Should Parents Be Responsible for Children’s Crimes?

Do you think parents should be held responsible for children’s crimes? Who should be punished when a child causes trouble at school or in public? Find out in this essay! Introduction There is no doubt that some children engage in criminal activities, perhaps thinking that they are invincible. Some of...

Why I Want to Be a Police Officer

Do you want to join the police and become a police officer when you grow up? Then make sure to check out this “why I want to be a police officer” short essay! Here, you’ll learn more about the author’s ambition. So, why do you want to become a police...

The Checks and Balances Strategy: Advantages and Limitations

Introduction Maintaining balances between separate governmental branches is a crucial idea for an appropriate distribution of power held by the state. Historically, national leaders have incorporated the methods that ensure the equal allocation of authority to different state agencies into the political system, attempting to enforce the fair use of...

Law and Medicine: Relationship Analysis

Introduction Medicine like most other professionals is governed by laws that are meant to protect patients’ rights and prevent fraudulent practice. Healthcare practitioners are for example required to complete required training and obtain a practice license from a registered governing body. In the course of practice, nurses and physicians have...

Capital Punishment: Advantages and Disadvantages

This paper analyses impact of death penalty. Actually, capital punishment refers to a death sentence on individuals who have committed unlawful deeds. Indeed, such punishment arises due to capital offences. Death penalty is normally conducted by knocking out head from an individual’s body. Initially, death penalty was practiced by many...

Punishment vs. Rehabilitation Within the Criminal Justice System

Introduction Though it is hard to disagree that this is a wonderful world, unfortunately, there are several disadvantages and adverse factors influencing people’s experience throughout their lives. For example, one of the primary and serious problems is the high crime rate and the vast number of offenders. A way to...

Juvenile Delinquency Causes and Effects

Causes and Effects of Juvenile Delinquency: Essay Abstract Given the widespread family, societal, community, and individual costs that come with high rates of juvenile delinquency, one cannot help to wonder what the government is doing about it. It is also everybody’s concern that the government may not be doing enough...

Theories of Victimization

Theories of Victimology: Essay Introduction As the field of criminology evolved, it primarily focused on the criminals, without looking into the victims of crime. However, understanding the role of a victim in a crime has gained scholarly respectability in contemporary times, which has given rise to theories of victimization. These...

Biological and Psychological Theories of Crime

Introduction Crime is a very complex phenomenon that cannot be explained by a single theory or theoretical framework. There are very many types of crimes that are committed against humanity some of which include theft, murder, robbery, fraud, sexual assault, manslaughter and other offenses that are termed as criminal. When...

The Impact of Unemployment on Crime Rates

Introduction Criminal records have a tendency to grow even during pandemics when most humans changed work locations for home. People try to develop a modern system of law enforcement, increase trust between policies and the public, and build a stronger society; however, most countries keep struggling with crime. At the...

Theories for Juvenile Delinquency

Abstract The current paper attempts to examine the theories which establish a correlation between juvenile delinquency and the family. Many studies have been conducted and there is still theorizing about how an inadequate family structure leads to delinquency. On the other hand, the literature agrees that juvenile delinquency is highly...

How Technology Advances Influences Crime Rates?

In the last few decades, the world has embraced rise of many technological changes in almost all aspects of life. Many benefits have come up due to these developments as well as endangerment of people’s lives. The internet, cell phones, and ATM machines are some of the new technologies that...

Law and Society: Law’s Role in Society

One of the essential attributes of our social and individual life is the law. The constitutional conception views the law as an act of legal force, adopted by the supreme body of the state in a predetermined manner and a particular form. The development of a constitutional understanding of the...

The Dangers of Speeding

Speeding is driving past the set speed limit or driving excessively fast. Though it is tempting to speed while driving, the drawbacks of speeding surpass its gains. The majority of drivers speed to reach their destinations, for instance, an appointment or workplace in time. While speeding, some drivers do not...

Researching of Employment Law: Advantages and Disadvantages

Summary Governments adopted different laws and regulations to determine relationships between employers and workers, protect consumers, prevent corruption, and promote a secure work environment. The principal purpose of employment law is to defend employees from various forms of labor exploitation, discrimination, and harassment. It guarantees the fundamental employee rights concerning...

Obeying Traffic Laws and Reason Why It Is Important to Follow Them

Introduction Traffic regulations are a specific set of rules devised by the country’s government that must be followed on every road in that state. They are intended to protect both people and motorists on the road. Traffic laws are enacted to improve the country’s transportation network. If these rules are...

Organizational Behavior in a Criminal Justice Agency

Background of the study Organizational behavior is the study of the impact of an individual or groups of individuals at their workplace in an organization. Research indicates that the behavior of a group of people in an organization affects the functions of that particular organization and vice versa (Arthur &...

The Nature of Juvenile Delinquency

Juvenile delinquency is a term used to refer to criminal acts that are committed by a minor. In most countries, there is a set age in which a person is referred to as a minor and after that age, referred to as an adult who is capable of making decisions...

Fingerprint Analysis: Collection and Preservation

Abstract People often leave a unique mark in the form of fingerprints when they touch items and surfaces such as cups, tables, laptops, and door handles. It has been long established that two individuals cannot have the same fingerprints. Even in the case of identical twins who have the same...

Police Recruitment and Training

The recruitment of police officers entails many processes that must be completed before one is eligible to be an officer. The first process is evaluating one’s strengths and weaknesses by checking to see if he or she qualifies to join the police force. The second step is to contact the...

Organized Crime: Russian Mafia vs. Italian Mafia

Russian Mafia vs Italian Mafia: Introduction Organized crime groups exist in many countries, but the most powerful groups are Russian and Italian mafia. There is a great difference between origins and predispositions of the Italian and Russian organized crime groups. The Russian mafia was influenced by political and economic changes,...

Investigative Psychology and Other Approaches

Introduction Investigative psychology is a criminal investigative process involving psychological principles and research to analyze an offender’s behavior or pattern. Investigative psychology was developed by a social psychologist, David Canter, in the 90s by showing how psychology could help the police in their investigations (Canter, 2000). This Investigative process psychology...

Assessment of Psychopathic Traits of Richard Kuklinski

Introduction Richard Kuklinski, otherwise known as The Iceman, was a high-profile contract and serial killer for several decades. He was renowned for his brutal killings of over 100 people. After his capture and imprisonment, he was interviewed and assessed by a psychiatrist. Kuklinski exhibited psychopathic traits in his behavior, perspectives,...

Reflection on the Bill of Rights

The Bill of Rights provided the first ten amendments to the Constitution of the United States in 1791 to guarantee civil liberties and rights to the citizens. It is generally agreed that the Constitution could not be ratified without the promises to add a Bill of Rights to it. These...

The Consequences of a Crime

Introduction Crime is an act which exists in every culture, the news and newspaper articles all over the world tell stories of misdemeanors every day. People constantly demonstrate absurd behaviors and violate social norms and laws. Each criminal always has their own motives for committing a certain deed, and they...

Dual Court System: Advantages and Disadvantages

The disadvantage of the dual court system is that there are differences across the nation that imply distinct systems, and people can face biases and penalties for a violation or crime. The state law manages the power of state law, that is why the rulings about what is illegal or...

Argue For or Against the Limitation of Speed Limits

Speed Limit Essay Introduction It is undoubtedly true that driving safety is one of the most widely-discussed topics. That is why there is an impressive number of diverse opinions regarding the traffic rules. The limitation of speed limits may be the most severe issue drivers are dealing with nowadays. The...

Approaches in Criminal Investigation

There are many types of investigation methods used by investigators. They comprise inductive reasoning, theory, synthesis, priori, posterior, deduction, hypothesis, classification, and analysis. Any of these approaches assist investigators in their investigations. Inductive reasoning is the method of thinking that starts with concrete details to draw a general inference (Osterburg...

Public and Private Policing

Introduction Private police bodies are under the control of the non-governmental entities that conduct that mandate as instructed by the government. The government may contract out police work to firms or it may be officers contracted by firms to be in charge of their companies. Company police is the mostly...

Should the Death Penalty Be Abolished?

Introduction The death penalty, otherwise known as capital punishment is one of the most controversial issues in our society. Although it is not a recent topic and has been disputed over for centuries, our society has still not come in accord to make a firm implementation of the rule. The...

R v. Abraham Case Study Analysis

Involved Parties and Access to Justice The case focuses on the judicial procedures regarding the sentencing of a perpetrator in Australia. Although a separate nation, it is also a member state of the Commonwealth of Nations. Australia’s head of state is Queen Elizabeth II, who represents the accuser in this...

Correctional System of the Philippines

Introduction According to, corrections pertain to the handling of persons by society after their conviction of an illegal crime. The criminal justice system that punishes the illegal doers contains and involves the deprivation of life, liberty or property after due process of law. On the other hand, sentence is...

Case of Salomon v Salomon & Co. Ltd

Background Salomon v Salomon Co. Ltd case has gained importance as it was the case recognizing the corporation as a distinct entity from the persons constituting the company. Salomon was carrying on the business as a leather merchant and boot manufacturer for quite some time. At a certain point in...

Use of Statistics in Criminal Justice and Criminology

The book Statistics for Criminology and Criminal Justice focuses on the usage of statistics, which can be considered one of the most important means of studying crime in its quantitative and qualitative terms. It contains data on the number of offenses committed, their structure and dynamics, as well as information...

H.L.A. Hart’s Theory of Law: Central Features

Introduction This paper seeks to discuss the statement that H.L.A. Hart’s theory of law has been subjected to many criticisms and refinements but its central features can still be accepted. This paper argues that there is the basis to some of central features of Hart’s theory of law and their...

“Ius Commune” and “Ius Proprium” Relationship

Although already in the sixteenth century there had begun to perceive the need for radical reform of the system the sources of law, the eighteenth-century structure of these modeled, essentially, albeit with differences. Once substantially from country to country, the medieval model, represented by the stratification of very hetero-normative sources...

Family Law II: The Doctrine of Factum Valet

Introduction Family is an important sociological construct that often requires legal protection. Indian law does not have a specific policy that supervises all family formation behaviors, but the government has formulated several regulations that control various aspects of the institution of a family1. For instance, family law in India encompasses...

The True Obsession With True Crime

Introduction Crime has been an integral part of society throughout the millennia of human evolution. However, it mostly existed in the margins of communities, as the vast majority of people did not interact with it in any way. Modern technological advancements in terms of content production and information distribution provide...

Theories of Crime in Forensic Psychology

The phenomenon of forensic psychology has always been an ambivalent notion in terms of its interpretation. According to the researchers, the primary idea behind this branch of criminology was to investigate the insane behavior of offenders, which concerns some severe cases of mental disorders and psychopathy (McLaughlin & Muncie, 2019)....

Abolition of Capital Punishment

Abstract This paper will look at the capital punishment as it applies to cost, deterrence, and the innocence of the accused. It will discuss these issues as it applies to the overall benefit of abolishing the death penalty all together. It would also discuss and evaluate large scale violations of...

The Hart-Devlin Debate on the Social Role of Law

Introduction Law and its foundations always have a particular connection with morality, especially in the contexts of society. While morality is generally determined as a kit of principles and values guiding individuals’ decisions and behaviors, the law is invented to maintain and promote shared ethics, primarily by defending people. Nevertheless,...

Juvenile Crime: Punishment of Juvenile Crime

Introduction There has been a considerable rise in juvenile crime arrests and this is causing alarm to parents and the society at large. Sadly, parents no longer have control over their own children who continue to disappoint them. In the world we are living today, many juveniles have completely deviated...

Negligence: Environmental Law

Introduction When the duty of care that someone owes another is breached, Negligence occurs (Coase, 1990). Negligence is considered a tort. Torts are laws that give remedies for wrongs that are done to other people especially if no contract exists. For example, if one incurs damages from someone else who...

The Methods of Acquiring Information in Investigations

Role of Information in criminal investigation When conducting a crime, perpetrators can leave signals that represent valuable information being left behind. This can include eyewitness descriptions, murder weapons, fingerprints, and others. However, Investigators cannot make conclusions based on one type of evidence, so gathering all kinds of information is essential....

Law of Contracts: Everything You Need to Know

Introduction Contract law is a collection of legitimate directions which oversee the legitimacy, affiliation, and content of any treaty that exists among corporations, entities, and various other organizations. The agreement concerns the exchange of ownership, interests, the provision of services, and the sale of goods. The law of contract always...

Comparing Florida and New York Nurse Practice Act

Florida and New York Nurse Practice Act: Similarities and Differences The main common feature of nurse practice acts in selected states is that they contain the general provisions for nursing professions. Also, both acts aim at ensuring that all nursing practitioners adhere to the requirements of safe practice. Another similarity...

Analysis of Errors in the O.J. Simpson Case

OJ Simpson Case Introduction This paper presents a detailed report on the criminal case of O. J. Simpson, a known ex-athlete who was charged with a murder of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ron Goldman. The paper will explore the investigation and trial that went on in...

Criminology Discipline and Theories

Introduction The discipline of criminology helps to understand why individuals commit particular crimes as well as the factors that lure them into offenses. Understanding the reasons why people engage in crimes can go a long way towards developing strategies to mitigate felonies. Besides, it can help law enforcers to preempt...

Wirecard Ethical Case: Summary and Analysis

Wirecard is a global provider of risk management and electronic payment services. The Wirecard ethical case involved the arrest of the company’s former CEO, who embezzled more than two billion dollars from the German company (Beerbaum 10). After the indignity was exposed to the public, the organization’s shares suddenly fell,...

Criminological Theories in the Case of Chris Watts

Introduction The five-year-old case of Chris Watts stands apart from other family annihilators cases. Unlike other men who killed wives and children, Chris Watts did not attempt to kill himself after the crime and has no history of domestic violence, other crimes, or socioeconomic problems. However, the reasons that prompted...

Hotel Law Cases Analysis: Customer and Hotel

Macgregor V beatrice The facts of the case are as follows. Peter has availed himself of a room at MacGregor hotel for a period of one week. On the second night of his stay, Peter invited Beatrice to be his guest and dine at the Hotel’s restaurant. After ordering a...

The Ethical Dilemmas in Law

Introduction Available scholarship demonstrates that investigators and prosecutors are central to cases involving elected or appointed government officials who engage in criminal activities with the view to obtaining a benefit or avoiding a burden (Pollock, 2011). However, these professionals are faced with a multiplicity of ethical dilemmas in the discharge...

Relationship Between Poverty and Crime

The psychology and root causes of global crime are not yet fully explored and are at the centre of a heated debate. Some people believe that poverty incites and is to blame for the majority of casual crimes, others argue that the problem lies within deeper institutional and class inequalities....

Sources and Characteristics of the English Legal System

Introduction The English legal system has come to be synonymous with common law. The term ‘common law’, in its usage, over and over, has come to be seen to mean English Legal System. The English Legal System is characterized by its way of making laws through court precedents. According to...

Gun Laws and Control

Introduction Not so long ago, I had an argument with my friend on the topic of gun laws and gun regulation. My friend stated that gun laws should be less strict than they are now so that more people could have guns for self-defense, and gun violence could be reduced....

Ethical Issues in Liebeck vs. McDonald’s Case

Introduction Different people and institutions perceive ethics differently depending on the circumstances. Legally, ethics could be a set of rules and regulations that society must follow, while societal norms can be what people perceive as right or wrong according to particular communities. Some legal cases may seem frivolous until discussions...

Contemporary Theories in Criminology

Three methods of measuring crimes. Their advantages and disadvantages Usually, scholars single out three major methods of measuring crime: official statistics, the survey of victims, and self-report analysis (Tierney, 2004). Each of these techniques has its advantages and disadvantages. Only their combined usage can give in-depth insights into the criminological...

What Is More Important: Our Privacy or National Security?

Introduction In the last several decades, technology has advanced rapidly, and personal privacy has become a major public concern. New technological developments allow the government to enhance national security, keeping track of all suspicious activity, both online and offline. The constantly occurring data breaches and information leaks bring to public...

The Difference Between State Security and Human Security

The issue of security has received deficient attention with much focus being directed towards the clause of State security. The vulnerability of the state to certain threats and its military capabilities has been on the forefront in regard to security matters in most cases. However, the emergence of concepts related...

Theory as Applicable to Ted Bundy

Introduction Crimes have existed for ages. Human beings have been known to be selfish and hedonistic hence wanting to satisfy their selfish interests without considering the implication of the outcome upon other people. In addition, research has pointed out that such socially unacceptable behaviour always remains consistent within the individual...

Common Law and Civil Law: Comparison

Abstract The paper compares elements of civil and common law. It gives a brief history of each of the legal systems in an attempt to explain their background. The origin of civil law is traced back from the Roman Empire while common law derives its origins from England. Areas of...

Enhancing Police Training Program Proposal

Introduction Law enforcement fatalities have increased over the years leading to public dissatisfaction with the police service. Mental health issues in the police service have also been on the rise resulting in conditions, such as depression and suicide. Therefore, the police department has to improve the wellness and safety of...

Punishment vs. Rehabilitation – Pro Punishment

Introduction It is well known that punishment is the mostly practiced method for controlling crime and criminality. According to Black Law Dictionary, “punishment is a sanction such as a fine penalty confinement or loss of property right or privilege assessed against a person who has violated the law” (399). Punishment...

Reasons for Taking the Law Into One’s Own Hands

Our self-government system was described as of the people, by the people, and for the people many generations ago. This suggests that the government is in our hands. Given that law is a by-product of government, it is also indirectly in the hands of the people, which is a relative...

“I Fought the Law and I Won!” by Jonny Cordero

The book “I Fought the Law and I Won!” by Jonny Cordero (2017) is a semi-autobiographical book with fictional elements. The author drew heavily on the experiences of his own life to relay the plot of his book. The primary themes are relationships within a fragmented family, the consequences of...

Criminality as a Result of Social Structure

Introduction Crime is a phenomenon, which presents a serious problem for all the countries in the world. Experts make constant attempts to understand the nature and reasons of it to be able to prevent it and make the communities safer. To reduce crime, it is crucial to analyze the causes,...

How Does a Bill Become a Law? Essay

Let’s explain the basics. What’s a bill? It’s somebody’s proposal for a future law that is brought to the responsible party (aka a legislative body) for a review. Before being accepted, such a proposal goes through an extensive list of processes and reviews, and only after that, it may become...

Theories of Juvenile Crimes

Background Juvenile crimes have risen in the past years with more adolescents engaging in all types of crimes in society. It has become a major concern with the courts handling more than 60% of criminal cases, 20% of the cases having been committed by persons under the age of 18...

Why Abortions Should Be Legal?

Introduction Many controversies are surrounding the issue of abortion, regarding its legalization, accessibility, and overall admissibility. Some people are strongly against the procedure, while others claim that there are undeniable reasons why abortions should be legal. The information derived from examining the statistical data and the arguments they present allows...

How Social Learning Theories Impact Juvenile Delinquency and Crime

Introduction The scientists engaged in the research into human learning and development have long emphasized the importance of the environment and community surrounding a young individual since these factors impact the behaviors and values that a person adopts. Juvenile delinquency is defined as “the habitual committing of criminal acts or...

Police Patrol Effectiveness Research Assessment

Over the years, there are several debates have arisen on the effectiveness of police patrols in crime prevention. Conventionally, there has been a general agreement in society that the primary responsibility of the police force is crime deterrence. Society has placed huge demands on the police force; ranking among the...

Health and Safety Regulations in the Engineering Environment

Introduction The health and safety regulations at the workplace entail a set of guidelines put in place to guide the management and junior workers on the safe and appropriate ways of carrying out their day-to-day occupations while avoiding accidents. These provisions are outlined in the Workplace regulations of 1992, the...

Legislation and Business

Introduction The legislation involves the preparation and enacting of laws that govern how certain activities are run. A legislative body conducts this process with legislative authority and powers accorded to it by the constitution. The lawmaking process ensues through evaluation, amendments, and voting for or against the proposed changes. Ideas...

Intellectual Property and Issues Related to It

Introduction Intellectual property refers to new products which are a result of one’s creativity. These products are capable of generating income for the person who has invented them. There are many types of intellectual property in existence for example original compositions such as plays, songs, poems, and other literary and...

Conflict and Power: Police and Community Collaboration

Introduction Conflict is an indispensable part of human life on different levels, including individual and interpersonal. Conflicts are often associated with power-related issues and tension, which is specifically apparent in multicultural societies such as the USA (Jordan, 2017). Conflicts between authorities and communities are quite common in all countries, and...

The Social Bond Theory by Travis Hirschi

Theory The social bond theory was developed by Travis Hirschi in 1969 to address social problems among delinquents and provide practical solutions on how these social problems could be solved. The theory which is one way or another similar to the social control theory originated from the Functionalist theories of...

Intellectual Property Law and Piracy on the Internet

Intellectual property law is a legitimate concept that deals with legal property rights such as copyrights, industrial design rights, patents, trade secrets, trademarks and any other creations of the mind whether artistic or commercial and their related rights. Under this law, anybody who holds either of these rights is entitled...

Should Children Be Tried as Adults for Murder?

No crimes should go unpunished regardless of the age or intensity of the crime. Punishing of crimes sets an example to other citizens and helps those committing the crime reform, hence, minimizing the rate of crime in many countries. However, juvenile offences are given much consideration, as whether the accused...

Vending Machines in Schools

In coherent society the issue of education is of a great importance. Millions of children go to school every year and, that is why, it is vital to guarantee good conditions for their study. Usually, it is for a state to decide what things will be better for pupils, what...

Consideration in the Law of Contract

Introduction In the epoch of Capitalism, the law of contract is widely used in political, social, and economic aspects of life. The purpose of contracts is to establish legal relations between the parties involved in the process. Consequently, their actions are supposed to be aligned to the conditions and duties...

“The Gita Proudman Story” by Ontario Nurses’ Association

The story of Gita Proudman, a nurse who was wrongfully charged with second-degree murder of an infant, is a terrifying example of the unfair treatment nurses often get in the workplace and otherwise. A dedicated nursing professional, Proudman faced a difficult situation with an ill and deformed infant on a...

Domestic and Global Legal Terms and Implications

Domestic and Global Legal Implications Terms Comparison Term Domestic Legal Implications Global Legal Implications Intellectual Property Intellectual property protection helps ensure the security of information found, researched, and proven by scientists or specialists of the country. Often, intellectual property has specific protection only on the territory of a particular country...

Universalism Versus Particularism

The universalism versus particularism debate refers to how a society implements the rules of ethics and morality. For instance, in the US, which is a universal society, regulations and contracts are developed and can be applied in any case, with the expectation of goodness defining relationships between partners. In China,...

Motivations for Criminal Behavior

Introduction Because of lack of consensus, people tend to define crime depending on their own understanding. McGuire (2004) defines crime as the departure from moral or social codes. Psychologists and criminologists have relentlessly tried to understand the factors that push individuals into committing crime. While criminologists seek to understand the...

Serial Killer Ted Bundy: Background and Psychological Theories

Background Information Ted Bundy was born at Elizabeth Lund home for single mothers in Burlington, Vermont. His real name was Theodore Robert Cowell and his mother’s name was Louise Cowell but his father was unknown, however, according to Louise she was seduced by Jack Worthington a famous war veteran, and...

Strain Theory Vs. Differential Association

Introduction There are several models that are supposed to describe and explain deviance or crime. Among them one can distinguish Differential Association Theory introduced by Edwin Sutherland and Robert Merton’s Strain Theory. This paper is aimed at discussing these frameworks. In particular, it is important to examine the main concepts...

Employee Rights in the Philippines

The right to work is one of the fundamental human rights. The state of legislation in the field of the implementation of this right is not only an indicator of the society’s level of development but also an aspect that directly affects the efficiency of its economy. In this regard,...

The Relation Between Law and Morality

Thesis The connection between the law and morality is rather controversial as, on the one hand, morality must be separated from law and on the other hand, morality is an inherent part of the law. Introduction The problem of law and morality is rather difficult, as many believe that there...

What Is the Police Authority?

Definition of police authority The police authority is the power vested in police officers and the police as an institution to enforce criminal law and preserve the public peace. Policing is a mandate of states, which is supposed to ensure that the health, safety, morals, and welfare of the inhabitants...

The Driving License Ban for People Under 21

There is an opinion that young people must be 21 years old before getting a driving license. The main argument for this position is that maximum maturity occurs at the age of 21, when people can be fully responsible for their actions. A counterargument is the fact that some children...

Sexual Harassment in the Philippines’ Workplace

Sexual harassment in the workplace, which ranges from unwelcome comments about sex, gender, or sexual orientation to sexual violence, is a pressing global issue. Although the severity of this problem varies depending on the cultural heritage, gender relations, the level of female emancipation, attitudes towards women in society, and the...

Situational and Social Crime Prevention Approaches

Introduction The modern world has experienced complexity and chaos. Criminality has given us too much headache, forcing us to live in fear. While we have the technology to deter crime, criminals are also using technology to commit crime. One of the fastest ways to commit crime is through the Internet....

Psychoanalytic and Social Learning Theories Explaining Crime

Among the theories explaining the causes of delinquent youth, two are especially important: social learning theory and psychoanalytic theory. According to social learning theory, human behavior is influenced by several factors, including the environment, the habits of the child’s parents, the friends people spend time with, and the level of...

Justice Miscarriage in “The Shawshank Redemption” Film

The Shawshank Redemption is one of the most iconic drama films in Hollywood history representing the criminal justice system and “life in prison” themes. The movie was directed by Frank Darabont and released in 1994. It stars actors such as Tim Robbins, Morgan Freeman, and Bob Gunton (“The Shawshank Redemption,”...

Organized Crime and Corporate Crime

Introduction One of the vice that is prevalent in all societies in the world is crime. This vice is generally associated with negative outcomes for individuals and the society at large. Crimes are violations of the codes and set guidelines that are agreed upon by a society so as to...

Overcrowding in Prisons and Its Impact on Health

Background Overcrowding in prison is a significant issue that affects a lot of countries. It is challenging to detect this controversial term as there is no single and uniform internationally accepted standard. Undoubtedly, this notion must be neutralized and counteracted, as inmates’ mental and physical conditions might be negatively affected...

The US and China Judicial Systems Comparison

Introduction The US criminal system is under the judicial system, which is divided into federal and state courts. The federal court includes the Supreme Court that deals with federal issues such as trade disputes, limitary and government lawsuits. In the US, criminal cases are heard by trial courts that have...

Feminist Perspectives’ Contribution to Criminology

Introduction Feminism entails a constructive understanding of how gender differences amount to inequalities in various environments. Historically, societies embodied gender roles as a fundamental variable in defining the norms and culture of a people. Women have, for so long, been victims of gender biases and participatory contexts, especially criminal offenses....

Rational Choice and Social Control Theories Comparison

Introduction The understanding of crime and its occurrence is limited without the development of theories, which represent useful tools for explaining the world around us. In criminology, theories help scholars understand the critical processes associated with the workings of the criminal justice system and relevant actors. To be used for...

Criminal Behaviour as Result of Free Will

Even the ancient Greeks tried to find a logical explanation for why people commit crimes. In the theory of guilt, the question of free will emerged because the circumstances of the time demanded it; besides, the cleverest philosophers could not resolve the dispute. Within philosophy, there were two schools of...

Robert Merton’s Strain Theory in Criminology

In the United States, there are an increasing number of juvenile offenders and the country also has one of the highest incidences of serious crime. Studies show that the causes of such criminal behavior are rooted in a complex set of psychological, social, and economic factors. Clinical studies have uncovered...

Informal Agents of Social Control

Introduction Social constructionist argues that world surrounding a person is constructed by the people in that social setting and imposes those things on them. The social organization is constructed by the participants and not inborn by character. The good example of social construct is gender and marriage. Sex is based...

Health and Safety Assessment

Introduction Health and safety laws are designed to ensure that working environments are safe for all workers. The law requires that both employers and employees take caution to ensure that they do not risk the life and health of fellow workers. The International Labour organization (ILO) states that “Occupational health...

Contract Law: Legal Case Studies

Case Study 1 According to Australian law, a contract is a covenant or understanding that could be enforced by a legal process. “In Australia, contract law is primarily regulated by the ‘common law’, but increasingly statutes are supplementing the common law of contract – particularly about consumer protection.” (Contract law...

Why Juveniles Should be Tried As Adults

Introduction Think tanks behind the juvenile justice systems intended to create rehabilitative mechanisms to reform juvenile offenders of minor crimes. However, it seems as if the youth perpetrate their crimes because they know that they do not stand punished by the juvenile justice system (Flesch 583). Suffice to say, the...

“Punishment and Modern Society, a Study in Modern Theory” by David Garland

The question of who has the right to pronounce and dispense punishment to a criminal, what constitutes a crime, and what role does the family and community have in both preventing and allowing crime to flourish has been the foundation of the criminal justice system throughout time. Dave Garland followed...

Why Are Miranda Rights Important? Essay

Introduction This essay on Miranda Rights is useful for all American citizens and those who are interested in studying law as well. In the US, the rights and freedoms, which are fixed by the Constitution, are meant to protect everyone. However, in the case of the Miranda Warning, there are...

Legalizing Prostitution: Arguments For and Against

Introduction Prostitution has become an international growing concern owing to its impact to the society and religion. Every government in the world has responded differently to this issue of prostitution with others proposing for legalization while others prefer it to be illegal. All religions in the world do not support...

Crime Prevention Programs and Criminal Rehabilitation

Introduction The success of the human civilization is largely attributed to the establishment of laws and the subsequent following of these laws by all the members of the society. However, it can be expected that not everyone will choose to follow the set laws out of their own free will....

Daytime Robbery Investigation Plan

Introduction Robbery is an offensive and unlawful action of taking a victim’s property. It often involves violence and threats, making the activity a severe crime. The offender is usually armed with a weapon and uses it to threaten the victim. The criminal might not use the gun, but it makes...

Roberry and Deviant Behavior

Introduction While deviance is violating social norms, not all expected behaviors are enforced by law. Therefore, some deviant acts may be legal while being despised by the public. Robbery is both illegal and deviant – people who steal are not embraced in any society, and the ones who do so...

The Purpose of Administrative Law and Public Administration

The term “public administration” refers to all activities undertaken by public agencies, whether internal or external. It is the responsibility of the on-site managers, who are generally free to organize their agencies’ work in ways that will facilitate the achievement of their goals. As a result, the various state and...

The Articles of Confederation and the US Constitution Comparison

Introduction The Articles of Confederation emerged as an issue of great debate among the United States citizens after the American Revolution. Encouraged by victory over the European crown, they claimed that the article was inadequate in governing the central authority. This is because it had no recognized executive power. In...

The Trial Process and Procedures

Introduction The modern practice of law is a culmination of rituals that have been in existence for a long time and has evolved through the years to cooperate with other rituals from foreign lands. Trial procedures are uniform all over the land. Trials are of many types. They could be...

Human Rights in Contemporary World

Introduction to Human Rights According to Pereira (2007), human rights are universally inalienable. All human beings are entitled to these rights at birth. Also, they are said to be egalitarian and wide-ranging. In this paper, the author analyses an example of human rights abuse in the contemporary world. The human...

Seven Principles of Mission Command

Introduction Mission command is actually a critical element that requires people who are technically and tactically trained. This is important because they need to act in conditions of mutual trust and mutual understanding. The essence of this method is the ability to build effective interaction with soldiers. This is necessary...

Eysenck’s Theory and Differential Association-Reinforcement Theory

Introduction The study of crime has been in existence for many centuries but has only gained prominence in recent times. This can mostly be attributed to popularization by the media especially in the West. Psychologists and criminal profilers have been gathering valuable data pertaining to the reasons behind any criminal...

Crimes Against Persons

Introduction The criminal theory helps policymakers develop laws that will aid in creating a better society, where potential victims are protected from crimes. One category of offenses, the crimes against persons, includes a wide range of criminal activities that caused harm or death to another person either willingly or by...

Intellectual Property Law – The Case of “High-Friend!”

Introduction Technological and social progress would not have been possible without adequate protection of intellectual property. Various intellectual property rights provide means for creators and inventors from the misuse of their products and illegal distribution. In turn, they are granted the capacity to monetize their intellectual property. Knowing about the...

Social Problems Assignment: Juvenile Delinquency

Introduction Juvenile delinquency or illegal behaviors committed by underage children is a significant social problem in the United States and worldwide. To design the most effective way to reduce crime among those younger than eighteen, it is essential to study the problem’s origins and the key factors contributing to it....

History of Jack the Ripper

The history of Jack the ripper can be traced back to the 19th century in England. During this period, the population in England was very high in the cities. There were problems of overcrowding and general work conditions due to the population pressures especially in the East End and Civil...

Law Enforcement Cameras are an Invasion of Privacy

Are law enforcement cameras an invasion of privacy? This paper aims to answer this question. It reviews the pros and cons of law enforcement cameras in public places. It argues that benefits of surveillance cameras outweigh their negative effects. Introduction Law enforcement cameras continue to raise ethical issues, despite the...

Ted Bundy: A Notorious Serial Killer

Introduction Ted Bundy, also known as Theodore Robert Bundy, is among the renowned serial killers in history. He was linked to the kidnap, assault, and murder of many women across different states, including Washington, Utah, Florida, and Colorado. Due to the unique nature of his killings and how he used...

Aspects of Crime Scene Investigation

Crime scene investigation and forensics have their origins in the last century. At the beginning of the previous century, police officers already understood that the crime scene contained a lot of clues and clues with which to find the criminal. Forensic science was closely intertwined with biology and medicine from...

Criminal Behavior: Biological and Evolutionary Approaches

Introduction Despite the intention to create a perfect society and remove unwanted problems and challenges, criminal behaviours continue developing, so crimes should be examined and predicted. Criminal psychology contains a number of studies to gain a better understanding of crime causes through applying science (Durrant, 2018). People may participate in...

Social Learning Theory of Offender Treatment

Introduction Psychology social learning theory (observational learning theory) is associated with Albert Bandura who was the discoverer of the theory (Akers & Sellers, 13). This was as a result of his research on modelling and imitation. The theory holds that behaviour can be learned at a cognitive level through observation...

Student’s Rights: Freedom of Speech

Introduction The students’ body forms an integral part of any academic institution. As any group of people operating in a group, having in place rules that guide their individual and group, behavior forms an important basis of their management. Like all other human beings, they would wish to express themselves...

Psychology: Does a Criminal Mind Exist?

Introduction Several studies have been conducted to ascertain the meaning of crime and unearth how criminals operate, behave and why they do so. Various concepts have been developed about the need to establish the causes of antisocial and criminal behaviors in general. Psychologists, in particular, have developed various theories as...

Delegate vs. Trustee Representation Models

The Delegate and Trustee types of representation are two models exercised in US politics. There are substantial differences between how these two types of representatives act. The Delegate acts as a representative who directly expresses the will of the voters and votes for bills following the wishes of the citizens...

Criminal Case Analysis: Criminal Act Synopsis, Crime Identification

Criminal Act Synopsis A mother and daughter were trying to make a phone call at a free-standing phone booth. A person passed by the two women and then returned. He started talking to the women in an offensive manner. He continued to verbally abuse women and also made several racist...

Leadership and Management in Criminal Justice

The concepts of leadership and management in policing are often misunderstood. According to Kingshott (2006), “the role of the modern police management is to impart on the individual officer the management and leadership skills necessary to exercise their discretion responsibly” (p. 121). Nowadays, “police aim at problem-solving instead of crime...

Crime Prevention Practices Overview

Prevention of crime through social development is perceived as the most effective strategy not only in preventing crime but also in reducing crime rates since it addresses the shortcomings of traditional methods of crime prevention. CPSD theorists argue that crime is effectively eliminated if preventive measures target its root cause...

How Drugs Influence the Crimes

What is the extent to which the drug subculture influences criminal behavior? How does it achieve this influence? Nowadays one can see that in every nook and corner thousands of people are addicted to drugs. It is increasing day by day among adolescent children too. This will lead the children...

Incorporation Advantages and Disadvantages

Introduction Incorporation of a new business result in corporate ownership that is one of the three major forms of legal business ownership. The other two are partnership and proprietorship and compared to them, incorporation is a more complex arrangement that is based on the creation of a legal entity (also...

The New York Map: A Syndicate Evaluated Crime Network in New York City

Introduction A map is an actual representation in a diagram of an area of land with a detailed illustration of key features, cities, roads, and other physical elements. Also, the map entails symbolic projection and depiction of actual elements in the ground while maintaining actual spaces between objects. A map...

Fight Against Crime and Its General Characteristics

Introduction Everything that was considered by scientists earlier, including crime, its causes, and the criminal’s identity, ultimately pursues the goal of mastering modern criminological knowledge about crime prevention. At its core, crime prevention is a specific area of social regulation, management, and control, which has a multi-level character and pursues...

Crime Statistics Sources: Strengths and Weaknesses

In the justice system, there are a number of ways to discuss and evaluate crime, based on the different metrics of documenting it. In particular, the two major methods to collected crime statistics are official crime data and self-reported statistics from particular areas of a city (Mosher et al., 2011)....

Transportation Safety and Security Regulations: Advantages and Disadvantages

It is important to note that transportation safety and security regulations have their advantages and disadvantages, which can be reflected not only in cases of fatalities and injuries but also costs incurred and the effectiveness of their implementations. The most evident advantage of such regulatory practices is safety and security...

Decriminalization: For and Against Arguments

Introduction Today, many countries are facing serious problems in regards to drugs abuse. According to the 2011/2012Crime Survey for and England and Wales (CSEW) around 12 million people in England and Wales have used drugs during their lifetime (Home Office, 2012). Of these numbers, around 5 million have taken Class...

Importance of Toxicology in Crime Investigation

Introduction Crime is a common malpractice recorded in almost every region across the globe. Experts in criminal justice systems engage in forensic investigations to gather information, make proper analyses, and present convincing conclusions about perpetrators. Some of the key areas to consider include blood, hard disks, fingerprints, fluids, and residues....

Ethical Issues of Conducting a Program Evaluation

Several ethical issues confront anyone conducting a program evaluation. They arise out of the actual process of doing the evaluation. They can also arise from mistakes of the evaluator. Lastly, there are some issues, which are intrinsic to the context of the research. The paper presents the ethical issues expected...

The Profile of a Crime Victim

Introduction The profile of a crime victim is generally regarded to be a matter of statistics, while the victims themselves are people of various origins, ages, and occupations. The fact is that, when some event (even the most tragic) becomes too frequent, it becomes a matter of statistics. The same...

Recidivism: What It Is and How to Prevent It

Introduction Recidivism is one of the most complex concepts pertaining to the sphere of criminal justice. It refers to the relapse of an individual into criminal behavior, predominantly after receiving a sanction or undergoing intervention for one’s previous crime. Recidivism occurrence is measured by the number of criminal acts resulting...

Community-Based Corrections Definition

Community-based corrections compose the alternative to prison or jail, allowing placing offenders in the community under correctional supervision. The primary purpose of such correction seems to be associated with the idea that effective rehabilitation may happen only in the real world. Usually, only low-level and non-violent criminals are placed in...

Prisons Are Ineffective in Rehabilitating Prisoners

The correctional system’s primary purpose is rehabilitation, and it is founded on the notion that criminals can be cured and deterred from committing crimes. Mental health, substance addiction, and educational assistance are all included in the rehabilitation process. Specialized programs have since been designed for women, those condemned of sexual...

Evidence-Based Policing and Its Main Elements

Evidence-based policing (EBP) refers to a tactical approach supporting police departments in making timely and effective decisions regarding combating and detecting crime. Among the approach’s major elements is the emphasis on the scientific method (Sherman, 1998). The term refers to a knowledge discovery method based on constructing hypotheses that are...

Intelligence Agencies’ Role in Society

The first step toward the correct utilization of intelligence consists of understanding it to the full extent. In the current complex landscape, terrorism poses one of the primary threats to the well-being of communities across the globe. Evidently, intelligence agencies conduct rigorous analysis of both domestic and external threats attempting...

Ethics vs. The Law: Main Conflicts

Ethics is a philosophical branch that defines what is right and what is wrong concerning the actions of people, as well as the decisions they make. Being ethical ideally means doing good deeds and refraining from inflicting harm on other subjects. The question of ethics is largely dependent on the...