Electromagnetism Studies in Laboratory Works

Introduction One of the four fundamental types of interaction widely found in nature and used by humans in the industry is electromagnetism. In general, electromagnetism should be understood as a branch of general physics that studies the interaction of charges and the electric fields they create with magnetic fields (Braza,...

Netflix’s Globalization in Brazil

Introduction The modern world has become more connected due to globalization and multinational dependence on areas that support socioeconomic development. The 21st century is largely credited with the unprecedented growth of globalization, particularly through global economic interaction, trade, and capital flaws (McGrath et al., 2022). Factors such as technology are...

Canada’s International Trade Policy

Introduction International trade strategies have changed for Canada. In fact, 2017 is proving to be the year that define the country’s international trade policy. The US wants to renegotiate NAFTA and the dwindling outcomes of the Asia-Pacific trade policy, Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), provide an opportunity for a review of trade...

Philosophers’ Theories on Climate Change

Introduction The paper demonstrates two philosophers’ theories on climate change, namely Laura Westra and Graham Long. The thoughts and ideas are evaluated by using a hypothetical situation. Company X, an engineering firm, decides to shift its operations to a developing country with less rigorous environmental rules in order to conceal...

Impact of Outdoor Activities on Mental Health

Rationale for Research The need for the present study emerged from the researcher’s observations of people whom they guided in the mountains during hikes and treks as a mountain leader and scout leader. The majority of individuals coming to the natural setting complain of having chronic stress in the environment...

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy to a Group of Bereaved Patients

Introduction When individuals lose someone close to them, either spouse, friend, or family member, they tend to experience grief. When facing a loss, people manage this traumatic experience in different ways. Some enter into depression, especially children who have not experienced such events. There are two approaches that a therapist...

The Ashari Theology in Sunni Islam

The Islam religion is primarily known for their belief in the Quran as their primary material of reference as it guides them in their daily conduct. The religion further believes in their first prophet Muhammad who creates an understandable link between God and His people. The Quran, the Islamic holiest...

Argos and eBay Firms’ Talent and Knowledge Management

Introduction eBay Inc., a leader in payment, is a global commerce platform established in 1995 in San Jose, California. It connects millions of sellers and buyers (Kassem 2022, p. 1). They accomplish this by using GSI, which enables e-commerce, digital marketing, and multichannel retailing for multinational corporations (Zarra et al....

The Just Eat Company’s Structure and Culture

Introduction Just Eat is a UK-based online food ordering and delivery service founded in 2001 and headquartered in London, United Kingdom. The company operates in fourteen countries, with six hundred and thirty-four thousand local partners. Customers can order food from restaurants via the website or app and have it delivered...

Joseph and Yusuf in the Qur’an and the Bible

Introduction Prophet Yusuf is a character in the Holy Book of the Koran, the Bible, and Jews. He lived, preached, and died in Egypt in the sixteenth century BC, living for nearly one hundred and ten years. His name is mentioned twenty-six times in the Qur’an, and there is also...

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Qatari Community Recreation Centre Project Management

Abstract Projects are key factors in the improvement of numerous organisations and communities, as they contain the possibilities for advancing the companies’ outputs and creating additional services for the residents. However, to successfully design and implement a project, numerous considerations must be followed. Therefore, comprehensive knowledge about the project life...

Researching of Responsible Leadership

The Commitment to Social Responsibility The Concept of Responsibility The concept of responsibility is essential because it provides a sense of purpose at an individual and societal level and the ability to become accountable. It is an ethical term that relates to individuals’ and groups’ moral obligations and duties to...

Magna and Linamar Corporations’ Risk Analysis

Risk Analysis Operational and Market Risk At first, the operational and market uncertainties of both Magna International Inc. and Linamar Corporation are visible upon reviewing the annual reports management discussion and analysis section. Regarding systemic risks, there were foreign business problems that impacted the business operations of the two companies....

Foreign Influences Aided Arabic Linguistic Development: Evaluation of the View

Introduction Arabic is the primary language of about 300 million people in North Africa and the Middle East. A recent study found that Arabic is the second most spoken language in Pakistan, the Philippines, and Iran. According to Ayoub (2018), Arabic is the official language in Chad. Minorities speak Arabic...

Workplace Spirituality and Power Dynamics

Introduction Four years ago, I was appointed as the assistant manager for digital sales and marketing at General Motors Company, Europe region, after joining the Company six years earlier. The regional role granted me a chance and visibility to offer my services and extend the sales and marketing of the...

What Does It Mean to Be a Hero in Literature?

Introduction Since the dawn of time, there has been intense discussion about the definition of a hero. The original heroes were sons of humankind and deity who first appeared in classical Greek literature. There are significant differences between the Ancient Greek and contemporary ideas of heroism. A hero in the...

The Second Coming of Christ

The Second Coming of Jesus Christ in Christian doctrine is reflected in the Nicene Creed. It is the return from Heaven to Earth of the Lord Jesus Christ in divine glory and power, which, according to the promise of God, will occur at the end of time. This is the...

Life Insurance Inc.’s Yes2Life Mobile Application

Executive Summary This report presents the documented design of the Yes2Life mobile application for Life Insurance Inc. based in Brisbane Australia. The document defines the background of the Client Company, business scenario, and scope of the project. The projected challenges in the development process are highlighted as well as the...

H&W Produce Firm’s Human Resources Management

Discussion of H&W Produce This paper aims to use the results of a job analysis for the position of “salesperson” at the organization H&W Produce to draft a new recruitment and selection program. H&W Produce is a wholesale store chain that primarily sells fruits and vegetables. The company is locally...

Tesla Gigafactory Building Project

Introduction Tesla Inc. is an American manufacturer of electric cars based in the USA. Since the demand for the products keeps increasing, the company plans to build a new Gigafactory in Austin, Texas. The project will start on January 1, 2022, and its expected duration of two years denotes that...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Leadership and Change Portfolio: Ooredoo

Ooredoo, a Qatari multinational telecommunication company, was founded in 1987 as a telephone exchange company and is today one of the largest communication operators in the region, with operations spanning 16 countries. It offers its over 115 million customers mobile, digital, fiber, and broadband services. The company is publicly listed...

The Denver Airport Baggage System Failure

Introduction Denver has a large airport that serves the city and state. The airport opted to construct an automated luggage system ” to efficiently disperse all of the airport’s goods, encompassing check-in, arrivals, and pick-up. However, the development’s goal was not met by the airport. The involved stakeholders delayed the...

Leadership in Church: Uncharted Territory

Leadership in a church needs someone who is courageous enough to stand up against external forces such as political leaders and lead according to the principles of the word of God. Someone like a pastor needs to practice what they are preaching to the congregation, which means they have a...

International Finance: Purchasing Power Parity Theory

Introduction It is important to note that international finance is a complex and multifaceted subject. An individual seeking to understand the field and its dynamics needs to be able to explore the methods used to conduct international business in the multinational financial environment. He or she needs to have knowledge...

Research, Problem Solving and Business Reporting

Strategic and Operational Strengths and Weaknesses Table 1: Strategic and Operational Weaknesses of Organizations Strengths Weaknesses Apple Strategic Apple is the leading technology innovator due to its ability to produce its hardware, software, and other products. The company has earned a high brand reputation across the globe. Apple has long...

Analysis of Alphabet and Google Companies

Introduction It is not surprising that the majority of companies gradually develop their own systems of management which correspond to their needs and missions. Thus, it becomes interesting to study different companies in order to discover certain unique practices and tools they employ to improve their performance. Alphabet, the parent...

Childhood Obesity and Community Nursing Intervention

Introduction In the recent decades, the issue of childhood obesity in the US has been increasingly coming to the forefront in the public view and in academia as a major health problem. Currently, the obesity rate in the States is some of the highest in the world, with a significant...

Cyber Security at Ports: Advantages and Disadvantages

Introduction As technology evolves, the opportunities for its application in different aspects of life also continue to expand. However, as with many other things in life, whenever there are new opportunities created in technology, there are always people who want to take advantage of the system for their gain. Mitigating...

Human Resource Management Discussion

Introduction Human resource management has been a concern for many enterprises globally since it helps the leadership within the organization determine the importance of having an identifiable number of employees. Businesses determine the need for having a specific number of employees by identifying every worker’s contribution to the final business...

Narcissism in Chief Executive Officers

Introduction The selected and presented issue in the case is narcissism, which tends to be portrayed in all classes of people, including political leaders and entrepreneurs. However, the chosen client cohort for the study is the organizational chief executive officers (CEOs). According to the statistical reports, narcissism refers to an...

Human Resource Management and Work Systems

Introduction The underlying distinctions between the Anglo-American and German or Nordic labor systems and the many forms of capitalistic theory can be considered a substantial field of research. Economic historians aim to address the greatest financial regulations, their reliance on historical identity, and other variables that influence economic performance differences...

Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment in Patients With Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

Introduction Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a concerning chronic disorder of the digestive system with worldwide prevalence and a tendency to affect a growing population. Although GERD rates vary among different countries, it is currently one of the most common health conditions within the clinical practice (Diniz et al., 2014)....

The Art Basel Hong Kong Event Management

Executive Summary The current report provides a thorough analysis of the annual Art Basel Hong Kong art fair, which features more than a hundred exhibitors from various parts of the world. The event stimulates the growth of the contemporary art scene and creates a cultural bridge between Asia and the...

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder During and After World War I

Introduction Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a medical definition of the condition closely associated with depression and the consequences of trauma. As a diagnosis, it was discovered and labeled in 1980 after the American Psychological Association incorporated it in its disease testing and Statistical Manual for mental health professionals (Crocq...

The Microsoft Corporation’s Analysis

Introduction Microsoft Corporation is a global technology company headquartered in Redmond, Washington, specializing in developing and selling computer software, electrical goods, personal computers, and associated services. Microsoft’s mission is to empower every individual and organization on the globe to thrive, while its vision is to assist people and companies worldwide...

A Rose for Emily and Angels in America Literature Analysis

Introduction The story “Rose for Emily” is a unique piece of literature by “William Faulkner”. The whole story is not quite exciting but the end of this story is quite surprising to the readers which give the description of the main character of the story who is by the end...

“Coffee Bean Supply”: Business Communication

Introduction One of the ways to expand company operations to new geographical locations and new markets is by ensuring a reliable supply chain. From this perspective, having a strong supplier is an essential strategy element that will ensure a smooth flow of operations, customer satisfaction, and competitive advantage in the...

Crimes in Lisbon: Intervention or Prevention

Abstract This report will provide an explanation of the high rate of crime in the Lisbon region, particularly in the municipalities of Loures, Amadora, and Sintra. This will also provide possible ways of intervention or prevention. There is a need for explaining crime in the context of criminal theory because...

Critique of Ellin’s Position on Professional Morality

In recent years, deception, dishonesty, and bluffing have become increasingly prevalent in the professional realm. By examining current corporate practices, it is easy to see why today’s society is more skeptical about seeking professional service, whether in law or medicine, than ever before. As Ellin asserts, is it ethically appropriate...

Data Collection: Contemporary Security Topics

Introduction The use of primary sources to research contemporary security issues is essential because the sources offer accurate and timely information. However, although the use of primary sources is highly beneficial, they also are limiting. Some of the current security issues include terrorism, war and conflict, drone violence, cyber threats,...

Sustainable Tourism Development and Its Impacts

Introduction As one of the world’s largest industries, tourism plays an essential role among the global population. In spite of the fact that this activity has become an integral part of people’s lives not more than one century ago, tourism serves a variety of functions in modern society. On the...

The Causes of the Crises of the Roman Empire

Introduction The historical process of human development proves its cyclicality over time. The birth, flowering, and then unstoppable demise of civilizations are illustrated by the study of the history of once-great ancient states. One such example is the Roman Empire, the state that gave the world the foundations of modern...

McDonald’s in the United Arab Emirates

Introduction McDonald’s is the leading fast-food restaurant operating in several countries across the globe. Since its establishment in 1940 in the US, the corporation has become the largest fast-food restaurant operating in more than 100 countries (Kee et al., 2019). McDonald’s main purpose is to serve quality food that meets...

Business Law: The Terms Used in a Contract

Introduction Since business is a part of the country’s economy and society, it cannot officially exist outside the law. The two main sources of legislation in Australia are case law and governmental bodies (Gibson and Osborne, 2020). The former is an unwritten civil or criminal law made by the judges...

The Atlanta Campaign in the American Civil War

Introduction The Atlanta Campaign was a critical battle series in Georgia that influenced the 1864 Federal presidential election and led to the cutting off the Confederate supply center. Towards the end of 1863, Atlanta assumed an all-important role in the region by becoming a logical point where Union forces could...

Impact of Climate Change on Property Development and Management

Introduction This essay will focus on the BBC article, COP26 promises could limit global warming to 1.8C, with a specific focus on the impact of climate change on property development and management in the global market. The article discusses the various climate change initiatives, status quo, and necessary targets. It...

Examining Personal Experience as a Coach

Abstract This paper critically evaluates my experience as a professional trainer. The general thought of the paper is based on changes, expanding knowledge and competencies, and identifying mistakes that previous experiences have been associated with. The paper extensively discusses the four main lessons that I have learned during my coaching...

Transportation Industry and Sustainable Development Goals

Introduction Sustainability development goals (SDGs) have gained significant proliferation in the business world. In 2015, the 2030 sustainable development agenda was adopted by the United Nations (UN), which sets out seventeen goals as initiatives toward environmental and socio-economic growth (Rosati & Faria, 2019). The increasing importance of sustainability stimulates companies...

The Affordable Care Act and Its Future Paradigm

Introduction The present paper is devoted to the discussion of healthcare policy development, implementation, and its relation to healthcare professionals and uses the example of the Affordable Care Act. Access to affordable healthcare has been an ongoing problem for the United States health system, and the coverage options were expected...

IT Project Management Challenges

Executive Summary Since informational technology is a relatively new field, it is important to examine it from multiple aspects. In particular, various companies that operate within different industries and markets either have or are willing to implement IT projects in their structural organizations. However, IT project management is a challenging...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Unconventional Warfare: U.S. Army Leaders’ Attitudes

Introduction There are many reasons why the United States of America stays a strong global leader, and the country’s military system is one of them. Today, the U.S. Armed Forces consist of six branches, namely the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Space Force, and Coast Guard (U.S. Department of...

Reverend Jim Jones as Peoples Temple’s Founder

The People’s Temple, also known as the Peoples Temple of the Disciples of Christ, was a religious movement of the 1950s. However, the movement is known primarily for the mass suicide, which its members committed on November 18, 1978, in Guyana (Moore 47). The doctrine of the movement was based...

Importance of Project Management

Introduction Project management has become a routine concept in today’s world because it is used in various spheres, ranging from hospital administration and college courses to creating new products and proposing policies. Projects are usually performed in four distinct stages: defining, planning, executing, and closing (Larson and Gray, 2019). Furthermore,...

Pandemic Challenge and Economic Inequality

Introduction The coronavirus pandemic has presented two significant challenges for American society: public health and economic crises. The two are closely connected as the challenges, which the healthcare sphere has experienced, have significantly reduced the capacity of communities for economic activity and general spending. Furthermore, COVID-19 has had broader distributional...

China’s Strategic Approaches During the Korean War

Introduction North Korean soldiers launched an attack against South Korea on the 25th of June 1950. The information available indicates that China was initially reluctant to assist or support North Korea in any way 1. Chinese domestic situation was weak economically when compared to pre-civil war years; their agricultural production...

Stages of the Product Design Process

Abstract This research paper covers the definition, strategic effect, and stages of the product design process. This paper also discusses four steps of Vs. Model and the stages involved in their design and selection of product design process. Planning is the essential phase in designing any product. A series of...

The Lyft Company’s Marketing Plan

Lyft must develop a revolutionary technique to strengthen its consumer and business market control to achieve radical output and achieve its aims and objectives. Individuals aged 18 years or older with a valid driver’s license who hold an Android or Apple iOS mobile device are Lyft’s target market (Jiang et...

The Battle of Beersheba Oct 31, 1917

Introduction The First World War (WW1) occurred from 1914 to 1918. It was fought by the Allied Powers and the Central Powers. The Ottoman Empire, Germany, Bulgaria, and Austria-Hungary, collectively known as Turkey, were all under Central Powers. Meanwhile, countries under Allied control included France, Russia, Italy, the United Kingdom,...

World War II: Maskirovka Military Deception and Denials Operations

Abstract This paper investigates the impact of maskirovka military deception and denials operations, a component of information warfare. The case study is set during World War II, specifically during the Battle of Stalingrad in 1942.The paper analyses the critiques of deception enhanced at this particular period. In this case, we...

International Marketing Strategies of Zalando and Asos

Introduction Zalando and ASOS are two interesting cases in terms of behaviors in emerging and developing markets, such as the UK and India. This essay will implement various theoretical concepts, including high- and low-context nations, distribution strategies, cultural adaptation, and Hofstede’s cultural dimensions framework, to analyze their strategies. The work’s...

Legalization of Marijuanas: Essay Example

Legalization of Marijuanas Essay Introduction Also known as cannabis, Marijuana primarily consists of dry leaves of the hemp plant that people chew or smoke in order to experience euphoric effects. Marijuana normally has psychological and physical effects on the users such as visual impairment and mild euphoria, depending on the...

STP: Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning Example Essay

What is segmentation, targeting, and positioning in marketing? Keep reading to find out! Here, you’ll learn more about the difference between these processes, their importance, and the steps. Introduction Segmentation, targeting, and positioning (STP) is a three-step process designed to aid in the strategic marketing of brands and products. STP...

Virgin Australia Strategy In Marketing

Introduction Two aircraft, 200 personnel, and one route: this description perfectly fits Virgin Blue Australia in 2000, when it first took to the skies. Now, more than 2 decades later, the Virgin airline has grown immensely. It has also undergone a transformation. From a low-cost, no-frills carrier it turned into...

Apple Inc.: Marketing Principles and Practice

If you are wondering what Apple principles and advertising strategy are or how they plan their social media campaigns, you are at the right place! Keep reading to get some inspiration for your paper with the help of our essay example. Apple Marketing Analysis: Introduction Today, Apple Inc. is one...

Employees’ Attitudes and Job Satisfaction

Introduction There are a plethora of various companies in the entire world today. Every organisation has multiple competitors that try to attract the best employees in a certain professional sphere to their businesses because their output is dependent on their workers’ performance. In turn, there is almost no chance to...

Lululemon: Core Competencies & Competitors Analysis

Case Summary and Analysis- Company History Lululemon Athletica Inc. is a sports and athletics clothes company that operates from Vancouver, Canada. The company initially started its operations as a clothes design shop that was also a part time yoga studio (Lululemon Athletica Inc 1). The proprietor’s observation of the lack...

Social Media for Children: Threat or Opportunity?

Question The following discussion question is used for this essay: “Social media provide opportunities to bring people together, as in a Facebook ‘event,’ or comments on your birthday, but it can also result in bad feelings and malicious or even criminal behaviors. What should parents do – if anything –...

Johnnie Walker’s vs. Jack Daniels’ Websites

Executive Summary The major focus of this report is finding viable and effective marketing strategies for the client website to implement for the purpose of powering their business and strengthening its market presence. The aforementioned strategies are identified with the help of detailed and thorough analysis of the website of...

Global Governance: Advantages and Disadvantages

Introduction One of the most notable aspects of post-industrial living is that, as time goes on, the provisions of the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia (which continue to represent the legal foundation of international law, as we know it) appear to grow increasingly outdated. The reason for this is that, whereas...

Business Plan for Landscaping Business OneEarth

Introduction OneEarth will operate as a sole proprietorship offering landscaping services to suburban communities in Oregon. The sales strategy will entail initial personal selling to create brand awareness and elicit referrals. Later, media advertisements will be used to market the business beyond Oregon. OneEarth will achieve a strong competitive position...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Different CSR Theories and Practical Examples

Introduction Any company has many areas of activities, such as marketing, finance, business, and supply chain management, that require consideration, support, and development for the successful operation of the business. As a worker in the hospitality industry, I understand the need to study these areas in detail to apply them...

Anthropology as a Study of Evolution

Introduction Anthropology as a study of evolution gives a broad understanding of the human experience and the different aspects that explain the lives of other human groups who lived thousands of years ago. Anthropology studies the diet, health, bones, and genetics of humans and, in some cases comparing humans with...

Filtering Mechanisms in the Visual Perception System

Every day, the individual is confronted with a tremendous amount of visual noise, which has no informative value whatsoever, but it overwhelms the perception of visual channels. Consequently, even without focusing on specific details, individuals can become overworked just because of the excess noise and interference around them. To avoid...

A Private Fight Over Federal Laws

Introduction Federalism is a system that makes a territory affected by two levels of government: central and local. Unlike a unitary state administration, where the central authority decides every law and its implementation, a federalist country allows a certain level of independence for the local administration. The United States of...

Foreign Market Entry of Electronic Food Delivery Service in Nigeria

Executive Summary This report outlines the marketing mix strategy for an online-based food delivery service in Nigeria. Similar products have gained extreme popularity in developed countries, and this tendency was further supported by the COVID-19 restrictions. Under these circumstances, the public has grown to acknowledge the unquestionable benefits and convenience...

Social Media Strategy of Emirates Airlines

Evaluation of Company’s Current Social Media and Viral Activity Social media has become an essential part of a modern society built on opportunities provided by technological progress and instant communication. For businesses and organizations of all forms and sizes, social media has become an effective tool for promoting their products...

Adobe Data Breach 2019: How and Why the Breach Occurred

Introduction Adobe is an American-based organization specializing in developing software products. This company was established in Delaware and had its central business unit in San Jose, California. It is was pioneered by John Warnock, and Charles Geschke and the corporation are famous for having led to the growth of the...

Discussion of Franchising Impact on Business

Introduction Franchising is a marketing strategy that is usually used for business expansion in which one party (a franchisor) gives another party (a franchisee) rights and authorities regarding the sale of certain goods or products. The two parties enter into a contractual agreement for the sale of specific goods or...

Eli Lilly Company – Domestic Operations

Introduction Eli Lilly can be described as a global pharmaceutical company with worldwide operations. The company has its headquarters in Indianapolis United States (Price, 1997, p. 12). It is named after Eli Lilly who started it in 1876 as a pharmaceutical chemist. Currently, it should be known that the company...

Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism

Introduction Tourism and hospitality enable cultural exchange, employment opportunities, and infrastructural development. Tourism and hospitality require a business-friendly environment to thrive. Favorable legal regulations and a calm political environment allow tourism companies to stay afloat in the business. Furthermore, stable suppliers and reliable customers promote tourism among different countries. Natural...

The UNESCO: Strategic Management

UNESCO is a huge global organization, which promotes cultural, educational, and scientific development. It promotes important missions, which are aimed to benefit world society. Collaborating with the majority of existing countries, it has field offices in different parts of the planet. In Saudi Arabia, UNESCO actively helps preserve historical documents...

Martin Luther King Junior’s “Letter From Birmingham City Jail”

Martin Luther King Junior was in his cell in Birmingham, Alabama while writing “Letter from Birmingham City Jail.” In this letter, he particularly says that “law and order exist to establish justice … when they fail in this purpose they become the dangerously structured dams that block the flow of...

Factors Influencing the Lubrication of Valve Train Components

Introduction Internal Combustion Engines (ICEs) have become the most common sources of power in most industrial processes. These engines are preferred due to their reliability and lack of complexity, and relatively low cost of operations (Okubo & Kuwahara 2020). However, despite these benefits, ICEs account for 15-18% of the global...

Vodafone Group Plc Strategic Analysis

Executive Summary The proposed report focuses on the investigation of Vodafone company, the sphere where it operates, peculiarities of its functioning, resources, and strategies used to generate a competitive advantage, as well as the major challenges the company faces at the moment and how they can be resolved. Vodafone Group...

Strategic Advantages of Toyota

Introduction The present report aims at analyzing the strategic position of Toyota in comparison with its competitors, such as General Motors, Volkswagen, and Ford Motor Company. The paper uses Porter’s Five Forces analysis, PESTLE framework, and benchmarking to evaluate Toyota’s strategic strengths and weaknesses. After, the report identifies three strategic...

Men’s Superiority Theory and Inequality Issues

Introduction Since time immemorial, the society has presented men as more superior to women, despite the apparent cases where the latter category has engaged in activities or held positions similar to those of the former class of people. The topic of the reluctance of men to allow women to break...

Marijuana Legalization: PREPARE and IMAGINE Models

Introduction Marijuana is a common drug that is present in many regions around the globe. However, unlike other drugs, marijuana is prohibited in many parts of the world. The drug was legal in several countries at the beginning of the 20th century. Research into some of its effects made it...

Making Decisions That Are Legal and Ethical

The situation with Enoch Thomson at the White Arch Casino requires consideration of contractual law and its legal applicability in this case. It is critical consider the validity of the oral agreement as a contract and Thomson’s ability to enforce it as well as the extent of remedies which he...

International Business Management and Marketing

The role of culture Culture is a term with varied meanings depending on the person using it. It has been defined differently by different scholars. It is, however, generally defined as the set of values, goals practices, and the ways of a specific group of people or an organization. Different...

Information Systems for Businesses

Introduction Information and technology are resources that are used by businesses that are trying to improve their performance and gain competitive advantage (Chaffey & White 2010). Among the key benefits of the IT usage is the increased efficiency of the business processes, the reduction of costs, and the availability of...

Mini-Refrigerators: Functions and Advantages

The refrigerator is a common item in many households around the world today. Its invention arose out of the need to preserve and store for later use what we cannot eat now. Lacking one means the food bought has to be eaten within two to three days of purchase otherwise...

Effects of the War on Drugs on Latinos in the US and the Role of Stereotypes

Abstract This discourse interrogates the effects that the war on drugs in the US has had on the Latino community, including the link to mass incarceration and the role of stereotypes in the anti-drugs efforts. It focuses on both the positive and the negative impacts but finds that the latter...

Digital Transformation: A Fad or A Must

With the advent of the Internet and connected technology, as the 21st century progresses, the world is becoming inherently digital. The traumatic COVID-19 pandemic which has limited physical and social contact has further accelerated the ongoing trends and transition towards digital transformation and integration in a wide variety of industries...

Cyber Security Awareness Employee Training

Good Cyber security habits To prevent cyber threats and attacks, one should practice the following (Cannery, 2021): Create strong passwords. Use multifactor authentication. Never leave devices unattended. Develop a disaster recovery plan. Be wary of public or open wireless networks. Never send payments without confirming with the source. Actively train...

Role of Advanced Nurse Practitioner

Nursing Practitioner The Advanced Nursing Practitioner (ANP) possesses the expertise to function as a superior general practice nurse in providing health care for a wide scope of health care and social needs of patients. The patient who has been placed under primary care can consult the ANP in cases where...

Leadership Example for Exxon Mobil Top Management

​Target Audience Having worked in Exxon Mobil as a human resources professional, I have acknowledged certain issues the company’s top management has. The company is one of the leading producers in the world oil market and strategic planning is essential for its development. Social responsibility and environmental sustainability have become...

Economic Action Plan for Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Introduction Pittsburgh is one of the largest cities in Pennsylvania, known as a former steel center and a modern hub for high-tech companies. The town was famous in the early 20th century for its steel industry, ranking second in the US for steel production (Carter, 2016). However, in 1970-1980 the...

Behavioural Detection and Other Technologies in Aviation Security

Introduction Many industries today face the challenge of detecting and preventing terrorism. The challenge is not significantly different for the commercial air travel sector. However, it can be acknowledged that the aviation industry remains a high-profile target for terrorist organizations. Airport security and screening have, in response to increased threats,...

Tobacco Cessation Intervention on the State Level

Introduction The advancement in the field of health care in the USA is particularly concerned with the improvement of health outcomes for the population in the areas that are most indicative of having issues. High morbidity and mortality rates of particular diseases and states trigger a response from the decision-makers...

Solar Energy in China and Its Influence on Climate Change

Introduction Renewable energy is well known as the ideal solution to combat the forthcoming panic of global warming. Solar energy is the renewable energy resource that registers the production of most minor carbon energy sources. This has made the rate of solar installations in China substantially increase in the recent...

Intersection of Disability Justice, Race, and Gender

Brown, Robyn Lewis, and Mairead Eastin Moloney. “Intersectionality, Work, and Well-Being: The Effects of Gender and Disability.” Gender & Society, vol. 33, no. 1, 2019, pp. 94-122. During the last several decades, the intersectionality of such social concepts as race and gender has been significantly enlarged from the disability justice...

Churchill’s Leadership as a British Prime Minister During World War II

Introduction Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill was born in 1874 to a wealthy mixed American and English aristocratic family. He was the eldest son of Randolph Churchill, a Tory democrat, and Jenny Jerome, a New York businessman’s daughter (Olayinka, 2019). Churchill idolized his mother but had a distant and cold relationship...

Globalization’s Role for Developing Countries: Zambia

This paper is a reflection of the module about the global environment of business. No doubt, such tendencies as globalization and the continuous extension of corporations are gaining popularity and have already revealed some results. In this paper, the results of globalization and its positive and negative consequences are discussed...

The Effect of Brand Image on Consumer Taste Preferences

Introduction In the contemporary world, individuals are surrounded by numerous choices when purchasing this or that product. Since the global market is full of high-quality goods that are manufactured to meet all the needs and preferences of the population, people have to engage in a specific thought process when making...

Lancôme Firm’s Integrated Marketing Communications

Evolution of Integrated Marketing Communications New technical inventions have always served as a driver of the economy and social change, including the relationship between producers and consumers. The last decades of the previous century are characterized by the emergence of many new technologies and, consequently, new communication tools and channels...

Racial Disparities in Healthcare Through the Lens of Systemic Racism

Racism and inequality in healthcare is a serious and complex issue of today’s society that must be widely addressed in order for it to be acknowledged and finally changed. The American healthcare system has been experiencing racial disparities for decades, depriving people of color of decent medical help and healthcare...

Poetry Anthology on the Role of Art in Human Life

Summary Since my early teenage reflections, I have always been asking myself a question – what is the meaning of all my actions, hopes, and aspirations? What is the direction of my life, and am I doing everything right? I should admit that these issues cannot be perceived as unique,...

Discrimination of Muslim American Women

Introduction Addressing acute problems that specific strata of the population face are an activity that allows arousing social interest in particular groups and drawing attention to their issues and challenges. As a category for analysis and evaluation, I have selected Muslim women living in the United States of America. The...

The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom 1963

August 28, 1963 is considered to be a prominent date for the history of America. It was the turning point for the Civil Rights Movement. It was the day when the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom took place, and millions of black people were inspired to fight for...

Promoting Health and Wellbeing of Older People and Raising Community Awareness

Introduction Care of older people has become an important issue due to increased life expectancy and improved healthcare and health education (WHO, 2004). However, due to health deterioration as a person ages, their functional ability reduces and they depend on others. It means that the elderly require more attention in...

Current and Future Role of Nutrigenomics in Human Health

Introduction In the 20th century, nutrition research was mainly concentrating on devising ways and means of curbing health problems related to deficiency of food components as well as the necessary food elements vital in solving health complications. These were the commonly found nutrition-related problems. However, the situation in this field...

Corporate Governance of Big Business

Remuneration is the payment made to an individual for the services that he or she provided to the organisation. Director’s remuneration is a most energetic issue in the today’s business world. The range Director’s remuneration seriously varies in different organisation. All aspects of remuneration level, performance measures, yearly bonus design...

Gender Equality as Smart Economics’ Policy Agenda

Introduction Subjecting pre-existing economic models, closely associated with the moods of the era, to critical analysis in terms of historical dynamics, it is possible to discover that the definition of the economy does not remain unchanged, but rather is continuously being modified in response to the specific demands of society....

Economics and Financial Issues

The financial analysis determines the most effective ways to maintain or increase the enterprise’s profitability. The main tasks are to analyze the profitability and assess the company’s risks. Financial ratio analysis allows the managers to understand the organization’s competitive position at the current time. One of the sources of required...

Disciplinary Power and Bio-Power

Abstract The concept of power is one of the highly debated issues in contemporary society. Power emanates from a position that can influence people both positively and negatively. In the field of sociology, power is viewed as a probability that one actor within a social relationship will be in a...

Cloud Computing Security: Challenges and Solutions

Introduction The main goal of the research is to study the wide variety of challenges, issues and solutions Kubernetes presents in regard to cloud computing security. With the rise of microservice architecture and containerization technology, developers and administrators have begun to test and deploy modern software in a completely different...

Asthma Management in a Forty-Year-Old Patient

Introduction The human body is made up of systems that help it to survive by facilitating necessary functions. These systems work together in synergy for the betterment of humans. One such system is the respiratory system. This system is used in the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide from the...

Windows and Macintosh: Comparative Analysis

Introduction This is the age of computers and computer based technologies. The increasing use of computers has made it essential to have the knowhow of computer related terminologies. This paper deals with the comparison of two operating systems which are Windows and Macintosh. Understanding a better operating system is quite...

The Concept of Organizational Behavior

Introduction The concept of organizational behavior has been studied for several decades as theorists try to establish the link between individual behaviors and the performance of corporations. The concept was introduced in 1966 by Jim Naylor and George Briggs when they published Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. Their publication...

The COVID-19’s Impact on the Starbucks

Executive Summary Starbucks is an innovative American company which specializes on selling coffee, primarily through its iconic cafés. Using a vertically integrated supply chain, Starbucks controls its supply chain fully, from working directly with farmers to grow coffee beans and their processing to logistics and distribution to sales to consumers....

Saudi Aramco Company’s Innovation and Technological Performance

Company Introduction Saudi Aramco is a large international oil and gas corporation with a long history of business performance globally. The company is characterized by large volumes of production, partnership, global expansion, and investment in the continuous development of technologies that enable it to obtain a worldwide dominance and industry-specific...

Passive Leg Raise: Search Method and Summary of the Studies

Introduction Patients diagnosed with hypotension usually have a low level of water in the body. To solve this problem, it is typical to resort to intravenous fluid resuscitation (Kyriakides et al., 1994). However, it is often unclear when and how much additional fluid is necessary for maintaining cardiac functions. Passive...

Leadership Approaches During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Abstract The COVID-19 pandemic outbreak has caused a social-economic crisis. It has had a significant impact on business processes. Leaders face challenges relating to a rapidly changing environment. Therefore, the unexpected outcomes of the issue should be solved by adequate leadership approaches. The situation demands adjustments in team management and...

Expo 2020 Dubai Through PESTEL and Marketing Analysis

Introduction In the contemporary world, there is a variety of events intended to show different organizations’ improvements and innovations in distinct areas of activity. It is possible to state that World Expos is essentially a large exhibition for countries to display the last achievements and advancements made. This event happens...

Nike’s External and Internal Business Environments

Introduction Since its foundation in 1964, Nike, Inc. has always striven to develop and amplify the scope of its assortment. The performance of the company is instantiated by dynamics, diversified sport-related products, sound reputation, loyal clientele, and increasing revenues. Today, athletic footwear, apparel, accessories, and equipment produced by Nike are...

Climate Change as a Challenge to Australia

Introduction Definition of climate change Various definitions have been advanced to explain climate change. One definition defines climate change as any transformation that occurs over some time, brought about by nature or actions by human. Statistically it could refer to noteworthy disparity by a mean condition of the climate or...

Toyota and Southwest Airlines Success Stories

Introduction Some companies prevail over their competitors. Businesses are aware it is not a matter of luck, but success in business organizations is a product of many factors, the most important of which is careful and honest planning and implementation of company strategies. Strategic management is the work of the...

Emirates Airline Company’s Market Research

Executive Summary Emirates Airline has been selected as the largest airline of the Middle East. It is also now being recognized globally in other markets. It is known to provide the best quality of service however it is considered to be only for luxury travel and hence it misses out...

Russian Cyberterrorism and the United States Election 2016

Introduction New communication technologies have brought about many benefits for this society, but they are also being weaponized. While political interference is a relatively old practice,1 the 2016 actions of Russian hackers, which consisted of interfering with the elections in the United States (US), demonstrate that this approach to the...

Only You Company’s Investment Proposal Document

Introduction Only You is a mobile app that allows its users to have quick access to the digital copies of their clothes from a mobile device. The central idea of the application is that it lets the user scan or enter barcodes of the clothes and store them in a...

Authentic Leaders Critique and Analysis

The development of organizations often depends on the ability of leaders to inspire their followers and guide them through the complexities of different spheres of the economy. Authentic leadership is instrumental in achieving these goals since such leaders have the necessary qualities and skills. The existing theories have focused on...

Setting, Space, and Place in “Boardwalk Empire” by Scorsese

Important Background Information Set on the verge of the age of prohibition, the series offers a unique outlook on Nucky Thompson, who is a well-known treasurer across Atlantic City. Despite being constantly monitored by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Nucky somehow manages to...

Marketing Strategy of Emirates Airlines: Report

Executive Summary This report provides an assessment of Emirati Airlines’ current customer experience marketing strategy and provides recommendations for improvement. This Consulting Report is addressed to the CEO of Emirates Airlines and reflects the client’s needs to find the best marketing solutions. The report contains an introduction that describes the...

Organizational Studies and Philosophy in Healthcare

Academic journals Journals of Leadership and Organizational Studies This journal collectively incorporates a number of articles. The authors of these articles have attempted to explain different facets of leadership and organizational studies that are applicable to present-day organizations. Among the major areas of concern that are addressed in this publication...

Passenger and Cargo Drones Integration in the UAE Airspace

Introduction One of the most promising areas in aviation development is the use of drones (Raj et al. 2017). Many organisations and researchers define drones as unmanned aircraft (OECD 2018; Nelson & Marrinan 2018; Raj et al. 2017). These machines vary in size and may include large aircraft, which are...

Emirates Company: Marketing Management

Background Emirates (established in 1985), an airline company based in Dubai, is owned wholly by the government of Dubai’s Investment Corporation. The company is the largest airline in the Middle East, having the capacity to carry roughly 3,650 flights between the Dubai International Airport and more than 80 countries worldwide....

Brexit and Its Forecasted Outcomes

Introduction The possibility of the UK leaving the European Union or the so-called Brexit is a key source of concern for the major part of the British business world. It is assumed that the potential changes in the trade relations with the EU, as well as the uncertainty associated with...

St. Louis County’s Cybercrime Task Force Plan

Executive Summary The current paper presents a plan for the development of a cybercrime task force for St. Louis County. The plan provides an overview of the most relevant areas of cybercrime threat to assign priorities for the task force, describes its proposed structure, including the required skills of the...

Seven Leadership Mindsets Theory

Company’s Assessment The analysis of the company using Seven Leadership Mindsets Theory (vMEME) helps to differentiate the existence of particular structures and systems that impact its work and to a certain degree precondition outcomes. The size and diversity of locations of the current business presuppose the existence of multiple leadership...

Classical Liberalism in “Guns, Germs and Steel” by Diamond

Introduction Twenty-five years before the publication of Jared Diamond’s book, Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies, the author was a biologist studying Papua New Guinea’s native bird population. In his pursuit of knowledge, the author came to know a local politician named Yali. The said political leader...

Big Bone BBQ and Wicked Wings Restaurants’ Operations Management

Summary of the Firm Big Bone BBQ and Wicked Wings is a full-service casual dining restaurant located in Kanata and is the only location this franchise offers in Ottawa. There are other locations in Markham, Keswick, Barrie, and Whitby. This restaurant specializes in smoked ribs, wings, beef brisket, and pulled...

Ranitidine Medication’s Pharmaceutical Analysis

Abstract Ranitidine belongs to the category of H2-receptor blocker drugs. Its mechanism of action entails blocking histamine-2 receptors to prevent histamine from binding, effectively acid release by gastric parietal cells. Oral ranitidine tablets (150 mg) are indicated in the treatment of GERD, gastric and duodenal ulcers (GUs and DUs), hypersecretory...

Amazon: The Leadership Strategies

Introduction This report focuses on leadership strategies since, throughout history, it has been vital for the proper operation of nearly every successful company. Though there are several leadership theories, transformational leadership is among the most effective in organizations (Khan, 2016). Transformational leaders assist followers in growing and developing into leaders...

Asthma: Description, Diagnosis and Treatment Options

Introduction: Asthma as the Most Common Chronic Disease in the 21st Century Background Asthma is considered one of the greatest scourges of the 21st century for a reason (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2016). Despite the fact that it is no longer a death sentence for the patient, it...

Legacy Community Health Service: Communication Audit

Executive Summary This report dwells upon the use of external and internal communication channels at Legacy Community Health Service. It has been found that both types of communication are utilized quite effectively. Employees of our organization also believe that these channels are rather effective and help them address all the...

Family Violence Types and Statistics for New York

Introduction Family violence is prevalent in the present society and is a growing social concern. The 2000 National Family Violence Resurvey reported that assault took place between family members in one in four American families (CDC 2015). Intimate partner violence is considered a grave but avoidable public health issue affecting...

Advanced Practice Role in Providing the Highest Quality Healthcare Services

Nurse practitioners are clinicians that have received the appropriate license in order to target their medical practice on disease management and prevention. When implementing the role of advanced practice registered nurses, nurse practitioners predominantly specialize by the differentiation of patient population, as, for example, women’s health, pediatric care, or adult...

Labor Market and Legal Reforms in Ontario, Canada

The current paper pertains to the changes in the labor legislation which are currently under consideration in the province of Ontario, Canada, as well as to the possible future changes in the (global) labor market and to the ways in which these changes will affect millennials. First of all, the...

Cut & Stitch Inc.’s Supply Chain Management

Logistics Logistics refers to a combination of processes associated with the management of products and services that flow between their original point and the point of consumption. As a rule, logistics is concerned with whether the existing movement of goods and services meets the requirements of customers and companies. For...

“The Unbearable Lightness of Being” a Novel by Milan Kundera

Ever since Milan Kundera’s novel The Unbearable Lightness of Being was published in 1984, it became instantly popular with the readers. And, as of today, critics’ opinions as to what attracts readers to this particular novel vary rather substantially. Whereas; some critics explain novel’s popularity by the sheer progressiveness of...