Competition and Power for an Intelligence Function

Introduction An intelligence function may be defined as a military or government component designed to analyse information concerning the activities, strengths and capabilities of international actors that may be a country’s opponents. Alternatively, it can be understood as the process of secretly engaging in the economic or political affairs of...

Recruitment and Retention in the Medical Field

Abstract Medical institutions and healthcare facilities encounter challenges in recruiting and retaining qualified medical technicians, nurse aides, and other support staff members. The institutions do not provide competitive wages to these staff members making them hop from one institution to another in search of better wages. Others quit the profession...

Queer of Color: History and Theory

Introduction Gender is a socially created trait used to distinguish between males and females. It is also used to assign social roles and responsibilities. It is associated with the way society nurtures individuals with respect to their culture, expectations, and other elements. Queer, on the other hand, denotes the ‘unusual...

British in Hong Kong and the French in Vietnam: Empire and Imperialism

Introduction From a nationalistic perspective, imperialism did not have any positive impacts on the colonized nations. Even in cases where it appears that such countries benefited from their colonial masters, nationalists would term it an accidental occurrence – a by-product of the imperialists’ pursuit of their self-centered interests. However, colonialists...

Design of Workplace Suitable for the Disabled

Introduction In the recent past, a new generation of the workplace has emerged, with new social consequences. In this era of e-commerce, organizations have to re-examine and re-organize what design the office or workplace should take. For example, if the handling of information is carried out more appropriately with a...

ABC Corporation: Analysis, Overcoming Identified Challenges, Satisfying Business Needs

Introduction The task of any IT manager working in a company is to select and propose the most efficient information system solution to address organizational needs. The problem is that, despite an important role of information systems in business operations, it is rather difficult to choose a cost-efficient technology. When...

Socrates and Plato: Ideas of the Great Philosophers

Introduction The ideas of the ancient philosophers such as Socrates and Plato are often looked to for wisdom and an idea of the ‘right’ path one should take. These individuals provided a great deal of information regarding the proper functioning of a society, including what it would take for a...

Geomorphology: Weathering Processes

Outline This paper mainly discusses what is weathering and the three processes involved in it. The paper explains the processes involved under each type and the features formed as the result of the processes. In doing so the paper has been broken down onto various sections namely; Introduction Railsback describes...

Constituents of Security Issue to the American Government

Introduction National security issues were redefined after the September eleven attacks. They were characterised by greater pre-emption rather than deterrence in what is now known as the Bush doctrine, this was done after it had been ascertained that the attacks had been caused by Al Qaeda. A campaign against global...

Male Gender Role in the Chinese Workplace

Introduction The definition of a man, especially in the workplace, is closely tied to the definition of a woman. Whereas a woman in the workplace is defined as less aggressive and conservative, a man is perceived as more agile and modern. Women who possess such latter characteristics in the workplace...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Reading Workshops Strategy for Primary School Students

Introduction For students at elementary schools, reading is a complex process that requires the application of numerous skills ranging from question-asking to decoding. Good readers understand the meaning behind written words, know how to pronounce them, use clues from the context to understand unfamiliar words, as well as use the...

Uniform Crime Reports: Crime Trends and Repeat Victimization

Information Gathering Uniform Crime Reports are a collection of crime reports collected by law agencies within the country and submitted to the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI). The main focus of UCR is the index crimes and they provide the basis of information gathering. These index crimes are forwarded to...

Legalization of Recreational Marijuana

Introduction In recent years, the United States public has seen a strong debate about the legalization of marijuana for recreational use. As some states began implementing various levels of decriminalization for the substance, marijuana remains a highly illegal Schedule I drug at the federal level prompting discussions at the policy...

Google Merchandise Store’s Data Analysis

Summary The main goal of the Google Merchandise Store, an e-commerce site, is to increase the revenue and profitability of Alphabet Inc., Google’s parent company. Through the analysis of Google Merchandise Store data (March 2020-February 2021) obtained using Google Analytics (Google, 2021b), a number of objectives were identified that needed...

Effect of Individualized Care of Adolescents Living With Down Syndrome

Abstract Down syndrome is a common disorder that is affiliated with people born with a copy of the 21st chromosomal pair. The disorder is a chromosomal abnormality that often leads to a challenge in the development and health of children. The research proposal is therefore engaged with the developmental needs...

Family`s Factors Shaping Children`s Behavior

During the lifespan, an individual passes through several stages of his/her development characterized by different processes. These phases of the evolution are critical for the formation of a person and his/her becoming a personality with all qualities needed for the efficient functioning within the contemporary society. The period of childhood...

Consumer Embarrassment Effects on Shopping Basket Size

Abstract The paper provides a critical review on a journal authored by Nichols, Raska, and Flint (2015). The authors conducted a millennial customer research on the impact of buyer humiliation on volume and worth. This journal was based on how millennial and non-millennial clients were affected by their emotional impacts...

The Malden Mills Case

Introduction The Malden Mills case is a popular one embarking on the involvement of good work ethic, humanity and the basic rights of people helping people through the bad times. “The ethics dilemma derives from the perceived conflict between the traditional corporate objective of profit maximization and the overall desire...

Subaru Brand With Japanese Origins

Subaru is a brand with Japanese origins that has built its popularity in most developed countries of the world. Its history shows a clear interest in technology and innovative solutions complemented by high quality and reliability. Thus, the new project proposal will root itself in these ideas, targeting such populations...

Fundamental Financial Analysis: A Case of Adidas

Abstract Adidas is a multinational corporation operating in the Global Sportswear Industry. The company has recorded remarkable success in the sportswear and sporting apparel business. It is driven by the mission of being the leader in manufacturing and marketing sports shoes, accessories, and equipment. In 2015, Adidas developed an initiative...

Euthanasia: The Legal and Ethical Perspectives

Introduction Many people feel that they have no control about when or how they are born, but they do have control over how they die. Individuals who have been diagnosed with diseases or chronic conditions may wish to end their lives early by suicide based on the fear of experiencing...

Adidas Firm’s Marketing Strategy and Internal Environment

Introduction The firm’s current marketing goals are to meet the needs of the target audience and improve products through innovation and technology to improve competitive advantages. In order to implement these tasks, Adidas needs to perform such objectives as the introduction of the best production and storage strategies, the development...

Anne Arundel County: Public Finance and Management

Introduction Analysis of revenue sources is extremely important to understand how the financial health of the county can be improved. According to Aikins (2011), the majority of local governments struggle with meeting the growing needs of US citizens in government services. The primary reasons for the matter are decreasing financial...

Evidence-based Practice & Applied Nursing Research

Classification of each source of evidence into either the general information resource, the filtered resource, or the unfiltered resource The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the American Family of Physicians (AFP) present goods examples of filtered information resources (AAP and AFP, 2004). The sources with filtered information are generated...

Media Power and Post Modernity

Analysis of print advertisements for similar products using semiotic methods This is a semiotic analysis of two print advertisements whose similarity lies in the fact that all of them refer to fragrance, but of different sexes. Semiotics study focuses on signs, sign systems, and their resultant meanings. People use this...

Employee Performance: Positive and Negative Factors

Introduction The extent to which employees in the service industry are able to fulfil expressive display needs at work is paramount in service performance (Grandey 2003). Firms will only succeed in delivering good service and maintaining positive customer relationships when their employees on the front line can keep their emotions...

Trans Mountain Expansion Project Support in Canada

Introduction This report explains why Prime Minister Trudeau’s federal cabinet should decide in favor of the proposed Trans Mountain Expansion Project to bring more Alberta crude oil to Canada’s west coast. The report covers the pros and cons of the case and provides reasonable proposals for the concerns being raised...

Sex Trafficking by Organized Crime Groups

Introduction The modern world is experiencing tremendous paradigm shifts as consistent and systemic efforts are being made to eliminate discrimination and create a tolerant and egalitarian society. Feminism is a movement and ideology which seeks to redefine social attitudes towards women and establish the provision of equal rights. Despite significant...

Biomedical and Biopsychosocial Model

The biological model is a health and illness structure that intellectualizes disease in which prognosis, diagnosis, treatment, and cause are based on the physical and biological elements. In this framework, little or no attention is given to an illness’s environmental, psychological, social, and spiritual aspects. The biomedical model explains the...

Jürgen Habermas’ and Michel Foucault’s Contributions to Social Theory

Introduction There has been extensive writings and reviews of the social theory from the classical to the modern days. Classical and contemporary theorists have agreed and differed on the interpretations and the application of the theory. Social theory is defined as the utilization of the theoretical methodologies and frameworks in...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Charles Darwin “The Origin of Species” Analysis

We live in time when the nonsensical essence of religious worldview became obvious to just about anyone capable of utilizing its sense of rationale. However, it is namely the publishing of Charles Darwin’s “The Origin of Species” in 1859, which marks the beginning of a new historical era, associated with...

Hawaiians and Mexican Americans: Review

Introduction Race and ethnicity remain some of the most controversial and divisive topics in the United States. According to Gaquin and Ryan (2019), the civil rights movement and deliberate efforts made by various regimes have helped address most of the issues, especially the retrogressive laws that entrenched the concept of...

Personal Income Tax in Hong Kong and China

Introduction Taxation is known to be one of the most popular channels of raising money to fund government operations viewed to be of the common good of all citizens. Governments all over the world tax various economic activities depending on the circumstances facing the country. Some of the common areas...

The Internet and Ethical Debate on Information Privacy

Introduction The internet has become a vital tool for obtaining information, trading, learning, politics administration, socialisation, and entertainment in the world. Today, a considerable population of the world uses the internet on a daily basis. However, the issue of information privacy has continued to draw the attention of individuals, human...

Environmental Issues: Plastics in the Ocean

Introduction In the twenty-first century, planet earth’s environment is in danger of being over-polluted due to the unprecedented large-scale production of plastics and the associated poor disposal practices. Plastics are non-biodegradable, which means when poorly disposed of, they lead to widespread pollution causing harm to human health and the environment...

Violence in the United States Caused by Guns

Introduction The right to bear arms, as stated in the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, is the primary argument used to justify the purchase and ownership of weapons within the United States (Wheeler, 2001). Its justification has always been under the concept of self-defense wherein citizens of the U.S....

Resolving Workplace Conflict: Challenges and Strategies

Introduction An organization requires a workforce working to achieve its goals. The early organization was based on the classical organization theories which failed to capture the “human” aspect of the employees in the organization. An organization’s productivity overrode the employee wellness; the employee was therefore treated mechanically, as a machine...

Libya’s Cultural and Ethnic Frameworks and Political Relations With America

Introduction Libya is one of the North African countries with a larger economy. The state borders the Mediterranean Sea to the north, Niger, Egypt, Sudan, Chad, Algeria, Tunisia, Greece, and Malta. The nation spans 1.8 million square kilometers, and Tripoli is the capital city of the empire. Libya’s political structure...

Claude McKay’ Novel “Amiable with Big Teeth”

The recently discovered manuscript of Claude McKay titled “Amiable with Big Teeth: A Novel Concerning the Love Affair between the Communists and the Black Sheep of Harlem” provides a rare framework of the ideas, events and world affairs that shaped the Harlem Renaissance after the First World War. In particular,...

Cognitive Neurodegeneration in the Elderly Population

Introduction The needs of the elderly are now among the key concerns for the medical practitioners and counselors. Today, the life expectancy in developed countries for all genders and races is close to 80 years, and it is projected to grow further in the next years and decades. An increase...

Overcrowding in Prisons and Its Impact on Health

Background Overcrowding in prison is a significant issue that affects a lot of countries. It is challenging to detect this controversial term as there is no single and uniform internationally accepted standard. Undoubtedly, this notion must be neutralized and counteracted, as inmates’ mental and physical conditions might be negatively affected...

Perioperative Hypothermia and Surgical Site Infections

Introduction This study aims to identify the association between perioperative hypothermia and surgical site infection (SSI). I will begin by conducting some research to critically analyze evidenced-based data collected. My objective is to contribute some measures in my department in the management and prevention of perioperative hypothermia, thus reducing SSI...

Climate Change Impacts

Explore the impacts of climate change with our effects of climate change essay. Learn more about climate change causes, effects, and solutions with the help of our sample. Keep reading to gain inspiration for your essay on climate change and its impact. Effects of Climate Change: Essay Introduction It is...

National Employment Services Association of 2015

Introduction Government and organisations develop policies that can help in achieving certain strategic goals and objectives. Efforts to solve particular problems that attract public concerns create the necessity to formulate and implement public policies. Ridde (2009) defines a public policy as an action that a government deems appropriate and/or inappropriate...

Hi-Fi Equipment Market in India

Introduction The market of Hi-Fi equipment comprises several sectors. They include media players, Blu-ray players, headphones, sound bars, speakers, and other products necessary for high-quality sound reproduction. The global Hi-Fi market has been experiencing an increase in recent years due to the development of wireless technologies. Taking into account geographic...

Three Fears About Screen Time for Children

Introduction Technology on the whole and various gadgets, in particular, are integral to the life, work, and education of nearly every individual. Nevertheless, while adults and even adolescents are using devices such as phones or tablets excessively, people hesitate when it comes to the use of gadgets by preschoolers. A...

Theories on the Coagulopathy Causes in Trauma

Introduction Coagulopathy refers to a blood clotting disorder whereby the body is unable to respond to an injury by clotting the blood to reduce the level of blood loss. The blood clotting mechanism is very crucial in the body and it is affected by the Thrombocytes (Brohi, Singh, Heron &...

Factors in the Lives of People Experiencing Disability

Abstract The essay seeks to explore the interaction between health conditions, environmental, and personal factors in the lives of people experiencing disability. It provides a disability case of a 38-year old female living in Cloncurry, western Queensland in Australia. The case entails an acquired brain injury following a road accident...

The Contemporary Relevance of Little Red Riding Hood

Introduction Classic fairy tales have always been a big part of Western culture. In most American societies, educational institutions provide us with assignments that involve analyzing various fairy tales’ characters or their intentions. These stories have remained for a long time because of the messages they can communicate with both...

Media Convergence in Online Gaming Sphere

An overview of globalization and culture Globalization is a process that has been observed to influence many dimensions of the life of humans. It is also a compulsory process that transforms the contemporary human future. Sine the beginning of the 90s, humans created a new world whose most significant characteristic...

Analysis of Childhood and Adolescent Development

Introduction Study of child and adolescent development can help in a variety of ways. This includes understanding the health implications affecting these categories and subsequent development of appropriate programs to cater for their health. In addition, it can help the development of appropriate education curriculum and child care programs that...

Proposal on Implementing Change in the Welsh University

Introduction The Welsh University in the UAE, being a local affiliate of the main university located in the UK, was recently tasked by the Chancellor to perform a major transformation from a traditional to a digital educational model. It is expected that this change will be implemented in one year,...

The Glencore Energy Firm’s Bribery Scandal

Introduction Glencore is an Anglo-Swiss firm that deals with commodity trading and mining and has its headquarters in Baar, Switzerland. The company’s oil and gas production is based in the UK and serves globally. According to The Guardian newspaper publication dated Tuesday 21 June 2022, an affiliate of the commodity...

Schools Should Block Social Networking Sites

Introduction Social networking sites are becoming an ever-growing part of our lives. They are used to connecting with friends and family, staying updated on current events, and making new connections. But in schools, they can be a distraction and even a source of cyberbullying. Because of this, it is becoming...

British Petroleum’s Risks due to Climate Changes

Context of Climate Change and Its Importance The issues related to climate change have attracted a lot of attention and have become a part of the agenda of socially responsible companies. According to IPCC (2014), there is no doubt about “human influence on the climate system” and its “widespread impacts...

ADMA Company’s Performance Management

Introduction Aims and Objectives The information about the performance of a firm is essential to the job seekers and investors as well as companies seeking employees. However, such basic requirements for identifying the best firms depending on their performance have not been availed in a precise manner. Therefore, this project...

Terrorism Financing and Combating Methods

Abstract Terrorism financing (TF) is a significant offense that supplies terrorists with resources. Being a rather resource-consuming activity, terrorism depends on multiple sources of TF, which means that the analysis and control of TF are of primary importance for combating terrorism. TF methods include both legal and illegal ways of...

Mass Starvation: Is It a Real Danger for Humans?

Introduction Food is a basic need and it must be satisfied for a person to stay alive. Adequate food supplies are therefore required for the human population to keep flourishing. For centuries, the food produced has been able to satisfy the demands of the global human community. However, the past...

When Is the Use of Military Force Justified?

Introduction The significance of negotiations can hardly be underrated in the present-day political world. No matter how smoothly the process of international operations may run, conflicts do emerge as a result of a natural evolution of states, and addressing them in a manner as expeditious as possible is essential to...

Volvo Company’ Branding Strategy in Saudi Arabia

PESTEL framework for Volvo The following is a political, economic, social, technological, environmental, and a legal framework analysis of Volvo in Saudi Arabia. It presents an overview of the external business environment that the Volvo brand faces presently and in the immediate future. The report focuses on Volvo’s business area...

Lowering Drinking and Smoking Age in the U.S.

Introduction The minimum legal drinking age in the United States remains a highly contested issue. Currently, young adults below the age of 21 years are legally prohibited from purchasing alcohol in America. In most cases, the discourse concerning the allowable drinking period often links one’s ability to access alcohol at...

Street Gangs and Problem of Their Spread

Street Gang Since there is no single and generally accepted concept of “gang,” state and local jurisdictions refer to their definitions. Thus, the most commonly used synonym for “street gang” is “youth gang” and “street gang.” The latter definition most clearly refers to an element of criminal activity that is...

The History of Islam and Arabs and Their Contributions to Global Civilization

Introduction Since Islam stemmed and grew from the Arab traditions, other cultures which have embraced Islam also seem to be influenced by the Arabic customs. Therefore, Arabs and Muslims have cultural affinities, although every group has maintained its distinguishing features. This implies that Arabs are not necessarily Islamic and Muslims...

Human Rights and Discrimination

Introduction Reflection is essential in health and social care due to its numerous benefits. First, it helps to foster improvement in practice and services. In addition, it supports individual proffesionals in multi-disciplinary work. Reflection has helped to ensure that professional healthcare workers continuously improve their service delivery. Thus, this is...

The Hewlett-Packard Firm’s Business and Corporate-Level Strategies

Summary This paper examines the strategies Hewlett-Packard (HP) implemented to remain competitive in the market and achieve long-term success. The paper will also include business-level strategies and corporate-level strategies adopted by HP Company. As the main HP’s competitor, the paper also discusses how Dell has adapted its strategies to remain...

Whole School Approaches to Supporting Student Behaviour

A whole school approach is one of the most effective ways of managing antisocial behaviour in educational institutions, particularly in schools. It is known that really aggressiveness at some schools have already reached certain critical point and some change is definitely needed (Safran & Oswald, 2003). The importance of applying...

Approaches to the Study of Social Inequality

Introduction A distinctive feature of modern society – its differences along national, social, demographic, class, gender, religious, material and many other lines – has given rise to social inequality. Earlier it was manifested in the form of violence against the individual, today it is not so manifest; nevertheless, the problem...

ABC Healthcare Cyber and Computer Network Security

Describe your technical recommendations to address the security requirements in the overall technical design of the ABC Healthcare network The detailed response below includes both internal and external aspects of security requirements. It includes both ‘untrusted’ and trusted aspects of the requirements. Untrusted security requirements will include user connectivity to...

Multinational Companies and Global Imbalances

Examine the opportunities for multinational companies to shift resources around the world and the implications of this for nation-states Why Multinational Corporations shift Resources A multinational company refers to a firm whose business operations are spread out in more than one country. For the last two decades, there has been...

Athena as an Important Symbol for Women

Introduction Mythology is one of the richest sources of knowledge left by ancient people. It contains information about all spheres of human activity, objects of worship, mysteries, and values peculiar to society at a certain period of time. Creating various gods and giving them superpowers, people tried to explain phenomena...

Hobbes’ vs. Locke’s Account on the State of Nature

Hobbes and Locke are among the most influential political philosophers to ever write in English. The state of nature, which precedes the organization of the complex societies, is the common premise that both Hobbes and Locke share but interpret in different ways. The former views humans in their natural state...

Advantages and Disadvantages of Stem Cell Research

Introduction Stem cells are immature cells which are mostly found in multi-cellular organism and they are mainly characterized by their ability to renew through mitotic cell division which later differentiates into ranges of various specialized cell types (James, 2004, p39). Stem cells in mammals are classified into two broad classed...

Elusive Records: Marketing Strategy

Executive Summary The marketing strategy for Elusive Records is to ensure the artists get the best publicity to increase album sales. This is why the promotional activities are taken as such great opportunities to ensure adequate exposure for the overall marketing objectives. The Old Blue Last and Peacock are known...

The Legislation Process in Virginia

The state of Virginia is found in the southern part of the United States. It is also called mother of presidents because eight of the US presidents were born in Virginia. Richmond is the capital and Virginia Beach has the highest population among its cities while Fairfax County is a...

The Rise of STIs Among Older Women in North America

Introduction Sexually transmitted infections (STIs), mainly acquired through sexual contact, be it oral, anal, or vaginal sex, have immense impacts on the reproductive health of the affected if not addressed as early as possible. Some STIs cause significant damage if not treated, but others are not that harmful. STIs include...

Agenda Setting Theory, Its Functions and Criteria

Abstract The agenda-setting theory is one of the important tenets of mass communication and its relevancy continues to be seen even in the new era of modern media platforms away from the mainstream media. Since its emergence in 1972, the agenda-setting theory has proven to be one of the consistent...

Argumentative and Alternative Communication Methods

Introduction The Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) and other methods of argumentative and alternative communication (AAC) have gained popularity in their usage to improve the communication capabilities of people with extreme communication impairments. An example of communication disorders is Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Individuals with ASD have challenges with speech...

Dong Feng Motors Company: Internationalization Strategy

Executive Summary Dong Feng Motor Corporation is a Chinese automotive company that is wholly owned by the government of China. It has been successful in the local and regional market, but its brand is barely known in the international market. A time has come when this company must make aggressive...

Canadian Housing: Housing Affordability and Core Housing Need

Housing affordability in Canada remains an acute problem for many areas of the country. This report provides a detailed analysis of the issue, its background, and its reasons. It discusses trends in Canadian housing affordability, presents statistical data for all provinces, and addresses core housing needs. The paper concludes that...

Issues Involved and Arising in the Brancusi and Veronese Art Trials

Introduction The link between art and its legal interpretation is quite complex. This is mainly because it encompasses issues relating to hybrid criminals as well as civil laws. It ranges from regulation of artistic expression to art market. These include intellectual property, art protection as property and morality offenses like...

Health Care Leaders’ Ethical Issues in the US

Abstract Ethics applies to many fields. It simply signifies a moral obligation to do right or wrong. Ethics in health care can be defined as moral principles that guide the medical care conduct between medical practitioners and patients. Ethics gives medical care choice of right and wrong and also outlines...

Ancient Maya Civilization: History and Culture

Conflicts The conflict between two archrivals, Tikal and Calakmul, can be explained through military, commercial and political perspectives. It is worth noting that Tikal was the first founded. Its historical development can be traced back to the Preclassic period. Its first king founded a new ruling house before the downfall...

Civil Conflict and Economic Policy in El Salvador

Introduction The Republic of El Salvador is the smallest country in Central America with its population hardly exceeding six million people. Once being a financially stable state with properly arranged coffee export, El Salvador endured political instability in the mid-20th century. Social inequality and growing civil discontent led to the...

Black-Owned Firms’ Policy Change Advocacy

Abstract Racism may be a devastating experience. It’s been a source of pain and suffering for generations in the United States. To maintain racial segregation and a sense that people of color are “less than others,” disparities in race and ethnicity have been utilized as weapons. Since slavery was abolished...

Management Solution Needed for the Metropolitan Police Service

A dedicated “solution” is needed for MPS staff frequently who have multiple identities associated with their different job roles MPS stands for Metropolitan Police Service which is an organization in the United Kingdom to keep the law and order in the country. “Today, the Metropolitan Police Service employs 31,000 officers,...

The New Moves Program to Promote a Healthy Lifestyle

Program Background The New Moves is a program designed to help adolescent girls to adopt healthy lifestyles. The program is designed to promote a healthy lifestyle through the development of helpful habits in the target populations. The majority of the focus students are from low-income families since these individuals tend...

Tanning Booths and Skin Cancer Relationship – Medicine

Topic Overview Research has shown that many people are not aware of the dangers associated with the use of tanning booths. As a matter of fact, the effects of tanning booths are worse than sun’s exposure owing to extreme radiation. Empirical evidences have shown that over 2.5 million teenagers use...

Parus Hotel’s Marketing Analysis and Management

The Parus Hotel is a mid-tier hotel located within the tourist town of Popovka, Ukraine. It is located near the Black sea with easy access to beaches and various water sports-based activities. It is also situated 15 minutes away from the location of the Kazantip music festival which draws in...

AAR Corporation’s Organizational Environment & Behavior

Introduction: Company Background The AAR Company has been long known as one of the pioneers in global aviation. Having captured its momentum in the target market, the company has firmly established itself as a powerful leader in the aviation economy (AAR Corp, 2019). This paper will study the AAR Company’s...

Duke Ellington: It Don’t Mean a Thing if It Ain’t Got That Swing

Introduction Bring the subject of music to people whose prime of life happened during the 1930s to the ‘50s and he or she would immediately be reminded of the golden days of jazz. The names of Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, and countless other jazz musicians would be mentioned. The memories...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Information and Communication Technology (ICT): The Endnote X1 Program

Introduction Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is a field that uses developing technologies to allow users to participate in a world that is changing rapidly. Through ICT, individuals, businesses, and corporations store, retrieve, manipulate, transmit and receive digital information. This is made possible by the wide range of digital communication...

Digital Divide – Information and Communication Technologies

Introduction The most significant technological advances in the last century were made in the field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). Due to these advances, ICT emerged as the most important tool for fostering growth and development for the global community. Through the ability of ICT to enhance information processing...

Apple Organizational Behavior, Structure, & Culture

Introduction Company Analysis Apple is a company with worldwide popularity (Apple Inc., 2018). It “engages in the design, manufacture, and marketing of mobile communication, media devices, personal computers, and portable digital music players” (The just 100, 2017, para. 1). As of 2017, the company ranked #34 in The just 100:...

Transition to Professional Practice

Introduction Teamwork is important in nursing profession as it determines communication and collaboration between different medical professions. Team work has always been very popular and important in nursing. Because self-managing members are working on permanent teams, the effort and expense involved in changing compensation structures is often justified. However, in...

Language Developmental Curriculum for Early Childhood Education

Early childhood education is the background for preparing young children for primary school education. During this stage, the children are equipped with strategies of reading, writing, and doing some other works. The education given to children at early childhood is meant to encourage them to interact with the environment, play...

Jack Wills in China: Fashion Consultancy Project

Methods of Entry In 2018, the Chinese market offered a vast opportunity for a fashion company, with a plethora of resources and extensive options for reducing the number of expenses taken in the course of producing clothes, promoting them, and delivering the end product to a target demographic (Bonetti 2014)....

English Proficiency Tests Comparison

Introduction Standardized language proficiency tests are widely used all over the world to evaluate students’ skills in various languages. Because of the vast number of English language learners, there is a significant variety of English language proficiency tests. When used in the ESL context, these tests can help to assign...

Criminology: Femininity and the Upsurge of Ladettes

Introduction The number of women convicted of various crimes has jumped dramatically in recent years. In one report the number of women offenders has risen 17 percent in the past four years and this is significant because in the same span of time, increase in the number of male offenders...

An Attempt to Reform the Institution of Marriage in California

On 5th November 2008, Californians cast their votes to mark their stand towards same-sex marriage. This emotional vote was brought about by proposition 8 which called for amendments in the Californian Constitution which recognized same-sex marriages. As it could have been predicted, a majority of the popular vote voted for...

Theology: Virgin Mary as a Goddess

Goddesses have always been part of various pantheons during the various stages of human history. Their role is inseparable from the role of women in ancient, medieval, and modern societies, as religion was used as a blueprint for morality, proper behavior, and the establishment of societal and gender roles. Ancient...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Medieval Imagination: Beowulf vs. Russian Mythos

Introduction When stories about Ilia Muromets, Dobrinya Nikitich, and Alyosha Popovich were told in Kievan Rus’ – the Slavic nation was dominated by the mighty city of Kyiv (modern Ukraine) from the ninth until the twelfth century. At this time old English poetry, or as it also called Anglo-Saxon was...

History of Violence in Middle East

Introduction In the Middle East, violence has become perhaps the most significant element of the socio-political life of the region in these years, at least in the opinion of an outside observer. The civil war in Syria claimed from two hundred thousand to half a million human lives. Two civil...

ASOS Online Retail Company’s Customer Loyalty

Introduction Customer loyalty, as a rule, actually highlights the extent to which a consumer can devote himself or herself towards the company products and services just because of the high level of satisfaction. This refers to the consumers’ tendency to like and choose any one particular brand over the available...

A Statement and Defense of Faith in Literature

Everyone has faith – from the irrational religious zealot to the fervent philosopher and the meticulous scientist. We all believe in something and thus we behave in line with these beliefs. Therefore, the underlying question, in this case, is not whether we have faith, but the truth behind the things...

Market Orientation and Firm Performance

Introduction Market orientation is defined as the implementation of the marketing concept. This implies to be more than just customer oriented. It requires that there is full support from the organization for it to be fully implemented in the long-term and may in some instances result in a complete organization...

Project Management: Case Study of a Pharmaceutical CO

Introduction The case study pertains to a mid size pharmaceutical co. in the M 25 region. There are 290 employees in the company and the turnover for the company in the last year is £ 19 millions.They had an additional profit margin of £ 130000.The owner Rose Luxemburg wanted to...

The Presidency of Jimmy Carter, 39th President of the United States

Assessing the legacy of a particular president, a specific approach is needed. For that matter, a presidency should be examined after a certain time has been passed, in order to neutrally evaluate the actions and the consequences, not for the four-year period, but for the history as a whole. In...

Peer Review in Academia: Rationale, Process, and Implications

Introduction On a global scale, the academic fraternity has for a long time now relied upon a collection of peer for purposes of assisting in the review of the work of other authors. This is a necessary process, as it enables an author to realize certain flows in their work...

Gender-Related Barriers to E-commerce Adoption in the UAE

Abstract In recent years, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has emerged as one of the world’s leading hubs of electronic commerce (E-Commerce). Despite the rapid growth in E-Commerce in the country, there are still a number of factors that are hindering broader adoption of E-Commerce in the country. One of...

Patient Satisfaction: Ways of Measuring and Improving

Patient satisfaction is realized by seeking views from patients regarding their expectations and experiences when using healthcare services. Patient satisfaction helps healthcare providers to offer services that suit the individual preferences and needs of their patients. It makes health care more personalized to meet the unique needs of each individual...

Chapters 17–20 of The Book of Kings

Introduction Chapters 17–20 of 2 Kings shed light on a trying time in Israel and Judah’s past. Both kingdoms are at odds with the Father and managing Assyrian incursions. However, only one kingdom finally seeks God’s direction and forgiveness, which ultimately leads to its rescue. The central theological motive relates...

Gender Ideology in the U.S. and Japan

Introduction America and Japan have individuals from different cultures and ethnic groups. In the two countries, there are other variations such as people of different classes. The different races, ethnic groups and classes of people in America and Japan lead to cross cultural variations on the roles of individuals of...

Conservation Biology and Preservation of the Biodiversity

Introduction The aspects of biology conservation, and preservation of the biodiversity on the planet are becoming increasingly important for the humanity. Originally, there are numerous ways of coping with this problem, and this paper is aimed at analyzing the results of a survey, which was offered to random people. The...

Healthcare Delivery Models in Germany, the UK, and the US

Healthcare delivery system models are popular and are influenced by several factors, including financing, efficiency levels, and the significance of healthcare. These models have the objective of enabling citizens to receive quality healthcare services at a cost-effective rate. There are four major healthcare delivery models: the national health insurance model,...

The Cruelty of the Lebensborn Program

Introduction The Holocaust is one of the most traumatic and terrible chapters in human history. The policy of Nazi Germany was the result of many psychological issues of many generations, divided families, and left a big mark in history. One of the significant parts of this period is the Lebensborn...

The Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 (CDPA)

Introduction A copyright refers to the legal security that is entitled to the owners of an original piece of work against unlawful abuse of their work. A copyright, should serve to satisfy a society’s social goals and values. It should enhance the formation, spread and distribution of data and information...

Consumer and Firm Theories and Competitive Behaviour

Consideration of a simple economy in which two output goods are produced using only labor, yielding three markets Simple economy China’s agricultural sector is a simple yet labor-intensive economy. In the simple economy which is the agricultural sector, the cost of production and the prices of goods produced are mainly...

Occupational Health Safety Management in the USA

Introduction Occupational health and safety (OHS) management systems are employed by several institutions in the United States and globally. Most institutions run their occupational health and safety management systems (OHSMS), while others apply systems that are conventional to existing guidelines. The utilization of management systems may develop performance in the...

“The African Experience” by Vincent Khapoya

Introduction Many scholars have advanced various schools of thought in their search for real reasons that could help resolve the question that has lived with us for centuries of what could be responsible for the continued economic, social and political backwardness of the African continent. Khapoya undertook to analyze the...

Escherichia Coli Infection: Preventing Food Borne Illness

Introduction The unhygienic food, which is due to bacteria, viruses and parasites, can put anybody under the weather. Several People have had food borne illness but they do not know the causes. There may be following symptoms due to this disease (E. coli O157:H7 Food Safety Facts: Preventing food borne...

Disease Management and Its Relevance to the Managed Care System

Abstract Since the term disease management was introduced is linked to the hope of improving healthcare quality and reducing its cost, which is becoming one of the nation’s main concerns. Many organizations for the provision of managed care depend on disease management tools (programs and protocols). Evidence shows that despite...

Use of the iPad in Education

Introduction Lately the iPad has been gaining a significant amount of momentum in the U.S. as an additional teaching tool within various kindergartens to grade 6 classrooms (Banister 2010, 121). As various school districts and teachers have noted students are able to relate better with technology driven lessons rather than...

The Information Technology Risk

Executive Summary This report discusses cloud computing and information security in the area of information management and control. Information management is introduced and its risk to an enterprise is assessed and additionally, to provide more elaboration the ePrescribing system is provided as a case study. This report concludes that in...

Cultures of the Middle East

There are several distinct groups in the Middle East, ranging from political through religious to sectarian. Each of these groups has some distinct core values or principles that guide or inform its existence. These values justify its difference from the rest of the batch. There are various reasons why the...

The Global Supply Chain Future Challenges

Executive Summary The paper has focused on the supply chain and the challenges that may face some areas in the future. It is important to study such information as it prepares the industry to overcome the issues. For instance, financially, both the companies and governments of different countries will be...

Abortion in Hanafi and Maliki Schools of Islamic Thought

Introduction It is a well-known fact that the Quran outlines the ethical and practical principles that were designed to be followed in 7th-century Arabia. At the same time, Islam as a global religion aims to translate a universally applicable worldview that, at least theoretically, should work in every situation and...

Music Industry: The Impact of Technology

Introduction Technology plays a crucial role in elevating the competitiveness of businesses across all sectors. Both mainstream and underground music has always been an important cultural force in the modern world. However, with the advent of new technology and the prominence of digital media, the conditions under which musicians operate...

Freshman 15: Causes of Gained Weight

Abstract The following essay is devoted to the subject of the so-called “Freshman 15” which has become a much-discussed issue among the college students and their caregivers. We have studied the literature on the subject of the “Freshman 15” and derived the most probable causes of the undesirable weight gain...

Renaissance and Modern Societies

Introduction The Renaissance is a generally talked about period on the planet’s history as it changed the targets and speed of humankind’s advancement. The procedures of the fifteenth century essentially influenced every single European nation. The life of customary individuals, just as that of the nobility, changed incredibly and began...

Recruitment as a Human Resource Management Function

Recruitment, as a human resource management function, is one of the activities that impact most critically on the performance of an organization. Recruitment is the process of finding and attracting capable applicants for employment to form a pool of job seekers from whom the right people for the right job...

Jazz Music History and Appreciation

Major arts are structured, created, and developed in the context of a medium. The standards vary depending on the type of art. Music is one type of art that uses sound medium in its foundation, progression, and arrangement. All music types have specifications in which they are developed. Precise characteristics...

Nursing Leadership and the System of Christian Values

Efficient leadership in healthcare is a subject that, seemingly, attracts a lot of scholarly interest. It could be linked to several positive outcomes, such as elevated patients’ satisfaction with their visits or hospital stays and improved workplace relations between personnel. Nursing leadership and management is a complex domain that lately...

Family Law: Parent’s Right to Travel

Introduction In the US, each state has different child custodial laws that stipulate the requirements that have to be met by parents who wish to relocate or travel outside their states. When solving these cases, courts have to be cautious not to infringe on individual’s constitutional rights to travel. Similarly,...

Leadership at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

Introduction Organizational leadership is crucial for routine decision-making and business management. The leadership is mandated to develop policies that guide the daily interactions among the employees among other stakeholders. Big corporations such as CHOP have an effective leadership structure with definitive roles at each level. CHOP is a children’s hospital...

Race and Local Community

Introduction Living in this complicated world I always paid attention to people, to their inner world and personalities and I have understood that being so different and individual we all have much in common. We can feel and that is the most important feature that relates to people who live...

Gender Differences in Development of Schizophrenia

Gender-Related Factors Mental health characteristics differ among males and females from adolescence onwards. During development, gender dissimilarities have been discovered in various factors. Men are more likely than women to suffer from schizophrenia as they develop the illness at a younger age than women. Females appear to have stronger premorbid...

The Concept of Democracy as a Historical Fiasco

Nowadays, it represents a commonplace assumption among many people that democracy is the best form of societal governing. As Dewey pointed out, “Democratic political forms are simply the best means that human wit has devised up to a special time in history” (1937, p. 457). This assumption, however, cannot be...

The Treatment of Oncology

Introduction The treatment of oncology in modern medical practice is the task that requires a responsible approach since cancer patients experience severe inconvenience caused by both moral depression and physical pain. The search for relevant methods of solving this issue is a current objective in most specialized healthcare facilities. Special...

Bauhaus: The Beginning of Modernism

On any given day in today’s society, a man can climb out of a neatly polished vehicle after having patiently made his way through the traffic moving box by box up the road. He looks up toward the sky but sees only exorbitantly massive rectangles blocking all but a small...

The Molecular Cause of Cystic Fibrosis

Abstract Cystic fibrosis, a chronic disease that develops gradually is a disease that would cause one to have a reduced life expectancy. This is a disease that affects some systems in the body specifically the digestive, reproductive, and the respiratory affecting young adults as well as children. This may also...

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