Introduction The day-to-day affairs of a corporation depend highly on various people. It is important to note that a corporation has an influence on all these people, either directly or indirectly. However, each category of stakeholders in any corporation has diverse needs and expectations of the corporation. It is human...
Topic: General Motors
Words: 1383
Pages: 5
Introduction Elementary students at the Racine Unified School district are required to sit for the Wisconsin knowledge and concept exam (WKCE). Most students actually fail to complete or take the constructed section of the reading and math exam. The constructed sections weigh up to 20 percent of the exam in...
Topic: School
Words: 1365
Pages: 5
The Problem of Global Warming General Purpose To persuade. Specific Purpose By the end of my speech, the audience will believe that it is necessary for everyone to contribute to preventing global warming and to take action in the form of a series of easy steps to address the problem....
Topic: Climate Change
Words: 1110
Pages: 5
Abstract By the end of my speech, the audience will be better informed about the drug use problem in the United States as well as about health and life risks associated with the use of heroin. Drug use is a globally important social problem that needs detailed discussion because increased...
Topic: Addiction
Words: 1199
Pages: 5
Case Study Dara Cris, a sixty-three-year-old European American woman, came into the emergency room accompanied by her son. She complained of uncontrollable shaking. Tremors in her right hand made routine activities, such as dressing up and eating, more complicated. Dara could not write properly also. She even had problems with...
Topic: Disease
Words: 1150
Pages: 5
It has been said so many times that in any given journey, the destination is not the most important aspect of the trip or the quest. The most important aspect of the quest or journey is in the act itself, the process of journeying from Point A to Point B...
Topic: Comparative Literature
Words: 1495
Pages: 5
Introduction The widely-known essay “The Paranoid Style in American Politics” by Richard J. Hofstadter was a very important piece of writing in American journalism. It was first published in 1964. The essay focused upon the style of politics that the US had had historically and contemporarily to the author. Hofstadter...
Topic: American Politics
Words: 1412
Pages: 5
Organizational Background The Oman Aluminum Processing Industries LLC (OAPIL) is currently the market leader in manufacturing aluminum conductors and rod in Oman. Founded in the year 2008, the company has experienced steadfast growth as a major player in Oman’s industrialization. Despite having been in the market for less than ten...
Topic: Quality Assurance
Words: 1449
Pages: 5
The Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) is the U.S. agency that oversees economic sanctions against nations and specific groups. It was formally founded in 1950 when the entry of China into the Korean War forced the U.S. to block all of its assets in the country. However, it had...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 1383
Pages: 5
Executive summary The case revolves around the problematic situation related to the functioning of The Nuance Group, a successful management consulting company that is focused on the provision of its services to different organizations and agents. At the moment, the company promotes its services by saying that is employees are...
Topic: Business
Words: 1386
Pages: 5
Introduction At the beginning of October, a proposal to organize an effort within the Laboratory Corporation of America Holdings to repeal or amend the upcoming changes in Medicare clinical laboratory fee schedule rates was created. The proposal was approved by the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer David P. King shortly...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 1202
Pages: 5
The Perspective The term NEWCO belongs to the number of products that enable end users to charge mobile phones with the help of solar energy. The NEWCO business plan touches upon the opportunities for further growth of the business, supporting the feasibility of the project by market research and the...
Topic: Business Planning
Words: 1450
Pages: 5
The chapter The Moral Structure of Humanitarian Intervention by Fernando Teson is a good example of how the representatives of the Neoliberal lobby in this country (such as the author himself) go about trying to convince readers that there is nothing wrong about Americaās agenda to continue violating international law...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 1428
Pages: 5
Introduction Economic, political, and social processes in society can have a significant impact on how the financial and business sphere develops in the country. With various major shocks, crises, or vice versa, great discoveries can become a significant test for the country’s economy. Their influence can have a negative effect...
Topic: Economics
Words: 1541
Pages: 5
Introduction If there was one president whose life and leadership has been most controversial is that of the U.S president Barrack Obama. The accusations, rumors, and fallacies leveled against him range from not only his country of birth, but they stroll down to even his presidency. Skeptics of his administration,...
Topic: American Politics
Words: 1311
Pages: 5
The current essay examines the importance of Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka case for American history. This essay also answers why this case is essential to understanding the complexity of race relations in the country. African American history and is also crucial for getting American history in general....
Topic: Education
Words: 1361
Pages: 5
For this semiotic analysis of advertising, we have chosen the fragrance advertisement campaign for the Chanel No 5 perfume. Their posters vary significantly in the intricacy and complexity of execution a good deal and offer an excellent platform for semiotic analysis.āÆ Many questions could be asked. How does the body...
Topic: Advertising
Words: 1220
Pages: 5
Introduction The two documentaries – “The Lies that Led to War” and “To Sell a War” display the way mass media present information and falsify facts to distort the representations of people and mislead them into supporting a position favorable to a certain political party. Apart from that, they explicitly...
Topic: War
Words: 1134
Pages: 5
As a matter of fact, the ancient texts are relevant even for the modern world. It seems that ancient people have known something that is hidden from todayās society. Ideas that are outlined in the ancient texts contain actual information, a unique philosophy that should be taken into consideration and...
Topic: Ancient Civilizations
Words: 1104
Pages: 5
Introduction A person chosen for the administration of the questionnaire is JF, who is a distant family member. JF has a stage 3B chronic kidney disease, which is categorized by the severely reduced kidney function and an increased risk of renal failure in the future. The following paper contains a...
Topic: Illness
Words: 1163
Pages: 5
In his book, The Robotās Rebellion, Stanovich argues that the conception of the human being can be built on the foundation of neuroscience, cognitive science, philosophy of mind, and the central insights of modern Darwinism (3). Therefore, understanding the human being requires more than one perspective. The reason for this...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 1115
Pages: 5
Background of the Case The case under consideration is one of the most discussed kidnapping stories of the twentieth century. The case roots back to July 10, 1973, when 1-year-old John Paul Getty III was kidnaped by Italian criminals in Rome. The people who organized the crime were the members...
Topic: History
Words: 1386
Pages: 5
Introduction Herodotus is one of the most famous historicists who provided people with the knowledge about the ancient era, how peoples lived, what customs and traditions they had. His works are a priceless heritage of that period of time. They promote a better understanding of the epoch and help to...
Topic: Ancient History
Words: 1388
Pages: 5
The healthcare system in the US operates under several complex mechanisms that define the approaches to the financial management of its institutions. This aspect identifies the strategy for accounting, which is similar to that of any other for-profit or non-profit organization. Essential features that a financial manager should consider is...
Topic: Health
Words: 1537
Pages: 5
Introduction This document offers suggestions and an analysis of the solutions intended to mitigate the serious problem of counterfeit merchandise inside the domain of Catdom. The current assessment is being carried out within the confines of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), and appropriate consideration is...
Topic: Law
Words: 1348
Pages: 5
Introduction The First World War occurred in Europe in 1914 and lasted for almost five years. This global conflict had many reasons and consequences. Historians throughout the world still discuss causes of the Great War. The main goals of this paper are to analyze aspects that led to the war...
Topic: War
Words: 1157
Pages: 5
Introduction Governments usually require taxes to meet expenses such as healthcare, security, and other public requirements. To raise the revenue, the government imposes taxes on goods and services as well as on the wages and salaries that employers pay and employees earn. In essence, payroll tax, such as the Federal...
Topic: Insurance
Words: 1145
Pages: 5
Introduction If one is a regular visitor to the history section in a bookstore, it is hard to pass on Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies by Jared Diamond. Despite the fact that the book first came out in 1997, it still manages to maintain popularity and...
Topic: History
Words: 1400
Pages: 5
Executive Summary EU automotive industry (AI) policy is concerned with two primary aims: promoting economic growth and ensuring safety and sustainability. The focus of the policy on research and development (R&D) is obvious; it allows the EU industry to fulfil the goals of the region and abide by the numerous...
Topic: European Union
Words: 1226
Pages: 5
Introduction Philip K. Dick might be one of the most significant authors of science fiction. His Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, published in 1968 for the first time, made a high impact on the genre. Dick discusses many issues through the prism of the atomic war threat making an...
Topic: Literature
Words: 1481
Pages: 5
Introduction Obesity is a major health issue that causes more annual deaths in the U.S. than breast and colon cancer do (Patterson, Urbach, & Swanstrom, 2003, p. 379). Obesity affects the primary systems of an organism, such as cardiovascular, urogenital, reproductive, and so on. There are various methods to treat...
Topic: Diet
Words: 1153
Pages: 5
The production of the plastic began in the early 1940ies, and the material became essential very fast. Plastic is the most widespread and used material in the modern world. It is everywhere, starting from the smartphones that people use every day, fleece, teeth brush, and food containers. Goods made of...
Topic: Environment
Words: 1110
Pages: 5
Heritage The cultural heritage of three families has been assessed in the context of health care traditions and practices. The goal of the assessment was to evaluate the impact of the familiesā cultural background on their approaches to health care, including the way they prevent health problems, receive treatment, and...
Topic: Culture
Words: 1207
Pages: 5
The topic of marijuana legalization has been debated at the global level for numerous decades. It is important to have a certain idea about the subject of discussion, therefore the policy differences and comparisons on cannabis in different states will not be the main subject. The given research proposal will...
Topic: Marijuana
Words: 1326
Pages: 5
Close Reading Lehman and Robert (2013) discuss the concept of close reading by providing several strategies or steps that need to be kept in mind during the reading lesson. According to the authors, these steps allow students to develop new understandings of the text they read and analyze. The steps...
Topic: Education
Words: 1400
Pages: 5
Introduction The Common Core Standards had evoked an enormous wave of debates and discussions when they were presented and implemented. Opinions differed, and the standards themselves were seen either as a challenging, but eventually needed change or as a completely unnecessary edition. Here, I would like to discuss three quotes...
Topic: Education
Words: 1373
Pages: 5
Audience analysis is normally carried out by any technical writers when they intend to undertake a project of any size. It involves assessment of the target audience to make sure that all the information availed to them is correct and relevant to them (McKay, Davis, & Fanning, 2009). The audienceās...
Topic: Commerce
Words: 1140
Pages: 5
Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) levels in America increased tremendously between 2000 and 2005 with an upsurge in the disease mortality and morbidity, especially amid the aged individuals (Goldstein et al., 2015). It is evident that there is a necessity for more successful management and prevention approaches to decrease the prevalence...
Topic: Infection
Words: 1373
Pages: 5
CDC CDC is the abbreviation for the Centers for Disease Control. The given regulatory agency remains one of the most important institutions related to healthcare in the United States as it the range of its responsibilities is definitely broad (āAbout CDC 24.7,ā 2017). The agency is headquartered in Atlanta, and...
Topic: Disease
Words: 1144
Pages: 5
Introduction People frequently look at the first few years of their lives with surprise and awe because they are full of promise, development, and discovery. The first year of a baby’s existence stands out as a period of unmatched significance among these formative years. This article explores the complex web...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 2302
Pages: 5
The Capital Veterinarian Clinic (CVC) is a facility that is located in Sacramento, California, and it is oriented to providing high-quality veterinary services in the community. Currently, the organizationās hierarchy is headed by Dr. Marissa Sandoval, the Clinic Director, who supervises the operations in the CVC. The work of nine...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 1381
Pages: 5
Abstract The critical challenges of constructing the program evaluation are the necessity to conduct the effective needs assessment, the necessity to identify the program evaluation objectives clearly, the necessity to conduct the in-depth interviews, and the necessity to conclude about the programās effectiveness with references to the evaluation procedure. The...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 1212
Pages: 5
Cognitive biases are errors in human thinking or deviations from rational judgment resulting in illogical conclusions. When these conclusions are caused by our tendency to evaluate arguments based on our pre-existing beliefs, a phenomenon called belief bias is observed. This paper is concerned with the way cognitive sciences scholars, in...
Topic: Belief
Words: 1217
Pages: 5
Accident Description The crisis that began in Flint, Michigan in 2014 brought many problems to the area and affected its current population and environment. The timeline of the crisis shows that the problem is not entirely resolved to this day, although the authorities state that the central issue is solved...
Topic: Environment
Words: 1494
Pages: 5
Introduction The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is a large-scale initiative created under the leadership of China (Mishra, 2016). This international organization has two key objectives. First, its task is to enhance financial cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region. Second, the activities of the bank are aimed at financing infrastructure projects...
Topic: Banking
Words: 1162
Pages: 5
The Articles of the Confederation (1781-1789) preceded the New Constitution of the US ratified in 1789. Although the two documents have some commonalities, they differ in many respects. One significant similarity was that both documents sought to establish a democracy, not a monarchy or aristocracy (Goldfield et al., 2013). Further,...
Topic: Constitution
Words: 1137
Pages: 5
The Arab Spring is the term that represents many protests and rebellions on the territories of the Middle East and North Africa. The series of those events became an active catalyst for different ideological and political movements and contributed to the clash of various views within Arabic countries. The purpose...
Topic: Arab Spring
Words: 1409
Pages: 5
Introduction People with developmental disabilities require constant and timely medical, emotional, and psychological support to achieve their full potential. The affected individuals face numerous challenges that can make it impossible to lead high-quality lives. Those taking care of them will also have to sacrifice their time and resources. Fortunately, several...
Topic: Disability
Words: 1423
Pages: 5
The article, āThe effect of acupressure on the level of fatigue in hemodialysis patientsā authored by EÄlence, KarataÅ, and TaÅci (2013) reports the findings of a study conducted to investigate the effectiveness of acupressure in reducing the level of fatigue among patients undergoing hemodialysis. The researchers used a quantitative approach...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 1369
Pages: 5
Texting and driving refers to the act of receiving, reading and sending text messages while operating a motor vehicle, which is a hazardous practice that causes many fatalities. The act is so dangerous that it has been outlawed in some states in the United States. The habit is most common...
Topic: Distracted Driving
Words: 1117
Pages: 5
Literature Review A recent article by Carter and Dickieson (2010) explores the relationships between an assessment tool called scenario testing and studentsā satisfaction with the educational process as well as their grades. The researchers used feedback forms with semi-structured questions and students’ final grades as their main data collection tools....
Topic: Nursing
Words: 1412
Pages: 5
Defining Terrorism As Spindlove and Simonsen (2013) note, defining terrorism is quite challenging due to the many forms that it has taken throughout history. My own definition of terrorism would be that terrorism is a violent act that members of one population perform in order to scare the members of...
Topic: Terrorism
Words: 1271
Pages: 5
The 21st century could be characterized by increased tension in international relations. Constant civil wars, numerous local conflicts, and skirmishes became an integral part of the modern world and ruined the lives of thousands of people. However, there is another concern which introduces even more complex threat. It is terrorism,...
Topic: Terrorism
Words: 1411
Pages: 5
The truth is that many modern people cannot imagine their life without the Internet. When a question arises, a person takes a smartphone, surfs the web, and finds an answer in a matter of seconds. Such progress should not be ignored and must be used properly. However, it is important...
Topic: Entertainment & Media
Words: 1441
Pages: 5
Introduction The working climate is one of the critical factors impacting the performance of employees, their motivation, and the ability to achieve success. The positive atmosphere and the absence of serious stressors can contribute to the improved results and specialistsā ability to solve complex issues or engage in challenging processes....
Topic: Business
Words: 1251
Pages: 5
Introduction Technological innovations expand the boundaries of healthcare to a great extent, allowing nurses to address the issues that used to seem impossible to resolve. For instance, the use of blockchain technology as a tool for improving healthcare services should be seen as a valid opportunity. By integrating blockchain technology...
Topic: Health
Words: 1387
Pages: 5
Introduction: The Target Audience The major purpose of this brief is to inform my colleagues about the potential of technology to create health promotion opportunities. Thus, nurses will be considered as the target audience. I will present the brief to them and invite them to discuss it with the aim...
Topic: Health
Words: 1390
Pages: 5
The scene in the political cartoon shows a representation of the current state legislature in the form of a fat, geeky-looking individual with a receding hairline and glasses offering an apple core to what appears to be a woman representing the entirety of the teaching profession. There are three distinct...
Topic: Teaching
Words: 1492
Pages: 5
Introduction Increasing good global health outcomes requires stakeholders to eliminate all circumstances that expose the global population to health risks. In 2000, although the UN member states ratified the millennium development goals (MDGs) for ensuring that such risks are reduced, some emerging new challenges were not considered. The summit established...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 1453
Pages: 5
Introduction Neanderthals, crude tools, and problems associated with the socio-economic limitations of the ancient world are things of the past because of the breakthrough in technology. After inventing the wheel and after the discovery of techniques related to agriculture and animal domestication, ancient people pursued one innovation after another. Human...
Topic: Tech & Engineering
Words: 1402
Pages: 5
Policy The purpose of the following policy is to provide care and support for one of the most vulnerable groups whereby enhancing their capacity for unassisted or semi-assisted living. The aim in terms of community is to develop a fully functional person who engages meaningfully in the life and activities...
Topic: Business
Words: 1108
Pages: 5
Introduction In the United States, there was a lot of upheaval and development throughout the Civil Rights Movement. The two most important speeches from this time period were Malcolm X’s “The Ballot or the Bullet” and Martin Luther King Jr.’s “Letter from a Birmingham Jail.” Both lectures were crucial in...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1432
Pages: 5
Introduction It is always an enriching experience when a literature student has the chance to find different versions of the classics of world literature, such as a film or a stage version. However, it is also an opportunity for a classic to become even more popular among contemporary viewers. This...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 1438
Pages: 5
Cases of suicide among adolescents are on the rise and medical practitioners are concerned about the issue. According to Ballard et al. (2016), these minors are unable to deal with stress as they struggle to understand the realities of life. They believe that the quickest way out of the problems...
Topic: Evidence-Based Practice
Words: 1444
Pages: 5
Paul Farmerās chapter āSuffering and Structural Violenceā explains the concept of structural violence and applies it to Haiti. According to Farmer, structural violence occurs when the political, economic, or social structure of the country facilitates the suffering of certain categories of people. Vulnerable communities are characterized by various axes of...
Topic: Disaster
Words: 1148
Pages: 5
Problem and Purpose The critiqued article was authored by Barbosa et al. (2013) who addressed the issue of stress among graduate health care students. The authors clearly state the problem: students experience significant stressors, which is practically important because it can affect their education and further practice. The purpose was...
Topic: Health
Words: 1150
Pages: 5
Economy deals with the utilization of scarce resource with an aim of maximizing profits. Having the knowledge of economy helps people draw up strategies that will foster this principle of economics perfectly. In drawing up strategies, it should be clear that it has a single part comprising of both a...
Topic: Strategic Planning
Words: 1647
Pages: 5
Eight Hidden Flaws in Strategy The article by Roxburgh uncovers a set of essential flaws in strategic management from the perspective of behavioral economics. First, the author pinpoints the overconfidence. In the case of the need to start a new business, it might be useful, however, a personās brain sometimes...
Topic: Management
Words: 1140
Pages: 5
Descriptive The 2012 picture book Starry River of the Sky by Grace Lin is a fictional account of Rendiās (a young boy who ran away from home) adventures in the Village of Clear Sky, where he ended up working as a choirboy at the local inn. While there, Rendi attains...
Topic: Literature
Words: 1374
Pages: 5
Identifying the Problem Kassi is a 38-year-old mother of a daughter who is seeking drug misuse therapy because of the adverse effects alcohol has had on her career, parenting, and personal relationships. The ethical issue here is that Kassi is unwilling to admit the true extent of her alcohol use...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 1333
Pages: 5
Introduction “The Intern” is a heartwarming comedy-drama film directed by Nancy Meyers. The story revolves around Ben Whittaker, a widower in his early seventies who embarks on a new chapter in his life by becoming an intern at ABOUT THE FIT, an e-commerce company. Feeling emptiness after years of retirement...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 1466
Pages: 5
Introduction Strong government-business ties are crucial in economic development. A countryās political establishment or government formulates and implements economic and regulatory policies that determine its developmental state. Political decisions and economic management are inextricably linked. In this view, a nationās economic success depends on its political system and laws governing...
Topic: Economics
Words: 1158
Pages: 5
Introduction The purpose of the software testing process is to distinguish all the imperfections existing in software design (Bahl, 2015, p. 316). It is the way toward practicing and assessing a framework or framework segments by manual or programmed technique to confirm that it fulfills determined necessities or to recognize...
Topic: Software
Words: 1427
Pages: 5
Abstract Women have been oppressed throughout the course of human history. In order to oppress others and enforce their will, a dominant group is required to have power. Without power, any human and humanitarian rights have no support and protection. For women, real changes began with the industrial revolution and...
Topic: Women's Rights
Words: 1472
Pages: 5
Different professions have ethical guidelines that facilitate effective decision-making, but there are times when the professionals face ethical dilemmas. During these situations, it is imperative to embrace the decision that causes the least amount of harm on clients and the professionals. Ethical dilemmas concerning confidentiality must be approached in the...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 1148
Pages: 5
Introduction Social media became an integral part of life globally. They are used not only for communication but for business purposes as well. However, despite their global character, peculiarities of social media use differ from country to country. This literature review summarizes research findings and data from reports about the...
Topic: Social Media
Words: 1399
Pages: 5
Introduction The application of social media in the fashion sector has ensured that average consumers and would-be customers have considerable interaction with high-end clothing, retailers, fashion designers, shoes, and fashion houses. Social media has created new advertisement platforms that enable fashion houses and retailers to get to their target markets...
Topic: Fashion
Words: 1115
Pages: 5
Advertising Student Name Professor Name Course April 21, 2017 Social Marketing and Political Advertising While some people may still focus solely on commercial use when considering advertising, the use of advertising in political and social marketing is also quite extensive. Advertising is a tool to communicate or sell ideas, concepts,...
Topic: Advertising
Words: 1224
Pages: 5
Similarities between Social Media and Social Marketing Although social media and social marketing have different meanings, they share some commonalities. One of them is that they are both centered on communication between two or more people. Social marketing aims to communicate a message, while social media strives to promote communication...
Topic: Health
Words: 873
Pages: 5
Nowadays, it is impossible to imagine oneās life without the Internet. It has become a powerful tool that helps to work, study, communicate, purchase goods, spend leisure time, and perform many other activities. Moreover, as the globalization trend grows more powerful, millions of people connect via social networks, making their...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1183
Pages: 5
Introduction On many levels, food is much more than a source of nutrients and energy. Humans tend to assign a symbolic meaning to even the most mundane and ordinary of life aspects, and food is not an exception. On an individual level, individuals grow up eating particular types of food,...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 1457
Pages: 5
The Small Business Administration (SBA) is a principal federal agency involved in import and export promotion. The four primary activities are undertaken by the organization that aims to promote small business exports consist of outreach, counseling, and training, trade leads, and financing. However, this paper seeks to evaluate the small...
Topic: Business Administration
Words: 1425
Pages: 5
Introduction As an individual grows older, neuromuscular deficits become a reality and may affect the physical performance leading to increased dangers of falls, especially in the hospital environment. According to the Center for Disease Control, the number of older adult falls in the US alone was 46 million in the...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 1153
Pages: 5
The company covered in this blog is Sikorsky Aircraft. The company manufactures commercial and military helicopters. The company has its headquarters in Strafford Connecticut and has branches in other states like Texas, Florida, and Alabama. The company has a large number of employees. This makes effective communication within the organization...
Topic: Business
Words: 1428
Pages: 5
Introduction The formation of healthy sexual identity is an essential component of a healthy personality formation and should be to a certain extent addressed on every stage of development. The importance of sex education for children younger than adolescent tends to be underestimated while the evidence of teen pregnancies and...
Topic: Sex Education
Words: 1115
Pages: 5
Abstract The purpose of this research project is to consider the sensory and motor reaction and identify the time of each of the mentioned responses. The research is conducted with the involvement of 30 subjects, 15 girls and 15 boys who were subjected to shoulder test and leg to shoulder...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 1362
Pages: 5
Introduction Lesson Title: Self-care education for older adults with myocardial infarction. Identification and Description of the Learners The learners for this lesson project are older adults who experienced myocardial infarction and are prepared for discharge from the hospital. Older adults with conditions such as myocardial infarction make vulnerable populations because...
Topic: Heart Attack
Words: 1386
Pages: 5
Post modernism and narratives assessment Many people believe that we are moving to a postmodern era from modernity. Counseling is moving away from modernist grand theories like Freudās towards more fragmented, locally or electric approach to knowledge. Postmodernism encourages people to live within the dominant narratives from their cultures and...
Topic: Postmodernism
Words: 1645
Pages: 5
In many spheres of life, mediation is being utilized more and more to settle conflicts. Organizations and policymakers are becoming more aware of the unique resonance that mediation has in the workplace in the UK. Positive disagreement between people or groups of individuals may seriously impede an organization’s quest for...
Topic: Business
Words: 1509
Pages: 5
Complex processes, structures, and environmental interactions characterize contemporary institutions and organizations. One challenge economists, analysts, and marketers face is understanding the decision-making process. Likewise, scholars have shown increased interest in understanding decision-making outcomes to make better theoretical predictions, develop effective strategies, and suggest better public policies (JimƩnez & Brocos, 2021)....
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1434
Pages: 5
The internet has become an essential component of daily life, enabling rapid information availability, connection, and pleasure. Nonetheless, not all nations provide the webās independence and openness. There are locations throughout the globe that lack internet and computer access. This inequity has significant repercussions as it impedes progress in schooling,...
Topic: Social Change
Words: 1411
Pages: 5
Abstract Over the past several decades, substance abuse among adolescents has risen alarmingly. Adolescents are known for their intense social lives and peer pressure to drink or use drugs. Alcohol is often a common part of nightlife for teens, and many young people try marijuana for the first time in...
Topic: Abuse
Words: 1456
Pages: 5
Introduction The Norman vision of the Irish has primarily shaped the attitude of the English toward them. This is evidenced, in particular, by the manuscripts of Gerald of Wales, a clergyman whose ancestors were both Normans and Welsh. Gerald was descended from the Norman Lord Marcher, who was actively involved...
Topic: Literature
Words: 1388
Pages: 5
The celebration of human reason in science began in the 18th century. The period was also known as the Enlightenment, and the works and achievements of its brightest representatives such as Luigi Galvani, Voltaire, Erasmus Darwin, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and Immanuel Kant changed the lives of millions of people. It was...
Topic: Frankenstein
Words: 1115
Pages: 5
Technological optimism and pessimism The Nineteen Eight-Four is a fictional novel by George Orwell that illustrates technological optimism and pessimism. In the novel, Big Brother is a dictator who rules the totalitarian government of Oceania using technology. The totalitarian government has no laws, but it can punish its citizens when...
Topic: Technology
Words: 1474
Pages: 5
Introduction In today’s business, zero-hour contracts are becoming more typical. However, they have come under heavy fire as a means for companies to exert more authority over their workforce. Interestingly, some research suggests that people with zero-hour contracts are more likely to experience psychological discomfort and are less prone to...
Topic: Law
Words: 1355
Pages: 5
Introduction The primary school-going children in Canberra and other towns provide a good market for food products. Food is often sold to the pupils through convenience stores that are located in close proximity to the schools or inside the schools. This project is dubbed ‘school meal’ and seeks to establish...
Topic: Product Marketing
Words: 1365
Pages: 5
Introduction This presentation aims at analyzing the organizational change in Vodafone Qatar in 2018. On February 26, 2018, before publishing the annual report, Vodafone Qatar announced that it would exit the business in Qatar and pass it its joint venture, the Qatar Foundation (Holton, 2018). This presentation discusses the process...
Topic: Organizational Change
Words: 1154
Pages: 5
Racial segregation in every sphere of life is what was typical for the 19-20th-century history of the United States, and school education was not an exception. It was not until the 1954 Brown vs. Board of Education that the US Supreme Court declared separate public school education for black and...
Topic: School
Words: 1190
Pages: 5
Tension / problem / practical The topic of black tax has particular disturbing importance for me. My story starts in my motherland, Zimbabwe, in Matare. In my childhood, I realized that proper education and well-paid jobs should be available for all people, regardless of their status, blood ties, and opportunities....
Topic: Tax
Words: 1264
Pages: 5
Purpose of the Paper This paper provides a wider understanding of the practical application of social justice and how the social determinants of health (SDOH) can be used in the description of the family. It is designed to help students design a nutritious menu for a week for a family...
Topic: Family
Words: 1489
Pages: 5
The criminal justice system is the institution which is present in every advanced country, and it is responsible for punishing individuals for their wrongdoings. Nevertheless, in the United States, the criminal justice system gave rise to the prison-industrial complex. The term is used by critics for describing the intertwined interests...
Topic: Criminal Justice
Words: 1495
Pages: 5
Introduction In recent years, there have been significant shifts in society, including the increasing number of female students aspiring to careers in science and technology. Such instances signify the changing male and female roles in contemporary society. Gender roles refer to the behaviors men and women exhibit that are influenced...
Topic: Gender
Words: 1416
Pages: 5
Introduction Health is one of the determinants of well-being in society. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is rated among the common health conditions affecting people globally. CVD is linked with heart and blood vessel problems and includes heart attack, heart failure, and stroke, according to Zhao et al.(1). With the rapid lifestyle...
Topic: Cardiovascular Diseases
Words: 1428
Pages: 5
Family Description The family was interviewed for the purpose of completing this health family assessment is a Russian-American family, whose ancestors migrated to the USA in the early 20th century. The family is comprised of three people, which include the father (43 years old), the mother (40 years old), and...
Topic: Family
Words: 1105
Pages: 5
Introduction The nursing role has evolved to be at the forefront of primary and clinical care in the health care system. Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) have roles in research, administration, and providing high-quality patient care. The advanced nursing role requires skilled and highly motivated individuals that influence the nursing...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 1114
Pages: 5
Introduction In the scenario presented for this essay, the author is an advisor to a revolutionary movement. It is based in a country ruled by a dictator, and the rebels have already attempted an assault on the presidential palace. The uprising has failed, and the governmentās oppression has become more...
Topic: Revolution
Words: 1382
Pages: 5
Abstract The global use of airpower is the result of advanced technology in the industry, and the examples of military campaigns in Iraq, Syria, Yugoslavia, and other regions prove the relevance of high-precision weapons. The purpose of this work is to compare the views of Mitchell and his peers about...
Topic: Armed Hostilities
Words: 1267
Pages: 5
Introduction Firms are facing increasing competition from small and well-established rivals in domestic and international markets for a perpetually shrinking market. As a consequence, some companies engage in unfair and unethical competitive practices, such as predatory pricing, acquisitions, and aggressive advertising to remain profitable and improve their position (Feltovich, 2019)....
Topic: Ethics
Words: 1415
Pages: 5
Introduction Energy is an invaluable resource that satisfies people’s basic needs and brings convenience and comfort in life. Unfortunately, its consumption has strained natural resources, consequently causing an energy crisis. The world needs to scale up cleaner energy resources to reduce harmful emissions, and nuclear energy provides the solution to...
Topic: Energy
Words: 1493
Pages: 5
Introduction The consequences of crimes committed within the society bear impact on the entire society. These consequences range from medical costs to loss of income due to disabilities that may arise from the act. Some of these consequences last for a lifetime, thus increasing costs of living for the victim...
Topic: Law
Words: 1419
Pages: 5
Introduction Storytelling is a powerful communication tool that can be applied to ensure an effective change promotion. According to Gill (2011), storytelling has persuasive, motivating, and inspiring effects on employees as it allows them to understand the reason for change through an experience-based narrative that tends to be more compelling...
Topic: Respiratory Disorders
Words: 1110
Pages: 5
Research statement A healthy and safe working environment is very essential in successful running of a hospital and minimization of poor environment associated with infections (1, 2, 4, 7). Ensuring that health workers have proper and clean working environment forms the main recipe for their effectiveness in production and the...
Topic: Hospital
Words: 1420
Pages: 5
Remote sensing is defined as the measurement of information and area property on the Earthā surface by means of satellites and aircrafts. This process helps to evaluate and obtain data at a distance in case the object under consideration is not located in direct contact (Schowengerdt 2). In this regard,...
Topic: Climate
Words: 1439
Pages: 5
Introduction Religion can be defined as a particular essential set of beliefs and practices which are usually agreed upon by a group of people or sect, for instance, the Islamic or Christian religion. People generally believe in religion and follow it devotedly. There are various faith groups that are aimed...
Topic: Belief
Words: 1408
Pages: 5
Introduction Human beings develop unique worldviews to guide them whenever interacting with their neighbors, friends, and colleagues. The outstanding fact is that there are several theories, concepts, and ideas that influence every personās thoughts and values. The personal reflection paper presented below gives a detailed analysis of my personal worldview,...
Topic: Culture
Words: 1387
Pages: 5
Introduction Research is consistent that many causes of terrorism seem to be reinforced by historical and political phenomena, economic and social grievances, as well as ideological and religious factors (Spindlove & Simonsen, 2013; Tan, 2008). The religion factor, in particular, has been cited as a central driving force to recent...
Topic: Terrorism
Words: 1205
Pages: 5
Different people start smoking because of several reasons. Some of these reasons are the availability of the substance, peer pressure, to release stress, and the influence of the celebrities and popular film stars who are used by the companies to market the products (, 2009, par.2). Parents who smoke contribute...
Topic: Smoking
Words: 1444
Pages: 5
Many of the health care compliance policies about health care are developed by the United States Food and drug administration agency together with various professional boards.they are meant to protect and promote the health and well-being of all people through the implementation of various initiatives meant to promote public health....
Topic: Pharmacy
Words: 1244
Pages: 5
Throughout the course of 2014 and 2015, the inflow of war refugees from the Middle East in the countries of Europe (the European Union mainly) has been steadily increasing. In the summer and autumn of 2015, it resulted in a series of revolts all around the recipient states and developing...
Topic: Refugee
Words: 1421
Pages: 5
Self-Regulation Theory Description The self-regulation theory is closely related to the social cognitive theory as the notion of influence and observation is incorporated in both frameworks. According to researchers, self-regulation stems from oneās skill to plan, monitor, and perceive behavior (de la Fuente et al., 2022). Self-regulation is achieved when...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 1376
Pages: 5
Introduction Conflict resolution refers to the method whereby two or more warring factions find a diplomatic and harmonious solution to their disagreements. Conflicts may occur between physicians, the healthcare team, the patientās family, the patient, or between physicians and the staff members. The majority of health amenities may be exposed...
Topic: Conflict
Words: 1298
Pages: 5
Introduction Bullying is usually associated with aggression and abuse of power. It can occur regardless of social status or income; however, there is a direct connection between bullying incidents and poor parenting. A significant number of these incidents occur within educational establishments. Bullying takes many forms, such as physical, verbal,...
Topic: Bullying
Words: 1322
Pages: 5
Heraclitus on the Nature of Reality Heraclitus argues that there is no reality. Nature is constantly changing. Consequently, he equates permanence to illusion. In addition, he argues that change is not random. On the contrary, it is controlled by a cosmic order (Moore & Bruder, 2011). He refers to this...
Topic: Philosophy
Words: 1447
Pages: 5
Introduction Any organization that engages in the trade of goods and services with its clients is referred to as a business organization (Sullivan et al, 14). In any business setup, reports are generated to show the performance in a given area. Different types of reports are created for different purposes....
Topic: Business
Words: 996
Pages: 5
The introduction of the Common Core across the schools in the U.S was aimed at providing students with clear and consistent goals that are expected to prepare the students for their future college, career, and general life. The Common Core standards are inclusive as they stipulate what students are supposed...
Topic: School
Words: 1357
Pages: 5
The world of literature is rich in the outstanding writers and poets. Prose and poetry were developing throughout years when each epoch gave birth to another one. Thus, it is vital to pay special attention to the British poetry and the eminence the Romantic period that created grounds for the...
Topic: Literature
Words: 1426
Pages: 5
Introduction The United States is a capitalistic country where economic, social and political activities are done in a free and fair environment. Even though Capitalism is believed to offer freedom and equal opportunities to people, it divides the society into classes based on their economic, social and political status. Few...
Topic: Discrimination
Words: 1293
Pages: 5
How oppositional dichotomies of race define racial stereotypes During the centuries, there have been developed racial stereotypes. Thus, dividing people into different races (according to color) we can assume that every race has its ācharacteristic featuresā. The racial stereotypes consider different aspects of life, appearance, and behavior, such as interpersonal...
Topic: Intersectionality
Words: 1440
Pages: 5
In the current economic climate where companies have to grapple with high competition to determine if they stay in business, employing the right sales people becomes the ingredient that determines if a business will maintain a competitive edge or not. Making the right choice in the initial selection of a...
Topic: Recruitment
Words: 1368
Pages: 5
Introduction American history after the Civil War of 1861-1865, which came to be known as the āGilded Age,ā was characterized with rapid population growth, huge economic boom and the creation of a modern industrial economy. Mark Twain and Charles Dudely Warner coined the term āGilded Ageā in their novel āThe...
Topic: History
Words: 1500
Pages: 5
Introduction The paintings āGirl with a pearl earringā and āGirl with a wine glassā are examples of the most famous works of Dutch painter, Johannes Vermeer. The āGirl with a pearl earringā is believed to be one of his most brilliant works. In addition to this, it is widely believed...
Topic: Art
Words: 1454
Pages: 5
Introduction Imperialism refers to the process by which powerful nations control weaker nations by influencing or controlling their culture, politics, and economy (Meltzer, p.4). There are various factors that contributed to imperialism but the main cause of imperialism is economic expansion. In ancient times, powerful nations could send armies to...
Topic: Christopher Columbus
Words: 1242
Pages: 5
Introduction Police culture is influenced by a number of social and political factors which determine its main functions and internal structure. Police accounts take the efficacy of law for granted: it is assumed that any important variation in the impact of rules (so long as they are competently drafted) is...
Topic: Culture
Words: 1478
Pages: 5
A Review of the Literature Reviewing the Japanese and United States political affairs history up to the attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941, the turning point came about after Japan won the war over Russia in 1905. From that period henceforth, American and Japanese interests began to collide. The...
Topic: Pearl Harbor
Words: 1462
Pages: 5
Every problem in this world is diagnosed depending on its cause. According to Christianity, the main human problem is sin which is known to cause suffering in this life and also in eternal life. Therefore, the only treatment or solution for sin is the salvation which sets someone free from...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 1425
Pages: 5
I am currently a citizen of Australia but not a native (an aboriginal) I am a descendant of Chinese immigrants to Australia many years ago. Many decades ago, people of different origins moved to Australia from all parts of the world, settling there and becoming citizens of the country. This...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1326
Pages: 5
Introduction An animal of a particular species may defend a territory from animals of other species or its own species. Mostly the territories are held by either individuals, a group or mated pair. Food is the overall key determinant for a species to hold the territory. The key factor for...
Topic: Zoology
Words: 1245
Pages: 5
Introduction Despite English being the official language of more than fifty nations globally, it is yet to become the official language of the United States of America. If English is made the official language, it means that all government operations must be carried out using the language and that no...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 1435
Pages: 5
It is said that thinking is a skill. It is learned and developed but is mostly just taken for granted especially when it comes to children (Zonnios, 2007). Children are activated in their thinking based on what they see the adults in their lives do. Definitely, thinking is a tool...
Topic: School
Words: 1308
Pages: 5
Among the many financial scandals that rocked the world before 2001, the worst was the Enron Disaster. U.S Company Enron, which began as a small Midwestern gas pipeline company in 1985, spiraled into the worldās biggest energy trader by May 2001. Its dramatic collapse began in July 2001 and ended...
Topic: Enron
Words: 1458
Pages: 5
Sports organizations are increasingly being seen as business entities for providing monetary returns, fame, and success to all sports practitioners. These are nowadays driven by their owners or top executives along the lines of a business organization. Crises have been seen to destroy a thriving organization, which was unthinkable under...
Topic: Public Relations
Words: 1465
Pages: 5
Facts The United Operations Association (UOA) is a non-profit organization funded via contracts and membership dues received from the parent organization, The American United Operations Association (AUOA). The parent organization receives allocated funds from the United States government. It appropriates them through national agencies of the federal government, namely the...
Topic: Public Administration
Words: 1429
Pages: 5
Introduction When a psychotherapeutic group reaches the transition stage, many clients can drop out and become reluctant or unable to change. This stage is characterized by such features as group membersā reluctance, resistance, anxiety, passiveness, conflicts, and even aggression in some cases (Corey, 2016). Since the group members will be...
Topic: Psychotherapy
Words: 1104
Pages: 5
Group psychotherapy as a significant tool in psychological issues treatment is of great use for patients of diverse age ranges and mental health characteristics. When applied to children and adolescents, group therapy involves tools and measures to enhance the effectiveness of work with the issues specific problems minors might experience....
Topic: Psychology
Words: 1162
Pages: 5
Introduction In recent years, researchers and employers have both shown increased interest in exploring contributing factors that shape employeesā attitudes and behaviors in the workplace. It is now argued that the reasons for how employees choose to engage or disengage in workplace activities may be traced all the way back...
Topic: Performance
Words: 1436
Pages: 5
Diversity of language and culture Back in elementary school, a Korean boy had some speech problems. His problem in the speech was notable when speaking letters r, l, and sh. The problem was as well notable in words that contain these letters. His reading skills were poor, coupled with unusually...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 1458
Pages: 5
Introduction In recent years headlines appear commonly concerning the rise of racist speech and controversial speeches on university campuses along with unsuccessful and condemned attempts to regulate it. In his article, Charles Lawrence argues about the First Amendment rights, which on one hand serve as the foundation of American democracy...
Topic: Freedom
Words: 1368
Pages: 5
Summary This article focuses on security threats on the internet. It reveals how a browser is an important part of security in any computerized device. The ‘same-origin’ principle in the security of browsers is the point of focus. The authors state that it prevents malicious websites from accessing personal machines...
Topic: Tech & Engineering
Words: 1200
Pages: 5
Introduction There is a tremendous number (more than a million) of officially certified PMPs (project management professional) all over the planet. One-fourth of these specialists work and locate in the territory of the United States of America. Unfortunately, the majority of various projects these people perform appear to fail. The...
Topic: Management
Words: 1144
Pages: 5