Free-Flow Speed Multiple Regression

Introduction Regression analysis is a statistical tool that is used to develop approximate linear relationships among various variables. Regression analysis formulates an association between several variables. When coming up with the model, it is necessary to separate between dependent and independent variables. Multiple regression analysis focuses on the regression between...

Zulu Community and Its Social Responsibilities

Introduction To begin with, it is important to establish that the community’s main economic activity is hunting. People from the Zulu community are mainly hunters and gatherers. The main avenue where the community interacts is during social actives which are highly valued. The Zulus conduct festivals throughout the year and...

Search Methods and Literature Review

Introduction Literature review is one of the most common types of academic works. This type requires applying specific search techniques. Although there are various techniques used in academic research, some general methods are applied by the majority of researchers. The main goals of this paper are to discuss the key...

Discrete and Continuous Data’ Mixture Possibility

Arranging information for the further analysis is an essential stage of any research, hence a variety of taxonomies for information pieces retrieved in the course of the data collection process. Therefore, the precision of the research results depends heavily on the way, in which the data is classified, as well...

Eugenics, Human Genetics and Public Policy Debates

Topic Selection: Rationale and Terminology Although genetics is a comparatively recent branch of sciences, it has already warranted the title of one of the most controversial areas of study. Because of the opportunities at altering the genetic makeup of certain species, possibly including humans, it is often branded as an...

Pasture Experiment: Fertiliser Treatments Response

Introduction A crucial part of the successful production of livestock is making certain that there is adequate grass to cater for hay and pasture needs (Briske et al. 2015). Nevertheless, limited soil nutrients restrain the production of forage. However, with proper management and proper application of fertilizer, the output of...

How Neurons Communicate?

All body cells are able to display a membrane potential that is defined as the separation of positive and negative charges of a membrane that promotes the distribution of different chemicals (Sherwood, 2011). Communication is one of the main functions of the cells in the nervous system that is possible...

Value of the Epigenetics

Epigenetics and Family History Epigenetics is a quickly developing field of science that has proven to be practical in medicine. It focuses on changes in gene activity that are not a result of DNA sequence mutations. Epigenetics studies the volatility of DNA methylation, chromatin, and distinct RNA which can alter...

Chebyshev’s Theorem and Its Implication

The Chebyshev’s theorem, also known as the Chebyshev’s inequality, is often related to the probability theory. The theorem presupposes that in the process of a probability distribution, almost every element is going to be very close to the expected mean. To be more exact, in case of having k values,...

Sickle Cell Disease Gene Mutation

The Chromosomal Analysis The chromosomal analysis of sickle cell disease is focused on beta-globin mutations. The disorder is provoked by the abnormal beta-globin alleles that are transmitting the sickle mutation on the hemoglobin subunit beta, or HBB gene (Glu6Val, βS) (Ware, de Montalembert, Tshilolo, & Abboud, 2017). Sickle cell disease...

Analysis Methodology and Data Presentation

The paper in question is a dissertation chapter that dwells upon data analysis and presentation. The key challenge of the piece is to provide the major findings as well as the data analysis methodology. The introduction is rather effective as it provides some background information and reveals the subject matter...

Genetics Seminar: The Importance of Dna Roles

1. The role of DNA is extremely important as it carries genetic information related to basic processes for organisms. Therefore, DNA has to be stable. In general, its stability becomes possible due to a large number of hydrogen bonds which make DNA strands more stable (Bugaut & Alberti, 2015). Apart...

Homeostasis in Biological Systems: Definition and Examples

The importance of balance in nature and in the living conditions of all the creatures is extremely high. This balance is based on a multitude of parameters, the alteration of which may cause serious disruptions in the life cycles and cause irreparable adverse outcomes. The scientific term used to describe...

Action Research Study Designs: Model Evaluation

Abstract Defining a data collection method for qualitative research is not an easy task. Because of the focus on the exploratory aspect of the study, qualitative research requires a unique model for data interpretation based on unstructured or semi-structured data analysis techniques. For the study in question, it was crucial...

The City of Hialeah: Community and Its Aspects

Introduction This paper is about a Windshield Survey conducted while driving through Hialeah City. The intention was to observe the community and describe its every aspect. The areas of study include the geographical description, economy, transportation, health resources, welfare services, citizen services, and protecting services to evaluate the community. The...

The Power of the Universe and the Earth Vulnerability

The issue of an ancient world is probably one of the most mysterious in the history. It is amazing to think that 65 million years ago there was a different world. There were no humans but flora and fauna were diverse and beautiful. Scientists still argue on the reason of...

Jovian Planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

Introduction Also known as the gas giants, Jovian planets are the four celestial bodies that comprise the outer planets of the solar systems. These are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. The name gas planets do not imply that the planets consist of gases through a significant portion of the planet...

Geological Disposal Facility Preliminary Site Assessment

Introduction The generation of today must be highly responsive to attain a safe, long-lasting response to the looming waste management problem (Adamson 2012). It is normally a matter of responsibility to exercise appropriate waste disposal because some waste is highly detrimental (Adamson 2012). One of the most debatable waste products...

Data Analysis and Dissemination in Research

The process of data analysis can be recognised as one of the essential activities throughout human history. Its purpose is to collect and process different types of data to obtain new and valuable information. Data analysis is the core of academic research that drives the technological and scientific advancement of...

Tay-Sachs Disease, Its Signs and Symptoms

Introduction The causal factor for Tay-Sachs disease is a genetic mutation occurring in the HEXA gene (Yerramilli-Rao, Giannikopoulos, Kublis, Pan, & Eichler, 2012). Genetic mutations represent a lasting modification in the DNA chain that forms the gene; this results in the malfunction of one or many progressions in a person’s...

Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches in Studies

Introduction There are two basic approaches to research: quantitative and qualitative. They use different data and methods; also, they can be connected to different attitudes towards knowledge and research (Polit & Beck, 2017). The present paper considers the examples of these approaches and compares and contrasts them. It demonstrates that...

Video Games and Aggression in Statistical Analysis

If there is a correlation between two variables that tends to be close to linear (that is, if one variable changes, the other also does so), this tendency can be demonstrated on a Cartesian coordinate system by drawing a straight line to which the data points converge. How scattered the...

An Observable Experiment: Control Over the Variables

Introduction Setting an experiment is a crucial step toward a better understanding of a specific phenomenon (Groebner, Shannon, & Fry, 2014). An observable experiment, in its turn, is defined as the experiment in which the independent variables cannot possibly be controlled by the person or person setting the test. In...

New Archaeology and National Self-Identification

Archaeology is the study focused on the past. The days of the past make a significant impact on the development of the present events. Moreover, the past is what shapes people’s identities. That way, the contemporary individuals mainly identify and act based on how the evidence of the past is...

Clostridium and Neisseria Bacterias and Their Types

All bacterial species are divided into two main groups that are gram-positive and gram-negative. Such division is possible with the help of Gram’s methods based on the evaluation of the physical and chemical properties of bacteria’s cell walls and the detection of peptidoglycan (Ward, 2016). Clostridium is a Gram-positive bacterium....

Performance Management: Warehouse Performance Measurement

How can a warehouse add value to the goods in storage? Among the key tools that allow adding value to goods, improvement of the organization’s logistics-related processes should be looked into as a means of addressing the case in point. Indeed, a closer look at the subject matter will show...

Formal Lab Report: the Problem of Biodiversity

Peer Review The authors of the article chosen for the analysis focus on the problem of biodiversity and its connection to thiamine, also known as vitamin B1 deficiency. The reason for such discussion is the observation that many wildlife populations continue declining at rates, and the threats to biodiversity turn...

Animal Pest Resistance to Antibiotics

The latest advances in such fields as biotechnology, genetic research, as well as pharmaceutical discoveries have resulted in a series of unexpected outcomes. Hence, scientists point out the increased level of drug resistance in certain bacteria and animals. In other words, some of the strains of bacteria have become completely...

Mistletoe in Pliny’s Natural History Book XVI

Description In this passage, Pliny talks about mistletoe, a parasitic plant that is mostly found growing on oak trees. The author notes that mistletoe can also grow on other trees apart from the oak such as turpentine trees and wild pears. It is noted that there are different strains of...

Agricultural Problems in Venezuela

Introduction Venezuela is a country in South America. It has been characterised by overreliance on petroleum exports. This has affected all the other sectors of the economy, as they receive less support from the government. One such sector is the agricultural sector. The country will be impacted greatly if no...

Phyletic Gradualism and Punctuated Equilibrium

Concepts Phyletic gradualism is one of the theories that try to stress more on the genetic mutation and how one species can change to another totally different species through a combination of its better genetic features. The change seems to be slow and take quite some time before a total...

Information Sources and Their Validity Evaluation

Introduction There are numerous sources of information that scholars and students can use in their research. They include, among others, journal articles, books, newspaper articles, and online resources. However, the bulk of these resources do not meet the validity requirements for them to be used in scholarly work. For example,...

The Peer Review Cycle Analysis

Peer Review has got explicitly very necessary steps. It is the best process that one can refer anyone who wants his or her work to gain acceptance worldwide. There are various important things about this cycle. The researcher has to have a new idea. Research is useful for answering a...

Kogi, Mundurucu, Yanomamo, Ona, Yahgan Origin Myths

Origin Myths In the myths of the tribes inhabiting South America, there are multiple metaphors including those depicting the role of humans, animals, and objects of nature. These figurative images reflect the social beliefs of these nations. For instance, they show the role of a man and woman in society;...

Chemistry Issues: Reaction of Colour Change

Materials and Methods A stock solution of starch was prepared by mixing 1ml of starch with 2.5ml of hydrogen peroxide (H­2O2) to form 3.5ml of the stock solution, which is enough for the experiment. Next, six test tubes were arranged in their rack and labeled one to six. To prepare...

Hopi Perception of Cultural Landscapes and Time

The Hopi culture is unprecedented in their understanding of the archaeological sites and their cultural implications. The unique blend of geographic landmarks with their symbolic significance and ancestral ties coupled with the unusual non-linear perception of time is the reason their culture has enjoyed special attention from the scholars. The...

Industrial Fermentation as Energy Conversion

Industrial fermentation is the way of making products useful to people by the use of the microorganism’s fermentation. Fermented products can be generated in food and other industry sectors. One of the most common examples of employing fermentation in the industry is producing alcoholic drinks and dairy products. This type...

Difference Between Sample Types – Mathematics Issue

A random sample presupposes that all the elements of a particular frame are given the same selection probability. A random sample can be of great use in creating and analyzing surveys carried out among the customers of a particular company. A stratified sample is probabilistic. It is utilized when every...

Climate Change: When Nature Is in Agony

Introduction: Global Warming Is Coming The issue of climate changes not new; it has already been on the agenda of the world ecologists in 1990s, and in 2010s, the issue seems to have gained a new significance. The phenomenon is traditionally defined as a “process strongly affecting the water resources...

Recording Observations in Field Research

Introduction There is a close relation between field research and qualitative research. However, the observations made while conducting field studies may either be presented as quantitative or qualitative data or both. The data recorded by field investigators are highly dependent on whether it is qualitative or quantitative. Qualitative observation This...

Dark Matter’s Evidence – Astronomy

Evidence of dark matter- the motion of galaxies within clusters Galaxy clusters are the leading bound formations in the cosmos. They are the best structure in which to view the impact of the dark matter. The dark matter occupies most of the space in the galaxy clusters. The dark matter...

Oil, Water and Corruption in Central Asian States

The region of Central Asia has been a focus of the world’s political and economic attention due to its rich oil and gas resources. Ever since the 19th century when the natural riches of the area were first detected the region became a target for the dominant powers of the...

The Nature of Volcanoes: Types and Effects

Abstract For centuries, people across different civilizations had been terrified by the display of power that volcanic eruptions present, and they interpreted them as a sign of wrath and vengeance of gods. Clearly, with the progress of the modern science, volcanoes have been demystified; particularly, the development of the plate...

Epidemiological Research Design: Nosocomial Infection

Introduction The research under analysis is aimed at the examination of the epidemiology of nosocomial infections in the framework of the Fiji region. The study was carried out by the local health care workers in the Colonial War Memorial Hospital that has the largest Intensive Care Units (ICU) adult ward...

Statistics: Assessing Non-Parametrics or T-Tests

Introduction: The Use of T-Tests in Nutrition Studies Used to find out whether there is a difference between two groups of numbers, a t-test is an efficient means to conduct a mathematical analysis (Keller, 2011). Obviously useful in a number of fields, a t-test is essential for the evaluation of...

Birds Starvation and Death in Alaska

The article under consideration Thousands of Birds Found Dead along Alaskan Shoreline is written by Seth Kovar and Steve Almasy. It addresses the relevant issue, namely the death of the birds in Alaska because of starvation. However, it should be highlighted that the primary reason is somewhere deeper. The major...

What Lurks in the Depth of the Ocean?

Marine pollution is a sad yet integral part of the 21st century reality. A range of technological advances and solutions for economic issues pose a tangible threat to environment, and oceans are by far the most vulnerable element of the latter. A recent marine pollution issue shows in a very...

South-Eastern Asia: Political, Economical and Social Trends

South-Eastern Asia is one of the most actively developing regions in the world. In spite of the fact that the majority of countries in this region are traditionally discussed as underdeveloped in relation to the economic and political factors, the situation has changed significantly during the 2010s (Butts, Mitchell, &...

Will California Really Fall into the Ocean?

There are various speculations about the possibility of a significant natural disaster that can take place in California in the near future. In particular, it is often assumed that this state may eventually fall into the ocean due to the influence of some forces. One should keep in mind that...

Coefficient of Rolling Resistance of a Vehicle

Introduction This study measures the Coefficient of Rolling Resistance (CRR) in a car. For this purpose, an experiment involving a car was set. A brief analysis of the CRR characteristics of a vehicle moving on a slow velocity on a flat surface is, therefore, provided. Technical Details In the course...

Oceans and Their Systems

An ocean gyre can be defined as a system of ocean currents, which exist in a constant rotating movement. As far as the cause of the ocean gyre is concerned, wind movements are traditionally mentioned as the key factors causing the phenomenon (Lutgens and Tarbuck 312). Though the phenomenon of...

Climate and Weather Concepts

The concepts of climate and weather are closely related to each other; the key distinction between the two is that climate is attributed to a particular region and even a certain season, whereas weather is not (Lutgens and Tarbuck 339). Among the six elements of weather, temperature, humidity, perspiration, atmospheric...

Tornado and Hurricane Comparison

Though both a tornado and a hurricane are fraught with terrible consequences, both in terms of material damage and the possible injuries, when choosing between the two, I would rather face a hurricane than a tornado. There are several reasons for the choice that I have made, yet a comparative...

Woodbury Geological Structure and Its Analysis

Though Woodbury of the present day is the exact representation of the ordinary, its geological structure may reveal the mysteries that will shed some light onto the prehistoric life on the continent and the evolution of the species, as well as the changes that North America has been undergoing since...

Water Scarcity Issue and Environment

The concept of the hydrologic cycle is, perhaps, known by everyone over the age of eight. The fact that the three states of H2O, i.e., the solid (an ice cube), the liquid (water) and the gaseous ones (vapor) can be observed daily in the everyday environment makes the hydrologic cycle...

The Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster

Facts in the case with respect to each of the following Engineering design The space shuttle is known to be one of the most ambitious projects of the modern age. The idea to create a space ship that would be able to fly into the outer space and return back...

Lunar and Planetary Science – Astronomy

Among Galileo’s key telescopic observations, the lunar and the Jupiter ones, the observations of the sunspots, and those of the phases occurring on Saturn, Neptune and Venus, must be listed (Lutgens and Tarbuck 472). It seems that the lunar observations were of the greatest significance, since the obtained results were...

Global Environmental Change Concepts

Introduction The increase in human population and economic activities has directly or indirectly affected the environment. Global environmental change refers to the transformation in the physical and biochemical features of the environment such as soil, water and biodiversity. The change may have occurred naturally, or, in many cases, influenced by...

Global Warming: Car Emissions Effects

Introduction The purpose of my PSAs was to answer the question on how the car emissions affect the global warming. It has been noted that in the UK, the environmental problems, such as these emissions, cause various health problems to the people. The emission by the cars is seen to...

Environmental Studies: Water Recycling

Introduction Water shortage is a situation where the available water cannot meet the demands of the population sufficiently. With the continued rise of the population and industrialization, there is much pressure on water sources to serve the growing needs of the people. The rise in demand for water has led...

America’s Agriculture in the Period of 1865-1938

Agriculture is the key sector in America that has conquered global exports in the world. Currently, America has put in great agricultural thought in the world. This paper analyzes America’s contribution in prevention of natural calamities, decline of soil quality, promotion of production outlay and provision of sufficient food. According...

Global Environmental Change

Introduction Water is among the most valuable natural resource found on the earth. The human body can survive for a number of days without food, but its systems will fail without water. The ecosystem requires water in order to supply human beings with food, energy and other resources essential for...

Harlow Shapley Views on Galaxy

Harlow Shapley is renowned for his great work in identifying that the sun was not at the center of our galaxy. Shapley studies spherical groups, galactic structure, Milky Way and shape of the disks with clusters. He made the major discovery in the year 1916. In the year 1912, Harlow...

Hertz-Sprung-Russell Diagram of Star Lifecyles

Hertz-sprung-Russell diagram is a disperse chart of stars correlating the stars luminosities against their spectral types and effectual temperature. Through this diagram, temperatures are measured in Kelvin’s ranging from 3000 to 30,000. Similarly, the magnitudes of the stars range from +15 to -10. The stars luminosity and effective temperature are...

Mountain Building – Geology

Formation of Continental Mountain Ranges and the Life Cycle of an Ocean When two limestone rocks are split into halves, their inside reveals the existence of fossils. The rocks, one with trilobite and the other one with ammonite, are taken from the top of two mountains, Andes Mountain and Mount...

Planets and Solar System

This reflective treatise attempts to explain the stellar nebular theory and evidences to support the same. Besides, the paper explores unique feature of terrestrial planets of Earth, Mercury, Venus, and Mars. The same explores these features in the Jovian planets of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. In addition, the treatise...

How the Solar System Is Formed?

Introduction Luckily, the naturally occurring processes of geology concentrate on the minerals and metals that become valuable in human daily activities and convert them into forms that are useful of us. These processes enable people to take these minerals and metals out of the ground using less efforts and this...

Making Sense of Qualitative Data

Introduction According to Coffey & Atkinson (1996), data analysis is the “systematic procedures applied by a researcher in order to identify any essential features and relationships in data being considered” (p. 9). Data analysis procedures depend on whether it is qualitative or quantitative. Quantitative data analysis tends to employ deductive...

Gorilla’s Reproduction Cycle, Behavior and Social Structure

Introduction All animals are characterized by a unique reproduction cycle, behavior, and social structure. Members of the same species share such bithe ological and social characteristic hence the reason why each species is distinct and unique. Gorillas are a group of mammals classified as primates. The same group contains humans,...

Development of a Theory

Criminologists can define a theory in various ways. In the second chapter, Schmalleger gives two different definitions of this concept and then suggests his own (29). To summarize all of them, a theory refers to a set of propositions that are connected to each other and provide an explanation of...

Glaciers Melting and Geological Misconceptions

The global warming and the melting of the glaciers on our planet has been one of the most discussed issues of the last several decades. The effects of the melting started to be noticeable and it began to worry the scientists. After many researches and measurements the geologists came up...

Environmental Studies of Global Warming: Cause and Mitigation

Natural versus anthropogenic climate changes The wealth of information acquired by environmental scientists across the world has revealed that the current state of global climate change is attributed to both natural and anthropogenic climate changes. Natural climate changes occur in cycles in the world, and they are caused by the...

Landscape and the Changes That It Goes Through

The angle of repose is related directly to the phenomenon of mass wasting. Seeing that the former is defined as the most obtuse angle, at which the slope remains stable, the relation between the two phenomena can be defined in the following way: the steeper the angle of repose is,...

Formation and Weathering of Rocks

In the process of lithification, sedimentary rocks are traditionally formed, according to Lutgens and Tarbuck (58). As a rule, the process of lithification presupposes that sediments should remain under pressure; the sediments expel the so-called connate fluids in the process and finally turn into sediment rock. The difference between a...

Hematite Matter and Mineral

According to the data provided in the Periodic Table, a common isotope of Nickel has 28 electrons, 28 protons and 31 neutrons (Schaller Section 28). The difference between covalent and ionic bonds is often reduced to the state of matter, in which they traditionally occur, yet there is a bit...

Why Are Some Animals So Smart? by Carel Schaik

How does Carel Van Schaik define culture? In reference to Sumartan orangutans Carel Van Schaik makes a conclusion that that the animals that the cultural animals are also intelligent. The scientist explores various opinions considering the forces that serve to stimulate the development and evolution of intelligence among animals. Van...

America and Germany Comparison

This paper is aimed at comparing such countries as the United States and Germany. In particularly, it is necessary to focus on such aspects as employment, education, and medical insurance. This discussion of these aspects is important for understanding the policies of the governments and the experiences of many people...

Anthropological Problems: Origin of Human Beings

The article Our True Dawn by Catherine Brahic describes the challenges that appear to modern scientists while trying to trace our relatives. The author also describes the difference in methods used by scientists. For geneticists to determine the period of splitting humans from apes means to specify exactly the time...

Bonobos and Common Chimps Comparison

Introduction To a large extent, common chimps as well as bonobos tend to display characteristics that are similar to those witnessed in human beings. Despite the fact that the two primates are very much alike, it is assumed that there more similarities between bonobos and human beings. Arguably, bonobos and...

Natural Sciences: Development vs. Environment

Studies show that human development activities, which occur in different sectors including agriculture, scientific research, oil drilling and mining, building and construction projects, transportation, industrial manufacturing, fishing, and energy are the major causes of environmental degradation. The activities have led to extreme weather conditions, indoor and outdoor air pollution, and...

Woodbury Unique Geological Features

Woodbury is one of the places that seem quite ordinary at first but discover several unique geological features at second glance. Woodbury is located in the North of Connecticut, in the Litchfield County, and is surrounded by Bethlehem (south), Roxbury (west) and Watertown (east) (see Picture 1). Therefore, Woodbury shares...

Slow Pace of Solar Installation in India

The Indian solar installation program has slowed down year-after-year according to Mercom Capital Group. The consultancy and communication firm had predicted the installations to reach 1,000 MW by the end of this year. Between 2012 and 2013, solar installations in India increased by 12 MW; so elusive was the growth...

Archeological Discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls

In 1948, William Albright, who is one of the popular archaeologists claimed that the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls was one of the chief breakthroughs in the 20th century (Berg, 2009). The scrolls were found in a cave in the neighborhood of Khirbet Qumran. There were a number of...

The Book “How to Lie With The Statistics” by Darrell Huff

The book under analysis is called How to Lie with the Statistics. It is written by Darrel Huff. This book is not his work first work. There were also Career Story of a Young Commercial Photographer and The Dog that Came True. However, only the book under analysis became a...

Strategic Preparedness for Disasters

Article summary The article reviews the characteristics of the states and the systems of systems. Also, the article seeks to understand the role of shared states when developing systems Precisely, the article is based on a study of how modeling systems of systems is critical in strategic preparedness, response, and...

Biology: Comparison and Contrast of Cats and Dogs

This paper is aimed at discussing the similarities and differences between cats and dogs. These animals are often regarded as bitter antagonists that cannot co-exist. Nevertheless, they can actually bear resemblance to one another. For instance, one should mention their interactions with people and their eating habits. Nevertheless, it is...

Mathematical Induction: Origin, Key People and Usage

Mathematical induction is traditionally defined as a mathematical method, or a type of a mathematical proof, which is used when the necessity to prove that in the following expression: “(fg)’ = f’g + fg’”, “for every integer n >= 1, the derivative of f(x) = xn is f'(x) = nxn...

The Paradoxical Effects of Time Travel

The issue of travelling in time is not new because it has interested people for centuries and continues interesting us today. However, in spite of people’s high concern and eagerness to uncover time’s mysteries, it still keeps its secrets as it did centuries ago. Even in our time, when a...

Wild Animals of the United States of America

Introduction Wildlife is always deemed to be of great significance economically, ecologically, environmentally as well as culturally. It includes a wide range of species from amphibians, insects, birds to mammals. Thus, there is no doubt that there are some organisms that are native while others were introduced or re-introduced to...

The Cloning of a DNA Fragment, and a Southern Blot

Southern blotting can either be used in the determination of small fragment of a single gene or a large DNA sequence such as part of the genome of an organism. Therefore southern blotting is an invaluable tool in DNA technology. This method was discovered in the 1970s by Edward Southern...

How Much can We Control Our Genetics, at What Point do We Cease to be Human?

Genetic control in human The branch of biology that deals with variation, heredity, and their transmission in both animals and the plant is called genetics. Just about every week, news about genetic disorders, such as breast cancer, alcoholism, obesity and manic depression, are at the for-front. Such news make us...

Genetic Engineering: Gene Therapy

Stem cell research is a subject that has generally been absent from the current public and political debates recently. The issue has been pushed aside by more immediate issues such as the economy, war on two fronts and healthcare. However, it wasn’t long ago that headlines were concerned with the...

Bio Ethics and Stem Cell Research

The advancement in technology and science has helped man over the years to come up with miraculous cures and inventions; profitable to the mankind in all ways possible. One of the major reasons of the exponential growth in population is the sharp decrease in mortality rates all over the world;...

Moral Grounds of the Cloning

Modern society has been equipped with the technology that has revolutionized almost every aspect of life. In Science and Medicine, latest advancements have become a remedial source for various health related problems. However, it is well known that controversy exists or surrounds science through several forms. Due to this, new...

The Milky Way and the Expanding Universe

A spiral galaxy is one of three types of galaxies studied and documented by Edwin Hubble. Spiral galaxies are apparently the most common in the universe and have a characteristic spiral contour; that is also the characteristic feature referred to in their name. The spiral shape is usually constituted of...

Gas Price Increasing and Alternative Energy Sources

The usage of gas in our everyday life is inevitable. Natural gas is one of the best alternatives to oil. It is also very much convenient for the environment. Natural gas is given the status of the cleanest of the fossil fuel (Eric & Smith 39). The united states have...

Solar System Geology, Climate, and Composition

Introduction Luckily, the naturally occurring processes of geology concentrate on the minerals and metals that become valuable in daily human activities and convert them into forms that are useful to us. These processes enable people to take these minerals and metals out of the ground using fewer efforts, and this...

The International Space Station: Building for the Future

The International space station is a globally established exploration facility constructed in a low- world orbit. It is the biggest space station ever assembled. Construction of the ISS began in the year 1994. The station will be completed by the year 2012. It is expected that this station will be...

Astronomy: Planets and Solar System

This reflective treatise attempts to explain the stellar nebular theory and evidence to support the same. Besides, the paper explores the unique feature of terrestrial planets of Earth, Mercury, Venus, and Mars. The same explores these features in the Jovian planets of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. In addition, the...