison of Success and Failure

Success and failure are widespread phenomena that occur in virtually any form of human activity. Both aspects can have both positive and negative effects on a person, so the issue of influence is particularly important. The purpose of this essay is to compare success and failure and how it affects...

Van Gogh’s Mental Condition in “Sunflowers”

Introduction Vincent van Gogh has had a complicated childhood, and the hardships of his later life worsened his mental state. The problem of the connection between Van Gogh’s artistic talent and his mental illness is still unsolved. Likewise, it is unknown what the illness was: the most popular versions are...

Impact of Depression on a Family

Depression may not top the list of the most traumatizing experiences, but it definitely hits the top ten. It alters a person’s live, changes the pattern of one’s social interactions and blocks one’s way of experiencing positive emotions. However, the family of the depressed person also suffers greatly. In their...

Carl Rogers’ and Gordon Allport’s Concepts of Personality

Introduction Based on Carl Rogers, fully functioning individuals are connected with their personal and profound wishes and feelings. Schultz and Schultz (2008) show that owing to the link between an individual and the self, Rogers expresses that one recognizes their feelings and places profound trust in their character. Consequently, unrestricted...

Skinner’s Stimulus-Response Theory

Introduction The 20th century saw an influx of eminent psychologists who did not only study children behavior but proposed development theories that are still relevant today. A prime example is B. F. Skinner, whose discovery of operant learning has been highly influential in the study of modern-day psychology. Skinner’s postulations...

The Study of Sex as a Study of Power

Power has been recognized as a significant variable in the study of sex and sexual behavior. These behaviors include social, relational, and individual variables. Power is considered a substantial variable in aspects of social relationships and romantic relationships. Women tend to have a more negative attitude towards premarital sex, unlike...

Erikson’s vs. Piaget’s Theories Comparative Analysis

It is important to note that there are eight stages in Erik Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development. The conflicts include Trust vs. Mistrust in the first stage, Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt in the second stage, Initiative vs. Guilt in the third stage, and Industry vs. Inferiority in the fourth...

Psychology. Ernest Hemingway and His Personality

Ernest Hemingway and his works have become unique cultural phenomena in their own right due to the immense importance of the revolutionized approach to literature. Moreover, the writer’s biography not only allows for a better understanding of his works but also helps realize the spirit of an entire generation. The...

Comparing and Contrasting Perspectives on Personality

Outline Personality is a word that originates from persona, a Latin word referring to a mask. Therefore personality’s study is related to the study that analyses masks worn by human beings. These masks are characters displayed and projected by human beings including their psychological experiences otherwise known as self. Personality...

Three Developmental Theories in Child Psychology

Introduction Many scientists and researchers involved in studying child psychology have come up with many theories that attempt to explain how children develop. These theories have shown that children play an active role in their development. Papalia, Wendkos, and Feldman (2007) say that some theories have pointed out that the...

Personality by Cloninger: Understanding Persons

Introduction The value of books has long been duly appreciated by the humanity. Books contain knowledge and wisdom, as well as induce readers to thinking and sometimes even change their perception of reality. Theories of Personality: Understanding Persons by Susan Cloninger is one of books which are informative and educational,...

Industrial and Organizational Psychology

Often known as Industrial and Organizational psychology, the discipline seeks to look at how psychology can be applied at the workplaces in various organizations. Organizational psychologists through well conducted research and devised strategies significantly make contributions towards the success of the organization owing to the enhanced work output and improved...

Integrity as a Personality Trait

Integrity refers to the quality of being honest, transparent, faithful, and open with regard to interactions and communication with other people (AuBuchon 19). It is a vital personality trait that is necessary for the sustenance of relationships between people. People with integrity hold themselves to high ethical and moral standards....

Nature vs. Nurture in Child Psychology

Introduction Children depend wholly on their parents or guardians for support and care. At birth, they have hereditary material (genetic effects) acquired from their parents, and as they grow, they experience the influence of the psychological, social, and physical settings (environmental aspects). Children develop quickly in all spheres of life:...

Nature vs. Nurture in the Human Intelligence Context

Intelligence, nature vs. nurture, and genetics play a significant role in human intelligence and the overall thinking process. This argument is explicitly informed by several studies involving these central concepts of the general being. Although some of the concepts are controversial, for instance, that ‘human language is learned through reinforcement’,...

The Grit TED Talk by Duckworth: Critical Analysis

The subject of this critical essay is a lecture by Angela Lee Duckworth, that they gave during their Ted Talk titled Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance. They explained, how the IQ of her students was not the main predictor of academic performance in the math class they taught....

Stages of Moral Development in Kohlberg’s Theory

Introduction Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development is an important framework for understanding the personality of an individual. It assumes that people move through the three levels of moral development during their life. At the same time, the moral understanding of every person is associated with cognitive development (Gibbs, 2019). Discussion...

Child Development on Harry Potter’s Example

Introduction A thorough analysis of a child’s gradual behavior in different contexts of their life allows for determining the normativity of their development. Furthermore, comparison and evaluation based on the child development theories lead to a wider understanding of specifications related to a child’s actions and details of their developing...

Nature vs. Nurture: Psychological Theory

Introduction Human development and the resources people could use to achieve perfection in their growth are frequently discussed in different fields, including social sciences, psychology, and health care. During the last several centuries, researchers, philosophers, and writers are interested in what could determine human traits and abilities. There is one...

Child Abuse: Risks, Causes, Effects, Treatment

Introduction More and more children become the victims of child abuse. Children who need to be loved to become the victims of different forms of child abuse. Child abuse may be physical, sexual, or mental. Physical abuse means any kind of maltreatment towards the children in a physical way. It...

Counselling Skills: Empathy Review

What I Expect When Meeting the Client for the First Time When meeting a new client for the first time, I expect to develop rapport with the client whilst building a relationship as well as situational concepts that assist the client to trust the counselor. The reason behind starting the...

The Concept of Postpartum Depression

Introduction Postpartum depression (PPD) is a range of emotional and physical changes that the majority of new mothers go through. Immediately after delivery, mothers experience a sharp drop in hormones, and this chemical change may cause depression. Additionally, social and psychological changes that occur after getting a baby may cause...

Psychology: Working vs. Procedural Memory

Introduction Memory is a complex interconnection of mechanisms serving a wide variety of purposes. In the most basic terms, it is responsible for the acquisition, storage, and retrieval of information on conscious and subconscious levels. The following paper discusses the differences between two such mechanisms, namely working memory and procedural...

Personality: Psychoanalytic and Biological Approaches

There are six different perspectives of personality. The major difference between them is that they approach personality by means of focusing on one of its major aspects (Burger, 2014). Specifically, the first approach is psychoanalytic whose followers maintain that unconscious minds drive differences in people’s personalities. The second is trait...

Goal-Setting Reflection

To make sure that the set goals are attainable and, therefore, worth pursuing, one needs to explore their ostensible outcomes in depth, therefore, detailing the possible obstacles that can be encountered on the way to their completion. Furthermore, the factors that will affect the development of the project and, therefore,...

Counseling Theories and Theorists

Introduction Psychotherapy is a process of engagement between two persons, both of whom are bound to change through the therapeutic venture (Corey, 2009, p.6). This collaborative process always requires the participation of both the therapist and the client in co-constructing solutions to concerns. In these relationships, counselors facilitate healing through...

Child Observation Theories: Theories of Piaget, Erikson, and Kohlberg

Introduction By applying Piaget’s theory of cognitive-developmental stages, one can say that A. has reached the pre-occupational stage. At this level, an individual should be able to use simple logic, take the viewpoints of other people, and classify various objects. A child aged between 2 and 5 should also have...

Rorschach Inkblot Test

Rorschach Inkblot Test was created by Hermann Rorschach, a prominent Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst and the follower of Freud and Jung. The date of the test creation is 1921 (Schachtel, 2013). The original Rorschach Inkblot Test was set of 40 bisymettrical inkblots that seemed formless. However, later, to reduce the...

Social Development from Infancy to Adulthood

Introduction Early childhood development remains a broadly debated topic and it covers voluminous work by different scholars. This paper will analyze the topic on social development from infancy to adulthood by giving a comprehensive summary of two articles. The first article is Social Development from Infancy to Adolescence: Longitudinal and...

Complicated Relationships between Parents and Children

One can agree that family relationships are vital for the proper development of kids and the establishment of adequate morals and values. Unfortunately, not all adults are able to fulfill their parenting roles effectively. In many cases, parents fail to maintain positive and nurturing connections with their offspring, which has...

Andrei Chikatilo: Behavioral Analysis

Introduction Consideration of the psychological profile and attempts to explain the behavior of serial offenders is usually quite complicated, as it contains many variables that do not allow determining something universal for all offenders. Nevertheless, behavioral theories describe some correlation between biological, social, and psychological factors that might contribute to...

Metaphysical Secrets of Manifesting Money Abundance

The aim of this research study is to explain the metaphysical secretes of manifesting money. Three research objectives guide this paper. They are focused on investigating the relationship between people’s ability to attract money and the law of attraction, to find out the role of spirituality in explaining people’s ability...

The Cognition and Intelligence Concepts

Cognition and intelligence are two related terms related to human and animal mental processes. According to the dictionary, cognition is a “form of awareness, such as perceiving, conceiving, remembering, reasoning, judging, imagining, and problem-solving” (APA, 2015, p. 201). Intelligence is defined as the “ability to derive information, learn from experience,...

Restoring Mental Well-Being Using Natural and Applied Sciences

Natural and applied sciences, such as biology, chemistry, or medicine, are concerned with the research process to understand the physical world and environment. The lens of the sciences is characterized by the methods of observation, hypothesis verification, and experimentation conducted with the goal of obtaining reliable and practical data. Thus,...

Pluralism in Counselling and Psychotherapy

Introduction Counseling and psychotherapy is a practice historically associated with theoretical frameworks that are unitary in that they stand by singular positions or procedures. However, this is rapidly changing as training, research, and practice are increasingly adopting a combined approach. A pluralistic framework is becoming a common phenomenon as it...

“The Perils of Obedience” Book by Stanley Milgram

The relations between an individual and authority are complicated, and people have to learn how to behave regarding their personal principles and the social standards set. The work of Stanley Milgram (1963), “The Perils of Obedience” is one of the sources where captivating and educative information on how people should...

The Concept of Intelligence: Main Aspects

Intelligence is one of the most discussed subjects in psychology and other cognitive disciplines. It has been studied and conceptualized since ancient times. However, there is neither a standard definition of this notion nor a consensus on its types. This essay aims to consider the concept of intelligence and dwell...

Bob Knowlton Case Study

The following paper analyzes the behavior of Bob Knowlton, his encounter with a difficult organizational issue, how he dealt with it, and what factors influenced his decision. Knowlton can be described as a team-focused leader, which could prove helpful in achieving long-term goals, but, in the end, his insecurities negated...

Cognitive Psychology Role in People’s Life

Introduction Cognitive psychology plays a vital role in people’s everyday life. It is clear that people’s mental processes occur based on thorough thinking or decision-making, and cognitive functions are behind these processes. Nowadays, psychologists and researchers pay special attention to the language processing that conditions why people choose this or...

Motivational Interviewing Case Study

Summary A motivational interview has been conducted with a 37-year-old female individual who suffers from regular overeating in the evening and at night. The female client started her speech by describing how her habit seems to ruin her health and life because she gained weight, and she constantly feels stomach...

Early Childhood Development in “Born to Learn” Video

One of the most interesting, crucial, and challenging processes people can witness is the emergence of a new life – a new person. It is hard to disagree that for later health and successful development of children, the early years of their lives are of vital importance (“Early brain development...

“Dibs in Search of Self” by Virginia Axline

This book by Virginia Axline is a story of how play therapy helped improve the condition of an emotionally disturbed five year old boy. Dibs was always withdrawn and silent. He did not respond to any of his teachers’ attempts to connect with him; as a matter of fact, he...

Brief Description of the Types of Friendship

Introduction Friendship is a conception that has always got different ideologies from people. People tend to have a diverse perceptions about the issue of friendship. From a general perspective, friendship can be viewed as a relationship based on intimacy. However, the intimacy within friendship normally varies as some people may...

Theorist in the Field of Child Psychology

Jean Piaget made great contribution to child psychology and development of the new approaches and concepts in this sphere. The benefit of Piaget’s theory is that young children are far more able than the theorist gave them credit for. Though, it seems that there is also a hazard of overestimating...

Personal Excellence: Achieving and Maintaining

It is important to achieve personal excellence since a lot of people are unable to extract the maximum from life in terms of happiness, satisfaction and a sense of achievement. The prime reason for such a situation being that personal potency is not recognized and claimed by people. Hence it...

Transtheoretical Model of Change

The Transtheoretical Model of Change (TTM) is not a theory, but it can employ multiple behavioral theories within its framework, combining various processes that are needed to understand how behavioral change happens. The TTM is based on the belief that people go through multiple stages when thinking about and implementing...

Cognitive Development and fMRI: Insights from Neuroscience

Abstract Human cognitive development has always been a subject of scientific interest. Currently, scholars prove that it is directly connected with the intellectual abilities of people. Cognitive neuroscience is a prominent step towards the understanding of human nature. Cognitive neuroscience employs functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to evaluate various neuron...

Organizational Motivation in “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory”

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory is a beautiful story that depicts the ultimate dream of any child: visiting a chocolate factory and winning a lifelong supply of chocolate. The movie’s key character, Willy Wonka, plays the role of a wizard who fulfills dreams, as he hides five golden tickets...

Auditory and Visual Perception Differences

What Do You Hear at a Concert? Music perception explicates the subjective responses elicited by auditory stimuli – in this case, concert music. From every music signal perceived, I will get information about its pitch, tonality, loudness, timbre, and combination tones. A fundamental attribute of simple or complex tones is...

Erikson’s, Havighurst’s, Bronfenbrenner’s Theories

Introduction The subject is a white male in the early adulthood developmental stage. He experienced emotional and physical abuse as a child and has a history of substance abuse, which affected his progression through developmental stages as defined by Erikson. The first stage of psychosocial development by Erikson is infancy,...

Child Development Theories: Role and Importance

The complexities and challenges of child development cannot, in any way, be wished away. In equal measure, the optimal growth and development of a child are deemed not only important for the parents and family members, but also for the whole society. As such, it is critically important to understand...

Counseling: Theory and Practice

The relationship between the client and counselor presents an important factor for therapeutic outcomes. Therefore, counselors must use the theoretical foundation to guide their practice and focus on the combination of thinking, feeling, and behaving dimensions (Corey & Corey, 2022). Furthermore, while counselors can experience trouble understanding the way of...

Personality Theory by Kelly, Rotter, Bandura, and Rogers

Introduction Many theorists have come up with different ideologies regarding human behavior in social interaction. But the main four well-known theorists who have proposed different ways in which people behave in social interactions are: George Kelly Julian Rotter Albert Bandura Carl Rogers George Kelly’s Behavioral Concepts George Kelly’s four concepts...

Agenda-Setting Process in a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Session

Creating an agenda is a collective approach in which the psychotherapist and the customer select how the meeting time will be allocated. The patient and therapist make a list of topics they would like to address and then decide on the order in which they will discuss them and how...

Short-Term and Working Memory Measurement

Introduction While long-term memory can store and modify information over a long time, short-term memory can generally hold information in an active state for a short time. Working memory is a type of short-term memory where one can store small amounts of information for a short while. An example is...

The Structural Model and the Family Therapy

Introduction The structural model is a simple way to look at the process of doing laundry and understand how it works. It is a simple representation of how all of your clothes are hung on hangers and then folded into their respective piles. This model is based on the client’s...

Bill O’Hanlon’s Solution-Focused Therapy

In the practice of psychotherapy, there are a large number of significant figures who have made personal contributions to a deeper understanding of the cognitive functions and capacities of human consciousness. This is also true of the American psychotherapist Bill O’Hanlon. As of this writing, O’Hanlon is a living contemporary...

Traumatic Memory and Survivor Identity

Introduction Trauma is a mental disorder and almost everyone experiences the condition during their lifetime. Trauma can be defined as an emotional and psychological disorder emanating from strange experiences such as disaster, breakup, conflict, war, or any other stressful occurrences in life. Terrorist attacks, wars, and natural disasters in the...

Interpersonal & Internal Conflict in Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”

Introduction Conflicts are integral parts of our lives, and knowing how to resolve them is one of the essential skills to learn. While contemporary books provide many insights into how conflicts emerge and how to address them, literature classics can often provide invaluable information on the topic. For instance, Shakespeare’s...

Ecological Rationality and Decision-Making

Ecological rationality is a theory that focuses on decision-making processes depending on the particular context a decision is made. As put by Mata et al. (2012), “the notion of ecological rationality sees human rationality as the result of the adaptive fit between the human mind and the environment” (p. 1)....

Correlational Design in Forensic Psychology

Strengths and Limitations of Correlational Design Correlational designs are actively used in forensic psychology research in order to determine the meaningful relations between different types of variables. Researchers choose the correlational design when it is necessary to find out the presence of relationship between certain factors and persons’ behaviors, but...

Empiricism According to David Hume and Immanuel Kant

Introduction Empiricism is the philosophical view that the only source of knowledge is the senses. There are two schools of thought in regards to this idea. The empiricist philosophers, Locke, Bacon, and Hume support this view. The rationalist philosophers, Plato, Descartes, Spinoza, and Leibniz dispute this view, proposing that rationality...

Environmental Influences on Behavior

A study of the article “Why nature & nurture won’t go away” by Pinker (2004), which explores the environmental influences on human behavior. The most influential components of environmental influenced behavior is described as being, the impact of parenting and peer groups through conditioning and conforming, cultural influences of social...

Responsibility in the Work Environment and at Home

Introduction The sense of responsibility is often exemplified as the practice of social authority in the course of which an individual can procure the assistance and support of other people in order to fulfill a common objective shared by them. This is applicable in both workplace and home at the...

Children’s Social and Moral Development

Children grow and develop so rapidly that parents often cannot keep up. These children imbibe a lot from the people and environment around them that helps them develop their personalities. It is an accepted belief that no man is an island, and it is with other people that children learn...

Juvenile Delinquents and Parental Divorce: What Is the Connection?

Most of the juvenile cases reported are committed by youngsters who fall between the age group of 11 to 17. Many reasons cause the increase in the number of juvenile delinquents this may include; cross-cultural marriages, illiteracy among parents, and peer influence. The most notable cause that has seen the...

The Development of Adolescents

In life, children must pass through several stages and they take specific steps on their way to becoming adults. Usually, there are four stages which people take towards becoming adults; there is infancy which if of the children at the age of two years, early childhood is the age between...

Psychological Effects of Embalming on the Bereaved

Significance of research Death is a natural occurrence in the life of every human being. The loss of a loved one may actually devastate those who are left behind and such life-changing events have affected the plans, priorities and personalities of the individuals closest to the person who has passed...

Adlerian Theory for School Counseling

Abstract This research paper investigated the primary constructs of Adlerian theory. The work includes several parts, namely, the introduction, the main part, and the conclusion. The introduction describes what will be discussed in the frames of this paper, the structure of the work, as well as its key ideas and...

Psychology Branches and Future Career Perspectives

Abstract The paper discusses such branches of psychological science as biopsychology, cognitive neuropsychology, clinical psychology, counseling psychology, geropsychology, industrial-organizational psychology, social psychology, experimental psychology, and forensic psychology. The paper covers the main concepts, differences, advantages, and disadvantages of each branch. The prospects for the future career in each of these...

Addressing Disruptive and Noncompliant Behaviors

Part 1 Ms. Rollison has a comprehensive behavior management plan in place. Why isn’t it working for all of her students? Ms. Rollison fails to realize that today’s learning environment is extremely diverse and, therefore, the task of the teacher is to provide students with greater assistance. Because students have...

Working Phases: Characteristics, Issues and Concerns

When the psychotherapeutic group successfully reaches the working phase, the clients and the leader may concentrate on the specific issues that made them participate in the therapy. By this stage, the group has acquired such characteristics as a considerable degree of cohesion, empathy, trust, and support. Cox, Owen, and Ogrodniczuk...

Organizational Behavior in the “Troy” Film

Film Analysis Organizational behavior is a rapidly growing field of study. Many books and academic researches give critical assessment to various organizational behavior theories. Explorations in the sphere of motivation and leadership within organizations help building efficient collaboration schemes for workers in all kinds of companies. The importance of research...

Attraction-Selection-Attrition and Social Cognitive Theories

Introduction Personality determines the different forms of human behaviors and abilities; hence, it is important for success in an organization. Personality is the most important element that human resource managers consider in the recruitment process. Different roles require disparate kinds of skill sets and aptitudes, all of which are attributed...

Forensic Psychologist’s Role in Death Penalty Trial

Forensic psychologists play critical roles in court cases. They help the judges to investigate the claims from a professional dimension. They can probe the defendant and contribute towards providing critical evidence that can guide the court towards making the right judgment. The Roles of a Forensic Psychologist in a Death...

Psychosexual Development and Psychoanalytic Theory

Introduction The development of a person right from birth to adulthood goes through various stages. Some of the characters that a person adapts to are natural, while others come from those who affect the individual’s life. Both natural and nurture behaviors shape a person’s future attitudes. Psychosexual Development Freud’s Theory...

Counseling Profession: Origin and Description

Abstract The paper concentrates on the introduction that gives brief information about the origin of counseling and the people who pioneered it. It also gives a somewhat detailed description of their works and how they helped the development of guidance and counseling. Their discoveries and achievements are also highlighted. Introduction...

Child Abuse and Preventive Measures

Child abuse is a current problem in many countries, including the United States. For modern society, both throughout the country and in local settlements, this issue remains due to the imperfection of protection measures. When such violations are identified, the adequate solution is often to deprive the parents of their...

Personality Influence on Academic Performance

Introduction Personality makes a difference in people as the qualities and characteristics of an individual determine some aspects. For instance, academic performance is directly or indirectly influenced by nature. Personality affects performance indirectly via motivations and attitudes, which develop perceptions of learning, investments in education, and the ways preferred in...

“The Power of Coincidence” by Jill Neimark

The Power of Coincidence, written by J. Neimark, emphasizes how the ambivalent concept of coincidence can influence lives and alter situations. After reading it, I can, without a doubt, concur that coincidences exist and are very important. As we read the narrative, we can see how the author recounts Elisabeth...

Descartes and the Mind-Body Relationship

In the 17th century, one of the most prominent philosophers of all time, René Descartes, put forward his view of the relationship between the mind and the body. Urban (2018) states that, in Descartes’s view, matter is spatial, and it possesses attributes confirming it, while mental entities have no such...

The Freudian Concept of Unconscious

Sigmund Freud is one of the key figures in the field of psychology, and his works served as a foundation for many thinkers and theorists. Although Freud’s ideas are no longer part of the mainstream approaches in psychology, certain concepts offered by him still remain relatively popular. In his lifetime,...

Erikson’s Stage of Intimacy Versus Isolation

Early adulthood is one of the crucial periods in the continued formation of personality, and many essential changes occur during this period. One of the psychological approaches that aim to explain and interpret this period is Erikson’s theory. Erikson interprets early adulthood as a time of the interplay between intimacy...

Interpersonal Relationships and Conflict in “Malcolm & Marie” Film

Interpersonal Relationships Human interactions and their circumstances, connections, and context to them create interpersonal relationships together. The bonds people share are intricate and are classified into types, stages, theories, and more. Interpersonal relationships fall into the following categories: friendship, romantic relationship, family relationship, and professional relationship. The stages of a...

John Watson and the “Little Albert” Experiment

John Watson is considered to be the founder of behaviorism, a psychological theory that focuses on visible behavior while diminishing the notion of consciousness (Malone, 2014). He firmly believed that every human has the same set of reflective responses, which can be influenced by the use of a process called...

B.F. Skinner Operant Theory and Practice

Introduction Burrhus Frederick Skinner is renowned figure in the field of psychology for his theory of operant conditioning. Indeed, this theory constitute a major contribution to the school of Behaviorism. Operant Conditionning puts forth that the environment shapes significantly the lives of people and the way they behave through reinforcement....

Rollo May’s Personality Theory Constructs

Introduction Several philosophers as well as psychologists have conducted researches in the quest to understand human beings and be able to explain their behaviors. The 19th and 20th centuries were characterized by increased findings particularly in the field of human personality. Among the many schools of thought that emerged, especially...

The Issue of Psychopaths in Society

There are characters in the society whose habits and moral behaviors are something out of the ordinary. These individuals exist in each society. They have the propensity to engage in certain inhuman activities without being empathetic in any way. The cruel acts they commit do not seem at all cruel...

Dissociative Identity Disorder: Causes and Treatment

Introduction Daydreaming? Getting lost for a moment when doing a certain task? Being absorbed in one’s thoughts and forgetting the rest of the world for a moment? These are most common examples of what we call mild dissociation and it is just a normal experience for any person at some...

Nash’s Schizophrenia in “A Beautiful Mind” Film

Introduction John Nash, the protagonist in the chef-d’oeuvre film, A Beautiful Mind, suffers from paranoid schizophrenia. At the start of the movie, Nash introduces himself to students and attempts to make a joke, but he offends other graduates by referring to their work as unoriginal before boasting how he would...

Fear of Flying: Phobia Definition

The Fear of Flying (FOF) has psychological and physiological symptoms. It makes people avoid boarding planes. According to Clark and Rock (2016), this highly common phobia affects about 2.5-40 percent of the global population. These authors associate the misconceptions raised regarding aviophobia with inadequate research in the area of cognitive-behavioral...

Functionalist Physicalism in Philosophy of Mind

There is no doubt in modern science that there is a definite relationship between the psyche and the brain: the brain is, as it were, a vessel containing our soul. However, a problem was known since the late nineteenth century as a psychophysiological problem that continues to be discussed today....

Group Therapy: Process and Practice

Group therapy refers to a situation where one or more therapist or counselor is working with a group of people at once (Finn, 2003). Group therapy operates in the form of several people meeting for two or three days a week to discuss their issues, with the help of a...

Self-Esteem Development in Adolescents

Self-Esteem Development Developing self-esteem involves being able to successfully achieve social-emotional developments both in childhood and during teenage. According to Erikson, successful socialization requires that one solves all the eight crises experienced during development. In adolescents, attaining self-esteem involves achieving autonomy, which can renegotiate relationships with parents during the adolescence...

Freud’s and Inside-Out and Outside-In Theories

In life, human beings go through a process of development. Many theorists have come up with ways of explaining the development through stages or a continuous series. There is a need to examine the theories that explain the steps to understand this growth pattern. The inside-out and outside-in approaches also...

Using Behavior Modeling as a Training Method

Introduction The use of games and simulations in behavior modeling has been an ongoing process in employee training and other areas for decades now. With the entrant of computers and information technology, games and simulation are even surreal than was the case before. This is because the simulated situations represent...

Emotion Management in the Workplace

Abstract Emotions are a complex and often challenging part of the everyday life of modern individuals. Emotions are present at all times and in every situation we face. Sometimes they are quite pleasant and relaxing, and sometimes they are confusing and frustrating. Both positive and negative emotions have one important...

Oppositional Defiant Disorder Analysis

Introduction Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) is a condition that involves persistent phases of anger, refusal to comply with adults, arguing, and spitefulness. It is experienced for a period of at least six months. Other behaviors include deliberately annoying people, touchiness, and blaming others for their misconduct. For a child to...

Bilingualism Effects on Cognitive Development

The 21st Century has been characterised by a multicultural and diverse society (Cavaluzzi, 2010). The proportion of children taking English as a second language is also increasing tremendously. A survey carried out on London schools in 2000 showed that the children spoke more than 300 languages (Edwards, 2004). Statistics show...

The Story of Tony Walker: Developmental Milestones

Introduction The story of Tony Walker, a British man who was profiled in the 7-up documentary series, has been chosen as the case study for this research project. Since his mother was a stay-at-home mom and his father drove a lorry, Tony’s early years were marked by financial hardships. He...

Human Development Theories by Piaget, Vygotsky, and Erikson

Introduction Having an understanding of the core aspects and stages of human development is critical for identifying the relevant issues and determining the core factors affecting a specific psychological concern. Presently, several perspectives on the phenomenon of human development exist. These are represented by the framework designed by Piaget, Vygotsky,...

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Its Importance

Introduction The Hierarchy is a psychological theory describing how humans transition from one level to another in terms of self-actualization. It is a pyramid model that describes the psychological motivation towards one’s basic needs, with individuals at the base and society at the top (Fallatah & Syed, 2018). Underneath each...

Religious Leader Jim Jones’s Psychobiography

Introduction Some notable historical figures capture the public’s attention and remain long in the people’s memory due to their extraordinary personalities and actions. Cult is one of the fascinating topics because it simultaneously intrigues and scares the audience. The ability to gather a group of people and organize the community...

Counseling: The Therapy Session

Counseling is a significant factor influencing the behavioral change of human beings. Most counselors aim to narrate a story to the victim in a more affirming way to the affected person rather than using the victim’s account to humiliate them, which helps improve the affected person’s self-esteem. Counseling is a...

Bullying Behavior and Its Negative Effects on Children

Bullying behavior is a severe issue among school-age children and teenagers. It has an impact on individuals who bully others, those who bully themselves, those who bully others, as well as onlookers who watch the bullying incident in both the short and long term. Bullying is a problem that is...

Structural Family Therapy and Its Application

Model Description The approach to the family as a system is reflected in the name of this therapy. The study of the structure of entities and relationships in the system always takes place under the auspices of integrity. Each person in the family is a critical part of the overall...

Cognitive Behavior Theory for Military Veteran

Cognitive behavior theory (CBT) is based on the idea that an individual is able to alter their behavior by interfering with their thought patterns. Perception-altering techniques are widely used in therapy, however, “CBT refers to the inclusion of thoughts and beliefs in the determination of clients’ problems and their alleviation”...

Psychologists Erik Erikson, Gordon Allport and Raymond Cattell

The three prominent psychologists contributed greatly to the understanding of personality development. Each of them created a unique theory that seeks to cover the whole lifespan of a person and explain how certain occurrences and factors may affect a person. Despite different emphases, it is vivid that the approaches have...

Cognitive Dissonance in Abusive Relationships

The concept of cognitive dissonance can help explain a victim of an abusive relationship’s emotional state and psychological motivation. The term suggests that a person is in that severe situation when their actions contradict their beliefs and views. An extended stay in this state ultimately leads to a feeling of...

Escaping the Endless Adolescence’ by Joseph Allen

Introduction Teenage is considered to be the most important stage of development. This stage has a very significant role in an individual’s physical and psychological development. It is commonly agreed that the kind of life that an individual lives at this stage has a great influence on the future life....

Sigmund Freud: Genius or Eccentric?

Abstract This document is an exposition on Sigmund Freud to highlight whether he was a genius or eccentric. The concepts would be addressed from a personalistic and naturalistic viewpoint. Current research on Freudian philosophies would be explored to determine the status and impact of Freud’s ideas. Freud’s key ideas and...

Social Work Theory for a Molested Child

Introduction Psychological analyses indicate that children who have undergone molestation are likely to experience anxiety, depression, post traumatic stress disorder, physical injury and may be susceptible to more abuse in the future. When a child has been molested by a family member then this is likely to lead to even...

The Psychology of Emotions, Feelings and Thoughts by Pettinelli

The workings of the human mind are perhaps the last frontiers that are yet to be unraveled by science. Despite the advances in neurobiology and better technology, the cognitive aspects of the brain defy satisfactory explanation. Mark Pettinelli, through his book The Psychology of Emotions, Feelings and Thoughts attempts to...