The Resurgence of Tourism Business in Croatia

Introduction Background Croatia is an exciting tourist destination in Europe. In the past, Lonely Planet has named the country among the top tourist destinations in the world (IBP, Inc., 2015). National Geographic Adventure Magazine has given the same ranking for the country in its 2006 report of the best holiday...

Energy Demand and Political Will to Alternatives

Executive Summary The world population is growing exponentially. Due to this growth, world energy demand is also increasing. It is becoming harder to satisfy this demand. Today crude oil tops the list of energy sources. Crude oil reserves are reducing at a fast pace. Energy consumption demand is increasing and...

Basic Components of Living Systems

Cell Theory Cells are the basic unit of life that makes up every living organism. Cells were discovered by an English scientist known as Robert Hooke; he observed the structure of a thinly sliced cork under the light microscope which he invented (Khan Academy, 2015). He observed in the dead...

Examination of Logistics Employed by Dell Computers Ltd

Abstract The dissertation is aimed at examining different logistics employed by the Dell from time to time. In this regard the paper looks at the role and importance of logistics for the companies and also studies the trends of logistics in the business community. The study is conducted by employing...

Organizational Performance: Motivation and Its Impacts

Introduction This chapter contains the background of motivation and its impacts on the organizational performance. It also provides the summary definitions and base theory, the background of the host organization, the rationale for the research area, the research objectives and investigations hypothesis. It concludes with the outlined methodology and the...

It will take you 5 to 10 minutes to type one page on a keyboard. However, if you need to write a 50 page essay from scratch, it will take you not less than 50 to 51 hours.

A paragraph in academic writing should be at least 75 words long. So, a 50 page essay is to contain 125 to 166 paragraphs.

A 50 page paper is quite a long piece. It is not necessarily an essay. 50 pages is a good length for a research paper or a term paper. The possible research fields might be linguistics, psychology, or political science. Your key aim here is to show your critical thinking and analytical skills.

A 50 page essay is a long piece. In order not to lose your main idea, formulate a thesis statement before you start writing. The thesis will become the basis of your paper. You can later divide it into several parts and use each as a topic sentence for various sections of your essay.

A 50 page paper is a serious task that you’ll probably work on for a long time. That’s why you should carefully choose a topic for such an assignment. Some of the options might be: the Holocaust and its consequences, the forms of police brutality, or the roots of the Great Depression.

The Impact of Corruption on International Trade

Introduction International trade stimulates the development of the world economy. It also contributes to expanding global employment, providing countries with a greater variety of goods, and raising living standards. The challenge that international trade poses are the inability of countries to produce the goods and services that their people need....

Dubai Civil Aviation Authority Commercial Drone Initiative and Obstacles

Executive Summary The implementation of aviation drones is one of major goals pursued by the Dubai Civil Aviation Authority. However, the implementation of aviation drones faces a number of challenges which must be solved first. The drone aviation industry is a multi-disciplinary and borrows concepts initially conceptualized for military operations....

Debt Burden and Sustainable Economic Growth in Nigeria

Abstract This paper examines the relationship effects of debt burden on sustainable economic growth using Nigeria as a case study. The country-specific investigation aims to demonstrate how countries’ debt management practices may influence their ability to utilize this resource to spur economic growth. The current analysis of Nigeria’s public debt...

The Channel Islands Handbook

Introduction Background and Scope The Channel Islands government is committed to ensuring that lawbreakers, such as money launderers and terrorists, cannot legalise the profits of crime via the Channel Islands or use its fund and business industries. The Handbook is a report on the criteria of mitigating terrorist funding and...

Leadership Style and Performance in UK Restaurants

Executive Summary There are different leadership styles within the UK restaurant sector. Among the predominant leadership styles within this sector are democratic leadership style, autocratic leadership style, laissez faire leadership style, and participatory leadership style. The research paper will explore these leadership behaviour orientations within the restaurant sector in the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Information Technology Outsourcing for UK Retailers

Introduction Introduction and background information For the past years, retailers in the world have undergone tremendous transformation because of the market forces that direct them to adapt new business environments evolving now and then. The most influential force to the retailers is the growing competition among retailers as well as...

Ethical Trade in the UK Garment Industry

Introduction A report on the sweatshops of the UK apparel companies operating their (or vendor’s) plants in Asia reported in 1998, “workers in Bangladesh are forced to work 13 hour shifts, with no time off, for as little as 60 pence a day” (BBC News, 13 November 1998). Almost a...

Risk Management During Financial Crisis in the US

Abstract Banks and other financial institutions forming part of the financial system contribute greatly to the development of any economy. Business and industrial enterprises look for increased financial support from these institutions, since they can develop and introduce innovative financial products and services. Because of the nature of products and...

Cultural Events’ Role in Tourist’s Decision-Making

Abstract Tourism is as innate to the human nature as breathing. Ever since we were distinguished from apes in the evolutionary cycle, men have been discovering new lands and places. The desire to travel and explore new places has led to the rise and fall of societies over time. Most...

Digital Marketing Strategies in Hotel Chains

Introduction Hotels have a variety of guests and they specialize in offering services and amenities to multiple market segments such as individual, group and corporate customers, with an aim to meet the service expectations of their guests. A hotel derives its biggest competitive advantage from the reputation of its brand,...

Fair Trade: Ethics in the UK Garment Industry

Introduction A report on the sweatshops of the UK apparel companies operating their (or vendor’s) plants in Asia reported in 1998, “workers in Bangladesh are forced to work 13-hour shifts, with no time off, for as little as 60 pence a day” (BBC News, 13 November 1998). Almost a decade...

Perception of the Service Quality for Airline Passengers

Acknowledgment Firstly, I would like to thank and dedicate this project to my husband and kids for their patience, love, and continuous support to me during the dissertation phases. Also, I would like to thank Mr. Mark Burridge and Mrs. Helen Goworek for putting me on the right track and...

Investigating the Nexus Between Human Trafficking and National Security

Executive Summary This research paper investigates the nexus between human trafficking and national security from an economics perspective. The main research variables investigated in the inquiry relate to the global sociopolitical issues, economic interests underpinning the trade, and health factors affecting national security. The secondary research method was used to...

Validity of the Marketing Mix Model

Abstract The research report is based on judging whether or not the Marketing Mix is a valid option used in companies for marketing purposes or not. The detailed study takes reference from multiple sources which include credible authors’ research papers and one to one interview. The marketing mix model has...

Financial Language: A Case Study of Lehman Brothers

Abstract The objective of the current research was to examine the changes in financial language and social development since financial tsunami, 2008, in the context of the United States and to report on the role and use of financial language in the proliferation of financial globalization and its eventual climax...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Marketing for Sports Brands Using Mobile Advertising

Abstract The growing intensiveness of market competition creates a new marketing challenge for sports brands. The leaders of the global sportswear market seek new ways to conquer the hearts and minds of the new and existing customers. The emergence of new media forms provides unique marketing opportunities. Mobile advertising has...

Stakeholder Management in Construction Projects

Abstract The paper discusses the stakeholders’ management as a whole with a point of view on cost and scope of construction projects. The introduction and literature review identify the stakeholders and divide them into internal and external stakeholders. Further the internal stakeholders are divided into promoters, contractors and other actors...

Big Data in Aircraft: Types, Amount, Transmission

This thesis explores the trends, status of big data in airlines and its implications in aviation investment. The paper highlights areas of interest based on these submissions, which include technologies, used cases, applications, products, suppliers, research and development. Within these areas of interest, the researcher categorises point objectives for the...

Social Media and Its Role Now and in the Future

Executive Summary This document focused on the role of social media, now and in future. To achieve this goal, it focused on a number of issues that surround social media. The world has experienced a lot of creations and innovations as a result of the works of man. This includes...

PZ Nigeria Plc’s Packaging in Product Marketing

Abstract Over the last decade, the global market has greatly diversified due to the fast changing systems of consumerism and globalization. Owing to this fact, companies have found themselves at the receiving end as they try to re-organize themselves to fit in the highly competitive marketplace. This report provides an...

Innocent Smoothies Brand: Marketing Communication

Our sample paper on Innocent drinks marketing strategy explores Innocent market share, business model, positioning, campaigns, and other aspects. Learn more about Innocent marketing strategy with the help of our sample! Executive Summary Innocent Company sells its fruit smoothies at one point five million (1.5M) rate yearly and has conquered...

Kio Technical Support Company: Business Plan

Executive Summary Starting up a new business requires a detailed understanding of the market and the forces that will affect a firm’s operations. Kio Technical Support is a new firm that is planning to start operating in the city of London. This firm will have offices in Serbia where most...

Tesla Motors Company and Its Marketing Communications

This essay sample focuses on Tesla communication strategy. Here, you’ll find Tesla’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, and issues as well as other useful information. Learn more about Tesla internal communication strategy with our sample! Tesla Communication Strategy Essay Introduction Founded in 2003, Tesla Motors is an American automobile manufacturing company....

A Perfusion Based 3D Cancer Model for Micro Tumor Formation

Abstract The study of the development of anti-cancer drugs and preclinical toxicity tests has until today encountered a major problem identified as lack of a reliable in vitro-tumor model able to mimic in vivo conditions. These models provide a clear basis for understanding tumor-development processes and assists in the selection...

Binge Drinking in the United Kingdom

Abstract It is prudent to accept that the role of intoxication in the society has considerably shifted and as such the attitudes towards alcohol consumption and its role with respect to the changing landscape of leisure, work and pleasure. From the eras of carnivalesque excess, to the acceptance of an...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Energy Consumption in Wireless Body Area Networks

Introduction Significance of the Study One of the most influential and large impact factors in wireless body area networks is the efficiency of energy consumption. This essay seeks to present an extensive study of energy consumption technologies in WBANs. This is achieved through, concerted focus on power-efficient models and battery-driven...

The Aviation Industry: Emerging Threats

Abstract The proposed project is devoted to the comprehensive analysis of threats that affect the work of the aviation industry. The relevance and topicality of the selected issue come from the strategically important role of civil aviation in modern society and the critical need to create the safe framework by...

Aviation, Wildlife Trafficking and Collecting Data

Introduction: Wildlife conservation is one of the major concerns of the modern age regarding the critical deterioration of the environment and climate change. For this reason, much attention is given to protecting animals in their natural habitat. Thus, illicit wildlife trafficking remains a serious problem impacting the outcomes of conservation activities...

P&G and Unilever Open Innovation Case Study

Abstract Open innovation is considered to be an idea which companies can follow to bring together both internal and external ideas and generate ways of bringing new and better changes in the organizations by accessing internal and external path while enhancing their existing technologies. The main concept following open innovation...

How to Use Project Management Techniques to Improve the Supply Chain Process

Siemens-Energy is one of the leading technology companies in the world. One of the areas of specialization for the firm is industrial gas turbine manufacturing. According to Sadler (2020), Siemens has emerged as one of the preferred brands in the industrial gas sector. The company has two major production plants...

The Impact of Remote Leadership on the Global Business Organization

Introduction Due to their scale and work in several countries at once, international business organizations must comply with many standards and laws than local companies. With the organization’s growth, the scope of its responsibility increases; with the growth of income, opportunities increase, generating free resources. These resources are usually invested...

Industry 4.0 and Its Supply Chain Management

Summary The industrial landscape of the 21st century is changing under the influence of various contemporary factors. Historically, humanity’s approach to most of its activities across different sectors has aligned with the development of societal, economic, and technological aspects. Today, the third component has taken a leading position, as progress...

Anne Bradstreet’s Contemplations

In literary scholarship, Anne Bradstreet’s poetry is usually discussed from two perspectives: the Puritan views in her poems and the feminist views, as it is represented in the author’s works. Thus, the uniqueness of scholars’ discussions is in their suggestions that Bradstreet can be viewed as both a Puritan and...

Artificial Intelligence in Supply Chain Management

Introduction Background Industry 4.0, which refers to the fourth industrial revolution and also known as 4ILR, is a digital transformation in the field of manufacturing, production, and processing that emphasizes the need for the use of artificial intelligence (AI) when making decisions and undertaking specific actions. Information has become a...

High-Risk Substance Use in Kenyan Students

Abstract This dissertation focuses on high-risk prevalence among Kenyan high school, college, and university students. International organizations and numerous researchers indicate that this problem is universal and especially acute for developing nations. Consequently, scientific evidence reveals that Kenya suffers from the situation, meaning that a study is needed to investigate...

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Social Commerce in China

Executive Summary The presented paper is devoted to the in-depth investigation of social commerce and the way it evolves and functions in China. The choice of the issue is stipulated by the high speed of the development of social commerce and its successful transformation from e-commerce firms. The choice of...

Online Marketing: Malta Heritage Visitor Attractions

Abstract This study has aimed to scrutinize the emergence and progress of the roles of online marketing for Heritage Visitor Attractions in Malta by coordinating with the national economy, local market trends, and ICT skills of the human resource by taking into account customer’s motivation to the new technology. With...

Personalized Medicine: Applying Bench Research for Bedside Utility

Introduction Human health outcomes are often products of the interplay between several biological and environmental factors. Based on this relationship, scientists have often strived to learn a lot of information surrounding the physiological, anatomical and biological issues underpinning human health outcomes with mixed outcomes (Blau, Brown, Mahanta, & Amir, 2016)....

Economic Reality of the Oil Supply Dwindling

Abstract The main purpose of this dissertation is to research on economic reality of living with a dwindling supply of oil. In order to do so, the first chapter will discuss the background of the problem like dwindling supply of oil, rationale of the research, the objective of the dissertation...

Positive Leadership Styles for Organisational Performance

Abstract The focus on globalization and multiculturalism has led to the importance of understanding organizational productivity and team effectiveness. This paper focuses on the UAE business context by evaluating and comparing leadership styles in the UAE and their effect on the competitiveness of the country. Mainly, this paper evaluates the...

Call Center Performance in the Telecommunications Industry

Executive Summary Business process Outsourcing is a growing phenomenon in the global telecommunications sector. Many firms are embracing the process because of the cost and quality advantages associated with it. However, not all firms realise the expected benefits of outsourcing. Some companies have suffered from poor quality services, while others...

Locating Landfills for Waste Management in Northern Ghana

Abstract Geographical Information Systems (GIS) is an emerging tool for effective waste management as well as an efficient method for sitting landfills and other dumpsites. Due to the global shortage of land for solid waste disposal especially near the major towns and cities, landfilling areas must be well selected to...

Problem Solving for Performance Enhancement

Abstract The research was carried out to determine the relationship between problem solving and performance enhancement with particular regard to routine, rational and creative problem solving approaches. The research was carried out by making use of the survey questionnaire as the primary data collection technique and peer-reviewed publications for secondary...

Human Rights Advocates vs. Terrorism Victims

Abstract Recently the issue of terrorism has raised major security concerns throughout the world. This concern has increased the need to have effective counter terrorism measures in place. However, the fight against terrorism has led to controversy and friction between the measures taken by the state counter terrorism committee to...

European Low-Cost Airlines Market Entry Strategies in Asia

Executive Summary The Asian aviation market, albeit challenging, holds most of the potential for growth in the global aviation market. Comparatively, European airlines have been struggling to make a profit, even as they wade through the challenges of operating in a fragmented market and overcome the challenges brought by high...

The Lego Serious Play Methodology

Introduction The Lego serious play methodology is a problem solving and insight building approach or strategy whose aim is to enhance creative thinking among all participants in organizations (Gauntlett, 2007.p.131).Through the methodology, organizations are able to have the employees and shareholders think and express or speak their true feelings without...

Starbucks Company’s Brand in Bangladesh Market

Abstract The study was carried out to develop an understanding of the intricacies and utility of brand effectiveness. Starbucks’ expansion in Bangladesh was chosen as the scenario for which the effectiveness of brand effectiveness was tested. Primary data was collected through the survey questionnaire while secondary data was collected through...

Computer Fraud and Corporate Identity Theft

Abstract Corporate identity thefts involving unauthorized drawing of vital client information is currently on the rise as the most prevalent type of computer crimes. Processing of large volume of personal data, without proper security protection mechanisms make organizational information base vulnerable to malicious attacks by both external and internal agents....

Policymaker Visit About the Childhood Obesity Problem

Policymaker Visit The most important result of the policy-making visit was a successful contact establishing with the policymaker. It appeared that the person is also concerned about the problem since she has the close ones affected by the negative outcomes of the problem. Besides, the identification of common positions in...

Impressions and Expressions of Cultural Storytelling

Introduction Storytelling is an art and science that has existed in many communities around the world for centuries. According to Ripley (2003), storytelling was the only way to pass down cultural practices, values, and believes from one generation to the next before written records emerged. Storytelling is still common among...

Integration and Alignment of the Current HR Strategy

Introduction Background Information The Abu Dhabi government established the Masdar Institute as an independent and non-profit research-driven graduate university in 2007. The entity is dedicated to the provision of higher education and research in advanced energy and sustainable technologies. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), through partnership initiatives, plays an...

Diversification of the Family Business

Foreword Analysis of family businesses, as well as research into issues that may not only be unique to the family business concept such as diversification, succession and corporate governance, to name a few is not a new practice, but rather a well established practice from both, an academic as well...

Leadership Theories in the Healthcare Industry

Introduction The question of leadership effectiveness has stormed the behavioral sciences for a long time. There has been extensive research on the effectiveness of leadership style and of theories in different areas of work such as business, nursing, education, military, and politics. The leadership in each case has been adjudged...

Cathay Pacific Airlines’ Customer Relationship Management

Executive Summary The aim of this paper is to investigate the impact of customer relationship management in the airline industry and its contribution to the success of the business with a case study of Cathay Pacific Airlines. In order to explore this topic area, the introduction of this paper focuses...

Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation’s Communication

Introduction The present communication plan is intended for use by the Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation. In view of the proposed nuclear power plant to be constructed in the Western Region of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, a comprehensive analysis of the context, stakeholders and communication strategies available has been undertaken....

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Quality and Customer Loyalty in the Service Sector

Introduction “The service industry, commonly known as tertiary sector of industry by economists, involves the provision of services to businesses as well as final consumers” (Terill and Arthur, 2000). Schneider and Susan (2004) continues to expound on this by explaining that such include accounting, trademanship (like mechanic or plumber services),...

Advanced Technology Investment Company’s Performance

Abstract The aim of this research is to investigate, comprehend, and construct the orchestration of performance of Advanced Technology Investment Company; in order to do so, the paper first focuses on the significance of the study, the background of ATIC, the ‘vision and mission’ of the business, the key achievements...

Leadership Development in Government Sector

Introduction Leadership is critical for ensuring good governance either in private or in the government sector. In the present circumstances, the government organizations are over managed; nevertheless, they are poorly led. In today’s ever-changing world, leadership issues are getting more and more prominence in managing government departments and organizations. Enhancing...

Motivation and Performance in UAE Construction Industry

Abstracts As the construction industry grows along with the economy, UAE construction companies are striving to succeed amidst steep competition to deliver projects by the required cost, meet deadlines, and provide high-quality work. The sector requires a motivated and robust workforce, effective and resilient project teams with flexible and supportive...

Executives’ Compensation Levels: Social Network Analysis

Abstract The present research investigates the impact of networks and connectedness on the CEO compensation, CEO appointments, CEO labour market outcomes, and CEO termination. In addition, this research establishes the connections between the CEO and the hiring board and compares it to the general connectedness of the CEO. The study...

Saudi Arabian Corporate Finance Law Against Fraud

Abstract Attention towards the reduction of financial crime, corruption, and fraud in Saudi Arabian financial institutions has advanced significantly in recent years; as a priority, several legally acceptable mechanisms have been instituted to bring about more realist financial transactions. The effectiveness of these mechanisms, however, raises concern. This is because...

Investor’s Role in Creating Culture of Excellence

Abstract This study shows that at the present, the U.A.E construction industry is severely lacking in terms of proper employer-employee engagement in that the higher-ups within the company neglected to implement any form of IIP standardization or talent management practices that did not involve members of the upper management team....

PDVSA Company and the Influence of Political Decisions

Abstract Since the early twentieth century, Venezuela’s future has been associated with its oil industry and the country’s relation with this resource has been rather uncertain because it has been consistently contributing to socio economic development as well as economic stagnation and declining standards. However, oil has also contributed in...

Customers’ Views on Service Dimensions

Executive Summary Two important factors for understanding how to improve the success of service-oriented businesses are customer satisfaction and service quality. This analogy is true for telecommunication firms because their success depends on their service quality. Therefore, to quantify their success, they need to measure their service quality. However, service...

Training and Development in Business Management

Abstract Training and development are imperative aspects of organizational performance. This is because the environment in which most businesses function presently is constantly changing and is full of challenges. Most organizations have proved that training and development are crucial for an organization to meet the increasing customer demand, and face...

Automotive International Marketing in Turkey

Abstract The article reveals the author’s experiences as a channel through which the grounded theory approach can be utilised in presenting qualitative research. The detailed description of the methods used in collecting, interpretation and analysis of data are fully given. The study is about international marketing and focuses on appropriate...

China Sustainable Cities Program and Risk Analysis

Introduction Background of the Study China is the world’s most populous country. The country is rated the second largest in the world by land area. The country also has the fastest growing economy in the world, having overtaken other major world economies except for the United States. The population growth...

Rating System for Infrastructure Projects in Nigeria

Abstract Undertaking infrastructure development projects and especially the construction of buildings in Nigeria lack sustainable green rating systems has resulted into construction practises that have caused many environmental problems. Lacking the green building rating systems has contributed to the ineptitude of construction managers and other professionals working in the construction...

Demand and Supply of Healthcare Workforce in Oman

Abstract There has been continued indication of the shortages of physicians and nurses in hospitals across Oman and this is often seen in the media on regular basis. As a consequence, there has also been increased debate on the policy circles among scholars, stakeholders and researchers. Most of these debates...

Qatari Family-Owned Businesses and Management

Data Analysis Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data. As such, various features of the data were presented in their simplest forms and summaries to aid understanding of Qatari family-owned businesses. Alongside simple frequencies, percentage, and graphics analysis, a robust quantitative analysis was conducted to describe and present data...

Motivational Factors on Kazakhstan’s Top Managers

Abstract Motivating top managers and its effectiveness has been center of discussion in researches conducted in past and they have provided in-depth analysis of how to improve top managers’ motivation through utilizing their human resource systems. The importance of analyzing the value of human capital, specially the top management, cannot...

Carbon Tax Role in Enhancing Environmental Sustainability

Executive Summary Individuals and organisations should engage in activities that are viewed to promote environmental sustainability. The reason behind this is to ensure their survival, as well as that of their future generations. Increasing levels of greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere has mainly been attributed to industrial processes in...

Management Consultancy Practices for Small and Medium Business

Abstract This paper will discuss management consultancy practices and will explore the benefits that SMEs will obtain from adopting management consultancy practices. Moreover, it will review various definitions of SMEs and compares management consultancy practices employed in Sri-Lankan SMEs and UAE. There are two types of research methodology employed in...

Risk Perception in British and Saudi Arabia Cultures

Introduction Overview One of the most peculiar aspects of post-industrial living is the fact that, during the course of few recent decades, the pace of technological progress in the field of informational technologies, had attained a clearly defined exponential momentum. In its turn, this created objective preconditions for the growing...

Adolescent Obesity and Parental Education Study

Introduction to the Project Obesity is a serious public health concern in the United States that puts millions of children and adolescents at risk of having poor health. Despite the intentions to control and prevent this condition among the chosen population, its prevalence remains high, and certain improvements are expected...

Young Adult Consumers’ Motivations Understanding

Introduction Background information The results of the previous studies have revealed the growing trends in increased interests to dine away from homes. The increase in these interests translates to the diverse nature of today’s generation. Food and beverage outlets in most cases are frequented by young and sophisticated individuals. In...

Conflict Resolutions in Northern Ireland and Cyprus

Executive Summary In the current study, the author evaluated conflict management with respect to the available options for its resolution. From the onset, mediation is outlined as the preferred option in resolving conflicts and other forms of disagreements in the society. To this end, a historical perspective of this alternative...

Employee Participation in Business Process Reengineering

Abstract In a highly competitive business scenario, it has become imperative for the organizations to review the business systems and processes continually and implement changes to meet the market expectations. Business Process Reengineering (BPR) is one of the management techniques for bringing radical design and transformation of strategic organizational systems...