Concept of Interpretation in Art on Basis of Culture

The museum that attracted my particular attention is The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City (Google Arts and Culture, n.d.). The three pieces of art that I like and chose for the analysis are “Study of a Young Woman,” “Study of a Young Woman” may be called “Girl with...

Prescription Drug Cost Transparency

Today, many Americans face a significant financial burden when they need to purchase prescribed drugs. On the one hand, it is because approximately “95 percent of specialty drugs and 85 percent of orphan drugs cost more than $10,000 per patient per year” (AHIP, 2018, p. 1). On the other hand,...

Music as an Accelerator of a Learning Process

Throughout the ages, music has been an imprescriptible part of humans life. The music of ancient people could tell the researches a lot about their historical events and lifestyle. Currently, people also use music for various purposes: to celebrate a festival, to relax and meditate, or to going for sport....

History of Accounting and Its Importance

Accounting is as old as civilization and one of the most important professions in the field of business and economics. Accountants are known to have been involved in developing cities and trade in the process of building wealth. They created the concept of numbers and wealth besides pioneering the advancement...

Psychoanalytic Criticism of “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson

Shirley Jackson’s story, which shook society in the last century’s forties, became a kind of accusatory revelation. The plot in The Lottery is reduced to the fact that in a particular abstract town a lottery is held, where all residents gather. From their conversations, it becomes clear that this is...

Money Theme in Moliere’s Tartuffe and Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House

The plays of Moliere’s Tartuffe and Henrik Ibsen A Doll’s House are some of the most famous literary works. Both plays explore the all-consuming topic of money and the obsession with money, which are still relevant in modern society. A Doll’s House and Tartuffe depict the influence of money on...

Healthy Cola’s Market Entry and Competitive Advantage

Healthy Cola has been recording profits for the last five years in the US. The management believes that the next critical step is for the company to become an international brand. The idea behind this suggestion is based on adverse market research conducted in the last six months. In particular,...

Liberty and the Common Good: COVID-19

In modern political culture, libertarianism has acquired new supporters and has taken on a new existence. The philosophical underpinnings of libertarianism are essential to discuss because they can point out the limitations of the ethical system in the present context. To explore the issue, it was chosen to focus on...

The Art of Africa Understanding

The understanding of a well defined cultural or ethnic style was a significant reason for the study of African art. Through the exploration of the various ethnic styles, it becomes easier to recognize the standards of value and beauty that the African artists try to achieve and by which their...

Freakonomics the Movie Overview

Introduction Freakonomics, a movie released in December 3 2010 originates from the book with a similar name. The directors of the movie are Heidi Ewing and Alex Gibney among others. Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner, the authors of the book Freakonomics discuss social issues like abortion, parenting and the impacts...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Investments and Loans Practical Insight

The ability to dispose of money and other resources in a proper way predetermines the wellbeing of every person. One might have 1,000 dollars and turn it into the extensive network of manufacturing facilities, while another person might lose the whole number of millions of dollars without an understanding of...

Fundamentals of Biostatics by Bernard Rosner

Probabilistic Reasoning The theme of probability and its reasons is perfectly described in two sources. One of them is the chapter in the book Fundamentals of Biostatics by Bernard Rosner where the author gives several clear and interesting examples and defines the essence of probability in different cases. And another...

The Language of the “Citizen Kane” Film

The film Citizen Kane is notable not only with the story it uncovers for the audience but also with its effective use of cinematography techniques. The film’s deep-focus photography, mise en scène, lighting, and camera movements have earned numerous appraises by critics over the decades after Citizen Kane was filmed....

The Structural Determinants of Neighborhoods and Crimes

Sociologists and criminologists believe that there are marked variations in crime rates across US neighborhoods. In their study Robert Sampson, Stephen Raudenbush, and Felton Earl examine the impacts of collective efficacy on violent or deviant behavior in the community. Their hypothesis is that social cohesion and peoples willingness to intervene...

Atkins Popular Fad Diet: Analysis of the Diet

A fad diet is a weight loss plan devised to offer quick results. These diets are not considered healthy by various health and diet associations since fad diets are not based on the guidelines provided. In most cases, fad diets do not give long-term success to the users (Rastogi 60)....

Family Planning: Reproductive Health

The Cairo ICPD in 1994 considerably expanded and improved the status and health protection among women. This change is characterized by certain pros and cons in regards to limited financial and logistic resources, especially in some regions of sub-Saharan Africa where HIV/AIDS problems remain to be urgent. On the one...

Perception of Research, Personal Meaning of Nursing

Being a director of a nursing department, I am particularly interested in the findings of the most up-to-date studies, as they play a tremendous role in patient care. I am firmly convinced that a medical worker has to be well-aware of the best-practices, adopted in various hospitals because this knowledge...

Business Prospectus: Initial Assumptions

Introduction The EcoLive company is a new business venture that seeks to operate in a food delivery sector across the United States. The company seeks to address the importance of eco-friendly food packaging and delivery from the perspective of recycling activities, as well as to meet elevating customer requirements for...

Financial Management. Some Important Generalizations

Kepner, K. and Wysocki, A. (2008). Financial Management: Some Important Generalizations. University of Florida IFAS Extension, FRE343. This article focuses on two important aspects of financial management, first, providing an overview of the importance of professional management to the corporate/ business world operations and secondly to analyze financial management points...

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and Its Impact

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) was signed by Barack Obama on March 23, 2010. This federal statute is aimed at reforming the existing health care and insurance systems of the United States within four years to improve the quality of the health care services and make them...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Sarcasm and Irony in the Article of the Washington Post

Sarcasm and irony are literary tricks that make the text richer and help to grab a reader’s attention. These tools are most often used to emphasize the absurdity of a situation or another person’s words or show the speaker’s irritation and surprise. This paper uses Allyson Chiu’s article on Trump’s...

Criminal Justice in Texas: Todd Willingham and Death Penalty

The case of Cameron Todd Willingham was one of the most controversial criminal justice cases handled in Texas. In 2004, the man was charged with the murder of his three young children by arson. In Death by Fire, the PBS crew provides an analysis of the case, with the focus...

Linking Income, Wealth, and Inequality

Income inequality is one of the defining features of modern economies, including in the United States. According to Coady and Dizioli (2017), “rising income inequality over recent decades is a growing concern for policymakers worldwide” (p. 3). It is primarily determined by the uneven distribution of various material goods. In...

A Retrospect on Lessons in Accounting: What Has Been Learned

At first glance, the work of a quality assurance team member has little to do with accounting and finances. However, a closer look at the daily routine of a member of the Quality Assurance team at the Sikorsky Aircraft Company will show that my job, in fact, incorporates a range...

Limonene: A Component of Citrus Oil Fruit

Introduction Citrus fruit oil is a product obtained from Citrus fruit on both Lemon and Grape fruit, with strong solvent properties. It contains valuable and essential composition that is helpful to human body when applied on the skin. It affects the skin by energizing it. Chinese companies make many products...

Enron Scandal: Risk Assessment

Enron was the second largest company in US history to be declared bankrupt. Recently, the Congressional committees have analyzed the company in order to establish the cause of its fall. Although the cause has not been determined with precision, some of the vital elements that caused its downfall are clear....

Nutrition Supplement Knowledge Among Low-Income Students

The article “Effect of Nutrition Supplement Education on Nutrition Supplement Knowledge among High School Students from a Low-Income Community” by Little et al (2002) discusses the problem of nutrition supplements and importance of education about this group of food intake among low income adolescents. The authors state that nutritional supplements...

Heineken Industry Evaluation

Heineken is a global business as it produces beverages for Europe, North and South America, Africa, Middle East, Eastern Europe, and the Asia Pacific. Heineken’s main strength is brand diversification, aimed to meet the customer’s tastes (Gaspar and Massa 9). Its main weaknesses include currency fluctuations and poor margins as...

Ethical Backgrounds of Euthanasia

Introduction The controversial topic of euthanasia is enveloped with much of ethical debates. Euthanasia advocates state that every person has a complete right to decide whether to die in order to relieve the pain and suffering connected with a terminal illness. These views are opposed by those who state that...

Public Health Informatics Training

Analysis of the Training Requirements It is recognized that surveillance professionals should know about information communication technology, management, and public health disciplines (Joshi & Perin, 2012). Advanced training in population health and practice opportunities pegged on the core competencies enhances the surveillance capacity of the professionals. According to Allan et...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Eliezer’s Lost Childhood and the Image in the Mirror

Holocaust is a sad tragedy that left its terrible traces in the hearts and souls of millions of innocent people. Among them is also Elie Wiesel who shared his sad experience in his book “Night”. At the end of the book, the readers find a very special scene when Eliezer,...

“Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night” by Dylan Thomas Review

The theme of death and mortality is discussed from varied angles in “Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night” by Dylan Thomas. Overall, the poet encourages his audience to fight against death with screaming and kicking just like the new born babies fight for their life when they come...

Ovid’s Jupiter and Io: Gods and Humans

In his poems, which Ovid wrote while being inspired by Roman folklore, he demonstrated the entire mythology of his time. In addition, the author also managed to illustrate through the prism of poetry the life of the people around him. Even though many of his characters are gods, they are...

Measurements on Desktop Virtualization

Identification and Operation of Other Works Defining the Variables/Constructs Similar to Desktop Virtualization Other people’s works have defined the constructs or variables that are similar to a functional desktop virtualization system (Johnson, 2011). Their identification and operation refer to a combination of attributes that can be measured and analyzed statistically...

Incident Command System in Airports

Introduction The incident management system aims to guide all non-governmental, governmental, and private sector agencies to prevent incidences causing harm to the environment or loss of life. The National Incident Management System (NIMS) analyzes all possible risk factors causing damage to the environment, responds to threats, and manages the recovery...

Organizational Structure of The Ambulatory Surgery Center

A Description of the Organizational Structure or Design of Your Practice Setting The Ambulatory Surgery Center I worked at was not sufficiently equipped with all technical devices necessary for performing daily operations. Though the Medical Director of this center was a good manager, the organizational structure left much to be...

Personality Mask Overview

This mask symbolically represents six facets of my personality from different personality perspectives. It gives the viewer an idea about my emotions, thoughts, attitude to the world, and general behavioral patterns in a visual way, without using any descriptive words. Instead, this mask uses symbols and colors that reflect my...

The Medical Office Business’ Financial Health

Assessment of the financial effectiveness of business is crucial for strategic planning. It is also important for understanding whether the business has the necessary funds to realize its mission and vision. This simple financial truth is also applicable in the field of medical business. The following paper will discuss the...

Web Evlauation – Website of the Internet Mental Health Organization

A Brief Description We chose the website of the Internet Mental Health Organization. This website is dedicated to all the individuals in society, trying to inform them regarding mental health disorders, prevention, and consequences. More specifically, this website is directed to that target group, population, which has experienced (or is...

Conceptual Blocks in Solving Complex Issues

It should be noted that conceptual blocks limit a person from the point of view of his or her thinking process. They encourage individuals to look at the problem more narrowly and do not give them the opportunity to reveal their creative potential when searching for a solution. Apart from...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Planning a Kitchen: Remodeling Project

When planning to start a project it is very important to understand the order of the things you want to do. Choosing the color, the material, the texture, the make, the design, the quality must be orderly. It is not wise to buy beautiful rims and then shop for a...

Statistics Use in Advertising

One of the primary ways to use statistics is through advertising. On the one hand, numbers can help a supplier of goods and services convince customers of their value. However, it works only if the numbers are used properly. On the other hand, misinterpretation of information can be used to...

Socrates’ Arguments for the Immortality of the Soul

Phaedo is a dialogue by Plato, which explores the subject of the immortality of the soul. It contains Socrates’ reflections on life and death expressed in the conversation with his friends in the last hours before his death. One of the arguments for the immortality of the soul provided by...

Civil Law vs. Criminal Law: Comparative Analysis

One of the most common ways to structure the law is to divide it into civil and criminal law. There are differences in the goals, remedies, procedures, and parties between civil and criminal cases. Regarding the goals, there is one primary difference between civil and criminal laws. Civil cases are...

Woody Holton’s “Unruly Americans and the Origins of the Constitution”

Woody Holton’s book Unruly Americans and the Origins of the Constitution discusses the historical events and economic factors that played the central role in the development of the Constitution. Particular attention is given to the economic issues, class conflicts, the role of popular protests, and the decisions of the Founding...

Factors That Facilitated the Spread of the COVID-19 Virus

Almost everyone is a victim of the COVID-19 virus, either indirectly or directly. Combating the factors that facilitated its spread would have made the fight against the novel virus use up fewer resources and affect Americans’ lives to a minimal extent. Unfortunately, the disease has happened in two waves with...

Public Policy Theories Overview

Temporary assistance for needy families (TANF) is a program under which states are given block grants to use for their own programs to assist needy families and children, reduce the reliance of needy parents by promoting job training, prevent pregnancies among single individuals, as well as encourage the development and...

Applying Internet Laws and Regulations to Educational Technology

Technology has influenced the current society in several ways, from social, individual to academic level. The internet has been used to influence the world both from a professional and academic perspective. Academically, humanities, history, natural and applied sciences, and social sciences have been impacted by the internet in society. Technology...

Islam in Afro-Eurasia

Islam was quickly perceived by a wide variety of social groups and strata. The origin of Islam is based on the scriptures. Due to the simplicity and accessibility of its dogmas and rituals, no preparation was required for their assimilation, in addition, the norms of Sharia coincided in many respects...

Organizational Stress Management: Why It Is Important

Stress is a frequent phenomenon, not only in life but also at work. The sheer number of cases and tasks, plans and reports, associated problems, and turmoil are a part of the array of stress factors that can affect employees, and it cannot help but be worrying. At the same...

Nurses and Patient Safety Culture

Nurses are responsible for promoting quality in healthcare organizations by proposing improvement initiatives and accessing patient safety culture. Examples of patient-centered care initiatives include Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) and Team STEPPS, focusing on safety issues (Yoder-Wise, 2019). Furthermore, the organizational culture of a high-performing healthcare facility requires...

Dentistry, Insurance, and Children With Special Healthcare Needs

America has a large population of children with special healthcare needs. According to the census of 2009, nearly 14% of all children in the USA aged between 3 to 17 have some sort of disability (“Statistics of children,” 2013). Since the medical system in the country is largely insurance-based, it...

Exploring the Role of Sensual Imagery in the Inferno

It is hard to find a literary work with such detailed descriptions of the universe as Dante’s Divine Comedy. Readers can completely immerse into dimensions that mortals do not have access to during their life, such as Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise. That effect is achieved mainly due to the author’s...

Dental Public Health Research in the U.S.

The term research refers to a systematic inquiry that seeks to investigate new forms of hypotheses, comes up with the latest interpretations of texts or data, as well as poses previously unasked questions for future researchers to explore and come up with solutions. Any research activity usually consists of asking...

Characteristics of Social Awareness

Introduction The phenomenon of social awareness addressed the importance of acknowledging the fact that every human, being a part of society, bears the responsibility to meaningfully interact with others in order not to cause harm. Life coaches, whose primary task is to help clients to move on with their life...

Factual Determination of the Case

This is a case about a man who has had many hardships in his life and now inadvertently caused a tragedy that resulted in the death of his beloved fiancee, Sally Jones. I do understand the immense grief experienced by the accusing side: indeed, the loss of a mother and...

The Difference Between Standard Loan and Discounted Loan

Capital investment is fundamental for any organisation to help in promoting the effectiveness of its operations. However, the investment usually requires a lot of capital. Therefore, organisations have to find ways of raising adequate monies for that purpose. Jay-Hyung et al. (2020) state that capital funds can be raised in...

Treatment Without Consent of the Patient

Informed consent is an authorized guideline, which safeguards a client’s right to recognize the possible threats, benefits, and options for an anticipated health care practice (De-Lusignan, 2008). Every patient should be consent before receiving therapy. Similarly, patients have a right to expect the doctors to abide by their wishes. Informed...

Target Corporation’s Management and Its Special Features

Target Corporation is currently the eighth-largest retailer company in the U.S. The retail format of the corporation currently includes discount stores under the Target name, SuperTarget hypermarkets, and a number of other small-format stores. A number of external environments affect the operations of Target across the country. Economically, Target is...

Contract vs. Tort Law in the United States

In modern society, there are several different legal concepts applicable to various situations. This essay will analyze tort law and contract law and their similarities and differences. To begin with, it is necessary to define both concepts. A tort is an offense that causes damage to society, the state, or...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Type A vs. Type B Personalities

The initial result of the test presents Type A personalities as ambitious, organized, caring, truthful, supportive, and proactive individuals. The results imply that Type A people are deeply fused with their work and could be described as ‘workaholics.’ The test comments on Type A’s tendency to overload themselves with work...

Nutrition and Diets: Impact on the Blood Pressure Reduction

It may seem that the effect of dietary regulation on arterial pressure has already been thoroughly investigated. Hypertension is a factor of risk for cardiovascular disease and stroke. In order to lower blood pressure, scientists recommend some changes, which include not only drugs and exercises but also following a balanced...

The Hong Kong Company Ordinance in Datacon Limited Case

Section 728(4)(b) of the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance outlines the legal limits for Hong Kong companies to conduct their businesses. The directors of any given company in Hong Kong owe a fiduciary responsibility under the position they serve. These leaders must perform their duties diligently, demonstrating the highest level of...

Qualitative Methods and Analysis

Qualitative analysis can be defined as a way a researcher develops a deep understanding of a phenomenon by employing deep research. It is aligned using a particular methodology, and there has never been a single way to analyze qualitative data. In other words, it is a nonlinear and interactive process....

Media and Democracy in “By the People: Debating American Government 5e”

“By the People: Debating American Government” is an introduction to the American government, and the 9th chapter focuses on media and democracy in the US. Mass media is an excellent source of influence, information, and controversy. This chapter is an analysis of how media has changed over time, where the...

The Effectiveness of Carnegie’s Argument in the “Gospel of Wealth”

The “Gospel of Wealth”, an article by Andrew Carnegie, includes multiple perspectives on the usage of money. Specifically, the author advocates the essential utilization of the central philanthropic principles, emphasizing the importance of spending money wisely. In that way, wealthy people are encouraged to donate their money to charities and...

Having a Pet for Cardiovascular Health

The heart is an essential organ of our body, in the state of which the health and life expectancy of a person directly depends. Measures such as staying active, eating a healthy diet, walking outside, getting enough sleep, and avoiding bad habits are great ways to help prevent heart disease....

Joseph Campbell’s Mythic Insights: ‘The Hero with a Thousand Faces

The fifth section of the second chapter in The Hero with a Thousand Faces, written by Joseph Campbell, “Apotheosis,” focuses on the hero’s path, in which enlightenment is achieved. The central claim of the considered part is presented in the sentence, “Having surpassed the delusions of his formerly self-assertive, self-defensive,...

Analysis of Othello Speech With Brabantio

It is important to note that identifying rhetorical situations and strategies is critical in order to comprehensively understand the underlying message behind a character’s speech. The key elements of such an assessment involve purpose, audience, speaker, and occasion, where the rhetorical strategies can be centered around pathos, logos, or ethos....

“If We Must Die” by McKay and “The Hurt Locker” by Turner Poems

Contradictions, disagreements, and conflicts play a significant role in people’s lives as they determine defense mechanisms used to protect what is dear to them. Often people apply the analogy of war and fighting to define the meaning of life or its image and main principles. Moreover, there are many different...

Ethical and Bioethical Issues in Medicine

Introduction There are multiple ethical issues relevant to medicine that trigger controversy in social, legal, and professional domains. One of the most frequently discussed and debated bioethical issues in medicine is abortion. Abortion is of such significant concern to medical ethics because this procedure is directly related to life termination....

“Plata O Plomo: Silver or Lead” Article by Javdani

In “Plata O Plomo: Silver or Lead,” Marie Javdani aims to address the ways of dealing with the persistent problem of drug use and selling in Colombia. The main objective of the article was to urge the US government to look for alternative ways of dealing with the problem because...

Realities and Shadows in Plato’s “The Allegory of the Cave”

The shadows in Plato’s allegory reflect a distorted view of reality, a delusion about truth. For instance, Socrates invites Glaucon to envision a cave in the discussion. Prisoners are chained up within the cave; they are forced to face a wall. Because the captives have never seen the genuine items...

Abraham Lincoln’s “The Emancipation Proclamation” Speech

The Emancipation Proclamation speech was given by US President Abraham Lincoln on January 1st, 1863, when the country was engaged in a long-lasting Civil War. The message of the Proclamation concerned the fact that people who were held as slaves in rebellious states were and would be free (The Emancipation...

Aristotelian Perspective on Nozick’s Happiness Argument

Robert Nozick (1938-2002) refuted the Hedonistic idea that happiness is the only end that people pursue. Ethical Hedonism views individual welfare in terms of pleasure and pain. Hedonists claim that pleasure experiences are intrinsically good and experiences of pain are intrinsically bad (Dimmock and Fisher 11). Hedonists believe that what...

Consequences of Northridge Earthquake

The famous Northridge Earthquake took place on January 17 in 1994, in the state of California, the U.S. The epicenter of the shaking itself was recorded in a small town named Northridge, a western suburb of Los Angeles. As a matter of fact, it occurred during the night, at 4...

The Importance of Kindness and Love

Love and kindness can take place in the most unexpected places and situations. For example, the well-known parable of the Good Samaritan is often misunderstood and underestimated concerning the power of its narrative. To an average modern person, it might seem that the jest of the story is that the...

Slave Resistance Strategies

It is well known that historically, many slaves were trying to resist their status. The multitude of ways enslaved people could oppose slavery ranged from the passive aggressive behavior to open revolts. Regardless of the method, one goal that slaves pursued in particular was the ability to sustain communities and...

The Ancient Contiones in the Roman Republic

Contiones referred to the assemblies in which influential legislators debated and presented their views to the people of Rome on policies proposed by the People’s Assembly and aspirants for public offices. Contiones took many forms, including legislative, electoral, and judicial. Even though Contiones never addressed many issues affecting the general...

The Cold War: Contemporary European History

The Cold War was a unique phenomenon that represented a fundamental political conflict on a global level. Researchers define the cold war as the state of extreme hostility between two states, with the extent of the confrontation bordering the state of war yet not reaching it fully (Bouwman 2). However,...

The Critical Nutrients for Athletes

Introduction Becoming a successful athlete is a matter of not only consistent training and improvement of one’s skill but also deep consideration of appropriate nutritional choices that enable the optimum strength to train effectively. While an individual may need to adjust their diet depending on the type of sport and...

The Uncivil Historical Podcast Analysis

Introduction The study of history is of particular value in many aspects. Hence, first of all, it gives a profound understanding of what society was like in the past and what motivated it. Moreover, studying the experience of the past years can provide valuable insight into how best to solve...

Asian and Latin Americans’ Experience of Racism

Asian Americans and Latin Americans have certain similarities in their experience with racism. Both groups face discrimination based on their looks, cultures, and social background. People of Asian and Latin origin often get asked where they were born. This question makes them feel like a foreigner, even though many of...

Christianity in Malaysia: The Spread and Development

The spread of Christianity began in the first century. It continued steadily as different missionaries traversed various continents globally. Activities such as crusades and campaigns significantly influenced the success of the spread of the religion which started in Northern Europe before proceeding to other continents. Among the earliest regions to...

Social Entrepreneurship: Key Aspects

Inside the Minds of Social Entrepreneurs Social entrepreneurship has as its goal the development of organizations for the achievement of social good and not for personal gain. First of all, the job description of a social entrepreneur includes the need to play a leadership role within the organization and seek...

How Does Poverty Affect Crime Rates?

While research may be initiated on the basis of curiosity, it traditionally aims to solve a particular problem. Crime rates have always been a highly serious social issue, and multiple studies have already been organized to examine factors that affect crimes for their prevention. That is why I would like...

Prevalence and Control of Obesity in Texas

Introduction Over the years, obesity has been a severe health issue in the United States of America and globally. A person is obese if their size is more significant than the average weight for their stature (Chooi et al., 2019). In Texas, from 1990 to 2019, the obesity prevalence in...

Symptoms Evaluation in Different Theoretical Orientations

There are many different theoretical perspectives that can form the basis for listening during a psychiatric interview. Each of the stands is based on certain attitudes and focuses of attention. The latter describes the role assigned to the therapist during the interview, as well as the main aspects that need...

The Right to Healthcare as a Basic Human Right

Introduction Medical treatment and healthcare are basic human needs in modern society. It is considered that having the right to healthcare will prevent medical bankruptcies, enhance public health, lower overall health care costs, support small companies, and make healthcare a basic government function (Britannica 1). The American government should bear...

Practice as Fundamental Principle of Success

Introduction The saying practice makes perfect is a fundamental principle for success in any endeavor. There is no shortcut to mastery; while some people may have an intrinsic aptitude for a particular subject or skill, mastery requires time, repetition, and stepping beyond the comfort zone. It is true for every...

Differences Between Presenting and Discussing Results & Findings

Introduction Research results/findings objectively and simply report what a researcher found during the study. Research findings/results in a project are reported based on the data collected. After conducting data analysis in a research project, the first thing a researcher should do is to present his or her results/findings and then...

Ava Max’s Song “Not Your Barbie Girl”

Introduction “You can’t touch me there, you can’t touch my body” is a line sung by Ava Max on her most popular track, Not your Barbie girl, by which she supports women’s rights (Ava Max, 2018, 00:10-00:14). I support fighting for gender justice and equality, but this phrase and the...

Why Most Published Research Findings Are False by Ioannidis

The article “Why most published research findings are false” elaborates on why most recent research is not reliable. Research findings are assessed based on the study power, biasness, and connection between variables under study. In case field studies are less than required, the chance of the findings being wrong is...

Overcome Grief to Find Love Again by Mary Montgomery: A Book Review

The need to be loved and love someone in return represents one of the deepest, most powerful, and often, quite destructive desires unless managed with a proper understanding of the nature of these emotions and feelings. In her book, “Overcome Grief to Find Love Again,” Mary Montgomery (2020) explains the...

Consequences of Always Saying “Yes”

Reinforcement and punishment are essential tools that can shape behavior and influence decision-making. While saying ‘yes’ can lead to positive reinforcement and promote compliance in certain situations, it is not always the correct response because it can also lead to overburdening, the loss of personal autonomy, and the inability to...

Response to How Poverty Ends by Bannerjee and Duflo

It is bad news for potential development when inequality soars in economies that are no longer expanding. The political backlash results in the emergence of populist politicians who promote remedies they claim would work like miracles. The effects are already apparent in wealthy nations, as evidenced by the escalating protectionist...

Comparison: Mesopotamia and Ancient Egyptian Culture

Mesopotamia and ancient Egyptian had many things in common, even though they differed in several ways. The two civilizations were always ahead in terms of inventions, something that made them different from the rest of the cultures at the time. Their inventions affected life in many ways, and they still...

Psychology Issues: Stress Management Skills

The study’s claim is that men experiencing stress demonstrate more positive behavior about social aspects. Stress management is a skill that is required in everyday life, and that is why it is important. People face stress in almost every part of their life. Work, public life, and personal encounters all...

The Movie Battleship Potemkin

The movie, Battleship Potemkin, is a story about the maltreatment of the crew of the Potemkin battleship, which leads to riots against the use of rotten meat to prepare dinner. Apart from the rotten meat, several other acts of mistreatment such as unwarranted whippings increased the resolve by the ship’s...

The Theme of Goodness in “The Good Person of Setzuan” by Hoit Hilsman

There are many instances portraying goodness in the play “the good person of Setzuan.” One has to say that “goodness” as portrayed in the play is a multifaceted phenomenon. During Wong’s absence, the gods show their fears about the possibility of failing to achieve their mission of finding a good...

Management: Package Role in Design and Planning Process

Customers often pay much attention to the discussion of the package for the purchased or ordered products and goods because the quality of package influences the quality of the product that is finally received by the customer. Therefore, manufacturers from all over the world use the services of UPS Package...

PeopleWater Company and Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate social responsibility (CRS) is considered to be a significant part of any business strategy. It is usually connected with “the establishment and operation of the value chain and with a clear, direct benefit for both the company and the community” (Urip, 2010, p.69). To succeed in business development, a...

Mahatma Gandhi and Siddhartha Gautama’s Biographies

Introduction Mahatma Gandhi and Siddhartha Gautama’s are both great men in the history of India who did a great deal in enhancing the growth of their country. They were born by great leaders of India. It is said that, their success never came normally but instead it was propheticied by...

Will California Really Fall into the Ocean?

There are various speculations about the possibility of a significant natural disaster that can take place in California in the near future. In particular, it is often assumed that this state may eventually fall into the ocean due to the influence of some forces. One should keep in mind that...

The Gospel of Matthew: Jesus Christ’s Thinking

The first chapters of the Gospel of Mathew in the New Testament relate an account of how Jesus Christ has begun his earthly ministry to people. In this paper, chapters 3, 4, and 5 will be observed in detail with an objective to narrate my insights into Jesus’ thinking as...

Teaming of Starbucks and Apple Corporation

Starbucks at the Brink of New Development: Analysis Standing at the beginning of a new era, Starbucks, like any other companies, using the newly adopted technological advances to its benefit. However, unlike the rest of the companies, Starbucks preferred to team up with another corporation, and one of the most...

People’s Attitude toward Social Networking Services

Social networks became the people’s everyday reality, and today the public is divided into the proponents of using these services and opponents who focus on the advantages of the face-to-face interaction. Furthermore, the users of social networking services can also be divided into groups according to their attitude to this...

Cost of Quality in Laboratory Management

Developing an elaborate cost management strategy is an essential requirement of any project, as it allows identifying possible issues in resource allocation and prevents the organization from losing significant amounts of money. However, even once a seemingly impeccable cost strategy is created, one must take the possibility of extra expenses...

“Naked Economics” by Charles Wheelan

Markets and Resource Allocation Wheelan describes the mechanisms of the modern economic world as “mind-numbingly” complex ones (4). However, they are supposed to lead to the perfectly reasonable and profitable allocation of finite resources. It is so because economists assume that all the actions of people are directed at becoming...

Microsoft Company’s Marketing Ethics

Running an ethical business requires an explicit act of giving back to the community and embracing responsible citizenship behavior. At Microsoft, that advice translates to moving beyond the development of own products and services, and actually enhancing the responsibility, commitment through a network of partners like businesses, nonprofits and governments....

Max Ernst’s Biography and Surrealism

Max Ernst is one of the brightest representatives of surrealism in the 20th century. He was born in a middle-class Catholic family on 2 April 1891 (Max Ernst Biography par.1). He was the third of the nine children. His father, Philipp, took several jobs to meet his personal interests and...

Quantitative and Qualitative Data: Data Points and Units

Explanation of qualitative and quantitative data Research studies require the collection, analysis and interpretation of data, which helps to infer about the population. Qualitative data are collected from study respondents in the form of a specific language that is easily understood by researchers conducting a study. Researchers use qualitative data...

The Role of Nurses in the Problem of Obesity

The prevention of cardiovascular diseases is directly associated with developing effective strategies to address the problem of obesity in Western countries, including the United States. Much attention should be paid to the role of nurses in this process. Even though nurses cannot control people’s daily activities and prevent them from...

Meaning and the Process of Achieving Success

Introduction There are different perspectives of success. The term success has diverse meanings for different individuals. For instance, certain people attribute the level of monetary reward to success. However, one basic fact is that everyone yearns to attain success. People have associated various achievements to success. Several people fail because...

Third-Party Logistics, Water Transportation, Pipelines

Benefits and Limitations of Third-Party Logistics Providers, Water Transportation, and Pipelines Transportation plays a very important role in today’s business world, and such modes of transportation as water transportation and pipelines (Lamb, Hair, & McDaniel, 2014), as well as the services of third-party logistics (3PLs) providers, have their benefits and...

Tesla Motors Company’s Market Metrics Analysis

Market Size For Tesla Motors, Inc. (TM), the most general definition of the market is the automotive one; about 88 million units a year worldwide is sold within it (Perkowski, 2014, para. 1). However, TM concentrates on producing luxury cars, and this sub-market reached 350 billion euros in 2014, demonstrating...

Miami Jewish Community’s Educational and Care Plan

Selected Group and the Portion of the Plan to Implement The selected group of the study is the Jewish commune located in Miami, Florida. There are several reasons why this cultural community has become the object of the research. Firstly, the number of young Jews living in the community is...

Russian Democracy and Political Stability

Democracy is defined as the form of government where the citizens exercise the ruling power in either a direct or indirect manner through a system of free elections. The question of whether there are links between democracy and political stability has been a subject of heated debates. If to include...

Leadership Styles in “Apollo 13” by Ron Howard

In Apollo 13 (1995) directed by Ron Howard, it is possible to observe several types of leadership that are mostly represented by such characters as Jim Lovell and Gene Kranz. Inasmuch as both characters demonstrate different leadership styles depending on a situation, it is possible to apply the contingency theory...

Nursing Education Recommendations: Quality and Personal Level of Education

Future of Nursing One of the recommendations to the nursing job is to improve the quality of professional education in this profession. Considering that by 2020 the desired amount of such employees with a bachelor’s degree should be 80%, it is necessary for all the nurses to know about the...

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Ethical Regulations in the Workplace

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Sun Life Financial Company’s Audit Plan

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The Book “V for Vendetta” by Alan Moore

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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s Musical Arts

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Childhood Obesity Causes: Junk Food and Video Games

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Kendall Regional Medical Center Informatics Systems

This paper provides a visual presentation of information about the three systems that are used at Kendall Regional Medical Center. The use of these systems was unknown to me. That is why I had to speak with an expert to collect all the necessary information. Telemedicine System (TMS) Description Wu...

Registered Nurse’s Online Job Search

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Riots in Detroit and Los Angeles

Causes and Motives of the Detroit Rioters During the Second World War, Detroit was the center of the American automobile industry and was considered a developing and prosperous city. However, the problem that virtually all the major cities of the United States of that time faced was racial inequality and...

Ratio-Trend Analysis in HRM: Example & Techniques

The choice among a variety of qualitative and quantitative techniques for forecasting human resources demand depend on peculiarities of businesses and industries. A particular attention should be given to industries with seasonal variations in demand for human resources. While qualitative techniques are also frequent in supporting HR management decisions, quantitative...

Experimental Cooperative Education Program

Introduction The co-operative education program is mandatory and that is why it automatically occurs that I will have to participate in it. It is experiential learning that will integrate my academic and career studies. In this case, it will provide me with relevant and productive work experience. This is aimed...

McDonald’s Strategic Change Initiatives

Introduction The strategic change initiative is an important part of the strategic change as the aspect that influences the whole organization and all employees. The first step in implementing strategic change is usually called ‘strategic change initiative’ (Anderson, 2003, p. 89). As it is impossible to start without knowing what...

Judicial Review and the American Constitution

In the current digital age where criminals and terrorists use sophisticated methods to achieve their selfish goals, law enforcement agencies find themselves in increasingly challenging situations when it comes to protecting the Fourth Amendment. The courts are also making contradictory rulings, which bring further confusion to the issue. In the...

Advanced Practice Nurses’ Roles in the US

Role of the Advanced Practice Nurse According to the American Nurses Association (n.d.), the role of advanced practice nurses (APNs) includes performing care through assessment, diagnosis, and treatment. APNs provide counseling to patients and their families, conduct health examinations and diagnosis, maintain patient records, refer individuals to other medical professionals,...

Van Gogh’s “Vase with 12 Sunflowers” and “Still Life with Absinthe”

Words Applied to Work Art 1 (Vase with 12 Sunflowers) Words Applied to Both Artistic Pieces Words Applied to Work Art 2 (Still Life with Absinthe) The painting is presented predominantly in yellow, warm colors, except for the blue background. It has no contrasts. The painting consists only of one...

RFID and Barcodes Comparison

The use of barcodes has become an indispensable part of the business world. Barcodes were developed and first used in the 1970s, and since then they have been widely used worldwide (Roberti, 2017). As for the RFID technology, it has been in place for 15 years, and only 5% of...

What Will Doom the Death Penalty?

The author of the article “What Will Doom the Death Penalty: Capital Punishment, Another Failed Government Program?” observes that four decades have passed since the death penalty was pronounced ineffective and unjust (LaChance, 2014). The increasing levels of crime in the United States encouraged more people to embrace the idea...

Communication Technology Business Units

Fact 1: why is this problem? This is found to be a problem because the flow of information from one point to another is indeed very crucial to any business venture. Through information technology, business units are in a position to fully equip themselves with the transfer of knowledge as...

Project Management: Examples and Types of Closure

Managing various issues is natural for most people, there are several aspects of our lives that we are in full control of. In other words, learning the skills necessary for project management is possible in most scenarios. I was introduced to the concept of project management as I was assigned...

Holistic Assessment of Students with Special Needs

A holistic assessment of students is a specific process that includes several steps and procedures in order to interpret test results and draw certain conclusions. In this context, a holistic approach means focusing not only on the assessment data received with the help of interviews, standardized tests, and different types...

Labor Unions and Their Rise Factors in the US

The active industrial development in the United States of the 19th century caused significant changes in the working conditions of many Americans. Even though the general social conditions were improved because of the economic growth and increases in wages, working Americans were still unprotected in their workplaces. Furthermore, the need...

Education: Common Core Policy and Its Inefficiency

Introduction The Common Core Policy has lost support from educators as well as parents and students soon after its implementation. The standards developed to turn out to be rather complicated, outdated, and too straightforward. The Common Core policy has far too many downsides that affect students, educators, and parents. Background...