History of Aztec Music

The Aztec people are originally from the central part of Mexico. They were most known for their political power and the use of the war drums in battle they posed the Mesoamerica in the 15th and 16th centuries (Skidmore & Smith pp 28). Today they are found in the island...

Concept of Natural Legal Crime

Our legal system is set up with the innate goal to protect, as the old adage goes, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. As citizens of this country we put our faith in the system and trust that the laws are based on rationale and justice and exist to...

Deputy Sheriff Profession: Reasons for Choosing

We live in uncertain times. Gone are the days when one could walk the streets any time of the day or night with the confidence that no harm would be put upon your person or belongings. These days, we look at each other with anxiety because of the continuing rise...

Due Process in Criminal and Civil Justice Systems: Equal Importance

It is paramount to note that the availability and application of due process of law are equally important for both criminal justice system and the civil justice system. The reasoning behind this statement is that one of the main principles of this legal requirement is that every individual needs to...

Aging Population: Examining the Impacts of a Growing Elderly Demographic

Introduction Humanity is facing a significant demographic shift as in many countries of the world (the vast majority of them are developed countries) population is aging. Thus, it has been estimated that by 2050 in Japan the number of people in their 70s will have been twice bigger than the...

An essay of 1000 words is approximately 4 pages double-spaced or 2 pages single-spaced. The most common format for all the major citation styles is 12-point Times New Roman, double spaced. This is about 250 words per page. While APA 7, MLA 9, and Chicago also accept fonts like Arial and Calibri, TNR 12 ppt is still preferable.

A 1000-word essay contains 7 to 10 paragraphs on average. The length of a typical academic paragraph is about 100 words. You should include at least four sentences in your paragraph.

A 1000-word essay is quite an extensive piece of academic writing. It is to be planned well. The three distinct parts of such a paper are: introduction, body, and conclusion. Your introduction should include a hook, background information, and a thesis statement. Each of the body paragraphs is to focus on one argument. The conclusion should summarize your arguments.

Typing 1000 words on a keyboard usually takes 20 to 40 minutes, depending on your typing speed. However, if you need to write an academic paper, add time for research, formatting the text, and preparing graphic materials. You’ll need at least 3 hours for 1000 words.

The final number of references that you should include in an essay of 1000 to 1050 words will depend on the assignment’s genre and complexity. For instance, on middle-school level, you’ll have to add 7 references on average. A bachelor-level assignment of 1000 words will require 13 references, while a graduate-level paper should refer to at least 20 sources.

The Global Business Standards Codex

The ideas of the fairtrade in the fresh food industry are actively developing because fairtrade practices are discussed as a new tendency in the market world. Furthermore, fresh food retailers and customers are inclined to associate fairtrade practices with ethical practices. In order to understand how ethical fairtrade practices can...

McDonald’s Company: Business Ethics Case

Advertizing and Manipulation Advertizing can be defined as a non-personal, open form of marketing communication having the primary purpose to draw public attention to particular goods, services or ideas. Advertizing can use various mass media to communicate its message. The initial goal of advertizing is to reach the target consumer,...

Agonistan’s Constitutional Changes: Ensuring Sovereign Rights

The rhetoric of every Agonistan’s party contains the implications of popular sovereignty. Thus, the Majoritarians suggest that the equal rights of all the nations are recognized. Although they suggest that their guarantee is to be provided with the help of a strong national executive. Meanwhile, this party does not mention...

Effectiveness of Vapocoolants for Pain Relief

Introduction Vapocoolants are often used by healthcare practitioners in order to reduce pain in patients while performing such procedures as venipuncture and intravenous (IV) cannulation. These procedures can cause some discomfort, and the use of vapocoolants can potentially lead to reducing negative experiences of patients. However, the problem is in...

“The Lottery” by Jackson and “The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas” by Le Guin

Introduction: Dystopian Stories by Jackson and Le Guin The short stories, which represent a genre of utopian fiction, give the reader an opportunity to immerse himself/herself in the study of societies based on totalitarian principles and concealing controlled regimes behind the visible general happiness. Therefore, two stories, namely “The Lottery”...

Popular Research Paper Topics

FDA’s Role in Regulating Medical Devices: Safety and Standards Explained

Among the existing variety of regulatory agencies and accrediting bodies, the role of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) remains integral and indispensable. Healthcare organizations, nurses, and even patients may address it for help and evaluation. The medical marketplace continues developing, and the task of the FDA is to obtain...

What Is a Philosophy of Nursing?

Introduction As a nurse, I believe since the time of Florence Nightingale, the goal of nursing has always remained the same, namely to provide a safe and caring environment that promotes patient health and well-being (Selanders & Crane, 2012). This goal forms the foundation of the nursing philosophy. In other...

The Spanish Explorers in the New World

Introduction The discovery of America by Columbus and the subsequent conquest of the West-Indian Islands, Mexico, Peru, and other parts of the New World presented great political, juridical, moral, and religious problems for the Spanish monarchy. The Spanish explorers had a great impact on the New World and its further...

The Pursuit of Happyness by Gabriele Muccino Review

The Pursuit of Happyness is a 2006 American biographical film directed by Gabriele Muccino. It is a classic rags-to-riches story that is based on the true life story of Christopher Gardner, a self-made millionaire who rose from poverty and homelessness to achieve great success in life. Gardner catapulted himself from...

“Happy Endings” by Margaret Atwood

The short story Happy Endings written by Margaret Atwood is considered to be a selection of possible human relationships experienced between loving people. Margaret Atwood managed to create a story in which the readers are the mover of the plot. John and Mary, the protagonists of the tale, experience various...

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest: Book and Film Compared

Introduction One flew over the cuckoo’s nest is a novel that was written in 1965 and adapted into stage plays and even a movie in the 1971. Both the movie and novel are set in Oregon State in a mental hospital. This setting reveals the working of the hospital and...

A Comparison of “Hamlet” by Shakespeare and “Wuthering Heights” by Bronte

Literature has a way of continuing to explore many of the same themes that seem to plague mankind throughout history. One of the common themes that continues to appear throughout much of earlier literature is a representation of women as nearly hysterical creatures that needed the guiding and calming hand...

United States Economy Following September 11th

Introduction The terrorist attacks of Sept. 11 on the World Trade Centers in New York destroyed lives and property, increased government spending at a time when the country could ill afford the excessive expenditures, and squelched corporate and consumer confidence which further slowed the economy and hindered the recovery efforts....

Luxury Products and Normal Goods

Introduction Marketing communication, with respect to the marketing mix, is one of the pillars of product and service promotion. In its simplest terms, it refers to making decisions on the most appropriate ways to communicate with consumers in a bid to foster product awareness, knowledge with respect to distinct features,...

PeopleSoft Software and HR.net Enterprise Software

Thesis Statement The Discussion on this paper generally focuses on Oracle’s PeopleSoft software and HR.net Enterprise HRIS software and all aspects that revolve around the two. Introduction The Human Resource Information System (HRIS) can be defined as an online solution meant to cater for the data entry, tracking, as well...

The Mayflower Voyage Analysis

The decision to depart on a dangerous voyage to the new land with the Pilgrims was not an easy one for me, Mrs. Hopkins since I was pregnant at the time of the trip. In order be ready for a journey that would last for over sixty days, I had...

Community Health: Disaster Recovery Plan

Healthy People 2020 Goals Boosting lifespans and quality of life Eliminating health disparities between groups Ensuring healthy physical and social environments Supporting health across life stages First two goals are plan priorities Note: Healthy People 2020 is a government initiative aimed at improving health for all groups. Its objectives are...

Functionalism: Crime and Deviance in Society

The utopian vision of a peaceful world, in which all of the wars would end and violence vanish, has never been realised in practice. Some argue that it is due to contemporary economic and political approaches that prevent people prosperity and promote unethical conduct. Others believe that it is the...

Drone Warfare: Speaker’s Notes

The large-scale investments and intensive research on autonomous and remotely-controlled weapons affirm the revolutionary impacts of drones as cheap and highly effective systems for conducting modern warfare. Currently, almost all conventional militaries worldwide, guerrilla groups, and even drug traffickers operate drones that range from rudimentary systems to highly advanced surveillance...

Cai Guo-Qiang’s Artistic Decisions

The value of art in human life cannot be measured. Through art, people may explore the history of human progress and societal issues and interests. Individuals can evolve spiritually, become more robust, and achieve balance and harmony in their spiritual needs via the practice of art. Art helps express thoughts...

Eliminating Non-Verbal Communication Challenges Across Cultures

Introduction In the current age of rapid urbanization and global connectivity, the English language has grown so fast, crossing international borders and eventually becoming universal. From the time the language received official recognition, its roots have inevitably spread deeper into diverse cultural settings. The need for intercultural competence and increased...

Big Data in the Healthcare Sector: Pros and Cons

Big data analytics has proved very useful in healthcare industries, offering high-quality and effective medical care in disease prevention, predicting treatment outcomes, reducing medical errors, and improving all aspects of healthcare. However, some shortcomings and challenges remain that prevent healthcare providers from applying big data technologies in their healthcare delivery...

Children’s Hardships in Modern Society

Children face many issues in the contemporary age, affecting their development and prospects in life. These challenges are manifested in many spheres and are influenced by many factors. Due to the number of conflicts around the globe, the issue of international adoption gets a lot of attention, as well as...

Risk Assessment for the Automobile Industry: Lessons from 2011 Japan Tsunami

Introduction Hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, and wars are emergencies that are beyond people’s control. However, they significantly affect all spheres of human life, causing damage and other negative consequences. The 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan was a prominent disaster that shocked the entire world. In particular, the automobile industry experienced...

Literature: the Play “Macbeth” by William Shakespeare

The art of drama was very popular in Elizabethan England. Among the great number of theaters, the Shakespearean Globe was one of the most famous. It was just a simple wooden building where the audience was sitting close to the stage, that gave Shakespeare the opportunity to use “asides and...

Addressing Minority Health Issues in South Africa: Key Challenges and Solutions

Introduction The identification of the main points of health-related concern is essential for planning an intervention strategy and identifying the risk groups that should be primarily reached (Skolnik, 2012). The paper at hand targets to provide an overview of the burden of the most concerning diseases such as TB, HIV,...

Physical Exercises as Obesity Treatment

Introduction Obesity is a chronic, recurring disease, and the prevalence rate of obesity in both economically developed countries and developing countries is comparable to the epidemic. The development of obesity is based on the fact of a prolonged, positive energy balance, which occurs when food is consumed in quantities exceeding...

Individual Assessment Characteristics: FIRO-B Assessment and Recommendations for Future Therapy

Personal history and experiences gained throughout childhood and adolescence can significantly influence one’s personality, behaviors, and tendencies in developing relationships with other people. This paper analyzes the client’s results of the FIRO-B assessment instrument and links the findings to the events that occurred throughout her life until today. Death of...

American Modern Social Problem

Introduction The U.S. is the 3rd largest nation in the world next to Russia and Canada. The total population of the United States is approximately to be 294 million people. The United States has a number of both publicly and privately financed insurance plan whose purpose is the provision of...

Women: Gender Inequality and Discrimination

Introduction The debate of gender inequality, discrimination, and bias has been going on for a long time and men and women alike have contributed to the sensitive issue with the latter contributing significantly to the subject. The main theme in all discussions, researches, seminars, writings, and interviews related to gender...

Project Creation, Various Aspects

Outline In this article the various aspects of project like project definition, characteristics, project management definition, project life cycle, problems in managing a project are covered and its PowerPoint presentation is made. Introduction Today we see different types of project and it has a wider meaning. Construction of a house...

High and Low Context Culture in Business

Introduction Different cultures can be classified along a continuum with two conceptual extremes. These extremes are high and low-context cultures. “High context” and “Low context” are the terms that were popularized by Hall (1976) and they are employed to describe the wide cultural differences among the societies of people. In...

“The Unexpected Value of the Liberal Arts” by Anders

Liberal arts are a wide range of disciplines that attract millions of students worldwide. Despite being a popular choice for students each year, many people regard the area as unnecessary, useless, and low-paying. George Anders wrote an article titled “The Unexpected Value of the Liberal Arts” that attempts to eliminate...

Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily” & “The Yellow Wall-Paper” by Perkins-Gillman

Introduction The short horror stories “A Rose for Emily” and “The Yellow Wall-Paper” have similar and different features, which are manifested through the authors’ use of the elements of gothic literature. “A Rose for Emily” is a short story by William Faulkner that was first published in 1930. The story...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Application of Statistics in Healthcare

Introduction In healthcare, statistics have a critical application because they help healthcare professionals to make evidence-based decisions, improve care delivery, enhance patient outcomes, and advance hospitals’ quality. Oster and Enders (2018) recommend that healthcare providers have statistical competence to boost their capacity to consume research findings and translate them into...

Discussion of Hostage Negotiations

Introduction Hostage negotiation acts as a technique utilized by law enforcement officers to communicate with individuals who threaten violence. The negotiation helps in resolving the existing conflict for hostages to be safely released. Law enforcement officers obtain the proper training to learn how to handle hostage incidents. The continued occurrence...

“The Myth of Redemptive Violence” by Walter Wink

The world is full of cruelty, and the issue of violence’s origins occupies many minds. Trying to explain the reasons for the prevalence of the problem, professor of Biblical Interpretation Walter Wink introduced the concept of the myth of redemptive violence in his works. Wink discusses how the theme of...

An Analysis of Updike’s “A&P” From a Feminist Perspective

“A&P” is a short story written by John Updike in 1961. It narrates one episode from the life of the “A&P” grocery store. Sammy, a 19-year-old cashier clerk, notices three girls who enter the store wearing “nothing but bathing suits” (Updike 140). The girls walk along the aisles, drawing other...

The 30 for 30 Lance Documentary Reflection

Numerous feature films and documentaries were made about the fate of the world-famous cyclist Lance Armstrong. The film 30 for 30 Lance makes yet another attempt to uncover the fate of the famous athlete, bringing fans of world sports and ordinary people to understand this not-simple doping story. The main...

Sounds of Life: The Role of Music

Music is one of the most influential aspects of life in society. I am yet to come across an individual who does not like music at all. Different people listen to different genres of music; a scenario that shows how different we are (Diserens 1939, pp.6). The types of music...

Exploring Key Philosophical Questions in “The Power of Ideas” Book

The view of Heraclitus regarding the nature of reality Being a well known Greek philosopher, Heraclitus tried to explain the character of things and the nature of the world. He was sure that fire was the main element that served as the basis for all things in the universe. Due...

Principal Librarian’s Job Interview Questions

The position of Principal Librarian requires providing direction to and interaction with all levels of library management and staff. Describe a time when you were most successful communicating with varying levels of personnel. In your response, please include your employer, job title, and levels of personnel. In 2009, I worked...

African American Studies: Political Socialization

Introduction Political socialization is a lifetime process whereby people develop political beliefs and opinions that ultimately shape their behavior and approach towards all issues of politics. Essentially, Gordon and Gordon (2015) refer to political socialization as a dual process because a person first forms his or her political ideas and...

Election Ethics: Voting vs. Maintaining Neutrality

Decision In the Election Day Scenario, I believe that I ought to go to the polls and vote for Superior to be elected President. First of all, voting is the right that each citizen has or should possess. By choosing to vote, one can fulfill one civic duty of participating...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Angela Bourke and Irish Oral Tradition

It is a rather specific matter when one has to write about the peculiarities of the culture of a certain nation because not always people are acquainted with the national customs and traditions. It becomes even more complicated when the cultural peculiarities are to be studied with the help of...

West Virginia Politics in 1999-2009

West Virginia is a unique state of America. Its history and its creation are closely related to the most significant events of the American nation. Established during the Civil War, it became one of the first states with particular attention toward American values. Furthermore, the state is versatile in the...

Theory of the Self-Expression

Internalized Conversation Mead George Herbart, a theorist in his book Mind Self and Society describes the communication system as a cycle of gestures or significant symbols which culminate into communication involving more than one individual. A gesture is made by the first party and it attracts a response from the...

Increasing Tuition Fees in the UK Higher Education

Introduction Different countries deal with the issue of higher education funding differently, through either private or public sector financing. According to Murphy et al. (2017), in the UK, full-time domestic students could attend public higher education institutions free of charge until the end of the 20th century. Later on, tuitions...

The History of Enterprise Architecture and Their Specific

Enterprise Resource Planning refers to an approach or process implemented with a prime objective of merging all the departments and business functions within an organization into a single integrated computer system that meets the information units of every business unit within the organization (Alexis, 2007). The outcome of Enterprise Architecture...

Asian Currencies Sink in 1997

Economic activities are internationally integrated at present to an exceptional degree. Alteration in one country’s economy can be swiftly transmitted to its business partners. The rise and fall of economic activities are replicated almost instantly on fluctuations in exchange values. As a result, multinational corporations having incorporated cross-border productions and...

Delia’s Tenacity in the Short Story “Sweat” by Hurston

“The woman was made of a rib out of the side of Adam; not made out of his head to rule over him, nor out of his feet to be trampled upon by him, but out of his side to be equal with him ” (Matthew Henry’s Commentary: Verses 21–25)....

The Metro West Refined Project in Sydney

Procurement The project has developed a detailed suggested delivery strategy. It recognizes the possibility of public-private partnerships separating parts of the project. Continuous refinement of the final delivery strategic approach is vital. Timeframe Besides the project’s commencing its statutory planning progression in late 2019, its first commencement timeframe will depend...

Homo Floresiensis: Distinctive Features And Ancestry

General Description of Homo Floresiensis Homo Floresiensis is a primitive hominine species that has become an object of active scientific debates. H. Floresiensis was discovered in 2003 in Lang Bua (Indonesia) in the Late Pleistocene sediments (Sutikna et al., 2016). For a long time, the scientists have been discussing the...

DNR Orders and Ethics in Medical Decision-Making

Introduction It is important to note that DNR orders are critical decisions made by patients and their relatives. There are many potential reasons why DNR orders are requested, which might involve an incurable condition or worsened quality of life post-resuscitation. The demonstrated case is unique because the cause of respiratory...

Researching the Interactions between Climate Change and Plankton Communities

Summary Understanding how climate change will affect the planet is a key issue worldwide. How has climate change affected our ecosystems and biodiversity? This paper is aimed at examining the interactions between climate change and plankton communities, focusing on the abundance, distribution, and structure of the species. Are plankton communities...

Natural Gas Substitution in the United States

Introduction The United States, like all nations, has been heavily dependent on fossil fuels such as coal and oil since the industrial revolution, and as the global population keeps growing, consumption continues to increase. The current rate of consumption of fossil fuels can eventually lead to the depletion of resources....

Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Bodies, Therapies, Senses

Define CAM Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is a term that describes a wide range of healthcare practices and products that are not generally considered part of conventional medicine (Barcan, 2020). These practices include herbs, dietary supplements, energy healing, massage, yoga, acupuncture, and homeopathy. CAM prevents and treats illness, improves...

Financial Analysis of Verizon Communications Inc.: Key Insights and Trends

Introduction Branded as “Verizon”, Verizon Communications Corporation is an American company that specializes in providing broadband and telecommunication services. The company trades its stock on the NYSE but the incorporation was done in Delaware (Verizon, 2014). Summary of operations The company employs more than 176,000 people and obtains revenue exceeding...

UK Employment Law: Dismissal of Workers Explained

Introduction Employment laws help to ensure that working conditions are safe and fair for the employees; moreover, they can help to prevent and mediate the potential conflicts between an employer and employees. One of the key legal aspects of the employment law in the United Kingdom is the dismissal of...

Walmart Company’s Employment Practices

Employment practice The topic for the research is Wal-Mart’s employment practice, so the major focus of the paper will be made on it. To provide a good analysis of the topic it is important to limit it to a specific area. It is suggested that the employment practices in Wal-Mart...

Standard English: Privilege or Discimination?

Introduction The debate concerning the use of a standard form of English has been a heated one for several decades, especially amongst linguistic and partly the general public. One of the most central issues characterizing the debate is the use of Standard English in education and more specifically whether it...

Global Health Conceptual Framework: Challenges and Innovations

Introduction By definition, health is defined as the absence of illness or injury, but the World Health Organization and many medical professionals and theories suggest that health is a state of complete “physical, mental, and social well-being” (Huber et al., 2011). The modern health continuum has evolved to provide a...

International Trades Simulation Analysis

Introduction International trade is the exchanging of goods and services among different countries. The stimulation will help identify the reasons of international trade and know the countries that are the best for me to trade with. In this simulation i will consider a very large country in terms of level...

Metro Sexuality: Term Definition

Recently, there have been a growing number of buzz words that use the ‘metro’ prefix. For example, Metro sexuality, which is the term for heterosexual men having a strong concern for their appearance, is a term that is now quite common, widespread and ordinary. Similar to this, a rather new...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Monetary Theory and Policy. Money in the Utility Function

Introduction Money is the issue of the economy, due to the political and social, and other factors affecting different aspects of life and household. Money is an asset, making positive or negative or some other functional effect. Goods, demands, propositions are constantly dependent on the money supply. And the money...

The Purist Avant-Garde and the Radical Avant-Garde Art Movements

Following Charles Jencks, avant-garde art of the 20th century can be divided into two main trends: the Purist avant-garde and the Radical avant-garde. Each of these trends is marked by the unique perception of reality and the world around us. Both trends of avant-garde art move away from mass art...

The Developmental Tasks of Early Childhood

Introduction When children reach the age of two, they are no longer toddlers but in their early childhood years. These years run through to the age of six. This age bracket involves growth in their body size and in their mental capacity. These children quickly grow and lose their toddler...

Elements of the Ballad in Daemon Lover by E. Bowen

Introduction The Demon Lover by Elizabeth Bowen is an extremely fascinating story about a woman that encounters her past and loses her mind. The events in the story take place around 1941 during World War II. The story presents London after the Blitz, the bombardment that took place over the...

The Aspect of Educational Blogs

Introduction Using blogging as a way of conveying message or presenting opinions and facts has grown to become very popular in education sector. Many institutions have embraced these means, including at the public schools and tertiary colleges. Blogs can be very beneficial when we want to share important information and...

MT302M6 Competency Assessment

The company under consideration, ROBoInc., experiences specific difficulties resulting from the improper organizational structure and culture. Due to their intention to expand the scope of business activity and the existing issues, global market penetration would be possible only in the case if the CEO solves all of the problems. Therefore,...

Isolation Precautions and Personal Protective Equipment

Abstract Isolation precautions and personal protective equipment are the two most common methods of infection control in most hospital settings. This literature review analyzes the data from 5 qualitative and quantitative articles, each dedicated to a particular part of the PICOT: effectiveness of IP and PPE in reducing HAI in...

Goujian, the Ruler of the Yue Kingdom in Ancient China

The Chinese civilization is one of the oldest in the world. According to some Chinese scientists, its age may be about five thousand years. Ancient China is known for its unique culture, which in many respects has not changed much even now. Many things of everyday life, such as paper...

The Korean Wave: Transnationality and Hybridity

Korean popular culture has infiltrated the global arena of entertainment. Millions of fans worldwide have an obsession with Korean media, including TV programs (K-dramas), films, and music (K-pop). Korea has managed to leap forward far beyond the expectations some might have had for a small East Asian nation. As of...

The Lisu People’s Beliefs Concerning Mission Work

Introduction This essay will explore the similarities and differences between Christianity and the religion of the Lisu people, a small ethnic group from China. Animism and ancestor worship are the cornerstones of the Lisu people’s distinctive belief system, accentuating the existence of spirits and immortality (Liu, 2019). Contrarily, Christianity is...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Individual Power in Ibsen’s A Doll’s House

“Behind every great fortune lies a great crime.” This line from Honore de Balzac relates to the main conflict in Ibsen’s play “A Doll’s House” which is the struggle for individual agency in a conformist society. The protagonists in this play, which is set in late 19th-century Norway, struggle with...

Fort Matanzas National Monument in Architecture

Fort Matanzas is a national monument located at St. Augustine, Florida. Initially, the Spanish built the fort to protect this historic city (Fort Matanzas National Monument – St. Augustine, Florida). Since 1740, the fort has been a guard for this historic city. Although it was built for protection from the...

IKEA: SWOT, McKinsey 7S, Porter’s Diamond Analyses

SWOT Analysis Strengths Ikea is a business leader in terms of sales of products and services within the UK market and across Europe, which translates into a strong and stable market presence for its furniture and home appliances. Ikea offers very attractive customer care, discounts, and price-friendly products and services...

The Nature of Personality

Two Opinions on the Nature of Personality We often hear that people possess different personalities, but the meaning of this word is not the same when it is used by a common person compared to a professional psychologist. Trying to couch the notion of personality in the right form, many...

Understanding Executive Function: Key Cognitive Skills

The definition of the “executive function” Executive function is the theorized cognitive function in psychology that is in charge of and deal with the cognitive processes (Lux, 2007). The cognitive functions are normally being performed by the frontal and the prefrontal lobe of the brain. Moreover the executive function involves...

Louisiana Purchase: Historical Review

“Louisiana, which translates to La Celina Mario in French, was the name of an administrative district of New France. Under French control from the 17th century to the 18th century, the area was named in honor of Louis XIV of France by French explorer René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de la Salle....

Study Skill of Time Management

Introduction Time management is very important in everyone’s life. One must know how to manage time. Time is precious; so it must be used effectively and one must be time conscious. Delegation is essential when time management is conducted, then only efficiency and productivity of an organization can be attained....

Groups and Teams Diversity: Comparison

Introduction A group consists of two or more people who interact frequently to achieve a general purpose or goal. Some of the common organizational groups are functional groups, task teams, informal and interest groups (Griffin, 2006). A team is made up of a group of workers that function as a...

Use of Anonymous Sources in Journalism: Positive and Negative Outcomes

Introduction A journalist that wants their story to be believed uses at least two named sources in a story. Using just one source that is unknown to the reader, and sometimes the reporter, for the sake of sensationalism and competition is, unfortunately, becoming a common practice. Others, including responsible journalists,...

The Psychology of Consciousness

Conscious Definition Conscious is a word that has been adapted from the Latin word conscius which is translated to mean self-knowledge. Consciousness can be said to be a state of alertness and awareness. A conscious person will be one that is at a wakeful state and one that is able...

Computers: Macs Vs PCs

Introduction This research paper aims to describe Macs and PCs. The paper will make familiarize the reader with Macs and PCs through examples. Apart from this research paper includes comparison and contrasting of both Macs and PCs. By example There are lots to consider in mind while thinking about Mac...

Building Materials Overview and Analysis

Introduction Building materials can be defined in relation to their use in construction activities. This means that it is a material that is used to enhance construction. It should be known that there are various forms of building materials that can be termed as natural occurring substances. This therefore implies...

“Nurses’ Knowledge about Palliative Care”: Article Critique

Background and Significance The authors used the introduction to contextualize the problem using published research, stating the importance of palliative care and its need by the aging population. They discuss how the increase of chronic non-communicable disease and increased population aging leads to the global need for palliative care. Overall,...

Analysis of Municipality of Lubao

When you think of something to see in the Philippines, the first things coming to mind are likely Manila, the beaches of El Nido, or Mayon volcano. But what if I tell you there is a place just as deserving of your attention, and a mere two-hour drive from the...

Reasons Why the RMS Titanic Sank

Introduction Before 1982, passenger steamships were the sole way for travelers and mail to travel between Europe and North America. The Cunard Steamship Company’s Lusitania and Mauritania were the fastest and largest, with a gross weight of 31000 tons and a top speed of 26 knots (Felkins et al., 1998)....

British Airways: Corporate Social Responsibility

British Airways is an international aviation company that offers both passenger and cargo transport services. The company has its headquarters located in London, England, at Heathrow Airport. It is the second largest airline in the UK based on the size of its fleet. Since the beginning of its operation, the...

The Issue of Racial Equality in Healthcare

Introduction What comes to your mind when you hear the word racism? It is often associated with racial minorities being oppressed on the streets by police workers or in the media by politics. However, racial inequality is one of the most critical issues in the world today and it has...

Mesopotamian and Modern American Contracts on Marriage, Divorce, and Adoption

Introduction In every period of human development, specific juridical structures and laws formed how people live and perceive each other. One of the most essential parts of these rules is how people should interact in society. This essay will explore such aspects as marriage, divorce, and adoption in the contracts...

Human Resources Management in Projects

Introduction Human resources management is required to ensure that resources are well managed in a project; project management is the process through which projects are initiated, implemented, managed, and controlled for a successful project goals and objectives attainment; the process has a time and costs framework that it must meet....

The Killers: Short Story Genre of Earnest Hemingway

The literary style of Earnest Hemingway, Nobel laureate in 1954, is direct, terse, and often monotonous, yet suited to elemental subject matters. His fiction and short stories usually focus on people living essential, dangerous lives, controlling the pain and difficulty of their existence, with stoic courage. Hemingway’s characters plainly embody...

Professional Association Membership

The creation and membership in professional organizations is a common practice in various fields as they contribute to the development of the skills of participants and the system of their work in general. However, nursing associations are especially important and necessary because people’s life depends on constant communication and obtaining...

The Drug Abuse in the U.S. Navy: The Problem Analysis

Introduction The purpose of this report is to capture drug abuse in the U.S. Navy and to analyze some of the measures that the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) has put in place to control the problem. The report presents a critical analysis of drug abuse in the U.S. Navy...

Arterial Dysfunction: The Nursing Practice

Introduction The problem of arterial dysfunction was analyzed by a great number of researchers that tried to introduce discussion of the issues relevant to the treatment, care, and importance of the nursing practice. The current paper suggests a literature review on the topic of arterial dysfunction and health care with...

Heroin Distribution and Its Use Within the United States

In the past two decades, the United States has been facing an escalation in abuse of opioids, primarily heroin. According to Congressional Research Service, in 2016, approximately 0.4% of the U.S. population older than 12 years old reported having used heroin in the past year (2). Besides, the majority of...

Role of Leadership Style in Organizational Change

The urge for a consumer-driven economy has recently been rising as many companies striving to achieve it. Due to globalization and increased competition rates, the market has transformed rapidly, and most organizations have continuously altered their operations to adapt. Subsequently, change management has become an essential aspect of firms today....

AI in Customer Service: Argument Flaws

Flaws in arguments can be a problem that affects the credibility and validity of individual studies and authors’ assessments due to erroneous or partially incorrect judgments caused by the misinterpretation of the existing rationale or subjective arguments. As an article for evaluation, the study by Prentice and Nguyen (2020) will...

Perfect Outdoor Music Venue After Covid-19

Smaller Scale Even though technologies allow people to enjoy their favorite songs via smartphones or computers, live concerts are still very popular. Moreover, after spending months at home during quarantine, many people are even more eager to spend time outdoors. However, Covid-19 put a halt to many large-scale concerts and...

VITAS Healthcare: Program Evaluation Proposal

Introduction VITAS Healthcare is a hospice care agency that began in 1798 in Florida, US. The name VITAS was adopted from the Latin word vitas, which stands for life-giving. The organization preserves patients’ dignity and provides end-of-life care to terminally ill patients (VITAS Healthcare, n.d. a). It offers spiritual, mental,...

Kafka’s “The Metamorphosis” With the Consideration of His Personal Experiences

Introduction Returning to the completed writing and considering its primary characteristics is necessary for creating a comprehensive understanding of the work. My chosen novel, The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka, is an intriguing piece that regards the subjects of surreality, human alienation, and betrayal within the story of Gregor Samsa. The...

John Heilpern’s Journalism Techniques: Innovations and Influence

In the frames of the current journalistic trends, the participative approach to writing prevails, allowing authors to express their personal attitude to the events. Willis (2003) noted that “What you give up in terms of arms-length objectivity, you more than gain in terms of understanding and empathy” (p. 21). The...

Language Development from Psychological Perspective

How can the study of aphasia patients advance our knowledge of language processing and language development? According to Fromkin, Rodman, and Hyams (2011), aphasia is “the neurological term for any language disorder that results from brain damage caused by disease or trauma” (p. 6). People with aphasia rarely experience total...

Frida Kahlo’s Self-Portrait: A Profound Tribute to Dr. Eloesser

Introduction Frida Kahlo is among the most well-known self-portrait artists. As it is clear from the most prominent of her works, she uses her own image to express moods and various stages of life in a masterly fashion. Self-portrait dedicated to Dr. Eloesser that appeared in 1940 is an important...

Professional Development of Nurses

The Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) report has become a document that offers the most comprehensive range of recommendations and changes for improving and transforming healthcare. Its main points are aimed at reforming the education and practice of nurses since they are the most numerical in medicine and have the broadest...

Gregory Jerralds on Increasing Self’s Profitability

Article “Increase Profitability by Boosting Your Investment in Continuous Improvement” by Gregory Jerralds is devoted to the importance of employee development. Jerralds has over 20 years of experience in leadership and he argues that increasing employee spending is the most effective strategy to reduce operating costs. Despite the personal tone...

Development of Harpsichord and Piano

Harpsichords are keyboard instruments with strings played by plucking mechanisms whereas pianos are keyboard instruments whose sounds are produced when struck by hummers controlled by the keyboard. Over the years, the refinement of the instruments has involved many technologies for instance; the making of strings, hammers, plucking mechanisms, action wires,...

The Fall of The Roman Empire: The Main Reasons

The Roman Empire is variably described as one of the most powerful empire the world had ever seen and was characterized by a republican form of Government and existed across Europe and spread all over the Mediterranean. The Roman Empire in many ways describes the Roman states starting with Emperor...

Importance of Respect in the Army: Code of Ethics

Introduction Soldiers are required to follow established codes of ethics, core values, and philosophies that can make it easier for them to achieve their aims. Commanders and other professionals in leadership positions should have their orders and guidelines followed or taken seriously. The existence of various requirements and conditions is...

Speech about COVID-19: Data and Statistics

Do you believe in today’s medicine, its possibilities, and treatment potentials? Doctors help us to stay healthy for long, in such a way, giving us the opportunity to lead our daily life without worries. We all know that modern medicine is the fruit of research lasting for centuries, multiple attempts,...

Organisms of the Silurian and Devonian Periods

The Silurian period lasted from 443 to 417 million years ago. When the ice finally melted, ocean levels rose and the sea flooded vast areas of land, resulting in a milder climate. The Devonian Period (417 – 354 million years ago) was the time of the greatest cataclysms on the...

Mass Rapes Committed by the Soviet Army in the Axis Countries

Wieden, A. (2016). Writing resistance: Anonyma’s narration of rape in A woman in Berlin. Women in German Yearbook, 32, 25-49. Web. This publication is an autobiography that gives firsthand accounts of World War II German rape victims. Anonyma, the narrator, recounts her rape experiences when men were helpless witnesses of the...

Comparing Literature and Film: Rapunzel and Tangled

Introduction It is a common practice for moviemakers to adapt a well-known story, fairy tale, or novel for their films. In the case of Tangled, it is based on a popular fairy tale. Tangled (2010) is an animated musical directed by Nathan Greno and Byron Howard and produced by Walt...

The Effects of Air Pollution

Air Pollution Air is an essential component for the survival of all living creatures. When harmful substances are introduced into the atmosphere they affect human beings, other living organisms, the climate, and materials on the surface of the earth. The atmosphere is majorly comprised of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and...

English Proficiency: The Key for Success in Business World

The economic and cultural influence of the United States and the remnants of British colonialism resulted in English becoming the global language it is today. Scholars and researchers around the world have coined various terms for the phenomena, including Ahulu’s “General English” and Brutt-Griffler’s “World English” (Rao, 2019). It is...

Cultural Influences on Police Decision-Making

Introduction Culture remains myriad and vital to the events within the criminal courts, hence a need to evaluate its influence on police brutality and arrests effectively. Each institution has its unique culture that influences individual thoughts and behavior. Police culture also needs to be understood by identifying what influences them...

City Life vs Country Life: Essay on Similarities and Differences

City Life vs Country Life Essay: Introduction Living on a farm has been described by many people as the best experience one may have. Some say it is cheap and healthy, while others claim that people brought up on farms have good family values. Yet, people like comparing farm life...

“Introducing Cultural Studies” by B. Longhurs

The space surrounding people, in every diversified meaning of the word “space”, can be considered topographically non-uniformed. There are rises, overcoming which demands exponentially increasing efforts. Along with these rises each following step demands greater expenses – forces, time, energy, mind or simply material resources. During any moment of such...

Adapting Organizations to Today’s Markets

Today’s markets experience an accelerated pace of change which has brought about a shift in the nature of business organizations. Most firms have shunned the old hierarchical model, with its clean functional divisions and clear lines of authority, and adopted flatter, less bureaucratic structures. They encourage the concept of flexibility...

“Glass Ceiling” in the Theory of Gender Studies

‘Glass Ceiling’ Despite the progressive erasure of gender roles, stereotypes, and discrimination in society, there is a ‘glass ceiling’ phenomenon in social life. The term ‘glass ceiling’ in the theory of gender studies was introduced in the early 1980s (Niemi 80). It describes an invisible and formally unmarked barrier that...

Mrs. Mallard in “The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin

Introduction The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin features Mrs. Mallard as the main protagonist. It revolves around her inner character, which tends towards preservation. She is portrayed as a woman suffering intensely due to her internal thoughts. Her true personality is one of independence and intelligence. Her independence...

Living Things and Their Main Characteristics

Introduction Ever since biochemical evolutionary processes caused the origin of life on Earth several billion years ago, the drivers of natural selection, heredity, and variability have resulted in a wide range of biodiversity. This diversity is the foundation for questions about what determines the properties of living matter in the...

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