Environmental Health Strategies to Combat the Effects of Secondhand Smoke

Air pollution. Smoking Secondhand smoking is a serious issue Harmful substances affect infants critically Dangerous composition of modern cigarettes Indoor smoking deteriorates the health critically the tendency towards the situation’s deterioration NOTE: Smoking remains a significant environmental problem that affects many people. Secondhand smoking can also be a dangerous issue...

Runaway Slaves: Advertisements Analysis

In the eighteenth century in the United States of America, millions of Afro-Americans were subjugated and forced to work without payment for the benefit of the white people. Notwithstanding the harsh conditions, physical, and psychological abuse experienced by the enslaved during the antebellum era in colonial Virginia, many ventured to...

Poor Judgement and False Inference in the Workplace

The character serves as the borderline between personality and experiences. Though the character is usually considered stable, psychologists perceive that every individual is susceptible to being nudged by their environment (Porcelli, & Delgado, 2017). Therefore, no aspect of human life is regarded to be fully independent of poor judgment. According...

A Story of Struggle in “Farewell My Concubine” Film

Introduction Chen Kaige belongs to the fifth generation of Chinese filmmakers. Just like his counterparts Zhang Yimou, Tian Zhuangzhuang, Zhang Junzhao, and Li Shaohong, he graduated from the Beijing Film Academy and contributed to Chinese cinema popularization. Chen Kaige films are appreciated by broad and arthouse audiences. Particularly, Martin Scorsese...

Conflict Resolution in Nursing: Self-Assessment & Reflection

Introduction In a modern healthcare environment, conflicts present an inevitable part of work since attitudes vary, and misconceptions occur. This course allowed preparing to conflict identification and resolution based on effective communication strategies and understanding critical issues pertinent to a specific misunderstanding case. Ethical conflicts may appear between nurses and...

Principles of Professionalism: Steps to Achieving Success

Introduction Principles of Organizational Behaviour 4e: Glossary by Oxford University Press suggests the following definition of professionalism: Professionalism is the process by which given occupations become professions, in the sense of attaining professional status (Oxford University Press 2005). Kultgen (1988) in the research titled Ethics and Professionalism claims that “Professionalism...

Recognition and Recall of Words With a Single Meaning

Introduction The experiment “Recognition and recall of words with a single meaning” was conducted by Paul Muter (1984) to verify the generation-recognition theory. Muter hypothesized that when a word has a non-unique meaning, subjects would have the usual pattern of recognition failure. However, when a word has a unique meaning,...

Law in International Relations: The Avena Case

Analyzing and debating on the issue of the role of international law in international relations, one should consider the changing attitude of the state and nonstate actors toward the international law, and thus one can question the significance and the supremacy of the international law to international politics and international...

“Marketing Insight” by Kotler and Keller Review

Stephen Brown’s criticism of marketers that undertake excessive researching/ surfeit consumer servicing Myth Number 1 If manufacturers and marketers were only concerned about what the consumer felt about their products, services or utilities, they would end up churning out modified or improved models of their existing products, “that already exists”...

Psychology. Memory Disorder in “Fifty First Dates” Film

Introduction The movie Fifty First dates is an intriguing and engaging movie since the theme is an unusual one. When I first watched the movie, I was incredulous that such a condition can exist in an individual. The condition that the central character Lucy suffers from is referred to as...

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Magnolia Tree: Life Cycle and Evolution

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Risk Management: Various Insurance Types

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The Experience of Viewing Oneself in the Mirror After a Mastectomy: Review

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Core Competencies of Clinical and Nurse Educators

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Virtue Ethics, Ethical Egoism, and Rawlsian Theory to the Criminal Justice System

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Remarriages and Step-Parenting

Remarriages and step-parenting can be rewarding. However, the transition can be difficult for both the children and the new step-parents. One the one hand, the children have to accommodate the new caregivers and siblings. On the other hand, caregivers deal with their ex-spouses, child support, and managing the children. This...

Acute Pancreatitis: The Case Study

Patient Information Name: James Lebron Age: 40 years Gender at Birth: Male Gender Identity: Male Source: Allergies: None Current Medications: None PMH Immunizations: The patient reports that all immunizations are up to date. Preventive Care: The patient reports not taking alcohol and foods low in fat content. Surgical History: The Patient...

The Nurse Administrator as a Change Agent

Introduction The need to promote change is included in the range of responsibilities of any nurse. However, in an environment that requires quick thinking and immediate response to the patient’s needs, the role of a Nurse Administrator (NA) becomes increasingly significant. By definition, STEMI patients require immediate cardiac catheterization. The...

Njal’s Saga: Gunnar Hámundarson of Hlíðarendi

Introduction Njal’s saga is one of the most iconic works of literature from medieval Iceland. The story was written in the thirteenth century by an unknown author with a 9th – 10th century setting in the Icelandic Commonwealth. The story features many characters ranging from Njáll Þorgeirsson, a wise lawyer,...

Christianity and Society Interrelation

The religions are considered utterly different in their beliefs and values; however, their similarity is that they all shape society and at the same time greatly influence it. It is well known that Christianity has played a pivotal role in shaping the Western community throughout history. The churches have been...

Patient Engagement Activities and Communication Strategies

Montefiore Medical Facility is a teaching hospital in New York City that mainly serves low-income patients. They have built a strong patient-centered culture via their use of Montefiore Medical Center’s hospitals, healthcare locations, and school-based clinics. They are always on the lookout for new methods to improve the services to...

Social Work Interventions

Introduction Interventions are evidence-based practices aimed at meeting the demands of underserved members of a given society. In some cases, such initiatives are implemented in such a way that they re-pattern a beneficiary’s life. Experts in the field of social work should be aware of various intervention models and replicate...

The Wine World: Development Trends

Introduction Since the Shang dynasty, wine has been made in China. China is the world’s foremost grape grower, accounting for roughly half of global grape output due to its vast territory and suitable temperatures. It also features the world’s third-largest vineyard acreage when it comes to winemaking. Wine has traditionally...

Leadership and Personal Philosophy of Management

Introduction In order to become a leader in the modern world, it is not enough to be well educated and good at organizing people and processes. Finding the right team lead or senior manager for recruiters and HR managers is challenging. Companies need not just a competent person, but someone...

Racial Discrimination in the Industry of Face Masks During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Racism has become a common word throughout the world as news report everyday issues relating to racial inequality. It is the unequal treatment of a person based on his or her skin colour. Since the Covid-19 pandemic struck the world in the late days of 2019 and early 2020, many...

How Language Transformed Humanity

The Language Theory provides broad explanatory value for why and how language is used the way it is and moves beyond simplified judgments and binary explanations. For example, scientists study how language is acquired, which brain processes are involved when it is used, language phonetics and morphology, syntax, and semantics....

Nurse-to-Patient Ratios: A PICOT Statement

Nurse staffing ratios have become a crucial concern in recent years. Numerous institutions have reported the decrease in nursing professionals’ numbers, arguing that inadequate staffing significantly reduces the quality of care for the patients (Falk & Wallin, 2016). In addition, the nursing personnel often encounter the negative consequences of unsafe...

Incorrect Use of Affixes by Egyptian EFL Learners: A Morphological Analysis

Introduction Learning a second language provides significant educational and career opportunities for students and represents a wide area of research. English is relevant for Egyptian students since it is often a separate subject of study, and many programs and disciplines are taught in English in the country (Mohamed et al.,...

Researching of the Philosophy of Daoism

Daoism is a religion-philosophical indigenous Chinese tradition that has affected the lives of countless Chinese for over 2000 years. Laozi, a great philosopher in the Roman period BCE, is the central figure of Daoism (Van 54). Most people believe this thinking to be a religion, yet it does teach us...

Immigration Entrepreneurship and Economic Development

Immigration is the process of relocating to a new nation after leaving one’s home country to pursue better economic, political, and social conditions. Frequently, immigration is perceived to negatively impact the country’s economic growth rather than promote its net gain. Despite strong opposition from various people and nations, research indicates...

Lack of Digital Competence as Human Resource Management Issue

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected companies and organizations worldwide in many ways. To mitigate its negative effects, experts suggest various strategies, including those related to human resource management. One of its elements is controlling employees’ competence level, motivating them to upskill or reskill if needed, and providing them with opportunities...

Psychological Program Evaluation and Assessment

Program assessment is a unique type of psychological research, and whether or not it counts as research may be a point of contention. A systematic examination, comprising research formulation, testing, and assessment, to develop or contribute to generalizable information is referred to as research. Program assessment is limited to a...

Marketing of Cinematography and Animation Courses in Nigeria

Review of the Course Initially, it is necessary to present a plan for the services offered to evaluate the services provided quickly. Briefly describe why you think people need your product or service and the goals and aspirations for providing it (Fidm, 2014). The film school should implement the first...

Seventh Day Adventists Origins Analysis

The origins of 7th Day Adventists can be traced to 1831, during which William Miller, a war veteran that had become a priest, began deeper research into Biblical scripture. Miller’s movement was joined by Joseph Bates and the group grew to focus on the return of Jesus Christ, also dubbed...

ADHD: The Center’s for Disease Control and Prevention Webpage

Introduction A classroom has children with varying capabilities and concentration spans. Children in their early years have a short attention span and act on impulse, but those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have those traits even in adulthood (CDC, 2022). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides caregivers...

Mozart’s Don Giovanni Opera Critique

Introduction The character of Don Giovanni has been characterized by some as a lovable, fun-loving rogue, and by others as an evil, lying villain. I believe that Mozart’s Don Giovanni is the embodiment of reckless courage, exuberant energy, indestructible optimism, and love of life. It is in the love of...

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: The Case Study

The given case illustrates the Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) of a 65-years-old Elaine. Elaine is a former professor who enjoyed a busy and active lifestyle. The woman is described as an energetic and outgoing individual, a “social butterfly” who values good friendship and good meals. Elaine was a frequent subway...

Endangered Species: The Asiatic Cheetah

Introduction Golden deserts sway in the Iranian steppe under the hot heat. The craggy boulders strewn throughout this terrain glisten in the distance when temperatures here exceed 70°C (158°F), which is a temperature record. Nevertheless, wildlife thrives, notwithstanding this arid environment. Surprisingly, the Asiatic cheetah is this ecosystem’s top predator....

Social Mentoring for People with IDD: The Impact of “Best Buddies” Program

Building friendships and maintaining relationships represent some of the core needs that allow keeping one’s life healthy and satisfying. However, in the present-day environment, keeping long-term relationships with friends has become increasingly challenging. With the emergence of COVID-19 and the associated restrictions on people’s social lives, as well as the...

Psychological Model of Student Departure

Introduction The Psychological Model of Student Departure is one of the most popular models in higher education. It has been used to explain student departure from colleges and universities worldwide (Renn & Reason, 2013). It is based on the premise that college students often leave school due to a lack...

Aspects of the Representation of America

Introduction People have different views about America, which are impacted by varied experiences. America is mainly viewed as a land of opportunities, hard work, and freedom, and where family values are upheld. Another essential aspect of America is respect for war veterans who fight for the country. This research paper...

Factors Facilitating Quality Improvement in Healthcare

Introduction Many healthcare organizations understand and advocate for enhancing quality improvement (QI) practices for front-line healthcare professionals. Maphumulo and Bhengu (2019) argue that QI remains a practice carried out by specialists and trendsetters, often without their peers. This raises the question of capacity building, its determining factors, and its overall...

The Legitimacy of Operation Geronimo

Introduction When news broke that Osama bin Laden had been killed in a raid by the United States Navy Seals (Seal Team Six), it prompted a wide range of responses, from spontaneous expressions of joy to intense questions about the legality of the operation. Former President Barack Obama had given...

Crime, Deviance, and Social Control

Social norms guide people on the paths to take and how to relate. Various cultures are guided differently based on country, tribe, race, and cultural practices. Western and African cultures are different since the latter is formed by beliefs that dictate the dressing mode of elder-youth interaction. People deviate from...

Questions of King Milinda in Buddhism

The “Questions of King Milinda” is a Buddhist text written between 100 B.C – 200 B.C. It is a fictional dialogue between the Buddist Sage Nagasena and the Greek King Milinda. Although it is not included in the Pali Canon, it is cherished because it addresses Buddhism’s most complicated questions...

Narrative Patterns in Tinkers by Paul Harding

Introduction Tinkers, an award-winning literary piece by Paul Harding, is focused on the story of George Crosby, an elderly man revisiting his most memorable life recollections. The novel additionally features the main character’s father, Howard Crosby, as the meaning of life, death, and family is explored. The described struggles of...

Dee’s Struggle with Family Heritage in “Everyday Use”

Introduction Alice Walker presents several bright characters in the short story “Everyday Use,” but the mother and Dee, her eldest daughter, are at the center of the plot. After returning home, a young woman shows interest in her African heritage – through her actions, she wants to show that she...

The Role of Statistical Analysis in Nursing: Quality, Safety, Health Promotion, and Leadership

Introduction Statistics is an important subject that is widely used in the practice of the healthcare system. It stands for different necessities that nurses, doctors, and other medical professionals face when working with patients or deciding on a diagnosis. Statistics is widely used to analyze patient symptoms and research innovative...

The Bhagavad Gita: A Philosophical Perspective on War, Duty, and Righteousness

Introduction In stark contrast to Sun Tzu’s pragmatic and strategic approach to war, the Hindu scripture, The Bhagavad Gita, presents a more philosophical and moral perspective on conflict. The “art of war” in Hinduism, as depicted in the scripture, does not concern itself with the tactical aspects of warfare but...

Historical Justifications for Slavery: A Critical Examination of Societal Perspectives

Introduction Slave trade was a booming business in America before it was abolished in the eighteenth century. Many contemporary historians claim that the slave trade lasted for more than 2000 years. During the slavery period, people were illegally enslaved and transported under unkind conditions. Slaves who were majorly obtained from...

Economic Aspects of Kenya: Insights into Growth and Challenges

Kenya is a country that is located in the East African region. It borders Uganda to its west, Somalia to the east, Ethiopia to the north, Tanzania to the south and the Indian Ocean along its southeastern coast. It has a population of approximately 40 million people, according to the...

David and Lucy in “Disgrace” by John Coetzee

Introduction ‘Disgrace’ is a contended fictional book by J. M. Coetzee that is dedicated to several common issues of post-apartheid South Africa. What makes this novel compelling and exceptional is presenting the existing problems of the society through the prism of perception of the book’s protagonist David Lure and his...

“The Female American” a Book by Unca Eliza Winkfield

Unca Eliza Winkfield wrote The Female American in 1767 as a religious memoir modelled after Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe. Just like Robinson Crusoe, despite being a work of fiction, there is a series of references to factual historical events meant to create an illusion of reality. From a non-critical perspective,...

Creating a Self-Care Plan in Medicine: Strategies for Patient Well-Being

A medical worker is to serve as an example of a healthy and responsible lifestyle to the patients. That is why it is highly important that a registered nurse knows how to apply self-care and health promotion actions at the personal level before encouraging the same activities for the patients....

High School versus College

Introduction The transition from high school to college marks the end of childhood and the beginning of adulthood. Some aspects of life are similar while others are different. Similarities include class structures, examinations, homework, and social life. They are experienced in both cases but on different levels. On the other...

Child Development: Youth and Crisis

According to the previous literature findings, the individual’s psychological maturation is interdependent with the development of identity and parent-child relations. Psychological maturation is defined as the individual’s capability to be socially functional in an adequate way. According to Erikson (1968), identity implies ‘‘the awareness of the fact that there are...

Medical Marijuana Use in Texas: Weighing the Pros and Cons

Texas, just like most of the other American states, is facing several political issues that must be addressed to support the welfare of the greatest majority. One of these issues or problems revolves around the use of marijuana for medical purposes. Within the past decade, the attempts and conversations aimed...

Satrapi’s “The Complete Persepolis” Graphic Novel Analysis

A graphic novel belongs to the number of genres that allow people to demonstrate their talents of writers and artists simultaneously. Graphic novels present fictional stories that are told with the help of the combination of verbal and graphical means. Even though it is widely accepted that a format of...

Implementing Enterprise Architecture at Connected Cars

Modern companies cannot be imagined without the implementation of innovative technologies into their functioning. In such a way, the enterprise architecture (EA) becomes closely connected with the work of the IT sector as it provides numerous opportunities for the further growths and evolution. The fact is that the use of...

Code of Hammurabi: Ancient Babylonian Laws and Justice

Introduction Code of Hammurabi is one of the oldest sets of laws that has ever been deciphered. This code was used in the Ancient Babylon and it is believed that Hammurabi created and enacted it. In this set of laws, many issues are touched upon. The major purpose of the...

Global Sense: Female Leadership and Gender Equity

Summary of the Main Issues The case “Global Sense” outlines a unique predicament that continues to affect many working environments. The absence of women in managerial and senior positions is something evident in many companies across the globe. Although statistics indicate that more women are currently occupying different positions in...

First Aid – Heimlich Manuever

People have always been caring about their health most of all. Since ancient time they have being trying to avoid dangerous situations which could lead to some damage or even death. That is why, the life instinct was one of the most powerful instincts. Being at the edge of death,...

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Diagnosis and Care Plan

Asiel Case Study Introduction The patient, Mary, has presented the list of complaints that allowed me to suspect Lyme disease, discoid lupus erythematosus, and systemic lupus erythematosus in her. The last diagnosis was confirmed by physical examination. I have developed a nursing care plan to address Mary’s problems and a...

Socrates’ Metaphors as an Inspiration

Socrates and Plato were always perceived as wise philosophers and changed the perceptions of the society and the insufficiency of the government while underlining the gravity of the principles of good and bad. Socrates’ dialogue with Glaucon about the darkness of the cave and puppet-like nature of the world was...

Gulliver’s Inner Child: Positive and Negative Sides

Introduction Gulliver’s Travels is a satiric story written by Jonathan Swift in the first half of the 18th century. It is a unique collection of traveler’s tales that appeals to both adults and children due to the presence of hidden meaning that allows the readers to see one and the...

Academic Medical Centre’s Quality Improvement Plan

Introduction Medical facilities need to maintain a high level of quality management system so as they can meet their patient’s medical needs appropriately. The medical facilities industry deals with life-threatening conditions thus there is much need for accuracy and timely delivery of services by both medical and support departments (Pollitt...

Strategies for Achieving High Employee Retention Rates in Organizations

Introduction It is critical for a modern business, to remain viable and competitively advantageous in today’s market place. As such, organizations must look beyond reducing expenditures and controlling operating costs in order to experience an increase in profits. Human capital must be regarded as an organizations number one asset, thus...

Stylistics and Ideas in Mark Twain’s Short Stories

The Mysterious Stranger by Mark Twain The setting and atmosphere at the beginning of the story The story begins with the description of the country: “It was in 1590 – winter. Austria was far away from the world, and asleep” (n. pag). Thus, the author immediately connects the beginning and...

“Rethinking Marketing” by Rust et al.

Main Messages, Ideas, and Implications Nowadays, there is a need to transform marketing based on the opportunity for direct interaction and customer cultivation. The formation of long-term relationships is the key message revealed in the article Rethinking Marketing by Rust et al. (96). At this point, a customer-manager-driven organization should...

Legal and Ethical Considerations in Nursing Delegation Practices in Florida

Introduction The work of junior medical personnel requires professionalism and a responsible approach to the performance of immediate duties. At the same time, in order to differentiate the qualifications of nurses, there are specially licensed degrees that determine the range of rights and powers of employees. The activities of specialists...

Nursing Theories and Personal Philosophy: Theoretical Foundations and Practices

Introduction Being a nurse in a palliative care department can be challenging. The patients receiving healthcare services are often in pain and can be overwhelmed by emotional distress alongside serious health conditions. Communication is regarded as one of the key elements of care provided to such patients (Kelley & Morrison,...

Korean and Mexican Health Beliefs: A Comparative Healthcare Perspective

Introduction The heritage of a given group will dictate its cultural, religious, and healthcare practices. Medical professionals should be aware of the issues affecting or influencing their patients’ behaviors. This paper describes the heritage of the Mexican and Korean people and their respective healthcare beliefs. Discussions and Similarities The heritage...

International Economy. Oakley’s Globalization Theory

Introduction Thomas Oakley is an economist who has written the critically acclaimed book International Political Economy. In it, he discusses globalization, its drivers, and its effects on various actors in the international scene. The book distinguishes itself by its modernity and continuous updates that analyze new policies by prominent nations...

Bedside End-of-Shift Report as a Healthcare Change

Change is inevitable and it is like a train, if one stands in its way it crushes the individual. In a health care organization there occurs change just like in any other organization. A situation in need of change in a healthcare organization is the old technology used in those...

Questions on Environmental Ethics Concerns

Is the classical free-market view of economics an adequate guide for protecting the environment? Or, do we require a new, more socialist or nature-centered approach? Defend your response using information from Environmental Ethics. Under the classical free-market perspective of economics, the rights and titles of property vest with private individuals,...

“The Crescent City Lynchings” by Tom Smith

Tom Smith’s book “The Crescent City Lynchings: The Murder of Chief Hennessy, the New Orleans “Mafia” Trials, and the Parish Prison Mob” is about the some past violent and related events back in 1800. The events took place in New Orleans. In 1980’s New Orleans was a different place than...

Hard Rock Café’s Operations Management and Productivity

Fact of the case The case deals with Hard Rock café, the modest pub in London, which has grown exponentially with additional 110 cafes, 3 hotels, music venues, casinos, etc within a very short span of 30 years. The present situation of Hard Rock is that it has been classified...

Types and Causes of Financial Crisis

Introduction A financial crisis refers to a situation where the assets of financial institutions keep on reducing their value. A financial crisis may occur in banks, at the stock market, or in Mortgage firms. In 2008, the world witnessed a slowdown in economic growth that saw an upsurge in the...

Song Lyrics: “Animals Versus the Flea” by Donne

Introduction Contemporary art is what amazes sophisticated viewers and readers a lot. As such, it is remarkable to dive into the past centuries’ creative works in order o see how everything has changed since then. Taking poems of John Donne The Flea and Nickelback’s Animals would be a nice example...

V-Day: Until Violence Stops

Recently, many movements concerning women’s issues have been coming up. These movements could be national or international. One of these movements is V-day which is a global movement. This movement was founded by Eve Ensler in the late 1990s. It was inspired by “The Vagina Monologues” played by Eve Ensler....

Computer Ethics and Privacy

Introduction Currently, many people depend on computers to undertake their homework, create and store important information. It is consequently necessary that the information is accurately and safely kept. It is equally important to safeguard computers from the loss of data, abuse as well as other forms of manipulation. For instance,...

Child Slavery and Sexual Trafficking

Child slavery is a business, which brings milliards of dollars to its owners, a reality of our world. Many people believe that it happens somewhere far away and not in our community. Slavery for us is just a picture from the textbook, but not the fact. The Civilized world, talking...

Approaches for Informational or Expository Reading

Introduction Classroom teachers throughout the United States face new challenges as rapidly changing demographics collide with new federal and state policies, politically charged debates on bilingual education, and limited school resources to create classrooms that are more diverse than ever. The broader objective of this lesson is to raise the...

We Have Never Been Modern

“Modernity comes in as many versions as there are thinkers or journalists, yet all its definitions point, in one way or another, to the passage of time. The adjective “modern” designates a new regime, an acceleration, a rupture, a revolution in time.” “”Modern” is thus doubly asymmetrical: it designates a...

The Present and Future of the Business Communication

The global economy is changing rapidly these days along with technological advancement. Innovations bring both opportunities and challenges for business. E-mail, voice over IP, smartphones and social networks have already revolutionized means of business communication. The progress does not seem to stop, and new technologies will be invented and implemented....

Fundraising Company for Updating College’s Computer Labs

Introduction In the modern world, electronic devices have become a crucial part of our lives. People can hardly imagine their lives without computers, smartphones, laptops, smartwatches, and other devices. Whether they are a benefit or a detriment is an open question. However, one thing is certain: they make people’s lives...

Middle Easterners’ Attitude Toward U.S. Freedoms

Introduction Meetings during the presidential campaign can be rather challenging since both anyone from the audience and opponents can ask uncomfortable questions in order to challenge the speaker and make one feel uncomfortable. However, it is possible to cope with any complicated issue by means of a thorough analysis of...

Research of Dark Side of the Internet

The development of information technologies is generally associated with infinite opportunities for a user. Just by downloading the necessary webpage, a user accesses an enormous amount of information from different parts of the world. The Internet allowed people to stay in touch with family, friends, and colleagues, do business, shop,...

Civil Liberties and Civil Rights in the USA

Every country has a number of institutions to solve different problems and control the actions of citizens. Civil liberties and civil rights are the main instruments of the Constitution. These constitutional principles are presented in the Bill of Rights and are considered to be one of the main means of...

At-Will Employment: The 21st Century Form of Slavery

At-will employment is defined as such relationships between an employer and employee in which the latter could be dismissed without any warning or valid reason. The proponents of the at-will employment doctrine argue that it is beneficial for the worker to the same extent as for the employer since the...

Claude MacKay and the Harlem Renaissance

It might be assumed that the Harlem Renaissance is among the brightest and noticeable movements of the first half of the 20th century. It emphasizes the peculiarities and struggles of African American culture that are vital to know and understand to gain an in-depth comprehension of the phenomenon. Claude McKay,...

Whey Protein and Muscle Recovery

Whey protein is one of the major ingredients found in dairy products. It offers significant amounts of the much-needed amino acids and energy. In the form of a powder, this supplement can be added to liquids, blended with fresh fruit for their various functional properties (Ghanimah, 2018). People usually consume...

Quality Improvement and Safety in Nursing

Ensuring a safe environment for patients is among the primary concerns for nurses. It could be difficult, as many factors impact safety within the health care setting. One of them is connected with medicine administration, which is an essential part of a nurse’s job. While it may feel routine, the...

Regulatory Agencies and Healthcare Industry

The UnitedHealth Group is an American-based health care company that offers insurance services and healthcare products. It was founded in 1974 by a group of physicians and healthcare professionals. This company headquarters is in Minnetonka, its purposes include building and shaping the health workforce, rewarding effective and quality care, reducing...

Personality’s Role in Our Beliefs About Race

Introduction Racism has been and unfortunately, still is one of the prominent features of American society. Two centuries after slavery abolition and decades after the Jim Crow era’s demise, racial tensions in the United States have yet to come to a meaningful resolution. Indeed, one finds it compelling to question...

Transportation Museum Analysis: People in Cities

Michael de Certeau, the author of The Practice of Everyday Life, explores the spatial logic and cultural consumption. The particular part the I focus on is Walking in the City, which investigates the phenomenon of a modern city, its importance in people’s lives, and how pedestrians create the city. He...

The Importance of Keeping the Women’s Basketball Program

Demographics The Institution: Krakus Community College Location: Rockford, IL Number of Students: 900 Number of Students-Athletes: 244 Number of Sports: 12 (football, basketball, tennis, swimming, lacrosse, soccer, volleyball, baseball, wrestling, badminton, archery, gymnastics) Level of Play: All sports are registered and supported by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). The...

Ghana and the Slave Trade

Introduction Slave trade operations can be considered as a primary reason for the underdeveloped state of many nations of the African continent. This historic malpractice and abuse of power of the colonial ruling countries devastated the given region. The Republic of Ghana is one of the main examples of how...

The Vulnerable Population: Homeless

Population Chosen The chosen population is homeless people. Homelessness is a common thing in America There are both young and old homeless people in America Homelessness is never a personal choice. Homeless people live in the streets. The Vulnerable Population Homeless do not have a permanent home Some homeless people...

The Problems of Advanced Training of Nurses

Methods used to evaluate effectiveness of the proposed solution. The proposed solution to the problem that is based on lack of identity and appropriate nursing practice and students’ inabilities to use and develop their skills in a right way has to be evaluated thoroughly as evaluation and improvement of the...

Frankenstein: A Child in the Form of the Monster

Introduction Frankenstein is the most famous piece of literature by Mary Shelley. The novel tells the story of Victor Frankenstein, a scientist, who decided to make a living creature on his own. He successfully coped with the task, but the obtained result was terrible, which made Frankenstein reject his artificially...

Crisis Intervention for Suicidal Behavior

Suicidal behavior has been common throughout the history of humanity. Examples of suicides appear in literary works. It has also been a topic of scholarly inquiry. There are numerous theories on the causes and nature of suicide, and there are various strategies to address this issue. This paper dwells upon...

Mental Illness: The Case Study

This document presents the results of John Doe’s mental illness assessment histories. The interview was conducted to collect information about the client’s mental health condition. It contained open ended questions about John Doe’s mental history. The first part of this document highlights the assessment histories that will be performed while...

Chlamydia Trachomatis: Medical Analysis

Pathogen Chlamydia trachomatis is a bacterium that causes a sexually transmitted infection known as chlamydia. It is a member of the Chlamydia genus, which consists of intracellular parasites that affect different species. As indicated by the name, Chlamydia trachomatis bacteria target cells as part of their two-stage lifecycle. First, an...

Breastfeeding and Formula Feeding: Advantages and Disadvantages

As a natural act of feeding newborn and young children with the mother’s milk from her breast, breastfeeding is practiced worldwide. At the same time, in the present day, with the development of technologies, it has become optional. It goes without saying that breastfeeding has multiple obvious advantages, however, there...

Examples of Literacy and Health Literacy

Health literacy and literacy are two closely associated terms. However, they differ in scope and meaning. For example, Healthy People 2020 (2011) defines health literacy as “The degree to which individuals could obtain, process and understand basic health information and services needed to make right health decisions” (p. 1). Comparatively...

Community-Based Participatory Research

Community-based participatory research (CBPR) is one of the crucial tools used for engaging particular communities and social groups in health care research, as well as making sure that they are not merely passive participants. Two basic principles of CPBR suggest that such research should be, firstly, participatory and, secondly, cooperative...

“The Last Leaf” by O. Henry and “The Good Samaritan” by Luke

Introduction Christian stories and parables carry deep meaning and contain valuable discourses about virtues, goodness, and the righteous path that people should follow to live in a healthy and peaceful society. At the same time, in addition to theological texts, works from popular literature also may contain profound truths that...

Theories of Law: Legal Moralism

Legal Moralism refers to the law’s propensity to legitimately prohibit individual behaviors that are inconsistent with the collective moral judgments held by a society. The individual behaviors need not be injurious to any other person in the community, but could be outside the established morals in a society. Accordingly, the...

“The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” by Mark Twain Review

Huckleberry Finn (Huck Finn) is the protagonist of the novel “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” written by the worldwide known author Mark Twain. Story is focused on the Hucks life path, his adventures and interactions with other characters. Mark Twain displays the boy as the moral center of the novel,...

New York’s Public Administration Agenda

The city selected for this assignment is the city of New York. The city comprises five boroughs that lie at the mouth of the Hudson River at the edge of the Atlantic Ocean. They include Manhattan, Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, and Staten Island (The five boroughs of New York City, 2021)....

Economics of Organization and Strategy in Hotel Business in Jacksonville

Summary Once the hospitality business becomes successful, the next step is to grow further. The expansion of a company involves both benefits and risks for the business owner, emphasizing the need for choosing and implementing the right growth strategy. The diversification of services can improve brand recognition and expand the...

The Idea of Government According to the Bible

Religion is a unique system that affects all spheres of human activity, including governing. At the first stages of society’s evolution, religious beliefs were used as the basis for states, and beliefs and rituals were considered laws affecting the communities’ rise. The emergence of Christianity with its set of values...

Themes of Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery” Story

Starting as a rather serene and slow-paced story, Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery” gradually spirals into a rather frantic pace with a blood-curdling revelation at the end. Apart from an unexpected and frankly horrifying twist, “the Lottery” incorporates believable and relatable characters and a rather peculiar plot. However, its themes are...

Review of “Two Kinds” by Amy Tan

The story of “Two Kinds” by Amy Tan narrates about a Chinese girl who finds it hard to recognize her identity, who is in disagreement with her mother who believes that she can achieve great things in the USA. Her mother motivates her to be a musical expert, to challenge...

Obesity Prevention Policy Making in Texas

Obesity Prevention Policy State healthcare policy in Texas consists of and is based on laws and regulations regarding the proper functioning of the state healthcare system. As part of an effective health care system, state citizens receive medical services to diagnose, treat, and prevent various diseases. The healthcare system may...

Social Change Theory and Social Media

A serious approach to the use of social media must involve knowledge of the sociological models in which these media fit. Social networks are extremely closely integrated into the everyday existence of a person and everyday consciousness. On this basis, it would make sense to interpret one’s behavior in the...

Aaron Hernandez’s Murder Trial

Introduction In the history of prosecutions in the United States, Mr. Hernandez’s murder trial elucidated mixed reactions from the public. The former football star for the New England Patriots was accused of killing his long-time friend Odin Lloyd whose body was found near his home with gunshots in June 2013...

Choosing Markets for Production and Sales

Introduction Any business entity pursues the goal of minimizing costs, while making the most profit. As Buckley and Casson (2019) write, “any general theory of international business must also analyze the external environment and internal structure” (p. 1424). The external environment determines how successful companies will be in selling, while...