A 1650-word essay is a standard undergraduate college assignment. You might need to write an essay of such a length on almost any discipline: political science, philosophy, education, economics, nursing, etc. While writing a paper of 1650 to 1750 words, you will need to demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of the topic and the ability to structure your thoughts well.
Apert syndrome is a rare genetic disorder, which is characterised by a broad range of physiological and emotional symptoms. According to the National Organisation for Rare Disorders (2012), Apert syndrome incorporates numerous signs and physical complications: skull abnormalities, brain deficiencies, a range of mental problems such as profound retardation, and...
Describing the development and the collapse of civilizations, one would always touch upon what makes a man. Searching the answer to the famous “Are you a man or a mouse?” question, people try to find the difference between the mankind and the humanity. With help of the two protagonist civilizations,...
The Korean film industry is evolving rapidly, and filmmakers come up with new products that are positively accepted by the public. For instance, in 2011, 8.48 million Koreans watched national movies as compared to 4.98 million who watched foreign products (Dixon par. 14). The industry has transformed significantly throughout the...
Introduction Adolescence is a critical developmental stage in life of a human being. The stage is marked by different psychosocial changes that define the transition period from adolescence to the young adulthood (Cohen, Kasen, Chen, Hartmark & Gordon, 2003). During the stage, the adolescents undergo emotional changes that are influenced...
Abstract Boeing remains one of the leading innovators and marketers of superior aircraft in the global aviation industry. The Boeing 787 Dreamliner is a superior aircraft that has attracted the attention of many corporate clients. The proposed marketing plan entails the use of competition to dictate prices for the aircraft....
How Long Is a 1650 Word Essay Double Spaced?
Depending on the line spacing, a text of 1650 words takes 3 to 6 pages. All the most common citation styles imply that an essay is double-spaced and written in 12-point Times New Roman. This is about 250 words per page. You might want to use a different font, but a double-spaced 1650-word essay will anyway take about 6 pages.
1650 Words Is How Many Paragraphs?
A 1650-word essay contains 11 to 16 paragraphs on average. The length of a typical academic paragraph is about 100 words. You should include at least four sentences in your paragraph.
What Does a 1650-Word Essay Look Like?
A paper of 1650 words is not necessarily an essay. Such a length is also suitable for an extended essay, research paper, or term paper. In addition to the introduction, body, and conclusion, you might need to include other elements, like an abstract, methods, and discussion. This will depend on the genre of your assignment.
How Long Does It Take to Write a 1650-Word Essay?
Typing 1650 words on a keyboard usually takes 33 to 66 minutes, depending on your typing speed. However, if you need to write an academic paper, add time for research, formatting the text, and preparing graphic materials. You’ll need at least 5 hours for 1650 words.
How Long Should an Introduction Be for a 1650 Word Essay?
An average introduction length of a 1650-word essay should be 250 words. The exact requirements will be given by your professor.
Introduction Ethics is a very common topic nowadays, which encompasses knowing what is moral and immoral. There are no doubts that ethics are very essential in all aspects of life. Throughout the history of human kind, there are numerous theories and thoughts that have been developed to explain ethics and...
Abstract The essay reveals the essence of two basic American legislative acts that regulated the both the internal relations between the U.S. states and the establishment of external contacts. The characteristics of the initial source of legal power, which was represented by the Articles of Confederation, are analyzed. The second...
Introduction Political science believes that political parties “created American democracy out of a small experiment in republicanism by drawing the masses into political life” (Doherty 421). The founders of the American state attempted to come up with associations in which groups and parties were weak. Political scientists allege that political...
Key Words and Terms Knowledge can be described as a tool with which people interpret the world and society around them. Through knowledge, one is able to understand his or her social-cultural, political and geographical environments, and come up with ways of integrating or adapting to achieve life goals. Knowledge...
Introduction Saunders et al (2009) assert that an onion can be used to represent the research process (see Figure 1). The layers of the onion must be unwrapped before one can reach the innermost core of the onion (the data collection and data analysis). The outer layer comprises of philosophies...
Introduction The world has entered the stage of its rapid evolution under the impact of technological advances and the emergence of new devices. The high speed of digitalization resulted in the formation of a new environment characterized by the dominance of innovative solutions and attempts to increase the effectiveness of...
Globalisation made the world shrink as the distance (both geographic and cultural) between people is decreasing due to the development of technology. Multinationals serve as one of the instruments of globalisation as they often shape the economic, social, and political landscape of countries to a certain or significant extent (Cohen...
Introduction Bravery – Beowulf is the most famous poem among the works of the Old English literature. It is the epic creation telling the readers about the strongest and the bravest of the English warriors of all times. The plot of the poem is concentrated around the life and the...
The topic that I am researching is the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). In what follows is a literature review on the topic. I specifically analyze articles that investigate the question of whether the Bush administration has committed abuses with regards to the FISA or not. The hypothesis that I...
Introduction Being a wife and a mother at the same time can bestow a lot of stress to a woman who is just starting up to fill those shoes. Doing a balancing act of being a mother and wife is sometimes too much too handle for a woman, what more...
The Salem Witch Trials are known from the history reveal the horrible and even mysterious event of accusation of young girls for the witchcraft. The trials that took place from February 1962 up to March 1963 accused many innocent people due to the fact that the Court could not decide...
Introduction William Faulkner (1897-1962) is one of America’s favorite authors. Before his death in 1962, he was able to produce 26 books and a difficult to count number of short stories. His tales were full of such character and artistry that he has become recognized as a giant in world...
Introduction The gender-based violations and crimes against female citizens may consist of emotional, physical, sensual, and sexual abuse. This problem is considered a severe obstacle towards the enjoyment of fundamental human rights by women internationally and is strongly condemned in developed countries. Femicide is the murder of women, usually following...
Introduction People have always created various stories to describe the world surrounding them. They were known as myths several millennia ago, which attracted individuals regardless of their backgrounds. Slaves, peasants, artisans, poets, and rulers appreciated them, as tales made their lives more meaningful and less stressful. Even though many people...
In his book, “Who moved my cheese?” Johnson (1998) explores change by narrating the story of four characters searching for cheese. He also depicts how each of the four characters goes about finding cheese. All four characters live in a maze where they are searching for cheese. According to Johnson...
Introduction Quality measures for improving health care services provided The situation concerning the health care services provided by the staff members of the Health Science Center described in the case study suggests that quality improvement measures should be implemented about the needs and expectations of the organization and its staff...
Alvin Toffler is an American philosopher and futurologist, one of the authors of the popular concept of post-industrial civilization, author of many books and articles. He holds honorary doctorates in literature and natural sciences. In the late 1960s, Toffler was commissioned by IBM to research the social consequences of the...
Conflict Resolution Approaches While summing up my conflict self-assessment score, I can note that I use avoiding and accommodating approaches less frequently than the others. This is because these methods are ineffective strategies for overcoming controversial situations in the workplace and bring few benefits to any of the conflicting parties....
The violence in The Lottery by Shirley Jackson is an appeal to both social order and tradition. Based on the narrator, “no one liked to upset even as much tradition as was represented by the black box” (Jackson 141). In what seems ironic, while the villagers seem to be preserving...
With the increase in the use of information technology, it is critical to maintain a sense of security and patient safety. An organization using information systems are at threat of losing their data to hackers. As a result, nurses and other healthcare professionals must safeguard patient data and follow the...
Project Description and Significance In the current competitive business environment, firms are under pressure to ensure that they maintain a team of highly skilled and experienced employees who can use emerging technologies to continuously improve their performance. Brewer and Dittman (2018) explain that recruiting talented employees is the first step...
The telecommunication industry is a key player in the development of a sustainable and well-equipped society. Proper communication channels are key contributors to the effective link between the message sender and the recipient. AT&T has been one of the modes by which people use to transmit information to each other...
The Catcher in the Rye was a novel written by J.D Slinger. The novel’s protagonist is a young man struggling with various issues in his adolescence. Holden Caulfield, aged 16, was the name of the young man. For the fourth time, he had been kicked out of class. Salinger uses...
In the retail industry, the concept of online shopping is an emerging trend that most business organizations are adopting to facilitate their sales. The rapid growth in eCommerce is caused by the advancement in digitalization whereby consumers and business owners have access to technologies that enable them to view various...
Introduction Before the invention of the internet, hardcopy books were the only known types of books in the world. In the 1990s, several websites that sold e-books were launched. The following decades saw an increase in the demand for e-books, and academic institutions adopted electronic copies as classroom materials and...
Introduction The diverse routes of knowledge have created controversy in the field of epistemology, with rationalism being the most viable acquisition strategy. Various philosophers have tried to explain how individuals acquire knowledge about their environment and every other aspect of living. Socrates’s pursuit of wisdom begins with discovering facts through...
“The War on Human Trafficking: U.S. Policy Assessed” by Anthony M. DeStefano is about one of the modern-day plagues of our society; human trafficking. The author recognizes that talking about human trafficking phenomena is a broad and complicated topic. So DeStefano starts his analysis at a certain historical point. It...
Basic Overview of New Orleans Jazz New Orleans is considered the birthplace of traditional jazz music. It dates back to the 20s of the past century, right after the end of the World War I. This popular music style is usually performed by small group of 5-8 people that is...
There are two major ways to approach a job: task- and worker-oriented. The first method implies the focus on tasks completed and tools used, whereas the second method concentrates on features a worker has to have to complete the job effectively. It is important to employ a combination of these...
It is said that music is an indication of the earnest feeling of its composer. The entire composer is fraction of a chronological realism that aids to form and color his piece of music. Consequently, so as to know any kind of music, it is important not just to inspect...
The Accor hotel is one of the leading hotels located in France and a major hotel in Europe. It also happens to be one of the third largest hotels in the world. Over the years, the hotel has been forced to align its core competencies so that it can keep...
Introduction Diverse religious opinions arise whenever individuals hold different views about a certain spiritual issue. Most people respect the opinion of others about a certain topic. People appreciate that rational individuals can in differ in opinion. However, these sensible and tolerant attitudes lead to the formulation of two distinct lines...
Introduction Culturally competent care in nursing practice is critical for delivery of an effective health service. Comprehensive guidelines can help nurses to treat minority populations within community settings competently. Hispanics compromise approximately 57 million or 16% of the United States population which is the largest minority in the country (Centers...
Language is one of the major forms of cognition that distinguishes humans from other species on the planet. Representatives of many other species tend to rely on sounds produced by voice as means of communication, some species even use partially learned systems of vocalisations; however, humans are the only species...
Introduction Advisory services provided by a company encompass a broad range of services that business consultants offer. Such services include advice on the formation of capital, the management of financial assets or cash flow, the integration of successful business strategies, and so on. An advisory company may assist its clients...
In a Year of 13 Moons is a movie written and directed by Ali Rainer Werner Fassbinder. The film’s lead actor is Volker Spengler. In the film, the lead actor stars as Elvira. The film describes Elvira’s last few days on earth. Elvira is a transsexual woman previously known as...
Introduction The ability to set short and long-term goals is vital for the professional and academic career of a person who wants to play the role of a leader. These goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. These criteria are also known as SMART. This personal development plan...
Introduction Rene Descartes’s form of skepticism, which is referred to as Cartesian Doubt, represents a manifestation of methodological skepticism. It implies a systematic process of doubting the validity of people’s personal beliefs, which has become a key characteristic of philosophy. For many who studied the topic, methodological doubt is considered...
Introduction If there are people who consider bullying to be harmless child’s play, they are sorely mistaken. Victims of bullying may suffer from the consequences of this maltreatment throughout their lives. Bullying is “aggressive behavior or intentional harmdoing by peers that is carried out repeatedly and involves an imbalance of...
Introduction Human history presents numerous ideas, concepts, philosophies, and thoughts that have the potential to influence nations and governments across the world. The idea of learning from the past is an evidence-based practice that has moved America forward. The legal, moral, economic, political, and social achievements experienced in the United...
Organization Overview The selected company is a call center that provides its services to a wide range of organizations in different sectors. Such outsourced activities make it possible for all partners and clients to realize their goals much faster and fulfill the demands of their respective customers. This firm has...
Introduction The literature of the Enlightenment is generally of the great interest for the philosophers, researchers and simply for people keen on literature of that period. The Alexander Pope’s “Essay on the man” and Voltaire’s “Candide, or Optimism” are regarded as the satiric literature of the eighteenth century. Both are...
Introduction Literary critics have often described the fact that Anthology of World Literature by Sarah Lawall restrains the world’s best-selling literature. Sarah Lawall introduces each writer and their works with a detailed biography, background description, and critical analysis. The Scribes and Pharisees in Bible have often been considered as the...
Shakespeare is the legend of all world literature and the leader among English Renaissance literature. He was a gifted man of the people who came to the capital and in a few years became the largest literary and theatrical value. He made a new impact in the knowledge of reality,...
Between the years 1920 and 1923 Buster Keaton managed to create 19 short films. His short films are characterized with comic situations that are interconnected with movement and imagery, without putting any weight on the dramatic effect. The comedy and the metaphoric background lie in the imagery, not in the...
Introduction The gift of tongues was divinely bestowed upon believers by God, making them able to speak in a human language that was not learned by the one speaking it. When believers use the gift of speaking in tongues, they are instructed to speak one at a time, and only...
Introduction The topic of child abuse and neglect is a heavy one, but it requires an additional spotlight to attract society’s attention to this issue. This long-standing societal problem, when brought under the public eye, can be dismantled by peer pressure from the community on the government to take necessary...
History The nature of the work of correction officers within the American prison system is highly misunderstood. The actual responsibilities of the different sections within the prison department overlap. There is no clear-cut rule on the nature of the work or the roles these officers play in inmates’ lives (“Evolving...
Operations management is essential for productive businesses, as the concept implies the method of converting resources into final products. The term aims to transform the company’s inputs, including human resources, technology, finances, and knowledge, into ready-to-consume goods and services (Robbins & Coulter, 2015). In particular, the transformation process is being...
Introduction The ethical, economic, and scientific issues related to the life of animals in zoos have been at the center of debate for the past several decades. On the one hand, zoos might be described as good places that provide favorable conditions for animals and save them from death in...
Fire is defined as “a rapid, self-sustaining, exothermic oxidation reaction that produces heat and light in varying degrees” (University of Maryland University College, n.d., para.8). This definition differentiates fire from other slower oxidative reactions such as browning and rusting. Self-sustaining allude to the capability of the process to prolong even...
Abstract The purpose of the proposed study is to investigate the effects of student nurses’ self-efficiency levels on their actual performance. Based on Albert Bandura’s theory of self-efficiency, the proposed research will compare the perceived abilities of the participants before and after they were exposed to the orientation course. Perceived...
Introduction A health care system is the totality of people, resources, and other means that healthcare organizations provide to satisfy health needs of the target public. Each country has its own historically formed and developed way to attract economic resources for the provision of health care, preservation, and promotion of...
Introduction Starbucks is the largest international chain of coffee shops which has been consistently growing and expanding since the 1980s. In 2008, it faced a major crisis caused by the economic recession and the failure of the company’s aggressive expansion strategy. To address the crisis, it introduced significant changes to...
Is the Mental Disorder Appropriately Portrayed? The targeted movie for this exercise is “Requiem for a Dream”. The film is directed by Darren Aronofsky. This movie narrates the story of Sara Goldfarb and the people around her life. The health issue outlined in this film is addiction. According to the...
Abstract Social media marketing is an ongoing business trend practiced by most successful small and large-scale businesses. It involves creating brand profiles on various social media platforms and promoting business services and products. Digital marketing is essential because it offers a company huge benefits, including brand awareness, a large audience,...
Introduction When it comes to any business operations, a long-term strategy and predictions play a significant role in the business’s success. Forecasting, for its past, has become an integral part of the business strategy and tactics. The procedure implies the complex process of gathering historical data in order to generate...
Economic globalization refers to the interdependence of the world’s financial giants due to increased technology and trade across the borders. Economic globalization can lead to personality disturbance, inconsistent with identity. When economic globalization leads to disruptions and uncertainty of uniqueness, our identities change. When people interact with more extensive cultural...
Introduction Oradour-Sur-Glane is a site that represents an atrocity event that happened during the first world war era where the entire village and the natives were liquidated by German troops two years after a similar occurrence was experienced by the natives of Lidice, a Czechoslovakian village. The Nazi-occupied a larger...
Professionals working in the healthcare industry, including clinicians, nurses, and managers, must implement a certain set of personal skills to ensure positive patient outcomes and improve the population’s health status. An essential part of those skills is associated with professional ethics and ethical leadership in the medical field. It is...
In Chapters 14 and 15 of The Lucifer Effect, Philip Zimbardo’s book on the psychology of evil, readers are confronted with case studies on the atrocities at Abu Ghraib. Zimbardo describes when an individual may be responsible for their behavior or when their environment may be to blame. This same...
Introduction The Jesuit missions to China in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries represent a short but remarkable page in the history of China and an exciting phenomenon in the life of the Society of Jesus itself. It was the first significant dialogue between European and Chinese cultures; it included both...
Afterworld is a common theme in many poems of ancient civilizations and the Middle Ages. As a result, various works illuminate various depictions of the afterworld and its creatures. For example, the poem Inferno, written by Dante Alighieri, portrays the underworld in the way it is commonly seen today. It...
The arguments of the author in ‘Problems of Philosophy’ were neither for direct realism nor against indirect realism. As a result, the author described the existence of reality and appearance using the Cartesian technique (Russell 6). To approach the argument on appearance and reality, he suggested that we must avoid...
Introduction The internet is making it possible for many organizations and businesses to communicate with their customers across the globe. In healthcare, the internet is revolutionizing how medical services are delivered to different clients (Bennett, 2013). Cultural diversity is a critical issue that must be taken seriously by many healthcare...
Do you want to know why Samsung’s marketing is better than Apple? What industry is Apple and Samsung in? How are their business and marketing strategies different? Keep reading to find out! In this essay example, you’ll find everything you should know about Apple vs. Samsung marketing strategy and business...
Reasons behind the Outbreak of the War between the United States and Japan Primary Factors for the Aggravation of U.S.-Japan Relations From a contemporary perspective, it is clear that the development of relations between the United States and Japan, which led to the outbreak of war between the two countries,...
Executive Summary This report is a brief overview of the weighted average cost of capital. Its main goal is showing what the weighted average cost of capital is all about, its importance and how it can be applied in a practical example. Therefore, a case has been used to bring...
The second part of the nineteenth century was pivotal for world history. The colonial structure of the world that had been formed by that time and division of labor became global. The world economy of that period was characterized by the situation when the production of finished goods was concentrated...
Introduction School improvement plans involve goals and activities designed to improve students’ performance. The plan consists of steps on how the set goal and objectives will be achieved and the inputs of all stakeholders. A society is made up of a population with varied competence, nationalities and cultural heritage. Due...
The problem that Wernick is discussing is the rising competition between universities for private funds (157). There is a shortage of funds and the only way out in this case is fundraising a very common method of attaining funds, but one which is becoming a lot of problems. These are...
The Second World War brought devastation to the world and change the thought, affecting all spheres of life. Carefully optimistic philosophic movements could no longer provide people with answers they sought, and it gradually shifted to skepticism, sarcasm, and deconstruction of everything. New philosophical and art movements began appearing, varying...
Introduction Negligence is a serious concern especially in the medical field and it continues to gain greater importance in medical malpractice cases in several nations ranging from the Asia, the US, and Europe. There is a concern of patient-doctor interaction with two dominant models. The first deals with the doctrine...
Outline This work aims at establishing the procedures involved in the design and management of appropriate pilotage services such as pilotage requirements and the standard criteria for expected ship status. It will also highlight the factors to be considered such as pilot boarding, info to be provided, anchorage area and...
Introduction Richard Kuklinski, otherwise known as The Iceman, was a high-profile contract and serial killer for several decades. He was renowned for his brutal killings of over 100 people. After his capture and imprisonment, he was interviewed and assessed by a psychiatrist. Kuklinski exhibited psychopathic traits in his behavior, perspectives,...
Introduction Heart Failure (HF) is becoming one of the leading causes of deaths in the United States today. According to American Heart Association (2012), prevalence of some of the cardiovascular diseases has reduced significantly over the years, but cases of heart failure are still on the rise. Medical practitioners are...
Introduction Effective leadership in any business organization guides followers to pursue their goals diligently, engage each other, and address most emerging challenges. Managers must establish a positive culture whereby workers can operate in teams and promote continuous innovation. Companies characterized by strong leadership practices find it easier to achieve their...
Hypothesis The research utilizes seven hypotheses from the big five personality traits and the behavior that people have been portraying since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States. The concerns have been made regarding contracting the deadly respiratory virus, regulations enacted to prevent the spread of the...
Greed and cleverness are dangerous vices affecting many business establishments globally. The two evils often arise from individuals’ inability to comply with the set operations’ laws. Reports concerning Ernst & Young LLP’s (EY) violation of critical integrity laws by June this year proves this problem’s dominance even in institutions deemed...
Introduction Amazon is among the world’s largest and most successful e-commerce companies. The company is known for having a diverse range of products and services. It has its strongest international market in Europe, specifically Germany and the UK. It also has an efficient supply chain and logistics system and a...
Introduction The modern world is characterized by the fast evolution of industries and the manufacturing of a constantly growing number of goods. They are required to meet all customers’ needs and guarantee a high level of comfort for them. However, supporting the consumerist society requires the stable work of industries...
Scenic design is a vital element in every play. The design portrays the style and the mood of the production used in the play. It also enables the audience to draw a clear distinction between a nonrealistic and a realistic theater. One important element of scene design is design of...
Introduction To a large extent, common chimps as well as bonobos tend to display characteristics that are similar to those witnessed in human beings. Despite the fact that the two primates are very much alike, it is assumed that there more similarities between bonobos and human beings. Arguably, bonobos and...
Communication is an integral part of everyday life. Even more, communication and ability to think is a phenomenon that makes the humankind unique. Persuasive and efficient communication guarantees a success in all types of negotiations. The capacity of making other people behave and act in a particular way is a...
Introduction John Nash, the protagonist in the chef-d’oeuvre film, A Beautiful Mind, stands out as a victim of paranoid schizophrenia. This fictitious character is based on a real person going by the same name. This paper entails a case study of John Nash, which creates a personal profile based on...
Introduction The debate on abortion has taken a different shift in the recent times with many pro-choice members of the society claiming that it should be a right for every woman to determine whether to terminate a pregnancy or keep it. It is apparent that the extreme groups in this...
Introduction The debate whether the British economy declined or grew during the post war decades among scholars especially economic historians has been going on for decades. The debate began immediately with the invention of the idea of Declinism in the later decades of the nineteenth century (Tomlinson 732). The origin...
Executive Summary In today’s competitive market, each company endeavors to gain advantages over its contenders. Managing human resources and work environment is paramount to enhancing efficiency and performance. To embark on the issue of fostering creativity and innovation in the workplace, one should consider the key determinants of a supportive...
Introduction The primary goal of the research was to answer two questions: What are the most effective strategies for the reduction of medication errors during the medication reconciliation process? Which health care professionals contribute the most to the homogeneity of medication history records? Demographics of the Sample Population The sample...
Introduction In this memo, the main goal is to choose a non-profit program that can be applied to veteran student performance and propose a program evaluation regarding an appropriate program theory and a design that includes a “theory of change” diagram. The decision to choose the Armed Services Arts Partnership...
A practical example of Christian A practical example of Christian counseling can explain its principles fully. There are many approaches to counseling, the main of which are psychology-based, Bible only, and open-minded approaches. However, in the case which is being analyzed, the integration of all the systems is inevitable, as...
Sarbanes-Oxley Act is a law passed on July 2002. President George W Bush enacted it in order to harmonize us security towards US giant corporate firms. The act establishes pertinent legislation that affects the auditing profession. In addition, auditors ought to attest to the management report and financial statement. Similarly,...
Introduction This paper discusses organized crime and drug trafficking, as well as the legal rights of the convicted. It concerns the relationships between the offenses and explains why they are often correlated, as well as studies their definitions. It also concerns the right of access to the courts as one...
Introduction The concept of psychological explanation has been used as a general term explaining people’s attempts to understand any phenomena linked to intelligent behavior. An adequate psychological explanation is seen as the one that offers enough information for psychologists to predict behaviors and then manage them. The psychological phenomenon of...
The debate over the construction of gender, sex, and sexual orientation is high on the agenda among the public as no consensus has been reached yet. Notably, the contrasting arguments in the debate over the construction of the mentioned concepts have been attributed to different social and political ideologies, which...
Nowadays, the term auteur in moviemaking is commonly assumed to be referring to the director’s ability to leave an unmistakable mark of his/her individuality on the cinematographic pieces that he or she oversees being put into production. As Van Der Pol noted: “Directors are given the distinction of auteur for…...
Education is given a priority in the European community. This is because one of the main priorities of the European community is to improve the quality and efficiency of education. The member countries are also concerned with improving the education systems of their countries Finland’s education system is rated as...
Introduction Companies utilize an IT strategy to be at the forefront of the development and growth across industries. Managers of the company’s divisions must have technical knowledge and skills to establish significant interaction with IT systems, adjust and communicate changes properly. Both business and IT directions need a coherent strategic...
Introduction Building a successful romantic relationship requires the possession of key interpersonal communication proficiencies. Many people lack the skills that are necessary for the development and growth of close romantic relationships. Three steps can improve the process of conveying information between two people if applied effectively. They are proper timing,...
Zora Neale Hurston was a writer in the early 20th century. Her book Tell My Horse was published in 1938, which described the hands-on experiences in Jamaica and Haiti held two years prior. One of the book’s central discourses is the preservation of the traditional African customs in the era...
In the contemporary world, interpersonal communication, overall, and dating, in particular, are changing concepts. Contrary to the traditional vision of a regular date filled with meaningful conversations, it is common to see a couple in a restaurant looking down on their phones without saying a word to each other. While...
Introduction Not so long ago, the concept of artificial intelligence (AI) was in the earliest stages of its conception and was only pondered over in science fiction. In fact, the alarmist trends in some parts of contemporary global society owe their existence to the early sci-fi novels addressing the ostensibly...
Front-end web developers usually worry about the look and feel of their design interfaces since it is a major consideration by end-users in their decision to use their product. As discussed in class, Vilar, (2010) proposed eight golden rules of interface design. The first on his list is that the...
Abstract Leadership can be defined using how a person influences others. The purpose of this study is to identify leadership styles and the traits associated with an effective leader. It also seeks to clarify the difference between having power and being a leader. A person can be a leader but...
Introduction The legal environment is one of the most important external environmental factors that dictate the operations of a firm. Business units cannot operate in an environment that does not have clearly defined laws that govern their trade and relationship with other entities. The laws are made to help regulate...
Introduction Organizational development is an ongoing process intended to improve operations, attract new talent, and redesign existing models to meet the demands of all key stakeholders. Different theories and models have emerged that business leaders can utilize to improve performance. The Star Model is an outstanding tool that can guide...
Introduction The concept of Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is closely linked with the idea of virtualization in networking. SDN is a relatively new framework that was developed in the early 2010s. The main purpose of SDN is to transfer the digital network workloads from hardware to software (Robertazzi, 2017). The transition...
Global inequality is a complex issue, the measurement of which is complicated by the number of factors involved. The problem of global economic inequality has pushed its way into the national and international conversation and the ongoing debates about the need to raise the minimum wage to ensure the improvement...
Introduction Any workplace is not insured against the crime. Theft of the workspace is a severe crime that needs to be taken into account with all the associated countermeasures. In the case of Acme Logistics, the equipment is stolen during business hours through the facility doors without any identification technologies....
Introduction Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a condition connected to brain development that impacts how people perceive and communicate with others. It also eliminates problems in the child’s social interaction and socialization. Autism spectrum disorder poses numerous challenges for treatment, although more significant research studying brain illnesses is increasing as...
Metformin or Glucophage is an oral hypoglycemic drug from the group of biguanides (dimethyl biguanide). Metformin’s capacity to inhibit gluconeogenesis, the production of free fatty acids and fat oxidation is linked to its mode of action. The medication improves the sensitivity of peripheral insulin receptors and cellular glucose uptake. There...
Overview of the Policy under Analysis Policy Number and Title Section 1557 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA). The Office for Civil Rights enforces Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act, thus prohibiting discrimination on the grounds of race, national origin, age, disability, and sex, which includes...
Core/Periphery Areas, Obstacles to Transition, and Required Conditions The core-periphery model distinguishes between urban (core) areas that are better developed and the less developed rural (periphery) areas. The core-periphery model can examine countries, provinces, and cities’ economic, social, and political relations. The core-peripheral relationship is built on exploitation, where the...
In Karen Cook Bell’s book, Running from Bondage: Enslaved Women and Their Remarkable Fight for Freedom in Revolutionary America, she examines the courageous actions of enslaved women in the American Revolution period and how their fight for freedom changed the course of history. Through a broad range of primary and...
Introduction Forensic psychology and criminal behavior are interrelated, as they are both concerned with human behavior and character. Forensic psychology can be defined as the application of psychological knowledge and methods to address legal matters in crime, clinical, civil, or administrative proceedings. Forensic psychology explores the relationship between human behavior...
Overview Social work is a way to address the needs of a specific vulnerable population. Working with various people, social workers provide help, assistance, and support in challenging life situations. In the UK, a significant amount of social work is focused on improving the well-being of children and older adults....
History Google is one of the most used search engines in the world. The company has gained global recognition for its good products, exemplary business model, growth of technology, and positive influence in the society. Google enjoys a lot of success and controls a sizeable share of the European market....
Abstract Mergers and acquisitions are common business practices that have both benefits and disadvantages to the involving firms. Essentially mergers and acquisitions are often perceived as expansionist strategies employed by firms to ensure increased market share and capabilities. Firms merge and acquire others for various reasons. However, increased competencies and...
Philip Seymour Hoffman, an American actor, film director, and winner of the “Oscar” and “Golden Globe” awards died in 2014 because of the intoxication caused by the simultaneous reception of several types of drugs. The Wall Street Journal reports that Hoffman found dead in the bathroom of his apartment on...
Leavitt’s Model The Leavitt’s model outlines the major variables within an organization that dictate its performance. The major variables include humans, tasks, structural aspects, and technological developments (Falletta, 2005). This model asserts that a change in one of these variables will definitely affect the others. This model is therefore used...
Introduction All entities involved in the management and the oversight of governmental operations and all parties that work in the sphere of local or state finances need to have an understanding of governmental accounting, which is based on a specific set of principles and procedures. Thus, government accounting is defined...
Data Collection Methodology The qualitative research design selected earlier for the given project will focus on obtaining in-depth and detailed information regarding the subject of the study. In particular, the topic of ulcerative colitis and the expected recommendations will be provided based on the literature review and interviews. The literature...
Executive Summary The present report is devoted to the analysis of individual creativity concept, its links to organisational innovativeness, and factors that inhibit/foster them. It is suggested that personal characteristics and corporate environment factors define the level of realising employees’ creativity potentials at the workplace. With a focus on the...
Introduction Living in the modern world is intriguing and challenging at the same time, as it implies that people have to be engaged in different kinds of relationships and show respect to each other despite differences in race, ethnicities, and cultures. Now, these days can be referred to as the...
Introduction Teenagers are especially vulnerable to the negative influence of peers and adults, as many of them have not yet developed their system of values and principles. Millions of young people become involved in unhealthy activities and start using substances, tobacco, and alcohol. Often, it happens when a person fails...
Social adaptation to civilian life of former members of the military is a unique and significant area of inquiry. Service in the USA military is voluntary, but the conditions of entering the service do not imply that anyone can randomly join (Leal & Teigen, 2018). An opportunity to serve is...
Summary Calorimetry makes it possible to determine the enthalpies of combustion for substances whose heat of formation cannot be found directly. The purpose of this experiment was to determine the enthalpy of combustion of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse in kilojoules using a bomb calorimeter. Benzoic acid was used as the calorimetric...
More than any modern genre of fiction, science fiction is predominantly written with a social purpose. Such a goal is rarely to explicitly to predict the future, especially since in many cases the predictive features of science fiction are at best mediocre. While in hindsight, it is easy to select...
The modern world faced the problem of global warming which is considered to be the growth of Earth’s average temperature within oceans and air. It is necessary to underline the fact that this climate change has started to develop since the 20th century and is still in a progressive state...
Treating the organizational setting and its leadership challenges as a unidimensional system based on differing levels of hierarchical or functional responsibility does not reflect the divergence of leadership behaviors that exist or the skills needed to demonstrate potential for new environments. Cycle time, life stage, and cultural conditions warrant examining...
Introduction Many scriptures in the bible have predicted the coming of judgment which will be executed by God on all people on earth. For instance, the book of Psalms 98:13 in the Good News Bible (p. 514) clearly describes the period when those on earth will be judged, “for he...
Introduction Since the beginning of the 1990s, Noël Carroll has become one of the key figures in the American philosophy of art, proposing alternative answers to the dilemma of “what are movies made of?” For the film theory, this problem was closely connected with the desire to establish the status...
Introduction As modern medicine constantly evolves and discovers new techniques for treating patients, more and more clinical problems inevitably arise. In my work, I would like to discuss one of such problems – the use of prophylactic dressings to relieve the condition of patients with ulcers. An ulcer is a...
Introduction The current economic environment is challenged by limitations in sourcing, production, and distribution because of the COVID-19 pandemic. This means that organizations, especially multinational companies that operate worldwide, have reliable supply chain management strategies and practices that will allow dealing with a complicated situation. Strategies implemented by companies that...
Executive Summary This report highlights the underlying reasons for the 2013 UPS flight 1354 crash at Birmingham-Shuttlesworth International Airport, Alabama. The accident happened when the flight crew failed to manage the aircraft during descent. It fell short of the runway during a non-precision landing approach and crashed at the end...
In modern research, the concept of new media often receives contextual content through opposition to old media. Until the 1980s, the media consisted of television and radio (Noordegraaf et al. 5). Under the influence of the development of computer technology, it began to change due to digital information encoding technologies....
Abstract The use of aromatherapy as a complementary medical practice dates back long in history. The use of essential oils in therapeutic activities became popular in the 11th century with the invention of the distillation process. Today the technique continues to draw interest from different stakeholders owing to its perceived...
Introduction Consumer behavior is one of the most crucial topics in business because it determines sales and profit. Consumers dictate how specific products or services are portrayed on social media (Mariani et al., 2018). Therefore, understanding their decisions requires the knowledge of psychology and neuroscience. Indeed, behavioral psychology is critical...
Opioid use is a problem of current interest in Anytown, mainly due to a recently increased mortality rate because of unintentional overdose deaths. Although opioids are prescription painkillers, misusing them may lead to opioid use disorder (OUD), a severe illness associated with morbidity and mortality. Aside from that, the opioid...
Introduction For many years, communities have feigned the existence of numerous items that have been brought to life as sentient creatures. Robots were mythologized in classical antiquity, while Asian and Egyptian builders created automatons. Classical thinkers were among the first to attempt to describe the human mind as a sign...
Introduction The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the global airline industry became a worldwide obstacle to proper mobility. The dramatic effects of the health issues on transport communications across the globe are affecting people internationally, even two years after the initial breakthrough of the coronavirus (Bouwer et al., 2021)....
Artificial intelligence is part of the process of imperialism, its offshoot, which is commonly called information imperialism. Humankind has known about artificial intelligence since the middle of the last century, but at present, the technology is reaching its peak of popularity due to the improvement of data storage algorithms and...
Is Animal Testing Ethical: Essay Introduction Inflicting pain upon others has become a source of deriving pleasure for many people; animals have their feelings, and they too feel the pain as the human beings do, but this has been consistently ignored by the human beings and especially the scientists who...
Introduction In the 14th century, Geoffrethe y Charny, a French soldier, claimed that he possessed the Shroud of Jesus. Since then, there has been controversy among scholars and believers concerning this Shroud, which is currently preserved in Turin, Italy. The first critic to dispute Charny’s assertion was the Bishop of...
Microsoft and Apple Corporations have always been leaders in the market of modern technologies. In fact, these two corporations have divided all people into two broad groups: those who prefer Microsoft products and those who like Apple more. Windows and OS X are the most popular operational systems nowadays. Numerous...