Academic Standards Alignment with Proficiency

Introduction Learning English is relatively easy for native speakers of this language. On the other hand, non-native speakers of the English language are often faced with the daunting task of having to master the various phrases, idioms and sentence structure of the English language. In addition, they have to contend...

Viewpoint and Narration in Lusus Naturae by Atwood

The concept of the point of view in the narrative is useful in evaluating and critiquing stories. Each author selects it depending on different factors. This essay seeks to use the point of view to evaluate the story Lusus Naturae by Margaret Atwood, a tale of an outcast with whom...

Bioterrorism: History, Types, and Detection

Introduction This is an intentional use of harmful biological substances that causes danger to human and animal health. At the same time, they affect the plant, and eventually, the diseases can cause death to the living organisms. It has a long-term effect on point of attack. The biological substances may...

Budgeting: Stillwater Video Company

Abstract The paper focuses on coming up with a budgeted income statement and balance sheet for Stillwater Video Company, Inc. The company deals with the production and sale of two common brands of video games. The assignment aims to emphasize the importance of the budgeting process in a real-life scenario....

“Cat on a Hot Tin Roof” by T. Williams

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof is a classical Tennessee Williams’ play that examines the themes of an unhappy marriage, social hypocrisy, sexual repression, and masculinity crisis. It follows an unhappily married couple, Brick and Maggie, as they attempt to navigate the rocky phase of their union, Brick’s alcoholism, and...

Simulation in Nursing: A Critical Appraisal

Sanford, P. G. (2010). Simulation in nursing education: A review of the research. The Qualitative Report, 15(4), 1006-1011. The author aimed at reviewing published articles that used both qualitative and quantitative research techniques to assess the use of simulation in nursing education. Specifically, the article concentrated on reviewing papers published...

Health Information Exchange (HIE) Models

The management of the Memorial Hospital has faced the challenge of coordinating patient data between its different facilities, which has led to unnecessary tests, diagnostics issues, and poorer patient outcomes. Hence, this hospital has to implement a hybrid HIE model with a consumer-mediated exchange. This report will analyze the three...

Cultural Heritage in the Case of Hoi An

Summary In the era of rapid globalization, the traditional Vietnamese industries have declined subsequently raising such socioeconomic concerns as poverty. Only a few economies such as the agricultural industry have survived to help Vietnamese citizens (Vo, n.d.). One of the consequences of industrialization has been the reduction of the ability...

The Greenhouse Gas Effect and Its Management

Description The major causes of climate change and the increase in greenhouse gases worldwide are all associated with human activities. Greenhouse gases trap heat in the earth’s atmosphere, thus increasing temperatures. Carbon dioxide is a major greenhouse gas produced by human activity. Evidence proves that human activities aid in discharging...

Sentencing Juveniles as Adults: Arguments For and Against

In the United States, the justice system has a non-standard approach to juvenile justice. According to the current legislation, children from 11 to 13 years old and adolescents up to 18 years old are brought to trial on a general basis, and after reaching the age of 18, are automatically...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Black Valedictorians and the Toxic Trope of Black Exceptionalism”: Analysis

The article “Black Valedictorians and the Toxic Trope of Black Exceptionalism,” written by young poet and writer Samuel Getachew was published in the New York Times in June 2021. It addresses the topic of racial discrimination in the US education system and treats black people’s triumph as something exceptional. The...

Emotions: Fear and Freedom

This book tells that fear and freedom are two opposite ends of the same path. At the same time, it is fear that is the beginning for an individual who lives in doubt, and fear and attempts to control everything around them. According to Farnell, throughout life, such people should...

Gubernatorial Vote Share and Female Employment in the US and Europe

Quantitative analysis refers to the study of values of data expressed in statistics, with each array having a distinct numerical score. This data usually represents any measurable information that may be utilized for arithmetic operations and statistical analysis with the goal of making real-world decisions based on the results. This...

Should Abortion be Legal or Illegal?

Over twenty-five years ago the Supreme Court ruled that an anti-abortion law violated a woman’s constitutional right to privacy. The right to privacy and the choice for abortion is solely dependent on the person(s) involved and should not be rescinded by a superior authority. The two following articles highlights the...

Theory of Modern Art

Matisse- Notes of a painter Matisse tries to expose the fact that art cannot be clearly expressed in its pictorial form, without essentially encompassing the artist’s thoughts (in its entirety). In other words, it is increasingly difficult for him to express all his inner thoughts in a painting. In this...

Grand Theft Auto V Game as a Threat to Society

Introduction Imaginary worlds created by the movie and game industry are fascinating. Modern technologies allow creating masterpieces of science fiction, fantasy, historical movies, and others as well as real video games that can give much more than movies can. Video games are interactive; they provide a gamer with an opportunity...

The Psychological Effects of Violent Media on Children

In contemporary society, children spend a lot of time-consuming different forms of media such as video games, the Internet, television, and movies. Extensive research has shown that children are exposed to violence in the aforementioned media forms in various ways. These exposures have both short-term and long-term effects on the...

The Future of Nursing: Professional Development

Introduction In 2010, the U.S. government ratified a law that immediately changed the fortunes of at least 30 million Americans. After years of struggle, the Obama administration engineered a massive change in the delivery of health insurance coverage. As a result, the aforementioned number of Americans is going to experience...

Medical Care Provision: Opportunities and Threats

Introduction The community chosen for this assignment was Miami-Dade County, Florida, with a population of 2,712,945 citizens based on the estimations presented by the United States Census Bureau (2016). As with any community, there are weaknesses, strengths, opportunities, and threats associated with health and health-related outcomes. This assessment will include...

Marketing and Banquet Management Strategies

Management The JWU student’s organization is a body made up of students undertaking business-oriented courses in my school. The organization is made up of 55 students from various departments in the Faculty of hotel and lodging management. The main objective of the students is to nurture their skills in business....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Global Information and Technical Management

List the advantages of a single customer service center for RR Communications Answer: Information technology has the potential to establish and coordinate a single customer service center in the company, which will take up the tasks that multiple customer service centers (Webster and Robins, 2006). Although this is quite difficult...

The Unique Fashion Style: Changing Standards and Ideals

Sell Each woman tries to find her unique style in the world of fashion. Still, having completed a difficult journey in order to find the exclusive style, many women choose to follow well-known standards and images, such as ‘Femme Fatale’, ‘Ingenue’, ‘Siren’, or ‘Girl Next Door’. Moreover, they see such...

People of Haitian and Iranian Heritage

Introduction To provide high-quality care, health professionals should be aware of the peculiarities that the patient has. These peculiarities include the patient’s family history as well as the background that comprises the cultural peculiarities of the patient. Since different ethnicities have their health care beliefs that have been formed historically...

Bio-Based Materials as Alternative Energy

Introduction One of the actual problems of a modern society is the search of alternative energy sources. The energy crisis that the mankind goes through has several roots. The first is the limitation of the existing energy resources and fossil energy carriers. The second is the problems of environmental contamination....

Social Inclusion in Canadian Society

Introduction Canadian social welfare covers a lot of political and economical issues centralized in modern society. A number of social programs are created in order to understand the real grounds of Canadian welfare. It is important to stress that some programs are merely based on the identification of the true...

Healthcare Program by Barack Obama and John McCain

Introduction The American presidential election is taking shape as days move. The major presidential candidates are warming up for the elections by going public on the major agendas that they are planning for the Americans in the next four years. Both Barack Obama and John McCain are very confident of...

Human Relations Issues at the Boston Consulting Group

The Boston Consulting Group is one of the fastest-growing companies for the past five years. It was ranked 3rd at the Fortune’s magazine top 100 companies in the United States. But, according to the same magazine, it is also in a very comfortable positioning on the international scene as well...

Charlemagne, Justinian and Theodore Governments

Charlemagne, also known as Charles the Great, became a joint king in Franks in 788 together with his brother Carloman. Later his brother died in 771 thus, Charlemagne ruled the kingdom alone. When Charlemagne came to power, most parts of northern Europe had drifted into lawlessness and paganism. He was...

Outsourcing at a Glance: A Theoretical Framework

Outsourcing theory Outsourcing is the exercise of utilizing external service providers with the job of performing in-house endeavors. This has attracted a rising interest in recent years as managers consider whether it is in their best interest to perform activities in-house or externally. Outsourcing is a contractual agreement whereby an...

Intelligent Design and Evolution Theories

Introduction The determination of the origin of humans on the Earth, as well as other beings, has been the core debate among anthropologists, biologists, and church representatives for decades. The introduction of Darwin’s theory heightened the debates as his Evolution theory became opposed to the beliefs and teachings of the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube in Activism and Revolution

Introduction The goal of social networks is the formal representation of the structure of personal relationships beyond the dyad (Webb, & Wright 2011). Social media like, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube are all part of the innovative methods of communicating with a distant person using modern electronic development, each with its...

Dress Codes Impacting Education

Introduction Your introduction is interesting and engaging; the opening sentence draws readers in by encouraging them to think of the possible answers to the question you ask. Although you present the debatable issue clearly, the sentences in your introduction seem disconnected. It is advisable that your introductory paragraph would benefit...

Education. Susan Carter’s Voicing the Doctorate Article

Background Susan Carter’s Original knowledge, gender and the word’s mythology: Voicing the doctorate (2012) is focused on understanding the ‘voice’ of doctoral writing and the functions it performs in establishing an academic identity for authors. The article was inspired by the 2010 International Doctoral Education Research Network conference, which the...

Evaluation of a Program in Nursing

The progress of health care system is evident, and nursing is considered to be one of the most fast-developing spheres in the chosen sphere. Doctors get access to a number of improved material and tools with the help of which appropriate and in time care is provided, and patients set...

Yeast Alcohol Dehydrogenase Structure

Nature has made lots of molecule and enzyme substrates which are important in various reaction paths. Yeast alcohol dehydrogenase refers to a group of enzymes that are found in yeast and have a widespread application in the beer and wine industry where they facilitate the process of fermentation. Their basic...

The Bible: Images and Portrayals of God

The Bible presents various images of God, in which he is portrayed from the perspective of the multiple roles he performs and the numerous character descriptions he is attributed. Across the Scripture, the readers might find a wide spectrum of vivid and metaphorical portrayals of God, which implies his power...

Professional Services: Digital Art

Accounting expertise My need for using the professional in the field of accounting is caused by the lack of knowledge regarding insurance and budgeting, particularly in matters of managing cash flows and keeping financial records. According to Henricks (n.d.), “highly technical matters of law, accounting, management, and marketing are usually...

Covid-19 Effects and Leadership Challenges

After the emergence of Covid-2019, leadership has faced many challenges where each challenge requires a different tactic to address them. The disease has been spreading at an unprecedented rate, and it has become more difficult than ever to provide a high quality of care and manage the hospital work. The...

Immigration in Daniel Alarcon’s “Absence”

This paper reflects Daniel Alarcon’s Absence, a work that concerns the topic of immigration and how immigrants feel while settling down in a new country. Given that the book, which is reflected upon, examines an artist’s life, writing this paper helped me better understand one of the essential aspects of...

A pET Plasmid Into Escherichia Coli BL21

Expression systems, among which the recombinant vector pET, are widely used in biotechnology to introduce foreign genes into prokaryotes or simple eukaryotes. This technique makes it possible to eventually obtain recombinant proteins from those organisms that should not produce these proteins in the natural environment. For example, one of the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Health Information and Office Management

The health information management system is an essential part of the healthcare industry. It helps professionals make better decisions, organize data efficiently, and solve health-related issues. In this reflection paper, I want to explain what I learned through my educational process and how I will use it in my future...

Strategic Preparedness for Disasters

Article summary The article reviews the characteristics of the states and the systems of systems. Also, the article seeks to understand the role of shared states when developing systems Precisely, the article is based on a study of how modeling systems of systems is critical in strategic preparedness, response, and...

The “Lector” Tradition in Cigar Factories

Since the day the first book was published reading has become one of the main activities for people all over the world. Some people consider reading as an entertainment, others find the main source of information in the reading. The tradition of reading aloud in many families has remained since...

Build-A-Tee Shirt Marketing Project

Project Task Statement This project seeks to address the fundamental question of the electronic marketing system, and how its application is relevant to Build-A-Tee. It explains how electronic technology enhances and anchors the traditional system of communication that the retail business should apply. The appropriate created method, Build-A-Tee E-commerce System...

Literary Darwinism in Twain’s and Walker’s Stories

Literary Darwinism is the specific approach in the literary criticism according to which literature as the discourse is discussed as originated from and affected by definite evolutionary processes. Literature reflects the aspects of human nature, human development, the progress of human psychology, behavior, and culture. As a result, there is...

Working With Mandated Ordered Client in Group Counseling

The Most Difficult Type of Client (s) To Work With In Treatment Group counseling is important for character transformation and psychological treatment. Professional counselors act as stewards during group counseling sessions (Harel, Shectman & Cutrona, 2012). Ideally, a standard group counseling session is normally composed of persons from different backgrounds....

Almond Limited’s Audit Planning Phase

A preliminary assessment as a part of the planning phase of Almond Limited’s audit has been completed. In the given memo, key account balances that are suspected of an increase in audit risk are identified, as well as factors that increase audit risk associated with these account balances. The key...

The Addictions That Have Effects on Marriage

Introduction Marriage is the basis on which a family is grounded. It is a natural social system that occurs in heterogeneous forms today and represents a diversity of cultural heritage. The addictions that have effects on marriage can be classified into two groups: substance addiction and process addiction. Prominently ranked...

George Gmelch: Lessons From the Field

The current review deals with Gmelch’s article Lessons from the field initially published in Annual Editions: Anthropology. To understand the purpose and significance of this article one should pay attention to Gmelch scholarly background and the main directions of his studies. There is no denying the importance of the fact...

Education With Regard to Globalization Issues

Introduction It is necessary to indicate the essence of the learning process and the major aspects touched upon education in different countries presented by different cultures and traditions. Reforms that take place in education are aimed at improving the learning process for students; training the teachers so that they were...

How Language Reflects Culture and the World Wide View

The relationship between abstract notions thought, and language as a means of expressing thoughts and notions are complex. Language and culture “can be seen as a way to describe and represent human experience and understanding of the world and members of a language community share systems of beliefs and assumptions...

People’s Inclination to Self-Esteem: Subjective Outcome

Introduction Self-esteem is described as the amount of value or worth a person perceives him/herself to be. In this essay, two articles are critically appraised with the intention of finding out their similarities and differences with regard to the content of people’s inclination to self-esteem. Forsyth et al. (2003) in...

Ethical Principles: The Principle of Double Effect

The principle of double effect, sometimes referred to as “the rule of double effect” is a comprehensive guideline often applied in various fields in making ethically controversial decisions that are permissible to human beings and with the supreme purpose of achieving the most ethical ultimate good and equally withstanding the...

Music Appreciation: A “Great” Composer

A “Great” Composer Historical Period One (1) Historical Period Two (2) Which historical period? The Baroqueperiod represents Western music composed between 1600 and 1750, following the Renaissance and leading up to the classical era. The term is borrowed from the Portuguese language and means an oddly shaped pearl. The music...

Cover Letter: Sexual Assault in the Armed Forces

August 19, 2020 Tammy Duckworth Washington, D.C. 524 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 Phone: (202) 224-28 54 Dear Congresswoman Tammy Duckworth, My name is Your Name, and I am writing on behalf of myself and the people of the USA. We are deeply concerned about the issue of...

Medicare & Medicaid for Changing Needs of Society

Proper health care can be achieved when there are enough finances to support the costly diagnostic tests and processes, and lengthy stays for inpatients. Insurance is one of the healthcare system service components that protect individuals against dangerous risks when needing costly health care services. Insurance covers in this context...

Aging and Retirement Reference Brochure

Population aging is a global problem that is estimated to be at its worst. The United Nations (2004) echoes this by stating that in the history of mankind the world has never seen an aged population as the one existing currently. To this end, the United Nations has predicted that...

Enterprise Resource Planning as It Is in Business Intelligence

Enterprise Resource Planning (EPR) refers to “a way to integrate the data of an organization in to one single system, using sub-systems that include hardware, software and unified database in order to achieve integration and to store the data for various functions found throughout the organization” (Article Alley, 2010, para.1)....

Shared Decision-Making Principles in Healthcare

Introduction Shared decision making is an essential component of patient-centered healthcare. It is the process in which patients and health professionals work together to select treatments and healthcare plans and make decisions that balance the risks and expected outcomes with patients’ preferences and values (Bae, 2017). To provide effective care,...

Why Black Women Fear in the Delivery Room

Credible articles are written by authors who have a mastery of the contents of the article and who use sources that are reliable. In her article “Why Black Women Fear for Their Lives in the Delivery Room,” published in the Huffington Post, Eternity Martis focuses on African American mothers’ plight...

An Overview of Investigative Techniques as They Apply to Terrorism

The fifth chapter of Dyson’s (2015) book discusses the use of investigative techniques in the case of terrorism. The author focuses on the specifics of terrorists’ psychology and behavior, suggesting several recommendations that can help an investigator. Overall, the chapter is insightful and consistent as it demonstrates the way terrorists’...

The Theme of Social Pressure in “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” by Ken Kesey

“One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” is a novel, created by Ken Kesey in the middle of the 20th century. The actions described in the book happen in Oregon psychiatric hospitals, and in general, this work of literature is devoted to the exploration of the human mind. It includes opposition...

Conflict in the Workplace: Impact of Social Aspects

One of the most effective tools in understanding some issues is the sociological analysis of the initial reason for the problem. Especially when dealing with confrontations in the workplace, sociological approaches might be beneficial in finding the solution. Therefore, this paper aims to use sociological perspective, theory, and concept on...

Education and Training of Army Leaders

The American Army is the greatest military in the world and whose greatness comes from the strategic approach of training all the soldiers to become leaders. Each soldier, at one point, becomes a leader whether the forces are in war or peacefully at home (Kirchner, 2018). The structure of the...

Risk Assessment Matrix: The Challenger Case

In an effort to explore the unknown vastness of space and get more answers about how the universe was formed, humanity is actively building space shuttles and orbiting the solar system. Building, launching, and maintaining these shuttles requires tremendous effort, financial investment, and safety precautions that can lead to tragedy...

Morality and Ethics: Philosophical Theories

Ethical and moral standards form the basis on which an action is considered right or wrong in a particular society. Philosophers such as John Stuart Mill, Immanuel Kant, Aristotle, Sartre, and Singer developed different theories explaining the concept of morality and ethics (Tseng & Wang, 2021). Philosophical theories such as...

Health Care Fraud, Abuse and Ethics

The Concept of Health Care Fraud Health care fraud is the imposition of plenty of unnecessary treatments. According to Pyrek (2011), fraud is determined as “deceit or breach of confidence perpetrated for profit or to gain some unfair or dishonest advantage” (p. 81). It is also should be noted that...

The Usage of Radio-Frequency Identification Technology

RFID Technology The RFID technology becomes one of the main technologies used by various companies to improve their functioning and guarantee better results achieved due to the implementation of the new practices into their functioning. Moreover, the spread of the given technology is also determined by the increased requirements for...

Keurig Breweries Company’s Market Success

Description A coffee-making machine has become an inseparable element of any company’s interior. Furthermore, the device has become a common element of a typical household (Quindlen, 2018). However, few people know its name, not to mention the history of its origin and development. A closer look at Keurig Brewing Machine...

Boots UK Company’s General Management Overview

Boots UK is a private company located in the United Kingdom. The company is a member of Alliance boots and has branches in Ireland, Sweden and many other countries. It offers skincare and cosmetic products; and prescribed medicines such as tablets, liquids, creams as well as inhalers. A general management...

Remote Sensing to Monitor Human Rights Violations

People living today observe the rise of the new era characterized by the wide use of digital technologies and their wide implementation into different spheres of human activities. The emergence of new devices and software provides society with new options to improve the standards of their living or assist communities...

Service Delivery System and Successful Franchise

Introduction The concept of franchising is definitely not a new one and can be traced back to the early days of governmental licensing and even the method used by the clergy for the expansion of churches. Modern concepts of franchising emerged in the United States in diverse business areas as...

Organizational Design in the Hotels

Hotel Organization Structures In a limited-service hotel, the front desk department includes reservations, the front office, housekeeping, and telephone or PBX (Organizational Structure, pg 4). All the departments that exist operate under the general manager to achieve their responsibilities as part of the management of the business. In this type...

“Their Eyes Were Watching God” by Hurston

Their Eyes Were Watching God is the story of people who failed to be up to the image and likeness of God the humankind has been created after. Janie Crawford is the protagonist of the novel. Ever since her grandmother arranged 16 years old Janie’s marriage the latter succumbs to...

Shakespeare’s The Tempest Directed by Gregory Doran

Introduction The Tempest is the title of the play watched; it was written by William Shakespeare and directed by Gregory Doran in the year 2016. It was produced by the Royal Shakespeare Company and held by it. The central driving force behind the production is its main character, Prospero. In...

“Doughnut Economics” Book by Kate Raworth

Kate Raworth’s book “Doughnut Economics” (2017) opens up the reader’s mind to the new possibilities within the modern world of economics. The author shares intriguing insights about the global market and the economic opportunities that individuals, entities, and the government should consider in their quest for returns on investments (Raworth,...

Seniors, Their Topics of Concern, Appropriate Support Group and Their Benefits

Introduction Group work was developed as a means, or put differently, a therapy that would help people who have experienced the same experience to cope with shared problems collectively. Older people are one of those population groups that face the most health, social, and environmental problems. It is why social...

The Adoption of the Affordable Care Act in the State of Florida

Introduction The Affordable Care Act (ACA), known as “Obamacare,” was adopted in 2010 by President Barack Obama. Its enactment could affect the future state of the health care system in the USA. This federal statute aims to impose health insurance costs on states and provide a larger share of residents...

Adolescents With the Experience of Juvenile Detention

Adolescents with juvenile detention’s previous experience face multiple social barriers such as neglect, lack of financial support, biased attitude, ineffective policies, and high risk of recidivism when trying to rehabilitate and acquire the appropriate education. Outline Introduction Background The rates of juvenile detention continue to grow today, which means that...

“The House of Mirth” by Edith Wharton

In her book “The House of Mirth”, Edith Wharton addresses several values that play an important role in the society of those days. One of the values, she discusses in detail and from different angles, is the value of responsibility to family and marriage. In the following paper, the influence...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Canadian Indigenous Horrors Films: “Blood Quantum”. Film Proposal

Film Proposal North America has been a home for many outstanding movies throughout modern history. Most of the notoriety is, expectedly, attributed to Hollywood filmmakers and their large productions, which does not portray the North American film scene fully. Canadian film plays a large role in the industry as well,...

The Legal Area of Employer, Employee Rights and Responsibilities

Treating the employees in a way that is comfortable for them is crucial when it comes to employer-employee relations. Thus, every state has legislation that protects the rights of the workers as well as their health and safety. It is also important to provide the employees with an appropriate level...

Role of Civil Society in Realization of Human Rights

Introduction Civil society organizations are very important as far as individual civil liberties are concerned. They compel state organs to follow the law and ensure justice in administration. The intrinsic self-esteem and the identical, indisputable privileges of all members of the human ancestors are the basis of autonomy, impartiality and...

Gunpowder Empires and the 16th Century Japan

The first half of the 16th century in Japan belongs to the Muromachi period (1336-1573 C.E.) during which it had a decentralized political system allowing local lords to rule small regions of the country separately. During the mentioned period, a shogun ruled Japan through retainers, who provided military support in...

Criminal Justice Organizations Administration and Management

There are four types of organizational communications namely downward or superior-subordinate communication, upward or subordinate- superior communication, horizontal or interactive communication and grapevine communication. The former is an exception in that it does not involve conventional channels of communication. A brief description of the aforementioned types of organizational communications will...

Do Cell Phone’s Technologies Promote Loneliness?

The influence of mobile phones on people’s psychological well-being has already been thoroughly studied. However, it remains a controversial issue because there are different points of view regarding it. Although there are those who claim that mobile apps and social media that can be achieved through cell phones lead to...

Theoretical Aspects in Arturo Gonzalez Documentary “All of Me-2016”

The standpoint theory is a theoretical perspective that argues that anybody knowledgeable is stemmed from a social position. The standpoint theory acknowledges diversity by welcoming the oppressed group of women (Halpern, 2019). The documentary shows that the US and Mexico border is the only line that separates the two nations....

Early Education Center Program Budgets

General development classes are very important for the mental education of young children. During classes, a child gains important qualities necessary for successful cognitive development. However, not all parents are ready to dedicate much time to teach their kids. Thus, numerous early education centers have developed special programs that help...

The Politics and Impartial Judicial System

The courts became more critical than they were a few hundred years ago. The main reasons are the fact that the court manages all the federal and state legal procedures and provides clear interpretations of abstract constitutional concepts (Ginsberg et al. 68). In addition, courts in the modern era use...

Initiative on the Future of Nursing

The work of the RWJF committee The Committee of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) was supposed to develop a set of recommendations that can improve the performance of nurses. In order to achieve this goal, they had to examine the work of these professionals in different settings. Moreover, the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Human Concept of Happiness and Good

In order to achieve happiness or fulfilment, men’s good character is essential. This implies that men must live righteously and strive for the good if they wish to enjoy a complete life. According to Aristotle, happiness depends on humans themselves, more than anything else. He states that happiness is the...

Mount Sinai Hospital’s Communication Strategies

Background The Mount Sinai Hospital was founded in 1852. It is now one of the best hospitals in the USA. It is a 1,171-bed tertiary care facility located in New York. The major focus of the facility is geriatrics. This is a very complex sphere where all employees should have...

Conflict in “Barn Burning” by William Faulkner

This paper is aimed at discussing the topic of the short story Barn Burning written by William Faulkner. In particular, this literary work describes the conflict between a boy’s devotion to his family and his keen sense of justice. This issue can also be described as the necessity to choose...

The VARK Questionnaire and Learning Styles

The VARK questionnaire allows students to understand which learning styles are more suitable for them. In this test, four strategies are presented: visual, aural, read/write, and kinesthetic strategies. Learning Style The learning style most suitable for me is the multimodal one, i.e. it includes strategies from two different learning styles....

Positive Learning Environment for Student Nurses

Introduction The creation of a positive learning setting allows students to feel well-cared-for, engaged, and comfortable, which makes them motivated to strive for success (Henderson, Cooke, Creedy, & Walker, 2012). In an environment where ideas and tasks stay constant, and focus is set on the positive attributes of learning, learners...

Healthy People 2010 vs. 2020 in the United States

Update of Table 15.1 State Specific Median Proportion Range Objectives 1992/1993 1996/1997 2002 2010 2020 Current Cigarette smoking by adults 23% (15.7%-30.7%) 23.2% (13.8%-30.7%) 23.1% (16.4%-32.6%) 20.6% (20.8% – 15.3%) <12% Adults (aged 18years) who engage in no leisure-time physical activity 27.4% (17.1%-48.1%) 27.8% (17.1%-51.4%) 24.4% (15.0%-33.6%) 20.4% (16.3%-34.1%) <20.1...

Heat Transfer Rates in a Hot Jet: Experiment

Abstract The experiment is aimed at determining the heat transfer rates in a hot jet. The reasons for the hot jet to have different heat rates in different areas will be determined. The experiment has shown that, due to convection issues caused by impingement, heat conduction did not occur properly....

Treadway Tire Company’s Employees Management

This brief report deals with the most urgent issues that arise at the Treadway Tire Company and the methods to address them. The organization may face considerable difficulties since foremen’s job dissatisfaction can result in poor performance. The primary issues include ineffective knowledge management and low foremen’s morale. The concept...

Social Media Impact and Governmental Regulations

Title of Article 1: “Privacy and Social Media” Style of Article 1: Persuasive Example 1: “From every angle, social media is anathema to privacy”; “All of this sharing may help create communities, but it also destroys privacy” (Claypoole p. 1) Title of Article 2: “Known or Knowing Publics? Social Media...

Substance Abuse: The Cause of Social Problems

Introduction Social problems are inherent when members of a society behave in a manner that is contrary to the acceptable norms and regulations. There are other social problems that are not attributed to behavior but to social structures. Examples of the former are crime, juvenile delinquency, escalating divorce rates and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Integrated Marketing Communication Definition

This paper talks about integrated marketing communication by discussing the statement – ‘the realization of integrated marketing communications is unlikely ever to be achieved in an organization’. This paper elaborates on this statement while pondering over the on views of Olof Holm (2006). It starts off with a brief introduction...

The Ajax Company: Case Study

Outline This White paper analyzes the case study about the “Automated Production Control System Case” of the Ajax Company. The paper identifies and describes the associated risks pertaining to the two alternatives under consideration. The report has been prepared in the form of a White Paper. Description of Problem and/or...

Aging Population: Contemporary Issue

With changing and evolving time, human demographics such as age, gender, population density, mortality rates and even birth rates have changed. Some of these changes have been for the benefit on the society, while some can prove to be extremely harmful. The fluctuation in itself can become an issue. The...

Early Childhood Observation of Motor Skills

The child observed was a young boy, two and a half years old. From a distance, I observed him at play with his mother for thirty minutes. The child interacted with his mother on several occasions while she read him some books about numbers, shapes, colors, and the alphabet. The...

Zoe Leonard Works – Analogue Photo Series

Introduction Zoe Leonard has been very creative in her photography art though her works were ignored for quite sometime before they begun gaining recognition. Her works are critical in assessing the disappearing face of the 20th century lifestyle of the urban centres. They also highlight the increased obsolescence that non-digital...

Is Fast Food Really Harmful and Can It Be Healthy?

Introduction The aspects of fast food, and related issues, generally entail numerous facts and considerations, and, all the research papers, which argue on the matters of fast food often touch upon the aspects of history, popularity, and harm. Originally, these are the most popular aspects of fast food research, and,...

Age of Discovery as Age of Destruction: Expansion Cost

The era of great geographic discoveries is well-known and well-remembered for the supposed progress that it provided for Europe. However, up until recently, the massive harm caused to indigenous people, who have been severely affected by the thoughtless actions and violence of colonizers, has been neglected. Although economically, expansion into...

The Concept of Ideal Society

Description and understanding of an ideal society are two contentious issues due to the divergent views put forward by scholars. While some sociologists focus on social components defining a perfect community, political scientists and economists underpin the significance of sociopolitical elements. Thus, an ideal society incorporates socioeconomic and political factors...

Cancer and Humor in Children: Approach to Research

Cancer is one of the most dreadful diseases that can affect human beings of all ages. It is characterized by malignant growth or tumor as a result of the abnormal and uncontrollable division of body cells. Once it starts, cancer can spread to other body parts through the lymphatic system...

Inequality of Digital Divide in Education

With each year, technology is becoming more integrated into people’s lives. In education, teachers try to blend it with other tasks to prepare students for using devices in the future. Moreover, COVID-19 forced educators to transition to online teaching, which cannot be facilitated without the technology that allows them to...

The Essentials of Nursing Informatics: Computer Skills

The article “Implications of the American Nurses Association: Scope and Standards of Practice for Nursing Informatics for Nurse Educators” deals with the essentials of nursing informatics emphasizing the fact that having advanced computer skills is as important for the nurses as pharmacy, anatomy, and physiology skills. The article begins with...

The Big 12 Conference Expansion

Introduction Today, sports play an essential role in the United States because of the possibility to share common, fair values, uphold justice, and unite communities. Millions of Americans enjoy watching football, baseball, and basketball and discussing the quality of games. To promote the sports trend in education, school and college...

Nursing Research Methods Methodology

Extraneous variables Obesity is a serious health issue affecting many people globally. In trying to understand the prevalence of the condition in the modern society, launching a qualitative research would be appropriate. Therefore, the suggested study will utilize the case study research design since it is useful in investigating the...

Socrates as an Iconic Figure in Philosophy

Socrates is an iconic figure in thought history that set the vector of flowing of the whole Western tradition. He was born around 470 B.C. and died in 399 B.C. by Athenian court order because he was blamed for many sins, mainly baseless. Despite the fact that he was concerned...

Cultivating Praxis Through Chinn and Kramer’s Emancipatory Knowing

Introduction: Article Summary The article “Cultivating Praxis Through Chinn and Kramer’s Emancipatory Knowing” was written to describe Chinn and Kramer’s Emancipatory Knowing model as a meaningful way to develop nursing praxis. The authors, Peart and MacKinnon, outline the history of the theory’s development. In 1978, Barbara Carpenter published her article...

Project-Based Learning Discussion

The idea behind project-based learning is the study of student-centered strategy that combines a dynamic classroom approach, where students gain more profound knowledge by actively exploring issues and problems from the real world. Students gain knowledge about a subject by researching and coming up with solutions to challenging questions, challenges,...

Five Leadership Levels in the Army

The military environment requires a well-coordinated hierarchy since a clear achievement of goals would not be possible without it. Many people think the army is not a place for creativity and theatrical heroism. People there obey clear orders from above, and the responsibility for the success or lack thereof will...

The Nakilat Company’s Organizational Change

Introduction Established in 2004, NAKILAT is one of the renowned shipping and maritime companies operating in the state of Qatar. The company has about 794 employees who help achieve its purpose (Nakilat, 2022). It offers an important transportation link in Qatar’s supply chain. It provides shipping agency services through Nakilat...

Johnson and Johnson: Best Practices in Leadership Development Case

Introduction. About Johnson and Johnson Company World’s largest manufacturer of healthcare products. Manufactures Tylenol medications, Johnson’s Baby products, Neutrogena skin and beauty products, etc Believe good health is the basis of great lives. Aim at keeping people well at every age and every stage Vision is to create solutions for...

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Epilogue: “Life After Tupac and D Foster” by J. Woodson

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Homeless Community’s Health and Social Determinants

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Nursing Curriculum Development Project

Cultural Competency Educational Setting and Topic Cultural competency ensures the best use of healthcare processes by selecting employees who are capable of providing the best healthcare services for their patient population pool. Its perspectives focus on nurses who have the capacities to deal with patients from various ethnic backgrounds. In...

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USA Motors Company’s Employee Absenteeism and Incentives

Why the absenteeism plan will succeed Jack Parks, a benefits and services manager in the auto electronics division of USA Motors, proposed a plan on reducing the number of absenteeism in the company. This plan has a greater chance of succeeding because of the following reasons. The initial plan was...

Apple, Alphabet, Amazon Companies’ Design and Success

Fortune Magazine prepares annual reports publishing the rankings of the world’s most admired companies. The approach to determining a company’s position in the list centers on nine factors referred to as key attributes to reputation, including “innovation, people management, use of corporate assets, social responsibility, quality of management, financial soundness,...

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Diagnosis and Tratment

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a topical health problem due to the challenges that medical professionals face when treating this disease. To assess the difficulty of interventions and the variability of measures about this problem, one should consider the diagnostic criteria for PTSD, psychological responses, maladaptive patterns, and possible therapeutic...

“Because My Father Said” Short Story’s Analysis

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Authority and Leadership: Rising From the Ranks

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How Will the W. P. Carey MBA Help You Achieve Your Personal and Professional Goals?

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Steps in the Teeth Cleaning Process.

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Human Behavior Depicted in Science Fiction Works

Science fiction is successful enough to convey the message that human behavior changes under political and scientific changes. It is important to note that most of these changes are not very encouraging. Human beings lose all the considerate thoughts for their fellow beings and turn into inhuman beasts ready to...

Satan as the Protagonist in “Paradise Lost”

“Paradise Lost,” a poem in blank verse written by John Milton, an English poet, was published in 1667 in ten books and republished in 1674 in twelve books. In general, the poem presents the story of the Fall of Men, when Adam and Eve were tempted by the fallen angel...

“Organizational Change as a Process of Death, Dying, and Rebirth” by Zell

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The Role of Health Care Administrator

Introduction Health Care management is a very essential tool in the overall successful running of the institutions which offer health care services to patients. The Health Care administrators have a major role in the operation of the hospital facilities as they participate in coordinating and organizing the financing and delivery...

Analysis of the Images Created in Painting Arts

Introduction The analysis of picture and art semiotics is generally associated with the necessity to read the meaning of an image from the perspective of several assessment factors. Thus, any particular element on an image may give or take specific sense, and the aim of this paper is to analyze...

Essential Human Skills Always Needed

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Joy Daycare Marketing Plan

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The Canadian Film Industry as an Auteur Industry Since the 1970s

Auteur is a film made by individuals who also control all aspects of the production. This gives films uniqueness. Auteur means author in French. The auteur theory which emerged in1950’s that can be used to further define the context of this type of film. The auteur theory says that a...

Definition of Personality Disorder Using the DSM Method

Based on the analysis of the provided case, one can conclude that the male suffers from antisocial disorder. The following disorder belongs to cluster B of the general personality disorders group (Phillips, First, & Pincus, 2008). The relevant diagnosis has been provided based on the presented client’s history. Due to...

Play: Modern & Post Modern Theory Origin & History

Introduction Early childhood is characterized by play. To show how important it is for a child to be given a chance to explore through play, the United Nations has an official recognition of child’s play as a right for children. For a child’s growth, play is very important because it...

MNO: Cost of Quality

Introduction Every company desires to produce high-quality products that are free from defects. However, the production of flawless products comes with a price. Other than the normal production costs, the company must undergo some quality costs that are associated with the detection of defective products before they reach the customer...