Moving Upstream to Improve Population Health Down Road

The researchers of nowadays have found the connections between the adult morbidity and life expectancy and the fetal development of a human being or the early life of the child (Halfon 2009). The upstream approach revealed an early reason of adult cardiac diseases and mortality rate. It turns out that...

Car Seatbelt Legislation for Teenagers in Maryland

The epidemiology of injuries in the society, both occupational and not, are conditioned by way of life of the citizens. That is why the lifestyle approach is suggested to analyze the epidemiology (Krieger, 2011). The lifestyle means the choice of behavior strategies by a person. In the context of health...

Amazon Versus Barnes and Noble in the Bookstore Market

Barnes and Noble and Amazon as bookstores may appear to represent a similar approach, yet they should be considered the direct opposite of each other in terms of business and marketing strategies. Amazon is a much bigger transnational company with almost forty percent of foreign customers, which does not view...

Lifestyle Factors Affecting Adolescents

The objective of the interview is to comprehend young adults’ perspectives and experiences on physical activities and social influences over a specific time. The understanding is relevant when it comes to coming up with interventions needed in lifestyle promotions. Parents, guardians, and fellow age mates from different cultures play a...

The Role of Power in Conflicts in the Workplace

Introduction Thank you everyone for coming to this workshop. Today we are going to learn about the role of power in solving conflicts in a workplace. Conflicts are common in a workplace and they occur do to various factors including poor management, lack of communication, conflict of interest and conflicting...

Social Media and Spirituality: Correlation Study

The authors implemented a quantitative research design where the participants were taken into a psychology lab and given a questionnaire to fill out. The aim of the study was to find out whether immersion in social media sites has replaced strong religious commitment and spiritual serenity leading to low psychological...

Elizabethan Conventions in Hamlet: Laertes and Claudius on Avenging Polonius

The Use of Honorifics: Thou vs. You The Elizabethan conventions are a group of signs in the theater indicating belonging to a specific period. The first thing to point out is the language used by the characters of Hamlet. Laer addresses the King, “That I shall live and tell him...

Behavioral Control in Organizations: Examples, Importance, and Effectiveness

Control of Organizational Behavioral The control of behavior in the organization is valuable by providing an understanding of the results of implementing any changes or innovations. Wheelen et al. (2018) define this procedure as “specifying how something is to be done through policies, rules, standard operating procedures, and orders from...

Gender Inequality in “The Times That Try Men’s Souls”

Summary The Times That Try Men’s Souls rendered the issue of social injustice that manifested itself in gender inequality. Chapman stresses that, now that a significant social change is on the horizon, the time has come to address the gender problem: “the women have leaped from ‘their spheres’” (Hollitz 270)....

“The Cay” by Theodore Taylor: Historical Perspectives

The Cay is a children’s war novel written by Theodore Taylor. It is a classic story about hard survival in an island engulfed by war. The protagonist in the story is an American boy called Phillip who experiences a harsh reality of war on the coast of Venezuela. A blast...

“This Is the Voice of Algeria” by McLuhan

In the article, the writer expresses his dedicated glee of the revolutionary battles in many instances. Algeria was in a bad state and had in fact called off an election fearing that the Muslims would take over the highly sought office of the president, consequently running the Government affairs. The...

IT Disaster Recovery Plan

Introduction Data and information are presently being treated as a very pertinent corporate resource. This has come as a result of innovations especially in IT where the corporate world now is embracing these innovations to establish a competitive edge. These systems are of great benefit to the organization, however, the...

Climate Redux and Earth System Governmentality

Climate change is at the top of current discussions around the globe. Allenby’s “Climate Redux: Welcome to the Anthropocene” and Lovbrand et al.’s “Earth System governmentality” offer timely insights into this discussion, albeit in different ways. On the one hand, Lovbrand et al. (2009) discuss how the integrative Earth System...

The Decline of Christianity in Europe Since 1675

The European Christianity have a long and varied history of decline. A powerful tendency for secularization appeared in Western Europe spreading to the entire European continent. The age of Enlightenment is the epoch of the decline of faith under the onslaught of scientific worldview and rationalism. The sunset of the...

Researching of Tech-Driven Innovation

The purpose of this paper is to examine a tech-driven innovation and its benefits using the example of PowerDoc and compare it with a human-centered type. In general, the innovation at PowerDoc may be regarded as technology-driven. The company’s management decided to centralize its word-processing system on stand-alone computers through...

CRISPR-Cas9 Gene Drive: A Strategy for Mosquito Population Control and Disease Prevention

The Use of CRISPR-Cas9 Technology in Combatting Mosquito-Borne Diseases Mosquitoes are carriers of many diseases that are dangerous to humans, and to combat them, scientists are developing various ways to reduce their population. One potentially successful solution in this direction is using the CRISPR-Cas9 gene drive, which targets the doublesex...

Surveying Housing Needs and Attitudes of Students with Disabilities

The survey is one of the methods used to collect data for a quantitative study. This technique enables a researcher to collect a vast pool of data and cover quite large populations (Babbie, 2016). It has been found that many programs concerning housing for people with special needs are not...

“Gulliver’s Travels” Novel by Jonathan Swift

Gulliver’s Travels is the novel that became extremely fashionable as soon as it was issued (John Gay said in a 1726 letter to Swift that “it is universally read, from the cabinet council to the nursery”), and it is probable that it has never been out of print since then....

Financial Management and Investment Banking

In the traditional process for issuing new securities, investment bankers perform one or more of three functions. Discuss those functions Financial markets are divided into two major types depending on the timeframe of issuing the deals. They can be primary and secondary as the former deal with the deals and...

Syrian Civil War in Media Coverage

One of the more recent global disasters that have received considerable levels of media coverage has been the civil war in Syria between the Syrian rebels and the troops still loyal to Bashar Al Assad (Wieseltier, 2012). Media coverage over this event has been rather sparse due to the sheer...

Newman’s Religious Opinions

Commonly known as Saint John Henry Newman or simply cardinal, Newman was an English poet and theology expert throughout his life. His priesthood began in the Anglican Church, and later on, he became a Catholic priest. After several years of service, he was appointed a cardinal. In 2019, years after...

A Skill Acquisition Plan for Children with Autism

The skill acquisition plan is targeted at teaching a child to ask when he or she wants something. It is a crucial independence skill for kids to learn based on the ability to articulate their needs and desires in a clear, respectful, and appropriate manner. Prepare for the learning environment...

The Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

The atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 was one of the major turning points in the world and Japanese history. The affect of the bombing left negative traces in all spheres of human relations: social, political, environmental, psychological, and medical. The atomic strike caused great destruction and the...

“Water by the Spoonful” by Quiara Hudes

Water by the Spoonful is a play written by Quiara Hudes. The play narrates to the reader the story of the Iraqi war veteran and the group of drug addicts, including his biological mother. The author of this work raises several acute social problems, trying to address them through the...

Caregiver for the Terminally Ill

Caring for a person close to you is complex and challenging, especially when suffering from a terminal illness. As a caregiver, I have to give the best support professionally and as a person who could go through the same scenario. The family I am tasked with offering support to is...

Improving Financial Performance in Business

The organization is currently experiencing financial difficulties, which have been made known by non-capable evolutionary performance. The department is no longer showing decent results, and it is recommended to switch to a new mode of operation. This memo outlines recommendations for achieving 10% savings, our primary goal. Cost levels are...

Poverty: An Interplay of Social and Economic Psychology

Introduction This investigation falls under the umbrella of economic psychology that examines the psychological underpinnings of various economic phenomena as well as the mechanisms underlying people’s perception, decision-making, and behavior in economic contexts. Karl-Erik Wärneryd established the first economic psychology course in a European institution in 1957 at Stockholm University...

The Care Management of an Individual With Complex Care

It is crucial to enhance the standard of patients’ stays in healthcare facilities because diseases like cancer require extensive treatment and cause them to spend much of their lives in hospitals. The therapeutic diet plays a significant role as an essential element of complex therapy in treating diseases that are...

Business Drivers for Global Entry

Country Selection Turkey Purpose of Global Expansion Global expansion is an expansion of opportunities for domestic organizations. First of all, this allows one to increase the company’s profits due to a larger distribution area and an increased number of customers. Expanding the business to other countries offers several benefits that...

Concurrent Engineering and Its Advantages

The modern business world is highly competitive, and the universal truth remains unchanged as time is money. Concurrent engineering can make projects more cost-effective and companies more competitive. The sequential approach has its advantages as it is easier to control the development of new products since each stage is over...

Morality and Ethics Concepts

What is Morality? Gert (2011), cites two definitions of morality; the first being descriptive in nature, whereas the second is normative. Descriptive morality refers to some codes of conduct put forward by a society or some other group such as a religion or accepted by an individual through his or...

Communication Module for Nursing Undergraduates

Qualitative Study There have been concerns about the quality of education that nursing students and other healthcare professionals are getting especially in communication skills. The objective of this qualitative article was to explore the experiences of first years nursing students concerning the blended learning design, which is adopted in a...

Introduction to Operations Management Course

The course of “Introduction to management” built a strong foundation of knowledge connected with the organization’s peculiarities, management strategies, and organization operations. Due to active participation in the classroom each week, the information and study material helped to understand all the details of management professions. The assignments submitted were quite...

The Problem of Smoking Ban

Smoking is now widely regarded as an activity that can be associated with numerous health risks, not only for the individual engaging in the activity but also for those who are in the immediate vicinity and thus must partake of what has been termed ‘second-hand smoke’. For these reasons it...

The Global Water Crisis: Issues and Solutions

Global warming and the water crisis is the title of a paper written by Kanae Shinjiro addressing the main issues that affect the earth resultant of global warming including the water crisis (860-864). For a long time, people often thought that water security was an issue revolving around drinking water....

The Republic of Texas: Brief Overview and the End of the Republic

Introduction The Republic of Texas was an independent North American state that was located on the border of Mexico and the United States of America. The state existed for a decade then run from 1836 to 1846 (Hämäläinen, 55). The creation of independent Texas had resulted from the Texas Revolution...

Fat Substitutes Possible Options

Besides fat’s association with detrimental health effects, it has vital nutritional benefits. Fat provides fat-soluble vitamins, acts as building blocks for hormones and cells, and gives vital fatty acids. It is a major determinant of how foods taste. Fat substitutes mimic the sensory and functional properties of fat (Borra par....

Modern Computers: Changes Within Our Current Technological World

Modern Computers and Their Functions in Human Lives The use of computers changes human life considerably in different ways. People discover more ways on how to improve their work, communication, and calculations. Within a short period of time, a computer becomes an integral part of this life, and there is...

Ethics in the “Gilbane Gold” Film

The film “Gilbane Gold” features the eponymous town, which is known for the excellent fertilizer made from its sewage plant sludge. To maintain the quality of the product, which benefits all inhabitants of the town via tax revenue supplementation, it has introduced stringent regulations on materials permitted to be in...

Social Change in the 21st Century

The 21st century has been bringing significant changes to many spheres of people’s lives, both personal and professional. Globalization, the transformation of work processes, and the development of technologies influence the functioning of the world. Ways of communication, education, and working are becoming increasingly flexible, allowing people not to be...

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Overfitting: Cross-Validation, Dropping Out, and Feature Selection

In most cases, overfitting happens when a model performs perfectly during training data but generalizes poorly to unseen data. It is common in machine learning, and numerous studies have revealed methods that can prevent overfitting (Delua, 2021). Some of the most potent ways to avoid overfitting are cross-validation, dropping out,...

Women in Information Technology: Barriers and Challenges

Damaske, Sarah. For the Family? How Class and Gender Shape Women’s Work. Oxford University Press, 2011. This book is authored by Damaske Sarah, who is not only a scholar of unemployment, work-family, and gender but also a professor of sociology, labor and employment relations at Pennsylvania State University. Damaske examines...

The American Civil War and National Divisions

In the decades preceding the American Civil War, geography played a crucial role in dividing the Nation. As a result of economic competition, geography, and climate, Northern and Southern states became geographically and climatically distinct. Historically, national boundaries were determined primarily by physical and human geography. One side is more...

Martin Luther King Jr.’s Vision: “I Have a Dream” and Its Lasting Impact on Society

If we do not read the literature of our own culture and that of the world, we impoverish ourselves intellectually, spiritually, and lose opportunities to connect with others across time and geographic separation. The literature of all kinds is eminently worth the investment of time, for its power to display...

Classical Christianity: Faith, Beliefs, and Practices

No one can deny the role of history in our day to day lives. We are and will remain to be products and by-products of past events. What the world experiences today in the name of postmodernity is simply a complex transformation of what was practiced in the early days....

Reproductive Coercion in IPV: Risks for Pregnant Women

I want to focus on reproductive coercion in IPV. Discussing domestic violence against pregnant women, we should note that the problem significantly increases the risks of obstetric complications in DV victims. These complications may be different, and they are caused both by physical and psychological violence since pregnant women are...

Patient- and Family-Centered Care for Recovery

Introduction While being a part of a multidisciplinary team, nurses play a key role in helping a family to adjust to the occurring circumstances and providing practical and emotional support during an entire treatment course. As seen in J.L.’s case, the way a nurse establishes communication with family members usually...

Community Libraries’ Role in Promoting Civic Engagement and Involvement

The community library plays a vital role in empowering the community with regard to civic rights and democratic participation. Education reinforces the participation in democracy and civic life by triggering an informed decision making in the light of the power of consents (Seigel, 2003, p 17). Unfortunately, in many schools...

Group Decision-Making and Conflict Management

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation My experience and the evidence show that continuous improvement and monitoring are the two key areas of effective conflict management and decision-making in a group (Griffin, 2017). In this connection, I train my supervisors on developing countermeasures and observing the results of the department. At...

Disaster Management in Nursing Practice

Disaster management is a process that involves four main actions, with all levels of government and organizations needing to plan, prepare, respond, and recover from human-made or natural emergencies. In Florida, the Department of Health is responsible for these activities. Florida’s counties are represented by local branches of this department,...

Martin Luther King Jr.’s Dream

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Should English Be Official or the Law?

Currently, many American scholars and policy-makers briskly debate the question of whether English should be declared the official or even national language of the United States. To some extent, this controversy is connected with the fact that the number of Spanish-speaking people in the country has dramatically increased over recent...

Big Data Fraud Management

Introduction The growth of eCommerce systems has led to an increase in online transactions using credit cards and other methods of payment services. These transactions mainly require that a user provide their personally identifiable information, which significantly increases risks associated with credit card frauds and identity theft. The article by...

Sampling in Researching Education: Discussion Board

Introduction Sampling is extremely important for conducting research in education, as it can have a significant effect on the research outcome. A sample is a collection of elements meant to represent a population under analysis. While the best research strategy is to conduct a census, which is a study of...

“What We Have to Lose” by Theodore Dalrymple

The purpose of this paper is to summarise the arguments presented by Theodore Dalrymple in his rather lengthy philosophical article and reflect on them, providing my own opinion. The author begins by mentioning how insignificant he feels in comparison to the shocking and devastating events that transpire regardless of his...

Humility by a Leader Exemplify Servant Leadership

In the modern era, the concept of leadership is increasingly becoming more difficult, complex, and multi-dimensional. In light of this, the question of the most efficient type of leadership arises, considering the outcomes of each strategy. Among other styles, servant leadership, being previously “widely dismissed,” starts to be appreciated as...

Legal Differences Between Juvenile Offenders and Juvenile Delinquents

Aims of the research The research is about juvenile offender’s laws in North Carolina state and it discusses the legal differences between juvenile offenders and juvenile delinquents. It also includes status offenses and the age at which the juvenile becomes eligible for processing in adult courts. A court disposition a...

Social-Ecological Model for Health Issues Analysis

At present, the social-ecological model is often used as a conceptual framework for investigating health problems. One of the fields that demonstrates the effectiveness of this model’s application is the problem of eating disorders. The case that I will describe represents such disorders as anorexia and bulimia. In this essay,...

The Challenge and Advantage of Knowledge of Multiple Languages

The native language of any person, regardless of nationality or social status, is an integral part that forms their personality. Comprehension of the first language for a child is associated with an acquaintance with the basic ideas about the world and basic moral concepts. In addition, the native language is...

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Artificial Intelligence and Related Ethical Concerns

Introduction Nowadays, the technology of artificial intelligence (AI) is applied in various spheres of human life. This technology is already deeply in everyday life through smartphones, personal assistants, drones, not to mention autonomous cars, and robots. Technological progress advances and allows people to increasingly use AI capabilities, but this concept...

The Image of the Devil in World Literature

Many different works have been written about the images of Satan since this character is ambiguous. So, the British poet John Milton sees him in his way and the Russian writer Mikhail Bulgakov in a slightly different light. Milton reflects on the reason for the disobedience of the first couple...

A Song “Help Is on the Way” by Tobymac

Music is an essential part of the majority of people’s lives because it inspires them and helps them to cope with the difficult circumstances they face. Although many popular songs inspire me, one of the main ones is TobyMac’s song called “Help Is On The Way”. Specifically, the song provides...

Norman Schwarzkopf’s Leadership Styles

Introduction The uncanny personal magnetism possessed by General Norman Schwarzkopf enabled him to work with a diverse group of people. His magnetic personality was due to his capability to lead a team to victory during the war. He demonstrated his effective leadership skills through different tours in Vietnam (Ucar et...

American Cowboys and Their Long Drive

Many people wonder about the glory days of American cowboys, but what were the 1870s really like? Well, the job of moving large herds of cattle all across America was a challenging but rewarding task. One of the greatest jobs during this period was the Long Drive. The cowboys moved...

FreeRice: An Educational App Combating Global Hunger Through Gamification

Introduction FreeRice is an innovative mobile application and a social good tool designed to educate users and help fight poverty and hunger worldwide. Developed by the United Nations World Food Programme, FreeRice allows users to test their knowledge on various topics, including language, math, science, and geography, while donating rice...

Energy Consumption and Ecosystem Restoration

The effects of projected energy consumption on world politics and economics What must first be understood is that population density as well as the industrial infrastructure within a given country directly affects the consumption of electricity. The greater the population density within a country the higher the likelihood is of...

“Approaching Thunder Storm” Painting by Heade

This essay will analyze the painting Approaching Thunder Storm by Martin Johnson Heade. The painting portrays a man sitting near a seashore. There is also a dog nearby, as well as two dhows sailing in the sea. The painting depicts the sea and the clouds as black, which shows that...

Addressing Challenges in Supply Chain and Production Management

Problems with some of your current suppliers have caused your organization to consider alternative options in procurement. Your boss has asked you to prepare a brief detailing the options available to your organization, including the use of e-procurement and e-sourcing. What should be included in your brief? When it comes...

Hackensack University Medical Center’s Financial Analysis

Liquidity ratios Ratio 2015 2014 Industry average Current ratio Current assets/current liabilities 914,952/291,969 3.13:1 838,589/266,158 3.15:1 2.2 Collection period (Accounts receivables * 365) / total revenue) (157,884 * 365)/1,631,737 35 days (158,823 * 365)/1,564,562 37 days 23 days Days cash-on-hand (cash + short term investment) * 365 / total expenses...

The Threat of Chinese Espionage on the US

The latest report indicating that a Pentagon Official, Gregg William Bergersen has been handing highly classified National Defense information to Chinese operatives in the US comes at a time when there is a growing concern on Chinese Espionages in the United States. This follows an earlier report which indicated that...

Precedence in Business Law Analysis

Precedent is a key feature of lawful experience, which requires courts to follow conclusions attained in previous cases, thereby altering the decisions in personal cases into a foundation of law. This article scrutinizes two major issues connected with precedent: How to distinguish the way that precedent acts as a source...

The Works of Photographer Steve McCurry: Consequences of the War

Introduction The launch of Steve McCurry’s career occurred when he disguised as a native person and entered Afghanistan through Pakistan right before the Soviet Invasion was to happen. He saved photographic documentation of the event, and these images were published worldwide showing the conflict. Steve McCurry kept covering armed battles,...

Leadership Style in Medical Career

The situational leadership for the three realities of healthcare organizations: A pperspective view The purpose of the article is to discuss the benefits of the situational leadership approach under the realities of healthcare organizations (HCO). First, the author describes situational leadership, especially from the view of the path-goal theory. The...

Planning Franz Beckenbauer Charity Football Match

Charity Football Match Hello everyone! I hope you all had a great weekend. Today I will be presenting my event management plan for the upcoming Franz Beckenbauer Charity Football Match. Let’s start with an introduction to charity football itself. Football legends Pelé and Franz Beckenbauer came together to show their...

Gun-Related Violence in the US

Gun-related violence is a serious public health epidemic in the United States. The country has high gun ownership rates, which has thus been attributed as a major cause of gun violence. When many people own guns, they are likely to resort to the use of guns in resolving their issues....

Impact of Teamwork and Collaboration on Patient Care Outcomes

Problem Background Within the framework of this research paper, such clinical problems as teamwork and collaborative practice will be investigated. This is because, at the moment, in healthcare organizations, there is an issue of complete or incomplete interaction between employees. This circumstance requires a study of the scientific literature to...

Nursing Ethics: Data Security and Workforce Shortages

Even though drawing a clear line between ethical and unethical behaviors is barely a possibility because of the nuanced nature of the subject matter, there is a set of rigid ethical standards in contemporary nursing practice. With the advance of IT in every conceivable domain of people’s lives, including healthcare...

“Don Quixote” Novel by Miguel de Cervantes

Introduction Don Quixote is a fictional book written by Miguel de Cervantes (Saavedra) and later translated by John Ormsby. The main character builds on imaginary things and works to accomplish what he reads in books. The article analyses how far a person’s imagination can drive someone to do some things...

“The Future of Food” Documentary

In the documentary entitled “The Future of Food,” the viewers are shocked by the revelation of how food is made in America. In the opening scenes, one woman said that America used to be a nation of farmers, but today, there are only 2% of the population that produces food...

Peoples Department Stores INC. V. Wise Case Review

Critical Reflection Case Name and citation: Peoples Department Stores Inc. (Trustee of) v. Wise, [2004] 3 S.C.R. 461, 2004 SCC 68. Court: Supreme Court of Canada. Date: October 29, 2004. Trial Decision: The Wise brothers’ fiduciary duty was breached, which led to the court trial. Appeal Decision: The Quebec Court...

Enhancing Nursing Practice Through Accountability and Ownership

Introduction The topic discussed in this paper is promoting professional accountability and ownership. The purpose of this report is to summarize and apply the findings of the assigned journal article. The information and findings of the article will be discussed in the context of future practice as a nurse. Professional...

Porter’s Competitive Forces and Its Effect on Business

Porter’s model shows the five forces influences on a businesses enterprise including threat of entry of competitors, threat of substitutes, bargaining power of buyers, bargaining power of suppliers, and rivalry among the existing players. Moreover, to make the model more comprehensive, a sixth factor, government was later included in the...

Implementation of Federal Educational Policies

Carol M. White Physical Education Program The Carol M. White Physical Education Program has been important in the organization’s pursuit of effective physical education programs. The fund received have helped the completion of many projects that otherwise could not have been done without the policy. However, there have been some...

Product, Branding, and Packaging Decisions

Summary The paper is focused on the concept of ultimate branding opportunity. In the first part, the complexity and types of products are discussed. Then, readers may learn information about the strategies that firms utilize to adjust their product lines with the purpose of responding to the changing market conditions....

American Politics in 20th Century Southern History

Introduction The United States of America is a country that prides itself in its history. America owes its present to its past events. Southern history forms part of the larger history which shapes contemporary America. The South’s history is traceable to colonization days and largely shapes today’s the Southern United...

Women Role in the Transition From Spanish Colonial Rule to Mexican California

Spanish and Mexican California Spanish conquest of present-day California was specifically active during the eighteenth century up to 1821. Spanish settlers built fortifications in order to protect themselves from indigenous people and the British. The Spanish traded with First People and gradually occupied their lands (Starr, 54). They brought diseases...

Information System and Its Four Components

An information system is an interconnected set of tools, methods, and personnel used to store, process, and deliver information to achieve an individual goal. In today’s environment, the primary technical means of processing information is a personal computer. Most modern information systems transform data rather than information. Therefore, they are...

Major Depressive Disorder: Characteristics, Approaches, and Treatment

Introduction This paper will provide an in-depth study of depression, including main characteristics, theoretical approaches, public policy connected to it, the ways of treatment, and the effects of the disorder on the individual’s mental and social life. Defining characteristics and symptoms of depression Depression, particularly its most often appearing type...

Health Application for Anxiety Disorder

Patient Scenario Anxiety is considered to be one of the most widespread mental health conditions; Anxiety should be regarded as an umbrella term for the various related condition instead of one complex disorder; Some of the widely recognized conditions, such as an obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), are also preconditioned by anxiety...

Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons

Introduction This study discusses Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, which are also called PAHs, as specific chemicals materials that present huge risk for the environment, animals, and human beings. These materials are formed as a result of process of combustion of different materials. The project also mentions the process of calibration and...

Community in Little Village – Community Agencies

Little Village (South Lawndale, Chicago) used to be inhabited by immigrants from Ireland and Eastern Europe in the 19th century. However, now the majority of population is constituted by Mexican people (Little Village, 2013). This is a suburban community. Little Village is situated in the west of Chicago. The climate...

Healthy Lifestyle and Its Key Benefits

Everyone, without exception, must take care of their health. It is helpful for those who want to achieve success in all areas of life: love, study, work, sports, family creation, and others. In addition, it will allow people to maintain strength and a sober mind in old age and live...

Discussion of Rape Problem in the India

Lal, Neeta. “Addressing Rape in India.” The Diplomat – The Diplomat is a Current-affairs Magazine for the Asia-Pacific, with News and Analysis on Politics, Security, Business, Technology and Life Across the Region. 2020. Web. In an article titled “Addressing Rape in India,” Neeta Lal explores strides that have been made...

Hurricanes and National Incident Management Processes

A hurricane is a natural occurrence that results from a tropical wave and then gradually becomes an intense storm. A hurricane can destroy any building structure with a weak foundation. Without a fast response team, many people might lose their lives when they are carried away by water. In most...

Evaluating Kids’ Market Potential for Hair Salons Using Effective Segmentation Criteria

Introduction This paper presents an evaluation of the kids’ segment as a potential target market for our chain of hair salons. As a marketing manager, I have taken into consideration the four criteria for Effective Market Segmentation, which are: Measurable, Substantial, Accessible, and Differentiable, in order to determine the viability...

Comparing Dynamic and Non-Moving Crisis Theories in Social Work Practices

Introduction The postulates of the formal theory never change from the perspective of their relation to the world. In this way, regardless of a situation under consideration, the theory for explaining it is always the same. So, it is complicated to apply basic theory to a dynamically changing behavior and...

Employees Training in the Workplace

I am writing to you to request the permission to conduct research on the important problem that the management should address. In particular, the company should improve the training of employees because this task will be critical for the sustainability of the organization. Problem Statement Currently, the company faces considerable...

Art and Science of Security

Introduction Security is more a matter of art than science. It is argued, that a successful security strategy entails both these components, however, the combination of these components is not the science and not the art: it is more the experience that joins both these components, and intuition, which is...

Human Sexuality and Fulfillment of Basic Human Needs

Introduction Most of the information about sexuality today tends to focus on the negative aspects of sex which includes diseases like HIV/ AIDS and sexual crimes such as rape; this portrays sex more risky than it is fulfilling (Miracle, Miracle and Baumester p.3).This paper explores human sexuality and how it’s...

Health Care Systems of the US and China

In this paper, our task is to compare and contrast health care systems in such countries as the United States and the Republic of China. We have chosen these states because they differ significantly in terms of political and socio-economic structure, which immensely influences the functioning of medical institutions. In...

The US Issue of Funding the World Health Organization

The essay was written to address the United States’ controversy to stop funding the World Health Organization (WHO). The purpose of the writing is fulfilled because the author provides a possible explanation of the current situation, which causes controversy. The essay structure is sensible in terms of intention, but the...

Real Estate Investment and Hospitality Industry Performance

The COVID-19 pandemic has also affected real estate investments differently. Some businesses benefited from the rise of coronavirus, while others recorded so many losses. Investors and economic leaders could share different views and opinions on the current environment. Before embarking on business, property owners must assess possible risks and benefits....

Functionalistic Theory of Edward Lee Thorndike – Psychology

As far as the correlation of living organism is concerned, the body of human beings contains many organs which are pooled and linked together to conceive something great. Society is composed of many structural parts with different needs and functions, due to these concepts, organizations and institutions are created to...

The American Education System: Social Stratification and Its Effects

Equality and the American Education System The equality in education presupposes the implication that people of different background living in the same country have the same extent of the access to education. The question of the equality in education goes beyond just the political and economic situation in a certain...

BSN Nurses: Clinical vs. Management Advancement

Introduction During the last several years, the field of nursing has been considerably changed and improved. There are more people, both, males and females, who want to become nursing and help people in hospitals and at home. They choose among the existing variety of academic institutions, consider their advancement opportunities,...

Online Classes: Computer Literacy and Knowledge

Introduction The modern educational sphere experiences multiple changes because of the radical shifts in people’s mentalities and the way society functions. The emergence of new technologies and their implementation in all fields of human activity precondition the increased need for skills required to work with innovative devices and employ them...

Issues Dumping Chemical Wastes in the Lake

Introduction To begin with it is necessary to mention that the solution of this situation fully depends on Joelle’s personal situation: whether she really needs this job, whether there is an opportunity to find another job, and what the reputation of the company is. The further events may be different...

Company Keyence: HR Training Program

Training Medium To begin with, it is necessary to emphasize, that each variant has both merits and demerits. The selection of any particular variant should be base on the individual approach to a trainee. The selection of the training process and medium should be based upon the human resources principles,...

Biopsychologic Model of Alcohol Consumption

Treatments To achieve the best results, it is vital to incorporate methods effective against a specific type of addiction. Reportedly, medical treatment is the most effective in combating alcoholism (Anderson Redal, Thomas, Sim, & Campbell, 2019). The second and third best treatments are Alcoholics Anonymous meetings and non-medical outpatient care...

Can Peer Pressure Have Positive Effects?

Although peer pressure is seen as a negative expression of human interactions, it can have positive effects provided that promoted behavior is helpful to society or people individually. Peer pressure is a natural phenomenon occurring in any social context. People are prone to comparing themselves to others, particularly those of...

About the Motives of the Terrorists

People turn into terrorism through diverse approaches, in divergent roles, and with different motives. Borum defines motive as a sentiment, aspiration, physiological need, or such an urge that provokes one to act (Borum, 2004: 24). The motives of terrorists are determined by various factors among them the psychology of the...

“Bariatric Surgery v. Conventional Medical Therapy for Type 2 Diabetes” by Mingrone

This paper is a critical analysis of the article authored by Mingrone et al. (2012), titled, which is titled: “Bariatric surgery versus conventional medical therapy for type 2 diabetes.” Mingrone et al. (2012) wanted to compare traditional medical therapy and bariatric surgery in the cure of diabetes mellitus type 2....

Lived Experience of Diabetes Among Older, Rural People

The purpose of the research This study purposed to address the challenges facing older diabetic patients living in rural settings by using their narratives to illuminate their lived experiences and perceptions as they relate to the self-management of insulin-dependent diabetes (George & Thomas, 2010) The research question The implied research...

Resistance Protests Against the South African Apartheid

Modern society respects diversity, and globalization the world experiences now teaches humanity about the equity and value of any individual regardless of the differences. However, less than a century ago, the opposite historical events took place, and such characteristics as a race could determine a person’s life. Apartheid, the racial...

“Impact of Racial/Ethnic Differences on Child Mental Health Care”: Critique

This article attempts to shed light on whether racial or ethnic groups receive differential mental health and treatment in the United States. It refers to various research findings of the existence of disparities in mental health and treatment. The author argues that in the United States, racial or ethnic differences...

Carolina Dog: The Only Wild Dog Breed in the USA

Introduction Most of the dogs in the United States are originally from abroad. For instance, the Akita hails from Japan, the Pug from China, and the French Bulldog also known as the Borzoi from Russia. This leads to the question of whether there is an originally true American dog. The...

Epidemiological Study Designs in the Media

Introduction A recent article titled “Avoiding Endocrine Disruptors Drops Diabetes Risk: Study” appeared on The Scientist Magazine on 27th October, 2016 (Grens, 2016). It reports the findings of an epidemiological study carried out by Transade et al. (2016). The study is titled “Population Attributable Risks and Costs of Diabetogenic Chemical...

Setting & Themes of Raymond Carver’s “After the Denim”

The short story “After the Denim” begins with an elderly couple Edith and James Packer getting ready to go to bingo. When they get there, they notice that a young couple is sitting in the seats they used to occupy. The Packers have been unlucky that day and James is...

Romanesque Church: Religious Imagery

The Stylistic Development of the Romanesque Church Between 600 and 1100 AD, the Romanesque architectural style flourished in Europe. Barrel vaults and arches were typical of Byzantine architecture. Stone was used instead of wood to endure fires and support the heavy roofs. Religious enthusiasm, battles, and pilgrimages were characteristic. Charlamagne...

Walt Disney’s Customer and Employee Satisfaction Improvement

The overall aim of the three project objectives is to improve employee and customer satisfaction and allow for the Walt Disney Company’s enhanced performance and competitive advantage. While the first aim refers to client satisfaction and the third – to the employee experience, the second objective contributes to both concerns....

History of Renaissance Diplomacy

The Renaissance Period The Middle Ages followed the Renaissance, a time in European history. It brought a renewed interest in Classical study to Italy in the late 13th and early 16th centuries and then to much of Western and Central Europe. Where Did Renaissance Diplomacy Develop? We have so far...

Survey: 24% Believe Vaccines Cause Autism Despite Evidence

A recent survey on people’s attitude toward Autism reveals that a significant percentage of parents still believe that the disease is caused by vaccines taken during childhood. The survey was conducted by the Florida Institute of Technology (FIT), with the results published on Oct. 4th 2008, in the Science Daily....

Salvation Concept in Religion

What do (or should) Christians mean by the word “Salvation”? The Christian definition for salvation is deliverance from wrath of God brought about by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Salvation is a process which Witherington describes as: “one believe in ones heart that Jesus Christ is Lord, He...

Data Collection for Reducing Door-to-Balloon Time in STEMI Patients

Data collection method that reflects the purpose of the research To collect data for the research on reducing door-to-balloon time in STEMI patients in Kendall Regional Center, different tools were used. Data collection methods included surveys, questionnaires, focus groups, knowledge tests for healthcare providers, and observations, and performance data reviews....

Public Health Informatics: Bridging Informatics and Public Health

Public health informatics (PHI) is a field that can be defined as a junction between those of informatics and public health. Regmi, Bendel, and Gee (2016) state that there is no unified definition of the term, but they cautiously suggest characterizing it as a field that “requires the application of...

Bank Loan Manager Job Analysis: Profitable & Prestigious Career

The job under analysis is called Bank Loan Manager. This job was chosen for the analysis in this paper because I have a close friend who works as a bank loan manager. In my opinion, this is a rather profitable and respectable job, and its popularity and prestige have been...

Rethinking Sexual Harassment and Gender Discrimination

This paper will focus on the theory of egoism and when to apply the theory in the work environment to avoid sexual discrimination. Based on the normative claims of the egoism theory, I will demonstrate that employees in organizations must be familiar with their unique sexual needs and sexual misconduct...

Management Within a Multifaceted Culture

The working environments of organizations across the world are very dynamic now especially with the advent of globalization. These environments are in a continuous state of fluctuation and are not fixed to a particular concept or model. This is due to a multifaceted culture in the workplace brought about by...

North Carolina’s Import Tariff: A NAFTA Controversy

Introduction to the Case The case associated with North Carolina increasing its import taxes to 25% on foreign-manufactured furniture and textiles calls for the exploration of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). The agreement was signed for reducing or completely eliminating the majority of duties, taxes, and other forms...

Prevention of Hospital Acquired Pressure Ulcers

First of all, it is essential to mention that contemporary medicine has made considerable progress in nearly every sphere of caregiving, treatment, and medication. However, some problems are persistent and not easily abolished as they happen due to natural reasons. One of the most widespread problems of this kind is...

Cultural Influences and Managing Organization Change and Development

Introduction Current essay deals with analysis of the process of organizational change in the context of its individual experience. The basic problems and issues which are posed in this context are what actions were realized by organizational management, whether their scope and effectiveness were sufficient and what alternative steps could...

Culture and Diversity in the Field of Psychology

The United States of America is popularly known as a ‘melting pot’ with a “foreign-born population of about thirty million” in which in about 10% of the citizens have an “immigrant background” (U.S. Census Bureau, 2000), as a result of “the greatest migration in history” since the year 1990 (U.S....

The Court of Law: Merits and Difficulties

The court of law is one of the pillars of the democratic system. It is that important part of the system from which people expect to deliver justice. This is why it is very important that the judges and other court members deliver the most justice they can. In order...

School Failure and Delinquency: Which Causes the Other?

The link between school failure and juvenile delinquency has been a hard puzzle to solve. It is common knowledge that many juvenile delinquents fail in school. Some scholars suggest that the nature of the behavior of the delinquent themselves makes it impossible for them to succeed in school. On the...

Marketing Segmentation and Positioning Report

Introduction Marketing communication strategies within various companies are generally regarded as the key of marketing success and communication with the target audience. The project proposal is aimed at analyzing the two companies with various specifications and approaches towards marketing positioning, nevertheless, they use similar principles of marketing communication. Proposal The...

Media Utilization: Case of Eureka! Company

Mini Case 1 Given the company dealing with the telephone and Internet-based operations, Eureka!, the list of desired equipment for its new office cannot be limited by either analog or digital data transmission systems as computer and telephone operations demand both speed of activities and best possible technique of reducing...

Leadership Skills in Production of the Journal

Each of the following members of the leadership of the SMB has got a unique way of exercising their leadership skills lets evaluate each leader and the kind of traits they contain. The Faculty contains members that are in the category: Writing Director, Rep. Marketing/Com and Faculty-at-Large, they are elected...

E-Portfolio. Language Fluency Improvement Methods

The child under this report is a grade D pupil named John* with profound difficulty in fluency in reading. Having been in this school for the last two terms of study, I realized John had general difficulty in fluency with particular reference to Meaning, Structure, and Visual information of words....

Role of Financial Institutions in Global Marketplace

The financial system is a multiple and complex concept. What makes it even more complicated is the fact that it should properly function worldwide. Since financial institutions provide the majority of financial services they are considered to be the core element of the global marketplace. The definition of financial institutions...

The Short Story “Lusus Naturae” by Margaret Atwood

Gender inequality, sexism, and failure to appreciate individual differences are undeniable, intrinsic aspects of human culture. While people in the present-day society hold different stances on each of these topics, there is a wide consensus that humans overly focus on negative events or outcomes. Negative bias is used to characterize...

Edvard Munch’s Biography

According to research Edvard Munch was born on 12 December 1863 in a town known as Loten found in Norway. He was the son of a military doctor who was well known as Christian Munch. Edverd did spend most of his life time in Kristiana or Oslo, the capital city...

The “Race, the Power of an Illusion” Film Review

Introduction The film called Race, The Power of an Illusion is devoted to comparing the different racial groups’ peculiarities through the closer scrutiny of their DNA. The video claims that the skin color, eye shape, and other factors determining which ethnicity a person belongs to do not estimate their physical...

West Canada’s and British Columbia’s Economic Analysis

Introduction Western Canada amasses a considerable amount of Canada’s total gross domestic product, being responsible for at least 38%. It is a place with strong entrepreneurship and many opportunities for people, to both start their own business and find employment. The five most developed sectors are as follows: Construction, Scientific...

Euripides’ Medea vs. Ibsen’s Nora (A Doll’s House)

Over time, gender parity and women’s roles have changed from conservative views to family set-ups a modern woman would consider patriarchal. Various literary pieces describe how women with a modern worldview challenged traditional gender attitudes and belies including Medea speech by Euripides and the play A Doll’s House by Isben....

Male Undergraduate Students’ Preferences: Traditional vs. Online Learning

Background Understanding the preferences presented by undergraduate students is one of the most essential tasks for various researchers. Familiarity with particular predispositions towards specific types of classes is necessary for achieving proper student engagement and efficiency. Previous research has shown that most learners engaged in online education regard this experience...

Marketing Manager Job Description and Total Compensation

Job Summary A manager working in a marketing department has to be involved in the formation and shaping of the organization’s marketing initiatives. This is a leadership position that includes people and resources management for the purpose of helping the organization retain the existing customers and attract new ones. The...

Parents’ Responsibilities: Child Support Obligations

The system of family law has undergone rapid changes for the previous century. Such factors as non-traditional reproduction methods and sex relationships influenced the establishment of child legal support obligations. Child support is considered to provide certain financial support for children provided by their biological parents. The cause of the...

Data Collection Methods in Business Analysis

Data collection is a very important task for business starting a new venture or deciding to startup a new approach to its strategy. This paper will cover the methodologies that companies can use to collect data and where these tools will be ideally suited. Methods Data can be collected from...