Direct Democracy from Rousseau’s Perspective

Introduction Jean-Jacques Rousseau is one of the most recognizable figures of the European Enlightenment. His contributions to political philosophy go beyond theoretical avenue. As an active political activist of his era, Rousseau substantially influenced the French Revolution and further paths of development of ideas in the fields of politics, philosophy,...

Interpreting Kafka – Before the Law

In Kafka’s Before the Law, the Law is open to interpretation and could mean different things to different people. It could mean something abstract as happiness or contentment or something concrete such as riches and wealth. It is simply an allegorical reference, denoting a place into which one wants entry....

Connection Between Humans and Nature in Emerson’s “Nature”

Introduction Emerson’s “Nature” essay discusses the important and unifying relationship between man and nature. Responsible for the fathering of transcendentalism, Emerson’s view is that God made nature for a man so that he could dominate over it. As such, God works through man while man can have an effect on...

Plato and Aristotle Differences

Do you want to know more about the difference between Aristotle and Plato? Then make sure you read this essay example! Here, you’ll find information on Aristotle and Plato differences in views on philosophy, politics, and more. Plato and Aristotle Difference: Essay Introduction Aristotle and Plato are two celebrated philosophers...

The Impact of Ancient Greek Philosophy on Modern Day Thought

How did Greek philosophy influence today’s culture? Why is Ancient Greek philosophy important for modern literature? Here, you’ll find answers to these and other questions. Keep reading to get some ideas and inspiration for your essay! Introduction Ancient Greek philosophy has arguably played the greatest role in shaping modern thought,...

Plato’s Allegory of the Cave: Essay

Not sure how to cite Plato’s Allegory of the Cave? You are in the right place! All you have to do is to look at our Allegory of the Cave citation examples and use the same format in your essay. Interested? Keep reading! Introduction: Plato’s Allegory of the Cave The...

The Artichoke and Avocado Philosophical Approaches

Introduction The theories explaining human nature can be categorized into two core groups: avocado and artichoke. Regarding the avocado philosophy, a person is perceived as self-enduring and stable, whereby their reasoning enables them to control their desires (Al & Alexa, 2021). An artichoke’s viewpoint is that an individual is perceived...

Confucius: The Five Great Relationships

Introduction Among the many ancient philosophers is a man by the name of Confucius born in 550 B.C. Confucius is the greatest philosopher from the East. He was the founder of an ethical and moral system based on the family, as well as the five grand relationships (Zukeran, p. 1)....

Social Contract Theory: Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau

Introduction The Social Contract Theory is an old theory. The theory is of the view that individuals’ moral and political views depend on an agreement or a contract between them to establish a society. It is linked with the morality and politics theories. The theory has been defended by people...

Kant’s Deontological Ethics in a Real-Life Example

Since different people’s interests often turn out to be mutually exclusive, there are numerous situations, in which moral quandaries take place. For instance, it is possible to imagine a woman who has a seriously ill son. Her child needs an expensive drug to recover and survive, but the woman has...

Utilitarianism Advantages and Disadvantages

Utilitarianism is a branch of moral philosophy that promotes the idea that the means applied can be justified by the results obtained. The proponents of this theory believe that traditional moral values and codes are futile as they do not contribute to the improvement of human existence. Thus, they claim...

The Difference Between Plato and Aristotle’s Views

Introduction The teachings on philosophy, morality, and politics have followed Plato’s ideals. Aristotle enlightened the community on ideals of life and insights into what a good life should be and intended their concepts to be well understood and influence societal opinions positively and elaborately. Some of Aristotle’s works are founded...

Philosophy as an Academic Discipline

Description of Discipline / Subject Matter Philosophy concerns itself with the study of problems fundamental to the existence of humanity and understanding of phenomena that is sometimes beyond regular human comprehension. The problems are general and may sometimes be connected to the questions and regarding existence, language, value, and reason....

Locke and Descartes on Personal Identity

Introduction Locke and Descartes are two of the most influential philosophers in the field of personal identity. The matters they discussed were somewhat different, but the theories have some overlapping topics, such as the nature of the soul. The purpose of this essay is to outline the main points of...

Immortality: Blessing or Curse?

Immortality, an ability to live forever, has been contemplated by philosophers since ancient times. There is hardly a person who would not have thought, at least once, how it would be – to live eternally. Physical and mental never-ending bodies would obtain the opportunities to explore each of the Earth’s...

Plato and Aristotle Views on the Concept of Knowledge

Introduction The concept of knowledge has been debated since the conception of philosophy as a method of examining the nature of phenomena and relationships between them. Plato and Aristotle can be regarded as the initiators of the discussion surrounding the definition of knowledge. Although there are several points at which...

The Difference Between Socrates’s and Aristotle’s Prescriptions of Way of Life

Socrates and Aristotle are among the most famous ancient philosophers who may be described as founders of Western philosophy. Their opinions concerning ethics and way of life do not coincide, and that is why both of them should be analyzed in order to figure out where the truth lies. Socrates...

“The Need for More Than Justice” by Baier: Key Concepts

Introduction The Need for More Than Justice by Baier primarily distinguishes between Rawls’s and Kantian justice perspectives and the care position that Gilligan outlined in her studies of women’s moral development. Baier argues that the perspective of justice itself is inadequate as a theory of morality since it overlooks the...

Plato and Rousseau: Educational Philosophies Comparison

Introduction The main philosophies in education belong to two famous thinkers, Rousseau and Plato. They created and implemented their dogmas of world perception in different eras, but they were interested in the same challenge – training an individual so that education becomes a trend. However, Rousseau’s teachings, presented in a...

Locke and Berkeley: If a Tree Falls in a Forest

Locke and Berkeley “If a Tree Falls in a Forest”: Introduction One of the most debated philosophical experiment questions is “If a tree falls in a forest, and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?” The answer to this question seems to be quite easy,...

“Universal Love” by Mo Tzu, Chinese Philosopher

Love is considered to be the feeling that can occur between two individuals that accept the presence of admiration or sympathy. Mo Tzu, a Chinese philosopher and thinker, in his work Universal Love attempted to describe the essence of love and the context of this phenomenon. In fact, love can...

“Justice: What’s the Right Thing to Do?” by Sandel

Introduction In the book Justice: What’s the Right Thing to Do?, professor Michael Sandel explores a range of political philosophies, which range from Aristotle to Kant to liberal traditions of John Rawls that have contributed to the modern understanding of justice. He then applies these philosophies as objectively as possible...

Ethics, Metaphysics, and Epistemology in Philosophy

Philosophy was defined as the knowledge and understanding of the primary causes and beginnings of all things. It aims to create a picture of the world and human beings in it by rational means of mental activity. At the same time, it represents only one of the sections of the...

Your Past Does Not Define You

Every human being has his or her past. For someone, the past comprises of unfortunate events, such as sexual violence, accidents, and the fear of domestic abuse. Some other people’s past consists of pleasant moments. Most of the past, however, contains a combination of good and bad memories. People should...

Rationalism vs Empiricism: Essay Example

Rationalism vs Empiricism Examples: Essay Introduction Various philosophers have come up with different ideas to explain the concept of acquiring knowledge. Rationalists believe that people acquire knowledge without going through life experiences. They hold that some people possess innate knowledge that surpasses their level of experience, and thus it has...

Robert Kane’s Visions of Free Will and Responsibility

Robert Kane, a famous philosopher, formulated the concept of free will, which is a relevant topic for discussion even nowadays. Free will is one of the most debatable problems of philosophy; many people still examine human will as an object of freedom. This topic is highly relevant to philosophers and...

John Locke and Thomas Hobbes Beliefs and Ideas Comparison

Hobbes and Locke are influential Enlightenment philosophers. This essay is centered on Hobbes and Locke similarities and differences. It enumerates what they agreed and disagreed on.  Thomas Hobbes and John Locke are well-known English philosophers whose contribution to the development of human society is extensive and all-consuming. The ideas and...

Plato’s Theory of Forms: Metaphysics and Epistemology

Plato is a crucial figure in ancient philosophy and contributed to studying and discussing metaphysics, epistemology, and ethics. Indeed, his manuscripts and critique of Socrates describe the nature of reality and the importance of knowledge in human life, how it influences beliefs, forms logic, builds society, and determines the metaphysics...

Aristotle’s View on the Relationship Between Soul and Body

Many philosophical and religious movements raise the question of the soul, thinking about it as a kind of intangible essence opposed to the body. The soul is often considered the basis for feelings, consciousness, thinking, manifestations of will, and similar things. It reflects the inner world of humans and is...

Plato’s and Machiavelli’s Political Views Analysis

Introduction The Republic of Plato and The Prince by Machiavelli is among the greatest works in Political theory in studying political ideals such as democracy, power, justice, and understating political practices and institutions. Politics form the basis of our day-to-day life, where politicians chase their view of self-worth and urge...

Does The End Justifies the Means

Introduction The notion that ‘The end justifies the means’ carries with it a historical as well as a political implication. The maxim holds that provided the final result will be ‘beneficial,’ the action employed to achieve this goal ought not to be a factor to be considered. It will matter...

Comparing Marxist vs Weberian in Terms of Class

Karl Marx and Max Weber have contributed a lot to the discussion of the class system in society. Although they both agree that there are classes in a society where stratification methods differ completely, they are almost opposites. Marx says society is divided by class and that capitalism is a...

Plan for the Portfolio: Competing Philosophies of Education

The philosophy of education encompasses relevant schools of thought and their responses to the social issues in education. It primarily revolves around the critical concepts of equality, equity, social justice, peace, and other stimulating factors to educate people on moral virtues from a philosophical perspective (Davids and Waghid, 2021). At...

Importance of Studying Philosophy

Philosophy is one of the subjects, the study of which is fundamental for further education. It helps to track the development of science and learn more about various intellectual ideas. In addition, by following the train of thought of philosophers, you can learn a lot about the science of the...

Philosophy: The Nature of Knowledge and Reality

Philosophy is a science that studies the most profound aspects of knowledge, reality, and understanding. The scholarship seeks to acquire significantly finite elements regarding reason, existence, values, and knowledge. As per philosophy, a truth in one perspective can become an opinion when viewed differently. The absence of a standard view...

Achilles’ Pride and Hubris in Homer’s “The Iliad”

The Iliad is probably one of the most popular and influential Homer’s works around the globe. This epic poem provides the reader with a variety of images related to Ancient Greece, characters, both heroes and villains, and values that define human qualities. Pride is one of the strongest themes in...

The Culture Industry by Adorno & Horkheimer

The 1944 book “The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception” was co-authored by Theodor W. Adorno and Max Horkheimer. Adorno and Horkheimer, in during, 1999/1944, p. 32, say that ‘Culture now imposes the same mark on everything” The Culture Industry, according to this article, uses a variety of media to...

Machiavelli’s Qualities of Ideal Ruler

Introduction Machiavelli has outlined the characteristics of an excellent ruler in his work The Prince. Machiavelli’s primary conception is that a good ruler has to focus on gaining and retaining power. Moreover, in The Prince, Machiavelli explains his rationale when arguing that political leaders may use deceit, cruelty, and strive...

Hume, Locke, and Descartes: Philosophical Theories

The historical development of philosophical thought was accompanied by emerging controversies regarding the uncertain role of people’s perceptions in the process of the formation of the concept of self. This situation was connected to the conflicting theories aimed at explaining personal identity either through impressions one receives from the world...

Sartre’s Student’s Dilemma

The dilemma encountered by one of Sartre’s students is frequently analyzed in works on ethics and philosophy (Statman 17; Detmer, Sartre Explained 169). The problem is that a young man is torn between the desire to revenge for his brother’s death and fulfilling his duty as a son (Statman 17)....

General Philosophical Concept: Empiricism, Rationalism, and Skepticism

Many views are a part of philosophy, while philosophy as a whole has not and perhaps never will merge its branches and theories into one way of thinking that is the best way to approach knowledge and life. Three major ways of thinking in this area are empiricism, rationalism, and...

Science Development in Popper’s and Kuhn’s Views

Introduction Thomas Kuhn and Sir Karl Popper are particularly famous for their opposing views on science and its development. Thomas Kuhn was a philosopher and a historian of science. He focused on the conception, development, and acceptance of scientific ideas and specifically attempted to investigate the context of justification, wondering...

Christopher McCandless: True Transcendentalist

Introduction Transcendentalism is one of the most significant philosophical movements of the nineteenth century. Developed in the U.S., it was based on the idea of embracing idealism. Transcendentalists advocated for the innate goodness of humans, the prevalence of experience and insight over logical judgment, beauty and purity of nature, and...

Plato’s and Aristotle’s Approaches to Metaphysics Comparison

Plato’s and Plato’s and Aristotle’s attitudes to the nature of reality are regarded as the opposite ones. According to Plato, the knowledge of life is based on learning the common inextricable idea that exists separately from the material world. Aristotle, a disciple of Plato, understands the vision and the material...

The Theory of Meaning by Patricia Starck

Nowadays quickly changing world sets plenty of challenges for people causing stress and life-changing events. In this connection, the theory of meaning elaborated by Patricia Starck seems to be one of the solutions to overcome the rapid pace of life helping to handle everyday stress. Definition of Theory The middle-range...

Little Speech of Liberty and Mayflower Compact

Introduction Conservatism is a social and political philosophy which aims at retaining traditions. It aims to pursue justice and freedom. A conservative is a person who follows conservatism philosophies. Classical conservatism is practiced by organic society where equality of the people is not such a necessity. The conservatives believe strongly...

Values in the Quran and “Prince Behram and the Princess Al-Datma”

Islam may be seen as a controversial religion, with many contradicting morals. Some of the Quran’s values are not always promoted in the fictional works. For example, there are differences in interpreting the way families should be formed in some Arabic tales. Comparing the Quran and “Prince Behram and the...

Summary of “The Paradoxes of Time Travel” by Lewis

Time travel is a fascinating fantasy idea that has a logical justification in addition to its obviously entertaining function. In particular, such travel is inextricably associated with the endless paradoxes generated whenever the traveler decides to move into the past or the future. This raises legitimate questions about whether the...

How to Make Our Ideas Clear by Charles S. Pierce: Review

In this chapter, Mr. Pierce expresses several opinions about the concept of a clear idea, the way it should be defined and recognized, and the distinction between a truly clear idea and an idea that only looks clear on the surface. He states that any thought is a system to...

Political Power: Definition and Dimensions

Political Power Political science is a very elaborate as well as a very complex science which concerns itself with the study of various disciplines and how they influence politics of the day. The field of political geography is concerned with the political power aspects. It emanates from a complex combination...

Comparing Philosophy of Plato and Aristotle

Aristotle is a disciple of Plato, but on a number of fundamental issues, the philosopher disagreed with his teacher. Aristotle believed that Plato’s theory of ideas was entirely insufficient to explain empirical reality. Thus, he sought to bridge the Platonic gap between the world of sensible things and the world...

Reality Is an Illusion and Illusion Is Reality

Introduction Reality and illusion have intrigued philosophers and the common man alike since times immemorial. Years of education, superstition and increase in scientific knowledge and perspectives have led us to directly or indirectly oppose the validity and truth behind illusions. They seem to be undesirable deviances from the more acceptable...

Descartes’ Concept of Self Described in Meditations

Introduction Descartes is correct that the essential self as a thinking entity is central to one’s consciousness, unlike the self as a material entity. The Core Argument Descartes’ concept of self revolves around the idea of the dualism of mind and body. In other words, the body and its physical...

Meaningfulness and Meaningless of Life

Human beings are likely to put their existence into several questions. A question about the meaning of life has been asked frequently, and many people have articulated different opinions and views. The response to this question is based on an individual’s perspective on life. Life is likely to have meaning...

Are We Truly Free or Only to a Certain Degree?

The concept of freedom has been a cause of discussion ever since the rise of humanity. In general, I think that yes, we are free since we are always responsible for the decisions that we make or do not make. In a sense, we choose our destiny, but we do...

Lynch’s “Eraserhead” and Kafka’s “Metamorphosis”: Isolation and Enlightenment

Lynch and Kafka both portray isolation and desperate loneliness in their works. While often interpreted negatively in other works, separation serves as a gateway to a better knowledge of oneself in Eraserhead and Metamorphosis alike. Due to being lonely and separated from others, the protagonists of both stories can better...

Aesthetics: The Theory of Beauty

Aesthetics mark one of the fields that have received intensive scholarly concerns. As early as the first century, different philosophers have since tried to explain the meaning of aesthetics and specifically identify what really makes an object beautiful in the eyes of the observer. On their part, empiricist philosophers aimed...

Personal Worldview Philosophy: Prime Reality

Prime Reality: Definition The concept of prime reality has been discussed countless times by philosophers across the globe, yet no consensus has been reached so far. There are numerous approaches to defining the notion of prime reality; for instance, there is the assumption that God represents it. Other philosophies suggest...

The Morality of Freedom in Novel “Sula”

Introduction Sula is a difficult and morally challenging novel focusing on the story of two girls Sula and Nel who grow up in vastly different upbrings within matriarchal households in a struggling African American community, ‘the Bottom.’ One of the major themes identified in the scholarly examination of this text...

What Is Enlightenment? By Immanuel Kant: Analysis

Kant calls the era of the Enlightenment the most important stage in human history marked by a fundamental change in the attitude of mankind to its inherent ability to judge. Kant believes that before the Enlightenment, humanity did not understand and did not properly use its inherent intelligent abili[A1] ty....

The Concept of Ideal Society

Description and understanding of an ideal society are two contentious issues due to the divergent views put forward by scholars. While some sociologists focus on social components defining a perfect community, political scientists and economists underpin the significance of sociopolitical elements. Thus, an ideal society incorporates socioeconomic and political factors...

“The Apology of Socrates” by Plato

Introduction A great deal of what we know about Socrates the man, in fact, all of what we know of him, is what is written about him by others who may or may not have heard him speak. This is because Socrates chose not to write anything down in his...

Philosophy of Socrates: Essay Example

Socrates Essay Introduction Socrates was a philosopher from Athens. His moral and intellectual integrity is reflected in all aspects of his life. This is evident even in the face of betrayal and execution by his fellow Athenians. Socrates way of thinking and of life is presented in four well-known works....

Applying Kant’s Imperative to an Academic Integrity Case

Introduction Kant’s ethics revolve around the concept of a categorical imperative, which is a fundamental ethical principle declaring that one must always recognize the humanity in others and only behave in line with principles that apply to everyone. Kant contended that the categorical imperative is a logical truth; hence, all...

Philosophical Views on Death

Introduction Human beings have always appreciated the importance of applying philosophical concepts to questions that are ethical and metaphysical in nature. This paper seeks to explain why death is bad for the dead person because he or she will be unable to experience the good things associated with life or...

Plato’s and Aristotle’s Argument on Forms and Universals

Introduction Plato’s and Aristotle’s arguments have played an essential role in philosophy and metaphysics. Both philosophers’ arguments have played an immense role in giving definition and meaning to the existing reality. In addition, their rebuttal to each others’ opinions and theory has brought livelier and reality to the metaphysical explanation...

The Basic Level of Healthcare: H. Engelhardt’s and N. Daniels’ Perspectives

Introduction As far as healthcare rights are concerned, Tristram Engelhardt and Norman Daniels are on opposite sides of the aisle. Norman Daniel believes normal functioning can only be restored with minimum healthcare. He makes the case that denying people access to even the most basic healthcare violates their constitutional rights,...

Deontological Ethics and Principles for Parenting

Deontology is an ethical science based on the teaching of moral issues. The focus of deontological ethics is on duties and obligations to be followed. At the heart of ethical teaching is the elevation of moral responsibility for the good, so deontology also becomes a way of justifying happiness as...

The Concept of Will to Power in Nietzsche’s Philosophy

The concept of will to power is central to the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche. According to Nietzsche, the will to power is an integral part of all life phenomena, which cannot be squeezed into the framework of a philosophical category since it is broader than any category. According to the...

Saint Augustine and His Understanding of Memory

Introduction In the Confessions of St. Augustine, memory is a multidimensional, multilevel human faculty that is capable of performing several functions due to its features, which, in turn, are enabled by its nature and the character of its inner workings. Following the doctrine of recollection, Augustine believes that his mind...

Plato’s Work “Allegory of the Cave” vs. Kant’s “What Is Enlightenment?”

The two philosophical works, namely Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave” (1962) and Immanuel Kant’s “What is enlightenment?” (1784), present their authors’ views concerning a better state and society. Although they were written almost 2000 years apart from each other, the ideas that the philosophers developed share many common aspects. First...

Plato’s and Aristotle’s Dualism and Theory of Forms

Background on the Philosophy of Truth Western philosophy considers two different approaches to the topic of reality, such as the nature of reality itself as well as the relationship between the mind, including culture and language, and reality. When studying the relationship between knowledge, truth, and reality, it has been...

Comparing Marchiavelli’s View of Virtue to Christine de Pizan’s

Introduction The concept of virtue has attracted the attention of many scholars over the past several decades. The civilization brought with it an understanding that one’s action should not deliberately hurt others or cause harm to society. One should strive to hold high moral standards at all times and behave...

20th Century Philosophy: Theories and Concepts

Some new approaches to the world were developed going into the 20th century in response to rapid changes taking place at the time. These philosophies often attempted to make sense of a world that seemed to be going mad with the new technologies and advances that were being introduced. Every...

Plato: His Inspirations and Theories

Introduction Plato is considered one of the greatest philosophical thinkers of western society and was born around 429-427 BC to Ariston and Perictione of aristocratic ancestry. As a result he obtained the best education a noble family would offer. As a student Plato was greatly influenced by the works of...

Epistemology and Its Usage in Writing

Introduction The word epistemology refers to studying the source of knowledge. In this respect the reality and truth of what a man writes or says more or less props up against the thoughts and ideas being told and outlined previously. In other words, everything which surrounds an individual can be...

Altruism and Egoism: Similarities and Differences

Altruism and egoism are almost contrasting terms that relate to philosophy, psychology, ethics and biology. Both terms refer to one’s behavior and prioritization of self-interest over the interest of others. While altruistic people put fulfilling the needs of others over their own, egoists pursue their own interests in the first...

Kant’s Deontological Ethical Theory and Policing Ethical Practices

The police system is a universal hierarchy that has the purpose to control the criminal world and ensure the citizens’ safety. Most police officers, when starting the education, decide to devote their lives to serving people within the framework of ethical values, norms, and principles. Notably, Immanuel Kant’s deontological ethical...

St. Augustine, Socrates and Plato: Comparison

The influential philosophers of antiquity who established the basis of modern human fields are St. Augustine, Socrates, and Plato. However, these philosophers have different perspectives on specific aspects of the worldview, although they voice similar motives in various directions. Thus, it is essential to analyze the main similarities and differences...

Relativism and the Dialectical Method: Differences Between Them

Relativism is based on the assumption that all diverse viewpoints are equally valid since the various perspectives relate to the observer’s domain in one way or another. In turn, the dialectical method is founded on the premise that a conversation between two people holding conflicting perspectives can establish the truth...

Weber’s Protestant Ethic and Marxist Critique

Modern sociologists, philosophers, and economics currently use the works by Max Weber and Karl Marx to strengthen their views of society and discuss the impact of different ideas in history. It is not enough to take Weber’s theory of stratification or social class and explain the roots of social conflict...

Descartes’ Proofs of God’s Existence and Explanation of Human Errors

Introduction A famous treatise Meditations on First Philosophy, published by the French mathematician, philosopher, and scientist René Descartes in 1641, contains several ambitious claims. First of all, Descartes attempted to prove the existence of God through logical arguments. One might say that Descartes’s philosophy viewed God as a cause for...

The Relationship Between Science and Philosophy

Science and philosophy are strongly correlated because modern science has grown directly from philosophy. According to Ramchandani (2017), science means “knowledge” and stems from philosophy, which means “love of wisdom.” Therefore, people in former times considered philosophy as a method to express their love for wisdom, and the purpose of...

What Makes an Issue Political?

Introduction Politics is a common feature among human societies both in the past and in present. Politics is said to be an aspect of human behavior and hence the concept of politics is “human social activity” (Yan, Hong and Mair 72). There is no single definition of politics because it...

Philosophy: Plato’s Theory of Forms

Introduction Plato was a notable philosopher of ancient Greece that has changed the perspectives the world’s population has significantly. In this paper, attention is paid to the essence of Plato’s ideas about forms as something mathematically and morally equal to rationally explain the worth of knowledge. The report provides information...

Rhetoric of “The Myth of the Charioteer” by Plato

The myth of the Charioteer by Plato is the part of his dialogue Phaedrus. Being presented as the Chariot Allegory, Plato aims to describe the nature of human soul using rhetoric. The main idea of this myth is to show how three issues in human soul are related. Therefore, human...

Cicero’s Views on Citizenship and Ethics

Cicero argued that virtue is at its best when it is applied by the state or by government. He argued that political action is the only way of putting virtue to use and that this comes naturally. In this context, one may be mistaken for believing that such actions would...

The Role of Women in Antigone by Sophocles

Introduction The debate on whether some jobs are preserved for men and others for women continues in society as critics and adherents try to prove their points. Among them is Sophocles, the playwright, who technically pictures a variety of women’s roles. Antigone is one of his masterworks, which closely manifests...

Plato’s “Symposium”: An Explanation of Love

Plato’s Symposium 201d-212c is primarily focused on Socrates’s speech. The Greek philosopher and thinker addresses Agathon about the notion and nature of Love. He uses the wisdom he received from Diotima of Mantinea in order to explain what role and place Love holds. The first aspect of the speech focuses...

Odysseus Personality in Terms of Aristotle’s Ethics

Relations between people in the societies of Ancient Greece should be evaluated under the ethics of that period. Therefore, the actions of the main character of Homer’s Odyssey are proposed to be examined in terms of Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics criteria, within the framework of practical philosophy. This approach will allow...

Ethics and Popular Opinion in Socrates’ Philosophy

The importance of public opinion is crucial in modern-day society and cannot be underestimated. The majority of people’s views should be taken into consideration and given publicity when a controversial issue is being discussed. Socrates, a Greek philosopher, was trialed and executed for his controversial opinion on multiple subjects. His...

Philosopher Max Scheler

Max Scheler, who is considered to be an outstanding German philosopher of the 20th century, developed a hierarchy of values based on the Ressentiment concept. Graphically the hierarchy of values can be presented in the following form: Positive and negative groups characterize Scheler’s values; values are considered to make a...

Comparison Between Plato and Aristotle’s View on Women

Introduction Even if no lady has ever been the president of the United States, the world has had a few years of involvement with female leaders. A lot of women are providing more visible leadership skills than ever before. As a result, their authentic records have put a lot of...

Discussion: Sam Berns’ Philosophy for a Happy Life

Sam Berns’ talk on how he achieves happy life while living with a rare medical condition provides valuable insight for all people who ever face obstacles and prostration. His philosophy is founded on three primary principles: focusing on possibilities instead of inabilities, choosing positive communication circles, and bringing certainty to...

Sally Haslanger’s “Gender and Race” Review

In Sally Haslanger’s philosophical essay ‘Gender and Race: (What) are they? (What) do we want them to be?’ the author utilizes an analytical approach to gender and race to define factors contributing to their meanings. In my understanding, the essay presents a significant accomplishment as it provides a unique approach...

“What We Have to Lose” by Theodore Dalrymple

The purpose of this paper is to summarise the arguments presented by Theodore Dalrymple in his rather lengthy philosophical article and reflect on them, providing my own opinion. The author begins by mentioning how insignificant he feels in comparison to the shocking and devastating events that transpire regardless of his...

Kant’s Descriptions of the Concept of Goodwill

Introduction The topics of ethics and morality are prominent in philosophical works, and many philosophers have proposed their own theories of ethics. Kantian ethics focuses on the concept of duty, and acting out of duty is perceived by Kant as a sign of morality. In his writings, Kant discusses this...

Natural Goodness’ Research by Philippa Foot

The human mind is a complex machine; which humankind has studied for hundreds of years. Thousands of scientists tried to de-code the sophisticated nature of emotions and the overall nature of humans. The concept of ‘natural goodness’ is not new to the philosophy, as it was discussed actively during the...

Free Will According to Susan Wolf

According to Susan Wolf, free will involves conducting oneself in a manner that is consistent with reason guided by what is good and what is true. This means that people are free when they do the correct things and slaves to their own flesh when they act in the wrong...

Kant’s Philosophy in the Movie “Gone Baby Gone” by Ben Affleck

Introduction In the contemporary world, people have to deal with moral dilemmas especially when deciding what is ultimately good. Philosophically, the definition of a good act varies depending on the different schools of thought. Immanuel Kant came up with the categorical imperative on moral philosophy, which defines what is right...

Utilitarianism Theory: Applications and Issues

What you have learned concerning the theory A welfarist philosophy is largely presumed or applied in utilitarianism theory. In other words, it is necessary to have a thorough grasp of the welfarist theory before applying the principle of utilitarianism. This implies that that the theory of utilitarianism is constructed using...

Universalism as Importance Philosophy of Society

It should be a globally accepted concept that everyone deserves to be helped by others around them, regardless of language difficulties, religion, race, education, income, or place of birth. This should be implemented as a universal rule, with everyone having a moral responsibility to aid another person in situations like...

McMullin vs. Kuhn: Philosophy of Science

It is important to note that the impact of science was immensely useful for bringing more knowledge, wisdom, understanding, and life improvement to humanity. However, it is not clear whether or not scientific frameworks lead to absolute reality or only interpretive ones. The former forms a basis for scientific realism,...

Discussion: Freedom and Security

Introduction Individuals in American society feel that the government secures them without infringing on their freedoms. The government is seen as a safe harbor where citizens feel comfortable under its leadership and protection. However, the government cannot respond to threats and defend the subjects of its control without regard to...

Socrates as the Physician of the Soul

Socrates was one of the first Western philosophers whose thoughts and ideas were recognized around the globe. He left no definite philosophy, and most of his works were based on his followers’ retelling, like Plato or Xenophon. He believed that reasonable people would hardly harm themselves and support the possibility...

Epistemology and Methods of Knowing

Epistemology and the Three Models Notably, epistemology is the branch of philosophy concerned with the knowledge’s nature, implications, and limits. Hence, epistemology is focused on whether the knowledge claims can withstand investigation in such a way that individuals can distinguish between simple ideas and factual knowledge (Tavernaro-Haidarian, 2018; Entwistle, 2015)....

Traditional Kantianism and Its Relation to Software Engineering Ethics

Research the Ethical Theory of Traditional Kantianism Immanuel Kant is one of the major thinkers of the Age of Enlightenment. He is known for his work “Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals,” which provides an evaluation of motivations for action (Kant et al., 2019). The ethical theory of traditional Kantianism...

Can Making Mistakes Help a Person?

As the ancient Roman philosopher, Cicero said: “To make a mistake is only human; to persist in a mistake is idiotic.” Indeed, it is impossible to live without faults. They can ruin a person’s life, even break his soul, but they can also give a rich life experience. We can...

Sharon Street’s Article Objection Paper

Sharon Street’s article, Does Anything Really Matter or Did We Just Evolve to Think So? raises crucial questions about the origins of personal and societal biases or beliefs that influence the perception of events. People often undoubtedly rely on facts they learned through life and refused to analyze the genealogy...

Personal Philosophy of Success and Strategies

Success is the individual’s ability to overcome a challenge or task in a particular situation. It is important to note that philosophically, success is a relative term meaning, it ranges from small magnitudes of achievement to considerably larger ones. Nevertheless, it is crucial to relate to certain aspects of principles...

Frederick Taylor’s and Karl Marx’ View of Workers

Introduction Frederick Taylor and Karl Marx had the views that the worker was not getting a fair deal and thus formulated theories geared at improving their lifestyles. Frederick Taylor came up with the Scientific Management Principles theory whereas Karl Marx coined the Communist Manifesto theory with ideas on how their...

Faith and Reason: Critical Analysis of Faith

Introduction to Faith Religion and faith It is important to believe; faith is something that cannot be imposed on people without the true understanding of God, miracles that can be done, and other concepts attributed to faith. Another thing, in this case, is the religion that can be imposed on...

Categorical Imperatives: Case of School Teacher Jenny

Introduction Categorical imperative (introduced by Kant) suggests that in itself there is nothing good except a goodwill, and only when an individual acted from duty does the individual’s actions have moral worth. Kant supposes that every rational person has inherent worth; consequently, a rational individual will always act to treat...

“Critical Thinking” by Brooke Noel Moore and Richard Parker

Introduction The author of this piece commits some serious logical errors owing to the fact that he/she is trying to convince other readers to support his/her position based on a bad flow of reasoning (Andolina and Andolina, 2001). First, he goes on to assert that the murder of a young...

Free Will and Determinism: Can They Coexist?

Introduction Through the pleasures and woes of life, humans often find themselves in states of regret, denial, or any of the plethoras of emotions felt after a regrettable or punishable action. One may wonder whether these emotions or reactions are reasonable. That would depend on whether humans are actually in...

Skepticism in Descartes’ Meditations

Rene Descartes was a famous philosopher from the era of Enlightenment who has made some relevant points today. Throughout his life, he has challenged the views he was taught and one’s perception of the world. This made the philosopher one of the most influential figures in skepticism and rationalism. The...

Hume’s Bundle Theory of the Self

Introduction Philosophers of all times have been concerned with the issue of human identity, approaching it from many angles. One of such scholars was David Hume, who included a chapter “On Personal Identity” into his extensive work on human nature. Interestingly, Hume has set himself apart from other philosophical traditions...

Comparison of Christian Ethics and Metaethical Theory

Introduction The comparison between Christian and metaethics theory is very appropriate to discuss, especially during the learning and growing stage of life. As Christians, I believe we have to set specific standards that will be decided if a conducted code of ethics is wrong or correct towards representing the life...

“The Socratic Dialogues” by Plato

For Plato, philosophical wisdom is characterized by the ability to confront the trial of serious conversation. As proposed in the apology, this usual criterion precludes nearly every sort of what is normally known as wisdom without a moment’s delay. Neither the legislator, the craftsman, nor the artist can clarify the...

Seneca’s Views on the Happy Life: Modern Perspective

Achieving happiness in life has been a topic of discussion among people for thousands of years. In particular, philosophers of all times are extremely concerned about this issue, one of which is Seneca. In his letters, he discusses the nature of a happy life and how to achieve it. He...

Discourse Ethics and the Disadvantages of Fair Argumentation

Discourse ethics theory, developed by Jürgen Habermas, can be understood as a continuation of Kant’s categorical imperative. The aim of Kant’s categorical imperative lies in testing norms for their moral validity. Habermas develops this idea and adds that the test should be conducted through the discourse between those affected by...

Life as a Struggle for Freedom

Freedom is one of the phenomena that permeate all spheres of human activity. Many philosophers, writers, and scientists thought about it, trying to understand its essence and necessity for humanity. In my opinion, freedom seems to be something attractive and essential for a happy life. Unfortunately, many people feel unfree...

The “Falling Tree” Dilemma

Thesis The sound of a falling tree in an empty forest does not exist. Introduction Background Information Philosophy gives humanity many questions and puzzles to ponder about existence, nature, knowledge, perception, and reason. Regardless of what problems it poses, there always can be an answer or “truth of the matter”...

Philosophy of Art: Definition and Purposes

Introduction Art is deficient in an agreeable and acceptable description which makes it simple to explain in a manner in which an action is carried. Art involves the utilization of handiness together with thoughts in the process of designing artistic items, surroundings, or know-how to facilitate distribution and comparison with...

Free Will in Hard Determinism, Soft Determinism and Libertarianism

The questions of free will were always agitating the minds of philosophers. This could be explained by people’s tendency to acknowledge the responsibility of one’s actions. The questions that might arise ask whether there were other options in doing certain options or it was already predetermined. As a purpose of...

The Links Between Discourse, Common Sense, and Ideology

Assumptions, Coherence, and Inference Although the links between ideology and discourse might appear to be tenuous, closer inspection reveals that the two are closely intertwined. Ideology imbues discourse with a particular meaning by creating certain expectations, thereby encouraging audiences to make assumptions about the purpose of a speech. Thus, the...

Socrates and Augustine on Choice and Virtue

Philosophers’ views on such topics as virtue and choice are usually based on their overall attitudes towards ethics and sources of their beliefs: either religious or non-religious. If to provide an example, Augustine and Socrates’ views on virtue and free will were completely different. In Plato’s Apology, Socrates argued that...

Personal Worldview, Prime Reality, and Religion

For every particular field of study, prime reality is the concept to explain on the basis of one’s personal feelings, beliefs, and comprehension. For Christian theism representatives, it appears to be a personal God, whose nature is unveiled in the Holy Scriptures. Supporters of postmodernism, however, take a naturalistic approach...

“The Problems of Philosophy” by Bertrand Russell

The arguments of the author in ‘Problems of Philosophy’ were neither for direct realism nor against indirect realism. As a result, the author described the existence of reality and appearance using the Cartesian technique (Russell 6). To approach the argument on appearance and reality, he suggested that we must avoid...

Hobbes’ Leviathan and Austin’s The Province of Jurisprudence Determined

The similarity between Austin’s and Hobbes’ approaches is evident since both philosophers point out that the law cannot exist without a person who will establish the law and agree to execute and make it. Both Austin and Hobbes view sovereigns as the makers of the law, and subjects need to...

Michael Foucault’s Theory of Governmentality

Introduction The French philosopher Michael Foucault’s theory of governmentality, correlates with the idea that power is only used under the circumstances that the individual is free to begin with. For example, slavery does not exercise power as those who are enslaved have no choice and are, by definition, trapped. Instead,...

Plato’s Arguments Against the Sophists Essay

Plato’s whole Doctrine of Ideas was founded on his ethics, politics, and humanity as a Greek philosopher. Plato believed that Sophistry was harmful, so his primary concern was that its rhetorical techniques, debate strategy, and social standing would eventually cause the cultures and communities to disintegrate. Sophistry and the Sophist...

The Scottish Enlightenment: Stadial History and Early Anthropology

Similar to many other regions of Western Europe, the Enlightenment era greatly affected the social, cultural, and political aspects of life in Scotland. In particular, the concept of “useful knowledge” was a significant term that many Scottish thinkers of the 18th century frequently used in their writings and presentations. In...

“The Nature of Virtues” by Alasdair MacIntyre

‘The Nature of the Virtues’ by Alasdair MacIntyre (1981) discusses the concept of virtue as it appears in Western philosophical thought throughout millennia. Analyzing the similarities and differences between the ideas of virtue entertained by different philosophers, the author eventually arrives at the definition of virtues as qualities crucial for...

Power in “The Prince” Book by Niccolò Machiavelli

Introduction Niccolò Machiavelli is considered one of the most influential political thinkers of his age. He was a statesman in Florence and wanted to achieve success and power in politics. Due to his broad interest and knowledge of the topic, Machiavelli observed the ways other politicians obtained power and gained...

The Essay “Civil Disobedience” by Henry David Thoreau

The work Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau is an illumination of the current shortcomings of the government. In the essay, the author describes the evil side of the authority that uses its power to reach its benefits, disregarding the nation’s interests. The paper written by Thoreau serves as a...

Blindness as Central Element in Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex

Introduction The ancient times were highly appreciated because of their unique writing style and were valued for the vivid entertainment of the community. Also, plays are considered part and parcel of the community as they encourage unity and peace. On the other hand, authors applied literature to applause the excellent...

Dennett’s “Where Am I?” Review

In his article “Where Am I?” American thinker Daniel Dennett presents a philosophical theory of individual identity. He illustrates a thought experiment in which his brain is detached from his body and placed in a vat in Houston, Texas. Next, his body is sent on a mission to retrieve a...

Philosophy: Aristotle’s View on Substance

Introduction Aristotle, the substance is the ultimate reality; it does not correspond to other categories of being and is the classification of being upon which all other categories of being are founded. This statement is reinforced by the quote “… the old question—always pursued from long ago till now, and...

Justice and Injustice in Plato’s Philosophy

Introduction Plato is a prominent Athenian philosopher of the 4th century BC, the founding father of the Platonist school of thought, and the teacher of Aristotle. Plato’s works are dedicated to such topics as ethics, justice, theology, and political philosophy. In the most well-known writing Republic, Plato analyzes the issue...

Is the Mind Identical to the Brain?

Introduction The human brain is the most perfect and most mysterious mechanism. It controls everything that happens in the body, and therefore life. Mind is a set of cognitive and analytical abilities of man, due to which the intellect of the individual is formed. There is no standard interpretation of...

Plato’s Philosophy of Religion

The founder of the famous philosophical school – the Academy, the Athenian philosopher Plato, 427-347 BC, created a holistic religious and philosophical teaching about the transcendental divine principle, knowledge of which is the meaning and purpose of a person’s earthly life and a condition for his salvation after death. The...

Jonathan Vogel’s Response to the Skeptics

The standard way of thinking about skepticism has it that the choice between our ordinary beliefs and skeptical hypotheses cannot be justified. Jonathan Vogel states that it makes sense to prefer a theory that offers a better of some data rather than one that offers a worse explanation. He proves...

Philosophy and Its Role in Modern Science

Introduction Philosophy has often been criticized for its lack of practical utility. Indeed, some scientists and their followers maintain that most of the philosophical questions, especially the most basic ones that have been researched for centuries, are still unanswered. As a result, metaphysical, ontological, and existential endeavors are seen as...

Beccaria’s and Kant’s Views on the Issue of Harsh Punishment

Cesare Beccaria was a Milan citizen who witnessed how the government system imposed its justice on offenders. During his time, he found the laws of the country to be horrific. In most cases, alleged offenders were killed by asphyxiation and put in a state where the bodies would be burnt....

Averroes’s “Decisive Treatise”: Reflection

Introduction A Cordoba native, Averroes or Ibn Rushd, came from a family of prominent judges and jurists. Some of Averroes’s works explore the relationship between Islam and philosophy as well as the association of theology and philosophy. For example, the Decisive Treatise is a critical text for understanding legal opinions...

The Effects of Trade Unions on Alienation at Work

Introduction The concept of alienation was first proposed by the German philosopher Karl Marx in his famous work Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844. He argued that the modern production methods forced workers to abandon their humanity and embrace the role of an easily replaceable element in a large oppressive...

Application of Nietzsche’s Thoughts on Daily Life

The contemplation behind Nietzsche’s philosophy projects the meaning of values and their importance to existence. Regarding nature, Friedrich Nietzsche emphasizes that humans are at a development stage that is not final but transitional. Subsequently, living can never become too complacent or gratified with their accomplishments without putting their claim of...

“Old” and “New” Metaphysics

The main difference between the old and the new metaphysics is in the philosophical problems they seek to address. The old metaphysics, going back up to the Ancient Greek philosophers such as Parmenides and Aristotle, was preoccupied with the matters of essence and existence. The classic example of a problem...