Reflection about Statistics and Probability – Essay Sample [New]

Learning statistics is viewed as an essential subject. It is also crucial to do statistics and probability reflection about their role in math, data management, and one’s daily life as a student. This statistics essay sample is going to cover what I have learned in statistics and probability. Essay will...

A Comparison of Narrative and Phenomenological Designs

Element Narrative Methods Phenomenological Methods Philosophical roots Narratives (including stories) as a critical aspect of the ways in which humans understand (make sense of) reality (Feldman, Sköldberg, Brown, & Horner, 2004; Patterson, 2018). From Kant, Hegel, Husserl, Brentano; the idea that humans can be certain about the way objects present...

Lab Report: Series and Parallel Circuit

Introduction The academic study of the physical principles of electricity is not limited to the study of theoretical concepts but instead focuses on the possibilities of their practical application. In this virtual laboratory work, knowledge of the theory of the connection of resistors in an electrical circuit was tested: series...

The Sampling Importance in Social Research

Social research involves the use of quantitative or qualitative study designs that are used to understand some important phenomena in life (Babbie, 2014). The qualitative approach uses descriptive data while the quantitative approach utilizes data that could be used to define some attributes of data points. Sampling is often used...

Scientific vs. Unscientific Explanations

James Bakese is a middle aged man from a remote village in Soweto, South Africa. It was a joyous moment when he landed himself a job with a Research Company in Johannesburg. After three years however, he went back home sickly and having lost weight. Some of his relatives claimed...

The Relationship Between Theory and Research

Introduction Theories often play a crucial role in developing academic research. The importance of theories in research is especially profound in the conceptualization and guidance of research findings. Hendrix (2010) reports the lack of a common conception of theory among researchers. However, since doctoral research greatly relies on theoretical constructs,...

A Country Profile of England

Introduction England is a country that is located in the United Kingdom. It is bordered by Scotland, Wales, the Irish Sea, and the Celtic Sea and has many islands that are approximately 100. The main spoken language is English. It is one of the countries in which the industrial revolution...

Experimental Report: Newton’s Law of Cooling

Objectives To show that the time dependence of temperature is exponential To verify Newton’s law of cooling using a simple water cooling experiment To employ Newton’s law of cooling to determine temperature of water at any given time Theory Newton’s law of cooling according Shealy that states that the hotter...

The Life of Euclid, Greek Mathematician

Euclid is referred to as the father of Geometry. He was a Greek Mathematician who is thought to live in the years 330-260 BC. However, the exact date that he was born is not known. At the same time his place of birth is not certain but his works can...

Natural Soap Making: Step-by-Step Guide

In this soap making process writing example, you will find a detailed explanation of soap manufacturing process. Check it out if you need to write a soap essay. Abstract Making soap at home is a very rewarding experience. It is also a way of reducing home expenses since it is...

Georg Cantor’s Life and Contributions to Math

Georg Cantor’s early life Georg Cantor was born on 3rd March 1845 in western merchant colony at St. Petersburg, Russia as the eldest child of his father and his full name was Georg Ferdinand Ludwig Philipp Cantor. His father was a Danish Jewish merchant that had changed to Protestantism and...

Differences Between Ontology, Epistemology, Axiology and Philosophy of Research

The methodology of a research project is the cornerstone that enables the transition from the theoretical background to the practical implementation of the study. In a way, it serves as a bridge between the pre-existing knowledge and the novelty of a particular project. In general, the adequacy of the methodology...

The Importance of Rock Cycle

Importance of Rocks: Introduction One of the most important substances found on earth is rocks. There are different types of rocks and each one can be used to serve different kinds of purposes. Rocks can be used as a building material, to build tools, to enhance the beauty and utility...

Italian Culture Essay

This Italy culture essay sample explores different aspects of Italian culture, including religion, art, language, and food. Check out our Italian culture essay to get some inspiration for your assignment! Many scholars consider Italy to be the birthplace of human culture and the cradle of civilization as we know it....

The Ubiquity of Microorganisms in the Environment

Microbes are ubiquitous. Thus, they live everywhere and can be found in different environments, like water, air, and animals. In addition, they can live in extreme temperatures, like high heat, humidity, or salt concentration. There is no place on Earth where no microbes would exist; they have adapted to live...

The Values and Motives Questionnaire in Social Studies

Types of Reliability and Validity The Values and Motives Questionnaire (VMQ) presents two types of reliability in the questionnaire that is primarily used for assessment consistency – test-retest reliability and homogeneity reliability (Psytech, 2016). The test-retest reliability is based on the similar scores data, which is evaluated according to a...

Bean Seed Germination Experiment Results

Bean Experiment: Project Plan & Problem Statement This paper is an assessment concern with a dry mass of seeds. The assessment will deal with various ways of performing adaptable procedures of evaluating and monitoring changes in the dry mass of bean seeds during germination. It is an examination relating to...

Nothern Lights Essay (Aurora Borealis)

Abstract For centuries, people had been marveling at the phenomenon of northern lights, attempting to explain them in the ways available to them: through legends, myths, and supernatural forces. Northern lights, or auroras, still represent a source of awe, and many go on special tours designed to provide the observers...

Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion with SPSS

Descriptive statistics Measures of central tendency and dispersion constitute descriptive statistics, which are applicable in the summarization of collected data. Fundamentally, descriptive statistics provide a way of summarizing and describing data because they indicate patterns and trends. According to Jackson (2012), descriptive statistics are relevant in data analysis because they...

Reading as a Source of Knowledge, Intelligence, and Critical Thinking

Reading has always been a source of knowledge, intelligence, and critical thinking, which is an essential element of a contemporary human being. However, books, articles, and other publications seem to be replaced by social media, TV series, and cinema. People tend to spend their free time besides a computer or...

Evans-Pritchard and Clifford Geertz: Social Studies

The methods and principles of anthropological research have always been a subject of heated debate among many scholars. Overall, it is quite possible for us to say that even now there is virtually no consensus as to this particular question. Our task in this essay is to compare various ethnological...

Pagtatanong-Tanong Indigenous Research Method

Researchers and scientists must be aware of the cultural attributes associated with a given population whenever conducting a given study (Mio, Barker, & Rodriquez, 2015). The presented case study describes a research team that is traveling to the Philippines for a research study. The group is expected to be complete...

Thick Description: Toward an Interpretative Theory of Culture

Check out our essay example on Thick Description: Toward an Interpretative Theory of Culture. Here, you’ll find the meaning behind the definition of culture. Get some inspiration for your assignment with our Geertz’ Thick Description summary. Geertz’ Thick Description Summary Chapter by Chapter In “Thick Description: Toward an Interpretative Theory...

Negative Effects of Human Cloning

Abstract Human cloning as an assisted reproductive tool has numerous harmful effects. The goals of human cloning include creating human beings or developing human tissues for empirical studies. The practice is now the subject of discourse with critical implications on moral, economic, and political issues among others. This report evaluates...

Tensile Test of Carbon Steel and Aluminum

Introduction Tensile test is one of the most common mechanical testing procedures for materials. This is among the simplest procedures and provides lot of useful properties of materials like Young’s Modulus or Stiffness, Proportional Limit, Elastic Limit, Yield Strength, Ultimate Tensile Strength, True Fracture Strength, Uniform Elongation or Elongation until...

Theory’s Role in Quantitative and Qualitative Research

Abstract There is a place for theory in all the three approaches to research namely mixed, quantitative, and qualitative methods. In a qualitative approach, a concept is used to offer the probabilities and clarifications among parameters being studied. The theory forms a bridge among the variables. On the other hand,...

Critical Discourse Analysis: Definition and Purposes

Looking for an excellent critical discourse analysis definition for your essay? Find it here! This essay explains the importance of critical discourse analysis for text study. Here, you’ll find the purposes, methods, advantages and disadvantages of critical discourse analysis that’ll help you to write a perfect paper. Keep reading to...

Similarities Between the Male and Female Reproductive Systems

Introduction Although there are substantial differences between male and female bodies, their reproductive systems have similarities. Understanding how these processes resemble one another is important in ascertaining the interconnected biology of men and women. The most important aspect of reproduction is that neither gender is self-reliant and needs the opposite...

Parabolic Shapes in Real Life: McDonald’s Fast-Food Chain Logo

Mathematical sciences quite accurately describe phenomena and patterns common in everyday life. In other words, even outside of mathematics textbooks and theorems, mathematical figures, formulas, or properties studied earlier can be detected. Such statements are also true for conic sections, which form a whole range of different planar figures. Thus,...

How Do People Use Biology in Their Everyday Life?

Introduction Biology is a scientific subject that studies living organisms relative to their interactions with each other and their immediate environments (Phelan, p. 1). On the other hand, life implies cells or a state of energy. The concept of life as cells implies that a life form can be made...

Mathematics and Space Travel

Although outer space begins at the height of 100 km from sea level, going there means one is working against gravity, and precise mathematical calculations are needed (Siddiqi, 2018). The problem with traveling to space is that it involves going up the whole way, meaning one must fight gravity throughout...

Globalization Impact on Sustainable Agriculture

Introduction Researchers are in agreement that the ongoing agents of globalization, including trade liberalization, international migration, rural-urban migration, technological innovations, and global currency deregulation, have far-reaching implications on sustainable development (van der Velde et al. 2007; Zimmerer 2007). However, there are conflicting views on whether globalization has actually led to...

Period 3 Elements Reacting with Oxygen and Chlorine

The Aim of the Experiment The objectives of the experiment were to study chemical trends of elements in period 3 of the periodic table by reacting with oxygen and chlorine and consequently examining the oxides and chlorides formed. Introduction Chemists developed and organized the periodic table to demonstrate the recurring...

Comparison between Phenomenological and Ethnographic Research Designs

Phenomenological research design is generally the individualistic study of a person in terms of behavior, customs, and beliefs. On the other hand, ethnographic research design is tied to the universal study of humans’ behaviors within a community or a specific group of people. The two research designs contrast each other...

Globalization in Anthropological Perspective

The end of the 20th century resulted in various global protests and ideologies due to the insecurities associated with the changing world. These developments could be studied and understood using the concept of political construction of hopelessness. Brown et al. (2020) identify the term as the use of frustration, violence,...

Algebra Development: Rhetoric, Syncopated and Symbolic Stages

Algebra is a branch of mathematics that studies relationships, structures, and quantities. Elementary algebra is a category of algebra that is concerned with solving arithmetic, operands, and arithmetic equations. Historians associate the origin of algebra to the early priests in Babylon four thousand years back. Algebra is known to have...

The Pros and Cons of Prospective and Retrospective Data

In medical research, scholars use two types of data: prospective and retrospective. Prospective data refers to new data that is collected to answer a specific research question. When scholars use this data type, they first develop their study design and determine their sample, and then gather the data generated over...

Narrative Inquiry as a Research Design

Introduction In psychology-related studies, qualitative research plays an important role because it allows for focusing on subjective perceptions and concerns of study participants, and they are important for examining in psychological studies. Narrative inquiry is one of the research designs typical of the qualitative methodology that contributes significantly to psychological...

Similarities and Differences in Quantitative and Qualitative Methods

Introduction Quantitative and qualitative research methods bear differences and similarities on several fronts. It is however necessary to appreciate the fact that the latter method concentrates on numerals with the aim of quantifying the results while the former concentrates on achieving quality answers thus concentrating on answering a question on...

Mars and Earth Comparison

Earth Compared to Mars: Introduction Mars is the most similar to earth planet ever discovered. It measures 4,222 miles which is approximately 6794 kilometers in diameter as compared to earth which measures 7926 miles which is approximately 12756 kilometers. In comparison this translates to about 53% of the earth size....

United States SWOT Analysis

Introduction Presently, the United States is experiencing an indefinite period in its history, which is characterized by various significant domestic and international issues, including the impending global crisis, social protests, and coronavirus pandemic. In this regard, to bring the state to a new level of economic and social development, a...

Parts of Table in Statistics & Advantages of Statistical Table

Tables in Statistics: Introduction A table is a form of a visual data that summarizes findings for a group of quantities. All information that is presented in tables is spread in rows and columns. Usually, data from a top row is associated with values given in a vertical column, which...

Multi-Method Research Design: Advantages of the Method

The classification of research designs into only qualitative and quantitative does not imply that research can be classified as only either one of such classification. On the contrary, the benefit of employing techniques from both approaches in a single study is a recognized aspect, which resulted in a new style...

Whooping Cough: Pertussis

Introduction Whooping cough, also known as pertussis, is a respiratory tract infection caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis. In earlier days before the development of a vaccine, it was viewed as an infantile disease that affected children, mainly between the ages of 1 and 9. In this age group, it...

The Study of Ritual Practice: Social and Cultural Anthropology

Anthropologists study the evolutionary origins of humanity intending to understand various diverse and distinct forms of cultural and social existence globally. By examining the behaviour of people in different communities, these professionals link past and present activities, local and universal practices, and time and space to understand human societies (Diah...

Agricultural Biotechnology and Its Pros and Cons

Introduction Agricultural technology refers to the utilization of organisms and living systems in the development of products for human use incorporating techniques such as genetic engineering, molecular diagnostics, tissue culture, and molecular markers. Biotechnology is widely applied in agriculture to propagate desired traits in order to increase productivity. This is...

Animals Division and Classification

Introduction Animals are often taken for granted, being viewed as either pets, or an instant threat, or an annoying pest. However, understanding the role that animals play in people’s lives is essential. In a large category of animals, four smaller subgroups can be identified. These are farm animals, pets, wild...

Fire in Terms of Chemistry and Thermodynamics

A fire has formed an important ingredient of societal cultures and religions, from historic times to our present world, and has played a key role in the advancement towards civilization. The fire has taken different trends all through the history of our world. For thousands of years, people have used...

Advantages and Disadvantages of Genetic Testing

Advantages and Disadvantages of Genetic Testing: Essay Introduction The progress of medicine and healthcare provides people with an opportunity to recognize health problems at their early stages and start treatment to avoid complications. There are many serious disorders and diseases that have genetics as one of the main causes, including...

Discourse Analysis Approach

Introduction: Defining the Issue Discourse analysis is a type of qualitative research design, which is based on naturally occurring data. DA is a general term that relates to the set of qualitative procedures, which are widely defined as an approach that addresses talk and text within social practice. According to...

North Sea and Baltic Sea Meeting Phenomenon

Why don’t the Baltic and North Sea mix? This question has been puzzling scientists for a long time. Aside from being a natural phenomenon, the two seas that meet in the Atlantic Ocean are also mentioned in the Quaran. People used to think that Baltic and North Sea have a...

The Process-Oriented Research Approach

Introduction In translation studies, scholars take many approaches to analyze and understand the translation process. One such approach is known as cognitive translation studies. This approach focuses on the role of cognitive processes in translation, such as memory, attention, and decision-making. The relationship between cognitive translation studies (CTS) and translation...

The Process of Producing Sulphuric Acid and Equilibrium

Most chemical reactions are reversible. During a chemical reaction, reactants are usually converted into products. However, some products turn back into reactants at the same time. Chemical equilibrium can be described as a state in a reversible reaction where the speed of the forward reaction is equal to the rate...

Analysis of Weather Forecast

The phenomenon of the dew point is truly amazing in its simplicity. It can be observed on a regular basis, and it presupposes a change in the state of water, one of the most common chemical compounds on the Earth – or, to be more exact, the most common one...

The Mixed-Method Research: Strengths and Weaknesses

Research methodology is the key to the high quality of study and one of the determinants of its validity. In a way, methodology is the bridge between the aims and the outcome of the project. If this bridge does not correspond with the requirements imposed by the objectives, it will...

Importance of Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins are essential micronutrients needed by the body in small quantities. They are also essential for normal cell functions, growth and development. Vitamins are grouped into fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins. The body stores the fat-soluble vitamins in its fatty tissues and these facts are absorbed easily from dietary fat. On...

Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG): Overview

Introduction Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) is a mixture of hydrocarbon gases, a large fraction of which is propane and butane (Khabibullin et al. 2010, p.1). The composition of LPG at any particular time varies according to its source, processing principles and season (Khabibullin et al. 2010, p.3). For example, the...

Observation Method: Strengths and Limitations

Observation is one of the methods for data collection. One of the main important aspects of observation in comparison with interviewing is that while the interview, people do not tell everything thinking that it is not that important. However, in most cases specific gestures, behavior, etc. may be seen during...

Trends Across Period 3 Oxides and Chlorides

Aim The aim of this experiment was to identify critically the trend in the chemical properties of elements and compounds of period 3. The students were required to specifically study how the chemical properties of the oxides and chlorides of period 3 elements relate to each other and how the...

Correlational vs. Experimental Research

This paper defines correlational vs experimental research types and highlights the difference between correlational and experimental research designs. It includes advantages, disadvantages, and examples. Introduction In psychology, there are two predominant types of research – correlational study vs experiment. Although they share certain similarities, it is very important to understand...

Charles Babbage’s Contribution to the Mathematics

Today, Charles Babbage is known as one of the most prominent mathematicians of the nineteenth century and as the author of numerous monographs on issues in such fields as algebra, astronomy, and engineering. Babbage was born in Walworth, England, on 26 December of 1791. The mathematician died in London on...

Food Safety Issues in Modern Agriculture

Food safety constitutes proper preparation, storage, and preservation of all foods. According to the United Nations Asian and Pacific Center for Agricultural Engineering and Machinery (APCAEM), an upsurge in international trade on agricultural products has made food safety a major concern. Furthermore, food safety is becoming a serious policy matter...

Measures of Central Tendency

Introduction Measures of central tendency are values that fall in the midline of a given data set (Dodge, 2003). Measures of central tendency are often used in research to get an idea of where most data values lie. Other data measures that are closely related to measures of central tendency...

Agriculture: Personal Field Visit

Agriculture is an essential part of the State’s activities. Thus, like any other industry, it may experience changes over time. Hence, as part of this scientific project, I visited a field in Hong Kong. Prior to the introduction of alterations initiated by the British government, these territories were engaged in...

Coherent Scattering and Compton Scattering

Coherent scattering occurs in the event of low radiation energy, limiting photon-electron interaction. The process happens when a photon passes a medium, but it can neither attract the electron nor cause power deposition owing to insufficient strength, although it changes direction, resulting in a systematic dispersion (Niederhuber et al., 2019)....

Internal and External Processes Shaping the Earth’s Surface

The Earth’s surface is shaped by various processes that can be divided into external and internal depending on their location. Therefore, the relief of the planet in its present form is the reflection of a complicated set of such processes. Their consideration allows to reveal different types of energy involved...

Marissa Mayer’s Leadership Style at Yahoo!

Abstract Scholars have come up with theories that underscore the different leadership styles that leader employ in different organizations. The majority of leaders appreciate these theories, as they are compatible with different personality traits. However, the challenge lies in becoming an effective leader for different people may lack the congenital...

Mathematics Education and Its Necessity

Introduction According to Curcio (1997), mathematics education is the process of teaching, studying, and researching mathematics as an academic subject. Research in mathematics education is a practice that deals with analyzing the tools, procedures, and different approaches of handling mathematics education. Mathematics at any level of study is essential for...

Qualitative Interview in Phenomenological Research

The qualitative interview held in terms of the phenomenological research is characterized by certain peculiarities. Creswell (2012) notes that the researchers should have interviews with 5 to 25 people who experienced the phenomenon under study. Importantly, the phenomenological study aims at identifying the central reasons for people’s behavior or attitudes....

The Existence of Life on Venus and Mars

Introduction Earth is a unique planet in the Solar System as the only one known to support an active life. However, scientists are constantly in the search of other life in the universe. Other planets in our vicinity may offer clues, with Venus and Mars potentially once having supported life....

The Musculoskeletal System

Musculoskeletal System Anatomy The musculoskeletal system provides humans with the ability to move and perform different tasks using their skeletal and muscular systems. Therefore, the body gets its form, movement capability, and overall stability from the strength of its muscular and skeletal formations. The musculoskeletal system (also known as the...

Five Oceans of the Earth

Introduction In the face of the earth there are five oceans and these include the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the Arctic Ocean, the Indian Ocean and the Southern Ocean. The surface of the earth is for this reason covered by water with up to 71% of its area (Briney)....

Math: Set Theory

“A set is a collection of well defined and well-distinguished objects of our perception or thought.” (Mohindru & Grover, 2003, p.1). Set is usually represented by capital letters and some of the standard sets that are available are N [represents set of all-natural numbers] W [represents set of all whole...

Mathematics: The Movement of an Engine Piston

Abstract Many people sit comfortably inside a car and enjoy this amazing technology without understanding the driving force behind the motion of a car. Moreover, others may have opened the hood of a car and wondered how this confusing jumble-like metallic structure called the engine, fitted with a mesh of...

The Four Levels of the Multiverse by Max Tegmark

Introduction The document by Max Tegmark is an assertion that parallel universes by definition are not just imaginations but remain the domain of metaphysics. The discussion on the four levels of the multiverse is explicitly presented by Tegmark. These include level I – Beyond our Cosmic Universe, level II multiverse...

Transshipment Problem Solving with Linear Programming

Abstract This term paper showcases the Application of Quantitative Methods for the exploration and analysis of a transshipment problem through a linear programming model for Lij Systems. An electronic company would like to determine an optimal transshipment plan that minimizes total transportation cost while meeting demands in each retail outlet...

Primary and Secondary Data in Research

Introduction Data is a central and integral part of any research since scientists use them to build hypotheses, justify the importance of their research, and its implementation. However, while it is enough to use secondary sources for some proposals and analyses, the study of other issues requires primary data. The...

Peru – Globalization, Environment, Crime and Disease

Introduction The present research paper synthesizes a number of legitimate sources in order to focus on globalization and its effects on Peru with special relation to environmental issues, crime, and disease in the country. The paper critically informs the reader of all these issues and their causes. The last section...

Statistics: Orthogonal and Oblique Factor Rotation

Factor rotation is a technique used to transform factors gained from the factor analysis (FA) so that the factor loadings that are small would be minimized, and factor loadings that are large would be maximized in order to enhance the interpretability of these factors (Field, 2013; Warner, 2013, p. 848)....

Animal Behavior of a Snake

Snakes are a widespread species that can be found in almost every part of the planet. While many people find them dangerous and even have phobias associated with snakes, they are interesting animals worthy of researchers’ attention. Due to the snakes’ inaccurate portrayal in media and culture, the general population...

Osmosis Egg Lab Report

Introduction Osmosis is a process whereby water or any fluid moves from an area of less concentration of dissolved particles to a region of high concentration of dissolved particles across a semi-permeable membrane. Due to the difference in a concentration gradient, dissolve particles can move across a semi-permeable membrane tan...

The Sun as an Ultimate Source of Energy

The sun is known to be a very big ball of hydrogen gas atoms compressed together by the force of gravity to cause fusion. This fusion results in two hydrogen atoms forming a helium atom and in this process, photon light is produced. The helium particle is seven percent less...

Integrated Pest Management

Effective management of pests in the agricultural sector is critical in improving yields and eliminating unnecessary destruction of crops. The concept of integrated pest management has gained popularity over the recent past as agricultural experts embrace technology and new methods of managing pests. It emphasizes the need to manage pests...

Newton’s Theory of Gravity

Sir Isaac Newton was an English mathematician, physicist, philosopher, theologian, and astronomer, who lived between 1642 and 1727. It is alleged that Newton’s thinking about the gravitational force was initiated by a falling apple. Newton was seated under an apple tree one summer afternoon in 1665 taking tea when an...

Nitrate and Nitrite Determination Using Uv-Spectrophotometer

The UV-Spectrophotometer This lab instrument is used in the analysis of compounds based on their absorbance in the UV (200-400 nm) and visible (400-800nm) spectra. Its history dates the back to early 1800s when the diffraction grating was invented, enabling researchers to separate a light beam into its wavelengths. The...

Credibility and Dependability of Research

A researcher carrying out qualitative research has to pay specific attention to credibility and dependability. These two aspects form the validity of the research. It is necessary to note that different scholars have come up with various definitions (Winter, 2000). In simple terms, credibility refers to the accuracy of the...

The Impact of Physical, Chemical, and Biological Agents on Marine Mammals

The development of ecosystems is affected by various physical, biological, and chemical agents, and these effects can be both positive and negative. It is noteworthy that in the majority of cases this is an adverse impact. For instance, such physical agents as oil spills or surface plastic debris can be...

Mathematicians: Contributions to the Mathematics of Volume and Surface Area

Introduction Mathematics has been in existence since antiquity and has experienced immense development in scope and changes. Notable contributions in diverse areas of mathematics date back to the pre-historic times. Some of these works, owing to their proven soundness and credibility, continue to be used to date. This paper explores...

Qualitative and Quantitative Research: Comparison and Contrast

Introduction Research is a French word that means to seek closely and is well expressed by the word “recherché”. It was meant to inquire about a particular topic to learn more or to dig the root cause of a problem or a particular situation. In other cases, the word researching...

Glycolysis Process and Its Stages

Abstract Glycolysis is a specific process that is known as the first stage of the anaerobic respiration process in plants, during which 6-carbon glucose splits into two molecules of pyruvate, which is 3-carbon, under the impact of enzymes to generate the required energy. This process can be described in two...

Static and Kinetic Friction: A Lab Experiment

The key objectives that were to be achieved by this experiment included the following: To measure the force of static friction and find out its relationship with the weight of an object. A further objective is to determine both the coefficients of static friction and the coefficient of kinetic friction...

Triphenylmethanol Synthesized from Grignard Reaction

Welcome to our essay sample on synthesis of triphenylmethanol from the reaction of the Grignard reagent! Here, you’ll find information on Grignard reaction procedure, TLC analysis, and other aspects of the experiment. Abstract In this experiment, triphenylmethanol was synthesized from the reaction of the Grignard reagent (phenyl magnesium bromide) with...

The Physics Behind the Scooter Board

Introduction Coming to the centre stage of self-propelled motion, the innovation of scooters has revolutionized self-drive transport a big deal. Scooters come in various designs suited for different functions. The different designs are geared towards enhancing speed, flexibility, stability as well as manoeuvrability among other adaptations. It is under this...

Origin and Subsequent Development of Calculus

Abstract The aim of this research is to review the origin and subsequent development of calculus over the years through the analysis of two great mathematicians; Isaac Newton of England and Leibniz Gottfried of Germany. It’s clear that calculus served as the quantitative language of science for more than three...

Pros and Cons of Fluorite as a Gemstone

Though diamonds, rubies, sapphires and emeralds are traditionally associated with jewelry, the use of less costly yet beautiful minerals as gemstones seems a good idea. As a rule, fluorite is often used to create truly gorgeous jewelry; however, the use of fluorite as a gemstone has its positive and negative...

Gender and Grade Point Average: Statistical Analysis

Abstract The research paper aims to assess the relationship between GPA and gender by applying correlation analysis with stratified sampling. In this study, a sample of 105 students (41 males and 64 females) participated. A teacher provided information about the students, such as student ID, first and last names, GPA,...

Geography and Its Relevance in the 21st Century

The argument that geography no longer matters in the 21st century does not hold. Despite the communication, trade, and infrastructural barriers that globalization has broken, the world cannot get to a position where humans can regard geography as irrelevant. Even with the proliferation of globalization, global problems such as climate...

Americanization Is Not a Synonym for Globalization

Introduction Due to being one of the most formidable countries in various dimensions, the USA is frequently regarded as having had a great impact on the development of the world’s culture. In fact, there persists an opinion that cultural globalization is nothing else than Americanization of the world’s cultures. Quite...

Sample Size Calculation and Justification

Introduction A sample can be described as a portion of the population selected for a survey or experiment. Obtaining facts regarding a parameter from the entire population is desirable. However, it is often time-consuming and costly, which necessitates sampling (Das, Mitra, & Mandal, 2016). Nonetheless, small samples cause uncertainties in...

Essay on Volcanoes: Mount St. Helens Eruption — Before and After

Essay on Volcanoes: Introduction The life of human beings has for a long time witnessed occurrences and impacts of different types of disasters. Natural disasters constitute part of many disasters that are likely to occur in the world. In addition, natural disasters are ultimate effect of natural hazards such as...

Teacup Dogs: Appearance, History, Health Complications, Art

Teacup dogs are the name for the most miniature breeds of dogs created by humans. They are the result of selective breeding or genetic modifications occurring within laboratories. Teacup dogs were created to serve as a decorative breed; their primary purpose is to perform on various shows or be human...

Fullerenes and Their Applications in Nanotechnology

Carbon exists in a variety of allotropic forms, including graphite and diamond. The third allotrope of carbon is known as fullerene (Bhakta & Barthunia, 2020). A fullerene is any molecule composed entirely of carbon atoms in varying combinations, such as a hollow sphere, tube, or ellipsoid (Bhakta & Barthunia, 2020)....

The Big Bang: Review and Analysis

The origin of the universe remains a mystery. For instance, several cultures have advanced myths explaining the origin of the universe during early civilization. According to the Chinese myth, for example, the universe originated when a ‘great creator hatched from an egg’. The universe as we know was borne from...

Interviewing Principles in Research

Introduction Research methods in social science studies are critical because they determine the legitimacy, success, and dependability of the findings. Social scientists use qualitative research methods to study human behavior. It helps to “describe the quality and nature of how people behave, experience, and comprehend things” (Alshenqeeti, 2014, p. 39)....

The Role of Research in Knowledge Advancement

Introduction Research is a crucial component of many fields, ranging from science to social sciences to humanities, providing the foundation for new knowledge and helping to understand the surrounding world better. The research investigates a problem or question by applying systematic and scientific methods, producing new knowledge, an improved understanding...

Water in the Atmosphere

Latent heat is the energy that is accumulated or released in a specific thermodynamic system as a result of a constant temperature process (Lutgens and Tarbuck 375). The aforementioned process can be observed in the course of a change of state of matter and the following release or accumulation of...

Evidence of the Evolution Theory

Evolution is a consolidating factor in biology supported by pieces of evidence from unique areas of biology. The areas of biology to be studied for evolution pieces of evidence include anatomy, biogeography, molecular biology, and fossils (Festa-Bianchet & Mysterud, 2018). Over time, evolution changes the genetic composition of species. The...

Nikola Tesla’s Biography and Achievements

Introduction Nikola Tesla is recognized as one of the most controversial yet brilliant scientists in the history of humankind, and his importance for many fields is conditional upon the development of numerous ideas and inventions. In many ways, he is considered as a man of creations far ahead of his...

Synthesis of 5,5-Dimethylcyclohexane-1,3-Dione

Dimedone is a well known organic chemistry compound that is yellow and solid in appearance, stable but sensitive to light un-compared to other oxidizing agents. Dimedone has a molecular weight of 140.1797g/mol and has a melting point of between 147–150oC (420-423oK). Dimedone molecular formula is (CH3)2C6H6(=O)2. This yellow crystalline substance...

Down Syndrome – Information

In spite of the fact that scientists have significantly improved their knowledge of various genetic disorders, Down syndrome (trisomy 21) still needs to be studied. Nowadays, it is widely known that this genetic condition develops due to an extra copy of chromosome 21. People diagnosed with this health issue are...

Sugar Processing: Term Definition

Introduction Sugarcane is a fleshy, tall perennial grass crop that grows fast infertile tropical soils (Sheridan, 2000). Physical and climatic factors such as temperature, soil, rainfall, and other factors largely affect its growth (Sheridan, 2000). The crop’s origin can be traced to South Asia and Southeast Asia, where it was...

Bacteria Lab: Enriched, Selective, Differential Media

Introduction The lab experiment aimed to characterize and describe the growth and colony appearance of distinct species of bacteria inoculated on three different media: enriched, selective, and differential. The selected bacterial strains were Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterobacter aerogenes, Streptococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecalis, and an unknown sample. Microorganisms exhibit distinct...

Conic Shapes in the Real World

Circles are made up of a collection of constant points from various places. Both the center and the radius are fixed in place. Since all points on the conic are at the same distance from the center, it is better able to carry out its practical duties. Spots on animals,...

Laboratory Report on Visible Spectrophotometry of Nickel (II) Chloride

Introduction Spectrophotometry is an extensively and incredibly useful biochemical assay. It is used to verify an absorbing species identification or estimate the amount of a certain analyte in solutions (Akash and Rehman, 2020). When light is transmitted through a solution, some of the incident light is absorbed by the solution’s...

Country Profile of Turkey

Introduction Turkey, as it stands today, was founded in 1923 from the remnants of Anatolia after the downfall of the Ottoman Empire. Mustafa Kemal under whom the country went through a series of legal, judicial, social, and political and economic changes led the country. The country faced military coups in...

Teleportation: Physics of the Impossible

Introduction Teleportation is described as the action or capability of transferring matter instantly from one point in time and space to another point of the same nature. As much as it was first conjured by fiction writers, Teleportation has been the subject of wide discussions all over. It is generally...

Endangered Species: The Asiatic Cheetah

Introduction Golden deserts sway in the Iranian steppe under the hot heat. The craggy boulders strewn throughout this terrain glisten in the distance when temperatures here exceed 70°C (158°F), which is a temperature record. Nevertheless, wildlife thrives, notwithstanding this arid environment. Surprisingly, the Asiatic cheetah is this ecosystem’s top predator....

Structured Analytic Techniques in Intelligence Analysis

Intelligence analysis is a way of testing hypotheses within their context, and structured analytic techniques are essential tools important for critical thinking. Consequently, they are required for the proper decision-making, formulating ideas, and establishing and implementing efficient strategies. The most common techniques can be divided into three categories: diagnostic, contrarian,...

Nerve Cell and Its Functions in Human Body

The nerve cell is a eukaryotic cell found in the central nervous system of the body. It is the cell through which nerve impulses from different body parts are transmitted to and from specific cells to facilitate the body’s functioning. These impulses are sent in the form of nervous signals...

Symbiosis: Its Types and Influence

Introduction Symbiosis is common in nature because different species interact with each other. However, while some interaction benefits all participants, others bring benefits only to one side and can harm another. For this reason, scientists distinguish between three types of symbiosis that exist in nature, such as mutualism, commensalism, and...

The Reliability and Validity of Assessment Tools

Introduction Reliability and validity are significant elements of any assessment tool. However thoroughly developed the tools are, if they are not valid or reliable, the research is doomed to fail. Reliability is the rate of consistency which involves the following methods: inter-rater, parallel forms, test-retest, and internal consistency. Validity is...

Analysis of the United States Business Environment

Background The United States may be regarded as the world’s largest economy with the following main indicators that remain impressive even affected by the COVID-19 pandemic: Key Indicators 2021 GDP (billions USD) 22,939.58 GDP (Constant Prices, Annual % Change) 6.0 GDP per Capita (USD) 69,375 General Government Balance (in %...

Archimedes’ Principle Experiment: Determining Gravity of Objects

Experimental Objectives To determine the specific gravity of different metallic objects that are denser than water To determine specific gravity of a liquid To determine the specific gravity of wood which is less dense which water is denser that it Theory By definition, density ρ0 of a substance is “a...

The Polymerase Chain Reaction

Introduction Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) is a versatile and critical reaction in molecular biology. The reaction is a landmark in molecular biology because it has made it possible for scientists to study minute quantities of DNA material. PCR involves the amplification of minute quantities of DNA into large quantities for...

Civilizations from Anthropological Perspective

Introduction While the human race takes great pride in the progressive nature of each subsequent civilization, there exist aspects from past civilizations that are hailed as marvels in the civilization process (Harris 2001). While some of this aspects gain their prominence primarily due to their impact on cultural and social...

The Potential for Lab-Grown Meat

Introduction Meat is the most important source of micro and macronutrients, healthy protein, and vitamins such as B12. Without it, the human body would not have the shape people are accustomed to. It is the protein responsible for building muscles and connecting them to each other. This nutrient is one...

Qualitative Research Methods Matrix

Section 1 Approach Disciplinary Roots Focus of Central Research Question Unique Terminology Primary Data Sources Sampling Issues Analysis Plan Guidelines References Basic Qualitative Inquiry Philosophy, history constructionism, phenomenology How can the experience of [an event, circumstance, program, a context] be described or explored? What is the meaning of [a process,...

Basic vs. Applied Research: Pros and Cons

Reports are commonly separated into different types based on the audience that it aims to target. Therefore, basic and applied research appears to be widely used for a specific group of people, educational researchers, and potential users related to the same field of study, respectively. Overall, the reports serve distinct...

Non-Symbiotic and Symbiotic Mutualism

There are two main types of mutualism: symbiotic and non-symbiotic. In symbiotic mutualism, both parties involved benefit from the relationship. This type of mutualism is often seen in nature, where two species help each other exist. For example, many plants have a mutualistic relationship with bees; the bees collect nectar...

Egypt: Country Study

Introduction Egypt is regarded as one of the most ancient and principal civilizations, making an immense contribution to the development of humankind in all spheres of their activity. This Mediterranean country occupies the northeastern corner of Africa and the Nile River’s delta and the valley, bordered by Israel, the Gaza...

France and Its Territorial Disputes

Introduction to the Country France is a country in Western Europe, and it is one of the wealthiest and most populated nations in the region, as well as one of the most influential nations in the entire world. The population of France exceeds 63 million living in a territory of...

Chemical Reactions of the Period 3 Elements

The Aim of the Experiment This paper presents an experiment that was conducted to determine the activity of reaction of period three elements with Oxygen, Chlorine the reactions of the third row Chlorides and Oxides. The main aim of this experiment was to determine the optimum pH level. Introduction List...

The Human Tongue and Language

Introduction The human tongue is a vital organ and serves several vital functions in the human body. The organ performs various functions in the human body such as tasting, digesting, and so on. The tongue is characterized by several muscles that facilitate its movements and functions. The organ has several...

Isaac Newton’s Mechanistic Universe

Introduction Isaac Newton was an ancient scientist and a great mathematician who is credited for the invention of several scientific theories. Newton is credited for coming up with theories that explain the nature of the universe ranging from the theory on the force of gravity to the theory of inertia....

Periphery and Core Areas of Canada

Core/Periphery Areas, Obstacles to Transition, and Required Conditions The core-periphery model distinguishes between urban (core) areas that are better developed and the less developed rural (periphery) areas. The core-periphery model can examine countries, provinces, and cities’ economic, social, and political relations. The core-peripheral relationship is built on exploitation, where the...

The Importance of Heredity and Genetics

Heredity, also referred to as biological inheritance or inheritance, represents the process of passing on specific characteristics to the offspring from their parents because of the similar genetic composition. In terms of the biological approach to heredity, it pertains to the relationship between a particular trait with the organism’s genetic...

Basic Steam System: Warm-Up and Blowdown

Introduction The effective work of the basic steam system depends on the operations, ensuring the safety of the process and the equipment’s reliability. Since working with high temperatures and hydraulics may present certain risks for the plant personnel’s health and lives, steam line warm-up and steam trap blowdown are essential...

Geomorphology: Weathering Processes

Outline This paper mainly discusses what is weathering and the three processes involved in it. The paper explains the processes involved under each type and the features formed as the result of the processes. In doing so the paper has been broken down onto various sections namely; Introduction Railsback describes...

Comparing Hunter-Gatherer Societies and Today’s Mainstream Lifestyle

A hunter-gatherer society can be defined as one whose primary means of survival involves the direct gathering of plants like wild fruits and vegetables to the hunting of animals in the wild with no intention of domesticating them. (Barnard, 2004, p 23)From the basic definition given above, it is quite...

Discriminant Analysis and Multiple Regression

Overall, the discriminant analysis and the multiple regression are similar in that they both construct a weighted linear combination of scores on several independent variables (Warner 2013). This combination ought to be optimal, meaning that it should predict the scores on the outcome variable from the scores on the predictor...

Critical Analysis of Research Methodology and Data Analysis

Methodology and data analysis are some of the most crucial processes that constitute a research paper. In the research done by Xiao and Shailer (2022, p.2) to investigate stakeholders’ perception of the factors affecting credibility of the sustainability report, methodology and data analysis were used accordingly to achieve the objective...

Laboratory Report: Heats of Reaction

Introduction This report investigates the amount of thermal energy created in exothermic ionic processes and compares using Hess’s law. This law demonstrates the aspect that enthalpy is a state function. All steps must be performed at the same temperature, and each process’ equations must be balanced (Mark et al., 2018)....

Physics: How Rainbows Are Formed

Introduction Mainly, refraction and dispersion of sunlight by water droplets or rain in the air form an arch of colors visible in the sky referred to as the Rainbow. The Rainbow consists of seven colors: green, yellow, red, orange, blue, violet and indigo. Debatably, in today’s society, rainbows are seen...

Use of Selective and Differential Media

Purpose The purpose of this lab experiment is to enhance learners’ understanding of unique bacterial behavior in various media and relevant skills necessary for microorganism identification. This experiment will allow us to use both selective and differential media to identify gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. The three types of media used...

The Scientific Revolution: The Contributions of Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, and Isaac Newton

Introduction Scientific revolution contributed to the modern world, and a final Renaissance expression. Philosophers such as Aristotle, Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo and Isaac Newton brought the scientific revolution. Copernicus sought to get an answer to the movement of the planets, as put across by the ancient scientists through the use of...

The Planet Saturn and Its Rings

Saturn is one of the fascinating planets in our solar system. It is the sixth planet from the Sun situated between Jupiter and Uranus. The positioning of this captivating planet is at about 840 million miles from the Sun, compared to our planet that is about nine times less this...

The Pythagorean Theorem

Geometry consists of different theorems connected to figures, structures, and math in general. The Pythagorean Theorem is one of Euclidean geometry’s most prevalent and fundamental theorems. It remains one of the primary subjects to study in geometry class in every country. This rule is a cornerstone for math, other subjects...

The Four Physiographic Regions of Europe

The four physiographic regions of Europe comprise the Western Uplands, North European Plain, Central Uplands, and Alpine Mountains. Generally, the continent’s physical geography is characterized by its proximity to the ocean, extensive mineral resources, temperate climates, and various geologic features (White et al., 2011). Moreover, the division of these regions...

Critical Analysis of Quantitative vs. Qualitative Research

Introduction Qualitative research is not precise and sometimes looks vague because of the extreme broadness of the area to be covered, hence the difficulty in defining it. Firestone (1987, p.17) states that qualitative research methods are established on a “post-positivistic, phenomenological world view”, with assumptions that social constructs define reality...

Sports Research Objectives and Data Sources

Introduction Research is significant for academic and scientific purposes. For research to be effective, different research perspectives must be considered. This paper aims to present various research perspectives and their importance for research in sports. The five perspectives considered in this paper are application, objectives, types of information sought, the...