McDonald’s: Property Management in the Hospitality Industry

Introduction Property management is the management of the operational aspects of real estate. Property management may also deal with individual property and physical assets. The main activity of the property management is the liaison among the tenants, landlords, and the government. The hospitality industry is booming today in the context...

Apartment Living vs. Dorm Living

Introduction Living in a residence hall or an off-campus student apartment is largely determined by the financial capability of the student through this varies from campus to campus. We find that living in dorm can be fun but also it has its limitations. There is no certain measure to determine...

The Royal Masai Mara Safari Lodge: Trip Experience

While on my recent trip to Africa, particularly Kenya, I happened to go to the Masai Mara Game Reserve for a two-day workshop on 15 Oct 2010. It occurred to me that Masai Mara had many lodges along the Mara River. The Game reserve is approximately 260km west of Nairobi...

Parenting Styles: Values and Standards Transmission

Social and Emotional Development Numerous observations of children show that major developmental changes mostly occur during early childhood. It may be perceived by the parents in the form of imitation and observation. The research shows that children tend to interact less and simply mimic each other. The key developmental characteristic...

Money Issues in Romantic and Marital Relationships

Introduction People get in and out of numerous relationships in their lifetime. Studies have established that people get into relationships for economic, cultural, religious, and social reasons, among others (Gebreyes, 2014). Studies have established that one of the main reasons that keep a relationship alive or breaking is money. Money...

Improving Performance in Hotel In Paris

The hotel’s competitive approach is to differentiate Hotel Paris properties through exceptional guest services, boosting guest stay duration and return rates and ultimately driving revenues and profitability. A seriously underfunded strategy program and complacent staff members were the roots of the difficulties in achieving this aim. Now Lisa, the HR...

Cemetery Experience and Emotional Reactions

A cemetery is a highly specialized place, and people attend it for particular reasons. It is emotionally challenging to visit it because individuals typically moan and feel sadness at the graveyard. However, this location can become informative if it is analyzed from a scientific point of view. That is why...

Eco Map and Spiritual Life Map Assessment

While eco maps provide individuals with a visual representation of their connection with their family, friends, and colleagues to the external world, spiritual life maps provide illustrate their spiritual assessment, planning, and interventions. People make many associations throughout their lives and may easily forget about all the associations they have...

Money and Expenditures: Personal Opinion

I am an undergraduate student, single, and unemployed. Honestly, I’ve been concerned more about realizing my genuine intentions and skills that can be beneficial for me in the future in terms of education, professional career, and personal life rather than about making money. I am sure that generation Y including...

Parental Involvement in Children’s Education: Pros and Cons

Many modern families want to know more about parental involvement and its impact on children’s education. In this presentation, attention will be paid to the benefits and shortages of this practice. First, parents should understand that as soon as they are involved in their child’s education, they can develop positive...

Most Typical Problems Parents Face

There are many problems that parents face today. It is sometimes difficult to deal with children who forget very fast. What a parent has instructed the children to do is sometimes not done. On the other hand, a parent may instruct a child not to do certain things but the...

Malay Marriage and Its Ceremonies

Numerous nations and ethnic groups have their own customs and traditions in all the spheres of their social and religious lives. The ceremony of wedding, and all the traditions connected with it, is of crucial importance for the society, and Malay people understand this as well as all other nations....

Contribution to the School: Sharing Experience

With my educational background in manufacturing engineering and more than 5 years of experience in manufacturing industries in India and South Korea, I believe I can make a highly substantial contribution to the Carey community. While rigorous undergraduate studies sharpened my analytical skills, industrial experience honed my technical competence. From...

The Role of a Dog in a Family

Did you know that in Japan, couples often meet at the Hachiko monument – the one that is dedicated to the dog that waited seven long years for its owner? To me, this fact holds a symbolic meaning – people always look for loyalty and affection in relationships, and those...

Having a Lunchtime Meal in a Restaurant

Service Expectations Taking meals in a restaurant is a common phenomenon for most people, especially for those working in towns. It is also a common phenomenon with me because I am used to taking meals in different restaurants depending on my location atany given time. As it was just a...

Dining Etiquette for Restaurant Managers

Purpose of Dinner Etiquette The point of Dinner Etiquette rules is to make you feel comfortable – not uncomfortable. Table manners play an essential part in creating a favorable impression. They are visible signals of the state of our manners and therefore are critical for professional success. History of Dining...

The Mother-Child Bond and Scientific Evidence

Introduction The belief that mothers connect better to the child leads to the frequent issuance of children’s custody to the mothers in case of divorce suits. Moreover, companies aiming to promote stable families provide child care services to employed mothers, but rarely to the working fathers. The aspects show communities’...

Family and Heritage in “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker

Introduction Individual authors’ literary works allow readers to evaluate specific social, religious, and other aspects of human life from the perspective of writers themselves. Discussions about important values, at the same time, have a different style of presentation and can have both complex forms and structures and simple and short...

Impact of Parenting on Child Learning

The ongoing argument of nature versus nurture has always been the focus of developmental psychologists who are interested in discovering if one is more relevant than the other in multiple aspects of children’s lives. It is notable that finding actual cause-and-effect connections between parents’ actions and later behaviors and the...

Single African American Mothers’ Relationships With Sons

Abstract To investigate the experiences of single African American mothers and their relationships with their adolescent sons, I employed a generic qualitative design in the study. My purpose was to address a gap in the literature by providing a deeper understanding of single African American women’s experiences as mothers of...

Becoming a Professional in Your Career

Introduction Many people struggle to find a career they want to pursue. Some of them succeed to do so, while others fail. Without any doubt, it is critical to choose the right job and make an effort to become a professional. Otherwise, individuals may suffer from a discontent with life,...

Essential Qualities of Marriage Partners

A successful marriage is a precondition for happiness; therefore, finding suitable partners is necessary for the well-being and satisfaction of couples. Romantic partners have to meet each other’s expectations while being both friends and spouses to lead a long-lasting untroubled marital life. Successful marriages are characterized by friendship among partners,...

Sport Coaching: Issues Faced During Coaching Responsibilities

Sport coaching is a practice that has gained an important recognition in the prevailing academics. In the playing field, the presence of coaches has allowed them to raise their own instructional manuals to educate the trainees while still gaining information on its professionalism. Researchers explain the training methods involved in...

Parent-Child Conflict Resolution: Communication Problem

Introduction Conflict is considered the basic problematic type of interaction between the parents and their children. Family life is full of misunderstandings and moral struggle between two generations. The parent-child conflict is a global profound problem which is widely developed despite the culture or social group people live in. The...

Cultural Tourism as a Niche Market

Cultural tourism has been a part of people’s lives for centuries as many individuals have traveled thousands of miles to visit different places. One of the major reasons for such travels used to be religious beliefs. At present, this field of tourism has become a global trend as transportation systems...

Hospitality Industry: The Role of Ethics

Introduction Tourism is an important sector in the economy of every country as it not only attracts income but also provides important avenues through which people and nature interact constructively. The hospitality industry attracts people from across the world for recreation, business, and environmental conservation attractions. Due to the nature...

Serengeti Safari Experience in Africa

Traveling is one of the best ways for a person to experience the world and learn more about various cultures and themselves. Fortunately, my traveling experience with Serengeti Safari proved to be an opportunity for me to do both. Serengeti National Park is truly one of the greatest natural wonders...

Counseling and the Characteristics of Helping Relationships

Introduction Counseling is a multifaceted process that involves the creation of friendship, active listening and elevation of an individual to make a wise decision concord to his/her current challenges. In the context of counseling, counselors have a mandate to listen to people experiencing difficulties, showing genuine empathy and empowering them...

Punishment is not the Answer

Parents are assumed to care for their children’s future the most, influencing them to attain progress and success in every sphere of life. Thus, academic accomplishments become the first step of the subsequent career and life achievements. Good grades in school are cherished and appreciated, whereas poor performance tends to...

Adult Children Should Support Elderly Parents

Introduction There is a growing demand for more engagements in career and other occupational activities. In most cases, children have been forced to stay away from their parents as they pursue their own interests, but this remains possible and with less stress as long as the parents are still independent....

Problems Experienced by Children Raised by Homo Parents

The intention to write this paper is to throw light on the effects of homosexual parents on their children. Parents are known as the first teaching school for children, and if children are ignored in this school, then they can never be able to lift up their entire lives. Homosexuality...

Child Behavior in Relation to Parenting

Introduction Although parenting influences all affiliations within a family, its impact on parents-children relationships is vital as it may affect the children’s future negatively. Positive parenting necessitates parents to concentrate on improving their children’s behavior and acting as role models to ensure their wellbeing. Through positive parenting by friendly, loving,...

Enculturation and Family Relationships

During one of the discussions we had in the class we were talking about parenting styles and family interrelations and the role they play in the process of enculturation, i.e. how the way our parents treated us in the childhood and how they treated each other affects the evolution of...

Vacations and Relaxation Types

Vacations is a free time that every person needs to rally one’s strength and return to work. People see the best vacation in different ways, as they all have different interests and prefer to have a rest in different ways. Some would like to stay at home while others search...

Effectiveness of Curfews in Keeping Adolescents Safe

Introduction It is hard to disagree that parents usually want the best for their children, and the safety and well-being of their kids are the primary focus of mothers, fathers, and other guardians. Unfortunately, teenagers may encounter many risks and dangers, so it is the responsibility of the authorities and...

Professional Philosophy in Sports Psychology

Sports consultancy is a relatively young field, which explains the absence of an overarching consensus in regards to approaches to practice. A particularly controversial concept is professional philosophy in psychology. It refers to “a consultant’s beliefs and values concerning the nature of sport reality, the place of sport in human...

Emotional Intelligence Test Results Analysis

An emotional intelligence test is an effective tool applied to determine the ability to understand and recognize feelings, excitements, and interests. It helps explain how one can become close to others, gain motivation, as well as manage emotions (Fischer et al., 2018). It consists of questions where one is expected...

The Uninvolved Parenting Style and Its Effect on the Psychological Development of a Child

Approaches to parenting and child care can vary significantly based on the parents’ individual characteristics and their preferred style. Each of the strategies exhibits unique features and characteristics that envelop parents’ personality traits and identify the behavioral patterns chosen. However, the most outstanding achievement of parenting style theories lies in...

The Physics of Figure Skating

Before sitting down to write this paper, I made my way down to the local ice skating rink and sat there for a period of time. I observed each glide of the skating blade over the ice, the arm extension of the skater that leads him or her gracefully into...

The First Date Is One of the Most Nervous and Significant Events

Introduction The first date is perhaps one of the most nervous and significant events in a couple’s relationship. To begin with, it seems to be genuinely challenging to ask a beloved person out for the first time. It seems fair to notice that the first date is marked by awkwardness,...

Staying Single or Getting Married

After the passage of the teenage years, a person has the choice of remaining single or getting married. Both are similar in two ways. Firstly, both single, as well as married persons, remain part of society, participating in it in various ways (such as being sportspersons, entertainers, politicians or entrepreneurs)...

Marriage and Divorce Rates Decline in Qatar

Introduction Marriage is one of the foundations of traditional social values in Qatar. This institution makes it possible not only to pass on customs to future generations but also to maintain the stability of families. At the same time, divorce is socially undesirable and taboo. However, in recent years, there...

Positive and Negative Effects of Divorce

After a divorce, couples, and children endure numerous psychological, behavioral, and academic effects. First, both divorced men and women are at the risk of suffering from depression, anxiety, and other psychological disorders. Unlike clinical depression, the trauma following divorce results from adjustment disorder of living a single life. Besides distress,...

Classical and Modern Sports and Perceptions

Introduction Modern sports competitions and antique games are very different. Today’s games are purely secular; while the Ancient sports were religious, modern competitions have forty-two disciplines, compared to the six classic ones. Now, men and women of all countries are invited to the competition, whereas previously, a woman of marriageable...

The Family Concept and Its Definition

Introduction Family is a controversial concept that varies among cultures. According to the Oxford dictionary, a family is a group of people consisting of one or two parents and their children. The significance of family cannot be overstated. They significantly impact people’s lives and help them grow as individuals. Those...

Sustainable Tourism Development and Its Impacts

Introduction As one of the world’s largest industries, tourism plays an essential role among the global population. In spite of the fact that this activity has become an integral part of people’s lives not more than one century ago, tourism serves a variety of functions in modern society. On the...

Hospitality Management: Food and Beverage Management

A person is preparing for their last high school exam and looking forward to a career in hospitality management, which is currently one of the best in the field since it provides with prosperous opportunities. The one who gets a hospitality management degree is given the necessary skills for the...

The Use of Self in Social Work

As an intern at Vatsalya Adult Medical Day Care, assisting marginalized and discriminated elderly of diverse ethnic backgrounds, I understand that professional social work involves the use of self and the desire to help others. In addition to an individualistic self, existing in isolation, there is a relational self that...

The Concept of Death and Dying

Death represents a significant stage in human development and has different perceptions among individuals. Death in the social context is not connected to the physiological causes and consequences or the theological perspective of death and dying. Instead, sociology focuses on how the members of society interpret death, what they think...

Social Structure of Marriage in Western Society

Introduction Marriage has historically been a critical social institution and symbolic of elements such as love, stability, and social cohesiveness. Marriage was, and to some extent is, believed to be a matter of social good, defining cooperation and a sense of belonging to a family and community (The Economist 2017)....

My Favourite Kumite Technique in Shotokan Karate

The question of finding a single favorite technique is a challenging one, as Kumite has broad applications in my life. Although the primary use of most martial arts is generally believed to be self-defense, they have many other benefits. Depending on the intent of the person, karate can be utilized...

Single Parenting: Difficulties and Challenges

Introduction A parent who looks after his or her children alone or without the help of the other parent is regarded as a single parent. Nine years ago when I became a single parent to my daughter Dominique, I quickly became aware of the long road ahead of me. Additionally,...

Evaluation Thailand as a Tourist Destination

Introduction This paper is going to discuss Thailand as a tourist destination. This paper aims to give a description and evaluation of Thailand and how in my view it is one of the best tourist destinations that I have ever visited. This paper will discuss Thailand in terms of the...

Time Management: Being Late and Its Impact on a Team

“I am late” is one of the common phrases people use in their everyday life. Despite being aware of the fact that time is one of the most valuable possessions in life that can never get back, millions of persons continue wasting it or managing it poorly (Vennila, 2018). As...

Nursing Student’s Individual Success Plan

Welcome to our How I Plan to be Successful in Completing the Nursing Program essay sample! Gain some ideas for your individual success plan for your studies and future career. How I Plan to be Successful in Completing the Nursing Program Essay Introduction Today, the obsession with being successful becomes...

Physical Inactivity: Negative Effects

Introduction Physical activity is an essential requirement for healthy living and functioning. During workouts, the human body decomposes energy that enters the organism with food consumption. When individuals lead a passive or sedentary lifestyle, their immune system begins to weaken together with a deterioration in muscle tone. Moreover, at the...

The Social Construct of Marriage

The Social Construct of Marriage: Essay Introduction The modern world considers marriage as a social construct. Generally, it is agreed that marriage has a natural purpose. The culture and the conventions of a country have a very prominent role in marriage. It is difficult for one to reach the assumption...

Time Management Challenges, Strategies, and Solutions

Introduction The need for self-realization is one of the leading needs of the individual. It is the root cause of human activity aimed at creating benefits for themselves and other people. Self-realization is not a single action but a process of constant overcoming of internal contradictions by a person in...

Gastronomic Tourism is the Future of Tourism in Australia

Introduction Gastronomy is a discipline that studies how food and culture relate to people in a particular area. In addition, it also refers to the culinary art of preparing and serving delicate, delicious, and rich nutrition of a specific region. Gastronomy is also an art and science of good eating...

Marriott Hotel and the UK Hospitality Industry

Introduction This report is a conceptual framework based on research of the hotel sector in the UK. The paper uses Marriott Hotel to establish key areas that must be developed for improving the guest experience. Through the report, an audience can understand the metrics of the hospitality industry in the...

Indian Culture Examined Through Street Food

Introduction There are a variety of ways to express, teach and preserve culture. With a variety of different peoples and nations around, and the influence of globalization, it becomes increasingly important to familiarize oneself with other traditions. Traditional modes of cultural awareness, such as museums or art galleries can present...

How Tourism Impacts Places Like Antigua

Introduction The global population is economically divided into haves and have-nots. The former group lives in first-world nations and exhibits significant control over the other lot. The have-nots dominate the developing economies worldwide, where they experience poverty and poor governance, among other issues. A majority of the first world’s countries,...

How to Teach Children to Value Money

Introduction Today valuing money plays an important role in managing resources properly and forming a personal financial plan. The earlier a person learns how to value money, the better because the main characteristics regarding behavior are based on childhood. I think that the best way to teach children to value...

Transgender Women in Sports

Background of the Issue One of the most controversial issues at the moment in the field of sports is the growing tendency of male athletes to become transgenders and entering women’s competitions after all the required operations. Even though it may be seen as a perfectly fine approach to rivalry...

Finding and Choosing a Partner for Marriage

In order to find and select me a partner, I would consider utilizing online dating forums only if there is no other valid option. The main reason is that I would like to find such an individual from a circle of my friends or acquaintances. I get to see and...

China’s One Child Policy and Its Effect on Economy, Family, and Society

China is considered to be one of the most populated countries in the world. Moreover, the country has been holding the world’s leading position in this field for a long time. Therefore, the issue of Chinese demographic policy is one of the most important. The problems that are associated with...

Parent-Child Relationship and Its Effect on Adolescents

Introduction When an individual thinks about what a good parent-children relationship should be, several factors come into mind. Researchers often touch upon the type of bond that holds the connection together in order to explain the concept of bond as a whole. Other elements that are considered in such relationships...

Those Lazy, Hazy Days

Winter blues are never as tiring and soul-wrenching as they are at the end of February. The sun rarely shows its face, and all of us feel as if we are trapped in an endless pool of grey. It’s ironic that when it’s hot and humid, all we think about...

Single Parenthood Households and Gender-Related Issues

In contemporary society, single parenthood has become common. Marriages between two couples are no longer popular. In this case, several children are born and brought up by single parents. When a child is brought up by a single parent, they often lack parenting values and traits from the other gender...

An Interview With a Teenager Analysis

The person who was interviewed in this research is known by the name Ann. She is 14 years of age which means that she is in her adolescence. Her interview commenced with some physical aspects of development during her adolescence. Ann was asked questions concerning how her development has been...

Marriage Has Lost Its Relevance In Modern Culture

Marriage is commonly understood to be the embodiment of a lifetime commitment between a man and a woman. It is a long standing tradition that seems to have more of a religious connotation rather than a social meaning. The social view of “slavery for the woman and prison for the...

Happiness, Its Components and Main Aspects

Happiness has always been one of the central conceptions that impacted peoples lives, their motifs, actions, and desires. However, the meaning of this idea has always been different depending on peculiarities of the epoch, dominant values, and peoples perspectives on their achievements and goals. The complexity of this phenomenon is...

Views on Raising Children: Tasks of Parents

Introduction In our family, we have a strong belief that there is nothing more important than raising well-rounded and kind children. My parents and I have our personal views on upbringing which are based on a sense of morality and development of human qualities. The Importance of Proper Upbringing Raising...

The Power of Fear to Limit Freedom

Fear is a feeling which is extremely powerful and therefore can force people to become disoriented and lose control over their lives. Similarly, countries and their governments also tend to embrace fear instead of staying objective and reasonable. In many cases, as a result of the fear, authorities begin to...

Video Games as a Sport: A Topic for Debates

Sport is described as an activity that involves physical movement of the body and engaging it for the purposes of pleasure and physical fitness. Videogames are a sedentary activity that requires only tactile movements, with minimal physical exertion (Kane & Spradley, 2017). Based on that criterion, they cannot be classified...

Heritage and Cultural Sector in the Travel and Tourism Industry

Tourism is one of the most rapidly growing industries that generate billions of dollars and create thousands of job places across the globe. As the world is increasingly globalizing, more people have resources and the desire to travel to other parts of the world. Specifically, tourists want to familiarize themselves...

Parenting in Modern Society: Key Challenges

A family is more than a union of two people who have decided to link their destinies and live together. A family can be compared to a living organism: it is born, matures, “gets sick”, gets old, and so on. This is the life cycle of a family with its...

What Does It Mean to Be “Successful” as an Adult?

More often than not, when people hear the word success, what comes to their minds is a well-paid job, a bigger house, more money, a better car, or even a relationship. However, success has many faces in modern society, as everyone has their own version of success. For some, it...

Major Life Events: Starting College

Throughout life, people experience many events which change their lives positively or negatively. Major life events such as marriage, childbirth, job changes, and others have a significant impact on the quality of a person’s life and activities. It is true that “most people experience a major and potentially traumatic event...

Golf, Its History, Origins, and Development

The origin of the sports discipline, where the stick was used, and the round ball has a comprehensive history. In addition, the game of golf is widely prevalent among various segments of society. This is due to the fact that golf is a favorite way of spending time, a type...

Crow Lake by Mary Lawson

The beginning of every person’s life is in a family. All the person’s values, behavioral patterns, morals and character are formed in families. Family is the greatest support one can have. But at the same time it is in families where people are the most vulnerable. The circumstances under which...

Why Pitbulls Should Not Be Banned?

Introduction A pitbull has been described as a dog whose ancestors were bull and terrier type dogs once used for dog fighting. This paper asserts that pitbulls should not be banned. There are no bad dogs but bad and untrained breeders and owners. It is these uninformed owners who are...

Mindfulness Practicing: Personal Experience

Introduction It goes without saying that mindfulness cannot be regarded as the solution to all problems. However, the practice of mindfulness-based intervention may have a positive impact on stress reduction and improve life quality. This paper describes my personal experience in mindfulness practicing and explains why I consider mindfulness highly...

Fear of the Unknown

It was a chilly weekend winter morning in 2003, and for some reason, I chose to deviate from my routine of a kid on Saturday morning to watch cartoons and instead went outside to play. It was an urban neighborhood that my family lived in at the time, and there...

Spanish Football League

Introduction Spain is one of the countries that have dominated the game of football over the last couple of years. The country has achieved success with its senior and junior national teams. Spain is the current European champions. They also won the 2010 Federation of International Football Association (FIFA) world...

Thoughts That Enable Realistic Prediction of Future

Forecasting is essential to predicting what the future holds; people daily map their plans and consider what steps to take in choosing their future. is essential to predicting what the future holds; people daily map their plans and consider what steps to take in choosing their future. Essentially, forecasting reflects...

Benefits of Good Parent-Child Relationships

Introduction Have you ever asked people about their happiest memories? Think about it for a moment until you feel the smile creeping on your face. From my personal experience, most people start talking about childhood memories; is it the same for you? It should not be considered luck nor a...

Tourism Industry During the Pandemic

Introduction The tourism industry is going through difficult times due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many restrictions within states, closed air traffic between countries, and the economic crisis is the main reason for the decline in the tourism business. For many regions of developed countries and developing countries in general, tourism...

The Secret of Becoming Mentally Strong

The world today changes and develops so fast that we can barely keep up. Although many people do not think about it or even notice it, they are constantly bombarded with tons of all kinds of information their brains have to process. It often takes time and self-analysis to realize...

The Science of Love with Dr. John Gottman

Having a happy and meaningful relationship with other people is something that almost all individuals pursue in their everyday lives. Especially it concerns those who are the closest to us – our partners. However, although everybody wants to be loved and cared for and loved and cared for back, only...

Proximal and Distal Parenting

Proximal parenting implies close body contact and stimulation, while the distal parenting style is characterized by communication through the distant senses – fact-to-face contact and object stimulation (Keller et al., 2009). Regarding proximal parenting, it promotes closeness and warmth while contributing to children’s early development of compliance. At the same...

Personal Reflection on the Sports Industry

Sport is a generally competitive and consensual human activity that aims to utilize, enhance, or improve physical aptitudes through casual or organized involvement to accomplish a purpose. Entertainment may be provided to contestants and, occasionally, to fans during the competition. The theory of cowboysization originates from an American team called...

A Personalized Emotional Action Plan Based on Emotional Intelligence Assessment

According to the latest scores, the subject has significantly improved from the previous scores in all four areas of emotional intelligence (EQ) assessment. The new average emotional score is 91 out of a possible 100. This means that the subject has the strength to capitalize on, based on what she...

Marriage and Family Relationships’ Role in Society

Marriage and family are two closely related concepts in cultures around the globe, and the investigation of their relationship plays a significant role in understanding human affairs. Marriage is a legal agreement between two people to unite their lives and share common responsibilities. After marriage, a family is created as...

Sporting Events and Motives for Attending Them

Introduction Sports are a form of life although there are individuals who regard them as a metaphor for the life of an athlete. Of equal significance are the fans whose participation defines the sports’ presence or absence. Just how would a sport be without fans? Could it even persist? People...

Marriage and Inequalities With Gender

The issue of bridging gender equality has been the center of debate in the 21 century. The role of women in society could no longer be underestimated. In the United States and other nations around the world women have equal opportunities to stand for their rights and engage in a...

Indoor Environment: Role of Family in Early Childhood Development

According to Shonkoff & Meisels, (2000), to promote healthy emotional, social, and behavioral development, a family needs rich and stimulating early childhood environment. Families should be active participants in issues relating to the early childhood environment. Their contributions pertain to selecting, modifying, or maintaining different features of the environment. Various...

Overprotective Parenthood: Analytical Study

Summary Overprotective parenting is one of the common strategies that some people use to offer guidance and support to their children. It involves paying close attention to what a child does at home and school to understand their weaknesses and strengths and offer protection when it is necessary. The study...

The European Tourism Industry

The European tourism industry has grown amazingly in the first few years and it continues to do well even today. One of the tourism companies which has stood the test of time and has continued to improve on its operations day in day out is the TUI. A brief overview...

My Experience With Writing

I always wanted to learn English as a child, and luckily my father got transferred to India from Korea and I got chance to be enrolled in a school where I had to take ESL-English as Second Language Classes. This was the turning point in my life. It seemed like...

Why I Want to Become a Dental Hygienist

Introduction Ever since I was a child, I have dreamed about working in healthcare. There was something very appealing and motivating in helping people overcome their health issues and improving their quality of life. I am convinced that some of my most prominent personality qualities have contributed to the formation...

Cohabitation and Its Advantages Over Marriage

Abstract Cohabitation is a romantic relationship between two people staying together. Compared to married people, cohabiters are not obligated to care for their partners economically and emotionally. Cohabitation is often a lifestyle that precedes marriage or remarriage. It does not operate within traditional legal or social norms that define marriage....

The Nuclear Family: Benefits and Disadvantages

Introduction The nuclear family has been considered a necessary feature of society for an extended period. People assumed having a complete family to provide sufficient care and support for their children. Indeed, there is an opinion that the notion of a typical family is fading away (Luscombe, 2014). Certainly, it...

The Radisson Hotel Group’s Strategy of Reinforcing a Power

At present, the Radisson Hotel Group is rightfully considered one of the most powerful competitors in the hotel hospitality segment. Indeed, the worldwide presence of the hotel, along with the product diversity, accounts for a solid corporate and organizational culture. The primary mission of the company is to become the...

Marriage and Romantic Relationships: US vs. Trinidad & Tobago

Summary Marriage and courtship customs differ among nations around the world depending on social expectations, standards, and norms. Therefore, comparing the traditions and patterns between countries is particularly revealing of important differences (Kassin, Fein, & Markus, 2017). In particular, the US customs and traditions of marriage and courtship have been...

Tourism and Heritage Management

Introduction Over the past century, tourism has been one of the most fast-growing industries and is essential to the visitor economy. Heritage attractions constitute one of the reasons for the increasing popularity of tourism. In general, heritage attractions are points of interest, referring to exhibitions, museums, traditional sites, and other...

My Mother, a Person Who Inspires Others

The role of inspiration in the lives of people is colossal. The right inspiration can push a person to do almost anything, regardless of their socio-economic circumstances, as inspiration allows a person to use all of their potential and resources. At the same time, the lack of inspiration can undermine...

Strategic Foundation for the Sports Ministry

Introduction The sports ministry can be an essential part of church community engagement. Involving parishioners in active pastimes can unite people, create interesting forms of leisure for them, and expand the circle of communication. Today, due to access to social media and other online platforms, the organization of such programs...

Best of Rio de Janeiro: Brazil Tourism

City Description Rio de Janeiro is one of the largest cities in South America located in the southeastern part of Brazil on the Guanabara Bay. This is the second-largest (after São Paulo) city in Brazil, the capital of the state of Rio de Janeiro, and the capital of the country...

Cheating or Infidelity in Relationships

Such phenomena as cheating and infidelity have long existed in various societies where traditions about sexual relations are established. They have different forms – sexual, emotional, and even online (Sternberg & Sternberg, 2020). The fact of infidelity violates promises and agreements between partners and leads to a loss of trust....

A Personal Reflection of Culture and Families in Global Perspective

Family is one of the few things that accompany us through life, regardless of the circumstances. Whatever a person is, whatever happens on his life path, there is always a family. It can be happy and complete or exist only as memories of ancestors, but each of us has relatives....

Emotional Styles: Advantages and Disadvantages of the Emotional Style

Taking into account the classification of emotional styles discussed by Reece and Reece (2017), my typical way of managing emotions is to suppress them. This style is peculiar to people who think that strong emotions are harmful and destructive. Such people prefer to pretend that their emotions do not exist...

My Experience With the Logic Course

In this paper, I will overview my experience with the logic course. I will try to evaluate how it affected me. I will also try to give examples of the positive effect it had on my everyday life. Before I started the course, my idea of logic was pretty uncertain....

The Main Theses of Healthy Relationship

Introduction A healthy relationship refers to a good relation with the people around you whereby there are no instances of quarrel or disagreements over given issues. Not every person in the society knows how to maintain healthy or good relationship with the people around him or her and this is...

Real Madrid and Barcelona Football Clubs History

Introduction Nowadays, football is one of the most famous and beloved sports games in the world. During the last decades, the sport has developed: it became more professional, commercial, and businesslike. Proceeding from this, the concept of success has also changed, and there is a variety of methods used in...

Should Parents Spank Their Children?

Introduction Spanking or striking children as a method to correct bad behavior has been widely used by parents in many cultures as a primary means of discipline. Lately, though, this disciplinary technique has been the subject of criticism among experts who have adopted a philosophy of positive parenting. Corporal punishment...

Effects of Economy on Sports

Sports social phenomenon Sports as a very important social phenomenon is represented at all spheres of modern society, it influences all spheres of human activities. Sports influences national relationships, official life, social position, fashion formation, ethical values, and the way of life of all people. The analysis of sports development...

The Impacts of Divorce on Family Relationships

Abstract The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of divorce and separation on family relationships; however, the researcher will apply qualitative research approach to analyze data and will use semi-structured interviews to obtain the required information from six participants by maintaining high ethical standards. This research will...

Love in Historical and Social Contexts

While speaking about the concept of love, sociologists usually note that love is a product of people’s relationships which also serves as the medium to make these relationships not only easy and pleasant but also productive. Thus, love in the historical and social contexts can be described from the perspective...

Valuation of Southampton Football Club

Introduction Southampton Football Club is a sports team in the United Kingdom that competes in the English Premier League. Being among the most popular teams in the league, an investor is inquiring on whether or not the team is worth acquiring. This means that valuation is supposed to be conducted...

Tourist Application Business Plan

Introduction In the east of the Arabian Peninsula, where the desert meets the Indian Ocean, is the Sultanate of Oman. Its history spans over two millennia. The landscapes of Oman are varied. The spectacular landscape makes Oman different from other Gulf countries. Mystical mountains, amazing caves hiding, sands of the...

Soccer in the US, Its Development and Popularity

Introduction Soccer is one of the most popular sports globally because of the high number of individuals participating. Many countries and other individuals have invested a significant number of resources towards ensuring effectiveness in the sporting sector. Soccer is one of the major sports in which individuals have invested their...

Should College Athletes Be Paid or Not?

College sports are a multibillion-dollar market in the United States. However, participants, who are student-athletes, are not paid. Even though collegiate sports appear to be at the pinnacle of popularity across the country, the status quo has remained constant. This essay seeks to explore the controversial issue of payments in...

The United Kingdom Hospitality Sector’s Challenges

The hospitality sector in the United Kingdom is a varied and broad industry stretching from a personal organization to international corporations. It comprises four major business sectors, including accommodation services, food, and beverage business, recreational and travel, and tourism sector (Bowie et al., 2016). Notably, the UK hospitality industry’s key...

Aspects of Parenting and Gender Roles

Introduction Gender-sensitive parenting is on the current agenda as gender roles and stereotypes are being redefined. If previously gender filling the roles of a boy and a girl was not a question and was an option by default, today, the gender distinctions are unfocused. Parents should pay special attention to...

How a Personal Narrative Limits Your Future by Peek

According to the speech by Andrew Peek How a personal narrative limits your future, it is commonly believed that an idea is something that keeps changing and can be influenced, but the story is a fixed scenario written once. Additionally, it is often thought that the opportunity to create a...

Hyatt Hotels Corp: Strategic Analysis

Hyatt Hotels Corporation, also known as Hyatt Hotels and Resorts, is an American-based multinational hospitality organization. Founded in 1957 in Chicago, IL, it is a well-recognized hospitality property chain with 1175 worldwide locations and over 127,000 employees across 68 countries on all continents. The company operates a wide range of...

Dave Zirin’s “Pre-Game” Essay Analysis

Introduction In the essay, Dave Zirin aims to demonstrate to readers that the changes taking place in sports are a very significant factor in modern politics. This is explained by the fact that it was the image that was important for athletes some time ago rather than the component of...

Analysis of the Human Experience: Description of the Four Perspectives

The first perspective, which is important to discuss while exploring the nuances of the human experience, is art. After all, distinctive cultural and societal perspectives shape whom people grow up to be. Art is not only a crucial tool for experiencing the external world. It is also integral for expressing...

The NBA Global Expansion

American men’s professional basketball league, the National Basketball Association, is one of the most well-known sports leagues in the United States and the whole world. The popularity of the game itself, NBA teams, and signed players is only growing, which in turn explains the Association’s plans for further global expansion....

How to Groom Your Pet Dog: Process Analysis

Abstract Pet grooming is an important process, and it requires absolute devotion. Dogs are bound to get dirty; for this reason, frequent grooming is necessary for their health and general well-being. The process of grooming a dog might vary from one person to another, but the general process consists of...

Dubai`s Tourism Achievements and Their Effect on the Excelling Dubai Economy

Introduction Dubai is one of the seven countries that form the famous united Arabs emirates. Located along the southern coast of the great Persians gulf, Dubai is one of the most popular cities of the United Arabs emirates; its uniqueness and distinction are embedded right from the name with the...

Cheating as the Cause of Divorce

Family life is associated with a variety of unique difficulties that can arise throughout the partnership. As in any dynamic system, there are periods in the family called crisis periods. During them, hidden and unresolved problems escalate, and conflicts or quarrels become more frequent. Many families will struggle to deal...

Intercultural Communication: Interfaith Marriages

Introduction Nowadays rapidly changing the world sets new opportunities and challenges in the field of intercultural communication. One of them is a growing number of interfaith marriages integrating people from different countries, having different cultures and religions. This essay focuses on the analysis of this phenomenon based on the article...

Online Reviews Influence on Travel Industry

Introduction Active development of the newest technologies and their introduction to most of the spheres of human interactions have a direct influence on the evolution of social and economic relations (Audretsch & Welfens 2013; Burns 2015). It is true for all countries regardless of the level of their development and...

Cohabitation vs. Traditional Marriage

Abstract Cohabitation has taken an increasing trend in the young population and many people prefer it for compatibility before marriage. Living together with partners of opposite sex helps reduce financial and other unforeseen exposures because the partners equally contribute to the same while they get the sexual romance. This paper...

Attraction, Love, Relationship Schemas and Stages

Antecedent of attraction Social psychologists argue that there is no one antecedent of attraction but rather that it is caused by numerous factors that include but are not limited to propinquity effect, similarity, reciprocal liking, social exchange, and liking (Aronson, Wilson, Akert, & Sommers, 2016). Similarity or a match between...

Gender-Neutral Upbringing: Reasonable and Possible?

Introduction The new trend of gender-neutral upbringing seems to gain popularity in the modern world focused on the ideas of equality and the balance of opportunities. More and more parents decide to employ this approach in view that the relevant manner of upbringing will help to facilitate their children’s’ integration...

The History of Basketball

It is interesting to know that a Canadian invented the game of basketball. Great games are supposed to originate in Europe, in exotic countries, or perhaps in the great cities of the United States of America. But no one will consider a Canadian as the originator for something that is...

The Experience of Playing the Guitar

The Structure of Intentionality My experience is that in my free time, I play the guitar. I play the songs I like now and try to learn new ones through repetition and practice. I use my hearing, sight, and touch senses as I experience this. The guitar, as a whole...

Dating Trends and Mate Selection

Introduction In the life of human beings, dating and mate selection have been critical aspects that facilitate the marriage institution across different cultures in the world. Men and women of different calibers have embraced the practice to link with a future partner. However, over the decades, the dating and process...

Building a Meaningful Friendship

Undeniably, friendship has an exceptional value in our lives, especially in building meaningful relationships. A meaningful friendship can be characterized as one that is long-lasting, encouraging, frequently described in terms of family, and spans a variety of circumstances (Winkle-Wagner et al., 2019). Therefore, I believe that my friendship has evolved...

Consequences of Divorce of Parents for Children

Introduction A divorce is a widespread phenomenon in modern society, and the community does not condemn people when they decide to end their marriage. However, a divorce is typically considered a negative event because it brings emotional and often financial challenges to all parties. According to the official statistics, the...

The Kinship Concept in Different Cultures

Kinship is a social relationship consisting of relatives from both mother’s and father’s sides. It is commonly accepted that kinship is based on blood and or biology. Yet, this essay claims that the concept of kinship is socially constructed and varies from culture to culture. It constructs its arguments by...

Recommendations for a New Five-Star Resort

Terminal Values One of the most valuable terminal goals that the new five-star resort should adopt is to provide pleasure to the guests. Such entails ensuring the provision of indoor facilities for maximum enjoyment and leisure, such as swimming pools, movie theatres, play areas, social zones, and so on. Secondly,...

Sports and People’s Attitudes Toward It

Sport should be an integral part of a healthy lifestyle for every person. Physical exercises keep athletes fit and strong, develop stress resistance, and have a beneficial impact on appearance. Despite the evident positive aspects of sports, people have diverse attitudes towards systematic physical activity. Sports can be intentionally avoided...

Travel: How Travel Can Enrich Society

“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one’s lifetime.” -Mark Twain Explanation of this quote means Travel...

Benefits of Tribal Tourism

The international practice of tourism has proven that this phenomenon brings a plethora of benefits for both tourists and the places they visit. The scholarly dimension provides enough extent of evidence to discuss the theme from different angles. In particular, the topic of tribal tourism through the lenses of local...

Social Class and Sports Participation

The influence and power one receives as a result of a high position in society have not avoided sports. Even though sports have been thought to transcend social, racial, and gender differences, such thought is quite naïve and void of evidential support. Social class has been closely tied to sports...

Financial Concepts in Sport Finance

All successful sports activities require effective financial management implemented by a competent officer. Like any other business, sports require revenue flow in that there are inflow and outflow of money. The revenue can be from participating in sports activities or signing contracts with other business brands, which requires adequate budgeting....