Causes and Effects of Fast Food: Essay Example

Essay about Fast Food: Introduction Food is an integral part of any culture and society around the globe. Until the last century, most people used to eat fresh, home-cooked food. Eating was a process that required specific preparations. However, now, we see that they prefer to eat fast food such...

Eating Home-Cooked Food Is Essential

“You are what you eat” and food intake plays a vital role in health, appearance and fitness of an individual. With the changing times and fast paced lives, few people actually cook food at homes and have regular family meals. Jobs, social lives and busy schedules are deterring more and...

Eating In vs. Eating Out: Pros and Cons

Food is a category that determines the nature of a particular society. Fashion, influencing food culture, forms the choice of products, as well as the idea of cooking. In the modern world, more people stop cooking at home, or do it rarely, because a fast pace of life sometimes does...

Vegetarianism: Advantages and Disadvantages

Vegetarianism, the voluntary omission of meat from one’s diet, is a common practice in many parts of the world. The belief in cultural and religious norms, the pursuit of health, and the protection of animal rights all contribute to its prevalence. The advantages and disadvantages of vegetarianism have been extensively...

Causes and Consequences of Childhood Obesity

Introduction Children obesity is an acute problem that is frequently met in the modern society. An unhealthy diet and the abundance of the junk food in the children’s menu leads to their gaining weight rapidly (Scherer, 2011). In order to address this problem properly, it is essential to examine its...

Italy’s Food: Traditional Italian Food Recipes

Introduction Italian cuisine is famous around the world for its delicious and healthy food. It includes thousands of varieties of recipes for different dishes with various ingredients. In Italy, culinary traditions are passed down from generation to generation. One of the features of Italy is the different culinary traditions in...

Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet

Introduction Healthy eating has been a point of concern for many people over the years. With a variety of social statuses, lifestyles, schedules, managing one’s diet is becoming increasingly harder. In the ever-changing world of today, taking care of the body and health is a necessity, especially when the other...

Fast-Food Restaurants’ Popularity and Its Causes

It is a fact that most Americans and other people around the world especially in the developed countries are now turning to fast food restaurants for food instead of the traditional hotels. This can be seen in the number of fast food restaurants that are joining this industry and the...

The Sweet Danger of Sugar: Negative Effects

Sugar is one of the most common nutritional elements present in the majority of plants and many animal products. The benefits of consuming sugar include increased energy level and improved thinking capacity. However, these and other advantages are related only to natural sugars. Meanwhile, modern supermarkets offer a wide variety...

A Persuasive Speech: The Importance of Eating Healthy

In the modern world, the vast majority of the population is negligent about their health. In this case, the role is played by complete incompetence in matters of the culture of proper nutrition and the constant lack of time to compile a balanced menu, purchase necessary products and prepare nutritious...

Factors Affecting Nutritional Intake

Introduction Proper nutrition is an integral attribute of a healthy lifestyle according to any diet. However, despite the availability of information about what the optimal menu should be, there are factors that affect individual food preferences and choices. In individual cultures, attitudes to specific food products may vary depending on...

What Is Hunger: Local and Global Definition

Introduction Hunger is as old as human beings are, and its effects are felt by both young and old alike. We take supper in a great motel, but the following morning we wake with pangs of hunger. If we are on a long journey without food, hunger will strike. People...

An Advantage of Cooking at Home over Eating Out

Nowadays, a common and increasing trend among people is having meals in cafes and restaurants instead of cooking themselves almost regularly. Going to a restaurant has become an enjoyable option for rest in a relaxing atmosphere and socializing with friends and family after a long working day. Moreover, people are...

“Super Size Me” by Morgan Spurlock

Morgan’s health condition before he embarked on his 30-day experiment was excellent. His blood pressure was normal, he had no history of high-risk diseases among his immediate family, he had good reflexes, no fever, no cough, no shortness of breath, no chest pains or anything. His blood tests showed good...

Russian Cuisine and Eating Culture

Russia is a huge country, it spreads from Europe to Asia, its boarders are washed by many seas, multiple nations dwell on the territory of Russia, and it has several climate zones from tropics to polar circle, the time difference between the eastern and the western boarders of Russia counts...

Observation of an Orange

Introduction Observing an orange can be one of the most difficult yet enjoyable tasks that any person can ever undertake. There are so many factors to consider, and so many different methods of natural thought. An orange can be an expression and it is on the observer to realize this...

Therapeutic Diets Used in the Hospital

A therapeutic diet is a meal plan that controls the ingestion of particular nutrients or foods, and it forms part of the management of a health condition. Therapeutic diets are planned for maintaining or restoring good nutrition among patients (Dodd, 2020.). In most cases, the therapeutic diet is used to...

Food Science: How to Make Butter

Equipment Jars for baby food or little glass jars Cooking scale with timer Knife for cutting butter Crackers Convection glass bowl Hand-held mixer Background Information Fresh milk is made up of a combination of milk and cream; since the cream is less thick than the milk, it separates and rises...

Junk Food and Children’s Obesity

The consumption of junk food has expanded at a rapid pace during the past half century and the consequence of convenience has been the rapid expansion of the nation’s collective waistline. Junk foods dominate the grocery store aisles, are served every day in school lunchrooms and, in the form of...

Food Culture: Doughnut’s History, Marketing and Sociology

A doughnut, or as it is often called donut, is a kind of fried dough baked or pastry meal. The doughnut has become well-known and beloved in numerous countries and cooked in an assorted model. This sugary and delicious snack could be made at home; however, the most prominent favored...

Fermented Milks: Yoghurt Experimental

Introduction Fermented diary products are considered to be “healthy products” that help improve digestive system function. These products have been known in different cultures and have been consumed all around the word comprising an important part of diet of many people in different times. Sour cream, yoghurt, kefir, cheese, white...

Preparing Fried Vegetable Rice: Ingredients and Procedure

Introduction Rice has been in existence for decades now, documented to have been first grown around the Asian continents; Thailand, China, and Japan. Its preparation has evolved with time concerning cultural diversification and practices among communities in the world. Vegetable rice, for instance, is said to have been invented in...

Aspects of Coffee Culture

Introduction Coffee is one of the leading commodities that contribute to the world’s economic growth. Although people like to generalize the word coffee, it should be known that the term may mean the plant, roasted beans, or the final brew, which is the beverage. Most people consume coffee as a...

Indian Cuisine: Food and Socio-Cultural Aspects of Eating

Indian Garden Restaurant is one of the places in Chicago to take dinner, especially after a long, busy day. This restaurant specializes in many Indian dishes, which give the diner a touch of magnificent culinary styles. Indian cuisines are a part of many menus in many restaurants across the United...

The Nonmarket Environment of McDonald’s

Abstract Despite McDonald’s success in the fast-food market, it has faced severe negative publicity, which arises from various nonmarket issues. Some of the most controversial issues surrounding the firm include obesity lawsuits and defamations, the presence of carcinogens in its French fries, and being branded a perpetrator of international animal...

How to Prepare Chicken Alfredo

Remember when you were little, and your parents would teach you how to cook? Do you remember the smell that spread throughout the house when the food was almost ready? Well, today we are going to make tastier chicken alfredo for all your Italian needs. The meal is a classic...

Plant-Based Meat: Advantages and Disadvantages

Introduction Starting from November 2021, McDonald’s started its new attempt of introducing plant-based meat by presenting the specific vegan burger ‘Mc Plant.’ According to current research related to plant based-meat products, the appearance of such products is in line with raising awareness of the natural environment and healthy diet (Onwezen,...

The Health Benefits of the Green Tea

Introduction Tea, in general, is considered the most consumed drink in the world, next to the water. The green tea variant is one of many beverages, commonly drunk hot, that is a staple of breakfast and break menus. Consciously or not, people are habituated to green tea, other tea varieties,...

Non-Vegetarian Diet and Its Health Effects

Prewriting for the Theses One specific experience that helped to produce my opinion In the count down to the Copenhagen conference on Climate Change, there was heated debate around the globe on the need to stem global warming and what the best approach to the issue is. Personally, I always...

Obesity: A Personal Problem and a Social Issue

Almost every social issue has roots in a personal problem an individual may experience. Obesity is one such problem affecting many persons and society as a whole. According to World Health Organization, over 40% of the US population are either overweight or outright obese (Utkirzhonovna, 2022). Obesity causes numerous healthcare...

History of Ketchup and Its Role in Foods

Introduction Tomato ketchup is a popular addition to a variety of dishes. The product acts as a sauce and goes well with all food. Its main components include tomatoes, sugar, vinegar, and spices, but not everyone knows about the origin of ketchup and that it was originally a dish without...

Food Safety and Hazards

Identify all potential food safety hazards that may be expected to occur in the food facility. Processing food needs a high degree of hygiene to avoid poisoning and contamination. Manufacturers are obligated to maintain safe control measures to ensure products are fit for human consumption. Safety controls must be followed...

Chili con Carne and Ragu Bolognese: Comparing and Contrasting

Introduction Comparing Ragu Bolognese and Chili con Carne is unnatural only to those who have never had the good fortune to try these iconic dishes. The modern iterations of both are beefy, rich, flavorful, and enjoyed worldwide. However, they are not the same dish, and their different historical routes can...

Food Donation and Food Safety: Environmental Health

Introduction to Food Safety Food safety is often taken for granted, with most people relying on basic practices and following essential hygiene standards without giving the second thought about the meaning of these rituals. However, in order to avoid multiple health complications and diseases, particularly, foodborne ones, it is vital...

The Six Major Elements of a Food Safety Plan (FSP)

Food Safety Plan A Food Safety Plan (FSP) is a way that identifies and prevents safety hazards from occurring during and after food production. The risks can be seen right from receiving raw materials to when products are dispatched to the market. A good FSP must be designed to follow...

Food Additives: Dangers and Health Impact

Introduction Food additives have become central to the food industry as a tool to enhance the marketing of the product. Additives are extremely common in some form in most modern food. Through the years, an ongoing debate continues whether food additives are appropriate for use due to inconsistencies and controversy...

Food Safety and Hygiene Practices

The article “Food safety and hygiene: A review” is a great resource that explains the basics of food safety and hygiene practices. It emphasizes the importance of good hygiene practices to prevent foodborne diseases and identifies various types of contamination, including biological, chemical, and physical, and how to avoid them....

Sugar Addiction and Its Negative Effects

Sugar, although not always consumed directly, has become an inevitable part of people’s diet. Currently, it comprises more than 10% of one’s daily calorie intake, whereas the recommended dose should not exceed 5% of an average ratio (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). Such an increase in sugar consumption happens...

Food Insecurity’s Causes and Implications

Introduction Food insecurity is a complex problem that affects the economy, demography, ecology, and many other areas of development of states and their societies. Speaking about food insecurity, one should consider the issues of food accessibility and quality, as well as the utilization and stability of food (Gundersen et al.,...

Unhealthy Food Culture and Obesity

Introduction Unhealthy food culture plays a significant role in developing health-related diseases, including obesity. Nutritionists advise people to eat a balanced diet meal at least once a day for a healthy outcome. However, not all people can afford or even access healthy meals. Food insecure neighborhood reports a high population...

Healthy Eating Habits and Nutritional Plan

Introduction Nutrition is basically the most fundamental part of human living. A human being’s health is basically the result of what he or she eats. What we consume in our bodies determines how our health is going to be. The greatest challenge for most human beings is identifying a good...

Personal Health Initiative Report: Achieving a Normal Body Mass Index

Introduction The nutritional status of any individual can be estimated using anthropometry. Anthropometry attempts to compare parameters like height, weight, skin folds and Body Mass Index (BMI) with established standards in order to gauge current nutritional status. Body Mass Index is considered normal when it falls between 18.5 and 24.5...

Cause and Effect of Genetically Modified Food

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) were essentially created to make plants impervious to herbicides and insects. Creating GMOs led to the production of plants with tens of thousands of proteins chosen explicitly by human beings in scientific labs. Although there are significant concerns about GMOs, many food industries have used this...

Healthy Food Advertising: Nutrient Content

It is certain that advertising is a major driver for the success of a business regardless of the industry where it operates. However, it is important to mention that healthy foods correlate with overall well-being, both physical and mental. The importance of the subject became even more critical due to...

The Trends of Natural and Organic Foods

There is a trend in the modern food market where unprocessed food products are labeled as “organic” because they were grown without the use of pesticides, genetic modifications, or other factors. Such items usually have higher prices and lesser availability than their counterparts that do not claim the distinction. The...

Carbohydrates’ Role in Nutrition

Abstract Carbohydrates, comprised of sugars, starches, and dietary fibers, are a macronutrient that is critical to human health. They are responsible for a significant portion of one’s dietary energy intake. Excessive consumption of carbohydrates due to overreliance on added sugars and refined grains is a major cause of obesity and...

Haitian Cuisine, Its History and Influence on the World

With a land area of a bit more than 20 thousand square kilometers, Haiti encompasses the western part of the island of Hispaniola (Vilsaint & Hall, 2021). This is a tropical place with a variety of vegetables and fruits. Among fruits are avocados, coffee beans, cocoas, coconuts, citruses, limes, and...

Potato: Origins, Diffusion and Adaptation

Introduction Potato is one of the most significant world’s vegetable crops for several reasons: the inherent capacity for production, beneficial income from distribution, and even nutritional advantages. Nowadays, it contains the fourth place for largest food crop after rice, maize, and wheat. It has also become the fundamental component of...

The Importance of Nutritional Labeling on Packaged Food

Nutrition Labels Due to urbanization and globalization, the role of nutrition has been taken seriously. These changes have caused a shift in the eating patterns of individuals across the nations. There has been an increase in the eating of packaged food as individuals find it convenient to use. Moreover, this...

How to Have Your Eggless Cake, and Eat It Too

Justine Appel’s essay dedicated to the vegan lifestyle is an excellent example of convincing writing. The first two paragraphs aim at providing valid reasons for adopting veganism before introducing specific practical steps. Appel explains the nature of the lifestyle and mentions that its followers often get particular remarks from people...

Sous Chef Vs Pastry Chef Comparison

Introduction It is obvious that people try to choose an occupation which is interesting for them and which can give moral satisfaction. That is why they created new kinds of jobs for them to be able to realize their potential. Besides, there is a great number of different occupations in...

Nutrients in Different Food Groups

Background The composition of nutrients, both macronutrients and micronutrients vary significantly in different food items and food groups. When these food items are classified botanically or taxonomically, some food groups prove to have a higher concentration of certain nutrients than others. The variation in nutrients concentration in these food groups...

Human Geography: Food Insecurity

Introduction The global community is becoming increasingly aware of sustainability problems around the world. Today, numerous international non-government organizations fight to promote sustainable development. Sustainable development is a term coined by the UN in the 1980s. The idea behind sustainable development is to satisfy the current needs of humanity without...

Sugar: Does It Really Cause Hyperactivity?

Few substances are as prevalent in human lives as sugar is. It pervades foods in so many subtle ways that most people do not even notice this ingredient in meals. Yet, sugar has also served as a source of numerous misconceptions, one of which states that there is a direct...

Negative Outcomes of High Sugar Consumption

Introduction Sugar is one of the most common nutritional elements present in the majority of plants and many animal products. The benefits of consuming sugar include increased energy level and improved thinking capacity. However, these and other advantages are related only to natural sugars. Meanwhile, modern supermarkets offer a wide...

Food Service Facilities Design: Food Preparation

The food service facility design in a mall in Singapore is based on providing customers with various dining options, including fast food, casual dining, and fine dining. The facility is designed to be visually appealing and easy to navigate, with clear signage and ample seating. The kitchen and food preparation...

Availability of Healthy Food

Introduction Food security and accessibility are now seen as ensuring that all members of society have physical and economic access to food that is safe, quantitatively and qualitatively adequate, and necessary for an active and healthy life. Despite the provisions that were adopted in the framework of the Rome Declaration,...

The Local Café and Restaurant’s Cocktail Menu

I have chosen the items for The Local Café and Restaurant (n.d.) because every drink can provide the sense of home and cozy summer evening despite their variety. Due to different tastes people have, I decided that the drink menu should include both sweet and savory drinks. For instance, there...

Poor Nutrition: Impact on Poor Sports Performance

Introduction Performance in sports is determined by several factors, and nutrition is among the most important ones. The food that athletes consume determines their level of performance, and it has a direct influence on their strength, recovery, and training. The dietary requirements of a sportsperson depend on several factors, including...

Braising and Stewing Cooking Techniques

Introduction Braising and stewing are similar cooking techniques, which are different in terms of liquid usage and heat intensities. Stewing uses medium to low heat and submerges ingredients in liquid, such as broth. The food is slow-cooked for the entire duration of the process. Braising utilizes dry heating on high...

High-Risk Nutritional Practices in the US and China

High-Risk Nutritional Practices Nutritional behaviors or practices refer to the plans that are put in place concerning the habitual actions by different people on food consumption. In this case, it may include unique ways in which different cultures perceive the value of some foods in terms of preparation, intake, or...

Culinary Arts and Nutrition

Introduction Food habit of people changes with time. This paper deals with culinary arts and nutrition. It discusses the relevance of nutrients in our food. It explains why I selected the field of culinary nutrition. It also explains the goals of selecting such a field. Food consumption style of people...

Service Learning in Organic Gardening

Outline Service-learning is the process through which people and mostly students engage themselves in the practice of what has been tackled in their classrooms. This particular practice takes place in the community where students engage themselves in community-based activities, which correspond with what has been learned in class. Organic gardening...

Nutrition Labeling Meaning and Importance

Nutrition is the diet of a human being; his intake of food and the necessary mineral and nutrients that come with it. The word nutrition is derived from nutrients, which are the essential ingredients that a human body needs to survive and be healthy. The knowledge of nutrition is extremely...

Breastfeeding and Formula Feeding

New mothers have to make critical decisions regarding whether to breastfeed their babies or not. This personal choice will present the cons and pros to both the child and the mother. While many people support the benefits associated with breastfeeding, some might be against it due to various reasons. The...

Indian Culture and Food in the Raaga Restaurant

Stereotypes, Knowledge, Values Before visiting Raaga, a restaurant of Indian cuisine, I tried to consider what I knew about this culture and whether I would eat what I would be served. I have never been to India, therefore, my personal knowledge about this country has been created on the basis...

Slow Food Movement in USA

Introduction The Slow Food movement started in the middle of 1980s by Carlo Petrini as a protest against the fast food industry and the call for returning to the traditional healthy eating habits. Founded in Italy, the Slow Food Movement spread rather quickly to Greece and then all over the...

Ketogenic Diet: Advantages and Disadvantages

I examined the Ketogenic diet due to its growing popularity and contrasting views regarding its health implications. The diet has advantages and disadvantages for the health and well-being of an individual. According to Cicek & Sanlier (2022), the ketogenic diet can decrease weight loss and improve insulin sensitivity. However, using...

Veganism: Social Movement and Way of Life

Introduction Veganism is a term used in reference to people with a strict vegetarian diet that excludes meat, dairy products, and eggs from animals. There is a growing number of Americans, 10%, who claim to be vegans (Norwood & Bir, 2022). The influence to conform to the vegan diet has...

The Food Quality Impact on Economy and Health

Introduction Agricultural development is a top priority, not only to improve U.S. economic opportunities but also to improve the quality of nutrition. More and more Americans are eating low-quality food, preferring fast food and similar foods to those prepared and grown on the farm. Thus, we can note the general...

The Effectiveness of the Special K Diet for Weight Loss

Introduction Obesity is a common health problem worldwide, stemming from the wrong dietary and lifestyle choices. According to Gianturco and Perez, there are currently 1.4 billion overweight adults globally, with 500 million of them being obese (1). Due to excessive weight, these individuals are at a higher risk of developing...

Fast Food Popularity in America: Cause and Effect

Introduction There are several critical elements without which human life would be impossible, including fresh air, water, and food. People conduct research, share observations, and enhance their knowledge of achieving high-quality products and services and ensuring their safety. At the same time, in this intention to create the best conditions,...

Properties of Fats and Oils

Introduction Ingredients constituting the diet regimen play essential role in enhancing the delicacy and nutrient value of a given food item. These may vary from naturally available plant or animal sources to chemically synthesized ones. The preparation of certain food items necessitates the utility of specific compounds such as oils...

How the Nutrients of a Hamburger Meal Are Processed Through the Body

The first step to obtaining nutrients from a hamburger meal is taking it by mouth and then breaking it with saliva and teeth. Subsequently, in order for nutrients, including protein, carbohydrate, and lipid, to be utilized for energy, the hamburger meal must undergo mechanical and chemical digestion (“Digestive System Processes,”...

Freshly vs. Commercially Prepared Orange Juice

Introduction Oranges is a fruit that is characterized by a sweet scent and a bright orange color. The fruit is believed to have its origin in the tropical and sub-tropical parts of Asia particularly China. For many years, extract from orange fruits has been used by human beings as a...

Saltah: Yemeni Dish Recipe and History

Ingredients To prepare saltah, the following ingredients are needed (“Saltah”): ¼ of a cup of vegetable oil (60-65 ml); 450 grams of ground lamb or ground beef; 2 medium onions, which should be chopped; 4 potatoes; these should be peeled and then diced into cubes; 2 tomatoes; these need to...

Sustainable Diet: Definition and Benefits

A sustainable diet is defined as a nutritional program with little environmental impact. This is explained by the fact that the diet helps the population in ensuring food security. At the same time, it can fill all the needs of people in certain foods. Moreover, it appears as a kind...

Preparing Cookies: Replacing Butter with Avocado Puree

Abstract In today’s world, the demand for healthy food options has been rising to control the obesity rate and health related issues such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and fertility problems in female. One of the main reasons of obesity is eating food that’s high in saturated fats....

Chefs Gordon Ramsay vs. Jamie Oliver

Introduction Modern television is hard to imagine without popular culinary programs created by so-called celebrity chefs. The most famous among them at the moment is Gordon Ramsay and Jamie Oliver, who became popular for hosting cooking shows, publishing recipe books, and developing restaurant businesses. It is noteworthy that the two...

Analysis of the Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean diet is a diet with an impressive reputation. It is a nutrition system that allows you to strengthen your health and get a slim figure as a bonus to protection from cancer and cardiovascular diseases. However, the main secret is that fats and carbohydrates in the diet for...

A Qualitative Study of Independent Fast-Food Vendors Near Secondary Schools

Introduction The article “A qualitative study of independent fast-food vendors near secondary schools in disadvantaged Scottish neighborhoods” by Estrade et al. primarily sought to explore and navigate the barriers toward offering healthier menu options. In addition, the study aimed to analyze and examine the challenges that owners of independent small...

High Nutrition Diet and Its Harm to Athletes

Abstract Sports nutritional supplements are essential in augmenting the energy reserves of sportspeople. However, research on the purpose of these foods, particularly a high nutrition diet, is non-conclusive. This study employs a systematic literature review to assess the role and harm of a high protein diet among athletes. The research...

Healthier Cookie Version: The Challenges to the Food Industry

Introduction The meals taken play a significant role in body development. A meal can enhance a healthy body development and, if not well censored, can result in health-related problems such as high blood pressure, obesity, tooth decays, high cholesterol, cardiac problems and stroke, diabetes, and osteoporosis. According to Buttriss (2012,...

Perceived Health. A Healthy Body

The perception of health develops from a series of experiences, concepts, and standards which are created by society. Nowadays, the idea of a healthy body is mostly influenced by television and social media. Cultural norms and the level of an individual’s fitness education also contribute to the perception of a...

How to Eat Oysters

There is an old saying that eating oysters is the same as eating money. The connections of the product to luxury stems from the high costs of its production associated with its complexity (Floyd). Because of this, many people are intimidated by oysters and develop misconceptions that prevent them from...

GMO Use in Brazil and Other Countries

Introduction As the world entered the 21st century, humanity faced issues that were deemed of utmost importance since thy concerned future survival of the race. Overpopulation and availability of food formed the greatest percentage of the issues in the millennium goals. Food systems particularly what humans have to eat and...

Eating Habits in UK: From Past Till Now

Eating habits/trends in the UK and London and explain the history and development over the past twenty years The change in the lifestyle of people in the UK and London has caused a change in their eating habits and trends. “The recession has proved to be a considerable force for...

“The Future of Food” Documentary

In the documentary entitled “The Future of Food,” the viewers are shocked by the revelation of how food is made in America. In the opening scenes, one woman said that America used to be a nation of farmers, but today, there are only 2% of the population that produces food...

Childhood Obesity Prevention: Physical Education and Nutrition

Abstract In most cases, many people believe that obesity is a childhood problem. This may be true to some extent. However, it is important to note that unless controlled, as a child grows, obesity can lead to many health complications in adulthood. In this regard, to help children avoid health...

Eating Habits among the Teenagers

Introduction The researcher may classify data into two types when developing a nursing intervention to encourage healthy eating habits among teenagers. The sources of information consist of primary and secondary data. Primary data refers to first-hand data, which is collected from the field to resolve a problem at hand. The...

Mujaddara: Middle Eastern Dish History

Mujaddara is one of the oldest dishes of the Middle Eastern cuisine. The oldest recorded recipe for the dish appears in a cookbook from 1226 A.D. titled “Kitab al Tabikh” meaning “The Book of Dishes (Chovanec).” The dish originated with the need to provide maximum nutrition with the least amount...

Healthy Food: the Impact of the Vegetarian Diet

Introduction In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards vegetarianism in societal dietary choices. The practice consists of excluding flesh and sometimes by-products of animals from consumption for distinct reasons. Six to eight million people in the United States are estimated to practice some form of vegetarianism (Harvard...

Nutrition Goals, Types and Steps

Goal setting is an approach used to establish what a person wishes to attain at a specific time. A nutrition coach designs an actual and suitable program for nutritional clients after the customer’s goal identification (Stoppe et al., 2019). Planned goals improve the client’s health and help prepare the customer’s...

Ways of Measuring Individual Diets

Nutrition and diet have a significant influence on human health. The practice of dietary assessment begins with collecting data on the foods and beverages consumed over a predetermined period. This data is then encoded and analyzed so that food composition charts can be used to calculate intakes of nutrients, energy,...

Protein Supplements are Good for All

The Scientific Basis of Protein Supplements on the Role of Diet in Health or Disease One controversial topic in nutritional studies regards the idea that protein supplements present beneficial outcomes for all of their consumers. Specifically, this concept usually relates to professional sportspeople and athletes, as their organisms require an...

The Indigenous Food Sovereignty Concept

Though there is no accepted description, the food sovereignty concept can be regarded as the latest and most inventive method to achieve the overall objectives of long-term food availability. Indigenous food sovereignty is a policy strategy that addresses the fundamental challenges affecting Indigenous populations and their capacity to meet their...

Nutritional Challenges for Government

The government plays a significant role in the population’s nutrition and the correlated challenges. The most dangerous of them for most of human history was food insufficiency, which is why the government stimulated food production and distribution (Mozaffarian et al., 2018). Subsequently, the government got involved in people’s nutrition, using...

Arguments of “No Alcohol Safe To Drink…” by Ives

Identification of the Argument Laurel Ives is a chief editor of national news-making brands. She has sound knowledge of healthcare and is experienced in working for BBC Health and Telegraph medical care division. She published an article No Alcohol Safe to Drink, Global Study Confirms for BBC Health, dated August...

Food and Cultural Appropriation Article by Cheung

The article written by Helier Cheung focuses on the case of Lucky Lee restaurant, which started the discussion about the cultural appropriation of food and respect for the authenticity of foreign cuisines. The article’s main objective is to raise the public’s awareness about authentic food traditions being adapted for a...

Fast Food Addiction: Comparison of Articles

Fast food has become so embedded in the daily menu that many can no longer imagine their life without cheeseburgers, fried potatoes, and other snacks. Researchers have been writing about the dangers of such food for a long time and constantly, but there are also useful elements in it. Both...

Food Voice of the Bangladeshi

Similar to the rest of the world, history, traditions, and geography determine the eating habit of the people of Bangladesh. The country used to be an outpost of the Mughal Empire centuries ago, and it still owes a large portion of its traditions to this cultural heritage. As in many...

Importance of Early Balanced Diets in Children

Abstract Nutrition plays a critical role in a child’s cognitive and physical development. These developmental phases are highly susceptible to nutritional deficiencies in children (Hurley et al., 2016). Research indicates that substandard dietary choices in children below five years can lead to lifelong health disparities among this populace (Hurley et...

Beer Making Process: Brewery Nine Stages

The current essay is an analytical piece of writing that addresses beer processing. The brewery is a series of complex processes that include the following subprocesses: malting and milling, mashing and lautering, boiling, fermenting, conditioning and filtering, and as the last step, pasteurization. In the current essay, the abovementioned nine...

Healthy Breakfast and Lunch Program for Schools

Introduction The current obesity crisis facing our youth today is the most unprecedented one in history. In the past three decades, obesity rates have gone up by over 300 percent and come with negative implications in the society, especially among children. This has exposed them to various obesity-related diseases, most...

Prevention of Obesity in Teenagers

Introduction Obesity is a widespread problem in the US. Many communities across the country are affected by the issue which threatens patients’ health and well-being often without them even realizing it. This paper aims to create an education plan for teenage patients and their parents to effectively inform them and...

Changes in Diet and Lifestyle for Students

Abstract Many students undergo a significant change in diet and lifestyle upon entering the university. Among these changes include excessive drinking, close contact with a large number of people, and late nights. Many health experts accuse these changes in the lifestyle of causing short-term treatable illnesses while the changes in...

Fast Food as a Cause of Obesity in the US and World

In the contemporary rapidly developing world people are always on the move. They want to save time whenever it is possible. Hence, people prefer not to spend evenings in the kitchen cooking fresh dishes or wait at the restaurant to have dinner. The image of a happy housewife wearing a...

Tequila in the Mexican Culture

Introduction of Tequila Tequila is a regional specific name for a distilled beverage. The main ingredient for making this drink is the Blue Agave plant. It primarily comes from Tequila city in the Mexican state of Jalisco. It has a regional specificity. It flourishes well in the red volcanic soils....

The Americanization of Pasta

Introduction: Origins and background history of Pasta Pasta as an ancient food Pasta is one of the world’s most available types of food, with most countries at least having their own variety of pasta. Tracing the history of the food is a difficult thing to do first because during the...

Childhood Obesity: Prevention and Mitigation

Over the past three decades, childhood obesity has developed into an epidemic and is considered as one of the major health issues in the world. While it is important to understand the causes of childhood obesity, arguments about who is to be held responsible divert attention from the most important...

“Breakfast Myth” and Reasons to Believe

Introduction The motivation to debunk the “breakfast myth” is the same fuel that motivates the other myth-busting endeavor, the ultimate purpose is to figure out the truth from the lie (Barthes 59). The impetus to figure out myth from reality may require more persuasive exhortations other than the need to...

Factors Influencing Food Choices and Their Impact on Health

People’s eating habits are inevitably transforming due to changing living conditions and access to more varied food. However, society is currently experiencing an obesity crisis, which is especially true in the United States. Many people eat poor-quality food and have little physical activity, which leads to weight gain and the...

Fat-Soluble Vitamins Aspects Analysis

Introduction Vitamins are necessary nutrients the system requires in small quantities to sustain several vital processes. Fat-soluble vitamins and water-soluble are categories into which vitamins fall. In contrast to water-soluble vitamins, which the body must refill regularly, fat-soluble vitamins are retained in fatty tissues and liver and are excreted significantly...

Nutrition Diary and Self-Reflection

Throughout my diet diary, attention was drawn to three elements that were under-percentage in my diet. The shortfall was in the fiber department, which regularly missed a few grams to reach the Daily Standard. To an even greater extent, I did not receive sodium, which was consumed every day in...

Restricting the Volume of Sale of Fast Foods and Genetically Modified Foods

Introduction There has been a surge in the number of fast-food joints in Arizona, which mostly sell junk and genetically altered food. This is clearly due to the increased market for these foods and their popularity in most areas. This business has been booming in the last few years due,...

Baking a Marble Cake Project

The project aims to bake a tasty marble cake following the recipe. Within the scope of the project, one goal should be achieved. This goal includes baking a tasty marble cake following the given instructions. To avoid potential obstacles, a person cooking the cake should read these instructions carefully. In...

Is Keto Diet Really Effective?

The keto diet is a high fat and low fiber (carbohydrate) diet that has been promoted widely in the media and among celebrities as a tool used for healing and losing weight. Different social media platforms are filled with images of people who praise the keto diet for its propensity...

The Healthy Cheesecake Recipe and Instructions

Introduction A typical cheesecake has approximately 18g of fat and 250 calories. It has almost 10g of saturated fat which can raise a person’s cholesterol. But it is possible to make a healthy cheesecake with the right recipe. The healthy cheesecake uses sugar-free cookie crust, nonfat yoghurt, and nonfat cream...

The Future of the Meat Industry

Introduction The meat industry concentrates on the production, packing, preservation, and marketing of meat. This sphere of agriculture is fully industrialized now, like many others. Obviously, the meat industry has a big future and will only be developing. There are innovative technologies implemented now that decrease the damage to the...

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Fast Food Nation: Annotated Bibliography

Blake, Christine, et al. “Elaborating the Science of Food Choice for Rapidly Changing Food Systems in Low-and Middle-Income Countries.” Global Food Security, vol. 28, 2021. Researchers consider the interaction of changing the food environment to food choice. The authors of the article are members of the Department of Health Promotion,...

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Basic Functions of Minerals and Water in the Body

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Researching Latin American Cuisine

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